path: root/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
diff options
authorMario <mario@mariovavti.com>2023-09-09 18:02:52 +0000
committerMario <mario@mariovavti.com>2023-09-09 18:02:52 +0000
commitdf06c54bd2163474348f355ba373de85a9491d0e (patch)
treea1b4ca3c465b683f70602d9ab1fc7f2d5731024d /view/nb-no/hstrings.php
parentf2d88387c9d77bc820fe5395a887a150bb817d3c (diff)
parentc8e7f79f50a4babee2b7c27bdb5c7eecf4ded150 (diff)
Merge branch 'translations/update-norwegian-bokmål-strings' into 'dev'
Update translations for Norwegian Bokmål. See merge request hubzilla/core!2059
Diffstat (limited to 'view/nb-no/hstrings.php')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/view/nb-no/hstrings.php b/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
index 86588d051..f66946062 100644
--- a/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
+++ b/view/nb-no/hstrings.php
@@ -10,50 +10,35 @@ App::$strings["Default"] = "Standard";
App::$strings["Focus (Hubzilla default)"] = "Focus (Hubzilla standard)";
App::$strings["Submit"] = "Lagre";
App::$strings["Theme settings"] = "Instillinger for utseende";
-App::$strings["Narrow navbar"] = "Smal navigasjonslinje";
+App::$strings["Dark style"] = "";
+App::$strings["Light style"] = "";
+App::$strings["Common settings"] = "";
+App::$strings["Default to dark mode"] = "Standard mappe for opplasting av bilder";
App::$strings["No"] = "Nei";
App::$strings["Yes"] = "Ja";
+App::$strings["Always use light icons for navbar"] = "";
+App::$strings["Enable this option if you use a dark navbar color in light mode"] = "";
+App::$strings["Narrow navbar"] = "Smal navigasjonslinje";
App::$strings["Navigation bar background color"] = "Navigasjonslinjens bakgrunnsfarge";
-App::$strings["Navigation bar icon color "] = "Navigasjonslinjens ikonfarge";
-App::$strings["Navigation bar active icon color "] = "Navigasjonslinjens aktive ikoners farge";
+App::$strings["Dark navigation bar background color"] = "Navigasjonslinjens bakgrunnsfarge";
App::$strings["Link color"] = "Lenkefarge";
+App::$strings["Dark link color"] = "Lenkefarge";
App::$strings["Link hover color"] = "Lenkefarge når musepekeren er over";
-App::$strings["Set font-color for banner"] = "Angi skriftfargen for banneret";
+App::$strings["Dark link hover color"] = "Lenkefarge når musepekeren er over";
App::$strings["Set the background color"] = "Angi bakgrunnsfargen";
+App::$strings["Set the dark background color"] = "Angi bakgrunnsfargen";
App::$strings["Set the background image"] = "Angi bakgrunnsbilde";
-App::$strings["Set the background color of items"] = "Angi bakgrunnsfargen til elementer";
-App::$strings["Set the background color of comments"] = "Angi bakgrunnsfargen til kommentarer";
+App::$strings["Set the dark background image"] = "Angi bakgrunnsbilde";
App::$strings["Set font-size for the entire application"] = "Angi skriftstørrelsen for hele programmet";
App::$strings["Examples: 1rem, 100%, 16px"] = "For eksempel: 1rem, 100%, 16px";
-App::$strings["Set font-color for posts and comments"] = "Angi skriftfargen for innlegg og kommentarer";
App::$strings["Set radius of corners"] = "Angi hjørneradius";
App::$strings["Example: 4px"] = "For eksempel: 4px";
-App::$strings["Set shadow depth of photos"] = "Angi skyggedybden til bilder";
App::$strings["Set maximum width of content region in rem"] = "Set maksbredde for hovedregionen i rem";
App::$strings["Leave empty for default width"] = "La feltet stå tomt for å bruke standard bredde";
App::$strings["Set size of conversation author photo"] = "Angi størrelsen for samtalens forfatterbilde";
App::$strings["Set size of followup author photos"] = "Angi størrelsen på forfatterbilder ved oppfølging";
App::$strings["Show advanced settings"] = "Vis avanserte innstillinger";
App::$strings["Source channel not found."] = "Fant ikke kildekanalen.";
-App::$strings["Access Denied"] = "Ingen tilgang";
-App::$strings["Enable Community Moderation"] = "Slå på gruppemoderering";
-App::$strings["Reputation automatically given to new members"] = "";
-App::$strings["Reputation will never fall below this value"] = "";
-App::$strings["Minimum reputation before posting is allowed"] = "";
-App::$strings["Minimum reputation before commenting is allowed"] = "";
-App::$strings["Minimum reputation before a member is able to moderate other posts"] = "";
-App::$strings["Max ratio of moderator's reputation that can be added to/deducted from reputation of person being moderated"] = "";
-App::$strings["Reputation \"cost\" to post"] = "";
-App::$strings["Reputation \"cost\" to comment"] = "";
-App::$strings["Reputation automatically recovers at this rate per hour until it reaches minimum_to_post"] = "";
-App::$strings["When minimum_to_moderate > reputation > minimum_to_post reputation recovers at this rate per hour"] = "";
-App::$strings["Community Moderation Settings"] = "";
-App::$strings["Channel Reputation"] = "";
-App::$strings["Close"] = "Lukk";
-App::$strings["An Error has occurred."] = "Det oppsto en feil.";
-App::$strings["Upvote"] = "Stem opp";
-App::$strings["Downvote"] = "Stem ned";
-App::$strings["Can moderate reputation on my channel."] = "";
App::$strings["Block Completely"] = "Blokker helt";
App::$strings["superblock settings updated"] = "innstillingene til superblokk ble oppdatert";
App::$strings["Currently blocked"] = "Blokkert for øyeblikket";
