diff options
9 files changed, 306 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/doc/toc.html b/doc/toc.html
index 7fad42b36..458f6ec84 100644
--- a/doc/toc.html
+++ b/doc/toc.html
@@ -93,277 +93,6 @@
-// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
-@license Sticky-kit v1.1.3 | MIT | Leaf Corcoran 2015 | http://leafo.net
- */
-(function() {
- var $, win;
- $ = window.jQuery;
- win = $(window);
- $.fn.stick_in_parent = function(opts) {
- var doc, elm, enable_bottoming, fn, i, inner_scrolling, len, manual_spacer, offset_top, outer_width, parent_selector, recalc_every, sticky_class;
- if (opts == null) {
- opts = {};
- }
- sticky_class = opts.sticky_class, inner_scrolling = opts.inner_scrolling, recalc_every = opts.recalc_every, parent_selector = opts.parent, offset_top = opts.offset_top, manual_spacer = opts.spacer, enable_bottoming = opts.bottoming;
- if (offset_top == null) {
- offset_top = 0;
- }
- if (parent_selector == null) {
- parent_selector = void 0;
- }
- if (inner_scrolling == null) {
- inner_scrolling = true;
- }
- if (sticky_class == null) {
- sticky_class = "is_stuck";
- }
- doc = $(document);
- if (enable_bottoming == null) {
- enable_bottoming = true;
- }
- outer_width = function(el) {
- var _el, computed, w;
- if (window.getComputedStyle) {
- _el = el[0];
- computed = window.getComputedStyle(el[0]);
- w = parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("width")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("margin-left")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("margin-right"));
- if (computed.getPropertyValue("box-sizing") !== "border-box") {
- w += parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("border-left-width")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("border-right-width")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("padding-left")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("padding-right"));
- }
- return w;
- } else {
- return el.outerWidth(true);
- }
- };
- fn = function(elm, padding_bottom, parent_top, parent_height, top, height, el_float, detached) {
- var bottomed, detach, fixed, last_pos, last_scroll_height, offset, parent, recalc, recalc_and_tick, recalc_counter, spacer, tick;
- if (elm.data("sticky_kit")) {
- return;
- }
- elm.data("sticky_kit", true);
- last_scroll_height = doc.height();
- parent = elm.parent();
- if (parent_selector != null) {
- parent = parent.closest(parent_selector);
- }
- if (!parent.length) {
- throw "failed to find stick parent";
- }
- fixed = false;
- bottomed = false;
- spacer = manual_spacer != null ? manual_spacer && elm.closest(manual_spacer) : $("<div />");
- if (spacer) {
- spacer.css('position', elm.css('position'));
- }
- recalc = function() {
- var border_top, padding_top, restore;
- if (detached) {
- return;
- }
- last_scroll_height = doc.height();
- border_top = parseInt(parent.css("border-top-width"), 10);
- padding_top = parseInt(parent.css("padding-top"), 10);
- padding_bottom = parseInt(parent.css("padding-bottom"), 10);
- parent_top = parent.offset().top + border_top + padding_top;
- parent_height = parent.height();
- if (fixed) {
- fixed = false;
- bottomed = false;
- if (manual_spacer == null) {
- elm.insertAfter(spacer);
- spacer.detach();
- }
- elm.css({
- position: "",
- top: "",
- width: "",
- bottom: ""
- }).removeClass(sticky_class);
- restore = true;
- }
- top = elm.offset().top - (parseInt(elm.css("margin-top"), 10) || 0) - offset_top;
- height = elm.outerHeight(true);
- el_float = elm.css("float");
- if (spacer) {
- spacer.css({
- width: outer_width(elm),
- height: height,
- display: elm.css("display"),
- "vertical-align": elm.css("vertical-align"),
- "float": el_float
- });
- }
- if (restore) {
- return tick();
- }
