diff options
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/hmessages.po (renamed from view/es/hmessages.po)1591
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/hstrings.php (renamed from view/es/hstrings.php)310
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/lostpass_eml.tpl (renamed from view/es/lostpass_eml.tpl)0
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/messages.po (renamed from view/es/messages.po)0
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/passchanged_eml.tpl (renamed from view/es/passchanged_eml.tpl)0
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/register_open_eml.tpl (renamed from view/es/register_open_eml.tpl)0
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/register_verify_eml.tpl (renamed from view/es/register_verify_eml.tpl)0
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/register_verify_member.tpl (renamed from view/es/register_verify_member.tpl)0
-rw-r--r--view/es-es/strings.php (renamed from view/es/strings.php)0
56 files changed, 4030 insertions, 3677 deletions
diff --git a/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy b/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy
index f3f187d43..1dca4a5e8 100755
--- a/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy
+++ b/.openshift/action_hooks/deploy
@@ -203,3 +203,8 @@ util/add_theme_repo https://github.com/DeadSuperHero/redmatrix-themes.git DeadSu
echo "Try to add or update Hubzilla ownMapp"
util/add_addon_repo https://gitlab.com/zot/ownmapp.git ownMapp
+# Hubzilla Chess
+echo "Try to add or update Hubzilla chess to Hubzilla on OpenShift"
+util/add_addon_repo https://gitlab.com/zot/hubzilla-chess.git Chess
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 40cc07bb5..a2c2d1599 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Hubzilla
+Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Hubzilla
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
diff --git a/boot.php b/boot.php
index 1da56d07e..a3e35f63c 100755
--- a/boot.php
+++ b/boot.php
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ require_once('include/AccessList.php');
define ( 'PLATFORM_NAME', 'hubzilla' );
define ( 'RED_VERSION', trim(file_get_contents('version.inc')) . 'H');
-define ( 'STD_VERSION', '1.0' );
+define ( 'STD_VERSION', '1.0.1' );
define ( 'ZOT_REVISION', 1 );
define ( 'DB_UPDATE_VERSION', 1161 );
diff --git a/doc/comanche.bb b/doc/comanche.bb
index 2eaa15deb..6a96d5251 100644
--- a/doc/comanche.bb
+++ b/doc/comanche.bb
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Currently there are five layout templates, unless your site provides additional
edgesthree - three column layout with fixed side margins
full - three column layout with fixed side margins and adds a "header" region beneath the navigation bar
- [b]redable[/b]
- A template for reading longer texts. Three columns: aside, content and right_aside.
+ [b]redable[/b] (sic)
+ A template for reading longer texts full screen (so without navigation bar). Three columns: aside, content and right_aside.
For maximum readability it is advised to only use the middle content column.
diff --git a/doc/fr/about.bb b/doc/fr/about.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7988c777e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/fr/about.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+$Projectname est un réseau de communication décentralisé, qui a pour but de proposer un moyen de communication qui est résistant à la censure, respecte la confidentialité et qui est indépendant des grandes companies mondiales. Ces companies géantes fonctionnent comme des espions. Ce sont des monopoles centralisés sur internet. A l'orignie internet ne fonctionnait pas ainsi, il était décentralisé.
+$Projectname est libre et open source. Il est conçu pour pouvoir monter en charge depuis un petite Raspberry Pi jusqu'à un serveur puissant à plusieurs coeurs. Il peut être utilisé pour servir de moyen de communication entre quelques individus mais peut monter pour héberger plusieurs milliers d'utilisateurs.
+$Projectname a pour but d'être utilisable sans documentation. Il est facile à utiliser pour un usage quotidien pour un utilisateur moyen mais aussi par des administrateurs système ou des développeurs.
+Comment utiliser ? Cela dépend de ce que vous voulez en faire.
+Il est écrit en php. Cela le rend facile à installer sur des hébergement actuels.
+It is written in the PHP scripting language, thus making it trivial to install on any hosting platform in use today comme par exemple [url=http://mediatemple.com/]Media Temple[/url] ou bien [url=http://www.dreamhost.com/r.cgi?455365/]Dreamhost[/url] ou bien encore [url=https://www.linode.com]Linode[/url], [url=http://greenqloud.com]GreenQloud[/url] ou [url=https://aws.amazon.com]Amazon AWS[/url]. Il fonctionne aussi trés bien sur un VPS de OVH.
+En d'autres mots, $Projectname peut tourner sur n'importe quelle plateforme qui a un serveur web, une base de donnée mysql et du php.
+En plus, $Projectname offre un grand nombre de suppléments :
+[b]Identification en un clic :[/b] cela signifie que vous pouvez accéder à d'autres sits $Projectname simplement en cliquant sur un lien. L'authentificaiton se fera alors automatiquement sans mot de passe. Oubliez le temps ou il vous fallait un grand nom de mot de passe pour aller sur différents sites.
+[b]Clone :[/b] Votre présence en ligne n'a plus besoin d'être faite sur un seul et unique site. Vous pouvez cloner ou importer votre identité (on peut aussi dire votre canal) sur un autre serveur (hub). Si votre serveur principal a des problème et s'arrête, pas de problème, vos contacts, vos messages seront continueront automatiquement à être accessible grĉe à votre canal clone. [i](*: Pour le moment seul les messages sont clonés)[/i]
+[b]Confidentialité :[/b] Votre identité $Projectname (Zot IDs) peut être supprimé, sauvegardé ou cloné. L'utilisateur à le total contrôle sur ses donnés. Et si vous décidez de supprimer totalement votre compte avec tous le contenu, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de cliquer sur le bouton de suppression du compte. C'est immédiat. Aucune question ne vous sera posé sur la raion. Vous être libre de le faire quand vous voulez.
+#include doc/macros/main_footer.bb;
diff --git a/doc/fr/git_for_non_developers.bb b/doc/fr/git_for_non_developers.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e2448e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/fr/git_for_non_developers.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+[b]Git pour les non développeurs[/b]
+Bon vous traduivez ou contribuez à un thème et chaque fois que vous faites un pull request, vous devez parler avec un des développeurs avant que vos changements soient pris en compte.
+Vous devez trouver un petit tutorial pour vous aider à maintenair les choses synchronisé. C'est trés facile
+After you've created a fork of the repo (just click "fork" at github), you need to clone your own copy.
+For the sake of examples, we'll assume you're working on a theme called redexample (which does not exist).
+[code]git clone https://github.com/username/red.git[/code]
+Once you've done that, cd into the directory, and add an upstream.
+cd red
+git remote add upstream https://github.com/redmatrix/redmatrix
+From now on, you can pull upstream changes with the command
+[code]git fetch upstream[/code]
+Before your changes can be merged automatically, you will often need to merge upstream changes.
+git merge upstream/master
+You should always merge upstream before pushing any changes, and [i]must[/i] merge upstream with any pull requests to make them automatically mergeable.
+99% of the time, this will all go well. The only time it won't is if somebody else has been editing the same files as you - and often, only if they have been editing the same lines of the same files. If that happens, that would be a good time to request help until you get the hang of handling your own merge conflicts.
+Then you just need to add your changes [code]git add view/theme/redexample/[/code]
+This will add all the files in view/theme/redexample and any subdirectories. If your particular files are mixed throughout the code, you should add one at a time. Try not to do git add -a, as this will add everything, including temporary files (we mostly, but not always catch those with a .gitignore) and any local changes you have, but did not intend to commit.
+Once you have added all the files you have changed, you need to commit them. [code]git commit[/code]
+This will open up an editor where you can describe the changes you have made. Save this file, and exit the editor.
+Finally, push the changes to your own git
+[code]git push[/code]
+And that's it, your repo is up to date!
+All you need to do now is actually create the pull request. There are two ways to do this.
+The easy way, if you're using Github is to simply click the green button at the top of your own copy of the repository, enter a description of the changes, and click 'create pull request'. The
+main repository, themes, and addons all have their main branch at Github, so this method can be used most of the time.
+Most people can stop here.
+Some projects in the extended RedMatrix ecosphere have no Github presence, to pull request these is a bit different - you'll have to create your pull request manually. Fortunately, this isn't
+much harder.
+[code]git request-pull -p <start> <url>[/code]
+Start is the name of a commit to start at. This must exist upstream. Normally, you just want master.
+URL is the URL of [i]your[/i] repo.
+One can also specify <end>. This defaults to HEAD.
+git request-pull master https://example.com/project
+And simply send the output to the project maintainer.
+#include doc/macros/main_footer.bb;
diff --git a/doc/hidden_configs.bb b/doc/hidden_configs.bb
index 8a02a23f2..3c7f3d42c 100644
--- a/doc/hidden_configs.bb
+++ b/doc/hidden_configs.bb
@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ This document assumes you're an administrator.
this website. Can be overwritten by user settings.
[b]system > projecthome[/b]
Set the project homepage as the homepage of your hub.
+ [b]system > default_permissions_role[/b]
+ If set to a valid permissions role name, use that role for
+ the first channel created by a new account and don't ask for the "Channel Type" on
+ the channel creation form. Examples of valid names are: 'social', 'social_restricted', 'social_private', 'forum', 'forum_restricted' and 'forum_private'. Read more about permissions roles [zrl=[baseurl]/help/roles]here[/zrl].
[b]system > workflow_channel_next[/b]
The page to direct users to immediately after creating a channel.
[b]system > max_daily_registrations[/b]
diff --git a/include/acl_selectors.php b/include/acl_selectors.php
index 4d44ec12e..3c8f34321 100644
--- a/include/acl_selectors.php
+++ b/include/acl_selectors.php
@@ -210,10 +210,13 @@ function fixacl(&$item) {
$item = str_replace(array('<','>'),array('',''),$item);
-function populate_acl($defaults = null,$show_jotnets = true) {
+function populate_acl($defaults = null,$show_jotnets = true, $showall = '') {
$allow_cid = $allow_gid = $deny_cid = $deny_gid = false;
+ if(! $showall)
+ $showall = t('Visible to your default audience');
if(is_array($defaults)) {
$allow_cid = ((strlen($defaults['allow_cid']))
? explode('><', $defaults['allow_cid']) : array() );
@@ -231,22 +234,21 @@ function populate_acl($defaults = null,$show_jotnets = true) {
$jotnets = '';
if($show_jotnets) {
call_hooks('jot_networks', $jotnets);
$tpl = get_markup_template("acl_selector.tpl");
$o = replace_macros($tpl, array(
- '$showall'=> t("Visible to your default audience"),
- '$show' => t("Show"),
- '$hide' => t("Don't show"),
- '$allowcid' => json_encode($allow_cid),
- '$allowgid' => json_encode($allow_gid),
- '$denycid' => json_encode($deny_cid),
- '$denygid' => json_encode($deny_gid),
- '$jnetModalTitle' => t('Other networks and post services'),
- '$jotnets' => $jotnets,
- '$aclModalTitle' => t('Permissions'),
+ '$showall' => $showall,
+ '$show' => t("Show"),
+ '$hide' => t("Don't show"),
+ '$allowcid' => json_encode($allow_cid),
+ '$allowgid' => json_encode($allow_gid),
+ '$denycid' => json_encode($deny_cid),
+ '$denygid' => json_encode($deny_gid),
+ '$jnetModalTitle' => t('Other networks and post services'),
+ '$jotnets' => $jotnets,
+ '$aclModalTitle' => t('Permissions'),
'$aclModalDismiss' => t('Close')
diff --git a/include/comanche.php b/include/comanche.php
index 1537226ca..ca3ad336b 100644
--- a/include/comanche.php
+++ b/include/comanche.php
@@ -287,8 +287,7 @@ function comanche_widget($name, $text) {
if(! function_exists($func)) {
if(file_exists('widget/' . trim($name) . '.php'))
require_once('widget/' . trim($name) . '.php');
- elseif(folder_exists('widget/'. trim($name))
- && (file_exists('widget/' . trim($name) . '/' . trim($name) . '.php')))
+ elseif(file_exists('widget/' . trim($name) . '/' . trim($name) . '.php'))
require_once('widget/' . trim($name) . '/' . trim($name) . '.php');
else {
diff --git a/include/deliver.php b/include/deliver.php
index 7ff0fa125..40df543d5 100644
--- a/include/deliver.php
+++ b/include/deliver.php
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ function deliver_run($argv, $argc) {
if(($r[0]['outq_posturl'] === z_root() . '/post') && ($r[0]['outq_msg'])) {
logger('deliver: local delivery', LOGGER_DEBUG);
// local delivery
// we should probably batch these and save a few delivery processes
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ function deliver_run($argv, $argc) {
- // otherwise it's a remote delivery - call queue_deliver();
+ // otherwise it's a remote delivery - call queue_deliver() with the $immediate flag
diff --git a/include/features.php b/include/features.php
index 4e962b00e..b02d912cf 100644
--- a/include/features.php
+++ b/include/features.php
@@ -5,12 +5,19 @@
function feature_enabled($uid,$feature) {
- $x = get_pconfig($uid,'feature',$feature);
+ $x = get_config('feature_lock',$feature);
if($x === false) {
- $x = get_config('feature',$feature);
- if($x === false)
- $x = get_feature_default($feature);
+ $x = get_pconfig($uid,'feature',$feature);
+ if($x === false) {
+ $x = get_config('feature',$feature);
+ if($x === false)
+ $x = get_feature_default($feature);
+ }
$arr = array('uid' => $uid, 'feature' => $feature, 'enabled' => $x);
@@ -36,59 +43,78 @@ function get_features() {
// General
'general' => array(
t('General Features'),
-// This is per post, and different from fixed expiration 'expire' which isn't working yet
- array('content_expire', t('Content Expiration'), t('Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time'), false),
- array('multi_profiles', t('Multiple Profiles'), t('Ability to create multiple profiles'), false),
- array('advanced_profiles', t('Advanced Profiles'), t('Additional profile sections and selections'),false),
- array('profile_export', t('Profile Import/Export'), t('Save and load profile details across sites/channels'),false),
- array('webpages', t('Web Pages'), t('Provide managed web pages on your channel'),false),
- array('private_notes', t('Private Notes'), t('Enables a tool to store notes and reminders'),false),
- array('nav_channel_select', t('Navigation Channel Select'), t('Change channels directly from within the navigation dropdown menu'),false),
- array('photo_location', t('Photo Location'), t('If location data is available on uploaded photos, link this to a map.'),false),
- array('expert', t('Expert Mode'), t('Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options'),false),
- array('premium_channel', t('Premium Channel'), t('Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel'),false),
+ // This is per post, and different from fixed expiration 'expire' which isn't working yet
+ array('content_expire', t('Content Expiration'), t('Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time'), false, get_config('feature_lock','content_expire')),
+ array('multi_profiles', t('Multiple Profiles'), t('Ability to create multiple profiles'), false, get_config('feature_lock','multi_profiles')),
+ array('advanced_profiles', t('Advanced Profiles'), t('Additional profile sections and selections'),false,get_config('feature_lock','advanced_profiles')),
+ array('profile_export', t('Profile Import/Export'), t('Save and load profile details across sites/channels'),false,get_config('feature_lock','profile_export')),
+ array('webpages', t('Web Pages'), t('Provide managed web pages on your channel'),false,get_config('feature_lock','webpages')),
+ array('private_notes', t('Private Notes'), t('Enables a tool to store notes and reminders'),false,get_config('feature_lock','private_notes')),
+ array('nav_channel_select', t('Navigation Channel Select'), t('Change channels directly from within the navigation dropdown menu'),false,get_config('feature_lock','nav_channel_select')),
+ array('photo_location', t('Photo Location'), t('If location data is available on uploaded photos, link this to a map.'),false,get_config('feature_lock','photo_location')),
+ array('expert', t('Expert Mode'), t('Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options'),false,get_config('feature_lock','expert')),
+ array('premium_channel', t('Premium Channel'), t('Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel'),false,get_config('feature_lock','premium_channel')),
// Post composition
'composition' => array(
t('Post Composition Features'),
-// array('richtext', t('Richtext Editor'), t('Enable richtext editor'),false),
- array('markdown', t('Use Markdown'), t('Allow use of "Markdown" to format posts'),false),
- array('large_photos', t('Large Photos'), t('Include large (1024px) photo thumbnails in posts. If not enabled, use small (640px) photo thumbnails'),false),
- array('channel_sources', t('Channel Sources'), t('Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds'),false),
- array('content_encrypt', t('Even More Encryption'), t('Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key'),false),
- array('consensus_tools', t('Enable Voting Tools'), t('Provide a class of post which others can vote on'),false),
- array('delayed_posting', t('Delayed Posting'), t('Allow posts to be published at a later date'),false),
- array('suppress_duplicates', t('Suppress Duplicate Posts/Comments'), t('Prevent posts with identical content to be published with less than two minutes in between submissions.'),true),
+// array('richtext', t('Richtext Editor'), t('Enable richtext editor'),falseget_config('feature_lock','richtext')),
+ array('markdown', t('Use Markdown'), t('Allow use of "Markdown" to format posts'),false,get_config('feature_lock','markdown')),
+ array('large_photos', t('Large Photos'), t('Include large (1024px) photo thumbnails in posts. If not enabled, use small (640px) photo thumbnails'),false,get_config('feature_lock','large_photos')),
+ array('channel_sources', t('Channel Sources'), t('Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds'),false,get_config('feature_lock','channel_sources')),
+ array('content_encrypt', t('Even More Encryption'), t('Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key'),false,get_config('feature_lock','content_encrypt')),
+ array('consensus_tools', t('Enable Voting Tools'), t('Provide a class of post which others can vote on'),false,get_config('feature_lock','consensus_tools')),
+ array('delayed_posting', t('Delayed Posting'), t('Allow posts to be published at a later date'),false,get_config('feature_lock','delayed_posting')),
+ array('suppress_duplicates', t('Suppress Duplicate Posts/Comments'), t('Prevent posts with identical content to be published with less than two minutes in between submissions.'),true,get_config('feature_lock','suppress_duplicates')),
// Network Tools
'net_module' => array(
t('Network and Stream Filtering'),
- array('archives', t('Search by Date'), t('Ability to select posts by date ranges'),false),
- array('groups', t('Collections Filter'), t('Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections'),false),
- array('savedsearch', t('Saved Searches'), t('Save search terms for re-use'),false),
- array('personal_tab', t('Network Personal Tab'), t('Enable tab to display only Network posts that you\'ve interacted on'),false),
- array('new_tab', t('Network New Tab'), t('Enable tab to display all new Network activity'),false),
- array('affinity', t('Affinity Tool'), t('Filter stream activity by depth of relationships'),false),
- array('connfilter', t('Connection Filtering'), t('Filter incoming posts from connections based on keywords/content')),
- array('suggest', t('Suggest Channels'), t('Show channel suggestions'),false),
+ array('archives', t('Search by Date'), t('Ability to select posts by date ranges'),false,get_config('feature_lock','archives')),
+ array('groups', t('Collections Filter'), t('Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections'),false,get_config('feature_lock','groups')),
+ array('savedsearch', t('Saved Searches'), t('Save search terms for re-use'),false,get_config('feature_lock','savedsearch')),
+ array('personal_tab', t('Network Personal Tab'), t('Enable tab to display only Network posts that you\'ve interacted on'),false,get_config('feature_lock','personal_tab')),
+ array('new_tab', t('Network New Tab'), t('Enable tab to display all new Network activity'),false,get_config('feature_lock','new_tab')),
+ array('affinity', t('Affinity Tool'), t('Filter stream activity by depth of relationships'),false,get_config('feature_lock','affinity')),
+ array('connfilter', t('Connection Filtering'), t('Filter incoming posts from connections based on keywords/content'),false,get_config('feature_lock','connfilter')),
+ array('suggest', t('Suggest Channels'), t('Show channel suggestions'),false,get_config('feature_lock','suggest')),
// Item tools
'tools' => array(
t('Post/Comment Tools'),
- array('commtag', t('Tagging'), t('Ability to tag existing posts'),false),
- array('categories', t('Post Categories'), t('Add categories to your posts'),false),
- array('filing', t('Saved Folders'), t('Ability to file posts under folders'),false),
- array('dislike', t('Dislike Posts'), t('Ability to dislike posts/comments'),false),
- array('star_posts', t('Star Posts'), t('Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator'),false),
- array('tagadelic', t('Tag Cloud'), t('Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page'),false),
+ array('commtag', t('Community Tagging'), t('Ability to tag existing posts'),false,get_config('feature_lock','commtag')),
+ array('categories', t('Post Categories'), t('Add categories to your posts'),false,get_config('feature_lock','categories')),
+ array('filing', t('Saved Folders'), t('Ability to file posts under folders'),false,get_config('feature_lock','filing')),
+ array('dislike', t('Dislike Posts'), t('Ability to dislike posts/comments'),false,get_config('feature_lock','dislike')),
+ array('star_posts', t('Star Posts'), t('Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator'),false,get_config('feature_lock','star_posts')),
+ array('tagadelic', t('Tag Cloud'), t('Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page'),false,get_config('feature_lock','tagedelic')),
+ // removed any locked features and remove the entire category if this makes it empty
+ foreach($arr as $k => $x) {
+ $has_items = false;
+ for($y = 0; $y < count($arr[$k]); $y ++) {
+ if(is_array($arr[$k][$y])) {
+ if($arr[$k][$y][4] === false) {
+ $has_items = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ unset($arr[$k][$y]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(! $has_items) {
+ unset($arr[$k]);
+ }
+ }
return $arr;
diff --git a/include/follow.php b/include/follow.php
index 97be82da7..5e1146657 100644
--- a/include/follow.php
+++ b/include/follow.php
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ function new_contact($uid,$url,$channel,$interactive = false, $confirm = false)
$permissions = $j['permissions'];
foreach($permissions as $k => $v) {
if($v) {
$their_perms = $their_perms | intval($global_perms[$k][1]);
@@ -167,6 +168,7 @@ function new_contact($uid,$url,$channel,$interactive = false, $confirm = false)
if(! $xchan_hash) {
$result['message'] = t('Channel discovery failed.');
logger('follow: ' . $result['message']);
@@ -202,6 +204,7 @@ function new_contact($uid,$url,$channel,$interactive = false, $confirm = false)
$default_group = $r[0]['channel_default_group'];
if($is_http) {
@@ -226,6 +229,8 @@ function new_contact($uid,$url,$channel,$interactive = false, $confirm = false)
if($r) {
$abook_instance = $r[0]['abook_instance'];
@@ -242,7 +247,6 @@ function new_contact($uid,$url,$channel,$interactive = false, $confirm = false)
else {
$closeness = get_pconfig($uid,'system','new_abook_closeness');
if($closeness === false)
$closeness = 80;
@@ -270,6 +274,7 @@ function new_contact($uid,$url,$channel,$interactive = false, $confirm = false)
if($r) {
$result['abook'] = $r[0];
proc_run('php', 'include/notifier.php', 'permission_create', $result['abook']['abook_id']);
diff --git a/include/identity.php b/include/identity.php
index 98ba26bd8..cfedd243a 100644
--- a/include/identity.php
+++ b/include/identity.php
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function create_identity($arr) {
$ret = array('success' => false);
if(! $arr['account_id']) {
- $ret['message'] = t('No account identifier');
+ $ret['message'] = t('No account identifier');
return $ret;
$ret = identity_check_service_class($arr['account_id']);
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ function create_identity($arr) {
if($role_permissions) {
- $myperms = ((array_key_exists('perms_auto',$role_permissions) && $role_permissions['perms_auto']) ? intval($role_permissions['perms_accept']) : 0);
+ $myperms = ((array_key_exists('perms_accept',$role_permissions)) ? intval($role_permissions['perms_accept']) : 0);
diff --git a/include/notifier.php b/include/notifier.php
index 50981df9d..32d702cb5 100644
--- a/include/notifier.php
+++ b/include/notifier.php
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
$recipients[] = $r[0]['abook_xchan'];
$private = false;
$packet_type = 'refresh';
+ $packet_recips = array(array('guid' => $r[0]['xchan_guid'],'guid_sig' => $r[0]['xchan_guid_sig'],'hash' => $r[0]['xchan_hash']));
@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
$channel = $s[0];
if($channel['channel_hash'] !== $target_item['author_xchan'] && $channel['channel_hash'] !== $target_item['owner_xchan']) {
- logger("notifier: Sending channel {$channel['channel_hash']} is not owner {$target_item['owner_xchan']} or author {$target_item['author_xchan']}");
+ logger("notifier: Sending channel {$channel['channel_hash']} is not owner {$target_item['owner_xchan']} or author {$target_item['author_xchan']}", LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING);
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
if(strpos($r[0]['postopts'],'nodeliver') !== false) {
- logger('notifier: target item is undeliverable', LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ logger('notifier: target item is undeliverable', LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_NOTICE);
@@ -352,8 +353,8 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
// $cmd === 'relay' indicates the owner is sending it to the original recipients
// don't allow the item in the relay command to relay to owner under any circumstances, it will loop
- logger('notifier: relay_to_owner: ' . (($relay_to_owner) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('notifier: top_level_post: ' . (($top_level_post) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('notifier: relay_to_owner: ' . (($relay_to_owner) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('notifier: top_level_post: ' . (($top_level_post) ? 'true' : 'false'), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
// tag_deliver'd post which needs to be sent back to the original author
@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
// TODO verify this is needed - copied logic from same place in old code
if(intval($target_item['item_deleted']) && (! intval($target_item['item_wall']))) {
- logger('notifier: ignoring delete notification for non-wall item');
+ logger('notifier: ignoring delete notification for non-wall item', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_NOTICE);
@@ -410,13 +411,13 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
$x = $encoded_item;
$x['title'] = 'private';
$x['body'] = 'private';
- logger('notifier: encoded item: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('notifier: encoded item: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if(! $recipients)
-// logger('notifier: recipients: ' . print_r($recipients,true));
+// logger('notifier: recipients: ' . print_r($recipients,true), LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG);
$env_recips = (($private) ? array() : null);
@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
if(($private) && (! $env_recips)) {
// shouldn't happen
- logger('notifier: private message with no envelope recipients.' . print_r($argv,true));
+ logger('notifier: private message with no envelope recipients.' . print_r($argv,true), LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_NOTICE);
logger('notifier: recipients (may be delivered to more if public): ' . print_r($recip_list,true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
@@ -459,7 +460,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
if(! $r) {
- logger('notifier: no hubs');
+ logger('notifier: no hubs', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_NOTICE);
@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
foreach($hubs as $hub) {
if(in_array($hub['hubloc_url'],$dead_hubs)) {
- logger('skipping dead hub: ' . $hub['hubloc_url'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ logger('skipping dead hub: ' . $hub['hubloc_url'], LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_INFO);
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
- logger('notifier: will notify/deliver to these hubs: ' . print_r($hublist,true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ logger('notifier: will notify/deliver to these hubs: ' . print_r($hublist,true), LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_DEBUG);
foreach($dhubs as $hub) {
@@ -512,6 +513,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
$narr = array(
'channel' => $channel,
'env_recips' => $env_recips,
+ 'packet_recips' => $packet_recips,
'recipients' => $recipients,
'item' => $item,
'target_item' => $target_item,
@@ -547,7 +549,7 @@ function notifier_run($argv, $argc){
$packet = null;
if($packet_type === 'refresh' || $packet_type === 'purge') {
- $packet = zot_build_packet($channel,$packet_type);
+ $packet = zot_build_packet($channel,$packet_type,(($packet_recips) ? $packet_recips : null));
elseif($packet_type === 'request') {
$packet = zot_build_packet($channel,$packet_type,$env_recips,$hub['hubloc_sitekey'],$hash,
diff --git a/include/plugin.php b/include/plugin.php
index 4a35a0170..4da73dfd8 100755
--- a/include/plugin.php
+++ b/include/plugin.php
@@ -313,7 +313,6 @@ function call_hooks($name, &$data = null) {
* * Version: 1.2.3
* * Author: John <profile url>
* * Author: Jane <email>
- * * Compat: Red [(version)], Friendica [(version)]
* *
* @param string $plugin the name of the plugin
@@ -325,8 +324,8 @@ function get_plugin_info($plugin){
'name' => $plugin,
'description' => '',
'author' => array(),
- 'version' => '',
- 'compat' => ''
+ 'maintainer' => array(),
+ 'version' => ''
if (!is_file("addon/$plugin/$plugin.php"))
@@ -342,22 +341,23 @@ function get_plugin_info($plugin){
if ($l != ""){
list($k, $v) = array_map("trim", explode(":", $l, 2));
$k = strtolower($k);
- if ($k == 'author'){
+ if ($k == 'author' || $k == 'maintainer'){
$r = preg_match("|([^<]+)<([^>]+)>|", $v, $m);
if ($r) {
- $info['author'][] = array('name' => $m[1], 'link' => $m[2]);
+ $info[$k][] = array('name' => $m[1], 'link' => $m[2]);
} else {
- $info['author'][] = array('name' => $v);
+ $info[$k][] = array('name' => $v);
} else {
- if (array_key_exists($k, $info)){
+// if (array_key_exists($k, $info)){
$info[$k] = $v;
- }
+// }
return $info;
diff --git a/include/queue_fn.php b/include/queue_fn.php
index 1e53d7488..0708aab56 100644
--- a/include/queue_fn.php
+++ b/include/queue_fn.php
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ function queue_deliver($outq, $immediate = false) {
else {
// zot sites should all have a site record, unless they've been dead for as long as
// your site has existed. Since we don't know for sure what these sites are,
// call them unknown
@@ -100,6 +101,11 @@ function queue_deliver($outq, $immediate = false) {
+ $arr = array('outq' => $outq, 'handled' => false, 'immediate' => $immediate);
+ call_hooks('queue_deliver',$arr);
+ if($arr['handled'])
+ return;
// "post" queue driver - used for diaspora and friendica-over-diaspora communications.
if($outq['outq_driver'] === 'post') {
@@ -118,11 +124,31 @@ function queue_deliver($outq, $immediate = false) {
+ // server is responding - see if anything else is going to this destination and is piled up
+ // and try to send some more. We're relying on the fact that delivery_loop() results in an
+ // immediate delivery otherwise we could get into a queue loop.
+ if(! $immediate) {
+ $x = q("select outq_hash from outq where outq_posturl = '%s' and outq_delivered = 0",
+ dbesc($outq['outq_posturl'])
+ );
+ $piled_up = array();
+ if($x) {
+ foreach($x as $xx) {
+ $piled_up[] = $xx['outq_hash'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($piled_up) {
+ delivery_loop($piled_up);
+ }
+ }
else {
logger('deliver: queue post returned ' . $result['return_code']
. ' from ' . $outq['outq_posturl'],LOGGER_DEBUG);
- update_queue_item($argv[$x]);
+ update_queue_item($outq['outq_posturl']);
diff --git a/include/text.php b/include/text.php
index dd52b16b6..6f7297bb0 100644
--- a/include/text.php
+++ b/include/text.php
@@ -536,9 +536,10 @@ function attribute_contains($attr, $s) {
* @param string $msg Message to log
* @param int $level A log level.
+ * @param int $priority - compatible with syslog
-function logger($msg, $level = 0) {
+function logger($msg, $level = LOGGER_NORMAL, $priority = LOG_INFO) {
// turn off logger in install mode
global $a;
global $db;
@@ -559,8 +560,8 @@ function logger($msg, $level = 0) {
$where = basename($stack[0]['file']) . ':' . $stack[0]['line'] . ':' . $stack[1]['function'] . ': ';
- $s = datetime_convert() . ':' . session_id() . ' ' . $where . $msg . PHP_EOL;
- $pluginfo = array('filename' => $logfile, 'loglevel' => $level, 'message' => $s,'logged' => false);
+ $s = datetime_convert() . ':' . log_priority_str($priority) . ':' . session_id() . ':' . $where . $msg . PHP_EOL;
+ $pluginfo = array('filename' => $logfile, 'loglevel' => $level, 'message' => $s,'priority' => $priority, 'logged' => false);
@@ -568,6 +569,23 @@ function logger($msg, $level = 0) {
@file_put_contents($pluginfo['filename'], $pluginfo['message'], FILE_APPEND);
+function log_priority_str($priority) {
+ $parr = array(
+ );
+ if($parr[$priority])
+ return $parr[$priority];
+ return 'LOG_UNDEFINED';
* @brief This is a special logging facility for developers.
@@ -972,7 +990,7 @@ function get_mood_verbs() {
'tired' => t('tired'),
'perky' => t('perky'),
'angry' => t('angry'),
- 'stupefied' => t('stupified'),
+ 'stupefied' => t('stupefied'),
'puzzled' => t('puzzled'),
'interested' => t('interested'),
'bitter' => t('bitter'),
diff --git a/include/widgets.php b/include/widgets.php
index 4b14d6c94..0f170fd52 100644
--- a/include/widgets.php
+++ b/include/widgets.php
@@ -493,38 +493,41 @@ function widget_settings_menu($arr) {
'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'channel') ? 'active' : ''),
- array(
- 'label' => t('Additional features'),
- 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/settings/features',
- 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'features') ? 'active' : ''),
- ),
+ );
- array(
- 'label' => t('Feature/Addon settings'),
- 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/settings/featured',
- 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'featured') ? 'active' : ''),
- ),
+ if(get_features()) {
+ $tabs[] = array(
+ 'label' => t('Additional features'),
+ 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/settings/features',
+ 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'features') ? 'active' : ''),
+ );
+ }
- array(
- 'label' => t('Display settings'),
- 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/settings/display',
- 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'display') ? 'active' : ''),
- ),
+ $tabs[] = array(
+ 'label' => t('Feature/Addon settings'),
+ 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/settings/featured',
+ 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'featured') ? 'active' : ''),
+ );
- array(
- 'label' => t('Connected apps'),
- 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/settings/oauth',
- 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'oauth') ? 'active' : ''),
- ),
+ $tabs[] = array(
+ 'label' => t('Display settings'),
+ 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true).'/settings/display',
+ 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'display') ? 'active' : ''),
+ );
- array(
- 'label' => t('Export channel'),
- 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/uexport',
- 'selected' => ''
- ),
+ $tabs[] = array(
+ 'label' => t('Connected apps'),
+ 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/settings/oauth',
+ 'selected' => ((argv(1) === 'oauth') ? 'active' : ''),
+ );
+ $tabs[] = array(
+ 'label' => t('Export channel'),
+ 'url' => $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/uexport',
+ 'selected' => ''
if($role === false || $role === 'custom') {
$tabs[] = array(
'label' => t('Connection Default Permissions'),
diff --git a/include/zot.php b/include/zot.php
index 922637bc1..a644bbd06 100644
--- a/include/zot.php
+++ b/include/zot.php
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function zot_build_packet($channel, $type = 'notify', $recipients = null, $remot
$data[$k] = $v;
- logger('zot_build_packet: ' . print_r($data,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_build_packet: ' . print_r($data,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
// Hush-hush ultra top-secret mode
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ function zot_finger($webbie, $channel = null, $autofallback = true) {
logger('zot_finger: no address :' . $webbie);
return array('success' => false);
- logger('using xchan_addr: ' . $xchan_addr, LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('using xchan_addr: ' . $xchan_addr, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
// potential issue here; the xchan_addr points to the primary hub.
// The webbie we were called with may not, so it might not be found
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ function zot_finger($webbie, $channel = null, $autofallback = true) {
if ($r[0]['hubloc_network'] && $r[0]['hubloc_network'] !== 'zot') {
logger('zot_finger: alternate network: ' . $webbie);
- logger('url: '.$url.', net: '.var_export($r[0]['hubloc_network'],true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('url: '.$url.', net: '.var_export($r[0]['hubloc_network'],true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
return array('success' => false);
} else {
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ function zot_refresh($them, $channel = null, $force = false) {
return true;
- logger('zot_refresh: them: ' . print_r($them,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_refresh: them: ' . print_r($them,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($channel)
- logger('zot_refresh: channel: ' . print_r($channel,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_refresh: channel: ' . print_r($channel,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$url = null;
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ function zot_refresh($them, $channel = null, $force = false) {
$result = z_post_url($url . $rhs,$postvars);
- logger('zot_refresh: zot-info: ' . print_r($result,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_refresh: zot-info: ' . print_r($result,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if ($result['success']) {
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ function zot_refresh($them, $channel = null, $force = false) {
$permissions = json_decode($permissions,true);
- logger('decrypted permissions: ' . print_r($permissions,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('decrypted permissions: ' . print_r($permissions,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$permissions = $j['permissions'];
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ function zot_register_hub($arr) {
$x = z_fetch_url($url);
- logger('zot_register_hub: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_register_hub: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if($x['success']) {
$record = json_decode($x['body'],true);
@@ -754,8 +754,8 @@ function import_xchan($arr,$ud_flags = UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED, $ud_arr = null) {
- logger('import_xchan: update: existing: ' . print_r($r[0],true), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('import_xchan: update: new: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('import_xchan: update: existing: ' . print_r($r[0],true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('import_xchan: update: new: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$what .= 'xchan ';
$changed = true;
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ function import_xchan($arr,$ud_flags = UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED, $ud_arr = null) {
$ret['hash'] = $xchan_hash;
- logger('import_xchan: result: ' . print_r($ret,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('import_xchan: result: ' . print_r($ret,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
return $ret;
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ function zot_process_response($hub, $arr, $outq) {
if (! $x) {
logger('zot_process_response: No json from ' . $hub);
- logger('zot_process_response: headers: ' . print_r($arr['header'],true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_process_response: headers: ' . print_r($arr['header'],true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if(is_array($x) && array_key_exists('delivery_report',$x) && is_array($x['delivery_report'])) {
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ function zot_process_response($hub, $arr, $outq) {
// async messages remain in the queue until processed.
- queue_set_delivered($outq['outq_hash'],$outq['outq_channel']);
+ remove_queue_item($outq['outq_hash'],$outq['outq_channel']);
logger('zot_process_response: ' . print_r($x,true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ function zot_process_response($hub, $arr, $outq) {
function zot_fetch($arr) {
- logger('zot_fetch: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_fetch: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$url = $arr['sender']['url'] . $arr['callback'];
@@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ function zot_import($arr, $sender_url) {
$i['notify'] = json_decode(crypto_unencapsulate($i['notify'],get_config('system','prvkey')),true);
- logger('zot_import: notify: ' . print_r($i['notify'],true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('zot_import: notify: ' . print_r($i['notify'],true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$hub = zot_gethub($i['notify']['sender']);
if((! $hub) || ($hub['hubloc_url'] != $sender_url)) {
@@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ function zot_import($arr, $sender_url) {
if(array_key_exists('message',$i) && array_key_exists('type',$i['message']) && $i['message']['type'] === 'rating') {
// rating messages are processed only by directory servers
- logger('Rating received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('Rating received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$result = process_rating_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$i['message']);
@@ -1261,8 +1261,8 @@ function zot_import($arr, $sender_url) {
- logger('Activity received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('Activity recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('Activity received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('Activity recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$relay = ((array_key_exists('flags',$i['message']) && in_array('relay',$i['message']['flags'])) ? true : false);
$result = process_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries,$relay,false,$message_request);
@@ -1270,16 +1270,16 @@ function zot_import($arr, $sender_url) {
elseif($i['message']['type'] === 'mail') {
$arr = get_mail_elements($i['message']);
- logger('Mail received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('Mail recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('Mail received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('Mail recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$result = process_mail_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries);
elseif($i['message']['type'] === 'profile') {
$arr = get_profile_elements($i['message']);
- logger('Profile received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('Profile recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('Profile received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('Profile recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$result = process_profile_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries);
@@ -1288,16 +1288,16 @@ function zot_import($arr, $sender_url) {
$arr = $i['message'];
- logger('Channel sync received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('Channel sync recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('Channel sync received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('Channel sync recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$result = process_channel_sync_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries);
elseif($i['message']['type'] === 'location') {
$arr = $i['message'];
- logger('Location message received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA);
- logger('Location message recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('Location message received: ' . print_r($arr,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
+ logger('Location message recipients: ' . print_r($deliveries,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$result = process_location_delivery($i['notify']['sender'],$arr,$deliveries);
@@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@ function public_recips($msg) {
- logger('public_recips: ' . print_r($r,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('public_recips: ' . print_r($r,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
return $r;
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ function public_recips($msg) {
function allowed_public_recips($msg) {
- logger('allowed_public_recips: ' . print_r($msg,true),LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('allowed_public_recips: ' . print_r($msg,true),LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
$scope = $msg['message']['public_scope'];
@@ -2873,7 +2873,7 @@ function build_sync_packet($uid = 0, $packet = null, $groups_changed = false) {
- logger('packet: ' . print_r($packet, true),LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('packet: ' . print_r($packet, true),LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if(! $uid)
$uid = local_channel();
@@ -2967,7 +2967,7 @@ function build_sync_packet($uid = 0, $packet = null, $groups_changed = false) {
$interval = ((get_config('system','delivery_interval') !== false)
? intval(get_config('system','delivery_interval')) : 2 );
- logger('build_sync_packet: packet: ' . print_r($info,true), LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('build_sync_packet: packet: ' . print_r($info,true), LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
foreach($synchubs as $hub) {
$hash = random_string();
@@ -3864,7 +3864,7 @@ function zotinfo($arr) {
function check_zotinfo($channel,$locations,&$ret) {
-// logger('locations: ' . print_r($locations,true),LOGGER_DATA);
+// logger('locations: ' . print_r($locations,true),LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
// This function will likely expand as we find more things to detect and fix.
// 1. Because magic-auth is reliant on it, ensure that the system channel has a valid hubloc
@@ -4085,7 +4085,7 @@ function zot_reply_pickup($data) {
$sitekey = $hubsite['hubloc_sitekey'];
- logger('mod_zot: Checking sitekey: ' . $sitekey, LOGGER_DATA);
+ logger('mod_zot: Checking sitekey: ' . $sitekey, LOGGER_DATA, LOG_DEBUG);
if(rsa_verify($data['callback'],base64url_decode($data['callback_sig']),$sitekey)) {
$forgery = false;
diff --git a/mod/channel.php b/mod/channel.php
index 2b9d0ed89..074017466 100644
--- a/mod/channel.php
+++ b/mod/channel.php
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ function channel_content(&$a, $update = 0, $load = false) {
'default_location' => (($is_owner) ? $a->profile['channel_location'] : ''),
'nickname' => $a->profile['channel_address'],
'lockstate' => (((strlen($a->profile['channel_allow_cid'])) || (strlen($a->profile['channel_allow_gid'])) || (strlen($a->profile['channel_deny_cid'])) || (strlen($a->profile['channel_deny_gid']))) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'),
- 'acl' => (($is_owner) ? populate_acl($channel_acl) : ''),
+ 'acl' => (($is_owner) ? populate_acl($channel_acl,true,(($a->profile['channel_r_stream'] & PERMS_PUBLIC) ? t('Public') : '')) : ''),
'showacl' => (($is_owner) ? 'yes' : ''),
'bang' => '',
'visitor' => (($is_owner || $observer) ? true : false),
diff --git a/mod/events.php b/mod/events.php
index 74b44906c..ed9f0f2e3 100755
--- a/mod/events.php
+++ b/mod/events.php
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ function events_content(&$a) {
'$xchan' => $event_xchan,
'$mid' => $mid,
'$event_hash' => $event_id,
- '$summary' => array('summary', (($event_id) ? t('Edit event titel') : t('Event titel')), $t_orig, t('Required'), '*'),
+ '$summary' => array('summary', (($event_id) ? t('Edit event title') : t('Event title')), $t_orig, t('Required'), '*'),
'$catsenabled' => $catsenabled,
'$placeholdercategory' => t('Categories (comma-separated list)'),
'$c_text' => (($event_id) ? t('Edit Category') : t('Category')),
diff --git a/mod/item.php b/mod/item.php
index b3ef57529..eecc3a9ac 100644
--- a/mod/item.php
+++ b/mod/item.php
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
else {
- if(! perm_is_allowed($profile_uid,$observer['xchan_hash'],'post_wall')) {
+ if(! perm_is_allowed($profile_uid,$observer['xchan_hash'],($webpage) ? 'write_pages' : 'post_wall')) {
notice( t('Permission denied.') . EOL) ;
goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path );
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ function item_post(&$a) {
else {
$parent = $post_id;
- if($datarray['owner_xchan'] != $datarray['author_xchan']) {
+ if(($datarray['owner_xchan'] != $datarray['author_xchan']) && ($datarray['item_type'] == ITEM_TYPE_POST)) {
'type' => NOTIFY_WALL,
'from_xchan' => $datarray['author_xchan'],
diff --git a/mod/network.php b/mod/network.php
index 9f0604296..ba2ef761b 100644
--- a/mod/network.php
+++ b/mod/network.php
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ function network_content(&$a, $update = 0, $load = false) {
'default_location' => $channel['channel_location'],
'nickname' => $channel['channel_address'],
'lockstate' => (($private_editing || $channel['channel_allow_cid'] || $channel['channel_allow_gid'] || $channel['channel_deny_cid'] || $channel['channel_deny_gid']) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'),
- 'acl' => populate_acl((($private_editing) ? $def_acl : $channel_acl)),
+ 'acl' => populate_acl((($private_editing) ? $def_acl : $channel_acl), true, (($channel['channel_r_stream'] & PERMS_PUBLIC) ? t('Public') : '')),
'bang' => (($private_editing) ? '!' : ''),
'visitor' => true,
'profile_uid' => local_channel()
diff --git a/mod/new_channel.php b/mod/new_channel.php
index 047048f0a..bec2a3c09 100644
--- a/mod/new_channel.php
+++ b/mod/new_channel.php
@@ -100,6 +100,17 @@ function new_channel_content(&$a) {
+ $default_role = '';
+ $aid = get_account_id();
+ if($aid) {
+ $r = q("select count(channel_id) as total from channel where channel_account_id = %d",
+ intval($aid)
+ );
+ if($r && (! intval($r[0]['total']))) {
+ $default_role = get_config('system','default_permissions_role');
+ }
+ }
$name = ((x($_REQUEST,'name')) ? $_REQUEST['name'] : "" );
$nickname = ((x($_REQUEST,'nickname')) ? $_REQUEST['nickname'] : "" );
$privacy_role = ((x($_REQUEST,'permissions_role')) ? $_REQUEST['permissions_role'] : "" );
@@ -117,6 +128,7 @@ function new_channel_content(&$a) {
'$name' => $name,
'$help_role' => t('Please choose a channel type (such as social networking or community forum) and privacy requirements so we can select the best permissions for you'),
'$role' => array('permissions_role' , t('Channel Type'), ($privacy_role) ? $privacy_role : 'social', '<a href="help/roles" target="_blank">'.t('Read more about roles').'</a>',get_roles()),
+ '$default_role' => $default_role,
'$nickname' => $nickname,
'$submit' => t('Create')
diff --git a/mod/rpost.php b/mod/rpost.php
index d519a996b..ab5ef4ccd 100644
--- a/mod/rpost.php
+++ b/mod/rpost.php
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function rpost_content(&$a) {
'default_location' => $channel['channel_location'],
'nickname' => $channel['channel_address'],
'lockstate' => (($acl->is_private()) ? 'lock' : 'unlock'),
- 'acl' => populate_acl($channel_acl),
+ 'acl' => populate_acl($channel_acl,true,(($channel['channel_r_stream'] & PERMS_PUBLIC) ? t('Public') : '')),
'bang' => '',
'visitor' => true,
'profile_uid' => local_channel(),
diff --git a/mod/settings.php b/mod/settings.php
index 339f83cfe..275b2a96f 100644
--- a/mod/settings.php
+++ b/mod/settings.php
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ function settings_post(&$a) {
$r = q("update abook set abook_my_perms = %d where abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 1",
- intval(($role_permissions['perms_auto']) ? intval($role_permissions['perms_accept']) : 0),
+ intval((array_key_exists('perms_accept',$role_permissions)) ? $role_permissions['perms_accept'] : 0),
set_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','autoperms',(($role_permissions['perms_auto']) ? intval($role_permissions['perms_accept']) : 0));
diff --git a/mod/wfinger.php b/mod/wfinger.php
index 8b9abe4af..5270c8f31 100644
--- a/mod/wfinger.php
+++ b/mod/wfinger.php
@@ -101,6 +101,11 @@ function wfinger_init(&$a) {
+ 'rel' => 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe',
+ 'template' => z_root() . '/follow/url={uri}',
+ ),
+ array(
'rel' => 'http://purl.org/zot/protocol',
'href' => z_root() . '/.well-known/zot-info' . '?address=' . $r[0]['xchan_addr'],
diff --git a/mod/xrd.php b/mod/xrd.php
index a373f8bf5..34ed47149 100644
--- a/mod/xrd.php
+++ b/mod/xrd.php
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ function xrd_init(&$a) {
// '$salmon' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/salmon/' . $r[0]['channel_address'],
// '$salmen' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/salmon/' . $r[0]['channel_address'] . '/mention',
'$modexp' => 'data:application/magic-public-key,' . $salmon_key,
+ '$subscribe' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/follow?url={uri}',
// '$bigkey' => salmon_key($r[0]['pubkey'])
diff --git a/util/hmessages.po b/util/hmessages.po
index 9025a5b69..a301a2f78 100644
--- a/util/hmessages.po
+++ b/util/hmessages.po
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: 2015-12-18.1250\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: 2016-01-01.1264\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-18 00:03-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-01 00:03-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -143,358 +143,358 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "newer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:785
+#: ../../include/text.php:803
msgid "No connections"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:797
+#: ../../include/text.php:815
#, php-format
msgid "%d Connection"
msgid_plural "%d Connections"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:810 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
+#: ../../include/text.php:828 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
msgid "View Connections"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:867 ../../include/text.php:879
+#: ../../include/text.php:885 ../../include/text.php:897
#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/apps.php:147
#: ../../mod/search.php:40
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:868 ../../include/text.php:880
+#: ../../include/text.php:886 ../../include/text.php:898
#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28
#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:100 ../../mod/admin.php:1454 ../../mod/admin.php:1474
#: ../../mod/filer.php:49
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:954
+#: ../../include/text.php:972
msgid "poke"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:954 ../../include/conversation.php:243
+#: ../../include/text.php:972 ../../include/conversation.php:243
msgid "poked"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
msgid "ping"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
msgid "pinged"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
msgid "prod"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
msgid "prodded"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
msgid "slap"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
msgid "slapped"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
msgid "finger"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
msgid "fingered"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
msgid "rebuff"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
msgid "rebuffed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:969
+#: ../../include/text.php:987
msgid "happy"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:970
+#: ../../include/text.php:988
msgid "sad"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:971
+#: ../../include/text.php:989
msgid "mellow"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:972
+#: ../../include/text.php:990
msgid "tired"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:973
+#: ../../include/text.php:991
msgid "perky"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:974
+#: ../../include/text.php:992
msgid "angry"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:975
-msgid "stupified"
+#: ../../include/text.php:993
+msgid "stupefied"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:976
+#: ../../include/text.php:994
msgid "puzzled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:977
+#: ../../include/text.php:995
msgid "interested"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:978
+#: ../../include/text.php:996
msgid "bitter"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:979
+#: ../../include/text.php:997
msgid "cheerful"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:980
+#: ../../include/text.php:998
msgid "alive"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:981
+#: ../../include/text.php:999
msgid "annoyed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:982
+#: ../../include/text.php:1000
msgid "anxious"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:983
+#: ../../include/text.php:1001
msgid "cranky"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:984
+#: ../../include/text.php:1002
msgid "disturbed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:985
+#: ../../include/text.php:1003
msgid "frustrated"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:986
+#: ../../include/text.php:1004
msgid "depressed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:987
+#: ../../include/text.php:1005
msgid "motivated"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:988
+#: ../../include/text.php:1006
msgid "relaxed"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:989
+#: ../../include/text.php:1007
msgid "surprised"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:70
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:70
msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:71
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:71
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:72
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:72
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:73
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:73
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:74
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:74
msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:75
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:75
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:69
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:69
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:45
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:45
msgid "January"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:46
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:46
msgid "February"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:47
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:47
msgid "March"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:48
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:48
msgid "April"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:50
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:50
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:51
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:51
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:52
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:52
msgid "August"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:53
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:53
msgid "September"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:54
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:54
msgid "October"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:55
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:55
msgid "November"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:56
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:56
msgid "December"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1242 ../../include/text.php:1246
+#: ../../include/text.php:1260 ../../include/text.php:1264
msgid "Unknown Attachment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1248 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237
+#: ../../include/text.php:1266 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
msgid "Size"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1248
+#: ../../include/text.php:1266
msgid "unknown"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1284
+#: ../../include/text.php:1302
msgid "remove category"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1361
+#: ../../include/text.php:1379
msgid "remove from file"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1392 ../../include/event.php:22
+#: ../../include/text.php:1410 ../../include/event.php:22
#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:465
msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1396 ../../include/event.php:30
+#: ../../include/text.php:1414 ../../include/event.php:30
#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
msgid "Starts:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1400 ../../include/event.php:40
+#: ../../include/text.php:1418 ../../include/event.php:40
#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:479
msgid "Finishes:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1407 ../../include/event.php:52
+#: ../../include/text.php:1425 ../../include/event.php:52
#: ../../include/identity.php:998 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:487
#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
msgid "Location:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1503 ../../include/text.php:1514
+#: ../../include/text.php:1521 ../../include/text.php:1532
msgid "Click to open/close"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1698 ../../mod/events.php:623
+#: ../../include/text.php:1716 ../../mod/events.php:623
msgid "Link to Source"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1719 ../../include/text.php:1791
+#: ../../include/text.php:1737 ../../include/text.php:1809
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1727
+#: ../../include/text.php:1745
msgid "Page layout"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1727
+#: ../../include/text.php:1745
msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1769
+#: ../../include/text.php:1787
msgid "Page content type"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1803
+#: ../../include/text.php:1821
msgid "Select an alternate language"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1922 ../../include/conversation.php:120
+#: ../../include/text.php:1940 ../../include/conversation.php:120
#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
msgid "photo"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1925 ../../include/event.php:904
+#: ../../include/text.php:1943 ../../include/event.php:904
#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../mod/tagger.php:47
#: ../../mod/like.php:363 ../../mod/events.php:249
msgid "event"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1928 ../../include/conversation.php:148
+#: ../../include/text.php:1946 ../../include/conversation.php:148
#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
msgid "status"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1930 ../../include/conversation.php:150
+#: ../../include/text.php:1948 ../../include/conversation.php:150
#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
msgid "comment"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:1935
+#: ../../include/text.php:1953
msgid "activity"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:2230
+#: ../../include/text.php:2248
msgid "Design Tools"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:2233 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
+#: ../../include/text.php:2251 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
msgid "Blocks"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:2234 ../../mod/menu.php:103
+#: ../../include/text.php:2252 ../../mod/menu.php:103
msgid "Menus"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:2235 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
+#: ../../include/text.php:2253 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
msgid "Layouts"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:2236
+#: ../../include/text.php:2254
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/text.php:2588 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131
+#: ../../include/text.php:2606 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131
msgid "Collection"
msgstr ""
@@ -1354,29 +1354,29 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Upload New Photos"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:240
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:218
msgid "Visible to your default audience"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:241
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:243
msgid "Show"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:242
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:244
msgid "Don't show"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:247
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249
msgid "Other networks and post services"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:251 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
#: ../../mod/thing.php:310 ../../mod/thing.php:356 ../../mod/photos.php:631
#: ../../mod/photos.php:998 ../../mod/chat.php:211
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:250 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:252 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
#: ../../mod/photos.php:1215
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
@@ -3433,19 +3433,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Channel was deleted and no longer exists."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/follow.php:152 ../../include/follow.php:181
+#: ../../include/follow.php:153 ../../include/follow.php:183
msgid "Protocol disabled."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/follow.php:171
+#: ../../include/follow.php:173
msgid "Channel discovery failed."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/follow.php:197
+#: ../../include/follow.php:199
msgid "local account not found."
msgstr ""
-#: ../../include/follow.php:221
+#: ../../include/follow.php:224
msgid "Cannot connect to yourself."
msgstr ""
@@ -6607,6 +6607,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search Results For:"
msgstr ""
+#: ../../mod/network.php:169 ../../mod/channel.php:131 ../../mod/rpost.php:114
+msgid "Public"
+msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/network.php:207
msgid "Collection is empty"
msgstr ""
@@ -9172,10 +9176,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Link text"
msgstr ""
-#: ../../mod/wholikesme.php:13
-msgid "Who likes me?"