@@ -63,13 +48,13 @@ App::$strings["NSA Bait App"] = "";
App::$strings["Make yourself a political target."] = "";
App::$strings["Recent Channel/Profile Viewers"] = "";
App::$strings["No entries."] = "";
+App::$strings["Wiki Pages"] = "Wikisider";
App::$strings["Add new page"] = "Legg til ny side";
App::$strings["Markdown"] = "Markdown";
App::$strings["BBcode"] = "BBcode";
App::$strings["Text"] = "Tekst";
-App::$strings["Options"] = "Valg";
-App::$strings["Wiki Pages"] = "Wikisider";
App::$strings["Page name"] = "Sidenavn";
+App::$strings["Options"] = "Valg";
App::$strings["Wikis"] = "Wikier";
App::$strings["Name"] = "Navn";
App::$strings["__ctx:wiki_history__ Message"] = "Melding";
@@ -109,7 +94,7 @@ App::$strings["Any&nbsp;type"] = "";
App::$strings["Lock content type"] = "";
App::$strings["Create a status post for this wiki"] = "";
App::$strings["Edit Wiki Name"] = "";
-App::$strings["Wiki not found"] = "";
+App::$strings["Wiki not found"] = "Fant ikke wikien.";
App::$strings["Rename page"] = "";
App::$strings["Share"] = "Del";
App::$strings["Error retrieving page content"] = "";
@@ -145,8 +130,8 @@ App::$strings["You must be authenticated."] = "";
App::$strings["System defaults:"] = "";
App::$strings["Preferred Clipart IDs"] = "";
App::$strings["List of preferred clipart ids. These will be shown first."] = "";
-App::$strings["Default Search Term"] = "";
-App::$strings["The default search term. These will be shown second."] = "";
+App::$strings["Default Search Term"] = "Standard søkeord";
+App::$strings["The default search term. These will be shown second."] = "Standard søkeord. Disse vil vises som nummer to.";
App::$strings["Return After"] = "";
App::$strings["Page to load after image selection."] = "";
App::$strings["View Profile"] = "Vis profil";
@@ -166,19 +151,11 @@ App::$strings["Uploaded by: "] = "";
App::$strings["Drawn by: "] = "";
App::$strings["Use this image"] = "";
App::$strings["Or select from a free OpenClipart.org image:"] = "";
-App::$strings["Search Term"] = "";
+App::$strings["Search Term"] = "Søkeord";
App::$strings["Unknown error. Please try again later."] = "";
App::$strings["Shift-reload the page or clear browser cache if the new photo does not display immediately."] = "Hold nede Shift-knappen og last siden på nytt eller tøm nettleserens mellomlager hvis det nye bildet ikke vises umiddelbart.";
App::$strings["Profile photo updated successfully."] = "";
App::$strings["Save Bookmarks"] = "Lagre bokmerker";
-App::$strings["Max queueworker threads"] = "";
-App::$strings["Minimum 4, default 4"] = "";
-App::$strings["Assume workers dead after"] = "";
-App::$strings["Minimum 120, default 300 seconds"] = "";
-App::$strings["Pause before starting next task"] = "";
-App::$strings["Minimum 100, default 100 microseconds"] = "";
-App::$strings["Queueworker Settings"] = "";
-App::$strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
App::$strings["Rainbow Tag App"] = "";
App::$strings["Add some colour to tag clouds"] = "";
App::$strings["Rainbow Tag"] = "";
@@ -219,7 +196,7 @@ App::$strings["Birth Month"] = "Fødselsmåne";
App::$strings["Birth Day"] = "Fødselsdag";
App::$strings["Birthdate"] = "Fødselsdato";
App::$strings["Gender"] = "Kjønn";
-App::$strings["lonely"] = "";
+App::$strings["lonely"] = "Ensom";
App::$strings["drunk"] = "";
App::$strings["horny"] = "";
App::$strings["stoned"] = "";
@@ -256,7 +233,7 @@ App::$strings["Known Chatrooms"] = "";
App::$strings["Known Tags"] = "";
App::$strings["Please note Diaspora and Friendica statistics are merely those **this directory** is aware of, and not all those known in the network. This also applies to chatrooms,"] = "";
App::$strings["Channel is required."] = "";
-App::$strings["Invalid channel."] = "";
+App::$strings["Invalid channel."] = "Ugyldig kanal";
App::$strings["Hubzilla Crosspost Connector Settings saved."] = "";
App::$strings["Send public postings to Hubzilla channel by default"] = "";
App::$strings["Hubzilla API Path"] = "";
@@ -278,7 +255,7 @@ App::$strings["Leave blank to import all albums"] = "";
App::$strings["Maximum count to import"] = "";
App::$strings["0 or blank to import all available"] = "";
App::$strings["photo"] = "foto";
-App::$strings["Please contact your site administrator.<br />The provided API URL is not valid."] = "";
+App::$strings["Please contact your site administrator.<br />The provided API URL is not valid."] = "Den oppgitte URLen for APIet er ikke gyldig. Kontakt serverens administrator.";
App::$strings["We could not contact the GNU social API with the Path you entered."] = "";
App::$strings["GNU social settings updated."] = "";
App::$strings["Globally Available GNU social OAuthKeys"] = "";
@@ -343,7 +320,7 @@ App::$strings["Until modified date yyyy-mm-dd"] = "";
App::$strings["Set your location"] = "Angi din plassering";
App::$strings["Clear browser location"] = "Fjern nettleserplassering";
App::$strings["Insert web link"] = "Sett inn web-lenke";
-App::$strings["Embed (existing) photo from your photo albums"] = "";
+App::$strings["Embed (existing) photo from your photo albums"] = "Sett inn (eksisterende) bilde fra fotoalbumene dine";
App::$strings["Please enter a link URL:"] = "Vennligst skriv inn en lenke URL:";
App::$strings["Tag term:"] = "Merkelapp:";
App::$strings["Where are you right now?"] = "Hvor er du akkurat nå?";
