path: root/Zotlabs/Web
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Zotlabs/Web')
5 files changed, 442 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Web/CheckJS.php b/Zotlabs/Web/CheckJS.php
index 109790fa5..8179ceb15 100644
--- a/Zotlabs/Web/CheckJS.php
+++ b/Zotlabs/Web/CheckJS.php
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ class CheckJS {
$page = urlencode(\App::$query_string);
if($test) {
- self::$jsdisabled = 1;
+ $this->jsdisabled = 1;
- self::$jsdisabled = $_COOKIE['jsdisabled'];
+ $this->jsdisabled = $_COOKIE['jsdisabled'];
if(! array_key_exists('jsdisabled',$_COOKIE)) {
\App::$page['htmlhead'] .= "\r\n" . '<script>document.cookie="jsdisabled=0; path=/"; var jsMatch = /\&jsdisabled=0/; if (!jsMatch.exec(location.href)) { location.href = "' . z_root() . '/nojs/0?f=&redir=' . $page . '" ; }</script>' . "\r\n";
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class CheckJS {
function disabled() {
- return self::$jsdisabled;
+ return $this->jsdisabled;
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Web/HTTPHeaders.php b/Zotlabs/Web/HTTPHeaders.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4be51a8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Zotlabs/Web/HTTPHeaders.php
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+namespace Zotlabs\Web;
+class HTTPHeaders {
+ private $in_progress = [];
+ private $parsed = [];
+ function __construct($headers) {
+ $lines = explode("\n",str_replace("\r",'',$headers));
+ if($lines) {
+ foreach($lines as $line) {
+ if(preg_match('/^\s+/',$line,$matches) && trim($line)) {
+ if($this->in_progress['k']) {
+ $this->in_progress['v'] .= ' ' . ltrim($line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if($this->in_progress['k']) {
+ $this->parsed[] = [ $this->in_progress['k'] => $this->in_progress['v'] ];
+ $this->in_progress = [];
+ }
+ $this->in_progress['k'] = strtolower(substr($line,0,strpos($line,':')));
+ $this->in_progress['v'] = ltrim(substr($line,strpos($line,':') + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->in_progress['k']) {
+ $this->parsed[] = [ $this->in_progress['k'] => $this->in_progress['v'] ];
+ $this->in_progress = [];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function fetch() {
+ return $this->parsed;
+ }
+ function fetcharr() {
+ $ret = [];
+ if($this->parsed) {
+ foreach($this->parsed as $x) {
+ foreach($x as $y => $z) {
+ $ret[$y] = $z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Web/HTTPSig.php b/Zotlabs/Web/HTTPSig.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c66b8cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Zotlabs/Web/HTTPSig.php
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+namespace Zotlabs\Web;
+ * Implements HTTP Signatures per draft-cavage-http-signatures-07
+ */
+class HTTPSig {
+ // See RFC5843
+ static function generate_digest($body,$set = true) {
+ $digest = base64_encode(hash('sha256',$body,true));
+ if($set) {
+ header('Digest: SHA-256=' . $digest);
+ }
+ return $digest;
+ }
+ // See draft-cavage-http-signatures-08
+ static function verify($data,$key = '') {
+ $body = $data;
+ $headers = null;
+ $spoofable = false;
+ $result = [
+ 'signer' => '',
+ 'header_signed' => false,
+ 'header_valid' => false,
+ 'content_signed' => false,
+ 'content_valid' => false
+ ];
+ // decide if $data arrived via controller submission or curl
+ if(is_array($data) && $data['header']) {
+ if(! $data['success'])
+ return $result;
+ $h = new \Zotlabs\Web\HTTPHeaders($data['header']);
+ $headers = $h->fetcharr();
+ $body = $data['body'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $headers = [];
+ $headers['(request-target)'] =
+ strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) . ' ' .
