path: root/view/sv
diff options
authorHaakon Meland Eriksen <haakon.eriksen@far.no>2014-06-24 19:34:36 +0200
committerHaakon Meland Eriksen <haakon.eriksen@far.no>2014-06-24 19:34:36 +0200
commitb8dc9e855af2d30f33d0f90dc13d8cad0a7b3e70 (patch)
tree718df6305bcb82c8dcb4b287a7132422e748cdfb /view/sv
parentc2d520f1be115fb3cb5da2a35eb10146cecee8aa (diff)
parenta92fb0b04c3e6474ec48faf8e4cc65c382e89d66 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'view/sv')
12 files changed, 9579 insertions, 1404 deletions
diff --git a/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
index fee08bdca..254478c7a 100644
--- a/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
-'$requestor' på $sitename vill följa dina uppdateringar här på Friendika.
+Hej {{$myname}},
-Besök dennes profil på $url.
+Du har en ny följare på {{$sitename}} - '{{$requestor}}'.
-Logga in för att godkänna eller avslå förfrågan.
+Du kan besöka profilen på {{$url}}.
+Logga in på din server för att godkänna eller ignorera/avslå förfrågan.
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
diff --git a/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl b/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
index 2b8b0238e..31916367a 100644
--- a/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
-Goda nyheter... '$fn' på '$dfrn_url' har accepterat din kontaktförfrågan på '$sitename'.
+Hej {{$username}},
-Ni är nu ömsesidiga vänner och kan se varandras statusuppdateringar samt skicka foton och meddelanden
-utan begränsningar.
+ Goda nyheter... '{{$fn}}' med '{{$dfrn_url}}' har accepterat
+din kontaktförfrågan på '{{$sitename}}'.
-Gå in på din sida 'Kontakter' på $sitename om du vill göra några
-ändringar när det gäller denna kontakt.
+Ni är nu ömsesidiga vänner och kan dela statusuppdateringar, foton och
+e-post utan restriktioner.
+Besök sidan 'Kontakter' på {{$sitename}} om du önskar göra några
+förändringar av den här relationen.
-[Du kan exempelvis skapa en separat profil med information som inte
-är tillgänglig för vem som helst, och ge visningsrättigheter till '$fn'].
+[Du kan till exempel skapa en separat profil med information som inte är
+tillgänglig för allmänheten - och ge '{{$fn}}' visningsrättigheter].
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
diff --git a/view/sv/htconfig.tpl b/view/sv/htconfig.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..493cb5d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/htconfig.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// Set the following for your MySQL installation
+// Copy or rename this file to .htconfig.php
+$db_host = '{{$dbhost}}';
+$db_port = '{{$dbport}}';
+$db_user = '{{$dbuser}}';
+$db_pass = '{{$dbpass}}';
+$db_data = '{{$dbdata}}';
+ * Notice: Many of the following settings will be available in the admin panel
+ * after a successful site install. Once they are set in the admin panel, they
+ * are stored in the DB - and the DB setting will over-ride any corresponding
+ * setting in this file
+ *
+ * The command-line tool util/config is able to query and set the DB items
+ * directly if for some reason the admin panel is not available and a system
+ * setting requires modification.
+ *
+ */
+// Choose a legal default timezone. If you are unsure, use "America/Los_Angeles".
+// It can be changed later and only applies to timestamps for anonymous viewers.
+$default_timezone = '{{$timezone}}';
+// What is your site name?
+$a->config['system']['baseurl'] = '{{$siteurl}}';
+$a->config['system']['sitename'] = "Red Matrix";
+$a->config['system']['location_hash'] = '{{$site_id}}';
+// Be certain to create your own personal account before setting
+// REGISTER_CLOSED. 'register_text' (if set) will be displayed prominently on
+// the registration page. REGISTER_APPROVE requires you set 'admin_email'
+// to the email address of an already registered person who can authorise
+// and/or approve/deny the request.
+$a->config['system']['register_policy'] = REGISTER_OPEN;
+$a->config['system']['register_text'] = '';
+$a->config['system']['admin_email'] = '{{$adminmail}}';
+// Maximum size of an imported message, 0 is unlimited
+$a->config['system']['max_import_size'] = 200000;
+// maximum size of uploaded photos
+$a->config['system']['maximagesize'] = 800000;
+// Location of PHP command line processor
+$a->config['system']['php_path'] = '{{$phpath}}';
+// Configure how we communicate with directory servers.
+// DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL = directory client, we will find a directory
+// DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY = caching directory or mirror
+// DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY = main directory server
+// DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE = "off the grid" or private directory services
+$a->config['system']['directory_mode'] = DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL;
+// default system theme
+$a->config['system']['theme'] = 'redbasic';
diff --git a/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl b/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl
index 1f24af25f..f0513429f 100644
--- a/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-'$fn' på '$dfrn_url' har accepterat din kontaktförfrågan på '$sitename'.
+Hej {{$username}},
-'$fn' har valt att acceptera dig som ett "fan" vilket innebär vissa begränsningar
-i kommunikationen mellan er - som till exempel personliga meddelanden och viss interaktion
-mellan profiler. Om detta är en kändis eller en gemenskap så har dessa inställningar gjorts
-per automatik.
+ '{{$fn}}' med '{{$dfrn_url}}' har accepterat
+din kontaktförfrågan på '{{$sitename}}'.
-'$fn' kan välja att utöka detta till vanlig tvåvägskommunikation eller någon annan mer
-tillåtande kommunikationsform i framtiden.
+ '{{$fn}}' har valt att acceptera dig som ett "fan", vilket begränsar
+vissa former av kommunikation - exempelvis privata meddelanden och viss
+profilinteraktion. Om detta är en fansida eller gemenskapssida används
+de inställningarna automatiskt.
-Du kommer hädanefter att få statusuppdateringar från '$fn',
-vilka kommer att synas på din Nätverk-sida på
+ '{{$fn}}' kan välja att utöka detta till en tvåvägs eller mer
+tillåtande relation i framtiden.
+ Du kommer att börja få offentliga statusuppdateringar från '{{$fn}}',
+vilka kommer att synas på din 'Matrix'-sida på
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
diff --git a/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl b/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl
index df338fa69..f33eccfa0 100644
--- a/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl
@@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
-En begäran om återställning av lösenord på $sitename har mottagits.
-Gå till adressen nedan för att bekräfta denna begäran. Du kan också
-klistra in länken i adressfältet i din webbläsare.
+Hej {{$username}},
+ En begäran mottogs nyligen på {{$sitename}} om att återställa ditt
+kontolösenord. För att bekräfta begäran, följ länken nedan eller klistra
+in den i din webbläsares adressfält.
-Gå INTE till länken nedan om du INTE har begärt lösenordsåterställning.
-Då kan du ignorera det här meddelandet.
+Om du INTE begärde den här ändringen, följ INTE länken och ignorera och/eller
+radera det här mailet.
-Ditt lösenord kommer inte att återställas om vi inte kan säkerställa att du
-initierat detta.
+Ditt lösenord kommer inte att ändras om vi inte kan verifiera att det
+var du som gjorde begäran.
-Med den här länken kan du bekräfta din identitet:
+Följ den här länken för att bekräfta din identitet:
-Sedan kommer du att få ett meddelande med ett nytt lösenord.
+Du kommer sedan att få ett nytt meddelande som innehåller det nya lösenordet.
+Du kan ändra lösenordet från kontoinställningarna när du har loggat in.
+Inloggningsuppgifterna är:
+Serveradress: {{$siteurl}}
+Användarnamn: {{$email}}
-Lösenordet kan sedan ändras i dina inställningar efter att du loggat in.
-Detaljerna ser ut så här:
-Webbplats: $siteurl
-Inloggningsnamn: $email
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/messages.po b/view/sv/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..096a0334a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,7596 @@
+# Red Matrix Project
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 the Red Matrix Project
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Red package.
+# Translators:
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Red Matrix\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-18 00:04-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-19 11:55+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Erik Lundin <erik.lundin@aol.se>\n"
+"Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/red-matrix/language/sv/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sv\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:29 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:92
+msgid "Categories"
+msgstr "Kategorier"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:115 ../../include/widgets.php:155
+#: ../../include/Contact.php:107 ../../include/identity.php:675
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:188 ../../mod/match.php:62
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:170 ../../mod/suggest.php:51
+msgid "Connect"
+msgstr "Ta kontakt"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:117 ../../mod/suggest.php:53
+msgid "Ignore/Hide"
+msgstr "Ignorera/göm"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:123 ../../mod/connections.php:265
+msgid "Suggestions"
+msgstr "Förslag"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:124
+msgid "See more..."
+msgstr "Se fler..."
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:146
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed connections."
+msgstr "Du har %1$.0f av %2$.0f tillåtna kontakter."
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:152
+msgid "Add New Connection"
+msgstr "Lägg till ny kontakt"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:153
+msgid "Enter the channel address"
+msgstr "Ange kanaladressen"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:154
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
+msgstr "Exempel: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:171
+msgid "Notes"
+msgstr "Anteckningar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:173 ../../include/text.php:805
+#: ../../include/text.php:819 ../../mod/filer.php:50 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:98
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Spara"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:243
+msgid "Remove term"
+msgstr "Ta bort uttryck"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:252 ../../include/features.php:52
+msgid "Saved Searches"
+msgstr "Sparade sökningar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:253 ../../include/group.php:290
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "lägg till"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:283 ../../include/features.php:66
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:58
+msgid "Saved Folders"
+msgstr "Sparade mappar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:286 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:61
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:95
+msgid "Everything"
+msgstr "Allt"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:322
+msgid "Archives"
+msgstr "Arkiv"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:384
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Ladda om"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:385 ../../mod/connedit.php:395
+msgid "Me"
+msgstr "Mig själv"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:386 ../../mod/connedit.php:397
+msgid "Best Friends"
+msgstr "Bästa vänner"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:387 ../../include/identity.php:342
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42 ../../mod/connedit.php:398
+msgid "Friends"
+msgstr "Vänner"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:388
+msgid "Co-workers"
+msgstr "Kollegor"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:389 ../../mod/connedit.php:399
+msgid "Former Friends"
+msgstr "Tidigare vänner"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:390 ../../mod/connedit.php:400
+msgid "Acquaintances"
+msgstr "Bekanta"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:391
+msgid "Everybody"
+msgstr "Alla"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:423
+msgid "Account settings"
+msgstr "Kontoinställningar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:429
+msgid "Channel settings"
+msgstr "Kanalinställningar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:435
+msgid "Additional features"
+msgstr "Tilläggsfunktioner"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:441
+msgid "Feature settings"
+msgstr "Funktionsinställningar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:447
+msgid "Display settings"
+msgstr "Utseende"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:453
+msgid "Connected apps"
+msgstr "Anslutna appar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:459
+msgid "Export channel"
+msgstr "Exportera kanal"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:471
+msgid "Automatic Permissions (Advanced)"
+msgstr "Automatiska rättigheter (avancerat)"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:481
+msgid "Premium Channel Settings"
+msgstr "Inställningar för premiumkanal"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:490 ../../include/features.php:43
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:88
+msgid "Channel Sources"
+msgstr "Kanalkällor"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:501 ../../include/nav.php:186
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:976 ../../mod/admin.php:1181
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Inställningar"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:518
+msgid "Check Mail"
+msgstr "Hämta meddelanden"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:523 ../../include/nav.php:177
+msgid "New Message"
+msgstr "Nytt meddelande"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:599
+msgid "Chat Rooms"
+msgstr "Chattrum"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:617
+msgid "Bookmarked Chatrooms"
+msgstr "Bokmärkta chattrum"
+#: ../../include/widgets.php:635
+msgid "Suggested Chatrooms"
+msgstr "Föreslagna chattrum"
+#: ../../include/activities.php:39
+msgid " and "
+msgstr " och "
+#: ../../include/activities.php:47
+msgid "public profile"
+msgstr "offentlig profil"
+#: ../../include/activities.php:52
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s changed %2$s to &ldquo;%3$s&rdquo;"
+msgstr "%1$s ändrade %2$s till &quot;%3$s&quot;"
+#: ../../include/activities.php:53
+#, php-format
+msgid "Visit %1$s's %2$s"
+msgstr "Besök %1$ss %2$s"
+#: ../../include/activities.php:56
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s har en uppdaterad %2$s (har ändrat %3$s)."
+#: ../../include/nav.php:77 ../../include/nav.php:96 ../../boot.php:1443
+msgid "Logout"
+msgstr "Logga ut"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:77 ../../include/nav.php:96
+msgid "End this session"
+msgstr "Avsluta sessionen"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:80 ../../include/nav.php:130
+msgid "Home"
+msgstr "Hem"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:80
+msgid "Your posts and conversations"
+msgstr "Dina inlägg och konversationer"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:81 ../../include/conversation.php:937
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:318 ../../mod/connedit.php:432
+msgid "View Profile"
+msgstr "Visa profil"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:81
+msgid "Your profile page"
+msgstr "Din profilsida"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:83
+msgid "Edit Profiles"
+msgstr "Redigera profiler"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:83
+msgid "Manage/Edit profiles"
+msgstr "Hantera/redigera profiler"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:84 ../../include/conversation.php:1504
+#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:25
+msgid "Photos"
+msgstr "Foton"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:84
+msgid "Your photos"
+msgstr "Dina foton"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:85 ../../include/conversation.php:1513
+#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:114
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Filer"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:85
+msgid "Your files"
+msgstr "Dina filer"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:86
+msgid "Chat"
+msgstr "Chatt"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:86
+msgid "Your chatrooms"
+msgstr "Dina chattrum"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:87 ../../include/nav.php:180
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1535 ../../mod/events.php:357
+msgid "Events"
+msgstr "Händelser"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:87
+msgid "Your events"
+msgstr "Dina händelser"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:88 ../../include/conversation.php:1543
+msgid "Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Bokmärken"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:88
+msgid "Your bookmarks"
+msgstr "Dina bokmärken"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:90 ../../include/conversation.php:1554
+#: ../../mod/webpages.php:79
+msgid "Webpages"
+msgstr "Webbsidor"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:90
+msgid "Your webpages"
+msgstr "Dina webbsidor"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:94 ../../boot.php:1444
+msgid "Login"
+msgstr "Logga in"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:94
+msgid "Sign in"
+msgstr "Logga in"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:111
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s - click to logout"
+msgstr "%s - klicka för att logga ut"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:116
+msgid "Click to authenticate to your home hub"
+msgstr "Klicka för att autentisera mot din hemmahubb"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:130
+msgid "Home Page"
+msgstr "Hemsida"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:134 ../../mod/register.php:206 ../../boot.php:1420
+msgid "Register"
+msgstr "Registrera"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:134
+msgid "Create an account"
+msgstr "Skapa ett konto"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:139 ../../mod/help.php:60 ../../mod/help.php:65
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Hjälp"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:139
+msgid "Help and documentation"
+msgstr "Hjälp och dokumentation"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:142
+msgid "Apps"
+msgstr "Appar"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:142
+msgid "Addon applications, utilities, games"
+msgstr "Tilläggsapplikationer, verktyg, spel"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:144 ../../include/text.php:803
+#: ../../include/text.php:817 ../../mod/search.php:29
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Sök"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:144
+msgid "Search site content"
+msgstr "Sök innehåll"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:147 ../../mod/directory.php:215
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr "Katalog"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:147
+msgid "Channel Locator"
+msgstr "Kanalfinnare"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:158
+msgid "Matrix"
+msgstr "Matris"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:158
+msgid "Your matrix"
+msgstr "Din matris"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:159
+msgid "Mark all matrix notifications seen"
+msgstr "Märk alla matrisnotifieringar som lästa"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:161
+msgid "Channel Home"
+msgstr "Kanalhem"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:161
+msgid "Channel home"
+msgstr "Kanalhem"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:162
+msgid "Mark all channel notifications seen"
+msgstr "Märk alla kanalnotifieringar som lästa"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:165 ../../include/nav.php:188
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:384
+msgid "Connections"
+msgstr "Kontakter"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:168
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Meddelanden"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:168
+msgid "Notifications"
+msgstr "Notifieringar"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:169
+msgid "See all notifications"
+msgstr "Se alla notifieringar"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:170
+msgid "Mark all system notifications seen"
+msgstr "Märk alla systemnotifieringar som lästa"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:172
+msgid "Mail"
+msgstr "Privat meddelande"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:172
+msgid "Private mail"
+msgstr "Privat meddelande"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:173
+msgid "See all private messages"
+msgstr "Se alla privata meddelanden"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:174
+msgid "Mark all private messages seen"
+msgstr "Märk alla privata meddelanden som lästa"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:175
+msgid "Inbox"
+msgstr "Inkorg"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:176
+msgid "Outbox"
+msgstr "Utkorg"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:180
+msgid "Event Calendar"
+msgstr "Kalender"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:181
+msgid "See all events"
+msgstr "Se alla händelser"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:182
+msgid "Mark all events seen"
+msgstr "Märk alla händelser som lästa"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:184
+msgid "Channel Select"
+msgstr "Välj kanal"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:184
+msgid "Manage Your Channels"
+msgstr "Hantera dina kanaler"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:186
+msgid "Account/Channel Settings"
+msgstr "Konto-/kanalinställningar"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:188
+msgid "Manage/Edit Friends and Connections"
+msgstr "Hantera/redigera vänner och kontakter"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:195 ../../mod/admin.php:117
+msgid "Admin"
+msgstr "Administration"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:195
+msgid "Site Setup and Configuration"
+msgstr "Serverinställning och -konfiguration"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:220
+msgid "Nothing new here"
+msgstr "Inget nytt här"
+#: ../../include/nav.php:225
+msgid "Please wait..."
+msgstr "Vänta..."
+#: ../../include/event.php:11 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:433
+msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"
+msgstr "l j F Y \\k\\l. H.i"
+#: ../../include/event.php:20 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:439
+msgid "Starts:"
+msgstr "Börjar:"
+#: ../../include/event.php:30 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:447
+msgid "Finishes:"
+msgstr "Slutar:"
+#: ../../include/event.php:40 ../../include/identity.php:726
+#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:455 ../../mod/events.php:465
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:161 ../../mod/dirprofile.php:111
+msgid "Location:"
+msgstr "Plats:"
+#: ../../include/api.php:1016
+msgid "Public Timeline"
+msgstr "Offentlig tidslinje"
+#: ../../include/Contact.php:123
+msgid "New window"
+msgstr "Nytt fönster"
+#: ../../include/Contact.php:124
+msgid "Open the selected location in a different window or browser tab"
+msgstr "Öppna den valda platsen i ett annat fönster eller en annan webbläsarflik"
+#: ../../include/features.php:23
+msgid "General Features"
+msgstr "Allmänna funktioner"
+#: ../../include/features.php:25
+msgid "Content Expiration"
+msgstr "Tidsbegränsat innehåll"
+#: ../../include/features.php:25
+msgid "Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time"
+msgstr "Ta bort inlägg/kommentarer och/eller privata meddelanden efter en tid"
+#: ../../include/features.php:26
+msgid "Multiple Profiles"
+msgstr "Flera profiler"
+#: ../../include/features.php:26
+msgid "Ability to create multiple profiles"
+msgstr "Möjlighet att skapa flera profiler"
+#: ../../include/features.php:27
+msgid "Web Pages"
+msgstr "Webbsidor"
+#: ../../include/features.php:27
+msgid "Provide managed web pages on your channel"
+msgstr "Tillhandahåll ordnade webbsidor i din kanal"
+#: ../../include/features.php:28
+msgid "Private Notes"
+msgstr "Privata anteckningar"
+#: ../../include/features.php:28
+msgid "Enables a tool to store notes and reminders"
+msgstr "Aktivera ett verktyg för att spara anteckningar och påminnelser"
+#: ../../include/features.php:33
+msgid "Extended Identity Sharing"
+msgstr "Utökad identitetsdelning"
+#: ../../include/features.php:33
+msgid ""
+"Share your identity with all websites on the internet. When disabled, "
+"identity is only shared with sites in the matrix."
+msgstr "Dela din identitet med alla webbplatser på Internet. Om inaktiverat är identiteten bara delad med platser i matrisen."
+#: ../../include/features.php:34
+msgid "Expert Mode"
+msgstr "Expertläge"
+#: ../../include/features.php:34
+msgid "Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options"
+msgstr "Aktivera expertläge för att tillåta avancerade inställningar"
+#: ../../include/features.php:35
+msgid "Premium Channel"
+msgstr "Premiumkanal"
+#: ../../include/features.php:35
+msgid ""
+"Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your "
+msgstr "Låter dig ange begränsningar och villkor för dem som vill ansluta till din kanal"
+#: ../../include/features.php:40
+msgid "Post Composition Features"
+msgstr "Skrivfunktioner"
+#: ../../include/features.php:41
+msgid "Richtext Editor"
+msgstr "Richtext-editor"
+#: ../../include/features.php:41
+msgid "Enable richtext editor"
+msgstr "Aktivera richtext-editor"
+#: ../../include/features.php:42
+msgid "Post Preview"
+msgstr "Förhandsgranskning"
+#: ../../include/features.php:42
+msgid "Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"
+msgstr "Tillåt förhandsgranskning av inlägg och kommentarer innan de publiceras"
+#: ../../include/features.php:43
+msgid "Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds"
+msgstr "Importera kanalinnehåll från andra kanaler eller strömmar automatiskt"
+#: ../../include/features.php:44
+msgid "Even More Encryption"
+msgstr "Ytterligare kryptering"
+#: ../../include/features.php:44
+msgid ""
+"Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key"
+msgstr "Tillåt änd-till-änd-kryptering av innehåll med en delad hemlig nyckel"
+#: ../../include/features.php:49
+msgid "Network and Stream Filtering"
+msgstr "Nätverk och strömfiltrering"
+#: ../../include/features.php:50
+msgid "Search by Date"
+msgstr "Sök på datum"
+#: ../../include/features.php:50
+msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges"
+msgstr "Tillåter urval av inlägg baserat på datum"
+#: ../../include/features.php:51
+msgid "Collections Filter"
+msgstr "Sammanhangsfilter"
+#: ../../include/features.php:51
+msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections"
+msgstr "Aktivera en väljare för att visa nätverksinlägg från enbart valda sammanhang"
+#: ../../include/features.php:52
+msgid "Save search terms for re-use"
+msgstr "Spara sökuttryck för återanvändning"
+#: ../../include/features.php:53
+msgid "Network Personal Tab"
+msgstr "Personlig nätverksflik"
+#: ../../include/features.php:53
+msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"
+msgstr "Aktivera en flik som visar endast de nätverksinlägg som du har deltagit i"
+#: ../../include/features.php:54
+msgid "Network New Tab"
+msgstr "Flik för nytt på nätverket"
+#: ../../include/features.php:54
+msgid "Enable tab to display all new Network activity"
+msgstr "Aktivera en flik som visar all ny nätverksaktivitet"
+#: ../../include/features.php:55
+msgid "Affinity Tool"
+msgstr "Samhörighetsverktyg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:55
+msgid "Filter stream activity by depth of relationships"
+msgstr "Filtrera strömaktivitet efter hur nära relationen är"
+#: ../../include/features.php:56
+msgid "Suggest Channels"
+msgstr "Föreslå kanaler"
+#: ../../include/features.php:56
+msgid "Show channel suggestions"
+msgstr "Visa förslag på kanaler"
+#: ../../include/features.php:61
+msgid "Post/Comment Tools"
+msgstr "Inläggs-/kommentarsverktyg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:63
+msgid "Edit Sent Posts"
+msgstr "Redigera sända inlägg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:63
+msgid "Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"
+msgstr "Redigera och korrigera inlägg och kommentarer efter att de skickats"
+#: ../../include/features.php:64
+msgid "Tagging"
+msgstr "Taggning"
+#: ../../include/features.php:64
+msgid "Ability to tag existing posts"
+msgstr "Möjlighet att tagga befintliga inlägg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:65
+msgid "Post Categories"
+msgstr "Inläggskategorier"
+#: ../../include/features.php:65
+msgid "Add categories to your posts"
+msgstr "Lägg till kategorier till dina inlägg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:66
+msgid "Ability to file posts under folders"
+msgstr "Möjlighet att lägga inlägg i mappar"
+#: ../../include/features.php:67
+msgid "Dislike Posts"
+msgstr "Ogilla inlägg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:67
+msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments"
+msgstr "Möjlighet att ogilla inlägg/kommentarer"
+#: ../../include/features.php:68
+msgid "Star Posts"
+msgstr "Märk inlägg"
+#: ../../include/features.php:68
+msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"
+msgstr "Möjlighet att märka speciella inlägg med en stjärna"
+#: ../../include/features.php:69
+msgid "Tag Cloud"
+msgstr "Taggmoln"
+#: ../../include/features.php:69
+msgid "Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page"
+msgstr "Tillhandahåll ett personligt taggmoln på din kanalsida"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:30
+msgid "Unknown | Not categorised"
+msgstr "Okänd | Inte kategoriserad"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:31
+msgid "Block immediately"
+msgstr "Blockera genast"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:32
+msgid "Shady, spammer, self-marketer"
+msgstr "Skum, spammare, självförhärligande"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:33
+msgid "Known to me, but no opinion"
+msgstr "Känner till, men ingen åsikt"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:34
+msgid "OK, probably harmless"
+msgstr "OK, antagligen harmlös"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:35
+msgid "Reputable, has my trust"
+msgstr "Ansedd, har mitt förtroende"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:54
+msgid "Frequently"
+msgstr "Ofta"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:55
+msgid "Hourly"
+msgstr "Varje timme"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:56
+msgid "Twice daily"
+msgstr "Två gånger dagligen"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:57
+msgid "Daily"
+msgstr "Dagligen"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:58
+msgid "Weekly"
+msgstr "Varje vecka"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:59
+msgid "Monthly"
+msgstr "Varje månad"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:74
+msgid "Friendica"
+msgstr "Friendica"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:75
+msgid "OStatus"
+msgstr "OStatus"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:76
+msgid "RSS/Atom"
+msgstr "RSS/Atom"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:77 ../../mod/admin.php:753
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:762 ../../boot.php:1446
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "E-post"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:78
+msgid "Diaspora"
+msgstr "Diaspora"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:79
+msgid "Facebook"
+msgstr "Facebook"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:80
+msgid "Zot!"
+msgstr "Zot!"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:81
+msgid "LinkedIn"
+msgstr "LinkedIn"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:82
+msgid "XMPP/IM"
+msgstr "XMPP/IM"
+#: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:83
+msgid "MySpace"
+msgstr "MySpace"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:117 ../../include/text.php:1697
+#: ../../mod/like.php:111 ../../mod/subthread.php:89 ../../mod/tagger.php:45
+msgid "photo"
+msgstr "foto"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:120 ../../include/text.php:1700
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:49
+msgid "event"
+msgstr "händelse"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:123
+msgid "channel"
+msgstr "kanal"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:145 ../../include/text.php:1703
+#: ../../mod/like.php:111 ../../mod/subthread.php:89 ../../mod/tagger.php:53
+msgid "status"
+msgstr "status"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:147 ../../include/text.php:1705
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:55
+msgid "comment"
+msgstr "kommentar"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:161 ../../mod/like.php:142
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s gillar %2$ss %3$s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:164 ../../mod/like.php:144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s gillar inte %2$ss %3$s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:201
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is now connected with %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s har nu kontakt med %2$s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:236
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s poked %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s puffade %2$s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:240 ../../include/text.php:885
+msgid "poked"
+msgstr "puffade"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:258 ../../mod/mood.php:63
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is currently %2$s"
+msgstr "%1$s är för tillfället %2$s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:631 ../../include/ItemObject.php:114
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Välj"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:632 ../../include/ItemObject.php:108
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:236 ../../mod/settings.php:578 ../../mod/group.php:176
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:757 ../../mod/admin.php:886 ../../mod/connedit.php:365
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:171 ../../mod/photos.php:1043
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Ta bort"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:639 ../../include/ItemObject.php:89
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:846
+msgid "Private Message"
+msgstr "Privat meddelande"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:646 ../../include/ItemObject.php:161
+msgid "Message is verified"
+msgstr "Meddelandet är bekräftat"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:666
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile @ %s"
+msgstr "Visa %ss profil på %s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:680
+msgid "Categories:"
+msgstr "Kategorier:"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:681
+msgid "Filed under:"
+msgstr "Postat under:"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:690 ../../include/ItemObject.php:226
+#, php-format
+msgid " from %s"
+msgstr "från %s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:693 ../../include/ItemObject.php:229
+#, php-format
+msgid "last edited: %s"
+msgstr "senast redigerat: %s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:694 ../../include/ItemObject.php:230
+#, php-format
+msgid "Expires: %s"
+msgstr "Upphör: %s"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:709
+msgid "View in context"
+msgstr "Visa sammanhang"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:711 ../../include/conversation.php:1127
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:259 ../../mod/mail.php:222
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:336 ../../mod/editpost.php:121
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:120 ../../mod/editlayout.php:115
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:152 ../../mod/photos.php:974
+msgid "Please wait"
+msgstr "Vänta"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:838
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "ta bort"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:842
+msgid "Loading..."
+msgstr "Laddar..."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:843
+msgid "Delete Selected Items"
+msgstr "Ta bort valda poster"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:934
+msgid "View Source"
+msgstr "Visa källa"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:935
+msgid "Follow Thread"
+msgstr "Följ tråd"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:936
+msgid "View Status"
+msgstr "Visa status"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:938
+msgid "View Photos"
+msgstr "Visa foton"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:939
+msgid "Matrix Activity"
+msgstr "Matrisaktivitet"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:940
+msgid "Edit Contact"
+msgstr "Redigera kontakt"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:941
+msgid "Send PM"
+msgstr "Skicka meddelande"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:942
+msgid "Poke"
+msgstr "Puffa"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:998
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s likes this."
+msgstr "%s gillar det här."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:998
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s doesn't like this."
+msgstr "%s gillar inte det här."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1002
+#, php-format
+msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this."
+msgid_plural "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this."
+msgstr[0] "<span %1$s>%2$d person</span> gillar det här."
+msgstr[1] "<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> gillar det här."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1004
+#, php-format
+msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this."
+msgid_plural "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this."
+msgstr[0] "<span %1$s>%2$d person</span> gillar inte det här."
+msgstr[1] "<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> gillar inte det här."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1010
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "och"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1013
+#, php-format
+msgid ", and %d other people"
+msgid_plural ", and %d other people"
+msgstr[0] ", och %d annan person"
+msgstr[1] ", och %d andra personer"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1014
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s like this."
+msgstr "%s gillar det här."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1014
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s don't like this."
+msgstr "%s gillar inte det här."
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1071
+msgid "Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>"
+msgstr "Synlig för <strong>alla</strong>"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1072 ../../mod/mail.php:171
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:269
+msgid "Please enter a link URL:"
+msgstr "Ange en länkadress:"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1073
+msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:"
+msgstr "Ange en videolänkadress:"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1074
+msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:"
+msgstr "Ange en ljudlänkadress"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1075
+msgid "Tag term:"
+msgstr "Tagguttryck"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1076 ../../mod/filer.php:49
+msgid "Save to Folder:"
+msgstr "Spara i mapp:"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1077
+msgid "Where are you right now?"
+msgstr "Var är du just nu?"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1078 ../../mod/mail.php:172
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:270 ../../mod/editpost.php:52
+msgid "Expires YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
+msgstr "Upphör YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1088 ../../include/ItemObject.php:557
+#: ../../mod/webpages.php:123 ../../mod/editpost.php:140
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:141 ../../mod/editlayout.php:135
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:175 ../../mod/photos.php:994
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Förhandsgranska"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1102 ../../mod/layouts.php:113
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:973
+msgid "Share"
+msgstr "Dela"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1104 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:139
+msgid "Page link title"
+msgstr "Titel på sidlänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1107
+msgid "Post as"
+msgstr "Posta som"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1108 ../../mod/mail.php:219
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:332 ../../mod/editpost.php:113
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:112 ../../mod/editlayout.php:107
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:144
+msgid "Upload photo"
+msgstr "Ladda upp foto"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1109
+msgid "upload photo"
+msgstr "ladda upp foto"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1110 ../../mod/mail.php:220
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:333 ../../mod/editpost.php:114
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:113 ../../mod/editlayout.php:108
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:145
+msgid "Attach file"
+msgstr "Bifoga fil"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1111
+msgid "attach file"
+msgstr "bifoga fil"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1112 ../../mod/mail.php:221
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:334 ../../mod/editpost.php:115
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:114 ../../mod/editlayout.php:109
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:146
+msgid "Insert web link"
+msgstr "Infoga webblänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1113
+msgid "web link"
+msgstr "webblänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1114
+msgid "Insert video link"
+msgstr "Infoga videolänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1115
+msgid "video link"
+msgstr "videolänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1116
+msgid "Insert audio link"
+msgstr "Infoga ljudlänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1117
+msgid "audio link"
+msgstr "ljudlänk"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1118 ../../mod/editpost.php:119
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:118 ../../mod/editlayout.php:113
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:150
+msgid "Set your location"
+msgstr "Ange din plats"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1119
+msgid "set location"
+msgstr "ange plats"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1120 ../../mod/editpost.php:120
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:119 ../../mod/editlayout.php:114
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:151
+msgid "Clear browser location"
+msgstr "Rensa webbläsarplats"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1121
+msgid "clear location"
+msgstr "rensa plats"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1123 ../../mod/editpost.php:132
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:132 ../../mod/editlayout.php:126
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:167
+msgid "Set title"
+msgstr "Ange titel"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1126 ../../mod/editpost.php:134
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:135 ../../mod/editlayout.php:129
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:169
+msgid "Categories (comma-separated list)"
+msgstr "Kategorier (kommaseparerad lista)"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1128 ../../mod/editpost.php:122
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:121 ../../mod/editlayout.php:116
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:153
+msgid "Permission settings"
+msgstr "Behörighetsinställningar"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1129
+msgid "permissions"
+msgstr "behörighet"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1136 ../../mod/editpost.php:129
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:129 ../../mod/editlayout.php:123
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:162
+msgid "Public post"
+msgstr "Offentligt inlägg"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1138 ../../mod/editpost.php:135
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:136 ../../mod/editlayout.php:130
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:170
+msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+msgstr "Exempel: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1151 ../../mod/mail.php:226
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:339 ../../mod/editpost.php:146
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:146 ../../mod/editlayout.php:140
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:180
+msgid "Set expiration date"
+msgstr "Ange utgångsdatum"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1153 ../../include/ItemObject.php:560
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:228 ../../mod/mail.php:341 ../../mod/editpost.php:148
+msgid "Encrypt text"
+msgstr "Kryptera text"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1155 ../../mod/editpost.php:150
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1156 ../../mod/settings.php:516
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:542 ../../mod/editpost.php:151
+#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:94 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:82
+#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:117
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Avbryt"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1395
+msgid "Discover"
+msgstr "Upptäck"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1398
+msgid "Imported public streams"
+msgstr "Importerade offentliga strömmar"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1403
+msgid "Commented Order"
+msgstr "Kommentarsordning"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1406
+msgid "Sort by Comment Date"
+msgstr "Ordna efter kommentarsdatum"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1410
+msgid "Posted Order"
+msgstr "Inläggsordning"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1413
+msgid "Sort by Post Date"
+msgstr "Ordna efter när inlägget skrevs"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1418
+msgid "Personal"
+msgstr "Personligt"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1421
+msgid "Posts that mention or involve you"
+msgstr "Inlägg som nämner eller berör dig"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1427 ../../mod/menu.php:61
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:211 ../../mod/connections.php:223
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Nytt"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1430
+msgid "Activity Stream - by date"
+msgstr "Aktivitetsström - efter datum"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1436
+msgid "Starred"
+msgstr "Märkt"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1439
+msgid "Favourite Posts"
+msgstr "Favoritinlägg"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1446
+msgid "Spam"
+msgstr "Skräp"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1449
+msgid "Posts flagged as SPAM"
+msgstr "Inlägg markerade som SKRÄP"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1483 ../../mod/admin.php:890
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Kanal"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1486
+msgid "Status Messages and Posts"
+msgstr "Statusmeddelanden och inlägg"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1495
+msgid "About"
+msgstr "Om"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1498
+msgid "Profile Details"
+msgstr "Profildetaljer"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1507 ../../include/photos.php:311
+msgid "Photo Albums"
+msgstr "Fotoalbum"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1516
+msgid "Files and Storage"
+msgstr "Filer och lagring"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1525 ../../include/conversation.php:1528
+msgid "Chatrooms"
+msgstr "Chattrum"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1538
+msgid "Events and Calendar"
+msgstr "Händelser och kalender"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1546
+msgid "Saved Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Sparade bokmärken"
+#: ../../include/conversation.php:1557
+msgid "Manage Webpages"
+msgstr "Hantera webbsidor"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:43 ../../include/datetime.php:45
+msgid "Miscellaneous"
+msgstr "Övrigt"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:152 ../../include/datetime.php:284
+msgid "year"
+msgstr "år"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:157 ../../include/datetime.php:285
+msgid "month"
+msgstr "månad"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:162 ../../include/datetime.php:287
+msgid "day"
+msgstr "dag"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:275
+msgid "never"
+msgstr "aldrig"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:281
+msgid "less than a second ago"
+msgstr "mindre än en sekund sedan"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:284
+msgid "years"
+msgstr "år"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:285
+msgid "months"
+msgstr "månader"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:286
+msgid "week"
+msgstr "vecka"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:286
+msgid "weeks"
+msgstr "veckor"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:287
+msgid "days"
+msgstr "dagar"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:288
+msgid "hour"
+msgstr "timme"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:288
+msgid "hours"
+msgstr "timmar"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:289
+msgid "minute"
+msgstr "minut"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:289
+msgid "minutes"
+msgstr "minuter"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:290
+msgid "second"
+msgstr "sekund"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:290
+msgid "seconds"
+msgstr "sekunder"
+#: ../../include/datetime.php:299
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$d %2$s ago"
+msgstr "%1$d %2$s sedan"
+#: ../../include/dba/dba_driver.php:50
+#, php-format
+msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"
+msgstr "Kan inte hitta DNS-information för databasserver '%s'"
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:128 ../../include/bbcode.php:603
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:606 ../../include/bbcode.php:611
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:614 ../../include/bbcode.php:617
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:620 ../../include/bbcode.php:625
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:628 ../../include/bbcode.php:633
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:636 ../../include/bbcode.php:639
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:642
+msgid "Image/photo"
+msgstr "Bild/foto"
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:163 ../../include/bbcode.php:653
+msgid "Encrypted content"
+msgstr "Krypterat innehåll"
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:170
+msgid "QR code"
+msgstr "QR-kod"
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:213
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s wrote the following %2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s skrev följande %2$s %3$s"
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:215
+msgid "post"
+msgstr "post"
+#: ../../include/bbcode.php:571 ../../include/bbcode.php:591
+msgid "$1 wrote:"
+msgstr "$1 skrev:"
+#: ../../include/group.php:25
+msgid ""
+"A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions "
+"<strong>may</strong> apply to this group and any future members. If this is "
+"not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."
+msgstr "En borttagen grupp med det här namnet återskapades. Befintliga rättigheter till saker <strong>kan</strong> gälla för den här gruppen och alla framtida medlemmar. Om det här inte är vad du avsåg, skapa i stället en annan grupp med ett annat namn."
+#: ../../include/group.php:223
+msgid "Default privacy group for new contacts"
+msgstr "Förvald integritetsgrupp för nya kontakter"
+#: ../../include/group.php:242 ../../mod/admin.php:762
+msgid "All Channels"
+msgstr "Alla kanaler"
+#: ../../include/group.php:264
+msgid "edit"
+msgstr "redigera"
+#: ../../include/group.php:285
+msgid "Collections"
+msgstr "Sammanhang"
+#: ../../include/group.php:286
+msgid "Edit collection"
+msgstr "Redigera sammanhang"
+#: ../../include/group.php:287
+msgid "Create a new collection"
+msgstr "Skapa ett nytt sammanhang"
+#: ../../include/group.php:288
+msgid "Channels not in any collection"
+msgstr "Kanaler utan sammanhang"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:5
+msgid "Delete this item?"
+msgstr "Ta bort den här posten?"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:6 ../../include/ItemObject.php:547
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:992 ../../mod/photos.php:1079
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Kommentar"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:7 ../../include/ItemObject.php:281
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:130
+msgid "show more"
+msgstr "visa fler"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:8
+msgid "show fewer"
+msgstr "visa färre"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:9
+msgid "+ Show More"
+msgstr "+ Visa fler"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:10
+msgid "- Show Less"
+msgstr "- Visa färre"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:11
+msgid "Password too short"
+msgstr "Lösenord för kort"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:12
+msgid "Passwords do not match"
+msgstr "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:13 ../../mod/photos.php:39
+msgid "everybody"
+msgstr "alla"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:14
+msgid "Secret Passphrase"
+msgstr "Hemligt lösenord"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:15
+msgid "Passphrase hint"
+msgstr "Lösenordsledtråd"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:16
+msgid "Notice: Permissions have changed but have not yet been submitted."
+msgstr "Observera: Rättigheter har ändrats men har ännu inte skickats in"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:18
+msgid "timeago.prefixAgo"
+msgstr "för"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:19
+msgid "timeago.prefixFromNow"
+msgstr "om"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:20
+msgid "ago"
+msgstr "sedan"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:21
+msgid "from now"
+msgstr " "
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:22
+msgid "less than a minute"
+msgstr "mindre än en minut"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:23
+msgid "about a minute"
+msgstr "ungefär en minut"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:24
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d minutes"
+msgstr "%d minuter"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:25
+msgid "about an hour"
+msgstr "ungefär en timme"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:26
+#, php-format
+msgid "about %d hours"
+msgstr "ungefär %d timmar"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:27
+msgid "a day"
+msgstr "en dag"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:28
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d days"
+msgstr "%d dagar"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:29
+msgid "about a month"
+msgstr "ungefär en månad"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:30
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d months"
+msgstr "%d månader"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:31
+msgid "about a year"
+msgstr "ungefär ett år"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:32
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d years"
+msgstr "%d år"
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:33
+msgid " "
+msgstr " "
+#: ../../include/js_strings.php:34
+msgid "timeago.numbers"
+msgstr "timeago.numbers"
+#: ../../include/message.php:18
+msgid "No recipient provided."
+msgstr "Ingen mottagare angiven."
+#: ../../include/message.php:23
+msgid "[no subject]"
+msgstr "[inget ämne]"
+#: ../../include/message.php:42
+msgid "Unable to determine sender."
+msgstr "Kunde inte avgöra vem som är avsändare."
+#: ../../include/message.php:143
+msgid "Stored post could not be verified."
+msgstr "Den sparade posten kunde inte verifieras."
+#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:643 ../../include/photos.php:51
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:78 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:225
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:336 ../../mod/photos.php:91
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:655 ../../mod/photos.php:677
+msgid "Profile Photos"
+msgstr "Profilfoton"
+#: ../../include/attach.php:119 ../../include/attach.php:166
+#: ../../include/attach.php:229 ../../include/attach.php:243
+#: ../../include/attach.php:283 ../../include/attach.php:297
+#: ../../include/attach.php:322 ../../include/attach.php:513
+#: ../../include/attach.php:585 ../../include/chat.php:113
+#: ../../include/photos.php:15 ../../include/items.php:3606
+#: ../../mod/common.php:35 ../../mod/events.php:140 ../../mod/thing.php:247
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:263 ../../mod/thing.php:298 ../../mod/invite.php:13
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:104 ../../mod/mail.php:108 ../../mod/settings.php:492
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:44 ../../mod/webpages.php:40 ../../mod/api.php:26
+#: ../../mod/api.php:31 ../../mod/editpost.php:13 ../../mod/bookmarks.php:46
+#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:22 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:27
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:6 ../../mod/pdledit.php:21 ../../mod/item.php:179
+#: ../../mod/item.php:187 ../../mod/item.php:860 ../../mod/mitem.php:73
+#: ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:12 ../../mod/setup.php:203
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:188 ../../mod/layouts.php:27
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:39 ../../mod/page.php:30 ../../mod/page.php:80
+#: ../../mod/network.php:12 ../../mod/profiles.php:152
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:453 ../../mod/sources.php:66 ../../mod/blocks.php:29
+#: ../../mod/blocks.php:44 ../../mod/chat.php:89 ../../mod/chat.php:94
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:66 ../../mod/new_channel.php:97
+#: ../../mod/achievements.php:27 ../../mod/editblock.php:34
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:6 ../../mod/editlayout.php:48
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:187 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:200
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:169 ../../mod/notifications.php:66
+#: ../../mod/block.php:22 ../../mod/block.php:72 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:44
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:83 ../../mod/profile.php:64
+#: ../../mod/profile.php:72 ../../mod/poke.php:128 ../../mod/channel.php:89
+#: ../../mod/channel.php:193 ../../mod/channel.php:236
+#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:78 ../../mod/filestorage.php:10
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:59 ../../mod/filestorage.php:75
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:98 ../../mod/suggest.php:26
+#: ../../mod/message.php:16 ../../mod/register.php:68 ../../mod/regmod.php:18
+#: ../../mod/authtest.php:13 ../../mod/photos.php:68 ../../mod/photos.php:526
+#: ../../mod/mood.php:119 ../../index.php:176 ../../index.php:351
+msgid "Permission denied."
+msgstr "Behörighet saknas."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:224 ../../include/attach.php:278
+msgid "Item was not found."
+msgstr "Posten hittades inte."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:335
+msgid "No source file."
+msgstr "Ingen källfil."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:352
+msgid "Cannot locate file to replace"
+msgstr "Kan inte hitta fil att ersätta"
+#: ../../include/attach.php:370
+msgid "Cannot locate file to revise/update"
+msgstr "Kan inte hitta fil att revidera/uppdatera"
+#: ../../include/attach.php:381
+#, php-format
+msgid "File exceeds size limit of %d"
+msgstr "Filen överskrider storleksbegränsningen %d"
+#: ../../include/attach.php:393
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f Mbytes attachment storage."
+msgstr "Du har nått begränsningen %1$.0f megabyte utrymme för bilagor."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:475
+msgid "File upload failed. Possible system limit or action terminated."
+msgstr "Filuppladdning misslyckades. Möjlig systembegränsning eller avbruten åtgärd."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:487
+msgid "Stored file could not be verified. Upload failed."
+msgstr "Den lagrade filen kunde inte verifieras. Uppladdning misslyckad."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:528 ../../include/attach.php:545
+msgid "Path not available."
+msgstr "Sökväg inte tillgänglig."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:590
+msgid "Empty pathname"
+msgstr "Tom sökväg"
+#: ../../include/attach.php:606
+msgid "duplicate filename or path"
+msgstr "filnamn eller sökväg finns redan"
+#: ../../include/attach.php:630
+msgid "Path not found."
+msgstr "Sökväg hittas inte."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:674
+msgid "mkdir failed."
+msgstr "mkdir misslyckades."
+#: ../../include/attach.php:678
+msgid "database storage failed."
+msgstr "databaslagring misslyckades."
+#: ../../include/bookmarks.php:42
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s's bookmarks"
+msgstr "%1$ss bokmärken"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:238
+msgid "Visible to everybody"
+msgstr "Synlig för alla"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:239
+msgid "Show"
+msgstr "Visa"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:240
+msgid "Don't show"
+msgstr "Visa inte"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:246 ../../mod/chat.php:206
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:124 ../../mod/photos.php:606
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:949
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "Behörighet"
+#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:247
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Stäng"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:30 ../../mod/item.php:1232
+msgid "Unable to obtain identity information from database"
+msgstr "Kunde inte hämta från databasen"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:63
+msgid "Empty name"
+msgstr "Tomt namn"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:65
+msgid "Name too long"
+msgstr "För långt namn"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:166
+msgid "No account identifier"
+msgstr "Ingen kontoidentifierare"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:176
+msgid "Nickname is required."
+msgstr "Smeknamn måste anges."
+#: ../../include/identity.php:190
+msgid "Reserved nickname. Please choose another."
+msgstr "Reserverat smeknamn. Välj ett annat."
+#: ../../include/identity.php:195
+msgid ""
+"Nickname has unsupported characters or is already being used on this site."
+msgstr "Smeknamnet innehåller otillåtna tecken eller är redan upptaget på den här servern."
+#: ../../include/identity.php:258
+msgid "Unable to retrieve created identity"
+msgstr "Kunde inte hämta den skapade identiteten"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:317
+msgid "Default Profile"
+msgstr "Standardprofil"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:509
+msgid "Requested channel is not available."
+msgstr "Den begärda kanalen är inte tillgänglig"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:557 ../../mod/webpages.php:8
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:13 ../../mod/layouts.php:8 ../../mod/blocks.php:10
+#: ../../mod/achievements.php:8 ../../mod/profile.php:16
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:40
+msgid "Requested profile is not available."
+msgstr "Begärd profil är inte tillgänglig."
