path: root/view/tpl/jot-header.tpl
diff options
authorzotlabs <mike@macgirvin.com>2017-05-01 21:10:04 -0700
committerzotlabs <mike@macgirvin.com>2017-05-01 21:10:04 -0700
commite332d1074f1b663ec66d37b0f575df2e41d5535c (patch)
tree6309a232348eb70ed4db5fbb7ed898f98c5beee8 /view/tpl/jot-header.tpl
parent42ed73ed4ac55ac62214301097f7d72cbcb37238 (diff)
move theme specific files to theme dir
Diffstat (limited to 'view/tpl/jot-header.tpl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 598 deletions
diff --git a/view/tpl/jot-header.tpl b/view/tpl/jot-header.tpl
deleted file mode 100755
index 1cc5a898a..000000000
--- a/view/tpl/jot-header.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
-var editor = false;
-var plaintext = '{{$editselect}}';
-var pretext = '{{$pretext}}';
-function initEditor(cb){
- if (editor==false){
- $("#profile-jot-text-loading").spin('small').show();
- {{$geotag}}
- if(plaintext == 'none') {
- $("#profile-jot-text-loading").spin(false).hide();
- $("#profile-jot-text").css({ 'height': 200 });
- {{if $bbco_autocomplete}}
- $("#profile-jot-text").bbco_autocomplete('{{$bbco_autocomplete}}'); // autocomplete bbcode
- {{/if}}
- {{if $editor_autocomplete}}
- if(typeof channelId === 'undefined')
- $("#profile-jot-text").editor_autocomplete(baseurl+"/acl");
- else
- $("#profile-jot-text").editor_autocomplete(baseurl+"/acl",[channelId]); // Also gives suggestions from current channel's connections
- {{/if}}
- editor = true;
- $("a#jot-perms-icon").colorbox({
- 'inline' : true,
- 'transition' : 'elastic'
- });
- $(".jothidden").show();
- $("#profile-jot-text").addClass('jot-expanded');
- if (typeof cb!="undefined") cb();
- if(pretext.length)
- addeditortext(pretext);
- return;
- }
- tinyMCE.init({
- theme : "advanced",
- mode : "specific_textareas",
- editor_selector: {{$editselect}},
- auto_focus: "profile-jot-text",
- plugins : "bbcode,paste,autoresize, inlinepopups",
- theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,undo,redo,link,unlink,image,forecolor,formatselect,code",
- theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
- theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
- theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
- theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "center",
- theme_advanced_blockformats : "blockquote,code",
- gecko_spellcheck : true,
- paste_text_sticky : true,
- entity_encoding : "raw",
- add_unload_trigger : false,
- remove_linebreaks : false,
- force_p_newlines : false,
- force_br_newlines : true,
- forced_root_block : '',
- convert_urls: false,
- content_css: "{{$baseurl}}/view/custom_tinymce.css",
- theme_advanced_path : false,
- file_browser_callback : "fcFileBrowser",
- setup : function(ed) {
- cPopup = null;
- ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed,e) {
- if(cPopup !== null)
- cPopup.onkey(e);
- });
- ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
- var txt = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent();
- match = txt.match(/@([^ \n]+)$/);
- if(match!==null) {
- if(cPopup === null) {
- cPopup = new ACPopup(this,baseurl+"/acl");
- }
- if(cPopup.ready && match[1]!==cPopup.searchText) cPopup.search(match[1]);
- if(! cPopup.ready) cPopup = null;
- }
- else {
- if(cPopup !== null) { cPopup.close(); cPopup = null; }
- }
- });
- ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
- ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
- $("#profile-jot-text-loading").spin(false).hide();
- $(".jothidden").show();
- if (typeof cb!="undefined") cb();
- });
- }
- });
- editor = true;
- } else {
- if (typeof cb!="undefined") cb();
- }
-function enableOnUser(){
- if (editor) return;
- $(this).val("");
- initEditor();
-<script type="text/javascript" src="{{$baseurl}}/view/js/ajaxupload.js" ></script>
- $(document).ready(function() {
- /* enable tinymce on focus and click */
- $("#profile-jot-text").focus(enableOnUser);
- $("#profile-jot-text").click(enableOnUser);
- var upload_title = $('#wall-image-upload').attr('title');
- var attach_title = $('#wall-file-upload').attr('title');
- try {
- var uploader = new window.AjaxUpload('wall-image-upload',
- { action: '{{$baseurl}}/wall_upload/{{$nickname}}',
- name: 'userfile',
- title: upload_title,
- onSubmit: function(file,ext) { $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny'); },
- onComplete: function(file,response) {
- addeditortext(response);
- $('#jot-media').val($('#jot-media').val() + response);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- }
- });
- } catch (e) {
- }
- try {
- var uploader_sub = new window.AjaxUpload('wall-image-upload-sub',
- { action: '{{$baseurl}}/wall_upload/{{$nickname}}',
- name: 'userfile',
- title: upload_title,
