path: root/doc
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diff --git a/doc/bugs.bb b/doc/bugs.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a27e66ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+[h2]Bugs, Issues, and things that go bump in the night...[/h2]
+[h3]Something went wrong! Who is charge of fixing it?[/h3]
+[b]Hubzilla Community Server[/b]
+Hubzilla Community Server is open source software which is maintained by "the community" - essentially unpaid volunteers.
+[b]Hubzilla Enterprise Server[/b]
+Hubzilla Enterprise Server is commercial software with a variety of support plans depending on the specific license terms.
+The first thing you need to do is talk to your hub administrator - the person who runs and manages your site. They are in the unique position of having access to the internal software and database and [b]logfiles[/b] and will need to be involved in fixing your problem. Other people "on the net" can't really help with this. The first thing the hub administrator needs to do is look at their logs and/or try to reproduce the problem. So try to be as helpful and courteous as possible in helping them look into the problem.
+To find your hub administrator (if you don't know who they are) please look at [url=[baseurl]/siteinfo]this page[/url]. If they have not provided any contact info on that page or provided an "Impressum" there, see [url=[baseurl]/siteinfo/json]this site info summary[/url] under the heading "admin:".
+[h3]I'm a hub administrator; what do I do?[/h3]
+The software instructions which provide this server are open source and are available for your inspection. If an error message was reported, often one can do a search on the source files for that error message and find out what triggered it. With this information and the site logfiles it may be possible to figure out the sequence of events leading to the error. There could also be other sites involved, and the problem may not even be on your site but elsewhere in the network. Try to pin down the communication endpoints (hubs or sites) involved in the problem and contact the administrator of that site or those sites. Please try and provide an event time of when things went wrong so it can be found in the logs. Work with the other administrator(s) to try and find the cause of the problem. Logfiles are your friend. When something happens in the software that we didn't expect, it is nearly always logged.
+[h3]The white screen of death[/h3]
+If you get a blank white screen when doing something, this is almost always a code or syntax error. There are instructions in your .htconfig.php file for enabling syntax logging. We recommend all sites use this. With syntax logging enabled repeat the sequence which led to the error and it should log the offending line of code. Hopefully you will be able to fix the problem with this information. When you do, please submit the fix "upstream" so that we can share the fix with the rest of the project members and other communities. This is a key benefit of using open source software - we share with each other and everybody benefits.
+[h3]I'm stumped. I can't figure out what is wrong.[/h3]
+[b]Hubzilla Enterprise Server[/b]
+Please make contact with the vendor - who will have provided you with support contact details. Preferably this contact will be made by the hub administrator so that he/she can assist us in collecting the necessary issue details. We will assign a ticket and notify you of progress.
+[b]Hubzilla Community Server[/b]
+At this point it might be worthwhile discussing the issue on one of the online forums. There may be several of these and some may be more suited to your spoken language. As a last resort, try "Channel One", which is in English.
+If the community developers can't help you right away, understand that they are volunteers and may have a lot of other work and demands on their time. At this point you need to file a bug report. You will need an account on github.com to do this. So register, and then visit https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla/issues
+. Create an issue here and provide all the same information that you provided online. Don't leave out anything.
+Then you wait. If it's a high profile issue, it may get fixed quickly. But nobody is in charge of fixing bugs. If it lingers without resolution, please spend some more time investigating the problem. Ask about anything you don't understand related to the behaviour. You will learn more about how the software works and quite possibly figure out why it isn't working now. Ultimately it is somebody in the community who is going to fix this and you are a member of the community; and this is how the open source process works.
+[b]In either case[/b]
+Other developers working to fix the problem may need to find out more, so do your homework and document what is happening and everything you've tried. Don't say "I did xyz and it didn't work." That doesn't tell us anything. Tell us precisely what steps you took and what you expected the result to be, and precisely what happened as a result. If there were any error messages, don't say "there was an error message". Tell us exactly what the message said.
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/dav_dolphin.bb b/doc/dav_dolphin.bb
index a1ebba394..ae60a6d52 100644
--- a/doc/dav_dolphin.bb
+++ b/doc/dav_dolphin.bb
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
[b]Using The Cloud - Dolphin[/b]
-Visit webdavs://example.com/cloud where "example.com" is the URL of your hub.
+Visit webdavs://example.com/dav where "example.com" is the URL of your hub.
-When prompted for a username and password, enter your username (the first part of your webbie - no @ or domain name) and password for your normal account.
+When prompted for a username and password, enter your channel name (the first part of your webbie - no @ or domain name) and password for your normal account.
Note, if you are already logged in to the web interface via Konqueror, you will not be prompted for further authentication.
diff --git a/doc/dav_mount.bb b/doc/dav_mount.bb
index d8cb2e08e..0fd3d4691 100644
--- a/doc/dav_mount.bb
+++ b/doc/dav_mount.bb
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ Edit /etc/fstab
to include your cloud directory by adding
-[baseurl]/cloud/ /mount/point davfs user,noauto,uid=<DesktopUser>,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1
+[baseurl]/dav/ /mount/point davfs user,noauto,uid=<DesktopUser>,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1
Where [baseurl] is the URL of your hub, /mount/point is the location you want to mount the cloud, and <DesktopUser> is the user you log in to one your computer. Note that if you are mounting as a normal user (not root) the mount point must be in your home directory.