+#: ../../include/identity.php:689 ../../mod/profiles.php:603
+msgid "Change profile photo"
+msgstr "Bytprofilfoto"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:695
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr "Profiler"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:695
+msgid "Manage/edit profiles"
+msgstr "Hantera/redigera profiler"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:696 ../../mod/profiles.php:604
+msgid "Create New Profile"
+msgstr "Skapa ny profil"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:699
+msgid "Edit Profile"
+msgstr "Redigera profil"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:710 ../../mod/profiles.php:615
+msgid "Profile Image"
+msgstr "Profilbild"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:713 ../../mod/profiles.php:618
+msgid "visible to everybody"
+msgstr "synlig för alla"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:714 ../../mod/profiles.php:619
+msgid "Edit visibility"
+msgstr "Redigera synlighet"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:728 ../../include/identity.php:952
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:163
+msgid "Gender:"
+msgstr "Kön:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:729 ../../include/identity.php:972
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:165
+msgid "Status:"
+msgstr "Status:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:730 ../../include/identity.php:983
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:167
+msgid "Homepage:"
+msgstr "Hemsida:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:731 ../../mod/dirprofile.php:157
+msgid "Online Now"
+msgstr "Online nu"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:796 ../../include/identity.php:876
+#: ../../mod/ping.php:262
+msgid "g A l F d"
+msgstr "l j F \\k\\l G"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:797 ../../include/identity.php:877
+msgid "F d"
+msgstr "j F"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:842 ../../include/identity.php:917
+#: ../../mod/ping.php:284
+msgid "[today]"
+msgstr "[i dag]"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:854
+msgid "Birthday Reminders"
+msgstr "Födelsedagspåminnelser"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:855
+msgid "Birthdays this week:"
+msgstr "Födelsedagar den här veckan:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:910
+msgid "[No description]"
+msgstr "[Ingen beskrivning]"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:928
+msgid "Event Reminders"
+msgstr "Händelsepåminnelser"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:929
+msgid "Events this week:"
+msgstr "Händelser den här veckan:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:942 ../../include/identity.php:1026
+#: ../../mod/profperm.php:107
+msgid "Profile"
+msgstr "Profil"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:950 ../../mod/settings.php:937
+msgid "Full Name:"
+msgstr "Fullständigt namn:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:957
+msgid "j F, Y"
+msgstr "j F Y"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:958
+msgid "j F"
+msgstr "j F"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:965
+msgid "Birthday:"
+msgstr "Födelsedag:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:969
+msgid "Age:"
+msgstr "Ålder:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:978
+#, php-format
+msgid "for %1$d %2$s"
+msgstr "i %1$d %2$s"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:981 ../../mod/profiles.php:526
+msgid "Sexual Preference:"
+msgstr "Sexuell preferens:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:985 ../../mod/profiles.php:528
+msgid "Hometown:"
+msgstr "Hemort:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:987
+msgid "Tags:"
+msgstr "Taggar:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:989 ../../mod/profiles.php:529
+msgid "Political Views:"
+msgstr "Politisk åskådning:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:991
+msgid "Religion:"
+msgstr "Religion:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:993 ../../mod/directory.php:169
+msgid "About:"
+msgstr "Om:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:995
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests:"
+msgstr "Fritidssysselsättning/intressen:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:997 ../../mod/profiles.php:532
+msgid "Likes:"
+msgstr "Gillar:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:999 ../../mod/profiles.php:533
+msgid "Dislikes:"
+msgstr "Ogillar:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1002
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks:"
+msgstr "Kontaktinformation och sociala nätverk:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1004
+msgid "My other channels:"
+msgstr "Mina andra kanaler:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1006
+msgid "Musical interests:"
+msgstr "Musikintressen:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1008
+msgid "Books, literature:"
+msgstr "Böcker, litteratur:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1010
+msgid "Television:"
+msgstr "Tv:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1012
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"
+msgstr "Film/dans/kultur/underhållning:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1014
+msgid "Love/Romance:"
+msgstr "Kärlek/romantik:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1016
+msgid "Work/employment:"
+msgstr "Arbete/sysselsättning:"
+#: ../../include/identity.php:1018
+msgid "School/education:"
+msgstr "Skola/utbildning:"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:96 ../../include/page_widgets.php:8
+#: ../../include/menu.php:42 ../../mod/thing.php:235
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:577 ../../mod/menu.php:59 ../../mod/webpages.php:119
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:112 ../../mod/layouts.php:112
+#: ../../mod/blocks.php:94 ../../mod/editblock.php:111
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:106 ../../mod/connections.php:391
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:143 ../../mod/filestorage.php:170
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Redigera"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:118
+msgid "save to folder"
+msgstr "spara i mapp"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:146
+msgid "add star"
+msgstr "lägg till märke"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:147
+msgid "remove star"
+msgstr "ta bort märke"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:148
+msgid "toggle star status"
+msgstr "växla märke på/av"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:152
+msgid "starred"
+msgstr "märkt"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:169
+msgid "add tag"
+msgstr "lägg till tagg"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:184 ../../mod/photos.php:971
+msgid "I like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Jag gillar det här (växla)"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:184 ../../include/taxonomy.php:254
+msgid "like"
+msgstr "gilla"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:185 ../../mod/photos.php:972
+msgid "I don't like this (toggle)"
+msgstr "Jag gillar inte det här (växla)"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:185 ../../include/taxonomy.php:255
+msgid "dislike"
+msgstr "ogilla"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:187
+msgid "Share this"
+msgstr "Dela det här"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:187
+msgid "share"
+msgstr "dela"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:211 ../../include/ItemObject.php:212
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile - %s"
+msgstr "Visa %ss profil - %s"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:213
+msgid "to"
+msgstr "till"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:214
+msgid "via"
+msgstr "via"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:215
+msgid "Wall-to-Wall"
+msgstr "Vägg-till-vägg"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:216
+msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:"
+msgstr "via vägg-till-vägg"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:250
+msgid "Bookmark Links"
+msgstr "Bokmärk länkar"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:280
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d comment"
+msgid_plural "%d comments"
+msgstr[0] "%d kommentar"
+msgstr[1] "%d kommentarer"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:545 ../../mod/photos.php:990
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1077
+msgid "This is you"
+msgstr "Det här är du"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:548 ../../mod/events.php:472
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:283 ../../mod/thing.php:326 ../../mod/invite.php:156
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:223 ../../mod/mail.php:335 ../../mod/settings.php:515
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:627 ../../mod/settings.php:655
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:679 ../../mod/settings.php:751
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:929 ../../mod/connect.php:92
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/group.php:81 ../../mod/admin.php:441
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:750 ../../mod/admin.php:884 ../../mod/admin.php:1017
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1216 ../../mod/admin.php:1303 ../../mod/setup.php:307
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:350 ../../mod/connedit.php:443
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:506 ../../mod/sources.php:104
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:138 ../../mod/chat.php:175 ../../mod/chat.php:208
+#: ../../mod/import.php:387 ../../mod/poke.php:166 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:108
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:131 ../../mod/photos.php:565
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:670 ../../mod/photos.php:953 ../../mod/photos.php:993
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1080 ../../mod/mood.php:142
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:95
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:256
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/view/theme/blog/config.php:67
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/php/config.php:67
+msgid "Submit"
+msgstr "Skicka"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:549
+msgid "Bold"
+msgstr "Fet"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:550
+msgid "Italic"
+msgstr "Kursiv"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:551
+msgid "Underline"
+msgstr "Understruken"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:552
+msgid "Quote"
+msgstr "Citat"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:553
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Kod"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:554
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Bild"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:555
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Länk"
+#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:556
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+#: ../../include/reddav.php:1069
+msgid "Edit File properties"
+msgstr "Redigera filegenskaper"
+#: ../../include/network.php:652
+msgid "view full size"
+msgstr "visa full storlek"
+#: ../../include/text.php:320
+msgid "prev"
+msgstr "föregående"
+#: ../../include/text.php:322
+msgid "first"
+msgstr "första"
+#: ../../include/text.php:351
+msgid "last"
+msgstr "sista"
+#: ../../include/text.php:354
+msgid "next"
+msgstr "nästa"
+#: ../../include/text.php:366
+msgid "older"
+msgstr "äldre"
+#: ../../include/text.php:368
+msgid "newer"
+msgstr "nyare"
+#: ../../include/text.php:719
+msgid "No connections"
+msgstr "Inga kontakter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:732
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d Connection"
+msgid_plural "%d Connections"
+msgstr[0] "%d kontakt"
+msgstr[1] "%d kontakter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:744
+msgid "View Connections"
+msgstr "Visa kontakter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:885
+msgid "poke"
+msgstr "puffa"
+#: ../../include/text.php:886
+msgid "ping"
+msgstr "pinga"
+#: ../../include/text.php:886
+msgid "pinged"
+msgstr "pingade"
+#: ../../include/text.php:887
+msgid "prod"
+msgstr "stöt till"
+#: ../../include/text.php:887
+msgid "prodded"
+msgstr "stötte till"
+#: ../../include/text.php:888
+msgid "slap"
+msgstr "daska till"
+#: ../../include/text.php:888
+msgid "slapped"
+msgstr "daskade till"
+#: ../../include/text.php:889
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr "fingra på"
+#: ../../include/text.php:889
+msgid "fingered"
+msgstr "fingrade på"
+#: ../../include/text.php:890
+msgid "rebuff"
+msgstr "stöt tillbaka"
+#: ../../include/text.php:890
+msgid "rebuffed"
+msgstr "stötte tillbaks"
+#: ../../include/text.php:902
+msgid "happy"
+msgstr "glad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:903
+msgid "sad"
+msgstr "ledsen"
+#: ../../include/text.php:904
+msgid "mellow"
+msgstr "lugn"
+#: ../../include/text.php:905
+msgid "tired"
+msgstr "trött"
+#: ../../include/text.php:906
+msgid "perky"
+msgstr "uppåt"
+#: ../../include/text.php:907
+msgid "angry"
+msgstr "arg"
+#: ../../include/text.php:908
+msgid "stupified"
+msgstr "virrig"
+#: ../../include/text.php:909
+msgid "puzzled"
+msgstr "förbryllad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:910
+msgid "interested"
+msgstr "intresserad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:911
+msgid "bitter"
+msgstr "bitter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:912
+msgid "cheerful"
+msgstr "munter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:913
+msgid "alive"
+msgstr "pigg"
+#: ../../include/text.php:914
+msgid "annoyed"
+msgstr "irriterad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:915
+msgid "anxious"
+msgstr "bekymrad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:916
+msgid "cranky"
+msgstr "grinig"
+#: ../../include/text.php:917
+msgid "disturbed"
+msgstr "besvärad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:918
+msgid "frustrated"
+msgstr "frustrerad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:919
+msgid "motivated"
+msgstr "motiverad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:920
+msgid "relaxed"
+msgstr "avslappnad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:921
+msgid "surprised"
+msgstr "förvånad"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "måndag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "tisdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "onsdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "torsdag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "fredag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "lördag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1082
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "söndag"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "januari"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "februari"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "mars"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "april"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "maj"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "juni"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "juli"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "augusti"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "september"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "oktober"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "november"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1086
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "december"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1164
+msgid "unknown.???"
+msgstr "okänt.???"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1165
+msgid "bytes"
+msgstr "byte"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1200
+msgid "remove category"
+msgstr "ta bort kategori"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1249
+msgid "remove from file"
+msgstr "ta bort från fil"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1310 ../../include/text.php:1322
+msgid "Click to open/close"
+msgstr "Klicka för att öppna/stänga"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1477 ../../mod/events.php:335
+msgid "link to source"
+msgstr "länk till källa"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1496
+msgid "Select a page layout: "
+msgstr "Välj en sidlayout: "
+#: ../../include/text.php:1499 ../../include/text.php:1564
+msgid "default"
+msgstr "standard"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1535
+msgid "Page content type: "
+msgstr "Typ av sidinnehåll: "
+#: ../../include/text.php:1576
+msgid "Select an alternate language"
+msgstr "Välj ett alternativt språk"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1710
+msgid "activity"
+msgstr "aktivitet"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1969
+msgid "Design"
+msgstr "Design"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1971
+msgid "Blocks"
+msgstr "Block"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1972
+msgid "Menus"
+msgstr "Menyer"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1973
+msgid "Layouts"
+msgstr "Layouter"
+#: ../../include/text.php:1974
+msgid "Pages"
+msgstr "Sidor"
+#: ../../include/notify.php:23
+msgid "created a new post"
+msgstr "skapade ett nytt inlägg"
+#: ../../include/notify.php:24
+#, php-format
+msgid "commented on %s's post"
+msgstr "kommenterade %ss inlägg"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Male"
+msgstr "Man"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Female"
+msgstr "Kvinna"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Currently Male"
+msgstr "Just nu man"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Currently Female"
+msgstr "Just nu kvinna"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Mostly Male"
+msgstr "Mestadels man"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Mostly Female"
+msgstr "Mestadels kvinna"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Transgender"
+msgstr "Transperson"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Intersex"
+msgstr "Intersexuell"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Transsexual"
+msgstr "Transsexuell"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Hermaphrodite"
+msgstr "Hermafrodit"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Neuter"
+msgstr "Könlös"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Non-specific"
+msgstr "Ospecificerat"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Annat"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:6
+msgid "Undecided"
+msgstr "Obestämt"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Males"
+msgstr "Män"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Females"
+msgstr "Kvinnor"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Gay"
+msgstr "Bög"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Lesbian"
+msgstr "Lesbisk"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "No Preference"
+msgstr "Ingen preferens"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Bisexual"
+msgstr "Bisexuell"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Autosexual"
+msgstr "Autosexuell"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Abstinent"
+msgstr "Avhållsam"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Virgin"
+msgstr "Oskuld"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Deviant"
+msgstr "Avvikande"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Fetish"
+msgstr "Fetisch"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Oodles"
+msgstr "Massor"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:23
+msgid "Nonsexual"
+msgstr "Ickesexuell"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Single"
+msgstr "Singel"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Lonely"
+msgstr "Ensam"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Available"
+msgstr "Ledig"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unavailable"
+msgstr "Upptagen"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Has crush"
+msgstr "Förälskad"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Infatuated"
+msgstr "Förtrollad"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Dating"
+msgstr "Dejtar"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unfaithful"
+msgstr "Otrogen"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Sex Addict"
+msgstr "Sexmissbrukare"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Friends/Benefits"
+msgstr "Kompisförhållande"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Casual"
+msgstr "Vardaglig"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Engaged"
+msgstr "Förlovad"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Married"
+msgstr "Gift"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Imaginarily married"
+msgstr "Inbillat gift"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Partners"
+msgstr "Partner"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Cohabiting"
+msgstr "Bor ihop"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Common law"
+msgstr "Sambo"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Happy"
+msgstr "Lycklig"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Not looking"
+msgstr "Letar inte"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Swinger"
+msgstr "Swinger"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Betrayed"
+msgstr "Bedragen"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Separated"
+msgstr "Separerad"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Unstable"
+msgstr "Instabilt"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Divorced"
+msgstr "Skild"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Imaginarily divorced"
+msgstr "Inbillat skild"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Widowed"
+msgstr "Änka"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Uncertain"
+msgstr "Osäkert"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "It's complicated"
+msgstr "Det är komplicerat"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Don't care"
+msgstr "Bryr mig inte"
+#: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:42
+msgid "Ask me"
+msgstr "Fråga mig"
+#: ../../include/chat.php:10
+msgid "Missing room name"
+msgstr "Rumsnamn saknas"
+#: ../../include/chat.php:19
+msgid "Duplicate room name"
+msgstr "Rumsnamnet finns redan"
+#: ../../include/chat.php:68 ../../include/chat.php:76
+msgid "Invalid room specifier."
+msgstr "Ogiltig rumsbeskrivning."
+#: ../../include/chat.php:102
+msgid "Room not found."
+msgstr "Rummet hittades inte."
+#: ../../include/chat.php:123
+msgid "Room is full"
+msgstr "Rummet är fullt"
+#: ../../include/comanche.php:35 ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:80
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:185
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Standard"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:210
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Taggar"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:227
+msgid "Keywords"
+msgstr "Nyckelord"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:252
+msgid "have"
+msgstr "har"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:252
+msgid "has"
+msgstr "har"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:253
+msgid "want"
+msgstr "vill ha"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:253
+msgid "wants"
+msgstr "vill ha"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:254
+msgid "likes"
+msgstr "gillar"
+#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:255
+msgid "dislikes"
+msgstr "ogillar"
+#: ../../include/auth.php:79
+msgid "Logged out."
+msgstr "Utloggad."
+#: ../../include/auth.php:197
+msgid "Failed authentication"
+msgstr "Autentisering misslyckades"
+#: ../../include/auth.php:212 ../../mod/openid.php:188
+msgid "Login failed."
+msgstr "Inloggning misslyckades."
+#: ../../include/account.php:23
+msgid "Not a valid email address"
+msgstr "Inte en giltig e-postadress"
+#: ../../include/account.php:25
+msgid "Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site"
+msgstr "Din e-postdomän är inte bland de som tillåts på den här servern"
+#: ../../include/account.php:31
+msgid "Your email address is already registered at this site."
+msgstr "Din e-postadress är redan registrerad på den här servern."
+#: ../../include/account.php:64
+msgid "An invitation is required."
+msgstr "En inbjudan behövs."
+#: ../../include/account.php:68
+msgid "Invitation could not be verified."
+msgstr "Inbjudningen kunde inte bekräftas."
+#: ../../include/account.php:119
+msgid "Please enter the required information."
+msgstr "Ange den begärda informationen."
+#: ../../include/account.php:187
+msgid "Failed to store account information."
+msgstr "Misslyckades att spara kontoinformation."
+#: ../../include/account.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration request at %s"
+msgstr "Registreringsförfrågan på %s"
+#: ../../include/account.php:275 ../../include/account.php:302
+#: ../../include/account.php:359
+msgid "Administrator"
+msgstr "Administratör"
+#: ../../include/account.php:297
+msgid "your registration password"
+msgstr "ditt registreringslösenord"
+#: ../../include/account.php:300 ../../include/account.php:357
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration details for %s"
+msgstr "Registreringsdetaljer för %s"
+#: ../../include/account.php:366
+msgid "Account approved."
+msgstr "Konto godkänt."
+#: ../../include/account.php:400
+#, php-format
+msgid "Registration revoked for %s"
+msgstr "Registrering avslagen för %s"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:15
+msgid "Sort Options"
+msgstr "Sorteringsalternativ"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:16
+msgid "Alphabetic"
+msgstr "Alfabetisk"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:17
+msgid "Reverse Alphabetic"
+msgstr "Omvänd alfabetisk"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:18
+msgid "Newest to Oldest"
+msgstr "Nyast till äldst"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:30
+msgid "Enable Safe Search"
+msgstr "Aktivera säker sökning"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:32
+msgid "Disable Safe Search"
+msgstr "Avaktivera säker sökning"
+#: ../../include/dir_fns.php:34
+msgid "Safe Mode"
+msgstr "Säkert läge"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:41
+msgid "Red Matrix Notification"
+msgstr "Red Matrix-meddelande"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:42
+msgid "redmatrix"
+msgstr "redmatrix"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:44
+msgid "Thank You,"
+msgstr "Tack,"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:46
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s Administrator"
+msgstr "Administratören för %s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:81
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s <!item_type!>"
+msgstr "%s <!item_type!>"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:85
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Red:Notify] New mail received at %s"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] Nytt meddelande på %s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:87
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s sent you a new private message at %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s skickade ett nytt privat meddelande till dig på %3$s."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:88
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s sent you %2$s."
+msgstr "%1$s skickade %2$s till dig."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:88
+msgid "a private message"
+msgstr "ett privat meddelande"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:89
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."
+msgstr "Besök %s för att visa och/eller svara på dina privata meddelanden."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:144
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s commented on [zrl=%3$s]a %4$s[/zrl]"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s kommenterade [zrl=%3$s]ett %4$s[/zrl]"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:152
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s commented on [zrl=%3$s]%4$s's %5$s[/zrl]"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s kommenterade [zrl=%3$s]%4$ss %5$s[/zrl]"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:161
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s commented on [zrl=%3$s]your %4$s[/zrl]"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s kommenterade [zrl=%3$s]ditt %4$s[/zrl]"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:172
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Red:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1$d by %2$s"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] Kommentar till konversation #%1$d av %2$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s kommenterade en sak/konversation du har följt."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:176 ../../include/enotify.php:191
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:217 ../../include/enotify.php:236
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:250
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."
+msgstr "Besök %s för att visa och/eller svara på konversationen."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:182
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Red:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] %s postade till din profilvägg"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:184
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s posted to your profile wall at %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s postade till din profilvägg på %3$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:186
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s posted to [zrl=%3$s]your wall[/zrl]"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s postade till [zrl=%3$s]din vägg[/zrl]"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:210
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Red:Notify] %s tagged you"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] %s taggade dig"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:211
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s tagged you at %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s taggade dig på %3$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:212
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s [zrl=%3$s]tagged you[/zrl]."
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s [zrl=%3$s]taggade dig[/zrl]."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:225
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Red:Notify] %1$s poked you"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] %1$s puffade dig"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:226
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s poked you at %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s puffade dig på %3$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:227
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s [zrl=%2$s]poked you[/zrl]."
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s [zrl=%2$s]puffade dig[/zrl]."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:243
+#, php-format
+msgid "[Red:Notify] %s tagged your post"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] %s taggade ditt inlägg"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:244
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s tagged your post at %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s taggade ditt inlägg på %3$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:245
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, %2$s tagged [zrl=%3$s]your post[/zrl]"
+msgstr "%1$s, %2$s taggade [zrl=%3$s]ditt inlägg[/zrl]"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:257
+msgid "[Red:Notify] Introduction received"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] Presentation mottagen"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:258
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, you've received an new connection request from '%2$s' at %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, du har fått en ny kontaktförfrågan från '%2$s' på %3$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:259
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"%1$s, you've received [zrl=%2$s]a new connection request[/zrl] from %3$s."
+msgstr "%1$s, du har fått [zrl=%2$s]en ny kontaktförfrågan[/zrl] från %3$s."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:263 ../../include/enotify.php:282
+#, php-format
+msgid "You may visit their profile at %s"
+msgstr "Du kan besöka deras profil på %s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:265
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the connection request."
+msgstr "Besök %s för att bevilja eller avslå kontaktförfrågan."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:272
+msgid "[Red:Notify] Friend suggestion received"
+msgstr "[Red:Meddelande] Vänförslag mottaget"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s, you've received a friend suggestion from '%2$s' at %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s, du har fått ett vänförslag från '%2$s' på %3$s"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:274
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"%1$s, you've received [zrl=%2$s]a friend suggestion[/zrl] for %3$s from "
+msgstr "%1$s, du har fått [zrl=%2$s]ett vänförslag[/zrl] angående %3$s från %4$s."
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:280
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Namn:"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:281
+msgid "Photo:"
+msgstr "Foto:"
+#: ../../include/enotify.php:284
+#, php-format
+msgid "Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."
+msgstr "Besök %s för att bevilja eller avslå förslaget."
+#: ../../include/photos.php:89
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"
+msgstr "Bild överskrider webbplatsens storleksbegränsning på %lu byte"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:96
+msgid "Image file is empty."
+msgstr "Bildfil är tom."
+#: ../../include/photos.php:123 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:147
+msgid "Unable to process image"
+msgstr "Kunde inte bearbeta bild"
+#: ../../include/photos.php:186
+msgid "Photo storage failed."
+msgstr "Fotolagring misslyckades."
+#: ../../include/photos.php:315 ../../mod/photos.php:693
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1190
+msgid "Upload New Photos"
+msgstr "Ladda upp nya foton"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:14
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d invitation available"
+msgid_plural "%d invitations available"
+msgstr[0] "%d inbjudan tillgänglig"
+msgstr[1] "%d inbjudningar tillgängliga"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:445
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Avancerat"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:22
+msgid "Find Channels"
+msgstr "Hitta kanaler"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:23
+msgid "Enter name or interest"
+msgstr "Ange namn eller intresse"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:24
+msgid "Connect/Follow"
+msgstr "Ta kontakt/följ"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:25
+msgid "Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"
+msgstr "Exempel: Robert Morgenstein, Fiske"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:26 ../../mod/directory.php:211
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:216 ../../mod/connections.php:390
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "Sök"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:27 ../../mod/suggest.php:59
+msgid "Channel Suggestions"
+msgstr "Kanalförslag"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:29
+msgid "Random Profile"
+msgstr "Slumpvald profil"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:30
+msgid "Invite Friends"
+msgstr "Bjud in vänner"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:32
+msgid "Exammple: name=fred and country=iceland"
+msgstr "Exempel: name=fred and country=iceland"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:33
+msgid "Advanced Find"
+msgstr "Sök avancerat"
+#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:125
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d connection in common"
+msgid_plural "%d connections in common"
+msgstr[0] "%d gemensam kontakt"
+msgstr[1] "%d gemensamma kontakter"
+#: ../../include/page_widgets.php:6
+msgid "New Page"
+msgstr "Ny sida"
+#: ../../include/plugin.php:475 ../../include/plugin.php:477
+msgid "Click here to upgrade."
+msgstr "Klicka här för att uppgradera."
+#: ../../include/plugin.php:483
+msgid "This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Den här funktionen går utanför vad som anges i ditt avtal."
+#: ../../include/plugin.php:488
+msgid "This action is not available under your subscription plan."
+msgstr "Den här funktionen är inte tillgänglig med ditt avtal."
+#: ../../include/items.php:272 ../../mod/like.php:63 ../../mod/profperm.php:23
+#: ../../mod/group.php:68 ../../index.php:350
+msgid "Permission denied"
+msgstr "Behörighet saknas"
+#: ../../include/items.php:789
+msgid "(Unknown)"
+msgstr "(Okänt)"
+#: ../../include/items.php:3544 ../../mod/thing.php:78 ../../mod/admin.php:159
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:921 ../../mod/admin.php:1124 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:18
+#: ../../mod/home.php:63 ../../mod/display.php:32 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18
+msgid "Item not found."
+msgstr "Posten hittades inte."
+#: ../../include/items.php:3928 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:140
+msgid "Collection not found."
+msgstr "Sammanhanget hittades inte."
+#: ../../include/items.php:3943
+msgid "Collection is empty."
+msgstr "Sammanhanget är tomt."
+#: ../../include/items.php:3950
+#, php-format
+msgid "Collection: %s"
+msgstr "Sammanhang: %s"
+#: ../../include/items.php:3961
+#, php-format
+msgid "Connection: %s"
+msgstr "Kontakt: %s"
+#: ../../include/items.php:3964
+msgid "Connection not found."
+msgstr "Kontakten hittades inte."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:23
+msgid "Channel is blocked on this site."
+msgstr "Kanalen är blockerad på den här servern."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:28
+msgid "Channel location missing."
+msgstr "Kanalplats saknas."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:54
+msgid "Response from remote channel was incomplete."
+msgstr "Svar från den andra kanalen var ofullständigt."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:85
+msgid "Channel was deleted and no longer exists."
+msgstr "Kanalen har tagits bort och finns inte längre."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:132
+msgid "Channel discovery failed."
+msgstr "Kanalsökning misslyckades."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:149
+msgid "local account not found."
+msgstr "hittade inte lokalt konto."
+#: ../../include/follow.php:158
+msgid "Cannot connect to yourself."
+msgstr "Du kan inte kontakta dig själv."
+#: ../../include/security.php:295
+msgid ""
+"The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the "
+"form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."
+msgstr "Formulärets kontrollkod var inte korrekt. Antagligen beror det på att formuläret har varit öppet för länge (> 3 timmar) innan det skickades."
+#: ../../include/oembed.php:171
+msgid "Embedded content"
+msgstr "Inbäddat innehåll"
+#: ../../include/oembed.php:180
+msgid "Embedding disabled"
+msgstr "Inbäddning inaktiverat"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:13
+msgid "Can view my \"public\" stream and posts"
+msgstr "Kan se mina \"offentliga\" strömmar och inlägg"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:14
+msgid "Can view my \"public\" channel profile"
+msgstr "Kan se min \"offentliga\" kanalprofil"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:15
+msgid "Can view my \"public\" photo albums"
+msgstr "Kan se mina \"offentliga\" fotoalbum"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:16
+msgid "Can view my \"public\" address book"
+msgstr "Kan se min \"offentliga\" adressbok"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:17
+msgid "Can view my \"public\" file storage"
+msgstr "Kan se mitt \"offentliga\" filutrymme"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:18
+msgid "Can view my \"public\" pages"
+msgstr "Kan se mina \"offentliga\" sidor"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:21
+msgid "Can send me their channel stream and posts"
+msgstr "Kan skicka sina kanalströmmar och inlägg till mig"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:22
+msgid "Can post on my channel page (\"wall\")"
+msgstr "Kan posta inlägg på min kanalsida (\"vägg\")"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:23
+msgid "Can comment on my posts"
+msgstr "Kan kommentera mina inlägg"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:24
+msgid "Can send me private mail messages"
+msgstr "Kan skicka privata meddelanden till mig"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:25
+msgid "Can post photos to my photo albums"
+msgstr "Kan lägga till foton i mitt fotoalbum"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:26
+msgid "Can forward to all my channel contacts via post @mentions"
+msgstr "Kan vidarebefordra till alla mina kanalkontakter genom @omnämnanden"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:26
+msgid "Advanced - useful for creating group forum channels"
+msgstr "Avancerat - användbart för att skapa kanaler för gruppforum"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:27
+msgid "Can chat with me (when available)"
+msgstr "Kan chatta med mig (när tillgänglig)"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:28
+msgid "Can write to my \"public\" file storage"
+msgstr "Har skrivrättigheter i mitt \"offentliga\" filutrymme"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:29
+msgid "Can edit my \"public\" pages"
+msgstr "Kan redigera mina \"offentliga\" sidor"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:31
+msgid "Can source my \"public\" posts in derived channels"
+msgstr "Kan använda mina \"offentliga\" inlägg i kanaler nedströms"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:31
+msgid "Somewhat advanced - very useful in open communities"
+msgstr "Ganska avancerat - väldigt användbart i öppna gemenskaper"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:32
+msgid "Can send me bookmarks"
+msgstr "Kan skicka bokmärken till mig"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:33
+msgid "Can administer my channel resources"
+msgstr "Kan administrera mina kanalresurser"
+#: ../../include/permissions.php:33
+msgid ""
+"Extremely advanced. Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing"
+msgstr "Extremt avancerat. Låt detta vara om du inte vet vad du gör"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:583
+msgid "Invalid data packet"
+msgstr "Ogiltigt datapaket"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:593
+msgid "Unable to verify channel signature"
+msgstr "Kunde inte bekräfta kanalsignatur"
+#: ../../include/zot.php:790
+#, php-format
+msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s"
+msgstr "Kunde inte bekräfta signatur för servern %s"
+#: ../../mod/common.php:10
+msgid "No channel."
+msgstr "Ingen kanal."
+#: ../../mod/common.php:39
+msgid "Common connections"
+msgstr "Gemensamma kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/common.php:44
+msgid "No connections in common."
+msgstr "Inga gemensamma kontakter."
+#: ../../mod/events.php:72
+msgid "Event title and start time are required."
+msgstr "Händelsen behöver titel och starttid."
+#: ../../mod/events.php:290
+msgid "l, F j"
+msgstr "l, j F"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:312
+msgid "Edit event"
+msgstr "Redigera händelse"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:358
+msgid "Create New Event"
+msgstr "Skapa ny händelse"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:359
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Föregående"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:360 ../../mod/setup.php:261
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Nästa"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:431
+msgid "hour:minute"
+msgstr "timme:minut"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:450
+msgid "Event details"
+msgstr "Detaljer för händelse"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:451
+#, php-format
+msgid "Format is %s %s. Starting date and Title are required."
+msgstr "Formatet är %s %s. Startdatum och titel behövs."
+#: ../../mod/events.php:453
+msgid "Event Starts:"
+msgstr "Händelsen börjar:"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:453 ../../mod/events.php:467
+msgid "Required"
+msgstr "Behövs"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:456
+msgid "Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"
+msgstr "Slutdatum/tid är okänt eller inte relevant"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:458
+msgid "Event Finishes:"
+msgstr "Händelsen slutar:"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:461
+msgid "Adjust for viewer timezone"
+msgstr "Justera för betraktarens tidszon"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:463
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Beskrivning:"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:467
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr "Titel:"
+#: ../../mod/events.php:469
+msgid "Share this event"
+msgstr "Dela den här händelsen"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:98
+msgid "Thing updated"
+msgstr "Föremål uppdaterat"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:158
+msgid "Object store: failed"
+msgstr "Objektlagring: misslyckades"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:162
+msgid "Thing added"
+msgstr "Föremål tillagt"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:182
+#, php-format
+msgid "OBJ: %1$s %2$s %3$s"
+msgstr "OBJ: %1$s %2$s %3$s"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:234
+msgid "Show Thing"
+msgstr "Visa föremål"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:241
+msgid "item not found."
+msgstr "föremål hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:269
+msgid "Edit Thing"
+msgstr "Redigera föremål"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:271 ../../mod/thing.php:318
+msgid "Select a profile"
+msgstr "Välj en profil"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:273 ../../mod/thing.php:320
+msgid "Select a category of stuff. e.g. I ______ something"
+msgstr "Välj en kategori, t.ex. Jag ______ någonting"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:275 ../../mod/thing.php:321
+msgid "Post an activity"
+msgstr "Posta en aktivitet"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:275 ../../mod/thing.php:321
+msgid "Only sends to viewers of the applicable profile"
+msgstr "Skickar bara till de som tittar på den aktuella profilen"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:277 ../../mod/thing.php:323
+msgid "Name of thing e.g. something"
+msgstr "Namn på föremål, t.ex. någonting"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:279 ../../mod/thing.php:324
+msgid "URL of thing (optional)"
+msgstr "URL för föremål (frivilligt)"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:281 ../../mod/thing.php:325
+msgid "URL for photo of thing (optional)"
+msgstr "URL för foto på föremål (frivilligt)"
+#: ../../mod/thing.php:316
+msgid "Add Thing to your Profile"
+msgstr "Lägg till föremål till din profil"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:25
+msgid "Total invitation limit exceeded."
+msgstr "Gränsen för totalt antal inbjudningar överskriden."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:49
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Not a valid email address."
+msgstr "%s: Inte en giltig e-postadress."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:76
+msgid "Please join us on Red"
+msgstr "Gå med oss i Red"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:87
+msgid "Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."
+msgstr "Inbjudningsgränsen överskriden. Kontakta din serveradministratör."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:92
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s : Message delivery failed."
+msgstr "%s : Leverans av meddelande misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:96
+#, php-format
+msgid "%d message sent."
+msgid_plural "%d messages sent."
+msgstr[0] "%d meddelande sänt."
+msgstr[1] "%d meddelanden sända."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:115
+msgid "You have no more invitations available"
+msgstr "Du har inga fler inbjudningar kvar"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:141
+msgid "Send invitations"
+msgstr "Skicka inbjudan"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:142
+msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:"
+msgstr "Ange e-postadresser, en per rad:"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:143 ../../mod/mail.php:216 ../../mod/mail.php:328
+msgid "Your message:"
+msgstr "Ditt meddelande:"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:144
+msgid ""
+"You are cordially invited to join me and some other close friends on the Red"
+" Matrix - a revolutionary new decentralised communication and information "
+msgstr "Du är hjärtligt inbjuden att gå med mig och några andra nära vänner i Red Matrix - ett revolutionärt nytt decentraliserat kommunikations- och informationsverktyg."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:146
+msgid "You will need to supply this invitation code: $invite_code"
+msgstr "Du kommer att behöva ange den här inbjudningskoden: $invite_code"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:147
+msgid "Please visit my channel at"
+msgstr "Besök min kanal på"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:151
+msgid ""
+"Once you have registered (on ANY Red Matrix site - they are all inter-"
+"connected), please connect with my Red Matrix channel address:"
+msgstr "När du har registrerat dig (på NÅGON Red Matrix-server - alla sitter ihop), så lägg till min Red Matrix-kanaladress:"
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:153
+msgid "Click the [Register] link on the following page to join."
+msgstr "Klicka på [Registrera]-länken på följande sida för att gå med."
+#: ../../mod/invite.php:155
+msgid ""
+"For more information about the Red Matrix Project and why it has the "
+"potential to change the internet as we know it, please visit "
+msgstr "För mer information om Red Matrix-projektet och varför det har potential att förändra Internet som vi känner det, besök http://getzot.com"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:33
+msgid "Unable to lookup recipient."
+msgstr "Kunde inte hitta mottagare."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:41
+msgid "Unable to communicate with requested channel."
+msgstr "Kunde inte kommunicera med den begärda kanalen."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:48
+msgid "Cannot verify requested channel."
+msgstr "Kan inte bekräfta den begärda kanalen."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:74
+msgid "Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed."
+msgstr "Den valda kanalen har restriktioner för privata meddelanden. Misslyckades att skicka."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:121 ../../mod/message.php:31
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Meddelanden"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:132
+msgid "Message deleted."
+msgstr "Meddelande borttaget."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:149
+msgid "Message recalled."
+msgstr "Meddelande återkallat."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:206
+msgid "Send Private Message"
+msgstr "Skicka privat meddelande."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:207 ../../mod/mail.php:323
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "Till:"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:212 ../../mod/mail.php:325
+msgid "Subject:"
+msgstr "Ämne:"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:249
+msgid "Message not found."
+msgstr "Meddelandet hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:292 ../../mod/message.php:72
+msgid "Delete message"
+msgstr "Ta bort meddelande"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:293
+msgid "Recall message"
+msgstr "Återkalla meddelande"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:295
+msgid "Message has been recalled."
+msgstr "Meddelandet har återkallats."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:312
+msgid "Private Conversation"
+msgstr "Privat konversation"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:316
+msgid "Delete conversation"
+msgstr "Ta bort konversation"
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:318
+msgid ""
+"No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to "
+"respond from the sender's profile page."
+msgstr "Ingen säker kommunikationskanal tillgänglig. Du kan <strong>möjligtvis</strong> svara från avsändarens profilsida."
+#: ../../mod/mail.php:322
+msgid "Send Reply"
+msgstr "Skicka svar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:71
+msgid "Name is required"
+msgstr "Namn är obligatoriskt"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:75
+msgid "Key and Secret are required"
+msgstr "Nyckel och kod är obligatoriska"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:79 ../../mod/settings.php:541
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Uppdatera"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:195
+msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens. Lösenordet har inte ändrats."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:199
+msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."
+msgstr "Tomma lösenord tillåts inte. Lösenordet har inte ändrats."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:212
+msgid "Password changed."
+msgstr "Lösenordet ändrat."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:214
+msgid "Password update failed. Please try again."
+msgstr "Lösenordsuppdatering misslyckades. Försök igen."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:228
+msgid "Not valid email."
+msgstr "Inte en giltig e-postadress."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:231
+msgid "Protected email address. Cannot change to that email."
+msgstr "Skyddad e-postadress. Kan inte ändra till den."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:240
+msgid "System failure storing new email. Please try again."
+msgstr "Systemfel när ny e-postadress skulle sparas. Försök igen."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:443
+msgid "Settings updated."
+msgstr "Inställningar uppdaterade."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:514 ../../mod/settings.php:540
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:576
+msgid "Add application"
+msgstr "Lägg till applikation"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:517 ../../mod/settings.php:543
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:891
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Namn"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:517
+msgid "Name of application"
+msgstr "Applikationens namn"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:518 ../../mod/settings.php:544
+msgid "Consumer Key"
+msgstr "Nyckel för konsument"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:518 ../../mod/settings.php:519
+msgid "Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20"
+msgstr "Automatiskt genererad - ändra om så önskas. Maxlängd 20"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:519 ../../mod/settings.php:545
+msgid "Consumer Secret"
+msgstr "Kod för konsument"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:520 ../../mod/settings.php:546
+msgid "Redirect"
+msgstr "Omdirigering"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:520
+msgid ""
+"Redirect URI - leave blank unless your application specifically requires "
+msgstr "Omdirigerings-URI - lämna blankt om inte din applikation specifikt behöver det"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:521 ../../mod/settings.php:547
+msgid "Icon url"
+msgstr "Ikon-URL"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:521
+msgid "Optional"
+msgstr "Frivillig"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:532
+msgid "You can't edit this application."
+msgstr "Du kan inte redigera den här applikationen."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:575
+msgid "Connected Apps"
+msgstr "Anslutna appar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:579
+msgid "Client key starts with"
+msgstr "Klientnyckel börjar med"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:580
+msgid "No name"
+msgstr "Inget namn"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:581
+msgid "Remove authorization"
+msgstr "Ta bort behörighet"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:592
+msgid "No feature settings configured"
+msgstr "Inga funktionsinställningar konfigurerade"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:600
+msgid "Feature Settings"
+msgstr "Funktionsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:623
+msgid "Account Settings"
+msgstr "Kontoinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:624
+msgid "Password Settings"
+msgstr "Lösenordsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:625
+msgid "New Password:"
+msgstr "Nytt lösenord:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:626
+msgid "Confirm:"
+msgstr "Bekräfta:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:626
+msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing"
+msgstr "Lämna lösenordsfälten blanka om lösenordet inte ska ändras"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:628 ../../mod/settings.php:938
+msgid "Email Address:"
+msgstr "E-postadress"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:629
+msgid "Remove Account"
+msgstr "Ta bort konto"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:630
+msgid "Warning: This action is permanent and cannot be reversed."
+msgstr "Varning: Den här handlingen är permanent och kan inte återställas."
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:646
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "Av"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:646
+msgid "On"
+msgstr "På"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:653
+msgid "Additional Features"
+msgstr "Ytterligare funktioner"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:678
+msgid "Connector Settings"
+msgstr "Anslutningsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:708 ../../mod/admin.php:389
+msgid "No special theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Inget särskilt tema för mobila enheter"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:749
+msgid "Display Settings"
+msgstr "Utseende"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:755
+msgid "Display Theme:"
+msgstr "Tema för utseende:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:756
+msgid "Mobile Theme:"
+msgstr "Mobilt tema:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:757
+msgid "Update browser every xx seconds"
+msgstr "Uppdatera webbläsaren var xx sekund"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:757
+msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds, no maximum"
+msgstr "Minst 10 sekunder, inget maximum"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:758
+msgid "Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:"
+msgstr "Högsta antal konversationer att ladda åt gången:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:758
+msgid "Maximum of 100 items"
+msgstr "Maximalt 100 poster"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:759
+msgid "Don't show emoticons"
+msgstr "Visa inte känsloikoner"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:760
+msgid "Do not view remote profiles in frames"
+msgstr "Visa inte profiler på andra servrar i ramar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:760
+msgid "By default open in a sub-window of your own site"
+msgstr "Som standard öppnas de i ett underfönster på din lokala server"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:761
+msgid "System Page Layout Editor - (advanced)"
+msgstr "Redigera systemets sidlayout (avancerat)"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:796
+msgid "Nobody except yourself"
+msgstr "Ingen utom dig själv"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:797
+msgid "Only those you specifically allow"
+msgstr "Endast utvalda"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:798
+msgid "Anybody in your address book"
+msgstr "Vem som helst i din adressbok"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:799
+msgid "Anybody on this website"
+msgstr "Vem som helst på den här servern"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:800
+msgid "Anybody in this network"
+msgstr "Vem som helst i det här nätverket"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:801
+msgid "Anybody authenticated"
+msgstr "Vem som helst som har autentiserat sig"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:802
+msgid "Anybody on the internet"
+msgstr "Vem som helst på Internet"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:879
+msgid "Publish your default profile in the network directory"
+msgstr "Publicera din standardprofil i nätverkskatalogen"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:879 ../../mod/settings.php:884
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:955 ../../mod/api.php:106 ../../mod/profiles.php:484
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nej"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:879 ../../mod/settings.php:884
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:955 ../../mod/api.php:105 ../../mod/profiles.php:483
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:884
+msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"
+msgstr "Tillåt oss att föreslå dig som möjlig vän för nya medlemmar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:888 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:288
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "eller"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:893
+msgid "Your channel address is"
+msgstr "Din kanaladress är"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:927
+msgid "Channel Settings"
+msgstr "Kanalinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:936
+msgid "Basic Settings"
+msgstr "Grundläggande inställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:939
+msgid "Your Timezone:"
+msgstr "Din tidszon:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:940
+msgid "Default Post Location:"
+msgstr "Standardplats:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:940
+msgid "Geographical location to display on your posts"
+msgstr "Geografisk plats att visa för dina inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:941
+msgid "Use Browser Location:"
+msgstr "Använd webbläsarens position:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:943
+msgid "Adult Content"
+msgstr "Pornografiskt innehåll"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:943
+msgid ""
+"This channel frequently or regularly publishes adult content. (Please tag "
+"any adult material and/or nudity with #NSFW)"
+msgstr "Den här kanalen publicerar ofta eller regelbundet pornografiskt innehåll. (Tagga allt pornografiskt material och/eller nakenhet med #NSFW, tack)"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:945
+msgid "Security and Privacy Settings"
+msgstr "Säkerhets- och integritetsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:947
+msgid "Hide my online presence"
+msgstr "Visa inte min online-närvaro"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:947
+msgid "Prevents displaying in your profile that you are online"
+msgstr "Förhindrar att det syns i din profil att du är online"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:949
+msgid "Simple Privacy Settings:"
+msgstr "Enkla integritetsinställningar:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:950
+msgid ""
+"Very Public - <em>extremely permissive (should be used with caution)</em>"
+msgstr "Väldigt offentligt - <em>extremt tillåtande (bör användas försiktigt)</em>"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:951
+msgid ""
+"Typical - <em>default public, privacy when desired (similar to social "
+"network permissions but with improved privacy)</em>"
+msgstr "Typiskt - <em>offentligt som standard, privat när så önskas (liknande behörigheter som på sociala nätverk men med förbättrad integritet)</em>"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:952
+msgid "Private - <em>default private, never open or public</em>"
+msgstr "Privat - <em>privat som standard, aldrig öppet eller offentligt</em>"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:953
+msgid "Blocked - <em>default blocked to/from everybody</em>"
+msgstr "Blockera - <em>som standard blockerat till/från alla</em>"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:955
+msgid "Allow others to tag your posts"
+msgstr "Låt andra tagga dina inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:955
+msgid ""
+"Often used by the community to retro-actively flag inappropriate content"
+msgstr "Ofta använt av gemenskapen för att i efterhand flagga olämpligt innehåll"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:957
+msgid "Advanced Privacy Settings"
+msgstr "Avancerade integritetsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:959
+msgid "Expire other channel content after this many days"
+msgstr "Låt annat kanalinnehåll upphöra efter efter så här många dagar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:959
+msgid "0 or blank prevents expiration"
+msgstr "0 eller blankt förhindrar upphörande"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:960
+msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"
+msgstr "Högsta antal vänförfrågningar per dag:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:960
+msgid "May reduce spam activity"
+msgstr "Kan reducera spamaktivitet"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:961
+msgid "Default Post Permissions"
+msgstr "Standardbehörighet för inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:962 ../../mod/mitem.php:134 ../../mod/mitem.php:177
+msgid "(click to open/close)"
+msgstr "(klicka för att öppna/stänga)"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:973
+msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"
+msgstr "Högsta antal privata meddelanden per dag från okända personer:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:973
+msgid "Useful to reduce spamming"
+msgstr "Användbart för att minska skräputskick"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:976
+msgid "Notification Settings"
+msgstr "Notifieringsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:977
+msgid "By default post a status message when:"
+msgstr "Skicka som standard ett statusmeddelande när:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:978
+msgid "accepting a friend request"
+msgstr "du accepterar en vänförfrågan"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:979
+msgid "joining a forum/community"
+msgstr "du går med i ett forum/en gemenskap"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:980
+msgid "making an <em>interesting</em> profile change"
+msgstr "du gör en <em>intressant</em> ändring av profilen"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:981
+msgid "Send a notification email when:"
+msgstr "Skicka en notifiering via e-post med när:"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:982
+msgid "You receive a connection request"
+msgstr "Du får en kontaktförfrågan"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:983
+msgid "Your connections are confirmed"
+msgstr "Dina kontakter bekräftas"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:984
+msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall"
+msgstr "Någon skriver på din profilvägg"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:985
+msgid "Someone writes a followup comment"
+msgstr "Någon skriver en uppföljande kommentar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:986
+msgid "You receive a private message"
+msgstr "Du tar emot ett privat meddelande"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:987
+msgid "You receive a friend suggestion"
+msgstr "Du tar emot ett vänförslag"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:988
+msgid "You are tagged in a post"
+msgstr "Du taggas i ett inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:989
+msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"
+msgstr "Du puffas/stöts till/etc. i ett inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:992
+msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"
+msgstr "Avancerade konto-/sidtypsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:993
+msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"
+msgstr "Ändra det här kontots beteende i särskilda situationer"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:996
+msgid ""
+"Please enable expert mode (in <a href=\"settings/features\">Settings > "
+"Additional features</a>) to adjust!"
+msgstr "Aktivera expertläge (i <a href=\"settings/features\">Inställningar > Ytterligare funktioner</a>) för att göra ändringar!"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:997
+msgid "Miscellaneous Settings"
+msgstr "Diverse inställningar"
+#: ../../mod/settings.php:999
+msgid "Personal menu to display in your channel pages"
+msgstr "Personlig meny att visa i dina kanalsidor"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:21
+msgid "Menu updated."
+msgstr "Meny uppdaterad."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:25
+msgid "Unable to update menu."
+msgstr "Kunde inte uppdatera meny."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:30
+msgid "Menu created."
+msgstr "Meny skapad."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:34
+msgid "Unable to create menu."
+msgstr "Kunde inte skapa meny."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:57
+msgid "Manage Menus"
+msgstr "Hantera menyer"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:60
+msgid "Drop"
+msgstr "Ta bort"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:62
+msgid "Create a new menu"
+msgstr "Skapa en ny meny"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:63
+msgid "Delete this menu"
+msgstr "Ta bort den här menyn"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:64 ../../mod/menu.php:109
+msgid "Edit menu contents"
+msgstr "Redigera menyinnehåll"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:65
+msgid "Edit this menu"
+msgstr "Redigera den här menyn"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:80
+msgid "New Menu"
+msgstr "Ny meny"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:81 ../../mod/menu.php:110
+msgid "Menu name"
+msgstr "Menynamn"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:81 ../../mod/menu.php:110
+msgid "Must be unique, only seen by you"
+msgstr "Måste vara unikt, ses endast av dig"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:82 ../../mod/menu.php:111
+msgid "Menu title"
+msgstr "Menytitel"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:82 ../../mod/menu.php:111
+msgid "Menu title as seen by others"
+msgstr "Menytitel som andra ser den"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:83 ../../mod/menu.php:112
+msgid "Allow bookmarks"
+msgstr "Tillåt bokmärken"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:83 ../../mod/menu.php:112
+msgid "Menu may be used to store saved bookmarks"
+msgstr "Menyn kan användas för att spara bokmärken"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:84 ../../mod/mitem.php:142 ../../mod/new_channel.php:117
+msgid "Create"
+msgstr "Skapa"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:92 ../../mod/mitem.php:14
+msgid "Menu not found."
+msgstr "Menyn hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:98
+msgid "Menu deleted."
+msgstr "Meny borttagen."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:100
+msgid "Menu could not be deleted."
+msgstr "Menyn kunde inte tas bort."
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:106
+msgid "Edit Menu"
+msgstr "Redigera meny"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:108
+msgid "Add or remove entries to this menu"
+msgstr "Lägg till eller ta bort menyval"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:114 ../../mod/mitem.php:186
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Ändra"
+#: ../../mod/menu.php:120 ../../mod/mitem.php:78 ../../mod/xchan.php:27
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:181
+msgid "Not found."
+msgstr "Hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/webpages.php:122 ../../mod/layouts.php:116
+#: ../../mod/blocks.php:97
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Visa"
+#: ../../mod/api.php:76 ../../mod/api.php:102
+msgid "Authorize application connection"
+msgstr "Tillåt anslutning av applikation"
+#: ../../mod/api.php:77
+msgid "Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"
+msgstr "Återgå till din applikation och ange den här säkerhetskoden:"
+#: ../../mod/api.php:89
+msgid "Please login to continue."
+msgstr "Logga in för att fortsätta."
+#: ../../mod/api.php:104
+msgid ""
+"Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts,"
+" and/or create new posts for you?"
+msgstr "Vill du låta den här applikationen få tillgång till dina inlägg och kontakter, och/eller skapa nya inlägg åt dig?"
+#: ../../mod/apps.php:8
+msgid "No installed applications."
+msgstr "Inga installerade applikationer"
+#: ../../mod/apps.php:13
+msgid "Applications"
+msgstr "Applikationer"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:20 ../../mod/editblock.php:8
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:27 ../../mod/editblock.php:53
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:36 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:32
+msgid "Item not found"
+msgstr "Posten hittas inte"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:31
+msgid "Item is not editable"
+msgstr "Posten går ej att redigera"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:42 ../../mod/rpost.php:86
+msgid "Edit post"
+msgstr "Redigera inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:53
+msgid "Delete item?"
+msgstr "Ta bort posten?"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:116 ../../mod/editblock.php:115
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:110 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:147
+msgid "Insert YouTube video"
+msgstr "Infoga Youtube-video"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:117 ../../mod/editblock.php:116
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:111 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:148
+msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] video"
+msgstr "Infoga Vorbis [.ogg]-video"
+#: ../../mod/editpost.php:118 ../../mod/editblock.php:117
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:112 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:149
+msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio"
+msgstr "Infoga Vorbis [.ogg]-ljud"
+#: ../../mod/cloud.php:112
+msgid "Red Matrix - Guests: Username: {your email address}, Password: +++"
+msgstr "Red Matrix - Gäster: Användarnamn: {din e-postadress}, Lösenord: +++"
+#: ../../mod/bookmarks.php:38
+msgid "Bookmark added"
+msgstr "Bokmärke tillagt"
+#: ../../mod/bookmarks.php:58
+msgid "My Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Mina bokmärken"
+#: ../../mod/bookmarks.php:69
+msgid "My Connections Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Mina kontakters bokmärken"
+#: ../../mod/subthread.php:105
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s"
+msgstr "%1$s följer %2$ss %3$s"
+#: ../../mod/update_network.php:23 ../../mod/update_channel.php:43
+#: ../../mod/update_search.php:46 ../../mod/update_display.php:25
+msgid "[Embedded content - reload page to view]"
+msgstr "[Inbäddat innehåll - ladda om sidan för att visa]"
+#: ../../mod/chanview.php:77 ../../mod/home.php:50 ../../mod/page.php:47
+#: ../../mod/block.php:39 ../../mod/wall_upload.php:28
+msgid "Channel not found."
+msgstr "Kanalen hittas inte."
+#: ../../mod/chanview.php:93
+msgid "toggle full screen mode"
+msgstr "växla helskärmsläge"
+#: ../../mod/tagger.php:98
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s tagged %2$s's %3$s with %4$s"
+msgstr "%1$s taggade%2$ss %3$s med %4$s"
+#: ../../mod/acl.php:239
+msgid "network"
+msgstr "nätverk"
+#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:17 ../../mod/search.php:13
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:15 ../../mod/display.php:9
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:9 ../../mod/photos.php:443
+msgid "Public access denied."
+msgstr "Offentlig behörighet saknas."
+#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:50
+msgid "No connections."
+msgstr "Inga kontakter."
+#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:62
+#, php-format
+msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]"
+msgstr "Besök %ss profil [%s]"
+#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:77
+msgid "View Connnections"
+msgstr "Visa kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:41
+msgid "Tag removed"
+msgstr "Tagg borttagen"
+#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:79
+msgid "Remove Item Tag"
+msgstr "Ta bort innehållstagg"
+#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:81
+msgid "Select a tag to remove: "
+msgstr "Välj en tagg att ta bort: "
+#: ../../mod/tagrm.php:93 ../../mod/delegate.php:130 ../../mod/photos.php:908
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "Ta bort"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:55 ../../mod/connect.php:103
+msgid "Continue"
+msgstr "Fortsätt"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:84
+msgid "Premium Channel Setup"
+msgstr "Inställning av premiumkanal"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:86
+msgid "Enable premium channel connection restrictions"
+msgstr "Aktivera kontaktrestriktioner för premiumkanal"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:87
+msgid ""
+"Please enter your restrictions or conditions, such as paypal receipt, usage "
+"guidelines, etc."
+msgstr "Ange dina restriktioner och villkor, som Paypal-kvitto, användarriktlinjer, etc."
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:89 ../../mod/connect.php:109
+msgid ""
+"This channel may require additional steps or acknowledgement of the "
+"following conditions prior to connecting:"
+msgstr "Den här kanalen kan kräva ytterligare steg eller godkännande av följande villkor innan anslutning:"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:90
+msgid ""
+"Potential connections will then see the following text before proceeding:"
+msgstr "Potentiella kontakter kommer sedan att se följande text innan de går vidare:"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:91 ../../mod/connect.php:112
+msgid ""
+"By continuing, I certify that I have complied with any instructions provided"
+" on this page."
+msgstr "Genom att fortsätta intygar jag att jag har följt alla instruktioner som ges på den här sidan."
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:100
+msgid "(No specific instructions have been provided by the channel owner.)"
+msgstr "(Inga specifika instruktioner har givits av kanalägaren.)"
+#: ../../mod/connect.php:108
+msgid "Restricted or Premium Channel"
+msgstr "Begränsad kanal eller premiumkanal"
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:95
+msgid "No potential page delegates located."
+msgstr "Inga potentiella sid-ombud funna."
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:121
+msgid "Delegate Page Management"
+msgstr "Delegera sidhantering"
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:123
+msgid ""
+"Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for "
+"basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to "
+"anybody that you do not trust completely."
+msgstr "Ombud kan hantera alla aspekter av det här kontot/den här sidan förutom grundläggande kontoinställningar. Delegera inte ditt personliga konto till någon som du inte litar fullständigt på."
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:124
+msgid "Existing Page Managers"
+msgstr "Befintliga sid-ansvariga"
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:126
+msgid "Existing Page Delegates"
+msgstr "Befintliga sid-ombud"
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:128
+msgid "Potential Delegates"
+msgstr "Potentiella ombud"
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:131
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Lägg till"
+#: ../../mod/delegate.php:132
+msgid "No entries."
+msgstr "Inga poster."
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:13
+msgid "Layout updated."
+msgstr "Layout uppdaterad."
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:28 ../../mod/pdledit.php:53
+msgid "Edit System Page Description"
+msgstr "Redigera systemsidbeskrivning"
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:48
+msgid "Layout not found."
+msgstr "Layout hittas inte."
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:54
+msgid "Module Name:"
+msgstr "Modulnamn:"
+#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:55 ../../mod/layouts.php:59
+msgid "Layout Help"
+msgstr "Layouthjälp"
+#: ../../mod/attach.php:9
+msgid "Item not available."
+msgstr "Post inte tillgänglig."
+#: ../../mod/item.php:147
+msgid "Unable to locate original post."