+ foreach($_SERVER as $k => $v) {
+ if(strpos($k,'HTTP_') === 0) {
+ $field = str_replace('_','-',strtolower(substr($k,5)));
+ $headers[$field] = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sig_block = null;
+ if(array_key_exists('signature',$headers)) {
+ $sig_block = self::parse_sigheader($headers['signature']);
+ }
+ elseif(array_key_exists('authorization',$headers)) {
+ $sig_block = self::parse_sigheader($headers['authorization']);
+ }
+ if(! $sig_block) {
+ logger('no signature provided.');
+ return $result;
+ }
+ // Warning: This log statement includes binary data
+ // logger('sig_block: ' . print_r($sig_block,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ $result['header_signed'] = true;
+ $signed_headers = $sig_block['headers'];
+ if(! $signed_headers)
+ $signed_headers = [ 'date' ];
+ $signed_data = '';
+ foreach($signed_headers as $h) {
+ if(array_key_exists($h,$headers)) {
+ $signed_data .= $h . ': ' . $headers[$h] . "\n";
+ }
+ if(strpos($h,'.')) {
+ $spoofable = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $signed_data = rtrim($signed_data,"\n");
+ $algorithm = null;
+ if($sig_block['algorithm'] === 'rsa-sha256') {
+ $algorithm = 'sha256';
+ }
+ if($sig_block['algorithm'] === 'rsa-sha512') {
+ $algorithm = 'sha512';
+ }
+ if($key && function_exists($key)) {
+ $result['signer'] = $sig_block['keyId'];
+ $key = $key($sig_block['keyId']);
+ }
+ if(! $key) {
+ $result['signer'] = $sig_block['keyId'];
+ $key = self::get_activitypub_key($sig_block['keyId']);
+ }
+ if(! $key)
+ return $result;
+ $x = rsa_verify($signed_data,$sig_block['signature'],$key,$algorithm);
+ logger('verified: ' . $x, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if($x === false)
+ return $result;
+ if(! $spoofable)
+ $result['header_valid'] = true;
+ if(in_array('digest',$signed_headers)) {
+ $result['content_signed'] = true;
+ $digest = explode('=', $headers['digest']);
+ if($digest[0] === 'SHA-256')
+ $hashalg = 'sha256';
+ if($digest[0] === 'SHA-512')
+ $hashalg = 'sha512';
+ // The explode operation will have stripped the '=' padding, so compare against unpadded base64
+ if(rtrim(base64_encode(hash($hashalg,$body,true)),'=') === $digest[1]) {
+ $result['content_valid'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ logger('Content_Valid: ' . $result['content_valid']);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ function get_activitypub_key($id) {
+ if(strpos($id,'acct:') === 0) {
+ $x = q("select xchan_pubkey from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_addr = '%s' limit 1",
+ dbesc(str_replace('acct:','',$id))
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $x = q("select xchan_pubkey from xchan where xchan_hash = '%s' and xchan_network = 'activitypub' ",
+ dbesc($id)
+ );
+ }
+ if($x && $x[0]['xchan_pubkey']) {
+ return ($x[0]['xchan_pubkey']);
+ }
+ $r = as_fetch($id);
+ if($r) {
+ $j = json_decode($r,true);
+ if($j['id'] !== $id)
+ return false;
+ if(array_key_exists('publicKey',$j) && array_key_exists('publicKeyPem',$j['publicKey'])) {
+ return($j['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static function create_sig($request,$head,$prvkey,$keyid = 'Key',$send_headers = false,$auth = false,$alg = 'sha256',
+ $crypt_key = null, $crypt_algo = 'aes256ctr') {
+ $return_headers = [];
+ if($alg === 'sha256') {
+ $algorithm = 'rsa-sha256';
+ }
+ if($alg === 'sha512') {
+ $algorithm = 'rsa-sha512';
+ }
+ $x = self::sign($request,$head,$prvkey,$alg);
+ $headerval = 'keyId="' . $keyid . '",algorithm="' . $algorithm
+ . '",headers="' . $x['headers'] . '",signature="' . $x['signature'] . '"';
+ if($crypt_key) {
