path: root/doc
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9 files changed, 126 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Hubzilla_on_OpenShift.bb b/doc/Hubzilla_on_OpenShift.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db61c3a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Hubzilla_on_OpenShift.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+[b]Hubzilla on OpenShift[/b]
+You will notice a new .openshift folder when you fetch from upstream, i.e. from [url=https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla.git]https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla.git[/url] , which contains a deploy script to set up Hubzilla on OpenShift with plugins and extra themes.
+Create an account on OpenShift, then use the registration e-mail and password to create your first Hubzilla instance. Install git and RedHat's command line tools - rhc - if you have not already done so.
+[code]rhc app-create your_app_name php-5.4 mysql-5.5 cron phpmyadmin --namespace your_domain --from-code https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla.git -l your@email.address -p your_account_password
+Make a note of the database username and password OpenShift creates for your instance, and use these at [url=https://your_app_name-your_domain.rhcloud.com/]https://your_app_name-your_domain.rhcloud.com/[/url] to complete the setup.
+NOTE: PostgreSQL is NOT supported by the deploy script yet, see [zrl=https://zot-mor.rhcloud.com/display/3c7035f2a6febf87057d84ea0ae511223e9b38dc27913177bc0df053edecac7c@zot-mor.rhcloud.com?zid=haakon%40zot-mor.rhcloud.com]this thread[/zrl].
+To update, consider your own workflow first. I have forked Hubzilla code into my GitHub account to be able to try things out, this remote repo is called origin. Here is how I fetch new code from upstream, merge into my local repo, then push the updated code both into origin and the remote repo called openshift.
+[code]git fetch upstream;git checkout master;git merge upstream/master;git push origin;git push openshift HEAD
+Symptoms of need for MySQL database administration are:
+[*] you can visit your domain and see the Hubzilla frontpage, but trying to login throws you back to login. This can mean your session table is marked as crashed.
+[*] you can login, but your channel posts are not visible. This can mean your item table is marked as crashed.
+[*] you can login and you can see your channel posts, but apparently nobody is getting your posts, comments, likes and so on. This can mean your outq table is marked as crashed.
+You can check your OpenShift logs by doing
+rhc tail -a your_app_name -n your_domain -l your@email.address -p your_account_password
+and you might be able to confirm the above suspicions about crashed tables, or other problems you need to fix.
+[b]How to fix crashed tables in MySQL[/b]
+Using MySQL and the MyISAM database engine can result in table indexes coming out of sync, and you have at least two options for fixing tables marked as crashed.
+[*] Use the database username and password OpenShift creates for your instance at [url=https://your_app_name-your_domain.rhcloud.com/phpmyadmin/]https://your_app_name-your_domain.rhcloud.com/phpmyadmin/[/url] to login via the web into your phpMyAdmin web interface, click your database in the left column, in the right column scroll down to the bottom of the list of tables and click the checkbox for marking all tables, then select Check tables from the drop down menu. This will check the tables for problems, and you can then checkmark only those tables with problems, and select Repair table from the same drop down menu at the bottom.
+[*] You can port-forward the MySQL database service to your own machine and use the MySQL client called mysqlcheck to check, repair and optimize your database or individual database tables without stopping the MySQL service on OpenShift. Run the following in two separate console windows.
+To port-forward do
+[code]rhc port-forward -a your_app_name -n your_domain -l your@email.address -p your_password[/code]
+in one console window, then do either -o for optimize, -c for check or -r for repair, like this
+[code]mysqlcheck -h -r your_app_name -u your_app_admin_name -p[/code]
+and give the app's password at the prompt. If all goes well you should see a number of table names with an OK behind them.
+You can now
+[code]Press CTRL-C to terminate port forwarding[/code]
+[*] You can do
+[code]rhc cartridge stop mysql-5.5 -a your_app_name[/code]
+to stop the MySQL service running in your app on OpenShift before running myisamchk - which should only be run when MySQL is stopped, and then
+login to your instance with SSH - see OpenShift for details - and do
+[code]cd mysql/data/your_database
+myisamchk -r *.MYI[/code]
+or if you get
+[code]Can't create new tempfile[/code]
+check your OpenShift's gear quota with
+[code]quota -gus[/code]
+and if you are short on space, then locally (not SSH) do
+[code]rhc app-tidy your_app_name -l your_login -p your_password[/code]
+to have rhc delete temporary files and OpenShift logs to free space first, then check the size of your local repo dir and execute
+[code]git gc[/code]
+against it and check the size again, and then to minimize your remote repo connect via SSH to your application gear and execute the same command against it by changing to the remote repo directory - your repo should be in
+(if not, do find -size +1M to find it), then do
+cd mysql/data/yourdatabase
+myisamchk -r -v -f*.MYI[/code]
+and hopefully your database tables are now okay.
+You can now start the MySQL service on OpenShift by locally doing
+[code]rhc cartridge start mysql-5.5 -a your_app_name[/code]
+[*] definitely DO turn off feeds and discovery by default and limit delivery reports from 30 days to 3 days if you are on the Free or Bronze plan on OpenShift with a single 1Gb gear by visiting [observer.baseurl]/admin/site when logged in as administrator of your Hubzilla site.