+msgstr "Kunde inte hitta originalinlägget."
+#: ../../mod/item.php:345
+msgid "Empty post discarded."
+msgstr "Tomt inlägg förkastat."
+#: ../../mod/item.php:385
+msgid "Executable content type not permitted to this channel."
+msgstr "Körbart innehåll tillåts inte i den här kanalen."
+#: ../../mod/item.php:794
+msgid "System error. Post not saved."
+msgstr "Systemfel. Inlägget inte sparat."
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1237
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f top level posts."
+msgstr "Du har nått din gräns på %1$.0f toppnivåinlägg."
+#: ../../mod/item.php:1243
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f webpages."
+msgstr "Du har nått din gräns på %1$.0f webbsidor."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:47
+msgid "Menu element updated."
+msgstr "Menyval uppdaterat."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:51
+msgid "Unable to update menu element."
+msgstr "Kunde inte uppdatera menyval."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:57
+msgid "Menu element added."
+msgstr "Menyval tillagt."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:61
+msgid "Unable to add menu element."
+msgstr "Kunde inte lägga till menyval."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:96
+msgid "Manage Menu Elements"
+msgstr "Hantera menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:99
+msgid "Edit menu"
+msgstr "Redigera meny"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:102
+msgid "Edit element"
+msgstr "Redigera menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:103
+msgid "Drop element"
+msgstr "Ta bort menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:104
+msgid "New element"
+msgstr "Nytt menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:105
+msgid "Edit this menu container"
+msgstr "Redigera den här menysamlaren"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:106
+msgid "Add menu element"
+msgstr "Lägg till menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:107
+msgid "Delete this menu item"
+msgstr "Ta bort det här menyvalet"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:108
+msgid "Edit this menu item"
+msgstr "Redigera det här menyvalet"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:131
+msgid "New Menu Element"
+msgstr "Nytt menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:133 ../../mod/mitem.php:176
+msgid "Menu Item Permissions"
+msgstr "Behörighet för menyval"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:136 ../../mod/mitem.php:180
+msgid "Link text"
+msgstr "Länktext"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:137 ../../mod/mitem.php:181
+msgid "URL of link"
+msgstr "Länkens URL"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:138 ../../mod/mitem.php:182
+msgid "Use Red magic-auth if available"
+msgstr "Använd Red magic-auth om tillgängligt"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:139 ../../mod/mitem.php:183
+msgid "Open link in new window"
+msgstr "Öppna länk i nytt fönster"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:141 ../../mod/mitem.php:185
+msgid "Order in list"
+msgstr "Ordningstal i listan"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:141 ../../mod/mitem.php:185
+msgid "Higher numbers will sink to bottom of listing"
+msgstr "Större tal sjunker till botten av listan"
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:154
+msgid "Menu item not found."
+msgstr "Menyval hittas inte."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:163
+msgid "Menu item deleted."
+msgstr "Menyval borttaget."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:165
+msgid "Menu item could not be deleted."
+msgstr "Menyval kunde inte tas bort."
+#: ../../mod/mitem.php:174
+msgid "Edit Menu Element"
+msgstr "Redigera menyval"
+#: ../../mod/zfinger.php:23
+msgid "invalid target signature"
+msgstr "ogiltig målsignatur"
+#: ../../mod/profperm.php:29 ../../mod/profperm.php:58
+msgid "Invalid profile identifier."
+msgstr "Ogiltigt profil-ID."
+#: ../../mod/profperm.php:105
+msgid "Profile Visibility Editor"
+msgstr "Redigera profilsynlighet"
+#: ../../mod/profperm.php:109
+msgid "Click on a contact to add or remove."
+msgstr "Klicka på en kontakt för att lägga till eller ta bort."
+#: ../../mod/profperm.php:118
+msgid "Visible To"
+msgstr "Synlig för"
+#: ../../mod/profperm.php:134 ../../mod/connections.php:277
+msgid "All Connections"
+msgstr "Alla kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/group.php:20
+msgid "Collection created."
+msgstr "Sammanhang skapat"
+#: ../../mod/group.php:26
+msgid "Could not create collection."
+msgstr "Kunde inte skapa sammanhanget."
+#: ../../mod/group.php:54
+msgid "Collection updated."
+msgstr "Sammanhanget uppdatarat."
+#: ../../mod/group.php:86
+msgid "Create a collection of channels."
+msgstr "Skapa ett sammanhang av kanaler."
+#: ../../mod/group.php:87 ../../mod/group.php:183
+msgid "Collection Name: "
+msgstr "Namn på sammanhang: "
+#: ../../mod/group.php:89 ../../mod/group.php:186
+msgid "Members are visible to other channels"
+msgstr "Medlemmar är synliga för andra kanaler"
+#: ../../mod/group.php:107
+msgid "Collection removed."
+msgstr "Sammanhang borttaget."
+#: ../../mod/group.php:109
+msgid "Unable to remove collection."
+msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort sammanhang."
+#: ../../mod/group.php:182
+msgid "Collection Editor"
+msgstr "Sammanhangsredigering"
+#: ../../mod/group.php:196
+msgid "Members"
+msgstr "Medlemmar"
+#: ../../mod/group.php:198
+msgid "All Connected Channels"
+msgstr "Alla anslutna kanaler"
+#: ../../mod/group.php:231
+msgid "Click on a channel to add or remove."
+msgstr "Klicka på en kanal för att lägga till eller ta bort."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:52
+msgid "Theme settings updated."
+msgstr "Temainställningar uppdaterade."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:92 ../../mod/admin.php:440
+msgid "Site"
+msgstr "Server"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:93
+msgid "Accounts"
+msgstr "Konton"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:94 ../../mod/admin.php:883
+msgid "Channels"
+msgstr "Kanaler"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:95 ../../mod/admin.php:974 ../../mod/admin.php:1016
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Tillägg"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:96 ../../mod/admin.php:1179 ../../mod/admin.php:1215
+msgid "Themes"
+msgstr "Teman"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:97 ../../mod/admin.php:540
+msgid "Server"
+msgstr "Server"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:98
+msgid "DB updates"
+msgstr "Databasuppdateringar"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:112 ../../mod/admin.php:119 ../../mod/admin.php:1302
+msgid "Logs"
+msgstr "Loggar"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:118
+msgid "Plugin Features"
+msgstr "Tilläggsfunktioner"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:120
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation"
+msgstr "Användarregistreringar som behöver bekräftas"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:197
+msgid "Message queues"
+msgstr "Meddelandeköer"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:202 ../../mod/admin.php:439 ../../mod/admin.php:539
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:748 ../../mod/admin.php:882 ../../mod/admin.php:973
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1015 ../../mod/admin.php:1178 ../../mod/admin.php:1214
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1301
+msgid "Administration"
+msgstr "Administration"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:203
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Sammanfattning"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:205
+msgid "Registered users"
+msgstr "Registrerade användare"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:207 ../../mod/admin.php:543
+msgid "Pending registrations"
+msgstr "Pågående registreringar"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:208
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Version"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:210 ../../mod/admin.php:544
+msgid "Active plugins"
+msgstr "Aktiva tillägg"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:360
+msgid "Site settings updated."
+msgstr "Serverinställningar uppdaterade."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:391
+msgid "No special theme for accessibility"
+msgstr "Inget speciellt tema för tillgänglighet"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:419
+msgid "Closed"
+msgstr "Stängd"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:420
+msgid "Requires approval"
+msgstr "Kräver godkännande"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:421
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Öppen"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:426
+msgid "Private"
+msgstr "Privat"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:427
+msgid "Paid Access"
+msgstr "Betald åtkomst"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:428
+msgid "Free Access"
+msgstr "Fri åtkomst"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:429
+msgid "Tiered Access"
+msgstr "Uppdelad åtkomst"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:442 ../../mod/register.php:189
+msgid "Registration"
+msgstr "Registrering"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:443
+msgid "File upload"
+msgstr "Filuppladdning"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:444
+msgid "Policies"
+msgstr "Policyer"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:449
+msgid "Site name"
+msgstr "Servernamn"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:450
+msgid "Banner/Logo"
+msgstr "Banner/logga"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:451
+msgid "Administrator Information"
+msgstr "Administratörsinformation"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:451
+msgid ""
+"Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. "
+"BBCode can be used here"
+msgstr "Kontaktinfo till sidadministratörer. Visas på sidinfosidan. BBCode kan användas här"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:452
+msgid "System language"
+msgstr "Systemspråk"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:453
+msgid "System theme"
+msgstr "Systemtema"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:453
+msgid ""
+"Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' "
+"id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>"
+msgstr "Förvalt systemtema - kan åsidosättas i användarprofiler - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>ändra temainställningar</a>"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+msgid "Mobile system theme"
+msgstr "Mobilt systemtema"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:454
+msgid "Theme for mobile devices"
+msgstr "Tema för mobila enheter"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Accessibility system theme"
+msgstr "Systemtema för ökad tillgänglighet"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:455
+msgid "Accessibility theme"
+msgstr "Tillgänglighetstema"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
+msgid "Channel to use for this website's static pages"
+msgstr "Kanal att använda för den här webbplatsens statiska sidor"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:456
+msgid "Site Channel"
+msgstr "Sidkanal"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+msgid "Maximum image size"
+msgstr "Maximal bildstorlek"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:458
+msgid ""
+"Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no "
+msgstr "Maximal storlek i byte för uppladdade bilder. Standard är 0, vilket innebär ingen storleksbegränsning."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:459
+msgid "Register policy"
+msgstr "Registreringspolicy"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:460
+msgid "Access policy"
+msgstr "Åtkomstpolicy"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+msgid "Register text"
+msgstr "Registreringstext"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:461
+msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."
+msgstr "Visas tydligt på registreringssidan."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days"
+msgstr "Konto övergivet efter x dagar"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:462
+msgid ""
+"Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded "
+"accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."
+msgstr "Slösar inte systemresurser genom att fråga externa servrar efter övergivna konton. 0 innebär ingen tidsbegränsning."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+msgid "Allowed friend domains"
+msgstr "Tillåtna vändomäner"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:463
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships "
+"with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"
+msgstr "Kommaseparerad lista med domäner som tillåts att upprätta ett vänförhållande med den här servern. Jokertecken är tillåtna. Töm för att tillåta alla domäner."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+msgid "Allowed email domains"
+msgstr "Tillåtna e-postdomäner"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:464
+msgid ""
+"Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for "
+"registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any "
+msgstr "Kommaseparerad lista med domäner som tillåts i e-postadresser för registreringar på den här servern. Jokertecken är tillåtna. Töm för att tillåta alla domäner."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid "Block public"
+msgstr "Blockera offentlig åtkomst"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:465
+msgid ""
+"Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this "
+"site unless you are currently logged in."
+msgstr "Välj för att blockera åtkomst till alla personliga sidor som annars skulle vara offentliga på den här servern om man inte är inloggad."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
+msgid "Force publish"
+msgstr "Tvinga publicering"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:466
+msgid ""
+"Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."
+msgstr "Välj för att tvinga alla profiler på den här servern att listas i serverkatalogen."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+msgid "Disable discovery tab"
+msgstr "Inaktivera upptäck-fliken"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:467
+msgid ""
+"Remove the tab in the network view with public content pulled from sources "
+"chosen for this site."
+msgstr "Ta bort fliken i nätverksvyn med offentligt innehåll som hämtas från källor valda för den här servern."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
+msgid "No login on Homepage"
+msgstr "Ingen inloggning på hemsidan"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:468
+msgid ""
+"Check to hide the login form from your sites homepage when visitors arrive "
+"who are not logged in (e.g. when you put the content of the homepage in via "
+"the site channel)."
+msgstr "Välj för att gömma inloggningsformuläret från serverns hemsida för oinloggade besökare (t.ex. när du lägger in hemsideinnehållet via serverkanalen)."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:470
+msgid "Proxy user"
+msgstr "Proxyanvändare"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:471
+msgid "Proxy URL"
+msgstr "Proxy-URL"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+msgid "Network timeout"
+msgstr "Nätverkstimeout"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:472
+msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."
+msgstr "Värde i sekunder. Sätt till 0 för obegränsat (ej rekommenderat)."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
+msgid "Delivery interval"
+msgstr "Leveransintervall"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:473
+msgid ""
+"Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 "
+"for large dedicated servers."
+msgstr "Fördröj leveransprocesser som görs i bakgrunden så här många sekunder för att reducera systembelastningen. Rekommenderat: 4-5 för delade värdar, 2-3 för virtuella privata servrar. 0-1 för stora dedikerade servrar."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+msgid "Poll interval"
+msgstr "Hämtningsintervall"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:474
+msgid ""
+"Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system "
+"load. If 0, use delivery interval."
+msgstr "Fördröj hämtningsprocesser som görs i bakgrunden så här många sekunder för att reducera systembelastningen. Om 0 används leveransintervallet."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
+msgid "Maximum Load Average"
+msgstr "Maximal genomsnittsbelastning"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:475
+msgid ""
+"Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - "
+"default 50."
+msgstr "Maximal systembelastning innan leverans- och hämtningsprocesser skjuts upp - standard är 50."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:531
+msgid "No server found"
+msgstr "Ingen server hittad"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:538 ../../mod/admin.php:762
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+msgid "for channel"
+msgstr "för kanal"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+msgid "on server"
+msgstr "på server"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:538
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:559
+msgid "Update has been marked successful"
+msgstr "Uppdatering har markerats som genomförd"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:569
+#, php-format
+msgid "Executing %s failed. Check system logs."
+msgstr "Körning av %s misslyckades. Kontrollera systemloggarna."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:572
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s was successfully applied."
+msgstr "Uppdatering %s genomfördes utan problem."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:576
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."
+msgstr "Uppdatering %s returnerade ingen status. Oklart om den lyckades."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update function %s could not be found."
+msgstr "Uppdateringsfunktion %s kunde inte hittas."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:594
+msgid "No failed updates."
+msgstr "Inga misslyckade uppdateringar."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:598
+msgid "Failed Updates"
+msgstr "Misslyckade uppdateringar"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:600
+msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)"
+msgstr "Markera som genomförd (om uppdateringen gjordes manuellt)"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:601
+msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically"
+msgstr "Försök att köra den här uppdateringen automatiskt"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:627
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user blocked/unblocked"
+msgid_plural "%s users blocked/unblocked"
+msgstr[0] "%s användare blockerad/avblockerad"
+msgstr[1] "%s användare blockerade/avblockerade"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:634
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s user deleted"
+msgid_plural "%s users deleted"
+msgstr[0] "%s användare borttagen"
+msgstr[1] "%s användare borttagna"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:665
+msgid "Account not found"
+msgstr "Konto hittas inte"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:676
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' deleted"
+msgstr "Användare '%s' borttagen"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:685
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' unblocked"
+msgstr "Användare '%s' avblockerad"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:685
+#, php-format
+msgid "User '%s' blocked"
+msgstr "Användare '%s' blockerad"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:749 ../../mod/admin.php:761
+msgid "Users"
+msgstr "Användare"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:751 ../../mod/admin.php:885
+msgid "select all"
+msgstr "välj alla"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:752
+msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm"
+msgstr "Användarregistreringar som inväntar bekräftelse"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:753
+msgid "Request date"
+msgstr "Ansökningsdatum"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:754
+msgid "No registrations."
+msgstr "Inga registreringar."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:755
+msgid "Approve"
+msgstr "Godkänn"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:756
+msgid "Deny"
+msgstr "Avslå"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:758 ../../mod/connedit.php:339
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:481
+msgid "Block"
+msgstr "Blockera"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:759 ../../mod/connedit.php:339
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:481
+msgid "Unblock"
+msgstr "Avblockera"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:762
+msgid "Register date"
+msgstr "Registreringsdatum"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:762
+msgid "Last login"
+msgstr "Senaste inloggning"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:762
+msgid "Expires"
+msgstr "Upphör att gälla"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:762
+msgid "Service Class"
+msgstr "Tjänsteklass"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:764
+msgid ""
+"Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on "
+"this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Valda användare kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt dessa användare har postat på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:765
+msgid ""
+"The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this "
+"site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Användaren {0} kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt den här användaren har postat på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:797
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s channel censored/uncensored"
+msgid_plural "%s channelss censored/uncensored"
+msgstr[0] "%s kanal censurerad/avcensurerad"
+msgstr[1] "%s kanaler censurerade/avcensurerade"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:804
+#, php-format
+msgid "%s channel deleted"
+msgid_plural "%s channels deleted"
+msgstr[0] "%s kanal borttagen"
+msgstr[1] "%s kanaler borttagna"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:823
+msgid "Channel not found"
+msgstr "Kanal hittas inte"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:834
+#, php-format
+msgid "Channel '%s' deleted"
+msgstr "Kanalen '%s' togs bort"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:844
+#, php-format
+msgid "Channel '%s' uncensored"
+msgstr "Kanal '%s' avcensurerad"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:844
+#, php-format
+msgid "Channel '%s' censored"
+msgstr "Kanal '%s' censurerad"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:887
+msgid "Censor"
+msgstr "Censurera"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:888
+msgid "Uncensor"
+msgstr "Avcensurera"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:891
+msgid "UID"
+msgstr "UID"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:891 ../../mod/profiles.php:337
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Adress"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:893
+msgid ""
+"Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in these "
+"channels on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Valda kanaler kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt som har postats i de kanalerna på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:894
+msgid ""
+"The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this "
+"channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"
+msgstr "Kanalen {0} kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt som har postats i den här kanalen på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:933
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s disabled."
+msgstr "Tillägg %s inaktiverat."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:937
+#, php-format
+msgid "Plugin %s enabled."
+msgstr "Tillägg %s aktiverat."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:947 ../../mod/admin.php:1149
+msgid "Disable"
+msgstr "Inaktivera"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:949 ../../mod/admin.php:1151
+msgid "Enable"
+msgstr "Aktivera"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:975 ../../mod/admin.php:1180
+msgid "Toggle"
+msgstr "Växla"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:983 ../../mod/admin.php:1190
+msgid "Author: "
+msgstr "Författare:"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:984 ../../mod/admin.php:1191
+msgid "Maintainer: "
+msgstr "Underhållare:"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1113
+msgid "No themes found."
+msgstr "Inga teman funna."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1172
+msgid "Screenshot"
+msgstr "Skärmdump"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1220
+msgid "[Experimental]"
+msgstr "[Experimentellt]"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1221
+msgid "[Unsupported]"
+msgstr "[Utan support]"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1248
+msgid "Log settings updated."
+msgstr "Logginställningar uppdaterade."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1304
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Rensa"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1310
+msgid "Debugging"
+msgstr "Avlusning"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1311
+msgid "Log file"
+msgstr "Loggfil"
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1311
+msgid ""
+"Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Red top-level directory."
+msgstr "Måste vara skrivbar för webbservern. Anges relativt Reds toppkatalog."
+#: ../../mod/admin.php:1312
+msgid "Log level"
+msgstr "Loggnivå"
+#: ../../mod/filer.php:49
+msgid "- select -"
+msgstr "- välj -"
+#: ../../mod/home.php:89
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s"
+msgstr "Välkommen till %s"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:162
+msgid "Red Matrix Server - Setup"
+msgstr "Red Matrix-server - inställningar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:168
+msgid "Could not connect to database."
+msgstr "Kunde inte ansluta till databasen."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:172
+msgid ""
+"Could not connect to specified site URL. Possible SSL certificate or DNS "
+msgstr "Kunde inte ansluta till den angivna server-URL:en. Möjligt problem med SSL-certifikat eller DNS."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:179
+msgid "Could not create table."
+msgstr "Kunde inte skapa tabell."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:185
+msgid "Your site database has been installed."
+msgstr "Din serverdatabas har installerats."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:190
+msgid ""
+"You may need to import the file \"install/database.sql\" manually using "
+"phpmyadmin or mysql."
+msgstr "Du kan behöva importera filen \"install/database.sql\" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:191 ../../mod/setup.php:260 ../../mod/setup.php:641
+msgid "Please see the file \"install/INSTALL.txt\"."
+msgstr "Se filen \"install/INSTALL.txt\"."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:257
+msgid "System check"
+msgstr "Systemkontroll"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:262
+msgid "Check again"
+msgstr "Kontrollera igen"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:284
+msgid "Database connection"
+msgstr "Databasanslutning"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:285
+msgid ""
+"In order to install Red Matrix we need to know how to connect to your "
+msgstr "För att kunna installera Red Matrix behöver vi veta hur databasen ska anslutas."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:286
+msgid ""
+"Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have "
+"questions about these settings."
+msgstr "Kontakta din servervärd eller administratör om du har frågor om de här inställningarna."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:287
+msgid ""
+"The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please "
+"create it before continuing."
+msgstr "Databasen du anger nedan måste finnas. Om den inte gör det, skapa den innan du fortsätter."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:291
+msgid "Database Server Name"
+msgstr "Databasserver"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:291
+msgid "Default is localhost"
+msgstr "Standard är localhost"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:292
+msgid "Database Port"
+msgstr "Databasport"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:292
+msgid "Communication port number - use 0 for default"
+msgstr "Kommunikationsportnummer - använd 0 för standardinställning"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:293
+msgid "Database Login Name"
+msgstr "Loginnamn till databas"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:294
+msgid "Database Login Password"
+msgstr "Lösenord till databas"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:295
+msgid "Database Name"
+msgstr "Databasnamn"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:297 ../../mod/setup.php:339
+msgid "Site administrator email address"
+msgstr "Serveradministratörens e-postadress"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:297 ../../mod/setup.php:339
+msgid ""
+"Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin "
+msgstr "Ditt kontos e-postadress måste stämma med den här för att webbgränssnittet för administration ska kunna användas."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:298 ../../mod/setup.php:341
+msgid "Website URL"
+msgstr "Webbplatsens URL"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:298 ../../mod/setup.php:341
+msgid "Please use SSL (https) URL if available."
+msgstr "Ange en URL med SSL (https) om tillgängligt"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:301 ../../mod/setup.php:344
+msgid "Please select a default timezone for your website"
+msgstr "Välj en standardtidszon för din webbplats"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:328
+msgid "Site settings"
+msgstr "Serverinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:387
+msgid "Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."
+msgstr "Kunde inte hitta en kommandoradsversion av PHP i webbserverns PATH."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:388
+msgid ""
+"If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you "
+"will not be able to run background polling via cron."
+msgstr "Om du inte har en kommandoradsversion av PHP installerad på servern kommer du inte att kunna köra bakgrundshämtning via cron."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:392
+msgid "PHP executable path"
+msgstr "Sökväg till PHP-programmet"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:392
+msgid ""
+"Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the "
+msgstr "Ange hela sökvägen till php-programfilen. Du kan lämna det här blankt för att fortsätta installationen."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:397
+msgid "Command line PHP"
+msgstr "Kommandorads-PHP"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:406
+msgid ""
+"The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "
+"\"register_argc_argv\" enabled."
+msgstr "Kommandoradsversionen av PHP på ditt system har inte \"register_argc_argv\" aktiverat."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:407
+msgid "This is required for message delivery to work."
+msgstr "Det här behövs för att meddelandeleverans ska fungera."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:409
+msgid "PHP register_argc_argv"
+msgstr "PHP register_argc_argv"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:430
+msgid ""
+"Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to "
+"generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Fel: \"openssl_pkey_new\"-funktionen på det här systemet kan inte generera kryptonycklar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:431
+msgid ""
+"If running under Windows, please see "
+msgstr "Om systemet kör Windows, se \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:433
+msgid "Generate encryption keys"
+msgstr "Generera kryptonycklar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:440
+msgid "libCurl PHP module"
+msgstr "PHP-modulen libCurl"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:441
+msgid "GD graphics PHP module"
+msgstr "PHP-modulen GD graphics"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:442
+msgid "OpenSSL PHP module"
+msgstr "PHP-modulen OpenSSL"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:443
+msgid "mysqli PHP module"
+msgstr "PHP-modulen mysqli"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:444
+msgid "mb_string PHP module"
+msgstr "PHP-modulen mb_string"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:445
+msgid "mcrypt PHP module"
+msgstr "PHP-modulen mcrypt"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:450 ../../mod/setup.php:452
+msgid "Apache mod_rewrite module"
+msgstr "Apache-modulen mod_rewrite"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:450
+msgid ""
+"Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: Apache-webbserverns mod-rewrite-modul krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:456 ../../mod/setup.php:459
+msgid "proc_open"
+msgstr "proc_open"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:456
+msgid ""
+"Error: proc_open is required but is either not installed or has been "
+"disabled in php.ini"
+msgstr "Fel: proc_open krävs men är antingen inte installerad eller har inaktiverats i php.ini"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:464
+msgid "Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: PHP-modulen libCURL krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:468
+msgid ""
+"Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: PHP-modulen GD graphics med JPEG-stöd krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:472
+msgid "Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: PHP-modulen openssl krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:476
+msgid "Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: PHP-modulen mysqli krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:480
+msgid "Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: PHP-modulen mb_string krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:484
+msgid "Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."
+msgstr "Fel: PHP-modulen mcrypt krävs men är inte installerad."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:500
+msgid ""
+"The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\""
+" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."
+msgstr "Webbinstallationen måste kunna skapa filen \".htconfig.php\" i toppkatalogen på din webbserver men kan inte göra det."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:501
+msgid ""
+"This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able "
+"to write files in your folder - even if you can."
+msgstr "Det är ofta en behörighetsinställning som gör att webbservern inte kan skriva filer i din katalog - även om du kan."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:502
+msgid ""
+"At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file "
+"named .htconfig.php in your Red top folder."
+msgstr "Efter den här proceduren kommer vi att ge dig en text att spara i filen .htconfig.php i Reds toppkatalog."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:503
+msgid ""
+"You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation."
+" Please see the file \"install/INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."
+msgstr "Alternativt kan du hoppa över den här proceduren och göra en manuell installation. För instruktioner, se filen \"install/INSTALL.txt\"."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:506
+msgid ".htconfig.php is writable"
+msgstr ".htconfig.php är skrivbar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:516
+msgid ""
+"Red uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 "
+"compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."
+msgstr "Red använder mallmotorn Smarty3 för att rendera webbvyerna. Smarty3 kompilerar mallar till PHP för att snabba upp renderingen."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:517
+msgid ""
+"In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have "
+"write access to the directory view/tpl/smarty3/ under the Red top level "
+msgstr "För att kunna spara de här kompilerade mallarna behöver webbservern ha skrivrättigheter i katalogen view/tpl/smarty3/ under Reds toppkatalog."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:518 ../../mod/setup.php:536
+msgid ""
+"Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has"
+" write access to this folder."
+msgstr "Försäkra dig om att användaren som din webbserver kör som (t.ex. www-data) har skrivrättigheter till den här katalogen."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:519
+msgid ""
+"Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to "
+"view/tpl/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."
+msgstr "Observera: som en säkerhetsåtgärd bör du ge webbservern skrivrättigheter endast till view/tpl/smarty3 - inte till mallfilerna (.tpl) som den innehåller."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:522
+msgid "view/tpl/smarty3 is writable"
+msgstr "view/tpl/smarty3 är skrivbar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:535
+msgid ""
+"Red uses the store directory to save uploaded files. The web server needs to"
+" have write access to the store directory under the Red top level folder"
+msgstr "Red använder katalogen store för att spara uppladdade filer. Webbservern behöver ha skrivrättigheter till katalogen store under Reds toppkatalog."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:539
+msgid "store is writable"
+msgstr "store är skrivbar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:554
+msgid ""
+"SSL certificate cannot be validated. Fix certificate or disable https access"
+" to this site."
+msgstr "SSL-certifikatet kan inte valideras. Fixa certifikatet eller inaktivera https-åtkomst till den här servern."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:555
+msgid ""
+"If you use https access, you MUST use a certification instance known by all "
+"internet browsers. You MUST NOT use self-signed certificates!"
+msgstr "Om du använder https-åtkomst MÅSTE du använda ett certifikat som känns igen av alla webbläsare. Du FÅR INTE använda självsignerade certifikat!"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:556
+msgid ""
+"This restriction is incorporated because public posts from you may for "
+"example contain references to images on your own hub. If your"
+msgstr "Den här restriktionen finns för att offentliga inlägg från dig till exempel kan innehålla referenser till bilder på din egen hubb. Om ditt"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:557
+msgid ""
+"certificate is not known by the internet browser of users they get a warning"
+" message complaining about some security issues. Although"
+msgstr "certifikat inte känns igen av användares webbläsare får de ett varningsmeddelande om säkerhetsproblem. Även om"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:558
+msgid ""
+"these complains are not the real truth - there are no security issues with "
+"your encryption! - the users may be confused, nerved or even"
+msgstr "de här varningarna inte är helt sanna - det är inga säkerhetsproblem med din kryptering! - så kan användare bli förvirrade, nervösa eller"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:559
+msgid ""
+"worse may become scared about redmatrix having security issues. Use one of "
+"the free certification instances!"
+msgstr "ännu värre, bli skrämda att redmatrix skulle ha säkerhetsproblem. Använd en av utfärdarna av gratis certifikat."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:561
+msgid "SSL certificate validation"
+msgstr "SSL-certifikatvalidering"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:568
+msgid ""
+"Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."
+msgstr "URL rewrite i .htaccess fungerar inte. Kontrollera din serverkonfiguration."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:570
+msgid "Url rewrite is working"
+msgstr "URL rewrite fungerar"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:580
+msgid ""
+"The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. "
+"Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web "
+"server root."
+msgstr "Databaskonfigurationsfilen \".htconfig.php\" kunde inte skrivas. Använd den bifogade texten för att skapa en konfigurationsfil i din webbservers rot."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:604
+msgid "Errors encountered creating database tables."
+msgstr "Fel inträffade när databastabeller skulle skapas."
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:639
+msgid "<h1>What next</h1>"
+msgstr "<h1>Nästa steg</h1>"
+#: ../../mod/setup.php:640
+msgid ""
+"IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the "
+msgstr "VIKTIGT: Du behöver ställa in en schemalagd för hämtningsrutinen [manuellt]"
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:148 ../../mod/profiles.php:561
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:98
+msgid "Age: "
+msgstr "Ålder:"
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:151 ../../mod/dirprofile.php:101
+msgid "Gender: "
+msgstr "Kön:"
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:212
+msgid "Finding:"
+msgstr "Sökning efter:"
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:220
+msgid "next page"
+msgstr "nästa sida"
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:220
+msgid "previous page"
+msgstr "föregående sida"
+#: ../../mod/directory.php:227
+msgid "No entries (some entries may be hidden)."
+msgstr "Inga resultat (vissa resultat kan vara dolda)."
+#: ../../mod/lockview.php:30 ../../mod/lockview.php:36
+msgid "Remote privacy information not available."
+msgstr "Icke-lokal integritetsinformation är inte tillgänglig"
+#: ../../mod/lockview.php:45
+msgid "Visible to:"
+msgstr "Synlig för:"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:49 ../../mod/connections.php:37
+msgid "Could not access contact record."
+msgstr "Kunde inte komma åt kontaktuppgifter."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:63 ../../mod/connections.php:51
+msgid "Could not locate selected profile."
+msgstr "Kunde inte hitta vald profil."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:107 ../../mod/connections.php:94
+msgid "Connection updated."
+msgstr "Kontakt uppdaterad."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:109 ../../mod/connections.php:96
+msgid "Failed to update connection record."
+msgstr "Misslyckades att uppdatera kontaktuppgifter."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:210
+msgid "Could not access address book record."
+msgstr "Kunde inte komma åt adressboksuppgifter."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:224
+msgid "Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable."
+msgstr "Uppdatering misslyckades - kanalen är inte tillgänglig."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:231
+msgid "Channel has been unblocked"
+msgstr "Kanalen är inte längre blockerad"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:232
+msgid "Channel has been blocked"
+msgstr "Kanalen har blockerats"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:236 ../../mod/connedit.php:248
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:260 ../../mod/connedit.php:272
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:287
+msgid "Unable to set address book parameters."
+msgstr "Kunde inte ställa in adressboksparametrar."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:243
+msgid "Channel has been unignored"
+msgstr "Kanalen ignoreras inte längre"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:244
+msgid "Channel has been ignored"
+msgstr "Kanalen har ignorerats"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:255
+msgid "Channel has been unarchived"
+msgstr "Kanalen arkiveras inte längre"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:256
+msgid "Channel has been archived"
+msgstr "Kanalen har arkiverats"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:267
+msgid "Channel has been unhidden"
+msgstr "Kanalen döljs inte längre"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:268
+msgid "Channel has been hidden"
+msgstr "Kanalen har dolts"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:282
+msgid "Channel has been approved"
+msgstr "Kanalen har godkänts"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:283
+msgid "Channel has been unapproved"
+msgstr "Kanalen är inte godkänd längre"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:301
+msgid "Connection has been removed."
+msgstr "Kontakten har tagits bort."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:321
+#, php-format
+msgid "View %s's profile"
+msgstr "Visa %ss profil"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:325
+msgid "Refresh Permissions"
+msgstr "Uppdatera behörigheter"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:328
+msgid "Fetch updated permissions"
+msgstr "Hämta uppdaterade behörigheter"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:332
+msgid "Recent Activity"
+msgstr "Senaste aktiviteten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:335
+msgid "View recent posts and comments"
+msgstr "Visa de senaste inläggen och kommentarerna"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:342
+msgid "Block or Unblock this connection"
+msgstr "Blockera eller häv blockering av den här kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:346 ../../mod/connedit.php:482
+msgid "Unignore"
+msgstr "Sluta att ignorera"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:346 ../../mod/connedit.php:482
+#: ../../mod/notifications.php:51
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Ignorera"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:349
+msgid "Ignore or Unignore this connection"
+msgstr "Ignorera eller sluta att ignorera den här kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:352
+msgid "Unarchive"
+msgstr "Sluta att arkivera"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:352
+msgid "Archive"
+msgstr "Arkivera"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:355
+msgid "Archive or Unarchive this connection"
+msgstr "Arkivera eller sluta att arkivera den här kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:358
+msgid "Unhide"
+msgstr "Sluta att dölja"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:358
+msgid "Hide"
+msgstr "Dölj"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:361
+msgid "Hide or Unhide this connection"
+msgstr "Dölj eller sluta att dölja den här kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:368
+msgid "Delete this connection"
+msgstr "Ta bort den här kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:401
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Okända"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:411 ../../mod/connedit.php:440
+msgid "Approve this connection"
+msgstr "Godkänn den här kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:411
+msgid "Accept connection to allow communication"
+msgstr "Acceptera kontakten för att tillåta kommunikation"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:427
+msgid "Automatic Permissions Settings"
+msgstr "Automatiska behörighetsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:427
+#, php-format
+msgid "Connections: settings for %s"
+msgstr "Kontakter: inställningar för %s"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:431
+msgid ""
+"When receiving a channel introduction, any permissions provided here will be"
+" applied to the new connection automatically and the introduction approved. "
+"Leave this page if you do not wish to use this feature."
+msgstr "När en kanal presenterar sig för dig kommer alla behörigheter här att gälla för den nya kontakten automatiskt och presentationen att godkännas. Lämna den här sidan om du inte önskar använda den här funktionen."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:433
+msgid "Slide to adjust your degree of friendship"
+msgstr "Dra för att justera er vänskapsnivå"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:439
+msgid "inherited"
+msgstr "ärvd"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:441
+msgid "Connection has no individual permissions!"
+msgstr "Kontakten har inga individuella behörigheter!"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:442
+msgid ""
+"This may be appropriate based on your <a href=\"settings\">privacy "
+"settings</a>, though you may wish to review the \"Advanced Permissions\"."
+msgstr "Det här kan vara lämpligt beroende på dina <a href=\"settings\">integritetsinställningar</a>, men du vill kanske se över de \"Avancerade inställningarna\"."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:444
+msgid "Profile Visibility"
+msgstr "Profilsynlighet"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:445
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your "
+"profile securely."
+msgstr "Välj profilen som du vill ska synas när %s ser din profil på ett säkert sätt."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:446
+msgid "Contact Information / Notes"
+msgstr "Kontaktinformation / anteckningar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:447
+msgid "Edit contact notes"
+msgstr "Redigera anteckningar för kontakten"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:449
+msgid "Their Settings"
+msgstr "Deras inställningar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:450
+msgid "My Settings"
+msgstr "Mina inställningar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:452
+msgid "Forum Members"
+msgstr "Forummedlemmar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:453
+msgid "Soapbox"
+msgstr "Talarstol"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:454
+msgid "Full Sharing (typical social network permissions)"
+msgstr "Full delning (typiska behörigheter för sociala nätverk)"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:455
+msgid "Cautious Sharing "
+msgstr "Försiktig delning"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:456
+msgid "Follow Only"
+msgstr "Följ endast"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:457
+msgid "Individual Permissions"
+msgstr "Individuella behörigheter"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:458
+msgid ""
+"Some permissions may be inherited from your channel <a "
+"href=\"settings\">privacy settings</a>, which have higher priority than "
+"individual settings. Changing those inherited settings on this page will "
+"have no effect."
+msgstr "Vissa behörigheter kan ärvas från din kanals <a href=\"settings\">integritetsinställningar</a>, vilka har högre prioritet än individuella inställningar. Ändring av de ärvda inställningarna på den här sidan har ingen effekt."
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:459
+msgid "Advanced Permissions"
+msgstr "Avancerade behörighetsinställningar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:460
+msgid "Simple Permissions (select one and submit)"
+msgstr "Enkla behörighetsinställningar (välj en och spara)"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:464
+#, php-format
+msgid "Visit %s's profile - %s"
+msgstr "Besök %ss profil - %s"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:465
+msgid "Block/Unblock contact"
+msgstr "Blockera/häv blockering av kontakt"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:466
+msgid "Ignore contact"
+msgstr "Ignorera kontakt"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:467
+msgid "Repair URL settings"
+msgstr "Reparera URL-inställningar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:468
+msgid "View conversations"
+msgstr "Visa konversationer"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:470
+msgid "Delete contact"
+msgstr "Ta bort kontakt"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:473
+msgid "Last update:"
+msgstr "Senaste uppdatering:"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:475
+msgid "Update public posts"
+msgstr "Uppdatera offentliga inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:477
+msgid "Update now"
+msgstr "Uppdatera nu"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:483
+msgid "Currently blocked"
+msgstr "Blockerad"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:484
+msgid "Currently ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorerad"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:485
+msgid "Currently archived"
+msgstr "Arkiverad"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:486
+msgid "Currently pending"
+msgstr "Inväntar svar"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:487
+msgid "Hide this contact from others"
+msgstr "Dölj den här kontakten för andra"
+#: ../../mod/connedit.php:487
+msgid ""
+"Replies/likes to your public posts <strong>may</strong> still be visible"
+msgstr "Svar/gilla-reaktioner på dina offentliga inlägg <strong>kan</strong> fortfarande synas"
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:62
+msgid "Help with this feature"
+msgstr "Hjälp för den här funktionen"
+#: ../../mod/layouts.php:84
+msgid "Layout Name"
+msgstr "Layoutnamn"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:43 ../../mod/help.php:49 ../../mod/help.php:55
+msgid "Help:"
+msgstr "Hjälp:"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:69 ../../index.php:223
+msgid "Not Found"
+msgstr "Hittas inte"
+#: ../../mod/help.php:72 ../../mod/page.php:83 ../../mod/display.php:100
+#: ../../mod/block.php:75 ../../index.php:226
+msgid "Page not found."
+msgstr "Sidan hittas inte."
+#: ../../mod/rmagic.php:38
+msgid ""
+"We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. "
+"Please check the correct spelling of the ID."
+msgstr "Vi drabbades av ett problem vid inloggningen med OpenID:t du uppgav. Kontrollera att ID:t är korrekt stavat."
+#: ../../mod/rmagic.php:38
+msgid "The error message was:"
+msgstr "Felmeddelandet var:"
+#: ../../mod/rmagic.php:42
+msgid "Authentication failed."
+msgstr "Autentisering misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/rmagic.php:78
+msgid "Remote Authentication"
+msgstr "Fjärrautentisering."
+#: ../../mod/rmagic.php:79
+msgid "Enter your channel address (e.g. channel@example.com)"
+msgstr "Ange din kanaladress (t.ex. kanal@example.com)"
+#: ../../mod/rmagic.php:80
+msgid "Authenticate"
+msgstr "Autentisera"
+#: ../../mod/page.php:35 ../../mod/block.php:27
+msgid "Invalid item."
+msgstr "Ogiltig post."
+#: ../../mod/network.php:79
+msgid "No such group"
+msgstr "Ingen sådan grupp"
+#: ../../mod/network.php:119
+msgid "Search Results For:"
+msgstr "Sökresultat för:"
+#: ../../mod/network.php:173
+msgid "Collection is empty"
+msgstr "Sammanhanget är tomt"
+#: ../../mod/network.php:181
+msgid "Collection: "
+msgstr "Sammanhang: "
+#: ../../mod/network.php:194
+msgid "Connection: "
+msgstr "Kontakt:"
+#: ../../mod/network.php:197
+msgid "Invalid connection."
+msgstr "Ogiltig kontakt."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:18 ../../mod/profiles.php:138
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:168 ../../mod/profiles.php:463
+msgid "Profile not found."
+msgstr "Profil hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:38
+msgid "Profile deleted."
+msgstr "Profil borttagen."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:56 ../../mod/profiles.php:92
+msgid "Profile-"
+msgstr "Profil-"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:77 ../../mod/profiles.php:120
+msgid "New profile created."
+msgstr "Ny profil skapad."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:98
+msgid "Profile unavailable to clone."
+msgstr "Profil inte tillgänglig för kloning."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:178
+msgid "Profile Name is required."
+msgstr "Profilnamn krävs."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:294
+msgid "Marital Status"
+msgstr "Civilstånd"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:298
+msgid "Romantic Partner"
+msgstr "Romantisk partner"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:302
+msgid "Likes"
+msgstr "Gillar"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:306
+msgid "Dislikes"
+msgstr "Ogillar"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:310
+msgid "Work/Employment"
+msgstr "Arbete/sysselsättning"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:313
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Religion"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:317
+msgid "Political Views"
+msgstr "Politisk åskådning"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:321
+msgid "Gender"
+msgstr "Kön"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:325
+msgid "Sexual Preference"
+msgstr "Sexuell preferens"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:329
+msgid "Homepage"
+msgstr "Hemsida"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:333
+msgid "Interests"
+msgstr "Intressen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:344 ../../mod/pubsites.php:31
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "Plats"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:427
+msgid "Profile updated."
+msgstr "Profil uppdaterad."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:482
+msgid "Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"
+msgstr "Dölj din kontakt-/vänlista för de som ser den här profilen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:505
+msgid "Edit Profile Details"
+msgstr "Redigera profildetaljer"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:507
+msgid "View this profile"
+msgstr "Visa den här profilen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:508
+msgid "Change Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Byt profilfoto"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:509
+msgid "Create a new profile using these settings"
+msgstr "Skapa en ny profil utifrån de här inställningarna"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:510
+msgid "Clone this profile"
+msgstr "Klona den här profilen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:511
+msgid "Delete this profile"
+msgstr "Ta bort den här profilen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:512
+msgid "Profile Name:"
+msgstr "Profilnamn:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:513
+msgid "Your Full Name:"
+msgstr "Ditt fulllständiga namn:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:514
+msgid "Title/Description:"
+msgstr "Titel/beskrivning:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:515
+msgid "Your Gender:"
+msgstr "Ditt kön:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:516
+#, php-format
+msgid "Birthday (%s):"
+msgstr "Födelsedag (%s):"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:517
+msgid "Street Address:"
+msgstr "Gatuadress:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:518
+msgid "Locality/City:"
+msgstr "Ort:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:519
+msgid "Postal/Zip Code:"
+msgstr "Postnummer:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:520
+msgid "Country:"
+msgstr "Land:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:521
+msgid "Region/State:"
+msgstr "Region:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:522
+msgid "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Marital Status:"
+msgstr "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Civilstånd:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:523
+msgid "Who: (if applicable)"
+msgstr "Vem: (om tillämpligt)"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:524
+msgid "Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+msgstr "Exempel: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:525
+msgid "Since [date]:"
+msgstr "Sedan [datum]"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:527
+msgid "Homepage URL:"
+msgstr "Hemsideadress:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:530
+msgid "Religious Views:"
+msgstr "Religion/livsåskådning:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:531
+msgid "Keywords:"
+msgstr "Nyckelord:"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:534
+msgid "Example: fishing photography software"
+msgstr "Exempel: fiske fotografering mjukvara"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:535
+msgid "Used in directory listings"
+msgstr "Används i kataloglistningar"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:536
+msgid "Tell us about yourself..."
+msgstr "Beskriv dig själv..."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:537
+msgid "Hobbies/Interests"
+msgstr "Fritidssysselsättning/intressen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:538
+msgid "Contact information and Social Networks"
+msgstr "Kontaktinformation och sociala nätverk"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:539
+msgid "My other channels"
+msgstr "Mina andra kanaler"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:540
+msgid "Musical interests"
+msgstr "Musikintressen"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:541
+msgid "Books, literature"
+msgstr "Böcker, litteratur"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:542
+msgid "Television"
+msgstr "Tv"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:543
+msgid "Film/dance/culture/entertainment"
+msgstr "Film/dans/kultur/underhållning"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:544
+msgid "Love/romance"
+msgstr "Kärlek/romantik"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:545
+msgid "Work/employment"
+msgstr "Arbete/sysselsättning"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:546
+msgid "School/education"
+msgstr "Skola/utbildning"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:551
+msgid ""
+"This is your <strong>public</strong> profile.<br />It <strong>may</strong> "
+"be visible to anybody using the internet."
+msgstr "Det här är din <strong>offentliga</strong> profil.<br />Den <strong>kan</strong> ses av vem som helst med tillgång till Internet."
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:600
+msgid "Edit/Manage Profiles"
+msgstr "Redigera/hantera profiler"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:601
+msgid "Add profile things"
+msgstr "Lägg till profilsaker"
+#: ../../mod/profiles.php:602
+msgid "Include desirable objects in your profile"
+msgstr "Inkludera fina prylar i din profil"
+#: ../../mod/dirsearch.php:21
+msgid "This site is not a directory server"
+msgstr "Den här servern är inte en katalogserver"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:32
+msgid "Failed to create source. No channel selected."
+msgstr "Misslyckades att skapa källa. Ingen kanal vald."
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:45
+msgid "Source created."
+msgstr "Källa skapad."
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:57
+msgid "Source updated."
+msgstr "Källa uppdaterad."
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:82
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:89
+msgid "Manage remote sources of content for your channel."
+msgstr "Hantera fjärrkällor med innehåll för din kanal."
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:90 ../../mod/sources.php:100
+msgid "New Source"
+msgstr "Ny källa"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:101 ../../mod/sources.php:133
+msgid ""
+"Import all or selected content from the following channel into this channel "
+"and distribute it according to your channel settings."
+msgstr "Importera allt eller valt innehåll från följande kanal till den här kanalen och distribuera det enligt dina kanalinställningar."
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:102 ../../mod/sources.php:134
+msgid "Only import content with these words (one per line)"
+msgstr "Importera endast innehåll med de här orden (ett per rad)"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:102 ../../mod/sources.php:134
+msgid "Leave blank to import all public content"
+msgstr "Lämna blankt för att importera allt offentligt innehåll"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:103 ../../mod/sources.php:137
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:110
+msgid "Channel Name"
+msgstr "Kanalnamn"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:123 ../../mod/sources.php:150
+msgid "Source not found."
+msgstr "Källa hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:130
+msgid "Edit Source"
+msgstr "Redigera källa"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:131
+msgid "Delete Source"
+msgstr "Ta bort källa"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:158
+msgid "Source removed"
+msgstr "Källa borttagen"
+#: ../../mod/sources.php:160
+msgid "Unable to remove source."
+msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort källa."
+#: ../../mod/blocks.php:66
+msgid "Block Name"
+msgstr "Blocknamn"
+#: ../../mod/magic.php:70
+msgid "Hub not found."
+msgstr "Hubb hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:19 ../../mod/channel.php:25
+msgid "You must be logged in to see this page."
+msgstr "Du måste vara inloggad för att se den här sidan."
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:166
+msgid "Room not found"
+msgstr "Rum hittas inte"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:176
+msgid "Leave Room"
+msgstr "Lämna rummet"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:177
+msgid "I am away right now"
+msgstr "Jag är borta för tillfället"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:178
+msgid "I am online"
+msgstr "Jag är online"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:180
+msgid "Bookmark this room"
+msgstr "Bokmärk det här rummet"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:204 ../../mod/chat.php:226
+msgid "New Chatroom"
+msgstr "Nytt chattrum"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:205
+msgid "Chatroom Name"
+msgstr "Namn på chattrum"
+#: ../../mod/chat.php:222
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s's Chatrooms"
+msgstr "%1$ss chattrum"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:57
+#, php-format
+msgid "Version %s"
+msgstr "Version %s"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:76
+msgid "Installed plugins/addons/apps:"
+msgstr "Installerade tillägg/moduler/appar:"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:89
+msgid "No installed plugins/addons/apps"
+msgstr "Inga installerade tillägg/moduler/appar"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:97
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Red"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:98
+msgid ""
+"This is a hub of the Red Matrix - a global cooperative network of "
+"decentralised privacy enhanced websites."
+msgstr "Det här är en hubb som hör till Red Matrix - ett globalt samverkande nätverk av decentraliserade integritetsstärkta webbplatser."
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:101
+msgid "Running at web location"
+msgstr "Kör på webbutrymmet"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:102
+msgid ""
+"Please visit <a href=\"http://getzot.com\">GetZot.com</a> to learn more "
+"about the Red Matrix."
+msgstr "Besök <a href=\"http://getzot.com\">GetZot.com</a> lära dig mer om Red Matrix."
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:103
+msgid "Bug reports and issues: please visit"
+msgstr "Buggrapporter och problem: besök"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:106
+msgid ""
+"Suggestions, praise, etc. - please email \"redmatrix\" at librelist - dot "
+msgstr "Förslag, uppskattning, etc. - maila \"redmatrix\" at librelist - dot com"
+#: ../../mod/siteinfo.php:108
+msgid "Site Administrators"
+msgstr "Serveradministratörer"
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:107
+msgid "Add a Channel"
+msgstr "Lägg till en kanal"
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:108
+msgid ""
+"A channel is your own collection of related web pages. A channel can be used"
+" to hold social network profiles, blogs, conversation groups and forums, "
+"celebrity pages, and much more. You may create as many channels as your "
+"service provider allows."
+msgstr "En kanal är din egen samling av relaterade webbsidor. En kanal kan användas för att innehålla sociala nätverksprofiler, bloggar, konversationsgrupper och forum, fansidor, och mycket mer. Du kan skapa så många kanaler som din tjänsteleverantör tillåter."
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:111
+msgid "Examples: \"Bob Jameson\", \"Lisa and her Horses\", \"Soccer\", \"Aviation Group\" "
+msgstr "Exempel: \"Bob Jameson\", \"Lisa och hennes hästar\", \"Fotboll\", \"Flyggruppen\" "
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:112
+msgid "Choose a short nickname"
+msgstr "Välj ett kort smeknamn"
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:113
+msgid ""
+"Your nickname will be used to create an easily remembered channel address "
+"(like an email address) which you can share with others."
+msgstr "Ditt smeknamn används för att skapa en kanaladress som är lätt att komma ihåg (som en e-postadress) som du kan dela med andra."
+#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:114
+msgid "Or <a href=\"import\">import an existing channel</a> from another location"
+msgstr "Eller <a href=\"import\">importera en befintlig kanal</a> från en annan plats"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:15
+msgid "No valid account found."
+msgstr "Inget giltigt konto hittades."
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:29
+msgid "Password reset request issued. Check your email."
+msgstr "Lösenordsåterställning har skickats. Kontrollera din e-post."
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:35 ../../mod/lostpass.php:102
+#, php-format
+msgid "Site Member (%s)"
+msgstr "Servermedlem (%s)"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:40
+#, php-format
+msgid "Password reset requested at %s"
+msgstr "Lösenordsåterställning begärd på %s"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:63
+msgid ""
+"Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) "
+"Password reset failed."
+msgstr "Begäran kunde inte bekräftas. (Du kan ha skickat den tidigare.) Lösenordsåterställningen misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:85 ../../boot.php:1454
+msgid "Password Reset"
+msgstr "Lösenordsåterställning"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:86
+msgid "Your password has been reset as requested."
+msgstr "Ditt lösenord har återställts som begärt."
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:87
+msgid "Your new password is"
+msgstr "Ditt nya lösenord är"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:88
+msgid "Save or copy your new password - and then"
+msgstr "Spara eller kopiera ditt nya lösenord - "
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:89
+msgid "click here to login"
+msgstr "klicka sedan här för att logga in"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:90
+msgid ""
+"Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after "
+"successful login."
+msgstr "Ditt lösenord kan bytas från sidan <em>Inställningar</em> när du är inloggad."
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:107
+#, php-format
+msgid "Your password has changed at %s"
+msgstr "Ditt lösenord byttes på %s"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:122
+msgid "Forgot your Password?"
+msgstr "Glömt lösenordet?"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:123
+msgid ""
+"Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check "
+"your email for further instructions."
+msgstr "Ange din e-postadress och skicka för att återställa ditt lösenord. Kontrollera sedan din e-post för vidare instruktioner."
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:124
+msgid "Email Address"
+msgstr "E-postadress"
+#: ../../mod/lostpass.php:125
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "Återställ"
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:77
+msgid "Edit Block"
+msgstr "Redigera block"
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:87
+msgid "Delete block?"
+msgstr "Ta bort block?"
+#: ../../mod/editblock.php:153
+msgid "Delete Block"
+msgstr "Ta bort block"
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:88
+msgid "Select a bookmark folder"
+msgstr "Välj en bokmärkeskatalog"
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:93
+msgid "Save Bookmark"
+msgstr "Spara bokmärke"
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:94
+msgid "URL of bookmark"
+msgstr "Bokmärkets URL"
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:95
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beskrivning"
+#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:99
+msgid "Or enter new bookmark folder name"
+msgstr "Eller ange nytt namn på bokmärkeskatalog"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:36
+msgid "Nothing to import."
