path: root/view/sv
diff options
authorChris Case <kahotep@bunda.dreamhost.com>2011-05-21 21:40:16 -0700
committerChris Case <kahotep@bunda.dreamhost.com>2011-05-21 21:40:16 -0700
commit4cff911939b263993eb41682ca558c975e2db01f (patch)
tree78f58e08d04413827744689d0f5df7660bee6caa /view/sv
parent2cf696d0b5d647e1741d2f94ee379aa19b25ae1b (diff)
parentf3f063c0dd7fd8b706987b856d79c7b58924acbb (diff)
merged multipart email changes
Diffstat (limited to 'view/sv')
15 files changed, 823 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/view/sv/cmnt_received_eml.tpl b/view/sv/cmnt_received_eml.tpl
index 60a5711ea..d87c7a1d1 100644
--- a/view/sv/cmnt_received_eml.tpl
+++ b/view/sv/cmnt_received_eml.tpl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- '$from' har kommenterat något som du följer.
+'$from' har kommenterat något som du följer.
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ Logga in på $siteurl för att se hela konversationen:
- $sitename admin
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/contact_edit.tpl b/view/sv/contact_edit.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c5a1a3fb..000000000
--- a/view/sv/contact_edit.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-<div id="contact-edit-banner-name">$name</div>
-<form action="contacts/$contact_id" method="post" >
-<input type="hidden" name="contact_id" value="$contact_id">
-<div id="contact-edit-wrapper" >
- <div id="contact-edit-photo-wrapper" >
- <img id="contact-edit-direction-icon" src="$dir_icon" alt="$alt_text" title="$alt_text" />
- <div id="contact-edit-photo" >
- <a href="$url" title="$visit" /><img src="$photo" $sparkle alt="$name" /></a>
- </div>
- <div id="contact-edit-photo-end" ></div>
- </div>
- <div id="contact-edit-nav-wrapper" >
- <div id="contact-edit-links" >
- <a href="contacts/$contact_id/block" id="contact-edit-block-link" ><img src="images/b_block.gif" alt="$blockunblock" title="$block_text"/></a>
- <a href="contacts/$contact_id/ignore" id="contact-edit-ignore-link" ><img src="images/no.gif" alt="$ignorecont" title="$ignore_text"/></a>
- </div>
- <div id="contact-drop-links" >
- <a href="contacts/$contact_id/drop" id="contact-edit-drop-link" onclick="return confirmDelete();" ><img src="images/b_drophide.gif" alt="$delete" title="$delete" onmouseover="imgbright(this);" onmouseout="imgdull(this);" /></a>
- </div>
- <div id="contact-edit-nav-end"></div>
- <div id="contact-edit-poll-wrapper">
- <div id="contact-edit-last-update-text">$lastupdtext<span id="contact-edit-last-updated">$last_update</span</div>
- <div id="contact-edit-poll-text">$updpub</div>
- $poll_interval
- <div id="contact-edit-update-now"><a href="contacts/$contact_id/update">$udnow</a></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="contact-edit-end" ></div>
-<div id="contact-edit-info-wrapper">
-<h4>Kontaktuppgifter / Anteckningar</h4>
-<textarea id="contact-edit-info" rows="10" cols="72" name="info" >$info</textarea>
-<div id="contact-edit-info-end"></div>
-<input class="contact-edit-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
-<div id="contact-edit-profile-select-text">
-<p>V&auml;lj vilken profil som ska visas f&ouml;r $name n&auml;r han eller hon tittar p&aring; din profil i s&auml;kert l&auml;ge.
-<div id="contact-edit-profile-select-end"></div>
-<input class="contact-edit-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
-<div id="contact-edit-rating-wrapper">
-<h4>Rykte online</h4>
-Ibland kanske dina v&auml;nner vill f&aring; reda p&aring; hur n&aring;gon annan uppf&ouml;r sig p&aring; n&auml;tet innan de v&aring;ga inleda n&aring;gon kontakt. Du kan hj&auml;lpa till genom att ange personens 'rykte'.
-<div id="contact-edit-rating-select-wrapper">
-<div id="contact-edit-rating-explain">
-Var v&auml;nlig &auml;gna en liten stund &aring;t att fylla i n&aring;got som du k&auml;nner kan vara till hj&auml;lp f&ouml;r andra.
-<textarea id="contact-edit-rating-text" name="reason" rows="3" cols="64" >$reason</textarea>
-<input class="contact-edit-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
diff --git a/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fee08bdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/follow_notify_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+'$requestor' på $sitename vill följa dina uppdateringar här på Friendika.
+Besök dennes profil på $url.
+Logga in för att godkänna eller avslå förfrågan.
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl b/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b8b0238e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/friend_complete_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Goda nyheter... '$fn' på '$dfrn_url' har accepterat din kontaktförfrågan på '$sitename'.
+Ni är nu ömsesidiga vänner och kan se varandras statusuppdateringar samt skicka foton och meddelanden
+utan begränsningar.
+Gå in på din sida 'Kontakter' på $sitename om du vill göra några
+ändringar när det gäller denna kontakt.
+[Du kan exempelvis skapa en separat profil med information som inte
+är tillgänglig för vem som helst, och ge visningsrättigheter till '$fn'].
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/htconfig.tpl b/view/sv/htconfig.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ce28b4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/htconfig.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Set the following for your MySQL installation
+// Copy or rename this file to .htconfig.php
+$db_host = '$dbhost';
+$db_user = '$dbuser';
+$db_pass = '$dbpass';
+$db_data = '$dbdata';
+// If you are using a subdirectory of your domain you will need to put the
+// relative path (from the root of your domain) here.
+// For instance if your URL is 'http://example.com/directory/subdirectory',
+// set $a->path to 'directory/subdirectory'.
+$a->path = '$urlpath';
+// Choose a legal default timezone. If you are unsure, use "America/Los_Angeles".
+// It can be changed later and only applies to timestamps for anonymous viewers.
+$default_timezone = '$timezone';
+// What is your site name?
+$a->config['sitename'] = "My Friend Network";
+// Be certain to create your own personal account before setting
+// REGISTER_CLOSED. 'register_text' (if set) will be displayed prominently on
+// the registration page. REGISTER_APPROVE requires you set 'admin_email'
+// to the email address of an already registered person who can authorise
+// and/or approve/deny the request.
+$a->config['register_policy'] = REGISTER_OPEN;
+$a->config['register_text'] = '';
+$a->config['admin_email'] = '';
+// Maximum size of an imported message, 0 is unlimited
+$a->config['max_import_size'] = 200000;
+// maximum size of uploaded photos
+$a->config['system']['maximagesize'] = 800000;
+// Location of PHP command line processor
+$a->config['php_path'] = '$phpath';
+// Location of global directory submission page.
+$a->config['system']['directory_submit_url'] = 'http://dir.friendika.com/submit';
+$a->config['system']['directory_search_url'] = 'http://dir.friendika.com/directory?search=';
+// PuSH - aka pubsubhubbub URL. This makes delivery of public posts as fast as private posts
+$a->config['system']['huburl'] = 'http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com';
+// Server-to-server private message encryption (RINO) is allowed by default.
+// Encryption will only be provided if this setting is true and the
+// PHP mcrypt extension is installed on both systems
+$a->config['system']['rino_encrypt'] = true;
+// default system theme
+$a->config['system']['theme'] = 'duepuntozero';
+// Addons or plugins are configured here.
+// This is a comma seperated list of addons to enable. Example:
+// $a->config['system']['addon'] = 'js_upload,randplace,oembed';
+$a->config['system']['addon'] = 'js_upload';
diff --git a/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl b/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f24af25f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/intro_complete_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+'$fn' på '$dfrn_url' har accepterat din kontaktförfrågan på '$sitename'.
+'$fn' har valt att acceptera dig som ett "fan" vilket innebär vissa begränsningar
+i kommunikationen mellan er - som till exempel personliga meddelanden och viss interaktion
+mellan profiler. Om detta är en kändis eller en gemenskap så har dessa inställningar gjorts
+per automatik.
+'$fn' kan välja att utöka detta till vanlig tvåvägskommunikation eller någon annan mer
+tillåtande kommunikationsform i framtiden.
+Du kommer hädanefter att få statusuppdateringar från '$fn',
+vilka kommer att synas på din Nätverk-sida på
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl b/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df338fa69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/lostpass_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+En begäran om återställning av lösenord på $sitename har mottagits.
+Gå till adressen nedan för att bekräfta denna begäran. Du kan också
+klistra in länken i adressfältet i din webbläsare.
+Gå INTE till länken nedan om du INTE har begärt lösenordsåterställning.
+Då kan du ignorera det här meddelandet.
+Ditt lösenord kommer inte att återställas om vi inte kan säkerställa att du
+initierat detta.
+Med den här länken kan du bekräfta din identitet:
+Sedan kommer du att få ett meddelande med ett nytt lösenord.
+Lösenordet kan sedan ändras i dina inställningar efter att du loggat in.
+Detaljerna ser ut så här:
+Webbplats: $siteurl
+Inloggningsnamn: $email
+$sitename admin
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/mail_received_html_body_eml.tpl b/view/sv/mail_received_html_body_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9a34c23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/mail_received_html_body_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional //EN">
+ <title>Meddelande p&aring; Friendika</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
+<table style="border:1px solid #ccc">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr><td colspan="2" style="background:#3b5998; color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; font-family:'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana,arial, sans-serif; padding: 4px 8px; vertical-align: middle; font-size:16px; letter-spacing: -0.03em; text-align: left;"><img style="width:32px;height:32px;" src='$siteurl/images/friendika-32.png'><span style="padding:7px;">Friendika</span></td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="padding-top:22px;" colspan="2">$from har skickat ett personligt meddelande till dig p&aring; $siteName.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="padding-left:22px;padding-top:22px;width:60px;" valign="top" rowspan=3><a href="$url"><img style="border:0px;width:48px;height:48px;" src="$thumb"></a></td>
+ <td style="padding-top:22px;"><a href="$url">$from</a></td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="font-weight:bold;padding-bottom:5px;">$title</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="padding-right:22px;">$htmlversion</td></tr>
+ <tr><td style="padding-top:11px;padding-bottom:11px;" colspan="2">Logga in p&aring; <a href="$siteurl">$siteurl</a> f&ouml;r att l&auml;sa och svara p&aring; personliga meddelanden.</td></tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td>H&auml;lsningar,</td></tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td>$siteName admin</td></tr>
+ </tbody>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/mail_received_text_body_eml.tpl b/view/sv/mail_received_text_body_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac2857b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/mail_received_text_body_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+$from har skickat ett personligt meddelande till dig på $siteName.
+Logga in på $siteurl för att läsa och svara på personliga meddelanden.
+$siteName admin
diff --git a/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl b/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..590462468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/passchanged_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Lösenordet har ändrats enligt din begäran. Behåll den här
+informationen om den skulle behövas i framtiden. (eller ändra lösenord
+på en gång till något som du kommer ihåg).
+Här är dina inloggningsuppgifter:
+Webbplats: $siteurl
+Användarnamn: $email
+Lösenord: $new_password
+När du loggat in kan du byta lösenord bland inställningarna.
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl b/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1471c9b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/register_open_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Tack för att du registrerat dig på $sitename. Kontot har skapats.
+Här är dina inloggningsuppgifter:
+Webbplats: $siteurl
+Användarnamn: $email
+Lösenord: $password
+Lösenordet kan ändras på sidan Inställningar efter att du loggat in.
+Ägna en liten stund åt att gå igenom alla kontoinställningar där.
+Välkommen till $sitename.
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa72bc9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/register_verify_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+En registreringsförfrågan som kräver svar har mottagits
+på $sitename
+Här är inloggningsuppgifterna:
+Fullständigt namn: $username
+Webbplats: $siteurl
+Användarnamn: $email
+Gå till denna adress om du vill godkänna:
+Gå till denna adress om du vill avslå förfrågan och ta bort kontot:
diff --git a/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl b/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..893bce17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/request_notify_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Du har just fått en kontaktförfrågan på $sitename från '$requestor'
+Profilen finns på $url.
+Logga in för att se hela förfrågan och godkänna eller
+avslå den.