- };
- recalc();
- if (height === parent_height) {
- return;
- }
- last_pos = void 0;
- offset = offset_top;
- recalc_counter = recalc_every;
- tick = function() {
- var css, delta, recalced, scroll, will_bottom, win_height;
- if (detached) {
- return;
- }
- recalced = false;
- if (recalc_counter != null) {
- recalc_counter -= 1;
- if (recalc_counter <= 0) {
- recalc_counter = recalc_every;
- recalc();
- recalced = true;
- }
- }
- if (!recalced && doc.height() !== last_scroll_height) {
- recalc();
- recalced = true;
- }
- scroll = win.scrollTop();
- if (last_pos != null) {
- delta = scroll - last_pos;
- }
- last_pos = scroll;
- if (fixed) {
- if (enable_bottoming) {
- will_bottom = scroll + height + offset > parent_height + parent_top;
- if (bottomed && !will_bottom) {
- bottomed = false;
- elm.css({
- position: "fixed",
- bottom: "",
- top: offset
- }).trigger("sticky_kit:unbottom");
- }
- }
- if (scroll < top) {
- fixed = false;
- offset = offset_top;
- if (manual_spacer == null) {
- if (el_float === "left" || el_float === "right") {
- elm.insertAfter(spacer);
- }
- spacer.detach();
- }
- css = {
- position: "",
- width: "",
- top: ""
- };
- elm.css(css).removeClass(sticky_class).trigger("sticky_kit:unstick");
- }
- if (inner_scrolling) {
- win_height = win.height();
- if (height + offset_top > win_height) {
- if (!bottomed) {
- offset -= delta;
- offset = Math.max(win_height - height, offset);
- offset = Math.min(offset_top, offset);
- if (fixed) {
- elm.css({
- top: offset + "px"
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (scroll > top) {
- fixed = true;
- css = {
- position: "fixed",
- top: offset
- };
- css.width = elm.css("box-sizing") === "border-box" ? elm.outerWidth() + "px" : elm.width() + "px";
- elm.css(css).addClass(sticky_class);
- if (manual_spacer == null) {
- elm.after(spacer);
- if (el_float === "left" || el_float === "right") {
- spacer.append(elm);
- }
- }
- elm.trigger("sticky_kit:stick");
- }
- }
- if (fixed && enable_bottoming) {
- if (will_bottom == null) {
- will_bottom = scroll + height + offset > parent_height + parent_top;
- }
- if (!bottomed && will_bottom) {
- bottomed = true;
- if (parent.css("position") === "static") {
- parent.css({
- position: "relative"
- });
- }
- return elm.css({
- position: "absolute",
- bottom: padding_bottom,
- top: "auto"
- }).trigger("sticky_kit:bottom");
- }
- }
- };
- recalc_and_tick = function() {
- recalc();
- return tick();
- };
- detach = function() {
- detached = true;
- win.off("touchmove", tick);
- win.off("scroll", tick);
- win.off("resize", recalc_and_tick);
- $(document.body).off("sticky_kit:recalc", recalc_and_tick);
- elm.off("sticky_kit:detach", detach);
- elm.removeData("sticky_kit");
- elm.css({
- position: "",
- bottom: "",
- top: "",
- width: ""
- });
- parent.position("position", "");
- if (fixed) {
- if (manual_spacer == null) {
- if (el_float === "left" || el_float === "right") {
- elm.insertAfter(spacer);
- }
- spacer.remove();
- }
- return elm.removeClass(sticky_class);
- }
- };
- win.on("touchmove", tick);
- win.on("scroll", tick);
- win.on("resize", recalc_and_tick);
- $(document.body).on("sticky_kit:recalc", recalc_and_tick);
- elm.on("sticky_kit:detach", detach);
- return setTimeout(tick, 0);
- };
- for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
- elm = this[i];
- fn($(elm));
- }
- return this;
- };
// Generate the table of contents in the side nav menu (see view/tpl/help.tpl)
@@ -386,9 +115,8 @@
- $(".widget").stick_in_parent({
- offset_top: $('nav').outerHeight(true)
- });
+ $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc");
diff --git a/library/sticky-kit/sticky-kit.js b/library/sticky-kit/sticky-kit.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00b1ea2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/sticky-kit/sticky-kit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