+ $x = crypto_encapsulate($headerval,$crypt_key,$crypt_alg);
+ $headerval = 'iv="' . $x['iv'] . '",key="' . $x['key'] . '",alg="' . $x['alg'] . '",data="' . $x['data'];
+ }
+ if($auth) {
+ $sighead = 'Authorization: Signature ' . $headerval;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sighead = 'Signature: ' . $headerval;
+ }
+ if($head) {
+ foreach($head as $k => $v) {
+ if($send_headers) {
+ header($k . ': ' . $v);
+ }
+ else {
+ $return_headers[] = $k . ': ' . $v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($send_headers) {
+ header($sighead);
+ }
+ else {
+ $return_headers[] = $sighead;
+ }
+ return $return_headers;
+ }
+ static function sign($request,$head,$prvkey,$alg = 'sha256') {
+ $ret = [];
+ $headers = '';
+ $fields = '';
+ if($request) {
+ $headers = '(request-target)' . ': ' . trim($request) . "\n";
+ $fields = '(request-target)';
+ }
+ if(head) {
+ foreach($head as $k => $v) {
+ $headers .= strtolower($k) . ': ' . trim($v) . "\n";
+ if($fields)
+ $fields .= ' ';
+ $fields .= strtolower($k);
+ }
+ // strip the trailing linefeed
+ $headers = rtrim($headers,"\n");
+ }
+ $sig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($headers,$prvkey,$alg));
+ $ret['headers'] = $fields;
+ $ret['signature'] = $sig;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ static function parse_sigheader($header) {
+ $ret = [];
+ $matches = [];
+ // if the header is encrypted, decrypt with (default) site private key and continue
+ if(preg_match('/iv="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $header = self::decrypt_sigheader($header);
+ if(preg_match('/keyId="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $ret['keyId'] = $matches[1];
+ if(preg_match('/algorithm="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $ret['algorithm'] = $matches[1];
+ if(preg_match('/headers="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $ret['headers'] = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
+ if(preg_match('/signature="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $ret['signature'] = base64_decode(preg_replace('/\s+/','',$matches[1]));
+ if(($ret['signature']) && ($ret['algorithm']) && (! $ret['headers']))
+ $ret['headers'] = [ 'date' ];
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ static function decrypt_sigheader($header,$prvkey = null) {
+ $iv = $key = $alg = $data = null;
+ if(! $prvkey) {
+ $prvkey = get_config('system','prvkey');
+ }
+ $matches = [];
+ if(preg_match('/iv="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $iv = $matches[1];
+ if(preg_match('/key="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $key = $matches[1];
+ if(preg_match('/alg="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $alg = $matches[1];
+ if(preg_match('/data="(.*?)"/ism',$header,$matches))
+ $data = $matches[1];
+ if($iv && $key && $alg && $data) {
+ return crypto_unencapsulate([ 'iv' => $iv, 'key' => $key, 'alg' => $alg, 'data' => $data ] , $prvkey);
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Web/Router.php b/Zotlabs/Web/Router.php
index ba2e78b25..9486130cb 100644
--- a/Zotlabs/Web/Router.php
+++ b/Zotlabs/Web/Router.php
@@ -62,12 +62,6 @@ class Router {
- if((strpos($module,'admin') === 0) && (! is_site_admin())) {
- \App::$module_loaded = false;
- notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL);
- goaway(z_root());
- }
* If the site has a custom module to over-ride the standard module, use it.
* Otherwise, look for the standard program module
@@ -125,6 +119,18 @@ class Router {
if(! (\App::$module_loaded)) {
+ // undo the setting of a letsencrypt acme-challenge rewrite rule
+ // which blocks access to our .well-known routes.