@@ -358,9 +335,9 @@ App::$strings["Italic"] = "Kursiv";
App::$strings["Underline"] = "Understreket";
App::$strings["Quote"] = "Sitat";
App::$strings["Code"] = "Kode";
-App::$strings["Attach/Upload file"] = "";
+App::$strings["Attach/Upload file"] = "Last opp fil/vedlegg";
App::$strings["Toggle voting"] = "Skru av eller på stemming";
-App::$strings["Disable comments"] = "";
+App::$strings["Disable comments"] = "Slå av kommentarer";
App::$strings["Toggle comments"] = "";
App::$strings["Title (optional)"] = "Tittel (valgfri)";
App::$strings["Categories (optional, comma-separated list)"] = "Kategorier (valgfri, kommaseparert liste)";
@@ -391,6 +368,25 @@ App::$strings["InsaneJournal password"] = "";
App::$strings["Post to InsaneJournal by default"] = "";
App::$strings["Insane Journal Crosspost Connector"] = "";
App::$strings["Post to Insane Journal"] = "";
+App::$strings["TOTP Two-Step Verification"] = "";
+App::$strings["Enter the 2-step verification generated by your authenticator app:"] = "";
+App::$strings["Success!"] = "";
+App::$strings["Invalid code, please try again."] = "";
+App::$strings["Too many invalid codes..."] = "";
+App::$strings["Verify"] = "";
+App::$strings["You haven't set a TOTP secret yet.\nPlease click the button below to generate one and register this site\nwith your preferred authenticator app."] = "";
+App::$strings["Your TOTP secret is"] = "";
+App::$strings["Be sure to save it somewhere in case you lose or replace your mobile device.\nUse your mobile device to scan the QR code below to register this site\nwith your preferred authenticator app."] = "";
+App::$strings["Test"] = "Sjekk koden";
+App::$strings["Generate New Secret"] = "";
+App::$strings["Go"] = "";
+App::$strings["Enter your password"] = "";
+App::$strings["enter TOTP code from your device"] = "";
+App::$strings["Pass!"] = "";
+App::$strings["Fail"] = "";
+App::$strings["Incorrect password, try again."] = "";
+App::$strings["Record your new TOTP secret and rescan the QR code above."] = "";
+App::$strings["TOTP Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Who likes me?"] = "";
App::$strings["QR code"] = "";
App::$strings["QR Generator"] = "";
@@ -513,7 +509,7 @@ App::$strings["If enabled your public postings will be posted to the associated
App::$strings["Twitter Crosspost Connector"] = "";
App::$strings["Post to Twitter"] = "";
App::$strings["You are now authenticated to pumpio."] = "";
-App::$strings["return to the featured settings page"] = "";
+App::$strings["return to the featured settings page"] = "tilbake til funksjonsinnstillinger";
App::$strings["Post to Pump.io"] = "";
App::$strings["Pump.io Settings saved."] = "";
App::$strings["Pump.io servername"] = "";
@@ -588,9 +584,10 @@ App::$strings["Paypal button payments are not enabled."] = "";
App::$strings["Paypal button payments are not properly configured. Please choose another payment option."] = "";
App::$strings["Enable Paypal Button Module (API-v2)"] = "";
App::$strings["Enable Manual Cart Module"] = "";
-App::$strings["Access Denied."] = "";
+App::$strings["Access Denied."] = "Ingen tilgang";
App::$strings["Order Not Found"] = "";
-App::$strings["Invalid Item"] = "";
+App::$strings["Access Denied"] = "Ingen tilgang";
+App::$strings["Invalid Item"] = "Ugyldig element.";
App::$strings["Enable Test Catalog"] = "";
App::$strings["Enable Manual Payments"] = "";
App::$strings["Base Merchant Currency"] = "";
@@ -601,7 +598,7 @@ App::$strings["Order already checked out."] = "";
App::$strings["Drop database tables when uninstalling."] = "";
App::$strings["Shop"] = "";
App::$strings["You must be logged into the Grid to shop."] = "";
-App::$strings["Access denied."] = "";
+App::$strings["Access denied."] = "Ingen tilgang";
App::$strings["No Order Found"] = "";
App::$strings["An unknown error has occurred Please start again."] = "";
App::$strings["Requirements not met."] = "";
@@ -628,8 +625,6 @@ App::$strings["Unable to create a unique channel address. Import failed."] = "Kl
App::$strings["Import completed."] = "Import ferdig.";
App::$strings["Diaspora Protocol Settings updated."] = "";
App::$strings["The diaspora protocol does not support location independence. Connections you make within that network may be unreachable from alternate channel locations."] = "";
-App::$strings["Allow any Diaspora member to comment or like your public posts"] = "";
-App::$strings["If this setting is disabled only your contacts will be able to comment or like your public posts"] = "";
App::$strings["Prevent your hashtags from being redirected to other sites"] = "";
App::$strings["Sign and forward posts and comments with no existing Diaspora signature"] = "";
App::$strings["Followed hashtags (comma separated, do not include the #)"] = "";
@@ -682,8 +677,8 @@ App::$strings["Fontsize (px):"] = "";
App::$strings["Link:"] = "";
App::$strings["Like us on Hubzilla"] = "";
App::$strings["Embed:"] = "";
-App::$strings["__ctx:opensearch__ Search %1\$s (%2\$s)"] = "";
-App::$strings["__ctx:opensearch__ \$Projectname"] = "";
+App::$strings["__ctx:opensearch__ Search %1\$s (%2\$s)"] = "Søk %1\$s (%2\$s)";
+App::$strings["__ctx:opensearch__ \$Projectname"] = "\$Projectname";
App::$strings["\$Projectname"] = "\$Projectname";
App::$strings["Search \$Projectname"] = "";
App::$strings["Fuzzloc Settings updated."] = "";
@@ -708,6 +703,7 @@ App::$strings["Cards"] = "";