- onSubmit: function(file,ext) { $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny'); },
- onComplete: function(file,response) {
- addeditortext(response);
- $('#jot-media').val($('#jot-media').val() + response);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- }
- });
- } catch(e) {
- }
- try {
- var file_uploader = new window.AjaxUpload('wall-file-upload',
- { action: '{{$baseurl}}/wall_attach/{{$nickname}}',
- name: 'userfile',
- title: attach_title,
- onSubmit: function(file,ext) { $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny'); },
- onComplete: function(file,response) {
- addeditortext(response);
- $('#jot-media').val($('#jot-media').val() + response);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- }
- });
- } catch(e) {
- }
- try {
- var file_uploader_sub = new window.AjaxUpload('wall-file-upload-sub',
- { action: '{{$baseurl}}/wall_attach/{{$nickname}}',
- name: 'userfile',
- title: attach_title,
- onSubmit: function(file,ext) { $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny'); },
- onComplete: function(file,response) {
- addeditortext(response);
- $('#jot-media').val($('#jot-media').val() + response);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- }
- });
- } catch(e) {
- }
- // call initialization file
- if (window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader) {
- DragDropUploadInit();
- }
- });
- function deleteCheckedItems() {
- var checkedstr = '';
- $('.item-select').each( function() {
- if($(this).is(':checked')) {
- if(checkedstr.length != 0) {
- checkedstr = checkedstr + ',' + $(this).val();
- }
- else {
- checkedstr = $(this).val();
- }
- }
- });
- $.post('item', { dropitems: checkedstr }, function(data) {
- window.location.reload();
- });
- }
- function jotGetLink() {
- textarea = document.getElementById('profile-jot-text');
- if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == "0") {
- var start = textarea.selectionStart;
- var end = textarea.selectionEnd;
- if (end > start) {
- reply = prompt("{{$linkurl}}");
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + "[url=" + reply + "]" + textarea.value.substring(start, end) + "[/url]" + textarea.value.substring(end, textarea.value.length);
- }
- } else {
- reply = prompt("{{$linkurl}}");
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- reply = bin2hex(reply);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny');
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/linkinfo?f=&binurl=' + reply, function(data) {
- addeditortext(data);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function jotGetLocation() {
- reply = prompt("{{$whereareu}}", $('#jot-location').val());
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- $('#jot-location').val(reply);
- }
- }
- function jotGetExpiry() {
- //reply = prompt("{{$expirewhen}}", $('#jot-expire').val());
- $('#expiryModal').modal();
- $('#expiry-modal-OKButton').on('click', function() {
- reply=$('#expiration-date').val();
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- $('#jot-expire').val(reply);
- $('#expiryModal').modal('hide');
- }
- })
- }
- function jotGetPubDate() {
- //reply = prompt("{{$expirewhen}}", $('#jot-expire').val());
- $('#createdModal').modal();
- $('#created-modal-OKButton').on('click', function() {
- reply=$('#created-date').val();
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- $('#jot-created').val(reply);
- $('#createdModal').modal('hide');
- }
- })
- }
- function jotShare(id) {
- if ($('#jot-popup').length != 0) $('#jot-popup').show();
- $('#like-rotator-' + id).spin('tiny');
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/share/' + id, function(data) {
- if (!editor) $("#profile-jot-text").val("");
- initEditor(function(){
- addeditortext(data);
- $('#like-rotator-' + id).spin(false);
- $(window).scrollTop(0);
- });
- });
- }
- function linkdropper(event) {
- var linkFound = event.dataTransfer.types.contains("text/uri-list");
- if(linkFound) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var editwin = '#' + event.target.id;
- var commentwin = false;
- if(editwin) {
- commentwin = ((editwin.indexOf('comment') >= 0) ? true : false);
- if(commentwin) {
- var commentid = editwin.substring(editwin.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);
- $('#comment-edit-text-' + commentid).addClass('hover');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function linkdropexit(event) {
- var editwin = '#' + event.target.id;
- var commentwin = false;
- if(editwin) {
- commentwin = ((editwin.indexOf('comment') >= 0) ? true : false);
- if(commentwin) {
- var commentid = editwin.substring(editwin.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);
- $('#comment-edit-text-' + commentid).removeClass('hover');
- }
- }
- }
