path: root/doc
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4 files changed, 202 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Home.md b/doc/Home.md
index de2353470..e21511193 100644
--- a/doc/Home.md
+++ b/doc/Home.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Red Matrix Documentation and Resources
* [Web Pages](help/Webpages)
* [Remove Account](help/Remove-Account)
* [BBcode reference for posts and comments](help/bbcode)
+* [Help With Addons](help/addons)
**Technical Documentation**
* [Install](help/Install)
diff --git a/doc/addons.bb b/doc/addons.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4838c4a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/addons.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+* [zrl=[baseurl]/help/addons_gnusocial]Posting To Gnu Social[/zrl]
diff --git a/doc/addons_gnusocial.bb b/doc/addons_gnusocial.bb
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index 000000000..4498d0b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/addons_gnusocial.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+[b]How to cross-post to a GNUsocial instance[/b]
+Start on the GNUSocial instance where you have your account.
+In the GNUSocial instance, go to Settings > Connections. In the right column under "Developers," click the link to "Register an OAuth client application to use with this instance of StatusNet." This link may be found at your instance here:
+Next, click the link to Register a new application. That brings up the new application form. Here's what to do on each field.
+Icon. I uploaded the RedMatrix icon located at this link, after saving it to my computer:
+Name. Give the application an appropriate name. I called mine redmatrix. You might prefer r2g.
+Description. Use this field to describe the purpose of the application. I put something to the effect of use for crossposting from RedMatrix to GNUsocial.
+Source URL. Put the main domain name of the Red site you're using. Don't forget to put the "s" in https://yourredmatrixsite.com. If your Red installation is a subdomain, that would probably be called for.
+Organization. Since RedMatrix is unorganized, I put that. If you use your installation for a group or business, that might be a good option.
+Homepage. If your group is using a subdomain, you probably want to put your main domain URI here. Since I'm on a hosted site, I put redmatrix.me.
+Callback URL. Leave blank.
+Type of application: select "desktop."
+Default access: select "Read-write."
+All fields except the callback URL must be filled in.
+Click on the save button.
+Then click on the icon or the name of the application for the information you'll need to insert over on RedMatrix.
+Now open up a new tab or window and go to your RedMatrix account, to Settings > Feature settings. Find the StatusNet Posting Settings.
+Insert the strings of numbers given on the GNUsocial site into the RedMatrix fields for Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
+The Base API Path (remember the trailing /) will be your instance domain, plus the /api/ following. It will probably look like this:
+In case of doubt check on your GNUsocial instance site in order to find the domain URLs of the Request token, Access token, and Authorization. It will be the first part of the domains, minus the /oauth/....
+StatusNet application name: Insert the name you gave to the application over on the GNUsocial site.
+Click Submit.
+A button will appear for you to "Sign in to StatusNet." Click it and that will open a tab or window on the GNUsocial site for you to click "Allow." Once clicked and successfully authorized, a security code number will appear. Copy it and go back to the RedMatrix app you just left and insert it in the field: "Copy the security code from StatusNet here." Click Submit.
+If successful, your information from the GNUsocial instance should appear in the RedMatrix app.
+You now have several options to choose, if you desire, and those will need to be confirmed by clicking "Submit" also. The most interesting is "Send public postings to StatusNet by default." This option automatically sends any post of yours made in your RedMatrix account to your GNUsocial instance.
+If you don't choose this option, you will have an option to send a post to your GNUsocial instance by first opening the post (by clicking in the post text area) and clicking on the lock icon next to the Share button. Select the GNUsocial icon made up of three colored dialog baloons. Close that window, then make your post.
+If all goes well, you have just cross-posted your RedMatrix post to your account on a GNUsocial instance.
diff --git a/doc/nb-no/api_functions.md b/doc/nb-no/api_functions.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f385dee02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/nb-no/api_functions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+Red Twitter API
+Det "grunnleggende" Red web API-et er basert på Twitter API-et, siden dette gir umiddelbar samhandling med et stort antall tredjepartsklienter og programmer uten å kreve noen kodeendring hos disse. Det er også et super-set av StatusNet-versjonen av Twitter API-et, siden den også har bred eksisterende støtte.
+Red har flere muligheter som ikke vises gjennom Twitter-grensesnittene, der vi tvinges til å gjøre API-funksjoner "dummere" for å kunne arbeide med den primitive kommunikasjons- og personvernmodellen i Twitter/StatusNet. Vi planlegger å utvide Twitter-API-et slik at Red-spesifikke klienter kan ta i bruk alle funksjoner i Red uten begrensninger.
+Et dedikert Red API som samvirker med egne datastrukturer og tillatelser er under utvikling, og dette krever ikke oversettelse til andre personvern- og tillatelsesmodeller og lagringsformater. Denne vil bli beskrevet i andre dokumenter. Prefikset for alle egne endepunkter er 'api/red'.