+msgstr "Inget att importera."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:58
+msgid "Unable to download data from old server"
+msgstr "Kunde inte ladda ner data från den gamla servern"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:64
+msgid "Imported file is empty."
+msgstr "Den importerade filen är tom."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:88
+msgid ""
+"Cannot create a duplicate channel identifier on this system. Import failed."
+msgstr "Kan inte skapa ett dubblerat kanal-ID på det här systemet. Import misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:106
+msgid "Channel clone failed. Import failed."
+msgstr "Kloning av kanalen misslyckades. Import misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:116
+msgid "Cloned channel not found. Import failed."
+msgstr "Den klonade kanalen hittas inte. Import misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:358
+msgid "Import completed."
+msgstr "Import slutförd."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:371
+msgid "You must be logged in to use this feature."
+msgstr "Du måste vara inloggad för att kunna använda den här funktionen."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:376
+msgid "Import Channel"
+msgstr "Importera kanal"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:377
+msgid ""
+"Use this form to import an existing channel from a different server/hub. You"
+" may retrieve the channel identity from the old server/hub via the network "
+"or provide an export file. Only identity and connections/relationships will "
+"be imported. Importation of content is not yet available."
+msgstr "Använd det här formuläret för att importera en befintlig kanal från en annan server/hubb. Du kan få kanal-ID:t från den gamla servern/hubben över nätverket eller tillhandahålla en exportfil. Endast identitet och kontakter/relationer kommer att importeras. Import av innehåll stöds ännu inte."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:378
+msgid "File to Upload"
+msgstr "Fil att ladda upp"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:379
+msgid "Or provide the old server/hub details"
+msgstr "Eller ge uppgifter om den gamla servern/hubben"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:380
+msgid "Your old identity address (xyz@example.com)"
+msgstr "Din gamla identitetsadress (xyz@example.com)"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:381
+msgid "Your old login email address"
+msgstr "Din gamla e-postadress för inloggning"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:382
+msgid "Your old login password"
+msgstr "Ditt gamla inloggningslösenord"
+#: ../../mod/import.php:383
+msgid ""
+"For either option, please choose whether to make this hub your new primary "
+"address, or whether your old location should continue this role. You will be"
+" able to post from either location, but only one can be marked as the "
+"primary location for files, photos, and media."
+msgstr "Ange i bägge fallen om den här hubben ska vara din nya primära adress eller om den gamla platsen ska fortsätta att ha den rollen. Du kommer att kunna posta från båda platser, men bara en kan vara primärt utrymme för filer, foton och media."
+#: ../../mod/import.php:384
+msgid "Make this hub my primary location"
+msgstr "Gör den här hubben till min primära plats"
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:64
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."
+msgstr "Du har skapat %1$.0f av %2$.0f tillåtna kanaler."
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:72
+msgid "Create a new channel"
+msgstr "Skapa en ny kanal"
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:77
+msgid "Channel Manager"
+msgstr "Kanalhanterare"
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:78
+msgid "Current Channel"
+msgstr "Nuvarande kanal"
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:80
+msgid "Attach to one of your channels by selecting it."
+msgstr "Anslut till en av dina kanaler genom att välja den."
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:81
+msgid "Default Channel"
+msgstr "Standardkanal"
+#: ../../mod/manage.php:82
+msgid "Make Default"
+msgstr "Gör till standard"
+#: ../../mod/vote.php:97
+msgid "Total votes"
+msgstr "Totala röster"
+#: ../../mod/vote.php:98
+msgid "Average Rating"
+msgstr "Genomsnittsbetyg"
+#: ../../mod/match.php:16
+msgid "Profile Match"
+msgstr "Profilträff"
+#: ../../mod/match.php:24
+msgid "No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."
+msgstr "Inga nyckelord att matcha mot. Lägg till några nyckelord i din standardprofil."
+#: ../../mod/match.php:61
+msgid "is interested in:"
+msgstr "är intresserad av:"
+#: ../../mod/match.php:69
+msgid "No matches"
+msgstr "Inga träffar"
+#: ../../mod/chatsvc.php:102
+msgid "Away"
+msgstr "Borta"
+#: ../../mod/chatsvc.php:106
+msgid "Online"
+msgstr "Online"
+#: ../../mod/openid.php:26
+msgid "OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."
+msgstr "Protokollfel för OpenID. Inget ID returnerades."
+#: ../../mod/openid.php:72 ../../mod/openid.php:178 ../../mod/post.php:257
+#, php-format
+msgid "Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful."
+msgstr "Välkommen %s. Fjärrautentisering lyckades."
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:72
+msgid "Edit Layout"
+msgstr "Redigera layout"
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:82
+msgid "Delete layout?"
+msgstr "Ta bort layout?"
+#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:146
+msgid "Delete Layout"
+msgstr "Ta bort layout"
+#: ../../mod/post.php:226
+msgid ""
+"Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please"
+" logout and retry."
+msgstr "Fjärrautentisering blockerades. Du är inloggad på den här servern lokalt. Logga ut och försök igen."
+#: ../../mod/probe.php:23 ../../mod/probe.php:29
+#, php-format
+msgid "Fetching URL returns error: %1$s"
+msgstr "Hämtning av URL returnerade fel: %1$s"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:44
+msgid "Image uploaded but image cropping failed."
+msgstr "Bilden laddades upp men beskärning misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:97
+msgid "Image resize failed."
+msgstr "Ändring av bildstorlek misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:141
+msgid ""
+"Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not "
+"display immediately."
+msgstr "Shift-uppdatera sidan eller rensa webbläsarcachen om det nya fotot inte visas direkt."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:163
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image exceeds size limit of %d"
+msgstr "Bilden överskrider storleksbegränsningen %d"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:172
+msgid "Unable to process image."
+msgstr "Kunde inte behandla bilden."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:214 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:262
+msgid "Photo not available."
+msgstr "Fotot är inte tillgängligt."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:281
+msgid "Upload File:"
+msgstr "Ladda upp fil:"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:282
+msgid "Select a profile:"
+msgstr "Välj en profil:"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:283
+msgid "Upload Profile Photo"
+msgstr "Ladda upp profilfoto"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:284
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Ladda upp"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:288
+msgid "skip this step"
+msgstr "hoppa över det här steget"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:288
+msgid "select a photo from your photo albums"
+msgstr "välj ett foto från dina fotoalbum"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:302
+msgid "Crop Image"
+msgstr "Beskär bild"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:303
+msgid "Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."
+msgstr "Justera bildens beskärning för bästa utseende."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:305
+msgid "Done Editing"
+msgstr "Klar med redigering"
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:340
+msgid "Image uploaded successfully."
+msgstr "Bilduppladdning lyckades."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:342
+msgid "Image upload failed."
+msgstr "Bilduppladdning misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:351
+#, php-format
+msgid "Image size reduction [%s] failed."
+msgstr "Krympning av bilden [%s] misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:191 ../../mod/connections.php:290
+msgid "Blocked"
+msgstr "Blockerade"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:196 ../../mod/connections.php:297
+msgid "Ignored"
+msgstr "Ignorerade"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:201 ../../mod/connections.php:311
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Dolda"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:206 ../../mod/connections.php:304
+msgid "Archived"
+msgstr "Arkiverade"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:229 ../../mod/connections.php:243
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alla"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:238 ../../mod/connections.php:318
+msgid "Unconnected"
+msgstr "Ej anslutna"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:268
+msgid "Suggest new connections"
+msgstr "Föreslå nya kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:271
+msgid "New Connections"
+msgstr "Nya kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:274
+msgid "Show pending (new) connections"
+msgstr "Visa väntande (nya) kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:280
+msgid "Show all connections"
+msgstr "Visa alla kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:283
+msgid "Unblocked"
+msgstr "Ej blockerade"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:286
+msgid "Only show unblocked connections"
+msgstr "Visa endast ej blockerade kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:293
+msgid "Only show blocked connections"
+msgstr "Visa endast blockerade kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:300
+msgid "Only show ignored connections"
+msgstr "Visa endast ignorerade kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:307
+msgid "Only show archived connections"
+msgstr "Visa endast arkiverade kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:314
+msgid "Only show hidden connections"
+msgstr "Visa endast dolda kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:321
+msgid "Only show one-way connections"
+msgstr "Visa endast enkelriktade kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:366
+#, php-format
+msgid "%1$s [%2$s]"
+msgstr "%1$s [%2$s]"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:367
+msgid "Edit contact"
+msgstr "Redigera kontakt"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:388
+msgid "Search your connections"
+msgstr "Sök bland dina kontakter"
+#: ../../mod/connections.php:389
+msgid "Finding: "
+msgstr "Sökning efter: "
+#: ../../mod/notifications.php:26
+msgid "Invalid request identifier."
+msgstr "Ogiltigt ID på förfrågan."
+#: ../../mod/notifications.php:35
+msgid "Discard"
+msgstr "Förkasta"
+#: ../../mod/notifications.php:93 ../../mod/notify.php:54
+msgid "No more system notifications."
+msgstr "Inga fler systemnotifieringar."
+#: ../../mod/notifications.php:97 ../../mod/notify.php:58
+msgid "System Notifications"
+msgstr "Systemnotifieringar"
+#: ../../mod/oexchange.php:23
+msgid "Unable to find your hub."
+msgstr "Kunde inte hitta din hubb."
+#: ../../mod/oexchange.php:37
+msgid "Post successful."
+msgstr "Sändning lyckades."
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:106
+msgid "Edit Webpage"
+msgstr "Redigera webbsida"
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:116
+msgid "Delete webpage?"
+msgstr "Ta bort webbsida?"
+#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:187
+msgid "Delete Webpage"
+msgstr "Ta bort webbsida"
+#: ../../mod/follow.php:25
+msgid "Channel added."
+msgstr "Kanal tillagd."
+#: ../../mod/poke.php:159
+msgid "Poke/Prod"
+msgstr "Puffa/stöt till"
+#: ../../mod/poke.php:160
+msgid "poke, prod or do other things to somebody"
+msgstr "puffa, stöt till eller gör andra saker mot någon"
+#: ../../mod/poke.php:161
+msgid "Recipient"
+msgstr "Mottagare"
+#: ../../mod/poke.php:162
+msgid "Choose what you wish to do to recipient"
+msgstr "Välj vad du önskar göra med mottagaren"
+#: ../../mod/poke.php:165
+msgid "Make this post private"
+msgstr "Gör det här inlägget privat"
+#: ../../mod/wall_upload.php:34
+msgid "Wall Photos"
+msgstr "Väggfoton"
+#: ../../mod/channel.php:86
+msgid "Insufficient permissions. Request redirected to profile page."
+msgstr "Otillräckliga behörigheter. Förfrågan omdirigerad till profilsidan."
+#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:20 ../../mod/fsuggest.php:92
+msgid "Contact not found."
+msgstr "Kontakten hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:63
+msgid "Friend suggestion sent."
+msgstr "Vänförfrågan skickad."
+#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:97
+msgid "Suggest Friends"
+msgstr "Föreslå vänner"
+#: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:99
+#, php-format
+msgid "Suggest a friend for %s"
+msgstr "Föreslå en vän för %s"
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:114
+msgid "Status: "
+msgstr "Status: "
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:115
+msgid "Sexual Preference: "
+msgstr "Sexuell preferens: "
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:117
+msgid "Homepage: "
+msgstr "Hemsida: "
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:118
+msgid "Hometown: "
+msgstr "Hemort: "
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:120
+msgid "About: "
+msgstr "Om: "
+#: ../../mod/dirprofile.php:168
+msgid "Keywords: "
+msgstr "Nyckelord: "
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:68
+msgid "Permission Denied."
+msgstr "Behörighet saknas."
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:85
+msgid "File not found."
+msgstr "Filen hittas inte."
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:119
+msgid "Edit file permissions"
+msgstr "Redigera filrättigheter"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:126
+msgid "Include all files and sub folders"
+msgstr "Inkludera alla filer och underkataloger"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:127
+msgid "Return to file list"
+msgstr "Återgå till fillistan"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:129
+msgid "Copy/paste this code to attach file to a post"
+msgstr "Kopiera/klistra in den här koden för att bifoga filen i ett inlägg"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:130
+msgid "Copy/paste this URL to link file from a web page"
+msgstr "Kopiera/klistra in den här URL:en för att länka till filen från en webbsida"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:167
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Ladda ner"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:173
+msgid "Used: "
+msgstr "Använt: "
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:174
+msgid "[directory]"
+msgstr "[katalog]"
+#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:176
+msgid "Limit: "
+msgstr "Gräns: "
+#: ../../mod/suggest.php:35
+msgid ""
+"No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 "
+msgstr "Inga förslag tillgängliga. Om det här är en ny server, försök igen om 24 timmar."
+#: ../../mod/message.php:41
+msgid "Conversation removed."
+msgstr "Konversation borttagen."
+#: ../../mod/message.php:56
+msgid "No messages."
+msgstr "Inga meddelanden."
+#: ../../mod/message.php:74
+msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A"
+msgstr "D, j M Y - H:i"
+#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:22
+msgid "Public Sites"
+msgstr "Offentliga servrar"
+#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:25
+msgid ""
+"The listed sites allow public registration into the Red Matrix. All sites in"
+" the matrix are interlinked so membership on any of them conveys membership "
+"in the matrix as a whole. Some sites may require subscription or provide "
+"tiered service plans. The provider links <strong>may</strong> provide "
+"additional details."
+msgstr "De listade servrarna tillåter offentlig registrering i Red Matrix. Alla servrar i matrisen är sammankopplade, så medlemskap i en av dem medför medlemskap i matrisen som helhet. Vissa servrar kan kräva abonnemang eller erbjuda uppdelade tjänstenivåer. Leverantörslänkarna <strong>kan</strong> ge ytterligare detaljer."
+#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:31
+msgid "Site URL"
+msgstr "Server-URL"
+#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:31
+msgid "Access Type"
+msgstr "Åtkomsttyp"
+#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:31
+msgid "Registration Policy"
+msgstr "Registreringspolicy"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:43
+msgid "Maximum daily site registrations exceeded. Please try again tomorrow."
+msgstr "Maximalt antal dagliga serverregistreringar överskridet. Försök igen i morgon."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:49
+msgid ""
+"Please indicate acceptance of the Terms of Service. Registration failed."
+msgstr "Välj huruvida du accepterar användarvillkoren. Registrering misslyckades."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:77
+msgid "Passwords do not match."
+msgstr "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:105
+msgid ""
+"Registration successful. Please check your email for validation "
+msgstr "Registrering lyckades. Kontrollera din e-post för valideringsinstruktioner."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:111
+msgid "Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."
+msgstr "Din registrering väntar på att bli godkänd av serverägaren."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:114
+msgid "Your registration can not be processed."
+msgstr "Din registrering kan inte behandlas."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:147
+msgid "Registration on this site/hub is by approval only."
+msgstr "Registrering på den här servern/hubben måste godkännas."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:148
+msgid "<a href=\"pubsites\">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>"
+msgstr "<a href=\"pubsites\">Registrera dig på en annan ansluten server/hubb</a>"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:156
+msgid ""
+"This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. "
+"Please try again tomorrow."
+msgstr "Antal dagliga registreringar som tillåts på den här servern har överskridits. Försök igen i morgon."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:167
+msgid "Terms of Service"
+msgstr "användarvillkor"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:173
+#, php-format
+msgid "I accept the %s for this website"
+msgstr "Jag accepterar den här webbplatsens %s"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:175
+#, php-format
+msgid "I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website"
+msgstr "Jag är över 13 år och accepterar den här webbplatsens %s"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:194
+msgid "Membership on this site is by invitation only."
+msgstr "Medlemskap på den här servern kan endast fås genom inbjudan."
+#: ../../mod/register.php:195
+msgid "Please enter your invitation code"
+msgstr "Ange din inbjudningskod"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:198
+msgid "Your email address"
+msgstr "Din e-postadress"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:199
+msgid "Choose a password"
+msgstr "Välj ett lösenord"
+#: ../../mod/register.php:200
+msgid "Please re-enter your password"
+msgstr "Ange lösenordet igen"
+#: ../../mod/regmod.php:12
+msgid "Please login."
+msgstr "Logga in."
+#: ../../mod/removeme.php:49
+msgid "Remove This Channel"
+msgstr "Ta bort den här kanalen"
+#: ../../mod/removeme.php:50
+msgid ""
+"This will completely remove this channel from the network. Once this has "
+"been done it is not recoverable."
+msgstr "Det här kommer att ta bort den här kanalen helt från nätverket. När det är gjort går det inte att återställa den."
+#: ../../mod/removeme.php:51
+msgid "Please enter your password for verification:"
+msgstr "Ange ditt lösenord för att bekräfta:"
+#: ../../mod/removeme.php:52
+msgid "Remove this channel and all its clones from the network"
+msgstr "Ta bort den här kanalen och alla dess kloner från nätverket"
+#: ../../mod/removeme.php:52
+msgid ""
+"By default only the instance of the channel located on this hub will be "
+"removed from the network"
+msgstr "Som standard kommer bara den här hubbens instans av kanalen att tas bort från nätverket"
+#: ../../mod/removeme.php:53
+msgid "Remove Channel"
+msgstr "Ta bort kanal"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:77
+msgid "Page owner information could not be retrieved."
+msgstr "Information om sidans ägare kunde inte hittas."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:97
+msgid "Album not found."
+msgstr "Albumet hittades inte."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:119 ../../mod/photos.php:671
+msgid "Delete Album"
+msgstr "Ta bort album"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:159 ../../mod/photos.php:954
+msgid "Delete Photo"
+msgstr "Ta bort foto"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:453
+msgid "No photos selected"
+msgstr "Inga foton valda"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:500
+msgid "Access to this item is restricted."
+msgstr "Åtkomst till den här posten är begränsat."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:576
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."
+msgstr "Du har använt %1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB fotoutrymme."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:579
+#, php-format
+msgid "You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of photo storage."
+msgstr "Du har använt %1$.2f MB fotoutrymme."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:598
+msgid "Upload Photos"
+msgstr "Ladda upp foton"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:602 ../../mod/photos.php:666
+msgid "New album name: "
+msgstr "Namn på nytt album: "
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:603
+msgid "or existing album name: "
+msgstr "eller befintligt albumnamn: "
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:604
+msgid "Do not show a status post for this upload"
+msgstr "Visa inte en statusuppdatering för den här uppladdningen"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:655 ../../mod/photos.php:677 ../../mod/photos.php:1126
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1141
+msgid "Contact Photos"
+msgstr "Kontaktfoton"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:681
+msgid "Edit Album"
+msgstr "Redigera album"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:687
+msgid "Show Newest First"
+msgstr "Visa nyast först"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:689
+msgid "Show Oldest First"
+msgstr "Visa äldst först"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:732 ../../mod/photos.php:1173
+msgid "View Photo"
+msgstr "Visa foto"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:778
+msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."
+msgstr "Behörighet saknas. Åtkomst till den här posten kan vara begränsat."
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:780
+msgid "Photo not available"
+msgstr "Foto inte tillgängligt"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:840
+msgid "Use as profile photo"
+msgstr "Använd som profilfoto"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:864
+msgid "View Full Size"
+msgstr "Visa fullstorlek"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:938
+msgid "Edit photo"
+msgstr "Redigera foto"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:940
+msgid "Rotate CW (right)"
+msgstr "Rotera medurs (höger)"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:941
+msgid "Rotate CCW (left)"
+msgstr "Rotera moturs (vänster)"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:943
+msgid "New album name"
+msgstr "Nytt albumnamn"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:946
+msgid "Caption"
+msgstr "Bildtext"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:948
+msgid "Add a Tag"
+msgstr "Lägg till en tagg"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:951
+msgid ""
+"Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+msgstr "Exempel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1104
+msgid "In This Photo:"
+msgstr "På fotot:"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1179
+msgid "View Album"
+msgstr "Visa album"
+#: ../../mod/photos.php:1188
+msgid "Recent Photos"
+msgstr "Nya foton"
+#: ../../mod/mood.php:138
+msgid "Mood"
+msgstr "Sinnesstämning"
+#: ../../mod/mood.php:139
+msgid "Set your current mood and tell your friends"
+msgstr "Ange din nuvarande sinnesstämning och visa för dina vänner"
+#: ../../mod/ping.php:192
+msgid "sent you a private message"
+msgstr "skickade ett privat meddelande till dig"
+#: ../../mod/ping.php:250
+msgid "added your channel"
+msgstr "lade till din kanal"
+#: ../../mod/ping.php:294
+msgid "posted an event"
+msgstr "skapade en händelse"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:98
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:259
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/view/theme/blog/config.php:69
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/php/config.php:69
+msgid "Theme settings"
+msgstr "Temainställningar"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:99
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:260
+msgid "Set scheme"
+msgstr "Välj variant"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:100
+msgid "Narrow navbar"
+msgstr "Smal navigeringslist"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:101
+msgid "Navigation bar background colour"
+msgstr "Navigeringslistens bakgrundsfärg"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:102
+msgid "Navigation bar gradient top colour"
+msgstr "Övre gradientfärg i navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:103
+msgid "Navigation bar gradient bottom colour"
+msgstr "Undre gradientfärg i navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104
+msgid "Navigation active button gradient top colour"
+msgstr "Övre gradientfärg på aktiv knapp i navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:105
+msgid "Navigation active button gradient bottom colour"
+msgstr "Undre gradientfärg på aktiv knapp i navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:106
+msgid "Navigation bar border colour "
+msgstr "Färg på navigeringslistens kant"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:107
+msgid "Navigation bar icon colour "
+msgstr "Färg på ikoner i navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:108
+msgid "Navigation bar active icon colour "
+msgstr "Färg på aktiv ikon i navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:109
+msgid "link colour"
+msgstr "Länkfärg"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:110
+msgid "Set font-colour for banner"
+msgstr "Välj textfärg för sidhuvudet"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:111
+msgid "Set the background colour"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsfärg"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:112
+msgid "Set the background image"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsbild"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:113
+msgid "Set the background colour of items"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsfärg för inlägg"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:114
+msgid "Set the opacity of items"
+msgstr "Välj opacitet för inlägg"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:115
+msgid "Set the basic colour for item icons"
+msgstr "Välj basfärg för inläggsikoner"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:116
+msgid "Set the hover colour for item icons"
+msgstr "Välj färg på inläggsikon under muspekare"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:117
+msgid "Set font-size for the entire application"
+msgstr "Välj textstorlek för hela applikationen"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:118
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:261
+msgid "Set font-size for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Välj textstorlek för inlägg och kommentarer"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:119
+msgid "Set font-colour for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Välj textfärg för inlägg och kommentarer"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:120
+msgid "Set radius of corners"
+msgstr "Välj hörnradie"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:121
+msgid "Set shadow depth of photos"
+msgstr "Välj skuggdjup för foton"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:122
+msgid "Set maximum width of conversation regions"
+msgstr "Välj maxbredd på konversationsfält"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:123
+msgid "Center conversation regions"
+msgstr "Centrera konversationsfält"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:124
+msgid "Set minimum opacity of nav bar - to hide it"
+msgstr "Välj lägsta opacitet för navigeringslisten - för att dölja den"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:125
+msgid "Set size of conversation author photo"
+msgstr "Välj storlek på foto för trådskapare"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:126
+msgid "Set size of followup author photos"
+msgstr "Välj storlek på svarande personers foton"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:127
+msgid "Sloppy photo albums"
+msgstr "Oordnade fotoalbum"
+#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:127
+msgid "Are you a clean desk or a messy desk person?"
+msgstr "Föredrar du ett tomt eller stökigt skrivbord?"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:202
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:236
+msgid "Schema Default"
+msgstr "Temavariantens standard"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:203
+msgid "Sans-Serif"
+msgstr "Sans-serif"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:204
+msgid "Monospace"
+msgstr "Fast bredd"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:262
+msgid "Set font face"
+msgstr "Välj teckensnitt"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:263
+msgid "Set iconset"
+msgstr "Välj ikontema"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:264
+msgid "Set big shadow size, default 15px 15px 15px"
+msgstr "Välj stor skuggstorlek, standard 15px 15px 15px"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:265
+msgid "Set small shadow size, default 5px 5px 5px"
+msgstr "Välj liten skuggstorlek, standard 5px 5px 5px"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:266
+msgid "Set shadow colour, default #000"
+msgstr "Välj skuggfärg, standard #000"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:267
+msgid "Set radius size, default 5px"
+msgstr "Välj radie, standard 5px"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:268
+msgid "Set line-height for posts and comments"
+msgstr "Välj radhöjd för inlägg och kommentarer"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:269
+msgid "Set background image"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsbild"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:270
+msgid "Set background attachment"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsfixering"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:271
+msgid "Set background colour"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsfärg"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:272
+msgid "Set section background image"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsbild för avsnitt"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:273
+msgid "Set section background colour"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsfärg för avsnitt"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:274
+msgid "Set colour of items - use hex"
+msgstr "Välj färg på inlägg - använd hex"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:275
+msgid "Set colour of links - use hex"
+msgstr "Välj färg på länkar - använd hex"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:276
+msgid "Set max-width for items. Default 400px"
+msgstr "Välj maxbredd för inlägg. Standard 400px"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:277
+msgid "Set min-width for items. Default 240px"
+msgstr "Välj minbredd för inlägg. Standard 240px"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:278
+msgid "Set the generic content wrapper width. Default 48%"
+msgstr "Välj bredd på fältet för allmänt innehåll. Standard 48%"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:279
+msgid "Set colour of fonts - use hex"
+msgstr "Välj textfärg - använd hex"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:280
+msgid "Set background-size element"
+msgstr "Välj bakgrundsskala"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:281
+msgid "Item opacity"
+msgstr "Inläggsopacitet"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:282
+msgid "Display post previews only"
+msgstr "Visa endast förhandsgranskning av inlägg"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:283
+msgid "Display side bar on channel page"
+msgstr "Visa sidolist på kanalsidan"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:284
+msgid "Colour of the navigation bar"
+msgstr "Färg på navigeringslisten"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:285
+msgid "Item float"
+msgstr "Flytning för inlägg"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:286
+msgid "Left offset of the section element"
+msgstr "Vänster offset för avsnittselementet"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:287
+msgid "Right offset of the section element"
+msgstr "Höger offset för avsnittselementet"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:288
+msgid "Section width"
+msgstr "Avsnittsbredd"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:289
+msgid "Left offset of the aside"
+msgstr "Vänster offset för sidoelement"
+#: ../../view/theme/apw/php/config.php:290
+msgid "Right offset of the aside element"
+msgstr "Höger offset för sidoelement"
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/view/theme/blog/config.php:47
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/php/config.php:47
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Inget"
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/view/theme/blog/config.php:70
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/php/config.php:70
+msgid "Header image"
+msgstr "Rubrikbild"
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/view/theme/blog/config.php:71
+#: ../../view/theme/blogga/php/config.php:71
+msgid "Header image only on profile pages"
+msgstr "Rubrikbild endast på profilsidor"
+#: ../../boot.php:1252
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update %s failed. See error logs."
+msgstr "Uppdatering %s misslyckades. Se felloggar."
+#: ../../boot.php:1255
+#, php-format
+msgid "Update Error at %s"
+msgstr "Uppdateringsfel på %s"
+#: ../../boot.php:1419
+msgid ""
+"Create an account to access services and applications within the Red Matrix"
+msgstr "Skapa ett konto för att komma åt tjänster och applikationer inom Red Matrix"
+#: ../../boot.php:1447
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Lösenord"
+#: ../../boot.php:1448
+msgid "Remember me"
+msgstr "Kom ihåg mig"
+#: ../../boot.php:1453
+msgid "Forgot your password?"
+msgstr "Glömt lösenordet?"
+#: ../../boot.php:1518
+msgid "permission denied"
+msgstr "behörighet saknas"
+#: ../../boot.php:1519
+msgid "Got Zot?"
+msgstr "Got Zot?"
+#: ../../boot.php:1949
+msgid "toggle mobile"
+msgstr "växla mobil"
diff --git a/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl b/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl
index 590462468..f0ef1a755 100644
--- a/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
+Hej {{$username}},
+ Ditt lösenord har bytts enligt begäran. Spara den här informationen
+(eller byt genast lösenordet till något du kan komma ihåg).
-Lösenordet har ändrats enligt din begäran. Behåll den här
-informationen om den skulle behövas i framtiden. (eller ändra lösenord
-på en gång till något som du kommer ihåg).
+Dina inloggningsuppgifter är:
-Här är dina inloggningsuppgifter:
+Serveradress: {{$siteurl}}
+Användarnamn: {{$email}}
+Lösenord: {{$new_password}}
-Webbplats: $siteurl
-Användarnamn: $email
-Lösenord: $new_password
+Du kan ändra lösenordet från kontoinställningarna när du har loggat in.
-När du loggat in kan du byta lösenord bland inställningarna.
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
diff --git a/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl b/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
index 1471c9b98..248b45246 100644
--- a/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
-Tack för att du registrerat dig på $sitename. Kontot har skapats.
-Här är dina inloggningsuppgifter:
-Webbplats: $siteurl
-Användarnamn: $email
-Lösenord: $password
+Ett konto för den här e-postadressen har skapats på {{$sitename}}.
+Inloggningsuppgifterna är:
-Lösenordet kan ändras på sidan Inställningar efter att du loggat in.
+Serveradress: {{$siteurl}}
+Användarnamn: {{$email}}
+Lösenord: (lösenordet som angavs vid registreringen)
-Ägna en liten stund åt att gå igenom alla kontoinställningar där.
+Om kontot skapades utan din vetskap och inte är önskat kan du besöka
+webbplatsen och återställa lösenordet. Det låter dig ta bort kontot via
+länkarna på sidan Inställningar, och vi ber om ursäkt om detta har lett
+till besvär.
-Välkommen till $sitename.
+Tack och välkommen till {{$sitename}}.
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
diff --git a/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
index aa72bc9aa..beb4f3ad6 100644
--- a/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
-En registreringsförfrågan som kräver svar har mottagits
-på $sitename
+En begäran om registrering av en ny användare har mottagits på
+{{$sitename}} och behöver ditt godkännande.
-Här är inloggningsuppgifterna:
-Fullständigt namn: $username
-Webbplats: $siteurl
-Användarnamn: $email
+Inloggningsuppgifterna är:
+Serveradress: {{$siteurl}}
+Användarnamn: {{$email}}
+IP-adress: {{$details}}
-Gå till denna adress om du vill godkänna:
+För att godkänna begäran, följ följande länk:
-Gå till denna adress om du vill avslå förfrågan och ta bort kontot:
+För att avslå begäran och ta bort kontot, besök:
diff --git a/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
index 893bce17c..e0b165258 100644
--- a/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-Du har just fått en kontaktförfrågan på $sitename från '$requestor'
+Hej {{$myname}},
-Profilen finns på $url.
+Du har precis fått en kontaktförfrågan på {{$sitename}}
-Logga in för att se hela förfrågan och godkänna eller
-avslå den.
+från '{{$requestor}}'.
+Du kan besöka profilen på {{$url}}.
+Logga in på din server och se hela presentationen och
+godkänn eller ignorera/avslå förfrågan.
-$sitename admin
+ {{$sitename}}-administratören
diff --git a/view/sv/strings.php b/view/sv/strings.php
index eb434df66..99dde6bed 100644
--- a/view/sv/strings.php
+++ b/view/sv/strings.php
@@ -1,1329 +1,1797 @@
-function string_plural_select($n){
- return ($n != 1);
-$a->strings['Not Found'] = 'Hittar inte';
-$a->strings['Page not found.' ] = 'Sidan hittades inte.' ;
-$a->strings['Permission denied'] = '&Aring;tkomst nekad';
-$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = '&Aring;tkomst nekad.';
-$a->strings['Delete this item?'] = 'Ta bort?';
-$a->strings['Comment'] = 'Kommentera';
-$a->strings['Create a New Account'] = 'Skapa nytt konto';
-$a->strings['Register'] = 'Registrera';
-$a->strings['Notifications'] = 'Aviseringar';
-$a->strings['Nickname or Email address: '] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamn eller e-postadress: ';
-$a->strings['Password: '] = 'L&ouml;senord: ';
-$a->strings['Login'] = 'Logga in';
-$a->strings['Nickname/Email/OpenID: '] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamn/e-post/OpenID: ';
-$a->strings["Password \x28if not OpenID\x29: "] = "L&ouml;senord (om inget OpenID): ";
-$a->strings['Forgot your password?'] = 'Har du gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?';
-$a->strings['Password Reset'] = 'Gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?';
-$a->strings['Logout'] = 'Logga ut';
-$a->strings['prev'] = 'f&ouml;reg';
-$a->strings['first'] = 'f&ouml;rsta';
-$a->strings['last'] = 'sista';
-$a->strings['next'] = 'n&auml;sta';
-$a->strings['No contacts'] = 'Inga kontakter';
-$a->strings['View Contacts'] = 'Visa kontakter';
-$a->strings['Search'] = 'S&ouml;k';
-$a->strings['No profile'] = 'Ingen profil';
-$a->strings['Connect'] = 'Skicka kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
-$a->strings['Location:'] = 'Plats:';
-$a->strings[', '] = ', ';
-$a->strings['Gender:'] = 'K&ouml;n:';
-$a->strings['Status:'] = 'Status:';
-$a->strings['Homepage:'] = 'Hemsida:';
-$a->strings['Monday'] = 'm&aring;ndag';
-$a->strings['Tuesday'] = 'tisdag';
-$a->strings['Wednesday'] = 'onsdag';
-$a->strings['Thursday'] = 'torsdag';
-$a->strings['Friday'] = 'fredag';
-$a->strings['Saturday'] = 'l&ouml;rdag';
-$a->strings['Sunday'] = 's&ouml;ndag';
-$a->strings['January'] = 'januari';
-$a->strings['February'] = 'februari';
-$a->strings['March'] = 'mars';
-$a->strings['April'] = 'april';
-$a->strings['May'] = 'maj';
-$a->strings['June'] = 'juni';
-$a->strings['July'] = 'juli';
-$a->strings['August'] = 'augusti';
-$a->strings['September'] = 'september';
-$a->strings['October'] = 'oktober';
-$a->strings['November'] = 'november';
-$a->strings['December'] = 'december';
-$a->strings['g A l F d'] = 'g A l F d';
-$a->strings['Birthday Reminders'] = 'F&ouml;delsedagsp&aring;minnelser';
-$a->strings['Birthdays this week:'] = 'F&ouml;delsedagar denna vecka:';
-$a->strings["\x28Adjusted for local time\x29"] = "(Justerat till lokal tid)";
-$a->strings['[today]'] = '[idag]';
-$a->strings['link to source'] = 'l&auml;nk till k&auml;lla';
-$a->strings['%d Contact'] = array(
- 0 => '%d kontakt',
- 1 => '%d kontakter',
+if(! function_exists("string_plural_select_sv")) {
+function string_plural_select_sv($n){
+ return ($n != 1);;
+$a->strings["Categories"] = "Kategorier";
+$a->strings["Connect"] = "Ta kontakt";
+$a->strings["Ignore/Hide"] = "Ignorera/göm";
+$a->strings["Suggestions"] = "Förslag";
+$a->strings["See more..."] = "Se fler...";
+$a->strings["You have %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed connections."] = "Du har %1$.0f av %2$.0f tillåtna kontakter.";
+$a->strings["Add New Connection"] = "Lägg till ny kontakt";
+$a->strings["Enter the channel address"] = "Ange kanaladressen";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara"] = "Exempel: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara";
+$a->strings["Notes"] = "Anteckningar";
+$a->strings["Save"] = "Spara";
+$a->strings["Remove term"] = "Ta bort uttryck";
+$a->strings["Saved Searches"] = "Sparade sökningar";
+$a->strings["add"] = "lägg till";
+$a->strings["Saved Folders"] = "Sparade mappar";
+$a->strings["Everything"] = "Allt";
+$a->strings["Archives"] = "Arkiv";
+$a->strings["Refresh"] = "Ladda om";
+$a->strings["Me"] = "Mig själv";
+$a->strings["Best Friends"] = "Bästa vänner";
+$a->strings["Friends"] = "Vänner";
+$a->strings["Co-workers"] = "Kollegor";
+$a->strings["Former Friends"] = "Tidigare vänner";
+$a->strings["Acquaintances"] = "Bekanta";
+$a->strings["Everybody"] = "Alla";
+$a->strings["Account settings"] = "Kontoinställningar";
+$a->strings["Channel settings"] = "Kanalinställningar";
+$a->strings["Additional features"] = "Tilläggsfunktioner";
+$a->strings["Feature settings"] = "Funktionsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Display settings"] = "Utseende";
+$a->strings["Connected apps"] = "Anslutna appar";
+$a->strings["Export channel"] = "Exportera kanal";
+$a->strings["Automatic Permissions (Advanced)"] = "Automatiska rättigheter (avancerat)";
+$a->strings["Premium Channel Settings"] = "Inställningar för premiumkanal";
+$a->strings["Channel Sources"] = "Kanalkällor";
+$a->strings["Settings"] = "Inställningar";
+$a->strings["Check Mail"] = "Hämta meddelanden";
+$a->strings["New Message"] = "Nytt meddelande";
+$a->strings["Chat Rooms"] = "Chattrum";
+$a->strings["Bookmarked Chatrooms"] = "Bokmärkta chattrum";
+$a->strings["Suggested Chatrooms"] = "Föreslagna chattrum";
+$a->strings[" and "] = " och ";
+$a->strings["public profile"] = "offentlig profil";
+$a->strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;"] = "%1\$s ändrade %2\$s till &quot;%3\$s&quot;";
+$a->strings["Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "Besök %1\$ss %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s has an updated %2\$s, changing %3\$s."] = "%1\$s har en uppdaterad %2\$s (har ändrat %3\$s).";
+$a->strings["Logout"] = "Logga ut";
+$a->strings["End this session"] = "Avsluta sessionen";
+$a->strings["Home"] = "Hem";
+$a->strings["Your posts and conversations"] = "Dina inlägg och konversationer";
+$a->strings["View Profile"] = "Visa profil";
+$a->strings["Your profile page"] = "Din profilsida";
+$a->strings["Edit Profiles"] = "Redigera profiler";
+$a->strings["Manage/Edit profiles"] = "Hantera/redigera profiler";
+$a->strings["Photos"] = "Foton";
+$a->strings["Your photos"] = "Dina foton";
+$a->strings["Files"] = "Filer";
+$a->strings["Your files"] = "Dina filer";
+$a->strings["Chat"] = "Chatt";
+$a->strings["Your chatrooms"] = "Dina chattrum";
+$a->strings["Events"] = "Händelser";
+$a->strings["Your events"] = "Dina händelser";
+$a->strings["Bookmarks"] = "Bokmärken";
+$a->strings["Your bookmarks"] = "Dina bokmärken";
+$a->strings["Webpages"] = "Webbsidor";
+$a->strings["Your webpages"] = "Dina webbsidor";
+$a->strings["Login"] = "Logga in";
+$a->strings["Sign in"] = "Logga in";
+$a->strings["%s - click to logout"] = "%s - klicka för att logga ut";
+$a->strings["Click to authenticate to your home hub"] = "Klicka för att autentisera mot din hemmahubb";
+$a->strings["Home Page"] = "Hemsida";
+$a->strings["Register"] = "Registrera";
+$a->strings["Create an account"] = "Skapa ett konto";
+$a->strings["Help"] = "Hjälp";
+$a->strings["Help and documentation"] = "Hjälp och dokumentation";
+$a->strings["Apps"] = "Appar";
+$a->strings["Addon applications, utilities, games"] = "Tilläggsapplikationer, verktyg, spel";
+$a->strings["Search"] = "Sök";
+$a->strings["Search site content"] = "Sök innehåll";
+$a->strings["Directory"] = "Katalog";
+$a->strings["Channel Locator"] = "Kanalfinnare";
+$a->strings["Matrix"] = "Matris";
+$a->strings["Your matrix"] = "Din matris";
+$a->strings["Mark all matrix notifications seen"] = "Märk alla matrisnotifieringar som lästa";
+$a->strings["Channel Home"] = "Kanalhem";
+$a->strings["Channel home"] = "Kanalhem";
+$a->strings["Mark all channel notifications seen"] = "Märk alla kanalnotifieringar som lästa";
+$a->strings["Connections"] = "Kontakter";
+$a->strings["Notices"] = "Meddelanden";
+$a->strings["Notifications"] = "Notifieringar";
+$a->strings["See all notifications"] = "Se alla notifieringar";
+$a->strings["Mark all system notifications seen"] = "Märk alla systemnotifieringar som lästa";
+$a->strings["Mail"] = "Privat meddelande";
+$a->strings["Private mail"] = "Privat meddelande";
+$a->strings["See all private messages"] = "Se alla privata meddelanden";
+$a->strings["Mark all private messages seen"] = "Märk alla privata meddelanden som lästa";
+$a->strings["Inbox"] = "Inkorg";
+$a->strings["Outbox"] = "Utkorg";
+$a->strings["Event Calendar"] = "Kalender";
+$a->strings["See all events"] = "Se alla händelser";
+$a->strings["Mark all events seen"] = "Märk alla händelser som lästa";
+$a->strings["Channel Select"] = "Välj kanal";
+$a->strings["Manage Your Channels"] = "Hantera dina kanaler";
+$a->strings["Account/Channel Settings"] = "Konto-/kanalinställningar";
+$a->strings["Manage/Edit Friends and Connections"] = "Hantera/redigera vänner och kontakter";
+$a->strings["Admin"] = "Administration";
+$a->strings["Site Setup and Configuration"] = "Serverinställning och -konfiguration";
+$a->strings["Nothing new here"] = "Inget nytt här";
+$a->strings["Please wait..."] = "Vänta...";
+$a->strings["l F d, Y \\@ g:i A"] = "l j F Y \\k\\l. H.i";
+$a->strings["Starts:"] = "Börjar:";
+$a->strings["Finishes:"] = "Slutar:";
+$a->strings["Location:"] = "Plats:";
+$a->strings["Public Timeline"] = "Offentlig tidslinje";
+$a->strings["New window"] = "Nytt fönster";
+$a->strings["Open the selected location in a different window or browser tab"] = "Öppna den valda platsen i ett annat fönster eller en annan webbläsarflik";
+$a->strings["General Features"] = "Allmänna funktioner";
+$a->strings["Content Expiration"] = "Tidsbegränsat innehåll";
+$a->strings["Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time"] = "Ta bort inlägg/kommentarer och/eller privata meddelanden efter en tid";
+$a->strings["Multiple Profiles"] = "Flera profiler";
+$a->strings["Ability to create multiple profiles"] = "Möjlighet att skapa flera profiler";
+$a->strings["Web Pages"] = "Webbsidor";
+$a->strings["Provide managed web pages on your channel"] = "Tillhandahåll ordnade webbsidor i din kanal";
+$a->strings["Private Notes"] = "Privata anteckningar";
+$a->strings["Enables a tool to store notes and reminders"] = "Aktivera ett verktyg för att spara anteckningar och påminnelser";
+$a->strings["Extended Identity Sharing"] = "Utökad identitetsdelning";
+$a->strings["Share your identity with all websites on the internet. When disabled, identity is only shared with sites in the matrix."] = "Dela din identitet med alla webbplatser på Internet. Om inaktiverat är identiteten bara delad med platser i matrisen.";
+$a->strings["Expert Mode"] = "Expertläge";
+$a->strings["Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options"] = "Aktivera expertläge för att tillåta avancerade inställningar";
+$a->strings["Premium Channel"] = "Premiumkanal";
+$a->strings["Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel"] = "Låter dig ange begränsningar och villkor för dem som vill ansluta till din kanal";
+$a->strings["Post Composition Features"] = "Skrivfunktioner";
+$a->strings["Richtext Editor"] = "Richtext-editor";
+$a->strings["Enable richtext editor"] = "Aktivera richtext-editor";
+$a->strings["Post Preview"] = "Förhandsgranskning";
+$a->strings["Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them"] = "Tillåt förhandsgranskning av inlägg och kommentarer innan de publiceras";
+$a->strings["Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds"] = "Importera kanalinnehåll från andra kanaler eller strömmar automatiskt";
+$a->strings["Even More Encryption"] = "Ytterligare kryptering";
+$a->strings["Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key"] = "Tillåt änd-till-änd-kryptering av innehåll med en delad hemlig nyckel";
+$a->strings["Network and Stream Filtering"] = "Nätverk och strömfiltrering";
+$a->strings["Search by Date"] = "Sök på datum";
+$a->strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Tillåter urval av inlägg baserat på datum";
+$a->strings["Collections Filter"] = "Sammanhangsfilter";
+$a->strings["Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections"] = "Aktivera en väljare för att visa nätverksinlägg från enbart valda sammanhang";
+$a->strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Spara sökuttryck för återanvändning";
+$a->strings["Network Personal Tab"] = "Personlig nätverksflik";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on"] = "Aktivera en flik som visar endast de nätverksinlägg som du har deltagit i";
+$a->strings["Network New Tab"] = "Flik för nytt på nätverket";
+$a->strings["Enable tab to display all new Network activity"] = "Aktivera en flik som visar all ny nätverksaktivitet";
+$a->strings["Affinity Tool"] = "Samhörighetsverktyg";
+$a->strings["Filter stream activity by depth of relationships"] = "Filtrera strömaktivitet efter hur nära relationen är";
+$a->strings["Suggest Channels"] = "Föreslå kanaler";
+$a->strings["Show channel suggestions"] = "Visa förslag på kanaler";
+$a->strings["Post/Comment Tools"] = "Inläggs-/kommentarsverktyg";
+$a->strings["Edit Sent Posts"] = "Redigera sända inlägg";
+$a->strings["Edit and correct posts and comments after sending"] = "Redigera och korrigera inlägg och kommentarer efter att de skickats";
+$a->strings["Tagging"] = "Taggning";
+$a->strings["Ability to tag existing posts"] = "Möjlighet att tagga befintliga inlägg";
+$a->strings["Post Categories"] = "Inläggskategorier";
+$a->strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Lägg till kategorier till dina inlägg";
+$a->strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Möjlighet att lägga inlägg i mappar";
+$a->strings["Dislike Posts"] = "Ogilla inlägg";
+$a->strings["Ability to dislike posts/comments"] = "Möjlighet att ogilla inlägg/kommentarer";
+$a->strings["Star Posts"] = "Märk inlägg";
+$a->strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Möjlighet att märka speciella inlägg med en stjärna";
+$a->strings["Tag Cloud"] = "Taggmoln";
+$a->strings["Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page"] = "Tillhandahåll ett personligt taggmoln på din kanalsida";
+$a->strings["Unknown | Not categorised"] = "Okänd | Inte kategoriserad";
+$a->strings["Block immediately"] = "Blockera genast";
+$a->strings["Shady, spammer, self-marketer"] = "Skum, spammare, självförhärligande";
+$a->strings["Known to me, but no opinion"] = "Känner till, men ingen åsikt";
+$a->strings["OK, probably harmless"] = "OK, antagligen harmlös";
