path: root/Zotlabs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Zotlabs')
2 files changed, 337 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Module/Admin.php b/Zotlabs/Module/Admin.php
index e1eaa6e0e..63f3e77f0 100644
--- a/Zotlabs/Module/Admin.php
+++ b/Zotlabs/Module/Admin.php
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
namespace Zotlabs\Module;
+use \Zotlabs\Storage\GitRepo as GitRepo;
* @file mod/admin.php
* @brief Hubzilla's admin controller.
@@ -36,6 +39,22 @@ class Admin extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
case 'plugins':
+ if (argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'addrepo') {
+ $this->admin_page_plugins_post('addrepo');
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'installrepo') {
+ $this->admin_page_plugins_post('installrepo');
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'removerepo') {
+ $this->admin_page_plugins_post('removerepo');
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'updaterepo') {
+ $this->admin_page_plugins_post('updaterepo');
+ break;
+ }
if (argc() > 2 &&
is_file("addon/" . argv(2) . "/" . argv(2) . ".php")){
@include_once("addon/" . argv(2) . "/" . argv(2) . ".php");
@@ -1343,6 +1362,33 @@ class Admin extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
+ $admin_plugins_add_repo_form= replace_macros(
+ get_markup_template('admin_plugins_addrepo.tpl'), array(
+ '$post' => 'admin/plugins/addrepo',
+ '$desc' => t('Enter the public git repository URL of the plugin repo.'),
+ '$repoURL' => array('repoURL', t('Plugin repo git URL'), '', ''),
+ '$repoName' => array('repoName', t('Custom repo name'), '', '', t('(optional)')),
+ '$submit' => t('Download Plugin Repo')
+ )
+ );
+ $newRepoModalID = random_string(3);
+ $newRepoModal = replace_macros(
+ get_markup_template('generic_modal.tpl'), array(
+ '$id' => $newRepoModalID,
+ '$title' => t('Install new repo'),
+ '$ok' => t('Install'),
+ '$cancel' => t('Cancel')
+ )
+ );
+ $reponames = $this->listAddonRepos();
+ $addonrepos = [];
+ foreach($reponames as $repo) {
+ $addonrepos[] = array('name' => $repo, 'description' => '');
+ // TODO: Parse repo info to provide more information about repos
+ }
$t = get_markup_template('admin_plugins.tpl');
return replace_macros($t, array(
'$title' => t('Administration'),
@@ -1353,9 +1399,32 @@ class Admin extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
'$plugins' => $plugins,
'$disabled' => t('Disabled - version incompatibility'),
'$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token('admin_plugins'),
+ '$addrepo' => t('Add Plugin Repo'),
+ '$expandform' => false,
+ '$form' => $admin_plugins_add_repo_form,
+ '$newRepoModal' => $newRepoModal,
+ '$newRepoModalID' => $newRepoModalID,
+ '$addonrepos' => $addonrepos,
+ '$repoUpdateButton' => t('Update'),
+ '$repoBranchButton' => t('Switch branch'),
+ '$repoRemoveButton' => t('Remove')
+ function listAddonRepos() {
+ $addonrepos = [];
+ $addonDir = __DIR__ . '/../../extend/addon/';
+ if ($handle = opendir($addonDir)) {
+ while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
+ if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
+ $addonrepos[] = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($handle);
+ }
+ return $addonrepos;
+ }
static public function plugin_sort($a,$b) {
@@ -1647,6 +1716,132 @@ class Admin extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
+ function admin_page_plugins_post($action) {
+ switch($action) {
+ case 'updaterepo':
+ if(array_key_exists('repoName', $_REQUEST)) {
+ $repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
+ } else {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'No repo name provided.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ $repoDir = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git/sys/extend/addon/'.$repoName;
+ if(!is_dir($repoDir)) {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid addon repo.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ $git = new GitRepo('sys', null, false, $repoName, $repoDir);
+ try {
+ if($git->pull()) {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Repo updated.', 'success' => true));
+ } else {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error updating addon repo.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ } catch(\PHPGit\Exception\GitException $e) {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error updating addon repo.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ case 'removerepo':