-msgstr ""
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:94
msgid "Files: shared with me"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/version.inc b/version.inc
index 4887ba16b..8a363fc45 100644
--- a/version.inc
+++ b/version.inc
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/view/css/redable.css b/view/css/redable.css
index b8e31eab0..48e1c04ae 100644
--- a/view/css/redable.css
+++ b/view/css/redable.css
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-header #banner {
- position: fixed;
- top: 0;
- width: 250px;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
+nav, header {
+ display: none;
main {
@@ -17,13 +13,23 @@ main {
@media screen and (max-width: 801px) {
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left: -14rem !important;
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+ right: -14rem !important;
+ width: calc(100% + 14rem) !important;
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@@ -32,7 +38,7 @@ aside#region_1 {
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@@ -48,7 +54,7 @@ section#region_2wrap {
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+ text-align: initial;
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max-width: 14rem;
display: table-cell;
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- padding: 65px 7px 0px 7px;
+ padding: 7px 7px 0px 7px;
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diff --git a/view/es b/view/es
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..55914a5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/es
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+es-es/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/es/hmessages.po b/view/es-es/hmessages.po
index 3d1938a07..824ae5e49 100644
--- a/view/es/hmessages.po
+++ b/view/es-es/hmessages.po
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
# Translators:
# Alfonso <admin@alfonsomh.eu>, 2015
+# JACOB MALDONADO <axetransit@gmail.com>, 2015
# jeroenpraat <jeroenpraat@xs4all.nl>, 2015
-# Manuel Jiménez Friaza <mjfriaza@openmailbox.org>, 2015
-# Rafael, 2015
+# Manuel Jiménez Friaza <mjfriaza@openmailbox.org>, 2015-2016
# Rafael, 2015
# tony baldwin <tonybaldwin@gmx.com>, 2014
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Redmatrix\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 00:03-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-12 12:49+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-01 00:03-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-02 11:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Manuel Jiménez Friaza <mjfriaza@openmailbox.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/red-matrix/language/es/)\n"
+"Language-Team: Spanish (Spain) (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/red-matrix/language/es_ES/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: es\n"
+"Language: es_ES\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: ../../include/Contact.php:101 ../../include/identity.php:947
@@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ msgstr "Especificador de sala no válido."
msgid "Room not found."
msgstr "Sala no encontrada."
-#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4398
-#: ../../include/attach.php:140 ../../include/attach.php:188
-#: ../../include/attach.php:251 ../../include/attach.php:265
-#: ../../include/attach.php:272 ../../include/attach.php:337
-#: ../../include/attach.php:351 ../../include/attach.php:358
-#: ../../include/attach.php:436 ../../include/attach.php:884
-#: ../../include/attach.php:955 ../../include/attach.php:1107
-#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
+#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4405
+#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../include/attach.php:140
+#: ../../include/attach.php:188 ../../include/attach.php:251
+#: ../../include/attach.php:265 ../../include/attach.php:272
+#: ../../include/attach.php:337 ../../include/attach.php:351
+#: ../../include/attach.php:358 ../../include/attach.php:436
+#: ../../include/attach.php:888 ../../include/attach.php:959
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1111 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:73 ../../mod/filestorage.php:88
-#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/item.php:205
-#: ../../mod/item.php:213 ../../mod/item.php:1049 ../../mod/common.php:35
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/item.php:206
+#: ../../mod/item.php:214 ../../mod/item.php:1050 ../../mod/common.php:35
#: ../../mod/achievements.php:30 ../../mod/rate.php:111
#: ../../mod/blocks.php:69 ../../mod/blocks.php:76 ../../mod/id.php:71
#: ../../mod/like.php:177 ../../mod/page.php:31 ../../mod/page.php:86
@@ -125,15 +125,390 @@ msgstr "La clonación del canal no ha salido bien. La importación ha fallado."
msgid "Cloned channel not found. Import failed."
msgstr "No se ha podido importar el canal porque el canal clonado no se ha encontrado."
+#: ../../include/text.php:394
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "anterior"
+#: ../../include/text.php:396
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "primera"
+#: ../../include/text.php:425
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "última"
+#: ../../include/text.php:428
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "próxima"
+#: ../../include/text.php:438
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "más antiguas"
+#: ../../include/text.php:440
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "más recientes"
+#: ../../include/text.php:803
+msgid "No connections"
+msgstr "Sin conexiones"
+#: ../../include/text.php:815
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Connection"
+msgid_plural "%d Connections"
+msgstr[0] "%d Conexión"
+msgstr[1] "%d Conexiones"
+#: ../../include/text.php:828 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
+msgid "View Connections"
+msgstr "Ver conexiones"
+#: ../../include/text.php:885 ../../include/text.php:897
+#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/apps.php:147
+#: ../../mod/search.php:40
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Buscar"
+#: ../../include/text.php:886 ../../include/text.php:898
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:100 ../../mod/admin.php:1454 ../../mod/admin.php:1474
+#: ../../mod/filer.php:49
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Guardar"
+#: ../../include/text.php:972
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "un toque"
+#: ../../include/text.php:972 ../../include/conversation.php:243
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "ha dado un toque a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "un \"ping\""
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "ha enviado un \"ping\" a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "una incitación "
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "ha incitado a "
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "una bofetada "
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "ha abofeteado a "
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "un \"finger\" "
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "envió un \"finger\" a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "un reproche"
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "ha hecho un reproche a "
+#: ../../include/text.php:987
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "feliz "
+#: ../../include/text.php:988
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "triste "
+#: ../../include/text.php:989
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "tranquilo/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:990
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "cansado/a "
+#: ../../include/text.php:991
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "vivaz"
+#: ../../include/text.php:992
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "enfadado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:993
+msgid "stupefied"
+msgstr "asombrado"
+#: ../../include/text.php:994
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "perplejo/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:995
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "interesado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:996
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "amargado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:997
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "alegre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:998
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "animado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:999
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "molesto/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1000
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "ansioso/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1001
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "de mal humor"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1002
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "perturbado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1003
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustrado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1004
+msgid "depressed"
+msgstr "deprimido/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1005
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motivado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1006
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "relajado/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1007
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "sorprendido/a"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:70
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "lunes"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:71
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "martes"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:72
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "miércoles"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:73
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "jueves"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:74
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "viernes"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:75
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "sábado"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:69
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "domingo"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:45
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "enero"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:46
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "febrero"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:47
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "marzo"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:48
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "abril"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "mayo"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:50
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "junio"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:51
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "julio"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:52
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "agosto"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:53
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "septiembre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:54
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "octubre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:55
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "noviembre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:56
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "diciembre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1260 ../../include/text.php:1264
+msgid "Unknown Attachment"
+msgstr "Adjunto no reconocido"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1266 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237
+#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1266
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr "desconocido"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1302
+msgid "remove category"
+msgstr "eliminar categoría"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1379
+msgid "remove from file"
+msgstr "eliminar del fichero"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1410 ../../include/event.php:22
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:465
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l d de F, Y \\@ G:i"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1414 ../../include/event.php:30
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Comienza:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1418 ../../include/event.php:40
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:479
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Finaliza:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1425 ../../include/event.php:52
+#: ../../include/identity.php:998 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:487
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Ubicación:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1521 ../../include/text.php:1532
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Pulsar para abrir/cerrar"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1716 ../../mod/events.php:623
+msgid "Link to Source"
+msgstr "Enlazar con la entrada en su ubicación original"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1737 ../../include/text.php:1809
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "por defecto"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1745
+msgid "Page layout"
+msgstr "Formato de la página"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1745
+msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
+msgstr "Puede crear su propio formato gráfico con las herramientas de diseño"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1787
+msgid "Page content type"
+msgstr "Tipo de contenido de página"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1821
+msgid "Select an alternate language"
+msgstr "Seleccionar un idioma alternativo"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1940 ../../include/conversation.php:120
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "foto"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1943 ../../include/event.php:904
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../mod/tagger.php:47
+#: ../../mod/like.php:363 ../../mod/events.php:249
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "evento"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1946 ../../include/conversation.php:148
+#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "el mensaje de estado"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1948 ../../include/conversation.php:150
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
+msgid "comment"
+msgstr "el comentario"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1953
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "actividad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2248
+msgid "Design Tools"
+msgstr "Herramientas de diseño"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2251 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
+msgid "Blocks"
+msgstr "Bloques"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2252 ../../mod/menu.php:103
+msgid "Menus"
+msgstr "Menús"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2253 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
+msgid "Layouts"
+msgstr "Formato gráfico"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2254
+msgid "Pages"
+msgstr "Páginas"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2606 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Colección"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:107
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:239
msgid "parent"
msgstr "padre"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 ../../include/text.php:2582
-msgid "Collection"
-msgstr "Colección"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:134
msgid "Principal"
msgstr "Principal"
@@ -189,7 +564,7 @@ msgstr "Crear"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Subir"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:981
+#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:986
#: ../../mod/settings.php:588 ../../mod/settings.php:614
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:95
msgid "Name"
@@ -199,11 +574,6 @@ msgstr "Nombre"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237 ../../include/text.php:1248
-#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Tamaño"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:238 ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:98
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Última modificación"
@@ -225,7 +595,7 @@ msgstr "Editar"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:120 ../../include/apps.php:260
#: ../../mod/group.php:173 ../../mod/blocks.php:155 ../../mod/connedit.php:551
#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:223 ../../mod/thing.php:258
-#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:816 ../../mod/admin.php:975
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:821 ../../mod/admin.php:980
#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:179 ../../mod/settings.php:649
#: ../../mod/webpages.php:183 ../../mod/photos.php:1126
msgid "Delete"
@@ -333,9 +703,9 @@ msgstr "Describir (opcional)"
#: ../../mod/sources.php:104 ../../mod/sources.php:138
#: ../../mod/import.php:527 ../../mod/invite.php:142 ../../mod/thing.php:313
#: ../../mod/thing.php:359 ../../mod/import_items.php:122
-#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:442 ../../mod/admin.php:809
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:973 ../../mod/admin.php:1110 ../../mod/admin.php:1304
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1389 ../../mod/settings.php:586
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:447 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:978 ../../mod/admin.php:1115 ../../mod/admin.php:1309
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1394 ../../mod/settings.php:586
#: ../../mod/settings.php:698 ../../mod/settings.php:726
#: ../../mod/settings.php:749 ../../mod/settings.php:834
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1023 ../../mod/appman.php:99 ../../mod/locs.php:116
@@ -433,55 +803,11 @@ msgstr " "
msgid "timeago.numbers"
msgstr "timeago.numbers"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:45 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "enero"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:46 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "febrero"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:47 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "marzo"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:48 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "abril"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:49
msgctxt "long"
msgid "May"
msgstr "mayo"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:50 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "junio"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:51 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "julio"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:52 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "agosto"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:53 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "septiembre"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:54 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "octubre"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:55 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "noviembre"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:56 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "diciembre"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:57
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "ene"
@@ -531,34 +857,6 @@ msgstr "nov"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "dic"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:69 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "domingo"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:70 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "lunes"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:71 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "martes"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:72 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "miércoles"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:73 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "jueves"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:74 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "viernes"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:75 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "sábado"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:76
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "dom"
@@ -620,7 +918,7 @@ msgstr "No se ha encontrado el nombre de usuario en el fichero importado."
msgid "Import completed."
msgstr "Importación completada."
-#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:351
+#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:356
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predeterminado"
@@ -668,65 +966,38 @@ msgstr "Visible para las conexiones permitidas."
msgid "Visible to specific connections."
msgstr "Visible para conexiones específicas."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4319 ../../mod/filestorage.php:27
-#: ../../mod/thing.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:127 ../../mod/admin.php:1012
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1217 ../../mod/display.php:36 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20
+#: ../../include/items.php:4326 ../../mod/filestorage.php:27
+#: ../../mod/display.php:36 ../../mod/thing.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:129
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1017 ../../mod/admin.php:1222 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20
msgid "Item not found."
msgstr "Elemento no encontrado."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4831 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137
+#: ../../include/items.php:4838 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137
msgid "Collection not found."
msgstr "Colección no encontrada."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4847
+#: ../../include/items.php:4854
msgid "Collection is empty."
msgstr "La colección está vacía."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4854
+#: ../../include/items.php:4861
#, php-format
msgid "Collection: %s"
msgstr "Colección: %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4864 ../../mod/connedit.php:683
+#: ../../include/items.php:4871 ../../mod/connedit.php:683
#, php-format
msgid "Connection: %s"
msgstr "Conexión: %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4866
+#: ../../include/items.php:4873
msgid "Connection not found."
msgstr "Conexión no encontrada"
-#: ../../include/event.php:22 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
-#: ../../include/text.php:1392
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr "l d de F, Y \\@ G:i"
-#: ../../include/event.php:30 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:477
-#: ../../include/text.php:1396
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr "Comienza:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:40 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:485
-#: ../../include/text.php:1400
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr "Finaliza:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:52 ../../include/identity.php:998
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:493 ../../include/text.php:1407
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Ubicación:"
#: ../../include/event.php:768
msgid "This event has been added to your calendar."
msgstr "Este evento ha sido añadido a su calendario."
-#: ../../include/event.php:904 ../../include/conversation.php:123
-#: ../../include/text.php:1919 ../../mod/tagger.php:47 ../../mod/like.php:363
-#: ../../mod/events.php:249
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "evento"
#: ../../include/event.php:967
msgid "Not specified"
msgstr "Sin especificar"
@@ -791,7 +1062,7 @@ msgstr "Perfil principal"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:343 ../../mod/settings.php:346
#: ../../mod/settings.php:357
msgid "Friends"
-msgstr "Amigos"
+msgstr "Amigos/as"
#: ../../include/identity.php:770
msgid "Requested channel is not available."
@@ -1054,29 +1325,64 @@ msgstr "no me gusta"
msgid "dislikes"
msgstr "no gusta de"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:240
+#: ../../include/photos.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
+msgstr "La imagen excede el límite de %lu bytes del sitio"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:119
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "El fichero de imagen está vacío. "
+#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "No ha sido posible procesar la imagen"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:257
+msgid "Photo storage failed."
+msgstr "La foto no ha podido ser guardada."
+#: ../../include/photos.php:297
+msgid "a new photo"
+msgstr "una nueva foto"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:301
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "photo_upload"
+msgid "%1$s posted %2$s to %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ha publicado %2$s en %3$s"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:506 ../../include/conversation.php:1625
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Álbumes de fotos"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:510
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Subir nuevas fotos"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:218
msgid "Visible to your default audience"
msgstr "Visible para su público predeterminado."
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:241
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:243
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Mostrar"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:242
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:244
msgid "Don't show"
msgstr "No mostrar"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:247
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249
msgid "Other networks and post services"
-msgstr "Otras redes y servicios de correo"
+msgstr "Otras redes y servicios de publicación"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:251 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
#: ../../mod/thing.php:310 ../../mod/thing.php:356 ../../mod/photos.php:631
#: ../../mod/photos.php:998 ../../mod/chat.php:211
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permisos"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:250 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:252 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
#: ../../mod/photos.php:1215
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
@@ -1092,7 +1398,7 @@ msgstr "perfil público"
#: ../../include/activities.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to &ldquo;%3$s&rdquo;"
-msgstr "%1$s cambió %2$s a &ldquo;%3$s&rdquo;"
+msgstr "%1$s ha cambiado %2$s a &ldquo;%3$s&rdquo;"
#: ../../include/activities.php:60
#, php-format
@@ -1112,68 +1418,60 @@ msgstr "Elemento no encontrado."
msgid "No source file."
msgstr "Ningún fichero de origen"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:514
+#: ../../include/attach.php:518
msgid "Cannot locate file to replace"
msgstr "No se puede localizar el fichero que va a ser sustituido."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:532
+#: ../../include/attach.php:536
msgid "Cannot locate file to revise/update"
msgstr "No se puede localizar el fichero para revisar/actualizar"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:667
+#: ../../include/attach.php:671
#, php-format
msgid "File exceeds size limit of %d"
msgstr "El fichero supera el limite de tamaño de %d"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:681
+#: ../../include/attach.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f Mbytes attachment storage."
msgstr "Ha alcanzado su límite de %1$.0f Mbytes de almacenamiento de adjuntos."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:837
+#: ../../include/attach.php:841
msgid "File upload failed. Possible system limit or action terminated."
msgstr "Error de carga, posiblemente por limite del sistema o porque la acción ha finalizado."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:850
+#: ../../include/attach.php:854
msgid "Stored file could not be verified. Upload failed."
msgstr "El fichero almacenado no ha podido ser verificado. El envío ha fallado."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:898 ../../include/attach.php:914
+#: ../../include/attach.php:902 ../../include/attach.php:918
msgid "Path not available."
msgstr "Ruta no disponible."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:960 ../../include/attach.php:1112
+#: ../../include/attach.php:964 ../../include/attach.php:1116
msgid "Empty pathname"
msgstr "Ruta vacía"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:986
+#: ../../include/attach.php:990
msgid "duplicate filename or path"
msgstr "Nombre duplicado de ruta o fichero"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1008
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1012
msgid "Path not found."
msgstr "Ruta no encontrada"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1066
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1070
msgid "mkdir failed."
msgstr "mkdir ha fallado."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1070
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1074
msgid "database storage failed."
msgstr "el almacenamiento en la base de datos ha fallado."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1118
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1122
msgid "Empty path"
msgstr "Ruta vacía"
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:382
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Ficheros adjuntos:"
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:473
-msgid "$Projectname event notification:"
-msgstr "Notificación de eventos de $Projectname:"
#: ../../include/notify.php:20
msgid "created a new post"
msgstr "ha creado una nueva entrada"
@@ -1237,12 +1535,6 @@ msgstr "Ejemplo: paco@ejemplo.com, http://ejemplo.com/paco"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notas"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../include/text.php:868
-#: ../../include/text.php:880 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 ../../mod/rbmark.php:100
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1449 ../../mod/admin.php:1469 ../../mod/filer.php:49
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Guardar"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:266
msgid "Remove term"
msgstr "Eliminar término"
@@ -1284,7 +1576,7 @@ msgstr "Conocidos/as"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:432 ../../mod/connedit.php:575
#: ../../mod/connections.php:88 ../../mod/connections.php:103
msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todas"
+msgstr "Todos/as"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:451
msgid "Refresh"
@@ -1300,11 +1592,11 @@ msgstr "Configuración del canal"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:497
msgid "Additional features"
-msgstr "Características adicionales"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:503
msgid "Feature/Addon settings"
-msgstr "Configuración de características o complementos"
+msgstr "Complementos"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:509
msgid "Display settings"
@@ -1332,8 +1624,8 @@ msgid "Channel Sources"
msgstr "Orígenes de los contenidos del canal"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:554 ../../include/nav.php:202
-#: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../mod/admin.php:1071
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1271
+#: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../mod/admin.php:1076
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1276
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes"
@@ -1469,7 +1761,7 @@ msgstr "Para los administradores"
msgid "For Developers"
msgstr "Para los desarrolladores"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1214 ../../mod/admin.php:441
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1214 ../../mod/admin.php:446
msgid "Site"
msgstr "Sitio"
@@ -1477,17 +1769,17 @@ msgstr "Sitio"
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Cuentas"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1216 ../../mod/admin.php:972
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1216 ../../mod/admin.php:977
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Canales"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1217 ../../mod/admin.php:1069
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1109
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1217 ../../mod/admin.php:1074
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1114
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Extensiones"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1218 ../../mod/admin.php:1269
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1303
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1218 ../../mod/admin.php:1274
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1308
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temas"
@@ -1504,7 +1796,7 @@ msgid "DB updates"
msgstr "Actualizaciones de la base de datos"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:1239 ../../include/widgets.php:1245
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1388
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1393
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Informes"
@@ -1514,7 +1806,7 @@ msgstr "Administrador"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:1244
msgid "Plugin Features"
-msgstr "Ajustes de la extensión"
+msgstr "Extensiones"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:1246
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
@@ -1529,6 +1821,14 @@ msgstr "Ver foto"
msgid "Edit Album"
msgstr "Editar álbum"
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:376
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Ficheros adjuntos:"
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:467
+msgid "$Projectname event notification:"
+msgstr "Notificación de eventos de $Projectname:"
#: ../../include/bookmarks.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s's bookmarks"
@@ -1536,7 +1836,7 @@ msgstr "Marcadores de %1$s"
#: ../../include/features.php:38
msgid "General Features"
-msgstr "Características generales"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades básicas"
#: ../../include/features.php:40
msgid "Content Expiration"
@@ -1622,7 +1922,7 @@ msgstr "Les permite configurar restricciones y normas de uso a aquellos que cone
#: ../../include/features.php:55
msgid "Post Composition Features"
-msgstr "Características de composición de entradas"
+msgstr "Opciones para la redacción de entradas"
#: ../../include/features.php:57
msgid "Use Markdown"
@@ -1657,7 +1957,7 @@ msgstr "Permitir cifrado adicional de contenido \"punto-a-punto\" con una clave
#: ../../include/features.php:61
msgid "Enable Voting Tools"
-msgstr "Activar herramientas de votación"
+msgstr "Permitir entradas con votación"
#: ../../include/features.php:61
msgid "Provide a class of post which others can vote on"
@@ -1747,7 +2047,7 @@ msgstr "Mostrar sugerencias de canales"
#: ../../include/features.php:82
msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
-msgstr "Herramientas de entradas/comentarios"
+msgstr "Gestión de entradas y comentarios"
#: ../../include/features.php:83
msgid "Tagging"
@@ -2049,7 +2349,7 @@ msgstr "AAAA-MM-DD o MM-DD"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatorio"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:263 ../../boot.php:2284
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:263 ../../boot.php:2291
msgid "never"
msgstr "nunca"
@@ -2129,29 +2429,14 @@ msgstr "Cumpleaños de %1$s"
msgid "Happy Birthday %1$s"
msgstr "Feliz cumpleaños %1$s"
-#: ../../include/api.php:1301
+#: ../../include/api.php:1336
msgid "Public Timeline"
msgstr "Cronología pública"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:120 ../../include/text.php:1916
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "foto"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../mod/like.php:113
msgid "channel"
msgstr "el canal"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:148 ../../include/text.php:1922
-#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "el mensaje de estado"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:150 ../../include/text.php:1924
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "el comentario"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:164 ../../mod/like.php:410
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
@@ -2172,10 +2457,6 @@ msgstr "%1$s ahora está conectado/a con %2$s"
msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s ha dado un toque a %2$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:243 ../../include/text.php:954
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "ha dado un toque a"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:260 ../../mod/mood.php:63
#, php-format
msgctxt "mood"
@@ -2291,7 +2572,7 @@ msgstr "Eliminar elementos seleccionados"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:946
msgid "View Source"
-msgstr "Ver la fuente original de la entrada"
+msgstr "Ver la fuente original de la publicación"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:947
msgid "Follow Thread"
@@ -2316,7 +2597,7 @@ msgstr "Ver fotos"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:952
msgid "Activity/Posts"
-msgstr "Actividad y entradas"
+msgstr "Actividad y publicaciones"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:954
msgid "Edit Connection"
@@ -2643,7 +2924,7 @@ msgstr "Correo basura"
msgid "Posts flagged as SPAM"
msgstr "Publicaciones marcadas como basura"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1601 ../../mod/admin.php:980
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1601 ../../mod/admin.php:985
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"
@@ -2664,10 +2945,6 @@ msgstr "Detalles del perfil"
msgid "Photos"
msgstr "Fotos"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1625 ../../include/photos.php:483
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Álbumes de fotos"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1632
msgid "Files and Storage"
msgstr "Ficheros y repositorio"
@@ -2799,8 +3076,8 @@ msgid "RSS/Atom"
msgstr "RSS/Atom"
#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:79 ../../mod/id.php:15
-#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:812 ../../mod/admin.php:821
-#: ../../boot.php:1483
+#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:817 ../../mod/admin.php:826
+#: ../../boot.php:1490
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Correo electrónico"
@@ -2877,7 +3154,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s escribió la siguiente %2$s %3$s"
#: ../../include/bbcode.php:259 ../../mod/tagger.php:51
msgid "post"
-msgstr "la entrada"
+msgstr "entrada"
#: ../../include/bbcode.php:547
msgid "Different viewers will see this text differently"
@@ -2889,7 +3166,7 @@ msgstr "$1 spoiler"
#: ../../include/bbcode.php:782
msgid "$1 wrote:"
-msgstr "$1 escribió"
+msgstr "$1 escribió:"
#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:14
#, php-format
@@ -2898,7 +3175,7 @@ msgid_plural "%d invitations available"
msgstr[0] "%d invitación pendiente"
msgstr[1] "%d invitaciones disponibles"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:446
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:451
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzado"
@@ -3032,17 +3309,17 @@ msgstr "Para ver o comentar la conversación, visite %s"
#: ../../include/enotify.php:198
#, php-format
msgid "[Hubzilla:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
-msgstr "[Hubzilla:Aviso] %s ha publicado una entrada en su página de inicio del perfil"
+msgstr "[Hubzilla:Aviso] %s ha publicado una entrada en su página de inicio del perfil (\"muro\")"
#: ../../include/enotify.php:200
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s, %2$s posted to your profile wall at %3$s"
-msgstr "%1$s, %2$s publicó en su página del perfil en %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s ha publicado en su página del perfil en %3$s"
#: ../../include/enotify.php:202
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s, %2$s posted to [zrl=%3$s]your wall[/zrl]"
-msgstr "%1$s, %2$s publicó en [zrl=%3$s]su página del perfil[/zrl]"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s ha publicado en [zrl=%3$s]su página del perfil[/zrl]"
#: ../../include/enotify.php:226
#, php-format
@@ -3163,19 +3440,19 @@ msgstr "Respuesta incompleta del canal."
msgid "Channel was deleted and no longer exists."
msgstr "El canal ha sido eliminado y ya no existe."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:152 ../../include/follow.php:181
+#: ../../include/follow.php:153 ../../include/follow.php:183
msgid "Protocol disabled."
msgstr "Protocolo deshabilitado."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:171
+#: ../../include/follow.php:173
msgid "Channel discovery failed."
msgstr "El intento de acceder al canal ha fallado."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:197
+#: ../../include/follow.php:199
msgid "local account not found."
msgstr "No se ha encontrado la cuenta local."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:221
+#: ../../include/follow.php:224
msgid "Cannot connect to yourself."
msgstr "No puede conectarse consigo mismo."
@@ -3201,9 +3478,9 @@ msgstr "No ha sido posible determinar el remitente. "
#: ../../include/message.php:219
msgid "Stored post could not be verified."
-msgstr "No se han podido verificar las entradas guardadas."
+msgstr "No se han podido verificar las publicaciones guardadas."
-#: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1480
+#: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1487
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Finalizar sesión"
@@ -3217,7 +3494,7 @@ msgstr "Inicio"
#: ../../include/nav.php:85
msgid "Your posts and conversations"
-msgstr "Sus entradas y conversaciones"
+msgstr "Sus publicaciones y conversaciones"
#: ../../include/nav.php:86
msgid "Your profile page"
@@ -3259,7 +3536,7 @@ msgstr "Sus marcadores"
msgid "Your webpages"
msgstr "Sus páginas web"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:111 ../../include/apps.php:131 ../../boot.php:1481
+#: ../../include/nav.php:111 ../../include/apps.php:131 ../../boot.php:1488
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión"
@@ -3284,7 +3561,7 @@ msgstr "Pulsar para identificarse en su servidor de inicio"
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Página de inicio"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:149 ../../mod/register.php:224 ../../boot.php:1463
+#: ../../include/nav.php:149 ../../mod/register.php:226 ../../boot.php:1470
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrarse"
@@ -3293,7 +3570,7 @@ msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Crear una cuenta"
#: ../../include/nav.php:154 ../../include/apps.php:142
-#: ../../mod/layouts.php:176 ../../mod/help.php:202 ../../mod/help.php:207
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:176 ../../mod/help.php:204 ../../mod/help.php:209
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ayuda"
@@ -3305,12 +3582,6 @@ msgstr "Ayuda y documentación"
msgid "Applications, utilities, links, games"
msgstr "Aplicaciones, utilidades, enlaces, juegos"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/text.php:867
-#: ../../include/text.php:879 ../../include/apps.php:147
-#: ../../mod/search.php:40
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Buscar"
#: ../../include/nav.php:159
msgid "Search site @name, #tag, ?docs, content"
msgstr "Buscar en el sitio por @nombre, #etiqueta, ?ayuda o contenido"
@@ -3430,245 +3701,6 @@ msgid ""
"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
msgstr "El \"token\" de seguridad del formulario no es correcto. Esto ha ocurrido probablemente porque el formulario ha estado abierto demasiado tiempo (>3 horas) antes de ser enviado"
-#: ../../include/text.php:394
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "anterior"
-#: ../../include/text.php:396
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "primera"
-#: ../../include/text.php:425
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "última"
-#: ../../include/text.php:428
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "próxima"
-#: ../../include/text.php:438
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "más antiguas"
-#: ../../include/text.php:440
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "más recientes"
-#: ../../include/text.php:785
-msgid "No connections"
-msgstr "Sin conexiones"
-#: ../../include/text.php:797
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Connection"
-msgid_plural "%d Connections"
-msgstr[0] "%d Conexión"
-msgstr[1] "%d Conexiones"
-#: ../../include/text.php:810 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
-msgid "View Connections"
-msgstr "Ver conexiones"
-#: ../../include/text.php:954
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "un toque"
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "un \"ping\""
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "ha enviado un \"ping\" a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "una incitación"
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "ha incitado a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "una bofetada"
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "ha enviado una bofetada a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "un \"finger\""
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "ha enviado un \"finger\" a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "un rechazo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "ha enviado un rechazo a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:969
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "feliz"
-#: ../../include/text.php:970
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "triste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:971
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "amable"
-#: ../../include/text.php:972
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "cansado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:973
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "vivaz"
-#: ../../include/text.php:974
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "enfadado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:975
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "estupefacto/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:976
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "perplejo/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:977
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "interesado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:978
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "amargado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:979
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "alegre"
-#: ../../include/text.php:980
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "animado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:981
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "molesto/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:982
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "ansioso/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:983
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "de mal humor"
-#: ../../include/text.php:984
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "perturbado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:985
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "frustrado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:986
-msgid "depressed"
-msgstr "deprimido/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:987
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "motivado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:988
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "relajado/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:989
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "sorprendido/a"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "mayo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1242 ../../include/text.php:1246
-msgid "Unknown Attachment"
-msgstr "Adjunto no reconocido"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1248
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "desconocido"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1284
-msgid "remove category"
-msgstr "eliminar categoría"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1361
-msgid "remove from file"
-msgstr "eliminar del fichero"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1507 ../../include/text.php:1518
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Pulsar para abrir/cerrar"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1692 ../../mod/events.php:623
-msgid "Link to Source"
-msgstr "Enlazar con la entrada en su ubicación original"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1713 ../../include/text.php:1785
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "por defecto"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1721
-msgid "Page layout"
-msgstr "Formato de la página"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1721
-msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
-msgstr "Puede crear su propio formato gráfico con las herramientas de diseño"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1763
-msgid "Page content type"
-msgstr "Tipo de contenido de página"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1797
-msgid "Select an alternate language"
-msgstr "Seleccionar un idioma alternativo"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1929
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "actividad"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2224
-msgid "Design Tools"
-msgstr "Herramientas de diseño"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2227 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
-msgid "Blocks"
-msgstr "Bloques"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2228 ../../mod/menu.php:103
-msgid "Menus"
-msgstr "Menús"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2229 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
-msgid "Layouts"
-msgstr "Formato gráfico"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2230
-msgid "Pages"
-msgstr "Páginas"
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:139
msgid "Directory Options"
msgstr "Opciones del directorio"
@@ -3680,25 +3712,25 @@ msgstr "Modo seguro"
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:635 ../../mod/connedit.php:684 ../../mod/api.php:106
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:410 ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/photos.php:626
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:635 ../../mod/connedit.php:684 ../../mod/api.php:102
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:415 ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/photos.php:626
#: ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 ../../mod/events.php:447
#: ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:457 ../../mod/mitem.php:154
#: ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228 ../../mod/mitem.php:229
#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
-#: ../../mod/api.php:105 ../../mod/admin.php:412 ../../mod/settings.php:577
+#: ../../mod/api.php:101 ../../mod/admin.php:417 ../../mod/settings.php:577
#: ../../mod/photos.php:626 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153
#: ../../mod/events.php:447 ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:457
#: ../../mod/mitem.php:154 ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228
#: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sí"
@@ -3721,7 +3753,7 @@ msgstr "Un grupo suprimido con este nombre ha sido restablecido. <strong>Es posi
msgid "Add new connections to this collection (privacy group)"
msgstr "Añadir nuevas conexiones a esta colección (privacidad del grupo)"
-#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "All Channels"
msgstr "Todos los canales"
@@ -3745,20 +3777,20 @@ msgstr "Añadir nueva colección"
msgid "Channels not in any collection"
msgstr "El canal no se encuentra en ninguna colección"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:675
+#: ../../include/zot.php:676
msgid "Invalid data packet"
msgstr "Paquete de datos no válido"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:691
+#: ../../include/zot.php:692
msgid "Unable to verify channel signature"
msgstr "No ha sido posible de verificar la firma del canal"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:2275
+#: ../../include/zot.php:2268
#, php-format
msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s"
msgstr "No ha sido posible de verificar la firma del sitio para %s"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:3601
+#: ../../include/zot.php:3584
msgid "invalid target signature"
msgstr "La firma recibida no es válida"
@@ -3811,27 +3843,6 @@ msgstr "Sin asunto"
msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
msgstr "No se ha podido localizar información de DNS para el servidor de base de datos “%s”"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
-msgstr "La imagen excede el límite de %lu bytes del sitio"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:119
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "El fichero de imagen está vacío. "
-#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr "No ha sido posible procesar la imagen"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:257
-msgid "Photo storage failed."
-msgstr "La foto no ha podido ser guardada."
-#: ../../include/photos.php:487
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Subir nuevas fotos"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:130
msgid "Save to Folder"
msgstr "Guardar en carpeta"
@@ -3922,11 +3933,11 @@ msgstr "mediante"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:321
msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
-msgstr "De página del perfil a página del perfil (de Muro a Muro)"
+msgstr "De página del perfil a página del perfil (de \"muro\" a \"muro\")"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:322
msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
-msgstr "Mediante el procedimiento página del perfil a página del perfil (de Muro a Muro)"
+msgstr "Mediante el procedimiento página del perfil a página del perfil (de \"muro\" a \"muro\")"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:362
msgid "Save Bookmarks"
@@ -3997,7 +4008,7 @@ msgstr "Invitar"
#: ../../include/apps.php:152
msgid "Features"
-msgstr "Características"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades"
#: ../../include/apps.php:153 ../../mod/id.php:28
msgid "Language"
@@ -4318,36 +4329,36 @@ msgstr "Todos los canales conectados"
msgid "Click on a channel to add or remove."
msgstr "Haga clic en un canal para agregarlo o quitarlo."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:173
+#: ../../mod/item.php:174
msgid "Unable to locate original post."
msgstr "No ha sido posible encontrar la entrada original."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:417
+#: ../../mod/item.php:418
msgid "Empty post discarded."
msgstr "La entrada vacía ha sido desechada."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:457
+#: ../../mod/item.php:458
msgid "Executable content type not permitted to this channel."
msgstr "Contenido de tipo ejecutable no permitido en este canal."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:822
+#: ../../mod/item.php:823
msgid "Duplicate post suppressed."
msgstr "Se ha suprimido la entrada duplicada."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:953
+#: ../../mod/item.php:954
msgid "System error. Post not saved."
msgstr "Error del sistema. La entrada no se ha podido salvar."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1220
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1221
msgid "Unable to obtain post information from database."
msgstr "No ha sido posible obtener información de la entrada en la base de datos."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1227
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1228
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f top level posts."
msgstr "Ha alcanzado su límite de %1$.0f entradas en la página principal."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1234
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1235
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f webpages."
msgstr "Ha alcanzado su límite de %1$.0f páginas web."
@@ -4664,7 +4675,7 @@ msgstr "Elemento no válido."
msgid "Channel not found."
msgstr "Canal no encontrado."
-#: ../../mod/page.php:89 ../../mod/display.php:110 ../../mod/help.php:214
+#: ../../mod/page.php:89 ../../mod/display.php:110 ../../mod/help.php:216
#: ../../mod/block.php:75 ../../index.php:241
msgid "Page not found."
msgstr "Página no encontrada."
@@ -4776,8 +4787,8 @@ msgstr "Leer más sobre los roles"
msgid "No ratings"
msgstr "Ninguna valoración"
-#: ../../mod/ratings.php:82 ../../mod/search.php:13 ../../mod/directory.php:59
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/display.php:13
+#: ../../mod/ratings.php:82 ../../mod/display.php:13
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:59 ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/search.php:13
#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:17
msgid "Public access denied."
msgstr "Acceso público denegado."
@@ -5327,7 +5338,7 @@ msgstr "Página personal"
msgid "Interests"
msgstr "Intereses"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:457 ../../mod/admin.php:981
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:457 ../../mod/admin.php:986
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Dirección"
@@ -5511,16 +5522,6 @@ msgstr "Añadir cosas al perfil"
msgid "Include desirable objects in your profile"
msgstr "Añadir objetos interesantes en su perfil"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
-msgstr "elementos etiquetados con: %s"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:214
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search results for: %s"
-msgstr "Resultados de la búsqueda para: %s"
#: ../../mod/connedit.php:75
msgid "Could not access contact record."
msgstr "No se ha podido acceder al registro de contacto."
@@ -5543,7 +5544,7 @@ msgstr "ahora está conectado/a"
#: ../../mod/connedit.php:395
msgid "Could not access address book record."
-msgstr "No se pudo acceder a la entrada en su libreta de direcciones."
+msgstr "No se pudo acceder al registro en su libreta de direcciones."
#: ../../mod/connedit.php:409
msgid "Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable."
@@ -5580,11 +5581,11 @@ msgstr "Actividad reciente"
msgid "View recent posts and comments"
msgstr "Ver publicaciones y comentarios recientes"
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:818
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:823
msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Desbloquear"
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:817
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:822
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Bloquear"
@@ -5740,7 +5741,7 @@ msgid ""
" communication."
msgstr "(%s) desearía conectar con usted. por favor, apruebe esta conexión para permitir la comunicación."
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 ../../mod/admin.php:819
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Aprobar"
@@ -5913,19 +5914,19 @@ msgstr "añadió este canal a sus conexiones"
msgid "posted an event"
msgstr "publicó un evento"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:76 ../../mod/api.php:102
+#: ../../mod/api.php:74 ../../mod/api.php:98
msgid "Authorize application connection"
msgstr "Autorizar una conexión de aplicación"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:77
+#: ../../mod/api.php:75
msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
msgstr "Volver a su aplicación e introducir este código de seguridad:"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:89
+#: ../../mod/api.php:85
msgid "Please login to continue."
msgstr "Por favor inicia sesión para continuar."
-#: ../../mod/api.php:104
+#: ../../mod/api.php:100
msgid ""
"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
" and/or create new posts for you?"
@@ -6165,7 +6166,7 @@ msgid ""
"Password reset failed."
msgstr "La solicitud no ha podido ser verificada. (Puede que la haya enviado con anterioridad) El restablecimiento de la contraseña ha fallado."
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86 ../../boot.php:1489
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86 ../../boot.php:1496
msgid "Password Reset"
msgstr "Restablecer la contraseña"
@@ -6441,7 +6442,7 @@ msgstr "%1$s ha actualizado su %2$s"
#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:302
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s updated their %2$s"
-msgstr "%1$s ha actualizado sus %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s ha actualizado su %2$s"
#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:304
msgid "profile photo"
@@ -6617,6 +6618,10 @@ msgstr "foro"
msgid "Search Results For:"
msgstr "Buscar resultados para:"
+#: ../../mod/network.php:169 ../../mod/channel.php:131 ../../mod/rpost.php:114
+msgid "Public"
+msgstr "Público/a"
#: ../../mod/network.php:207
msgid "Collection is empty"
msgstr "La colección está vacía"
@@ -6662,807 +6667,817 @@ msgstr "Por favor, confirme que acepta los Términos del servicio. El registro h
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Las contraseñas no coinciden."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:117
+#: ../../mod/register.php:119
msgid ""
"Registration successful. Please check your email for validation "
msgstr "Registro realizado con éxito. Por favor, compruebe su correo electrónico para ver las instrucciones para validarlo."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:123
+#: ../../mod/register.php:125
msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
msgstr "Su registro está pendiente de aprobación por el propietario del sitio."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:126
+#: ../../mod/register.php:128
msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
msgstr "Su registro no puede ser procesado."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:163
+#: ../../mod/register.php:165
msgid "Registration on this site/hub is by approval only."
msgstr "El registro en este servidor/hub está sometido a aprobación previa."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:164
+#: ../../mod/register.php:166
msgid "<a href=\"pubsites\">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"pubsites\">Inscribirse en un servidor/hub afiliado</a>"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:174
+#: ../../mod/register.php:176
msgid ""
"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
"Please try again tomorrow."
msgstr "Este sitio ha excedido el límite de inscripción diaria de cuentas. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo mañana."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:185
+#: ../../mod/register.php:187
msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr "Términos del servicio"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:191
+#: ../../mod/register.php:193
#, php-format
msgid "I accept the %s for this website"
msgstr "Acepto los %s de este sitio"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:193
+#: ../../mod/register.php:195
#, php-format
msgid "I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website"
msgstr "Tengo más de 13 años de edad y acepto los %s de este sitio"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:443
+#: ../../mod/register.php:209 ../../mod/admin.php:448
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Registro"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:212
+#: ../../mod/register.php:214
msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
msgstr "Para registrarse en este sitio es necesaria una invitación."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:213
+#: ../../mod/register.php:215
msgid "Please enter your invitation code"
msgstr "Por favor, introduzca el código de su invitación"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:216
+#: ../../mod/register.php:218
msgid "Your email address"
msgstr "Su dirección de correo electrónico"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:217
+#: ../../mod/register.php:219
msgid "Choose a password"
msgstr "Elija una contraseña"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:218
+#: ../../mod/register.php:220
msgid "Please re-enter your password"
msgstr "Por favor, vuelva a escribir su contraseña"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:52
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:54
msgid "Theme settings updated."
msgstr "Ajustes del tema actualizados."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:160
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:162
msgid "# Accounts"
msgstr "# Cuentas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:161
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:163
msgid "# blocked accounts"
msgstr "# cuentas bloqueadas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:162
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:164
msgid "# expired accounts"
msgstr "# cuentas caducadas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:163
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:165
msgid "# expiring accounts"
msgstr "# cuentas que caducan"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:174
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:176
msgid "# Channels"
msgstr "# Canales"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:175
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:177
msgid "# primary"
msgstr "# primario"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:176
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:178
msgid "# clones"
msgstr "# clones"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:182
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:184
msgid "Message queues"
msgstr "Mensajes en cola"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:198 ../../mod/admin.php:440 ../../mod/admin.php:539
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:807 ../../mod/admin.php:971 ../../mod/admin.php:1068
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1108 ../../mod/admin.php:1268 ../../mod/admin.php:1302
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1387
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:200 ../../mod/admin.php:445 ../../mod/admin.php:545
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:812 ../../mod/admin.php:976 ../../mod/admin.php:1073
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1113 ../../mod/admin.php:1273 ../../mod/admin.php:1307
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1392
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administración"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:199
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:201
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sumario"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:202
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:204
msgid "Registered accounts"
msgstr "Cuentas registradas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:203 ../../mod/admin.php:543
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:549
msgid "Pending registrations"
msgstr "Registros pendientes"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:204
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:206
msgid "Registered channels"
msgstr "Canales registrados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:544
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:550
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Extensiones activas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:206
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:208
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versión"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:324
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:329
msgid "Site settings updated."
msgstr "Ajustes del sitio actualizados."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:361 ../../mod/settings.php:793
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:366 ../../mod/settings.php:793
msgid "mobile"
msgstr "móvil"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:363
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:368
msgid "experimental"
msgstr "experimental"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:365
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:370
msgid "unsupported"
msgstr "no soportado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:411
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:416
msgid "Yes - with approval"
msgstr "Sí - con aprobación"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:417
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:422
msgid "My site is not a public server"
msgstr "Mi sitio no es un servidor público"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:418
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:423
msgid "My site has paid access only"
msgstr "Mi sitio es un servicio de pago"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:419
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:424
msgid "My site has free access only"
msgstr "Mi sitio es un servicio gratuito"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:420
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:425
msgid "My site offers free accounts with optional paid upgrades"
msgstr "Mi sitio ofrece cuentas gratuitas con opciones extra de pago"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:444
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:449
msgid "File upload"
msgstr "Fichero subido"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:445
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
msgid "Policies"
msgstr "Políticas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Nombre del sitio"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:451
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
msgid "Banner/Logo"
msgstr "Banner/Logo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:452
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
msgid "Administrator Information"
msgstr "Información del Administrador"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:452
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
msgid ""
"Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. "
"BBCode can be used here"
msgstr "Información de contacto de los administradores del sitio. Visible en la página \"siteinfo\". Se puede usar BBCode"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:453
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
msgid "System language"
msgstr "Idioma del sistema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
msgid "System theme"
msgstr "Tema gráfico del sistema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
msgid ""
"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' "
"id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>"
msgstr "Tema del sistema por defecto - se puede cambiar por cada perfil de usuario - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>modificar los ajustes del tema</a>"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
msgid "Mobile system theme"
msgstr "Tema del sistema para móviles"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
msgstr "Tema para dispositivos móviles"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
msgid "Allow Feeds as Connections"
msgstr "Permitir contenidos RSS como conexiones"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
msgid "(Heavy system resource usage)"
msgstr "(Uso intenso de los recursos del sistema)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
msgid "Maximum image size"
msgstr "Tamaño máximo de la imagen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
msgid ""
"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
msgstr "Tamaño máximo en bytes de la imagen subida. Por defecto, es 0, lo que significa que no hay límites."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
msgid "Does this site allow new member registration?"
msgstr "¿Debe este sitio permitir el registro de nuevos miembros?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid "Invitation only"
+msgstr "Solo con una invitación"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid ""
+"Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register "
+"policy must be set to Yes."