- function linkdrop(event) {
- var reply = event.dataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list");
- event.preventDefault();
- var editwin = '#' + event.target.id;
- var commentwin = false;
- if(editwin) {
- commentwin = ((editwin.indexOf('comment') >= 0) ? true : false);
- if(commentwin) {
- var commentid = editwin.substring(editwin.lastIndexOf('-') + 1);
- commentOpen(document.getElementById(event.target.id),commentid);
- }
- }
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- reply = bin2hex(reply);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny');
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/linkinfo?f=&binurl=' + reply, function(data) {
- if(commentwin) {
- $(editwin).val( $(editwin).val() + data );
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- }
- else {
- if (!editor) $("#profile-jot-text").val("");
- initEditor(function(){
- addeditortext(data);
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function itemTag(id) {
- reply = prompt("{{$term}}");
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- reply = reply.replace('#','');
- if(reply.length) {
- commentBusy = true;
- $('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/tagger/' + id + '?term=' + reply);
- if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(NavUpdate,3000);
- liking = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- function itemFiler(id) {
- if($('#item-filer-dialog').length)
- $('#item-filer-dialog').remove();
- $.get('filer/', function(data){
- $('body').append(data);
- $('#item-filer-dialog').modal('show');
- $("#filer_save").click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- reply = $("#id_term").val();
- if(reply && reply.length) {
- commentBusy = true;
- $('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/filer/' + id + '?term=' + reply, NavUpdate);
-// if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
-// timer = setTimeout(NavUpdate,3000);
- liking = 1;
- $('#item-filer-dialog').modal('hide');
- }
- return false;
- });
- });
- }
- function itemBookmark(id) {
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/bookmarks?f=&item=' + id);
- if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(NavUpdate,1000);
- }
- function itemAddToCal(id) {
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/events/add/' + id);
- if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(NavUpdate,1000);
- }
- function toggleVoting() {
- if($('#jot-consensus').val() > 0) {
- $('#jot-consensus').val(0);
- $('#profile-voting, #profile-voting-sub').removeClass('fa-check-square-o').addClass('fa-square-o');
- }
- else {
- $('#jot-consensus').val(1);
- $('#profile-voting, #profile-voting-sub').removeClass('fa-square-o').addClass('fa-check-square-o');
- }
- }
- function toggleNoComment() {
- if($('#jot-nocomment').val() > 0) {
- $('#jot-nocomment').val(0);
- $('#profile-nocomment, #profile-nocomment-sub').removeClass('fa-comments-o').addClass('fa-comments');
- $('#profile-nocomment-wrapper').attr('title', '{{$nocomment_enabled}}');
- }
- else {
- $('#jot-nocomment').val(1);
- $('#profile-nocomment, #profile-nocomment-sub').removeClass('fa-comments').addClass('fa-comments-o');
- $('#profile-nocomment-wrapper').attr('title', '{{$nocomment_disabled}}');
- }
- }
- function jotReact(id,icon) {
- if(id && icon) {
- $.get('{{$baseurl}}/react?f=&postid=' + id + '&emoji=' + icon);
- if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
- timer = setTimeout(NavUpdate,1000);
- }
- }
- function jotClearLocation() {
- $('#jot-coord').val('');
- $('#profile-nolocation-wrapper').attr('disabled', true);
- }
- var initializeEmbedPhotoDialog = function () {
- $('.embed-photo-selected-photo').each(function (index) {
- $(this).removeClass('embed-photo-selected-photo');
- });
- getPhotoAlbumList();
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').off('click');
- $('#embedPhotoModal').modal('show');
- };
- var choosePhotoFromAlbum = function (album) {
- $.post("embedphotos/album", {name: album},
- function(data) {
- if (data['status']) {
- $('#embedPhotoModalLabel').html("{{$modalchooseimages}}");
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').html('\
- <div><div class="nav nav-pills flex-column">\n\
- <li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link" href="#" onclick="initializeEmbedPhotoDialog();return false;">\n\
- <i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>&nbsp\n\
- {{$modaldiffalbum}}\n\
- </a>\n\
- </li>\n\
- </div><br></div>')
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').append(data['content']);
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').click(function (evt) {
- evt.preventDefault();
- var image = document.getElementById(evt.target.id);