+$sitename admin
diff --git a/view/sv/strings.php b/view/sv/strings.php
index 2fe95bc96..eb434df66 100644
--- a/view/sv/strings.php
+++ b/view/sv/strings.php
@@ -1,50 +1,47 @@
-$a->strings['Not Found'] = 'Hittades inte';
+function string_plural_select($n){
+ return ($n != 1);
+$a->strings['Not Found'] = 'Hittar inte';
$a->strings['Page not found.' ] = 'Sidan hittades inte.' ;
-$a->strings['Permission denied'] = 'Åtkomst nekad';
-$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = 'Åtkomst nekad.';
+$a->strings['Permission denied'] = '&Aring;tkomst nekad';
+$a->strings['Permission denied.'] = '&Aring;tkomst nekad.';
+$a->strings['Delete this item?'] = 'Ta bort?';
+$a->strings['Comment'] = 'Kommentera';
$a->strings['Create a New Account'] = 'Skapa nytt konto';
$a->strings['Register'] = 'Registrera';
-$a->strings['Nickname or Email address: '] = 'Användarnamn eller e-postadress: ';
-$a->strings['Password: '] = 'Lösenord: ';
+$a->strings['Notifications'] = 'Aviseringar';
+$a->strings['Nickname or Email address: '] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamn eller e-postadress: ';
+$a->strings['Password: '] = 'L&ouml;senord: ';
$a->strings['Login'] = 'Logga in';
-$a->strings['Nickname/Email/OpenID: '] = 'Användarnamn/E-post/OpenID: ';
-$a->strings["Password \x28if not OpenID\x29: "] = "Lösenord \x28om inget OpenID\x29: ";
-$a->strings['Forgot your password?'] = 'Glömt lösenordet?';
-$a->strings['Password Reset'] = 'Återställ lösenord';
+$a->strings['Nickname/Email/OpenID: '] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamn/e-post/OpenID: ';
+$a->strings["Password \x28if not OpenID\x29: "] = "L&ouml;senord (om inget OpenID): ";
+$a->strings['Forgot your password?'] = 'Har du gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?';
+$a->strings['Password Reset'] = 'Gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?';
$a->strings['Logout'] = 'Logga ut';
-$a->strings['prev'] = 'föreg';
-$a->strings['first'] = 'första';
+$a->strings['prev'] = 'f&ouml;reg';
+$a->strings['first'] = 'f&ouml;rsta';
$a->strings['last'] = 'sista';
-$a->strings['next'] = 'nästa';
-$a->strings[' likes this.'] = ' gillar detta.';
-$a->strings[' doesn\'t like this.'] = ' ogillar detta.';
-$a->strings['people'] = 'personer';
-$a->strings['like this.'] = 'gilla detta.';
-$a->strings['don\'t like this.'] = 'ogilla detta.';
-$a->strings['and'] = 'och';
-$a->strings[', and '] = ', och ';
-$a->strings[' other people'] = ' personer till';
-$a->strings[' like this.'] = ' gillar detta.';
-$a->strings[' don\'t like this.'] = ' ogillar detta.';
+$a->strings['next'] = 'n&auml;sta';
$a->strings['No contacts'] = 'Inga kontakter';
-$a->strings['Contacts'] = 'Kontakter';
$a->strings['View Contacts'] = 'Visa kontakter';
-$a->strings['Search'] = 'Sök';
+$a->strings['Search'] = 'S&ouml;k';
$a->strings['No profile'] = 'Ingen profil';
-$a->strings['Connect'] = 'Anslut';
+$a->strings['Connect'] = 'Skicka kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
$a->strings['Location:'] = 'Plats:';
$a->strings[', '] = ', ';
-$a->strings['Gender:'] = 'Kön:';
+$a->strings['Gender:'] = 'K&ouml;n:';
$a->strings['Status:'] = 'Status:';
$a->strings['Homepage:'] = 'Hemsida:';
-$a->strings['Monday'] = 'måndag';
+$a->strings['Monday'] = 'm&aring;ndag';
$a->strings['Tuesday'] = 'tisdag';
$a->strings['Wednesday'] = 'onsdag';
$a->strings['Thursday'] = 'torsdag';
$a->strings['Friday'] = 'fredag';
-$a->strings['Saturday'] = 'lördag';
-$a->strings['Sunday'] = 'söndag';
+$a->strings['Saturday'] = 'l&ouml;rdag';
+$a->strings['Sunday'] = 's&ouml;ndag';
$a->strings['January'] = 'januari';
$a->strings['February'] = 'februari';
$a->strings['March'] = 'mars';
@@ -57,181 +54,238 @@ $a->strings['September'] = 'september';
$a->strings['October'] = 'oktober';
$a->strings['November'] = 'november';
$a->strings['December'] = 'december';
-$a->strings['Birthdays this week:'] = 'Födelsedagar denna vecka:';
-$a->strings["\x28Adjusted for local time\x29"] = "\x28Justerad till lokal tid\x29";
-$a->strings['[today]'] = '[today]';
-$a->strings['link to source'] = 'länk till källa';
-$a->strings['No recipient selected.'] = 'Ingen mottagare vald.';
-$a->strings['[no subject]'] = '[no subject]';
-$a->strings['Unable to locate contact information.'] = 'Hittar inga kontaktuppgifter.';
-$a->strings['Wall Photos'] = 'Loggfoton';
-$a->strings['Message sent.'] = 'Meddelandet har skickats.';
-$a->strings['Message could not be sent.'] = 'Det gick inte att skicka meddelandet.';
-$a->strings['Messages'] = 'Meddelanden';
-$a->strings['Inbox'] = 'Inkort';
-$a->strings['Outbox'] = 'Utkorg';
-$a->strings['New Message'] = 'Nytt meddelande';
-$a->strings['Message deleted.'] = 'Meddelandet borttaget.';
-$a->strings['Conversation removed.'] = 'Konversationen borttagen.';
-$a->strings['Send Private Message'] = 'Skicka personligt meddelande';
-$a->strings['To:'] = 'Till:';
-$a->strings['Subject:'] = 'Ämne:';
-$a->strings['Your message:'] = 'Ditt meddelande:';
-$a->strings['Upload photo'] = 'Ladda upp foto';
-$a->strings['Insert web link'] = 'Infoga länk';
-$a->strings['Please wait'] = 'Vänta';
-$a->strings['No messages.'] = 'Inga meddelanden.';
-$a->strings['Delete conversation'] = 'Ta bort konversation';
-$a->strings['Message not available.'] = 'Meddelandet är inte tillgängligt.';
-$a->strings['Delete message'] = 'Ta bort meddelande';
-$a->strings['Send Reply'] = 'Skicka svar';
+$a->strings['g A l F d'] = 'g A l F d';
+$a->strings['Birthday Reminders'] = 'F&ouml;delsedagsp&aring;minnelser';
+$a->strings['Birthdays this week:'] = 'F&ouml;delsedagar denna vecka:';
+$a->strings["\x28Adjusted for local time\x29"] = "(Justerat till lokal tid)";
+$a->strings['[today]'] = '[idag]';
+$a->strings['link to source'] = 'l&auml;nk till k&auml;lla';
+$a->strings['%d Contact'] = array(
+ 0 => '%d kontakt',
+ 1 => '%d kontakter',
+$a->strings['Normal View'] = 'Byt till normalvy';
+$a->strings['New Item View'] = 'Visa nya inl&auml;gg &ouml;verst';
+$a->strings['Warning: This group contains %s from an insecure network.'] = 'Varning! Gruppen inneh&aring;ller %s p&aring; os&auml;kra n&auml;tverk.';
+$a->strings['Private messages to this group are at risk of public disclosure.'] = 'Meddelanden kan komma att bli synliga f&ouml;r vem som helst p&aring; internet.';
+$a->strings['Please enter a link URL:'] = 'Ange en l&auml;nk (URL):';
+$a->strings['Please enter a YouTube link:'] = 'Ange en YouTube-l&auml;nk:';
+$a->strings["Please enter a video\x28.ogg\x29 link/URL:"] = "Ange l&auml;nk/URL till video (.ogg):";
+$a->strings["Please enter an audio\x28.ogg\x29 link/URL:"] = "Ange l&auml;nk/URL till ljud (.ogg):";
+$a->strings['Where are you right now?'] = 'Var &auml;r du just nu?';
+$a->strings['Enter a title for this item'] = 'Ange en rubrik p&aring; inl&auml;gget';
+$a->strings['Share'] = 'Publicera';
+$a->strings['Upload photo'] = 'Ladda upp bild';
+$a->strings['Insert web link'] = 'Infoga l&auml;nk';
+$a->strings['Insert YouTube video'] = 'Infoga video fr&aring;n YouTube';
+$a->strings['Insert Vorbis [.ogg] video'] = 'L&auml;gg in video i format Vorbis [.ogg]';
+$a->strings['Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio'] = 'L&auml;gg in ljud i format Vorbis [.ogg]';
+$a->strings['Set your location'] = 'Ange plats';
+$a->strings['Clear browser location'] = 'Clear browser location';
+$a->strings['Set title'] = 'Ange rubrik';
+$a->strings['Please wait'] = 'V&auml;nta';
+$a->strings['Permission settings'] = '&Aring;tkomstinst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['CC: email addresses'] = 'Kopia: e-postadresser';
+$a->strings['Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com'] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, bertil@exempel.com';
+$a->strings['No such group'] = 'Gruppen finns inte';
+$a->strings['Group is empty'] = 'Gruppen &auml;r tom';
+$a->strings['Group: '] = 'Grupp: ';
+$a->strings['Shared content is covered by the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a> license.'] = 'Inneh&aring;llet omfattas av licensen <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a>.';
+$a->strings['%d member'] = array(
+ 0 => '%d medlem',
+ 1 => '%d medlemmar',
$a->strings['Applications'] = 'Applikationer';
-$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Bjud in vänner";
-$a->strings['Connect/Follow'] = 'Anslut/Följ';
+$a->strings["Invite Friends"] = "Bjud in folk du k&auml;nner";
+$a->strings['Find People With Shared Interests'] = 'S&ouml;k personer som har samma intressen som du';
+$a->strings['Connect/Follow'] = 'G&ouml;r till kontakt/F&ouml;lj';
$a->strings['Example: bob@example.com, http://example.com/barbara'] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, http://exempel.com/bertil';
-$a->strings['Follow'] = 'Följ';
-$a->strings['Could not access contact record.'] = 'Could not access contact record.';
-$a->strings['Could not locate selected profile.'] = 'Hittade inte vald profil.';
+$a->strings['Follow'] = 'F&ouml;lj';
+$a->strings['Could not access contact record.'] = 'Hittar inte information om kontakten.';
+$a->strings['Could not locate selected profile.'] = 'Hittar inte vald profil.';
$a->strings['Contact updated.'] = 'Kontakten har uppdaterats.';
-$a->strings['Failed to update contact record.'] = 'Failed to update contact record.';
+$a->strings['Failed to update contact record.'] = 'Det blev fel n&auml;r kontakten skulle uppdateras.';
$a->strings['Contact has been '] = 'Kontakten ';
-$a->strings['blocked'] = 'spärrad';
-$a->strings['unblocked'] = 'inte längre spärrad';
-$a->strings['ignored'] = 'ignoreras';
-$a->strings['unignored'] = 'ignoreras inte längre';
-$a->strings['stopped following'] = 'följer inte längre';
+$a->strings['blocked'] = 'sp&auml;rrad';
+$a->strings['unblocked'] = 'inte l&auml;ngre sp&auml;rrad';
+$a->strings['Contact has been blocked'] = 'Kontakten har sp&auml;rrats';
+$a->strings['Contact has been unblocked'] = 'Kontakten &auml;r inte l&auml;ngre sp&auml;rrad';
+$a->strings['Contact has been ignored'] = 'Kontakten ignoreras';
+$a->strings['Contact has been unignored'] = 'Kontakten ignoreras inte l&auml;ngre';
+$a->strings['stopped following'] = 'f&ouml;ljer inte l&auml;ngre';
$a->strings['Contact has been removed.'] = 'Kontakten har tagits bort.';
$a->strings['Contact not found.'] = 'Kontakten hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Mutual Friendship'] = 'Ömsesidig vänskap';
-$a->strings['is a fan of yours'] = 'är ett fan till dig';
-$a->strings['you are a fan of'] = 'du är fan till';
+$a->strings['Mutual Friendship'] = '&Ouml;msesidig v&auml;nskap';
+$a->strings['is a fan of yours'] = '&auml;r ett fan till dig';
+$a->strings['you are a fan of'] = 'du &auml;r fan till';
+$a->strings['Privacy Unavailable'] = 'Inte tillg&auml;ngligt';
+$a->strings['Private communications are not available for this contact.'] = 'Det g&aring;r inte att utbyta personliga meddelanden med den h&auml;r kontakten.';
$a->strings['Never'] = 'Aldrig';
-$a->strings["\x28Update was successful\x29"] = "\x28Uppdateringen lyckades\x29";
-$a->strings["\x28Update was not successful\x29"] = "\x28Uppdateringen lyckades inte\x29";
-$a->strings['Contact Editor'] = 'Kontaktredigerare';
-$a->strings['Visit $name\'s profile'] = 'Besök $name ';
-$a->strings['Block/Unblock contact'] = 'Spärra kontakt eller häv spärr';
+$a->strings["\x28Update was successful\x29"] = "(Uppdateringen lyckades)";
+$a->strings["\x28Update was not successful\x29"] = "(Uppdateringen lyckades inte)";
+$a->strings['Contact Editor'] = '&Auml;ndra kontakter';
+$a->strings['Submit'] = 'Spara';
+$a->strings['Profile Visibility'] = 'Visning av profil';
+$a->strings['Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely.'] = 'V&auml;lj vilken profil som ska visas f&ouml;r %s n&auml;r han/hon bes&ouml;ker din sida.';
+$a->strings['Contact Information / Notes'] = 'Kontaktuppgifter/Anteckningar';
+$a->strings['Online Reputation'] = 'Rykte online';
+$a->strings['Occasionally your friends may wish to inquire about this person\'s online legitimacy.'] = 'Dina kontakter kanske vill veta n&aring;got om den h&auml;r personens rykte online innan de tar kontakt.';
+$a->strings['You may help them choose whether or not to interact with this person by providing a <em>reputation</em> to guide them.'] = 'Du kan vara till hj&auml;lp genom att ange personens rykte online.';
+$a->strings['Please take a moment to elaborate on this selection if you feel it could be helpful to others.'] = '&Auml;gna g&auml;rna en stund &aring;t att ange detta f&ouml;r att hj&auml;lpa andra.';
+$a->strings['Visit $name\'s profile'] = 'Bes&ouml;k $name ';
+$a->strings['Block/Unblock contact'] = 'Sp&auml;rra kontakt eller h&auml;v sp&auml;rr';
$a->strings['Ignore contact'] = 'Ignorera kontakt';