For example, if I wanted to mount my cloud to a directory called 'cloud' in my home directory, and my username was bob, my fstab would be
-[code][baseurl]/cloud/ /home/bob/cloud davfs user,noauto,uid=bob,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1[/code]
+[code][baseurl]/dav/ /home/bob/cloud davfs user,noauto,uid=bob,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1[/code]
Now, create the mount point.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Create a file called 'secrets'
and add your cloud login credentials
-[baseurl]/cloud <username> <password>
+[baseurl]/dav <username> <password>
Where <username> and <password> are the username and password [i]for your hub[/i].
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Don't let this file be writeable by anyone who doesn't need it with
Finally, mount the drive.
-[code]mount [baseurl]/cloud[/code]
+[code]mount [baseurl]/dav[/code]
You can now find your cloud at /home/bob/cloud and use it as though it were part of your local filesystem - even if the applications you are using have no dav support themselves.
diff --git a/doc/dav_nautilus.bb b/doc/dav_nautilus.bb
index 51663b6de..c8911cda8 100644
--- a/doc/dav_nautilus.bb
+++ b/doc/dav_nautilus.bb
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
1. Open a File browsing window (that's Nautilus)
2. Select File > Connect to server from the menu
-3. Type davs://<domain_name>/cloud/<your_username> and click Connect
-4. You will be prompted for your username (same as above) and password
+3. Type davs://<domain_name>/dav/<your_channelname> and click Connect
+4. You will be prompted for your channel name (same as above) and password
5. Your personal DAV directory will be shown in the window
#include doc/macros/cloud_footer.bb;
diff --git a/doc/dav_nemo.bb b/doc/dav_nemo.bb
index 2c88b0782..f2d994fbb 100644
--- a/doc/dav_nemo.bb
+++ b/doc/dav_nemo.bb
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
For (file browser) Nemo 1.8.2 under Linux Mint 15, Cinnamon 1.8.8. Nemo ist the standard file browser there.
1st way
-type "davs://yourusername@friendicared.net/cloud" in the address bar
+type "davs://<domain_name>/dav/<your_channelname>" in the address bar.
2nd way
Menu > file > connect to server
Fill the dialog
-- Server: friendicared.net
+- Server: hubzilla_domain_name
- Type: Secure WebDAV (https)
-- Folder: /cloud
-- Username: yourusername
-- Passwort: yourpasswort
+- Folder: /dav
+- Username: yourchannelname
+- Password: yourpassword
Once open you can set a bookmark.
diff --git a/doc/dav_windows.bb b/doc/dav_windows.bb
index 0eaffd4d0..96862e2b5 100644
--- a/doc/dav_windows.bb
+++ b/doc/dav_windows.bb
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ RedDav using Windows 7 graphical user interface wizard:
1. Left-click the Start-button to open the start menu.
2. Right-click the My computer icon to access its menu.
3. Left-click Map network drive... to open the connection dialog wizard.
-4. Type #^[url=https://example.net/cloud/your_user_name]https://example.net/cloud/your_user_name[/url] in the textbox and click the Complete button where "example.net" is the URL of your hub.
-5. Type your Red account's user name. IMPORTANT - NO at-sign or domain name.
-6. Type your Red password
+4. Type #^[url=https://example.net/dav/your_channel_name]https://example.net/dav/your_channel_name[/url] in the textbox and click the Complete button where "example.net" is the URL of your hub.
+5. Type your Hubzilla account's user name. IMPORTANT - NO at-sign or domain name.
+6. Type your Hubzilla password
#include doc/macros/cloud_footer.bb;
diff --git a/doc/members.bb b/doc/members.bb
index 705154b56..13339ef2d 100644
--- a/doc/members.bb
+++ b/doc/members.bb
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/addons]Help With Addons[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/diaspora_compat]Diaspora Communications Compatibility (Diaspora and Friendica)[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_members]FAQ For Members[/zrl]
+[zrl=[baseurl]/help/bugs]Bugs, Issues, and things that go bump in the night...[/zrl]
diff --git a/doc/to_do_code.bb b/doc/to_do_code.bb
index 94421bab0..b5c7b9903 100644
--- a/doc/to_do_code.bb
+++ b/doc/to_do_code.bb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ We need much more than this, but here are areas where developers can help. Pleas
[li]Documentation - see Red Documentation Project To-Do List[/li]
[li]Include TOS link in registration/verification email[/li]
-[li](done) forum widget with unread counts (requires the DB schema changes from v3/hubzilla to be viable)[/li]
+[li]Auto preview posts/comments (configurable timer kicks in the preview if not 0)[/li]
[li]Create bug tracker module[/li]
[li]translation plugins - moses or apertium[/li]
[li]plugins - provide 'disable' which is softer than 'uninstall' for those plugins which create additional DB tables[/li]
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ We need much more than this, but here are areas where developers can help. Pleas
[li]Create mobile clients for the top platforms - which involves extending the API so that we can do stuff far beyond the current crop of Twitter/Statusnet clients. Ditto for mobile themes. We can probably use something like the Friendica Android app as a base to start from.[/li]
[li](in progress Habeas Codice) Implement owned and exchangeable "things".[/li]
[li]Family Account creation - using service classes (an account holder can create a certain number of sub-accounts which are all tied to their subscription - if the subscription lapses they all go away).[/li]
-[li]Put mod_admin under Comanche[/li]
In many cases some of the work has already been started and code exists so that you needn't start from scratch. Please contact one of the developer channels like Channel One (one@zothub.com) before embarking and we can tell you what we already have and provide some insights on how we envision these features fitting together.