path: root/include/conversation.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/conversation.php')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/include/conversation.php b/include/conversation.php
index 20c7b2a51..3d13a1179 100755
--- a/include/conversation.php
+++ b/include/conversation.php
@@ -4,6 +4,28 @@
* Render actions localized
function localize_item(&$item){
+ $Text = $item['body'];
+ $saved_image = '';
+ $img_start = strpos($Text,'[img]data:');
+ $img_end = strpos($Text,'[/img]');
+ if($img_start !== false && $img_end !== false && $img_end > $img_start) {
+ $start_fragment = substr($Text,0,$img_start);
+ $img_start += strlen('[img]');
+ $saved_image = substr($Text,$img_start,$img_end - $img_start);
+ $end_fragment = substr($Text,$img_end + strlen('[/img]'));
+ $Text = $start_fragment . '[!#saved_image#!]' . $end_fragment;
+ $search = '/\[url\=(.*?)\]\[!#saved_image#!\]\[\/url\]' . '/is';
+ $replace = '[url=' . z_path() . '/redir/' . $item['contact-id']
+ . '?f=1&url=' . '$1' . '][!#saved_image#!][/url]' ;
+ $Text = preg_replace($search,$replace,$Text);
+ if(strlen($saved_image))
+ $item['body'] = str_replace('[!#saved_image#!]', '[img]' . $saved_image . '[/img]',$Text);
+ }
$xmlhead="<"."?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?".">";
if ($item['verb']=== ACTIVITY_LIKE || $item['verb']=== ACTIVITY_DISLIKE){
@@ -262,15 +284,10 @@ function conversation(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
$profile_avatar = ((strlen($item['author-avatar'])) ? $item['author-avatar'] : $item['thumb']);
- $location = (($item['location']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['location'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['location']) . '">' . $item['location'] . '</a>' : '');
- $coord = (($item['coord']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['coord'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['coord']) . '">' . $item['coord'] . '</a>' : '');
- if($coord) {
- if($location)
- $location .= '<br /><span class="smalltext">(' . $coord . ')</span>';
- else
- $location = '<span class="smalltext">' . $coord . '</span>';
- }
+ $locate = array('location' => $item['location'], 'coord' => $item['coord'], 'html' => '');
+ call_hooks('render_location',$locate);
+ $location = ((strlen($locate['html'])) ? $locate['html'] : render_location_google($locate));
if($mode === 'network-new')
@@ -494,7 +511,7 @@ function conversation(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
$likebuttons = '';
- $shareable = ((($profile_owner == local_user()) && ($mode != 'display') && (! $item['private'])) ? true : false);
+ $shareable = ((($profile_owner == local_user()) && (! $item['private'])) ? true : false); //($mode != 'display') &&
if($page_writeable) {
if($toplevelpost) {
@@ -505,6 +522,10 @@ function conversation(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
if ($shareable) $likebuttons['share'] = array( t('Share this'), t('share'));
+ $qc = ((local_user()) ? get_pconfig(local_user(),'qcomment','words') : null);
+ $qcomment = (($qc) ? explode("\n",$qc) : null);
if(($show_comment_box) || (($show_comment_box == false) && ($override_comment_box == false) && ($item['last-child']))) {
$comment = replace_macros($cmnt_tpl,array(
'$return_path' => '',
@@ -512,6 +533,7 @@ function conversation(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
'$type' => (($mode === 'profile') ? 'wall-comment' : 'net-comment'),
'$id' => $item['item_id'],
'$parent' => $item['parent'],
+ '$qcomment' => $qcomment,
'$profile_uid' => $profile_owner,
'$mylink' => $a->contact['url'],
'$mytitle' => t('This is you'),
@@ -594,16 +616,10 @@ function conversation(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
$like = ((x($alike,$item['id'])) ? format_like($alike[$item['id']],$alike[$item['id'] . '-l'],'like',$item['id']) : '');
$dislike = ((x($dlike,$item['id'])) ? format_like($dlike[$item['id']],$dlike[$item['id'] . '-l'],'dislike',$item['id']) : '');
- $location = (($item['location']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['location']
- . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['location']) . '">' . $item['location'] . '</a>' : '');