+$a->strings['Repair contact URL settings'] = 'Repair contact URL settings';
+$a->strings["Repair contact URL settings \x28WARNING: Advanced\x29"] = "Repair contact URL settings (WARNING: Advanced)";
$a->strings['Delete contact'] = 'Ta bort kontakt';
$a->strings['Last updated: '] = 'Uppdaterad senast: ';
-$a->strings['Update public posts: '] = 'Uppdatera offentliga inlägg: ';
+$a->strings['Update public posts: '] = 'Uppdatera offentliga inl&auml;gg: ';
$a->strings['Update now'] = 'Updatera nu';
-$a->strings['Unblock this contact'] = 'Häv spärr för kontakt';
-$a->strings['Block this contact'] = 'Spärra kontakt';
-$a->strings['Unignore this contact'] = 'Ignorera inte längre kontakt';
+$a->strings['Unblock this contact'] = 'H&auml;v sp&auml;rr f&ouml;r kontakt';
+$a->strings['Block this contact'] = 'Sp&auml;rra kontakt';
+$a->strings['Unignore this contact'] = 'Ignorera inte l&auml;ngre kontakt';
$a->strings['Ignore this contact'] = 'Ignorera kontakt';
-$a->strings['Currently blocked'] = 'Spärrad';
+$a->strings['Currently blocked'] = 'Sp&auml;rrad';
$a->strings['Currently ignored'] = 'Ignoreras';
-$a->strings['Show Blocked Connections'] = 'Visa spärrade kontakter';
-$a->strings['Hide Blocked Connections'] = 'Dölj spärrade kontakter';
-$a->strings['Finding: '] = 'Finding: ';
-$a->strings['Find'] = 'Find';
-$a->strings['Visit '] = 'Besök ';
-$a->strings['\'s profile'] = 's profil';
-$a->strings['Edit contact'] = 'Ändra kontakt';
+$a->strings['Contacts'] = 'Kontakter';
+$a->strings['Show Blocked Connections'] = 'Visa sp&auml;rrade kontakter';
+$a->strings['Hide Blocked Connections'] = 'D&ouml;lj sp&auml;rrade kontakter';
+$a->strings['Finding: '] = 'Hittar: ';
+$a->strings['Find'] = 'S&ouml;k';
+$a->strings['Visit $username\'s profile'] = 'G&aring; till profilen som tillh&ouml;r $username';
+$a->strings['Edit contact'] = '&Auml;ndra kontakt';
+$a->strings['Contact settings applied.'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r kontakter har sparats.';
+$a->strings['Contact update failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att uppdatera kontakt.';
+$a->strings['Repair Contact Settings'] = 'Repair Contact Settings';
+$a->strings['<strong>WARNING: This is highly advanced</strong> and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact will stop working.'] = '<strong>VARNING! Det h&auml;r &auml;r en avancerad inst&auml;llning</strong> och om du anger felaktig information kommer kommunikationen med den h&auml;r kontakten att sluta fungera.';
+$a->strings['Please use your browser \'Back\' button <strong>now</strong> if you are uncertain what to do on this page.'] = 'Anv&auml;nd webbl&auml;sarens bak&aring;tknapp <strong>nu</strong> om du &auml;r os&auml;ker p&aring; vad man g&ouml;r p&aring; den h&auml;r sidan.';
+$a->strings['Name'] = 'Namn';
$a->strings['Profile not found.'] = 'Profilen hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Response from remote site was not understood.'] = 'Kunde inte tolka svaret från fjärrsajten.';
-$a->strings['Unexpected response from remote site: '] = 'Oväntat svar från fjärrsajten: ';
-$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Confirmation completed successfully.";
-$a->strings['Remote site reported: '] = 'Remote site reported: ';
-$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Tillfälligt fel. Försök igen lite senare.";
-$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Introduction failed or was revoked.";
-$a->strings['Unable to set contact photo.'] = 'Det gick inte att välja profilbild.';
-$a->strings['is now friends with'] = 'är nu vän med';
-$a->strings['No user record found for '] = 'No user record found for ';
-$a->strings['Our site encryption key is apparently messed up.'] = 'Det är något fel på webbplatsens krypteringsnyckel.';
+$a->strings['Response from remote site was not understood.'] = 'Kunde inte tolka svaret fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten.';
+$a->strings['Unexpected response from remote site: '] = 'Ov&auml;ntat svar fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten: ';
+$a->strings["Confirmation completed successfully."] = "Bekr&auml;ftat.";
+$a->strings['Remote site reported: '] = 'Meddelande fr&aring;n fj&auml;rrsajten: ';
+$a->strings["Temporary failure. Please wait and try again."] = "Tillf&auml;lligt fel. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen lite senare.";
+$a->strings["Introduction failed or was revoked."] = "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan gick inte fram eller har &aring;terkallats.";
+$a->strings['Unable to set contact photo.'] = 'Det gick inte att byta profilbild.';
+$a->strings['is now friends with'] = '&auml;r nu v&auml;n med';
+$a->strings['Our site encryption key is apparently messed up.'] = 'Det &auml;r n&aring;got fel p&aring; webbplatsens krypteringsnyckel.';
$a->strings['Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.'] = 'Empty site URL was provided or URL could not be decrypted by us.';
-$a->strings['Contact record was not found for you on our site.'] = 'Contact record was not found for you on our site.';
-$a->strings['The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.'] = 'Det ID som angavs av ditt system är samma som på vårt system. Det borde fungera om du provar igen.';
+$a->strings['Contact record was not found for you on our site.'] = 'Det gick inte att hitta efterfr&aring;gad information p&aring; v&aring;r webbplats.';
+$a->strings['The ID provided by your system is a duplicate on our system. It should work if you try again.'] = 'Det ID som angavs av ditt system &auml;r samma som p&aring; v&aring;rt system. Det borde fungera om du provar igen.';
$a->strings['Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.'] = 'Unable to set your contact credentials on our system.';
$a->strings['Unable to update your contact profile details on our system'] = 'Unable to update your contact profile details on our system';
-$a->strings["Connection accepted at "] = "Connection accepted at ";
-$a->strings['Administrator'] = 'Administratör';
+$a->strings["Connection accepted at %s"] = "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan beviljad - %s";
+$a->strings['Administrator'] = 'Admin';
$a->strings['noreply'] = 'noreply';
-$a->strings[' commented on an item at '] = ' har kommenterat ';
-$a->strings[" commented on an item at "] = " har kommenterat ";
-$a->strings[' welcomes '] = ' välkomnar ';
-$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Den här förfrågan har redan accepterats.";
-$a->strings['Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information.'] = 'Profiladressen är ogiltig eller innehåller ingen profilinformation.';
-$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.'] = 'Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.';
-$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no profile photo.'] = 'Warning: profile location has no profile photo.';
-$a->strings[' required parameter'] = ' obligatoriskt fält';
-$a->strings[" was "] = " var ";
-$a->strings["s were "] = " var ";
-$a->strings["not found at the given location."] = "finns inte på platsen som angavs.";
-$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Presentationen klar.";
-$a->strings['Unrecoverable protocol error.'] = 'Irreparabelt protokollfel.';
-$a->strings['Profile unavailable.'] = 'Profilen är inte tillgänglig.';
-$a->strings[' has received too many connection requests today.'] = ' har tagit emot för många förfrågningar idag.';
-$a->strings['Spam protection measures have been invoked.'] = 'Åtgärder för skydd mot spam har aktiverats.';
-$a->strings['Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours.'] = 'Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours.';
+$a->strings["%s commented on an item at %s"] = "%s har kommenterat ett inl&auml;gg p&aring; %s";
+$a->strings["This introduction has already been accepted."] = "Den h&auml;r f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan har redan beviljats.";
+$a->strings['Profile location is not valid or does not contain profile information.'] = 'Profiladressen &auml;r ogiltig eller inneh&aring;ller ingen profilinformation.';
+$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no identifiable owner name.'] = 'Varning! Hittar inget namn som identifierar profilen.';
+$a->strings['Warning: profile location has no profile photo.'] = 'Varning! Profilen inneh&aring;ller inte n&aring;gon profilbild.';
+$a->strings["Introduction complete."] = "Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/Presentationen &auml;r klar.";
+$a->strings['Unrecoverable protocol error.'] = 'Protokollfel.';
+$a->strings['Profile unavailable.'] = 'Profilen &auml;r inte tillg&auml;nglig.';
+$a->strings['%s has received too many connection requests today.'] = '%s har f&aring;tt f&ouml;r m&aring;nga kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar idag.';
+$a->strings['Spam protection measures have been invoked.'] = '&Aring;tg&auml;rder f&ouml;r spamskydd har vidtagits.';
+$a->strings['Friends are advised to please try again in 24 hours.'] = 'Dina v&auml;nner kan prova igen om ett dygn.';
$a->strings["Invalid locator"] = "Invalid locator";
$a->strings["Unable to resolve your name at the provided location."] = "Unable to resolve your name at the provided location.";
-$a->strings['You have already introduced yourself here.'] = 'Du har redan presenterat dig här.';
-$a->strings['Apparently you are already friends with .'] = 'Du är tydligen redan vän med .';
+$a->strings['You have already introduced yourself here.'] = 'Du har redan presenterat dig h&auml;r.';
+$a->strings['Apparently you are already friends with %s.'] = 'Du och %s &auml;r redan kontakter.';
$a->strings['Invalid profile URL.'] = 'Ogiltig profil-URL.';
-$a->strings['Disallowed profile URL.'] = 'Otillåten profil-URL.';
-$a->strings['Your introduction has been sent.'] = 'Presentationen har skickats.';
-$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Logga in för att acceptera förfrågan.";
-$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to <strong>this</strong> profile."] = "Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to <strong>this</strong> profile.";
-$a->strings['[Name Withheld]'] = '[Name Withheld]';
-$a->strings['Friend/Connection Request'] = 'Vän- eller kontaktförfrågan';
-$a->strings['Please answer the following:'] = 'Besvara följande, tack:';
-$a->strings['Does $name know you?'] = 'Känner $name dig?';
+$a->strings['Disallowed profile URL.'] = 'Otill&aring;ten profil-URL.';
+$a->strings['Your introduction has been sent.'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/Presentationen har skickats.';
+$a->strings["Please login to confirm introduction."] = "Logga in f&ouml;r att acceptera f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan.";
+$a->strings["Incorrect identity currently logged in. Please login to <strong>this</strong> profile."] = "Inloggad med fel identitet. Logga in med <strong>den h&auml;r</strong> profilen.";
+$a->strings['Welcome home %s.'] = 'V&auml;lkommen hem %s.';
+$a->strings['Please confirm your introduction/connection request to %s.'] = 'Bekr&auml;fta att du vill skicka kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan till %s.';
+$a->strings['Confirm'] = 'Bekr&auml;fta';
+$a->strings['[Name Withheld]'] = '[Namnet visas inte]';
+$a->strings["Introduction received at "] = "Inkommen kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan/presentation - ";
+$a->strings['Friend/Connection Request'] = 'V&auml;n- eller kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
+$a->strings['Examples: jojo@demo.friendika.com, http://demo.friendika.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca'] = 'Examples: jojo@demo.friendika.com, http://demo.friendika.com/profile/jojo, testuser@identi.ca';
+$a->strings['Please answer the following:'] = 'Var v&auml;nlig besvara f&ouml;ljande:';
+$a->strings['Does $name know you?'] = 'K&auml;nner $name dig?';
$a->strings['Yes'] = 'Ja';
$a->strings['No'] = 'Nej';
-$a->strings['Add a personal note:'] = 'Lägg till ett personligt meddelande:';
-$a->strings['Please enter your profile address from one of the following supported social networks:'] = 'Ange din profiladress på ett av följande sociala nätverk som stöds:';
+$a->strings['Add a personal note:'] = 'L&auml;gg till ett personligt meddelande:';
+$a->strings["Please enter your 'Identity Address' from one of the following supported social networks:"] = "Ange din adress, ditt ID, p&aring; ett av f&ouml;ljande sociala n&auml;tverk:";
$a->strings['Friendika'] = 'Friendika';
$a->strings['StatusNet/Federated Social Web'] = 'StatusNet/Federated Social Web';