+$a->strings["Reputable, has my trust"] = "Ansedd, har mitt förtroende";
+$a->strings["Frequently"] = "Ofta";
+$a->strings["Hourly"] = "Varje timme";
+$a->strings["Twice daily"] = "Två gånger dagligen";
+$a->strings["Daily"] = "Dagligen";
+$a->strings["Weekly"] = "Varje vecka";
+$a->strings["Monthly"] = "Varje månad";
+$a->strings["Friendica"] = "Friendica";
+$a->strings["OStatus"] = "OStatus";
+$a->strings["RSS/Atom"] = "RSS/Atom";
+$a->strings["Email"] = "E-post";
+$a->strings["Diaspora"] = "Diaspora";
+$a->strings["Facebook"] = "Facebook";
+$a->strings["Zot!"] = "Zot!";
+$a->strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
+$a->strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
+$a->strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
+$a->strings["photo"] = "foto";
+$a->strings["event"] = "händelse";
+$a->strings["channel"] = "kanal";
+$a->strings["status"] = "status";
+$a->strings["comment"] = "kommentar";
+$a->strings["%1\$s likes %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s gillar %2\$ss %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s doesn't like %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s gillar inte %2\$ss %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is now connected with %2\$s"] = "%1\$s har nu kontakt med %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s poked %2\$s"] = "%1\$s puffade %2\$s";
+$a->strings["poked"] = "puffade";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is currently %2\$s"] = "%1\$s är för tillfället %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Select"] = "Välj";
+$a->strings["Delete"] = "Ta bort";
+$a->strings["Private Message"] = "Privat meddelande";
+$a->strings["Message is verified"] = "Meddelandet är bekräftat";
+$a->strings["View %s's profile @ %s"] = "Visa %ss profil på %s";
+$a->strings["Categories:"] = "Kategorier:";
+$a->strings["Filed under:"] = "Postat under:";
+$a->strings[" from %s"] = "från %s";
+$a->strings["last edited: %s"] = "senast redigerat: %s";
+$a->strings["Expires: %s"] = "Upphör: %s";
+$a->strings["View in context"] = "Visa sammanhang";
+$a->strings["Please wait"] = "Vänta";
+$a->strings["remove"] = "ta bort";
+$a->strings["Loading..."] = "Laddar...";
+$a->strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Ta bort valda poster";
+$a->strings["View Source"] = "Visa källa";
+$a->strings["Follow Thread"] = "Följ tråd";
+$a->strings["View Status"] = "Visa status";
+$a->strings["View Photos"] = "Visa foton";
+$a->strings["Matrix Activity"] = "Matrisaktivitet";
+$a->strings["Edit Contact"] = "Redigera kontakt";
+$a->strings["Send PM"] = "Skicka meddelande";
+$a->strings["Poke"] = "Puffa";
+$a->strings["%s likes this."] = "%s gillar det här.";
+$a->strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s gillar inte det här.";
+$a->strings["<span %1\$s>%2\$d people</span> like this."] = array(
+ 0 => "<span %1\$s>%2\$d person</span> gillar det här.",
+ 1 => "<span %1\$s>%2\$d personer</span> gillar det här.",
+$a->strings["<span %1\$s>%2\$d people</span> don't like this."] = array(
+ 0 => "<span %1\$s>%2\$d person</span> gillar inte det här.",
+ 1 => "<span %1\$s>%2\$d personer</span> gillar inte det här.",
+$a->strings["and"] = "och";
+$a->strings[", and %d other people"] = array(
+ 0 => ", och %d annan person",
+ 1 => ", och %d andra personer",
+$a->strings["%s like this."] = "%s gillar det här.";
+$a->strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s gillar inte det här.";
+$a->strings["Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>"] = "Synlig för <strong>alla</strong>";
+$a->strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Ange en länkadress:";
+$a->strings["Please enter a video link/URL:"] = "Ange en videolänkadress:";
+$a->strings["Please enter an audio link/URL:"] = "Ange en ljudlänkadress";
+$a->strings["Tag term:"] = "Tagguttryck";
+$a->strings["Save to Folder:"] = "Spara i mapp:";
+$a->strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Var är du just nu?";
+$a->strings["Expires YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"] = "Upphör YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM";
+$a->strings["Preview"] = "Förhandsgranska";
+$a->strings["Share"] = "Dela";
+$a->strings["Page link title"] = "Titel på sidlänk";
+$a->strings["Post as"] = "Posta som";
+$a->strings["Upload photo"] = "Ladda upp foto";
+$a->strings["upload photo"] = "ladda upp foto";
+$a->strings["Attach file"] = "Bifoga fil";
+$a->strings["attach file"] = "bifoga fil";
+$a->strings["Insert web link"] = "Infoga webblänk";
+$a->strings["web link"] = "webblänk";
+$a->strings["Insert video link"] = "Infoga videolänk";
+$a->strings["video link"] = "videolänk";
+$a->strings["Insert audio link"] = "Infoga ljudlänk";
+$a->strings["audio link"] = "ljudlänk";
+$a->strings["Set your location"] = "Ange din plats";
+$a->strings["set location"] = "ange plats";
+$a->strings["Clear browser location"] = "Rensa webbläsarplats";
+$a->strings["clear location"] = "rensa plats";
+$a->strings["Set title"] = "Ange titel";
+$a->strings["Categories (comma-separated list)"] = "Kategorier (kommaseparerad lista)";
+$a->strings["Permission settings"] = "Behörighetsinställningar";
+$a->strings["permissions"] = "behörighet";
+$a->strings["Public post"] = "Offentligt inlägg";
+$a->strings["Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com"] = "Exempel: bob@example.com, mary@example.com";
+$a->strings["Set expiration date"] = "Ange utgångsdatum";
+$a->strings["Encrypt text"] = "Kryptera text";
+$a->strings["OK"] = "OK";
+$a->strings["Cancel"] = "Avbryt";
+$a->strings["Discover"] = "Upptäck";
+$a->strings["Imported public streams"] = "Importerade offentliga strömmar";
+$a->strings["Commented Order"] = "Kommentarsordning";
+$a->strings["Sort by Comment Date"] = "Ordna efter kommentarsdatum";
+$a->strings["Posted Order"] = "Inläggsordning";
+$a->strings["Sort by Post Date"] = "Ordna efter när inlägget skrevs";
+$a->strings["Personal"] = "Personligt";
+$a->strings["Posts that mention or involve you"] = "Inlägg som nämner eller berör dig";
+$a->strings["New"] = "Nytt";
+$a->strings["Activity Stream - by date"] = "Aktivitetsström - efter datum";
+$a->strings["Starred"] = "Märkt";
+$a->strings["Favourite Posts"] = "Favoritinlägg";
+$a->strings["Spam"] = "Skräp";
+$a->strings["Posts flagged as SPAM"] = "Inlägg markerade som SKRÄP";
+$a->strings["Channel"] = "Kanal";
+$a->strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Statusmeddelanden och inlägg";
+$a->strings["About"] = "Om";
+$a->strings["Profile Details"] = "Profildetaljer";
+$a->strings["Photo Albums"] = "Fotoalbum";
+$a->strings["Files and Storage"] = "Filer och lagring";
+$a->strings["Chatrooms"] = "Chattrum";
+$a->strings["Events and Calendar"] = "Händelser och kalender";
+$a->strings["Saved Bookmarks"] = "Sparade bokmärken";
+$a->strings["Manage Webpages"] = "Hantera webbsidor";
+$a->strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Övrigt";
+$a->strings["year"] = "år";
+$a->strings["month"] = "månad";
+$a->strings["day"] = "dag";
+$a->strings["never"] = "aldrig";
+$a->strings["less than a second ago"] = "mindre än en sekund sedan";
+$a->strings["years"] = "år";
+$a->strings["months"] = "månader";
+$a->strings["week"] = "vecka";
+$a->strings["weeks"] = "veckor";
+$a->strings["days"] = "dagar";
+$a->strings["hour"] = "timme";
+$a->strings["hours"] = "timmar";
+$a->strings["minute"] = "minut";
+$a->strings["minutes"] = "minuter";
+$a->strings["second"] = "sekund";
+$a->strings["seconds"] = "sekunder";
+$a->strings["%1\$d %2\$s ago"] = "%1\$d %2\$s sedan";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'"] = "Kan inte hitta DNS-information för databasserver '%s'";
+$a->strings["Image/photo"] = "Bild/foto";
+$a->strings["Encrypted content"] = "Krypterat innehåll";
+$a->strings["QR code"] = "QR-kod";
+$a->strings["%1\$s wrote the following %2\$s %3\$s"] = "%1\$s skrev följande %2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["post"] = "post";
+$a->strings["$1 wrote:"] = "$1 skrev:";
+$a->strings["A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions <strong>may</strong> apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name."] = "En borttagen grupp med det här namnet återskapades. Befintliga rättigheter till saker <strong>kan</strong> gälla för den här gruppen och alla framtida medlemmar. Om det här inte är vad du avsåg, skapa i stället en annan grupp med ett annat namn.";
+$a->strings["Default privacy group for new contacts"] = "Förvald integritetsgrupp för nya kontakter";
+$a->strings["All Channels"] = "Alla kanaler";
+$a->strings["edit"] = "redigera";
+$a->strings["Collections"] = "Sammanhang";
+$a->strings["Edit collection"] = "Redigera sammanhang";
+$a->strings["Create a new collection"] = "Skapa ett nytt sammanhang";
+$a->strings["Channels not in any collection"] = "Kanaler utan sammanhang";
+$a->strings["Delete this item?"] = "Ta bort den här posten?";
+$a->strings["Comment"] = "Kommentar";
+$a->strings["show more"] = "visa fler";
+$a->strings["show fewer"] = "visa färre";
+$a->strings["+ Show More"] = "+ Visa fler";
+$a->strings["- Show Less"] = "- Visa färre";
+$a->strings["Password too short"] = "Lösenord för kort";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match"] = "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens";
+$a->strings["everybody"] = "alla";
+$a->strings["Secret Passphrase"] = "Hemligt lösenord";
+$a->strings["Passphrase hint"] = "Lösenordsledtråd";
+$a->strings["Notice: Permissions have changed but have not yet been submitted."] = "Observera: Rättigheter har ändrats men har ännu inte skickats in";
+$a->strings["timeago.prefixAgo"] = "för";
+$a->strings["timeago.prefixFromNow"] = "om";
+$a->strings["ago"] = "sedan";
+$a->strings["from now"] = " ";
+$a->strings["less than a minute"] = "mindre än en minut";
+$a->strings["about a minute"] = "ungefär en minut";
+$a->strings["%d minutes"] = "%d minuter";
+$a->strings["about an hour"] = "ungefär en timme";
+$a->strings["about %d hours"] = "ungefär %d timmar";
+$a->strings["a day"] = "en dag";
+$a->strings["%d days"] = "%d dagar";
+$a->strings["about a month"] = "ungefär en månad";
+$a->strings["%d months"] = "%d månader";
+$a->strings["about a year"] = "ungefär ett år";
+$a->strings["%d years"] = "%d år";
+$a->strings[" "] = " ";
+$a->strings["timeago.numbers"] = "timeago.numbers";
+$a->strings["No recipient provided."] = "Ingen mottagare angiven.";
+$a->strings["[no subject]"] = "[inget ämne]";
+$a->strings["Unable to determine sender."] = "Kunde inte avgöra vem som är avsändare.";
+$a->strings["Stored post could not be verified."] = "Den sparade posten kunde inte verifieras.";
+$a->strings["Profile Photos"] = "Profilfoton";
+$a->strings["Permission denied."] = "Behörighet saknas.";
+$a->strings["Item was not found."] = "Posten hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["No source file."] = "Ingen källfil.";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate file to replace"] = "Kan inte hitta fil att ersätta";
+$a->strings["Cannot locate file to revise/update"] = "Kan inte hitta fil att revidera/uppdatera";
+$a->strings["File exceeds size limit of %d"] = "Filen överskrider storleksbegränsningen %d";
+$a->strings["You have reached your limit of %1$.0f Mbytes attachment storage."] = "Du har nått begränsningen %1$.0f megabyte utrymme för bilagor.";
+$a->strings["File upload failed. Possible system limit or action terminated."] = "Filuppladdning misslyckades. Möjlig systembegränsning eller avbruten åtgärd.";
+$a->strings["Stored file could not be verified. Upload failed."] = "Den lagrade filen kunde inte verifieras. Uppladdning misslyckad.";
+$a->strings["Path not available."] = "Sökväg inte tillgänglig.";
+$a->strings["Empty pathname"] = "Tom sökväg";
+$a->strings["duplicate filename or path"] = "filnamn eller sökväg finns redan";
+$a->strings["Path not found."] = "Sökväg hittas inte.";
+$a->strings["mkdir failed."] = "mkdir misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["database storage failed."] = "databaslagring misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s's bookmarks"] = "%1\$ss bokmärken";
+$a->strings["Visible to everybody"] = "Synlig för alla";
+$a->strings["Show"] = "Visa";
+$a->strings["Don't show"] = "Visa inte";
+$a->strings["Permissions"] = "Behörighet";
+$a->strings["Close"] = "Stäng";
+$a->strings["Unable to obtain identity information from database"] = "Kunde inte hämta från databasen";
+$a->strings["Empty name"] = "Tomt namn";
+$a->strings["Name too long"] = "För långt namn";
+$a->strings["No account identifier"] = "Ingen kontoidentifierare";
+$a->strings["Nickname is required."] = "Smeknamn måste anges.";
+$a->strings["Reserved nickname. Please choose another."] = "Reserverat smeknamn. Välj ett annat.";
+$a->strings["Nickname has unsupported characters or is already being used on this site."] = "Smeknamnet innehåller otillåtna tecken eller är redan upptaget på den här servern.";
+$a->strings["Unable to retrieve created identity"] = "Kunde inte hämta den skapade identiteten";
+$a->strings["Default Profile"] = "Standardprofil";
+$a->strings["Requested channel is not available."] = "Den begärda kanalen är inte tillgänglig";
+$a->strings["Requested profile is not available."] = "Begärd profil är inte tillgänglig.";
+$a->strings["Change profile photo"] = "Bytprofilfoto";
+$a->strings["Profiles"] = "Profiler";
+$a->strings["Manage/edit profiles"] = "Hantera/redigera profiler";
+$a->strings["Create New Profile"] = "Skapa ny profil";
+$a->strings["Edit Profile"] = "Redigera profil";
+$a->strings["Profile Image"] = "Profilbild";
+$a->strings["visible to everybody"] = "synlig för alla";
+$a->strings["Edit visibility"] = "Redigera synlighet";
+$a->strings["Gender:"] = "Kön:";
+$a->strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
+$a->strings["Homepage:"] = "Hemsida:";
+$a->strings["Online Now"] = "Online nu";
+$a->strings["g A l F d"] = "l j F \\k\\l G";
+$a->strings["F d"] = "j F";
+$a->strings["[today]"] = "[i dag]";
+$a->strings["Birthday Reminders"] = "Födelsedagspåminnelser";
+$a->strings["Birthdays this week:"] = "Födelsedagar den här veckan:";
+$a->strings["[No description]"] = "[Ingen beskrivning]";
+$a->strings["Event Reminders"] = "Händelsepåminnelser";
+$a->strings["Events this week:"] = "Händelser den här veckan:";
+$a->strings["Profile"] = "Profil";
+$a->strings["Full Name:"] = "Fullständigt namn:";
+$a->strings["j F, Y"] = "j F Y";
+$a->strings["j F"] = "j F";
+$a->strings["Birthday:"] = "Födelsedag:";
+$a->strings["Age:"] = "Ålder:";
+$a->strings["for %1\$d %2\$s"] = "i %1\$d %2\$s";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference:"] = "Sexuell preferens:";
+$a->strings["Hometown:"] = "Hemort:";
+$a->strings["Tags:"] = "Taggar:";
+$a->strings["Political Views:"] = "Politisk åskådning:";
+$a->strings["Religion:"] = "Religion:";
+$a->strings["About:"] = "Om:";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests:"] = "Fritidssysselsättning/intressen:";
+$a->strings["Likes:"] = "Gillar:";
+$a->strings["Dislikes:"] = "Ogillar:";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks:"] = "Kontaktinformation och sociala nätverk:";
+$a->strings["My other channels:"] = "Mina andra kanaler:";
+$a->strings["Musical interests:"] = "Musikintressen:";
+$a->strings["Books, literature:"] = "Böcker, litteratur:";
+$a->strings["Television:"] = "Tv:";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment:"] = "Film/dans/kultur/underhållning:";
+$a->strings["Love/Romance:"] = "Kärlek/romantik:";
+$a->strings["Work/employment:"] = "Arbete/sysselsättning:";
+$a->strings["School/education:"] = "Skola/utbildning:";
+$a->strings["Edit"] = "Redigera";
+$a->strings["save to folder"] = "spara i mapp";
+$a->strings["add star"] = "lägg till märke";
+$a->strings["remove star"] = "ta bort märke";
+$a->strings["toggle star status"] = "växla märke på/av";
+$a->strings["starred"] = "märkt";
+$a->strings["add tag"] = "lägg till tagg";
+$a->strings["I like this (toggle)"] = "Jag gillar det här (växla)";
+$a->strings["like"] = "gilla";
+$a->strings["I don't like this (toggle)"] = "Jag gillar inte det här (växla)";
+$a->strings["dislike"] = "ogilla";
+$a->strings["Share this"] = "Dela det här";
+$a->strings["share"] = "dela";
+$a->strings["View %s's profile - %s"] = "Visa %ss profil - %s";
+$a->strings["to"] = "till";
+$a->strings["via"] = "via";
+$a->strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Vägg-till-vägg";
+$a->strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via vägg-till-vägg";
+$a->strings["Bookmark Links"] = "Bokmärk länkar";
+$a->strings["%d comment"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d kommentar",
+ 1 => "%d kommentarer",
+$a->strings["This is you"] = "Det här är du";
+$a->strings["Submit"] = "Skicka";
+$a->strings["Bold"] = "Fet";
+$a->strings["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
+$a->strings["Underline"] = "Understruken";
+$a->strings["Quote"] = "Citat";
+$a->strings["Code"] = "Kod";
+$a->strings["Image"] = "Bild";
+$a->strings["Link"] = "Länk";
+$a->strings["Video"] = "Video";
+$a->strings["Edit File properties"] = "Redigera filegenskaper";
+$a->strings["view full size"] = "visa full storlek";
+$a->strings["prev"] = "föregående";
+$a->strings["first"] = "första";
+$a->strings["last"] = "sista";
+$a->strings["next"] = "nästa";
+$a->strings["older"] = "äldre";
+$a->strings["newer"] = "nyare";
+$a->strings["No connections"] = "Inga kontakter";
+$a->strings["%d Connection"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d kontakt",
+ 1 => "%d kontakter",
-$a->strings['Normal View'] = 'Byt till normalvy';
-$a->strings['New Item View'] = 'Visa nya inl&auml;gg &ouml;verst';
-$a->strings['Warning: This group contains %s from an insecure network.'] = 'Varning! Gruppen inneh&aring;ller %s p&aring; os&auml;kra n&auml;tverk.';
-$a->strings['Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure.'] = 'Meddelanden kan komma att bli synliga f&ouml;r vem som helst p&aring; internet.';
-$a->strings['Please enter a link URL:'] = 'Ange en l&auml;nk (URL):';
-$a->strings['Please enter a YouTube link:'] = 'Ange en YouTube-l&auml;nk:';
-$a->strings["Please enter a video\x28.ogg\x29 link/URL:"] = "Ange l&auml;nk/URL till video (.ogg):";
-$a->strings["Please enter an audio\x28.ogg\x29 link/URL:"] = "Ange l&auml;nk/URL till ljud (.ogg):";
-$a->strings['Where are you right now?'] = 'Var &auml;r du just nu?';
-$a->strings['Enter a title for this item'] = 'Ange en rubrik p&aring; inl&auml;gget';
-$a->strings['Share'] = 'Publicera';
-$a->strings['Upload photo'] = 'Ladda upp bild';
-$a->strings['Insert web link'] = 'Infoga l&auml;nk';
-$a->strings['Insert YouTube video'] = 'Infoga video fr&aring;n YouTube';
-$a->strings['Insert Vorbis [.ogg] video'] = 'L&auml;gg in video i format Vorbis [.ogg]';
-$a->strings['Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio'] = 'L&auml;gg in ljud i format Vorbis [.ogg]';
-$a->strings['Set your location'] = 'Ange plats';
-$a->strings['Clear browser location'] = 'Clear browser location';
-$a->strings['Set title'] = 'Ange rubrik';
-$a->strings['Please wait'] = 'V&auml;nta';
-$a->strings['Permission settings'] = '&Aring;tkomstinst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['CC: email addresses'] = 'Kopia: e-postadresser';
-$a->strings['Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com'] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, bertil@exempel.com';
-$a->strings['No such group'] = 'Gruppen finns inte';
-$a->strings['Group is empty'] = 'Gruppen &auml;r tom';
-$a->strings['Group: '] = 'Grupp: ';
-$a->strings['Shared content is covered by the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a> license.'] = 'Inneh&aring;llet omfattas av licensen <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a>.';
-$a->strings['%d member'] = array(
- 0 => '%d medlem',
- 1 => '%d medlemmar',
+$a->strings["View Connections"] = "Visa kontakter";
+$a->strings["poke"] = "puffa";
+$a->strings["ping"] = "pinga";
+$a->strings["pinged"] = "pingade";
+$a->strings["prod"] = "stöt till";
+$a->strings["prodded"] = "stötte till";
+$a->strings["slap"] = "daska till";
+$a->strings["slapped"] = "daskade till";
+$a->strings["finger"] = "fingra på";
+$a->strings["fingered"] = "fingrade på";
+$a->strings["rebuff"] = "stöt tillbaka";
+$a->strings["rebuffed"] = "stötte tillbaks";
+$a->strings["happy"] = "glad";
+$a->strings["sad"] = "ledsen";
+$a->strings["mellow"] = "lugn";
+$a->strings["tired"] = "trött";
+$a->strings["perky"] = "uppåt";
+$a->strings["angry"] = "arg";
+$a->strings["stupified"] = "virrig";
+$a->strings["puzzled"] = "förbryllad";
+$a->strings["interested"] = "intresserad";
+$a->strings["bitter"] = "bitter";
+$a->strings["cheerful"] = "munter";
+$a->strings["alive"] = "pigg";
+$a->strings["annoyed"] = "irriterad";
+$a->strings["anxious"] = "bekymrad";
+$a->strings["cranky"] = "grinig";
+$a->strings["disturbed"] = "besvärad";
+$a->strings["frustrated"] = "frustrerad";
+$a->strings["motivated"] = "motiverad";
+$a->strings["relaxed"] = "avslappnad";
+$a->strings["surprised"] = "förvånad";
+$a->strings["Monday"] = "måndag";
+$a->strings["Tuesday"] = "tisdag";
+$a->strings["Wednesday"] = "onsdag";
+$a->strings["Thursday"] = "torsdag";
+$a->strings["Friday"] = "fredag";
+$a->strings["Saturday"] = "lördag";
+$a->strings["Sunday"] = "söndag";
+$a->strings["January"] = "januari";
+$a->strings["February"] = "februari";
+$a->strings["March"] = "mars";
+$a->strings["April"] = "april";
+$a->strings["May"] = "maj";
+$a->strings["June"] = "juni";
+$a->strings["July"] = "juli";
+$a->strings["August"] = "augusti";
+$a->strings["September"] = "september";
+$a->strings["October"] = "oktober";
+$a->strings["November"] = "november";
+$a->strings["December"] = "december";
+$a->strings["unknown.???"] = "okänt.???";
+$a->strings["bytes"] = "byte";
+$a->strings["remove category"] = "ta bort kategori";
+$a->strings["remove from file"] = "ta bort från fil";
+$a->strings["Click to open/close"] = "Klicka för att öppna/stänga";
+$a->strings["link to source"] = "länk till källa";
+$a->strings["Select a page layout: "] = "Välj en sidlayout: ";
+$a->strings["default"] = "standard";
+$a->strings["Page content type: "] = "Typ av sidinnehåll: ";
+$a->strings["Select an alternate language"] = "Välj ett alternativt språk";
+$a->strings["activity"] = "aktivitet";
+$a->strings["Design"] = "Design";
+$a->strings["Blocks"] = "Block";
+$a->strings["Menus"] = "Menyer";
+$a->strings["Layouts"] = "Layouter";
+$a->strings["Pages"] = "Sidor";
+$a->strings["created a new post"] = "skapade ett nytt inlägg";
+$a->strings["commented on %s's post"] = "kommenterade %ss inlägg";
+$a->strings["Male"] = "Man";
+$a->strings["Female"] = "Kvinna";
+$a->strings["Currently Male"] = "Just nu man";
+$a->strings["Currently Female"] = "Just nu kvinna";
+$a->strings["Mostly Male"] = "Mestadels man";
+$a->strings["Mostly Female"] = "Mestadels kvinna";
+$a->strings["Transgender"] = "Transperson";
+$a->strings["Intersex"] = "Intersexuell";
+$a->strings["Transsexual"] = "Transsexuell";
+$a->strings["Hermaphrodite"] = "Hermafrodit";
+$a->strings["Neuter"] = "Könlös";
+$a->strings["Non-specific"] = "Ospecificerat";
+$a->strings["Other"] = "Annat";
+$a->strings["Undecided"] = "Obestämt";
+$a->strings["Males"] = "Män";
+$a->strings["Females"] = "Kvinnor";
+$a->strings["Gay"] = "Bög";
+$a->strings["Lesbian"] = "Lesbisk";
+$a->strings["No Preference"] = "Ingen preferens";
+$a->strings["Bisexual"] = "Bisexuell";
+$a->strings["Autosexual"] = "Autosexuell";
+$a->strings["Abstinent"] = "Avhållsam";
+$a->strings["Virgin"] = "Oskuld";
+$a->strings["Deviant"] = "Avvikande";
+$a->strings["Fetish"] = "Fetisch";
+$a->strings["Oodles"] = "Massor";
+$a->strings["Nonsexual"] = "Ickesexuell";
+$a->strings["Single"] = "Singel";
+$a->strings["Lonely"] = "Ensam";
+$a->strings["Available"] = "Ledig";
+$a->strings["Unavailable"] = "Upptagen";
+$a->strings["Has crush"] = "Förälskad";
+$a->strings["Infatuated"] = "Förtrollad";
+$a->strings["Dating"] = "Dejtar";
+$a->strings["Unfaithful"] = "Otrogen";
+$a->strings["Sex Addict"] = "Sexmissbrukare";
+$a->strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Kompisförhållande";
+$a->strings["Casual"] = "Vardaglig";
+$a->strings["Engaged"] = "Förlovad";
+$a->strings["Married"] = "Gift";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily married"] = "Inbillat gift";
+$a->strings["Partners"] = "Partner";
+$a->strings["Cohabiting"] = "Bor ihop";
+$a->strings["Common law"] = "Sambo";
+$a->strings["Happy"] = "Lycklig";
+$a->strings["Not looking"] = "Letar inte";
+$a->strings["Swinger"] = "Swinger";
+$a->strings["Betrayed"] = "Bedragen";
+$a->strings["Separated"] = "Separerad";
+$a->strings["Unstable"] = "Instabilt";
+$a->strings["Divorced"] = "Skild";
+$a->strings["Imaginarily divorced"] = "Inbillat skild";
+$a->strings["Widowed"] = "Änka";
+$a->strings["Uncertain"] = "Osäkert";
+$a->strings["It's complicated"] = "Det är komplicerat";
+$a->strings["Don't care"] = "Bryr mig inte";
+$a->strings["Ask me"] = "Fråga mig";
+$a->strings["Missing room name"] = "Rumsnamn saknas";
+$a->strings["Duplicate room name"] = "Rumsnamnet finns redan";
+$a->strings["Invalid room specifier."] = "Ogiltig rumsbeskrivning.";
+$a->strings["Room not found."] = "Rummet hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Room is full"] = "Rummet är fullt";
+$a->strings["Default"] = "Standard";
+$a->strings["Tags"] = "Taggar";
+$a->strings["Keywords"] = "Nyckelord";
+$a->strings["have"] = "har";
+$a->strings["has"] = "har";
+$a->strings["want"] = "vill ha";
+$a->strings["wants"] = "vill ha";
+$a->strings["likes"] = "gillar";
+$a->strings["dislikes"] = "ogillar";
+$a->strings["Logged out."] = "Utloggad.";
+$a->strings["Failed authentication"] = "Autentisering misslyckades";
+$a->strings["Login failed."] = "Inloggning misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Not a valid email address"] = "Inte en giltig e-postadress";
+$a->strings["Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site"] = "Din e-postdomän är inte bland de som tillåts på den här servern";
+$a->strings["Your email address is already registered at this site."] = "Din e-postadress är redan registrerad på den här servern.";
+$a->strings["An invitation is required."] = "En inbjudan behövs.";
+$a->strings["Invitation could not be verified."] = "Inbjudningen kunde inte bekräftas.";
+$a->strings["Please enter the required information."] = "Ange den begärda informationen.";
+$a->strings["Failed to store account information."] = "Misslyckades att spara kontoinformation.";
+$a->strings["Registration request at %s"] = "Registreringsförfrågan på %s";
+$a->strings["Administrator"] = "Administratör";
+$a->strings["your registration password"] = "ditt registreringslösenord";
+$a->strings["Registration details for %s"] = "Registreringsdetaljer för %s";
+$a->strings["Account approved."] = "Konto godkänt.";
+$a->strings["Registration revoked for %s"] = "Registrering avslagen för %s";
+$a->strings["Sort Options"] = "Sorteringsalternativ";
+$a->strings["Alphabetic"] = "Alfabetisk";
+$a->strings["Reverse Alphabetic"] = "Omvänd alfabetisk";
+$a->strings["Newest to Oldest"] = "Nyast till äldst";
+$a->strings["Enable Safe Search"] = "Aktivera säker sökning";
+$a->strings["Disable Safe Search"] = "Avaktivera säker sökning";
+$a->strings["Safe Mode"] = "Säkert läge";
+$a->strings["Red Matrix Notification"] = "Red Matrix-meddelande";
+$a->strings["redmatrix"] = "redmatrix";
+$a->strings["Thank You,"] = "Tack,";
+$a->strings["%s Administrator"] = "Administratören för %s";
+$a->strings["%s <!item_type!>"] = "%s <!item_type!>";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] New mail received at %s"] = "[Red:Meddelande] Nytt meddelande på %s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s sent you a new private message at %3\$s."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s skickade ett nytt privat meddelande till dig på %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s skickade %2\$s till dig.";
+$a->strings["a private message"] = "ett privat meddelande";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your private messages."] = "Besök %s för att visa och/eller svara på dina privata meddelanden.";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s commented on [zrl=%3\$s]a %4\$s[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s kommenterade [zrl=%3\$s]ett %4\$s[/zrl]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s commented on [zrl=%3\$s]%4\$s's %5\$s[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s kommenterade [zrl=%3\$s]%4\$ss %5\$s[/zrl]";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s commented on [zrl=%3\$s]your %4\$s[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s kommenterade [zrl=%3\$s]ditt %4\$s[/zrl]";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "[Red:Meddelande] Kommentar till konversation #%1\$d av %2\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s commented on an item/conversation you have been following."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s kommenterade en sak/konversation du har följt.";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Besök %s för att visa och/eller svara på konversationen.";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] %s posted to your profile wall"] = "[Red:Meddelande] %s postade till din profilvägg";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s posted to your profile wall at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s postade till din profilvägg på %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s posted to [zrl=%3\$s]your wall[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s postade till [zrl=%3\$s]din vägg[/zrl]";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] %s tagged you"] = "[Red:Meddelande] %s taggade dig";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s tagged you at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s taggade dig på %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s [zrl=%3\$s]tagged you[/zrl]."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s [zrl=%3\$s]taggade dig[/zrl].";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] %1\$s poked you"] = "[Red:Meddelande] %1\$s puffade dig";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s poked you at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s puffade dig på %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s [zrl=%2\$s]poked you[/zrl]."] = "%1\$s, %2\$s [zrl=%2\$s]puffade dig[/zrl].";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] %s tagged your post"] = "[Red:Meddelande] %s taggade ditt inlägg";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s tagged your post at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s taggade ditt inlägg på %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, %2\$s tagged [zrl=%3\$s]your post[/zrl]"] = "%1\$s, %2\$s taggade [zrl=%3\$s]ditt inlägg[/zrl]";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] Introduction received"] = "[Red:Meddelande] Presentation mottagen";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, you've received an new connection request from '%2\$s' at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, du har fått en ny kontaktförfrågan från '%2\$s' på %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, you've received [zrl=%2\$s]a new connection request[/zrl] from %3\$s."] = "%1\$s, du har fått [zrl=%2\$s]en ny kontaktförfrågan[/zrl] från %3\$s.";
+$a->strings["You may visit their profile at %s"] = "Du kan besöka deras profil på %s";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the connection request."] = "Besök %s för att bevilja eller avslå kontaktförfrågan.";
+$a->strings["[Red:Notify] Friend suggestion received"] = "[Red:Meddelande] Vänförslag mottaget";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, you've received a friend suggestion from '%2\$s' at %3\$s"] = "%1\$s, du har fått ett vänförslag från '%2\$s' på %3\$s";
+$a->strings["%1\$s, you've received [zrl=%2\$s]a friend suggestion[/zrl] for %3\$s from %4\$s."] = "%1\$s, du har fått [zrl=%2\$s]ett vänförslag[/zrl] angående %3\$s från %4\$s.";
+$a->strings["Name:"] = "Namn:";
+$a->strings["Photo:"] = "Foto:";
+$a->strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Besök %s för att bevilja eller avslå förslaget.";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes"] = "Bild överskrider webbplatsens storleksbegränsning på %lu byte";
+$a->strings["Image file is empty."] = "Bildfil är tom.";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image"] = "Kunde inte bearbeta bild";
+$a->strings["Photo storage failed."] = "Fotolagring misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Upload New Photos"] = "Ladda upp nya foton";
+$a->strings["%d invitation available"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d inbjudan tillgänglig",
+ 1 => "%d inbjudningar tillgängliga",
-$a->strings['Applications'] = 'Applikationer';
-$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Bjud in folk du k&auml;nner";
-$a->strings['Find People With Shared Interests'] = 'S&ouml;k personer som har samma intressen som du';
-$a->strings['Connect/Follow'] = 'G&ouml;r till kontakt/F&ouml;lj';
-$a->strings['Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara'] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, http://exempel.com/bertil';
-$a->strings['Follow'] = 'F&ouml;lj';
-$a->strings['Could not access contact record.'] = 'Hittar inte information om kontakten.';
-$a->strings['Could not locate selected profile.'] = 'Hittar inte vald profil.';
-$a->strings['Contact updated.'] = 'Kontakten har uppdaterats.';
-$a->strings['Failed to update contact record.'] = 'Det blev fel n&auml;r kontakten skulle uppdateras.';
-$a->strings['Contact has been '] = 'Kontakten ';
-$a->strings['blocked'] = 'sp&auml;rrad';
-$a->strings['unblocked'] = 'inte l&auml;ngre sp&auml;rrad';
-$a->strings['Contact has been blocked'] = 'Kontakten har sp&auml;rrats';
-$a->strings['Contact has been unblocked'] = 'Kontakten &auml;r inte l&auml;ngre sp&auml;rrad';
-$a->strings['Contact has been ignored'] = 'Kontakten ignoreras';
-$a->strings['Contact has been unignored'] = 'Kontakten ignoreras inte l&auml;ngre';
-$a->strings['stopped following'] = 'f&ouml;ljer inte l&auml;ngre';
-$a->strings['Contact has been removed.'] = 'Kontakten har tagits bort.';
-$a->strings['Contact not found.'] = 'Kontakten hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Mutual Friendship'] = '&Ouml;msesidig v&auml;nskap';
-$a->strings['is a fan of yours'] = '&auml;r ett fan till dig';
-$a->strings['you are a fan of'] = 'du &auml;r fan till';
-$a->strings['Privacy Unavailable'] = 'Inte tillg&auml;ngligt';
-$a->strings['Private communications are not available for this contact.'] = 'Det g&aring;r inte att utbyta personliga meddelanden med den h&auml;r kontakten.';
-$a->strings['Never'] = 'Aldrig';
-$a->strings["\x28Update was successful\x29"] = "(Uppdateringen lyckades)";
-$a->strings["\x28Update was not successful\x29"] = "(Uppdateringen lyckades inte)";
-$a->strings['Contact Editor'] = '&Auml;ndra kontakter';
-$a->strings['Submit'] = 'Spara';
-$a->strings['Profile Visibility'] = 'Visning av profil';
-$a->strings['Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely.'] = 'V&auml;lj vilken profil som ska visas f&ouml;r %s n&auml;r han/hon bes&ouml;ker din sida.';
-$a->strings['Contact Information / Notes'] = 'Kontaktuppgifter/Anteckningar';
-$a->strings['Online Reputation'] = 'Rykte online';
-$a->strings['Occasionally your friends may wish to inquire about this person\'s online legitimacy.'] = 'Dina kontakter kanske vill veta n&aring;got om den h&auml;r personens rykte online innan de tar kontakt.';
-$a->strings['You may help them choose whether or not to interact with this person by providing a <em>reputation</em> to guide them.'] = 'Du kan vara till hj&auml;lp genom att ange personens rykte online.';
-$a->strings['Please take a moment to elaborate on this selection if you feel it could be helpful to others.'] = '&Auml;gna g&auml;rna en stund &aring;t att ange detta f&ouml;r att hj&auml;lpa andra.';
-$a->strings['Visit $name\'s profile'] = 'Bes&ouml;k $name ';
-$a->strings['Block/Unblock contact'] = 'Sp&auml;rra kontakt eller h&auml;v sp&auml;rr';
-$a->strings['Ignore contact'] = 'Ignorera kontakt';
-$a->strings['Repair contact URL settings'] = 'Repair contact URL settings';
-$a->strings["Repair contact URL settings \x28WARNING: Advanced\x29"] = "Repair contact URL settings (WARNING: Advanced)";
-$a->strings['Delete contact'] = 'Ta bort kontakt';
-$a->strings['Last updated: '] = 'Uppdaterad senast: ';
-$a->strings['Update public posts: '] = 'Uppdatera offentliga inl&auml;gg: ';
-$a->strings['Update now'] = 'Updatera nu';
-$a->strings['Unblock this contact'] = 'H&auml;v sp&auml;rr f&ouml;r kontakt';
-$a->strings['Block this contact'] = 'Sp&auml;rra kontakt';
-$a->strings['Unignore this contact'] = 'Ignorera inte l&auml;ngre kontakt';
-$a->strings['Ignore this contact'] = 'Ignorera kontakt';
-$a->strings['Currently blocked'] = 'Sp&auml;rrad';
-$a->strings['Currently ignored'] = 'Ignoreras';
-$a->strings['Contacts'] = 'Kontakter';
-$a->strings['Show Blocked Connections'] = 'Visa sp&auml;rrade kontakter';
-$a->strings['Hide Blocked Connections'] = 'D&ouml;lj sp&auml;rrade kontakter';
-$a->strings['Finding: '] = 'Hittar: ';
-$a->strings['Find'] = 'S&ouml;k';
-$a->strings['Visit $username\'s profile'] = 'G&aring; till profilen som tillh&ouml;r $username';
-$a->strings['Edit contact'] = '&Auml;ndra kontakt';
-$a->strings['Contact settings applied.'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r kontakter har sparats.';
-$a->strings['Contact update failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att uppdatera kontakt.';
-$a->strings['Repair Contact Settings'] = 'Repair Contact Settings';
-$a->strings['<strong>WARNING: This is highly advanced</strong> and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact will stop working.'] = '<strong>VARNING! Det h&auml;r &auml;r en avancerad inst&auml;llning</strong> och om du anger felaktig information kommer kommunikationen med den h&auml;r kontakten att sluta fungera.';
-$a->strings['Please use your browser \'Back\' button <strong>now</strong> if you are uncertain what to do on this page.'] = 'Anv&auml;nd webbl&auml;sarens bak&aring;tknapp <strong>nu</strong> om du &auml;r os&auml;ker p&aring; vad man g&ouml;r p&aring; den h&auml;r sidan.';
-$a->strings['Name'] = 'Namn';
-$a->strings['Profile not found.'] = 'Profilen hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Response from remote site was not understood.'] = 'Kunde inte tolka svaret fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten.';
-$a->strings['Unexpected response from remote site: '] = 'Ov&auml;ntat svar fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten: ';
-$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Bekr&auml;ftat.";
-$a->strings['Remote site reported: '] = 'Meddelande fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten: ';
-$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Tillf&auml;lligt fel. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen lite senare.";
-$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan gick inte fram eller har &aring;terkallats.";
-$a->strings['Unable to set contact photo.'] = 'Det gick inte att byta profilbild.';
-$a->strings['is now friends with'] = '&auml;r nu v&auml;n med';
-$a->strings['Our site encryption key is apparently messed up.'] = 'Det &auml;r n&aring;got fel p&aring; webbplatsens krypteringsnyckel.';
-$a->strings['Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.'] = 'Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.';
-$a->strings['Contact record was not found for you on our site.'] = 'Det gick inte att hitta efterfr&aring;gad information p&aring; v&aring;r webbplats.';
-$a->strings['The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.'] = 'Det ID som angavs av ditt system &auml;r samma som p&aring; v&aring;rt system. Det borde fungera om du provar igen.';
-$a->strings['Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.'] = 'Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.';
-$a->strings['Unable to update your contact profile details on our system'] = 'Unable to update your contact profile details on our system';
-$a->strings["Connection accepted at %s"] = "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan beviljad - %s";
-$a->strings['Administrator'] = 'Admin';
-$a->strings['noreply'] = 'noreply';
-$a->strings["%s commented on an item at %s"] = "%s har kommenterat ett inl&auml;gg p&aring; %s";
-$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Den h&auml;r f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan har redan beviljats.";
-$a->strings['Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information.'] = 'Profiladressen &auml;r ogiltig eller inneh&aring;ller ingen profilinformation.';
-$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.'] = 'Varning! Hittar inget namn som identifierar profilen.';
-$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no profile photo.'] = 'Varning! Profilen inneh&aring;ller inte n&aring;gon profilbild.';
-$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/Presentationen &auml;r klar.";
-$a->strings['Unrecoverable protocol error.'] = 'Protokollfel.';
-$a->strings['Profile unavailable.'] = 'Profilen &auml;r inte tillg&auml;nglig.';
-$a->strings['%s has received too many connection requests today.'] = '%s har f&aring;tt f&ouml;r m&aring;nga kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar idag.';
-$a->strings['Spam protection measures have been invoked.'] = '&Aring;tg&auml;rder f&ouml;r spamskydd har vidtagits.';
-$a->strings['Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours.'] = 'Dina v&auml;nner kan prova igen om ett dygn.';
-$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Invalid locator";
-$a->strings["Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."] = "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location.";
-$a->strings['You have already introduced yourself here.'] = 'Du har redan presenterat dig h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['Apparently you are already friends with %s.'] = 'Du och %s &auml;r redan kontakter.';
-$a->strings['Invalid profile URL.'] = 'Ogiltig profil-URL.';
-$a->strings['Disallowed profile URL.'] = 'Otill&aring;ten profil-URL.';
-$a->strings['Your introduction has been sent.'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/Presentationen har skickats.';
-$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Logga in f&ouml;r att acceptera f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan.";
-$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to <strong>this</strong> profile."] = "Inloggad med fel identitet. Logga in med <strong>den h&auml;r</strong> profilen.";
-$a->strings['Welcome home %s.'] = 'V&auml;lkommen hem %s.';
-$a->strings['Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s.'] = 'Bekr&auml;fta att du vill skicka kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan till %s.';
-$a->strings['Confirm'] = 'Bekr&auml;fta';
-$a->strings['[Name Withheld]'] = '[Namnet visas inte]';
-$a->strings["Introduction received at "] = "Inkommen kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/presentation - ";
-$a->strings['Friend/Connection Request'] = 'V&auml;n- eller kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
-$a->strings['Examples: jojo@demo.friendika.com, http://demo.friendika.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca'] = 'Examples: jojo@demo.friendika.com, http://demo.friendika.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca';
-$a->strings['Please answer the following:'] = 'Var v&auml;nlig besvara f&ouml;ljande:';
-$a->strings['Does $name know you?'] = 'K&auml;nner $name dig?';
-$a->strings['Yes'] = 'Ja';
-$a->strings['No'] = 'Nej';
-$a->strings['Add a personal note:'] = 'L&auml;gg till ett personligt meddelande:';
-$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported social networks:"] = "Ange din adress, ditt ID, p&aring; ett av f&ouml;ljande sociala n&auml;tverk:";
-$a->strings['Friendika'] = 'Friendika';
-$a->strings['StatusNet/Federated Social Web'] = 'StatusNet/Federated Social Web';
-$a->strings["Private \x28secure\x29 network"] = "Privat (s&auml;kert) n&auml;tverk";
-$a->strings["Public \x28insecure\x29 network"] = "Offentligt (os&auml;kert) n&auml;tverk";
-$a->strings['Your Identity Address:'] = 'Din adress (ditt ID):';
-$a->strings['Submit Request'] = 'Skicka f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
-$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Avbryt';
-$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
- 0 => "%d required parameter was not found at the given location",
- 1 => "%d required parameters were not found at the given location",
+$a->strings["Advanced"] = "Avancerat";
+$a->strings["Find Channels"] = "Hitta kanaler";
+$a->strings["Enter name or interest"] = "Ange namn eller intresse";
+$a->strings["Connect/Follow"] = "Ta kontakt/följ";
+$a->strings["Examples: Robert Morgenstein, Fishing"] = "Exempel: Robert Morgenstein, Fiske";
+$a->strings["Find"] = "Sök";
+$a->strings["Channel Suggestions"] = "Kanalförslag";
+$a->strings["Random Profile"] = "Slumpvald profil";
+$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Bjud in vänner";
+$a->strings["Exammple: name=fred and country=iceland"] = "Exempel: name=fred and country=iceland";
+$a->strings["Advanced Find"] = "Sök avancerat";
+$a->strings["%d connection in common"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d gemensam kontakt",
+ 1 => "%d gemensamma kontakter",
-$a->strings['Global Directory'] = 'Medlemskatalog f&ouml;r flera sajter (global)';
-$a->strings['Site Directory'] = 'Medlemskatalog';
-$a->strings['Age: '] = '&Aring;lder: ';
-$a->strings['Gender: '] = 'K&ouml;n: ';
-$a->strings["No entries \x28some entries may be hidden\x29."] = "Inget att visa. (Man kan v&auml;lja att inte synas h&auml;r)";
-$a->strings['Item not found.'] = 'Hittar inte.';
-$a->strings['Item has been removed.'] = 'Har tagits bort.';
-$a->strings['Item not found'] = 'Hittades inte';
-$a->strings['Edit post'] = '&Auml;ndra inl&auml;gg';
-$a->strings['Edit'] = '&Auml;ndra';
-$a->strings['The profile address specified does not provide adequate information.'] = 'Angiven profiladress ger inte tillr&auml;cklig information.';
-$a->strings['Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you.'] = 'Begr&auml;nsad profil. Den h&auml;r personen kommer inte att kunna ta emot personliga meddelanden fr&aring;n dig.';
-$a->strings['Unable to retrieve contact information.'] = 'Det gick inte att komma &aring;t kontaktinformationen.';
-$a->strings['following'] = 'f&ouml;ljer';
-$a->strings['This is Friendika version'] = 'Det h&auml;r &auml;r Friendika version';
-$a->strings['running at web location'] = 'som k&ouml;rs p&aring;';
-$a->strings['Shared content within the Friendika network is provided under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>'] = 'Inneh&aring;ll som publiceras inom Friendikan&auml;tverket omfattas av licensen <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>';
-$a->strings['Please visit <a href="http://project.friendika.com">Project.Friendika.com</a> to learn more about the Friendika project.'] = 'G&aring; till <a href="http://project.friendika.com">Project.Friendika.com</a> om du vill l&auml;sa mer om friendikaprojektet.';
-$a->strings['Bug reports and issues: please visit'] = 'Anm&auml;l buggar eller andra problem, g&aring; till';
-$a->strings['Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email "Info" at Friendika - dot com'] = 'F&ouml;rslag, ber&ouml;m, donationer, etc. - skicka e-post till "info at friendika punkt com" ';
-$a->strings['Installed plugins/addons/apps'] = 'Installerade insticksprogram/applikationer';
-$a->strings['No installed plugins/addons/apps'] = 'Inga installerade insticksprogram/applikationer';
-$a->strings['Group created.'] = 'Gruppen har skapats.';
-$a->strings['Could not create group.'] = 'Det gick inte att skapa gruppen.';
-$a->strings['Group not found.'] = 'Gruppen hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Group name changed.'] = 'Gruppens namn har &auml;ndrats.';
-$a->strings['Create a group of contacts/friends.'] = 'Skapa en grupp med kontakter/v&auml;nner.';
-$a->strings['Group Name: '] = 'Gruppens namn: ';
-$a->strings['Group removed.'] = 'Gruppen har tagits bort.';
-$a->strings['Unable to remove group.'] = 'Det gick inte att ta bort gruppen.';
-$a->strings['Delete'] = 'Ta bort';
-$a->strings['Click on a contact to add or remove.'] = 'Klicka p&aring; en kontakt f&ouml;r att l&auml;gga till eller ta bort.';
-$a->strings['Group Editor'] = '&Auml;ndra i grupper';
-$a->strings['Members'] = 'Medlemmar';
-$a->strings['All Contacts'] = 'Alla kontakter';
-$a->strings['Help:'] = 'Hj&auml;lp:';
-$a->strings['Help'] = 'Hj&auml;lp';
-$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "V&auml;lkommen till %s";
-$a->strings['Could not create/connect to database.'] = 'Det gick inte att skapa eller ansluta till databasen.';
-$a->strings['Connected to database.'] = 'Ansluten till databasen.';
-$a->strings['Proceed with Installation'] = 'Forts&auml;tt med installationen';
-$a->strings['Your Friendika site database has been installed.'] = 'Databasen f&ouml;r din friendikasajt har installerats.';
-$a->strings['IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller.'] = 'IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller.';
-$a->strings['Please see the file "INSTALL.txt".'] = 'Se filen "INSTALL.txt".';
-$a->strings['Proceed to registration'] = 'G&aring; vidare till registreringen';
-$a->strings['Database import failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att importera databasen.';
-$a->strings['You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.'] = 'Du kanske m&aring;ste importera filen "database.sql" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql.';
-$a->strings['Welcome to Friendika.'] = 'V&auml;lkommen till Friendika.';
-$a->strings['Friendika Social Network'] = 'Det sociala n&auml;tverket Friendika';
-$a->strings['Installation'] = 'Installation';
-$a->strings['In order to install Friendika we need to know how to contact your database.'] = 'In order to install Friendika we need to know how to contact your database.';
-$a->strings['Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.'] = 'Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.';
-$a->strings['The database you specify below must already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.'] = 'The database you specify below must already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.';
-$a->strings['Database Server Name'] = 'Database Server Name';
-$a->strings['Database Login Name'] = 'Database Login Name';
-$a->strings['Database Login Password'] = 'Database Login Password';
-$a->strings['Database Name'] = 'Database Name';
-$a->strings['Please select a default timezone for your website'] = 'Please select a default timezone for your website';
-$a->strings['Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.'] = 'Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.';
-$a->strings['This is required. Please adjust the configuration file .htconfig.php accordingly.'] = 'This is required. Please adjust the configuration file .htconfig.php accordingly.';
-$a->strings['The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.'] = 'The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.';
-$a->strings['This is required for message delivery to work.'] = 'Det kr&auml;vs f&ouml;r att meddelanden ska kunna levereras.';
-$a->strings['Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys'] = 'Fel: funktionen "openssl_pkey_new" kan inte skapa krypteringsnycklar';
-$a->strings['If running under Windows, please see "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php".'] = 'L&auml;s mer p&aring; "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php" om du k&ouml;r Windows.';
-$a->strings['Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.'] = 'Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.';
-$a->strings['Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.'] = 'Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.';
-$a->strings['Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.'] = 'Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.';
-$a->strings['Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed.'] = 'Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed.';
-$a->strings['Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed.'] = 'Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed.';
-$a->strings['The web installer needs to be able to create a file called ".htconfig.php" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so.'] = 'The web installer needs to be able to create a file called ".htconfig.php" in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so.';
-$a->strings['This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.'] = 'This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can.';
-$a->strings['Please check with your site documentation or support people to see if this situation can be corrected.'] = 'Please check with your site documentation or support people to see if this situation can be corrected.';
-$a->strings['If not, you may be required to perform a manual installation. Please see the file "INSTALL.txt" for instructions.'] = 'If not, you may be required to perform a manual installation. Please see the file "INSTALL.txt" for instructions.';
-$a->strings['The database configuration file ".htconfig.php" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root.'] = 'The database configuration file ".htconfig.php" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root.';
-$a->strings['Errors encountered creating database tables.'] = 'Fel vid skapandet av databastabeller.';