- $coord = (($item['coord']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['coord']
- . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['coord']) . '">' . $item['coord'] . '</a>' : '');
- if($coord) {
- if($location)
- $location .= '<br /><span class="smalltext">(' . $coord . ')</span>';
- else
- $location = '<span class="smalltext">' . $coord . '</span>';
- }
+ $locate = array('location' => $item['location'], 'coord' => $item['coord'], 'html' => '');
+ call_hooks('render_location',$locate);
+ $location = ((strlen($locate['html'])) ? $locate['html'] : render_location_google($locate));
$indent = (($toplevelpost) ? '' : ' comment');
@@ -620,11 +636,9 @@ function conversation(&$a, $items, $mode, $update, $preview = false) {
if ($tag!="") $tags[] = bbcode($tag);
// Build the HTML
$body = prepare_body($item,true);
$tmp_item = replace_macros($template,array(
'$type' => implode("",array_slice(split("/",$item['verb']),-1)),
@@ -832,104 +846,114 @@ function format_like($cnt,$arr,$type,$id) {
-function status_editor($a,$x, $notes_cid = 0) {
+function status_editor($a,$x, $notes_cid = 0, $popup=false) {
$o = '';
$geotag = (($x['allow_location']) ? get_markup_template('jot_geotag.tpl') : '');
- $tpl = get_markup_template('jot-header.tpl');
- $a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
- '$newpost' => 'true',
- '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
- '$geotag' => $geotag,
- '$nickname' => $x['nickname'],
- '$ispublic' => t('Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'),
- '$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL:'),
- '$vidurl' => t("Please enter a video link/URL:"),
- '$audurl' => t("Please enter an audio link/URL:"),
- '$term' => t('Tag term:'),
- '$whereareu' => t('Where are you right now?'),
- '$title' => t('Enter a title for this item')
- ));
- $tpl = get_markup_template("jot.tpl");
- $jotplugins = '';
- $jotnets = '';
+ $plaintext = false;
+ if(local_user() && intval(get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','plaintext')))
+ $plaintext = true;
- $mail_disabled = ((function_exists('imap_open') && (! get_config('system','imap_disabled'))) ? 0 : 1);
+ $tpl = get_markup_template('jot-header.tpl');
+ $a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
+ '$newpost' => 'true',
+ '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
+ '$editselect' => (($plaintext) ? 'none' : '/(profile-jot-text|prvmail-text)/'),
+ '$geotag' => $geotag,
+ '$nickname' => $x['nickname'],
+ '$ispublic' => t('Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>'),
+ '$linkurl' => t('Please enter a link URL:'),
+ '$vidurl' => t("Please enter a video link/URL:"),
+ '$audurl' => t("Please enter an audio link/URL:"),
+ '$term' => t('Tag term:'),
+ '$whereareu' => t('Where are you right now?'),
+ '$title' => t('Enter a title for this item')
+ ));
- $mail_enabled = false;
- $pubmail_enabled = false;
- if(($x['is_owner']) && (! $mail_disabled)) {
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `server` != '' LIMIT 1",
- intval(local_user())
- );
- if(count($r)) {
- $mail_enabled = true;
- if(intval($r[0]['pubmail']))
- $pubmail_enabled = true;
- }
+ $tpl = get_markup_template("jot.tpl");
+ $jotplugins = '';
+ $jotnets = '';
+ $mail_disabled = ((function_exists('imap_open') && (! get_config('system','imap_disabled'))) ? 0 : 1);
+ $mail_enabled = false;
+ $pubmail_enabled = false;
+ if(($x['is_owner']) && (! $mail_disabled)) {
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `server` != '' LIMIT 1",
+ intval(local_user())
+ );
+ if(count($r)) {
+ $mail_enabled = true;
+ if(intval($r[0]['pubmail']))
+ $pubmail_enabled = true;
+ }
- if($mail_enabled) {
- $selected = (($pubmail_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
- $jotnets .= '<div class="profile-jot-net"><input type="checkbox" name="pubmail_enable"' . $selected . ' value="1" /> '
- . t("Post to Email") . '</div>';
- }
+ if($mail_enabled) {
+ $selected = (($pubmail_enabled) ? ' checked="checked" ' : '');
+ $jotnets .= '<div class="profile-jot-net"><input type="checkbox" name="pubmail_enable"' . $selected . ' value="1" /> ' . t("Post to Email") . '</div>';
+ }
+ call_hooks('jot_tool', $jotplugins);
+ call_hooks('jot_networks', $jotnets);
+ if($notes_cid)