-$a->strings["Private \x28secure\x29 network"] = "Privat \x28säkert\x29 nätverk";
-$a->strings["Public \x28insecure\x29 network"] = "Offentligt \x28osäkert\x29 nätverk";
-$a->strings['Your profile address:'] = 'Din profiladress:';
-$a->strings['Submit Request'] = 'Skicka begäran';
+$a->strings["Private \x28secure\x29 network"] = "Privat (s&auml;kert) n&auml;tverk";
+$a->strings["Public \x28insecure\x29 network"] = "Offentligt (os&auml;kert) n&auml;tverk";
+$a->strings['Your Identity Address:'] = 'Din adress (ditt ID):';
+$a->strings['Submit Request'] = 'Skicka f&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
$a->strings['Cancel'] = 'Avbryt';
-$a->strings['Global Directory'] = 'Global katalog';
-$a->strings['Item not found.'] = 'Hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Private Message'] = 'Personligt meddelande';
-$a->strings["I like this \x28toggle\x29"] = "Jag gillar detta \x28toggle\x29";
-$a->strings["I don't like this \x28toggle\x29"] = "Jag ogillar detta \x28toggle\x29";
-$a->strings['This is you'] = 'Det här är du';
-$a->strings['Delete'] = 'Ta bort';
-$a->strings['View $name\'s profile'] = 'Visa $name s profil';
-$a->strings['View $owner_name\'s profile'] = 'Visa $owner_name s profil';
-$a->strings['to'] = 'till';
-$a->strings['Wall-to-Wall'] = 'Logg-till-logg';
-$a->strings['via Wall-To-Wall:'] = 'via Logg-till-logg:';
+$a->strings["%d required parameter was not found at the given location"] = array(
+ 0 => "%d required parameter was not found at the given location",
+ 1 => "%d required parameters were not found at the given location",
+$a->strings['Global Directory'] = 'Medlemskatalog f&ouml;r flera sajter (global)';
+$a->strings['Site Directory'] = 'Medlemskatalog';
+$a->strings['Age: '] = '&Aring;lder: ';
+$a->strings['Gender: '] = 'K&ouml;n: ';
+$a->strings["No entries \x28some entries may be hidden\x29."] = "Inget att visa. (Man kan v&auml;lja att inte synas h&auml;r)";
+$a->strings['Item not found.'] = 'Hittar inte.';
$a->strings['Item has been removed.'] = 'Har tagits bort.';
-$a->strings['Shared content is covered by the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a> license.'] = 'Innehållet omfattas av licensen <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0</a>.';
-$a->strings['CC: email addresses'] = 'CC: e-postadresser';
-$a->strings['Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com'] = 'Exempel: adam@exempel.com, bertil@exempel.com';
-$a->strings['The profile address specified does not provide adequate information.'] = 'Angiven profiladress ger inte tillräcklig information.';
-$a->strings['Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you.'] = 'Begränsad profil. Den här personen kommer inte att kunna ta emot personliga meddelanden från dig.';
-$a->strings['Unable to retrieve contact information.'] = 'Det gick inte att nå kontaktinformationen.';
-$a->strings['following'] = 'följer';
+$a->strings['Item not found'] = 'Hittades inte';
+$a->strings['Edit post'] = '&Auml;ndra inl&auml;gg';
+$a->strings['Edit'] = '&Auml;ndra';
+$a->strings['The profile address specified does not provide adequate information.'] = 'Angiven profiladress ger inte tillr&auml;cklig information.';
+$a->strings['Limited profile. This person will be unable to receive direct/personal notifications from you.'] = 'Begr&auml;nsad profil. Den h&auml;r personen kommer inte att kunna ta emot personliga meddelanden fr&aring;n dig.';
+$a->strings['Unable to retrieve contact information.'] = 'Det gick inte att komma &aring;t kontaktinformationen.';
+$a->strings['following'] = 'f&ouml;ljer';
+$a->strings['This is Friendika version'] = 'Det h&auml;r &auml;r Friendika version';
+$a->strings['running at web location'] = 'som k&ouml;rs p&aring;';
+$a->strings['Shared content within the Friendika network is provided under the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>'] = 'Inneh&aring;ll som publiceras inom Friendikan&auml;tverket omfattas av licensen <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>';
+$a->strings['Please visit <a href="http://project.friendika.com">Project.Friendika.com</a> to learn more about the Friendika project.'] = 'G&aring; till <a href="http://project.friendika.com">Project.Friendika.com</a> om du vill l&auml;sa mer om friendikaprojektet.';
+$a->strings['Bug reports and issues: please visit'] = 'Anm&auml;l buggar eller andra problem, g&aring; till';
+$a->strings['Suggestions, praise, donations, etc. - please email "Info" at Friendika - dot com'] = 'F&ouml;rslag, ber&ouml;m, donationer, etc. - skicka e-post till "info at friendika punkt com" ';
+$a->strings['Installed plugins/addons/apps'] = 'Installerade insticksprogram/applikationer';
+$a->strings['No installed plugins/addons/apps'] = 'Inga installerade insticksprogram/applikationer';
$a->strings['Group created.'] = 'Gruppen har skapats.';
$a->strings['Could not create group.'] = 'Det gick inte att skapa gruppen.';
$a->strings['Group not found.'] = 'Gruppen hittades inte.';
-$a->strings['Group name changed.'] = 'Gruppens namn har ändrats.';
-$a->strings['Membership list updated.'] = 'Medlemslistan har uppdaterats.';
+$a->strings['Group name changed.'] = 'Gruppens namn har &auml;ndrats.';
+$a->strings['Create a group of contacts/friends.'] = 'Skapa en grupp med kontakter/v&auml;nner.';
+$a->strings['Group Name: '] = 'Gruppens namn: ';
$a->strings['Group removed.'] = 'Gruppen har tagits bort.';
-$a->strings['Unable to remove group.'] = 'Gruppen kunde inte tas bort.';
-$a->strings["Welcome to "] = "Välkommen till ";
+$a->strings['Unable to remove group.'] = 'Det gick inte att ta bort gruppen.';
+$a->strings['Delete'] = 'Ta bort';
+$a->strings['Click on a contact to add or remove.'] = 'Klicka p&aring; en kontakt f&ouml;r att l&auml;gga till eller ta bort.';
+$a->strings['Group Editor'] = '&Auml;ndra i grupper';
+$a->strings['Members'] = 'Medlemmar';
+$a->strings['All Contacts'] = 'Alla kontakter';
+$a->strings['Help:'] = 'Hj&auml;lp:';
+$a->strings['Help'] = 'Hj&auml;lp';
+$a->strings["Welcome to %s"] = "V&auml;lkommen till %s";
$a->strings['Could not create/connect to database.'] = 'Det gick inte att skapa eller ansluta till databasen.';
$a->strings['Connected to database.'] = 'Ansluten till databasen.';
-$a->strings['Database import succeeded.'] = 'Databasen har importerats.';
+$a->strings['Proceed with Installation'] = 'Forts&auml;tt med installationen';
+$a->strings['Your Friendika site database has been installed.'] = 'Databasen f&ouml;r din friendikasajt har installerats.';
$a->strings['IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller.'] = 'IMPORTANT: You will need to [manually] setup a scheduled task for the poller.';
$a->strings['Please see the file "INSTALL.txt".'] = 'Se filen "INSTALL.txt".';
+$a->strings['Proceed to registration'] = 'G&aring; vidare till registreringen';
$a->strings['Database import failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att importera databasen.';
-$a->strings['You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.'] = 'Du kanske måste importera filen "database.sql" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql.';
-$a->strings['Welcome to Friendika.'] = 'Välkommen till Friendika.';
-$a->strings['Submit'] = 'Skicka';
+$a->strings['You may need to import the file "database.sql" manually using phpmyadmin or mysql.'] = 'Du kanske m&aring;ste importera filen "database.sql" manuellt med phpmyadmin eller mysql.';
+$a->strings['Welcome to Friendika.'] = 'V&auml;lkommen till Friendika.';
+$a->strings['Friendika Social Network'] = 'Det sociala n&auml;tverket Friendika';
+$a->strings['Installation'] = 'Installation';
+$a->strings['In order to install Friendika we need to know how to contact your database.'] = 'In order to install Friendika we need to know how to contact your database.';
+$a->strings['Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.'] = 'Please contact your hosting provider or site administrator if you have questions about these settings.';
+$a->strings['The database you specify below must already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.'] = 'The database you specify below must already exist. If it does not, please create it before continuing.';
+$a->strings['Database Server Name'] = 'Database Server Name';
+$a->strings['Database Login Name'] = 'Database Login Name';
+$a->strings['Database Login Password'] = 'Database Login Password';
+$a->strings['Database Name'] = 'Database Name';
+$a->strings['Please select a default timezone for your website'] = 'Please select a default timezone for your website';
$a->strings['Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.'] = 'Could not find a command line version of PHP in the web server PATH.';
$a->strings['This is required. Please adjust the configuration file .htconfig.php accordingly.'] = 'This is required. Please adjust the configuration file .htconfig.php accordingly.';
$a->strings['The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.'] = 'The command line version of PHP on your system does not have "register_argc_argv" enabled.';
-$a->strings['This is required for message delivery to work.'] = 'Det krävs för att meddelanden ska kunna levereras.';
+$a->strings['This is required for message delivery to work.'] = 'Det kr&auml;vs f&ouml;r att meddelanden ska kunna levereras.';
$a->strings['Error: the "openssl_pkey_new" function on this system is not able to generate encryption keys'] = 'Fel: funktionen "openssl_pkey_new" kan inte skapa krypteringsnycklar';
-$a->strings['If running under Windows, please see "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php".'] = 'Läs mer på "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php" om du kör Windows.';
+$a->strings['If running under Windows, please see "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php".'] = 'L&auml;s mer p&aring; "http://www.php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php" om du k&ouml;r Windows.';
$a->strings['Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.'] = 'Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed.';
$a->strings['Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.'] = 'Error: libCURL PHP module required but not installed.';
$a->strings['Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.'] = 'Error: GD graphics PHP module with JPEG support required but not installed.';
@@ -243,195 +297,331 @@ $a->strings['Please check with your site documentation or support people to see
$a->strings['If not, you may be required to perform a manual installation. Please see the file "INSTALL.txt" for instructions.'] = 'If not, you may be required to perform a manual installation. Please see the file "INSTALL.txt" for instructions.';
$a->strings['The database configuration file ".htconfig.php" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root.'] = 'The database configuration file ".htconfig.php" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root.';
$a->strings['Errors encountered creating database tables.'] = 'Fel vid skapandet av databastabeller.';
-$a->strings[' : '] = ' : ';
-$a->strings['Not a valid email address.'] = 'Ogiltig e-postadress.';
-$a->strings['Please join my network on '] = 'Gå med i mitt nätverk på ';
-$a->strings['Message delivery failed.'] = 'Meddelandet kom inte fram.';
-$a->strings[' messages sent.'] = ' meddelanden har skickats.';
-$a->strings['Send invitations'] = 'Send invitations';
+$a->strings['%s : Not a valid email address.'] = '%s : Ogiltig e-postadress.';
+$a->strings['%s : Message delivery failed.'] = '%s : Meddelandet kom inte fram.';
+$a->strings['Send invitations'] = 'Skicka inbjudningar';
$a->strings['Enter email addresses, one per line:'] = 'Ange e-postadresser, en per rad:';
-$a->strings['Please join my social network on '] = 'Gå med i mitt sociala nätverk på ';
-$a->strings['To accept this invitation, please visit:'] = 'Gå hit för att tacka ja till inbjudan:';
-$a->strings['Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:'] = 'Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:';
-$a->strings['Unable to locate original post.'] = 'Unable to locate original post.';
-$a->strings['Empty post discarded.'] = 'Empty post discarded.';
-$a->strings[" commented on your item at "] = " commented on your item at ";
-$a->strings[" posted on your profile wall at "] = " posted on your profile wall at ";
-$a->strings['System error. Post not saved.'] = 'Systemfel. Inlägget sparades inte.';
-$a->strings['This message was sent to you by '] = 'Du har fått det här meddelandet av ';
-$a->strings[', a member of the Friendika social network.'] = ', medlem i det sociala nätverket Friendika.';
-$a->strings['You may visit them online at'] = 'Besök online på';
