path: root/doc/schemaspy_hubzilla/tables/verify.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/schemaspy_hubzilla/tables/verify.html')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/schemaspy_hubzilla/tables/verify.html b/doc/schemaspy_hubzilla/tables/verify.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..576236d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/schemaspy_hubzilla/tables/verify.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'>
+ <!-- SchemaSpy rev 590 -->
+ <title>SchemaSpy - Table zot.verify</title>
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+<table id='headerHolder' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td>
+<div id='header'>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href='../index.html' title='All tables and views in the schema'>Tables</a></li>
+ <li><a href='../relationships.html' title='Diagram of table relationships'>Relationships</a></li>
+ <li><a href='../utilities.html' title='View of tables with neither parents nor children'>Utility&nbsp;Tables</a></li>
+ <li><a href='../constraints.html' title='Useful for diagnosing error messages that just give constraint name or number'>Constraints</a></li>
+ <li><a href='../anomalies.html' title="Things that might not be quite right">Anomalies</a></li>
+ <li><a href='../columns.byTable.html' title="All of the columns in the schema">Columns</a></li>
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+ </ul>
+<div class='content' style='clear:both;'>
+<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='heading' valign='middle'><span class='header'>Table <span title='Database'>zot</span>.<span title='Table'>verify</span></span></td>
+ <td class='heading' align='right' valign='top' title='John Currier - Creator of Cool Tools'><span class='indent'>Generated by</span><br><span class='indent'><span class='signature'><a href='http://schemaspy.sourceforge.net' target='_blank'>SchemaSpy</a></span></span></td>
+ </tr>
+<table width='100%' border='0'>
+<tr valign='top'><td class='container' align='left' valign='top'>
+<form name='options' action=''>
+ <label for='implied'><input type=checkbox id='implied' checked>Implied relationships</label>
+ <label for='showRelatedCols'><input type=checkbox id='showRelatedCols'>Related columns</label>
+ <label for='showConstNames'><input type=checkbox id='showConstNames'>Constraints</label>
+ <label for='showComments'><input type=checkbox id='showComments'>Comments</label>
+ <label for='showLegend'><input type=checkbox checked id='showLegend'>Legend</label>
+</td><td class='container' rowspan='2' align='right' valign='top'>
+ <table class='legend' border='0'>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='dataTable' valign='bottom'>Legend:</td>
+ <td class='container' align='right' valign='top'><a href='http://sourceforge.net' target='_blank'><img src='http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=137197&amp;type=1' alt='SourceForge.net' border='0' height='31' width='88'></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td class='container' colspan='2'>
+ <table class='dataTable' border='1'>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr><td class='primaryKey'>Primary key columns</td></tr>
+ <tr><td class='indexedColumn'>Columns with indexes</td></tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship'><td class='detail'><span class='impliedRelationship'>Implied relationships</span></td></tr>
+ <tr><td class='excludedColumn'>Excluded column relationships</td></tr>
+ <tr><td class='legendDetail'>&lt; <em>n</em> &gt; number of related tables</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+<div style="margin-right: 2pt;">
+<script type="text/javascript"><!--
+google_ad_client = "pub-9598353634003340";
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+</td><tr valign='top'><td class='container' align='left' valign='top'>
+<a name='columns'></a>
+<table id='columns' class='dataTable' border='1' rules='groups'>
+<colgroup class='comment'>
+<thead align='left'>
+ <th>Column</th>
+ <th>Type</th>
+ <th>Size</th>
+ <th title='Are nulls allowed?'>Nulls</th>
+ <th title='Is column automatically updated?'>Auto</th>
+ <th title='Default value'>Default</th>
+ <th title='Columns in tables that reference this column'><span class='notSortedByColumn'>Children</span></th>
+ <th title='Columns in tables that are referenced by this column'><span class='notSortedByColumn'>Parents</span></th>
+ <th title='Comments' class='comment'><span class='notSortedByColumn'>Comments</span></th>
+<tbody valign='top'>
+<tr class='even'>
+ <td class='primaryKey' title='Primary Key'>id</td>
+ <td class='detail'>int unsigned</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>10</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center' title='Automatically updated by the database'>&nbsp;&radic;&nbsp;</td>
+ <td class='detail'></td>
+ <td class='detail'>
