path: root/Zotlabs/Module/Regate.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Zotlabs/Module/Regate.php')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Zotlabs/Module/Regate.php b/Zotlabs/Module/Regate.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..372b65433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Zotlabs/Module/Regate.php
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+namespace Zotlabs\Module;
+ *
+ * @version 2.0.0
+ * @author hilmar runge
+ * @since 2020-03-03
+ * Check verification pin
+ * input field email address
+ * input field pin (told during register)
+ * check duty
+ * check startup and expire
+ * compare email address
+ * check pin
+ * limited tries to enter the correct pin/pass 2 handle via f2b
+ * on success create account and update register
+ *
+ */
+ define ( 'REGISTER_AGREED', 0x0020 );
+ define ( 'REGISTER_DENIED', 0x0040 );
+class Regate extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {
+ const MYP = 'ZAR'; //ZAR1x
+ const VERSION = '2.0.0';
+ function post() {
+ check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/', 'regate');
+ if ( argc() > 1 ) {
+ $did2 = hex2bin( substr( argv(1), 0, -1) );
+ $didx = substr( argv(1), -1 );
+ }
+ $msg = '';
+ $nextpage = '';
+ if ($did2) {
+ $nowhhmm = date('Hi');
+ $day = date('N');
+ $now = datetime_convert();
+ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ $isduty = zar_register_dutystate();
+ if (!$_SESSION['zar']['invite_in_progress'] && ($isduty['isduty'] !== false && $isduty['isduty'] != 1)) {
+ // normally, that should never happen here
+ // log suitable for fail2ban also
+ $logmsg = 'ZAR1230S Unexpected registration verification request for '
+ . get_config('system','sitename') . ' arrived from § ' . $ip . ' §';
+ zar_log($logmsg);
+ goaway(z_root());
+ }
+ // do we have a valid dId2 ?
+ if (($didx == 'a' && substr( $did2 , -2) == substr( base_convert( md5( substr( $did2, 1, -2) ),16 ,10), -2)) || ($didx == 'e') || ($didx == 'i')) {
+ // check startup and expiration via [=[register
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM register WHERE reg_vital = 1 AND reg_did2 = '%s' ORDER BY reg_created DESC ",
+ dbesc($did2)
+ );
+ if ($r && count($r)) {
+ $r = $r[0];
+ // check timeframe
+ if ($r['reg_startup'] <= $now && $r['reg_expires'] >= $now) {
+ if (isset($_POST['resend']) && $didx == 'e') {
+ $re = q("SELECT * FROM register WHERE reg_vital = 1 AND reg_didx = 'e' AND reg_did2 = '%s' ORDER BY reg_created DESC ", dbesc($r['reg_did2']) );
+ if ($re) {
+ $re = $re[0];
+ $reonar = json_decode($re['reg_stuff'], true);
+ if ($reonar) {
+ $reonar['subject'] = 'Re,Fwd,' . $reonar['subject'];
+ $zm = zar_reg_mail($reonar);
+ $msg = (($zm) ? t('Email resent') : t('Email resend failed'));
+ zar_log((($zm) ? 'ZAR1238I' : 'ZAR1238E') . ' ' . $msg . ' ' . $r['reg_did2']);
+ info($msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check hash
+ if ( $didx == 'a' )
+ $acpin = (preg_match('/^[0-9]{6,6}$/', $_POST['acpin']) ? $_POST['acpin'] : false);
+ elseif ( $didx == 'e' )
+ $acpin = (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{24,24}$/', $_POST['acpin']) ? $_POST['acpin'] : false);
+ elseif ( $didx == 'i' )
+ $acpin = $r['reg_hash'];
+ else
+ $acpin = false;
+ if ( $acpin && ($r['reg_hash'] == $acpin )) {
+ $flags = $r['reg_flags'];
+ // verification success
+ $msg = 'ZAR1237I' . ' ' . t('Verify successfull');
+ $reonar = json_decode( $r['reg_stuff'], true);
+ $reonar['valid'] = $now . ',' . $ip . ' ' . $did2 . ' ' . $msg;
+ // clear flag
+ $flags &= $flags ^ ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED;
+ // are we invited by the admin?
+ $isa = get_account_by_id($r['reg_uid']);
+ $isa = ($isa && ($isa['account_roles'] && ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMIN));
+ // approve contra invite by admin
+ if ($isa && get_config('system','register_policy') == REGISTER_APPROVE) {
+ $flags &= $flags ^ ACCOUNT_PENDING;
+ }
+ // sth todo?