-$a->strings['Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages.'] = 'Kontakta avsändaren genom att svara på det här meddelandet om du inte vill ha sådana här meddelanden.';
-$a->strings['posted an update.'] = 'gjorde en uppdatering.';
-$a->strings['photo'] = 'foto';
+$a->strings['Your message:'] = 'Meddelande:';
+$a->strings['To accept this invitation, please visit:'] = 'G&aring; hit f&ouml;r att tacka ja till inbjudan:';
+$a->strings['Once you have registered, please connect with me via my profile page at:'] = 'Vi kan bli kontakter via min profil. Bes&ouml;k min profil h&auml;r n&auml;r du har registrerat dig:';
+$a->strings["%d message sent."] = array(
+ 0 => "%d meddelande har skickats.",
+ 1 => "%d meddelanden har skickats.",
+$a->strings['Unable to locate original post.'] = 'Hittar inte det ursprungliga inl&auml;gget.';
+$a->strings['Empty post discarded.'] = 'Tomt inl&auml;gg. Inte sparat.';
+$a->strings['Wall Photos'] = 'Loggbilder';
+$a->strings["%s commented on your item at %s"] = "%s har kommenterat ditt inl&auml;gg p&aring; %s";
+$a->strings["%s posted on your profile wall at %s"] = "%s har gjort ett inl&auml;gg p&aring; din logg p&aring; %s";
+$a->strings['System error. Post not saved.'] = 'N&aring;got gick fel. Inl&auml;gget sparades inte.';
+$a->strings['You may visit them online at'] = 'Bes&ouml;k online p&aring;';
+$a->strings['Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages.'] = 'Kontakta avs&auml;ndaren genom att svara p&aring; det h&auml;r meddelandet om du inte vill ha s&aring;dana h&auml;r meddelanden.';
+$a->strings['%s posted an update.'] = '%s har gjort ett inl&auml;gg.';
+$a->strings['photo'] = 'bild';
$a->strings['status'] = 'status';
-$a->strings['likes'] = 'gillar';
-$a->strings['doesn\'t like'] = 'ogillar';
-$a->strings['\'s'] = 's';
+$a->strings['%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s'] = '%1$s gillar %2$s\'s %3$s';
+$a->strings['%1$s doesn\'t like %2$s\'s %3$s'] = '%1$s ogillar %2$s\'s %3$s';
$a->strings['Remote privacy information not available.'] = 'Remote privacy information not available.';
-$a->strings['Visible to:'] = 'Synlig för:';
-$a->strings['Password reset requested at '] = 'Lösenordsåterställning begärd kl ';
-$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "Välkommen tillbaka ";
-$a->strings['Manage Identities and/or Pages'] = 'Ändra identitet eller sidor';
-$a->strings["\x28Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.\x29"] = "\x28Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.\x29";
-$a->strings['Select an identity to manage: '] = 'Välj vilken identitet du vill ändra: ';
-$a->strings['Normal View'] = 'Normal vy';
-$a->strings['New Item View'] = 'New Item View';
-$a->strings['Share'] = 'Dela';
-$a->strings['Insert YouTube video'] = 'Infoga klipp från YouTube';
-$a->strings['Set your location'] = 'Ange plats';
-$a->strings['Clear browser location'] = 'Clear browser location';
-$a->strings['Permission settings'] = 'Åtkomstinställningar';
-$a->strings['No such group'] = 'Gruppen finns inte';
-$a->strings['Group is empty'] = 'Gruppen är tom';
-$a->strings['Group: '] = 'Grupp: ';
-$a->strings['View in context'] = 'Se i sitt sammanhang';
+$a->strings['Visible to:'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r:';
+$a->strings['Password reset request issued. Check your email.'] = 'Nytt l&ouml;senord har beg&auml;rts. Kolla din mail.';
+$a->strings['Password reset requested at %s'] = 'Nytt l&ouml;senord p&aring; %s har beg&auml;rts';
+$a->strings["Request could not be verified. \x28You may have previously submitted it.\x29 Password reset failed."] = "Beg&auml;ran kunde inte verifieras. (Du kanske redan skickat den?) Det gick inte att byta l&ouml;senord.";
+$a->strings['Your password has been reset as requested.'] = 'Nu har du f&aring;tt ett nytt l&ouml;senord.';
+$a->strings['Your new password is'] = 'Det nya l&ouml;senordet &auml;r';
+$a->strings['Save or copy your new password - and then'] = 'Spara eller kopiera l&ouml;senordet och';
+$a->strings['click here to login'] = 'klicka h&auml;r f&ouml;r att logga in';
+$a->strings['Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login.'] = 'N&auml;r du loggat in kan du byta l&ouml;senord p&aring; sidan <em>Inst&auml;llningar</em>.';
+$a->strings['Forgot your Password?'] = 'Gl&ouml;mt l&ouml;senordet?';
+$a->strings['Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.'] = 'Ange din e-postadress f&ouml;r att f&aring; ett nytt l&ouml;senord. Du kommer att f&aring; ett meddelande med vidare instruktioner via e-post.';
+$a->strings['Nickname or Email: '] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamn eller e-post:';
+$a->strings['Reset'] = 'Skicka';
+$a->strings["Welcome back %s"] = "V&auml;lkommen tillbaka %s";
+$a->strings['Manage Identities and/or Pages'] = 'Hantera identiteter eller sidor';
+$a->strings["\x28Toggle between different identities or community/group pages which share your account details.\x29"] = "(V&auml;xla mellan olika identiteter eller gemenskaper/gruppsidor som &auml;r kopplade till ditt konto.)";
+$a->strings['Select an identity to manage: '] = 'V&auml;lj vilken identitet du vill hantera: ';
+$a->strings['Profile Match'] = 'Matcha profiler';
+$a->strings['No matches'] = 'Ingen tr&auml;ff';
+$a->strings['No recipient selected.'] = 'Ingen mottagare har valts.';
+$a->strings['[no subject]'] = '[ingen rubrik]';
+$a->strings['Unable to locate contact information.'] = 'Det gick inte att hitta kontaktuppgifterna.';
+$a->strings['Message sent.'] = 'Meddelandet har skickats.';
+$a->strings['Message could not be sent.'] = 'Det gick inte att skicka meddelandet.';
+$a->strings['Messages'] = 'Meddelanden';
+$a->strings['Inbox'] = 'Inkorg';
+$a->strings['Outbox'] = 'Utkorg';
+$a->strings['New Message'] = 'Nytt meddelande';
+$a->strings['Message deleted.'] = 'Meddelandet togs bort.';
+$a->strings['Conversation removed.'] = 'Konversationen togs bort.';
+$a->strings['Send Private Message'] = 'Skicka personligt meddelande';
+$a->strings['To:'] = 'Till:';
+$a->strings['Subject:'] = 'Rubrik:';
+$a->strings['No messages.'] = 'Inga meddelanden.';
+$a->strings['Delete conversation'] = 'Ta bort konversation';
+$a->strings['D, d M Y - g:i A'] = 'D, d M Y - g:i A';
+$a->strings['Message not available.'] = 'Meddelandet &auml;r inte tillg&auml;ngligt.';
+$a->strings['Delete message'] = 'Ta bort meddelande';
+$a->strings['Send Reply'] = 'Skicka svar';
$a->strings['Invalid request identifier.'] = 'Invalid request identifier.';
-$a->strings['Discard'] = 'Kasta bort';
+$a->strings['Discard'] = 'Ta bort';
$a->strings['Ignore'] = 'Ignorera';
-$a->strings['Show Ignored Requests'] = 'Show Ignored Requests';
-$a->strings['Hide Ignored Requests'] = 'Hide Ignored Requests';
-$a->strings['Claims to be known to you: '] = 'Hävdar att du vet vem han/hon är: ';
+$a->strings['Pending Friend/Connect Notifications'] = 'V&auml;ntande kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar';
+$a->strings['Show Ignored Requests'] = 'Visa f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar du ignorerat';
+$a->strings['Hide Ignored Requests'] = 'D&ouml;lj f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar du ignorerat';
+$a->strings['Claims to be known to you: '] = 'H&auml;vdar att du vet vem han/hon &auml;r: ';
$a->strings['yes'] = 'ja';
$a->strings['no'] = 'nej';
-$a->strings['Approve as: '] = 'Godkänn som: ';
-$a->strings['Friend'] = 'Vän';
+$a->strings['Approve as: '] = 'Godk&auml;nn och l&auml;gg till som: ';
+$a->strings['Friend'] = 'V&auml;n';
$a->strings['Fan/Admirer'] = 'Fan/Beundrare';
-$a->strings['Notification type: '] = 'Notification type: ';
-$a->strings['Friend/Connect Request'] = 'Friend/Connect Request';
-$a->strings['New Follower'] = 'New Follower';
-$a->strings['Approve'] = 'Godkänn';
+$a->strings['Notification type: '] = 'Typ av avisering: ';
+$a->strings['Friend/Connect Request'] = 'V&auml;n- eller kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan';
+$a->strings['New Follower'] = 'En som vill f&ouml;lja dig';
+$a->strings['Approve'] = 'Godk&auml;nn';
$a->strings['No notifications.'] = 'Inga aviseringar.';
+$a->strings['User registrations waiting for confirm'] = 'Anv&auml;ndare som registrerat sig och inv&auml;ntar godk&auml;nnande';
+$a->strings['Deny'] = 'Avsl&aring;';
$a->strings['No registrations.'] = 'Inga registreringar.';
+$a->strings['Post successful.'] = 'Inlagt.';
$a->strings['Login failed.'] = 'Inloggningen misslyckades.';
+$a->strings["Welcome back "] = "V&auml;lkommen tillbaka ";
$a->strings['Photo Albums'] = 'Fotoalbum';
-$a->strings['Contact Photos'] = 'Contact Photos';
-$a->strings['Contact information unavailable'] = 'Kontaktinformationen är inte tillgänglig';
+$a->strings['Contact Photos'] = 'Dina kontakters bilder';
+$a->strings['Contact information unavailable'] = 'Kommer inte &aring;t kontaktuppgifter.';
$a->strings['Profile Photos'] = 'Profilbilder';
$a->strings['Album not found.'] = 'Albumet finns inte.';
$a->strings['Delete Album'] = 'Ta bort album';
-$a->strings['Delete Photo'] = 'Ta bort foto';
+$a->strings['Delete Photo'] = 'Ta bort bild';
$a->strings['was tagged in a'] = 'har taggats i';
$a->strings['by'] = 'av';
-$a->strings['Image exceeds size limit of '] = 'Bilden överskrider den tillåtna storleken ';
-$a->strings['Unable to process image.'] = 'Bilden kunde inte bahandlas.';
+$a->strings['Image exceeds size limit of '] = 'Bilden &ouml;verskrider den till&aring;tna storleken ';
+$a->strings['Unable to process image.'] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden.';
$a->strings['Image upload failed.'] = 'Fel vid bilduppladdning.';
-$a->strings['No photos selected'] = 'Inga foton har valts';
-$a->strings['Upload Photos'] = 'Ladda upp foton';
+$a->strings['No photos selected'] = 'Inga bilder har valts';
+$a->strings['Upload Photos'] = 'Ladda upp bilder';
$a->strings['New album name: '] = 'Nytt album med namn: ';
$a->strings['or existing album name: '] = 'eller befintligt album med namn: ';
-$a->strings['Permissions'] = 'Åtkomst';
+$a->strings['Permissions'] = '&Aring;tkomst';
$a->strings['Edit Album'] = 'Redigera album';
-$a->strings['View Photo'] = 'Visa foto';
-$a->strings['Photo not available'] = 'Fotot är inte tillgängligt';
-$a->strings['Edit photo'] = 'Redigera foto';
+$a->strings['View Photo'] = 'Visa bild';
+$a->strings['Photo not available'] = 'Bilden &auml;r inte tillg&auml;nglig';
+$a->strings['Edit photo'] = 'Hantera bild';
+$a->strings['Private Message'] = 'Personligt meddelande';
+$a->strings['<< Prev'] = '<< F&ouml;reg';
$a->strings['View Full Size'] = 'Visa fullstor';
+$a->strings['Next >>'] = 'N&auml;sta >>';
$a->strings['Tags: '] = 'Taggar: ';
$a->strings['[Remove any tag]'] = '[Remove any tag]';
$a->strings['New album name'] = 'Nytt album med namn';
$a->strings['Caption'] = 'Caption';
-$a->strings['Add a Tag'] = 'Lägg till tagg';
+$a->strings['Add a Tag'] = 'L&auml;gg till tagg';
$a->strings['Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com, #California, #camping'] = 'Exempel: @adam, @Anna_Andersson, @johan@exempel.com, #Stockholm, #camping';
-$a->strings['Recent Photos'] = 'Nyligen tillagda foton';
-$a->strings['Upload New Photos'] = 'Ladda upp foton';
+$a->strings["I like this \x28toggle\x29"] = "Jag gillar det h&auml;r (v&auml;xla)";
+$a->strings["I don't like this \x28toggle\x29"] = "Jag ogillar det h&auml;r (v&auml;xla)";
+$a->strings['This is you'] = 'Det h&auml;r &auml;r du';
+$a->strings['Recent Photos'] = 'Nyligen tillagda bilder';
+$a->strings['Upload New Photos'] = 'Ladda upp bilder';
$a->strings['View Album'] = 'Titta i album';
-$a->strings['Image uploaded but image cropping failed.'] = 'Bilden laddades upp men det blev fel när den skulle beskäras.';
-$a->strings['Image size reduction [175] failed.'] = 'Fel när bildstorlek skulle minskas [175].';
-$a->strings['Image size reduction [80] failed.'] = 'Fel när bildstorlek skulle minskas [80].';
-$a->strings['Image size reduction [48] failed.'] = 'Fel när bildstorlek skulle minskas [48].';
+$a->strings['Status'] = 'Status';
+$a->strings['Profile'] = 'Profil';
+$a->strings['Photos'] = 'Bilder';
+$a->strings['Image uploaded but image cropping failed.'] = 'Bilden laddades upp men det blev fel n&auml;r den skulle besk&auml;ras.';
$a->strings['Unable to process image'] = 'Det gick inte att behandla bilden';
+$a->strings['Upload File:'] = 'Ladda upp fil:';
+$a->strings['Upload Profile Photo'] = 'Ladda upp profilbild';
+$a->strings['Upload'] = 'Ladda upp';
+$a->strings['or'] = 'eller';
+$a->strings['select a photo from your photo albums'] = 'v&auml;lj en bild fr&aring;n ett album';
+$a->strings['Crop Image'] = 'Besk&auml;r bild';
+$a->strings['Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing.'] = 'V&auml;lj hur bilden ska besk&auml;ras f&ouml;r att bli s&aring; bra som m&ouml;jligt.';