+ $jotnets .= '<input type="hidden" name="contact_allow[]" value="' . $notes_cid .'" />';
+ $tpl = replace_macros($tpl,array('$jotplugins' => $jotplugins));
+ $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
+ '$return_path' => $a->cmd,
+ '$action' => $a->get_baseurl().'/item',
+ '$share' => (($x['button']) ? $x['button'] : t('Share')),
+ '$upload' => t('Upload photo'),
+ '$shortupload' => t('upload photo'),
+ '$attach' => t('Attach file'),
+ '$shortattach' => t('attach file'),
+ '$weblink' => t('Insert web link'),
+ '$shortweblink' => t('web link'),
+ '$video' => t('Insert video link'),
+ '$shortvideo' => t('video link'),
+ '$audio' => t('Insert audio link'),
+ '$shortaudio' => t('audio link'),
+ '$setloc' => t('Set your location'),
+ '$shortsetloc' => t('set location'),
+ '$noloc' => t('Clear browser location'),
+ '$shortnoloc' => t('clear location'),
+ '$title' => "",
+ '$placeholdertitle' => t('Set title'),
+ '$wait' => t('Please wait'),
+ '$permset' => t('Permission settings'),
+ '$shortpermset' => t('permissions'),
+ '$ptyp' => (($notes_cid) ? 'note' : 'wall'),
+ '$content' => '',
+ '$post_id' => '',
+ '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
+ '$defloc' => $x['default_location'],
+ '$visitor' => $x['visitor'],
+ '$pvisit' => (($notes_cid) ? 'none' : $x['visitor']),
+ '$emailcc' => t('CC: email addresses'),
+ '$public' => t('Public post'),
+ '$jotnets' => $jotnets,
+ '$emtitle' => t('Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com'),
+ '$lockstate' => $x['lockstate'],
+ '$acl' => $x['acl'],
+ '$bang' => $x['bang'],
+ '$profile_uid' => $x['profile_uid'],
+ '$preview' => t('Preview'),
+ ));
- call_hooks('jot_tool', $jotplugins);
- call_hooks('jot_networks', $jotnets);
- if($notes_cid)
- $jotnets .= '<input type="hidden" name="contact_allow[]" value="' . $notes_cid .'" />';
- $tpl = replace_macros($tpl,array('$jotplugins' => $jotplugins));
- $o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
- '$return_path' => $a->cmd,
- '$action' => 'item',
- '$share' => (($x['button']) ? $x['button'] : t('Share')),
- '$upload' => t('Upload photo'),
- '$shortupload' => t('upload photo'),
- '$attach' => t('Attach file'),
- '$shortattach' => t('attach file'),
- '$weblink' => t('Insert web link'),
- '$shortweblink' => t('web link'),
- '$video' => t('Insert video link'),
- '$shortvideo' => t('video link'),
- '$audio' => t('Insert audio link'),
- '$shortaudio' => t('audio link'),
- '$setloc' => t('Set your location'),
- '$shortsetloc' => t('set location'),
- '$noloc' => t('Clear browser location'),
- '$shortnoloc' => t('clear location'),
- '$title' => "",
- '$placeholdertitle' => t('Set title'),
- '$wait' => t('Please wait'),
- '$permset' => t('Permission settings'),
- '$shortpermset' => t('permissions'),
- '$ptyp' => (($notes_cid) ? 'note' : 'wall'),
- '$content' => '',
- '$post_id' => '',
- '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
- '$defloc' => $x['default_location'],
- '$visitor' => $x['visitor'],
- '$pvisit' => (($notes_cid) ? 'none' : $x['visitor']),
- '$emailcc' => t('CC: email addresses'),
- '$public' => t('Public post'),
- '$jotnets' => $jotnets,
- '$emtitle' => t('Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com'),
- '$lockstate' => $x['lockstate'],
- '$acl' => $x['acl'],
- '$bang' => $x['bang'],
- '$profile_uid' => $x['profile_uid'],
- '$preview' => t('Preview'),
- ));
+ if ($popup==true){
+ $o = '<div id="jot-popup" style="display: none;">'.$o.'</div>';
+ }
return $o;
@@ -1004,3 +1028,17 @@ function find_thread_parent_index($arr,$x) {
return $k;
return false;
+function render_location_google($item) {
+ $location = '';
+ $location = (($item['location']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['location'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['location']) . '">' . $item['location'] . '</a>' : '');
+ $coord = (($item['coord']) ? '<a target="map" title="' . $item['coord'] . '" href="http://maps.google.com/?q=' . urlencode($item['coord']) . '">' . $item['coord'] . '</a>' : '');
+ if($coord) {
+ if($location)
+ $location .= '<br /><span class="smalltext">(' . $coord . ')</span>';
+ else
+ $location = '<span class="smalltext">' . $coord . '</span>';
+ }
+ return $location;