+Red tilbyr tilgang til flere kanaler via samme innloggingskonto. Med Red vil enhver API-funksjon som krever autentisering akseptere et parameter - &channel={channel_nickname} - og vil velge den kanalen og gjøre den gjeldende før utføring av API-kommandoen. Som standard er det standardkanalen i kontoen som velges.
+Red tilbyr også en utvidet tillatelsesmodell. Grunnet fraværet av Red-spesifikke API kall til å angi tillatelser, så vil disse innstillingene bli satt til standardtillatelsene assosiert med den gjeldende kanalen.
+Red vil antakelig aldri helt kunne støtte Twitter sine 'api/friendships' funksjoner, fordi Red er ikke et sosialt nettverk og har ikke innebygget noe konsept om "vennskap" - den gjenkjenner tillatelser til å gjøre ting (eller ikke gjøre ting hvis det er det som trengs).
+Tegnforklaring: T= Twitter, S= StatusNet, F= Friendica, R= Red, ()=Virker ikke ennå, J= kun JSON (XML-formater er avlegs)
+Twitter API kompatible funksjoner:
+* api/account/verify_credentials T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/update T,S,F,R
+* api/users/show T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/home_timeline T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/friends_timeline T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/public_timeline T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/show T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/retweet T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/destroy T,S,F,(R)
+* api/statuses/mentions T,S,F,(R)
+* api/statuses/replies T,S,F,(R)
+* api/statuses/user_timeline T,S,F,(R)
+* api/favorites T,S,F,(R)
+* api/account/rate_limit_status T,S,F,R
+* api/help/test T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/friends T,S,F,R
+* api/statuses/followers T,S,F,R
+* api/friends/ids T,S,F,R
+* api/followers/ids T,S,F,R
+* api/direct_messages/new T,S,F,(R)
+* api/direct_messages/conversation T,S,F,(R)
+* api/direct_messages/all T,S,F,(R)
+* api/direct_messages/sent T,S,F,(R)
+* api/direct_messages T,S,F,(R)
+* api/oauth/request_token T,S,F,R
+* api/oauth/access_token T,S,F,R
+Twitter API funksjoner støttet av StatusNet men for øyeblikket ikke av Friendica eller Red
+* api/favorites T,S
+* api/favorites/create T,S
+* api/favorites/destroy T,S
+* api/statuses/retweets_of_me T,S
+* api/friendships/create T,S
+* api/friendships/destroy T,S
+* api/friendships/exists T,S
+* api/friendships/show T,S
+* api/account/update_location T,S
+* api/account/update_profile_background_image T,S
+* api/account/update_profile_image T,S
+* api/blocks/create T,S
+* api/blocks/destroy T,S
+Twitter API funksjoner som for øyeblikket ikke er støttet av StatusNet
+* api/statuses/retweeted_to_me T
+* api/statuses/retweeted_by_me T
+* api/direct_messages/destroy T
+* api/account/end_session T,(R)
+* api/account/update_delivery_device T
+* api/notifications/follow T
+* api/notifications/leave T
+* api/blocks/exists T
+* api/blocks/blocking T
+* api/lists T
+StatusNet kompatible utvidelser til Twitter API-et støttet av både Friendica og Red
+* api/statusnet/version S,F,R
+* api/statusnet/config S,F,R
+Friendica API utvidelser til Twitter API-et støttet av både Friendica og Red
+* api/statuses/mediap F,R
+Red-spesifikke API utvidelser til Twitter API-et som ikke er støttet av Friendica
+* api/account/logout R
+* api/export/basic R,J
+* api/friendica/config R
+* api/red/config R
+* api/friendica/version R
+* api/red/version R
+* api/red/channel/export/basic R,J
+* api/red/channel/stream R,J (currently post only)
+* api/red/albums R,J
+* api/red/photos R,J (option album=xxxx)
+Foreslåtte Red API utvidelser til Twitter API-et
+* api/statuses/edit (R),J
+* api/statuses/permissions (R),J
+* api/statuses/permissions/update (R),J
+* api/statuses/ids (R),J # søk etter eksisterende message_id før importering av fremmed innlegg
+* api/files/show (R),J
+* api/files/destroy (R),J
+* api/files/update (R),J
+* api/files/permissions (R),J
+* api/files/permissions/update (R),J
+* api/pages/show (R),J
+* api/pages/destroy (R),J
+* api/pages/update (R),J
+* api/pages/permissions (R),J
+* api/pages/permissions/update (R),J
+* api/events/show (R),J
+* api/events/update (R),J
+* api/events/permissions (R),J
+* api/events/permissions/update (R),J
+* api/events/destroy (R),J
+* api/photos/show (R),J
+* api/photos/update (R),J
+* api/photos/permissions (R),J
+* api/photos/permissions/update (R),J
+* api/albums/destroy (R),J
+* api/albums/show (R),J
+* api/albums/update (R),J
+* api/albums/permissions (R),J
+* api/albums/permissions/update (R),J
+* api/albums/destroy (R),J
+* api/friends/permissions (R),J