App::$strings["View Cards"] = "";
App::$strings["View in context"] = "Vis i sammenheng";
App::$strings["Add Card"] = "";
+App::$strings["Save"] = "Lagre";
App::$strings["New registration"] = "";
App::$strings["%s : Message delivery failed."] = "%s : meldingslevering feilet.";
App::$strings["Message sent to %s. New account registration: %s"] = "";
@@ -726,25 +722,6 @@ App::$strings["Ah shucks..."] = "";
App::$strings["Don't mention it."] = "";
App::$strings["&lt;blush&gt;"] = "";
App::$strings["Report Bug"] = "";
-App::$strings["TOTP Two-Step Verification"] = "";
-App::$strings["Enter the 2-step verification generated by your authenticator app:"] = "";
-App::$strings["Success!"] = "";
-App::$strings["Invalid code, please try again."] = "";
-App::$strings["Too many invalid codes..."] = "";
-App::$strings["Verify"] = "";
-App::$strings["You haven't set a TOTP secret yet.\nPlease click the button below to generate one and register this site\nwith your preferred authenticator app."] = "";
-App::$strings["Your TOTP secret is"] = "";
-App::$strings["Be sure to save it somewhere in case you lose or replace your mobile device.\nUse your mobile device to scan the QR code below to register this site\nwith your preferred authenticator app."] = "";
-App::$strings["Test"] = "";
-App::$strings["Generate New Secret"] = "";
-App::$strings["Go"] = "";
-App::$strings["Enter your password"] = "";
-App::$strings["enter TOTP code from your device"] = "";
-App::$strings["Pass!"] = "";
-App::$strings["Fail"] = "";
-App::$strings["Incorrect password, try again."] = "";
-App::$strings["Record your new TOTP secret and rescan the QR code above."] = "";
-App::$strings["TOTP Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Logfile archive directory"] = "";
App::$strings["Directory to store rotated logs"] = "";
App::$strings["Logfile size in bytes before rotating"] = "";
@@ -764,7 +741,7 @@ App::$strings["Unable to login using email address "] = "";
App::$strings["Social Authentication using your social media account"] = "";
App::$strings["This app enables one or more social provider sign-in buttons on the login page."] = "";
App::$strings["Add an identity provider"] = "";
-App::$strings["Enable "] = "";
+App::$strings["Enable "] = "Skru på";
App::$strings["Key"] = "";
App::$strings["Word"] = "";
App::$strings["Secret"] = "";
@@ -855,14 +832,6 @@ App::$strings["poke"] = "prikk";
App::$strings["poked"] = "prikket";
App::$strings["ping"] = "varsle";
App::$strings["pinged"] = "varslet";
-App::$strings["prod"] = "oppildne";
-App::$strings["prodded"] = "oppildnet";
-App::$strings["slap"] = "daske";
-App::$strings["slapped"] = "dasket";
-App::$strings["finger"] = "fingre";
-App::$strings["fingered"] = "fingret";
-App::$strings["rebuff"] = "tilbakevise";
-App::$strings["rebuffed"] = "tilbakeviste";
App::$strings["happy"] = "glad";
App::$strings["sad"] = "trist";
App::$strings["mellow"] = "dempet";
@@ -903,7 +872,7 @@ App::$strings["September"] = "september";
App::$strings["October"] = "oktober";
App::$strings["November"] = "november";
App::$strings["December"] = "desember";
-App::$strings["Unknown Attachment"] = "Ukjent vedlegg";
+App::$strings["Unknown attachment"] = "Ukjent vedlegg";
App::$strings["Size"] = "Størrelse";
App::$strings["unknown"] = "ukjent";
App::$strings["remove category"] = "fjern kategori";
@@ -917,8 +886,8 @@ App::$strings["__ctx:noun__ %d Vote in total"] = array(
0 => "",
1 => "",
-App::$strings["Poll has ended"] = "";
-App::$strings["Poll ends in %s"] = "";
+App::$strings["Poll has ended"] = "Spørreskjema har utløpt";
+App::$strings["Poll ends in %s"] = "Spørreskjema utløper om %s";
App::$strings["Vote"] = "";
App::$strings["Link to Source"] = "Lenke til kilde";
App::$strings["default"] = "standard";
@@ -932,7 +901,7 @@ App::$strings["event"] = "hendelse";
App::$strings["post"] = "innlegg";
App::$strings["comment"] = "kommentar";
App::$strings["activity"] = "aktivitet";
-App::$strings["poll"] = "";
+App::$strings["poll"] = "spørreskjema";
App::$strings["a-z, 0-9, -, and _ only"] = "";
App::$strings["Design Tools"] = "Designverktøy";
App::$strings["Blocks"] = "Byggeklosser";
@@ -969,7 +938,7 @@ App::$strings["Needs Action"] = "Trenger handling";
App::$strings["Completed"] = "Ferdig";
App::$strings["In Process"] = "Igang";
App::$strings["Cancelled"] = "Avbrutt";
-App::$strings["Mobile"] = "";
+App::$strings["Mobile"] = "mobil";
App::$strings["Home"] = "Hjem";
App::$strings["Home, Voice"] = "";
App::$strings["Home, Fax"] = "";
@@ -989,8 +958,8 @@ App::$strings["Search by Date"] = "Søk etter dato";
App::$strings["Ability to select posts by date ranges"] = "Mulighet for å velge innlegg etter datoområde";
App::$strings["Tag Cloud"] = "Merkelappsky";
App::$strings["Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page"] = "Tilby en personlig merkelappsky på din kanalside";
-App::$strings["Use blog/list mode"] = "";
-App::$strings["Comments will be displayed separately"] = "";
+App::$strings["Use blog/list mode"] = "Bruk blogg/listemodus";
+App::$strings["Comments will be displayed separately"] = "Kommentarer blir vist separat fra innlegget";
App::$strings["Connection Filtering"] = "Filtrer forbindelser";
App::$strings["Filter incoming posts from connections based on keywords/content"] = "Filtrer innkommende innlegg fra forbindelser basert på nøkkelord/innhold";