+@license Sticky-kit v1.1.3 | MIT | Leaf Corcoran 2015 | http://leafo.net
+ */
+(function() {
+ var $, win;
+ $ = window.jQuery;
+ win = $(window);
+ $.fn.stick_in_parent = function(opts) {
+ var doc, elm, enable_bottoming, fn, i, inner_scrolling, len, manual_spacer, offset_top, outer_width, parent_selector, recalc_every, sticky_class;
+ if (opts == null) {
+ opts = {};
+ }
+ sticky_class = opts.sticky_class, inner_scrolling = opts.inner_scrolling, recalc_every = opts.recalc_every, parent_selector = opts.parent, offset_top = opts.offset_top, manual_spacer = opts.spacer, enable_bottoming = opts.bottoming;
+ if (offset_top == null) {
+ offset_top = 0;
+ }
+ if (parent_selector == null) {
+ parent_selector = void 0;
+ }
+ if (inner_scrolling == null) {
+ inner_scrolling = true;
+ }
+ if (sticky_class == null) {
+ sticky_class = "is_stuck";
+ }
+ doc = $(document);
+ if (enable_bottoming == null) {
+ enable_bottoming = true;
+ }
+ outer_width = function(el) {
+ var _el, computed, w;
+ if (window.getComputedStyle) {
+ _el = el[0];
+ computed = window.getComputedStyle(el[0]);
+ w = parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("width")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("margin-left")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("margin-right"));
+ if (computed.getPropertyValue("box-sizing") !== "border-box") {
+ w += parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("border-left-width")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("border-right-width")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("padding-left")) + parseFloat(computed.getPropertyValue("padding-right"));
+ }
+ return w;
+ } else {
+ return el.outerWidth(true);
+ }
+ };
+ fn = function(elm, padding_bottom, parent_top, parent_height, top, height, el_float, detached) {
+ var bottomed, detach, fixed, last_pos, last_scroll_height, offset, parent, recalc, recalc_and_tick, recalc_counter, spacer, tick;
+ if (elm.data("sticky_kit")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elm.data("sticky_kit", true);
+ last_scroll_height = doc.height();
+ parent = elm.parent();
+ if (parent_selector != null) {
+ parent = parent.closest(parent_selector);
+ }
+ if (!parent.length) {
+ throw "failed to find stick parent";
+ }
+ fixed = false;
+ bottomed = false;
+ spacer = manual_spacer != null ? manual_spacer && elm.closest(manual_spacer) : $("<div />");
+ if (spacer) {
+ spacer.css('position', elm.css('position'));
+ }
+ recalc = function() {
+ var border_top, padding_top, restore;
+ if (detached) {
+ return;
+ }
+ last_scroll_height = doc.height();
+ border_top = parseInt(parent.css("border-top-width"), 10);
+ padding_top = parseInt(parent.css("padding-top"), 10);
+ padding_bottom = parseInt(parent.css("padding-bottom"), 10);
+ parent_top = parent.offset().top + border_top + padding_top;
+ parent_height = parent.height();
+ if (fixed) {
+ fixed = false;
+ bottomed = false;
+ if (manual_spacer == null) {
+ elm.insertAfter(spacer);
+ spacer.detach();
+ }
+ elm.css({
+ position: "",
+ top: "",
+ width: "",
+ bottom: ""
+ }).removeClass(sticky_class);
+ restore = true;
+ }
+ top = elm.offset().top - (parseInt(elm.css("margin-top"), 10) || 0) - offset_top;
+ height = elm.outerHeight(true);
+ el_float = elm.css("float");
+ if (spacer) {
+ spacer.css({
+ width: outer_width(elm),
+ height: height,
+ display: elm.css("display"),
+ "vertical-align": elm.css("vertical-align"),
+ "float": el_float
+ });
+ }
+ if (restore) {
+ return tick();
+ }
+ };
+ recalc();
+ if (height === parent_height) {
+ return;
+ }
+ last_pos = void 0;
+ offset = offset_top;