+[*] The above defaults have been added into the deploy script.
+[*] DO add git gc to the deploy script
+[*] MAYBE DO add myisamchk - only checking? to the end of the deploy script.
+[*] mysqlcheck is similar in function to myisamchk, but works differently. The main operational difference is that mysqlcheck must be used when the mysqld server is running, whereas myisamchk should be used when it is not. The benefit of using mysqlcheck is that you do not have to stop the server to perform table maintenance - this means this documenation should be fixed.
diff --git a/doc/README.md b/doc/README.md
index 90585a906..10fba445b 100644
--- a/doc/README.md
+++ b/doc/README.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Hubzilla
###Websites. Redefined.
**What are Hubs?**
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ Possible website applications include
-This project is under development and is not yet available for general use. \ No newline at end of file
+This project is under development and is not yet available for general use.
diff --git a/doc/Widgets.md b/doc/Widgets.md
index a225f5ef3..7acd9241b 100644
--- a/doc/Widgets.md
+++ b/doc/Widgets.md
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Some/many of these widgets have restrictions which may restrict the type of page
* photo_rand - display a random photo from one of your photo albums. Photo permissions are honoured
* args:
* album - album name (very strongly recommended if you have lots of photos)
- * scale - typically 0 (original size), 1 (640px), or 2 (320px)
+ * scale - typically 0 (original size), 1 (1024px), 2, (640px), or 3 (320px)
* style - CSS style string
* channel_id - if not your own
<br />&nbsp;<br />
diff --git a/doc/admins.bb b/doc/admins.bb
index d4e90c8a3..c77b004a4 100644
--- a/doc/admins.bb
+++ b/doc/admins.bb
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/red2pi]Installing $Projectname on the Raspberry Pi[/zrl]
+[zrl=[baseurl]/help/Hubzilla_on_OpenShift]$Projectname on OpenShift[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/troubleshooting]Troubleshooting Tips[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/hidden_configs]Tweaking $Projectname's Hidden Configurations[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_admins]FAQ For Admins[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/service_classes]Service Classes[/zrl]
+[zrl=[baseurl]/help/theme_management]Theme Management[/zrl]
diff --git a/doc/api_posting.bb b/doc/api_posting.bb
index fa9558268..c708ad143 100644
--- a/doc/api_posting.bb
+++ b/doc/api_posting.bb
@@ -4,19 +4,20 @@ The API allows you to post to the red# by HTTP POST request. Below you see an ex
[code]curl -ssl -u [color=blue]$E-Mail[/color]:[color=blue]$Password[/color] -d "[color=blue]$Parameters[/color]" [url][observer=1][observer.baseurl][/observer][observer=0]example.com[/observer]/api/statuses/update
-[table][tr][td]$E-Mail:[/td][td]The E-Mail Adress you use to login[/td][/tr]
+[table][tr][td]$E-Mail:[/td][td]The E-Mail Address you use to login, or the channel nickname (without the hostname)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]$Password:[/td][td]The Password you use to login[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]$Parameters:[/td][td]That's the interesting part, here you insert the content you want to send using the following parameters:[/td][/tr][/table]
[*]title: the title of the posting
-[*]channel: the channel you want to post to
+[*]channel: the channel you want to post to (do not use this parameter with HTTP Basic auth)
[*]category: a comma-seperated list of categories for the posting
[*]status: the content of the posting, formatted with BBCode
[*]htmlstatus:the content of the posting, formatted in HTML.
+To post to a specific channel, replace the email address with the channel nickname. If you supply the channel parameter, it has to match the "email", but is superfluous anyway.
Instead of calling [observer=1][observer.baseurl][/observer][observer=0]example.com[/observer]/api/statuses/update which returns a json (you could also add .json on the end to clarify) output, you can use [observer.baseurl]/api/statuses/update.xml to get an xml formatted return.
diff --git a/doc/features.bb b/doc/features.bb
index 06b7fb6b0..2abf0ec30 100644
--- a/doc/features.bb
+++ b/doc/features.bb
@@ -85,11 +85,9 @@ Share and save/manage bookmarks from links provided in conversations.
[b]Private Message Encryption and Privacy Concerns[/b]
-Messages marked [b]private[/b] are encrypted with AES-CBC 256-bit symmetric cipher, which is then protected (encrypted in turn) by public key cryptography, based on 4096-bit RSA keys, associated with the channel that is sending the message.
+Private mail is stored in an obscured format. While this is not bullet-proof it typically prevents casual snooping by the site administrator or ISP.
-These private messages are also stored in an encrypted form on remote systems.
-Each$Projectname channel has it's own unique set of private and associated public RSA 4096-bit keys, generated when the channels is first created.
+Each $Projectname channel has it's own unique set of private and associated public RSA 4096-bit keys, generated when the channels is first created. This is used to protect private messages and posts in transit.