App::$strings["Conversation"] = "";
@@ -1003,45 +972,45 @@ App::$strings["Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator"] = "Mulighet
App::$strings["Reply on comment"] = "";
App::$strings["Ability to reply on selected comment"] = "";
App::$strings["Directory"] = "Katalog";
-App::$strings["Advanced Directory Search"] = "";
-App::$strings["Allows creation of complex directory search queries"] = "";
+App::$strings["Advanced Directory Search"] = "Avansert katalogsøk";
+App::$strings["Allows creation of complex directory search queries"] = "Gjør det mulig å bruke avanserte kriterier ved søk i katalogen";
App::$strings["Editor"] = "";
App::$strings["Post Categories"] = "Innleggskategorier";
App::$strings["Add categories to your posts"] = "Legg kategorier til dine innlegg";
App::$strings["Large Photos"] = "Store bilder";
-App::$strings["Include large (1024px) photo thumbnails in posts. If not enabled, use small (640px) photo thumbnails"] = "Inkluder store (1024px) småbilder i innlegg. Hvis denne ikke er påskrudd, bruk små (640px) småbilder.";
+App::$strings["Include large (1024px) photo thumbnails in posts. If not enabled, use small (640px) photo thumbnails"] = "Inkluder store (1024px) småbilder i innlegg. Hvis denne ikke er påskrudd, bruk små (640px) småbilder";
App::$strings["Even More Encryption"] = "Enda mer kryptering";
App::$strings["Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key"] = "Tillat valgfri kryptering av innhold ende-til-ende via en delt hemmelig nøkkel";
-App::$strings["Disable Comments"] = "";
-App::$strings["Provide the option to disable comments for a post"] = "";
+App::$strings["Disable Comments"] = "Slå av kommentarer";
+App::$strings["Provide the option to disable comments for a post"] = "Slår på valg for å ikke tillate kommentarer til innlegget";
App::$strings["Delayed Posting"] = "Tidfest publisering";
App::$strings["Allow posts to be published at a later date"] = "Tillat innlegg å bli publisert på et senere tidspunkt";
App::$strings["Content Expiration"] = "Innholdet utløper";
App::$strings["Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time"] = "Fjern innlegg/kommentarer og/eller private meldinger på et angitt tidspunkt i fremtiden";
App::$strings["Suppress Duplicate Posts/Comments"] = "Forhindre duplikat av innlegg/kommentarer";
App::$strings["Prevent posts with identical content to be published with less than two minutes in between submissions."] = "Forhindre innlegg med identisk innhold fra å bli publisert hvis det er mindre enn to minutter mellom innsendingene.";
-App::$strings["Auto-save drafts of posts and comments"] = "";
-App::$strings["Automatically saves post and comment drafts in local browser storage to help prevent accidental loss of compositions"] = "";
+App::$strings["Auto-save drafts of posts and comments"] = "Automatisk lagring av kladd for innlegg og kommentarer";
+App::$strings["Automatically saves post and comment drafts in local browser storage to help prevent accidental loss of compositions"] = "Lagrer automatisk utkast til innlegg og kommentarer i nettleserens interne lager for å unngå å tape innholet ved et uhell";
App::$strings["Manage"] = "";
App::$strings["Navigation Channel Select"] = "Navigasjon kanalvalg";
App::$strings["Change channels directly from within the navigation dropdown menu"] = "Endre kanaler direkte fra navigasjonsmenyen";
App::$strings["Network"] = "Nettverk";
-App::$strings["Events Filter"] = "";
-App::$strings["Ability to display only events"] = "";
-App::$strings["Polls Filter"] = "";
-App::$strings["Ability to display only polls"] = "";
+App::$strings["Events Filter"] = "Arrangementsfilter";
+App::$strings["Ability to display only events"] = "Mulighet for kun å vise arrangementer";
+App::$strings["Polls Filter"] = "Filer for Spørreskjema";
+App::$strings["Ability to display only polls"] = "Mulighet for å kun vise spørreskjema";
App::$strings["Saved Searches"] = "Lagrede søk";
App::$strings["Save search terms for re-use"] = "Lagre søkeuttrykk for senere bruk";
App::$strings["Saved Folders"] = "Lagrede mapper";
App::$strings["Ability to file posts under folders"] = "Mulighet til å sortere innlegg i mapper";
-App::$strings["Alternate Stream Order"] = "";
-App::$strings["Ability to order the stream by last post date, last comment date or unthreaded activities"] = "";
-App::$strings["Contact Filter"] = "";
-App::$strings["Ability to display only posts of a selected contact"] = "";
-App::$strings["Forum Filter"] = "";
-App::$strings["Ability to display only posts of a specific forum"] = "";
-App::$strings["Personal Posts Filter"] = "";
-App::$strings["Ability to display only posts that you've interacted on"] = "";
+App::$strings["Alternate Stream Order"] = "Alternativer for sortering";
+App::$strings["Ability to order the stream by last post date, last comment date or unthreaded activities"] = "Mulighet for å sortere tidslinjen etter dato for siste innlegg, siste kommentar eller som separate aktiviteter";
+App::$strings["Contact Filter"] = "Kontaktfilter";
+App::$strings["Ability to display only posts of a selected contact"] = "Mulighet for å kun vise innlegg fra en bestemt kontakt";
+App::$strings["Forum Filter"] = "Forumfilter";
+App::$strings["Ability to display only posts of a specific forum"] = "Mulighet for å kun vise innlegg i et bestemt forum";