+$a->strings['Done Editing'] = 'Spara';
$a->strings['Image uploaded successfully.'] = 'Bilden har laddats upp.';
-$a->strings['Image size reduction [640] failed.'] = 'Fel när bildstorlek skulle minskas [640].';
-$a->strings['Profile Name is required.'] = 'Profilen måste ha ett namn.';
+$a->strings['Profile Name is required.'] = 'Profilen m&aring;ste ha ett namn.';
$a->strings['Profile updated.'] = 'Profilen har uppdaterats.';
$a->strings['Profile deleted.'] = 'Profilen har tagits bort.';
$a->strings['Profile-'] = 'Profil-';
$a->strings['New profile created.'] = 'En ny profil har skapats.';
$a->strings['Profile unavailable to clone.'] = 'Det gick inte att klona profilen.';
-$a->strings['This is your <strong>public</strong> profile.<br />It <strong>may</strong> be visible to anybody using the internet.'] = 'Det här är din <strong>offentliga</strong> profil.<br />Den <strong>kan</strong> vara synlig för vem som helst på internet.';
-$a->strings['Age: '] = 'Ålder: ';
+$a->strings['Hide my contact/friend list from viewers of this profile?'] = 'D&ouml;lj min kontaktlista f&ouml;r personer som ser den h&auml;r profilen?';
+$a->strings['Edit Profile Details'] = '&Auml;ndra profilen';
+$a->strings['View this profile'] = 'Titta p&aring; profilen';
+$a->strings['Create a new profile using these settings'] = 'Skapa en ny profil med dessa inst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['Clone this profile'] = 'Kopiera profil';
+$a->strings['Delete this profile'] = 'Ta bort profil';
+$a->strings['Profile Name:'] = 'Profilens namn:';
+$a->strings['Your Full Name:'] = 'Fullst&auml;ndigt namn:';
+$a->strings['Title/Description:'] = 'Titel/Beskrivning:';
+$a->strings['Your Gender:'] = 'K&ouml;n:';
+$a->strings["Birthday \x28y/m/d\x29:"] = "F&ouml;delsedag \x28y/m/d\x29:";
+$a->strings['Street Address:'] = 'Gatuadress:';
+$a->strings['Locality/City:'] = 'Plats/Stad:';
+$a->strings['Postal/Zip Code:'] = 'Postnummer:';
+$a->strings['Country:'] = 'Land:';
+$a->strings['Region/State:'] = 'Region:';
+$a->strings['<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Marital Status:'] = '<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Civilst&aring;nd:';
+$a->strings["Who: \x28if applicable\x29"] = "Vem: (om till&auml;mpligt)";
+$a->strings['Examples: cathy123, Cathy Williams, cathy@example.com'] = 'Exempel: kalle123, Johanna Johansson, pelle@exempel.com';
+$a->strings['Sexual Preference:'] = 'Sexualitet';
+$a->strings['Homepage URL:'] = 'Hemsida: (URL)';
+$a->strings['Political Views:'] = 'Politisk &aring;sk&aring;dning:';
+$a->strings['Religious Views:'] = 'Religion:';
+$a->strings['Public Keywords:'] = 'Offentliga nyckelord:';
+$a->strings['Private Keywords:'] = 'Privata nyckelord:';
+$a->strings['Example: fishing photography software'] = 'Exempel: fiske fotografering programmering';
+$a->strings["\x28Used for suggesting potential friends, can be seen by others\x29"] = "(Obs, synliga f&ouml;r andra. Anv&auml;nds f&ouml;r att f&ouml;resl&aring; potentiella v&auml;nner.)";
+$a->strings["\x28Used for searching profiles, never shown to others\x29"] = "(Obs, kan ge s&ouml;ktr&auml;ffar vid s&ouml;kning av profiler. Visas annars inte f&ouml;r andra.)";
+$a->strings['Tell us about yourself...'] = 'Beskriv dig sj&auml;lv...';
+$a->strings['Hobbies/Interests'] = 'Hobbys/Intressen';
+$a->strings['Contact information and Social Networks'] = 'Kontaktuppgifter och sociala n&auml;tverk';
+$a->strings['Musical interests'] = 'Musik';
+$a->strings['Books, literature'] = 'B&ouml;cker, litteratur';
+$a->strings['Television'] = 'TV';
+$a->strings['Film/dance/culture/entertainment'] = 'Film/Dans/Kultur/N&ouml;je';
+$a->strings['Love/romance'] = 'K&auml;rlek/Romantik';
+$a->strings['Work/employment'] = 'Arbete';
+$a->strings['School/education'] = 'Skola/Utbildning';
+$a->strings['This is your <strong>public</strong> profile.<br />It <strong>may</strong> be visible to anybody using the internet.'] = 'Det h&auml;r &auml;r din <strong>offentliga</strong> profil.<br />Den <strong>kan vara synlig f&ouml;r vem som helst</strong> p&aring; internet.';
+$a->strings['Profiles'] = 'Profiler';
+$a->strings['Change profile photo'] = 'Byt profilbild';
+$a->strings['Create New Profile'] = 'Skapa ny profil';
$a->strings['Profile Image'] = 'Profilbild';
+$a->strings['Visible to everybody'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r alla';
+$a->strings['Edit visibility'] = '&Auml;nda vilka som ska kunna se';
+$a->strings['Invalid profile identifier.'] = 'Ogiltigt profil-ID.';
+$a->strings['Profile Visibility Editor'] = '&Auml;nda vilka som ska kunna se profil';
+$a->strings['Visible To'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r';
+$a->strings["All Contacts \x28with secure profile access\x29"] = "Alla kontakter (med s&auml;ker tillg&aring;ng till din profil)";
$a->strings['Invalid OpenID url'] = 'Ogiltig OpenID-URL';
-$a->strings['Please enter the required information.'] = 'Fyll i alla obligatoriska fält.';
-$a->strings['Please use a shorter name.'] = 'Välj ett kortare namn.';
-$a->strings['Name too short.'] = 'Namnet är för kort.';
-$a->strings["That doesn\'t appear to be your full \x28First Last\x29 name."] = "Du verkar inte ha angett ditt fullständiga namn.";
-$a->strings['Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site.'] = 'Din epostdomän är inte tillåten på den här webbplatsen.';
-$a->strings['Cannot use that email.'] = 'Får inte använda den e-postadressen.';
-$a->strings['Your "nickname" can only contain "a-z", "0-9", "-", and "_", and must also begin with a letter.'] = 'Ditt användarnamn får bara innehålla "a-z", "0-9", "-" och "_", och måste dessutom börja med en bokstav.';
-$a->strings['Nickname is already registered. Please choose another.'] = 'Användarnamnet är upptaget. Välj ett annat.';
+$a->strings['Please enter the required information.'] = 'Fyll i alla obligatoriska f&auml;lt.';
+$a->strings['Please use a shorter name.'] = 'V&auml;lj ett kortare namn.';
+$a->strings['Name too short.'] = 'Namnet &auml;r f&ouml;r kort.';
+$a->strings["That doesn't appear to be your full \x28First Last\x29 name."] = 'Du verkar inte ha angett ditt fullst&auml;ndiga namn.';
+$a->strings['Your email domain is not among those allowed on this site.'] = 'Din e-postdom&auml;n &auml;r inte till&aring;ten p&aring; den h&auml;r webbplatsen.';
+$a->strings['Not a valid email address.'] = 'Ogiltig e-postadress.';
+$a->strings['Cannot use that email.'] = 'Otill&aring;ten e-postadress.';
+$a->strings['Your "nickname" can only contain "a-z", "0-9", "-", and "_", and must also begin with a letter.'] = 'Ditt anv&auml;ndarnamn f&aring;r bara inneh&aring;lla a-z, 0-9, - och _, och m&aring;ste dessutom b&ouml;rja med en bokstav.';
+$a->strings['Nickname is already registered. Please choose another.'] = 'Anv&auml;ndarnamnet &auml;r upptaget. V&auml;lj ett annat.';
$a->strings['SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed.'] = 'SERIOUS ERROR: Generation of security keys failed.';
-$a->strings['An error occurred during registration. Please try again.'] = 'Något gick fel vid registreringen. Försök igen.';
-$a->strings['An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again.'] = 'An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again.';
-$a->strings['Registration details for '] = 'Registration details for ';
-$a->strings['Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions.'] = 'Registrering klar. Kolla din e-post för vidare instruktioner.';
-$a->strings['Failed to send email message. Here is the message that failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att skicka e-brevet. Här är meddelandet som inte kunde skickas.';
-$a->strings['Your registration can not be processed.'] = 'Det går inte att behandla registreringen.';
-$a->strings['Registration request at '] = 'Registration request at ';
-$a->strings['Your registration is pending approval by the site owner.'] = 'Din registrering inväntar godkännande av webbplatsens ägare.';
-$a->strings["You may \x28optionally\x29 fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "You may \x28optionally\x29 fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'.";
-$a->strings['If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items.'] = 'Om du inte känner till OpenID kan du lämna det fältet tomt och fylla i resten.';
-$a->strings["Your OpenID \x28optional\x29: "] = "Ditt OpenID \x28krävs ej\x29: ";
-$a->strings['Members of this network prefer to communicate with real people who use their real names.'] = 'Medlemmarna i det här nätverket föredrar att kommunicera med riktiga människor som använder sina riktiga namn.';
-$a->strings['Include your profile in member directory?'] = 'Inkludera din profil i medlemskatalogen?';
+$a->strings['An error occurred during registration. Please try again.'] = 'N&aring;got gick fel vid registreringen. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen.';
+$a->strings['An error occurred creating your default profile. Please try again.'] = 'Det blev fel n&auml;r din standardprofil skulle skapas. Prova igen.';
+$a->strings['Registration successful. Please check your email for further instructions.'] = 'Registrering klar. Kolla din e-post f&ouml;r vidare information.';
+$a->strings['Failed to send email message. Here is the message that failed.'] = 'Det gick inte att skicka e-brevet. H&auml;r &auml;r meddelandet som inte kunde skickas.';
+$a->strings['Your registration can not be processed.'] = 'Det g&aring;r inte att behandla registreringen.';
+$a->strings['Your registration is pending approval by the site owner.'] = 'Din registrering inv&auml;ntar godk&auml;nnande av webbplatsens &auml;gare.';
+$a->strings["You may \x28optionally\x29 fill in this form via OpenID by supplying your OpenID and clicking 'Register'."] = "Om du vill kan du fylla i detta formul&auml;r via OpenID genom att ange ditt OpenID och klicka p&aring; Registrera.";
+$a->strings['If you are not familiar with OpenID, please leave that field blank and fill in the rest of the items.'] = 'Om du inte vet vad OpenID &auml;r, eller inte vill anv&auml;nda det, kan du l&auml;mna det f&auml;ltet tomt och fylla i resten.';
+$a->strings["Your OpenID \x28optional\x29: "] = "OpenID (om du vill): ";
+$a->strings['Members of this network prefer to communicate with real people who use their real names.'] = 'Medlemmarna i det h&auml;r n&auml;tverket f&ouml;redrar att kommunicera med riktiga m&auml;nniskor som anv&auml;nder sina riktiga namn.';
+$a->strings['Include your profile in member directory?'] = 'Ta med profilen i medlemskatalogen?';
$a->strings['Registration'] = 'Registrering';
-$a->strings['Your Full Name ' . "\x28" . 'e.g. Joe Smith' . "\x29" . ': '] = 'Ditt fullständiga namn ' . "\x28" . 't. ex. Karl Karlsson' . "\x29" . ': ';
-$a->strings['Your Email Address: '] = 'Din e-postadress: ';
-$a->strings['Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be \'<strong>nickname@$sitename</strong>\'.'] = 'Välj ett användarnamn. Det måste inledas med en bokstav. Din profiladress på den här webbplatsen blir \'<strong>användarnamn@$sitename</strong>\'.';
-$a->strings['Choose a nickname: '] = 'Välj ett användarnamn: ';
+$a->strings['Your Full Name ' . "\x28" . 'e.g. Joe Smith' . "\x29" . ': '] = 'Fullst&auml;ndigt namn ' . "\x28" . 't. ex. Karl Karlsson' . "\x29" . ': ';
+$a->strings['Your Email Address: '] = 'E-postadress: ';
+$a->strings['Choose a profile nickname. This must begin with a text character. Your profile address on this site will then be \'<strong>nickname@$sitename</strong>\'.'] = 'V&auml;lj ett anv&auml;ndarnamn. Det m&aring;ste inledas med en bokstav. Din profiladress p&aring; den h&auml;r webbplatsen blir \'<strong>anv&auml;ndarnamn@$sitename</strong>\'.';
+$a->strings['Choose a nickname: '] = 'V&auml;lj ett anv&auml;ndarnamn: ';
$a->strings['Please login.'] = 'Logga in.';
-$a->strings['Registration revoked for '] = 'Registration revoked for ';
-$a->strings['Account approved.'] = 'Kontot har godkänts.';
+$a->strings['Account approved.'] = 'Kontot har godk&auml;nts.';
$a->strings['Remove My Account'] = 'Ta bort mitt konto';
-$a->strings['This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable.'] = 'Detta kommer att ta bort kontot helt och hållet. Efter att det är gjort går det inte att återställa.';
-$a->strings['Please enter your password for verification:'] = 'Ange lösenordet igen för jämförelse:';
-$a->strings['Passwords do not match. Password unchanged.'] = 'Lösenorden skiljer sig åt. Lösenordet ändras inte.';
-$a->strings['Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged.'] = 'Lösenordet får inte vara blankt. Lösenordet ändras inte.';