+ $vital = $flags == 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ // set flag
+ $flags |= REGISTER_AGREED;
+ zar_log($msg . ' ' . $did2 . ':flags' . $flags . ',rid' . $r['reg_id']);
+ $qu = q("UPDATE register SET reg_stuff = '%s', reg_vital = %d, reg_flags = %d "
+ ." WHERE reg_id = %d ",
+ dbesc(json_encode($reonar)),
+ intval($vital),
+ intval($flags),
+ intval($r['reg_id'])
+ );
+ $nextpage = 'regate/' . bin2hex($did2) . $didx;
+ q("COMMIT");
+ }
+ elseif (($flags ^ REGISTER_AGREED) == 0) {
+ $cra = create_account_from_register([ 'reg_id' => $r['reg_id'] ]);
+ if ($cra['success']) {
+ q("COMMIT");
+ $msg = t('Account successfull created');
+ // zar_log($msg . ':' . print_r($cra, true));
+ zar_log('ZAR1238I ' . $msg . ' ' . $cra['account']['account_email']
+ . ' ' . $cra['account']['account_language']);
+ $nextpage = 'new_channel';
+ $auto_create = get_config('system','auto_channel_create',1);
+ if($auto_create) {
+ // prepare channel creation
+ if($reonar['chan.name'])
+ set_aconfig($cra['account']['account_id'], 'register', 'channel_name', $reonar['chan.name']);
+ if($reonar['chan.did1'])
+ set_aconfig($cra['account']['account_id'], 'register', 'channel_address', $reonar['chan.did1']);
+ $permissions_role = get_config('system','default_permissions_role');
+ if($permissions_role)
+ set_aconfig($cra['account']['account_id'], 'register', 'permissions_role', $permissions_role);
+ }
+ authenticate_success($cra['account'],null,true,false,true);
+ if($auto_create) {
+ // create channel
+ $new_channel = auto_channel_create($cra['account']['account_id']);
+ if($new_channel['success']) {
+ $channel_id = $new_channel['channel']['channel_id'];
+ change_channel($channel_id);
+ $nextpage = 'profiles/' . $channel_id;
+ $msg = 'ZAR1239I ' . t('Channel successfull created') . ' ' . $did2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = 'ZAR1239E ' . t('Channel still not created') . ' ' . $did2;
+ }
+ zar_log($msg . ' ' . $reonar['chan.did1'] . ' (' . $reonar['chan.name'] . ')');
+ }
+ unset($_SESSION['login_return_url']);
+ }
+ else {
+ q("ROLLBACK");
+ $msg = 'ZAR1238E ' . t('Account creation error');
+ zar_log($msg . ':' . print_r($cra, true));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // new flags implemented and not recognized or sth like
+ zar_log('ZAR1237D unexpected,' . $flags);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // nothing to confirm
+ $msg = 'ZAR1236E' . ' ' . t('Verify failed');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = 'ZAR1235E' . ' ' . t('Token verification failed');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = 'ZAR1234W' . ' ' . t('Request not inside time frame');
+ //info($r[0]['reg_startup'] . EOL . $r[0]['reg_expire'] );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = 'ZAR1232E' . ' ' . t('Identity unknown');
+ zar_log($msg . ':' . $did2 . $didx);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = 'ZAR1231E' . t('dId2 mistaken');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($msg > '') info($msg);
+ goaway( z_root() . '/' . $nextpage );
+ }
+ function get() {
+ if (argc() == 1) {
+ if(isset($_GET['reg_id'])) {
+ if ( preg_match('/^.{2,64}\@[a-z0-9.-]{4,32}\.[a-z]{2,12}$/', $_GET['reg_id'] ) ) {
+ // dId2 E email
+ goaway(z_root() . '/regate/' . bin2hex($_GET['reg_id']) . 'e' );
+ }
+ if ( preg_match('/^d{1,1}[0-9]{5,10}$/', $_GET['reg_id'] ) ) {
+ // dId2 A artifical & anonymous
+ goaway(z_root() . '/regate/' . bin2hex($_GET['reg_id']) . 'a' );
+ }
+ notice(t('Identity unknown') . EOL);
+ }
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('plain.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => t('Your Registration ID'),
+ '$now' => '<form action="regate" method="get"><input type="text" name="reg_id" class="form-control form-group"><button class="btn btn-primary float-right">Submit</button></form>'
+ ]);
+ return $o;
+ }
+ $isduty = zar_register_dutystate();
+ $nowfmt = $isduty['nowfmt'];
+ $atform = $isduty['atform'];
+ if ($_SESSION['zar']['delayed']) {
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('regate_pre.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => t('Registration verification'),
+ '$now' => $nowfmt,
+ '$id' => $_SESSION['zar']['id'],
+ '$pin' => $_SESSION['zar']['pin'],
+ '$regdelay' => $_SESSION['zar']['regdelay'],
+ '$regexpire' => $_SESSION['zar']['regexpire'],
+ '$strings' => [
+ t('Hold on, you can start verification in'),
+ t('Please remember your verification token for ID'),
+ t('Token validity')
+ ]
+ ]);
+ unset($_SESSION['zar']['delayed']);
+ return $o;
+ }
+ if (argc() < 2)
+ return;
+ $did2 = hex2bin( substr( argv(1), 0, -1) );
+ $didx = substr( argv(1), -1 );
+ $deny = argc() > 2 ? argv(2) : '';
+ $deny = preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{8,8}$/', $deny) ? hex2bin($deny) : false;
+ $now = datetime_convert();
+ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ $pin = '';
+ if(isset($_SESSION['zar']['pin'])) {
+ $pin = $_SESSION['zar']['pin'];
+ unset($_SESSION['zar']['pin']);
+ }
+ // do we have a valid dId2 ?