-$a->strings['%s : Not a valid email address.'] = '%s : Ogiltig e-postadress.';
-$a->strings['%s : Message delivery failed.'] = '%s : Meddelandet kom inte fram.';
-$a->strings['Send invitations'] = 'Skicka inbjudningar';
-$a->strings['Enter email addresses, one per line:'] = 'Ange e-postadresser, en per rad:';
-$a->strings['Your message:'] = 'Meddelande:';
-$a->strings['To accept this invitation, please visit:'] = 'G&aring; hit f&ouml;r att tacka ja till inbjudan:';
-$a->strings['Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:'] = 'Vi kan bli kontakter via min profil. Bes&ouml;k min profil h&auml;r n&auml;r du har registrerat dig:';
+$a->strings["New Page"] = "Ny sida";
+$a->strings["Click here to upgrade."] = "Klicka här för att uppgradera.";
+$a->strings["This action exceeds the limits set by your subscription plan."] = "Den här funktionen går utanför vad som anges i ditt avtal.";
+$a->strings["This action is not available under your subscription plan."] = "Den här funktionen är inte tillgänglig med ditt avtal.";
+$a->strings["Permission denied"] = "Behörighet saknas";
+$a->strings["(Unknown)"] = "(Okänt)";
+$a->strings["Item not found."] = "Posten hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Collection not found."] = "Sammanhanget hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Collection is empty."] = "Sammanhanget är tomt.";
+$a->strings["Collection: %s"] = "Sammanhang: %s";
+$a->strings["Connection: %s"] = "Kontakt: %s";
+$a->strings["Connection not found."] = "Kontakten hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Channel is blocked on this site."] = "Kanalen är blockerad på den här servern.";
+$a->strings["Channel location missing."] = "Kanalplats saknas.";
+$a->strings["Response from remote channel was incomplete."] = "Svar från den andra kanalen var ofullständigt.";
+$a->strings["Channel was deleted and no longer exists."] = "Kanalen har tagits bort och finns inte längre.";
+$a->strings["Channel discovery failed."] = "Kanalsökning misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["local account not found."] = "hittade inte lokalt konto.";
+$a->strings["Cannot connect to yourself."] = "Du kan inte kontakta dig själv.";
+$a->strings["The form security token was not correct. This probably happened because the form has been opened for too long (>3 hours) before submitting it."] = "Formulärets kontrollkod var inte korrekt. Antagligen beror det på att formuläret har varit öppet för länge (> 3 timmar) innan det skickades.";
+$a->strings["Embedded content"] = "Inbäddat innehåll";
+$a->strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Inbäddning inaktiverat";
+$a->strings["Can view my \"public\" stream and posts"] = "Kan se mina \"offentliga\" strömmar och inlägg";
+$a->strings["Can view my \"public\" channel profile"] = "Kan se min \"offentliga\" kanalprofil";
+$a->strings["Can view my \"public\" photo albums"] = "Kan se mina \"offentliga\" fotoalbum";
+$a->strings["Can view my \"public\" address book"] = "Kan se min \"offentliga\" adressbok";
+$a->strings["Can view my \"public\" file storage"] = "Kan se mitt \"offentliga\" filutrymme";
+$a->strings["Can view my \"public\" pages"] = "Kan se mina \"offentliga\" sidor";
+$a->strings["Can send me their channel stream and posts"] = "Kan skicka sina kanalströmmar och inlägg till mig";
+$a->strings["Can post on my channel page (\"wall\")"] = "Kan posta inlägg på min kanalsida (\"vägg\")";
+$a->strings["Can comment on my posts"] = "Kan kommentera mina inlägg";
+$a->strings["Can send me private mail messages"] = "Kan skicka privata meddelanden till mig";
+$a->strings["Can post photos to my photo albums"] = "Kan lägga till foton i mitt fotoalbum";
+$a->strings["Can forward to all my channel contacts via post @mentions"] = "Kan vidarebefordra till alla mina kanalkontakter genom @omnämnanden";
+$a->strings["Advanced - useful for creating group forum channels"] = "Avancerat - användbart för att skapa kanaler för gruppforum";
+$a->strings["Can chat with me (when available)"] = "Kan chatta med mig (när tillgänglig)";
+$a->strings["Can write to my \"public\" file storage"] = "Har skrivrättigheter i mitt \"offentliga\" filutrymme";
+$a->strings["Can edit my \"public\" pages"] = "Kan redigera mina \"offentliga\" sidor";
+$a->strings["Can source my \"public\" posts in derived channels"] = "Kan använda mina \"offentliga\" inlägg i kanaler nedströms";
+$a->strings["Somewhat advanced - very useful in open communities"] = "Ganska avancerat - väldigt användbart i öppna gemenskaper";
+$a->strings["Can send me bookmarks"] = "Kan skicka bokmärken till mig";
+$a->strings["Can administer my channel resources"] = "Kan administrera mina kanalresurser";
+$a->strings["Extremely advanced. Leave this alone unless you know what you are doing"] = "Extremt avancerat. Låt detta vara om du inte vet vad du gör";
+$a->strings["Invalid data packet"] = "Ogiltigt datapaket";
+$a->strings["Unable to verify channel signature"] = "Kunde inte bekräfta kanalsignatur";
+$a->strings["Unable to verify site signature for %s"] = "Kunde inte bekräfta signatur för servern %s";
+$a->strings["No channel."] = "Ingen kanal.";
+$a->strings["Common connections"] = "Gemensamma kontakter";
+$a->strings["No connections in common."] = "Inga gemensamma kontakter.";
+$a->strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Händelsen behöver titel och starttid.";
+$a->strings["l, F j"] = "l, j F";
+$a->strings["Edit event"] = "Redigera händelse";
+$a->strings["Create New Event"] = "Skapa ny händelse";
+$a->strings["Previous"] = "Föregående";
+$a->strings["Next"] = "Nästa";
+$a->strings["hour:minute"] = "timme:minut";
+$a->strings["Event details"] = "Detaljer för händelse";
+$a->strings["Format is %s %s. Starting date and Title are required."] = "Formatet är %s %s. Startdatum och titel behövs.";
+$a->strings["Event Starts:"] = "Händelsen börjar:";
+$a->strings["Required"] = "Behövs";
+$a->strings["Finish date/time is not known or not relevant"] = "Slutdatum/tid är okänt eller inte relevant";
+$a->strings["Event Finishes:"] = "Händelsen slutar:";
+$a->strings["Adjust for viewer timezone"] = "Justera för betraktarens tidszon";
+$a->strings["Description:"] = "Beskrivning:";
+$a->strings["Title:"] = "Titel:";
+$a->strings["Share this event"] = "Dela den här händelsen";
+$a->strings["Thing updated"] = "Föremål uppdaterat";
+$a->strings["Object store: failed"] = "Objektlagring: misslyckades";
+$a->strings["Thing added"] = "Föremål tillagt";
+$a->strings["OBJ: %1\$s %2\$s %3\$s"] = "OBJ: %1\$s %2\$s %3\$s";
+$a->strings["Show Thing"] = "Visa föremål";
+$a->strings["item not found."] = "föremål hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Edit Thing"] = "Redigera föremål";
+$a->strings["Select a profile"] = "Välj en profil";
+$a->strings["Select a category of stuff. e.g. I ______ something"] = "Välj en kategori, t.ex. Jag ______ någonting";
+$a->strings["Post an activity"] = "Posta en aktivitet";
+$a->strings["Only sends to viewers of the applicable profile"] = "Skickar bara till de som tittar på den aktuella profilen";
+$a->strings["Name of thing e.g. something"] = "Namn på föremål, t.ex. någonting";
+$a->strings["URL of thing (optional)"] = "URL för föremål (frivilligt)";
+$a->strings["URL for photo of thing (optional)"] = "URL för foto på föremål (frivilligt)";
+$a->strings["Add Thing to your Profile"] = "Lägg till föremål till din profil";
+$a->strings["Total invitation limit exceeded."] = "Gränsen för totalt antal inbjudningar överskriden.";
+$a->strings["%s : Not a valid email address."] = "%s: Inte en giltig e-postadress.";
+$a->strings["Please join us on Red"] = "Gå med oss i Red";
+$a->strings["Invitation limit exceeded. Please contact your site administrator."] = "Inbjudningsgränsen överskriden. Kontakta din serveradministratör.";
+$a->strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : Leverans av meddelande misslyckades.";
$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
- 0 => "%d meddelande har skickats.",
- 1 => "%d meddelanden har skickats.",
+ 0 => "%d meddelande sänt.",
+ 1 => "%d meddelanden sända.",
+$a->strings["You have no more invitations available"] = "Du har inga fler inbjudningar kvar";
+$a->strings["Send invitations"] = "Skicka inbjudan";
+$a->strings["Enter email addresses, one per line:"] = "Ange e-postadresser, en per rad:";
+$a->strings["Your message:"] = "Ditt meddelande:";
+$a->strings["You are cordially invited to join me and some other close friends on the Red Matrix - a revolutionary new decentralised communication and information tool."] = "Du är hjärtligt inbjuden att gå med mig och några andra nära vänner i Red Matrix - ett revolutionärt nytt decentraliserat kommunikations- och informationsverktyg.";
+$a->strings["You will need to supply this invitation code: \$invite_code"] = "Du kommer att behöva ange den här inbjudningskoden: \$invite_code";
+$a->strings["Please visit my channel at"] = "Besök min kanal på";
+$a->strings["Once you have registered (on ANY Red Matrix site - they are all inter-connected), please connect with my Red Matrix channel address:"] = "När du har registrerat dig (på NÅGON Red Matrix-server - alla sitter ihop), så lägg till min Red Matrix-kanaladress:";
+$a->strings["Click the [Register] link on the following page to join."] = "Klicka på [Registrera]-länken på följande sida för att gå med.";
+$a->strings["For more information about the Red Matrix Project and why it has the potential to change the internet as we know it, please visit http://getzot.com"] = "För mer information om Red Matrix-projektet och varför det har potential att förändra Internet som vi känner det, besök http://getzot.com";
+$a->strings["Unable to lookup recipient."] = "Kunde inte hitta mottagare.";
+$a->strings["Unable to communicate with requested channel."] = "Kunde inte kommunicera med den begärda kanalen.";
+$a->strings["Cannot verify requested channel."] = "Kan inte bekräfta den begärda kanalen.";
+$a->strings["Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed."] = "Den valda kanalen har restriktioner för privata meddelanden. Misslyckades att skicka.";
+$a->strings["Messages"] = "Meddelanden";
+$a->strings["Message deleted."] = "Meddelande borttaget.";
+$a->strings["Message recalled."] = "Meddelande återkallat.";
+$a->strings["Send Private Message"] = "Skicka privat meddelande.";
+$a->strings["To:"] = "Till:";
+$a->strings["Subject:"] = "Ämne:";
+$a->strings["Message not found."] = "Meddelandet hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Delete message"] = "Ta bort meddelande";
+$a->strings["Recall message"] = "Återkalla meddelande";
+$a->strings["Message has been recalled."] = "Meddelandet har återkallats.";
+$a->strings["Private Conversation"] = "Privat konversation";
+$a->strings["Delete conversation"] = "Ta bort konversation";
+$a->strings["No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to respond from the sender's profile page."] = "Ingen säker kommunikationskanal tillgänglig. Du kan <strong>möjligtvis</strong> svara från avsändarens profilsida.";
+$a->strings["Send Reply"] = "Skicka svar";
+$a->strings["Name is required"] = "Namn är obligatoriskt";
+$a->strings["Key and Secret are required"] = "Nyckel och kod är obligatoriska";
+$a->strings["Update"] = "Uppdatera";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match. Password unchanged."] = "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens. Lösenordet har inte ändrats.";
+$a->strings["Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged."] = "Tomma lösenord tillåts inte. Lösenordet har inte ändrats.";
+$a->strings["Password changed."] = "Lösenordet ändrat.";
+$a->strings["Password update failed. Please try again."] = "Lösenordsuppdatering misslyckades. Försök igen.";
+$a->strings["Not valid email."] = "Inte en giltig e-postadress.";
+$a->strings["Protected email address. Cannot change to that email."] = "Skyddad e-postadress. Kan inte ändra till den.";
+$a->strings["System failure storing new email. Please try again."] = "Systemfel när ny e-postadress skulle sparas. Försök igen.";
+$a->strings["Settings updated."] = "Inställningar uppdaterade.";
+$a->strings["Add application"] = "Lägg till applikation";
+$a->strings["Name"] = "Namn";
+$a->strings["Name of application"] = "Applikationens namn";
+$a->strings["Consumer Key"] = "Nyckel för konsument";
+$a->strings["Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20"] = "Automatiskt genererad - ändra om så önskas. Maxlängd 20";
+$a->strings["Consumer Secret"] = "Kod för konsument";
+$a->strings["Redirect"] = "Omdirigering";
+$a->strings["Redirect URI - leave blank unless your application specifically requires this"] = "Omdirigerings-URI - lämna blankt om inte din applikation specifikt behöver det";
+$a->strings["Icon url"] = "Ikon-URL";
+$a->strings["Optional"] = "Frivillig";
+$a->strings["You can't edit this application."] = "Du kan inte redigera den här applikationen.";
+$a->strings["Connected Apps"] = "Anslutna appar";
+$a->strings["Client key starts with"] = "Klientnyckel börjar med";
+$a->strings["No name"] = "Inget namn";
+$a->strings["Remove authorization"] = "Ta bort behörighet";
+$a->strings["No feature settings configured"] = "Inga funktionsinställningar konfigurerade";
+$a->strings["Feature Settings"] = "Funktionsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Account Settings"] = "Kontoinställningar";
+$a->strings["Password Settings"] = "Lösenordsinställningar";
+$a->strings["New Password:"] = "Nytt lösenord:";
+$a->strings["Confirm:"] = "Bekräfta:";
+$a->strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "Lämna lösenordsfälten blanka om lösenordet inte ska ändras";
+$a->strings["Email Address:"] = "E-postadress";
+$a->strings["Remove Account"] = "Ta bort konto";
+$a->strings["Warning: This action is permanent and cannot be reversed."] = "Varning: Den här handlingen är permanent och kan inte återställas.";
+$a->strings["Off"] = "Av";
+$a->strings["On"] = "På";
+$a->strings["Additional Features"] = "Ytterligare funktioner";
+$a->strings["Connector Settings"] = "Anslutningsinställningar";
+$a->strings["No special theme for mobile devices"] = "Inget särskilt tema för mobila enheter";
+$a->strings["Display Settings"] = "Utseende";
+$a->strings["Display Theme:"] = "Tema för utseende:";
+$a->strings["Mobile Theme:"] = "Mobilt tema:";
+$a->strings["Update browser every xx seconds"] = "Uppdatera webbläsaren var xx sekund";
+$a->strings["Minimum of 10 seconds, no maximum"] = "Minst 10 sekunder, inget maximum";
+$a->strings["Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:"] = "Högsta antal konversationer att ladda åt gången:";
+$a->strings["Maximum of 100 items"] = "Maximalt 100 poster";
+$a->strings["Don't show emoticons"] = "Visa inte känsloikoner";
+$a->strings["Do not view remote profiles in frames"] = "Visa inte profiler på andra servrar i ramar";
+$a->strings["By default open in a sub-window of your own site"] = "Som standard öppnas de i ett underfönster på din lokala server";
+$a->strings["System Page Layout Editor - (advanced)"] = "Redigera systemets sidlayout (avancerat)";
+$a->strings["Nobody except yourself"] = "Ingen utom dig själv";
+$a->strings["Only those you specifically allow"] = "Endast utvalda";
+$a->strings["Anybody in your address book"] = "Vem som helst i din adressbok";
+$a->strings["Anybody on this website"] = "Vem som helst på den här servern";
+$a->strings["Anybody in this network"] = "Vem som helst i det här nätverket";
+$a->strings["Anybody authenticated"] = "Vem som helst som har autentiserat sig";
+$a->strings["Anybody on the internet"] = "Vem som helst på Internet";
+$a->strings["Publish your default profile in the network directory"] = "Publicera din standardprofil i nätverkskatalogen";
+$a->strings["No"] = "Nej";
+$a->strings["Yes"] = "Ja";
+$a->strings["Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?"] = "Tillåt oss att föreslå dig som möjlig vän för nya medlemmar";
+$a->strings["or"] = "eller";
+$a->strings["Your channel address is"] = "Din kanaladress är";
+$a->strings["Channel Settings"] = "Kanalinställningar";
+$a->strings["Basic Settings"] = "Grundläggande inställningar";
+$a->strings["Your Timezone:"] = "Din tidszon:";
+$a->strings["Default Post Location:"] = "Standardplats:";
+$a->strings["Geographical location to display on your posts"] = "Geografisk plats att visa för dina inlägg";
+$a->strings["Use Browser Location:"] = "Använd webbläsarens position:";
+$a->strings["Adult Content"] = "Pornografiskt innehåll";
+$a->strings["This channel frequently or regularly publishes adult content. (Please tag any adult material and/or nudity with #NSFW)"] = "Den här kanalen publicerar ofta eller regelbundet pornografiskt innehåll. (Tagga allt pornografiskt material och/eller nakenhet med #NSFW, tack)";
+$a->strings["Security and Privacy Settings"] = "Säkerhets- och integritetsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Hide my online presence"] = "Visa inte min online-närvaro";
+$a->strings["Prevents displaying in your profile that you are online"] = "Förhindrar att det syns i din profil att du är online";
+$a->strings["Simple Privacy Settings:"] = "Enkla integritetsinställningar:";
+$a->strings["Very Public - <em>extremely permissive (should be used with caution)</em>"] = "Väldigt offentligt - <em>extremt tillåtande (bör användas försiktigt)</em>";
+$a->strings["Typical - <em>default public, privacy when desired (similar to social network permissions but with improved privacy)</em>"] = "Typiskt - <em>offentligt som standard, privat när så önskas (liknande behörigheter som på sociala nätverk men med förbättrad integritet)</em>";
+$a->strings["Private - <em>default private, never open or public</em>"] = "Privat - <em>privat som standard, aldrig öppet eller offentligt</em>";
+$a->strings["Blocked - <em>default blocked to/from everybody</em>"] = "Blockera - <em>som standard blockerat till/från alla</em>";
+$a->strings["Allow others to tag your posts"] = "Låt andra tagga dina inlägg";
+$a->strings["Often used by the community to retro-actively flag inappropriate content"] = "Ofta använt av gemenskapen för att i efterhand flagga olämpligt innehåll";
+$a->strings["Advanced Privacy Settings"] = "Avancerade integritetsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Expire other channel content after this many days"] = "Låt annat kanalinnehåll upphöra efter efter så här många dagar";
+$a->strings["0 or blank prevents expiration"] = "0 eller blankt förhindrar upphörande";
+$a->strings["Maximum Friend Requests/Day:"] = "Högsta antal vänförfrågningar per dag:";
+$a->strings["May reduce spam activity"] = "Kan reducera spamaktivitet";
+$a->strings["Default Post Permissions"] = "Standardbehörighet för inlägg";
+$a->strings["(click to open/close)"] = "(klicka för att öppna/stänga)";
+$a->strings["Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:"] = "Högsta antal privata meddelanden per dag från okända personer:";
+$a->strings["Useful to reduce spamming"] = "Användbart för att minska skräputskick";
+$a->strings["Notification Settings"] = "Notifieringsinställningar";
+$a->strings["By default post a status message when:"] = "Skicka som standard ett statusmeddelande när:";
+$a->strings["accepting a friend request"] = "du accepterar en vänförfrågan";
+$a->strings["joining a forum/community"] = "du går med i ett forum/en gemenskap";
+$a->strings["making an <em>interesting</em> profile change"] = "du gör en <em>intressant</em> ändring av profilen";
+$a->strings["Send a notification email when:"] = "Skicka en notifiering via e-post med när:";
+$a->strings["You receive a connection request"] = "Du får en kontaktförfrågan";
+$a->strings["Your connections are confirmed"] = "Dina kontakter bekräftas";
+$a->strings["Someone writes on your profile wall"] = "Någon skriver på din profilvägg";
+$a->strings["Someone writes a followup comment"] = "Någon skriver en uppföljande kommentar";
+$a->strings["You receive a private message"] = "Du tar emot ett privat meddelande";
+$a->strings["You receive a friend suggestion"] = "Du tar emot ett vänförslag";
+$a->strings["You are tagged in a post"] = "Du taggas i ett inlägg";
+$a->strings["You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post"] = "Du puffas/stöts till/etc. i ett inlägg";
+$a->strings["Advanced Account/Page Type Settings"] = "Avancerade konto-/sidtypsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Change the behaviour of this account for special situations"] = "Ändra det här kontots beteende i särskilda situationer";
+$a->strings["Please enable expert mode (in <a href=\"settings/features\">Settings > Additional features</a>) to adjust!"] = "Aktivera expertläge (i <a href=\"settings/features\">Inställningar > Ytterligare funktioner</a>) för att göra ändringar!";
+$a->strings["Miscellaneous Settings"] = "Diverse inställningar";
+$a->strings["Personal menu to display in your channel pages"] = "Personlig meny att visa i dina kanalsidor";
+$a->strings["Menu updated."] = "Meny uppdaterad.";
+$a->strings["Unable to update menu."] = "Kunde inte uppdatera meny.";
+$a->strings["Menu created."] = "Meny skapad.";
+$a->strings["Unable to create menu."] = "Kunde inte skapa meny.";
+$a->strings["Manage Menus"] = "Hantera menyer";
+$a->strings["Drop"] = "Ta bort";
+$a->strings["Create a new menu"] = "Skapa en ny meny";
+$a->strings["Delete this menu"] = "Ta bort den här menyn";
+$a->strings["Edit menu contents"] = "Redigera menyinnehåll";
+$a->strings["Edit this menu"] = "Redigera den här menyn";
+$a->strings["New Menu"] = "Ny meny";
+$a->strings["Menu name"] = "Menynamn";
+$a->strings["Must be unique, only seen by you"] = "Måste vara unikt, ses endast av dig";
+$a->strings["Menu title"] = "Menytitel";
+$a->strings["Menu title as seen by others"] = "Menytitel som andra ser den";
+$a->strings["Allow bookmarks"] = "Tillåt bokmärken";
+$a->strings["Menu may be used to store saved bookmarks"] = "Menyn kan användas för att spara bokmärken";
+$a->strings["Create"] = "Skapa";
+$a->strings["Menu not found."] = "Menyn hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Menu deleted."] = "Meny borttagen.";
+$a->strings["Menu could not be deleted."] = "Menyn kunde inte tas bort.";
+$a->strings["Edit Menu"] = "Redigera meny";
+$a->strings["Add or remove entries to this menu"] = "Lägg till eller ta bort menyval";
+$a->strings["Modify"] = "Ändra";
+$a->strings["Not found."] = "Hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["View"] = "Visa";
+$a->strings["Authorize application connection"] = "Tillåt anslutning av applikation";
+$a->strings["Return to your app and insert this Securty Code:"] = "Återgå till din applikation och ange den här säkerhetskoden:";
+$a->strings["Please login to continue."] = "Logga in för att fortsätta.";
+$a->strings["Do you want to authorize this application to access your posts and contacts, and/or create new posts for you?"] = "Vill du låta den här applikationen få tillgång till dina inlägg och kontakter, och/eller skapa nya inlägg åt dig?";
+$a->strings["No installed applications."] = "Inga installerade applikationer";
+$a->strings["Applications"] = "Applikationer";
+$a->strings["Item not found"] = "Posten hittas inte";
+$a->strings["Item is not editable"] = "Posten går ej att redigera";
+$a->strings["Edit post"] = "Redigera inlägg";
+$a->strings["Delete item?"] = "Ta bort posten?";
+$a->strings["Insert YouTube video"] = "Infoga Youtube-video";
+$a->strings["Insert Vorbis [.ogg] video"] = "Infoga Vorbis [.ogg]-video";
+$a->strings["Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio"] = "Infoga Vorbis [.ogg]-ljud";
+$a->strings["Red Matrix - Guests: Username: {your email address}, Password: +++"] = "Red Matrix - Gäster: Användarnamn: {din e-postadress}, Lösenord: +++";
+$a->strings["Bookmark added"] = "Bokmärke tillagt";
+$a->strings["My Bookmarks"] = "Mina bokmärken";
+$a->strings["My Connections Bookmarks"] = "Mina kontakters bokmärken";
+$a->strings["%1\$s is following %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s följer %2\$ss %3\$s";
+$a->strings["[Embedded content - reload page to view]"] = "[Inbäddat innehåll - ladda om sidan för att visa]";
+$a->strings["Channel not found."] = "Kanalen hittas inte.";
+$a->strings["toggle full screen mode"] = "växla helskärmsläge";
+$a->strings["%1\$s tagged %2\$s's %3\$s with %4\$s"] = "%1\$s taggade%2\$ss %3\$s med %4\$s";
+$a->strings["network"] = "nätverk";
+$a->strings["Public access denied."] = "Offentlig behörighet saknas.";
+$a->strings["No connections."] = "Inga kontakter.";
+$a->strings["Visit %s's profile [%s]"] = "Besök %ss profil [%s]";
+$a->strings["View Connnections"] = "Visa kontakter";
+$a->strings["Tag removed"] = "Tagg borttagen";
+$a->strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Ta bort innehållstagg";
+$a->strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Välj en tagg att ta bort: ";
+$a->strings["Remove"] = "Ta bort";
+$a->strings["Continue"] = "Fortsätt";
+$a->strings["Premium Channel Setup"] = "Inställning av premiumkanal";
+$a->strings["Enable premium channel connection restrictions"] = "Aktivera kontaktrestriktioner för premiumkanal";
+$a->strings["Please enter your restrictions or conditions, such as paypal receipt, usage guidelines, etc."] = "Ange dina restriktioner och villkor, som Paypal-kvitto, användarriktlinjer, etc.";
+$a->strings["This channel may require additional steps or acknowledgement of the following conditions prior to connecting:"] = "Den här kanalen kan kräva ytterligare steg eller godkännande av följande villkor innan anslutning:";
+$a->strings["Potential connections will then see the following text before proceeding:"] = "Potentiella kontakter kommer sedan att se följande text innan de går vidare:";
+$a->strings["By continuing, I certify that I have complied with any instructions provided on this page."] = "Genom att fortsätta intygar jag att jag har följt alla instruktioner som ges på den här sidan.";
+$a->strings["(No specific instructions have been provided by the channel owner.)"] = "(Inga specifika instruktioner har givits av kanalägaren.)";
+$a->strings["Restricted or Premium Channel"] = "Begränsad kanal eller premiumkanal";
+$a->strings["No potential page delegates located."] = "Inga potentiella sid-ombud funna.";
+$a->strings["Delegate Page Management"] = "Delegera sidhantering";
+$a->strings["Delegates are able to manage all aspects of this account/page except for basic account settings. Please do not delegate your personal account to anybody that you do not trust completely."] = "Ombud kan hantera alla aspekter av det här kontot/den här sidan förutom grundläggande kontoinställningar. Delegera inte ditt personliga konto till någon som du inte litar fullständigt på.";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Managers"] = "Befintliga sid-ansvariga";
+$a->strings["Existing Page Delegates"] = "Befintliga sid-ombud";
+$a->strings["Potential Delegates"] = "Potentiella ombud";
+$a->strings["Add"] = "Lägg till";
+$a->strings["No entries."] = "Inga poster.";
+$a->strings["Layout updated."] = "Layout uppdaterad.";
+$a->strings["Edit System Page Description"] = "Redigera systemsidbeskrivning";
+$a->strings["Layout not found."] = "Layout hittas inte.";
+$a->strings["Module Name:"] = "Modulnamn:";
+$a->strings["Layout Help"] = "Layouthjälp";
+$a->strings["Item not available."] = "Post inte tillgänglig.";
+$a->strings["Unable to locate original post."] = "Kunde inte hitta originalinlägget.";
+$a->strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Tomt inlägg förkastat.";
+$a->strings["Executable content type not permitted to this channel."] = "Körbart innehåll tillåts inte i den här kanalen.";
+$a->strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Systemfel. Inlägget inte sparat.";
+$a->strings["You have reached your limit of %1$.0f top level posts."] = "Du har nått din gräns på %1$.0f toppnivåinlägg.";
+$a->strings["You have reached your limit of %1$.0f webpages."] = "Du har nått din gräns på %1$.0f webbsidor.";
+$a->strings["Menu element updated."] = "Menyval uppdaterat.";
+$a->strings["Unable to update menu element."] = "Kunde inte uppdatera menyval.";
+$a->strings["Menu element added."] = "Menyval tillagt.";
+$a->strings["Unable to add menu element."] = "Kunde inte lägga till menyval.";
+$a->strings["Manage Menu Elements"] = "Hantera menyval";
+$a->strings["Edit menu"] = "Redigera meny";
+$a->strings["Edit element"] = "Redigera menyval";
+$a->strings["Drop element"] = "Ta bort menyval";
+$a->strings["New element"] = "Nytt menyval";
+$a->strings["Edit this menu container"] = "Redigera den här menysamlaren";
+$a->strings["Add menu element"] = "Lägg till menyval";
+$a->strings["Delete this menu item"] = "Ta bort det här menyvalet";
+$a->strings["Edit this menu item"] = "Redigera det här menyvalet";
+$a->strings["New Menu Element"] = "Nytt menyval";
+$a->strings["Menu Item Permissions"] = "Behörighet för menyval";
+$a->strings["Link text"] = "Länktext";
+$a->strings["URL of link"] = "Länkens URL";
+$a->strings["Use Red magic-auth if available"] = "Använd Red magic-auth om tillgängligt";
+$a->strings["Open link in new window"] = "Öppna länk i nytt fönster";
+$a->strings["Order in list"] = "Ordningstal i listan";
+$a->strings["Higher numbers will sink to bottom of listing"] = "Större tal sjunker till botten av listan";
+$a->strings["Menu item not found."] = "Menyval hittas inte.";
+$a->strings["Menu item deleted."] = "Menyval borttaget.";
+$a->strings["Menu item could not be deleted."] = "Menyval kunde inte tas bort.";
+$a->strings["Edit Menu Element"] = "Redigera menyval";
+$a->strings["invalid target signature"] = "ogiltig målsignatur";
+$a->strings["Invalid profile identifier."] = "Ogiltigt profil-ID.";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility Editor"] = "Redigera profilsynlighet";
+$a->strings["Click on a contact to add or remove."] = "Klicka på en kontakt för att lägga till eller ta bort.";
+$a->strings["Visible To"] = "Synlig för";
+$a->strings["All Connections"] = "Alla kontakter";
+$a->strings["Collection created."] = "Sammanhang skapat";
+$a->strings["Could not create collection."] = "Kunde inte skapa sammanhanget.";
+$a->strings["Collection updated."] = "Sammanhanget uppdatarat.";
+$a->strings["Create a collection of channels."] = "Skapa ett sammanhang av kanaler.";
+$a->strings["Collection Name: "] = "Namn på sammanhang: ";
+$a->strings["Members are visible to other channels"] = "Medlemmar är synliga för andra kanaler";
+$a->strings["Collection removed."] = "Sammanhang borttaget.";
+$a->strings["Unable to remove collection."] = "Kunde inte ta bort sammanhang.";
+$a->strings["Collection Editor"] = "Sammanhangsredigering";
+$a->strings["Members"] = "Medlemmar";
+$a->strings["All Connected Channels"] = "Alla anslutna kanaler";
+$a->strings["Click on a channel to add or remove."] = "Klicka på en kanal för att lägga till eller ta bort.";
+$a->strings["Theme settings updated."] = "Temainställningar uppdaterade.";
+$a->strings["Site"] = "Server";
+$a->strings["Accounts"] = "Konton";
+$a->strings["Channels"] = "Kanaler";
+$a->strings["Plugins"] = "Tillägg";
+$a->strings["Themes"] = "Teman";
+$a->strings["Server"] = "Server";
+$a->strings["DB updates"] = "Databasuppdateringar";
+$a->strings["Logs"] = "Loggar";
+$a->strings["Plugin Features"] = "Tilläggsfunktioner";
+$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirmation"] = "Användarregistreringar som behöver bekräftas";
+$a->strings["Message queues"] = "Meddelandeköer";
+$a->strings["Administration"] = "Administration";
+$a->strings["Summary"] = "Sammanfattning";
+$a->strings["Registered users"] = "Registrerade användare";
+$a->strings["Pending registrations"] = "Pågående registreringar";
+$a->strings["Version"] = "Version";
+$a->strings["Active plugins"] = "Aktiva tillägg";
+$a->strings["Site settings updated."] = "Serverinställningar uppdaterade.";
+$a->strings["No special theme for accessibility"] = "Inget speciellt tema för tillgänglighet";
+$a->strings["Closed"] = "Stängd";
+$a->strings["Requires approval"] = "Kräver godkännande";
+$a->strings["Open"] = "Öppen";
+$a->strings["Private"] = "Privat";
+$a->strings["Paid Access"] = "Betald åtkomst";
+$a->strings["Free Access"] = "Fri åtkomst";
+$a->strings["Tiered Access"] = "Uppdelad åtkomst";
+$a->strings["Registration"] = "Registrering";
+$a->strings["File upload"] = "Filuppladdning";
+$a->strings["Policies"] = "Policyer";
+$a->strings["Site name"] = "Servernamn";
+$a->strings["Banner/Logo"] = "Banner/logga";
+$a->strings["Administrator Information"] = "Administratörsinformation";
+$a->strings["Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here"] = "Kontaktinfo till sidadministratörer. Visas på sidinfosidan. BBCode kan användas här";
+$a->strings["System language"] = "Systemspråk";
+$a->strings["System theme"] = "Systemtema";
+$a->strings["Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>"] = "Förvalt systemtema - kan åsidosättas i användarprofiler - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>ändra temainställningar</a>";
+$a->strings["Mobile system theme"] = "Mobilt systemtema";
+$a->strings["Theme for mobile devices"] = "Tema för mobila enheter";
+$a->strings["Accessibility system theme"] = "Systemtema för ökad tillgänglighet";
+$a->strings["Accessibility theme"] = "Tillgänglighetstema";
+$a->strings["Channel to use for this website's static pages"] = "Kanal att använda för den här webbplatsens statiska sidor";
+$a->strings["Site Channel"] = "Sidkanal";
+$a->strings["Maximum image size"] = "Maximal bildstorlek";
+$a->strings["Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no limits."] = "Maximal storlek i byte för uppladdade bilder. Standard är 0, vilket innebär ingen storleksbegränsning.";
+$a->strings["Register policy"] = "Registreringspolicy";
+$a->strings["Access policy"] = "Åtkomstpolicy";
+$a->strings["Register text"] = "Registreringstext";
+$a->strings["Will be displayed prominently on the registration page."] = "Visas tydligt på registreringssidan.";
+$a->strings["Accounts abandoned after x days"] = "Konto övergivet efter x dagar";
+$a->strings["Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit."] = "Slösar inte systemresurser genom att fråga externa servrar efter övergivna konton. 0 innebär ingen tidsbegränsning.";
+$a->strings["Allowed friend domains"] = "Tillåtna vändomäner";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"] = "Kommaseparerad lista med domäner som tillåts att upprätta ett vänförhållande med den här servern. Jokertecken är tillåtna. Töm för att tillåta alla domäner.";
+$a->strings["Allowed email domains"] = "Tillåtna e-postdomäner";
+$a->strings["Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"] = "Kommaseparerad lista med domäner som tillåts i e-postadresser för registreringar på den här servern. Jokertecken är tillåtna. Töm för att tillåta alla domäner.";
+$a->strings["Block public"] = "Blockera offentlig åtkomst";
+$a->strings["Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this site unless you are currently logged in."] = "Välj för att blockera åtkomst till alla personliga sidor som annars skulle vara offentliga på den här servern om man inte är inloggad.";
+$a->strings["Force publish"] = "Tvinga publicering";
+$a->strings["Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."] = "Välj för att tvinga alla profiler på den här servern att listas i serverkatalogen.";
+$a->strings["Disable discovery tab"] = "Inaktivera upptäck-fliken";
+$a->strings["Remove the tab in the network view with public content pulled from sources chosen for this site."] = "Ta bort fliken i nätverksvyn med offentligt innehåll som hämtas från källor valda för den här servern.";
+$a->strings["No login on Homepage"] = "Ingen inloggning på hemsidan";
+$a->strings["Check to hide the login form from your sites homepage when visitors arrive who are not logged in (e.g. when you put the content of the homepage in via the site channel)."] = "Välj för att gömma inloggningsformuläret från serverns hemsida för oinloggade besökare (t.ex. när du lägger in hemsideinnehållet via serverkanalen).";
+$a->strings["Proxy user"] = "Proxyanvändare";
+$a->strings["Proxy URL"] = "Proxy-URL";
+$a->strings["Network timeout"] = "Nätverkstimeout";
+$a->strings["Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)."] = "Värde i sekunder. Sätt till 0 för obegränsat (ej rekommenderat).";
+$a->strings["Delivery interval"] = "Leveransintervall";
+$a->strings["Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 for large dedicated servers."] = "Fördröj leveransprocesser som görs i bakgrunden så här många sekunder för att reducera systembelastningen. Rekommenderat: 4-5 för delade värdar, 2-3 för virtuella privata servrar. 0-1 för stora dedikerade servrar.";
+$a->strings["Poll interval"] = "Hämtningsintervall";
+$a->strings["Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. If 0, use delivery interval."] = "Fördröj hämtningsprocesser som görs i bakgrunden så här många sekunder för att reducera systembelastningen. Om 0 används leveransintervallet.";
+$a->strings["Maximum Load Average"] = "Maximal genomsnittsbelastning";
+$a->strings["Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - default 50."] = "Maximal systembelastning innan leverans- och hämtningsprocesser skjuts upp - standard är 50.";
+$a->strings["No server found"] = "Ingen server hittad";
+$a->strings["ID"] = "ID";
+$a->strings["for channel"] = "för kanal";
+$a->strings["on server"] = "på server";
+$a->strings["Status"] = "Status";
+$a->strings["Update has been marked successful"] = "Uppdatering har markerats som genomförd";
+$a->strings["Executing %s failed. Check system logs."] = "Körning av %s misslyckades. Kontrollera systemloggarna.";
+$a->strings["Update %s was successfully applied."] = "Uppdatering %s genomfördes utan problem.";
+$a->strings["Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded."] = "Uppdatering %s returnerade ingen status. Oklart om den lyckades.";
+$a->strings["Update function %s could not be found."] = "Uppdateringsfunktion %s kunde inte hittas.";
+$a->strings["No failed updates."] = "Inga misslyckade uppdateringar.";
+$a->strings["Failed Updates"] = "Misslyckade uppdateringar";
+$a->strings["Mark success (if update was manually applied)"] = "Markera som genomförd (om uppdateringen gjordes manuellt)";
+$a->strings["Attempt to execute this update step automatically"] = "Försök att köra den här uppdateringen automatiskt";
+$a->strings["%s user blocked/unblocked"] = array(
+ 0 => "%s användare blockerad/avblockerad",
+ 1 => "%s användare blockerade/avblockerade",
+$a->strings["%s user deleted"] = array(
+ 0 => "%s användare borttagen",
+ 1 => "%s användare borttagna",
+$a->strings["Account not found"] = "Konto hittas inte";
+$a->strings["User '%s' deleted"] = "Användare '%s' borttagen";
+$a->strings["User '%s' unblocked"] = "Användare '%s' avblockerad";
+$a->strings["User '%s' blocked"] = "Användare '%s' blockerad";
+$a->strings["Users"] = "Användare";
+$a->strings["select all"] = "välj alla";
+$a->strings["User registrations waiting for confirm"] = "Användarregistreringar som inväntar bekräftelse";
+$a->strings["Request date"] = "Ansökningsdatum";
+$a->strings["No registrations."] = "Inga registreringar.";
+$a->strings["Approve"] = "Godkänn";
+$a->strings["Deny"] = "Avslå";
+$a->strings["Block"] = "Blockera";
+$a->strings["Unblock"] = "Avblockera";
+$a->strings["Register date"] = "Registreringsdatum";
+$a->strings["Last login"] = "Senaste inloggning";
+$a->strings["Expires"] = "Upphör att gälla";
+$a->strings["Service Class"] = "Tjänsteklass";
+$a->strings["Selected users will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these users had posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Valda användare kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt dessa användare har postat på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?";
+$a->strings["The user {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this user has posted on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Användaren {0} kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt den här användaren har postat på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?";
+$a->strings["%s channel censored/uncensored"] = array(
+ 0 => "%s kanal censurerad/avcensurerad",
+ 1 => "%s kanaler censurerade/avcensurerade",
+$a->strings["%s channel deleted"] = array(
+ 0 => "%s kanal borttagen",
+ 1 => "%s kanaler borttagna",
-$a->strings['Unable to locate original post.'] = 'Hittar inte det ursprungliga inl&auml;gget.';
-$a->strings['Empty post discarded.'] = 'Tomt inl&auml;gg. Inte sparat.';
-$a->strings['Wall Photos'] = 'Loggbilder';
-$a->strings["%s commented on your item at %s"] = "%s har kommenterat ditt inl&auml;gg p&aring; %s";
-$a->strings["%s posted on your profile wall at %s"] = "%s har gjort ett inl&auml;gg p&aring; din logg p&aring; %s";
-$a->strings['System error. Post not saved.'] = 'N&aring;got gick fel. Inl&auml;gget sparades inte.';
-$a->strings['You may visit them online at'] = 'Bes&ouml;k online p&aring;';
-$a->strings['Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages.'] = 'Kontakta avs&auml;ndaren genom att svara p&aring; det h&auml;r meddelandet om du inte vill ha s&aring;dana h&auml;r meddelanden.';
-$a->strings['%s posted an update.'] = '%s har gjort ett inl&auml;gg.';
-$a->strings['photo'] = 'bild';
-$a->strings['status'] = 'status';
-$a->strings['%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s'] = '%1$s gillar %2$s\'s %3$s';
-$a->strings['%1$s doesn\'t like %2$s\'s %3$s'] = '%1$s ogillar %2$s\'s %3$s';
-$a->strings['Remote privacy information not available.'] = 'Remote privacy information not available.';
-$a->strings['Visible to:'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r:';
-$a->strings['Password reset request issued. Check your email.'] = 'Nytt l&ouml;senord har beg&auml;rts. Kolla din mail.';
-$a->strings['Password reset requested at %s'] = 'Nytt l&ouml;senord p&aring; %s har beg&auml;rts';
-$a->strings["Request could not be verified. \x28You may have previously submitted it.\x29 Password reset failed."] = "Beg&auml;ran kunde inte verifieras. (Du kanske redan skickat den?) Det gick inte att byta l&ouml;senord.";
-$a->strings['Your password has been reset as requested.'] = 'Nu har du f&aring;tt ett nytt l&ouml;senord.';
-$a->strings['Your new password is'] = 'Det nya l&ouml;senordet &auml;r';
-$a->strings['Save or copy your new password - and then'] = 'Spara eller kopiera l&ouml;senordet och';
-$a->strings['click here to login'] = 'klicka h&auml;r f&ouml;r att logga in';
-$a->strings['Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login.'] = 'N&auml;r du loggat in kan du byta l&ouml;senord p&aring; sidan <em>Inst&auml;llningar</em>.';
-$a->strings['Forgot your Password?'] = 'Gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?';
-$a->strings['Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.'] = 'Ange din e-postadress f&ouml;r att f&aring; ett nytt l&ouml;senord. Du kommer att f&aring; ett meddelande med vidare instruktioner via e-post.';
-$a->strings['Nickname or Email: '] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamn eller e-post:';
-$a->strings['Reset'] = 'Skicka';
-$a->strings["Welcome back %s"] = "V&auml;lkommen tillbaka %s";
-$a->strings['Manage Identities and/or Pages'] = 'Hantera identiteter eller sidor';
-$a->strings["\x28Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.\x29"] = "(V&auml;xla mellan olika identiteter eller gemenskaper/gruppsidor som &auml;r kopplade till ditt konto.)";
-$a->strings['Select an identity to manage: '] = 'V&auml;lj vilken identitet du vill hantera: ';
-$a->strings['Profile Match'] = 'Matcha profiler';
-$a->strings['No matches'] = 'Ingen tr&auml;ff';
-$a->strings['No recipient selected.'] = 'Ingen mottagare har valts.';
-$a->strings['[no subject]'] = '[ingen rubrik]';
-$a->strings['Unable to locate contact information.'] = 'Det gick inte att hitta kontaktuppgifterna.';
-$a->strings['Message sent.'] = 'Meddelandet har skickats.';
-$a->strings['Message could not be sent.'] = 'Det gick inte att skicka meddelandet.';
-$a->strings['Messages'] = 'Meddelanden';
-$a->strings['Inbox'] = 'Inkorg';
-$a->strings['Outbox'] = 'Utkorg';
-$a->strings['New Message'] = 'Nytt meddelande';
-$a->strings['Message deleted.'] = 'Meddelandet togs bort.';
-$a->strings['Conversation removed.'] = 'Konversationen togs bort.';
-$a->strings['Send Private Message'] = 'Skicka personligt meddelande';
-$a->strings['To:'] = 'Till:';
-$a->strings['Subject:'] = 'Rubrik:';
-$a->strings['No messages.'] = 'Inga meddelanden.';
-$a->strings['Delete conversation'] = 'Ta bort konversation';
-$a->strings['D, d M Y - g:i A'] = 'D, d M Y - g:i A';
-$a->strings['Message not available.'] = 'Meddelandet &auml;r inte tillg&auml;ngligt.';
-$a->strings['Delete message'] = 'Ta bort meddelande';
-$a->strings['Send Reply'] = 'Skicka svar';
-$a->strings['Invalid request identifier.'] = 'Invalid request identifier.';
-$a->strings['Discard'] = 'Ta bort';
-$a->strings['Ignore'] = 'Ignorera';
-$a->strings['Pending Friend/Connect Notifications'] = 'V&auml;ntande kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar';
-$a->strings['Show Ignored Requests'] = 'Visa f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar du ignorerat';
-$a->strings['Hide Ignored Requests'] = 'D&ouml;lj f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar du ignorerat';
-$a->strings['Claims to be known to you: '] = 'H&auml;vdar att du vet vem han/hon &auml;r: ';
-$a->strings['yes'] = 'ja';
-$a->strings['no'] = 'nej';
-$a->strings['Approve as: '] = 'Godk&auml;nn och l&auml;gg till som: ';
-$a->strings['Friend'] = 'V&auml;n';
-$a->strings['Fan/Admirer'] = 'Fan/Beundrare';
-$a->strings['Notification type: '] = 'Typ av avisering: ';
-$a->strings['Friend/Connect Request'] = 'V&auml;n- eller kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
-$a->strings['New Follower'] = 'En som vill f&ouml;lja dig';
-$a->strings['Approve'] = 'Godk&auml;nn';
-$a->strings['No notifications.'] = 'Inga aviseringar.';
-$a->strings['User registrations waiting for confirm'] = 'Anv&auml;ndare som registrerat sig och inv&auml;ntar godk&auml;nnande';
-$a->strings['Deny'] = 'Avsl&aring;';
-$a->strings['No registrations.'] = 'Inga registreringar.';
-$a->strings['Post successful.'] = 'Inlagt.';
-$a->strings['Login failed.'] = 'Inloggningen misslyckades.';
-$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "V&auml;lkommen tillbaka ";
-$a->strings['Photo Albums'] = 'Fotoalbum';
-$a->strings['Contact Photos'] = 'Dina kontakters bilder';
-$a->strings['Contact information unavailable'] = 'Kommer inte &aring;t kontaktuppgifter.';
-$a->strings['Profile Photos'] = 'Profilbilder';
-$a->strings['Album not found.'] = 'Albumet finns inte.';
-$a->strings['Delete Album'] = 'Ta bort album';
-$a->strings['Delete Photo'] = 'Ta bort bild';
-$a->strings['was tagged in a'] = 'har taggats i';
-$a->strings['by'] = 'av';
-$a->strings['Image exceeds size limit of '] = 'Bilden &ouml;verskrider den till&aring;tna storleken ';
-$a->strings['Unable to process image.'] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden.';
-$a->strings['Image upload failed.'] = 'Fel vid bilduppladdning.';
-$a->strings['No photos selected'] = 'Inga bilder har valts';
-$a->strings['Upload Photos'] = 'Ladda upp bilder';
-$a->strings['New album name: '] = 'Nytt album med namn: ';
-$a->strings['or existing album name: '] = 'eller befintligt album med namn: ';
-$a->strings['Permissions'] = '&Aring;tkomst';
-$a->strings['Edit Album'] = 'Redigera album';
-$a->strings['View Photo'] = 'Visa bild';
-$a->strings['Photo not available'] = 'Bilden &auml;r inte tillg&auml;nglig';
-$a->strings['Edit photo'] = 'Hantera bild';
-$a->strings['Private Message'] = 'Personligt meddelande';
-$a->strings['<< Prev'] = '<< F&ouml;reg';
-$a->strings['View Full Size'] = 'Visa fullstor';
-$a->strings['Next >>'] = 'N&auml;sta >>';
-$a->strings['Tags: '] = 'Taggar: ';
-$a->strings['[Remove any tag]'] = '[Remove any tag]';
-$a->strings['New album name'] = 'Nytt album med namn';
-$a->strings['Caption'] = 'Caption';
-$a->strings['Add a Tag'] = 'L&auml;gg till tagg';
-$a->strings['Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping'] = 'Exempel: @adam, @Anna_Andersson, @johan@exempel.com, #Stockholm, #camping';
-$a->strings["I like this \x28toggle\x29"] = "Jag gillar det h&auml;r (v&auml;xla)";
-$a->strings["I don't like this \x28toggle\x29"] = "Jag ogillar det h&auml;r (v&auml;xla)";
-$a->strings['This is you'] = 'Det h&auml;r &auml;r du';
-$a->strings['Recent Photos'] = 'Nyligen tillagda bilder';
-$a->strings['Upload New Photos'] = 'Ladda upp bilder';
-$a->strings['View Album'] = 'Titta i album';
-$a->strings['Status'] = 'Status';
-$a->strings['Profile'] = 'Profil';
-$a->strings['Photos'] = 'Bilder';
-$a->strings['Image uploaded but image cropping failed.'] = 'Bilden laddades upp men det blev fel n&auml;r den skulle besk&auml;ras.';
-$a->strings['Unable to process image'] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden';
-$a->strings['Upload File:'] = 'Ladda upp fil:';
-$a->strings['Upload Profile Photo'] = 'Ladda upp profilbild';
-$a->strings['Upload'] = 'Ladda upp';
-$a->strings['or'] = 'eller';
-$a->strings['select a photo from your photo albums'] = 'v&auml;lj en bild fr&aring;n ett album';
-$a->strings['Crop Image'] = 'Besk&auml;r bild';
-$a->strings['Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing.'] = 'V&auml;lj hur bilden ska besk&auml;ras f&ouml;r att bli s&aring; bra som m&ouml;jligt.';
-$a->strings['Done Editing'] = 'Spara';
-$a->strings['Image uploaded successfully.'] = 'Bilden har laddats upp.';
-$a->strings['Profile Name is required.'] = 'Profilen m&aring;ste ha ett namn.';
-$a->strings['Profile updated.'] = 'Profilen har uppdaterats.';
-$a->strings['Profile deleted.'] = 'Profilen har tagits bort.';
-$a->strings['Profile-'] = 'Profil-';
-$a->strings['New profile created.'] = 'En ny profil har skapats.';
-$a->strings['Profile unavailable to clone.'] = 'Det gick inte att klona profilen.';
-$a->strings['Hide my contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?'] = 'D&ouml;lj min kontaktlista f&ouml;r personer som ser den h&auml;r profilen?';
-$a->strings['Edit Profile Details'] = '&Auml;ndra profilen';
-$a->strings['View this profile'] = 'Titta p&aring; profilen';
-$a->strings['Create a new profile using these settings'] = 'Skapa en ny profil med dessa inst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['Clone this profile'] = 'Kopiera profil';
-$a->strings['Delete this profile'] = 'Ta bort profil';
-$a->strings['Profile Name:'] = 'Profilens namn:';
-$a->strings['Your Full Name:'] = 'Fullst&auml;ndigt namn:';
-$a->strings['Title/Description:'] = 'Titel/Beskrivning:';
-$a->strings['Your Gender:'] = 'K&ouml;n:';
-$a->strings["Birthday \x28y/m/d\x29:"] = "F&ouml;delsedag \x28y/m/d\x29:";
-$a->strings['Street Address:'] = 'Gatuadress:';
-$a->strings['Locality/City:'] = 'Plats/Stad:';
-$a->strings['Postal/Zip Code:'] = 'Postnummer:';
-$a->strings['Country:'] = 'Land:';
-$a->strings['Region/State:'] = 'Region:';
-$a->strings['<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Marital Status:'] = '<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Civilst&aring;nd:';
-$a->strings["Who: \x28if applicable\x29"] = "Vem: (om till&auml;mpligt)";
-$a->strings['Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com'] = 'Exempel: kalle123, Johanna Johansson, pelle@exempel.com';
-$a->strings['Sexual Preference:'] = 'Sexualitet';
-$a->strings['Homepage URL:'] = 'Hemsida: (URL)';
-$a->strings['Political Views:'] = 'Politisk &aring;sk&aring;dning:';
-$a->strings['Religious Views:'] = 'Religion:';
-$a->strings['Public Keywords:'] = 'Offentliga nyckelord:';
-$a->strings['Private Keywords:'] = 'Privata nyckelord:';
-$a->strings['Example: fishing photography software'] = 'Exempel: fiske fotografering programmering';
-$a->strings["\x28Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others\x29"] = "(Obs, synliga f&ouml;r andra. Anv&auml;nds f&ouml;r att f&ouml;resl&aring; potentiella v&auml;nner.)";
-$a->strings["\x28Used for searching profiles, never shown to others\x29"] = "(Obs, kan ge s&ouml;ktr&auml;ffar vid s&ouml;kning av profiler. Visas annars inte f&ouml;r andra.)";
-$a->strings['Tell us about yourself...'] = 'Beskriv dig sj&auml;lv...';
-$a->strings['Hobbies/Interests'] = 'Hobbys/Intressen';
-$a->strings['Contact information and Social Networks'] = 'Kontaktuppgifter och sociala n&auml;tverk';
-$a->strings['Musical interests'] = 'Musik';
-$a->strings['Books, literature'] = 'B&ouml;cker, litteratur';
-$a->strings['Television'] = 'TV';
-$a->strings['Film/dance/culture/entertainment'] = 'Film/Dans/Kultur/N&ouml;je';
-$a->strings['Love/romance'] = 'K&auml;rlek/Romantik';
-$a->strings['Work/employment'] = 'Arbete';
-$a->strings['School/education'] = 'Skola/Utbildning';
-$a->strings['This is your <strong>public</strong> profile.<br />It <strong>may</strong> be visible to anybody using the internet.'] = 'Det h&auml;r &auml;r din <strong>offentliga</strong> profil.<br />Den <strong>kan vara synlig f&ouml;r vem som helst</strong> p&aring; internet.';
-$a->strings['Profiles'] = 'Profiler';
-$a->strings['Change profile photo'] = 'Byt profilbild';
-$a->strings['Create New Profile'] = 'Skapa ny profil';
-$a->strings['Profile Image'] = 'Profilbild';
-$a->strings['Visible to everybody'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r alla';
-$a->strings['Edit visibility'] = '&Auml;nda vilka som ska kunna se';
-$a->strings['Invalid profile identifier.'] = 'Ogiltigt profil-ID.';
-$a->strings['Profile Visibility Editor'] = '&Auml;nda vilka som ska kunna se profil';
-$a->strings['Visible To'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r';
-$a->strings["All Contacts \x28with secure profile access\x29"] = "Alla kontakter (med s&auml;ker tillg&aring;ng till din profil)";