+msgstr "Solo se permiten inscripciones de nuevos miembros con un código de invitación. Además, deben aceptarse los términos del registro marcando \"Sí\"."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
msgid "Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"
msgstr "¿Cómo describiría el tipo de servicio ofrecido por este servidor?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
msgid "Register text"
msgstr "Texto del registro"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
msgstr "Se mostrará de forma destacada en la página de registro."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
msgid "Site homepage to show visitors (default: login box)"
msgstr "Página personal que se mostrará a los visitantes (por defecto: la página de identificación)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
msgid ""
"example: 'public' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to show a system "
"webpage called 'home' or 'include:home.html' to include a file."
msgstr "ejemplo: 'public' para mostrar contenido público de los usuarios, 'page/sys/home' para mostrar la página web definida como \"home\" o 'include:home.html' para mostrar el contenido de un fichero."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
msgid "Preserve site homepage URL"
msgstr "Preservar la dirección de la página personal"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
msgid ""
"Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of "
msgstr "Presenta la página personal del sitio en un marco en la ubicación original, en vez de redirigirla."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
msgstr "Cuentas abandonadas después de x días"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
msgid ""
"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
msgstr "Para evitar consumir recursos del sistema intentando poner al día las cuentas abandonadas. Introduzca 0 para no tener límite de tiempo."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
msgid "Allowed friend domains"
msgstr "Dominios amigos permitidos"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
msgstr "Lista separada por comas de dominios a los que está permitido establecer relaciones de amistad con este sitio. Se permiten comodines. Dejar en claro para aceptar cualquier dominio."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
msgid "Allowed email domains"
msgstr "Se aceptan dominios de correo electrónico"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
msgstr "Lista separada por comas de los dominios de los que se acepta una dirección de correo electrónico para registros en este sitio. Se permiten comodines. Dejar en claro para aceptar cualquier dominio. "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
msgid "Not allowed email domains"
msgstr "No se permiten dominios de correo electrónico"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are not allowed in email addresses for"
" registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
"domains, unless allowed domains have been defined."
msgstr "Lista separada por comas de los dominios de los que no se acepta una dirección de correo electrónico para registros en este sitio. Se permiten comodines. Dejar en claro para no aceptar cualquier dominio, excepto los que se hayan autorizado."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
msgid "Block public"
msgstr "Bloquear páginas públicas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
msgid ""
"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
"site unless you are currently logged in."
msgstr "Activar para bloquear el acceso a todas las páginas públicas personales en este sitio, salvo que estén identificadas en el sistema."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
msgid "Verify Email Addresses"
msgstr "Verificar las direcciones de correo electrónico"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
msgid ""
"Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended)."
msgstr "Activar para la verificación de la dirección de correo electrónico en el registro de una cuenta (recomendado)."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
msgid "Force publish"
msgstr "Forzar la publicación"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
msgid ""
"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
msgstr "Intentar forzar todos los perfiles para que sean listados en el directorio de este sitio."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
msgid "Import Public Streams"
msgstr "Importar contenido público"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
msgid ""
"Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: "
"this content is unmoderated."
msgstr "Importar y permitir acceso al contenido público sacado de otros sitios. Advertencia: este contenido no está moderado, por lo que podría encontrar cosas inapropiadas u ofensivas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
msgid "login on Homepage"
msgstr "acceso a la página personal"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
msgid ""
"Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has "
"been configured."
msgstr "Presentar a los visitantes una casilla de identificación en la página de inicio, si no se ha configurado otro tipo de contenido."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
msgid "Directory Server URL"
msgstr "URL del servidor de directorio"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
msgid "Default directory server"
msgstr "Servidor de directorio predeterminado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
msgid "Proxy user"
msgstr "Usuario del proxy"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
msgid "Proxy URL"
msgstr "Dirección del proxy"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:484
msgid "Network timeout"
msgstr "Tiempo de espera de la red"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:484
msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
msgstr "Valor en segundos. Poner a 0 para que no haya tiempo límite (no recomendado)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:479
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:485
msgid "Delivery interval"
msgstr "Intervalo de entrega"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:479
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:485
msgid ""
"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
"for large dedicated servers."
msgstr "Retrasar los procesos de transmisión en segundo plano por esta cantidad de segundos para reducir la carga del sistema. Recomendado: 4-5 para sitios compartidos, 2-3 para servidores virtuales privados, 0-1 para grandes servidores dedicados."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:486
msgid "Deliveries per process"
msgstr "Intentos de envío por proceso"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:486
msgid ""
"Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust"
" if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5."
msgstr "Numero de envíos a intentar en un único proceso del sistema operativo. Ajustar si es necesario mejorar el rendimiento. Se recomienda: 1-5."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:481
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:487
msgid "Poll interval"
msgstr "Intervalo de sondeo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:481
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:487
msgid ""
"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
msgstr "Retrasar el sondeo en segundo plano, en esta cantidad de segundos, para reducir la carga del sistema. Si es 0, usar el intervalo de transmisión."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:488
msgid "Maximum Load Average"
msgstr "Carga media máxima"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:488
msgid ""
"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
"default 50."
msgstr "Carga máxima del sistema antes de que los procesos de transmisión y sondeo se hayan retardado - por defecto, 50."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:489
msgid "Expiration period in days for imported (matrix/network) content"
msgstr "Periodo de caducidad en días para el contenido importado (red)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:489
msgid "0 for no expiration of imported content"
msgstr "0 para que no caduque el contenido importado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:531
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:537
msgid "No server found"
msgstr "Servidor no encontrado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538 ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544 ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "for channel"
msgstr "por canal"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "on server"
msgstr "en el servidor"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:540
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:546
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Servidor"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:557
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:563
msgid "Update has been marked successful"
msgstr "La actualización ha sido marcada como exitosa"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:567
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:573
#, php-format
msgid "Executing %s failed. Check system logs."
msgstr "La ejecución de %s ha fallado. Mirar en los informes del sistema."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:570
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:576
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
msgstr "La actualización de %s se ha realizado exitosamente."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:574
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:580
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
msgstr "La actualización de %s no ha devuelto ningún estado. No se sabe si ha tenido éxito."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:577
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:583
#, php-format
msgid "Update function %s could not be found."
msgstr "No se encuentra la función de actualización de %s."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:593
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:599
msgid "No failed updates."
msgstr "No ha fallado ninguna actualización."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:597
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:603
msgid "Failed Updates"
msgstr "Han fallado las actualizaciones"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:599
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:605
msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
msgstr "Marcar como exitosa (si la actualización se ha hecho manualmente)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:600
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:606
msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
msgstr "Intentar ejecutar este paso de actualización automáticamente"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:632
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
msgid "Queue Statistics"
msgstr "Estadísticas de la cola"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:633
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
msgid "Total Entries"
msgstr "Total de entradas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:634
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:639
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioridad"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:635
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:640
msgid "Destination URL"
msgstr "Dirección de destino"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:636
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:641
msgid "Mark hub permanently offline"
msgstr "Marcar el servidor como permanentemente fuera de línea"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:642
msgid "Empty queue for this hub"
msgstr "Vaciar la cola para este servidor"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:643
msgid "Last known contact"
msgstr "Último contacto conocido"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:674
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:679
#, php-format
msgid "%s account blocked/unblocked"
msgid_plural "%s account blocked/unblocked"
msgstr[0] "%s cuenta bloqueada/desbloqueada"
msgstr[1] "%s cuenta bloqueada/desbloqueada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:682
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:687
#, php-format
msgid "%s account deleted"
msgid_plural "%s accounts deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s cuentas eliminadas"
msgstr[1] "%s cuentas eliminadas"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:718
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:723
msgid "Account not found"
msgstr "Cuenta no encontrada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:730
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:735
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' deleted"
msgstr "La cuenta '%s' ha sido eliminada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:738
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:743
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' blocked"
msgstr "La cuenta '%s' ha sido bloqueada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:746
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:751
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' unblocked"
msgstr "La cuenta '%s' ha sido desbloqueada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:808 ../../mod/admin.php:820
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 ../../mod/admin.php:825
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Usuarios"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:810 ../../mod/admin.php:974
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:815 ../../mod/admin.php:979
msgid "select all"
msgstr "seleccionar todo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:811
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:816
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
msgstr "Registros de usuario en espera de aprobación"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:812
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:817
msgid "Request date"
msgstr "Fecha de solicitud"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:813
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:818
msgid "No registrations."
msgstr "Sin registros."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:815
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:820
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Rechazar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Register date"
msgstr "Fecha de registro"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Último acceso"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Expires"
msgstr "Caduca"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Service Class"
msgstr "Clase de servicio"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:823
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:828
msgid ""
"Selected accounts will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these accounts had posted"
" on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "¡Las cuentas seleccionadas van a ser eliminadas!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que estas cuentas han publicado en este sitio será borrado de forma permanente!\\n\\n¿Está seguro de querer hacerlo?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:824
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:829
msgid ""
"The account {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this account has posted on "
"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "¡La cuenta {0} va a ser eliminada!\\n\\n¡Todo lo que esta cuenta ha publicado en este sitio será borrado de forma permanente!\\n\\n¿Está seguro de querer hacerlo?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:860
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:865
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel censored/uncensored"
msgid_plural "%s channels censored/uncensored"
msgstr[0] "%s canales censurados/no censurados"
msgstr[1] "%s canales censurados/no censurados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:869
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:874
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel code allowed/disallowed"
msgid_plural "%s channels code allowed/disallowed"
msgstr[0] "%s código permitido/no permitido al canal"
msgstr[1] "%s código permitido/no permitido al canal"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:876
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:881
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel deleted"
msgid_plural "%s channels deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s canales eliminados"
msgstr[1] "%s canales eliminados"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:896
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:901
msgid "Channel not found"
msgstr "Canal no encontrado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:907
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:912
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' deleted"
msgstr "Canal '%s' eliminado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:919
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:924
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' censored"
msgstr "Canal '%s' censurado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:919
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:924
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' uncensored"
msgstr "Canal '%s' no censurado"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:930
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:935
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' code allowed"
msgstr "Código permitido al canal '%s'"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:930
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:935
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' code disallowed"
msgstr "Código no permitido al canal '%s'"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:976
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:981
msgid "Censor"
msgstr "Censurar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:977
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:982
msgid "Uncensor"
msgstr "No censurar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:978
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:983
msgid "Allow Code"
msgstr "Permitir código"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:979
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:984
msgid "Disallow Code"
msgstr "No permitir código"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:981
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:986
msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:983
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:988
msgid ""
"Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in these "
"channels on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Los canales seleccionados se eliminarán!\\n\\nTodo lo publicado por estos canales en este sitio se borrarán definitivamente!\\n\\n¿Está seguro de querer hacerlo?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:984
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:989
msgid ""
"The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this "
"channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "El canal {0} va a ser eliminado!\\n\\nTodo lo publicado por el canal en este sitio se borrará definitivamente!\\n\\n¿Está seguro de querer hacerlo?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1024
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1029
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
msgstr "Extensión %s desactivada."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1028
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1033
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
msgstr "Extensión %s activada."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1038 ../../mod/admin.php:1241
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1043 ../../mod/admin.php:1246
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Desactivar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1041 ../../mod/admin.php:1243
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1046 ../../mod/admin.php:1248
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Activar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1070 ../../mod/admin.php:1270
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1075 ../../mod/admin.php:1275
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Cambiar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1078 ../../mod/admin.php:1280
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1083 ../../mod/admin.php:1285
msgid "Author: "
msgstr "Autor:"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1079 ../../mod/admin.php:1281
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1084 ../../mod/admin.php:1286
msgid "Maintainer: "
msgstr "Mantenedor:"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1206
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1211
msgid "No themes found."
msgstr "No se han encontrado temas."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1262
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1267
msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr "Instantánea de pantalla"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1308
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1313
msgid "[Experimental]"
msgstr "[Experimental]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1309
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1314
msgid "[Unsupported]"
msgstr "[No soportado]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1333
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1338
msgid "Log settings updated."
msgstr "Actualizado el informe de configuraciones."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1390
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1395
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Vaciar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1396
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1401
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Depuración"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1397
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1402
msgid "Log file"
msgstr "Fichero de informe"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1397
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1402
msgid ""
"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Red top-level directory."
msgstr "Debe tener permisos de escritura por el servidor web. La ruta es relativa al directorio de instalación de Hubzilla."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1398
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1403
msgid "Log level"
msgstr "Nivel de depuración"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1444
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1449
msgid "New Profile Field"
msgstr "Nuevo campo en el perfil"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1445 ../../mod/admin.php:1465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1450 ../../mod/admin.php:1470
msgid "Field nickname"
msgstr "Alias del campo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1445 ../../mod/admin.php:1465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1450 ../../mod/admin.php:1470
msgid "System name of field"
msgstr "Nombre del campo en el sistema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1446 ../../mod/admin.php:1466
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1451 ../../mod/admin.php:1471
msgid "Input type"
msgstr "Tipo de entrada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1447 ../../mod/admin.php:1467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452 ../../mod/admin.php:1472
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Nombre del campo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1447 ../../mod/admin.php:1467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452 ../../mod/admin.php:1472
msgid "Label on profile pages"
msgstr "Etiqueta a mostrar en la página del perfil"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1448 ../../mod/admin.php:1468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453 ../../mod/admin.php:1473
msgid "Help text"
msgstr "Texto de ayuda"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1448 ../../mod/admin.php:1468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453 ../../mod/admin.php:1473
msgid "Additional info (optional)"
msgstr "Información adicional (opcional)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1463
msgid "Field definition not found"
msgstr "Definición del campo no encontrada"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1469
msgid "Edit Profile Field"
msgstr "Modificar el campo del perfil"
@@ -7489,7 +7504,7 @@ msgstr "El nombre es obligatorio"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:80
msgid "Key and Secret are required"
-msgstr "Clave y Secreto son obligatorios"
+msgstr "\"Key\" y \"Secret\" son obligatorios"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:232
msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
@@ -7534,7 +7549,7 @@ msgstr "Nombre de la aplicación"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:589 ../../mod/settings.php:615
msgid "Consumer Key"
-msgstr "Clave de consumidor"
+msgstr "Consumer Key"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:589 ../../mod/settings.php:590
msgid "Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20"
@@ -7542,7 +7557,7 @@ msgstr "Generado automáticamente - si lo desea, cámbielo. Longitud máxima: 2
#: ../../mod/settings.php:590 ../../mod/settings.php:616
msgid "Consumer Secret"
-msgstr "Clave secreta de consumidor"
+msgstr "Consumer Secret"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:591 ../../mod/settings.php:617
msgid "Redirect"
@@ -7572,7 +7587,7 @@ msgstr "Aplicaciones conectadas"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:650
msgid "Client key starts with"
-msgstr "La clave de cliente empieza por"
+msgstr "La \"client key\" empieza por"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:651
msgid "No name"
@@ -7588,7 +7603,7 @@ msgstr "No se ha establecido la configuración de características"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:672
msgid "Feature/Addon Settings"
-msgstr "Ajustes de la característica o el complemento"
+msgstr "Ajustes de los complementos"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:695
msgid "Account Settings"
@@ -7624,7 +7639,7 @@ msgstr "Activado"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:724
msgid "Additional Features"
-msgstr "Características adicionales"
+msgstr "Funcionalidades"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:748
msgid "Connector Settings"
@@ -7895,7 +7910,7 @@ msgstr "Por defecto, enviar un mensaje de estado cuando:"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1071
msgid "accepting a friend request"
-msgstr "acepte una solicitud de amistad"
+msgstr "Acepte una solicitud de amistad"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1072
msgid "joining a forum/community"
@@ -7903,7 +7918,7 @@ msgstr "al unirse a un foro o comunidad"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1073
msgid "making an <em>interesting</em> profile change"
-msgstr "realice un cambio <em>interesante</em> en su perfil"
+msgstr "Realice un cambio <em>interesante</em> en su perfil"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1074
msgid "Send a notification email when:"
@@ -7919,7 +7934,7 @@ msgstr "Sus conexiones hayan sido confirmadas"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1077
msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
-msgstr "Alguien escriba en la página de su perfil (muro)"
+msgstr "Alguien escriba en la página de su perfil (\"muro\")"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1078
msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
@@ -7939,7 +7954,7 @@ msgstr "Usted sea etiquetado en una publicación"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1082
msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
-msgstr "Reciba un toque o incitación en una entrada"
+msgstr "Reciba un toque o incitación en una publicación"
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1085
msgid "Show visual notifications including:"
@@ -8023,7 +8038,7 @@ msgstr "Cambiar el comportamiento de esta cuenta en situaciones especiales"
msgid ""
"Please enable expert mode (in <a href=\"settings/features\">Settings > "
"Additional features</a>) to adjust!"
-msgstr "Activar modo experto (en <a href=\"settings/features\">Ajustes > Características Adicionales</a>) para ajustar."
+msgstr "¡Activar el modo de experto (en <a href=\"settings/features\">Ajustes > Funcionalidades</a>) para realizar cambios!."
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1107
msgid "Miscellaneous Settings"
@@ -8091,7 +8106,7 @@ msgstr "Ubicación (URL) de la aplicación"
#: ../../mod/appman.php:94
msgid "Photo icon URL"
-msgstr "Dirección del icono que se va a utilizar para esta foto"
+msgstr "Dirección del icono"
#: ../../mod/appman.php:94
msgid "80 x 80 pixels - optional"
@@ -8266,7 +8281,7 @@ msgstr "o seleccionar uno existente (doble click)"
#: ../../mod/photos.php:626
msgid "Create a status post for this upload"
-msgstr "Crear una entrada de estado para esta subida"
+msgstr "Crear un mensaje de estado para esta subida"
#: ../../mod/photos.php:627
msgid "Caption (optional):"
@@ -8404,7 +8419,7 @@ msgstr "Exportar la información sobre su canal y el contenido reciente a un fic
#: ../../mod/uexport.php:56
msgid "Export your posts from a given year."
-msgstr "Exporta sus entradas de un año dado."
+msgstr "Exporta sus publicaciones de un año dado."
#: ../../mod/uexport.php:58
msgid ""
@@ -8519,6 +8534,16 @@ msgstr "Tiempo de expiración de los mensajes en los chats (en minutos)"
msgid "%1$s's Chatrooms"
msgstr "Salas de chat de %1$s"
+#: ../../mod/search.php:212
+#, php-format
+msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
+msgstr "elementos etiquetados con: %s"
+#: ../../mod/search.php:214
+#, php-format
+msgid "Search results for: %s"
+msgstr "Resultados de la búsqueda para: %s"
#: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:40
msgid "Source of Item"
msgstr "Origen del elemento"
@@ -8612,22 +8637,6 @@ msgstr "Buscar sus conexiones"
msgid "Finding: "
msgstr "Búsqueda:"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:147
-msgid "Documentation Search"
-msgstr "Búsqueda de Documentación"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:184 ../../mod/help.php:190 ../../mod/help.php:196
-msgid "Help:"
-msgstr "Ayuda:"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:211 ../../index.php:238
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "No encontrado"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:235
-msgid "$Projectname Documentation"
-msgstr "Documentación de $Projectname"
#: ../../mod/manage.php:130
#, php-format
msgid "You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."
@@ -8842,6 +8851,22 @@ msgstr "Responder"
msgid "Your message for %s (%s):"
msgstr "Su mensaje para %s (%s):"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:148
+msgid "Documentation Search"
+msgstr "Búsqueda de Documentación"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:186 ../../mod/help.php:192 ../../mod/help.php:198
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Ayuda:"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:213 ../../index.php:238
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "No encontrado"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:237
+msgid "$Projectname Documentation"
+msgstr "Documentación de $Projectname"
#: ../../mod/service_limits.php:19
msgid "No service class restrictions found."
msgstr "No se han encontrado restricciones sobre esta clase de servicio."
@@ -8853,11 +8878,11 @@ msgstr "Versión %s"
#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:36
msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
-msgstr "Extensiones/Aplicaciones instaladas:"
+msgstr "Extensiones, complementos o aplicaciones instaladas:"
#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:49
msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
-msgstr "Extensiones/Aplicaciones no instaladas:"
+msgstr "No hay instalada ninguna extensión, complemento o aplicación"
#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:62
msgid ""
@@ -9165,10 +9190,6 @@ msgstr "Editar elemento del menú"
msgid "Link text"
msgstr "Texto del enlace"
-#: ../../mod/wholikesme.php:13
-msgid "Who likes me?"
-msgstr "¿Quién me ha puesto \"Me gusta\"?"
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:94
msgid "Files: shared with me"
msgstr "Ficheros: compartidos conmigo"
@@ -9292,7 +9313,7 @@ msgstr "Ejemplo: 14px"
#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:124
msgid "Set font-size for posts and comments"
-msgstr "Ajustar el tamaño del tipo de letra para entradas y comentarios"
+msgstr "Ajustar el tamaño del tipo de letra para publicaciones y comentarios"
#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:125
msgid "Set font-color for posts and comments"
@@ -9330,57 +9351,57 @@ msgstr "Ajustar el tamaño de la foto del autor de la conversación"
msgid "Set size of followup author photos"
msgstr "Ajustar el tamaño de foto de los seguidores del autor"
-#: ../../boot.php:1292
+#: ../../Zotlabs/Zot/Auth.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
+" logout and retry."
+msgstr "La autenticación desde su servidor está bloqueada. Ha iniciado sesión localmente. Por favor, salga de la sesión y vuelva a intentarlo."
+#: ../../boot.php:1299
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
msgstr "La actualización %s ha fallado. Mire el informe de errores."
-#: ../../boot.php:1295
+#: ../../boot.php:1302
#, php-format
msgid "Update Error at %s"
msgstr "Error de actualización en %s"
-#: ../../boot.php:1462
+#: ../../boot.php:1469
msgid ""
"Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla"
msgstr "Crear una cuenta para acceder a los servicios y aplicaciones dentro de Hubzilla"
-#: ../../boot.php:1484
+#: ../../boot.php:1491
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
-#: ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Recordarme"
-#: ../../boot.php:1488
+#: ../../boot.php:1495
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "¿Olvidó su contraseña?"
-#: ../../boot.php:2108
+#: ../../boot.php:2115
msgid "toggle mobile"
msgstr "cambiar a modo móvil"
-#: ../../boot.php:2243
+#: ../../boot.php:2250
msgid "Website SSL certificate is not valid. Please correct."
msgstr "El certificado SSL del sitio web no es válido. Por favor, solucione el problema."
-#: ../../boot.php:2246
+#: ../../boot.php:2253
#, php-format
msgid "[hubzilla] Website SSL error for %s"
msgstr "[hubzilla] Error SSL del sitio web en %s"
-#: ../../boot.php:2283
+#: ../../boot.php:2290
msgid "Cron/Scheduled tasks not running."
msgstr "Las tareas del Planificador/Cron no están funcionando."
-#: ../../boot.php:2287
+#: ../../boot.php:2294
#, php-format
msgid "[hubzilla] Cron tasks not running on %s"
msgstr "[hubzilla] Las tareas de Cron no están funcionando en %s"
-#: ../../Zotlabs/Zot/Auth.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
-" logout and retry."
-msgstr "La autenticación desde su servidor está bloqueada. Ha iniciado sesión localmente. Por favor, salga de la sesión y vuelva a intentarlo."
diff --git a/view/es/hstrings.php b/view/es-es/hstrings.php
index 2fc5fb861..e3af4e95e 100644
--- a/view/es/hstrings.php
+++ b/view/es-es/hstrings.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_es")) {
-function string_plural_select_es($n){
+if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_es_es")) {
+function string_plural_select_es_es($n){
return ($n != 1);;
@@ -19,8 +19,100 @@ $a->strings["Cannot create a duplicate channel identifier on this system. Import
$a->strings["Unable to create a unique channel address. Import failed."] = "No se ha podido crear una dirección de canal única. Ha fallado la importación.";
$a->strings["Channel clone failed. Import failed."] = "La clonación del canal no ha salido bien. La importación ha fallado.";
$a->strings["Cloned channel not found. Import failed."] = "No se ha podido importar el canal porque el canal clonado no se ha encontrado.";
-$a->strings["parent"] = "padre";
+$a->strings["prev"] = "anterior";
+$a->strings["first"] = "primera";
+$a->strings["last"] = "última";
+$a->strings["next"] = "próxima";
+$a->strings["older"] = "más antiguas";
+$a->strings["newer"] = "más recientes";
+$a->strings["No connections"] = "Sin conexiones";
+$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d Conexión",
+ 1 => "%d Conexiones",
+$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Ver conexiones";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Buscar";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
+$a->strings["poke"] = "un toque";
+$a->strings["poked"] = "ha dado un toque a";
+$a->strings["ping"] = "un \"ping\"";
+$a->strings["pinged"] = "ha enviado un \"ping\" a";
+$a->strings["prod"] = "una incitación ";
+$a->strings["prodded"] = "ha incitado a ";
+$a->strings["slap"] = "una bofetada ";
+$a->strings["slapped"] = "ha abofeteado a ";
+$a->strings["finger"] = "un \"finger\" ";
+$a->strings["fingered"] = "envió un \"finger\" a";
+$a->strings["rebuff"] = "un reproche";
+$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "ha hecho un reproche a ";
+$a->strings["happy"] = "feliz ";
+$a->strings["sad"] = "triste ";
+$a->strings["mellow"] = "tranquilo/a";
+$a->strings["tired"] = "cansado/a ";
+$a->strings["perky"] = "vivaz";
+$a->strings["angry"] = "enfadado/a";
+$a->strings["stupefied"] = "asombrado";
+$a->strings["puzzled"] = "perplejo/a";
+$a->strings["interested"] = "interesado/a";
+$a->strings["bitter"] = "amargado/a";
+$a->strings["cheerful"] = "alegre";
+$a->strings["alive"] = "animado/a";
+$a->strings["annoyed"] = "molesto/a";
+$a->strings["anxious"] = "ansioso/a";
+$a->strings["cranky"] = "de mal humor";
+$a->strings["disturbed"] = "perturbado/a";
+$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrado/a";
+$a->strings["depressed"] = "deprimido/a";
+$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivado/a";
+$a->strings["relaxed"] = "relajado/a";
+$a->strings["surprised"] = "sorprendido/a";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "lunes";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "martes";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "miércoles";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "jueves";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "viernes";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "sábado";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "domingo";
+$a->strings["January"] = "enero";
+$a->strings["February"] = "febrero";
+$a->strings["March"] = "marzo";
+$a->strings["April"] = "abril";
+$a->strings["May"] = "mayo";
+$a->strings["June"] = "junio";
+$a->strings["July"] = "julio";
+$a->strings["August"] = "agosto";
+$a->strings["September"] = "septiembre";
+$a->strings["October"] = "octubre";
+$a->strings["November"] = "noviembre";
+$a->strings["December"] = "diciembre";
+$a->strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Adjunto no reconocido";
+$a->strings["Size"] = "Tamaño";
+$a->strings["unknown"] = "desconocido";
+$a->strings["remove category"] = "eliminar categoría";
+$a->strings["remove from file"] = "eliminar del fichero";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l d de F, Y \\@ G:i";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Comienza:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Finaliza:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Ubicación:";
+$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Pulsar para abrir/cerrar";
+$a->strings["Link to Source"] = "Enlazar con la entrada en su ubicación original";
+$a->strings["default"] = "por defecto";
+$a->strings["Page layout"] = "Formato de la página";
+$a->strings["You can create your own with the layouts tool"] = "Puede crear su propio formato gráfico con las herramientas de diseño";
+$a->strings["Page content type"] = "Tipo de contenido de página";
+$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Seleccionar un idioma alternativo";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
+$a->strings["status"] = "el mensaje de estado";
+$a->strings["comment"] = "el comentario";
+$a->strings["activity"] = "actividad";
+$a->strings["Design Tools"] = "Herramientas de diseño";
+$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Bloques";
+$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menús";
+$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Formato gráfico";
+$a->strings["Pages"] = "Páginas";
$a->strings["Collection"] = "Colección";
+$a->strings["parent"] = "padre";
$a->strings["Principal"] = "Principal";
$a->strings["Addressbook"] = "Libreta de direcciones";
$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Calendario";
@@ -34,7 +126,6 @@ $a->strings["Create"] = "Crear";
$a->strings["Upload"] = "Subir";
$a->strings["Name"] = "Nombre";
$a->strings["Type"] = "Tipo";
-$a->strings["Size"] = "Tamaño";
$a->strings["Last Modified"] = "Última modificación";
$a->strings["Edit"] = "Editar";
$a->strings["Delete"] = "Eliminar";
@@ -81,18 +172,7 @@ $a->strings["about a year"] = "alrededor de un año";
$a->strings["%d years"] = "%d años";
$a->strings[" "] = " ";
$a->strings["timeago.numbers"] = "timeago.numbers";
-$a->strings["January"] = "enero";
-$a->strings["February"] = "febrero";
-$a->strings["March"] = "marzo";
-$a->strings["April"] = "abril";
$a->strings["__ctx:long__ May"] = "mayo";
-$a->strings["June"] = "junio";
-$a->strings["July"] = "julio";
-$a->strings["August"] = "agosto";
-$a->strings["September"] = "septiembre";
-$a->strings["October"] = "octubre";
-$a->strings["November"] = "noviembre";
-$a->strings["December"] = "diciembre";
$a->strings["Jan"] = "ene";
$a->strings["Feb"] = "feb";
$a->strings["Mar"] = "mar";
@@ -105,13 +185,6 @@ $a->strings["Sep"] = "sep";
$a->strings["Oct"] = "oct";
$a->strings["Nov"] = "nov";
$a->strings["Dec"] = "dic";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "domingo";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "lunes";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "martes";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "miércoles";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "jueves";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "viernes";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "sábado";
$a->strings["Sun"] = "dom";
$a->strings["Mon"] = "lun";
$a->strings["Tue"] = "mar";
@@ -143,12 +216,7 @@ $a->strings["Collection is empty."] = "La colección está vacía.";
$a->strings["Collection: %s"] = "Colección: %s";
$a->strings["Connection: %s"] = "Conexión: %s";
$a->strings["Connection not found."] = "Conexión no encontrada";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l d de F, Y \\@ G:i";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Comienza:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Finaliza:";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Ubicación:";
$a->strings["This event has been added to your calendar."] = "Este evento ha sido añadido a su calendario.";
-$a->strings["event"] = "evento";
$a->strings["Not specified"] = "Sin especificar";
$a->strings["Needs Action"] = "Necesita de una intervención";
$a->strings["Completed"] = "Completado/a";
@@ -163,7 +231,7 @@ $a->strings["Reserved nickname. Please choose another."] = "Sobrenombre en uso.
$a->strings["Nickname has unsupported characters or is already being used on this site."] = "El alias contiene caracteres no admitidos o está ya en uso por otros usuarios de este sitio.";
$a->strings["Unable to retrieve created identity"] = "No ha sido posible recuperar la identidad creada";
$a->strings["Default Profile"] = "Perfil principal";
-$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amigos";
+$a->strings["Friends"] = "Amigos/as";
$a->strings["Requested channel is not available."] = "El canal solicitado no está disponible.";
$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "El perfil solicitado no está disponible.";
$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Cambiar la foto del perfil";
@@ -228,15 +296,23 @@ $a->strings["like"] = "me gusta";
$a->strings["likes"] = "gusta de";
$a->strings["dislike"] = "no me gusta";
$a->strings["dislikes"] = "no gusta de";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "La imagen excede el límite de %lu bytes del sitio";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "El fichero de imagen está vacío. ";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "No ha sido posible procesar la imagen";
+$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "La foto no ha podido ser guardada.";
+$a->strings["a new photo"] = "una nueva foto";
+$a->strings["__ctx:photo_upload__ %1\$s posted %2\$s to %3\$s"] = "%1\$s ha publicado %2\$s en %3\$s";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Álbumes de fotos";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Subir nuevas fotos";
$a->strings["Visible to your default audience"] = "Visible para su público predeterminado.";
$a->strings["Show"] = "Mostrar";
$a->strings["Don't show"] = "No mostrar";
-$a->strings["Other networks and post services"] = "Otras redes y servicios de correo";
+$a->strings["Other networks and post services"] = "Otras redes y servicios de publicación";
$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Permisos";
$a->strings["Close"] = "Cerrar";
$a->strings[" and "] = "y";
$a->strings["public profile"] = "perfil público";
-$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;"] = "%1\$s cambió %2\$s a &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;";
+$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;"] = "%1\$s ha cambiado %2\$s a &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;";
$a->strings["Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "Visitar %2\$s de %1\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s ha actualizado %2\$s cambiando %3\$s.";
$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Elemento no encontrado.";
@@ -254,8 +330,6 @@ $a->strings["Path not found."] = "Ruta no encontrada";
$a->strings["mkdir failed."] = "mkdir ha fallado.";
$a->strings["database storage failed."] = "el almacenamiento en la base de datos ha fallado.";
$a->strings["Empty path"] = "Ruta vacía";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Ficheros adjuntos:";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname event notification:"] = "Notificación de eventos de \$Projectname:";
$a->strings["created a new post"] = "ha creado una nueva entrada";
$a->strings["commented on %s's post"] = "ha comentado la entrada de %s";
$a->strings["Apps"] = "Aplicaciones";
@@ -271,7 +345,6 @@ $a->strings["Add New Connection"] = "Añadir nueva conexión";
$a->strings["Enter the channel address"] = "Introducir la dirección del canal";
$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Ejemplo: paco@ejemplo.com, http://ejemplo.com/paco";
$a->strings["Notes"] = "Notas";
-$a->strings["Save"] = "Guardar";
$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Eliminar término";
$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Búsquedas guardadas";
$a->strings["add"] = "añadir";
@@ -281,12 +354,12 @@ $a->strings["Archives"] = "Hemeroteca";
$a->strings["Me"] = "Yo";
$a->strings["Family"] = "Familia";
$a->strings["Acquaintances"] = "Conocidos/as";
-$a->strings["All"] = "Todas";
+$a->strings["All"] = "Todos/as";
$a->strings["Refresh"] = "Recargar";
$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Configuración de la cuenta";
$a->strings["Channel settings"] = "Configuración del canal";
-$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Características adicionales";
-$a->strings["Feature/Addon settings"] = "Configuración de características o complementos";
+$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Funcionalidades";
+$a->strings["Feature/Addon settings"] = "Complementos";
$a->strings["Display settings"] = "Ajustes de visualización";
$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Aplicaciones conectadas";
$a->strings["Export channel"] = "Exportar canal";
@@ -337,12 +410,14 @@ $a->strings["Profile Config"] = "Ajustes del perfil";
$a->strings["DB updates"] = "Actualizaciones de la base de datos";
$a->strings["Logs"] = "Informes";
$a->strings["Admin"] = "Administrador";
-$a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Ajustes de la extensión";
+$a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Extensiones";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Registros de usuarios pendientes de confirmación";
$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Ver foto";
$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Editar álbum";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Ficheros adjuntos:";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname event notification:"] = "Notificación de eventos de \$Projectname:";
$a->strings["%1\$s's bookmarks"] = "Marcadores de %1\$s";
-$a->strings["General Features"] = "Características generales";
+$a->strings["General Features"] = "Funcionalidades básicas";
$a->strings["Content Expiration"] = "Caducidad del contenido";
$a->strings["Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time"] = "Eliminar publicaciones/comentarios y/o mensajes privados más adelante";
$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Múltiples perfiles";
@@ -363,7 +438,7 @@ $a->strings["Expert Mode"] = "Modo de experto";
$a->strings["Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options"] = "Habilitar el modo de experto para acceder a opciones avanzadas de configuración";
$a->strings["Premium Channel"] = "Canal premium";
$a->strings["Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel"] = "Les permite configurar restricciones y normas de uso a aquellos que conectan con su canal";
-$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Características de composición de entradas";
+$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Opciones para la redacción de entradas";
$a->strings["Use Markdown"] = "Usar Markdown";
$a->strings["Allow use of \"Markdown\" to format posts"] = "Permitir el uso de \"Markdown\" para formatear publicaciones";
$a->strings["Large Photos"] = "Fotos de gran tamaño";
@@ -371,7 +446,7 @@ $a->strings["Include large (1024px) photo thumbnails in posts. If not enabled, u
$a->strings["Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds"] = "Importar automáticamente contenido de otros canales o \"feeds\"";
$a->strings["Even More Encryption"] = "Más cifrado todavía";
$a->strings["Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key"] = "Permitir cifrado adicional de contenido \"punto-a-punto\" con una clave secreta compartida.";
-$a->strings["Enable Voting Tools"] = "Activar herramientas de votación";
+$a->strings["Enable Voting Tools"] = "Permitir entradas con votación";
$a->strings["Provide a class of post which others can vote on"] = "Proveer una clase de publicación en la que otros puedan votar";
$a->strings["Delayed Posting"] = "Publicación aplazada";
$a->strings["Allow posts to be published at a later date"] = "Permitir mensajes que se publicarán en una fecha posterior";
@@ -393,7 +468,7 @@ $a->strings["Connection Filtering"] = "Filtrado de conexiones";
$a->strings["Filter incoming posts from connections based on keywords/content"] = "Filtrar publicaciones entrantes de conexiones por palabras clave o contenido";
$a->strings["Suggest Channels"] = "Sugerir canales";
$a->strings["Show channel suggestions"] = "Mostrar sugerencias de canales";
-$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Herramientas de entradas/comentarios";
+$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Gestión de entradas y comentarios";
$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Etiquetado";
$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Capacidad de etiquetar entradas existentes";
$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Categorías de entradas";
@@ -485,15 +560,11 @@ $a->strings["__ctx:e.g. 22 hours ago, 1 minute ago__ %1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "hace %
$a->strings["%1\$s's birthday"] = "Cumpleaños de %1\$s";
$a->strings["Happy Birthday %1\$s"] = "Feliz cumpleaños %1\$s";
$a->strings["Public Timeline"] = "Cronología pública";
-$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
$a->strings["channel"] = "el canal";
-$a->strings["status"] = "el mensaje de estado";
-$a->strings["comment"] = "el comentario";
$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "a %1\$s le gusta %3\$s de %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "a %1\$s no le gusta %3\$s de %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s is now connected with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ahora está conectado/a con %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha dado un toque a %2\$s";
-$a->strings["poked"] = "ha dado un toque a";
$a->strings["__ctx:mood__ %1\$s is %2\$s"] = "%1\$s está %2\$s";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Likes"] = "Me gusta";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Dislikes"] = "No me gusta";
@@ -518,13 +589,13 @@ $a->strings["Please wait"] = "Espere por favor";
$a->strings["remove"] = "eliminar";
$a->strings["Loading..."] = "Cargando...";
$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Eliminar elementos seleccionados";
-$a->strings["View Source"] = "Ver la fuente original de la entrada";
+$a->strings["View Source"] = "Ver la fuente original de la publicación";
$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Seguir este hilo";
$a->strings["Unfollow Thread"] = "Dejar de seguir este hilo";
$a->strings["View Status"] = "Ver mi estado actual";
$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Ver el perfil";
$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Ver fotos";
-$a->strings["Activity/Posts"] = "Actividad y entradas";
+$a->strings["Activity/Posts"] = "Actividad y publicaciones";
$a->strings["Edit Connection"] = "Editar conexión";
$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Enviar un mensaje privado";
$a->strings["Poke"] = "Toques y otras cosas";
@@ -606,7 +677,6 @@ $a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Mensajes de estado y publicaciones";
$a->strings["About"] = "Mi perfil";
$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Detalles del perfil";
$a->strings["Photos"] = "Fotos";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Álbumes de fotos";
$a->strings["Files and Storage"] = "Ficheros y repositorio";
$a->strings["Chatrooms"] = "Salas de chat";
$a->strings["Bookmarks"] = "Marcadores";
@@ -670,10 +740,10 @@ $a->strings["layout"] = "disposición";
$a->strings["block"] = "bloque";
$a->strings["menu"] = "menú";
$a->strings["%1\$s wrote the following %2\$s %3\$s"] = "%1\$s escribió la siguiente %2\$s %3\$s";
-$a->strings["post"] = "la entrada";
+$a->strings["post"] = "entrada";
$a->strings["Different viewers will see this text differently"] = "Visitantes diferentes verán este texto de forma distinta";
$a->strings["$1 spoiler"] = "$1 spoiler";
-$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 escribió";
+$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 escribió:";
$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
0 => "%d invitación pendiente",
1 => "%d invitaciones disponibles",
@@ -709,9 +779,9 @@ $a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s commented on [zrl=%3\$s]your %4\$s[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %
$a->strings["[Hubzilla:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Hubzilla:Aviso] Nuevo comentario de %2\$s a la conversación #%1\$d";
$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s ha comentado un elemento/conversación que ha estado siguiendo.";
$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Para ver o comentar la conversación, visite %s";
-$a->strings["[Hubzilla:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Hubzilla:Aviso] %s ha publicado una entrada en su página de inicio del perfil";
-$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s posted to your profile wall at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s publicó en su página del perfil en %3\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s posted to [zrl=%3\$s]your wall[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s publicó en [zrl=%3\$s]su página del perfil[/zrl]";
+$a->strings["[Hubzilla:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Hubzilla:Aviso] %s ha publicado una entrada en su página de inicio del perfil (\"muro\")";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s posted to your profile wall at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s ha publicado en su página del perfil en %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s posted to [zrl=%3\$s]your wall[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s ha publicado en [zrl=%3\$s]su página del perfil[/zrl]";
$a->strings["[Hubzilla:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Hubzilla:Aviso] %s le ha etiquetado";
$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s tagged you at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s le ha etiquetado en %3\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s [zrl=%3\$s]tagged you[/zrl]."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s [zrl=%3\$s]le etiquetó[/zrl].";
@@ -746,11 +816,11 @@ $a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Incrustación deshabilitada";
$a->strings["No recipient provided."] = "No se ha especificado ningún destinatario.";
$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[sin asunto]";
$a->strings["Unable to determine sender."] = "No ha sido posible determinar el remitente. ";
-$a->strings["Stored post could not be verified."] = "No se han podido verificar las entradas guardadas.";
+$a->strings["Stored post could not be verified."] = "No se han podido verificar las publicaciones guardadas.";
$a->strings["Logout"] = "Finalizar sesión";
$a->strings["End this session"] = "Finalizar esta sesión";
$a->strings["Home"] = "Inicio";
-$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Sus entradas y conversaciones";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Sus publicaciones y conversaciones";
$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Su página del perfil";
$a->strings["Edit Profiles"] = "Editar perfiles";
$a->strings["Manage/Edit profiles"] = "Administrar/editar perfiles";
@@ -772,7 +842,6 @@ $a->strings["Create an account"] = "Crear una cuenta";
$a->strings["Help"] = "Ayuda";
$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Ayuda y documentación";
$a->strings["Applications, utilities, links, games"] = "Aplicaciones, utilidades, enlaces, juegos";
-$a->strings["Search"] = "Buscar";
$a->strings["Search site @name, #tag, ?docs, content"] = "Buscar en el sitio por @nombre, #etiqueta, ?ayuda o contenido";
$a->strings["Directory"] = "Directorio";
$a->strings["Channel Directory"] = "Directorio de canales";
@@ -802,68 +871,6 @@ $a->strings["Site Setup and Configuration"] = "Ajustes y configuración del siti
$a->strings["@name, #tag, ?doc, content"] = "@nombre, #etiqueta, ?ayuda, contenido";
$a->strings["Please wait..."] = "Espere por favor…";
$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "El \"token\" de seguridad del formulario no es correcto. Esto ha ocurrido probablemente porque el formulario ha estado abierto demasiado tiempo (>3 horas) antes de ser enviado";
-$a->strings["prev"] = "anterior";
-$a->strings["first"] = "primera";
-$a->strings["last"] = "última";
-$a->strings["next"] = "próxima";
-$a->strings["older"] = "más antiguas";
-$a->strings["newer"] = "más recientes";
-$a->strings["No connections"] = "Sin conexiones";
-$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
- 0 => "%d Conexión",
- 1 => "%d Conexiones",
-$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Ver conexiones";
-$a->strings["poke"] = "un toque";
-$a->strings["ping"] = "un \"ping\"";
-$a->strings["pinged"] = "ha enviado un \"ping\" a";
-$a->strings["prod"] = "una incitación";
-$a->strings["prodded"] = "ha incitado a";
-$a->strings["slap"] = "una bofetada";
-$a->strings["slapped"] = "ha enviado una bofetada a";
-$a->strings["finger"] = "un \"finger\"";
-$a->strings["fingered"] = "ha enviado un \"finger\" a";
-$a->strings["rebuff"] = "un rechazo";
-$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "ha enviado un rechazo a";
-$a->strings["happy"] = "feliz";
-$a->strings["sad"] = "triste";
-$a->strings["mellow"] = "amable";
-$a->strings["tired"] = "cansado/a";
-$a->strings["perky"] = "vivaz";
-$a->strings["angry"] = "enfadado/a";
-$a->strings["stupified"] = "estupefacto/a";
-$a->strings["puzzled"] = "perplejo/a";
-$a->strings["interested"] = "interesado/a";
-$a->strings["bitter"] = "amargado/a";
-$a->strings["cheerful"] = "alegre";
-$a->strings["alive"] = "animado/a";
-$a->strings["annoyed"] = "molesto/a";
-$a->strings["anxious"] = "ansioso/a";
-$a->strings["cranky"] = "de mal humor";
-$a->strings["disturbed"] = "perturbado/a";
-$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrado/a";
-$a->strings["depressed"] = "deprimido/a";
-$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivado/a";
-$a->strings["relaxed"] = "relajado/a";
-$a->strings["surprised"] = "sorprendido/a";
-$a->strings["May"] = "mayo";
-$a->strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Adjunto no reconocido";
-$a->strings["unknown"] = "desconocido";
-$a->strings["remove category"] = "eliminar categoría";
-$a->strings["remove from file"] = "eliminar del fichero";
-$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Pulsar para abrir/cerrar";
-$a->strings["Link to Source"] = "Enlazar con la entrada en su ubicación original";
-$a->strings["default"] = "por defecto";
-$a->strings["Page layout"] = "Formato de la página";
-$a->strings["You can create your own with the layouts tool"] = "Puede crear su propio formato gráfico con las herramientas de diseño";
-$a->strings["Page content type"] = "Tipo de contenido de página";
-$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Seleccionar un idioma alternativo";
-$a->strings["activity"] = "actividad";
-$a->strings["Design Tools"] = "Herramientas de diseño";
-$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Bloques";
-$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menús";
-$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Formato gráfico";
-$a->strings["Pages"] = "Páginas";
$a->strings["Directory Options"] = "Opciones del directorio";
$a->strings["Safe Mode"] = "Modo seguro";
$a->strings["No"] = "No";
@@ -893,11 +900,6 @@ $a->strings["view full size"] = "Ver en el tamaño original";
$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrador";
$a->strings["No Subject"] = "Sin asunto";
$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "No se ha podido localizar información de DNS para el servidor de base de datos “%s”";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "La imagen excede el límite de %lu bytes del sitio";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "El fichero de imagen está vacío. ";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "No ha sido posible procesar la imagen";
-$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "La foto no ha podido ser guardada.";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Subir nuevas fotos";
$a->strings["Save to Folder"] = "Guardar en carpeta";
$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Participaré";
$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "No participaré";
@@ -922,8 +924,8 @@ $a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
$a->strings["View %s's profile - %s"] = "Ver el perfil de %s - %s";
$a->strings["to"] = "a";
$a->strings["via"] = "mediante";
-$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "De página del perfil a página del perfil (de Muro a Muro)";
-$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "Mediante el procedimiento página del perfil a página del perfil (de Muro a Muro)";
+$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "De página del perfil a página del perfil (de \"muro\" a \"muro\")";
+$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "Mediante el procedimiento página del perfil a página del perfil (de \"muro\" a \"muro\")";
$a->strings["Save Bookmarks"] = "Guardar en Marcadores";
$a->strings["Add to Calendar"] = "Añadir al calendario";
$a->strings["Mark all seen"] = "Marcar todo como visto";
@@ -940,7 +942,7 @@ $a->strings["Probe"] = "Probar";
$a->strings["Suggest"] = "Sugerir";
$a->strings["Random Channel"] = "Canal aleatorio";
$a->strings["Invite"] = "Invitar";
-$a->strings["Features"] = "Características";
+$a->strings["Features"] = "Funcionalidades";
$a->strings["Language"] = "Idioma";
$a->strings["Post"] = "Publicación";
$a->strings["Profile Photo"] = "Foto del perfil";
@@ -1285,14 +1287,12 @@ $a->strings["Age: "] = "Edad:";
$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Modificar/gestionar perfiles";
$a->strings["Add profile things"] = "Añadir cosas al perfil";
$a->strings["Include desirable objects in your profile"] = "Añadir objetos interesantes en su perfil";
-$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "elementos etiquetados con: %s";
-$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Resultados de la búsqueda para: %s";
$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "No se ha podido acceder al registro de contacto.";
$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "No se ha podido localizar el perfil seleccionado.";
$a->strings["Connection updated."] = "Conexión actualizada.";
$a->strings["Failed to update connection record."] = "Error al actualizar el registro de la conexión.";
$a->strings["is now connected to"] = "ahora está conectado/a";
-$a->strings["Could not access address book record."] = "No se pudo acceder a la entrada en su libreta de direcciones.";
+$a->strings["Could not access address book record."] = "No se pudo acceder al registro en su libreta de direcciones.";
$a->strings["Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable."] = "Recarga fallida - no se puede encontrar el canal en este momento.";
$a->strings["Unable to set address book parameters."] = "No ha sido posible establecer los parámetros de la libreta de direcciones.";
$a->strings["Connection has been removed."] = "La conexión ha sido eliminada.";
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ $a->strings["female"] = "mujer";
$a->strings["%1\$s updated her %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha actualizado su %2\$s";
$a->strings["male"] = "hombre";
$a->strings["%1\$s updated his %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha actualizado su %2\$s";
-$a->strings["%1\$s updated their %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha actualizado sus %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s updated their %2\$s"] = "%1\$s ha actualizado su %2\$s";
$a->strings["profile photo"] = "foto del perfil";
$a->strings["Photo not available."] = "Foto no disponible.";
$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Subir fichero:";
@@ -1546,6 +1546,7 @@ $a->strings["No such group"] = "No se encuentra el grupo";
$a->strings["No such channel"] = "No se encuentra el canal";
$a->strings["forum"] = "foro";
$a->strings["Search Results For:"] = "Buscar resultados para:";
+$a->strings["Public"] = "Público/a";
$a->strings["Collection is empty"] = "La colección está vacía";
$a->strings["Collection: "] = "Colección:";
$a->strings["Invalid connection."] = "Conexión no válida.";
@@ -1613,6 +1614,8 @@ $a->strings["(Heavy system resource usage)"] = "(Uso intenso de los recursos del
$a->strings["Maximum image size"] = "Tamaño máximo de la imagen";
$a->strings["Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits."] = "Tamaño máximo en bytes de la imagen subida. Por defecto, es 0, lo que significa que no hay límites.";
$a->strings["Does this site allow new member registration?"] = "¿Debe este sitio permitir el registro de nuevos miembros?";
+$a->strings["Invitation only"] = "Solo con una invitación";
+$a->strings["Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register policy must be set to Yes."] = "Solo se permiten inscripciones de nuevos miembros con un código de invitación. Además, deben aceptarse los términos del registro marcando \"Sí\".";
$a->strings["Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"] = "¿Cómo describiría el tipo de servicio ofrecido por este servidor?";
$a->strings["Register text"] = "Texto del registro";
$a->strings["Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."] = "Se mostrará de forma destacada en la página de registro.";
@@ -1757,7 +1760,7 @@ $a->strings["Layout Description (Optional)"] = "Descripción del formato gráfic
$a->strings["Layout Name"] = "Nombre del formato";
$a->strings["Edit Layout"] = "Modificar el formato";
$a->strings["Name is required"] = "El nombre es obligatorio";
-$a->strings["Key and Secret are required"] = "Clave y Secreto son obligatorios";
+$a->strings["Key and Secret are required"] = "\"Key\" y \"Secret\" son obligatorios";
$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Las contraseñas no coinciden. La contraseña no se ha cambiado.";
$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "No se permiten contraseñas vacías. La contraseña no se ha cambiado.";
$a->strings["Password changed."] = "Contraseña cambiada.";
@@ -1768,20 +1771,20 @@ $a->strings["System failure storing new email. Please try again."] = "Fallo de s
$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Ajustes actualizados.";
$a->strings["Add application"] = "Añadir aplicación";
$a->strings["Name of application"] = "Nombre de la aplicación";
-$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Clave de consumidor";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Consumer Key";
$a->strings["Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20"] = "Generado automáticamente - si lo desea, cámbielo. Longitud máxima: 20";
-$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Clave secreta de consumidor";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Consumer Secret";
$a->strings["Redirect"] = "Redirigir";
$a->strings["Redirect URI - leave blank unless your application specifically requires this"] = "URI de redirección - dejar en blanco a menos que su aplicación específicamente lo requiera";
$a->strings["Icon url"] = "Dirección del icono";
$a->strings["Optional"] = "Opcional";
$a->strings["You can't edit this application."] = "No puede modificar esta aplicación.";
$a->strings["Connected Apps"] = "Aplicaciones conectadas";
-$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "La clave de cliente empieza por";
+$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "La \"client key\" empieza por";
$a->strings["No name"] = "Sin nombre";
$a->strings["Remove authorization"] = "Eliminar autorización";
$a->strings["No feature settings configured"] = "No se ha establecido la configuración de características";
-$a->strings["Feature/Addon Settings"] = "Ajustes de la característica o el complemento";
+$a->strings["Feature/Addon Settings"] = "Ajustes de los complementos";
$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Configuración de la cuenta";
$a->strings["Enter New Password:"] = "Introduzca la nueva contraseña:";
$a->strings["Confirm New Password:"] = "Confirme la nueva contraseña:";
@@ -1790,7 +1793,7 @@ $a->strings["Email Address:"] = "Dirección de correo electrónico:";
$a->strings["Remove this account including all its channels"] = "Eliminar esta cuenta incluyendo todos sus canales";
$a->strings["Off"] = "Desactivado";
$a->strings["On"] = "Activado";
-$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Características adicionales";
+$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Funcionalidades";
$a->strings["Connector Settings"] = "Configuración del conector";
$a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "Sin tema especial para dispositivos móviles";
$a->strings["%s - (Experimental)"] = "%s - (Experimental)";
@@ -1856,18 +1859,18 @@ $a->strings["Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"] = "Máximo
$a->strings["Useful to reduce spamming"] = "Útil para reducir el envío de correo no deseado";
$a->strings["Notification Settings"] = "Configuración de notificaciones";
$a->strings["By default post a status message when:"] = "Por defecto, enviar un mensaje de estado cuando:";
-$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "acepte una solicitud de amistad";
+$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "Acepte una solicitud de amistad";
$a->strings["joining a forum/community"] = "al unirse a un foro o comunidad";
-$a->strings["making an <em>interesting</em> profile change"] = "realice un cambio <em>interesante</em> en su perfil";
+$a->strings["making an <em>interesting</em> profile change"] = "Realice un cambio <em>interesante</em> en su perfil";
$a->strings["Send a notification email when:"] = "Enviar una notificación por correo electrónico cuando:";
$a->strings["You receive a connection request"] = "Reciba una solicitud de conexión";
$a->strings["Your connections are confirmed"] = "Sus conexiones hayan sido confirmadas";
-$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Alguien escriba en la página de su perfil (muro)";
+$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Alguien escriba en la página de su perfil (\"muro\")";
$a->strings["Someone writes a followup comment"] = "Alguien escriba un comentario sobre sus publicaciones";
$a->strings["You receive a private message"] = "Reciba un mensaje privado";
$a->strings["You receive a friend suggestion"] = "Reciba una sugerencia de amistad";
$a->strings["You are tagged in a post"] = "Usted sea etiquetado en una publicación";
-$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Reciba un toque o incitación en una entrada";
+$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Reciba un toque o incitación en una publicación";
$a->strings["Show visual notifications including:"] = "Mostrar notificaciones visuales que incluyan:";
$a->strings["Unseen matrix activity"] = "Actividad no vista en la red";
$a->strings["Unseen channel activity"] = "Actividad no vista en el canal";
@@ -1887,7 +1890,7 @@ $a->strings["Notify me of events this many days in advance"] = "Avisarme de los
$a->strings["Must be greater than 0"] = "Debe ser mayor que 0";
$a->strings["Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"] = "Ajustes avanzados de la cuenta y de los tipos de página";
$a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Cambiar el comportamiento de esta cuenta en situaciones especiales";
-$a->strings["Please enable expert mode (in <a href=\"settings/features\">Settings > Additional features</a>) to adjust!"] = "Activar modo experto (en <a href=\"settings/features\">Ajustes > Características Adicionales</a>) para ajustar.";
+$a->strings["Please enable expert mode (in <a href=\"settings/features\">Settings > Additional features</a>) to adjust!"] = "¡Activar el modo de experto (en <a href=\"settings/features\">Ajustes > Funcionalidades</a>) para realizar cambios!.";
$a->strings["Miscellaneous Settings"] = "Ajustes diversos";
$a->strings["Default photo upload folder"] = "Carpeta por defecto de las fotos subidas";
$a->strings["%Y - current year, %m - current month"] = "%Y - año en curso, %m - mes actual";
@@ -1904,7 +1907,7 @@ $a->strings["Edit App"] = "Modificar la aplicación";
$a->strings["Create App"] = "Crear una aplicación";
$a->strings["Name of app"] = "Nombre de la aplicación";
$a->strings["Location (URL) of app"] = "Ubicación (URL) de la aplicación";
-$a->strings["Photo icon URL"] = "Dirección del icono que se va a utilizar para esta foto";
+$a->strings["Photo icon URL"] = "Dirección del icono";
$a->strings["80 x 80 pixels - optional"] = "80 x 80 pixels - opcional";
$a->strings["Version ID"] = "Versión";
$a->strings["Price of app"] = "Precio de la aplicación";
@@ -1946,7 +1949,7 @@ $a->strings["%1$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB de almacenamiento de f
$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Subir fotos";
$a->strings["Enter an album name"] = "Introducir un nombre de álbum";
$a->strings["or select an existing album (doubleclick)"] = "o seleccionar uno existente (doble click)";
-$a->strings["Create a status post for this upload"] = "Crear una entrada de estado para esta subida";
+$a->strings["Create a status post for this upload"] = "Crear un mensaje de estado para esta subida";
$a->strings["Caption (optional):"] = "Título (opcional):";
$a->strings["Description (optional):"] = "Descripción (opcional):";
$a->strings["Album name could not be decoded"] = "El nombre del álbum no ha podido ser descifrado";
@@ -1978,7 +1981,7 @@ $a->strings["Export Channel"] = "Exportar el canal";
$a->strings["Export your basic channel information to a file. This acts as a backup of your connections, permissions, profile and basic data, which can be used to import your data to a new server hub, but does not contain your content."] = "Exportar la información básica del canal a un fichero. Este equivale a una copia de seguridad de sus conexiones, el perfil y datos fundamentales, que puede usarse para importar sus datos a un nuevo servidor, pero no incluye su contenido.";
$a->strings["Export Content"] = "Exportar contenidos";
$a->strings["Export your channel information and recent content to a JSON backup that can be restored or imported to another server hub. This backs up all of your connections, permissions, profile data and several months of posts. This file may be VERY large. Please be patient - it may take several minutes for this download to begin."] = "Exportar la información sobre su canal y el contenido reciente a un fichero de respaldo JSON, que puede ser restaurado o importado a otro servidor. Este fichero incluye todas sus conexiones, permisos, datos del perfil y publicaciones de varios meses. Puede llegar a ser MUY grande. Por favor, sea paciente, la descarga puede tardar varios minutos en comenzar.";
-$a->strings["Export your posts from a given year."] = "Exporta sus entradas de un año dado.";
+$a->strings["Export your posts from a given year."] = "Exporta sus publicaciones de un año dado.";
$a->strings["You may also export your posts and conversations for a particular year or month. Adjust the date in your browser location bar to select other dates. If the export fails (possibly due to memory exhaustion on your server hub), please try again selecting a more limited date range."] = "También puede exportar sus mensajes y conversaciones durante un año o mes en particular. Ajuste la fecha en la barra de direcciones del navegador para seleccionar otras fechas. Si la exportación falla (posiblemente debido al agotamiento de la memoria del servidor hub), por favor, intente de nuevo la selección de un rango de fechas más pequeño.";
$a->strings["To select all posts for a given year, such as this year, visit <a href=\"%1\$s\">%2\$s</a>"] = "Para seleccionar todos los mensajes de un año determinado, como este año, visite <a href=\"%1\$s\">%2\$s</a>";
$a->strings["To select all posts for a given month, such as January of this year, visit <a href=\"%1\$s\">%2\$s</a>"] = "Para seleccionar todos los mensajes de un mes determinado, como el de enero de este año, visite <a href=\"%1\$s\">%2\$s</a>";
@@ -2003,6 +2006,8 @@ $a->strings["New Chatroom"] = "Nueva sala de chat";
$a->strings["Chatroom Name"] = "Nombre de la sala de chat";
$a->strings["Expiration of chats (minutes)"] = "Tiempo de expiración de los mensajes en los chats (en minutos)";
$a->strings["%1\$s's Chatrooms"] = "Salas de chat de %1\$s";
+$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "elementos etiquetados con: %s";
+$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Resultados de la búsqueda para: %s";
$a->strings["Source of Item"] = "Origen del elemento";
$a->strings["Share content from Firefox to \$Projectname"] = "Compartir contenido desde Firefox a \$Projectname";
$a->strings["Activate the Firefox \$Projectname provider"] = "Servicio de compartición de Firefox: activar el proveedor \$Projectname ";
@@ -2026,10 +2031,6 @@ $a->strings["%1\$s [%2\$s]"] = "%1\$s [%2\$s]";
$a->strings["Edit connection"] = "Editar conexión";
$a->strings["Search your connections"] = "Buscar sus conexiones";
$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Búsqueda:";
-$a->strings["Documentation Search"] = "Búsqueda de Documentación";
-$a->strings["Help:"] = "Ayuda:";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "No encontrado";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname Documentation"] = "Documentación de \$Projectname";
$a->strings["You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."] = "Ha creado %1$.0f de %2$.0f canales permitidos.";
$a->strings["Create a new channel"] = "Crear un nuevo canal";
$a->strings["Current Channel"] = "Canal actual";
@@ -2082,10 +2083,14 @@ $a->strings["Delete Conversation"] = "Eliminar conversación";
$a->strings["No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Comunicación segura no disponible. Pero <strong>puede</strong> responder desde la página del perfil del remitente.";
$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Responder";
$a->strings["Your message for %s (%s):"] = "Su mensaje para %s (%s):";
+$a->strings["Documentation Search"] = "Búsqueda de Documentación";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Ayuda:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "No encontrado";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname Documentation"] = "Documentación de \$Projectname";
$a->strings["No service class restrictions found."] = "No se han encontrado restricciones sobre esta clase de servicio.";
$a->strings["Version %s"] = "Versión %s";
-$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Extensiones/Aplicaciones instaladas:";
-$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Extensiones/Aplicaciones no instaladas:";
+$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Extensiones, complementos o aplicaciones instaladas:";
+$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "No hay instalada ninguna extensión, complemento o aplicación";
$a->strings["This is a hub of \$Projectname - a global cooperative network of decentralized privacy enhanced websites."] = "Este es un sitio integrado en \$Projectname - una red cooperativa mundial de sitios web descentralizados de privacidad mejorada.";
$a->strings["Tag: "] = "Etiqueta:";
$a->strings["Last background fetch: "] = "Última actualización en segundo plano:";
@@ -2160,7 +2165,6 @@ $a->strings["Menu item deleted."] = "Este elemento del menú ha sido borrado";
$a->strings["Menu item could not be deleted."] = "Este elemento del menú no puede ser borrado.";
$a->strings["Edit Menu Element"] = "Editar elemento del menú";
$a->strings["Link text"] = "Texto del enlace";
-$a->strings["Who likes me?"] = "¿Quién me ha puesto \"Me gusta\"?";
$a->strings["Files: shared with me"] = "Ficheros: compartidos conmigo";
$a->strings["NEW"] = "NUEVO";
$a->strings["Remove all files"] = "Eliminar todos los ficheros";
@@ -2191,7 +2195,7 @@ $a->strings["Set the basic color for item icons"] = "Ajustar el color básico pa
$a->strings["Set the hover color for item icons"] = "Ajustar el color flotante para los iconos de los elementos";
$a->strings["Set font-size for the entire application"] = "Ajustar el tamaño de letra para toda la aplicación";
$a->strings["Example: 14px"] = "Ejemplo: 14px";
-$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Ajustar el tamaño del tipo de letra para entradas y comentarios";
+$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Ajustar el tamaño del tipo de letra para publicaciones y comentarios";
$a->strings["Set font-color for posts and comments"] = "Establecer el color de la letra para publicaciones y comentarios";
$a->strings["Set radius of corners"] = "Establecer el radio de curvatura de las esquinas";
$a->strings["Set shadow depth of photos"] = "Ajustar la profundidad de sombras de las fotos";
@@ -2201,6 +2205,7 @@ $a->strings["Left align page content"] = "Alinear a la izquierda el contenido de
$a->strings["Set minimum opacity of nav bar - to hide it"] = "Ajustar la opacidad mínima de la barra de navegación - para ocultarla";
$a->strings["Set size of conversation author photo"] = "Ajustar el tamaño de la foto del autor de la conversación";
$a->strings["Set size of followup author photos"] = "Ajustar el tamaño de foto de los seguidores del autor";
+$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "La autenticación desde su servidor está bloqueada. Ha iniciado sesión localmente. Por favor, salga de la sesión y vuelva a intentarlo.";
$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "La actualización %s ha fallado. Mire el informe de errores.";
$a->strings["Update Error at %s"] = "Error de actualización en %s";
$a->strings["Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla"] = "Crear una cuenta para acceder a los servicios y aplicaciones dentro de Hubzilla";
@@ -2212,4 +2217,3 @@ $a->strings["Website SSL certificate is not valid. Please correct."] = "El certi
$a->strings["[hubzilla] Website SSL error for %s"] = "[hubzilla] Error SSL del sitio web en %s";
$a->strings["Cron/Scheduled tasks not running."] = "Las tareas del Planificador/Cron no están funcionando.";
$a->strings["[hubzilla] Cron tasks not running on %s"] = "[hubzilla] Las tareas de Cron no están funcionando en %s";
-$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "La autenticación desde su servidor está bloqueada. Ha iniciado sesión localmente. Por favor, salga de la sesión y vuelva a intentarlo.";
diff --git a/view/es/lostpass_eml.tpl b/view/es-es/lostpass_eml.tpl
index 0ae657aca..0ae657aca 100644
--- a/view/es/lostpass_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/es-es/lostpass_eml.tpl
diff --git a/view/es/messages.po b/view/es-es/messages.po
index 4ed1d6c44..4ed1d6c44 100644
--- a/view/es/messages.po
+++ b/view/es-es/messages.po
diff --git a/view/es/passchanged_eml.tpl b/view/es-es/passchanged_eml.tpl
index be6ad74d9..be6ad74d9 100644
--- a/view/es/passchanged_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/es-es/passchanged_eml.tpl
diff --git a/view/es/register_open_eml.tpl b/view/es-es/register_open_eml.tpl
index f6d68677e..f6d68677e 100644
--- a/view/es/register_open_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/es-es/register_open_eml.tpl
diff --git a/view/es/register_verify_eml.tpl b/view/es-es/register_verify_eml.tpl
index dc913be97..dc913be97 100644
--- a/view/es/register_verify_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/es-es/register_verify_eml.tpl
diff --git a/view/es/register_verify_member.tpl b/view/es-es/register_verify_member.tpl
index f78a0353a..f78a0353a 100644
--- a/view/es/register_verify_member.tpl
+++ b/view/es-es/register_verify_member.tpl
diff --git a/view/es/strings.php b/view/es-es/strings.php
index be750b0ff..be750b0ff 100644
--- a/view/es/strings.php
+++ b/view/es-es/strings.php
diff --git a/view/es-es/update_fail_eml.tpl b/view/es-es/update_fail_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b613c40b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/es-es/update_fail_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Soy el servidor web en {{$sitename}};
+Los desarrolladores de Red Matrix han lanzado la actualización {{$update}} recientemente,
+pero cuando se intentaba instalar, alguna cosa ha ido terriblemente mal.
+Esto requiere intervención humana tan pronto como sea posible.
+Por favor, contacte con algún desarrollador de Red Matrix si no puede arreglarlo
+por sí mismo. Mi base se datos puede quedar inservible.
+El mensaje de error ha sido el siguiente: '{{$error}}'.
+Disculpe por cualquier inconveniente causado,
+ su servidor web en {{$siteurl}} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/es/update_fail_eml.tpl b/view/es/update_fail_eml.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6643947bb..000000000
--- a/view/es/update_fail_eml.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Soy el servidor web en {{$sitename}};
-Los desarrolladores de RedMatrix/Hubzilla han lanzado la actualización {{$update}} recientemente,
-pero cuando se intentaba instalar, alguna cosa ha ido terriblemente mal.
-Esto requiere intervención humana tan pronto como sea posible.
-Por favor, contacte con algún desarrollador de Red si no puede arreglarlo
-por sí mismo. Mi base se datos puede quedar inservible.
-El mensaje de error ha sido el siguiente: '{{$error}}'.
-Disculpe por cualquier inconveniente causado,
- su servidor web en {{$siteurl}}
diff --git a/view/nb-no/hmessages.po b/view/nb-no/hmessages.po
index 7f8fc02e0..e8a631eb6 100644
--- a/view/nb-no/hmessages.po
+++ b/view/nb-no/hmessages.po
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Redmatrix\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-27 00:03-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-02 19:20+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-18 00:03-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-20 13:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Haakon Meland Eriksen <haakon.eriksen@far.no>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/red-matrix/language/nb_NO/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Language: nb_NO\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: ../../include/Contact.php:101 ../../include/identity.php:953
+#: ../../include/Contact.php:101 ../../include/identity.php:947
#: ../../include/widgets.php:137 ../../include/widgets.php:175
#: ../../include/conversation.php:953 ../../mod/match.php:64
#: ../../mod/directory.php:318 ../../mod/suggest.php:52
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ msgstr "Ugyldig rom-spesifisering"
msgid "Room not found."
msgstr "Rommet ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4396
-#: ../../include/attach.php:140 ../../include/attach.php:188
-#: ../../include/attach.php:251 ../../include/attach.php:265
-#: ../../include/attach.php:272 ../../include/attach.php:337
-#: ../../include/attach.php:351 ../../include/attach.php:358
-#: ../../include/attach.php:436 ../../include/attach.php:884
-#: ../../include/attach.php:955 ../../include/attach.php:1107
-#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
+#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4405
+#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../include/attach.php:140
+#: ../../include/attach.php:188 ../../include/attach.php:251
+#: ../../include/attach.php:265 ../../include/attach.php:272
+#: ../../include/attach.php:337 ../../include/attach.php:351
+#: ../../include/attach.php:358 ../../include/attach.php:436
+#: ../../include/attach.php:888 ../../include/attach.php:959
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1111 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:73 ../../mod/filestorage.php:88
-#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/item.php:205
-#: ../../mod/item.php:213 ../../mod/item.php:1049 ../../mod/common.php:35
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/item.php:206
+#: ../../mod/item.php:214 ../../mod/item.php:1050 ../../mod/common.php:35
#: ../../mod/achievements.php:30 ../../mod/rate.php:111
#: ../../mod/blocks.php:69 ../../mod/blocks.php:76 ../../mod/id.php:71
#: ../../mod/like.php:177 ../../mod/page.php:31 ../../mod/page.php:86
@@ -77,20 +77,20 @@ msgstr "Rommet ble ikke funnet."
#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:125 ../../mod/profile.php:64
#: ../../mod/profile.php:72 ../../mod/api.php:26 ../../mod/api.php:31
#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:78 ../../mod/sources.php:66
-#: ../../mod/notifications.php:66 ../../mod/photos.php:70
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:341 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:354
-#: ../../mod/thing.php:271 ../../mod/thing.php:291 ../../mod/thing.php:328
-#: ../../mod/editblock.php:65 ../../mod/network.php:12
-#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:21 ../../mod/register.php:72
+#: ../../mod/notifications.php:66 ../../mod/invite.php:13
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:87 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:341
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:354 ../../mod/thing.php:271
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:291 ../../mod/thing.php:328 ../../mod/editblock.php:65
+#: ../../mod/network.php:12 ../../mod/pdledit.php:21 ../../mod/register.php:72
#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:63 ../../mod/editlayout.php:87
#: ../../mod/settings.php:568 ../../mod/webpages.php:69
#: ../../mod/appman.php:66 ../../mod/layouts.php:69 ../../mod/layouts.php:76
-#: ../../mod/layouts.php:87 ../../mod/locs.php:83 ../../mod/mail.php:118
-#: ../../mod/regmod.php:17 ../../mod/channel.php:100 ../../mod/channel.php:214
-#: ../../mod/channel.php:254 ../../mod/invite.php:13 ../../mod/invite.php:104
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:13 ../../mod/chat.php:94 ../../mod/chat.php:99
-#: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:14 ../../mod/authtest.php:13
-#: ../../mod/connections.php:29 ../../mod/manage.php:6 ../../mod/menu.php:74
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:87 ../../mod/locs.php:83 ../../mod/regmod.php:17
+#: ../../mod/channel.php:100 ../../mod/channel.php:214
+#: ../../mod/channel.php:254 ../../mod/photos.php:70 ../../mod/editpost.php:13
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:94 ../../mod/chat.php:99 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:14
+#: ../../mod/authtest.php:13 ../../mod/connections.php:29
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:6 ../../mod/menu.php:74 ../../mod/mail.php:126
#: ../../mod/service_limits.php:7 ../../mod/suggest.php:26
#: ../../mod/events.php:260 ../../mod/message.php:16 ../../mod/block.php:22
#: ../../mod/block.php:72 ../../mod/mitem.php:111 ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:7
@@ -120,15 +120,390 @@ msgstr "Kanalkloning mislyktes. Import mislyktes."
msgid "Cloned channel not found. Import failed."
msgstr "Klonet kanal ble ikke funnet. Import mislyktes."
+#: ../../include/text.php:394
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "forrige"
+#: ../../include/text.php:396
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "første"
+#: ../../include/text.php:425
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "siste"
+#: ../../include/text.php:428
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "neste"
+#: ../../include/text.php:438
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "eldre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:440
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "nyere"
+#: ../../include/text.php:785
+msgid "No connections"
+msgstr "Ingen forbindelser"
+#: ../../include/text.php:797
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Connection"
+msgid_plural "%d Connections"
+msgstr[0] "%d forbindelse"
+msgstr[1] "%d forbindelser"
+#: ../../include/text.php:810 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
+msgid "View Connections"
+msgstr "Vis forbindelser"
+#: ../../include/text.php:867 ../../include/text.php:879
+#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/apps.php:147
+#: ../../mod/search.php:40
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Søk"
+#: ../../include/text.php:868 ../../include/text.php:880
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:100 ../../mod/admin.php:1454 ../../mod/admin.php:1474
+#: ../../mod/filer.php:49
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Lagre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:954
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "prikk"
+#: ../../include/text.php:954 ../../include/conversation.php:243
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "prikket"
+#: ../../include/text.php:955
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "varsle"
+#: ../../include/text.php:955
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "varslet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:956
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "oppildne"
+#: ../../include/text.php:956
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "oppildnet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:957
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "daske"
+#: ../../include/text.php:957
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "dasket"
+#: ../../include/text.php:958
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "fingre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:958
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "fingret"
+#: ../../include/text.php:959
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "tilbakevise"
+#: ../../include/text.php:959
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "tilbakeviste"
+#: ../../include/text.php:969
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "glad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:970
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "trist"
+#: ../../include/text.php:971
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "dempet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:972
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "trøtt"
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "oppkvikket"
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "sint"
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
+msgid "stupified"
+msgstr "sløvet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "forundret"
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "interessert"
+#: ../../include/text.php:978
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "bitter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:979
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "munter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:980
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "levende"
+#: ../../include/text.php:981
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "irritert"
+#: ../../include/text.php:982
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "nervøs"
+#: ../../include/text.php:983
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "gretten"
+#: ../../include/text.php:984
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "foruroliget"
+#: ../../include/text.php:985
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustrert"
+#: ../../include/text.php:986
+msgid "depressed"
+msgstr "lei seg"
+#: ../../include/text.php:987
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motivert"
+#: ../../include/text.php:988
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "avslappet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:989
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "overrasket"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:70
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "mandag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:71
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "tirsdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:72
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "onsdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:73
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "torsdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:74
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "fredag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:75
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "lørdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1161 ../../include/js_strings.php:69
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "søndag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:45
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "januar"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:46
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "februar"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:47
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "mars"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:48
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "april"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "mai"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:50
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "juni"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:51
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "juli"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:52
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "august"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:53
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "september"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:54
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "oktober"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:55
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "november"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165 ../../include/js_strings.php:56
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "desember"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1242 ../../include/text.php:1246
+msgid "Unknown Attachment"
+msgstr "Ukjent vedlegg"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1248 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237
+#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Størrelse"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1248
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr "ukjent"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1284
+msgid "remove category"
+msgstr "fjern kategori"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1361
+msgid "remove from file"
+msgstr "fjern fra fil"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1392 ../../include/event.php:22
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:465
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1396 ../../include/event.php:30
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Starter:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1400 ../../include/event.php:40
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:479
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Slutter:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1407 ../../include/event.php:52
+#: ../../include/identity.php:998 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:487
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Plassering:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1503 ../../include/text.php:1514
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Klikk for å åpne/lukke"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1698 ../../mod/events.php:623
+msgid "Link to Source"
+msgstr "Lenke til kilde"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1719 ../../include/text.php:1791
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "standard"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1727
+msgid "Page layout"
+msgstr "Sidens layout"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1727
+msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
+msgstr "Du kan lage din egen med layout-verktøyet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1769
+msgid "Page content type"
+msgstr "Sidens innholdstype"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1803
+msgid "Select an alternate language"
+msgstr "Velg et annet språk"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1922 ../../include/conversation.php:120
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "foto"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1925 ../../include/event.php:904
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../mod/tagger.php:47
+#: ../../mod/like.php:363 ../../mod/events.php:249
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "hendelse"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1928 ../../include/conversation.php:148
+#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "status"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1930 ../../include/conversation.php:150
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
+msgid "comment"
+msgstr "kommentar"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1935
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "aktivitet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2230
+msgid "Design Tools"
+msgstr "Designverktøy"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2233 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
+msgid "Blocks"
+msgstr "Byggeklosser"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2234 ../../mod/menu.php:103
+msgid "Menus"
+msgstr "Menyer"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2235 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
+msgid "Layouts"
+msgstr "Layout"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2236
+msgid "Pages"
+msgstr "Sider"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2588 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "Samling"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:107
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:239
msgid "parent"
msgstr "opp et nivå"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 ../../include/text.php:2582
-msgid "Collection"
-msgstr "Samling"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:134
msgid "Principal"
msgstr "Viktigste"
@@ -149,16 +524,16 @@ msgstr "Tidsplan innboks"
msgid "Schedule Outbox"
msgstr "Tidsplan utboks"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:164 ../../include/widgets.php:1317
+#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:164 ../../include/widgets.php:1330
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1027 ../../include/apps.php:360
-#: ../../include/apps.php:415 ../../mod/photos.php:759
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1198
+#: ../../include/apps.php:415 ../../mod/photos.php:754
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1195
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ukjent"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:226 ../../include/conversation.php:1629
#: ../../include/nav.php:93 ../../include/apps.php:135
-#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:114
+#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:109
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Filer"
@@ -178,13 +553,13 @@ msgid "Create"
msgstr "Lag"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:231
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:305 ../../include/widgets.php:1329
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:784 ../../mod/photos.php:1317
-#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:453
+#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:305 ../../include/widgets.php:1343
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:453 ../../mod/photos.php:781
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1316
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Last opp"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:974
+#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:986
#: ../../mod/settings.php:588 ../../mod/settings.php:614
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:95
msgid "Name"
@@ -194,11 +569,6 @@ msgstr "Navn"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237 ../../include/text.php:1248
-#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Størrelse"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:238 ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:98
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Sist endret"
@@ -219,10 +589,10 @@ msgstr "Endre"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:241 ../../include/conversation.php:657
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:120 ../../include/apps.php:260
#: ../../mod/group.php:173 ../../mod/blocks.php:155 ../../mod/connedit.php:551
-#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:223 ../../mod/photos.php:1129
-#: ../../mod/thing.php:258 ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:809
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:968 ../../mod/editlayout.php:179
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:649 ../../mod/webpages.php:183
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:223 ../../mod/thing.php:258
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:821 ../../mod/admin.php:980
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:179 ../../mod/settings.php:649
+#: ../../mod/webpages.php:183 ../../mod/photos.php:1126
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slett"
@@ -253,7 +623,7 @@ msgid "Delete this item?"
msgstr "Slett dette elementet?"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:6 ../../include/ItemObject.php:696
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1047 ../../mod/photos.php:1165
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1044 ../../mod/photos.php:1162
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Kommentar"
@@ -319,24 +689,25 @@ msgid "Describe (optional)"
msgstr "Beskriv (valgfritt)"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:22 ../../include/widgets.php:676
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:697 ../../mod/filestorage.php:156
-#: ../../mod/group.php:81 ../../mod/connect.php:93 ../../mod/rate.php:168
-#: ../../mod/mood.php:135 ../../mod/setup.php:331 ../../mod/setup.php:371
-#: ../../mod/pconfig.php:108 ../../mod/poke.php:171 ../../mod/profiles.php:675
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:688 ../../include/ItemObject.php:697
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:156 ../../mod/group.php:81
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:93 ../../mod/rate.php:168 ../../mod/mood.php:135
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:331 ../../mod/setup.php:371 ../../mod/pconfig.php:108
+#: ../../mod/poke.php:171 ../../mod/profiles.php:675
#: ../../mod/connedit.php:715 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:108
#: ../../mod/sources.php:104 ../../mod/sources.php:138
-#: ../../mod/import.php:527 ../../mod/photos.php:637 ../../mod/photos.php:1008
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1048 ../../mod/photos.php:1166 ../../mod/thing.php:313
+#: ../../mod/import.php:527 ../../mod/invite.php:142 ../../mod/thing.php:313
#: ../../mod/thing.php:359 ../../mod/import_items.php:122
-#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:435 ../../mod/admin.php:802
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:966 ../../mod/admin.php:1103 ../../mod/admin.php:1297
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1382 ../../mod/settings.php:586
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:447 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:978 ../../mod/admin.php:1115 ../../mod/admin.php:1309
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1394 ../../mod/settings.php:586
#: ../../mod/settings.php:698 ../../mod/settings.php:726
#: ../../mod/settings.php:749 ../../mod/settings.php:834
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1023 ../../mod/appman.php:99 ../../mod/locs.php:116
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:371 ../../mod/xchan.php:11 ../../mod/invite.php:142
-#: ../../mod/chat.php:184 ../../mod/chat.php:213 ../../mod/events.php:476
-#: ../../mod/events.php:673 ../../mod/mitem.php:231
+#: ../../mod/xchan.php:11 ../../mod/photos.php:637 ../../mod/photos.php:1005
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1045 ../../mod/photos.php:1163 ../../mod/chat.php:184
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:213 ../../mod/mail.php:380 ../../mod/events.php:461
+#: ../../mod/events.php:658 ../../mod/mitem.php:231
#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:99
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Send"
@@ -350,7 +721,7 @@ msgid "Unsaved changes. Are you sure you wish to leave this page?"
msgstr "Endringene er ikke lagret. Er du sikker på at du ønsker å forlate denne siden?"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:25 ../../mod/pubsites.php:28
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:464 ../../mod/events.php:467
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:464 ../../mod/events.php:452
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Plassering"
@@ -427,55 +798,11 @@ msgstr " "
msgid "timeago.numbers"
msgstr "timeago.numbers"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:45 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "januar"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:46 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "februar"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:47 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "mars"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:48 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "april"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:49
msgctxt "long"
msgid "May"
msgstr "mai"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:50 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "juni"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:51 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "juli"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:52 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "august"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:53 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "september"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:54 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "oktober"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:55 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "november"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:56 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "desember"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:57
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Jan"
@@ -525,34 +852,6 @@ msgstr "Nov"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Des"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:69 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "søndag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:70 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "mandag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:71 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "tirsdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:72 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "onsdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:73 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "torsdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:74 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "fredag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:75 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "lørdag"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:76
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Søn"
@@ -614,7 +913,7 @@ msgstr "Ingen brukernavn ble funnet i importfilen."
msgid "Import completed."
msgstr "Import ferdig."
-#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:351
+#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:356
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
@@ -625,148 +924,75 @@ msgstr "Standard"
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Tillatelse avvist"
-#: ../../include/items.php:1128 ../../include/items.php:1174
+#: ../../include/items.php:1130 ../../include/items.php:1176
msgid "(Unknown)"
msgstr "(Ukjent)"
-#: ../../include/items.php:1371
+#: ../../include/items.php:1373
msgid "Visible to anybody on the internet."
msgstr "Synlig for enhver på Internett."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1373
+#: ../../include/items.php:1375
msgid "Visible to you only."
msgstr "Synlig bare for deg."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1375
+#: ../../include/items.php:1377
msgid "Visible to anybody in this network."
msgstr "Synlig for enhver i dette nettverket."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1377
+#: ../../include/items.php:1379
msgid "Visible to anybody authenticated."
msgstr "Synlig for enhver som er autentisert."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1379
+#: ../../include/items.php:1381
#, php-format
msgid "Visible to anybody on %s."
msgstr "Synlig for alle på %s."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1381
+#: ../../include/items.php:1383
msgid "Visible to all connections."
msgstr "Synlig for alle forbindelser."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1383
+#: ../../include/items.php:1385
msgid "Visible to approved connections."
msgstr "Synlig for godkjente forbindelser."
-#: ../../include/items.php:1385
+#: ../../include/items.php:1387
msgid "Visible to specific connections."
msgstr "Synlig for spesifikke forbindelser."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4317 ../../mod/filestorage.php:27
-#: ../../mod/thing.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:127 ../../mod/admin.php:1005
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1210 ../../mod/display.php:36 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20
+#: ../../include/items.php:4326 ../../mod/filestorage.php:27
+#: ../../mod/display.php:36 ../../mod/thing.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:129
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1017 ../../mod/admin.php:1222 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20
msgid "Item not found."
msgstr "Elementet ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4826 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137
+#: ../../include/items.php:4838 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137
msgid "Collection not found."
msgstr "Samlingen ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4842
+#: ../../include/items.php:4854
msgid "Collection is empty."
msgstr "Samlingen er tom."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4849
+#: ../../include/items.php:4861
#, php-format
msgid "Collection: %s"
msgstr "Samling: %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4859 ../../mod/connedit.php:683
+#: ../../include/items.php:4871 ../../mod/connedit.php:683
#, php-format
msgid "Connection: %s"
msgstr "Forbindelse: %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4861
+#: ../../include/items.php:4873
msgid "Connection not found."
msgstr "Forbindelsen ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../include/message.php:18
-msgid "No recipient provided."
-msgstr "Ingen mottaker angitt."
-#: ../../include/message.php:23
-msgid "[no subject]"
-msgstr "[ikke noe emne]"
-#: ../../include/message.php:43
-msgid "Unable to determine sender."
-msgstr "Kan ikke avgjøre avsender."
-#: ../../include/message.php:218
-msgid "Stored post could not be verified."
-msgstr "Lagret innlegg kunne ikke bekreftes."
-#: ../../include/network.php:630
-msgid "view full size"
-msgstr "vis full størrelse"
-#: ../../include/network.php:1608 ../../include/enotify.php:57
-msgid "$Projectname Notification"
-msgstr "$Projectname varsling"
-#: ../../include/network.php:1609 ../../include/enotify.php:58
-msgid "$projectname"
-msgstr "$projectname"
-#: ../../include/network.php:1611 ../../include/enotify.php:60
-msgid "Thank You,"
-msgstr "Tusen takk,"
-#: ../../include/network.php:1613 ../../include/enotify.php:62
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s Administrator"
-msgstr "%s administrator"
-#: ../../include/network.php:1655 ../../include/account.php:316
-#: ../../include/account.php:343 ../../include/account.php:403
-msgid "Administrator"
-msgstr "Administrator"
-#: ../../include/network.php:1669
-msgid "No Subject"
-msgstr "Uten emne"
-#: ../../include/event.php:22 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
-#: ../../include/text.php:1392
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-#: ../../include/event.php:30 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:477
-#: ../../include/text.php:1396
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr "Starter:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:40 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:485
-#: ../../include/text.php:1400
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr "Slutter:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:52 ../../include/identity.php:1004
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:493 ../../include/text.php:1407
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Plassering:"
#: ../../include/event.php:768
msgid "This event has been added to your calendar."
msgstr "Denne hendelsen er lagt til i din kalender."
-#: ../../include/event.php:904 ../../include/conversation.php:123
-#: ../../include/text.php:1919 ../../mod/tagger.php:47 ../../mod/like.php:363
-#: ../../mod/events.php:249
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "hendelse"
#: ../../include/event.php:967
msgid "Not specified"
msgstr "Ikke spesifisert"
@@ -846,206 +1072,206 @@ msgstr "Forespurt kanal er ikke tilgjengelig."
msgid "Requested profile is not available."
msgstr "Forespurt profil er ikke tilgjengelig."
-#: ../../include/identity.php:966 ../../mod/profiles.php:782
+#: ../../include/identity.php:960 ../../mod/profiles.php:782
msgid "Change profile photo"
msgstr "Endre profilbilde"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:972
+#: ../../include/identity.php:966
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profiler"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:972
+#: ../../include/identity.php:966
msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
msgstr "Håndtere/endre profiler"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:973 ../../mod/profiles.php:783
+#: ../../include/identity.php:967 ../../mod/profiles.php:783
msgid "Create New Profile"
msgstr "Lag ny profil"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:976 ../../include/nav.php:90
+#: ../../include/identity.php:970 ../../include/nav.php:90
msgid "Edit Profile"
msgstr "Endre profil"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:988 ../../mod/profiles.php:794
+#: ../../include/identity.php:982 ../../mod/profiles.php:794
msgid "Profile Image"
msgstr "Profilbilde"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:991
+#: ../../include/identity.php:985
msgid "visible to everybody"
msgstr "synlig for alle"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:992 ../../mod/profiles.php:677
+#: ../../include/identity.php:986 ../../mod/profiles.php:677
#: ../../mod/profiles.php:798
msgid "Edit visibility"
msgstr "Endre synlighet"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1008 ../../include/identity.php:1248
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1002 ../../include/identity.php:1242
msgid "Gender:"
msgstr "Kjønn:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1009 ../../include/identity.php:1292
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1003 ../../include/identity.php:1286
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Status:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1010 ../../include/identity.php:1303
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1004 ../../include/identity.php:1297
msgid "Homepage:"
msgstr "Hjemmeside:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1011
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1005
msgid "Online Now"
msgstr "Online nå"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1095 ../../include/identity.php:1173
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1089 ../../include/identity.php:1167
#: ../../mod/ping.php:318
msgid "g A l F d"
msgstr "g A l F d"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1096 ../../include/identity.php:1174
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1090 ../../include/identity.php:1168
msgid "F d"
msgstr "F d"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1141 ../../include/identity.php:1213
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1135 ../../include/identity.php:1207
#: ../../mod/ping.php:341
msgid "[today]"
msgstr "[idag]"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1152
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1146
msgid "Birthday Reminders"
msgstr "Fødselsdagspåminnnelser"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1153
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1147
msgid "Birthdays this week:"
msgstr "Fødselsdager denne uken:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1206
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1200
msgid "[No description]"
msgstr "[Ingen beskrivelse]"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1224
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1218
msgid "Event Reminders"
msgstr "Hendelsespåminnelser"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1225
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1219
msgid "Events this week:"
msgstr "Hendelser denne uken:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1238 ../../include/identity.php:1355
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1232 ../../include/identity.php:1349
#: ../../include/apps.php:138 ../../mod/profperm.php:112
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profil"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1246 ../../mod/settings.php:1029
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1240 ../../mod/settings.php:1029
msgid "Full Name:"
msgstr "Fullt navn:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1253
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1247
msgid "Like this channel"
msgstr "Lik denne kanalen"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1264 ../../include/taxonomy.php:414
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1258 ../../include/taxonomy.php:414
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1721 ../../include/ItemObject.php:179
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1086
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1083
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Like"
msgid_plural "Likes"
msgstr[0] "Liker"
msgstr[1] "Liker"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1277
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1271
msgid "j F, Y"
msgstr "j F, Y"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1278
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1272
msgid "j F"
msgstr "j F"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1285
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1279
msgid "Birthday:"
msgstr "Fødselsdag:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1289 ../../mod/directory.php:299
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1283 ../../mod/directory.php:299
msgid "Age:"
msgstr "Alder:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1298
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1292
#, php-format
msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
msgstr "for %1$d %2$s"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1301 ../../mod/profiles.php:699
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1295 ../../mod/profiles.php:699
msgid "Sexual Preference:"
msgstr "Seksuell preferanse:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1305 ../../mod/profiles.php:701
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1299 ../../mod/profiles.php:701
#: ../../mod/directory.php:315
msgid "Hometown:"
msgstr "Hjemby:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1307
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1301
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Merkelapper:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1309 ../../mod/profiles.php:702
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1303 ../../mod/profiles.php:702
msgid "Political Views:"
msgstr "Politiske synspunkter:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1311
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1305
msgid "Religion:"
msgstr "Religion:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1313 ../../mod/directory.php:317
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1307 ../../mod/directory.php:317
msgid "About:"
msgstr "Om:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1315
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1309
msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
msgstr "Hobbyer/interesser:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1317 ../../mod/profiles.php:705
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1311 ../../mod/profiles.php:705
msgid "Likes:"
msgstr "Liker:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1319 ../../mod/profiles.php:706
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1313 ../../mod/profiles.php:706
msgid "Dislikes:"
msgstr "Misliker:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1321
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1315
msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
msgstr "Kontaktinformasjon og sosiale nettverk:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1323
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1317
msgid "My other channels:"
msgstr "Mine andre kanaler:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1325
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1319
msgid "Musical interests:"
msgstr "Musikkinteresse:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1327
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1321
msgid "Books, literature:"
msgstr "Bøker, litteratur:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1329
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1323
msgid "Television:"
msgstr "TV:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1331
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1325
msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
msgstr "Film/dans/kultur/underholdning:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1333
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1327
msgid "Love/Romance:"
msgstr "Kjærlighet/romantikk:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1335
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1329
msgid "Work/employment:"
msgstr "Arbeid/sysselsetting:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1337
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1331
msgid "School/education:"
msgstr "Skole/utdannelse:"
-#: ../../include/identity.php:1357
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1351
msgid "Like this thing"
msgstr "Lik denne tingen"
@@ -1094,6 +1320,41 @@ msgstr "misliker"
msgid "dislikes"
msgstr "misliker"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
+msgstr "Bilde overstiger nettstedets størrelsesbegrensning på %lu bytes"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:119
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "Bildefilen er tom."
+#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "Kan ikke behandle bildet"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:257
+msgid "Photo storage failed."
+msgstr "Bildelagring mislyktes."
+#: ../../include/photos.php:297
+msgid "a new photo"
+msgstr "et nytt bilde"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:301
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "photo_upload"
+msgid "%1$s posted %2$s to %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s la inn %2$s til %3$s"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:506 ../../include/conversation.php:1625
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Fotoalbum"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:510
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Last opp nye bilder"
#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:240
msgid "Visible to your default audience"
msgstr "Synlig for ditt standard publikum"
@@ -1111,13 +1372,13 @@ msgid "Other networks and post services"
msgstr "Andre nettverk og innleggstjenester"
#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:631 ../../mod/photos.php:1001 ../../mod/thing.php:310
-#: ../../mod/thing.php:356 ../../mod/chat.php:211
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:310 ../../mod/thing.php:356 ../../mod/photos.php:631
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:998 ../../mod/chat.php:211
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Tillatelser"
#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:250 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1218
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1215
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Lukk"
@@ -1152,68 +1413,60 @@ msgstr "Elementet ble ikke funnet."
msgid "No source file."
msgstr "Ingen kildefil."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:514
+#: ../../include/attach.php:518
msgid "Cannot locate file to replace"
msgstr "Kan ikke finne filen som skal byttes ut"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:532
+#: ../../include/attach.php:536
msgid "Cannot locate file to revise/update"
msgstr "Finner ikke filen som skal revideres/oppdateres"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:667
+#: ../../include/attach.php:671
#, php-format
msgid "File exceeds size limit of %d"
msgstr "Filens størrelse overgår grensen på %d"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:681
+#: ../../include/attach.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f Mbytes attachment storage."
msgstr "Du har nådd din lagringsgrense for vedlegg på %1$.0f Mbytes."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:837
+#: ../../include/attach.php:841
msgid "File upload failed. Possible system limit or action terminated."
msgstr "Mislyktes med å laste opp filen. Mulig systemgrense eller handling avbrutt."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:850
+#: ../../include/attach.php:854
msgid "Stored file could not be verified. Upload failed."
msgstr "Lagret fil kunne ikke bekreftes. Opplasting mislyktes."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:898 ../../include/attach.php:914
+#: ../../include/attach.php:902 ../../include/attach.php:918
msgid "Path not available."
msgstr "Stien er ikke tilgjengelig."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:960 ../../include/attach.php:1112
+#: ../../include/attach.php:964 ../../include/attach.php:1116
msgid "Empty pathname"
msgstr "Tomt sti-navn"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:986
+#: ../../include/attach.php:990
msgid "duplicate filename or path"
msgstr "duplikat av filnavn eller sti"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1008
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1012
msgid "Path not found."
msgstr "Stien ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1066
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1070
msgid "mkdir failed."
msgstr "mkdir mislyktes."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1070
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1074
msgid "database storage failed."
msgstr "databaselagring mislyktes."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1118
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1122
msgid "Empty path"
msgstr "Tom sti"
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:382
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Vedlegg:"
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:473
-msgid "$Projectname event notification:"
-msgstr "$Projectname hendelsesvarsling:"
#: ../../include/notify.php:20
msgid "created a new post"
msgstr "laget et nytt innlegg"
@@ -1277,12 +1530,6 @@ msgstr "Eksempel: ola.nordmann@eksempel.no, http://eksempel.no/karinordmann"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Merknader"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../include/text.php:868
-#: ../../include/text.php:880 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 ../../mod/rbmark.php:100
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1442 ../../mod/admin.php:1462 ../../mod/filer.php:49
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Lagre"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:266
msgid "Remove term"
msgstr "Fjern begrep"
@@ -1372,8 +1619,8 @@ msgid "Channel Sources"
msgstr "Kanalkilder"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:554 ../../include/nav.php:202
-#: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../mod/admin.php:1064
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1264
+#: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../mod/admin.php:1076
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1276
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"
@@ -1433,130 +1680,150 @@ msgstr "Uke"
msgid "Month View"
msgstr "Måned"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:674 ../../mod/events.php:669
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:674 ../../mod/events.php:654
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksport"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:675 ../../mod/events.php:672
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:675 ../../mod/events.php:657
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:749
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:685
+msgid "Events Tools"
+msgstr "Kalenderverktøy"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:686
+msgid "Export Calendar"
+msgstr "Eksporter kalender"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:687
+msgid "Import Calendar"
+msgstr "Importer kalender"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:761
msgid "Chat Rooms"
msgstr "Chatrom"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:769
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:781
msgid "Bookmarked Chatrooms"
msgstr "Bokmerkede chatrom"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:789
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:801
msgid "Suggested Chatrooms"
msgstr "Foreslåtte chatrom"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:916 ../../include/widgets.php:974
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:928 ../../include/widgets.php:986
msgid "photo/image"
msgstr "foto/bilde"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1069 ../../include/widgets.php:1071
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1081 ../../include/widgets.php:1083
msgid "Rate Me"
msgstr "Vurder meg"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1075
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1087
msgid "View Ratings"
msgstr "Vis vurderinger"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1086
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1098
msgid "Public Hubs"
msgstr "Offentlige huber"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1134
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1146
msgid "Forums"
msgstr "Forum"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1161
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1175
msgid "Tasks"
msgstr "Oppgaver"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1170
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1184
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasjon"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1172
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1186
msgid "Project/Site Information"
msgstr "Prosjekt-/Nettstedsinformasjon"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1173
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1187
msgid "For Members"
msgstr "For medlemmer"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1174
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1188
msgid "For Administrators"
msgstr "For administratorer"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1175
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1189
msgid "For Developers"
msgstr "For utviklere"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1200 ../../mod/admin.php:434
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1214 ../../mod/admin.php:446
msgid "Site"
msgstr "Nettsted"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1201
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1215
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Kontoer"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1202 ../../mod/admin.php:965
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1216 ../../mod/admin.php:977
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanaler"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1203 ../../mod/admin.php:1062
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1102
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1217 ../../mod/admin.php:1074
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1114
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Tilleggsfunksjoner"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1204 ../../mod/admin.php:1262
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1296
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1218 ../../mod/admin.php:1274
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1308
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Temaer"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1205
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1219
msgid "Inspect queue"
msgstr "Inspiser kø"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1206
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1220
msgid "Profile Config"
msgstr "Profilinnstillinger"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1207
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1221
msgid "DB updates"
msgstr "Databaseoppdateringer"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1225 ../../include/widgets.php:1231
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1381
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1239 ../../include/widgets.php:1245
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1393
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Logger"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1229 ../../include/nav.php:210
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1243 ../../include/nav.php:210
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrator"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1230
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1244
msgid "Plugin Features"
msgstr "Tilleggsfunksjoner"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1232
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1246
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
msgstr "Brukerregistreringer som venter på bekreftelse"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1311 ../../mod/photos.php:753
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1286
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1324 ../../mod/photos.php:748
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1283
msgid "View Photo"
msgstr "Vis foto"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1327 ../../mod/photos.php:782
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1341 ../../mod/photos.php:779
msgid "Edit Album"
msgstr "Endre album"
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:376
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Vedlegg:"
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:467
+msgid "$Projectname event notification:"
+msgstr "$Projectname hendelsesvarsling:"
#: ../../include/bookmarks.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s's bookmarks"
@@ -2073,11 +2340,11 @@ msgid "YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"
msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD eller MM-DD"
#: ../../include/datetime.php:236 ../../mod/appman.php:91
-#: ../../mod/appman.php:92 ../../mod/events.php:452 ../../mod/events.php:457
+#: ../../mod/appman.php:92 ../../mod/events.php:437 ../../mod/events.php:442
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Påkrevd"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:263 ../../boot.php:2289
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:263 ../../boot.php:2291
msgid "never"
msgstr "aldri"
@@ -2157,29 +2424,14 @@ msgstr "%1$s sin fødselsdag"
msgid "Happy Birthday %1$s"
msgstr "Gratulerer med dagen, %1$s !"
-#: ../../include/api.php:1302
+#: ../../include/api.php:1336
msgid "Public Timeline"
msgstr "Offentlig tidslinje"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:120 ../../include/text.php:1916
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "foto"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../mod/like.php:113
msgid "channel"
msgstr "kanal"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:148 ../../include/text.php:1922
-#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "status"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:150 ../../include/text.php:1924
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "kommentar"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:164 ../../mod/like.php:410
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
@@ -2200,52 +2452,48 @@ msgstr "%1$s er nå forbundet med %2$s"
msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s prikket %2$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:243 ../../include/text.php:954
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "prikket"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:260 ../../mod/mood.php:63
#, php-format
msgctxt "mood"
msgid "%1$s is %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s er %2$s"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1063
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1060
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Likes"
msgstr "Liker"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1063
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1060
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Dislikes"
msgstr "Liker ikke"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1064
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1061
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Agree"
msgstr "Enig"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1064
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1061
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Disagree"
msgstr "Uenig"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1064
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1061
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Abstain"
msgstr "Avstår"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1065
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1062
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Attending"
msgstr "Deltar"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1065
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1062
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Not attending"
msgstr "Deltar ikke"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1065
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1062
msgctxt "title"
msgid "Might attend"
msgstr "Deltar kanskje"
@@ -2300,8 +2548,8 @@ msgstr "Vis i sammenheng"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:740 ../../include/conversation.php:1227
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:389 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:190
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1029 ../../mod/editblock.php:150
-#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:148 ../../mod/editpost.php:129
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:150 ../../mod/editlayout.php:148
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1026 ../../mod/editpost.php:129
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Vennligst vent"
@@ -2407,8 +2655,8 @@ msgstr "%s liker ikke dette."
msgid "Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>"
msgstr "Synlig for <strong>alle</strong>"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1155 ../../mod/mail.php:194
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:308
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1155 ../../mod/mail.php:202
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:316
msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
msgstr "Vennligst skriv inn en lenke URL:"
@@ -2432,22 +2680,22 @@ msgstr "Lagre til mappe:"
msgid "Where are you right now?"
msgstr "Hvor er du akkurat nå?"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1161 ../../mod/mail.php:195
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:309 ../../mod/editpost.php:56
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1161 ../../mod/editpost.php:56
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:203 ../../mod/mail.php:317
msgid "Expires YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
msgstr "Utløper YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1169 ../../include/page_widgets.php:40
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:706 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:212
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1049 ../../mod/editblock.php:171
-#: ../../mod/webpages.php:188 ../../mod/editpost.php:149
-#: ../../mod/events.php:473
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:171 ../../mod/webpages.php:188
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1046 ../../mod/editpost.php:149
+#: ../../mod/events.php:458
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Forhåndsvisning"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1192 ../../mod/blocks.php:154
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1028 ../../mod/webpages.php:182
-#: ../../mod/layouts.php:184
+#: ../../mod/webpages.php:182 ../../mod/layouts.php:184
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1025
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Del"
@@ -2501,7 +2749,7 @@ msgstr "last opp bilde"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1206 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:183
#: ../../mod/editblock.php:143 ../../mod/editlayout.php:141
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:240 ../../mod/mail.php:369 ../../mod/editpost.php:119
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:119 ../../mod/mail.php:248 ../../mod/mail.php:378
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Legg ved fil"
@@ -2511,7 +2759,7 @@ msgstr "legg ved fil"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1208 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:184
#: ../../mod/editblock.php:144 ../../mod/editlayout.php:142
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:241 ../../mod/mail.php:370 ../../mod/editpost.php:120
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:120 ../../mod/mail.php:249 ../../mod/mail.php:379
msgid "Insert web link"
msgstr "Sett inn web-lenke"
@@ -2572,7 +2820,7 @@ msgstr "Kategorier (valgfri, kommaseparert liste)"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1228 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:191
#: ../../mod/editblock.php:151 ../../mod/editlayout.php:149
-#: ../../mod/editpost.php:130 ../../mod/events.php:474
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:130 ../../mod/events.php:459
msgid "Permission settings"
msgstr "Tillatelser - innstillinger"
@@ -2594,7 +2842,7 @@ msgstr "Eksempel: ola@eksempel.no, kari@eksempel.no"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1252 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:217
#: ../../mod/editblock.php:176 ../../mod/editlayout.php:173
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:245 ../../mod/mail.php:374 ../../mod/editpost.php:155
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:155 ../../mod/mail.php:253 ../../mod/mail.php:383
msgid "Set expiration date"
msgstr "Angi utløpsdato"
@@ -2603,7 +2851,7 @@ msgid "Set publish date"
msgstr "Angi publiseringsdato"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1257 ../../include/ItemObject.php:709
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:247 ../../mod/mail.php:376 ../../mod/editpost.php:157
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:157 ../../mod/mail.php:255 ../../mod/mail.php:385
msgid "Encrypt text"
msgstr "Krypter tekst"
@@ -2611,8 +2859,8 @@ msgstr "Krypter tekst"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1260 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:82
-#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:117 ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:134
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1260 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:77
+#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:112 ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:134
#: ../../mod/settings.php:587 ../../mod/settings.php:613
#: ../../mod/editpost.php:160
msgid "Cancel"
@@ -2671,7 +2919,7 @@ msgstr "Søppel"
msgid "Posts flagged as SPAM"
msgstr "Innlegg merket som SØPPEL"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1601 ../../mod/admin.php:973
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1601 ../../mod/admin.php:985
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
@@ -2692,10 +2940,6 @@ msgstr "Profildetaljer"
msgid "Photos"
msgstr "Bilder"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1625 ../../include/photos.php:483
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Fotoalbum"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1632
msgid "Files and Storage"
msgstr "Filer og lagring"
@@ -2723,13 +2967,13 @@ msgid "Manage Webpages"
msgstr "Håndtere websider"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1697 ../../include/ItemObject.php:175
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:187 ../../mod/photos.php:1082
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1094
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:187 ../../mod/photos.php:1079
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1091
msgid "View all"
msgstr "Vis alle"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1724 ../../include/ItemObject.php:184
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1091
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1088
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Dislike"
msgid_plural "Dislikes"
@@ -2827,8 +3071,8 @@ msgid "RSS/Atom"
msgstr "RSS/Atom"
#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:79 ../../mod/id.php:15
-#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:805 ../../mod/admin.php:814
-#: ../../boot.php:1488
+#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:817 ../../mod/admin.php:826
+#: ../../boot.php:1490
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-post"
@@ -2856,23 +3100,6 @@ msgstr "XMPP/IM"
msgid "MySpace"
msgstr "MySpace"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:685
-msgid "Invalid data packet"
-msgstr "Ugyldig datapakke"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:701
-msgid "Unable to verify channel signature"
-msgstr "Ikke i stand til å sjekke kanalsignaturen"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:2265
-#, php-format
-msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s"
-msgstr "Ikke i stand til å bekrefte signaturen til %s"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:3592
-msgid "invalid target signature"
-msgstr "Målets signatur er ugyldig"
#: ../../include/bbcode.php:123 ../../include/bbcode.php:794
#: ../../include/bbcode.php:797 ../../include/bbcode.php:802
#: ../../include/bbcode.php:805 ../../include/bbcode.php:808
@@ -2943,7 +3170,7 @@ msgid_plural "%d invitations available"
msgstr[0] "%d invitasjon tilgjengelig"
msgstr[1] "%d invitasjoner tilgjengelig"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:439
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:451
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avansert"
@@ -2996,46 +3223,22 @@ msgstr[1] "%d forbindelser felles"
msgid "show more"
msgstr "vis mer"
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:139
-msgid "Directory Options"
-msgstr "Kataloginnstillinger"
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141
-msgid "Safe Mode"
-msgstr "Trygt modus"
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
-#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:635 ../../mod/connedit.php:684 ../../mod/api.php:106
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:626 ../../mod/admin.php:410 ../../mod/settings.php:577
-#: ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 ../../mod/events.php:462
-#: ../../mod/events.php:463 ../../mod/events.php:472 ../../mod/mitem.php:154
-#: ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228 ../../mod/mitem.php:229
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1490
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nei"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:57 ../../include/network.php:1608
+msgid "$Projectname Notification"
+msgstr "$Projectname varsling"
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
-#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
-#: ../../mod/api.php:105 ../../mod/photos.php:626 ../../mod/admin.php:412
-#: ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153
-#: ../../mod/events.php:462 ../../mod/events.php:463 ../../mod/events.php:472
-#: ../../mod/mitem.php:154 ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228
-#: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1490
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:58 ../../include/network.php:1609
+msgid "$projectname"
+msgstr "$projectname"
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
-msgid "Public Forums Only"
-msgstr "Bare offentlige forum"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:60 ../../include/network.php:1611
+msgid "Thank You,"
+msgstr "Tusen takk,"
-#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143
-msgid "This Website Only"
-msgstr "Kun dette nettstedet"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:62 ../../include/network.php:1613
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s Administrator"
+msgstr "%s administrator"
#: ../../include/enotify.php:96
#, php-format
@@ -3232,19 +3435,19 @@ msgstr "Svaret fra den andre kanalen var ikke komplett."
msgid "Channel was deleted and no longer exists."
msgstr "Kanalen er slettet og finnes ikke lenger."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:152 ../../include/follow.php:180
+#: ../../include/follow.php:152 ../../include/follow.php:181
msgid "Protocol disabled."
msgstr "Protokollen er avskrudd."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:170
+#: ../../include/follow.php:171
msgid "Channel discovery failed."
msgstr "Kanaloppdagelse mislyktes."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:196
+#: ../../include/follow.php:197
msgid "local account not found."
msgstr "lokal konto ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:220
+#: ../../include/follow.php:221
msgid "Cannot connect to yourself."
msgstr "Kan ikke lage forbindelse med deg selv."
@@ -3256,7 +3459,23 @@ msgstr "Innebygget innhold"
msgid "Embedding disabled"
msgstr "Innbygging avskrudd"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../include/message.php:19
+msgid "No recipient provided."
+msgstr "Ingen mottaker angitt."
+#: ../../include/message.php:24
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr "[ikke noe emne]"
+#: ../../include/message.php:44
+msgid "Unable to determine sender."
+msgstr "Kan ikke avgjøre avsender."
+#: ../../include/message.php:219
+msgid "Stored post could not be verified."
+msgstr "Lagret innlegg kunne ikke bekreftes."
+#: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1487
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Logg ut"
@@ -3312,7 +3531,7 @@ msgstr "Dine bokmerker"
msgid "Your webpages"
msgstr "Dine websider"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:111 ../../include/apps.php:131 ../../boot.php:1486
+#: ../../include/nav.php:111 ../../include/apps.php:131 ../../boot.php:1488
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logg inn"
@@ -3337,7 +3556,7 @@ msgstr "Klikk for å godkjennes mot din hjemme-hub"
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Hjemmeside"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:149 ../../mod/register.php:224 ../../boot.php:1462
+#: ../../include/nav.php:149 ../../mod/register.php:226 ../../boot.php:1470
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrer"
@@ -3346,7 +3565,7 @@ msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Lag en konto"
#: ../../include/nav.php:154 ../../include/apps.php:142
-#: ../../mod/layouts.php:176 ../../mod/help.php:202 ../../mod/help.php:207
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:176 ../../mod/help.php:204 ../../mod/help.php:209
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hjelp"
@@ -3358,12 +3577,6 @@ msgstr "Hjelp og dokumentasjon"
msgid "Applications, utilities, links, games"
msgstr "Programmer, verktøy, lenker, spill"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/text.php:867
-#: ../../include/text.php:879 ../../include/apps.php:147
-#: ../../mod/search.php:40
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Søk"
#: ../../include/nav.php:159
msgid "Search site @name, #tag, ?docs, content"
msgstr "Søk nettstedet for @navn, #merkelapp, ?dokumentasjon, innhold"
@@ -3483,244 +3696,46 @@ msgid ""
"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
msgstr "Skjemaets sikkerhetspollett var ikke gyldig. Dette skjedde antakelig fordi skjemaet har vært åpnet for lenge (>3 timer) før det ble sendt inn."
-#: ../../include/text.php:394
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "forrige"
-#: ../../include/text.php:396
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "første"
-#: ../../include/text.php:425
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "siste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:428
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "neste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:438
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "eldre"
-#: ../../include/text.php:440
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "nyere"
-#: ../../include/text.php:785
-msgid "No connections"
-msgstr "Ingen forbindelser"
-#: ../../include/text.php:797
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Connection"
-msgid_plural "%d Connections"
-msgstr[0] "%d forbindelse"
-msgstr[1] "%d forbindelser"
-#: ../../include/text.php:810 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
-msgid "View Connections"
-msgstr "Vis forbindelser"
-#: ../../include/text.php:954
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "prikk"
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "varsle"
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "varslet"
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "oppildne"
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "oppildnet"
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "daske"
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "dasket"
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "fingre"
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "fingret"
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "tilbakevise"
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "tilbakeviste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:969
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "glad"
-#: ../../include/text.php:970
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "trist"
-#: ../../include/text.php:971
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "dempet"
-#: ../../include/text.php:972
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "trøtt"
-#: ../../include/text.php:973
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "oppkvikket"
-#: ../../include/text.php:974
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "sint"
-#: ../../include/text.php:975
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "sløvet"
-#: ../../include/text.php:976
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "forundret"
-#: ../../include/text.php:977
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "interessert"
-#: ../../include/text.php:978
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "bitter"
-#: ../../include/text.php:979
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "munter"
-#: ../../include/text.php:980
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "levende"
-#: ../../include/text.php:981
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "irritert"
-#: ../../include/text.php:982
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "nervøs"
-#: ../../include/text.php:983
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "gretten"
-#: ../../include/text.php:984
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "foruroliget"
-#: ../../include/text.php:985
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "frustrert"
-#: ../../include/text.php:986
-msgid "depressed"
-msgstr "lei seg"
-#: ../../include/text.php:987
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "motivert"
-#: ../../include/text.php:988
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "avslappet"
-#: ../../include/text.php:989
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "overrasket"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "mai"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1242 ../../include/text.php:1246
-msgid "Unknown Attachment"
-msgstr "Ukjent vedlegg"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1248
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "ukjent"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1284
-msgid "remove category"
-msgstr "fjern kategori"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1361
-msgid "remove from file"
-msgstr "fjern fra fil"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1507 ../../include/text.php:1518
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Klikk for å åpne/lukke"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1692 ../../mod/events.php:638
-msgid "Link to Source"
-msgstr "Lenke til kilde"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1713 ../../include/text.php:1785
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "standard"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1721
-msgid "Page layout"
-msgstr "Sidens layout"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1721
-msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
-msgstr "Du kan lage din egen med layout-verktøyet"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1763
-msgid "Page content type"
-msgstr "Sidens innholdstype"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1797
-msgid "Select an alternate language"
-msgstr "Velg et annet språk"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1929
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "aktivitet"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:139
+msgid "Directory Options"
+msgstr "Kataloginnstillinger"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2224
-msgid "Design Tools"
-msgstr "Designverktøy"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141
+msgid "Safe Mode"
+msgstr "Trygt modus"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2227 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
-msgid "Blocks"
-msgstr "Byggeklosser"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:635 ../../mod/connedit.php:684 ../../mod/api.php:102
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:415 ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/photos.php:626
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 ../../mod/events.php:447
+#: ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:457 ../../mod/mitem.php:154
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228 ../../mod/mitem.php:229
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1492
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nei"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2228 ../../mod/menu.php:103
-msgid "Menus"
-msgstr "Menyer"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
+#: ../../mod/api.php:101 ../../mod/admin.php:417 ../../mod/settings.php:577
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:626 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153
+#: ../../mod/events.php:447 ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:457
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:154 ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1492
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2229 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
-msgid "Layouts"
-msgstr "Layout"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
+msgid "Public Forums Only"
+msgstr "Bare offentlige forum"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2230
-msgid "Pages"
-msgstr "Sider"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143
+msgid "This Website Only"
+msgstr "Kun dette nettstedet"
#: ../../include/group.php:26
msgid ""
@@ -3733,7 +3748,7 @@ msgstr "En slettet gruppe med dette navnet ble gjenopprettet. Eksisterende tilla
msgid "Add new connections to this collection (privacy group)"
msgstr "Legg nye forbindelser til denne samlingen (personverngruppe)"
-#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "All Channels"
msgstr "Alle kanaler"
@@ -3757,6 +3772,23 @@ msgstr "Legg til ny samling"
msgid "Channels not in any collection"
msgstr "Kanaler som ikke er i noen samling"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:676
+msgid "Invalid data packet"
+msgstr "Ugyldig datapakke"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:692
+msgid "Unable to verify channel signature"
+msgstr "Ikke i stand til å sjekke kanalsignaturen"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:2268
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s"
+msgstr "Ikke i stand til å bekrefte signaturen til %s"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:3584
+msgid "invalid target signature"
+msgstr "Målets signatur er ugyldig"
#: ../../include/page_widgets.php:6
msgid "New Page"
msgstr "Ny side"
@@ -3788,32 +3820,24 @@ msgstr "Laget"
msgid "Edited"
msgstr "Endret"
+#: ../../include/network.php:630
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr "vis full størrelse"
+#: ../../include/network.php:1655 ../../include/account.php:316
+#: ../../include/account.php:343 ../../include/account.php:403
+msgid "Administrator"
+msgstr "Administrator"
+#: ../../include/network.php:1669
+msgid "No Subject"
+msgstr "Uten emne"
#: ../../include/dba/dba_driver.php:141
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
msgstr "Kan ikke finne DNS-informasjon om databasetjener '%s'"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
-msgstr "Bilde overstiger nettstedets størrelsesbegrensning på %lu bytes"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:119
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "Bildefilen er tom."
-#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr "Kan ikke behandle bildet"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:257
-msgid "Photo storage failed."
-msgstr "Bildelagring mislyktes."
-#: ../../include/photos.php:487
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Last opp nye bilder"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:130
msgid "Save to Folder"
msgstr "Lagre i mappe"
@@ -3862,11 +3886,11 @@ msgstr "stjernemerket"
msgid "Add Tag"
msgstr "Legg til merkelapp"
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:254 ../../mod/photos.php:1026
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:254 ../../mod/photos.php:1023
msgid "I like this (toggle)"
msgstr "Jeg liker dette (skru av og på)"
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:255 ../../mod/photos.php:1027
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:255 ../../mod/photos.php:1024
msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
msgstr "Jeg liker ikke dette (skru av og på)"
@@ -3922,18 +3946,18 @@ msgstr "Legg til i kalender"
msgid "Mark all seen"
msgstr "Merk alle som sett"
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:378 ../../mod/photos.php:1212
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:378 ../../mod/photos.php:1209
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Likes"
msgstr "Liker"
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:379 ../../mod/photos.php:1213
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:379 ../../mod/photos.php:1210
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Dislikes"
msgstr "Liker ikke"
-#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:694 ../../mod/photos.php:1045
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1163
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:694 ../../mod/photos.php:1042
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1160
msgid "This is you"
msgstr "Dette er deg"
@@ -3949,78 +3973,6 @@ msgstr "Sett inn lenke"
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Video"
-#: ../../include/account.php:27
-msgid "Not a valid email address"
-msgstr "Ikke en gyldig e-postadresse"
-#: ../../include/account.php:29
-msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site"
-msgstr "Ditt e-postdomene er ikke blant de som er tillatt på dette stedet"
-#: ../../include/account.php:35
-msgid "Your email address is already registered at this site."
-msgstr "Din e-postadresse er allerede registrert på dette nettstedet."
-#: ../../include/account.php:67
-msgid "An invitation is required."
-msgstr "En invitasjon er påkrevd."
-#: ../../include/account.php:71
-msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
-msgstr "Invitasjon kunne ikke bekreftes."
-#: ../../include/account.php:121
-msgid "Please enter the required information."
-msgstr "Vennligst skriv inn nødvendig informasjon."
-#: ../../include/account.php:188
-msgid "Failed to store account information."
-msgstr "Mislyktes med å lagre kontoinformasjon."
-#: ../../include/account.php:248
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration confirmation for %s"
-msgstr "Registreringsbekreftelse for %s"
-#: ../../include/account.php:314
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration request at %s"
-msgstr "Registreringsforespørsel hos %s"
-#: ../../include/account.php:338
-msgid "your registration password"
-msgstr "ditt registreringspassord"
-#: ../../include/account.php:341 ../../include/account.php:401
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration details for %s"
-msgstr "Registreringsdetaljer for %s"
-#: ../../include/account.php:410
-msgid "Account approved."
-msgstr "Konto godkjent."
-#: ../../include/account.php:449
-#, php-format
-msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
-msgstr "Registrering trukket tilbake for %s"
-#: ../../include/account.php:494
-msgid "Account verified. Please login."
-msgstr "Konto bekreftet. Vennligst logg inn."
-#: ../../include/account.php:707 ../../include/account.php:709
-msgid "Click here to upgrade."
-msgstr "Klikk her for å oppgradere."
-#: ../../include/account.php:715
-msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Denne handlingen går utenfor grensene satt i din abonnementsplan."
-#: ../../include/account.php:720
-msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
-msgstr "Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig i din abonnementsplan."
#: ../../include/apps.php:128
msgid "Site Admin"
msgstr "Nettstedsadministrator"
@@ -4202,12 +4154,84 @@ msgstr "Gruppelager"
msgid "Custom/Expert Mode"
msgstr "Tilpasset/Ekspertmodus"
-#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:719 ../../mod/photos.php:94
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:699 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:147
+#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:719 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:147
#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:239 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:379
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:94 ../../mod/photos.php:699
msgid "Profile Photos"
msgstr "Profilbilder"
+#: ../../include/account.php:27
+msgid "Not a valid email address"
+msgstr "Ikke en gyldig e-postadresse"
+#: ../../include/account.php:29
+msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site"
+msgstr "Ditt e-postdomene er ikke blant de som er tillatt på dette stedet"
+#: ../../include/account.php:35
+msgid "Your email address is already registered at this site."
+msgstr "Din e-postadresse er allerede registrert på dette nettstedet."
+#: ../../include/account.php:67
+msgid "An invitation is required."
+msgstr "En invitasjon er påkrevd."
+#: ../../include/account.php:71
+msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
+msgstr "Invitasjon kunne ikke bekreftes."
+#: ../../include/account.php:121
+msgid "Please enter the required information."
+msgstr "Vennligst skriv inn nødvendig informasjon."
+#: ../../include/account.php:188
+msgid "Failed to store account information."
+msgstr "Mislyktes med å lagre kontoinformasjon."
+#: ../../include/account.php:248
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration confirmation for %s"
+msgstr "Registreringsbekreftelse for %s"
+#: ../../include/account.php:314
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration request at %s"
+msgstr "Registreringsforespørsel hos %s"
+#: ../../include/account.php:338
+msgid "your registration password"
+msgstr "ditt registreringspassord"
+#: ../../include/account.php:341 ../../include/account.php:401
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration details for %s"
+msgstr "Registreringsdetaljer for %s"
+#: ../../include/account.php:410
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr "Konto godkjent."
+#: ../../include/account.php:449
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+msgstr "Registrering trukket tilbake for %s"
+#: ../../include/account.php:494
+msgid "Account verified. Please login."
+msgstr "Konto bekreftet. Vennligst logg inn."
+#: ../../include/account.php:707 ../../include/account.php:709
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr "Klikk her for å oppgradere."
+#: ../../include/account.php:715
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Denne handlingen går utenfor grensene satt i din abonnementsplan."
+#: ../../include/account.php:720
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig i din abonnementsplan."
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:82
msgid "Permission Denied."
msgstr "Tillatelse avvist."
@@ -4300,36 +4324,36 @@ msgstr "Alle tilkoblede kanaler"
msgid "Click on a channel to add or remove."
msgstr "Klikk på en kanal for å legge til eller fjerne."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:173
+#: ../../mod/item.php:174
msgid "Unable to locate original post."
msgstr "Ikke i stand til å finne opprinnelig innlegg."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:417
+#: ../../mod/item.php:418
msgid "Empty post discarded."
msgstr "Tomt innlegg forkastet."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:457
+#: ../../mod/item.php:458
msgid "Executable content type not permitted to this channel."
msgstr "Kjørbar innholdstype er ikke tillat for denne kanalen."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:822
+#: ../../mod/item.php:823
msgid "Duplicate post suppressed."
msgstr "Duplikat av innlegg forhindret."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:953
+#: ../../mod/item.php:954
msgid "System error. Post not saved."
msgstr "Systemfeil. Innlegg ble ikke lagret."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1220
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1221
msgid "Unable to obtain post information from database."
msgstr "Ikke i stand til å få tak i informasjon om innlegg fra databasen."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1227
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1228
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f top level posts."
msgstr "Du har nådd din grense på %1$.0f startinnlegg."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1234
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1235
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f webpages."
msgstr "Du har nådd din grense på %1$.0f websider."
@@ -4409,7 +4433,8 @@ msgstr "Ingen treff"
msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
msgstr "OpenID protokollfeil. Ingen ID ble returnert."
-#: ../../mod/openid.php:72 ../../mod/openid.php:179 ../../mod/post.php:285
+#: ../../mod/openid.php:72 ../../mod/openid.php:179
+#: ../../Zotlabs/Zot/Auth.php:248
#, php-format
msgid "Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful."
msgstr "Velkommen %s. Ekstern autentisering er vellykket."
@@ -4645,7 +4670,7 @@ msgstr "Ugyldig element."
msgid "Channel not found."
msgstr "Kanalen ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../mod/page.php:89 ../../mod/display.php:110 ../../mod/help.php:214
+#: ../../mod/page.php:89 ../../mod/display.php:110 ../../mod/help.php:216
#: ../../mod/block.php:75 ../../index.php:241
msgid "Page not found."
msgstr "Siden ikke funnet."
@@ -4757,8 +4782,8 @@ msgstr "Les mer om roller"
msgid "No ratings"
msgstr "Ingen vurderinger"
-#: ../../mod/ratings.php:82 ../../mod/search.php:13 ../../mod/directory.php:59
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/display.php:13
+#: ../../mod/ratings.php:82 ../../mod/display.php:13
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:59 ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/search.php:13
#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:17
msgid "Public access denied."
msgstr "Offentlig tilgang avvist."
@@ -4815,8 +4840,8 @@ msgstr "Vennligst les filen \"install/INSTALL.txt\"."
msgid "System check"
msgstr "Systemsjekk"
-#: ../../mod/setup.php:285 ../../mod/photos.php:914 ../../mod/events.php:668
-#: ../../mod/events.php:675
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:285 ../../mod/photos.php:911 ../../mod/events.php:653
+#: ../../mod/events.php:660
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Neste"
@@ -5204,15 +5229,6 @@ msgstr "Mine bokmerker"
msgid "My Connections Bookmarks"
msgstr "Mine forbindelsers bokmerker"
-#: ../../mod/home.php:57 ../../mod/home.php:65 ../../mod/siteinfo.php:157
-msgid "$Projectname"
-msgstr "$Projectname"
-#: ../../mod/home.php:75
-#, php-format
-msgid "Welcome to %s"
-msgstr "Velkommen til %s"
#: ../../mod/pconfig.php:27 ../../mod/pconfig.php:60
msgid "This setting requires special processing and editing has been blocked."
msgstr "Denne innstillingen krever spesiell behandling og redigering har blitt blokkert."
@@ -5317,7 +5333,7 @@ msgstr "Hjemmeside"
msgid "Interests"
msgstr "Interesser"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:457 ../../mod/admin.php:974
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:457 ../../mod/admin.php:986
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
@@ -5501,16 +5517,6 @@ msgstr "Legg til profilting"
msgid "Include desirable objects in your profile"
msgstr "Inkluder ønskverdige objekter i din profil"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
-msgstr "Elementer merket med: %s"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:214
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search results for: %s"
-msgstr "Søkeresultater for: %s"
#: ../../mod/connedit.php:75
msgid "Could not access contact record."
msgstr "Fikk ikke tilgang til kontaktinformasjonen."
@@ -5570,11 +5576,11 @@ msgstr "Nylig aktivitet"
msgid "View recent posts and comments"
msgstr "Vis nylige innlegg og kommentarer"
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:811
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:823
msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Ikke blokker lenger"
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:810
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:822
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokker"
@@ -5730,7 +5736,7 @@ msgid ""
" communication."
msgstr "(%s) ønsker forbindelse med deg. Vennligst godkjenn denne forbindelsen for å tillate kommunikasjon."
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 ../../mod/admin.php:807
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 ../../mod/admin.php:819
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Godkjenn"
@@ -5903,19 +5909,19 @@ msgstr "la til din kanal"
msgid "posted an event"
msgstr "la ut en hendelse"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:76 ../../mod/api.php:102
+#: ../../mod/api.php:74 ../../mod/api.php:98
msgid "Authorize application connection"
msgstr "Tillat programforbindelse"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:77
+#: ../../mod/api.php:75
msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
msgstr "Gå tilbake til din app og legg inn denne sikkerhetskoden:"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:89
+#: ../../mod/api.php:85
msgid "Please login to continue."
msgstr "Vennligst logg inn for å fortsette."
-#: ../../mod/api.php:104
+#: ../../mod/api.php:100
msgid ""
"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
" and/or create new posts for you?"
@@ -5941,7 +5947,7 @@ msgstr "Lagre bokmerke"
msgid "URL of bookmark"
msgstr "URL-en til bokmerket"
-#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:97 ../../mod/appman.php:93 ../../mod/events.php:465
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:97 ../../mod/appman.php:93 ../../mod/events.php:450
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"
@@ -6044,7 +6050,7 @@ msgstr "Fjern merkelapp fra element"
msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
msgstr "Velg merkelapp å fjerne:"
-#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:133 ../../mod/photos.php:954
+#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:133 ../../mod/photos.php:951
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Fjern"
@@ -6155,7 +6161,7 @@ msgid ""
"Password reset failed."
msgstr "Forespørsel kunne ikke bekreftes. (Du kan ha sendt den inn tidligere.) Tilbakestilling av passord mislyktes."
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86 ../../boot.php:1494
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86 ../../boot.php:1496
msgid "Password Reset"
msgstr "Tilbakestill passord"
@@ -6313,156 +6319,75 @@ msgid ""
"only once and leave this page open until finished."
msgstr "Denne prosessen kan ta flere minutter å fullføre. Vennligst send inn dette skjemaet bare en gang og la siden være åpen inntil den er ferdig."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:79
-msgid "Page owner information could not be retrieved."
-msgstr "Informasjon om sideeier kunne ikke hentes."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:100
-msgid "Album not found."
-msgstr "Albumet ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:127
-msgid "Delete Album"
-msgstr "Slett album"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:25
+msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
+msgstr "Grensen for totalt antall invitasjoner er overskredet."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:171 ../../mod/photos.php:1009
-msgid "Delete Photo"
-msgstr "Slett bilde"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:49
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "%s : ikke en gyldig e-postadresse."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:501
-msgid "No photos selected"
-msgstr "Ingen bilder valgt"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:59
+msgid "Please join us on $Projectname"
+msgstr "Bli med oss på $Projectname"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:550
-msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
-msgstr "Tilgang til dette elementet er begrenset."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:70
+msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
+msgstr "Invitasjonsgrensen er overskredet. Vennligst kontakt administratoren ved ditt nettsted."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:589
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:75
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used."
-msgstr "%1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt."
+msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
+msgstr "%s : meldingslevering feilet."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:592
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:79
#, php-format
-msgid "%1$.2f MB photo storage used."
-msgstr "%1$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:620
-msgid "Upload Photos"
-msgstr "Last opp bilder"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:624
-msgid "Enter an album name"
-msgstr "Skriv et albumnavn"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:625
-msgid "or select an existing album (doubleclick)"
-msgstr "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:626
-msgid "Create a status post for this upload"
-msgstr "Lag et statusinnlegg for denne opplastingen"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:627
-msgid "Caption (optional):"
-msgstr "Bildetekst (valgfritt):"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:628
-msgid "Description (optional):"
-msgstr "Beskrivelse (valgfritt):"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:655
-msgid "Album name could not be decoded"
-msgstr "Albumnavnet kunne ikke dekodes"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:699 ../../mod/photos.php:1236
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1253
-msgid "Contact Photos"
-msgstr "Kontaktbilder"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:727
-msgid "Show Newest First"
-msgstr "Vis nyeste først"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:729
-msgid "Show Oldest First"
-msgstr "Vis eldste først"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:827
-msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
-msgstr "Tillatelse avvist. Tilgang til dette elementet kan være begrenset."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:829
-msgid "Photo not available"
-msgstr "Bilde er utilgjengelig"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:887
-msgid "Use as profile photo"
-msgstr "Bruk som profilbilde"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:894
-msgid "Private Photo"
-msgstr "Privat bilde"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:905 ../../mod/events.php:667 ../../mod/events.php:674
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Forrige"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:909
-msgid "View Full Size"
-msgstr "Vis i full størrelse"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:988
-msgid "Edit photo"
-msgstr "Endre bilde"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:990
-msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
-msgstr "Roter med klokka (mot høyre)"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:991
-msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
-msgstr "Roter mot klokka (venstre)"
+msgid "%d message sent."
+msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
+msgstr[0] "%d melding sendt."
+msgstr[1] "%d meldinger sendt."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:994
-msgid "Enter a new album name"
-msgstr "Skriv et nytt albumnavn"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:98
+msgid "You have no more invitations available"
+msgstr "Du har ikke flere invitasjoner tilgjengelig"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:995
-msgid "or select an existing one (doubleclick)"
-msgstr "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:129
+msgid "Send invitations"
+msgstr "Send invitasjoner"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:998
-msgid "Caption"
-msgstr "Overskrift"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:130
+msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
+msgstr "Skriv e-postadresser, en per linje:"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1000
-msgid "Add a Tag"
-msgstr "Legg til merkelapp"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:131 ../../mod/mail.php:246
+msgid "Your message:"
+msgstr "Din melding:"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1004
-msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com"
-msgstr "Eksempel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:132
+msgid "Please join my community on $Projectname."
+msgstr "Du er velkommen til å bli med i mitt fellesskap på $Projectname."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1007
-msgid "Flag as adult in album view"
-msgstr "Flag som voksent i albumvisning"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:134
+msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: "
+msgstr "Du må oppgi denne invitasjonskoden:"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1199
-msgid "In This Photo:"
-msgstr "I dette bildet:"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:135
+msgid ""
+"1. Register at any $Projectname location (they are all inter-connected)"
+msgstr "1. Registrer ved enhver $Projectname-lokasjon (de er alle forbundet med hverandre)"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1204
-msgid "Map"
-msgstr "Kart"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:137
+msgid "2. Enter my $Projectname network address into the site searchbar."
+msgstr "2. Skriv inn min $Projectname-adresse i nettstedets søkefelt."
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1292
-msgid "View Album"
-msgstr "Vis album"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:138
+msgid "or visit "
+msgstr "eller besøk"
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:1315
-msgid "Recent Photos"
-msgstr "Nye bilder"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:140
+msgid "3. Click [Connect]"
+msgstr "3. Klikk [Forbindelse]"
#: ../../mod/probe.php:24 ../../mod/probe.php:30
#, php-format
@@ -6733,807 +6658,817 @@ msgstr "Vennligst angi at tjenesteavtalen er akseptert. Registrering mislyktes."
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Passordene er ikke like."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:117
+#: ../../mod/register.php:119
msgid ""
"Registration successful. Please check your email for validation "
msgstr "Registreringen er vellykket. Vennligst sjekk e-posten din for å bekrefte opprettelsen."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:123
+#: ../../mod/register.php:125
msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
msgstr "Din registrering venter på godkjenning av nettstedets eier."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:126
+#: ../../mod/register.php:128
msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
msgstr "Din registrering kan ikke behandles."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:163
+#: ../../mod/register.php:165
msgid "Registration on this site/hub is by approval only."
msgstr "Registrering på dette nettstedet/denne hubben skjer bare gjennom godkjenning."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:164
+#: ../../mod/register.php:166
msgid "<a href=\"pubsites\">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"pubsites\">Registrer på et annet tilknyttet nettsted/hub</a>"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:174
+#: ../../mod/register.php:176
msgid ""
"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
"Please try again tomorrow."
msgstr "Dette nettstedet har overskredet antallet tillate kontoregistreringer per dag. Vennligst prøv igjen imorgen."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:185
+#: ../../mod/register.php:187
msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr "Tjenesteavtale"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:191
+#: ../../mod/register.php:193
#, php-format
msgid "I accept the %s for this website"
msgstr "Jeg godtar %s for dette nettstedet"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:193
+#: ../../mod/register.php:195
#, php-format
msgid "I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website"
msgstr "Jeg er over 13 år gammel og aksepterer %s for dette nettstedet."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:436
+#: ../../mod/register.php:209 ../../mod/admin.php:448
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Registrering"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:212
+#: ../../mod/register.php:214
msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
msgstr "Medlemskap ved dette nettstedet skjer kun via invitasjon."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:213
+#: ../../mod/register.php:215
msgid "Please enter your invitation code"
msgstr "Vennligst skriv din invitasjonskode"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:216
+#: ../../mod/register.php:218
msgid "Your email address"
msgstr "Din e-postadresse"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:217
+#: ../../mod/register.php:219
msgid "Choose a password"
msgstr "Velg et passord"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:218
+#: ../../mod/register.php:220
msgid "Please re-enter your password"
msgstr "Vennligst skriv ditt passord en gang til"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:52
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:54
msgid "Theme settings updated."
msgstr "Temainnstillinger er oppdatert."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:160
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:162
msgid "# Accounts"
msgstr "# Kontoer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:161
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:163
msgid "# blocked accounts"
msgstr "# blokkerte kontoer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:162
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:164
msgid "# expired accounts"
msgstr "# utgåtte kontoer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:163
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:165
msgid "# expiring accounts"
msgstr "# kontoer som holder på å gå ut"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:174
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:176
msgid "# Channels"
msgstr "# Kanaler"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:175
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:177
msgid "# primary"
msgstr "# hoved"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:176
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:178
msgid "# clones"
msgstr "# kloner"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:182
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:184
msgid "Message queues"
msgstr "Meldingskøer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:198 ../../mod/admin.php:433 ../../mod/admin.php:532
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:800 ../../mod/admin.php:964 ../../mod/admin.php:1061
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1101 ../../mod/admin.php:1261 ../../mod/admin.php:1295
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1380
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:200 ../../mod/admin.php:445 ../../mod/admin.php:545
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:812 ../../mod/admin.php:976 ../../mod/admin.php:1073
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1113 ../../mod/admin.php:1273 ../../mod/admin.php:1307
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1392
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administrasjon"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:199
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:201
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sammendrag"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:202
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:204
msgid "Registered accounts"
msgstr "Registrerte kontoer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:203 ../../mod/admin.php:536
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:549
msgid "Pending registrations"
msgstr "Ventende registreringer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:204
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:206
msgid "Registered channels"
msgstr "Registrerte kanaler"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:537
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:550
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Aktive tilleggsfunksjoner"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:206
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:208
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versjon"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:324
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:329
msgid "Site settings updated."
msgstr "Nettstedsinnstillinger er oppdatert."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:361 ../../mod/settings.php:793
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:366 ../../mod/settings.php:793
msgid "mobile"
msgstr "mobil"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:363
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:368
msgid "experimental"
msgstr "eksperimentell"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:365
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:370
msgid "unsupported"
msgstr "ikke støttet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:411
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:416
msgid "Yes - with approval"
msgstr "Ja - med godkjenning"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:417
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:422
msgid "My site is not a public server"
msgstr "Mitt nettsted er ikke en offentlig tjeneste"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:418
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:423
msgid "My site has paid access only"
msgstr "Mitt nettsted gir kun tilgang mot betaling"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:419
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:424
msgid "My site has free access only"
msgstr "Mitt nettsted har kun gratis tilgang"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:420
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:425
msgid "My site offers free accounts with optional paid upgrades"
msgstr "Mitt nettsted tilbyr gratis konto med valgfri oppgradering til betalt tjeneste"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:437
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:449
msgid "File upload"
msgstr "Last opp fil"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:438
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
msgid "Policies"
msgstr "Retningslinjer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:443
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Nettstedets navn"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:444
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
msgid "Banner/Logo"
msgstr "Banner/Logo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:445
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
msgid "Administrator Information"
msgstr "Administratorinformasjon"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:445
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
msgid ""
"Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. "
"BBCode can be used here"
msgstr "Kontaktinformasjon til nettstedsadministratorer. Vises på siteinfo-siden. BBCode kan brukes her"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:446
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
msgid "System language"
msgstr "Systemspråk"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:447
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
msgid "System theme"
msgstr "Systemtema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:447
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
msgid ""
"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' "
"id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>"
msgstr "Standard systemtema - kan overstyres av brukerprofiler - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>endre temainnstillinger</a>"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:448
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
msgid "Mobile system theme"
msgstr "Mobilt systemtema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:448
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
msgstr "Tema for mobile enheter"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
msgid "Allow Feeds as Connections"
msgstr "Tillat strømmer som forbindelser"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
msgid "(Heavy system resource usage)"
msgstr "(Tung bruk av systemressurser)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:451
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
msgid "Maximum image size"
msgstr "Største bildestørrelse"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:451
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
msgid ""
"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
msgstr "Største størrelse i bytes for opplastede bilder. Standard er 0, som betyr ubegrenset."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:452
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
msgid "Does this site allow new member registration?"
msgstr "Tillater dette nettstedet registrering av nye medlemmer?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:453
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid "Invitation only"
+msgstr "Kun inviterte"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid ""
+"Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register "
+"policy must be set to Yes."
+msgstr "Tillat bare nye medlemsregistreringer med en invitasjonskode. Ovenstående retningslinjer for registrering må være satt til Ja."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
msgid "Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"
msgstr "Hvilket alternativ beskriver best hva slags kontotype som tilbys av dette nettstedet/denne hubben?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
msgid "Register text"
msgstr "Registreringstekst"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
msgstr "Vil bli vist på en fremtredende måte på registreringssiden."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
msgid "Site homepage to show visitors (default: login box)"
msgstr "Nettstedets hjemmeside som vises til besøkende (standard: innloggingsboks)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
msgid ""
"example: 'public' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to show a system "
"webpage called 'home' or 'include:home.html' to include a file."
msgstr "eksempel: 'public' for å vise offentlig strøm av innlegg, 'page/sys/home/ for å vise en system-webside called 'home\" eller 'include:home.html' for å inkludere en fil."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
msgid "Preserve site homepage URL"
msgstr "Bevar URL-en til nettstedets hjemmeside"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
msgid ""
"Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of "
msgstr "Presenter hjemmesiden til nettstedet i en ramme fra den opprinnelige plasseringen i stedet for å omdirigere"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
msgstr "Kontoer forlatt etter x dager"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
msgid ""
"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
msgstr "Vil ikke kaste bort systemressurser på å spørre eksterne nettsteder etter forlatte kontoer. Skriv 0 for å ikke sette noen tidsgrense."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
msgid "Allowed friend domains"
msgstr "Tillatte vennedomener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
msgstr "Kommaseparert liste over domener som har lov til å etablere vennskap med dette nettstedet. Jokertegn er akseptert. Tøm for å tillate alle domener."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
msgid "Allowed email domains"
msgstr "Tillate e-postdomener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
msgstr "Kommaseparert liste med domener som er tillatt i e-postadresser ved registrering på dette nettstedet. Jokertegn er akseptert. Tomt betyr at alle domener er tillatt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
msgid "Not allowed email domains"
msgstr "Ikke tillatte e-postdomener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are not allowed in email addresses for"
" registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
"domains, unless allowed domains have been defined."
msgstr "Kommaseparert liste med domener som ikke er tillatt i e-postadresser ved registrering på dette nettstedet. Jokertegn er akseptert. Tomt betyr at alle domener er tillatt, med mindre tillate domener er blitt definert."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
msgid "Block public"
msgstr "Blokker offentlig tilgang"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
msgid ""
"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
"site unless you are currently logged in."
msgstr "Kryss av for å blokkere tilgang til alle personlige sider som ellers ville vært offentlig tilgjengelige på dette nettstedet med mindre du er logget inn."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
msgid "Verify Email Addresses"
msgstr "Bekreft e-postadresser"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
msgid ""
"Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended)."
msgstr "Sett hake for å sjekke e-postadresser brukt ved kontoregistrering (anbefales)."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
msgid "Force publish"
msgstr "Tving publisering"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
msgid ""
"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
msgstr "Kryss av for å tvinge alle profiler på dette nettstedet til å bli oppført i nettstedet sin katalog."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
-msgid "Disable discovery tab"
-msgstr "Skru av oppdagelsesfanen"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
+msgid "Import Public Streams"
+msgstr "Importer offentlige innholdsstrømmer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
msgid ""
-"Remove the tab in the network view with public content pulled from sources "
-"chosen for this site."
-msgstr "Fjern fanen fra nettverksvisningen med offentlig innhold trukket inn fra kilder valg for dette nettstedet."
+"Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: "
+"this content is unmoderated."
+msgstr "Importer og gi tilgang til offentlig innhold trukket inn fra andre nettsteder. Advarsel: dette innholdet er ikke moderert."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
msgid "login on Homepage"
msgstr "Logg inn på hjemmesiden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
msgid ""
"Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has "
"been configured."
msgstr "Presenter en innloggingsboks til besøkende på hjemmesiden hvis ikke noe annet innhold har blitt konfigurert."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
msgid "Directory Server URL"
msgstr "Katalogtjener URL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
msgid "Default directory server"
msgstr "Standard katalogtjener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
msgid "Proxy user"
msgstr "Brukernavn mellomtjener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
msgid "Proxy URL"
msgstr "Mellomtjener URL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:484
msgid "Network timeout"
msgstr "Nettverk tidsavbrudd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:484
msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
msgstr "Verdien i sekunder. Skriv 0 for ubegrenset (ikke anbefalt)."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:485
msgid "Delivery interval"
msgstr "Leveringsinterval"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:485
msgid ""
"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
"for large dedicated servers."
msgstr "Forsink leveringsprosessene i bakgrunnen med dette antall sekunder for å redusere systembelastningen. Anbefaling: 4-5 for delte tjenere, 2-3 for virtuelle tjenere, 0-1 for større dedikerte tjenere."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:486
msgid "Deliveries per process"
msgstr "Leveranser per prosess"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:486
msgid ""
"Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust"
" if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5."
msgstr "Antall leveranser som forsøkes i en enkelt operativsystemprosess. Juster om nødvendig for å fininnstille systemets yteevne. Anbefaling: 1-5."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:487
msgid "Poll interval"
msgstr "Spørreintervall"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:487
msgid ""
"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
msgstr "Forsink spørreprosessene i bakgrunnen med dette antall sekunder for å redusere systembelastningen. Hvis 0, bruk dette leveringsintervallet."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:488
msgid "Maximum Load Average"
msgstr "Største belastningsgjennomsnitt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:488
msgid ""
"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
"default 50."
msgstr "Største systembelastning før leverings- og spørreprosesser blir utsatt - standard 50."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:489
msgid "Expiration period in days for imported (matrix/network) content"
msgstr "Antall dager før importert innhold (matrix/nettverk) utgår"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:489
msgid "0 for no expiration of imported content"
msgstr "0 dersom importert innhold ikke skal utgå"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:524
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:537
msgid "No server found"
msgstr "Ingen tjener funnet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:531 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544 ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:531
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "for channel"
msgstr "for kanalen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:531
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "on server"
msgstr "på tjener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:531
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:533
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:546
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Tjener"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:550
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:563
msgid "Update has been marked successful"
msgstr "Oppdateringen har blitt merket som en suksess"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:560
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:573
#, php-format
msgid "Executing %s failed. Check system logs."
msgstr "Utføring av %s feilet. Sjekk systemlogger."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:563
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:576
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
msgstr "Oppdatering %s ble gjennomført med suksess."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:567
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:580
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
msgstr "Oppdatering %s returnerte ingen status. Det er ukjent om den ble vellykket."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:570
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:583
#, php-format
msgid "Update function %s could not be found."
msgstr "Oppdatering av funksjon %s kunne ikke finnes."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:586
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:599
msgid "No failed updates."
msgstr "Ingen mislykkede oppdateringer."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:590
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:603
msgid "Failed Updates"
msgstr "Mislykkede oppdateringer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:592
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:605
msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
msgstr "Marker suksess (hvis oppdateringen ble gjennomført manuelt)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:593
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:606
msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
msgstr "Prøv å gjennomføre dette oppdateringstrinnet automatisk"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:625
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
msgid "Queue Statistics"
msgstr "Køstatistikk"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:626
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
msgid "Total Entries"
msgstr "Totalt antall oppføringer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:627
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:639
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioritet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:628
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:640
msgid "Destination URL"
msgstr "Mål-URL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:629
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:641
msgid "Mark hub permanently offline"
msgstr "Merk hub som permanent offline"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:630
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:642
msgid "Empty queue for this hub"
msgstr "Tøm køen for denne hubben"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:631
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:643
msgid "Last known contact"
msgstr "Siste kjente kontakt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:667
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:679
#, php-format
msgid "%s account blocked/unblocked"
msgid_plural "%s account blocked/unblocked"
msgstr[0] "%s konto blokkert/ikke blokkert lenger"
msgstr[1] "%s kontoer blokkert/ikke blokkert lenger"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:675
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:687
#, php-format
msgid "%s account deleted"
msgid_plural "%s accounts deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s konto slettet"
msgstr[1] "%s kontoer slettet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:711
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:723
msgid "Account not found"
msgstr "Kontoen ble ikke funnet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:723
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:735
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' deleted"
msgstr "Kontoen '%s' slettet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:731
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:743
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' blocked"
msgstr "Kontoen '%s' blokkert"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:739
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:751
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' unblocked"
msgstr "Kontoen '%s' er ikke blokkert lenger"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:801 ../../mod/admin.php:813
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 ../../mod/admin.php:825
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Brukere"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:803 ../../mod/admin.php:967
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:815 ../../mod/admin.php:979
msgid "select all"
msgstr "velg alle"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:804
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:816
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
msgstr "Brukerregistreringer som venter på bekreftelse"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:805
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:817
msgid "Request date"
msgstr "Dato for forespørsel"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:806
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:818
msgid "No registrations."
msgstr "Ingen registreringer."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:808
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:820
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Avslå"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Register date"
msgstr "Registreringsdato"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Siste innlogging"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Expires"
msgstr "Utløper"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Service Class"
msgstr "Tjenesteklasse"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:816
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:828
msgid ""
"Selected accounts will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these accounts had posted"
" on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Valgte kontoer vil bli slettet!\\n\\nAlt disse kontoene har lagt inn på dette nettstedet vil bli slettet permanent!\\n\\nEr du sikker på at du vil slette disse valgte kontoene?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:817
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:829
msgid ""
"The account {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this account has posted on "
"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Kontoen {0} vl bli slettet!\\n\\nAlt denne kontoen har lagt inn på dette nettstedet vil bli slettet permanent!\\n\\nEr du sikker på at du vil slette denne kontoen?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:853
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:865
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel censored/uncensored"
msgid_plural "%s channels censored/uncensored"
msgstr[0] "%s kanal er sensurert/ikke sensurert lenger"
msgstr[1] "%s kanaler er sensurert/ikke sensurert lenger"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:862
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:874
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel code allowed/disallowed"
msgid_plural "%s channels code allowed/disallowed"
msgstr[0] "%s kanal med kode tillatt/ikke tillatt"
msgstr[1] "%s kanaler med kode tillatt/ikke tillatt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:869
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:881
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel deleted"
msgid_plural "%s channels deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s kanal slettet"
msgstr[1] "%s kanaler slettet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:889
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:901
msgid "Channel not found"
msgstr "Kanalen ble ikke funnet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:900
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:912
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' deleted"
msgstr "Kanalen '%s' er slettet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:912
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:924
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' censored"
msgstr "Kanalen '%s' er sensurert"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:912
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:924
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' uncensored"
msgstr "Kanalen '%s' er ikke sensurert lenger"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:923
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:935
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' code allowed"
msgstr "Kanal '%s' kode tillatt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:923
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:935
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' code disallowed"
msgstr "Kanal '%s' kode ikke tillatt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:969
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:981
msgid "Censor"
msgstr "Sensurer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:970
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:982
msgid "Uncensor"
msgstr "Ikke sensurer lenger"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:971
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:983
msgid "Allow Code"
msgstr "Tillat kode"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:972
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:984
msgid "Disallow Code"
msgstr "Ikke tillat kode"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:974
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:986
msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:976
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:988
msgid ""
"Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in these "
"channels on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Valgte kanaler vil bli slettet!\\n\\nAlt innhold som er lagt inn i disse kanalene på dette nettstedet vil bli slettet for alltid!\\n\\nEr du sikker på at du vil slette disse kanalene med alt innhold?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:977
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:989
msgid ""
"The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this "
"channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Kanalen {0} vil bli slettet!\\n\\nAlt innhold som er lagt inn i denne kanalen på dettet nettstedet vil bli slettet for alltid!\\n\\nEr du sikker på at du vil slette denne kanalen med alt innhold?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1017
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1029
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
msgstr "Tilleggsfunksjonen %s er avskrudd."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1021
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1033
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
msgstr "Tilleggsfunksjonen %s er påskrudd."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1031 ../../mod/admin.php:1234
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1043 ../../mod/admin.php:1246
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Skru av"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1034 ../../mod/admin.php:1236
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1046 ../../mod/admin.php:1248
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Skru på"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1063 ../../mod/admin.php:1263
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1075 ../../mod/admin.php:1275
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Skru av og på"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1071 ../../mod/admin.php:1273
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1083 ../../mod/admin.php:1285
msgid "Author: "
msgstr "Forfatter:"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1072 ../../mod/admin.php:1274
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1084 ../../mod/admin.php:1286
msgid "Maintainer: "
msgstr "Vedlikeholder:"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1199
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1211
msgid "No themes found."
msgstr "Ingen temaer er funnet."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1255
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1267
msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr "Skjermbilde"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1301
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1313
msgid "[Experimental]"
msgstr "[Eksperimentelt]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1302
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1314
msgid "[Unsupported]"
msgstr "[Ingen støtte]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1326
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1338
msgid "Log settings updated."
msgstr "Logginnstillinger er oppdatert."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1383
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1395
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Tøm"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1389
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1401
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Feilsøking"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1390
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1402
msgid "Log file"
msgstr "Loggfil"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1390
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1402
msgid ""
"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Red top-level directory."
msgstr "Må kunne skrives til av webtjenesten. Relativ til din Red sin toppnivåkatalog."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1391
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1403
msgid "Log level"
msgstr "Loggnivå"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1437
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1449
msgid "New Profile Field"
msgstr "Nytt profilfelt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1438 ../../mod/admin.php:1458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1450 ../../mod/admin.php:1470
msgid "Field nickname"
msgstr "Feltets kallenavn"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1438 ../../mod/admin.php:1458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1450 ../../mod/admin.php:1470
msgid "System name of field"
msgstr "Systemnavnet til feltet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1439 ../../mod/admin.php:1459
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1451 ../../mod/admin.php:1471
msgid "Input type"
msgstr "Inndata-type"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1440 ../../mod/admin.php:1460
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452 ../../mod/admin.php:1472
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Feltnavn"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1440 ../../mod/admin.php:1460
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452 ../../mod/admin.php:1472
msgid "Label on profile pages"
msgstr "Merkelapp på profilsider"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1441 ../../mod/admin.php:1461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453 ../../mod/admin.php:1473
msgid "Help text"
msgstr "Hjelpetekst"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1441 ../../mod/admin.php:1461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453 ../../mod/admin.php:1473
msgid "Additional info (optional)"
msgstr "Tilleggsinformasjon (valgfritt)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1451
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1463
msgid "Field definition not found"
msgstr "Feltdefinisjonen ble ikke funnet"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1469
msgid "Edit Profile Field"
msgstr "Endre profilfelt"
@@ -8252,92 +8187,14 @@ msgstr "Når mulig, fjern en plassering ved å logge inn på det nettstedet elle
msgid "Use this form to drop the location if the hub is no longer operating."
msgstr "Bruk dette skjemaet for å fjerne plasseringen hvis huben ikke er i drift lenger."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:33
-msgid "Unable to lookup recipient."
-msgstr "Ikke i stand til å slå opp mottaker."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:41
-msgid "Unable to communicate with requested channel."
-msgstr "Ikke i stand til å kommunisere med forespurt kanal."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:48
-msgid "Cannot verify requested channel."
-msgstr "Kan ikke bekrefte forespurt kanal."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:74
-msgid "Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed."
-msgstr "Valgt kanal har restriksjoner for private meldinger. Sending feilet."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:132
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Meldinger"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:167
-msgid "Message recalled."
-msgstr "Innlegg tilbakekalt."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:180
-msgid "Conversation removed."
-msgstr "Samtale fjernet."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:223
-msgid "Requested channel is not in this network"
-msgstr "Forespurt kanal er ikke tilgjengelig i dette nettverket."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:231
-msgid "Send Private Message"
-msgstr "Send privat melding"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:232 ../../mod/mail.php:361
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Til:"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:235 ../../mod/mail.php:363
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Emne:"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:238 ../../mod/invite.php:131
-msgid "Your message:"
-msgstr "Din melding:"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:242
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Send"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:333
-msgid "Delete message"
-msgstr "Slett melding"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:334
-msgid "Delivery report"
-msgstr "Leveringsrapport"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:335
-msgid "Recall message"
-msgstr "Tilbakekall innlegg"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:337
-msgid "Message has been recalled."
-msgstr "Innlegget har blitt tilbakekalt."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:354
-msgid "Delete Conversation"
-msgstr "Slett samtale"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:356
-msgid ""
-"No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to "
-"respond from the sender's profile page."
-msgstr "Ingen sikret kommunikasjon tilgjengelig. Du kan <strong>muligens</strong> greie å svare via senderens profilside."
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:360
-msgid "Send Reply"
-msgstr "Send svar"
+#: ../../mod/home.php:57 ../../mod/home.php:65 ../../mod/siteinfo.php:61
+msgid "$Projectname"
+msgstr "$Projectname"
-#: ../../mod/mail.php:365
+#: ../../mod/home.php:75
#, php-format
-msgid "Your message for %s (%s):"
-msgstr "Din melding til %s (%s):"
+msgid "Welcome to %s"
+msgstr "Velkommen til %s"
#: ../../mod/regmod.php:11
msgid "Please login."
@@ -8367,71 +8224,157 @@ msgstr "Utilstrekkelig tillatelse. Forespørsel omdirigert til profilsiden."
msgid "Item not available."
msgstr "Elementet er ikke tilgjengelig."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:25
-msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
-msgstr "Grensen for totalt antall invitasjoner er overskredet."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:79
+msgid "Page owner information could not be retrieved."
+msgstr "Informasjon om sideeier kunne ikke hentes."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:49
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
-msgstr "%s : ikke en gyldig e-postadresse."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:100
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr "Albumet ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:76
-msgid "Please join us on $Projectname"
-msgstr "Bli med oss på $Projectname"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:127
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr "Slett album"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:87
-msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
-msgstr "Invitasjonsgrensen er overskredet. Vennligst kontakt administratoren ved ditt nettsted."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:171 ../../mod/photos.php:1006
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr "Slett bilde"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:501
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr "Ingen bilder valgt"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:550
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr "Tilgang til dette elementet er begrenset."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:92
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:589
#, php-format
-msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
-msgstr "%s : meldingslevering feilet."
+msgid "%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used."
+msgstr "%1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:96
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:592
#, php-format
-msgid "%d message sent."
-msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
-msgstr[0] "%d melding sendt."
-msgstr[1] "%d meldinger sendt."
+msgid "%1$.2f MB photo storage used."
+msgstr "%1$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt."
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:115
-msgid "You have no more invitations available"
-msgstr "Du har ikke flere invitasjoner tilgjengelig"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:620
+msgid "Upload Photos"
+msgstr "Last opp bilder"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:129
-msgid "Send invitations"
-msgstr "Send invitasjoner"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:624
+msgid "Enter an album name"
+msgstr "Skriv et albumnavn"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:130
-msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
-msgstr "Skriv e-postadresser, en per linje:"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:625
+msgid "or select an existing album (doubleclick)"
+msgstr "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:132
-msgid "Please join my community on $Projectname."
-msgstr "Du er velkommen til å bli med i mitt fellesskap på $Projectname."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:626
+msgid "Create a status post for this upload"
+msgstr "Lag et statusinnlegg for denne opplastingen"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:134
-msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: "
-msgstr "Du må oppgi denne invitasjonskoden:"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:627
+msgid "Caption (optional):"
+msgstr "Bildetekst (valgfritt):"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:135
-msgid ""
-"1. Register at any $Projectname location (they are all inter-connected)"
-msgstr "1. Registrer ved enhver $Projectname-lokasjon (de er alle forbundet med hverandre)"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:628
+msgid "Description (optional):"
+msgstr "Beskrivelse (valgfritt):"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:137
-msgid "2. Enter my $Projectname network address into the site searchbar."
-msgstr "2. Skriv inn min $Projectname-adresse i nettstedets søkefelt."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:655
+msgid "Album name could not be decoded"
+msgstr "Albumnavnet kunne ikke dekodes"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:138
-msgid "or visit "
-msgstr "eller besøk"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:699 ../../mod/photos.php:1233
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1250
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr "Kontaktbilder"
-#: ../../mod/invite.php:140
-msgid "3. Click [Connect]"
-msgstr "3. Klikk [Forbindelse]"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:722
+msgid "Show Newest First"
+msgstr "Vis nyeste først"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:724
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
+msgstr "Vis eldste først"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:824
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+msgstr "Tillatelse avvist. Tilgang til dette elementet kan være begrenset."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:826
+msgid "Photo not available"
+msgstr "Bilde er utilgjengelig"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:884
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
+msgstr "Bruk som profilbilde"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:891
+msgid "Private Photo"
+msgstr "Privat bilde"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:902 ../../mod/events.php:652 ../../mod/events.php:659
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Forrige"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:906
+msgid "View Full Size"
+msgstr "Vis i full størrelse"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:985
+msgid "Edit photo"
+msgstr "Endre bilde"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:987
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+msgstr "Roter med klokka (mot høyre)"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:988
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+msgstr "Roter mot klokka (venstre)"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:991
+msgid "Enter a new album name"
+msgstr "Skriv et nytt albumnavn"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:992
+msgid "or select an existing one (doubleclick)"
+msgstr "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:995
+msgid "Caption"
+msgstr "Overskrift"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:997
+msgid "Add a Tag"
+msgstr "Legg til merkelapp"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1001
+msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com"
+msgstr "Eksempel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1004
+msgid "Flag as adult in album view"
+msgstr "Flag som voksent i albumvisning"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1196
+msgid "In This Photo:"
+msgstr "I dette bildet:"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1201
+msgid "Map"
+msgstr "Kart"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1289
+msgid "View Album"
+msgstr "Vis album"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1300 ../../mod/photos.php:1313
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1314
+msgid "Recent Photos"
+msgstr "Nye bilder"
#: ../../mod/lockview.php:37
msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
@@ -8582,6 +8525,16 @@ msgstr "Chat utgår (antall minutter)"
msgid "%1$s's Chatrooms"
msgstr "%1$s sine chatrom"
+#: ../../mod/search.php:212
+#, php-format
+msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
+msgstr "Elementer merket med: %s"
+#: ../../mod/search.php:214
+#, php-format
+msgid "Search results for: %s"
+msgstr "Søkeresultater for: %s"
#: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:40
msgid "Source of Item"
msgstr "Kilde til element"
@@ -8675,22 +8628,6 @@ msgstr "Søk blant dine forbindelser"
msgid "Finding: "
msgstr "Fant:"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:147
-msgid "Documentation Search"
-msgstr "Søk i dokumentasjon"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:184 ../../mod/help.php:190 ../../mod/help.php:196
-msgid "Help:"
-msgstr "Hjelp:"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:211 ../../index.php:238
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "Ikke funnet"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:235
-msgid "$Projectname Documentation"
-msgstr "$Projectname dokumentasjon"
#: ../../mod/manage.php:130
#, php-format
msgid "You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."
@@ -8822,72 +8759,165 @@ msgstr "Menytittelen andre ser"
msgid "Allow bookmarks"
msgstr "Tillat bokmerker"
-#: ../../mod/post.php:234
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:34
+msgid "Unable to lookup recipient."
+msgstr "Ikke i stand til å slå opp mottaker."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:42
+msgid "Unable to communicate with requested channel."
+msgstr "Ikke i stand til å kommunisere med forespurt kanal."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:49
+msgid "Cannot verify requested channel."
+msgstr "Kan ikke bekrefte forespurt kanal."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:75
+msgid "Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed."
+msgstr "Valgt kanal har restriksjoner for private meldinger. Sending feilet."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:140
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Meldinger"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:175
+msgid "Message recalled."
+msgstr "Innlegg tilbakekalt."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:188
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr "Samtale fjernet."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:231
+msgid "Requested channel is not in this network"
+msgstr "Forespurt kanal er ikke tilgjengelig i dette nettverket."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:239
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr "Send privat melding"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:240 ../../mod/mail.php:370
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Til:"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:243 ../../mod/mail.php:372
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Emne:"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:250
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Send"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:342
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr "Slett melding"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:343
+msgid "Delivery report"
+msgstr "Leveringsrapport"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:344
+msgid "Recall message"
+msgstr "Tilbakekall innlegg"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:346
+msgid "Message has been recalled."
+msgstr "Innlegget har blitt tilbakekalt."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:363
+msgid "Delete Conversation"
+msgstr "Slett samtale"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:365
msgid ""
-"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
-" logout and retry."
-msgstr "Fjernautentisering blokkert. Du er logget inn på dette nettstedet lokalt. Vennligst logg ut og prøv på nytt."
+"No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr "Ingen sikret kommunikasjon tilgjengelig. Du kan <strong>muligens</strong> greie å svare via senderens profilside."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:369
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr "Send svar"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:374
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your message for %s (%s):"
+msgstr "Din melding til %s (%s):"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:148
+msgid "Documentation Search"
+msgstr "Søk i dokumentasjon"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:186 ../../mod/help.php:192 ../../mod/help.php:198
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Hjelp:"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:213 ../../index.php:238
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "Ikke funnet"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:237
+msgid "$Projectname Documentation"
+msgstr "$Projectname dokumentasjon"
#: ../../mod/service_limits.php:19
msgid "No service class restrictions found."
msgstr "Ingen restriksjoner er funnet i tjenesteklasse."
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:111
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "Version %s"
msgstr "Versjon %s"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:132
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:36
msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
msgstr "Installerte tilleggsfunksjoner/tillegg/apper:"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:145
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:49
msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
msgstr "Ingen installerte tilleggsfunksjoner/tillegg/apper"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:158
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:62
msgid ""
"This is a hub of $Projectname - a global cooperative network of "
"decentralized privacy enhanced websites."
msgstr "Dette er en $Projectname-hub - et globalt samhandlende nettverk av desentraliserte nettsteder med innbygget personvern."
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:160
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:64
msgid "Tag: "
msgstr "Merkelapp:"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:162
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:66
msgid "Last background fetch: "
msgstr "Siste innhenting i bakgrunnen:"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:164
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:68
msgid "Current load average: "
msgstr "Gjeldende belastningsgjennomsnitt:"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:167
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:71
msgid "Running at web location"
msgstr "Kjører på webplasseringen"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:168
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:72
msgid ""
"Please visit <a href=\"http://hubzilla.org\">hubzilla.org</a> to learn more "
"about $Projectname."
msgstr "Vennligst besøk <a href=\"http://hubzilla.org\">hubzilla.org</a> for å lære mer om $Projectname."
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:169
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:73
msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
msgstr "Feilmeldinger og feilretting: vennligst besøk"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:171
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:75
msgid "$projectname issues"
msgstr "$projectname problemer"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:172
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:76
msgid ""
"Suggestions, praise, etc. - please email \"redmatrix\" at librelist - dot "
msgstr "Forslag, ros og så videre - vennligst e-post \"redmatrix\" hos librelist - punktum com"
-#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:174
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:78
msgid "Site Administrators"
msgstr "Nettstedsadministratorer"
@@ -8921,77 +8951,105 @@ msgstr "Hendelsestittel og starttidspunkt er påkrevd."
msgid "Event not found."
msgstr "Hendelsen ble ikke funnet."
-#: ../../mod/events.php:452
-msgid "Event Title"
-msgstr "Hendelsestittel"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:437
+msgid "Edit event titel"
+msgstr "Rediger hendelsens tittel"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:454
+#: ../../mod/events.php:437
+msgid "Event titel"
+msgstr "Hendelsens tittel"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:439
msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
msgstr "Kategorier (kommaseparert liste)"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:455
+#: ../../mod/events.php:440
+msgid "Edit Category"
+msgstr "Endre kategori"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:440
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategori"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:458
+#: ../../mod/events.php:443
+msgid "Edit start date and time"
+msgstr "Endre startdato og tidspunkt"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:443
msgid "Start date and time"
msgstr "Startdato og tidspunkt"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:459 ../../mod/events.php:462
+#: ../../mod/events.php:444 ../../mod/events.php:447
msgid "Finish date and time are not known or not relevant"
msgstr "Sluttdato og tidspunkt er ikke kjent eller ikke relevant"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:461
+#: ../../mod/events.php:446
+msgid "Edit finish date and time"
+msgstr "Endre sluttdato og tidspunkt"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:446
msgid "Finish date and time"
msgstr "Sluttdato og tidspunkt"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:463 ../../mod/events.php:464
+#: ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:449
msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
msgstr "Juster i forhold til tilskuerens tidssone"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:463
+#: ../../mod/events.php:448
msgid ""
"Important for events that happen in a particular place. Not practical for "
"global holidays."
msgstr "Viktig for hendelser som skjer på et bestemt sted. Ikke praktisk for globale ferier eller fridager."
-#: ../../mod/events.php:470 ../../mod/events.php:472
+#: ../../mod/events.php:450
+msgid "Edit Description"
+msgstr "Endre beskrivelse"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:452
+msgid "Edit Location"
+msgstr "Endre plassering"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:455 ../../mod/events.php:457
msgid "Share this event"
msgstr "Del denne hendelsen"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:477
+#: ../../mod/events.php:462
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Avanserte alternativer"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:589
+#: ../../mod/events.php:574
msgid "l, F j"
msgstr "l, F j"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:611
+#: ../../mod/events.php:596
msgid "Edit event"
msgstr "Endre hendelse"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:613
+#: ../../mod/events.php:598
msgid "Delete event"
msgstr "Slett hendelse"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:647
+#: ../../mod/events.php:632
msgid "calendar"
msgstr "kalender"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:666
-msgid "New Event"
-msgstr "Ny hendelse"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:651
+msgid "Edit Event"
+msgstr "Endre hendelse"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:651
+msgid "Create Event"
+msgstr "Lag hendelse"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:676
+#: ../../mod/events.php:661
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Idag"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:707
+#: ../../mod/events.php:692
msgid "Event removed"
msgstr "Hendelse slettet"
-#: ../../mod/events.php:710
+#: ../../mod/events.php:695
msgid "Failed to remove event"
msgstr "Mislyktes med å slette hendelse"
@@ -9288,51 +9346,57 @@ msgstr "Angi størrelsen for samtalens forfatterbilde"
msgid "Set size of followup author photos"
msgstr "Angi størrelsen på forfatterbilder ved oppfølging"
-#: ../../boot.php:1291
+#: ../../Zotlabs/Zot/Auth.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
+" logout and retry."
+msgstr "Fjernautentisering blokkert. Du er logget inn på dette nettstedet lokalt. Vennligst logg ut og prøv på nytt."
+#: ../../boot.php:1299
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
msgstr "Oppdatering %s mislyktes. Se feilloggen."
-#: ../../boot.php:1294
+#: ../../boot.php:1302
#, php-format
msgid "Update Error at %s"
msgstr "Oppdateringsfeil ved %s"
-#: ../../boot.php:1461
+#: ../../boot.php:1469
msgid ""
"Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla"
msgstr "Lag en konto for å få tilgang til tjenester og programmer i Hubzilla"
-#: ../../boot.php:1489
+#: ../../boot.php:1491
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passord"
-#: ../../boot.php:1490
+#: ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Husk meg"
-#: ../../boot.php:1493
+#: ../../boot.php:1495
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Glemt passordet ditt?"
-#: ../../boot.php:2113
+#: ../../boot.php:2115
msgid "toggle mobile"
msgstr "Skru på mobil"
-#: ../../boot.php:2248
+#: ../../boot.php:2250
msgid "Website SSL certificate is not valid. Please correct."
msgstr "Nettstedets SSL-sertifikat er ikke gyldig. Vennligst fiks dette."
-#: ../../boot.php:2251
+#: ../../boot.php:2253
#, php-format
msgid "[hubzilla] Website SSL error for %s"
msgstr "[hubzilla] SSL-feil ved nettsted hos %s"
-#: ../../boot.php:2288
+#: ../../boot.php:2290
msgid "Cron/Scheduled tasks not running."
msgstr "Cron/planlagte oppgaver kjører ikke."
-#: ../../boot.php:2292
+#: ../../boot.php:2294
#, php-format
msgid "[hubzilla] Cron tasks not running on %s"
msgstr "[hubzilla] Cron-oppgaver kjører ikke på %s"
diff --git a/view/nb-no/hstrings.php b/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
index 5aa368cb0..24dd51904 100644
--- a/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
+++ b/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
@@ -19,8 +19,100 @@ $a->strings["Cannot create a duplicate channel identifier on this system. Import
$a->strings["Unable to create a unique channel address. Import failed."] = "Klarte ikke å lage en unik kanaladresse. Import mislyktes.";
$a->strings["Channel clone failed. Import failed."] = "Kanalkloning mislyktes. Import mislyktes.";
$a->strings["Cloned channel not found. Import failed."] = "Klonet kanal ble ikke funnet. Import mislyktes.";
-$a->strings["parent"] = "opp et nivå";
+$a->strings["prev"] = "forrige";
+$a->strings["first"] = "første";
+$a->strings["last"] = "siste";
+$a->strings["next"] = "neste";
+$a->strings["older"] = "eldre";
+$a->strings["newer"] = "nyere";
+$a->strings["No connections"] = "Ingen forbindelser";
+$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d forbindelse",
+ 1 => "%d forbindelser",
+$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Vis forbindelser";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Søk";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
+$a->strings["poke"] = "prikk";
+$a->strings["poked"] = "prikket";
+$a->strings["ping"] = "varsle";
+$a->strings["pinged"] = "varslet";
+$a->strings["prod"] = "oppildne";
+$a->strings["prodded"] = "oppildnet";
+$a->strings["slap"] = "daske";
+$a->strings["slapped"] = "dasket";
+$a->strings["finger"] = "fingre";
+$a->strings["fingered"] = "fingret";
+$a->strings["rebuff"] = "tilbakevise";
+$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "tilbakeviste";
+$a->strings["happy"] = "glad";
+$a->strings["sad"] = "trist";
+$a->strings["mellow"] = "dempet";
+$a->strings["tired"] = "trøtt";
+$a->strings["perky"] = "oppkvikket";
+$a->strings["angry"] = "sint";
+$a->strings["stupified"] = "sløvet";
+$a->strings["puzzled"] = "forundret";
+$a->strings["interested"] = "interessert";
+$a->strings["bitter"] = "bitter";
+$a->strings["cheerful"] = "munter";
+$a->strings["alive"] = "levende";
+$a->strings["annoyed"] = "irritert";
+$a->strings["anxious"] = "nervøs";
+$a->strings["cranky"] = "gretten";
+$a->strings["disturbed"] = "foruroliget";
+$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrert";
+$a->strings["depressed"] = "lei seg";
+$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivert";
+$a->strings["relaxed"] = "avslappet";
+$a->strings["surprised"] = "overrasket";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "mandag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "tirsdag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "onsdag";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "torsdag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "fredag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "lørdag";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "søndag";
+$a->strings["January"] = "januar";
+$a->strings["February"] = "februar";
+$a->strings["March"] = "mars";
+$a->strings["April"] = "april";
+$a->strings["May"] = "mai";
+$a->strings["June"] = "juni";
+$a->strings["July"] = "juli";
+$a->strings["August"] = "august";
+$a->strings["September"] = "september";
+$a->strings["October"] = "oktober";
+$a->strings["November"] = "november";
+$a->strings["December"] = "desember";
+$a->strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Ukjent vedlegg";
+$a->strings["Size"] = "Størrelse";
+$a->strings["unknown"] = "ukjent";
+$a->strings["remove category"] = "fjern kategori";
+$a->strings["remove from file"] = "fjern fra fil";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Starter:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Slutter:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plassering:";
+$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Klikk for å åpne/lukke";
+$a->strings["Link to Source"] = "Lenke til kilde";
+$a->strings["default"] = "standard";
+$a->strings["Page layout"] = "Sidens layout";
+$a->strings["You can create your own with the layouts tool"] = "Du kan lage din egen med layout-verktøyet";
+$a->strings["Page content type"] = "Sidens innholdstype";
+$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Velg et annet språk";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["event"] = "hendelse";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["comment"] = "kommentar";
+$a->strings["activity"] = "aktivitet";
+$a->strings["Design Tools"] = "Designverktøy";
+$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Byggeklosser";
+$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menyer";
+$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Layout";
+$a->strings["Pages"] = "Sider";
$a->strings["Collection"] = "Samling";
+$a->strings["parent"] = "opp et nivå";
$a->strings["Principal"] = "Viktigste";
$a->strings["Addressbook"] = "Adressebok";
$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Kalender";
@@ -34,7 +126,6 @@ $a->strings["Create"] = "Lag";
$a->strings["Upload"] = "Last opp";
$a->strings["Name"] = "Navn";
$a->strings["Type"] = "Type";
-$a->strings["Size"] = "Størrelse";
$a->strings["Last Modified"] = "Sist endret";
$a->strings["Edit"] = "Endre";
$a->strings["Delete"] = "Slett";
@@ -81,18 +172,7 @@ $a->strings["about a year"] = "omtrent et år";
$a->strings["%d years"] = "%d år";
$a->strings[" "] = " ";
$a->strings["timeago.numbers"] = "timeago.numbers";
-$a->strings["January"] = "januar";
-$a->strings["February"] = "februar";
-$a->strings["March"] = "mars";
-$a->strings["April"] = "april";
$a->strings["__ctx:long__ May"] = "mai";
-$a->strings["June"] = "juni";
-$a->strings["July"] = "juli";
-$a->strings["August"] = "august";
-$a->strings["September"] = "september";
-$a->strings["October"] = "oktober";
-$a->strings["November"] = "november";
-$a->strings["December"] = "desember";
$a->strings["Jan"] = "Jan";
$a->strings["Feb"] = "Feb";
$a->strings["Mar"] = "Mar";
@@ -105,13 +185,6 @@ $a->strings["Sep"] = "Sep";
$a->strings["Oct"] = "Okt";
$a->strings["Nov"] = "Nov";
$a->strings["Dec"] = "Des";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "søndag";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "mandag";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "tirsdag";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "onsdag";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "torsdag";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "fredag";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "lørdag";
$a->strings["Sun"] = "Søn";
$a->strings["Mon"] = "Man";
$a->strings["Tue"] = "Tirs";
@@ -143,23 +216,7 @@ $a->strings["Collection is empty."] = "Samlingen er tom.";
$a->strings["Collection: %s"] = "Samling: %s";
$a->strings["Connection: %s"] = "Forbindelse: %s";
$a->strings["Connection not found."] = "Forbindelsen ble ikke funnet.";
-$a->strings["No recipient provided."] = "Ingen mottaker angitt.";
-$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[ikke noe emne]";
-$a->strings["Unable to determine sender."] = "Kan ikke avgjøre avsender.";
-$a->strings["Stored post could not be verified."] = "Lagret innlegg kunne ikke bekreftes.";
-$a->strings["view full size"] = "vis full størrelse";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname Notification"] = "\$Projectname varsling";
-$a->strings["\$projectname"] = "\$projectname";
-$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Tusen takk,";
-$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "%s administrator";
-$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
-$a->strings["No Subject"] = "Uten emne";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Starter:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Slutter:";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plassering:";
$a->strings["This event has been added to your calendar."] = "Denne hendelsen er lagt til i din kalender.";
-$a->strings["event"] = "hendelse";
$a->strings["Not specified"] = "Ikke spesifisert";
$a->strings["Needs Action"] = "Trenger handling";
$a->strings["Completed"] = "Ferdig";
@@ -239,6 +296,14 @@ $a->strings["like"] = "liker";
$a->strings["likes"] = "liker";
$a->strings["dislike"] = "misliker";
$a->strings["dislikes"] = "misliker";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "Bilde overstiger nettstedets størrelsesbegrensning på %lu bytes";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Bildefilen er tom.";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Kan ikke behandle bildet";
+$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "Bildelagring mislyktes.";
+$a->strings["a new photo"] = "et nytt bilde";
+$a->strings["__ctx:photo_upload__ %1\$s posted %2\$s to %3\$s"] = "%1\$s la inn %2\$s til %3\$s";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalbum";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Last opp nye bilder";
$a->strings["Visible to your default audience"] = "Synlig for ditt standard publikum";
$a->strings["Show"] = "Vis";
$a->strings["Don't show"] = "Ikke vis";
@@ -265,8 +330,6 @@ $a->strings["Path not found."] = "Stien ble ikke funnet.";
$a->strings["mkdir failed."] = "mkdir mislyktes.";
$a->strings["database storage failed."] = "databaselagring mislyktes.";
$a->strings["Empty path"] = "Tom sti";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Vedlegg:";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname event notification:"] = "\$Projectname hendelsesvarsling:";
$a->strings["created a new post"] = "laget et nytt innlegg";
$a->strings["commented on %s's post"] = "kommenterte på %s sitt innlegg";
$a->strings["Apps"] = "Apper";
@@ -282,7 +345,6 @@ $a->strings["Add New Connection"] = "Legg til ny forbindelse";
$a->strings["Enter the channel address"] = "Skriv kanal-adressen";
$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Eksempel: ola.nordmann@eksempel.no, http://eksempel.no/karinordmann";
$a->strings["Notes"] = "Merknader";
-$a->strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Fjern begrep";
$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Lagrede søk";
$a->strings["add"] = "legg til";
@@ -321,6 +383,9 @@ $a->strings["Week View"] = "Uke";
$a->strings["Month View"] = "Måned";
$a->strings["Export"] = "Eksport";
$a->strings["Import"] = "Importer";
+$a->strings["Events Tools"] = "Kalenderverktøy";
+$a->strings["Export Calendar"] = "Eksporter kalender";
+$a->strings["Import Calendar"] = "Importer kalender";
$a->strings["Chat Rooms"] = "Chatrom";
$a->strings["Bookmarked Chatrooms"] = "Bokmerkede chatrom";
$a->strings["Suggested Chatrooms"] = "Foreslåtte chatrom";
@@ -349,6 +414,8 @@ $a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Tilleggsfunksjoner";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Brukerregistreringer som venter på bekreftelse";
$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Vis foto";
$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Endre album";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Vedlegg:";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname event notification:"] = "\$Projectname hendelsesvarsling:";
$a->strings["%1\$s's bookmarks"] = "%1\$s sine bokmerker";
$a->strings["General Features"] = "Generelle funksjoner";
$a->strings["Content Expiration"] = "Innholdet utløper";
@@ -493,15 +560,11 @@ $a->strings["__ctx:e.g. 22 hours ago, 1 minute ago__ %1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d
$a->strings["%1\$s's birthday"] = "%1\$s sin fødselsdag";
$a->strings["Happy Birthday %1\$s"] = "Gratulerer med dagen, %1\$s !";
$a->strings["Public Timeline"] = "Offentlig tidslinje";
-$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
$a->strings["channel"] = "kanal";
-$a->strings["status"] = "status";
-$a->strings["comment"] = "kommentar";
$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s liker %2\$s sin %3\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s liker ikke %2\$s sin %3\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s is now connected with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s er nå forbundet med %2\$s";
$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s prikket %2\$s";
-$a->strings["poked"] = "prikket";
$a->strings["__ctx:mood__ %1\$s is %2\$s"] = "%1\$s er %2\$s";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Likes"] = "Liker";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Dislikes"] = "Liker ikke";
@@ -614,7 +677,6 @@ $a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Statusmeldinger og -innlegg";
$a->strings["About"] = "Om";
$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Profildetaljer";
$a->strings["Photos"] = "Bilder";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalbum";
$a->strings["Files and Storage"] = "Filer og lagring";
$a->strings["Chatrooms"] = "Chatrom";
$a->strings["Bookmarks"] = "Bokmerker";
@@ -669,10 +731,6 @@ $a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zot!";
$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
-$a->strings["Invalid data packet"] = "Ugyldig datapakke";
-$a->strings["Unable to verify channel signature"] = "Ikke i stand til å sjekke kanalsignaturen";
-$a->strings["Unable to verify site signature for %s"] = "Ikke i stand til å bekrefte signaturen til %s";
-$a->strings["invalid target signature"] = "Målets signatur er ugyldig";
$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Bilde/fotografi";
$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Kryptert innhold";
$a->strings["Install %s element: "] = "Installer %s element:";
@@ -705,12 +763,10 @@ $a->strings["%d connection in common"] = array(
1 => "%d forbindelser felles",
$a->strings["show more"] = "vis mer";
-$a->strings["Directory Options"] = "Kataloginnstillinger";
-$a->strings["Safe Mode"] = "Trygt modus";
-$a->strings["No"] = "Nei";
-$a->strings["Yes"] = "Ja";
-$a->strings["Public Forums Only"] = "Bare offentlige forum";
-$a->strings["This Website Only"] = "Kun dette nettstedet";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname Notification"] = "\$Projectname varsling";
+$a->strings["\$projectname"] = "\$projectname";
+$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Tusen takk,";
+$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "%s administrator";
$a->strings["%s <!item_type!>"] = "%s <!item_type!>";
$a->strings["[Hubzilla:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Hubzilla:Notify] Ny melding mottatt hos %s";
$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s sent you a new private message at %3\$s."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s sendte deg en ny privat melding på %3\$s.";
@@ -757,6 +813,10 @@ $a->strings["local account not found."] = "lokal konto ble ikke funnet.";
$a->strings["Cannot connect to yourself."] = "Kan ikke lage forbindelse med deg selv.";
$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Innebygget innhold";
$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Innbygging avskrudd";
+$a->strings["No recipient provided."] = "Ingen mottaker angitt.";
+$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[ikke noe emne]";
+$a->strings["Unable to determine sender."] = "Kan ikke avgjøre avsender.";
+$a->strings["Stored post could not be verified."] = "Lagret innlegg kunne ikke bekreftes.";
$a->strings["Logout"] = "Logg ut";
$a->strings["End this session"] = "Avslutt denne økten";
$a->strings["Home"] = "Hjem";
@@ -782,7 +842,6 @@ $a->strings["Create an account"] = "Lag en konto";
$a->strings["Help"] = "Hjelp";
$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Hjelp og dokumentasjon";
$a->strings["Applications, utilities, links, games"] = "Programmer, verktøy, lenker, spill";
-$a->strings["Search"] = "Søk";
$a->strings["Search site @name, #tag, ?docs, content"] = "Søk nettstedet for @navn, #merkelapp, ?dokumentasjon, innhold";
$a->strings["Directory"] = "Katalog";
$a->strings["Channel Directory"] = "Kanalkatalog";
@@ -812,68 +871,12 @@ $a->strings["Site Setup and Configuration"] = "Nettstedsoppsett og -konfigurasjo
$a->strings["@name, #tag, ?doc, content"] = "@navn, #merkelapp, ?dokumentasjon, innhold";
$a->strings["Please wait..."] = "Vennligst vent...";
$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "Skjemaets sikkerhetspollett var ikke gyldig. Dette skjedde antakelig fordi skjemaet har vært åpnet for lenge (>3 timer) før det ble sendt inn.";
-$a->strings["prev"] = "forrige";
-$a->strings["first"] = "første";
-$a->strings["last"] = "siste";
-$a->strings["next"] = "neste";
-$a->strings["older"] = "eldre";
-$a->strings["newer"] = "nyere";
-$a->strings["No connections"] = "Ingen forbindelser";
-$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
- 0 => "%d forbindelse",
- 1 => "%d forbindelser",
-$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Vis forbindelser";
-$a->strings["poke"] = "prikk";
-$a->strings["ping"] = "varsle";
-$a->strings["pinged"] = "varslet";
-$a->strings["prod"] = "oppildne";
-$a->strings["prodded"] = "oppildnet";
-$a->strings["slap"] = "daske";
-$a->strings["slapped"] = "dasket";
-$a->strings["finger"] = "fingre";
-$a->strings["fingered"] = "fingret";
-$a->strings["rebuff"] = "tilbakevise";
-$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "tilbakeviste";
-$a->strings["happy"] = "glad";
-$a->strings["sad"] = "trist";
-$a->strings["mellow"] = "dempet";
-$a->strings["tired"] = "trøtt";
-$a->strings["perky"] = "oppkvikket";
-$a->strings["angry"] = "sint";
-$a->strings["stupified"] = "sløvet";
-$a->strings["puzzled"] = "forundret";
-$a->strings["interested"] = "interessert";
-$a->strings["bitter"] = "bitter";
-$a->strings["cheerful"] = "munter";
-$a->strings["alive"] = "levende";
-$a->strings["annoyed"] = "irritert";
-$a->strings["anxious"] = "nervøs";
-$a->strings["cranky"] = "gretten";
-$a->strings["disturbed"] = "foruroliget";
-$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrert";
-$a->strings["depressed"] = "lei seg";
-$a->strings["motivated"] = "motivert";
-$a->strings["relaxed"] = "avslappet";
-$a->strings["surprised"] = "overrasket";
-$a->strings["May"] = "mai";
-$a->strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Ukjent vedlegg";
-$a->strings["unknown"] = "ukjent";
-$a->strings["remove category"] = "fjern kategori";
-$a->strings["remove from file"] = "fjern fra fil";
-$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Klikk for å åpne/lukke";
-$a->strings["Link to Source"] = "Lenke til kilde";
-$a->strings["default"] = "standard";
-$a->strings["Page layout"] = "Sidens layout";
-$a->strings["You can create your own with the layouts tool"] = "Du kan lage din egen med layout-verktøyet";
-$a->strings["Page content type"] = "Sidens innholdstype";
-$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Velg et annet språk";
-$a->strings["activity"] = "aktivitet";
-$a->strings["Design Tools"] = "Designverktøy";
-$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Byggeklosser";
-$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menyer";
-$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Layout";
-$a->strings["Pages"] = "Sider";
+$a->strings["Directory Options"] = "Kataloginnstillinger";
+$a->strings["Safe Mode"] = "Trygt modus";
+$a->strings["No"] = "Nei";
+$a->strings["Yes"] = "Ja";
+$a->strings["Public Forums Only"] = "Bare offentlige forum";
+$a->strings["This Website Only"] = "Kun dette nettstedet";
$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions <strong>may</strong> apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "En slettet gruppe med dette navnet ble gjenopprettet. Eksisterende tillatelser for elementet <strong>kan</strong> gjelde for denne gruppen og fremtidige medlemmer. Hvis du ønsket noe annet, vennligst lag en ny gruppe med et annet navn.";
$a->strings["Add new connections to this collection (privacy group)"] = "Legg nye forbindelser til denne samlingen (personverngruppe)";
$a->strings["All Channels"] = "Alle kanaler";
@@ -882,6 +885,10 @@ $a->strings["Collections"] = "Samlinger";
$a->strings["Edit collection"] = "Endre samling";
$a->strings["Add new collection"] = "Legg til ny samling";
$a->strings["Channels not in any collection"] = "Kanaler som ikke er i noen samling";
+$a->strings["Invalid data packet"] = "Ugyldig datapakke";
+$a->strings["Unable to verify channel signature"] = "Ikke i stand til å sjekke kanalsignaturen";
+$a->strings["Unable to verify site signature for %s"] = "Ikke i stand til å bekrefte signaturen til %s";
+$a->strings["invalid target signature"] = "Målets signatur er ugyldig";
$a->strings["New Page"] = "Ny side";
$a->strings["View"] = "Vis";
$a->strings["Actions"] = "Handlinger";
@@ -889,12 +896,10 @@ $a->strings["Page Link"] = "Sidelenke";
$a->strings["Title"] = "Tittel";
$a->strings["Created"] = "Laget";
$a->strings["Edited"] = "Endret";
+$a->strings["view full size"] = "vis full størrelse";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
+$a->strings["No Subject"] = "Uten emne";
$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Kan ikke finne DNS-informasjon om databasetjener '%s'";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "Bilde overstiger nettstedets størrelsesbegrensning på %lu bytes";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Bildefilen er tom.";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Kan ikke behandle bildet";
-$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "Bildelagring mislyktes.";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Last opp nye bilder";
$a->strings["Save to Folder"] = "Lagre i mappe";
$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Jeg vil delta";
$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Jeg deltar ikke";
@@ -930,23 +935,6 @@ $a->strings["This is you"] = "Dette er deg";
$a->strings["Image"] = "Bilde";
$a->strings["Insert Link"] = "Sett inn lenke";
$a->strings["Video"] = "Video";
-$a->strings["Not a valid email address"] = "Ikke en gyldig e-postadresse";
-$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site"] = "Ditt e-postdomene er ikke blant de som er tillatt på dette stedet";
-$a->strings["Your email address is already registered at this site."] = "Din e-postadresse er allerede registrert på dette nettstedet.";
-$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "En invitasjon er påkrevd.";
-$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Invitasjon kunne ikke bekreftes.";
-$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Vennligst skriv inn nødvendig informasjon.";
-$a->strings["Failed to store account information."] = "Mislyktes med å lagre kontoinformasjon.";
-$a->strings["Registration confirmation for %s"] = "Registreringsbekreftelse for %s";
-$a->strings["Registration request at %s"] = "Registreringsforespørsel hos %s";
-$a->strings["your registration password"] = "ditt registreringspassord";
-$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Registreringsdetaljer for %s";
-$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Konto godkjent.";
-$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registrering trukket tilbake for %s";
-$a->strings["Account verified. Please login."] = "Konto bekreftet. Vennligst logg inn.";
-$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Klikk her for å oppgradere.";
-$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Denne handlingen går utenfor grensene satt i din abonnementsplan.";
-$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig i din abonnementsplan.";
$a->strings["Site Admin"] = "Nettstedsadministrator";
$a->strings["Address Book"] = "Adressebok";
$a->strings["Mood"] = "Stemning";
@@ -992,6 +980,23 @@ $a->strings["Celebrity/Soapbox"] = "Kjendis/Talerstol";
$a->strings["Group Repository"] = "Gruppelager";
$a->strings["Custom/Expert Mode"] = "Tilpasset/Ekspertmodus";
$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilbilder";
+$a->strings["Not a valid email address"] = "Ikke en gyldig e-postadresse";
+$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site"] = "Ditt e-postdomene er ikke blant de som er tillatt på dette stedet";
+$a->strings["Your email address is already registered at this site."] = "Din e-postadresse er allerede registrert på dette nettstedet.";
+$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "En invitasjon er påkrevd.";
+$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Invitasjon kunne ikke bekreftes.";
+$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Vennligst skriv inn nødvendig informasjon.";
+$a->strings["Failed to store account information."] = "Mislyktes med å lagre kontoinformasjon.";
+$a->strings["Registration confirmation for %s"] = "Registreringsbekreftelse for %s";
+$a->strings["Registration request at %s"] = "Registreringsforespørsel hos %s";
+$a->strings["your registration password"] = "ditt registreringspassord";
+$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Registreringsdetaljer for %s";
+$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Konto godkjent.";
+$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registrering trukket tilbake for %s";
+$a->strings["Account verified. Please login."] = "Konto bekreftet. Vennligst logg inn.";
+$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Klikk her for å oppgradere.";
+$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Denne handlingen går utenfor grensene satt i din abonnementsplan.";
+$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Denne handlingen er ikke tilgjengelig i din abonnementsplan.";
$a->strings["Permission Denied."] = "Tillatelse avvist.";
$a->strings["File not found."] = "Filen ble ikke funnet.";
$a->strings["Edit file permissions"] = "Endre filtillatelser";
@@ -1211,8 +1216,6 @@ $a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for t
$a->strings["Bookmark added"] = "Bokmerke lagt til";
$a->strings["My Bookmarks"] = "Mine bokmerker";
$a->strings["My Connections Bookmarks"] = "Mine forbindelsers bokmerker";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname"] = "\$Projectname";
-$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Velkommen til %s";
$a->strings["This setting requires special processing and editing has been blocked."] = "Denne innstillingen krever spesiell behandling og redigering har blitt blokkert.";
$a->strings["Configuration Editor"] = "Konfigurasjonsbehandler";
$a->strings["Warning: Changing some settings could render your channel inoperable. Please leave this page unless you are comfortable with and knowledgeable about how to correctly use this feature."] = "Advarsel: kanalen din kan slutte å virke ved endring av enkelte innstillinger. Vennligst forlat denne siden med mindre du er komfortabel med dette og vet hvordan du bruker denne funksjonen riktig.";
@@ -1284,8 +1287,6 @@ $a->strings["Age: "] = "Alder:";
$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Endre/håndter profiler";
$a->strings["Add profile things"] = "Legg til profilting";
$a->strings["Include desirable objects in your profile"] = "Inkluder ønskverdige objekter i din profil";
-$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Elementer merket med: %s";
-$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Søkeresultater for: %s";
$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Fikk ikke tilgang til kontaktinformasjonen.";
$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Fant ikke valgt profil.";
$a->strings["Connection updated."] = "Forbindelsen er oppdatert.";
@@ -1474,43 +1475,25 @@ $a->strings["For either option, please choose whether to make this hub your new
$a->strings["Make this hub my primary location"] = "Gjør dette nettstedet til min primære plassering";
$a->strings["Import existing posts if possible (experimental - limited by available memory"] = "Importer eksisterende innlegg om mulig (eksperimentelt - begrenset av tilgjengelig minne)";
$a->strings["This process may take several minutes to complete. Please submit the form only once and leave this page open until finished."] = "Denne prosessen kan ta flere minutter å fullføre. Vennligst send inn dette skjemaet bare en gang og la siden være åpen inntil den er ferdig.";
-$a->strings["Page owner information could not be retrieved."] = "Informasjon om sideeier kunne ikke hentes.";
-$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Albumet ble ikke funnet.";
-$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Slett album";
-$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Slett bilde";
-$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Ingen bilder valgt";
-$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Tilgang til dette elementet er begrenset.";
-$a->strings["%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
-$a->strings["%1$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
-$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Last opp bilder";
-$a->strings["Enter an album name"] = "Skriv et albumnavn";
-$a->strings["or select an existing album (doubleclick)"] = "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)";
-$a->strings["Create a status post for this upload"] = "Lag et statusinnlegg for denne opplastingen";
-$a->strings["Caption (optional):"] = "Bildetekst (valgfritt):";
-$a->strings["Description (optional):"] = "Beskrivelse (valgfritt):";
-$a->strings["Album name could not be decoded"] = "Albumnavnet kunne ikke dekodes";
-$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbilder";
-$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Vis nyeste først";
-$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Vis eldste først";
-$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Tillatelse avvist. Tilgang til dette elementet kan være begrenset.";
-$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Bilde er utilgjengelig";
-$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Bruk som profilbilde";
-$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Privat bilde";
-$a->strings["Previous"] = "Forrige";
-$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Vis i full størrelse";
-$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Endre bilde";
-$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Roter med klokka (mot høyre)";
-$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Roter mot klokka (venstre)";
-$a->strings["Enter a new album name"] = "Skriv et nytt albumnavn";
-$a->strings["or select an existing one (doubleclick)"] = "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)";
-$a->strings["Caption"] = "Overskrift";
-$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Legg til merkelapp";
-$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com"] = "Eksempel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com";
-$a->strings["Flag as adult in album view"] = "Flag som voksent i albumvisning";
-$a->strings["In This Photo:"] = "I dette bildet:";
-$a->strings["Map"] = "Kart";
-$a->strings["View Album"] = "Vis album";
-$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Nye bilder";
+$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Grensen for totalt antall invitasjoner er overskredet.";
+$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : ikke en gyldig e-postadresse.";
+$a->strings["Please join us on \$Projectname"] = "Bli med oss på \$Projectname";
+$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Invitasjonsgrensen er overskredet. Vennligst kontakt administratoren ved ditt nettsted.";
+$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : meldingslevering feilet.";
+$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d melding sendt.",
+ 1 => "%d meldinger sendt.",
+$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Du har ikke flere invitasjoner tilgjengelig";
+$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Send invitasjoner";
+$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Skriv e-postadresser, en per linje:";
+$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Din melding:";
+$a->strings["Please join my community on \$Projectname."] = "Du er velkommen til å bli med i mitt fellesskap på \$Projectname.";
+$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: "] = "Du må oppgi denne invitasjonskoden:";
+$a->strings["1. Register at any \$Projectname location (they are all inter-connected)"] = "1. Registrer ved enhver \$Projectname-lokasjon (de er alle forbundet med hverandre)";
+$a->strings["2. Enter my \$Projectname network address into the site searchbar."] = "2. Skriv inn min \$Projectname-adresse i nettstedets søkefelt.";
+$a->strings["or visit "] = "eller besøk";
+$a->strings["3. Click [Connect]"] = "3. Klikk [Forbindelse]";
$a->strings["Fetching URL returns error: %1\$s"] = "Henting av URL gir følgende feil: %1\$s";
$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Bildet ble lastet opp, men beskjæring av bildet mislyktes.";
$a->strings["Image resize failed."] = "Endring av bildestørrelse mislyktes.";
@@ -1630,6 +1613,8 @@ $a->strings["(Heavy system resource usage)"] = "(Tung bruk av systemressurser)";
$a->strings["Maximum image size"] = "Største bildestørrelse";
$a->strings["Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits."] = "Største størrelse i bytes for opplastede bilder. Standard er 0, som betyr ubegrenset.";
$a->strings["Does this site allow new member registration?"] = "Tillater dette nettstedet registrering av nye medlemmer?";
+$a->strings["Invitation only"] = "Kun inviterte";
+$a->strings["Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register policy must be set to Yes."] = "Tillat bare nye medlemsregistreringer med en invitasjonskode. Ovenstående retningslinjer for registrering må være satt til Ja.";
$a->strings["Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"] = "Hvilket alternativ beskriver best hva slags kontotype som tilbys av dette nettstedet/denne hubben?";
$a->strings["Register text"] = "Registreringstekst";
$a->strings["Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."] = "Vil bli vist på en fremtredende måte på registreringssiden.";
@@ -1651,8 +1636,8 @@ $a->strings["Verify Email Addresses"] = "Bekreft e-postadresser";
$a->strings["Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended)."] = "Sett hake for å sjekke e-postadresser brukt ved kontoregistrering (anbefales).";
$a->strings["Force publish"] = "Tving publisering";
$a->strings["Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."] = "Kryss av for å tvinge alle profiler på dette nettstedet til å bli oppført i nettstedet sin katalog.";
-$a->strings["Disable discovery tab"] = "Skru av oppdagelsesfanen";
-$a->strings["Remove the tab in the network view with public content pulled from sources chosen for this site."] = "Fjern fanen fra nettverksvisningen med offentlig innhold trukket inn fra kilder valg for dette nettstedet.";
+$a->strings["Import Public Streams"] = "Importer offentlige innholdsstrømmer";
+$a->strings["Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: this content is unmoderated."] = "Importer og gi tilgang til offentlig innhold trukket inn fra andre nettsteder. Advarsel: dette innholdet er ikke moderert.";
$a->strings["login on Homepage"] = "Logg inn på hjemmesiden";
$a->strings["Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has been configured."] = "Presenter en innloggingsboks til besøkende på hjemmesiden hvis ikke noe annet innhold har blitt konfigurert.";
$a->strings["Directory Server URL"] = "Katalogtjener URL";
@@ -1943,27 +1928,8 @@ $a->strings["Sync now"] = "Synkroniser nå";
$a->strings["Please wait several minutes between consecutive operations."] = "Vennligst vent flere minutter mellom hver etterfølgende operasjon.";
$a->strings["When possible, drop a location by logging into that website/hub and removing your channel."] = "Når mulig, fjern en plassering ved å logge inn på det nettstedet eller den hub-en og fjern din kanal.";
$a->strings["Use this form to drop the location if the hub is no longer operating."] = "Bruk dette skjemaet for å fjerne plasseringen hvis huben ikke er i drift lenger.";
-$a->strings["Unable to lookup recipient."] = "Ikke i stand til å slå opp mottaker.";
-$a->strings["Unable to communicate with requested channel."] = "Ikke i stand til å kommunisere med forespurt kanal.";
-$a->strings["Cannot verify requested channel."] = "Kan ikke bekrefte forespurt kanal.";
-$a->strings["Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed."] = "Valgt kanal har restriksjoner for private meldinger. Sending feilet.";
-$a->strings["Messages"] = "Meldinger";
-$a->strings["Message recalled."] = "Innlegg tilbakekalt.";
-$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Samtale fjernet.";
-$a->strings["Requested channel is not in this network"] = "Forespurt kanal er ikke tilgjengelig i dette nettverket.";
-$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Send privat melding";
-$a->strings["To:"] = "Til:";
-$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Emne:";
-$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Din melding:";
-$a->strings["Send"] = "Send";
-$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Slett melding";
-$a->strings["Delivery report"] = "Leveringsrapport";
-$a->strings["Recall message"] = "Tilbakekall innlegg";
-$a->strings["Message has been recalled."] = "Innlegget har blitt tilbakekalt.";
-$a->strings["Delete Conversation"] = "Slett samtale";
-$a->strings["No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Ingen sikret kommunikasjon tilgjengelig. Du kan <strong>muligens</strong> greie å svare via senderens profilside.";
-$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Send svar";
-$a->strings["Your message for %s (%s):"] = "Din melding til %s (%s):";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname"] = "\$Projectname";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Velkommen til %s";
$a->strings["Please login."] = "Vennligst logg inn.";
$a->strings["Xchan Lookup"] = "Xchan oppslag";
$a->strings["Lookup xchan beginning with (or webbie): "] = "Slå opp xchan som begynner med (eller webbie):";
@@ -1971,24 +1937,43 @@ $a->strings["Not found."] = "Ikke funnet.";
$a->strings["You must be logged in to see this page."] = "Du må være innloegget for å se denne siden.";
$a->strings["Insufficient permissions. Request redirected to profile page."] = "Utilstrekkelig tillatelse. Forespørsel omdirigert til profilsiden.";
$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Elementet er ikke tilgjengelig.";
-$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Grensen for totalt antall invitasjoner er overskredet.";
-$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s : ikke en gyldig e-postadresse.";
-$a->strings["Please join us on \$Projectname"] = "Bli med oss på \$Projectname";
-$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Invitasjonsgrensen er overskredet. Vennligst kontakt administratoren ved ditt nettsted.";
-$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : meldingslevering feilet.";
-$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
- 0 => "%d melding sendt.",
- 1 => "%d meldinger sendt.",
-$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Du har ikke flere invitasjoner tilgjengelig";
-$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Send invitasjoner";
-$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Skriv e-postadresser, en per linje:";
-$a->strings["Please join my community on \$Projectname."] = "Du er velkommen til å bli med i mitt fellesskap på \$Projectname.";
-$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: "] = "Du må oppgi denne invitasjonskoden:";
-$a->strings["1. Register at any \$Projectname location (they are all inter-connected)"] = "1. Registrer ved enhver \$Projectname-lokasjon (de er alle forbundet med hverandre)";
-$a->strings["2. Enter my \$Projectname network address into the site searchbar."] = "2. Skriv inn min \$Projectname-adresse i nettstedets søkefelt.";
-$a->strings["or visit "] = "eller besøk";
-$a->strings["3. Click [Connect]"] = "3. Klikk [Forbindelse]";
+$a->strings["Page owner information could not be retrieved."] = "Informasjon om sideeier kunne ikke hentes.";
+$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Albumet ble ikke funnet.";
+$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Slett album";
+$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Slett bilde";
+$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Ingen bilder valgt";
+$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Tilgang til dette elementet er begrenset.";
+$a->strings["%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
+$a->strings["%1$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
+$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Last opp bilder";
+$a->strings["Enter an album name"] = "Skriv et albumnavn";
+$a->strings["or select an existing album (doubleclick)"] = "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)";
+$a->strings["Create a status post for this upload"] = "Lag et statusinnlegg for denne opplastingen";
+$a->strings["Caption (optional):"] = "Bildetekst (valgfritt):";
+$a->strings["Description (optional):"] = "Beskrivelse (valgfritt):";
+$a->strings["Album name could not be decoded"] = "Albumnavnet kunne ikke dekodes";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktbilder";
+$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Vis nyeste først";
+$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Vis eldste først";
+$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Tillatelse avvist. Tilgang til dette elementet kan være begrenset.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Bilde er utilgjengelig";
+$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Bruk som profilbilde";
+$a->strings["Private Photo"] = "Privat bilde";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Forrige";
+$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Vis i full størrelse";
+$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Endre bilde";
+$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Roter med klokka (mot høyre)";
+$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Roter mot klokka (venstre)";
+$a->strings["Enter a new album name"] = "Skriv et nytt albumnavn";
+$a->strings["or select an existing one (doubleclick)"] = "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)";
+$a->strings["Caption"] = "Overskrift";
+$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Legg til merkelapp";
+$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com"] = "Eksempel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com";
+$a->strings["Flag as adult in album view"] = "Flag som voksent i albumvisning";
+$a->strings["In This Photo:"] = "I dette bildet:";
+$a->strings["Map"] = "Kart";
+$a->strings["View Album"] = "Vis album";
+$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Nye bilder";
$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Ekstern personverninformasjon er ikke tilgjengelig.";
$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Synlig for:";
$a->strings["Export Channel"] = "Eksporter kanal";
@@ -2020,6 +2005,8 @@ $a->strings["New Chatroom"] = "Nytt chatrom";
$a->strings["Chatroom Name"] = "Navn på chatrom";
$a->strings["Expiration of chats (minutes)"] = "Chat utgår (antall minutter)";
$a->strings["%1\$s's Chatrooms"] = "%1\$s sine chatrom";
+$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Elementer merket med: %s";
+$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Søkeresultater for: %s";
$a->strings["Source of Item"] = "Kilde til element";
$a->strings["Share content from Firefox to \$Projectname"] = "Del innhold fra Firefox til \$Projectname";
$a->strings["Activate the Firefox \$Projectname provider"] = "Skru på Firefox \$Projectname tilbyderen";
@@ -2043,10 +2030,6 @@ $a->strings["%1\$s [%2\$s]"] = "%1\$s [%2\$s]";
$a->strings["Edit connection"] = "Endre forbindelse";
$a->strings["Search your connections"] = "Søk blant dine forbindelser";
$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Fant:";
-$a->strings["Documentation Search"] = "Søk i dokumentasjon";
-$a->strings["Help:"] = "Hjelp:";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Ikke funnet";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname Documentation"] = "\$Projectname dokumentasjon";
$a->strings["You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."] = "Du har laget %1$.0f av %2$.0f tillatte kanaler.";
$a->strings["Create a new channel"] = "Lag en ny kanal";
$a->strings["Current Channel"] = "Gjeldende kanal";
@@ -2079,7 +2062,30 @@ $a->strings["Must be unique, only seen by you"] = "Må være unik, ses bare av d
$a->strings["Menu title"] = "Menytittel";
$a->strings["Menu title as seen by others"] = "Menytittelen andre ser";
$a->strings["Allow bookmarks"] = "Tillat bokmerker";
-$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "Fjernautentisering blokkert. Du er logget inn på dette nettstedet lokalt. Vennligst logg ut og prøv på nytt.";
+$a->strings["Unable to lookup recipient."] = "Ikke i stand til å slå opp mottaker.";
+$a->strings["Unable to communicate with requested channel."] = "Ikke i stand til å kommunisere med forespurt kanal.";
+$a->strings["Cannot verify requested channel."] = "Kan ikke bekrefte forespurt kanal.";
+$a->strings["Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed."] = "Valgt kanal har restriksjoner for private meldinger. Sending feilet.";
+$a->strings["Messages"] = "Meldinger";
+$a->strings["Message recalled."] = "Innlegg tilbakekalt.";
+$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Samtale fjernet.";
+$a->strings["Requested channel is not in this network"] = "Forespurt kanal er ikke tilgjengelig i dette nettverket.";
+$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Send privat melding";
+$a->strings["To:"] = "Til:";
+$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Emne:";
+$a->strings["Send"] = "Send";
+$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Slett melding";
+$a->strings["Delivery report"] = "Leveringsrapport";
+$a->strings["Recall message"] = "Tilbakekall innlegg";
+$a->strings["Message has been recalled."] = "Innlegget har blitt tilbakekalt.";
+$a->strings["Delete Conversation"] = "Slett samtale";
+$a->strings["No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Ingen sikret kommunikasjon tilgjengelig. Du kan <strong>muligens</strong> greie å svare via senderens profilside.";
+$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Send svar";
+$a->strings["Your message for %s (%s):"] = "Din melding til %s (%s):";
+$a->strings["Documentation Search"] = "Søk i dokumentasjon";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Hjelp:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Ikke funnet";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname Documentation"] = "\$Projectname dokumentasjon";
$a->strings["No service class restrictions found."] = "Ingen restriksjoner er funnet i tjenesteklasse.";
$a->strings["Version %s"] = "Versjon %s";
$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Installerte tilleggsfunksjoner/tillegg/apper:";
@@ -2101,21 +2107,28 @@ $a->strings["Event can not end before it has started."] = "Hendelsen kan ikke sl
$a->strings["Unable to generate preview."] = "Klarer ikke å lage forhåndsvisning.";
$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Hendelsestittel og starttidspunkt er påkrevd.";
$a->strings["Event not found."] = "Hendelsen ble ikke funnet.";
-$a->strings["Event Title"] = "Hendelsestittel";
+$a->strings["Edit event titel"] = "Rediger hendelsens tittel";
+$a->strings["Event titel"] = "Hendelsens tittel";
$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Kategorier (kommaseparert liste)";
+$a->strings["Edit Category"] = "Endre kategori";
$a->strings["Category"] = "Kategori";
+$a->strings["Edit start date and time"] = "Endre startdato og tidspunkt";
$a->strings["Start date and time"] = "Startdato og tidspunkt";
$a->strings["Finish date and time are not known or not relevant"] = "Sluttdato og tidspunkt er ikke kjent eller ikke relevant";
+$a->strings["Edit finish date and time"] = "Endre sluttdato og tidspunkt";
$a->strings["Finish date and time"] = "Sluttdato og tidspunkt";
$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Juster i forhold til tilskuerens tidssone";
$a->strings["Important for events that happen in a particular place. Not practical for global holidays."] = "Viktig for hendelser som skjer på et bestemt sted. Ikke praktisk for globale ferier eller fridager.";
+$a->strings["Edit Description"] = "Endre beskrivelse";
+$a->strings["Edit Location"] = "Endre plassering";
$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Del denne hendelsen";
$a->strings["Advanced Options"] = "Avanserte alternativer";
$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, F j";
$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Endre hendelse";
$a->strings["Delete event"] = "Slett hendelse";
$a->strings["calendar"] = "kalender";
-$a->strings["New Event"] = "Ny hendelse";
+$a->strings["Edit Event"] = "Endre hendelse";
+$a->strings["Create Event"] = "Lag hendelse";
$a->strings["Today"] = "Idag";
$a->strings["Event removed"] = "Hendelse slettet";
$a->strings["Failed to remove event"] = "Mislyktes med å slette hendelse";
@@ -2192,6 +2205,7 @@ $a->strings["Left align page content"] = "Venstrejuster sideinnhold";
$a->strings["Set minimum opacity of nav bar - to hide it"] = "Angi minste dekkevne for navigasjonslinjen - for å skjule den";
$a->strings["Set size of conversation author photo"] = "Angi størrelsen for samtalens forfatterbilde";
$a->strings["Set size of followup author photos"] = "Angi størrelsen på forfatterbilder ved oppfølging";
+$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "Fjernautentisering blokkert. Du er logget inn på dette nettstedet lokalt. Vennligst logg ut og prøv på nytt.";
$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Oppdatering %s mislyktes. Se feilloggen.";
$a->strings["Update Error at %s"] = "Oppdateringsfeil ved %s";
$a->strings["Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla"] = "Lag en konto for å få tilgang til tjenester og programmer i Hubzilla";
diff --git a/view/nl/hmessages.po b/view/nl/hmessages.po
index d12514ea0..4f669bfea 100644
--- a/view/nl/hmessages.po
+++ b/view/nl/hmessages.po
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Red package.
# Translators:
-# jeroenpraat <jeroenpraat@xs4all.nl>, 2015
+# jeroenpraat <jeroenpraat@xs4all.nl>, 2015-2016
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Redmatrix\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 00:03-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-12 15:58+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-01 00:03-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-02 13:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: jeroenpraat <jeroenpraat@xs4all.nl>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/Friendica/red-matrix/language/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ msgstr "Ongeldige omschrijving chatkanaal"
msgid "Room not found."
msgstr "Chatkanaal niet gevonden"
-#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4398
-#: ../../include/attach.php:140 ../../include/attach.php:188
-#: ../../include/attach.php:251 ../../include/attach.php:265
-#: ../../include/attach.php:272 ../../include/attach.php:337
-#: ../../include/attach.php:351 ../../include/attach.php:358
-#: ../../include/attach.php:436 ../../include/attach.php:884
-#: ../../include/attach.php:955 ../../include/attach.php:1107
-#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
+#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4405
+#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../include/attach.php:140
+#: ../../include/attach.php:188 ../../include/attach.php:251
+#: ../../include/attach.php:265 ../../include/attach.php:272
+#: ../../include/attach.php:337 ../../include/attach.php:351
+#: ../../include/attach.php:358 ../../include/attach.php:436
+#: ../../include/attach.php:888 ../../include/attach.php:959
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1111 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:73 ../../mod/filestorage.php:88
-#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/item.php:205
-#: ../../mod/item.php:213 ../../mod/item.php:1049 ../../mod/common.php:35
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/item.php:206
+#: ../../mod/item.php:214 ../../mod/item.php:1050 ../../mod/common.php:35
#: ../../mod/achievements.php:30 ../../mod/rate.php:111
#: ../../mod/blocks.php:69 ../../mod/blocks.php:76 ../../mod/id.php:71
#: ../../mod/like.php:177 ../../mod/page.php:31 ../../mod/page.php:86
@@ -120,15 +120,390 @@ msgstr "Het klonen van het kanaal is mislukt. Importeren mislukt."
msgid "Cloned channel not found. Import failed."
msgstr "Gekloond kanaal niet gevonden. Importeren mislukt."
+#: ../../include/text.php:394
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "vorige"
+#: ../../include/text.php:396
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "eerste"
+#: ../../include/text.php:425
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "laatste"
+#: ../../include/text.php:428
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "volgende"
+#: ../../include/text.php:438
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "ouder"
+#: ../../include/text.php:440
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "nieuwer"
+#: ../../include/text.php:803
+msgid "No connections"
+msgstr "Geen connecties"
+#: ../../include/text.php:815
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Connection"
+msgid_plural "%d Connections"
+msgstr[0] "%d connectie"
+msgstr[1] "%d connecties"
+#: ../../include/text.php:828 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
+msgid "View Connections"
+msgstr "Connecties weergeven"
+#: ../../include/text.php:885 ../../include/text.php:897
+#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/apps.php:147
+#: ../../mod/search.php:40
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Zoeken"
+#: ../../include/text.php:886 ../../include/text.php:898
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:100 ../../mod/admin.php:1454 ../../mod/admin.php:1474
+#: ../../mod/filer.php:49
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Opslaan"
+#: ../../include/text.php:972
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "aanstoten"
+#: ../../include/text.php:972 ../../include/conversation.php:243
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "aangestoten"
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "ping"
+#: ../../include/text.php:973
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "gepingd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "por"
+#: ../../include/text.php:974
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "gepord"
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "slaan"
+#: ../../include/text.php:975
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "sloeg"
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "finger"
+#: ../../include/text.php:976
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "gefingerd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "afpoeieren"
+#: ../../include/text.php:977
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "afgepoeierd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:987
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "gelukkig"
+#: ../../include/text.php:988
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "bedroefd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:989
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "mellow"
+#: ../../include/text.php:990
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "moe"
+#: ../../include/text.php:991
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "parmantig"
+#: ../../include/text.php:992
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "boos"
+#: ../../include/text.php:993
+msgid "stupefied"
+msgstr "verbijsterd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:994
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "verward"
+#: ../../include/text.php:995
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "geïnteresseerd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:996
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "verbitterd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:997
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "vrolijk"
+#: ../../include/text.php:998
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "levendig"
+#: ../../include/text.php:999
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "geërgerd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1000
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "bezorgd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1001
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "humeurig"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1002
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "verontrust"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1003
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "gefrustreerd "
+#: ../../include/text.php:1004
+msgid "depressed"
+msgstr "gedeprimeerd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1005
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "gemotiveerd"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1006
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "ontspannen"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1007
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "verrast"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:70
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "maandag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:71
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "dinsdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:72
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "woensdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:73
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "donderdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:74
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "vrijdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:75
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "zaterdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1179 ../../include/js_strings.php:69
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "zondag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:45
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "januari"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:46
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "februari"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:47
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "maart"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:48
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "april"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "mei"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:50
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "juni"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:51
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "juli"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:52
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "augustus"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:53
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "september"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:54
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "oktober"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:55
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "november"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1183 ../../include/js_strings.php:56
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "december"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1260 ../../include/text.php:1264
+msgid "Unknown Attachment"
+msgstr "Onbekende bijlage"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1266 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237
+#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Grootte"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1266
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr "onbekend"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1302
+msgid "remove category"
+msgstr "categorie verwijderen"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1379
+msgid "remove from file"
+msgstr "uit map verwijderen"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1410 ../../include/event.php:22
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:465
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l d F Y \\@ G:i"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1414 ../../include/event.php:30
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Start:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1418 ../../include/event.php:40
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:479
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Einde:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1425 ../../include/event.php:52
+#: ../../include/identity.php:998 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:487
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Plaats:"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1521 ../../include/text.php:1532
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Klik om te openen of te sluiten"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1716 ../../mod/events.php:623
+msgid "Link to Source"
+msgstr "Originele locatie"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1737 ../../include/text.php:1809
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "standaard"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1745
+msgid "Page layout"
+msgstr "Pagina-lay-out"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1745
+msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
+msgstr "Je kan jouw eigen lay-out ontwerpen onder lay-outs"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1787
+msgid "Page content type"
+msgstr "Opmaaktype pagina"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1821
+msgid "Select an alternate language"
+msgstr "Kies een andere taal"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1940 ../../include/conversation.php:120
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "foto"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1943 ../../include/event.php:904
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../mod/tagger.php:47
+#: ../../mod/like.php:363 ../../mod/events.php:249
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "gebeurtenis"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1946 ../../include/conversation.php:148
+#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "bericht"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1948 ../../include/conversation.php:150
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
+msgid "comment"
+msgstr "reactie"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1953
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "activiteit"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2248
+msgid "Design Tools"
+msgstr "Ontwerp-hulpmiddelen"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2251 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
+msgid "Blocks"
+msgstr "Blokken"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2252 ../../mod/menu.php:103
+msgid "Menus"
+msgstr "Menu's"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2253 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
+msgid "Layouts"
+msgstr "Lay-outs"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2254
+msgid "Pages"
+msgstr "Pagina's"
+#: ../../include/text.php:2606 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131
+msgid "Collection"
+msgstr "map"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:107
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:239
msgid "parent"
msgstr "omhoog"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 ../../include/text.php:2582
-msgid "Collection"
-msgstr "map"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:134
msgid "Principal"
msgstr "principal"
@@ -184,7 +559,7 @@ msgstr "Aanmaken"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Uploaden"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:981
+#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:986
#: ../../mod/settings.php:588 ../../mod/settings.php:614
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:95
msgid "Name"
@@ -194,11 +569,6 @@ msgstr "Naam"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
-#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237 ../../include/text.php:1248
-#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Grootte"
#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:238 ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:98
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Laatst gewijzigd"
@@ -220,7 +590,7 @@ msgstr "Bewerken"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:120 ../../include/apps.php:260
#: ../../mod/group.php:173 ../../mod/blocks.php:155 ../../mod/connedit.php:551
#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:223 ../../mod/thing.php:258
-#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:816 ../../mod/admin.php:975
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:821 ../../mod/admin.php:980
#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:179 ../../mod/settings.php:649
#: ../../mod/webpages.php:183 ../../mod/photos.php:1126
msgid "Delete"
@@ -328,9 +698,9 @@ msgstr "Omschrijving (optioneel)"
#: ../../mod/sources.php:104 ../../mod/sources.php:138
#: ../../mod/import.php:527 ../../mod/invite.php:142 ../../mod/thing.php:313
#: ../../mod/thing.php:359 ../../mod/import_items.php:122
-#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:442 ../../mod/admin.php:809
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:973 ../../mod/admin.php:1110 ../../mod/admin.php:1304
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1389 ../../mod/settings.php:586
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/admin.php:447 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:978 ../../mod/admin.php:1115 ../../mod/admin.php:1309
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1394 ../../mod/settings.php:586
#: ../../mod/settings.php:698 ../../mod/settings.php:726
#: ../../mod/settings.php:749 ../../mod/settings.php:834
#: ../../mod/settings.php:1023 ../../mod/appman.php:99 ../../mod/locs.php:116
@@ -428,55 +798,11 @@ msgstr " "
msgid "timeago.numbers"
msgstr "timeago.numbers"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:45 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "januari"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:46 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "februari"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:47 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "maart"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:48 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "april"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:49
msgctxt "long"
msgid "May"
msgstr "mei"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:50 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "juni"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:51 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "juli"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:52 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "augustus"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:53 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "september"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:54 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "oktober"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:55 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "november"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:56 ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "december"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:57
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "jan"
@@ -526,34 +852,6 @@ msgstr "nov"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "dec"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:69 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "zondag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:70 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "maandag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:71 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "dinsdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:72 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "woensdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:73 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "donderdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:74 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "vrijdag"
-#: ../../include/js_strings.php:75 ../../include/text.php:1161
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "zaterdag"
#: ../../include/js_strings.php:76
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "zo"
@@ -615,7 +913,7 @@ msgstr "Geen gebruikersnaam in het importbestand gevonden."
msgid "Import completed."
msgstr "Import voltooid."
-#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:351
+#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:356
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standaard"
@@ -663,65 +961,38 @@ msgstr "Voor alle goedgekeurde connecties zichtbaar."
msgid "Visible to specific connections."
msgstr "Voor specifieke connecties zichtbaar."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4319 ../../mod/filestorage.php:27
-#: ../../mod/thing.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:127 ../../mod/admin.php:1012
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1217 ../../mod/display.php:36 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20
+#: ../../include/items.php:4326 ../../mod/filestorage.php:27
+#: ../../mod/display.php:36 ../../mod/thing.php:86 ../../mod/admin.php:129
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1017 ../../mod/admin.php:1222 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20
msgid "Item not found."
msgstr "Item niet gevonden."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4831 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137
+#: ../../include/items.php:4838 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137
msgid "Collection not found."
msgstr "Collectie niet gevonden."
-#: ../../include/items.php:4847
+#: ../../include/items.php:4854
msgid "Collection is empty."
msgstr "Collectie is leeg"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4854
+#: ../../include/items.php:4861
#, php-format
msgid "Collection: %s"
msgstr "Collectie: %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4864 ../../mod/connedit.php:683
+#: ../../include/items.php:4871 ../../mod/connedit.php:683
#, php-format
msgid "Connection: %s"
msgstr "Connectie: %s"
-#: ../../include/items.php:4866
+#: ../../include/items.php:4873
msgid "Connection not found."
msgstr "Connectie niet gevonden."
-#: ../../include/event.php:22 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471
-#: ../../include/text.php:1392
-msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
-msgstr "l d F Y \\@ G:i"
-#: ../../include/event.php:30 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:477
-#: ../../include/text.php:1396
-msgid "Starts:"
-msgstr "Start:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:40 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:485
-#: ../../include/text.php:1400
-msgid "Finishes:"
-msgstr "Einde:"
-#: ../../include/event.php:52 ../../include/identity.php:998
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:493 ../../include/text.php:1407
-#: ../../mod/directory.php:304
-msgid "Location:"
-msgstr "Plaats:"
#: ../../include/event.php:768
msgid "This event has been added to your calendar."
msgstr "Dit evenement is aan jouw agenda toegevoegd."
-#: ../../include/event.php:904 ../../include/conversation.php:123
-#: ../../include/text.php:1919 ../../mod/tagger.php:47 ../../mod/like.php:363
-#: ../../mod/events.php:249
-msgid "event"
-msgstr "gebeurtenis"
#: ../../include/event.php:967
msgid "Not specified"
msgstr "Niet aangegeven"
@@ -1049,29 +1320,64 @@ msgstr "vind dit niet leuk"
msgid "dislikes"
msgstr "vindt dit niet leuk"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:240
+#: ../../include/photos.php:112
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
+msgstr "Afbeelding is groter dan op deze hub toegestane limiet van %lu bytes"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:119
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "Afbeeldingsbestand is leeg"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "Afbeelding kan niet verwerkt worden"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:257
+msgid "Photo storage failed."
+msgstr "Foto kan niet worden opgeslagen"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:297
+msgid "a new photo"
+msgstr "een nieuwe foto"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:301
+#, php-format
+msgctxt "photo_upload"
+msgid "%1$s posted %2$s to %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s plaatste %2$s op %3$s"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:506 ../../include/conversation.php:1625
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Fotoalbums"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:510
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Nieuwe foto's uploaden"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:218
msgid "Visible to your default audience"
msgstr "Voor iedereen zichtbaar, mits niet anders ingesteld"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:241
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:243
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Tonen"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:242
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:244
msgid "Don't show"
msgstr "Niet tonen"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:247
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249
msgid "Other networks and post services"
msgstr "Andere netwerken en diensten"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:251 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147
#: ../../mod/thing.php:310 ../../mod/thing.php:356 ../../mod/photos.php:631
#: ../../mod/photos.php:998 ../../mod/chat.php:211
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permissies"
-#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:250 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:252 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384
#: ../../mod/photos.php:1215
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Sluiten"
@@ -1107,68 +1413,60 @@ msgstr "Item niet gevonden"
msgid "No source file."
msgstr "Geen bronbestand."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:514
+#: ../../include/attach.php:518
msgid "Cannot locate file to replace"
msgstr "Kan het te vervangen bestand niet vinden"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:532
+#: ../../include/attach.php:536
msgid "Cannot locate file to revise/update"
msgstr "Kan het bestand wat aangepast moet worden niet vinden"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:667
+#: ../../include/attach.php:671
#, php-format
msgid "File exceeds size limit of %d"
msgstr "Bestand is groter dan de toegelaten %d"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:681
+#: ../../include/attach.php:685
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f Mbytes attachment storage."
msgstr "Je hebt jouw limiet van %1$.0f MB opslagruimte voor bijlagen bereikt."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:837
+#: ../../include/attach.php:841
msgid "File upload failed. Possible system limit or action terminated."
msgstr "Uploaden van bestand mislukt. Mogelijk systeemlimiet bereikt of actie afgebroken."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:850
+#: ../../include/attach.php:854
msgid "Stored file could not be verified. Upload failed."
msgstr "Opgeslagen bestand kon niet worden geverifieerd. Uploaden mislukt."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:898 ../../include/attach.php:914
+#: ../../include/attach.php:902 ../../include/attach.php:918
msgid "Path not available."
msgstr "Pad niet beschikbaar."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:960 ../../include/attach.php:1112
+#: ../../include/attach.php:964 ../../include/attach.php:1116
msgid "Empty pathname"
msgstr "Padnaam leeg"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:986
+#: ../../include/attach.php:990
msgid "duplicate filename or path"
msgstr "dubbele bestandsnaam of pad"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1008
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1012
msgid "Path not found."
msgstr "Pad niet gevonden"
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1066
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1070
msgid "mkdir failed."
msgstr "directory aanmaken (mkdir) mislukt."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1070
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1074
msgid "database storage failed."
msgstr "opslag in database mislukt."
-#: ../../include/attach.php:1118
+#: ../../include/attach.php:1122
msgid "Empty path"
msgstr "Ontbrekend bestandspad"
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:382
-msgid "Attachments:"
-msgstr "Bijlagen:"
-#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:473
-msgid "$Projectname event notification:"
-msgstr "Notificatie $Projectname-gebeurtenis:"
#: ../../include/notify.php:20
msgid "created a new post"
msgstr "maakte een nieuw bericht aan"
@@ -1232,12 +1530,6 @@ msgstr "Voorbeeld: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Aantekeningen"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../include/text.php:868
-#: ../../include/text.php:880 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 ../../mod/rbmark.php:100
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1449 ../../mod/admin.php:1469 ../../mod/filer.php:49
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Opslaan"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:266
msgid "Remove term"
msgstr "Verwijder zoekterm"
@@ -1327,8 +1619,8 @@ msgid "Channel Sources"
msgstr "Kanaalbronnen"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:554 ../../include/nav.php:202
-#: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../mod/admin.php:1071
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1271
+#: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../mod/admin.php:1076
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1276
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"
@@ -1464,7 +1756,7 @@ msgstr "Voor beheerders"
msgid "For Developers"
msgstr "Voor ontwikkelaars"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1214 ../../mod/admin.php:441
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1214 ../../mod/admin.php:446
msgid "Site"
msgstr "Hub-instellingen"
@@ -1472,17 +1764,17 @@ msgstr "Hub-instellingen"
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Accounts"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1216 ../../mod/admin.php:972
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1216 ../../mod/admin.php:977
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanalen"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1217 ../../mod/admin.php:1069
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1109
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1217 ../../mod/admin.php:1074
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1114
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Plug-ins"
-#: ../../include/widgets.php:1218 ../../mod/admin.php:1269
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1303
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:1218 ../../mod/admin.php:1274
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1308
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Thema's"
@@ -1499,7 +1791,7 @@ msgid "DB updates"
msgstr "Database-updates"
#: ../../include/widgets.php:1239 ../../include/widgets.php:1245
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1388
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1393
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Logboeken"
@@ -1524,6 +1816,14 @@ msgstr "Foto weergeven"
msgid "Edit Album"
msgstr "Album bewerken"
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:376
+msgid "Attachments:"
+msgstr "Bijlagen:"
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:467
+msgid "$Projectname event notification:"
+msgstr "Notificatie $Projectname-gebeurtenis:"
#: ../../include/bookmarks.php:35
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s's bookmarks"
@@ -2044,7 +2344,7 @@ msgstr "JJJJ-MM-DD of MM-DD"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Vereist"
-#: ../../include/datetime.php:263 ../../boot.php:2284
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:263 ../../boot.php:2291
msgid "never"
msgstr "nooit"
@@ -2124,29 +2424,14 @@ msgstr "Verjaardag van %1$s"
msgid "Happy Birthday %1$s"
msgstr "Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag %1$s"
-#: ../../include/api.php:1301
+#: ../../include/api.php:1336
msgid "Public Timeline"
msgstr "Openbare tijdlijn"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:120 ../../include/text.php:1916
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
-msgid "photo"
-msgstr "foto"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../mod/like.php:113
msgid "channel"
msgstr "kanaal"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:148 ../../include/text.php:1922
-#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:83
-msgid "status"
-msgstr "bericht"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:150 ../../include/text.php:1924
-#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53
-msgid "comment"
-msgstr "reactie"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:164 ../../mod/like.php:410
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
@@ -2167,10 +2452,6 @@ msgstr "%1$s is nu met %2$s verbonden"
msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s heeft %2$s aangestoten"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:243 ../../include/text.php:954
-msgid "poked"
-msgstr "aangestoten"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:260 ../../mod/mood.php:63
#, php-format
msgctxt "mood"
@@ -2223,7 +2504,7 @@ msgstr "Kies"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:664 ../../include/ItemObject.php:89
msgid "Private Message"
-msgstr "Privébericht"
+msgstr "Niet voor iedereen zichtbaar"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:671 ../../include/ItemObject.php:227
msgid "Message signature validated"
@@ -2638,7 +2919,7 @@ msgstr "Spam"
msgid "Posts flagged as SPAM"
msgstr "Berichten gemarkeerd als SPAM"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1601 ../../mod/admin.php:980
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1601 ../../mod/admin.php:985
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanaal"
@@ -2659,10 +2940,6 @@ msgstr "Profiel"
msgid "Photos"
msgstr "Foto's"
-#: ../../include/conversation.php:1625 ../../include/photos.php:483
-msgid "Photo Albums"
-msgstr "Fotoalbums"
#: ../../include/conversation.php:1632
msgid "Files and Storage"
msgstr "Bestanden en opslagruimte"
@@ -2794,8 +3071,8 @@ msgid "RSS/Atom"
msgstr "RSS/Atom"
#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:79 ../../mod/id.php:15
-#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:812 ../../mod/admin.php:821
-#: ../../boot.php:1483
+#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:817 ../../mod/admin.php:826
+#: ../../boot.php:1490
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"
@@ -2893,7 +3170,7 @@ msgid_plural "%d invitations available"
msgstr[0] "%d uitnodiging beschikbaar"
msgstr[1] "%d uitnodigingen beschikbaar"
-#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:446
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:451
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Geavanceerd"
@@ -3158,19 +3435,19 @@ msgstr "Antwoord van het kanaal op afstand was niet volledig."
msgid "Channel was deleted and no longer exists."
msgstr "Kanaal is verwijderd en bestaat niet meer."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:152 ../../include/follow.php:181
+#: ../../include/follow.php:153 ../../include/follow.php:183
msgid "Protocol disabled."
msgstr "Protocol uitgeschakeld."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:171
+#: ../../include/follow.php:173
msgid "Channel discovery failed."
msgstr "Kanaal ontdekken mislukt."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:197
+#: ../../include/follow.php:199
msgid "local account not found."
msgstr "lokale account niet gevonden."
-#: ../../include/follow.php:221
+#: ../../include/follow.php:224
msgid "Cannot connect to yourself."
msgstr "Kan niet met jezelf verbinden"
@@ -3198,7 +3475,7 @@ msgstr "Afzender kan niet bepaald worden."
msgid "Stored post could not be verified."
msgstr "Opgeslagen bericht kon niet worden geverifieerd."
-#: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1480
+#: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1487
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Uitloggen"
@@ -3212,7 +3489,7 @@ msgstr "Home"
#: ../../include/nav.php:85
msgid "Your posts and conversations"
-msgstr "Jouw berichten en conversaties"
+msgstr "Jouw kanaal"
#: ../../include/nav.php:86
msgid "Your profile page"
@@ -3254,7 +3531,7 @@ msgstr "Jouw bladwijzers"
msgid "Your webpages"
msgstr "Jouw webpagina's"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:111 ../../include/apps.php:131 ../../boot.php:1481
+#: ../../include/nav.php:111 ../../include/apps.php:131 ../../boot.php:1488
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Inloggen"
@@ -3279,7 +3556,7 @@ msgstr "Authenticeer jezelf via (bijvoorbeeld) jouw hub"
msgid "Home Page"
msgstr "Homepage"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:149 ../../mod/register.php:224 ../../boot.php:1463
+#: ../../include/nav.php:149 ../../mod/register.php:226 ../../boot.php:1470
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registreren"
@@ -3288,7 +3565,7 @@ msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Maak een account aan"
#: ../../include/nav.php:154 ../../include/apps.php:142
-#: ../../mod/layouts.php:176 ../../mod/help.php:202 ../../mod/help.php:207
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:176 ../../mod/help.php:204 ../../mod/help.php:209
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hulp"
@@ -3300,12 +3577,6 @@ msgstr "Hulp en documentatie"
msgid "Applications, utilities, links, games"
msgstr "Apps"
-#: ../../include/nav.php:159 ../../include/text.php:867
-#: ../../include/text.php:879 ../../include/apps.php:147
-#: ../../mod/search.php:40
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Zoeken"
#: ../../include/nav.php:159
msgid "Search site @name, #tag, ?docs, content"
msgstr "Zoek een @kanaal, doorzoek inhoud hub met tekst en #tags, of doorzoek ?documentatie "
@@ -3332,11 +3603,11 @@ msgstr "Markeer alle gridnotificaties als bekeken"
#: ../../include/nav.php:177 ../../include/apps.php:137
msgid "Channel Home"
-msgstr "Tijdlijn kanaal"
+msgstr "Jouw kanaal"
#: ../../include/nav.php:177
msgid "Channel home"
-msgstr "Tijdlijn kanaal"
+msgstr "Jouw kanaal"
#: ../../include/nav.php:178
msgid "Mark all channel notifications seen"
@@ -3425,245 +3696,6 @@ msgid ""
"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
msgstr "De beveiligings-token van het tekstvak was ongeldig. Dit is mogelijk het gevolg van dat er te lang (meer dan 3 uur) gewacht is om de tekst op te slaan. "
-#: ../../include/text.php:394
-msgid "prev"
-msgstr "vorige"
-#: ../../include/text.php:396
-msgid "first"
-msgstr "eerste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:425
-msgid "last"
-msgstr "laatste"
-#: ../../include/text.php:428
-msgid "next"
-msgstr "volgende"
-#: ../../include/text.php:438
-msgid "older"
-msgstr "ouder"
-#: ../../include/text.php:440
-msgid "newer"
-msgstr "nieuwer"
-#: ../../include/text.php:785
-msgid "No connections"
-msgstr "Geen connecties"
-#: ../../include/text.php:797
-#, php-format
-msgid "%d Connection"
-msgid_plural "%d Connections"
-msgstr[0] "%d connectie"
-msgstr[1] "%d connecties"
-#: ../../include/text.php:810 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101
-msgid "View Connections"
-msgstr "Connecties weergeven"
-#: ../../include/text.php:954
-msgid "poke"
-msgstr "aanstoten"
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
-msgid "ping"
-msgstr "ping"
-#: ../../include/text.php:955
-msgid "pinged"
-msgstr "gepingd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
-msgid "prod"
-msgstr "por"
-#: ../../include/text.php:956
-msgid "prodded"
-msgstr "gepord"
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
-msgid "slap"
-msgstr "slaan"
-#: ../../include/text.php:957
-msgid "slapped"
-msgstr "sloeg"
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
-msgid "finger"
-msgstr "finger"
-#: ../../include/text.php:958
-msgid "fingered"
-msgstr "gefingerd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
-msgid "rebuff"
-msgstr "afpoeieren"
-#: ../../include/text.php:959
-msgid "rebuffed"
-msgstr "afgepoeierd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:969
-msgid "happy"
-msgstr "gelukkig"
-#: ../../include/text.php:970
-msgid "sad"
-msgstr "bedroefd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:971
-msgid "mellow"
-msgstr "mellow"
-#: ../../include/text.php:972
-msgid "tired"
-msgstr "moe"
-#: ../../include/text.php:973
-msgid "perky"
-msgstr "parmantig"
-#: ../../include/text.php:974
-msgid "angry"
-msgstr "boos"
-#: ../../include/text.php:975
-msgid "stupified"
-msgstr "beteuterd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:976
-msgid "puzzled"
-msgstr "verward"
-#: ../../include/text.php:977
-msgid "interested"
-msgstr "geïnteresseerd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:978
-msgid "bitter"
-msgstr "verbitterd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:979
-msgid "cheerful"
-msgstr "vrolijk"
-#: ../../include/text.php:980
-msgid "alive"
-msgstr "levendig"
-#: ../../include/text.php:981
-msgid "annoyed"
-msgstr "geërgerd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:982
-msgid "anxious"
-msgstr "bezorgd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:983
-msgid "cranky"
-msgstr "humeurig"
-#: ../../include/text.php:984
-msgid "disturbed"
-msgstr "verontrust"
-#: ../../include/text.php:985
-msgid "frustrated"
-msgstr "gefrustreerd "
-#: ../../include/text.php:986
-msgid "depressed"
-msgstr "gedeprimeerd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:987
-msgid "motivated"
-msgstr "gemotiveerd"
-#: ../../include/text.php:988
-msgid "relaxed"
-msgstr "ontspannen"
-#: ../../include/text.php:989
-msgid "surprised"
-msgstr "verrast"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1165
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "mei"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1242 ../../include/text.php:1246
-msgid "Unknown Attachment"
-msgstr "Onbekende bijlage"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1248
-msgid "unknown"
-msgstr "onbekend"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1284
-msgid "remove category"
-msgstr "categorie verwijderen"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1361
-msgid "remove from file"
-msgstr "uit map verwijderen"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1507 ../../include/text.php:1518
-msgid "Click to open/close"
-msgstr "Klik om te openen of te sluiten"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1692 ../../mod/events.php:623
-msgid "Link to Source"
-msgstr "Originele locatie"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1713 ../../include/text.php:1785
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "standaard"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1721
-msgid "Page layout"
-msgstr "Pagina-lay-out"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1721
-msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool"
-msgstr "Je kan jouw eigen lay-out ontwerpen onder lay-outs"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1763
-msgid "Page content type"
-msgstr "Opmaaktype pagina"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1797
-msgid "Select an alternate language"
-msgstr "Kies een andere taal"
-#: ../../include/text.php:1929
-msgid "activity"
-msgstr "activiteit"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2224
-msgid "Design Tools"
-msgstr "Ontwerp-hulpmiddelen"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2227 ../../mod/blocks.php:147
-msgid "Blocks"
-msgstr "Blokken"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2228 ../../mod/menu.php:103
-msgid "Menus"
-msgstr "Menu's"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2229 ../../mod/layouts.php:174
-msgid "Layouts"
-msgstr "Lay-outs"
-#: ../../include/text.php:2230
-msgid "Pages"
-msgstr "Pagina's"
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:139
msgid "Directory Options"
msgstr "Opties kanalengids"
@@ -3675,25 +3707,25 @@ msgstr "Veilig zoeken"
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:635 ../../mod/connedit.php:684 ../../mod/api.php:106
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:410 ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/photos.php:626
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:635 ../../mod/connedit.php:684 ../../mod/api.php:102
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:415 ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/photos.php:626
#: ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 ../../mod/events.php:447
#: ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:457 ../../mod/mitem.php:154
#: ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228 ../../mod/mitem.php:229
#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:141 ../../include/dir_fns.php:142
#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151
#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/removeme.php:60
-#: ../../mod/api.php:105 ../../mod/admin.php:412 ../../mod/settings.php:577
+#: ../../mod/api.php:101 ../../mod/admin.php:417 ../../mod/settings.php:577
#: ../../mod/photos.php:626 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153
#: ../../mod/events.php:447 ../../mod/events.php:448 ../../mod/events.php:457
#: ../../mod/mitem.php:154 ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228
#: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
-#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
@@ -3716,7 +3748,7 @@ msgstr "Een verwijderde collectie met deze naam is gereactiveerd. Bestaande item
msgid "Add new connections to this collection (privacy group)"
msgstr "Voeg nieuwe connecties aan deze collectie toe (privacy-groep)"
-#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "All Channels"
msgstr "Alle kanalen"
@@ -3740,20 +3772,20 @@ msgstr "Nieuwe collectie toevoegen"
msgid "Channels not in any collection"
msgstr "Kanalen die zich in geen enkele collectie bevinden"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:675
+#: ../../include/zot.php:676
msgid "Invalid data packet"
msgstr "Datapakket ongeldig"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:691
+#: ../../include/zot.php:692
msgid "Unable to verify channel signature"
msgstr "Kanaalkenmerk kon niet worden geverifieerd. "
-#: ../../include/zot.php:2275
+#: ../../include/zot.php:2268
#, php-format
msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s"
msgstr "Hubkenmerk voor %s kon niet worden geverifieerd"
-#: ../../include/zot.php:3601
+#: ../../include/zot.php:3584
msgid "invalid target signature"
msgstr "ongeldig doelkenmerk"
@@ -3806,27 +3838,6 @@ msgstr "Geen onderwerp"
msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
msgstr "Kan DNS-informatie voor databaseserver '%s' niet vinden"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:112
-#, php-format
-msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
-msgstr "Afbeelding is groter dan op deze hub toegestane limiet van %lu bytes"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:119
-msgid "Image file is empty."
-msgstr "Afbeeldingsbestand is leeg"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
-msgid "Unable to process image"
-msgstr "Afbeelding kan niet verwerkt worden"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:257
-msgid "Photo storage failed."
-msgstr "Foto kan niet worden opgeslagen"
-#: ../../include/photos.php:487
-msgid "Upload New Photos"
-msgstr "Nieuwe foto's uploaden"
#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:130
msgid "Save to Folder"
msgstr "In map opslaan"
@@ -4313,36 +4324,36 @@ msgstr "Alle kanaalconnecties"
msgid "Click on a channel to add or remove."
msgstr "Klik op een kanaal om deze toe te voegen of te verwijderen."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:173
+#: ../../mod/item.php:174
msgid "Unable to locate original post."
msgstr "Niet in staat om de originele locatie van het bericht te vinden. "
-#: ../../mod/item.php:417
+#: ../../mod/item.php:418
msgid "Empty post discarded."
msgstr "Leeg bericht geannuleerd"
-#: ../../mod/item.php:457
+#: ../../mod/item.php:458
msgid "Executable content type not permitted to this channel."
msgstr "Uitvoerbare bestanden zijn niet toegestaan op dit kanaal."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:822
+#: ../../mod/item.php:823
msgid "Duplicate post suppressed."
msgstr "Dubbel bericht tegengehouden."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:953
+#: ../../mod/item.php:954
msgid "System error. Post not saved."
msgstr "Systeemfout. Bericht niet opgeslagen."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1220
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1221
msgid "Unable to obtain post information from database."
msgstr "Niet in staat om informatie over dit bericht uit de database te verkrijgen."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1227
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1228
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f top level posts."
msgstr "Je hebt jouw limiet van %1$.0f berichten bereikt."
-#: ../../mod/item.php:1234
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1235
#, php-format
msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f webpages."
msgstr "Je hebt jouw limiet van %1$.0f webpagina's bereikt."
@@ -4659,7 +4670,7 @@ msgstr "Ongeldig item."
msgid "Channel not found."
msgstr "Kanaal niet gevonden."
-#: ../../mod/page.php:89 ../../mod/display.php:110 ../../mod/help.php:214
+#: ../../mod/page.php:89 ../../mod/display.php:110 ../../mod/help.php:216
#: ../../mod/block.php:75 ../../index.php:241
msgid "Page not found."
msgstr "Pagina niet gevonden."
@@ -4771,8 +4782,8 @@ msgstr "Lees meer over kanaaltypes"
msgid "No ratings"
msgstr "Geen beoordelingen"
-#: ../../mod/ratings.php:82 ../../mod/search.php:13 ../../mod/directory.php:59
-#: ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/display.php:13
+#: ../../mod/ratings.php:82 ../../mod/display.php:13
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:59 ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/search.php:13
#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:17
msgid "Public access denied."
msgstr "Openbare toegang geweigerd."
@@ -5322,7 +5333,7 @@ msgstr "Homepage"
msgid "Interests"
msgstr "Interesses"
-#: ../../mod/profiles.php:457 ../../mod/admin.php:981
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:457 ../../mod/admin.php:986
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Kanaaladres"
@@ -5506,16 +5517,6 @@ msgstr "Dingen aan je profiel toevoegen"
msgid "Include desirable objects in your profile"
msgstr "Voeg door jou gewenste dingen aan jouw profiel toe"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:212
-#, php-format
-msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
-msgstr "Items getagd met %s"
-#: ../../mod/search.php:214
-#, php-format
-msgid "Search results for: %s"
-msgstr "Zoekresultaten voor %s"
#: ../../mod/connedit.php:75
msgid "Could not access contact record."
msgstr "Kon geen toegang krijgen tot de connectie-gegevens."
@@ -5575,11 +5576,11 @@ msgstr "Kanaal-activiteit"
msgid "View recent posts and comments"
msgstr "Recente berichten en reacties weergeven"
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:818
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:823
msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Deblokkeren"
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:817
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:519 ../../mod/admin.php:822
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokkeren"
@@ -5735,7 +5736,7 @@ msgid ""
" communication."
msgstr "(%s) wil met jou verbinden. Keur dit connectieverzoek goed om onderling te kunnen communiceren."
-#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 ../../mod/admin.php:814
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 ../../mod/admin.php:819
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Goedkeuren"
@@ -5908,19 +5909,19 @@ msgstr "voegde jouw kanaal toe"
msgid "posted an event"
msgstr "plaatste een gebeurtenis"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:76 ../../mod/api.php:102
+#: ../../mod/api.php:74 ../../mod/api.php:98
msgid "Authorize application connection"
msgstr "Geef toestemming voor applicatiekoppeling"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:77
+#: ../../mod/api.php:75
msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
msgstr "Ga terug naar je app en voeg deze beveiligingscode in:"
-#: ../../mod/api.php:89
+#: ../../mod/api.php:85
msgid "Please login to continue."
msgstr "Inloggen om verder te kunnen gaan."
-#: ../../mod/api.php:104
+#: ../../mod/api.php:100
msgid ""
"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
" and/or create new posts for you?"
@@ -6160,7 +6161,7 @@ msgid ""
"Password reset failed."
msgstr "Het verzoek kon niet worden geverifieerd. (Mogelijk heb je al eerder een verzoek ingediend.) Opnieuw instellen van wachtwoord is mislukt."
-#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86 ../../boot.php:1489
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86 ../../boot.php:1496
msgid "Password Reset"
msgstr "Wachtwoord vergeten?"
@@ -6612,6 +6613,10 @@ msgstr "forum"
msgid "Search Results For:"
msgstr "Zoekresultaten voor:"
+#: ../../mod/network.php:169 ../../mod/channel.php:131 ../../mod/rpost.php:114
+msgid "Public"
+msgstr "Openbaar"
#: ../../mod/network.php:207
msgid "Collection is empty"
msgstr "Collectie is leeg"
@@ -6657,807 +6662,817 @@ msgstr "Registratie mislukt. De gebruiksvoorwaarden dienen wel geaccepteerd te w
msgid "Passwords do not match."
msgstr "Wachtwoorden komen niet met elkaar overeen."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:117
+#: ../../mod/register.php:119
msgid ""
"Registration successful. Please check your email for validation "
msgstr "Registratie geslaagd. Controleer je e-mail voor instructies."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:123
+#: ../../mod/register.php:125
msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
msgstr "Jouw accountregistratie wacht op goedkeuring van de beheerder van deze $Projectname-hub."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:126
+#: ../../mod/register.php:128
msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
msgstr "Jouw registratie kan niet verwerkt worden."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:163
+#: ../../mod/register.php:165
msgid "Registration on this site/hub is by approval only."
msgstr "Registraties op deze $Projectname-hub moeten eerst worden goedgekeurd."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:164
+#: ../../mod/register.php:166
msgid "<a href=\"pubsites\">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"pubsites\">Registreer op een andere $Projectname-hub</a>"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:174
+#: ../../mod/register.php:176
msgid ""
"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
"Please try again tomorrow."
msgstr "Deze $Projectname-hub heeft het maximum aantal dagelijks toegestane registraties bereikt. Probeer het morgen (UTC) nogmaals."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:185
+#: ../../mod/register.php:187
msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr "Gebruiksvoorwaarden"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:191
+#: ../../mod/register.php:193
#, php-format
msgid "I accept the %s for this website"
msgstr "Ik accepteer de %s van deze $Projectname-hub"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:193
+#: ../../mod/register.php:195
#, php-format
msgid "I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website"
msgstr "Ik accepteer de %s van deze $Projectname-hub"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:443
+#: ../../mod/register.php:209 ../../mod/admin.php:448
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Registratie"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:212
+#: ../../mod/register.php:214
msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
msgstr "Registreren op deze $Projectname-hub kan alleen op uitnodiging."
-#: ../../mod/register.php:213
+#: ../../mod/register.php:215
msgid "Please enter your invitation code"
msgstr "Vul jouw uitnodigingscode in"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:216
+#: ../../mod/register.php:218
msgid "Your email address"
msgstr "Jouw e-mailadres"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:217
+#: ../../mod/register.php:219
msgid "Choose a password"
msgstr "Geef een wachtwoord op"
-#: ../../mod/register.php:218
+#: ../../mod/register.php:220
msgid "Please re-enter your password"
msgstr "Geef het wachtwoord opnieuw op"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:52
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:54
msgid "Theme settings updated."
msgstr "Thema-instellingen bijgewerkt."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:160
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:162
msgid "# Accounts"
msgstr "# accounts"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:161
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:163
msgid "# blocked accounts"
msgstr "# geblokkeerde accounts"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:162
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:164
msgid "# expired accounts"
msgstr "# verlopen accounts"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:163
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:165
msgid "# expiring accounts"
msgstr "# accounts die nog moeten verlopen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:174
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:176
msgid "# Channels"
msgstr "# Kanalen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:175
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:177
msgid "# primary"
msgstr "# primair"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:176
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:178
msgid "# clones"
msgstr "# klonen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:182
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:184
msgid "Message queues"
msgstr "Berichtenwachtrij"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:198 ../../mod/admin.php:440 ../../mod/admin.php:539
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:807 ../../mod/admin.php:971 ../../mod/admin.php:1068
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1108 ../../mod/admin.php:1268 ../../mod/admin.php:1302
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1387
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:200 ../../mod/admin.php:445 ../../mod/admin.php:545
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:812 ../../mod/admin.php:976 ../../mod/admin.php:1073
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1113 ../../mod/admin.php:1273 ../../mod/admin.php:1307
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1392
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Beheer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:199
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:201
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Samenvatting"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:202
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:204
msgid "Registered accounts"
msgstr "Geregistreerde accounts"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:203 ../../mod/admin.php:543
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:549
msgid "Pending registrations"
msgstr "Accounts die op goedkeuring wachten"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:204
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:206
msgid "Registered channels"
msgstr "Geregistreerde kanalen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:544
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:550
msgid "Active plugins"
msgstr "Ingeschakelde plug-ins"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:206
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:208
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versie"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:324
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:329
msgid "Site settings updated."
msgstr "Hub-instellingen bijgewerkt."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:361 ../../mod/settings.php:793
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:366 ../../mod/settings.php:793
msgid "mobile"
msgstr "mobiel"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:363
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:368
msgid "experimental"
msgstr "experimenteel"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:365
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:370
msgid "unsupported"
msgstr "Niet ondersteund"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:411
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:416
msgid "Yes - with approval"
msgstr "Ja - met goedkeuring"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:417
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:422
msgid "My site is not a public server"
msgstr "Mijn $Projectname-hub is niet openbaar"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:418
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:423
msgid "My site has paid access only"
msgstr "Mijn $Projectname-hub kent alleen betaalde toegang"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:419
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:424
msgid "My site has free access only"
msgstr "Mijn $Projectname-hub kent alleen gratis toegang"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:420
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:425
msgid "My site offers free accounts with optional paid upgrades"
msgstr "Mijn $Projectname-hub biedt gratis accounts aan met betaalde uitbreidingen als optie"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:444
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:449
msgid "File upload"
msgstr "Bestand uploaden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:445
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
msgid "Policies"
msgstr "Beleid"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
msgid "Site name"
msgstr "Naam van deze $Projectname-hub"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:451
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
msgid "Banner/Logo"
msgstr "Banner/logo"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:452
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
msgid "Administrator Information"
msgstr "Informatie over de beheerder van deze hub"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:452
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
msgid ""
"Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. "
"BBCode can be used here"
msgstr "Contactinformatie voor hub-beheerders. Getoond op pagina met hub-informatie. Er kan hier bbcode gebruikt worden."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:453
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
msgid "System language"
msgstr "Standaardtaal"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
msgid "System theme"
msgstr "Standaardthema"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
msgid ""
"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' "
"id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>"
msgstr "Standaardthema voor $Projectname-hub (kan door lid veranderd worden) - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>verander thema-instellingen</a>"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
msgid "Mobile system theme"
msgstr "Standaardthema voor mobiel"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
msgstr "Thema voor mobiele apparaten"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
msgid "Allow Feeds as Connections"
msgstr "Sta feeds toe als connecties"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:457
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
msgid "(Heavy system resource usage)"
msgstr "(sterk negatieve invloed op systeembronnen hub)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
msgid "Maximum image size"
msgstr "Maximale grootte van afbeeldingen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
msgid ""
"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
msgstr "Maximale grootte in bytes voor afbeeldingen die worden geüpload. Standaard is 0, wat geen limiet betekend."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
msgid "Does this site allow new member registration?"
msgstr "Staat deze hub nieuwe accounts toe?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid "Invitation only"
+msgstr "Alleen op uitnodiging"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid ""
+"Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register "
+"policy must be set to Yes."
+msgstr "Sta alleen nieuwe registraties toe van mensen die een uitnodigingscode hebben. Bovenstaand accountbeleid moet op Ja staan."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
msgid "Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"
msgstr "Wat voor soort accounts biedt deze $Projectname-hub aan? Kies wat het meest in de buurt komt."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
msgid "Register text"
msgstr "Tekst tijdens registratie"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
msgstr "Tekst dat op de pagina voor het registreren van nieuwe accounts wordt getoond."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
msgid "Site homepage to show visitors (default: login box)"
msgstr "Homepagina van deze hub die aan bezoekers wordt getoond (standaard: inlogformulier)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
msgid ""
"example: 'public' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to show a system "
"webpage called 'home' or 'include:home.html' to include a file."
msgstr "voorbeeld: 'public' om de openbare stream te tonen, 'page/sys/home' om de webpagina 'home' van het systeemkanaal te tonen of 'include:home.html' om een gewoon bestand te gebruiken."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
msgid "Preserve site homepage URL"
msgstr "Behoudt de URL van de hub (/)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
msgid ""
"Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of "
msgstr "Toon de homepagina van de hub in een frame op de oorspronkelijke locatie (/), i.p.v. een doorverwijzing naar een andere locatie (bv. .../home.html)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
msgstr "Accounts als verlaten beschouwen na zoveel aantal dagen:"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
msgid ""
"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
msgstr "Zal geen systeembronnen verspillen door polling van externe hubs voor verlaten accounts. Vul 0 in voor geen tijdslimiet."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
msgid "Allowed friend domains"
msgstr "Toegestane domeinen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
msgstr "Komma-gescheiden lijst van domeinen waarvan kanalen connecties kunnen aangaan met kanalen op deze $Projectname-hub. Wildcards zijn toegestaan.\nLaat leeg om alle domeinen toe te laten."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
msgid "Allowed email domains"
msgstr "Toegestane e-maildomeinen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
msgstr "Door komma's gescheiden lijst met e-maildomeinen waarvan e-mailadressen op deze hub mogen registeren. Wildcards zijn toegestaan. Laat leeg om alle domeinen toe te laten."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
msgid "Not allowed email domains"
msgstr "Niet toegestane e-maildomeinen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of domains which are not allowed in email addresses for"
" registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
"domains, unless allowed domains have been defined."
msgstr "Door komma's gescheiden lijst met e-maildomeinen waarvan e-mailadressen niet op deze hub mogen registeren. Wildcards zijn toegestaan. Laat leeg om alle domeinen toe te staan, tenzij er toegestane domeinen zijn ingesteld. "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
msgid "Block public"
msgstr "Openbare toegang blokkeren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
msgid ""
"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
"site unless you are currently logged in."
msgstr "Vink dit aan om alle normaliter openbare persoonlijke pagina's op deze hub alleen toegankelijk te maken voor ingelogde leden."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
msgid "Verify Email Addresses"
msgstr "E-mailadres verifieren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:469
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
msgid ""
"Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended)."
msgstr "Inschakelen om e-mailadressen te verifiëren die tijdens de accountregistratie worden gebruikt (aanbevolen)."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
msgid "Force publish"
msgstr "Dwing kanaalvermelding af"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
msgid ""
"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
msgstr "Vink dit aan om af te dwingen dat alle kanalen op deze hub in de kanalengids worden vermeld."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
msgid "Import Public Streams"
msgstr "Openbare streams importeren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
msgid ""
"Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: "
"this content is unmoderated."
msgstr "Toegang verlenen tot openbare berichten die vanuit andere hubs worden geïmporteerd. Waarschuwing: de inhoud van deze berichten wordt niet gemodereerd."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
msgid "login on Homepage"
msgstr "Inlogformulier op de homepagina"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
msgid ""
"Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has "
"been configured."
msgstr "Toon een inlogformulier voor bezoekers op de homepagina wanneer geen andere inhoud is geconfigureerd. "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
msgid "Directory Server URL"
msgstr "Server-URL voor de kanalengids"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
msgid "Default directory server"
msgstr "Standaardserver voor de kanalengids"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:476
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
msgid "Proxy user"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam proxy"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:477
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
msgid "Proxy URL"
msgstr "URL proxy"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:484
msgid "Network timeout"
msgstr "Netwerktimeout"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:478
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:484
msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
msgstr "Waarde is in seconden. Zet op 0 voor onbeperkt (niet aanbevolen)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:479
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:485
msgid "Delivery interval"
msgstr "Afleveringsinterval"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:479
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:485
msgid ""
"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
"for large dedicated servers."
msgstr "Vertraag de achtergrondprocessen voor het afleveren met een aantal seconden om de systeembelasting te verminderen. Aanbevolen: 4-5 voor shared hosts, 2-3 voor virtual private servers (VPS) en 0-1 voor grote dedicated servers."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:486
msgid "Deliveries per process"
msgstr "Leveringen per serverproces"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:480
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:486
msgid ""
"Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust"
" if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5."
msgstr "Aantal leveringen die aan één serverproces worden meegegeven. Pas dit aan wanneer het nodig is om systeemprestaties te verbeteren. Aangeraden: 1-5"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:481
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:487
msgid "Poll interval"
msgstr "Poll-interval"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:481
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:487
msgid ""
"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
msgstr "De achtergrondprocessen voor het afleveren met zoveel seconden vertragen om de systeembelasting te verminderen. 0 om de afleveringsinterval te gebruiken."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:488
msgid "Maximum Load Average"
msgstr "Maximaal gemiddelde systeembelasting"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:482
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:488
msgid ""
"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
"default 50."
msgstr "Maximale systeembelasting voordat de afleverings- en polllingsprocessen worden uitgesteld. Standaard is 50."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:489
msgid "Expiration period in days for imported (matrix/network) content"
msgstr "Aantal dagen waarna geïmporteerde inhoud uit iemands matrix/netwerk-pagina wordt verwijderd."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:483
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:489
msgid "0 for no expiration of imported content"
msgstr "Dit geldt alleen voor inhoud van andere kanalen, dus niet voor iemands eigen kanaal. 0 voor het niet verwijderen van geïmporteerde inhoud."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:531
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:537
msgid "No server found"
msgstr "Geen hub gevonden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538 ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544 ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "for channel"
msgstr "voor kanaal"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "on server"
msgstr "op hub"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:544
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:540
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:546
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Hubbeheer"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:557
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:563
msgid "Update has been marked successful"
msgstr "Update is als succesvol gemarkeerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:567
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:573
#, php-format
msgid "Executing %s failed. Check system logs."
msgstr "Uitvoeren van %s is mislukt. Controleer systeemlogboek."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:570
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:576
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
msgstr "Update %s was geslaagd."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:574
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:580
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
msgstr "Update %s gaf geen melding. Het is daarom niet bekend of deze geslaagd is."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:577
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:583
#, php-format
msgid "Update function %s could not be found."
msgstr "Update-functie %s kon niet gevonden worden."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:593
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:599
msgid "No failed updates."
msgstr "Geen mislukte updates."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:597
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:603
msgid "Failed Updates"
msgstr "Mislukte updates"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:599
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:605
msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
msgstr "Markeer als geslaagd (wanneer de update handmatig was uitgevoerd)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:600
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:606
msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
msgstr "Poging om deze stap van de update automatisch uit te voeren."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:632
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
msgid "Queue Statistics"
msgstr "Wachtrij-statistieken"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:633
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
msgid "Total Entries"
msgstr "Aantal vermeldingen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:634
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:639
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioriteit"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:635
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:640
msgid "Destination URL"
msgstr "Doel-URL"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:636
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:641
msgid "Mark hub permanently offline"
msgstr "Hub als permanent offline markeren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:637
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:642
msgid "Empty queue for this hub"
msgstr "Berichtenwachtrij voor deze hub legen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:638
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:643
msgid "Last known contact"
msgstr "Voor het laatst contact"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:674
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:679
#, php-format
msgid "%s account blocked/unblocked"
msgid_plural "%s account blocked/unblocked"
msgstr[0] "%s account geblokkeerd/gedeblokkeerd"
msgstr[1] "%s accounts geblokkeerd/gedeblokkeerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:682
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:687
#, php-format
msgid "%s account deleted"
msgid_plural "%s accounts deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s account verwijderd"
msgstr[1] "%s accounts verwijderd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:718
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:723
msgid "Account not found"
msgstr "Account niet gevonden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:730
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:735
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' deleted"
msgstr "Account '%s' verwijderd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:738
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:743
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' blocked"
msgstr "Account '%s' geblokkeerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:746
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:751
#, php-format
msgid "Account '%s' unblocked"
msgstr "Account '%s' gedeblokkeerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:808 ../../mod/admin.php:820
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 ../../mod/admin.php:825
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Accounts"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:810 ../../mod/admin.php:974
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:815 ../../mod/admin.php:979
msgid "select all"
msgstr "alles selecteren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:811
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:816
msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
msgstr "Accounts die op goedkeuring wachten"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:812
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:817
msgid "Request date"
msgstr "Tijd/datum verzoek"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:813
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:818
msgid "No registrations."
msgstr "Geen verzoeken."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:815
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:820
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Afkeuren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Register date"
msgstr "Geregistreerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Laatste keer ingelogd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Expires"
msgstr "Verloopt"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:821
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:826
msgid "Service Class"
msgstr "Abonnementen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:823
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:828
msgid ""
"Selected accounts will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these accounts had posted"
" on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Geselecteerde accounts (met bijbehorende kanalen) worden verwijderd!\\n\\nAlles wat deze accounts op deze hub hebben gepubliceerd wordt definitief verwijderd!\\n\\Weet je het zeker?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:824
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:829
msgid ""
"The account {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this account has posted on "
"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Account {0} (met bijbehorende kanalen) wordt verwijderd !\\n\\nAlles wat dit account op deze hub heeft gepubliceerd wordt definitief verwijderd!\\n\\nWeet je het zeker?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:860
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:865
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel censored/uncensored"
msgid_plural "%s channels censored/uncensored"
msgstr[0] "%s kanaal gecensureerd/ongecensureerd"
msgstr[1] "%s kanalen gecensureerd/ongecensureerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:869
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:874
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel code allowed/disallowed"
msgid_plural "%s channels code allowed/disallowed"
msgstr[0] "Scripts toegestaan/niet toegestaan voor %s kanaal"
msgstr[1] "Scripts toegestaan/niet toegestaan voor %s kanalen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:876
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:881
#, php-format
msgid "%s channel deleted"
msgid_plural "%s channels deleted"
msgstr[0] "%s kanaal verwijderd"
msgstr[1] "%s kanalen verwijderd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:896
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:901
msgid "Channel not found"
msgstr "Kanaal niet gevonden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:907
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:912
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' deleted"
msgstr "Kanaal '%s' verwijderd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:919
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:924
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' censored"
msgstr "Kanaal '%s' gecensureerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:919
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:924
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' uncensored"
msgstr "Kanaal '%s' ongecensureerd"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:930
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:935
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' code allowed"
msgstr "Scripts toegestaan voor kanaal '%s'"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:930
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:935
#, php-format
msgid "Channel '%s' code disallowed"
msgstr "Scripts niet toegestaan voor kanaal '%s'"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:976
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:981
msgid "Censor"
msgstr "Censureren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:977
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:982
msgid "Uncensor"
msgstr "Niet censureren"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:978
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:983
msgid "Allow Code"
msgstr "Scripts toestaan"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:979
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:984
msgid "Disallow Code"
msgstr "Scripts niet toestaan"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:981
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:986
msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:983
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:988
msgid ""
"Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in these "
"channels on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Geselecteerde kanalen worden verwijderd!\\n\\nAlles wat in deze kanalen op deze hub werd gepubliceerd wordt definitief verwijderd!\\n\\nWeet je het zeker?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:984
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:989
msgid ""
"The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this "
"channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
msgstr "Kanaal {0} wordt verwijderd!\\n\\nAlles wat in dit kanaal op deze hub werd gepubliceerd wordt definitief verwijderd!\\n\\nWeet je het zeker?"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1024
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1029
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
msgstr "Plug-in %s uitgeschakeld."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1028
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1033
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
msgstr "Plug-in %s ingeschakeld"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1038 ../../mod/admin.php:1241
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1043 ../../mod/admin.php:1246
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Uitschakelen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1041 ../../mod/admin.php:1243
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1046 ../../mod/admin.php:1248
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Inschakelen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1070 ../../mod/admin.php:1270
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1075 ../../mod/admin.php:1275
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Omschakelen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1078 ../../mod/admin.php:1280
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1083 ../../mod/admin.php:1285
msgid "Author: "
msgstr "Auteur: "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1079 ../../mod/admin.php:1281
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1084 ../../mod/admin.php:1286
msgid "Maintainer: "
msgstr "Beheerder: "
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1206
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1211
msgid "No themes found."
msgstr "Geen thema's gevonden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1262
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1267
msgid "Screenshot"
msgstr "Schermafdruk"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1308
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1313
msgid "[Experimental]"
msgstr "[Experimenteel]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1309
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1314
msgid "[Unsupported]"
msgstr "[Niet ondersteund]"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1333
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1338
msgid "Log settings updated."
msgstr "Logboek-instellingen bijgewerkt."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1390
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1395
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Leegmaken"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1396
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1401
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Debuggen"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1397
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1402
msgid "Log file"
msgstr "Logbestand"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1397
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1402
msgid ""
"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Red top-level directory."
msgstr "Moet door de webserver beschrijfbaar zijn. Relatief ten opzichte van de bovenste map van je $Projectname-installatie."
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1398
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1403
msgid "Log level"
msgstr "Logniveau"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1444
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1449
msgid "New Profile Field"
msgstr "Nieuw profielveld"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1445 ../../mod/admin.php:1465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1450 ../../mod/admin.php:1470
msgid "Field nickname"
msgstr "Bijnaam voor veld"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1445 ../../mod/admin.php:1465
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1450 ../../mod/admin.php:1470
msgid "System name of field"
msgstr "Systeemnaam voor veld"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1446 ../../mod/admin.php:1466
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1451 ../../mod/admin.php:1471
msgid "Input type"
msgstr "Invoertype"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1447 ../../mod/admin.php:1467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452 ../../mod/admin.php:1472
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr "Veldnaam"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1447 ../../mod/admin.php:1467
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1452 ../../mod/admin.php:1472
msgid "Label on profile pages"
msgstr "Tekstlabel voor op profielpagina's"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1448 ../../mod/admin.php:1468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453 ../../mod/admin.php:1473
msgid "Help text"
msgstr "Helptekst"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1448 ../../mod/admin.php:1468
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1453 ../../mod/admin.php:1473
msgid "Additional info (optional)"
msgstr "Extra informatie (optioneel)"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1458
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1463
msgid "Field definition not found"
msgstr "Velddefinitie niet gevonden"
-#: ../../mod/admin.php:1464
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1469
msgid "Edit Profile Field"
msgstr "Profielveld bewerken"
@@ -8514,6 +8529,16 @@ msgstr "Aantal minuten voordat chatberichten worden verwijderd"
msgid "%1$s's Chatrooms"
msgstr "Chatkanalen van %1$s"
+#: ../../mod/search.php:212
+#, php-format
+msgid "Items tagged with: %s"
+msgstr "Items getagd met %s"
+#: ../../mod/search.php:214
+#, php-format
+msgid "Search results for: %s"
+msgstr "Zoekresultaten voor %s"
#: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:40
msgid "Source of Item"
msgstr "Bron van item"
@@ -8607,22 +8632,6 @@ msgstr "Doorzoek jouw connecties"
msgid "Finding: "
msgstr "Zoeken naar: "
-#: ../../mod/help.php:147
-msgid "Documentation Search"
-msgstr "Zoek documentatie"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:184 ../../mod/help.php:190 ../../mod/help.php:196
-msgid "Help:"
-msgstr "Hulp:"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:211 ../../index.php:238
-msgid "Not Found"
-msgstr "Niet gevonden"
-#: ../../mod/help.php:235
-msgid "$Projectname Documentation"
-msgstr "$Projectname-documentatie"
#: ../../mod/manage.php:130
#, php-format
msgid "You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."
@@ -8837,6 +8846,22 @@ msgstr "Antwoord versturen"
msgid "Your message for %s (%s):"
msgstr "Jouw privébericht aan %s (%s):"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:148
+msgid "Documentation Search"
+msgstr "Zoek documentatie"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:186 ../../mod/help.php:192 ../../mod/help.php:198
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Hulp:"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:213 ../../index.php:238
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "Niet gevonden"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:237
+msgid "$Projectname Documentation"
+msgstr "$Projectname-documentatie"
#: ../../mod/service_limits.php:19
msgid "No service class restrictions found."
msgstr "Geen abonnementsbeperkingen gevonden."
@@ -9160,10 +9185,6 @@ msgstr "Menu-element bewerken"
msgid "Link text"
msgstr "Linktekst"
-#: ../../mod/wholikesme.php:13
-msgid "Who likes me?"
-msgstr "Wie vindt mij leuk?"
#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:94
msgid "Files: shared with me"
msgstr "Bestanden: met mij gedeeld"
@@ -9325,57 +9346,57 @@ msgstr "Grootte profielfoto's van berichten instellen"
msgid "Set size of followup author photos"
msgstr "Grootte profielfoto's van reacties instellen"
-#: ../../boot.php:1292
+#: ../../Zotlabs/Zot/Auth.php:140
+msgid ""
+"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
+" logout and retry."
+msgstr "Authenticatie op afstand geblokkeerd. Je bent lokaal op deze hub ingelogd. Uitloggen en opnieuw proberen."
+#: ../../boot.php:1299
#, php-format
msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
msgstr "Update %s mislukt. Zie foutenlogboek."
-#: ../../boot.php:1295
+#: ../../boot.php:1302
#, php-format
msgid "Update Error at %s"
msgstr "Update-fout op %s"
-#: ../../boot.php:1462
+#: ../../boot.php:1469
msgid ""
"Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla"
msgstr "Maak een account aan om toegang te krijgen tot diensten en toepassingen van Hubzilla"
-#: ../../boot.php:1484
+#: ../../boot.php:1491
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
-#: ../../boot.php:1485
+#: ../../boot.php:1492
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Aangemeld blijven"
-#: ../../boot.php:1488
+#: ../../boot.php:1495
msgid "Forgot your password?"
msgstr "Wachtwoord vergeten?"
-#: ../../boot.php:2108
+#: ../../boot.php:2115
msgid "toggle mobile"
msgstr "mobiele weergave omschakelen"
-#: ../../boot.php:2243
+#: ../../boot.php:2250
msgid "Website SSL certificate is not valid. Please correct."
msgstr "Het SSL-certificaat van deze website is ongeldig. Corrigeer dit a.u.b."
-#: ../../boot.php:2246
+#: ../../boot.php:2253
#, php-format
msgid "[hubzilla] Website SSL error for %s"
msgstr "[hubzilla] Probleem met SSL-certificaat voor %s"
-#: ../../boot.php:2283
+#: ../../boot.php:2290
msgid "Cron/Scheduled tasks not running."
msgstr "Cron is niet actief"
-#: ../../boot.php:2287
+#: ../../boot.php:2294
#, php-format
msgid "[hubzilla] Cron tasks not running on %s"
msgstr "[hubzilla] Cron-taken zijn niet actief op %s"
-#: ../../Zotlabs/Zot/Auth.php:140
-msgid ""
-"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
-" logout and retry."
-msgstr "Authenticatie op afstand geblokkeerd. Je bent lokaal op deze hub ingelogd. Uitloggen en opnieuw proberen."
diff --git a/view/nl/hstrings.php b/view/nl/hstrings.php
index 76bb7ddc2..871af0711 100644
--- a/view/nl/hstrings.php
+++ b/view/nl/hstrings.php
@@ -19,8 +19,100 @@ $a->strings["Cannot create a duplicate channel identifier on this system. Import
$a->strings["Unable to create a unique channel address. Import failed."] = "Niet in staat om een uniek kanaaladres aan te maken. Importeren is mislukt.";
$a->strings["Channel clone failed. Import failed."] = "Het klonen van het kanaal is mislukt. Importeren mislukt.";
$a->strings["Cloned channel not found. Import failed."] = "Gekloond kanaal niet gevonden. Importeren mislukt.";
-$a->strings["parent"] = "omhoog";
+$a->strings["prev"] = "vorige";
+$a->strings["first"] = "eerste";
+$a->strings["last"] = "laatste";
+$a->strings["next"] = "volgende";
+$a->strings["older"] = "ouder";
+$a->strings["newer"] = "nieuwer";
+$a->strings["No connections"] = "Geen connecties";
+$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d connectie",
+ 1 => "%d connecties",
+$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Connecties weergeven";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Zoeken";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Opslaan";
+$a->strings["poke"] = "aanstoten";
+$a->strings["poked"] = "aangestoten";
+$a->strings["ping"] = "ping";
+$a->strings["pinged"] = "gepingd";
+$a->strings["prod"] = "por";
+$a->strings["prodded"] = "gepord";
+$a->strings["slap"] = "slaan";
+$a->strings["slapped"] = "sloeg";
+$a->strings["finger"] = "finger";
+$a->strings["fingered"] = "gefingerd";
+$a->strings["rebuff"] = "afpoeieren";
+$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "afgepoeierd";
+$a->strings["happy"] = "gelukkig";
+$a->strings["sad"] = "bedroefd";
+$a->strings["mellow"] = "mellow";
+$a->strings["tired"] = "moe";
+$a->strings["perky"] = "parmantig";
+$a->strings["angry"] = "boos";
+$a->strings["stupefied"] = "verbijsterd";
+$a->strings["puzzled"] = "verward";
+$a->strings["interested"] = "geïnteresseerd";
+$a->strings["bitter"] = "verbitterd";
+$a->strings["cheerful"] = "vrolijk";
+$a->strings["alive"] = "levendig";
+$a->strings["annoyed"] = "geërgerd";
+$a->strings["anxious"] = "bezorgd";
+$a->strings["cranky"] = "humeurig";
+$a->strings["disturbed"] = "verontrust";
+$a->strings["frustrated"] = "gefrustreerd ";
+$a->strings["depressed"] = "gedeprimeerd";
+$a->strings["motivated"] = "gemotiveerd";
+$a->strings["relaxed"] = "ontspannen";
+$a->strings["surprised"] = "verrast";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "maandag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "dinsdag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "woensdag";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "donderdag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "vrijdag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "zaterdag";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "zondag";
+$a->strings["January"] = "januari";
+$a->strings["February"] = "februari";
+$a->strings["March"] = "maart";
+$a->strings["April"] = "april";
+$a->strings["May"] = "mei";
+$a->strings["June"] = "juni";
+$a->strings["July"] = "juli";
+$a->strings["August"] = "augustus";
+$a->strings["September"] = "september";
+$a->strings["October"] = "oktober";
+$a->strings["November"] = "november";
+$a->strings["December"] = "december";
+$a->strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Onbekende bijlage";
+$a->strings["Size"] = "Grootte";
+$a->strings["unknown"] = "onbekend";
+$a->strings["remove category"] = "categorie verwijderen";
+$a->strings["remove from file"] = "uit map verwijderen";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l d F Y \\@ G:i";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Start:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Einde:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plaats:";
+$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Klik om te openen of te sluiten";
+$a->strings["Link to Source"] = "Originele locatie";
+$a->strings["default"] = "standaard";
+$a->strings["Page layout"] = "Pagina-lay-out";
+$a->strings["You can create your own with the layouts tool"] = "Je kan jouw eigen lay-out ontwerpen onder lay-outs";
+$a->strings["Page content type"] = "Opmaaktype pagina";
+$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Kies een andere taal";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["event"] = "gebeurtenis";
+$a->strings["status"] = "bericht";
+$a->strings["comment"] = "reactie";
+$a->strings["activity"] = "activiteit";
+$a->strings["Design Tools"] = "Ontwerp-hulpmiddelen";
+$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Blokken";
+$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menu's";
+$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Lay-outs";
+$a->strings["Pages"] = "Pagina's";
$a->strings["Collection"] = "map";
+$a->strings["parent"] = "omhoog";
$a->strings["Principal"] = "principal";
$a->strings["Addressbook"] = "Adresboek";
$a->strings["Calendar"] = "Agenda";
@@ -34,7 +126,6 @@ $a->strings["Create"] = "Aanmaken";
$a->strings["Upload"] = "Uploaden";
$a->strings["Name"] = "Naam";
$a->strings["Type"] = "Type";
-$a->strings["Size"] = "Grootte";
$a->strings["Last Modified"] = "Laatst gewijzigd";
$a->strings["Edit"] = "Bewerken";
$a->strings["Delete"] = "Verwijderen";
@@ -81,18 +172,7 @@ $a->strings["about a year"] = "ongeveer een jaar";
$a->strings["%d years"] = "%d jaren";
$a->strings[" "] = " ";
$a->strings["timeago.numbers"] = "timeago.numbers";
-$a->strings["January"] = "januari";
-$a->strings["February"] = "februari";
-$a->strings["March"] = "maart";
-$a->strings["April"] = "april";
$a->strings["__ctx:long__ May"] = "mei";
-$a->strings["June"] = "juni";
-$a->strings["July"] = "juli";
-$a->strings["August"] = "augustus";
-$a->strings["September"] = "september";
-$a->strings["October"] = "oktober";
-$a->strings["November"] = "november";
-$a->strings["December"] = "december";
$a->strings["Jan"] = "jan";
$a->strings["Feb"] = "feb";
$a->strings["Mar"] = "mrt";
@@ -105,13 +185,6 @@ $a->strings["Sep"] = "sep";
$a->strings["Oct"] = "okt";
$a->strings["Nov"] = "nov";
$a->strings["Dec"] = "dec";
-$a->strings["Sunday"] = "zondag";
-$a->strings["Monday"] = "maandag";
-$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "dinsdag";
-$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "woensdag";
-$a->strings["Thursday"] = "donderdag";
-$a->strings["Friday"] = "vrijdag";
-$a->strings["Saturday"] = "zaterdag";
$a->strings["Sun"] = "zo";
$a->strings["Mon"] = "ma";
$a->strings["Tue"] = "di";
@@ -143,12 +216,7 @@ $a->strings["Collection is empty."] = "Collectie is leeg";
$a->strings["Collection: %s"] = "Collectie: %s";
$a->strings["Connection: %s"] = "Connectie: %s";
$a->strings["Connection not found."] = "Connectie niet gevonden.";
-$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l d F Y \\@ G:i";
-$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Start:";
-$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Einde:";
-$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plaats:";
$a->strings["This event has been added to your calendar."] = "Dit evenement is aan jouw agenda toegevoegd.";
-$a->strings["event"] = "gebeurtenis";
$a->strings["Not specified"] = "Niet aangegeven";
$a->strings["Needs Action"] = "Actie vereist";
$a->strings["Completed"] = "Voltooid";
@@ -228,6 +296,14 @@ $a->strings["like"] = "vind dit leuk";
$a->strings["likes"] = "vindt dit leuk";
$a->strings["dislike"] = "vind dit niet leuk";
$a->strings["dislikes"] = "vindt dit niet leuk";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "Afbeelding is groter dan op deze hub toegestane limiet van %lu bytes";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Afbeeldingsbestand is leeg";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Afbeelding kan niet verwerkt worden";
+$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "Foto kan niet worden opgeslagen";
+$a->strings["a new photo"] = "een nieuwe foto";
+$a->strings["__ctx:photo_upload__ %1\$s posted %2\$s to %3\$s"] = "%1\$s plaatste %2\$s op %3\$s";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalbums";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Nieuwe foto's uploaden";
$a->strings["Visible to your default audience"] = "Voor iedereen zichtbaar, mits niet anders ingesteld";
$a->strings["Show"] = "Tonen";
$a->strings["Don't show"] = "Niet tonen";
@@ -254,8 +330,6 @@ $a->strings["Path not found."] = "Pad niet gevonden";
$a->strings["mkdir failed."] = "directory aanmaken (mkdir) mislukt.";
$a->strings["database storage failed."] = "opslag in database mislukt.";
$a->strings["Empty path"] = "Ontbrekend bestandspad";
-$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Bijlagen:";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname event notification:"] = "Notificatie \$Projectname-gebeurtenis:";
$a->strings["created a new post"] = "maakte een nieuw bericht aan";
$a->strings["commented on %s's post"] = "gaf een reactie op een bericht van %s";
$a->strings["Apps"] = "Apps";
@@ -271,7 +345,6 @@ $a->strings["Add New Connection"] = "Nieuwe connectie toevoegen";
$a->strings["Enter the channel address"] = "Vul het adres van het nieuwe kanaal in";
$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Voorbeeld: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara";
$a->strings["Notes"] = "Aantekeningen";
-$a->strings["Save"] = "Opslaan";
$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Verwijder zoekterm";
$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Opgeslagen zoekopdrachten";
$a->strings["add"] = "toevoegen";
@@ -341,6 +414,8 @@ $a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Plug-in-opties";
$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Accounts die op goedkeuring wachten";
$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Foto weergeven";
$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Album bewerken";
+$a->strings["Attachments:"] = "Bijlagen:";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname event notification:"] = "Notificatie \$Projectname-gebeurtenis:";
$a->strings["%1\$s's bookmarks"] = "Bladwijzers van %1\$s";
$a->strings["General Features"] = "Algemene functies";
$a->strings["Content Expiration"] = "Inhoud laten verlopen";
@@ -485,15 +560,11 @@ $a->strings["__ctx:e.g. 22 hours ago, 1 minute ago__ %1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d
$a->strings["%1\$s's birthday"] = "Verjaardag van %1\$s";
$a->strings["Happy Birthday %1\$s"] = "Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag %1\$s";
$a->strings["Public Timeline"] = "Openbare tijdlijn";
-$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
$a->strings["channel"] = "kanaal";
-$a->strings["status"] = "bericht";
-$a->strings["comment"] = "reactie";
$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s vindt %3\$s van %2\$s leuk";
$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s vindt %3\$s van %2\$s niet leuk";
$a->strings["%1\$s is now connected with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s is nu met %2\$s verbonden";
$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s heeft %2\$s aangestoten";
-$a->strings["poked"] = "aangestoten";
$a->strings["__ctx:mood__ %1\$s is %2\$s"] = "%1\$s is %2\$s";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Likes"] = "vinden dit leuk";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Dislikes"] = "vinden dit niet leuk";
@@ -504,7 +575,7 @@ $a->strings["__ctx:title__ Attending"] = "aanwezig";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Not attending"] = "niet aanwezig";
$a->strings["__ctx:title__ Might attend"] = "mogelijk aanwezig";
$a->strings["Select"] = "Kies";
-$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Privébericht";
+$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Niet voor iedereen zichtbaar";
$a->strings["Message signature validated"] = "Berichtkenmerk gevalideerd";
$a->strings["Message signature incorrect"] = "Berichtkenmerk onjuist";
$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Bekijk het profiel van %s @ %s";
@@ -606,7 +677,6 @@ $a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Berichten in dit kanaal";
$a->strings["About"] = "Over";
$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Profiel";
$a->strings["Photos"] = "Foto's";
-$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalbums";
$a->strings["Files and Storage"] = "Bestanden en opslagruimte";
$a->strings["Chatrooms"] = "Chatkanalen";
$a->strings["Bookmarks"] = "Bladwijzers";
@@ -750,7 +820,7 @@ $a->strings["Stored post could not be verified."] = "Opgeslagen bericht kon niet
$a->strings["Logout"] = "Uitloggen";
$a->strings["End this session"] = "Beëindig deze sessie";
$a->strings["Home"] = "Home";
-$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Jouw berichten en conversaties";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Jouw kanaal";
$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Jouw profielpagina";
$a->strings["Edit Profiles"] = "Bewerk profielen";
$a->strings["Manage/Edit profiles"] = "Beheer/wijzig profielen";
@@ -772,15 +842,14 @@ $a->strings["Create an account"] = "Maak een account aan";
$a->strings["Help"] = "Hulp";
$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Hulp en documentatie";
$a->strings["Applications, utilities, links, games"] = "Apps";
-$a->strings["Search"] = "Zoeken";
$a->strings["Search site @name, #tag, ?docs, content"] = "Zoek een @kanaal, doorzoek inhoud hub met tekst en #tags, of doorzoek ?documentatie ";
$a->strings["Directory"] = "Kanalengids";
$a->strings["Channel Directory"] = "Kanalengids";
$a->strings["Grid"] = "Grid";
$a->strings["Your grid"] = "Jouw grid";
$a->strings["Mark all grid notifications seen"] = "Markeer alle gridnotificaties als bekeken";
-$a->strings["Channel Home"] = "Tijdlijn kanaal";
-$a->strings["Channel home"] = "Tijdlijn kanaal";
+$a->strings["Channel Home"] = "Jouw kanaal";
+$a->strings["Channel home"] = "Jouw kanaal";
$a->strings["Mark all channel notifications seen"] = "Alle kanaalnotificaties als gelezen markeren";
$a->strings["Connections"] = "Connecties";
$a->strings["Notices"] = "Notificaties";
@@ -802,68 +871,6 @@ $a->strings["Site Setup and Configuration"] = "Hub instellen en beheren";
$a->strings["@name, #tag, ?doc, content"] = "@kanaal, #tag, inhoud, ?hulp";
$a->strings["Please wait..."] = "Wachten aub...";
$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "De beveiligings-token van het tekstvak was ongeldig. Dit is mogelijk het gevolg van dat er te lang (meer dan 3 uur) gewacht is om de tekst op te slaan. ";
-$a->strings["prev"] = "vorige";
-$a->strings["first"] = "eerste";
-$a->strings["last"] = "laatste";
-$a->strings["next"] = "volgende";
-$a->strings["older"] = "ouder";
-$a->strings["newer"] = "nieuwer";
-$a->strings["No connections"] = "Geen connecties";
-$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
- 0 => "%d connectie",
- 1 => "%d connecties",
-$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Connecties weergeven";
-$a->strings["poke"] = "aanstoten";
-$a->strings["ping"] = "ping";
-$a->strings["pinged"] = "gepingd";
-$a->strings["prod"] = "por";
-$a->strings["prodded"] = "gepord";
-$a->strings["slap"] = "slaan";
-$a->strings["slapped"] = "sloeg";
-$a->strings["finger"] = "finger";
-$a->strings["fingered"] = "gefingerd";
-$a->strings["rebuff"] = "afpoeieren";
-$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "afgepoeierd";
-$a->strings["happy"] = "gelukkig";
-$a->strings["sad"] = "bedroefd";
-$a->strings["mellow"] = "mellow";
-$a->strings["tired"] = "moe";
-$a->strings["perky"] = "parmantig";
-$a->strings["angry"] = "boos";
-$a->strings["stupified"] = "beteuterd";
-$a->strings["puzzled"] = "verward";
-$a->strings["interested"] = "geïnteresseerd";
-$a->strings["bitter"] = "verbitterd";
-$a->strings["cheerful"] = "vrolijk";
-$a->strings["alive"] = "levendig";
-$a->strings["annoyed"] = "geërgerd";
-$a->strings["anxious"] = "bezorgd";
-$a->strings["cranky"] = "humeurig";
-$a->strings["disturbed"] = "verontrust";
-$a->strings["frustrated"] = "gefrustreerd ";
-$a->strings["depressed"] = "gedeprimeerd";
-$a->strings["motivated"] = "gemotiveerd";
-$a->strings["relaxed"] = "ontspannen";
-$a->strings["surprised"] = "verrast";
-$a->strings["May"] = "mei";
-$a->strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Onbekende bijlage";
-$a->strings["unknown"] = "onbekend";
-$a->strings["remove category"] = "categorie verwijderen";
-$a->strings["remove from file"] = "uit map verwijderen";
-$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Klik om te openen of te sluiten";
-$a->strings["Link to Source"] = "Originele locatie";
-$a->strings["default"] = "standaard";
-$a->strings["Page layout"] = "Pagina-lay-out";
-$a->strings["You can create your own with the layouts tool"] = "Je kan jouw eigen lay-out ontwerpen onder lay-outs";
-$a->strings["Page content type"] = "Opmaaktype pagina";
-$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Kies een andere taal";
-$a->strings["activity"] = "activiteit";
-$a->strings["Design Tools"] = "Ontwerp-hulpmiddelen";
-$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Blokken";
-$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menu's";
-$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Lay-outs";
-$a->strings["Pages"] = "Pagina's";
$a->strings["Directory Options"] = "Opties kanalengids";
$a->strings["Safe Mode"] = "Veilig zoeken";
$a->strings["No"] = "Nee";
@@ -893,11 +900,6 @@ $a->strings["view full size"] = "volledige grootte tonen";
$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Beheerder";
$a->strings["No Subject"] = "Geen onderwerp";
$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Kan DNS-informatie voor databaseserver '%s' niet vinden";
-$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "Afbeelding is groter dan op deze hub toegestane limiet van %lu bytes";
-$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Afbeeldingsbestand is leeg";
-$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Afbeelding kan niet verwerkt worden";
-$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "Foto kan niet worden opgeslagen";
-$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Nieuwe foto's uploaden";
$a->strings["Save to Folder"] = "In map opslaan";
$a->strings["I will attend"] = "Aanwezig";
$a->strings["I will not attend"] = "Niet aanwezig";
@@ -1285,8 +1287,6 @@ $a->strings["Age: "] = "Leeftijd:";
$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Profielen bewerken/beheren";
$a->strings["Add profile things"] = "Dingen aan je profiel toevoegen";
$a->strings["Include desirable objects in your profile"] = "Voeg door jou gewenste dingen aan jouw profiel toe";
-$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Items getagd met %s";
-$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Zoekresultaten voor %s";
$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Kon geen toegang krijgen tot de connectie-gegevens.";
$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Kon het gekozen profiel niet vinden.";
$a->strings["Connection updated."] = "Connectie bijgewerkt.";
@@ -1546,6 +1546,7 @@ $a->strings["No such group"] = "Collectie niet gevonden";
$a->strings["No such channel"] = "Niet zo'n kanaal";
$a->strings["forum"] = "forum";
$a->strings["Search Results For:"] = "Zoekresultaten voor:";
+$a->strings["Public"] = "Openbaar";
$a->strings["Collection is empty"] = "Collectie is leeg";
$a->strings["Collection: "] = "Collectie: ";
$a->strings["Invalid connection."] = "Ongeldige connectie.";
@@ -1613,6 +1614,8 @@ $a->strings["(Heavy system resource usage)"] = "(sterk negatieve invloed op syst
$a->strings["Maximum image size"] = "Maximale grootte van afbeeldingen";
$a->strings["Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits."] = "Maximale grootte in bytes voor afbeeldingen die worden geüpload. Standaard is 0, wat geen limiet betekend.";
$a->strings["Does this site allow new member registration?"] = "Staat deze hub nieuwe accounts toe?";
+$a->strings["Invitation only"] = "Alleen op uitnodiging";
+$a->strings["Only allow new member registrations with an invitation code. Above register policy must be set to Yes."] = "Sta alleen nieuwe registraties toe van mensen die een uitnodigingscode hebben. Bovenstaand accountbeleid moet op Ja staan.";
$a->strings["Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?"] = "Wat voor soort accounts biedt deze \$Projectname-hub aan? Kies wat het meest in de buurt komt.";
$a->strings["Register text"] = "Tekst tijdens registratie";
$a->strings["Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."] = "Tekst dat op de pagina voor het registreren van nieuwe accounts wordt getoond.";
@@ -2003,6 +2006,8 @@ $a->strings["New Chatroom"] = "Nieuw chatkanaal";
$a->strings["Chatroom Name"] = "Naam chatkanaal";
$a->strings["Expiration of chats (minutes)"] = "Aantal minuten voordat chatberichten worden verwijderd";
$a->strings["%1\$s's Chatrooms"] = "Chatkanalen van %1\$s";
+$a->strings["Items tagged with: %s"] = "Items getagd met %s";
+$a->strings["Search results for: %s"] = "Zoekresultaten voor %s";
$a->strings["Source of Item"] = "Bron van item";
$a->strings["Share content from Firefox to \$Projectname"] = "Deel webpagina's vanuit Firefox met ";
$a->strings["Activate the Firefox \$Projectname provider"] = "Activeer de \$Projectname-service in Firefox";
@@ -2026,10 +2031,6 @@ $a->strings["%1\$s [%2\$s]"] = "%1\$s [%2\$s]";
$a->strings["Edit connection"] = "Connectie bewerken";
$a->strings["Search your connections"] = "Doorzoek jouw connecties";
$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Zoeken naar: ";
-$a->strings["Documentation Search"] = "Zoek documentatie";
-$a->strings["Help:"] = "Hulp:";
-$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Niet gevonden";
-$a->strings["\$Projectname Documentation"] = "\$Projectname-documentatie";
$a->strings["You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."] = "Je hebt %1$.0f van totaal %2$.0f toegestane kanalen aangemaakt.";
$a->strings["Create a new channel"] = "Nieuw kanaal aanmaken";
$a->strings["Current Channel"] = "Huidig kanaal";
@@ -2082,6 +2083,10 @@ $a->strings["Delete Conversation"] = "Verwijder conversatie";
$a->strings["No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Geen veilige communicatie beschikbaar. <strong>Mogelijk</strong> kan je reageren op de kanaalpagina van de afzender.";
$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Antwoord versturen";
$a->strings["Your message for %s (%s):"] = "Jouw privébericht aan %s (%s):";
+$a->strings["Documentation Search"] = "Zoek documentatie";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Hulp:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Niet gevonden";
+$a->strings["\$Projectname Documentation"] = "\$Projectname-documentatie";
$a->strings["No service class restrictions found."] = "Geen abonnementsbeperkingen gevonden.";
$a->strings["Version %s"] = "Versie %s";
$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Ingeschakelde plug-ins/add-ons/apps:";
@@ -2160,7 +2165,6 @@ $a->strings["Menu item deleted."] = "Menu-item verwijderd.";
$a->strings["Menu item could not be deleted."] = "Menu-item kon niet worden verwijderd.";
$a->strings["Edit Menu Element"] = "Menu-element bewerken";
$a->strings["Link text"] = "Linktekst";
-$a->strings["Who likes me?"] = "Wie vindt mij leuk?";
$a->strings["Files: shared with me"] = "Bestanden: met mij gedeeld";
$a->strings["NEW"] = "NIEUW";
$a->strings["Remove all files"] = "Verwijder alle bestanden";
@@ -2201,6 +2205,7 @@ $a->strings["Left align page content"] = "Inhoud links uitlijnen";
$a->strings["Set minimum opacity of nav bar - to hide it"] = "Minimale ondoorzichtigheid navigatiebalk (- om te verbergen)";
$a->strings["Set size of conversation author photo"] = "Grootte profielfoto's van berichten instellen";
$a->strings["Set size of followup author photos"] = "Grootte profielfoto's van reacties instellen";
+$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "Authenticatie op afstand geblokkeerd. Je bent lokaal op deze hub ingelogd. Uitloggen en opnieuw proberen.";
$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Update %s mislukt. Zie foutenlogboek.";
$a->strings["Update Error at %s"] = "Update-fout op %s";
$a->strings["Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla"] = "Maak een account aan om toegang te krijgen tot diensten en toepassingen van Hubzilla";
@@ -2212,4 +2217,3 @@ $a->strings["Website SSL certificate is not valid. Please correct."] = "Het SSL-
$a->strings["[hubzilla] Website SSL error for %s"] = "[hubzilla] Probleem met SSL-certificaat voor %s";
$a->strings["Cron/Scheduled tasks not running."] = "Cron is niet actief";
$a->strings["[hubzilla] Cron tasks not running on %s"] = "[hubzilla] Cron-taken zijn niet actief op %s";
-$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "Authenticatie op afstand geblokkeerd. Je bent lokaal op deze hub ingelogd. Uitloggen en opnieuw proberen.";
diff --git a/view/tpl/admin_aside.tpl b/view/tpl/admin_aside.tpl
index 58d645dbf..57ac7f3e1 100755
--- a/view/tpl/admin_aside.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/admin_aside.tpl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{{if $admin.update}}
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
<li><a href='{{$admin.update.0}}'>{{$admin.update.1}}</a></li>
- <li><a href='https://kakste.com/profile/inthegit'>Important Changes</a></li>
+ <li><a href=''>Important Changes</a></li>
diff --git a/view/tpl/admin_plugins_details.tpl b/view/tpl/admin_plugins_details.tpl
index bdcc82c08..6225ae7bf 100755
--- a/view/tpl/admin_plugins_details.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/admin_plugins_details.tpl
@@ -4,17 +4,18 @@
<p><i class='toggleplugin {{if $status==on}}icon-check{{else}}icon-check-empty{{/if}} admin-icons'></i> {{$info.name}} - {{$info.version}} : <a href="{{$baseurl}}/admin/{{$function}}/{{$plugin}}/?a=t&amp;t={{$form_security_token}}">{{$action}}</a></p>
- <p class="author">{{$str_author}}
{{foreach $info.author as $a}}
- {{if $a.link}}<a href="{{$a.link}}">{{$a.name}}</a>{{else}}{{$a.name}}{{/if}},
- {{/foreach}}
+ <p class="author">{{$str_author}}
+ {{$a.name}}{{if $a.link}} {{$a.link}}{{/if}}
+ {{/foreach}}
- <p class="maintainer">{{$str_maintainer}}
{{foreach $info.maintainer as $a}}
- {{if $a.link}}<a href="{{$a.link}}">{{$a.name}}</a>{{else}}{{$a.name}}{{/if}},
- {{/foreach}}
+ <p class="maintainer">{{$str_maintainer}}
+ {{$a.name}}{{if $a.link}} {{$a.link}}{{/if}}
+ {{/foreach}}
{{if $screenshot}}
<a href="{{$screenshot.0}}" class='screenshot'><img src="{{$screenshot.0}}" alt="{{$screenshot.1}}" /></a>
diff --git a/view/tpl/conv_item.tpl b/view/tpl/conv_item.tpl
index 08f0d4fbe..553bc3146 100755
--- a/view/tpl/conv_item.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/conv_item.tpl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="wall-item-photo-end" style="clear:both"></div>
{{if $item.title}}
- <div class="wall-item-title" id="wall-item-title-{{$item.id}}">
+ <div class="wall-item-title" id="wall-item-title-{{$item.id}}" title="{{$item.title}}">
<h3>{{if $item.title_tosource}}{{if $item.plink}}<a href="{{$item.plink.href}}" title="{{$item.title}} ({{$item.plink.title}})">{{/if}}{{/if}}{{$item.title}}{{if $item.title_tosource}}{{if $item.plink}}</a>{{/if}}{{/if}}</h3>
diff --git a/view/tpl/conv_list.tpl b/view/tpl/conv_list.tpl
index cf1310ea6..e7ce22043 100755
--- a/view/tpl/conv_list.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/conv_list.tpl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="wall-item-photo-end" style="clear:both"></div>
{{if $item.title}}
- <div class="wall-item-title" id="wall-item-title-{{$item.id}}">
+ <div class="wall-item-title" id="wall-item-title-{{$item.id}}" title="{{$item.title}}">
<h3>{{if $item.title_tosource}}{{if $item.plink}}<a href="{{$item.plink.href}}" title="{{$item.title}} ({{$item.plink.title}})">{{/if}}{{/if}}{{$item.title}}{{if $item.title_tosource}}{{if $item.plink}}</a>{{/if}}{{/if}}</h3>
diff --git a/view/tpl/field_acheckbox.tpl b/view/tpl/field_acheckbox.tpl
index e99128bbb..d85c234f1 100755
--- a/view/tpl/field_acheckbox.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/field_acheckbox.tpl
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
<input type="checkbox" name='{{$field.0}}' class='abook-edit-me' id='me_id_{{$field.0}}' value="{{$field.4}}" {{if $field.3}}checked="checked"{{/if}} />
{{if $notself && $field.5}}
+ <input type="hidden" name='{{$field.0}}' value="{{if $field.7}}1{{else}}0{{/if}}" />
{{if $field.3}}<i class="icon-check"></i>{{else}}<i class="icon-check-empty"></i>{{/if}}
diff --git a/view/tpl/lang_selector.tpl b/view/tpl/lang_selector.tpl
index b512c759b..1324442f3 100755
--- a/view/tpl/lang_selector.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/lang_selector.tpl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<div class="generic-content-wrapper-styled">
<br />
<div id="language-selector" >
@@ -9,3 +10,4 @@
diff --git a/view/tpl/new_channel.tpl b/view/tpl/new_channel.tpl
index f78a3fc2d..46b32b8a9 100755
--- a/view/tpl/new_channel.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/new_channel.tpl
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
<div id="newchannel-desc" class="descriptive-paragraph">{{$desc}}</div>
- <div id="newchannel-role-help" class="descriptive-paragraph">{{$help_role}}</div>
- {{include file="field_select_grouped.tpl" field=$role}}
- <div id="newchannel-role-end" class="newchannel-field-end"></div>
+ {{if $default_role}}
+ <input type="hidden" name="permissions_role" value="{{$default_role}}" />
+ {{else}}
+ <div id="newchannel-role-help" class="descriptive-paragraph">{{$help_role}}</div>
+ {{include file="field_select_grouped.tpl" field=$role}}
+ <div id="newchannel-role-end" class="newchannel-field-end"></div>
+ {{/if}}
<label for="newchannel-name" id="label-newchannel-name" class="newchannel-label" >{{$label_name}}</label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="newchannel-name" class="newchannel-input" value="{{$name}}" />
diff --git a/view/tpl/search_item.tpl b/view/tpl/search_item.tpl
index 24e1b97d5..872551529 100755
--- a/view/tpl/search_item.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/search_item.tpl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<div class="wall-item-photo-end" style="clear:both"></div>
{{if $item.title}}
- <div class="wall-item-title" id="wall-item-title-{{$item.id}}">
+ <div class="wall-item-title" id="wall-item-title-{{$item.id}}" title="{{$item.title}}">
<h3>{{if $item.title_tosource}}{{if $item.plink}}<a href="{{$item.plink.href}}" title="{{$item.title}} ({{$item.plink.title}})">{{/if}}{{/if}}{{$item.title}}{{if $item.title_tosource}}{{if $item.plink}}</a>{{/if}}{{/if}}</h3>
diff --git a/view/tpl/xrd_person.tpl b/view/tpl/xrd_person.tpl
index 631ed3f18..754eb3944 100755
--- a/view/tpl/xrd_person.tpl
+++ b/view/tpl/xrd_person.tpl
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
<Link rel="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard"
href="{{$hcard_url}}" />
+ <Link rel="http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe"
+ template="{{$subscribe}}" />
<Link rel="magic-public-key"
href="{{$modexp}}" />