+App::$strings["Personal Posts Filter"] = "Filter for personlige innlegg";
+App::$strings["Ability to display only posts that you've interacted on"] = "Mulighet til å vise kun innlegg du har deltatt på";
App::$strings["Photos"] = "Bilder";
App::$strings["Photo Location"] = "Bildeplassering";
App::$strings["If location data is available on uploaded photos, link this to a map."] = "Hvis plasseringsdata er tilgjengelige i opplastede bilder, plasser dette på et kart.";
@@ -1068,12 +1037,12 @@ App::$strings["everybody"] = "alle";
App::$strings["Secret Passphrase"] = "Hemmelig passordsetning";
App::$strings["Passphrase hint"] = "Hint om passordsetning";
App::$strings["Notice: Permissions have changed but have not yet been submitted."] = "Varsel: Tillatelser har blitt endret, men de har ennå ikke blitt sendt inn.";
-App::$strings["close all"] = "Lukk alle";
+App::$strings["close all"] = "lukk alle";
App::$strings["Nothing new here"] = "Ikke noe nytt her";
App::$strings["Rate This Channel (this is public)"] = "Vurder denne kanalen (dette er offentlig)";
App::$strings["Rating"] = "Vurdering";
App::$strings["Describe (optional)"] = "Beskriv (valgfritt)";
-App::$strings["Please enter a link URL"] = "Vennligst skriv inn en lenke URL:";
+App::$strings["Please enter a link URL"] = "Vennligst skriv inn en lenke URL";
App::$strings["Unsaved changes. Are you sure you wish to leave this page?"] = "Endringene er ikke lagret. Er du sikker på at du ønsker å forlate denne siden?";
App::$strings["Location"] = "Plassering";
App::$strings["lovely"] = "";
@@ -1085,7 +1054,7 @@ App::$strings[") or enter a new one."] = "";
App::$strings["Thank you, this nickname is valid."] = "";
App::$strings["A channel name is required."] = "";
App::$strings["This is a "] = "";
-App::$strings[" channel name"] = "";
+App::$strings[" channel name"] = "Kanalnavn";
App::$strings["Back to reply"] = "";
App::$strings["Pinned"] = "";
App::$strings["Pin to the top"] = "";
@@ -1175,7 +1144,7 @@ App::$strings["Zot"] = "Zot";
App::$strings["LinkedIn"] = "LinkedIn";
App::$strings["XMPP/IM"] = "XMPP/IM";
App::$strings["MySpace"] = "MySpace";
-App::$strings[" and "] = "og";
+App::$strings[" and "] = " og ";
App::$strings["public profile"] = "offentlig profil";
App::$strings["%1\$s changed %2\$s to &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;"] = "%1\$s endret %2\$s til &ldquo;%3\$s&rdquo;";
App::$strings["Visit %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "Besøk %1\$s sitt %2\$s";
@@ -1203,9 +1172,9 @@ App::$strings["Cloned channel not found. Import failed."] = "Klonet kanal ble ik
App::$strings["Remote authentication"] = "Fjernautentisering";
App::$strings["Click to authenticate to your home hub"] = "Klikk for å godkjennes mot din hjemme-hub";
App::$strings["Channels"] = "Kanaler";
-App::$strings["Manage your channels"] = "";
+App::$strings["Manage your channels"] = "Behandle kanalene dine";
App::$strings["Settings"] = "Innstillinger";
-App::$strings["Account/Channel Settings"] = "Konto-/kanal-innstillinger";
+App::$strings["Account/Channel Settings"] = "Konto-/kanalinnstillinger";
App::$strings["Logout"] = "Logg ut";
App::$strings["End this session"] = "Avslutt denne økten";
App::$strings["Your profile page"] = "Din profilside";
@@ -1219,17 +1188,17 @@ App::$strings["Log me out of this site"] = "";
App::$strings["Register"] = "Registrer";
App::$strings["Create an account"] = "Lag en konto";
App::$strings["Help and documentation"] = "Hjelp og dokumentasjon";
-App::$strings["Search site @name, !forum, #tag, ?docs, content"] = "";
+App::$strings["Search site @name, !forum, #tag, ?docs, content"] = "Søk etter @navn, !forum, #emne, ?dokumentasjon eller innhold";
App::$strings["Admin"] = "Administrator";
App::$strings["Site Setup and Configuration"] = "Nettstedsoppsett og -konfigurasjon";
-App::$strings["Loading"] = "";
+App::$strings["Loading"] = "Laster...";
App::$strings["@name, #tag, ?doc, content"] = "@navn, #merkelapp, ?dokumentasjon, innhold";
App::$strings["Please wait..."] = "Vennligst vent...";
App::$strings["Apps"] = "Apper";
App::$strings["Channel Apps"] = "";
App::$strings["System Apps"] = "";
App::$strings["Pinned Apps"] = "";
-App::$strings["Featured Apps"] = "";
+App::$strings["Featured Apps"] = "Fremhevede apper";
App::$strings["Channel"] = "Kanal";
App::$strings["Status Messages and Posts"] = "Statusmeldinger og -innlegg";
App::$strings["About"] = "Om";
@@ -1247,8 +1216,8 @@ App::$strings["Logged out."] = "Logget ut.";
App::$strings["Email validation is incomplete. Please check your email."] = "";
App::$strings["Failed authentication"] = "Mislykket autentisering";
App::$strings["Miscellaneous"] = "Forskjellig";
-App::$strings["Birthday"] = "";
-App::$strings["Age: "] = "Alder:";
+App::$strings["Birthday"] = "Fødselsdag:";
+App::$strings["Age: "] = "Alder: ";
App::$strings["YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD"] = "YYYY-MM-DD eller MM-DD";
App::$strings["never"] = "aldri";
App::$strings["less than a second ago"] = "for mindre enn ett sekund siden";
@@ -1282,14 +1251,14 @@ App::$strings["__ctx:relative_date__ second"] = array(
1 => "sekunder",
App::$strings["%1\$s's birthday"] = "%1\$s sin fødselsdag";
-App::$strings["Happy Birthday %1\$s"] = "Gratulerer med dagen, %1\$s !";
+App::$strings["Happy Birthday %1\$s"] = "Gratulerer med dagen, %1\$s";