-$a->strings['Invalid OpenID url'] = 'Ogiltig OpenID-URL';
-$a->strings['Please enter the required information.'] = 'Fyll i alla obligatoriska f&auml;lt.';
-$a->strings['Please use a shorter name.'] = 'V&auml;lj ett kortare namn.';
-$a->strings['Name too short.'] = 'Namnet &auml;r f&ouml;r kort.';
-$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full \x28First Last\x29 name."] = 'Du verkar inte ha angett ditt fullst&auml;ndiga namn.';
-$a->strings['Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site.'] = 'Din e-postdom&auml;n &auml;r inte till&aring;ten p&aring; den h&auml;r webbplatsen.';
-$a->strings['Not a valid email address.'] = 'Ogiltig e-postadress.';
-$a->strings['Cannot use that email.'] = 'Otill&aring;ten e-postadress.';
-$a->strings['Your "nickname" can only contain "a-z", "0-9", "-", and "_", and must also begin with a letter.'] = 'Ditt anv&auml;ndarnamn f&aring;r bara inneh&aring;lla a-z, 0-9, - och _, och m&aring;ste dessutom b&ouml;rja med en bokstav.';
-$a->strings['Nickname is already registered. Please choose another.'] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamnet &auml;r upptaget. V&auml;lj ett annat.';
-$a->strings['SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed.'] = 'SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed.';
-$a->strings['An error occurred during registration. Please try again.'] = 'N&aring;got gick fel vid registreringen. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen.';
-$a->strings['An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again.'] = 'Det blev fel n&auml;r din standardprofil skulle skapas. Prova igen.';
-$a->strings['Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions.'] = 'Registrering klar. Kolla din e-post f&ouml;r vidare information.';
-$a->strings['Failed to send email message. Here is the message that failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att skicka e-brevet. H&auml;r &auml;r meddelandet som inte kunde skickas.';
-$a->strings['Your registration can not be processed.'] = 'Det g&aring;r inte att behandla registreringen.';
-$a->strings['Your registration is pending approval by the site owner.'] = 'Din registrering inv&auml;ntar godk&auml;nnande av webbplatsens &auml;gare.';
-$a->strings["You may \x28optionally\x29 fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Om du vill kan du fylla i detta formul&auml;r via OpenID genom att ange ditt OpenID och klicka p&aring; Registrera.";
-$a->strings['If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items.'] = 'Om du inte vet vad OpenID &auml;r, eller inte vill anv&auml;nda det, kan du l&auml;mna det f&auml;ltet tomt och fylla i resten.';
-$a->strings["Your OpenID \x28optional\x29: "] = "OpenID (om du vill): ";
-$a->strings['Members of this network prefer to communicate with real people who use their real names.'] = 'Medlemmarna i det h&auml;r n&auml;tverket f&ouml;redrar att kommunicera med riktiga m&auml;nniskor som anv&auml;nder sina riktiga namn.';
-$a->strings['Include your profile in member directory?'] = 'Ta med profilen i medlemskatalogen?';
-$a->strings['Registration'] = 'Registrering';
-$a->strings['Your Full Name ' . "\x28" . 'e.g. Joe Smith' . "\x29" . ': '] = 'Fullst&auml;ndigt namn ' . "\x28" . 't. ex. Karl Karlsson' . "\x29" . ': ';
-$a->strings['Your Email Address: '] = 'E-postadress: ';
-$a->strings['Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be \'<strong>nickname@$sitename</strong>\'.'] = 'V&auml;lj ett anv&auml;ndarnamn. Det m&aring;ste inledas med en bokstav. Din profiladress p&aring; den h&auml;r webbplatsen blir \'<strong>anv&auml;ndarnamn@$sitename</strong>\'.';
-$a->strings['Choose a nickname: '] = 'V&auml;lj ett anv&auml;ndarnamn: ';
-$a->strings['Please login.'] = 'Logga in.';
-$a->strings['Account approved.'] = 'Kontot har godk&auml;nts.';
-$a->strings['Remove My Account'] = 'Ta bort mitt konto';
-$a->strings['This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable.'] = 'Detta kommer att ta bort kontot helt och h&aring;llet. Efter att det &auml;r gjort g&aring;r det inte att &aring;terst&auml;lla.';
-$a->strings['Please enter your password for verification:'] = 'Ange l&ouml;senordet igen f&ouml;r s&auml;kerhets skull:';
-$a->strings['No results.'] = 'Inga resultat.';
-$a->strings['Passwords do not match. Password unchanged.'] = 'L&ouml;senorden skiljer sig &aring;t. L&ouml;senordet &auml;ndras inte.';
-$a->strings['Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged.'] = 'L&ouml;senordet f&aring;r inte vara blankt. L&ouml;senordet &auml;ndras inte.';
-$a->strings['Password changed.'] = 'L&ouml;senordet har &auml;ndrats.';
-$a->strings['Password update failed. Please try again.'] = 'Det blev fel n&auml;r l&ouml;senordet skulle &auml;ndras. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen.';
-$a->strings[' Please use a shorter name.'] = ' Anv&auml;nd ett kortare namn.';
-$a->strings[' Name too short.'] = ' Namnet &auml;r f&ouml;r kort.';
-$a->strings[' Not valid email.'] = ' Ogiltig e-postadress.';
-$a->strings[' Cannot change to that email.'] = ' &Auml;ndring till den e-postadressen g&ouml;rs inte.';
-$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Inst&auml;llningarna har uppdaterats.';
-$a->strings['Plugin Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r insticksprogram';
-$a->strings['Account Settings'] = 'Kontoinst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['No Plugin settings configured'] = 'Det finns inga inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r insticksprogram';
-$a->strings['Normal Account'] = 'Vanligt konto';
-$a->strings['This account is a normal personal profile'] = 'Kontot &auml;r ett vanligt personligt konto';
-$a->strings['Soapbox Account'] = 'Konto med env&auml;gskommunikation';
-$a->strings['Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som fans. De kan se vad du skriver men har inte samma r&auml;ttigheter som v&auml;nner.';
-$a->strings['Community/Celebrity Account'] = 'Gemenskap eller k&auml;ndiskonto.';
-$a->strings['Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som fans med fullst&auml;ndig tv&aring;v&auml;gskommunikation.';
-$a->strings['Automatic Friend Account'] = 'Konto med automatiskt godk&auml;nnande av v&auml;nner.';
-$a->strings['Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som v&auml;nner.';
-$a->strings['OpenID: '] = 'OpenID: ';
-$a->strings["&nbsp;\x28Optional\x29 Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = "&nbsp;\x28Valfritt\x29 Till&aring;t inloggning med detta OpenID p&aring; det h&auml;r kontot.";
-$a->strings['Publish your default profile in site directory?'] = 'Vill du att din standardprofil ska synas i den h&auml;r sajtens medlemskatalog?';
-$a->strings['Publish your default profile in global social directory?'] = 'Vill du att din standardprofil ska synas i den globala medlemskatalogen?';
-$a->strings['Profile is <strong>not published</strong>.'] = 'Profilen &auml;r <strong>inte publicerad</strong>.';
-$a->strings['Your Identity Address is'] = 'Din adress, ditt ID, &auml;r';
-$a->strings['Export Personal Data'] = 'Exportera personlig information';
-$a->strings['Basic Settings'] = 'Grundl&auml;ggande inst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['Full Name:'] = 'Fullst&auml;ndigt namn:';
-$a->strings['Email Address:'] = 'E-postadress:';
-$a->strings['Your Timezone:'] = 'Tidszon:';
-$a->strings['Default Post Location:'] = 'Default Post Location:';
-$a->strings['Use Browser Location:'] = 'Anv&auml;nd webbl&auml;sarens positionering:';
-$a->strings['Display Theme:'] = 'Tema/utseende:';
-$a->strings['Security and Privacy Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r s&auml;kerhet och sekretess';
-$a->strings['Maximum Friend Requests/Day:'] = 'Maximalt antal kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar per dygn:';
-$a->strings["\x28to prevent spam abuse\x29"] = "(f&ouml;r att motverka spam)";
-$a->strings['Allow friends to post to your profile page:'] = 'L&aring;t kontakter g&ouml;ra inl&auml;gg p&aring; din profilsida:';
-$a->strings["Automatically expire \x28delete\x29 posts older than"] = "Ta automatiskt bort inl&auml;gg som &auml;r &auml;ldre &auml;n";
-$a->strings['days'] = 'dagar';
-$a->strings['Notification Settings'] = 'Aviseringsinst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['Send a notification email when:'] = 'Skicka ett aviseringsmail n&auml;r:';
-$a->strings['You receive an introduction'] = 'En kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan anl&auml;nder';
-$a->strings['Your introductions are confirmed'] = 'Dina f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns';
-$a->strings['Someone writes on your profile wall'] = 'N&aring;gon g&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; din profilsida';
-$a->strings['Someone writes a followup comment'] = 'N&aring;gon g&ouml;r ett inl&auml;gg i samma tr&aring;d som du';
-$a->strings['You receive a private message'] = 'Du f&aring;r personliga meddelanden';
-$a->strings['Password Settings'] = 'L&ouml;senordsinst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['Leave password fields blank unless changing'] = 'L&auml;mna f&auml;ltet tomt om du inte vill byta l&ouml;senord';
-$a->strings['New Password:'] = 'Nytt l&ouml;senord';
-$a->strings['Confirm:'] = 'Bekr&auml;fta (repetera):';
-$a->strings['Advanced Page Settings'] = 'Avancerat';
-$a->strings['Default Post Permissions'] = 'Standard&aring;tkomst f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg';
-$a->strings["\x28click to open/close\x29"] = "(klicka f&ouml;r att &ouml;ppna/st&auml;nga)";
-$a->strings['Tag removed'] = 'Taggen har tagits bort';
-$a->strings['Remove Item Tag'] = 'Ta bort tagg';
-$a->strings['Select a tag to remove: '] = 'V&auml;lj vilken tagg som ska tas bort: ';
-$a->strings['Remove'] = 'Ta bort';
-$a->strings['No contacts.'] = 'Inga kontakter.';
-$a->strings['Visible To:'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r:';
-$a->strings['Groups'] = 'Grupper';
-$a->strings['Except For:'] = 'Utom f&ouml;r:';
-$a->strings['Logged out.'] = 'Utloggad.';
-$a->strings['Unknown | Not categorised'] = 'Ok&auml;nd | Inte kategoriserad';
-$a->strings['Block immediately'] = 'Sp&auml;rra omedelbart';
-$a->strings['Shady, spammer, self-marketer'] = 'Skum, spammare, reklamspridare';
-$a->strings['Known to me, but no opinion'] = 'Jag vet vem det &auml;r, men har ingen &aring;sikt';
-$a->strings['OK, probably harmless'] = 'OK, antagligen harml&ouml;s';
-$a->strings['Reputable, has my trust'] = 'P&aring;litlig, jag litar p&aring; personen';
-$a->strings['Frequently'] = 'Ofta';
-$a->strings['Hourly'] = 'En g&aring;ng i timmen';
-$a->strings['Twice daily'] = 'Tv&aring; g&aring;nger om dagen';
-$a->strings['Daily'] = 'Dagligen';
-$a->strings['Weekly'] = 'Veckovis';
-$a->strings['Monthly'] = 'M&aring;nadsvis';
-$a->strings['View %s\'s profile'] = 'G&aring; till profilen som tillh&ouml;r %s ';
-$a->strings['View in context'] = 'Visa i sitt sammanhang';
-$a->strings['See more posts like this'] = 'Leta inl&auml;gg som liknar det h&auml;r';
-$a->strings['See all %d comments'] = 'Visa alla %d kommentarer';
-$a->strings['to'] = 'till';
-$a->strings['Wall-to-Wall'] = 'Profil-till-profil';
-$a->strings['via Wall-To-Wall:'] = 'via profil-till-profil:';
-$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s gillar det h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s ogillar det h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this.'] = '<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> gillar det h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don\'t like this.'] = '<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> ogillar det h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['and'] = 'och';
-$a->strings[', and %d other people'] = ', och ytterligare %d personer';
-$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s gillar det h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s ogillar det h&auml;r.';
-$a->strings['Miscellaneous'] = 'Blandat';
-$a->strings['less than a second ago'] = 'f&ouml;r mindre &auml;n en sekund sedan';
-$a->strings['year'] = '&aring;r';
-$a->strings['years'] = '&aring;r';
-$a->strings['month'] = 'm&aring;nad';
-$a->strings['months'] = 'm&aring;nader';
-$a->strings['week'] = 'vecka';
-$a->strings['weeks'] = 'veckor';
-$a->strings['day'] = 'dag';
-$a->strings['hour'] = 'timme';
-$a->strings['hours'] = 'timmar';
-$a->strings['minute'] = 'minut';
-$a->strings['minutes'] = 'minuter';
-$a->strings['second'] = 'sekund';
-$a->strings['seconds'] = 'sekunder';
-$a->strings[' ago'] = ' sedan';
-$a->strings['Cannot locate DNS info for database server \'%s\''] = 'Cannot locate DNS info for database server \'%s\'';
-$a->strings['Create a new group'] = 'Skapa ny grupp';
-$a->strings['Everybody'] = 'Alla';
-$a->strings['Birthday:'] = 'F&ouml;delsedatum:';
-$a->strings['Home'] = 'Hem';
-$a->strings['Apps'] = 'Apps';
-$a->strings['Directory'] = 'Medlemskatalog';
-$a->strings['Network'] = 'N&auml;tverk';
-$a->strings['Manage'] = 'Hantera';
-$a->strings['Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar';
-$a->strings['Embedding disabled'] = 'Funktionen b&auml;dda in &auml;r avst&auml;ngd';
-$a->strings['j F, Y'] = 'j F, Y';
-$a->strings['j F'] = 'j F';
-$a->strings['Age:'] = '&Aring;lder:';
-$a->strings['<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Status:'] = '<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Civilst&aring;nd:';
-$a->strings['Religion:'] = 'Religion:';
-$a->strings['About:'] = 'Om:';
-$a->strings['Hobbies/Interests:'] = 'Hobbys/Intressen:';
-$a->strings['Contact information and Social Networks:'] = 'Kontaktuppgifter och sociala n&auml;tverk:';
-$a->strings['Musical interests:'] = 'Musik:';
-$a->strings['Books, literature:'] = 'B&ouml;cker/Litteratur:';
-$a->strings['Television:'] = 'TV:';
-$a->strings['Film/dance/culture/entertainment:'] = 'Film/Dans/Kultur/Underh&aring;llning:';
-$a->strings['Love/Romance:'] = 'K&auml;rlek/Romantik:';
-$a->strings['Work/employment:'] = 'Arbete:';
-$a->strings['School/education:'] = 'Skola/Utbildning:';
-$a->strings['Male'] = 'Man';
-$a->strings['Female'] = 'Kvinna';
-$a->strings['Currently Male'] = 'F&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande man';
-$a->strings['Currently Female'] = 'F&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande kvinna';
-$a->strings['Mostly Male'] = 'Mestadels man';
-$a->strings['Mostly Female'] = 'Mestadels kvinna';
-$a->strings['Transgender'] = 'Transgender';
-$a->strings['Intersex'] = 'Intersex';
-$a->strings['Transsexual'] = 'Transsexuell';
-$a->strings['Hermaphrodite'] = 'Hermafrodit';
-$a->strings['Neuter'] = 'K&ouml;nsl&ouml;s';
-$a->strings['Non-specific'] = 'Oklart';
-$a->strings['Other'] = 'Annat';
-$a->strings['Undecided'] = 'Obest&auml;mt';
-$a->strings['Males'] = 'M&auml;n';
-$a->strings['Females'] = 'Kvinnor';
-$a->strings['Gay'] = 'B&ouml;g';
-$a->strings['Lesbian'] = 'Lesbisk';
-$a->strings['No Preference'] = 'No Preference';
-$a->strings['Bisexual'] = 'Bisexuell';
-$a->strings['Autosexual'] = 'Autosexual';
-$a->strings['Abstinent'] = 'Abstinent';
-$a->strings['Virgin'] = 'Oskuld';
-$a->strings['Deviant'] = 'Avvikande';
-$a->strings['Fetish'] = 'Fetisch';
-$a->strings['Oodles'] = 'Massor';
-$a->strings['Nonsexual'] = 'Asexuell';
-$a->strings['Single'] = 'Singel';
-$a->strings['Lonely'] = 'Ensam';
-$a->strings['Available'] = 'Tillg&auml;nglig';
-$a->strings['Unavailable'] = 'Upptagen';
-$a->strings['Dating'] = 'Dejtar';
-$a->strings['Unfaithful'] = 'Otrogen';
-$a->strings['Sex Addict'] = 'Sexmissbrukare';
-$a->strings['Friends'] = 'V&auml;nner';
-$a->strings['Friends/Benefits'] = 'Friends/Benefits';
-$a->strings['Casual'] = 'Casual';
-$a->strings['Engaged'] = 'F&ouml;rlovad';
-$a->strings['Married'] = 'Gift';
-$a->strings['Partners'] = 'I partnerskap';
-$a->strings['Cohabiting'] = 'Cohabiting';
-$a->strings['Happy'] = 'N&ouml;jd';
-$a->strings['Not Looking'] = 'Letar inte';
-$a->strings['Swinger'] = 'Swinger';
-$a->strings['Betrayed'] = 'Bedragen';
-$a->strings['Separated'] = 'Separerat';
-$a->strings['Unstable'] = 'Instabilt';
-$a->strings['Divorced'] = 'Skiljd';
-$a->strings['Widowed'] = '&Auml;nka/&auml;nkling';
-$a->strings['Uncertain'] = 'Oklart';
-$a->strings['Complicated'] = 'Komplicerat';
-$a->strings['Don\'t care'] = 'Bryr mig inte';
-$a->strings['Ask me'] = 'Fr&aring;ga mig';
-$a->strings['Facebook disabled'] = 'Facebook inaktiverat';
-$a->strings['Facebook API key is missing.'] = 'Facebook API key is missing.';
-$a->strings['Facebook Connect'] = 'Facebook Connect';
-$a->strings['Install Facebook post connector'] = 'Install Facebook post connector';
-$a->strings['Remove Facebook post connector'] = 'Remove Facebook post connector';
-$a->strings['Post to Facebook by default'] = 'L&auml;gg alltid in inl&auml;ggen p&aring; Facebook';
-$a->strings['Facebook'] = 'Facebook';
-$a->strings['Facebook Connector Settings'] = 'Facebook Connector Settings';
-$a->strings['Post to Facebook'] = 'L&auml;gg in p&aring; Facebook';
-$a->strings['Image: '] = 'Bild: ';
-$a->strings['Select files to upload: '] = 'V&auml;lj filer att ladda upp: ';
-$a->strings['Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.'] = 'Anv&auml;nd f&ouml;ljande bara om javauppladdaren ovanf&ouml;r inte startar.';
-$a->strings['Upload a file'] = 'Ladda upp en fil';
-$a->strings['Drop files here to upload'] = 'Dra filer som ska laddas upp hit';
-$a->strings['Failed'] = 'Misslyckades';
-$a->strings['No files were uploaded.'] = 'Inga filer laddades upp.';
-$a->strings['Uploaded file is empty'] = 'Den uppladdade filen &auml;r tom';
-$a->strings['Uploaded file is too large'] = 'Den uppladdade filen &auml;r f&ouml;r stor';
-$a->strings['File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '] = 'Otill&aring;ten filnamns&auml;ndelse, det ska vara ';
-$a->strings['Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered'] = 'Serverfel eller avbruten uppladdning';
-$a->strings['Randplace Settings'] = 'Randplace Settings';
-$a->strings['Enable Randplace Plugin'] = 'Enable Randplace Plugin';
-$a->strings['Post to StatusNet'] = 'L&auml;gg in p&aring; StatusNet';
-$a->strings['StatusNet Posting Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; StatusNet';
-$a->strings['No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendika Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.<br />Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendika installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.'] = 'No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendika Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.<br />Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendika installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.';
-$a->strings['OAuth Consumer Key'] = 'OAuth Consumer Key';
-$a->strings['OAuth Consumer Secret'] = 'OAuth Consumer Secret';
-$a->strings["Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29"] = "Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29";
-$a->strings['To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to StatusNet.'] = 'To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to StatusNet.';
-$a->strings['Log in with StatusNet'] = 'Logga in med StatusNet';
-$a->strings['Copy the security code from StatusNet here'] = 'Ange s&auml;kerhetskoden fr&aring;n StatusNet h&auml;r';
-$a->strings['Currently connected to: '] = 'Ansluten till: ';
-$a->strings['If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well.'] = 'If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well.';
-$a->strings['Send public postings to StatusNet'] = 'Send public postings to StatusNet';
-$a->strings['Clear OAuth configuration'] = 'Clear OAuth configuration';
-$a->strings['Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe'] = 'Tredimensionellt luffarschack';
-$a->strings['3D Tic-Tac-Toe'] = '3D-luffarschack';
-$a->strings['New game'] = 'Ny spelomg&aring;ng';
-$a->strings['New game with handicap'] = 'Ny spelomg&aring;ng med handikapp';
-$a->strings['Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. '] = 'Det tredimensionella luffarschacket &auml;r precis som vanligt luffarschack f&ouml;rutom att det spelas i flera niv&aring;er samtidigt. ';
-$a->strings['In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels.'] = 'H&auml;r &auml;r det tre niv&aring;er. Man vinner om man f&aring;r tre i rad p&aring; vilken niv&aring; som helst, eller upp&aring;t, ned&aring;t eller diagonalt p&aring; flera niv&aring;er.';
-$a->strings['The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage.'] = 'Om man spelar med handikapp s&aring; st&auml;ngs mittenpositionen p&aring; mittenniv&aring;n av eftersom spelare som v&auml;ljer den positionen ofta f&aring;r &ouml;vertaget.';
-$a->strings['You go first...'] = 'Du b&ouml;rjar...';
-$a->strings['I\'m going first this time...'] = 'Jag b&ouml;rjar den h&auml;r g&aring;ngen...';
-$a->strings['You won!'] = 'Du vann!';
-$a->strings['"Cat" game!'] = '"Cat" game!';
-$a->strings['I won!'] = 'Jag vann!';
-$a->strings['Post to Twitter'] = 'L&auml;gg in p&aring; Twitter';
-$a->strings['Twitter Posting Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; Twitter';
-$a->strings['No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.'] = 'No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.';
-$a->strings['At this Friendika instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to Twitter.'] = 'At this Friendika instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to Twitter.';
-$a->strings['Copy the PIN from Twitter here'] = 'Ange PIN-koden fr&aring;n Twitter h&auml;r';
-$a->strings['If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well.'] = 'If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well.';
-$a->strings['Send public postings to Twitter'] = 'Send public postings to Twitter';
-$a->strings['Africa/Abidjan'] = 'Afrika/Abidjan';
-$a->strings['Africa/Accra'] = 'Afrika/Accra';
-$a->strings['Africa/Addis_Ababa'] = 'Afrika/Addis_Ababa';
-$a->strings['Africa/Algiers'] = 'Afrika/Algiers';
-$a->strings['Africa/Asmara'] = 'Afrika/Asmara';
-$a->strings['Africa/Asmera'] = 'Afrika/Asmera';
-$a->strings['Africa/Bamako'] = 'Afrika/Bamako';
-$a->strings['Africa/Bangui'] = 'Afrika/Bangui';
-$a->strings['Africa/Banjul'] = 'Afrika/Banjul';
-$a->strings['Africa/Bissau'] = 'Afrika/Bissau';
-$a->strings['Africa/Blantyre'] = 'Afrika/Blantyre';
-$a->strings['Africa/Brazzaville'] = 'Afrika/Brazzaville';
-$a->strings['Africa/Bujumbura'] = 'Afrika/Bujumbura';
-$a->strings['Africa/Cairo'] = 'Afrika/Cairo';
-$a->strings['Africa/Casablanca'] = 'Afrika/Casablanca';
-$a->strings['Africa/Ceuta'] = 'Afrika/Ceuta';
-$a->strings['Africa/Conakry'] = 'Afrika/Conakry';
-$a->strings['Africa/Dakar'] = 'Afrika/Dakar';
-$a->strings['Africa/Dar_es_Salaam'] = 'Afrika/Dar_es_Salaam';
-$a->strings['Africa/Djibouti'] = 'Afrika/Djibouti';
-$a->strings['Africa/Douala'] = 'Afrika/Douala';
-$a->strings['Africa/El_Aaiun'] = 'Afrika/El_Aaiun';
-$a->strings['Africa/Freetown'] = 'Afrika/Freetown';
-$a->strings['Africa/Gaborone'] = 'Afrika/Gaborone';
-$a->strings['Africa/Harare'] = 'Afrika/Harare';
-$a->strings['Africa/Johannesburg'] = 'Afrika/Johannesburg';
-$a->strings['Africa/Kampala'] = 'Afrika/Kampala';
-$a->strings['Africa/Khartoum'] = 'Afrika/Khartoum';
-$a->strings['Africa/Kigali'] = 'Afrika/Kigali';
-$a->strings['Africa/Kinshasa'] = 'Afrika/Kinshasa';
-$a->strings['Africa/Lagos'] = 'Afrika/Lagos';
-$a->strings['Africa/Libreville'] = 'Afrika/Libreville';
-$a->strings['Africa/Lome'] = 'Afrika/Lome';
-$a->strings['Africa/Luanda'] = 'Afrika/Luanda';
-$a->strings['Africa/Lubumbashi'] = 'Afrika/Lubumbashi';
-$a->strings['Africa/Lusaka'] = 'Afrika/Lusaka';
-$a->strings['Africa/Malabo'] = 'Afrika/Malabo';
-$a->strings['Africa/Maputo'] = 'Afrika/Maputo';
-$a->strings['Africa/Maseru'] = 'Afrika/Maseru';
-$a->strings['Africa/Mbabane'] = 'Afrika/Mbabane';
-$a->strings['Africa/Mogadishu'] = 'Afrika/Mogadishu';
-$a->strings['Africa/Monrovia'] = 'Afrika/Monrovia';
-$a->strings['Africa/Nairobi'] = 'Afrika/Nairobi';
-$a->strings['Africa/Ndjamena'] = 'Afrika/Ndjamena';
-$a->strings['Africa/Niamey'] = 'Afrika/Niamey';
-$a->strings['Africa/Nouakchott'] = 'Afrika/Nouakchott';
-$a->strings['Africa/Ouagadougou'] = 'Afrika/Ouagadougou';
-$a->strings['Africa/Porto-Novo'] = 'Afrika/Porto-Novo';
-$a->strings['Africa/Sao_Tome'] = 'Afrika/Sao_Tome';
-$a->strings['Africa/Timbuktu'] = 'Afrika/Timbuktu';
-$a->strings['Africa/Tripoli'] = 'Afrika/Tripoli';
-$a->strings['Africa/Tunis'] = 'Afrika/Tunis';
-$a->strings['Africa/Windhoek'] = 'Afrika/Windhoek';
-$a->strings['America/Adak'] = 'Amerika/Adak';
-$a->strings['America/Anchorage'] = 'Amerika/Anchorage';
-$a->strings['America/Anguilla'] = 'Amerika/Anguilla';
-$a->strings['America/Antigua'] = 'Amerika/Antigua';
-$a->strings['America/Araguaina'] = 'Amerika/Araguaina';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Buenos_Aires';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Catamarca'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Catamarca';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/ComodRivadavia';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Cordoba'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Cordoba';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Jujuy'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Jujuy';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/La_Rioja'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/La_Rioja';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Mendoza'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Mendoza';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Salta'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Salta';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/San_Juan'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/San_Juan';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/San_Luis'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/San_Luis';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Tucuman'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Tucuman';
-$a->strings['America/Argentina/Ushuaia'] = 'Amerika/Argentina/Ushuaia';
-$a->strings['America/Aruba'] = 'Amerika/Aruba';
-$a->strings['America/Asuncion'] = 'Amerika/Asuncion';
-$a->strings['America/Atikokan'] = 'Amerika/Atikokan';
-$a->strings['America/Atka'] = 'Amerika/Atka';
-$a->strings['America/Bahia'] = 'Amerika/Bahia';
-$a->strings['America/Barbados'] = 'Amerika/Barbados';
-$a->strings['America/Belem'] = 'Amerika/Belem';
-$a->strings['America/Belize'] = 'Amerika/Belize';
-$a->strings['America/Blanc-Sablon'] = 'Amerika/Blanc-Sablon';
-$a->strings['America/Boa_Vista'] = 'Amerika/Boa_Vista';
-$a->strings['America/Bogota'] = 'Amerika/Bogota';
-$a->strings['America/Boise'] = 'Amerika/Boise';
-$a->strings['America/Buenos_Aires'] = 'Amerika/Buenos_Aires';
-$a->strings['America/Cambridge_Bay'] = 'Amerika/Cambridge_Bay';
-$a->strings['America/Campo_Grande'] = 'Amerika/Campo_Grande';
-$a->strings['America/Cancun'] = 'Amerika/Cancun';
-$a->strings['America/Caracas'] = 'Amerika/Caracas';
-$a->strings['America/Catamarca'] = 'Amerika/Catamarca';
-$a->strings['America/Cayenne'] = 'Amerika/Cayenne';
-$a->strings['America/Cayman'] = 'Amerika/Cayman';
-$a->strings['America/Chicago'] = 'Amerika/Chicago';
-$a->strings['America/Chihuahua'] = 'Amerika/Chihuahua';
-$a->strings['America/Coral_Harbour'] = 'Amerika/Coral_Harbour';
-$a->strings['America/Cordoba'] = 'Amerika/Cordoba';
-$a->strings['America/Costa_Rica'] = 'Amerika/Costa_Rica';
-$a->strings['America/Cuiaba'] = 'Amerika/Cuiaba';
-$a->strings['America/Curacao'] = 'Amerika/Curacao';
-$a->strings['America/Danmarkshavn'] = 'Amerika/Danmarkshavn';
-$a->strings['America/Dawson'] = 'Amerika/Dawson';
-$a->strings['America/Dawson_Creek'] = 'Amerika/Dawson_Creek';
-$a->strings['America/Denver'] = 'Amerika/Denver';
-$a->strings['America/Detroit'] = 'Amerika/Detroit';
-$a->strings['America/Dominica'] = 'Amerika/Dominica';
-$a->strings['America/Edmonton'] = 'Amerika/Edmonton';
-$a->strings['America/Eirunepe'] = 'Amerika/Eirunepe';
-$a->strings['America/El_Salvador'] = 'Amerika/El_Salvador';
-$a->strings['America/Ensenada'] = 'Amerika/Ensenada';
-$a->strings['America/Fort_Wayne'] = 'Amerika/Fort_Wayne';
-$a->strings['America/Fortaleza'] = 'Amerika/Fortaleza';
-$a->strings['America/Glace_Bay'] = 'Amerika/Glace_Bay';
-$a->strings['America/Godthab'] = 'Amerika/Godthab';
-$a->strings['America/Goose_Bay'] = 'Amerika/Goose_Bay';
-$a->strings['America/Grand_Turk'] = 'Amerika/Grand_Turk';
-$a->strings['America/Grenada'] = 'Amerika/Grenada';
-$a->strings['America/Guadeloupe'] = 'Amerika/Guadeloupe';
-$a->strings['America/Guatemala'] = 'Amerika/Guatemala';
-$a->strings['America/Guayaquil'] = 'Amerika/Guayaquil';
-$a->strings['America/Guyana'] = 'Amerika/Guyana';
-$a->strings['America/Halifax'] = 'Amerika/Halifax';
-$a->strings['America/Havana'] = 'Amerika/Havana';
-$a->strings['America/Hermosillo'] = 'Amerika/Hermosillo';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Indianapolis'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Indianapolis';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Knox'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Knox';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Marengo'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Marengo';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Petersburg'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Petersburg';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Tell_City'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Tell_City';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Vevay'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Vevay';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Vincennes'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Vincennes';
-$a->strings['America/Indiana/Winamac'] = 'Amerika/Indiana/Winamac';
-$a->strings['America/Indianapolis'] = 'Amerika/Indianapolis';
-$a->strings['America/Inuvik'] = 'Amerika/Inuvik';
-$a->strings['America/Iqaluit'] = 'Amerika/Iqaluit';
-$a->strings['America/Jamaica'] = 'Amerika/Jamaica';
-$a->strings['America/Jujuy'] = 'Amerika/Jujuy';
-$a->strings['America/Juneau'] = 'Amerika/Juneau';
-$a->strings['America/Kentucky/Louisville'] = 'Amerika/Kentucky/Louisville';
-$a->strings['America/Kentucky/Monticello'] = 'Amerika/Kentucky/Monticello';
-$a->strings['America/Knox_IN'] = 'Amerika/Knox_IN';
-$a->strings['America/La_Paz'] = 'Amerika/La_Paz';
-$a->strings['America/Lima'] = 'Amerika/Lima';
-$a->strings['America/Los_Angeles'] = 'Amerika/Los_Angeles';
-$a->strings['America/Louisville'] = 'Amerika/Louisville';
-$a->strings['America/Maceio'] = 'Amerika/Maceio';
-$a->strings['America/Managua'] = 'Amerika/Managua';
-$a->strings['America/Manaus'] = 'Amerika/Manaus';
-$a->strings['America/Marigot'] = 'Amerika/Marigot';
-$a->strings['America/Martinique'] = 'Amerika/Martinique';
-$a->strings['America/Matamoros'] = 'Amerika/Matamoros';
-$a->strings['America/Mazatlan'] = 'Amerika/Mazatlan';
-$a->strings['America/Mendoza'] = 'Amerika/Mendoza';
-$a->strings['America/Menominee'] = 'Amerika/Menominee';
-$a->strings['America/Merida'] = 'Amerika/Merida';
-$a->strings['America/Mexico_City'] = 'Amerika/Mexico_City';
-$a->strings['America/Miquelon'] = 'Amerika/Miquelon';
-$a->strings['America/Moncton'] = 'Amerika/Moncton';
-$a->strings['America/Monterrey'] = 'Amerika/Monterrey';
-$a->strings['America/Montevideo'] = 'Amerika/Montevideo';
-$a->strings['America/Montreal'] = 'Amerika/Montreal';
-$a->strings['America/Montserrat'] = 'Amerika/Montserrat';
-$a->strings['America/Nassau'] = 'Amerika/Nassau';
-$a->strings['America/New_York'] = 'Amerika/New_York';
-$a->strings['America/Nipigon'] = 'Amerika/Nipigon';
-$a->strings['America/Nome'] = 'Amerika/Nome';
-$a->strings['America/Noronha'] = 'Amerika/Noronha';
-$a->strings['America/North_Dakota/Center'] = 'Amerika/North_Dakota/Center';
-$a->strings['America/North_Dakota/New_Salem'] = 'Amerika/North_Dakota/New_Salem';
-$a->strings['America/Ojinaga'] = 'Amerika/Ojinaga';
-$a->strings['America/Panama'] = 'Amerika/Panama';
-$a->strings['America/Pangnirtung'] = 'Amerika/Pangnirtung';
-$a->strings['America/Paramaribo'] = 'Amerika/Paramaribo';
-$a->strings['America/Phoenix'] = 'Amerika/Phoenix';
-$a->strings['America/Port-au-Prince'] = 'Amerika/Port-au-Prince';
-$a->strings['America/Port_of_Spain'] = 'Amerika/Port_of_Spain';
-$a->strings['America/Porto_Acre'] = 'Amerika/Porto_Acre';
-$a->strings['America/Porto_Velho'] = 'Amerika/Porto_Velho';
-$a->strings['America/Puerto_Rico'] = 'Amerika/Puerto_Rico';
-$a->strings['America/Rainy_River'] = 'Amerika/Rainy_River';
-$a->strings['America/Rankin_Inlet'] = 'Amerika/Rankin_Inlet';
-$a->strings['America/Recife'] = 'Amerika/Recife';
-$a->strings['America/Regina'] = 'Amerika/Regina';
-$a->strings['America/Resolute'] = 'Amerika/Resolute';
-$a->strings['America/Rio_Branco'] = 'Amerika/Rio_Branco';
-$a->strings['America/Rosario'] = 'Amerika/Rosario';
-$a->strings['America/Santa_Isabel'] = 'Amerika/Santa_Isabel';
-$a->strings['America/Santarem'] = 'Amerika/Santarem';
-$a->strings['America/Santiago'] = 'Amerika/Santiago';
-$a->strings['America/Santo_Domingo'] = 'Amerika/Santo_Domingo';
-$a->strings['America/Sao_Paulo'] = 'Amerika/Sao_Paulo';
-$a->strings['America/Scoresbysund'] = 'Amerika/Scoresbysund';
-$a->strings['America/Shiprock'] = 'Amerika/Shiprock';
-$a->strings['America/St_Barthelemy'] = 'Amerika/St_Barthelemy';
-$a->strings['America/St_Johns'] = 'Amerika/St_Johns';
-$a->strings['America/St_Kitts'] = 'Amerika/St_Kitts';
-$a->strings['America/St_Lucia'] = 'Amerika/St_Lucia';
-$a->strings['America/St_Thomas'] = 'Amerika/St_Thomas';
-$a->strings['America/St_Vincent'] = 'Amerika/St_Vincent';
-$a->strings['America/Swift_Current'] = 'Amerika/Swift_Current';
-$a->strings['America/Tegucigalpa'] = 'Amerika/Tegucigalpa';
-$a->strings['America/Thule'] = 'Amerika/Thule';
-$a->strings['America/Thunder_Bay'] = 'Amerika/Thunder_Bay';
-$a->strings['America/Tijuana'] = 'Amerika/Tijuana';
-$a->strings['America/Toronto'] = 'Amerika/Toronto';
-$a->strings['America/Tortola'] = 'Amerika/Tortola';
-$a->strings['America/Vancouver'] = 'Amerika/Vancouver';
-$a->strings['America/Virgin'] = 'Amerika/Virgin';
-$a->strings['America/Whitehorse'] = 'Amerika/Whitehorse';
-$a->strings['America/Winnipeg'] = 'Amerika/Winnipeg';
-$a->strings['America/Yakutat'] = 'Amerika/Yakutat';
-$a->strings['America/Yellowknife'] = 'Amerika/Yellowknife';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Casey'] = 'Antarctica/Casey';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Davis'] = 'Antarctica/Davis';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/DumontDUrville'] = 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Macquarie'] = 'Antarctica/Macquarie';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Mawson'] = 'Antarctica/Mawson';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/McMurdo'] = 'Antarctica/McMurdo';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Palmer'] = 'Antarctica/Palmer';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Rothera'] = 'Antarctica/Rothera';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/South_Pole'] = 'Antarctica/South_Pole';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Syowa'] = 'Antarctica/Syowa';
-$a->strings['Antarctica/Vostok'] = 'Antarctica/Vostok';
-$a->strings['Arctic/Longyearbyen'] = 'Arctic/Longyearbyen';
-$a->strings['Asia/Aden'] = 'Asien/Aden';
-$a->strings['Asia/Almaty'] = 'Asien/Almaty';
-$a->strings['Asia/Amman'] = 'Asien/Amman';
-$a->strings['Asia/Anadyr'] = 'Asien/Anadyr';
-$a->strings['Asia/Aqtau'] = 'Asien/Aqtau';
-$a->strings['Asia/Aqtobe'] = 'Asien/Aqtobe';
-$a->strings['Asia/Ashgabat'] = 'Asien/Ashgabat';
-$a->strings['Asia/Ashkhabad'] = 'Asien/Ashkhabad';
-$a->strings['Asia/Baghdad'] = 'Asien/Baghdad';
-$a->strings['Asia/Bahrain'] = 'Asien/Bahrain';
-$a->strings['Asia/Baku'] = 'Asien/Baku';
-$a->strings['Asia/Bangkok'] = 'Asien/Bangkok';
-$a->strings['Asia/Beirut'] = 'Asien/Beirut';
-$a->strings['Asia/Bishkek'] = 'Asien/Bishkek';
-$a->strings['Asia/Brunei'] = 'Asien/Brunei';
-$a->strings['Asia/Calcutta'] = 'Asien/Calcutta';
-$a->strings['Asia/Choibalsan'] = 'Asien/Choibalsan';
-$a->strings['Asia/Chongqing'] = 'Asien/Chongqing';
-$a->strings['Asia/Chungking'] = 'Asien/Chungking';
-$a->strings['Asia/Colombo'] = 'Asien/Colombo';
-$a->strings['Asia/Dacca'] = 'Asien/Dacca';
-$a->strings['Asia/Damascus'] = 'Asien/Damascus';
-$a->strings['Asia/Dhaka'] = 'Asien/Dhaka';
-$a->strings['Asia/Dili'] = 'Asien/Dili';
-$a->strings['Asia/Dubai'] = 'Asien/Dubai';
-$a->strings['Asia/Dushanbe'] = 'Asien/Dushanbe';
-$a->strings['Asia/Gaza'] = 'Asien/Gaza';
-$a->strings['Asia/Harbin'] = 'Asien/Harbin';
-$a->strings['Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh'] = 'Asien/Ho_Chi_Minh';
-$a->strings['Asia/Hong_Kong'] = 'Asien/Hong_Kong';
-$a->strings['Asia/Hovd'] = 'Asien/Hovd';
-$a->strings['Asia/Irkutsk'] = 'Asien/Irkutsk';
-$a->strings['Asia/Istanbul'] = 'Asien/Istanbul';
-$a->strings['Asia/Jakarta'] = 'Asien/Jakarta';
-$a->strings['Asia/Jayapura'] = 'Asien/Jayapura';
-$a->strings['Asia/Jerusalem'] = 'Asien/Jerusalem';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kabul'] = 'Asien/Kabul';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kamchatka'] = 'Asien/Kamchatka';
-$a->strings['Asia/Karachi'] = 'Asien/Karachi';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kashgar'] = 'Asien/Kashgar';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kathmandu'] = 'Asien/Kathmandu';
-$a->strings['Asia/Katmandu'] = 'Asien/Katmandu';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kolkata'] = 'Asien/Kolkata';
-$a->strings['Asia/Krasnoyarsk'] = 'Asien/Krasnoyarsk';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'] = 'Asien/Kuala_Lumpur';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kuching'] = 'Asien/Kuching';
-$a->strings['Asia/Kuwait'] = 'Asien/Kuwait';
-$a->strings['Asia/Macao'] = 'Asien/Macao';
-$a->strings['Asia/Macau'] = 'Asien/Macau';
-$a->strings['Asia/Magadan'] = 'Asien/Magadan';
-$a->strings['Asia/Makassar'] = 'Asien/Makassar';
-$a->strings['Asia/Manila'] = 'Asien/Manila';
-$a->strings['Asia/Muscat'] = 'Asien/Muscat';
-$a->strings['Asia/Nicosia'] = 'Asien/Nicosia';
-$a->strings['Asia/Novokuznetsk'] = 'Asien/Novokuznetsk';
-$a->strings['Asia/Novosibirsk'] = 'Asien/Novosibirsk';
-$a->strings['Asia/Omsk'] = 'Asien/Omsk';
-$a->strings['Asia/Oral'] = 'Asien/Oral';
-$a->strings['Asia/Phnom_Penh'] = 'Asien/Phnom_Penh';
-$a->strings['Asia/Pontianak'] = 'Asien/Pontianak';
-$a->strings['Asia/Pyongyang'] = 'Asien/Pyongyang';
-$a->strings['Asia/Qatar'] = 'Asien/Qatar';
-$a->strings['Asia/Qyzylorda'] = 'Asien/Qyzylorda';
-$a->strings['Asia/Rangoon'] = 'Asien/Rangoon';
-$a->strings['Asia/Riyadh'] = 'Asien/Riyadh';
-$a->strings['Asia/Saigon'] = 'Asien/Saigon';
-$a->strings['Asia/Sakhalin'] = 'Asien/Sakhalin';
-$a->strings['Asia/Samarkand'] = 'Asien/Samarkand';
-$a->strings['Asia/Seoul'] = 'Asien/Seoul';
-$a->strings['Asia/Shanghai'] = 'Asien/Shanghai';
-$a->strings['Asia/Singapore'] = 'Asien/Singapore';
-$a->strings['Asia/Taipei'] = 'Asien/Taipei';
-$a->strings['Asia/Tashkent'] = 'Asien/Tashkent';
-$a->strings['Asia/Tbilisi'] = 'Asien/Tbilisi';
-$a->strings['Asia/Tehran'] = 'Asien/Tehran';
-$a->strings['Asia/Tel_Aviv'] = 'Asien/Tel_Aviv';
-$a->strings['Asia/Thimbu'] = 'Asien/Thimbu';
-$a->strings['Asia/Thimphu'] = 'Asien/Thimphu';
-$a->strings['Asia/Tokyo'] = 'Asien/Tokyo';
-$a->strings['Asia/Ujung_Pandang'] = 'Asien/Ujung_Pandang';
-$a->strings['Asia/Ulaanbaatar'] = 'Asien/Ulaanbaatar';
-$a->strings['Asia/Ulan_Bator'] = 'Asien/Ulan_Bator';
-$a->strings['Asia/Urumqi'] = 'Asien/Urumqi';
-$a->strings['Asia/Vientiane'] = 'Asien/Vientiane';
-$a->strings['Asia/Vladivostok'] = 'Asien/Vladivostok';
-$a->strings['Asia/Yakutsk'] = 'Asien/Yakutsk';
-$a->strings['Asia/Yekaterinburg'] = 'Asien/Yekaterinburg';
-$a->strings['Asia/Yerevan'] = 'Asien/Yerevan';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Azores'] = 'Atlantic/Azores';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Bermuda'] = 'Atlantic/Bermuda';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Canary'] = 'Atlantic/Canary';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Cape_Verde'] = 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Faeroe'] = 'Atlantic/Faeroe';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Faroe'] = 'Atlantic/Faroe';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Jan_Mayen'] = 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Madeira'] = 'Atlantic/Madeira';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Reykjavik'] = 'Atlantic/Reykjavik';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/South_Georgia'] = 'Atlantic/South_Georgia';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/St_Helena'] = 'Atlantic/St_Helena';
-$a->strings['Atlantic/Stanley'] = 'Atlantic/Stanley';
-$a->strings['Australia/ACT'] = 'Australien/ACT';
-$a->strings['Australia/Adelaide'] = 'Australien/Adelaide';
-$a->strings['Australia/Brisbane'] = 'Australien/Brisbane';
-$a->strings['Australia/Broken_Hill'] = 'Australien/Broken_Hill';
-$a->strings['Australia/Canberra'] = 'Australien/Canberra';
-$a->strings['Australia/Currie'] = 'Australien/Currie';
-$a->strings['Australia/Darwin'] = 'Australien/Darwin';
-$a->strings['Australia/Eucla'] = 'Australien/Eucla';
-$a->strings['Australia/Hobart'] = 'Australien/Hobart';
-$a->strings['Australia/LHI'] = 'Australien/LHI';
-$a->strings['Australia/Lindeman'] = 'Australien/Lindeman';
-$a->strings['Australia/Lord_Howe'] = 'Australien/Lord_Howe';
-$a->strings['Australia/Melbourne'] = 'Australien/Melbourne';
-$a->strings['Australia/North'] = 'Australien/North';
-$a->strings['Australia/NSW'] = 'Australien/NSW';
-$a->strings['Australia/Perth'] = 'Australien/Perth';
-$a->strings['Australia/Queensland'] = 'Australien/Queensland';
-$a->strings['Australia/South'] = 'Australien/South';
-$a->strings['Australia/Sydney'] = 'Australien/Sydney';
-$a->strings['Australia/Tasmania'] = 'Australien/Tasmania';
-$a->strings['Australia/Victoria'] = 'Australien/Victoria';
-$a->strings['Australia/West'] = 'Australien/West';
-$a->strings['Australia/Yancowinna'] = 'Australien/Yancowinna';
-$a->strings['Brazil/Acre'] = 'Brasilien/Acre';
-$a->strings['Brazil/DeNoronha'] = 'Brasilien/DeNoronha';
-$a->strings['Brazil/East'] = 'Brasilien/East';
-$a->strings['Brazil/West'] = 'Brasilien/West';
-$a->strings['Canada/Atlantic'] = 'Kanada/Atlantic';
-$a->strings['Canada/Central'] = 'Kanada/Central';
-$a->strings['Canada/East-Saskatchewan'] = 'Kanada/East-Saskatchewan';
-$a->strings['Canada/Eastern'] = 'Kanada/Eastern';
-$a->strings['Canada/Mountain'] = 'Kanada/Mountain';
-$a->strings['Canada/Newfoundland'] = 'Kanada/Newfoundland';
-$a->strings['Canada/Pacific'] = 'Kanada/Pacific';
-$a->strings['Canada/Saskatchewan'] = 'Kanada/Saskatchewan';
-$a->strings['Canada/Yukon'] = 'Kanada/Yukon';
-$a->strings['CET'] = 'CET';
-$a->strings['Chile/Continental'] = 'Chile/Continental';
-$a->strings['Chile/EasterIsland'] = 'Chile/EasterIsland';
-$a->strings['CST6CDT'] = 'CST6CDT';
-$a->strings['Cuba'] = 'Cuba';
-$a->strings['EET'] = 'EET';
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-$a->strings['Eire'] = 'Eire';
-$a->strings['EST'] = 'EST';
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-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-1'] = 'Etc/GMT-1';
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-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-12'] = 'Etc/GMT-12';
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-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-14'] = 'Etc/GMT-14';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-2'] = 'Etc/GMT-2';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-3'] = 'Etc/GMT-3';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-4'] = 'Etc/GMT-4';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-5'] = 'Etc/GMT-5';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-6'] = 'Etc/GMT-6';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-7'] = 'Etc/GMT-7';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-8'] = 'Etc/GMT-8';
-$a->strings['Etc/GMT-9'] = 'Etc/GMT-9';
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-$a->strings['Etc/UTC'] = 'Etc/UTC';
-$a->strings['Etc/Zulu'] = 'Etc/Zulu';
-$a->strings['Europe/Amsterdam'] = 'Europa/Amsterdam';
-$a->strings['Europe/Andorra'] = 'Europa/Andorra';
-$a->strings['Europe/Athens'] = 'Europa/Aten';
-$a->strings['Europe/Belfast'] = 'Europa/Belfast';
-$a->strings['Europe/Belgrade'] = 'Europa/Belgrad';
-$a->strings['Europe/Berlin'] = 'Europa/Berlin';
-$a->strings['Europe/Bratislava'] = 'Europa/Bratislava';
-$a->strings['Europe/Brussels'] = 'Europa/Bryssel';
-$a->strings['Europe/Bucharest'] = 'Europa/Bucharest';
-$a->strings['Europe/Budapest'] = 'Europa/Budapest';
-$a->strings['Europe/Chisinau'] = 'Europa/Chisinau';
-$a->strings['Europe/Copenhagen'] = 'Europa/K&ouml;penhamn';
-$a->strings['Europe/Dublin'] = 'Europa/Dublin';
-$a->strings['Europe/Gibraltar'] = 'Europa/Gibraltar';
-$a->strings['Europe/Guernsey'] = 'Europa/Guernsey';
-$a->strings['Europe/Helsinki'] = 'Europa/Helsingfors';
-$a->strings['Europe/Isle_of_Man'] = 'Europa/Isle_of_Man';
-$a->strings['Europe/Istanbul'] = 'Europa/Istanbul';
-$a->strings['Europe/Jersey'] = 'Europa/Jersey';
-$a->strings['Europe/Kaliningrad'] = 'Europa/Kaliningrad';
-$a->strings['Europe/Kiev'] = 'Europa/Kiev';
-$a->strings['Europe/Lisbon'] = 'Europa/Lisabon';
-$a->strings['Europe/Ljubljana'] = 'Europa/Ljubljana';
-$a->strings['Europe/London'] = 'Europa/London';
-$a->strings['Europe/Luxembourg'] = 'Europa/Luxemburg';
-$a->strings['Europe/Madrid'] = 'Europa/Madrid';
-$a->strings['Europe/Malta'] = 'Europa/Malta';
-$a->strings['Europe/Mariehamn'] = 'Europa/Mariehamn';
-$a->strings['Europe/Minsk'] = 'Europa/Minsk';
-$a->strings['Europe/Monaco'] = 'Europa/Monaco';
-$a->strings['Europe/Moscow'] = 'Europa/Moskva';
-$a->strings['Europe/Nicosia'] = 'Europa/Nicosia';
-$a->strings['Europe/Oslo'] = 'Europa/Oslo';
-$a->strings['Europe/Paris'] = 'Europa/Paris';
-$a->strings['Europe/Podgorica'] = 'Europa/Podgorica';
-$a->strings['Europe/Prague'] = 'Europa/Prag';
-$a->strings['Europe/Riga'] = 'Europa/Riga';
-$a->strings['Europe/Rome'] = 'Europa/Rom';
-$a->strings['Europe/Samara'] = 'Europa/Samara';
-$a->strings['Europe/San_Marino'] = 'Europa/San_Marino';
-$a->strings['Europe/Sarajevo'] = 'Europa/Sarajevo';
-$a->strings['Europe/Simferopol'] = 'Europa/Simferopol';
-$a->strings['Europe/Skopje'] = 'Europa/Skopje';
-$a->strings['Europe/Sofia'] = 'Europa/Sofia';
-$a->strings['Europe/Stockholm'] = 'Europa/Stockholm';
-$a->strings['Europe/Tallinn'] = 'Europa/Tallinn';
-$a->strings['Europe/Tirane'] = 'Europa/Tirane';
-$a->strings['Europe/Tiraspol'] = 'Europa/Tiraspol';
-$a->strings['Europe/Uzhgorod'] = 'Europa/Uzhgorod';
-$a->strings['Europe/Vaduz'] = 'Europa/Vaduz';
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-$a->strings['Europe/Vienna'] = 'Europa/Wien';
-$a->strings['Europe/Vilnius'] = 'Europa/Vilnius';
-$a->strings['Europe/Volgograd'] = 'Europa/Volgograd';
-$a->strings['Europe/Warsaw'] = 'Europa/Warsawa';
-$a->strings['Europe/Zagreb'] = 'Europa/Zagreb';
-$a->strings['Europe/Zaporozhye'] = 'Europa/Zaporozhye';
-$a->strings['Europe/Zurich'] = 'Europa/Z&uuml;rich';
-$a->strings['Factory'] = 'Factory';
-$a->strings['GB'] = 'GB';
-$a->strings['GB-Eire'] = 'GB-Eire';
-$a->strings['GMT'] = 'GMT';
-$a->strings['GMT+0'] = 'GMT+0';
-$a->strings['GMT-0'] = 'GMT-0';
-$a->strings['GMT0'] = 'GMT0';
-$a->strings['Greenwich'] = 'Greenwich';
-$a->strings['Hongkong'] = 'Hongkong';
-$a->strings['HST'] = 'HST';
-$a->strings['Iceland'] = 'Iceland';
-$a->strings['Indian/Antananarivo'] = 'Indian/Antananarivo';
-$a->strings['Indian/Chagos'] = 'Indian/Chagos';
-$a->strings['Indian/Christmas'] = 'Indian/Christmas';
-$a->strings['Indian/Cocos'] = 'Indian/Cocos';
-$a->strings['Indian/Comoro'] = 'Indian/Comoro';
-$a->strings['Indian/Kerguelen'] = 'Indian/Kerguelen';
-$a->strings['Indian/Mahe'] = 'Indian/Mahe';
-$a->strings['Indian/Maldives'] = 'Indian/Maldives';
-$a->strings['Indian/Mauritius'] = 'Indian/Mauritius';
-$a->strings['Indian/Mayotte'] = 'Indian/Mayotte';
-$a->strings['Indian/Reunion'] = 'Indian/Reunion';
-$a->strings['Iran'] = 'Iran';
-$a->strings['Israel'] = 'Israel';
-$a->strings['Jamaica'] = 'Jamaica';
-$a->strings['Japan'] = 'Japan';
-$a->strings['Kwajalein'] = 'Kwajalein';
-$a->strings['Libya'] = 'Libyen';
-$a->strings['MET'] = 'MET';
-$a->strings['Mexico/BajaNorte'] = 'Mexico/BajaNorte';
-$a->strings['Mexico/BajaSur'] = 'Mexico/BajaSur';
-$a->strings['Mexico/General'] = 'Mexico/General';
-$a->strings['MST'] = 'MST';
-$a->strings['MST7MDT'] = 'MST7MDT';
-$a->strings['Navajo'] = 'Navajo';
-$a->strings['NZ'] = 'NZ';
-$a->strings['NZ-CHAT'] = 'NZ-CHAT';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Apia'] = 'Pacific/Apia';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Auckland'] = 'Pacific/Auckland';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Chatham'] = 'Pacific/Chatham';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Easter'] = 'Pacific/Easter';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Efate'] = 'Pacific/Efate';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Enderbury'] = 'Pacific/Enderbury';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Fakaofo'] = 'Pacific/Fakaofo';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Fiji'] = 'Pacific/Fiji';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Funafuti'] = 'Pacific/Funafuti';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Galapagos'] = 'Pacific/Galapagos';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Gambier'] = 'Pacific/Gambier';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Guadalcanal'] = 'Pacific/Guadalcanal';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Guam'] = 'Pacific/Guam';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Honolulu'] = 'Pacific/Honolulu';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Johnston'] = 'Pacific/Johnston';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Kiritimati'] = 'Pacific/Kiritimati';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Kosrae'] = 'Pacific/Kosrae';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Kwajalein'] = 'Pacific/Kwajalein';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Majuro'] = 'Pacific/Majuro';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Marquesas'] = 'Pacific/Marquesas';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Midway'] = 'Pacific/Midway';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Nauru'] = 'Pacific/Nauru';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Niue'] = 'Pacific/Niue';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Norfolk'] = 'Pacific/Norfolk';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Noumea'] = 'Pacific/Noumea';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Pago_Pago'] = 'Pacific/Pago_Pago';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Palau'] = 'Pacific/Palau';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Pitcairn'] = 'Pacific/Pitcairn';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Ponape'] = 'Pacific/Ponape';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Port_Moresby'] = 'Pacific/Port_Moresby';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Rarotonga'] = 'Pacific/Rarotonga';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Saipan'] = 'Pacific/Saipan';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Samoa'] = 'Pacific/Samoa';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Tahiti'] = 'Pacific/Tahiti';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Tarawa'] = 'Pacific/Tarawa';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Tongatapu'] = 'Pacific/Tongatapu';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Truk'] = 'Pacific/Truk';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Wake'] = 'Pacific/Wake';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Wallis'] = 'Pacific/Wallis';
-$a->strings['Pacific/Yap'] = 'Pacific/Yap';
-$a->strings['Poland'] = 'Polen';
-$a->strings['Portugal'] = 'Portugal';
-$a->strings['PRC'] = 'PRC';
-$a->strings['PST8PDT'] = 'PST8PDT';
-$a->strings['ROC'] = 'ROC';
-$a->strings['ROK'] = 'ROK';
-$a->strings['Singapore'] = 'Singapore';
-$a->strings['Turkey'] = 'Turkiet';
-$a->strings['UCT'] = 'UCT';
-$a->strings['Universal'] = 'Universal';
-$a->strings['US/Alaska'] = 'USA/Alaska';
-$a->strings['US/Aleutian'] = 'USA/Aleutian';
-$a->strings['US/Arizona'] = 'USA/Arizona';
-$a->strings['US/Central'] = 'USA/Central';
-$a->strings['US/East-Indiana'] = 'USA/East-Indiana';
-$a->strings['US/Eastern'] = 'USA/Eastern';
-$a->strings['US/Hawaii'] = 'USA/Hawaii';
-$a->strings['US/Indiana-Starke'] = 'USA/Indiana-Starke';
-$a->strings['US/Michigan'] = 'USA/Michigan';
-$a->strings['US/Mountain'] = 'USA/Mountain';
-$a->strings['US/Pacific'] = 'USA/Pacific';
-$a->strings['US/Pacific-New'] = 'USA/Pacific-New';
-$a->strings['US/Samoa'] = 'USA/Samoa';
-$a->strings['UTC'] = 'UTC';
-$a->strings['W-SU'] = 'W-SU';
-$a->strings['WET'] = 'WET';
-$a->strings['Zulu'] = 'Zulu'; \ No newline at end of file
+$a->strings["Channel not found"] = "Kanal hittas inte";
+$a->strings["Channel '%s' deleted"] = "Kanalen '%s' togs bort";
+$a->strings["Channel '%s' uncensored"] = "Kanal '%s' avcensurerad";
+$a->strings["Channel '%s' censored"] = "Kanal '%s' censurerad";
+$a->strings["Censor"] = "Censurera";
+$a->strings["Uncensor"] = "Avcensurera";
+$a->strings["UID"] = "UID";
+$a->strings["Address"] = "Adress";
+$a->strings["Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in these channels on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Valda kanaler kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt som har postats i de kanalerna på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?";