-$a->strings['Password changed.'] = 'Lösenordet har ändrats.';
-$a->strings['Password update failed. Please try again.'] = 'Det blev fel när lösenordet skulle ändras. Försök igen.';
-$a->strings[' Please use a shorter name.'] = ' Använd ett kortare namn.';
-$a->strings[' Name too short.'] = ' Namnet är för kort.';
+$a->strings['This will completely remove your account. Once this has been done it is not recoverable.'] = 'Detta kommer att ta bort kontot helt och h&aring;llet. Efter att det &auml;r gjort g&aring;r det inte att &aring;terst&auml;lla.';
+$a->strings['Please enter your password for verification:'] = 'Ange l&ouml;senordet igen f&ouml;r s&auml;kerhets skull:';
+$a->strings['No results.'] = 'Inga resultat.';
+$a->strings['Passwords do not match. Password unchanged.'] = 'L&ouml;senorden skiljer sig &aring;t. L&ouml;senordet &auml;ndras inte.';
+$a->strings['Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged.'] = 'L&ouml;senordet f&aring;r inte vara blankt. L&ouml;senordet &auml;ndras inte.';
+$a->strings['Password changed.'] = 'L&ouml;senordet har &auml;ndrats.';
+$a->strings['Password update failed. Please try again.'] = 'Det blev fel n&auml;r l&ouml;senordet skulle &auml;ndras. F&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen.';
+$a->strings[' Please use a shorter name.'] = ' Anv&auml;nd ett kortare namn.';
+$a->strings[' Name too short.'] = ' Namnet &auml;r f&ouml;r kort.';
$a->strings[' Not valid email.'] = ' Ogiltig e-postadress.';
-$a->strings[' Cannot change to that email.'] = ' Ändring till den e-postadressen görs inte.';
-$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Inställningarna har uppdaterats.';
-$a->strings['Plugin Settings'] = 'Plugin Settings';
-$a->strings['Account Settings'] = 'Kontoinställningar';
-$a->strings['No Plugin settings configured'] = 'No Plugin settings configured';
+$a->strings[' Cannot change to that email.'] = ' &Auml;ndring till den e-postadressen g&ouml;rs inte.';
+$a->strings['Settings updated.'] = 'Inst&auml;llningarna har uppdaterats.';
+$a->strings['Plugin Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r insticksprogram';
+$a->strings['Account Settings'] = 'Kontoinst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['No Plugin settings configured'] = 'Det finns inga inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r insticksprogram';
+$a->strings['Normal Account'] = 'Vanligt konto';
+$a->strings['This account is a normal personal profile'] = 'Kontot &auml;r ett vanligt personligt konto';
+$a->strings['Soapbox Account'] = 'Konto med env&auml;gskommunikation';
+$a->strings['Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-only fans'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som fans. De kan se vad du skriver men har inte samma r&auml;ttigheter som v&auml;nner.';
+$a->strings['Community/Celebrity Account'] = 'Gemenskap eller k&auml;ndiskonto.';
+$a->strings['Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as read-write fans'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som fans med fullst&auml;ndig tv&aring;v&auml;gskommunikation.';
+$a->strings['Automatic Friend Account'] = 'Konto med automatiskt godk&auml;nnande av v&auml;nner.';
+$a->strings['Automatically approve all connection/friend requests as friends'] = 'Kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns automatiskt som v&auml;nner.';
$a->strings['OpenID: '] = 'OpenID: ';
-$a->strings["&nbsp;\x28Optional\x29 Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = "&nbsp;\x28Valfritt\x29 Tillåt inloggning med detta OpenID på det här kontot.";
-$a->strings['Profile is <strong>not published</strong>.'] = 'Profilen är <strong>inte publicerad</strong>.';
-$a->strings['Default Post Permissions'] = 'Default Post Permissions';
+$a->strings["&nbsp;\x28Optional\x29 Allow this OpenID to login to this account."] = "&nbsp;\x28Valfritt\x29 Till&aring;t inloggning med detta OpenID p&aring; det h&auml;r kontot.";
+$a->strings['Publish your default profile in site directory?'] = 'Vill du att din standardprofil ska synas i den h&auml;r sajtens medlemskatalog?';
+$a->strings['Publish your default profile in global social directory?'] = 'Vill du att din standardprofil ska synas i den globala medlemskatalogen?';
+$a->strings['Profile is <strong>not published</strong>.'] = 'Profilen &auml;r <strong>inte publicerad</strong>.';
+$a->strings['Your Identity Address is'] = 'Din adress, ditt ID, &auml;r';
+$a->strings['Export Personal Data'] = 'Exportera personlig information';
+$a->strings['Basic Settings'] = 'Grundl&auml;ggande inst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['Full Name:'] = 'Fullst&auml;ndigt namn:';
+$a->strings['Email Address:'] = 'E-postadress:';
+$a->strings['Your Timezone:'] = 'Tidszon:';
+$a->strings['Default Post Location:'] = 'Default Post Location:';
+$a->strings['Use Browser Location:'] = 'Anv&auml;nd webbl&auml;sarens positionering:';
+$a->strings['Display Theme:'] = 'Tema/utseende:';
+$a->strings['Security and Privacy Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r s&auml;kerhet och sekretess';
+$a->strings['Maximum Friend Requests/Day:'] = 'Maximalt antal kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar per dygn:';
+$a->strings["\x28to prevent spam abuse\x29"] = "(f&ouml;r att motverka spam)";
+$a->strings['Allow friends to post to your profile page:'] = 'L&aring;t kontakter g&ouml;ra inl&auml;gg p&aring; din profilsida:';
+$a->strings["Automatically expire \x28delete\x29 posts older than"] = "Ta automatiskt bort inl&auml;gg som &auml;r &auml;ldre &auml;n";
+$a->strings['days'] = 'dagar';
+$a->strings['Notification Settings'] = 'Aviseringsinst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['Send a notification email when:'] = 'Skicka ett aviseringsmail n&auml;r:';
+$a->strings['You receive an introduction'] = 'En kontaktf&ouml;rfr&aring;gan anl&auml;nder';
+$a->strings['Your introductions are confirmed'] = 'Dina f&ouml;rfr&aring;gningar godk&auml;nns';
+$a->strings['Someone writes on your profile wall'] = 'N&aring;gon g&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; din profilsida';
+$a->strings['Someone writes a followup comment'] = 'N&aring;gon g&ouml;r ett inl&auml;gg i samma tr&aring;d som du';
+$a->strings['You receive a private message'] = 'Du f&aring;r personliga meddelanden';
+$a->strings['Password Settings'] = 'L&ouml;senordsinst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['Leave password fields blank unless changing'] = 'L&auml;mna f&auml;ltet tomt om du inte vill byta l&ouml;senord';
+$a->strings['New Password:'] = 'Nytt l&ouml;senord';
+$a->strings['Confirm:'] = 'Bekr&auml;fta (repetera):';
+$a->strings['Advanced Page Settings'] = 'Avancerat';
+$a->strings['Default Post Permissions'] = 'Standard&aring;tkomst f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg';
+$a->strings["\x28click to open/close\x29"] = "(klicka f&ouml;r att &ouml;ppna/st&auml;nga)";
$a->strings['Tag removed'] = 'Taggen har tagits bort';
$a->strings['Remove Item Tag'] = 'Ta bort tagg';
-$a->strings['Select a tag to remove: '] = 'Välj vilken tagg som ska tas bort: ';
+$a->strings['Select a tag to remove: '] = 'V&auml;lj vilken tagg som ska tas bort: ';
$a->strings['Remove'] = 'Ta bort';
$a->strings['No contacts.'] = 'Inga kontakter.';
-$a->strings['Visible To:'] = 'Synlig för:';
+$a->strings['Visible To:'] = 'Synlig f&ouml;r:';
$a->strings['Groups'] = 'Grupper';
-$a->strings['Except For:'] = 'Utom för:';
+$a->strings['Except For:'] = 'Utom f&ouml;r:';
$a->strings['Logged out.'] = 'Utloggad.';
-$a->strings['Unknown | Not categorised'] = 'Okänd | Inte kategoriserad';
-$a->strings['Block immediately'] = 'Spärra omedelbart';
-$a->strings['Shady, spammer, self-marketer'] = 'Suspekt, spammare, reklamspridare';
-$a->strings['Known to me, but no opinion'] = 'Jag vet vem det är, men har ingen åsikt';
-$a->strings['OK, probably harmless'] = 'OK, antagligen harmlös';
-$a->strings['Reputable, has my trust'] = 'Pålitlig, jag litar på personen';
+$a->strings['Unknown | Not categorised'] = 'Ok&auml;nd | Inte kategoriserad';
+$a->strings['Block immediately'] = 'Sp&auml;rra omedelbart';
+$a->strings['Shady, spammer, self-marketer'] = 'Skum, spammare, reklamspridare';
+$a->strings['Known to me, but no opinion'] = 'Jag vet vem det &auml;r, men har ingen &aring;sikt';
+$a->strings['OK, probably harmless'] = 'OK, antagligen harml&ouml;s';
+$a->strings['Reputable, has my trust'] = 'P&aring;litlig, jag litar p&aring; personen';
$a->strings['Frequently'] = 'Ofta';
-$a->strings['Hourly'] = 'Varje timme';
-$a->strings['Twice daily'] = 'Två gånger om dagen';
+$a->strings['Hourly'] = 'En g&aring;ng i timmen';
+$a->strings['Twice daily'] = 'Tv&aring; g&aring;nger om dagen';
$a->strings['Daily'] = 'Dagligen';
$a->strings['Weekly'] = 'Veckovis';
-$a->strings['Monthly'] = 'Månadsvis';
+$a->strings['Monthly'] = 'M&aring;nadsvis';
+$a->strings['View %s\'s profile'] = 'G&aring; till profilen som tillh&ouml;r %s ';
+$a->strings['View in context'] = 'Visa i sitt sammanhang';
+$a->strings['See more posts like this'] = 'Leta inl&auml;gg som liknar det h&auml;r';
+$a->strings['See all %d comments'] = 'Visa alla %d kommentarer';
+$a->strings['to'] = 'till';
+$a->strings['Wall-to-Wall'] = 'Profil-till-profil';
+$a->strings['via Wall-To-Wall:'] = 'via profil-till-profil:';
+$a->strings['%s likes this.'] = '%s gillar det h&auml;r.';
+$a->strings['%s doesn\'t like this.'] = '%s ogillar det h&auml;r.';
+$a->strings['<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this.'] = '<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> gillar det h&auml;r.';
+$a->strings['<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don\'t like this.'] = '<span %1$s>%2$d personer</span> ogillar det h&auml;r.';
+$a->strings['and'] = 'och';
+$a->strings[', and %d other people'] = ', och ytterligare %d personer';
+$a->strings['%s like this.'] = '%s gillar det h&auml;r.';
+$a->strings['%s don\'t like this.'] = '%s ogillar det h&auml;r.';
$a->strings['Miscellaneous'] = 'Blandat';
-$a->strings['less than a second ago'] = 'för mindre än en sekund sedan';
-$a->strings['year'] = 'år';
-$a->strings['years'] = 'år';
-$a->strings['month'] = 'månad';
-$a->strings['months'] = 'månader';
+$a->strings['less than a second ago'] = 'f&ouml;r mindre &auml;n en sekund sedan';
+$a->strings['year'] = '&aring;r';
+$a->strings['years'] = '&aring;r';
+$a->strings['month'] = 'm&aring;nad';
+$a->strings['months'] = 'm&aring;nader';
$a->strings['week'] = 'vecka';
$a->strings['weeks'] = 'veckor';
$a->strings['day'] = 'dag';
-$a->strings['days'] = 'dagar';
$a->strings['hour'] = 'timme';
$a->strings['hours'] = 'timmar';
$a->strings['minute'] = 'minut';
@@ -439,35 +629,49 @@ $a->strings['minutes'] = 'minuter';
$a->strings['second'] = 'sekund';
$a->strings['seconds'] = 'sekunder';
$a->strings[' ago'] = ' sedan';
+$a->strings['Cannot locate DNS info for database server \'%s\''] = 'Cannot locate DNS info for database server \'%s\'';
$a->strings['Create a new group'] = 'Skapa ny grupp';
$a->strings['Everybody'] = 'Alla';
-$a->strings['Birthday:'] = 'Födelsedatum:';
+$a->strings['Birthday:'] = 'F&ouml;delsedatum:';
$a->strings['Home'] = 'Hem';
$a->strings['Apps'] = 'Apps';
-$a->strings['Directory'] = 'Katalog';
-$a->strings['Network'] = 'Nätverk';
-$a->strings['Notifications'] = 'Aviseringar';
+$a->strings['Directory'] = 'Medlemskatalog';
+$a->strings['Network'] = 'N&auml;tverk';
$a->strings['Manage'] = 'Hantera';
-$a->strings['Settings'] = 'Inställningar';
-$a->strings['Profiles'] = 'Profiler';
-$a->strings['Embedding disabled'] = 'Embedding disabled';
+$a->strings['Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar';
+$a->strings['Embedding disabled'] = 'Funktionen b&auml;dda in &auml;r avst&auml;ngd';
+$a->strings['j F, Y'] = 'j F, Y';
+$a->strings['j F'] = 'j F';
+$a->strings['Age:'] = '&Aring;lder:';
+$a->strings['<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Status:'] = '<span class="heart">&hearts;</span> Civilst&aring;nd:';
+$a->strings['Religion:'] = 'Religion:';
+$a->strings['About:'] = 'Om:';
+$a->strings['Hobbies/Interests:'] = 'Hobbys/Intressen:';
+$a->strings['Contact information and Social Networks:'] = 'Kontaktuppgifter och sociala n&auml;tverk:';
+$a->strings['Musical interests:'] = 'Musik:';
+$a->strings['Books, literature:'] = 'B&ouml;cker/Litteratur:';
+$a->strings['Television:'] = 'TV:';
+$a->strings['Film/dance/culture/entertainment:'] = 'Film/Dans/Kultur/Underh&aring;llning:';
+$a->strings['Love/Romance:'] = 'K&auml;rlek/Romantik:';
+$a->strings['Work/employment:'] = 'Arbete:';
+$a->strings['School/education:'] = 'Skola/Utbildning:';
$a->strings['Male'] = 'Man';
$a->strings['Female'] = 'Kvinna';