+ if(array_key_exists('repoName', $_REQUEST)) {
+ $repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
+ } else {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'No repo name provided.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ $repoDir = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git/sys/extend/addon/'.$repoName;
+ if(!is_dir($repoDir)) {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid addon repo.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ // TODO: remove directory and unlink /addon/files
+ if(rrmdir($repoDir)) {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Repo deleted.', 'success' => true));
+ } else {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error deleting addon repo.', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ case 'installrepo':
+ require_once('library/markdown.php');
+ if(array_key_exists('repoURL',$_REQUEST)) {
+ require __DIR__ . '/../../library/PHPGit.autoload.php'; // Load PHPGit dependencies
+ $repoURL = $_REQUEST['repoURL'];
+ $extendDir = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git/sys/extend';
+ $addonDir = $extendDir.'/addon';
+ if(!file_exists($extendDir)) {
+ if(!mkdir($extendDir, 0770, true)) {
+ logger('Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir);
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir, 'success' => false));
+ } else {
+ if(!symlink(__DIR__ . '/../../extend/addon', $addonDir)) {
+ logger('Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir);
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir, 'success' => false));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $repoName = null;
+ if(array_key_exists('repoName',$_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['repoName'] !== '') {
+ $repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
+ } else {
+ $repoName = GitRepo::getRepoNameFromURL($repoURL);
+ }
+ if(!$repoName) {
+ logger('Invalid git repo');
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid git repo', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ $repoDir = $addonDir.'/'.$repoName;
+ $tempAddonDir = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git/sys/temp/' . $repoName;
+ rename($tempAddonDir, $repoDir);
+ $git = new GitRepo('sys', $repoURL, false, $repoName, $repoDir);
+ $repo = $git->probeRepo();
+ json_return_and_die(array('repo'=> $repo, 'message' => '', 'success' => true));
+ }
+ case 'addrepo':
+ require_once('library/markdown.php');
+ if(array_key_exists('repoURL',$_REQUEST)) {
+ require __DIR__ . '/../../library/PHPGit.autoload.php'; // Load PHPGit dependencies
+ $repoURL = $_REQUEST['repoURL'];
+ $extendDir = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git/sys/extend';
+ $addonDir = $extendDir.'/addon';
+ $tempAddonDir = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git/sys/temp';
+ if(!file_exists($extendDir)) {
+ if(!mkdir($extendDir, 0770, true)) {
+ logger('Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir);
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating extend folder: ' . $extendDir, 'success' => false));
+ } else {
+ if(!symlink(__DIR__ . '/../../extend/addon', $addonDir)) {
+ logger('Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir);
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Error creating symlink to addon folder: ' . $addonDir, 'success' => false));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $repoName = null;
+ if(array_key_exists('repoName',$_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['repoName'] !== '') {
+ $repoName = $_REQUEST['repoName'];
+ } else {
+ $repoName = GitRepo::getRepoNameFromURL($repoURL);
+ }
+ if(!$repoName) {
+ logger('Invalid git repo');
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'Invalid git repo: ' . $repoName, 'success' => false));
+ }
+ $repoDir = $tempAddonDir.'/'.$repoName;
+ // clone the repo if new automatically
+ $git = new GitRepo('sys', $repoURL, true, $repoName, $repoDir);
+ $repo = $git->probeRepo();
+ $repo['readme'] = $repo['manifest'] = null;
+ foreach ($git->git->tree('master') as $object) {
+ if ($object['type'] == 'blob' && (strtolower($object['file']) === 'readme.md' || strtolower($object['file']) === 'readme')) {
+ $repo['readme'] = Markdown($git->git->cat->blob($object['hash']));