+$a->strings["The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Kanalen {0} kommer att tas bort!\\n\\nAllt som har postats i den här kanalen på den här servern kommer att raderas permanent!\\n\\nÄr du säker?";
+$a->strings["Plugin %s disabled."] = "Tillägg %s inaktiverat.";
+$a->strings["Plugin %s enabled."] = "Tillägg %s aktiverat.";
+$a->strings["Disable"] = "Inaktivera";
+$a->strings["Enable"] = "Aktivera";
+$a->strings["Toggle"] = "Växla";
+$a->strings["Author: "] = "Författare:";
+$a->strings["Maintainer: "] = "Underhållare:";
+$a->strings["No themes found."] = "Inga teman funna.";
+$a->strings["Screenshot"] = "Skärmdump";
+$a->strings["[Experimental]"] = "[Experimentellt]";
+$a->strings["[Unsupported]"] = "[Utan support]";
+$a->strings["Log settings updated."] = "Logginställningar uppdaterade.";
+$a->strings["Clear"] = "Rensa";
+$a->strings["Debugging"] = "Avlusning";
+$a->strings["Log file"] = "Loggfil";
+$a->strings["Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Red top-level directory."] = "Måste vara skrivbar för webbservern. Anges relativt Reds toppkatalog.";
+$a->strings["Log level"] = "Loggnivå";
+$a->strings["- select -"] = "- välj -";
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "Välkommen till %s";
+$a->strings["Red Matrix Server - Setup"] = "Red Matrix-server - inställningar";
+$a->strings["Could not connect to database."] = "Kunde inte ansluta till databasen.";
+$a->strings["Could not connect to specified site URL. Possible SSL certificate or DNS issue."] = "Kunde inte ansluta till den angivna server-URL:en. Möjligt problem med SSL-certifikat eller DNS.";
+$a->strings["Could not create table."] = "Kunde inte skapa tabell.";
+$a->strings["Your site database has been installed."] = "Din serverdatabas har installerats.";
+$a->strings["You may need to import the file \"install/database.sql\" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql."] = "Du kan behöva importera filen \"install/database.sql\" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql.";
+$a->strings["Please see the file \"install/INSTALL.txt\"."] = "Se filen \"install/INSTALL.txt\".";
+$a->strings["System check"] = "Systemkontroll";
+$a->strings["Check again"] = "Kontrollera igen";
+$a->strings["Database connection"] = "Databasanslutning";
+$a->strings["In order to install Red Matrix we need to know how to connect to your database."] = "För att kunna installera Red Matrix behöver vi veta hur databasen ska anslutas.";
+$a->strings["Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings."] = "Kontakta din servervärd eller administratör om du har frågor om de här inställningarna.";
+$a->strings["The database you specify below should already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing."] = "Databasen du anger nedan måste finnas. Om den inte gör det, skapa den innan du fortsätter.";
+$a->strings["Database Server Name"] = "Databasserver";
+$a->strings["Default is localhost"] = "Standard är localhost";
+$a->strings["Database Port"] = "Databasport";
+$a->strings["Communication port number - use 0 for default"] = "Kommunikationsportnummer - använd 0 för standardinställning";
+$a->strings["Database Login Name"] = "Loginnamn till databas";
+$a->strings["Database Login Password"] = "Lösenord till databas";
+$a->strings["Database Name"] = "Databasnamn";
+$a->strings["Site administrator email address"] = "Serveradministratörens e-postadress";
+$a->strings["Your account email address must match this in order to use the web admin panel."] = "Ditt kontos e-postadress måste stämma med den här för att webbgränssnittet för administration ska kunna användas.";
+$a->strings["Website URL"] = "Webbplatsens URL";
+$a->strings["Please use SSL (https) URL if available."] = "Ange en URL med SSL (https) om tillgängligt";
+$a->strings["Please select a default timezone for your website"] = "Välj en standardtidszon för din webbplats";
+$a->strings["Site settings"] = "Serverinställningar";
+$a->strings["Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH."] = "Kunde inte hitta en kommandoradsversion av PHP i webbserverns PATH.";
+$a->strings["If you don't have a command line version of PHP installed on server, you will not be able to run background polling via cron."] = "Om du inte har en kommandoradsversion av PHP installerad på servern kommer du inte att kunna köra bakgrundshämtning via cron.";
+$a->strings["PHP executable path"] = "Sökväg till PHP-programmet";
+$a->strings["Enter full path to php executable. You can leave this blank to continue the installation."] = "Ange hela sökvägen till php-programfilen. Du kan lämna det här blankt för att fortsätta installationen.";
+$a->strings["Command line PHP"] = "Kommandorads-PHP";
+$a->strings["The command line version of PHP on your system does not have \"register_argc_argv\" enabled."] = "Kommandoradsversionen av PHP på ditt system har inte \"register_argc_argv\" aktiverat.";
+$a->strings["This is required for message delivery to work."] = "Det här behövs för att meddelandeleverans ska fungera.";
+$a->strings["PHP register_argc_argv"] = "PHP register_argc_argv";
+$a->strings["Error: the \"openssl_pkey_new\" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys"] = "Fel: \"openssl_pkey_new\"-funktionen på det här systemet kan inte generera kryptonycklar";
+$a->strings["If running under Windows, please see \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\"."] = "Om systemet kör Windows, se \"http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php\".";
+$a->strings["Generate encryption keys"] = "Generera kryptonycklar";
+$a->strings["libCurl PHP module"] = "PHP-modulen libCurl";
+$a->strings["GD graphics PHP module"] = "PHP-modulen GD graphics";
+$a->strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "PHP-modulen OpenSSL";
+$a->strings["mysqli PHP module"] = "PHP-modulen mysqli";
+$a->strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "PHP-modulen mb_string";
+$a->strings["mcrypt PHP module"] = "PHP-modulen mcrypt";
+$a->strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Apache-modulen mod_rewrite";
+$a->strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Fel: Apache-webbserverns mod-rewrite-modul krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["proc_open"] = "proc_open";
+$a->strings["Error: proc_open is required but is either not installed or has been disabled in php.ini"] = "Fel: proc_open krävs men är antingen inte installerad eller har inaktiverats i php.ini";
+$a->strings["Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fel: PHP-modulen libCURL krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed."] = "Fel: PHP-modulen GD graphics med JPEG-stöd krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["Error: openssl PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fel: PHP-modulen openssl krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["Error: mysqli PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fel: PHP-modulen mysqli krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["Error: mb_string PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fel: PHP-modulen mb_string krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["Error: mcrypt PHP module required but not installed."] = "Fel: PHP-modulen mcrypt krävs men är inte installerad.";
+$a->strings["The web installer needs to be able to create a file called \".htconfig.php\ in the top folder of your web server and it is unable to do so."] = "Webbinstallationen måste kunna skapa filen \".htconfig.php\" i toppkatalogen på din webbserver men kan inte göra det.";
+$a->strings["This is most often a permission setting, as the web server may not be able to write files in your folder - even if you can."] = "Det är ofta en behörighetsinställning som gör att webbservern inte kan skriva filer i din katalog - även om du kan.";
+$a->strings["At the end of this procedure, we will give you a text to save in a file named .htconfig.php in your Red top folder."] = "Efter den här proceduren kommer vi att ge dig en text att spara i filen .htconfig.php i Reds toppkatalog.";
+$a->strings["You can alternatively skip this procedure and perform a manual installation. Please see the file \"install/INSTALL.txt\" for instructions."] = "Alternativt kan du hoppa över den här proceduren och göra en manuell installation. För instruktioner, se filen \"install/INSTALL.txt\".";
+$a->strings[".htconfig.php is writable"] = ".htconfig.php är skrivbar";
+$a->strings["Red uses the Smarty3 template engine to render its web views. Smarty3 compiles templates to PHP to speed up rendering."] = "Red använder mallmotorn Smarty3 för att rendera webbvyerna. Smarty3 kompilerar mallar till PHP för att snabba upp renderingen.";
+$a->strings["In order to store these compiled templates, the web server needs to have write access to the directory view/tpl/smarty3/ under the Red top level folder."] = "För att kunna spara de här kompilerade mallarna behöver webbservern ha skrivrättigheter i katalogen view/tpl/smarty3/ under Reds toppkatalog.";
+$a->strings["Please ensure that the user that your web server runs as (e.g. www-data) has write access to this folder."] = "Försäkra dig om att användaren som din webbserver kör som (t.ex. www-data) har skrivrättigheter till den här katalogen.";
+$a->strings["Note: as a security measure, you should give the web server write access to view/tpl/smarty3/ only--not the template files (.tpl) that it contains."] = "Observera: som en säkerhetsåtgärd bör du ge webbservern skrivrättigheter endast till view/tpl/smarty3 - inte till mallfilerna (.tpl) som den innehåller.";
+$a->strings["view/tpl/smarty3 is writable"] = "view/tpl/smarty3 är skrivbar";
+$a->strings["Red uses the store directory to save uploaded files. The web server needs to have write access to the store directory under the Red top level folder"] = "Red använder katalogen store för att spara uppladdade filer. Webbservern behöver ha skrivrättigheter till katalogen store under Reds toppkatalog.";
+$a->strings["store is writable"] = "store är skrivbar";
+$a->strings["SSL certificate cannot be validated. Fix certificate or disable https access to this site."] = "SSL-certifikatet kan inte valideras. Fixa certifikatet eller inaktivera https-åtkomst till den här servern.";
+$a->strings["If you use https access, you MUST use a certification instance known by all internet browsers. You MUST NOT use self-signed certificates!"] = "Om du använder https-åtkomst MÅSTE du använda ett certifikat som känns igen av alla webbläsare. Du FÅR INTE använda självsignerade certifikat!";
+$a->strings["This restriction is incorporated because public posts from you may for example contain references to images on your own hub. If your"] = "Den här restriktionen finns för att offentliga inlägg från dig till exempel kan innehålla referenser till bilder på din egen hubb. Om ditt";
+$a->strings["certificate is not known by the internet browser of users they get a warning message complaining about some security issues. Although"] = "certifikat inte känns igen av användares webbläsare får de ett varningsmeddelande om säkerhetsproblem. Även om";
+$a->strings["these complains are not the real truth - there are no security issues with your encryption! - the users may be confused, nerved or even"] = "de här varningarna inte är helt sanna - det är inga säkerhetsproblem med din kryptering! - så kan användare bli förvirrade, nervösa eller";
+$a->strings["worse may become scared about redmatrix having security issues. Use one of the free certification instances!"] = "ännu värre, bli skrämda att redmatrix skulle ha säkerhetsproblem. Använd en av utfärdarna av gratis certifikat.";
+$a->strings["SSL certificate validation"] = "SSL-certifikatvalidering";
+$a->strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration."] = "URL rewrite i .htaccess fungerar inte. Kontrollera din serverkonfiguration.";
+$a->strings["Url rewrite is working"] = "URL rewrite fungerar";
+$a->strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Databaskonfigurationsfilen \".htconfig.php\" kunde inte skrivas. Använd den bifogade texten för att skapa en konfigurationsfil i din webbservers rot.";
+$a->strings["Errors encountered creating database tables."] = "Fel inträffade när databastabeller skulle skapas.";
+$a->strings["<h1>What next</h1>"] = "<h1>Nästa steg</h1>";
+$a->strings["IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller."] = "VIKTIGT: Du behöver ställa in en schemalagd för hämtningsrutinen [manuellt]";
+$a->strings["Age: "] = "Ålder:";
+$a->strings["Gender: "] = "Kön:";
+$a->strings["Finding:"] = "Sökning efter:";
+$a->strings["next page"] = "nästa sida";
+$a->strings["previous page"] = "föregående sida";
+$a->strings["No entries (some entries may be hidden)."] = "Inga resultat (vissa resultat kan vara dolda).";
+$a->strings["Remote privacy information not available."] = "Icke-lokal integritetsinformation är inte tillgänglig";
+$a->strings["Visible to:"] = "Synlig för:";
+$a->strings["Could not access contact record."] = "Kunde inte komma åt kontaktuppgifter.";
+$a->strings["Could not locate selected profile."] = "Kunde inte hitta vald profil.";
+$a->strings["Connection updated."] = "Kontakt uppdaterad.";
+$a->strings["Failed to update connection record."] = "Misslyckades att uppdatera kontaktuppgifter.";
+$a->strings["Could not access address book record."] = "Kunde inte komma åt adressboksuppgifter.";
+$a->strings["Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable."] = "Uppdatering misslyckades - kanalen är inte tillgänglig.";
+$a->strings["Channel has been unblocked"] = "Kanalen är inte längre blockerad";
+$a->strings["Channel has been blocked"] = "Kanalen har blockerats";
+$a->strings["Unable to set address book parameters."] = "Kunde inte ställa in adressboksparametrar.";
+$a->strings["Channel has been unignored"] = "Kanalen ignoreras inte längre";
+$a->strings["Channel has been ignored"] = "Kanalen har ignorerats";
+$a->strings["Channel has been unarchived"] = "Kanalen arkiveras inte längre";
+$a->strings["Channel has been archived"] = "Kanalen har arkiverats";
+$a->strings["Channel has been unhidden"] = "Kanalen döljs inte längre";
+$a->strings["Channel has been hidden"] = "Kanalen har dolts";
+$a->strings["Channel has been approved"] = "Kanalen har godkänts";
+$a->strings["Channel has been unapproved"] = "Kanalen är inte godkänd längre";
+$a->strings["Connection has been removed."] = "Kontakten har tagits bort.";
+$a->strings["View %s's profile"] = "Visa %ss profil";
+$a->strings["Refresh Permissions"] = "Uppdatera behörigheter";
+$a->strings["Fetch updated permissions"] = "Hämta uppdaterade behörigheter";
+$a->strings["Recent Activity"] = "Senaste aktiviteten";
+$a->strings["View recent posts and comments"] = "Visa de senaste inläggen och kommentarerna";
+$a->strings["Block or Unblock this connection"] = "Blockera eller häv blockering av den här kontakten";
+$a->strings["Unignore"] = "Sluta att ignorera";
+$a->strings["Ignore"] = "Ignorera";
+$a->strings["Ignore or Unignore this connection"] = "Ignorera eller sluta att ignorera den här kontakten";
+$a->strings["Unarchive"] = "Sluta att arkivera";
+$a->strings["Archive"] = "Arkivera";
+$a->strings["Archive or Unarchive this connection"] = "Arkivera eller sluta att arkivera den här kontakten";
+$a->strings["Unhide"] = "Sluta att dölja";
+$a->strings["Hide"] = "Dölj";
+$a->strings["Hide or Unhide this connection"] = "Dölj eller sluta att dölja den här kontakten";
+$a->strings["Delete this connection"] = "Ta bort den här kontakten";
+$a->strings["Unknown"] = "Okända";
+$a->strings["Approve this connection"] = "Godkänn den här kontakten";
+$a->strings["Accept connection to allow communication"] = "Acceptera kontakten för att tillåta kommunikation";
+$a->strings["Automatic Permissions Settings"] = "Automatiska behörighetsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Connections: settings for %s"] = "Kontakter: inställningar för %s";
+$a->strings["When receiving a channel introduction, any permissions provided here will be applied to the new connection automatically and the introduction approved. Leave this page if you do not wish to use this feature."] = "När en kanal presenterar sig för dig kommer alla behörigheter här att gälla för den nya kontakten automatiskt och presentationen att godkännas. Lämna den här sidan om du inte önskar använda den här funktionen.";
+$a->strings["Slide to adjust your degree of friendship"] = "Dra för att justera er vänskapsnivå";
+$a->strings["inherited"] = "ärvd";
+$a->strings["Connection has no individual permissions!"] = "Kontakten har inga individuella behörigheter!";
+$a->strings["This may be appropriate based on your <a href=\"settings\">privacy settings</a>, though you may wish to review the \"Advanced Permissions\"."] = "Det här kan vara lämpligt beroende på dina <a href=\"settings\">integritetsinställningar</a>, men du vill kanske se över de \"Avancerade inställningarna\".";
+$a->strings["Profile Visibility"] = "Profilsynlighet";
+$a->strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Välj profilen som du vill ska synas när %s ser din profil på ett säkert sätt.";
+$a->strings["Contact Information / Notes"] = "Kontaktinformation / anteckningar";
+$a->strings["Edit contact notes"] = "Redigera anteckningar för kontakten";
+$a->strings["Their Settings"] = "Deras inställningar";
+$a->strings["My Settings"] = "Mina inställningar";
+$a->strings["Forum Members"] = "Forummedlemmar";
+$a->strings["Soapbox"] = "Talarstol";
+$a->strings["Full Sharing (typical social network permissions)"] = "Full delning (typiska behörigheter för sociala nätverk)";
+$a->strings["Cautious Sharing "] = "Försiktig delning";
+$a->strings["Follow Only"] = "Följ endast";
+$a->strings["Individual Permissions"] = "Individuella behörigheter";
+$a->strings["Some permissions may be inherited from your channel <a href=\"settings\">privacy settings</a>, which have higher priority than individual settings. Changing those inherited settings on this page will have no effect."] = "Vissa behörigheter kan ärvas från din kanals <a href=\"settings\">integritetsinställningar</a>, vilka har högre prioritet än individuella inställningar. Ändring av de ärvda inställningarna på den här sidan har ingen effekt.";
+$a->strings["Advanced Permissions"] = "Avancerade behörighetsinställningar";
+$a->strings["Simple Permissions (select one and submit)"] = "Enkla behörighetsinställningar (välj en och spara)";
+$a->strings["Visit %s's profile - %s"] = "Besök %ss profil - %s";
+$a->strings["Block/Unblock contact"] = "Blockera/häv blockering av kontakt";
+$a->strings["Ignore contact"] = "Ignorera kontakt";
+$a->strings["Repair URL settings"] = "Reparera URL-inställningar";
+$a->strings["View conversations"] = "Visa konversationer";
+$a->strings["Delete contact"] = "Ta bort kontakt";
+$a->strings["Last update:"] = "Senaste uppdatering:";
+$a->strings["Update public posts"] = "Uppdatera offentliga inlägg";
+$a->strings["Update now"] = "Uppdatera nu";
+$a->strings["Currently blocked"] = "Blockerad";
+$a->strings["Currently ignored"] = "Ignorerad";
+$a->strings["Currently archived"] = "Arkiverad";
+$a->strings["Currently pending"] = "Inväntar svar";
+$a->strings["Hide this contact from others"] = "Dölj den här kontakten för andra";
+$a->strings["Replies/likes to your public posts <strong>may</strong> still be visible"] = "Svar/gilla-reaktioner på dina offentliga inlägg <strong>kan</strong> fortfarande synas";
+$a->strings["Help with this feature"] = "Hjälp för den här funktionen";
+$a->strings["Layout Name"] = "Layoutnamn";
+$a->strings["Help:"] = "Hjälp:";
+$a->strings["Not Found"] = "Hittas inte";
+$a->strings["Page not found."] = "Sidan hittas inte.";
+$a->strings["We encountered a problem while logging in with the OpenID you provided. Please check the correct spelling of the ID."] = "Vi drabbades av ett problem vid inloggningen med OpenID:t du uppgav. Kontrollera att ID:t är korrekt stavat.";
+$a->strings["The error message was:"] = "Felmeddelandet var:";
+$a->strings["Authentication failed."] = "Autentisering misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Remote Authentication"] = "Fjärrautentisering.";
+$a->strings["Enter your channel address (e.g. channel@example.com)"] = "Ange din kanaladress (t.ex. kanal@example.com)";
+$a->strings["Authenticate"] = "Autentisera";
+$a->strings["Invalid item."] = "Ogiltig post.";
+$a->strings["No such group"] = "Ingen sådan grupp";
+$a->strings["Search Results For:"] = "Sökresultat för:";
+$a->strings["Collection is empty"] = "Sammanhanget är tomt";
+$a->strings["Collection: "] = "Sammanhang: ";
+$a->strings["Connection: "] = "Kontakt:";
+$a->strings["Invalid connection."] = "Ogiltig kontakt.";
+$a->strings["Profile not found."] = "Profil hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Profile deleted."] = "Profil borttagen.";
+$a->strings["Profile-"] = "Profil-";
+$a->strings["New profile created."] = "Ny profil skapad.";
+$a->strings["Profile unavailable to clone."] = "Profil inte tillgänglig för kloning.";
+$a->strings["Profile Name is required."] = "Profilnamn krävs.";
+$a->strings["Marital Status"] = "Civilstånd";
+$a->strings["Romantic Partner"] = "Romantisk partner";
+$a->strings["Likes"] = "Gillar";
+$a->strings["Dislikes"] = "Ogillar";
+$a->strings["Work/Employment"] = "Arbete/sysselsättning";
+$a->strings["Religion"] = "Religion";
+$a->strings["Political Views"] = "Politisk åskådning";
+$a->strings["Gender"] = "Kön";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference"] = "Sexuell preferens";
+$a->strings["Homepage"] = "Hemsida";
+$a->strings["Interests"] = "Intressen";
+$a->strings["Location"] = "Plats";
+$a->strings["Profile updated."] = "Profil uppdaterad.";
+$a->strings["Hide your contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?"] = "Dölj din kontakt-/vänlista för de som ser den här profilen";
+$a->strings["Edit Profile Details"] = "Redigera profildetaljer";
+$a->strings["View this profile"] = "Visa den här profilen";
+$a->strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Byt profilfoto";
+$a->strings["Create a new profile using these settings"] = "Skapa en ny profil utifrån de här inställningarna";
+$a->strings["Clone this profile"] = "Klona den här profilen";
+$a->strings["Delete this profile"] = "Ta bort den här profilen";
+$a->strings["Profile Name:"] = "Profilnamn:";
+$a->strings["Your Full Name:"] = "Ditt fulllständiga namn:";
+$a->strings["Title/Description:"] = "Titel/beskrivning:";
+$a->strings["Your Gender:"] = "Ditt kön:";
+$a->strings["Birthday (%s):"] = "Födelsedag (%s):";
+$a->strings["Street Address:"] = "Gatuadress:";
+$a->strings["Locality/City:"] = "Ort:";
+$a->strings["Postal/Zip Code:"] = "Postnummer:";
+$a->strings["Country:"] = "Land:";
+$a->strings["Region/State:"] = "Region:";
+$a->strings["<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Marital Status:"] = "<span class=\"heart\">&hearts;</span> Civilstånd:";
+$a->strings["Who: (if applicable)"] = "Vem: (om tillämpligt)";
+$a->strings["Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com"] = "Exempel: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com";
+$a->strings["Since [date]:"] = "Sedan [datum]";
+$a->strings["Homepage URL:"] = "Hemsideadress:";
+$a->strings["Religious Views:"] = "Religion/livsåskådning:";
+$a->strings["Keywords:"] = "Nyckelord:";
+$a->strings["Example: fishing photography software"] = "Exempel: fiske fotografering mjukvara";
+$a->strings["Used in directory listings"] = "Används i kataloglistningar";
+$a->strings["Tell us about yourself..."] = "Beskriv dig själv...";
+$a->strings["Hobbies/Interests"] = "Fritidssysselsättning/intressen";
+$a->strings["Contact information and Social Networks"] = "Kontaktinformation och sociala nätverk";
+$a->strings["My other channels"] = "Mina andra kanaler";
+$a->strings["Musical interests"] = "Musikintressen";
+$a->strings["Books, literature"] = "Böcker, litteratur";
+$a->strings["Television"] = "Tv";
+$a->strings["Film/dance/culture/entertainment"] = "Film/dans/kultur/underhållning";
+$a->strings["Love/romance"] = "Kärlek/romantik";
+$a->strings["Work/employment"] = "Arbete/sysselsättning";
+$a->strings["School/education"] = "Skola/utbildning";
+$a->strings["This is your <strong>public</strong> profile.<br />It <strong>may</strong> be visible to anybody using the internet."] = "Det här är din <strong>offentliga</strong> profil.<br />Den <strong>kan</strong> ses av vem som helst med tillgång till Internet.";
+$a->strings["Edit/Manage Profiles"] = "Redigera/hantera profiler";
+$a->strings["Add profile things"] = "Lägg till profilsaker";
+$a->strings["Include desirable objects in your profile"] = "Inkludera fina prylar i din profil";
+$a->strings["This site is not a directory server"] = "Den här servern är inte en katalogserver";
+$a->strings["Failed to create source. No channel selected."] = "Misslyckades att skapa källa. Ingen kanal vald.";
+$a->strings["Source created."] = "Källa skapad.";
+$a->strings["Source updated."] = "Källa uppdaterad.";
+$a->strings["*"] = "*";
+$a->strings["Manage remote sources of content for your channel."] = "Hantera fjärrkällor med innehåll för din kanal.";
+$a->strings["New Source"] = "Ny källa";
+$a->strings["Import all or selected content from the following channel into this channel and distribute it according to your channel settings."] = "Importera allt eller valt innehåll från följande kanal till den här kanalen och distribuera det enligt dina kanalinställningar.";
+$a->strings["Only import content with these words (one per line)"] = "Importera endast innehåll med de här orden (ett per rad)";
+$a->strings["Leave blank to import all public content"] = "Lämna blankt för att importera allt offentligt innehåll";
+$a->strings["Channel Name"] = "Kanalnamn";
+$a->strings["Source not found."] = "Källa hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Edit Source"] = "Redigera källa";
+$a->strings["Delete Source"] = "Ta bort källa";
+$a->strings["Source removed"] = "Källa borttagen";
+$a->strings["Unable to remove source."] = "Kunde inte ta bort källa.";
+$a->strings["Block Name"] = "Blocknamn";
+$a->strings["Hub not found."] = "Hubb hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["You must be logged in to see this page."] = "Du måste vara inloggad för att se den här sidan.";
+$a->strings["Room not found"] = "Rum hittas inte";
+$a->strings["Leave Room"] = "Lämna rummet";
+$a->strings["I am away right now"] = "Jag är borta för tillfället";
+$a->strings["I am online"] = "Jag är online";
+$a->strings["Bookmark this room"] = "Bokmärk det här rummet";
+$a->strings["New Chatroom"] = "Nytt chattrum";
+$a->strings["Chatroom Name"] = "Namn på chattrum";
+$a->strings["%1\$s's Chatrooms"] = "%1\$ss chattrum";
+$a->strings["Version %s"] = "Version %s";
+$a->strings["Installed plugins/addons/apps:"] = "Installerade tillägg/moduler/appar:";
+$a->strings["No installed plugins/addons/apps"] = "Inga installerade tillägg/moduler/appar";
+$a->strings["Red"] = "Red";
+$a->strings["This is a hub of the Red Matrix - a global cooperative network of decentralised privacy enhanced websites."] = "Det här är en hubb som hör till Red Matrix - ett globalt samverkande nätverk av decentraliserade integritetsstärkta webbplatser.";
+$a->strings["Running at web location"] = "Kör på webbutrymmet";
+$a->strings["Please visit <a href=\"http://getzot.com\">GetZot.com</a> to learn more about the Red Matrix."] = "Besök <a href=\"http://getzot.com\">GetZot.com</a> lära dig mer om Red Matrix.";
+$a->strings["Bug reports and issues: please visit"] = "Buggrapporter och problem: besök";
+$a->strings["Suggestions, praise, etc. - please email \"redmatrix\" at librelist - dot com"] = "Förslag, uppskattning, etc. - maila \"redmatrix\" at librelist - dot com";
+$a->strings["Site Administrators"] = "Serveradministratörer";
+$a->strings["Add a Channel"] = "Lägg till en kanal";
+$a->strings["A channel is your own collection of related web pages. A channel can be used to hold social network profiles, blogs, conversation groups and forums, celebrity pages, and much more. You may create as many channels as your service provider allows."] = "En kanal är din egen samling av relaterade webbsidor. En kanal kan användas för att innehålla sociala nätverksprofiler, bloggar, konversationsgrupper och forum, fansidor, och mycket mer. Du kan skapa så många kanaler som din tjänsteleverantör tillåter.";
+$a->strings["Examples: \"Bob Jameson\", \"Lisa and her Horses\", \"Soccer\", \"Aviation Group\" "] = "Exempel: \"Bob Jameson\", \"Lisa och hennes hästar\", \"Fotboll\", \"Flyggruppen\" ";
+$a->strings["Choose a short nickname"] = "Välj ett kort smeknamn";
+$a->strings["Your nickname will be used to create an easily remembered channel address (like an email address) which you can share with others."] = "Ditt smeknamn används för att skapa en kanaladress som är lätt att komma ihåg (som en e-postadress) som du kan dela med andra.";
+$a->strings["Or <a href=\"import\">import an existing channel</a> from another location"] = "Eller <a href=\"import\">importera en befintlig kanal</a> från en annan plats";
+$a->strings["No valid account found."] = "Inget giltigt konto hittades.";
+$a->strings["Password reset request issued. Check your email."] = "Lösenordsåterställning har skickats. Kontrollera din e-post.";
+$a->strings["Site Member (%s)"] = "Servermedlem (%s)";
+$a->strings["Password reset requested at %s"] = "Lösenordsåterställning begärd på %s";
+$a->strings["Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed."] = "Begäran kunde inte bekräftas. (Du kan ha skickat den tidigare.) Lösenordsåterställningen misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Password Reset"] = "Lösenordsåterställning";
+$a->strings["Your password has been reset as requested."] = "Ditt lösenord har återställts som begärt.";
+$a->strings["Your new password is"] = "Ditt nya lösenord är";
+$a->strings["Save or copy your new password - and then"] = "Spara eller kopiera ditt nya lösenord - ";
+$a->strings["click here to login"] = "klicka sedan här för att logga in";
+$a->strings["Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login."] = "Ditt lösenord kan bytas från sidan <em>Inställningar</em> när du är inloggad.";
+$a->strings["Your password has changed at %s"] = "Ditt lösenord byttes på %s";
+$a->strings["Forgot your Password?"] = "Glömt lösenordet?";
+$a->strings["Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions."] = "Ange din e-postadress och skicka för att återställa ditt lösenord. Kontrollera sedan din e-post för vidare instruktioner.";
+$a->strings["Email Address"] = "E-postadress";
+$a->strings["Reset"] = "Återställ";
+$a->strings["Edit Block"] = "Redigera block";
+$a->strings["Delete block?"] = "Ta bort block?";
+$a->strings["Delete Block"] = "Ta bort block";
+$a->strings["Select a bookmark folder"] = "Välj en bokmärkeskatalog";
+$a->strings["Save Bookmark"] = "Spara bokmärke";
+$a->strings["URL of bookmark"] = "Bokmärkets URL";
+$a->strings["Description"] = "Beskrivning";
+$a->strings["Or enter new bookmark folder name"] = "Eller ange nytt namn på bokmärkeskatalog";
+$a->strings["Nothing to import."] = "Inget att importera.";
+$a->strings["Unable to download data from old server"] = "Kunde inte ladda ner data från den gamla servern";
+$a->strings["Imported file is empty."] = "Den importerade filen är tom.";
+$a->strings["Cannot create a duplicate channel identifier on this system. Import failed."] = "Kan inte skapa ett dubblerat kanal-ID på det här systemet. Import misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Channel clone failed. Import failed."] = "Kloning av kanalen misslyckades. Import misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Cloned channel not found. Import failed."] = "Den klonade kanalen hittas inte. Import misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Import completed."] = "Import slutförd.";
+$a->strings["You must be logged in to use this feature."] = "Du måste vara inloggad för att kunna använda den här funktionen.";
+$a->strings["Import Channel"] = "Importera kanal";
+$a->strings["Use this form to import an existing channel from a different server/hub. You may retrieve the channel identity from the old server/hub via the network or provide an export file. Only identity and connections/relationships will be imported. Importation of content is not yet available."] = "Använd det här formuläret för att importera en befintlig kanal från en annan server/hubb. Du kan få kanal-ID:t från den gamla servern/hubben över nätverket eller tillhandahålla en exportfil. Endast identitet och kontakter/relationer kommer att importeras. Import av innehåll stöds ännu inte.";
+$a->strings["File to Upload"] = "Fil att ladda upp";
+$a->strings["Or provide the old server/hub details"] = "Eller ge uppgifter om den gamla servern/hubben";
+$a->strings["Your old identity address (xyz@example.com)"] = "Din gamla identitetsadress (xyz@example.com)";
+$a->strings["Your old login email address"] = "Din gamla e-postadress för inloggning";
+$a->strings["Your old login password"] = "Ditt gamla inloggningslösenord";
+$a->strings["For either option, please choose whether to make this hub your new primary address, or whether your old location should continue this role. You will be able to post from either location, but only one can be marked as the primary location for files, photos, and media."] = "Ange i bägge fallen om den här hubben ska vara din nya primära adress eller om den gamla platsen ska fortsätta att ha den rollen. Du kommer att kunna posta från båda platser, men bara en kan vara primärt utrymme för filer, foton och media.";
+$a->strings["Make this hub my primary location"] = "Gör den här hubben till min primära plats";
+$a->strings["You have created %1$.0f of %2$.0f allowed channels."] = "Du har skapat %1$.0f av %2$.0f tillåtna kanaler.";
+$a->strings["Create a new channel"] = "Skapa en ny kanal";
+$a->strings["Channel Manager"] = "Kanalhanterare";
+$a->strings["Current Channel"] = "Nuvarande kanal";
+$a->strings["Attach to one of your channels by selecting it."] = "Anslut till en av dina kanaler genom att välja den.";
+$a->strings["Default Channel"] = "Standardkanal";
+$a->strings["Make Default"] = "Gör till standard";
+$a->strings["Total votes"] = "Totala röster";
+$a->strings["Average Rating"] = "Genomsnittsbetyg";
+$a->strings["Profile Match"] = "Profilträff";
+$a->strings["No keywords to match. Please add keywords to your default profile."] = "Inga nyckelord att matcha mot. Lägg till några nyckelord i din standardprofil.";
+$a->strings["is interested in:"] = "är intresserad av:";
+$a->strings["No matches"] = "Inga träffar";
+$a->strings["Away"] = "Borta";
+$a->strings["Online"] = "Online";
+$a->strings["OpenID protocol error. No ID returned."] = "Protokollfel för OpenID. Inget ID returnerades.";
+$a->strings["Welcome %s. Remote authentication successful."] = "Välkommen %s. Fjärrautentisering lyckades.";
+$a->strings["Edit Layout"] = "Redigera layout";
+$a->strings["Delete layout?"] = "Ta bort layout?";
+$a->strings["Delete Layout"] = "Ta bort layout";
+$a->strings["Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please logout and retry."] = "Fjärrautentisering blockerades. Du är inloggad på den här servern lokalt. Logga ut och försök igen.";
+$a->strings["Fetching URL returns error: %1\$s"] = "Hämtning av URL returnerade fel: %1\$s";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Bilden laddades upp men beskärning misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Image resize failed."] = "Ändring av bildstorlek misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Shift-uppdatera sidan eller rensa webbläsarcachen om det nya fotot inte visas direkt.";
+$a->strings["Image exceeds size limit of %d"] = "Bilden överskrider storleksbegränsningen %d";
+$a->strings["Unable to process image."] = "Kunde inte behandla bilden.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available."] = "Fotot är inte tillgängligt.";
+$a->strings["Upload File:"] = "Ladda upp fil:";
+$a->strings["Select a profile:"] = "Välj en profil:";
+$a->strings["Upload Profile Photo"] = "Ladda upp profilfoto";
+$a->strings["Upload"] = "Ladda upp";
+$a->strings["skip this step"] = "hoppa över det här steget";
+$a->strings["select a photo from your photo albums"] = "välj ett foto från dina fotoalbum";
+$a->strings["Crop Image"] = "Beskär bild";
+$a->strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Justera bildens beskärning för bästa utseende.";
+$a->strings["Done Editing"] = "Klar med redigering";
+$a->strings["Image uploaded successfully."] = "Bilduppladdning lyckades.";
+$a->strings["Image upload failed."] = "Bilduppladdning misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Image size reduction [%s] failed."] = "Krympning av bilden [%s] misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Blocked"] = "Blockerade";
+$a->strings["Ignored"] = "Ignorerade";
+$a->strings["Hidden"] = "Dolda";
+$a->strings["Archived"] = "Arkiverade";
+$a->strings["All"] = "Alla";
+$a->strings["Unconnected"] = "Ej anslutna";
+$a->strings["Suggest new connections"] = "Föreslå nya kontakter";
+$a->strings["New Connections"] = "Nya kontakter";
+$a->strings["Show pending (new) connections"] = "Visa väntande (nya) kontakter";
+$a->strings["Show all connections"] = "Visa alla kontakter";
+$a->strings["Unblocked"] = "Ej blockerade";
+$a->strings["Only show unblocked connections"] = "Visa endast ej blockerade kontakter";
+$a->strings["Only show blocked connections"] = "Visa endast blockerade kontakter";
+$a->strings["Only show ignored connections"] = "Visa endast ignorerade kontakter";
+$a->strings["Only show archived connections"] = "Visa endast arkiverade kontakter";
+$a->strings["Only show hidden connections"] = "Visa endast dolda kontakter";
+$a->strings["Only show one-way connections"] = "Visa endast enkelriktade kontakter";
+$a->strings["%1\$s [%2\$s]"] = "%1\$s [%2\$s]";
+$a->strings["Edit contact"] = "Redigera kontakt";
+$a->strings["Search your connections"] = "Sök bland dina kontakter";
+$a->strings["Finding: "] = "Sökning efter: ";
+$a->strings["Invalid request identifier."] = "Ogiltigt ID på förfrågan.";
+$a->strings["Discard"] = "Förkasta";
+$a->strings["No more system notifications."] = "Inga fler systemnotifieringar.";
+$a->strings["System Notifications"] = "Systemnotifieringar";
+$a->strings["Unable to find your hub."] = "Kunde inte hitta din hubb.";
+$a->strings["Post successful."] = "Sändning lyckades.";
+$a->strings["Edit Webpage"] = "Redigera webbsida";
+$a->strings["Delete webpage?"] = "Ta bort webbsida?";
+$a->strings["Delete Webpage"] = "Ta bort webbsida";
+$a->strings["Channel added."] = "Kanal tillagd.";
+$a->strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Puffa/stöt till";
+$a->strings["poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "puffa, stöt till eller gör andra saker mot någon";
+$a->strings["Recipient"] = "Mottagare";
+$a->strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Välj vad du önskar göra med mottagaren";
+$a->strings["Make this post private"] = "Gör det här inlägget privat";
+$a->strings["Wall Photos"] = "Väggfoton";
+$a->strings["Insufficient permissions. Request redirected to profile page."] = "Otillräckliga behörigheter. Förfrågan omdirigerad till profilsidan.";
+$a->strings["Contact not found."] = "Kontakten hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Friend suggestion sent."] = "Vänförfrågan skickad.";
+$a->strings["Suggest Friends"] = "Föreslå vänner";
+$a->strings["Suggest a friend for %s"] = "Föreslå en vän för %s";
+$a->strings["Status: "] = "Status: ";
+$a->strings["Sexual Preference: "] = "Sexuell preferens: ";
+$a->strings["Homepage: "] = "Hemsida: ";
+$a->strings["Hometown: "] = "Hemort: ";
+$a->strings["About: "] = "Om: ";
+$a->strings["Keywords: "] = "Nyckelord: ";
+$a->strings["Permission Denied."] = "Behörighet saknas.";
+$a->strings["File not found."] = "Filen hittas inte.";
+$a->strings["Edit file permissions"] = "Redigera filrättigheter";
+$a->strings["Include all files and sub folders"] = "Inkludera alla filer och underkataloger";
+$a->strings["Return to file list"] = "Återgå till fillistan";
+$a->strings["Copy/paste this code to attach file to a post"] = "Kopiera/klistra in den här koden för att bifoga filen i ett inlägg";
+$a->strings["Copy/paste this URL to link file from a web page"] = "Kopiera/klistra in den här URL:en för att länka till filen från en webbsida";
+$a->strings["Download"] = "Ladda ner";
+$a->strings["Used: "] = "Använt: ";
+$a->strings["[directory]"] = "[katalog]";
+$a->strings["Limit: "] = "Gräns: ";
+$a->strings["No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours."] = "Inga förslag tillgängliga. Om det här är en ny server, försök igen om 24 timmar.";
+$a->strings["Conversation removed."] = "Konversation borttagen.";
+$a->strings["No messages."] = "Inga meddelanden.";
+$a->strings["D, d M Y - g:i A"] = "D, j M Y - H:i";
+$a->strings["Public Sites"] = "Offentliga servrar";
+$a->strings["The listed sites allow public registration into the Red Matrix. All sites in the matrix are interlinked so membership on any of them conveys membership in the matrix as a whole. Some sites may require subscription or provide tiered service plans. The provider links <strong>may</strong> provide additional details."] = "De listade servrarna tillåter offentlig registrering i Red Matrix. Alla servrar i matrisen är sammankopplade, så medlemskap i en av dem medför medlemskap i matrisen som helhet. Vissa servrar kan kräva abonnemang eller erbjuda uppdelade tjänstenivåer. Leverantörslänkarna <strong>kan</strong> ge ytterligare detaljer.";
+$a->strings["Site URL"] = "Server-URL";
+$a->strings["Access Type"] = "Åtkomsttyp";
+$a->strings["Registration Policy"] = "Registreringspolicy";
+$a->strings["Maximum daily site registrations exceeded. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Maximalt antal dagliga serverregistreringar överskridet. Försök igen i morgon.";
+$a->strings["Please indicate acceptance of the Terms of Service. Registration failed."] = "Välj huruvida du accepterar användarvillkoren. Registrering misslyckades.";
+$a->strings["Passwords do not match."] = "Lösenorden stämmer inte överens.";
+$a->strings["Registration successful. Please check your email for validation instructions."] = "Registrering lyckades. Kontrollera din e-post för valideringsinstruktioner.";
+$a->strings["Your registration is pending approval by the site owner."] = "Din registrering väntar på att bli godkänd av serverägaren.";
+$a->strings["Your registration can not be processed."] = "Din registrering kan inte behandlas.";
+$a->strings["Registration on this site/hub is by approval only."] = "Registrering på den här servern/hubben måste godkännas.";
+$a->strings["<a href=\"pubsites\">Register at another affiliated site/hub</a>"] = "<a href=\"pubsites\">Registrera dig på en annan ansluten server/hubb</a>";
+$a->strings["This site has exceeded the number of allowed daily account registrations. Please try again tomorrow."] = "Antal dagliga registreringar som tillåts på den här servern har överskridits. Försök igen i morgon.";
+$a->strings["Terms of Service"] = "användarvillkor";
+$a->strings["I accept the %s for this website"] = "Jag accepterar den här webbplatsens %s";
+$a->strings["I am over 13 years of age and accept the %s for this website"] = "Jag är över 13 år och accepterar den här webbplatsens %s";
+$a->strings["Membership on this site is by invitation only."] = "Medlemskap på den här servern kan endast fås genom inbjudan.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your invitation code"] = "Ange din inbjudningskod";
+$a->strings["Your email address"] = "Din e-postadress";
+$a->strings["Choose a password"] = "Välj ett lösenord";
+$a->strings["Please re-enter your password"] = "Ange lösenordet igen";
+$a->strings["Please login."] = "Logga in.";
+$a->strings["Remove This Channel"] = "Ta bort den här kanalen";
+$a->strings["This will completely remove this channel from the network. Once this has been done it is not recoverable."] = "Det här kommer att ta bort den här kanalen helt från nätverket. När det är gjort går det inte att återställa den.";
+$a->strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Ange ditt lösenord för att bekräfta:";
+$a->strings["Remove this channel and all its clones from the network"] = "Ta bort den här kanalen och alla dess kloner från nätverket";
+$a->strings["By default only the instance of the channel located on this hub will be removed from the network"] = "Som standard kommer bara den här hubbens instans av kanalen att tas bort från nätverket";
+$a->strings["Remove Channel"] = "Ta bort kanal";
+$a->strings["Page owner information could not be retrieved."] = "Information om sidans ägare kunde inte hittas.";
+$a->strings["Album not found."] = "Albumet hittades inte.";
+$a->strings["Delete Album"] = "Ta bort album";
+$a->strings["Delete Photo"] = "Ta bort foto";
+$a->strings["No photos selected"] = "Inga foton valda";
+$a->strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Åtkomst till den här posten är begränsat.";
+$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of %2$.2f Mbytes photo storage."] = "Du har använt %1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB fotoutrymme.";
+$a->strings["You have used %1$.2f Mbytes of photo storage."] = "Du har använt %1$.2f MB fotoutrymme.";
+$a->strings["Upload Photos"] = "Ladda upp foton";
+$a->strings["New album name: "] = "Namn på nytt album: ";
+$a->strings["or existing album name: "] = "eller befintligt albumnamn: ";
+$a->strings["Do not show a status post for this upload"] = "Visa inte en statusuppdatering för den här uppladdningen";
+$a->strings["Contact Photos"] = "Kontaktfoton";
+$a->strings["Edit Album"] = "Redigera album";
+$a->strings["Show Newest First"] = "Visa nyast först";
+$a->strings["Show Oldest First"] = "Visa äldst först";
+$a->strings["View Photo"] = "Visa foto";
+$a->strings["Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted."] = "Behörighet saknas. Åtkomst till den här posten kan vara begränsat.";
+$a->strings["Photo not available"] = "Foto inte tillgängligt";
+$a->strings["Use as profile photo"] = "Använd som profilfoto";
+$a->strings["View Full Size"] = "Visa fullstorlek";
+$a->strings["Edit photo"] = "Redigera foto";
+$a->strings["Rotate CW (right)"] = "Rotera medurs (höger)";
+$a->strings["Rotate CCW (left)"] = "Rotera moturs (vänster)";
+$a->strings["New album name"] = "Nytt albumnamn";
+$a->strings["Caption"] = "Bildtext";
+$a->strings["Add a Tag"] = "Lägg till en tagg";
+$a->strings["Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping"] = "Exempel: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping";
+$a->strings["In This Photo:"] = "På fotot:";
+$a->strings["View Album"] = "Visa album";
+$a->strings["Recent Photos"] = "Nya foton";
+$a->strings["Mood"] = "Sinnesstämning";
+$a->strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Ange din nuvarande sinnesstämning och visa för dina vänner";
+$a->strings["sent you a private message"] = "skickade ett privat meddelande till dig";
+$a->strings["added your channel"] = "lade till din kanal";
+$a->strings["posted an event"] = "skapade en händelse";
+$a->strings["Theme settings"] = "Temainställningar";
+$a->strings["Set scheme"] = "Välj variant";
+$a->strings["Narrow navbar"] = "Smal navigeringslist";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar background colour"] = "Navigeringslistens bakgrundsfärg";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar gradient top colour"] = "Övre gradientfärg i navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar gradient bottom colour"] = "Undre gradientfärg i navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["Navigation active button gradient top colour"] = "Övre gradientfärg på aktiv knapp i navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["Navigation active button gradient bottom colour"] = "Undre gradientfärg på aktiv knapp i navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar border colour "] = "Färg på navigeringslistens kant";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar icon colour "] = "Färg på ikoner i navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["Navigation bar active icon colour "] = "Färg på aktiv ikon i navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["link colour"] = "Länkfärg";
+$a->strings["Set font-colour for banner"] = "Välj textfärg för sidhuvudet";
+$a->strings["Set the background colour"] = "Välj bakgrundsfärg";
+$a->strings["Set the background image"] = "Välj bakgrundsbild";
+$a->strings["Set the background colour of items"] = "Välj bakgrundsfärg för inlägg";
+$a->strings["Set the opacity of items"] = "Välj opacitet för inlägg";
+$a->strings["Set the basic colour for item icons"] = "Välj basfärg för inläggsikoner";
+$a->strings["Set the hover colour for item icons"] = "Välj färg på inläggsikon under muspekare";
+$a->strings["Set font-size for the entire application"] = "Välj textstorlek för hela applikationen";
+$a->strings["Set font-size for posts and comments"] = "Välj textstorlek för inlägg och kommentarer";
+$a->strings["Set font-colour for posts and comments"] = "Välj textfärg för inlägg och kommentarer";
+$a->strings["Set radius of corners"] = "Välj hörnradie";
+$a->strings["Set shadow depth of photos"] = "Välj skuggdjup för foton";
+$a->strings["Set maximum width of conversation regions"] = "Välj maxbredd på konversationsfält";
+$a->strings["Center conversation regions"] = "Centrera konversationsfält";
+$a->strings["Set minimum opacity of nav bar - to hide it"] = "Välj lägsta opacitet för navigeringslisten - för att dölja den";
+$a->strings["Set size of conversation author photo"] = "Välj storlek på foto för trådskapare";
+$a->strings["Set size of followup author photos"] = "Välj storlek på svarande personers foton";
+$a->strings["Sloppy photo albums"] = "Oordnade fotoalbum";
+$a->strings["Are you a clean desk or a messy desk person?"] = "Föredrar du ett tomt eller stökigt skrivbord?";
+$a->strings["Schema Default"] = "Temavariantens standard";
+$a->strings["Sans-Serif"] = "Sans-serif";
+$a->strings["Monospace"] = "Fast bredd";
+$a->strings["Set font face"] = "Välj teckensnitt";
+$a->strings["Set iconset"] = "Välj ikontema";
+$a->strings["Set big shadow size, default 15px 15px 15px"] = "Välj stor skuggstorlek, standard 15px 15px 15px";
+$a->strings["Set small shadow size, default 5px 5px 5px"] = "Välj liten skuggstorlek, standard 5px 5px 5px";
+$a->strings["Set shadow colour, default #000"] = "Välj skuggfärg, standard #000";
+$a->strings["Set radius size, default 5px"] = "Välj radie, standard 5px";
+$a->strings["Set line-height for posts and comments"] = "Välj radhöjd för inlägg och kommentarer";
+$a->strings["Set background image"] = "Välj bakgrundsbild";
+$a->strings["Set background attachment"] = "Välj bakgrundsfixering";
+$a->strings["Set background colour"] = "Välj bakgrundsfärg";
+$a->strings["Set section background image"] = "Välj bakgrundsbild för avsnitt";
+$a->strings["Set section background colour"] = "Välj bakgrundsfärg för avsnitt";
+$a->strings["Set colour of items - use hex"] = "Välj färg på inlägg - använd hex";
+$a->strings["Set colour of links - use hex"] = "Välj färg på länkar - använd hex";
+$a->strings["Set max-width for items. Default 400px"] = "Välj maxbredd för inlägg. Standard 400px";
+$a->strings["Set min-width for items. Default 240px"] = "Välj minbredd för inlägg. Standard 240px";
+$a->strings["Set the generic content wrapper width. Default 48%"] = "Välj bredd på fältet för allmänt innehåll. Standard 48%";
+$a->strings["Set colour of fonts - use hex"] = "Välj textfärg - använd hex";
+$a->strings["Set background-size element"] = "Välj bakgrundsskala";
+$a->strings["Item opacity"] = "Inläggsopacitet";
+$a->strings["Display post previews only"] = "Visa endast förhandsgranskning av inlägg";
+$a->strings["Display side bar on channel page"] = "Visa sidolist på kanalsidan";
+$a->strings["Colour of the navigation bar"] = "Färg på navigeringslisten";
+$a->strings["Item float"] = "Flytning för inlägg";
+$a->strings["Left offset of the section element"] = "Vänster offset för avsnittselementet";
+$a->strings["Right offset of the section element"] = "Höger offset för avsnittselementet";
+$a->strings["Section width"] = "Avsnittsbredd";
+$a->strings["Left offset of the aside"] = "Vänster offset för sidoelement";
+$a->strings["Right offset of the aside element"] = "Höger offset för sidoelement";
+$a->strings["None"] = "Inget";
+$a->strings["Header image"] = "Rubrikbild";
+$a->strings["Header image only on profile pages"] = "Rubrikbild endast på profilsidor";
+$a->strings["Update %s failed. See error logs."] = "Uppdatering %s misslyckades. Se felloggar.";
+$a->strings["Update Error at %s"] = "Uppdateringsfel på %s";
+$a->strings["Create an account to access services and applications within the Red Matrix"] = "Skapa ett konto för att komma åt tjänster och applikationer inom Red Matrix";
+$a->strings["Password"] = "Lösenord";
+$a->strings["Remember me"] = "Kom ihåg mig";
+$a->strings["Forgot your password?"] = "Glömt lösenordet?";
+$a->strings["permission denied"] = "behörighet saknas";
+$a->strings["Got Zot?"] = "Got Zot?";
+$a->strings["toggle mobile"] = "växla mobil";
diff --git a/view/sv/update_fail_eml.tpl b/view/sv/update_fail_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26fc33db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/update_fail_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Jag är webbservern på {{$sitename}};
+Red Matrix-utvecklarna släppte nyligen uppdateringen {{$update}},
+men när jag försökte installera den gick något fruktansvärt fel.
+Detta behöver fixas snart och kräver en människas ingripande.
+Kontakta en Red-utvecklare om du inte kan lösa problemet själv.
+Min databas kan ha gått sönder.
+Felmeddelandet är '{{$error}}'.
+Ursäkta besväret,
+ din webbserver på {{$siteurl}}