App::$strings["INVALID EVENT DISMISSED!"] = "";
-App::$strings["Summary: "] = "";
+App::$strings["Summary: "] = "Sammendrag";
App::$strings["Unknown"] = "Ukjent";
-App::$strings["Date: "] = "";
+App::$strings["Date: "] = "Dato";
App::$strings["Reason: "] = "";
App::$strings["INVALID CARD DISMISSED!"] = "";
-App::$strings["Name: "] = "";
+App::$strings["Name: "] = "Navn";
App::$strings["channel"] = "kanal";
App::$strings["likes %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "";
App::$strings["doesn't like %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "";
@@ -1320,7 +1289,7 @@ App::$strings["Expires: %s"] = "Utløper: %s";
App::$strings["Please wait"] = "Vennligst vent";
App::$strings["remove"] = "fjern";
App::$strings["Loading..."] = "Laster...";
-App::$strings["Conversation Features"] = "";
+App::$strings["Conversation Features"] = "Samtaleinnstillinger";
App::$strings["Delete Selected Items"] = "Slett valgte elementer";
App::$strings["View Source"] = "Vis kilde";
App::$strings["Follow Thread"] = "Følg tråd";
@@ -1329,6 +1298,8 @@ App::$strings["Recent Activity"] = "Nylig aktivitet";
App::$strings["Connect"] = "Koble";
App::$strings["Edit Connection"] = "Endre forbindelse";
App::$strings["Poke"] = "Prikk";
+App::$strings["Approve this item"] = "Fjern denne filen";
+App::$strings["Delete this item"] = "Slett dette elementet?";
App::$strings["%s likes this."] = "%s liker dette.";
App::$strings["%s doesn't like this."] = "%s liker ikke dette.";
App::$strings["<span %1\$s>%2\$d people</span> like this."] = array(
@@ -1346,14 +1317,14 @@ App::$strings[", and %d other people"] = array(
App::$strings["%s like this."] = "%s liker dette.";
App::$strings["%s don't like this."] = "%s liker ikke dette.";
-App::$strings["Toggle poll"] = "";
-App::$strings["Option"] = "";
-App::$strings["Add option"] = "";
+App::$strings["Toggle poll"] = "Spørreskjema (på/av)";
+App::$strings["Option"] = "Valg";
+App::$strings["Add option"] = "Legg til valg";
App::$strings["Minutes"] = "Minutter";
-App::$strings["Hours"] = "";
-App::$strings["Days"] = "";
-App::$strings["Allow multiple answers"] = "";
-App::$strings["Summary (optional)"] = "";
+App::$strings["Hours"] = "timer";
+App::$strings["Days"] = "dager";
+App::$strings["Allow multiple answers"] = "Tillat flere svar";
+App::$strings["Summary (optional)"] = "Sammendrag (valgfritt)";
App::$strings["__ctx:noun__ Like"] = array(
0 => "Liker",
1 => "Liker",
@@ -1427,7 +1398,7 @@ App::$strings["Dating"] = "Sammen med";
App::$strings["Unfaithful"] = "Utro";
App::$strings["Sex Addict"] = "Sexavhengig";
App::$strings["Friends"] = "Venner";
-App::$strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Venner med frynsegoder";
+App::$strings["Friends/Benefits"] = "Venner/Frynsegoder";
App::$strings["Casual"] = "Tilfeldig";
App::$strings["Engaged"] = "Forlovet";
App::$strings["Married"] = "Gift";
@@ -1469,7 +1440,6 @@ App::$strings["like"] = "liker";
App::$strings["likes"] = "liker";
App::$strings["dislike"] = "misliker";
App::$strings["dislikes"] = "misliker";
-App::$strings["(Unknown)"] = "(Ukjent)";
App::$strings["Visible to anybody on the internet."] = "Synlig for enhver på Internett.";
App::$strings["Visible to you only."] = "Synlig bare for deg.";
App::$strings["Visible to anybody in this network."] = "Synlig for enhver i dette nettverket.";
@@ -1479,7 +1449,7 @@ App::$strings["Visible to all connections."] = "Synlig for alle forbindelser.";
App::$strings["Visible to approved connections."] = "Synlig for godkjente forbindelser.";
App::$strings["Visible to specific connections."] = "Synlig for spesifikke forbindelser.";
App::$strings["&#x1f501; Repeated %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy group not found."] = "Personverngruppen ble ikke funnet";
+App::$strings["Privacy group not found."] = "Personverngruppen ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["Privacy group is empty."] = "Personverngruppen er tom.";
App::$strings["Privacy group: %s"] = "Personverngruppe: %s";
App::$strings["Connection: %s"] = "Forbindelse: %s";
@@ -1491,8 +1461,8 @@ App::$strings["%1\$s updated his %2\$s"] = "%1\$s oppdaterte %2\$s sitt";
App::$strings["%1\$s updated their %2\$s"] = "%1\$s oppdaterte %2\$s deres";
App::$strings["profile photo"] = "profilbilde";
App::$strings["[Edited %s]"] = "";
-App::$strings["__ctx:edit_activity__ Post"] = "";
-App::$strings["__ctx:edit_activity__ Comment"] = "";
+App::$strings["__ctx:edit_activity__ Post"] = "Innlegg";
+App::$strings["__ctx:edit_activity__ Comment"] = "Kommentar";
App::$strings["The provided email address is not valid"] = "";
App::$strings["The provided email domain is not among those allowed on this site"] = "";
App::$strings["The provided email address is already registered at this site"] = "";
@@ -1532,7 +1502,9 @@ App::$strings["Path not found."] = "Stien ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["mkdir failed."] = "mkdir mislyktes.";
App::$strings["database storage failed."] = "databaselagring mislyktes.";
App::$strings["Empty path"] = "Tom sti";
+App::$strings["%s shared an %s with you"] = "Filer: delt med meg";
App::$strings["%s shared a %s with you"] = "";
+App::$strings["image"] = "Bilde";
App::$strings["%1\$s's bookmarks"] = "%1\$s sine bokmerker";
App::$strings["Image/photo"] = "Bilde/fotografi";
App::$strings["Encrypted content"] = "Kryptert innhold";