+ recalc_counter = recalc_every;
+ tick = function() {
+ var css, delta, recalced, scroll, will_bottom, win_height;
+ if (detached) {
+ return;
+ }
+ recalced = false;
+ if (recalc_counter != null) {
+ recalc_counter -= 1;
+ if (recalc_counter <= 0) {
+ recalc_counter = recalc_every;
+ recalc();
+ recalced = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!recalced && doc.height() !== last_scroll_height) {
+ recalc();
+ recalced = true;
+ }
+ scroll = win.scrollTop();
+ if (last_pos != null) {
+ delta = scroll - last_pos;
+ }
+ last_pos = scroll;
+ if (fixed) {
+ if (enable_bottoming) {
+ will_bottom = scroll + height + offset > parent_height + parent_top;
+ if (bottomed && !will_bottom) {
+ bottomed = false;
+ elm.css({
+ position: "fixed",
+ bottom: "",
+ top: offset
+ }).trigger("sticky_kit:unbottom");
+ }
+ }
+ if (scroll < top) {
+ fixed = false;
+ offset = offset_top;
+ if (manual_spacer == null) {
+ if (el_float === "left" || el_float === "right") {
+ elm.insertAfter(spacer);
+ }
+ spacer.detach();
+ }
+ css = {
+ position: "",
+ width: "",
+ top: ""
+ };
+ elm.css(css).removeClass(sticky_class).trigger("sticky_kit:unstick");
+ }
+ if (inner_scrolling) {
+ win_height = win.height();
+ if (height + offset_top > win_height) {
+ if (!bottomed) {
+ offset -= delta;
+ offset = Math.max(win_height - height, offset);
+ offset = Math.min(offset_top, offset);
+ if (fixed) {
+ elm.css({
+ top: offset + "px"
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (scroll > top) {
+ fixed = true;
+ css = {
+ position: "fixed",
+ top: offset
+ };
+ css.width = elm.css("box-sizing") === "border-box" ? elm.outerWidth() + "px" : elm.width() + "px";
+ elm.css(css).addClass(sticky_class);
+ if (manual_spacer == null) {
+ elm.after(spacer);
+ if (el_float === "left" || el_float === "right") {
+ spacer.append(elm);
+ }
+ }
+ elm.trigger("sticky_kit:stick");
+ }
+ }
+ if (fixed && enable_bottoming) {
+ if (will_bottom == null) {
+ will_bottom = scroll + height + offset > parent_height + parent_top;
+ }
+ if (!bottomed && will_bottom) {
+ bottomed = true;
+ if (parent.css("position") === "static") {
+ parent.css({
+ position: "relative"
+ });
+ }
+ return elm.css({
+ position: "absolute",
+ bottom: padding_bottom,
+ top: "auto"
+ }).trigger("sticky_kit:bottom");
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ recalc_and_tick = function() {
+ recalc();
+ return tick();
+ };
+ detach = function() {
+ detached = true;
+ win.off("touchmove", tick);
+ win.off("scroll", tick);
+ win.off("resize", recalc_and_tick);
+ $(document.body).off("sticky_kit:recalc", recalc_and_tick);
+ elm.off("sticky_kit:detach", detach);
+ elm.removeData("sticky_kit");
+ elm.css({
+ position: "",
+ bottom: "",
+ top: "",
+ width: ""
+ });
+ parent.position("position", "");
+ if (fixed) {
+ if (manual_spacer == null) {
+ if (el_float === "left" || el_float === "right") {
+ elm.insertAfter(spacer);
+ }
+ spacer.remove();
+ }
+ return elm.removeClass(sticky_class);
+ }
+ };
+ win.on("touchmove", tick);
+ win.on("scroll", tick);
+ win.on("resize", recalc_and_tick);
+ $(document.body).on("sticky_kit:recalc", recalc_and_tick);
+ elm.on("sticky_kit:detach", detach);
+ return setTimeout(tick, 0);
+ };
+ for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) {
+ elm = this[i];
+ fn($(elm));
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
diff --git a/library/sticky-kit/sticky-kit.min.js b/library/sticky-kit/sticky-kit.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4d7f2e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/sticky-kit/sticky-kit.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Sticky-kit v1.1.3 | MIT | Leaf Corcoran 2015 | http://leafo.net