+ // Also provide a config setting for sites that have a legitimate need
+ // for a custom .htaccess in the .well-known directory; but they should
+ // make the file read-only so letsencrypt doesn't modify it
+ if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/.well-known/') === 0) {
+ if(file_exists('.well-known/.htaccess') && get_config('system','fix_apache_acme',true)) {
+ rename('.well-known/.htaccess','.well-known/.htaccess.old');
+ }
+ }
$x = [
'module' => $module,
'installed' => \App::$module_loaded,
@@ -172,6 +178,7 @@ class Router {
if(\App::$module_loaded) {
\App::$page['page_title'] = \App::$module;
$placeholder = '';
@@ -208,7 +215,7 @@ class Router {
* The member may have also created a customised PDL that's stored in the config
- load_pdl($a);
+ load_pdl();
* load current theme info
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Web/WebServer.php b/Zotlabs/Web/WebServer.php
index 5bb0e08e8..9e6af8c4c 100644
--- a/Zotlabs/Web/WebServer.php
+++ b/Zotlabs/Web/WebServer.php
@@ -58,7 +58,11 @@ class WebServer {
if((x($_GET,'zid')) && (! \App::$install)) {
\App::$query_string = strip_zids(\App::$query_string);
if(! local_channel()) {
- $_SESSION['my_address'] = $_GET['zid'];
+ if ($_SESSION['my_address']!=$_GET['zid'])
+ {
+ $_SESSION['my_address'] = $_GET['zid'];
+ $_SESSION['authenticated'] = 0;
+ }
@@ -70,6 +74,12 @@ class WebServer {
+ if((x($_REQUEST,'owt')) && (! \App::$install)) {
+ $token = $_REQUEST['owt'];
+ \App::$query_string = strip_query_param(\App::$query_string,'owt');
+ owt_init($token);
+ }
if((x($_SESSION, 'authenticated')) || (x($_POST, 'auth-params')) || (\App::$module === 'login'))
@@ -79,11 +89,6 @@ class WebServer {
if(! x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info'))
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = array();
- /*
- * check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically
- * update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if
- * any plugins have been added or removed and reacts accordingly.
- */
if(\App::$install) {
@@ -91,13 +96,49 @@ class WebServer {
if(\App::$module != 'view')
\App::$module = 'setup';
- else
- check_config($a);
+ else {
+ /*
+ * check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically
+ * update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if
+ * any plugins have been added or removed and reacts accordingly.
+ */
+ check_config();
+ }
- nav_set_selected('nothing');
+ //nav_set_selected('nothing');
$Router = new Router($a);
+ /* Initialise the Link: response header if this is a channel page.
+ * This cannot be done inside the channel module because some protocol
+ * addons over-ride the module functions and these links are common
+ * to all protocol drivers; thus doing it here avoids duplication.
+ */
+ if (( \App::$module === 'channel' ) && argc() > 1) {
+ \App::$channel_links = [
+ [
+ 'rel' => 'lrdd',
+ 'type' => 'application/xrd+xml',
+ 'url' => z_root() . '/xrd?f=&uri=acct%3A' . argv(1) . '%40' . \App::get_hostname()
+ ],
+ [
+ 'rel' => 'jrd',
+ 'type' => 'application/jrd+json',
+ 'url' => z_root() . '/.well-known/webfinger?f=&resource=acct%3A' . argv(1) . '%40' . \App::get_hostname()
+ ],
+ ];
+ $x = [ 'channel_address' => argv(1), 'channel_links' => \App::$channel_links ];
+ call_hooks('channel_links', $x );
+ \App::$channel_links = $x['channel_links'];
+ header('Link: ' . \App::get_channel_links());
+ }
/* initialise content region */
if(! x(\App::$page, 'content'))
@@ -130,8 +171,8 @@ class WebServer {
call_hooks('page_end', \App::$page['content']);
- construct_page($a);
+ construct_page();
-} \ No newline at end of file