+ } else if ($object['type'] == 'blob' && strtolower($object['file']) === 'manifest.json') {
+ $repo['manifest'] = $git->git->cat->blob($object['hash']);
+ }
+ }
+ json_return_and_die(array('repo'=> $repo, 'message' => '', 'success' => true));
+ } else {
+ json_return_and_die(array('message' => 'No repo URL provided', 'success' => false));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
function admin_page_profs_post(&$a) {
if(array_key_exists('basic',$_REQUEST)) {
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Storage/GitRepo.php b/Zotlabs/Storage/GitRepo.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a24e03c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Zotlabs/Storage/GitRepo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+namespace Zotlabs\Storage;
+use PHPGit\Git as PHPGit;
+require __DIR__ . '/../../library/PHPGit.autoload.php'; // Load PHPGit dependencies
+ * Wrapper class for PHPGit class for git repositories managed by Hubzilla
+ *
+ * @author Andrew Manning <andrewmanning@grid.reticu.li>
+ */
+class GitRepo {
+ public $url = null;
+ public $name = null;
+ private $path = null;
+ private $channel = null;
+ public $git = null;
+ private $repoBasePath = null;
+ function __construct($channel = 'sys', $url = null, $clone = false, $name = null, $path = null) {
+ if ($channel === 'sys' && !is_site_admin()) {
+ logger('Only admin can use channel sys');
+ return null;
+ }
+ $this->repoBasePath = __DIR__ . '/../../store/git';
+ $this->channel = $channel;
+ $this->git = new PHPGit();
+ // Allow custom path for repo in the case of , for example
+ if ($path) {
+ $this->path = $path;
+ } else {
+ $this->path = $this->repoBasePath . "/" . $this->channel . "/" . $this->name;
+ }
+ if ($this->isValidGitRepoURL($url)) {
+ $this->url = $url;
+ }
+ if ($name) {
+ $this->name = $name;
+ } else {
+ $this->name = $this->getRepoNameFromURL($url);
+ }
+ if (!$this->name) {
+ logger('Error creating GitRepo. No repo name found.');
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (is_dir($this->path)) {
+ // ignore the $url input if it exists
+ // TODO: Check if the path is either empty or is a valid git repo and error if not
+ $this->git->setRepository($this->path);
+ // TODO: get repo metadata
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($this->url) {
+ // create the folder and clone the repo at url to that folder if $clone is true
+ if ($clone) {
+ if (mkdir($this->path, 0770, true)) {
+ $this->git->setRepository($this->path);
+ if (!$this->cloneRepo()) {
+ // TODO: throw error
+ logger('git clone failed: ' . json_encode($this->git));
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger('git repo path could not be created: ' . json_encode($this->git));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function pull() {
+ try {
+ $success = $this->git->pull();
+ } catch (\PHPGit\Exception\GitException $ex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $success;
+ }
+ public function getRepoPath() {
+ return $this->path;
+ }
+ public function setRepoPath($directory) {
+ if (is_dir($directory)) {
+ $this->path->$directory;
+ $this->git->setRepository($directory);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function setIdentity($user_name, $user_email) {
+ // setup user for commit messages
+ $this->git->config->set("user.name", $user_name, ['global' => false, 'system' => false]);
+ $this->git->config->set("user.email", $user_email, ['global' => false, 'system' => false]);
+ }
+ public function cloneRepo() {
+ if (validate_url($this->url) && $this->isValidGitRepoURL($this->url) && is_dir($this->path)) {
+ return $this->git->clone($this->url, $this->path);
+ }
+ }
+ public function probeRepo() {
+ $git = $this->git;
+ $repo = array();
+ $repo['remote'] = $git->remote();
+ $repo['branches'] = $git->branch(['all' => true]);
+ $repo['logs'] = $git->log(array('limit' => 50));
+ return $repo;
+ }
+ public static function isValidGitRepoURL($url) {
+ if (validate_url($url) && strrpos(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), '.')) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getRepoNameFromURL($url) {
+ $urlpath = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
+ $lastslash = strrpos($urlpath, '/') + 1;
+ $gitext = strrpos($urlpath, '.');
+ if ($gitext) {
+ return substr($urlpath, $lastslash, $gitext - $lastslash);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }