path: root/.travis.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 2830d1b9f..e1aec9145 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,44 +1,156 @@
+# Travis-CI configuration file for Hubzilla
+## configure things
# see http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/user/languages/php/ for more hints
language: php
-# list any PHP version you want to test against
- # using major version aliases
+# use newer 'trusty' based distro, old one is 'precise'
+dist: trusty
+# use docker based containers
+sudo: false
+# Git branches whitelist to build on Travis CI
+ only:
+ - master
+ - dev
+ # whitelist our tags for release deployments e.g. 2.2
+ - /^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?(-\S*)?$/
- # aliased to a recent 5.6.x version
- - 5.6
- # aliased to a recent 7.x version
- - 7.0
- # aliased to a recent hhvm version
- - hhvm
+# Install additional software
+ # Install dependencies for generating API documentation with doxygen
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - doxygen
+ - doxygen-latex
+ - graphviz
+ - ttf-liberation
-# optionally specify a list of environments, for example to test different RDBMS
-# - DB=mysql
-# - DB=pgsql
+# enable and start databases on a per job basis
+# - mariadb
+# - postgresql
+# any PHP version we want to test against, current stable phpunit requires PHP >= 7.0
+ - '7.0'
+ - '7.1'
+ # HHVM does not fulfil PHPUnit platform requirements as being compatible with PHP7 yet
+ #- 'hhvm'
-# optionally set up exclutions and allowed failures in the matrix
+# list of environments to test
+ global:
+ # used for doxygen deployment script
+ # Uncomment if a newer/specific version of Doxygen should be used
+ #- DOXY_VER: 1.8.12
+ # Code Coverage is slow, no need to have it in every build
+ - PHPUCOV: "--no-coverage"
+ # use matrix only for PHP and MySQL, all other combinations added through includes
+ matrix:
+ # trusty default MySQL 5.6
+ - DB=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=5.6
+# Matrix configuration details
+ fast_finish: true
+ # Additional check combinations
+ include:
+ # PHP7.1, mariadb 10.1
+ - php: '7.1'
+ env: DB=mariadb MARIADB_VERSION=10.1 CODECOV=1
+ # use mariadb instead of MySQL
+ addons:
+ mariadb: '10.1'
+ # PHP7.1, PostgreSQL 9.6
+ - php: '7.1'
+ env: DB=pgsql POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.6
+ # Use newer postgres than 9.2 default
+ addons:
+ postgresql: '9.6'
+ services:
+ - postgresql
+ # PHP7.1, old precise distribution with MySQL 5.5
+ - php: '7.1'
+ env: DB=mysql MYSQL_VERSION=5.5
+ dist: precise
+ services:
+ - mysql
+ # Excludes from default matrix combinations
# exclude:
# - php: hhvm
# env: DB=pgsql # PDO driver for pgsql is unsupported by HHVM (3rd party install for support)
- allow_failures:
- - php: hhvm
-# execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables
-# - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS hello_world_test;" -U postgres; fi
-# - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then psql -c "create database hello_world_test;" -U postgres; fi
-# - if [[ "$DB" == "mysql" ]]; then mysql -e "create database IF NOT EXISTS hello_world_test;" -uroot; fi
+# cache composer downloads between runs
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.composer/cache
+ #- $HOME/doxygen/doxygen-$DOXY_VER/bin
+## execute things
+ - travis_retry composer self-update
+# Install composer dev libs
- - composer require phpunit/phpunit
+ - travis_retry composer install --optimize-autoloader
+# execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables
+ # Use code coverage config for phpunit
+ - if [[ ! -z $CODECOV ]]; then export PHPUCOV=""; fi
+ # Some preparation tasks of environment
+ - ./tests/travis/prepare.sh
+ # DB specific prepare scripts
+ - if [[ "$DB" == "mysql" ]]; then ./tests/travis/prepare_mysql.sh; fi
+ - if [[ "$DB" == "mariadb" ]]; then ./tests/travis/prepare_mysql.sh; fi
+ - if [[ "$DB" == "pgsql" ]]; then ./tests/travis/prepare_pgsql.sh; fi
# omitting "script:" will default to phpunit
-# use the $DB env variable to determine the phpunit.xml to use
-script: vendor/bin/phpunit tests/unit/
+script: ./vendor/bin/phpunit $PHPUCOV -c tests/phpunit-$DB.xml
+ # Generate API documentation and deploy it to gh-pages
+ - ./tests/travis/gen_apidocs.sh
+# Deploying release and API documentation to GitHub
+ - provider: pages
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ local_dir: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/doc/html
+ github_token: $GH_TOKEN
+ on:
+ repo: redmatrix/hubzilla
+ branch: master
+ condition: '(-n "$GH_TOKEN") && ("$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER" == "${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}.1")'
+ # add API documentation to release, could also be used to provide full packages if we want to drop vendor from our repo
+ - provider: releases
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ api_key: $GH_TOKEN
+ file: 'doc/hubzilla-api-documentation.zip'
+ on:
+ repo: redmatrix/hubzilla
+ tags: true
+ condition: '(-n "$GH_TOKEN") && ("$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER" == "${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}.1")'
# configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc)
# irc: "irc.freenode.org#yourfavouriteroomfortravis"
# a plugin/script to post to a hubzilla channel would be neat here