- if (typeof($(image).parent()[0]) !== 'undefined') {
- var imageparent = document.getElementById($(image).parent()[0].id);
- $(imageparent).toggleClass('embed-photo-selected-photo');
- }
- });
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumListDialog').addClass('d-none');
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').removeClass('d-none');
- $('#embed-photo-OKButton').click(function () {
- $('.embed-photo-selected-photo').each(function (index) {
- var href = $(this).attr('href');
- $.post("embedphotos/photolink", {href: href},
- function(ddata) {
- if (ddata['status']) {
- addeditortext(ddata['photolink']);
- } else {
- window.console.log("{{$modalerrorlink}}" + ':' + ddata['errormsg']);
- }
- return false;
- },
- 'json');
- });
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').html('');
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').off('click');
- $('#embedPhotoModal').modal('hide');
- });
- } else {
- window.console.log("{{$modalerroralbum}} " + JSON.stringify(album) + ':' + data['errormsg']);
- }
- return false;
- },
- 'json');
- };
- var getPhotoAlbumList = function () {
- $.post("embedphotos/albumlist", {},
- function(data) {
- if (data['status']) {
- var albums = data['albumlist']; //JSON.parse(data['albumlist']);
- $('#embedPhotoModalLabel').html("{{$modalchoosealbum}}");
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumList').html('<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column"></ul>');
- for(var i=0; i<albums.length; i++) {
- var albumName = albums[i].text;
- var jsAlbumName = albums[i].jstext;
- var albumLink = '<li class="nav-item">';
- albumLink += '<a class="nav-link" href="#" onclick="choosePhotoFromAlbum(\'' + jsAlbumName + '\'); return false;">' + albumName + '</a>';
- albumLink += '</li>';
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumList').find('ul').append(albumLink);
- }
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumDialog').addClass('d-none');
- $('#embedPhotoModalBodyAlbumListDialog').removeClass('d-none');
- } else {
- window.console.log("{{$modalerrorlist}}" + ':' + data['errormsg']);
- }
- return false;
- },
- 'json');
- };
- //
- // initialize
- function DragDropUploadInit() {
- var filedrag = $("#profile-jot-text");
- // is XHR2 available?
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- if (xhr.upload) {
- // file drop
- filedrag.on("dragover", DragDropUploadFileHover);
- filedrag.on("dragleave", DragDropUploadFileHover);
- filedrag.on("drop", DragDropUploadFileSelectHandler);
- }
- window.filesToUpload = 0;
- window.fileUploadsCompleted = 0;
- }
- // file drag hover
- function DragDropUploadFileHover(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- e.target.className = (e.type == "dragover" ? "hover" : "");
- }
- // file selection
- function DragDropUploadFileSelectHandler(e) {
- // cancel event and hover styling
- DragDropUploadFileHover(e);
- if (!editor) $("#profile-jot-text").val("");
- // fetch FileList object
- var files = e.target.files || e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
- // process all File objects
- for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {
- DragDropUploadFile(f, i);
- }
- }
- // upload files
- function DragDropUploadFile(file, idx) {
- window.filesToUpload = window.filesToUpload + 1;
- var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xhr.withCredentials = true; // Include the SESSION cookie info for authentication
- (xhr.upload || xhr).addEventListener('progress', function (e) {
- $('#profile-rotator').spin('tiny');
- });
- xhr.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
- //console.log('xhr upload complete', e);
- window.fileUploadsCompleted = window.fileUploadsCompleted + 1;
- initEditor(function() {
- addeditortext(xhr.responseText);
- });
- $('#jot-media').val($('#jot-media').val() + xhr.responseText);
- // When all the uploads have completed, refresh the page
- if (window.filesToUpload > 0 && window.fileUploadsCompleted === window.filesToUpload) {
- $('#profile-rotator').spin(false);
- window.fileUploadsCompleted = window.filesToUpload = 0;
- }
- });
- // POST to the wall_upload endpoint
- xhr.open('post', '{{$baseurl}}/wall_attach/{{$nickname}}', true);
- var data = new FormData();
- data.append('userfile', file);
- xhr.send(data);
- }
-$( document ).on( "click", ".wall-item-delete-link,.page-delete-link,.layout-delete-link,.block-delete-link", function(e) {
- var link = $(this).attr("href"); // "get" the intended link in a var
- if (typeof(eval($.fn.modal)) === 'function'){
- e.preventDefault();
- bootbox.confirm("<h4>{{$confirmdelete}}</h4>",function(result) {
- if (result) {
- document.location.href = link;
- }
- });
- } else {
- return confirm("{{$confirmdelete}}");
- }