-$a->strings['Currently Male'] = 'För närvarande man';
-$a->strings['Currently Female'] = 'För närvarande kvinna';
+$a->strings['Currently Male'] = 'F&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande man';
+$a->strings['Currently Female'] = 'F&ouml;r n&auml;rvarande kvinna';
$a->strings['Mostly Male'] = 'Mestadels man';
$a->strings['Mostly Female'] = 'Mestadels kvinna';
$a->strings['Transgender'] = 'Transgender';
$a->strings['Intersex'] = 'Intersex';
$a->strings['Transsexual'] = 'Transsexuell';
$a->strings['Hermaphrodite'] = 'Hermafrodit';
-$a->strings['Neuter'] = 'Neuter';
-$a->strings['Non-specific'] = 'Non-specific';
+$a->strings['Neuter'] = 'K&ouml;nsl&ouml;s';
+$a->strings['Non-specific'] = 'Oklart';
$a->strings['Other'] = 'Annat';
-$a->strings['Undecided'] = 'Undecided';
-$a->strings['Males'] = 'Males';
-$a->strings['Females'] = 'Females';
-$a->strings['Gay'] = 'Bög';
+$a->strings['Undecided'] = 'Obest&auml;mt';
+$a->strings['Males'] = 'M&auml;n';
+$a->strings['Females'] = 'Kvinnor';
+$a->strings['Gay'] = 'B&ouml;g';
$a->strings['Lesbian'] = 'Lesbisk';
$a->strings['No Preference'] = 'No Preference';
$a->strings['Bisexual'] = 'Bisexuell';
@@ -475,86 +679,87 @@ $a->strings['Autosexual'] = 'Autosexual';
$a->strings['Abstinent'] = 'Abstinent';
$a->strings['Virgin'] = 'Oskuld';
$a->strings['Deviant'] = 'Avvikande';
-$a->strings['Fetish'] = 'Fetish';
-$a->strings['Oodles'] = 'Oodles';
-$a->strings['Nonsexual'] = 'Nonsexual';
+$a->strings['Fetish'] = 'Fetisch';
+$a->strings['Oodles'] = 'Massor';
+$a->strings['Nonsexual'] = 'Asexuell';
$a->strings['Single'] = 'Singel';
$a->strings['Lonely'] = 'Ensam';
-$a->strings['Available'] = 'Tillgänglig';
+$a->strings['Available'] = 'Tillg&auml;nglig';
$a->strings['Unavailable'] = 'Upptagen';
$a->strings['Dating'] = 'Dejtar';
-$a->strings['Unfaithful'] = 'Unfaithful';
+$a->strings['Unfaithful'] = 'Otrogen';
$a->strings['Sex Addict'] = 'Sexmissbrukare';
-$a->strings['Friends'] = 'Vänner';
+$a->strings['Friends'] = 'V&auml;nner';
$a->strings['Friends/Benefits'] = 'Friends/Benefits';
$a->strings['Casual'] = 'Casual';
-$a->strings['Engaged'] = 'Förlovad';
+$a->strings['Engaged'] = 'F&ouml;rlovad';
$a->strings['Married'] = 'Gift';
$a->strings['Partners'] = 'I partnerskap';
$a->strings['Cohabiting'] = 'Cohabiting';
-$a->strings['Happy'] = 'Glad';
+$a->strings['Happy'] = 'N&ouml;jd';
$a->strings['Not Looking'] = 'Letar inte';
$a->strings['Swinger'] = 'Swinger';
$a->strings['Betrayed'] = 'Bedragen';
$a->strings['Separated'] = 'Separerat';
-$a->strings['Unstable'] = 'Unstable';
+$a->strings['Unstable'] = 'Instabilt';
$a->strings['Divorced'] = 'Skiljd';
-$a->strings['Widowed'] = 'Widowed';
-$a->strings['Uncertain'] = 'Uncertain';
+$a->strings['Widowed'] = '&Auml;nka/&auml;nkling';
+$a->strings['Uncertain'] = 'Oklart';
$a->strings['Complicated'] = 'Komplicerat';
$a->strings['Don\'t care'] = 'Bryr mig inte';
-$a->strings['Ask me'] = 'Fråga mig';
-$a->strings['Facebook disabled'] = 'Facebook disabled';
+$a->strings['Ask me'] = 'Fr&aring;ga mig';
+$a->strings['Facebook disabled'] = 'Facebook inaktiverat';
$a->strings['Facebook API key is missing.'] = 'Facebook API key is missing.';
$a->strings['Facebook Connect'] = 'Facebook Connect';
$a->strings['Install Facebook post connector'] = 'Install Facebook post connector';
$a->strings['Remove Facebook post connector'] = 'Remove Facebook post connector';
+$a->strings['Post to Facebook by default'] = 'L&auml;gg alltid in inl&auml;ggen p&aring; Facebook';
$a->strings['Facebook'] = 'Facebook';
$a->strings['Facebook Connector Settings'] = 'Facebook Connector Settings';
-$a->strings['Post to Facebook'] = 'Lägg in på Facebook';
+$a->strings['Post to Facebook'] = 'L&auml;gg in p&aring; Facebook';
$a->strings['Image: '] = 'Bild: ';
-$a->strings['Select files to upload: '] = 'Välj filer att ladda upp: ';
-$a->strings['Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.'] = 'Använd följande bara om javauppladdaren ovanför inte startar.';
-$a->strings['Upload a file'] = 'Ladda upp fil';
+$a->strings['Select files to upload: '] = 'V&auml;lj filer att ladda upp: ';
+$a->strings['Use the following controls only if the Java uploader [above] fails to launch.'] = 'Anv&auml;nd f&ouml;ljande bara om javauppladdaren ovanf&ouml;r inte startar.';
+$a->strings['Upload a file'] = 'Ladda upp en fil';
$a->strings['Drop files here to upload'] = 'Dra filer som ska laddas upp hit';
$a->strings['Failed'] = 'Misslyckades';
$a->strings['No files were uploaded.'] = 'Inga filer laddades upp.';
-$a->strings['Uploaded file is empty'] = 'Den uppladdade filen är tom';
-$a->strings['Uploaded file is too large'] = 'Den uppladdade filen är för stor';
-$a->strings['File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '] = 'Otillåten filnamnsändelse, det ska vara ';
+$a->strings['Uploaded file is empty'] = 'Den uppladdade filen &auml;r tom';
+$a->strings['Uploaded file is too large'] = 'Den uppladdade filen &auml;r f&ouml;r stor';
+$a->strings['File has an invalid extension, it should be one of '] = 'Otill&aring;ten filnamns&auml;ndelse, det ska vara ';
$a->strings['Upload was cancelled, or server error encountered'] = 'Serverfel eller avbruten uppladdning';
$a->strings['Randplace Settings'] = 'Randplace Settings';
$a->strings['Enable Randplace Plugin'] = 'Enable Randplace Plugin';
-$a->strings['Post to StatusNet'] = 'Lägg in på StatusNet';
-$a->strings['StatusNet Posting Settings'] = 'StatusNet Posting Settings';
+$a->strings['Post to StatusNet'] = 'L&auml;gg in p&aring; StatusNet';
+$a->strings['StatusNet Posting Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; StatusNet';
$a->strings['No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendika Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.<br />Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendika installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.'] = 'No consumer key pair for StatusNet found. Register your Friendika Account as an desktop client on your StatusNet account, copy the consumer key pair here and enter the API base root.<br />Before you register your own OAuth key pair ask the administrator if there is already a key pair for this Friendika installation at your favorited StatusNet installation.';
$a->strings['OAuth Consumer Key'] = 'OAuth Consumer Key';
$a->strings['OAuth Consumer Secret'] = 'OAuth Consumer Secret';
$a->strings["Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29"] = "Base API Path \x28remember the trailing /\x29";
$a->strings['To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to StatusNet.'] = 'To connect to your StatusNet account click the button below to get a security code from StatusNet which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to StatusNet.';
$a->strings['Log in with StatusNet'] = 'Logga in med StatusNet';
-$a->strings['Copy the security code from StatusNet here'] = 'Copy the security code from StatusNet here';
+$a->strings['Copy the security code from StatusNet here'] = 'Ange s&auml;kerhetskoden fr&aring;n StatusNet h&auml;r';
$a->strings['Currently connected to: '] = 'Ansluten till: ';
$a->strings['If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well.'] = 'If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated StatusNet account as well.';
$a->strings['Send public postings to StatusNet'] = 'Send public postings to StatusNet';
$a->strings['Clear OAuth configuration'] = 'Clear OAuth configuration';
$a->strings['Three Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe'] = 'Tredimensionellt luffarschack';
$a->strings['3D Tic-Tac-Toe'] = '3D-luffarschack';
-$a->strings['New game'] = 'Ny spelomgång';
-$a->strings['New game with handicap'] = 'Ny spelomgång med handikapp';
-$a->strings['Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. '] = 'Det tredimensionella luffarschacket är precis som vanligt luffarschack förutom att det spelas i flera nivåer samtidigt. ';
-$a->strings['In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels.'] = 'Här är det tre nivåer. Man vinner om man får tre i rad på vilken nivå som helst, eller uppåt, nedåt eller diagonalt på flera nivåer.';
-$a->strings['The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage.'] = 'Om man spelar med handikapp så stängs mittenpositionen på mittennivån av eftersom spelare som väljer den positionen ofta får övertaget.';
-$a->strings['You go first...'] = 'Du börjar...';
-$a->strings['I\'m going first this time...'] = 'Jag börjar den här gången...';
+$a->strings['New game'] = 'Ny spelomg&aring;ng';
+$a->strings['New game with handicap'] = 'Ny spelomg&aring;ng med handikapp';
+$a->strings['Three dimensional tic-tac-toe is just like the traditional game except that it is played on multiple levels simultaneously. '] = 'Det tredimensionella luffarschacket &auml;r precis som vanligt luffarschack f&ouml;rutom att det spelas i flera niv&aring;er samtidigt. ';
+$a->strings['In this case there are three levels. You win by getting three in a row on any level, as well as up, down, and diagonally across the different levels.'] = 'H&auml;r &auml;r det tre niv&aring;er. Man vinner om man f&aring;r tre i rad p&aring; vilken niv&aring; som helst, eller upp&aring;t, ned&aring;t eller diagonalt p&aring; flera niv&aring;er.';
+$a->strings['The handicap game disables the center position on the middle level because the player claiming this square often has an unfair advantage.'] = 'Om man spelar med handikapp s&aring; st&auml;ngs mittenpositionen p&aring; mittenniv&aring;n av eftersom spelare som v&auml;ljer den positionen ofta f&aring;r &ouml;vertaget.';
+$a->strings['You go first...'] = 'Du b&ouml;rjar...';
+$a->strings['I\'m going first this time...'] = 'Jag b&ouml;rjar den h&auml;r g&aring;ngen...';
$a->strings['You won!'] = 'Du vann!';
$a->strings['"Cat" game!'] = '"Cat" game!';
$a->strings['I won!'] = 'Jag vann!';
-$a->strings['Post to Twitter'] = 'Lägg in på Twitter';
-$a->strings['Twitter Posting Settings'] = 'Twitter Posting Settings';
+$a->strings['Post to Twitter'] = 'L&auml;gg in p&aring; Twitter';
+$a->strings['Twitter Posting Settings'] = 'Inst&auml;llningar f&ouml;r inl&auml;gg p&aring; Twitter';
$a->strings['No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.'] = 'No consumer key pair for Twitter found. Please contact your site administrator.';
$a->strings['At this Friendika instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to Twitter.'] = 'At this Friendika instance the Twitter plugin was enabled but you have not yet connected your account to your Twitter account. To do so click the button below to get a PIN from Twitter which you have to copy into the input box below and submit the form. Only your <strong>public</strong> posts will be posted to Twitter.';
-$a->strings['Copy the PIN from Twitter here'] = 'Ange PIN-koden från Twitter här';
+$a->strings['Copy the PIN from Twitter here'] = 'Ange PIN-koden fr&aring;n Twitter h&auml;r';
$a->strings['If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well.'] = 'If enabled all your <strong>public</strong> postings will be posted to the associated Twitter account as well.';
$a->strings['Send public postings to Twitter'] = 'Send public postings to Twitter';
$a->strings['Africa/Abidjan'] = 'Afrika/Abidjan';
@@ -971,7 +1176,7 @@ $a->strings['Europe/Brussels'] = 'Europa/Bryssel';
$a->strings['Europe/Bucharest'] = 'Europa/Bucharest';
$a->strings['Europe/Budapest'] = 'Europa/Budapest';
$a->strings['Europe/Chisinau'] = 'Europa/Chisinau';
-$a->strings['Europe/Copenhagen'] = 'Europa/Köpenhamn';
+$a->strings['Europe/Copenhagen'] = 'Europa/K&ouml;penhamn';
$a->strings['Europe/Dublin'] = 'Europa/Dublin';
$a->strings['Europe/Gibraltar'] = 'Europa/Gibraltar';
$a->strings['Europe/Guernsey'] = 'Europa/Guernsey';
@@ -1017,7 +1222,7 @@ $a->strings['Europe/Volgograd'] = 'Europa/Volgograd';
$a->strings['Europe/Warsaw'] = 'Europa/Warsawa';
$a->strings['Europe/Zagreb'] = 'Europa/Zagreb';
$a->strings['Europe/Zaporozhye'] = 'Europa/Zaporozhye';
-$a->strings['Europe/Zurich'] = 'Europa/Zürich';
+$a->strings['Europe/Zurich'] = 'Europa/Z&uuml;rich';
$a->strings['Factory'] = 'Factory';
$a->strings['GB'] = 'GB';
$a->strings['GB-Eire'] = 'GB-Eire';
@@ -1121,4 +1326,4 @@ $a->strings['US/Samoa'] = 'USA/Samoa';
$a->strings['UTC'] = 'UTC';
$a->strings['W-SU'] = 'W-SU';
$a->strings['WET'] = 'WET';
-$a->strings['Zulu'] = 'Zulu';
+$a->strings['Zulu'] = 'Zulu'; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/sv/wall_received_eml.tpl b/view/sv/wall_received_eml.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc450a06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/view/sv/wall_received_eml.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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