+ <table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="attach.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='attach.html'>attach</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="config.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='config.html'>config</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="conv.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='conv.html'>conv</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="fcontact.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='fcontact.html'>fcontact</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="ffinder.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='ffinder.html'>ffinder</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="group_member.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='group_member.html'>group_member</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="groups.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='groups.html'>groups</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="item.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='item.html'>item</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="item_id.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='item_id.html'>item_id</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="likes.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='likes.html'>likes</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="mail.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='mail.html'>mail</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="photo.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='photo.html'>photo</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="profdef.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='profdef.html'>profdef</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="profext.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='profext.html'>profext</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="profile_check.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='profile_check.html'>profile_check</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="register.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='register.html'>register</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="sign.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='sign.html'>sign</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="sys_perms.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='sys_perms.html'>sys_perms</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="xconfig.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='xconfig.html'>xconfig</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class='impliedRelationship relative even' valign='top'>
+ <td class='relatedTable detail' title="xign.id's name implies that it's a child of verify.id, but it doesn't reference that column."><a href='xign.html'>xign</a><span class='relatedKey'>.id</span>
+ </td>
+ <td class='constraint detail'>Implied Constraint<span title='Restrict delete:
+ Parent cannot be deleted if children exist'>&nbsp;R</span></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <td class='detail'> </td>
+ <td class='comment detail'></td>
+<tr class='odd'>
+ <td class='indexedColumn' title='Indexed'>channel</td>
+ <td class='detail'>int unsigned</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>10</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>0</td>
+ <td class='detail'></td>
+ <td class='detail'> </td>
+ <td class='comment detail'></td>
+<tr class='even'>
+ <td class='indexedColumn' title='Indexed'>type</td>
+ <td class='detail'>char</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>32</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'></td>
+ <td class='detail'></td>
+ <td class='detail'> </td>
+ <td class='comment detail'></td>
+<tr class='odd'>
+ <td class='indexedColumn' title='Indexed'>token</td>
+ <td class='detail'>char</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>255</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'></td>
+ <td class='detail'></td>
+ <td class='detail'> </td>
+ <td class='comment detail'></td>
+<tr class='even'>
+ <td class='indexedColumn' title='Indexed'>meta</td>
+ <td class='detail'>char</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>255</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'></td>
+ <td class='detail'></td>
+ <td class='detail'> </td>
+ <td class='comment detail'></td>
+<tr class='odd'>
+ <td class='indexedColumn' title='Indexed'>created</td>
+ <td class='detail'>datetime</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>19</td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='center'></td>
+ <td class='detail' align='right'>0000-00-00 00:00:00</td>
+ <td class='detail'></td>
+ <td class='detail'> </td>
+ <td class='comment detail'></td>
+<p title='6 columns'>Table contained 0 rows at fr nov 06 17:11 CET 2015<p/>
+<div class='indent'>
+<table class='dataTable' border='1' rules='groups'><colgroup><colgroup><colgroup><colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Column(s)</th>
+ <th>Type</th>
+ <th>Sort</th>