Additionally, messages may be created utilising "end-to-end encryption" which cannot be read by $Projectname operators or ISPs or anybody who does not know the passcode.
diff --git a/doc/html/index.php b/doc/html/index.php
index 4ef28aada..2e1b4277c 100644
--- a/doc/html/index.php
+++ b/doc/html/index.php
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- <title>Hubzilla Doxygen API Documentation</title>
-<h1>Hubzilla Doxygen API Documentation not rendered</h1>
<title>$Projectname Doxygen API Documentation</title>
<h1>$Projectname Doxygen API Documentation not rendered</h1>
->>>>>>> f866a42a42b9e12756353f5bb39a0f31a64bb26a
To get the Doxygen API Documentation you must render it with the program <a href="http://www.doxygen.org">Doxygen</a> (included in most distributions).
$ doxygen util/Doxyfile
diff --git a/doc/theme_management.bb b/doc/theme_management.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5691f7c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/theme_management.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[h1]Theme Management[/h1]
+$Projectname allows hub admins to easily add and update themes hosted in common git repositories.
+[h2]Add new theme repo to your hub[/h2]
+1. Navigate to your hub web root
+[code]root@hub:~# cd /var/www[/code]
+2. Add the theme repo and give it a name
+[code][nobb]root@hub:/var/www# util/add_theme_repo https://github.com/username/theme-repo.git UniqueThemeRepoName[/nobb][/code]
+[h2]Update existing theme repo[/h2]
+Update the repo by using
+[code]root@hub:/var/www# util/update_theme_repo UniqueThemeRepoName[/code]
diff --git a/doc/to_do_code.bb b/doc/to_do_code.bb
index f66797d8b..57f4b2e01 100644
--- a/doc/to_do_code.bb
+++ b/doc/to_do_code.bb
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ We need much more than this, but here are areas where developers can help. Pleas
[li]Documentation - see Red Documentation Project To-Do List[/li]
[li]Include TOS link in registration/verification email[/li]
[li]Auto preview posts/comments (configurable timer kicks in the preview if not 0)[/li]
+[li]SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect provider functionality[/li]
[li]Create bug tracker module[/li]
-[li]delivery tracking/reporting[/li]
[li]Filing posts - provide a dropdown menu integrated with the 'post actions menu'[/li]
[li]integrate Mozilla Persona (possibly via plugin) https://github.com/mozilla/id-specs/blob/prod/browserid/index.md and become an idP[/li]
[li]translation plugins - moses or apertium[/li]
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ We need much more than this, but here are areas where developers can help. Pleas
[li]Finish the anti-spam bayesian engine[/li]
[li]implement an email permission denied bounce message from the sys channel[/li]
[li]provide a way for xchans with a certain network type to upgrade (unknown to rss, rss to statusnet, friendica-over-diaspora to friendica, for instance) based on new knowledge and/or redmatrix ability[/li]
-[li](done - HZ) If DAV folders exist, add an option to the Settings page to set a default folder for attachment uploads.[/li]
[li]Integrate the &quot;open site&quot; list with the register page[/li]
[li]Support comments and member notes on documentation pages (to achieve an effect similar to php.net)[/li]
+[li]Support comments on webpages[/li]
[li]implement oembed provider interface[/li]
[li]refactor the oembed client interface so that we can safely sandbox remote content[/li]
[li]Many modern social apps now have both a profile photo and a "cover photo". Add support for this. [/li]
@@ -26,21 +26,17 @@ We need much more than this, but here are areas where developers can help. Pleas
[li]restricted access OAuth clients[/li]
[li](Advanced) create a UI for building Comanche pages[/li]
[li](less advanced) create a way to preview Comanche results on a preview page while editing on another page[/li]
-[li](done - HZ) Extend WebDAV to provide desktop access to photo albums[/li]
[li]External post connectors - create standard interface[/li]
[li]External post connectors, add popular services[/li]
[li](in progress Habeas Codice) service classes - provide a pluggable subscription payment gateway for premium accounts[/li]
[li](in progress Habeas Codice) service classes - account overview page showing resources consumed by channel. With special consideration this page can also be accessed at a meta level by the site admin to drill down on problematic accounts/channels.[/li]
[li]implement CalDAV/CardDAV sync[/li]
[li]Uploads - integrate #^[url=https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload]https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload[/url][/li]
-[li]Import/export - include events, things, etc.[/li]
[li]API extensions, for Twitter API - search, friending, threading. For Red API, lots of stuff[/li]
-[li]OAuth permission extensions[/li]
[li]Import channel from Diaspora/Friendica (Diaspora partially done)[/li]
[li]MediaGoblin photo "crosspost" connector[/li]
[li]Create management page/UI for extensible profile fields[/li]
[li]Create interface to include/exclude and re-order standard profile fields[/li]
-[li]Provide a mechanism to share page design elements in posts (just like apps) (done)[/li]
[li]App taxonomy[/li]
[li]Customisable App collection pages[/li]
[li]replace the tinymce visual editor and/or make the visual editor pluggable and responsive to different output formats. We probably want library/bbedit for bbcode. This needs a fair bit of work to catch up with our &quot;enhanced bbcode&quot;, but start with images, links, bold and highlight and work from there.[/li]