+(function(){var c,f;c=window.jQuery;f=c(window);c.fn.stick_in_parent=function(b){var A,w,J,n,B,K,p,q,L,k,E,t;null==b&&(b={});t=b.sticky_class;B=b.inner_scrolling;E=b.recalc_every;k=b.parent;q=b.offset_top;p=b.spacer;w=b.bottoming;null==q&&(q=0);null==k&&(k=void 0);null==B&&(B=!0);null==t&&(t="is_stuck");A=c(document);null==w&&(w=!0);L=function(a){var b;return window.getComputedStyle?(a=window.getComputedStyle(a[0]),b=parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("width"))+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("margin-left"))+
+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("margin-right")),"border-box"!==a.getPropertyValue("box-sizing")&&(b+=parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("border-left-width"))+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("border-right-width"))+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("padding-left"))+parseFloat(a.getPropertyValue("padding-right"))),b):a.outerWidth(!0)};J=function(a,b,n,C,F,u,r,G){var v,H,m,D,I,d,g,x,y,z,h,l;if(!a.data("sticky_kit")){a.data("sticky_kit",!0);I=A.height();g=a.parent();null!=k&&(g=g.closest(k));if(!g.length)throw"failed to find stick parent";
+v=m=!1;(h=null!=p?p&&a.closest(p):c("<div />"))&&h.css("position",a.css("position"));x=function(){var d,f,e;if(!G&&(I=A.height(),d=parseInt(g.css("border-top-width"),10),f=parseInt(g.css("padding-top"),10),b=parseInt(g.css("padding-bottom"),10),n=g.offset().top+d+f,C=g.height(),m&&(v=m=!1,null==p&&(a.insertAfter(h),h.detach()),a.css({position:"",top:"",width:"",bottom:""}).removeClass(t),e=!0),F=a.offset().top-(parseInt(a.css("margin-top"),10)||0)-q,u=a.outerHeight(!0),r=a.css("float"),h&&h.css({width:L(a),
+height:u,display:a.css("display"),"vertical-align":a.css("vertical-align"),"float":r}),e))return l()};x();if(u!==C)return D=void 0,d=q,z=E,l=function(){var c,l,e,k;if(!G&&(e=!1,null!=z&&(--z,0>=z&&(z=E,x(),e=!0)),e||A.height()===I||x(),e=f.scrollTop(),null!=D&&(l=e-D),D=e,m?(w&&(k=e+u+d>C+n,v&&!k&&(v=!1,a.css({position:"fixed",bottom:"",top:d}).trigger("sticky_kit:unbottom"))),e<F&&(m=!1,d=q,null==p&&("left"!==r&&"right"!==r||a.insertAfter(h),h.detach()),c={position:"",width:"",top:""},a.css(c).removeClass(t).trigger("sticky_kit:unstick")),
+B&&(c=f.height(),u+q>c&&!v&&(d-=l,d=Math.max(c-u,d),d=Math.min(q,d),m&&a.css({top:d+"px"})))):e>F&&(m=!0,c={position:"fixed",top:d},c.width="border-box"===a.css("box-sizing")?a.outerWidth()+"px":a.width()+"px",a.css(c).addClass(t),null==p&&(a.after(h),"left"!==r&&"right"!==r||h.append(a)),a.trigger("sticky_kit:stick")),m&&w&&(null==k&&(k=e+u+d>C+n),!v&&k)))return v=!0,"static"===g.css("position")&&g.css({position:"relative"}),a.css({position:"absolute",bottom:b,top:"auto"}).trigger("sticky_kit:bottom")},
+y=function(){x();return l()},H=function(){G=!0;f.off("touchmove",l);f.off("scroll",l);f.off("resize",y);c(document.body).off("sticky_kit:recalc",y);a.off("sticky_kit:detach",H);a.removeData("sticky_kit");a.css({position:"",bottom:"",top:"",width:""});g.position("position","");if(m)return null==p&&("left"!==r&&"right"!==r||a.insertAfter(h),h.remove()),a.removeClass(t)},f.on("touchmove",l),f.on("scroll",l),f.on("resize",y),c(document.body).on("sticky_kit:recalc",y),a.on("sticky_kit:detach",H),setTimeout(l,
+0)}};n=0;for(K=this.length;n<K;n++)b=this[n],J(c(b));return this}}).call(this);
diff --git a/view/js/main.js b/view/js/main.js
index 1d6eca91d..534029275 100644
--- a/view/js/main.js
+++ b/view/js/main.js
@@ -666,6 +666,8 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$('.item_' + bParam_mid.substring(0,32)).addClass('item-highlight');
+ $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc");
function collapseHeight() {
@@ -1164,7 +1166,6 @@ function preview_mail() {
return true;
function unpause() {
// unpause auto reloads if they are currently stopped
totStopped = false;
diff --git a/view/php/default.php b/view/php/default.php
index f5be4fa35..839a36b5b 100644
--- a/view/php/default.php
+++ b/view/php/default.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<header><?php if(x($page,'header')) echo $page['header']; ?></header>
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation"><?php if(x($page,'nav')) echo $page['nav']; ?></nav>
- <aside id="region_1"><?php if(x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?></aside>
+ <aside id="region_1"><div id="left_aside_wrapper"><?php if(x($page,'aside')) echo $page['aside']; ?></div></aside>
<section id="region_2"><?php if(x($page,'content')) echo $page['content']; ?>
<div id="page-footer"></div>
<div id="pause"></div>
diff --git a/view/php/theme_init.php b/view/php/theme_init.php
index 46aadaa7d..1fb07ae4f 100644
--- a/view/php/theme_init.php
+++ b/view/php/theme_init.php
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ head_add_js('library/jquery-textcomplete/jquery.textcomplete.js');
diff --git a/view/theme/redbasic/css/style.css b/view/theme/redbasic/css/style.css
index 5f5df808f..9bc39dfb4 100644
--- a/view/theme/redbasic/css/style.css
+++ b/view/theme/redbasic/css/style.css
@@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ footer {
#contact-block {
width: 100%;
- float: left;
#contact-block-numcontacts {
@@ -482,12 +481,10 @@ footer {
.contact-block-div {
- float: left;
- width: 50px;
- height: 50px;
+ display: inline;
.contact-block-textdiv {
- float: left;
width: 150px;
height: 34px;
@@ -495,12 +492,11 @@ footer {
#contact-block-end {
clear: both;
-.contact-block-link {
- float: left;
.contact-block-img {
- width:48px;
- height:48px;
+ width:47px;
+ height:47px;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
#tag-remove {
diff --git a/view/theme/redbasic/js/redbasic.js b/view/theme/redbasic/js/redbasic.js
index c5f74db3f..8fb1117ce 100644
--- a/view/theme/redbasic/js/redbasic.js
+++ b/view/theme/redbasic/js/redbasic.js
@@ -16,6 +16,23 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('#css3-calc').remove(); // Remove the test element
+ if($(window).outerWidth() > 767) {
+ $('#left_aside_wrapper').stick_in_parent({
+ offset_top: $('nav').outerHeight(true)
+ });
+ }
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ if($(window).outerWidth() > 767) {
+ $('#left_aside_wrapper').stick_in_parent({
+ offset_top: $('nav').outerHeight(true)
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#left_aside_wrapper').trigger("sticky_kit:detach");
+ }
+ });
$('#expand-aside').click(function() {
@@ -72,5 +89,6 @@ function makeFullScreen(full) {
$('#tabs-collapse-1').css({'visibility': ''});
$('main').css({'transition': ''});
+ $(document.body).trigger("sticky_kit:recalc");
diff --git a/view/tpl/micropro_img.tpl b/view/tpl/micropro_img.tpl
index 23b7bd281..a7c5973f3 100755
--- a/view/tpl/micropro_img.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/micropro_img.tpl
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<div class="contact-block-div{{if $class}} {{$class}}{{/if}}"><a class="contact-block-link{{if $class}} {{$class}}{{/if}}{{if $click}} fakelink{{/if}}" href="{{if $click}}#{{else}}{{$url}}{{/if}}" {{if $click}}onclick="{{$click}}"{{/if}}><img class="contact-block-img{{if $class}} {{$class}}{{/if}}" src="{{$photo}}" title="{{$title}}" alt="{{$name}}" /></a></div>
+<div class="contact-block-div{{if $class}} {{$class}}{{/if}}"><a class="contact-block-link{{if $class}} {{$class}}{{/if}}{{if $click}} fakelink{{/if}}" href="{{if $click}}#{{else}}{{$url}}{{/if}}" {{if $click}}onclick="{{$click}}"{{/if}}><img class="contact-block-img{{if $class}} {{$class}}{{/if}}" src="{{$photo}}" title="{{$title}}" alt="" /></a></div>