+ <th class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>Constraint Name</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='primaryKey'>id</td>
+ <td class='detail'>Primary key</td>
+ <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'><span title='Ascending'>Asc</span></td>
+ <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>PRIMARY</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='indexedColumn'>channel</td>
+ <td class='detail'>Performance</td>
+ <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'><span title='Ascending'>Asc</span></td>
+ <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>channel</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='indexedColumn'>created</td>
+ <td class='detail'>Performance</td>
+ <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'><span title='Ascending'>Asc</span></td>
+ <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>created</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='indexedColumn'>meta</td>
+ <td class='detail'>Performance</td>
+ <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'><span title='Ascending'>Asc</span></td>
+ <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>meta</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='indexedColumn'>token</td>
+ <td class='detail'>Performance</td>
+ <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'><span title='Ascending'>Asc</span></td>
+ <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>token</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class='indexedColumn'>type</td>
+ <td class='detail'>Performance</td>
+ <td class='detail' style='text-align:left;'><span title='Ascending'>Asc</span></td>
+ <td class='constraint' style='text-align:left;'>type</td>
+ </tr>
+<table width='100%' border='0'><tr><td class='container'>
+<br><form action='get'><b>Close relationships:</b></form><map id="oneDegreeRelationshipsDiagram" name="oneDegreeRelationshipsDiagram">
+<area shape="rect" id="node1" href="verify.html" title="verify" alt="" coords="5,5,224,203">
+ <a name='diagram'><img id='oneDegreeImg' src='../diagrams/verify.1degree.png' usemap='#oneDegreeRelationshipsDiagram' class='diagram' border='0' alt='' align='left'></a>
+<map id="impliedTwoDegreesRelationshipsDiagram" name="impliedTwoDegreesRelationshipsDiagram">
+<area shape="rect" id="node1" href="attach.html" title="attach" alt="" coords="728,5,880,584">
+<area shape="rect" id="node3" href="channel.html" title="channel" alt="" coords="469,1451,619,1531">
+<area shape="rect" id="node5" href="hubloc.html" title="hubloc" alt="" coords="7,1449,175,1529">
+<area shape="rect" id="node7" href="xchan.html" title="xchan" alt="" coords="221,1517,389,1597">
+<area shape="rect" id="node9" href="verify.html" title="verify" alt="" coords="435,4783,653,4982">
+<area shape="rect" id="node11" href="config.html" title="config" alt="" coords="740,6682,868,6830">
+<area shape="rect" id="node14" href="cache.html" title="cache" alt="" coords="476,6605,612,6685">
+<area shape="rect" id="node15" href="conv.html" title="conv" alt="" coords="737,5309,871,5547">
+<area shape="rect" id="node17" href="fcontact.html" title="fcontact" alt="" coords="741,5563,867,5983">
+<area shape="rect" id="node19" href="ffinder.html" title="ffinder" alt="" coords="744,5999,864,6147">
+<area shape="rect" id="node21" href="group_member.html" title="group_member" alt="" coords="727,3809,881,3957">
+<area shape="rect" id="node24" href="groups.html" title="groups" alt="" coords="739,601,869,794">
+<area shape="rect" id="node31" href="item.html" title="item" alt="" coords="699,1892,909,3604">
+<area shape="rect" id="node36" href="item_id.html" title="item_id" alt="" coords="735,6164,873,6335">
+<area shape="rect" id="node38" href="likes.html" title="likes" alt="" coords="739,1591,869,1875">
+<area shape="rect" id="node41" href="mail.html" title="mail" alt="" coords="728,1019,880,1575">
+<area shape="rect" id="node43" href="account.html" title="account" alt="" coords="483,1191,605,1271">
+<area shape="rect" id="node48" href="photo.html" title="photo" alt="" coords="723,3973,885,4665">
+<area shape="rect" id="node51" href="profdef.html" title="profdef" alt="" coords="739,4681,869,4874">
+<area shape="rect" id="node53" href="profext.html" title="profext" alt="" coords="739,3621,869,3792">
+<area shape="rect" id="node60" href="profile_check.html" title="profile_check" alt="" coords="735,4890,873,5083">
+<area shape="rect" id="node62" href="register.html" title="register" alt="" coords="740,810,868,1003">
+<area shape="rect" id="node67" href="sign.html" title="sign" alt="" coords="739,5099,869,5293">
+<area shape="rect" id="node69" href="sys_perms.html" title="sys_perms" alt="" coords="737,6495,871,6665">
+<area shape="rect" id="node74" href="xconfig.html" title="xconfig" alt="" coords="743,6847,865,7017">
+<area shape="rect" id="node78" href="xign.html" title="xign" alt="" coords="744,6352,864,6477">
+ <a name='diagram'><img id='impliedTwoDegreesImg' src='../diagrams/verify.implied2degrees.png' usemap='#impliedTwoDegreesRelationshipsDiagram' class='diagram' border='0' alt='' align='left'></a>