+ if (($didx == 'a' && substr( $did2 , -2) == substr( base_convert( md5( substr( $did2, 1, -2) ),16 ,10), -2)) || ($didx == 'e') || ($didx == 'i')) {
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM register WHERE reg_vital = 1 AND reg_didx = '%s' AND reg_did2 = '%s' ORDER BY reg_created DESC",
+ dbesc($didx),
+ dbesc($did2)
+ );
+ if ($r && count($r) && $r[0]['reg_flags'] &= (ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED | ACCOUNT_PENDING)) {
+ $r = $r[0];
+ // provide a button in case
+ $resend = ($r['reg_didx'] == 'e') ? t('Resend') : false;
+ // is still only instance admins intervention required?
+ if ($r['reg_flags'] == ACCOUNT_PENDING) {
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('regate_post.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => t('Registration status'),
+ '$id' => $did2,
+ '$strings' => [
+ t('Verification successful!'),
+ t('Your login ID is'),
+ t('After your account has been approved by our administrator you will be able to login with your login ID and your provided password.')
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($deny) {
+ if (substr($r['reg_hash'],0,4) == $deny) {
+ zar_log('ZAR1134S email verfication denied ' . $did2);
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('plain.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => t('Registration request revoked'),
+ '$infos' => t('Sorry for any inconvience. Thank you for your response.')
+ ]);
+ $reonar = json_decode( $r['reg_stuff'], true);
+ $reonar['deny'] = $now . ',' . $ip . ' ' . $did2 . ' ' . $msg;
+ $flags = ( $r['reg_flags'] &= ( $r['reg_flags'] ^ ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED) )
+ | ( $r['reg_flags'] |= REGISTER_DENIED);
+ $rd = q("UPDATE register SET reg_stuff='%s', reg_vital=0, reg_flags=%d WHERE reg_id = %d ",
+ dbesc(json_encode($reonar)),
+ intval($flags),
+ intval($r['reg_id'])
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ zar_log('ZAR1135E not awaited url parameter received');
+ goaway(z_root);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( $r['reg_startup'] <= $now && $r['reg_expires'] >= $now) {
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('regate.tpl'), [
+ '$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("regate"),
+ '$title' => t('Registration verification'),
+ '$desc' => t('Please enter your verification token for ID'),
+ '$id' => $did2,
+ // we might consider to not provide $pin if a registration delay is configured
+ // and the pin turns out to be readable by bots
+ '$pin' => $pin,
+ '$did2' => bin2hex($did2) . $didx,
+ '$now' => $nowfmt,
+ '$atform' => $atform,
+ '$resend' => $resend,
+ '$submit' => t('Submit'),
+ '$acpin' => [ 'acpin', t('Verification token'),'','' ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ else {
+ // expired ?
+ if ( $now > $r['reg_expires'] ) {
+ $rd = q("UPDATE register SET reg_vital = 0 WHERE reg_id = %d ",
+ intval($r['reg_id'])
+ );
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('plain.tpl'), [
+ '$infos' => t('ID expired'),
+ ]);
+ return $o;
+ }
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('regate_pre.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => t('Registration verification'),
+ '$now' => $nowfmt,
+ '$id' => $did2,
+ '$countdown' => datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $r['reg_startup'], 'c'),
+ '$strings' => [
+ t('Hold on, you can start verification in'),
+ t('You will require the verification token for ID')
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = t('Unknown or expired ID');
+ zar_log('ZAR1132E ' . $msg . ':' . $did2 . ',' . $didx);
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('plain.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => $title,
+ '$now' => $nowfmt,
+ '$infos' => $msg
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg = 'ZAR1131E ' . t('dId2 malformed');
+ // $log = ' from § ' . $ip . ' §' . ' (' . dbesc($did2) . ')';
+ zar_log($msg);
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('plain.tpl'), [
+ '$title' => $title,
+ '$now' => $nowfmt,
+ '$infos' => $msg
+ ]);
+ }
+ return $o;
+ }