@@ -1571,6 +1543,7 @@ App::$strings["Status:"] = "Status:";
App::$strings["Homepage:"] = "Hjemmeside:";
App::$strings["Hometown:"] = "Hjemby:";
App::$strings["Online Now"] = "Online nå";
+App::$strings["This channel has not added a profile description yet"] = "";
App::$strings["Change your profile photo"] = "";
App::$strings["Trans"] = "";
App::$strings["Full Name:"] = "Fullt navn:";
@@ -1609,16 +1582,17 @@ App::$strings["Visible to your default audience"] = "Synlig for ditt standard pu
App::$strings["Profile-Based Privacy Groups"] = "";
App::$strings["Private Forum"] = "";
App::$strings["Forums"] = "Forum";
-App::$strings["Only me"] = "";
-App::$strings["Share with"] = "";
-App::$strings["Custom selection"] = "";
+App::$strings["Only me"] = "Kun meg";
+App::$strings["Share with"] = "Del med";
+App::$strings["Custom selection"] = "Tilpasset utvalg";
App::$strings["Select \"Allow\" to allow viewing. \"Don't allow\" lets you override and limit the scope of \"Allow\"."] = "";
App::$strings["Allow"] = "";
App::$strings["Don't allow"] = "";
-App::$strings["Post permissions %s cannot be changed %s after a post is shared.</br />These permissions set who is allowed to view the post."] = "";
+App::$strings["Close"] = "Lukk";
+App::$strings["Post permissions %s cannot be changed %s after a post is shared.</br />These permissions set who is allowed to view the post."] = "Tillatelsene til innlegget %s kan ikke endres %s etter at innlegget er delt.</br />Disse tillatelsene avgjør hvem som kan se innlegget.";
App::$strings["View PDF"] = "";
-App::$strings[" by "] = "";
-App::$strings[" on "] = "";
+App::$strings[" by "] = " av ";
+App::$strings[" on "] = "På";
App::$strings["Embedded content"] = "Innebygget innhold";
App::$strings["Embedding disabled"] = "Innbygging avskrudd";
App::$strings["OpenWebAuth: %1\$s welcomes %2\$s"] = "OpenWebAuth: %1\$s ønsker %2\$s velkommen";
@@ -1637,13 +1611,15 @@ App::$strings["Edit Album"] = "Endre album";
App::$strings["Upload"] = "Last opp";
App::$strings["Tasks"] = "Oppgaver";
App::$strings["Chat Members"] = "";
+App::$strings["Welcome"] = "Velkommen";
+App::$strings["No recent activities"] = "Nylig aktivitet";
App::$strings["__ctx:noun__ new connection"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
+ 0 => "ny forbindelse",
+ 1 => "nye forbindelser",
App::$strings["__ctx:noun__ notice"] = array(
- 0 => "",
- 1 => "",
+ 0 => "varsel",
+ 1 => "varsel",
App::$strings["I will attend"] = "Jeg vil delta";
App::$strings["I will not attend"] = "Jeg deltar ikke";
@@ -1659,7 +1635,7 @@ App::$strings["Attendance Options"] = "";
App::$strings["Voting Options"] = "";
App::$strings["Pinned post"] = "";
App::$strings["Don't show"] = "Ikke vis";
-App::$strings["__ctx:widget__ Activity"] = "";
+App::$strings["__ctx:widget__ Activity"] = "aktivitet";
App::$strings["Select Channel"] = "";
App::$strings["Read-write"] = "";
App::$strings["Read-only"] = "";
@@ -1686,7 +1662,7 @@ App::$strings["Remove term"] = "Fjern begrep";
App::$strings["Suggested Chatrooms"] = "Foreslåtte chatrom";
App::$strings["Account settings"] = "Kontoinnstillinger";
App::$strings["Channel settings"] = "Kanalinnstillinger";
-App::$strings["Privacy settings"] = "";
+App::$strings["Privacy settings"] = "Personverninnstillinger";
App::$strings["Display settings"] = "Visningsinnstillinger";
App::$strings["Manage locations"] = "";
App::$strings["Overview"] = "";
@@ -1695,7 +1671,7 @@ App::$strings["Suggestions"] = "Forslag";
App::$strings["See more..."] = "Se mer...";
App::$strings["Bookmarked Chatrooms"] = "Bokmerkede chatrom";
App::$strings["App Categories"] = "";
-App::$strings["Toggle post editor"] = "";
+App::$strings["Toggle post editor"] = "Vis redigering av innlegg";
App::$strings["Toggle personal notes"] = "";
App::$strings["Channel activities"] = "";
App::$strings["Add new role"] = "";
@@ -1710,16 +1686,17 @@ App::$strings["Features"] = "Funksjoner";
App::$strings["Addons"] = "Tillegg";
App::$strings["Themes"] = "Utseende";
App::$strings["Inspect queue"] = "Inspiser kø";
+App::$strings["Queueworker"] = "";
App::$strings["Profile Fields"] = "Profilfelter";
App::$strings["DB updates"] = "Databaseoppdateringer";
App::$strings["Logs"] = "Logger";
App::$strings["Addon Features"] = "";
App::$strings["Direct Messages"] = "Direktemeldinger";
-App::$strings["Show direct (private) messages"] = "";
+App::$strings["Show direct (private) messages"] = "Vis direktemeldinger (private meldinger)";
App::$strings["Events"] = "Hendelser";
App::$strings["Show posts that include events"] = "";
-App::$strings["Polls"] = "";
-App::$strings["Show posts that include polls"] = "";
+App::$strings["Polls"] = "Spørreskjema";
+App::$strings["Show posts that include polls"] = "Vis innlegg som inneholder spørreskjema";
App::$strings["Show posts related to the %s privacy group"] = "";
App::$strings["Show my privacy groups"] = "";
App::$strings["Show posts to this forum"] = "";
@@ -1731,14 +1708,14 @@ App::$strings["Show posts that mention or involve me"] = "";
App::$strings["Show posts that I have filed to %s"] = "";
App::$strings["Show filed post categories"] = "";
App::$strings["Panel search"] = "";
-App::$strings["Filter by name"] = "";
+App::$strings["Filter by name"] = "Filtrer etter navn";
App::$strings["Remove active filter"] = "";
-App::$strings["Stream Filters"] = "";
+App::$strings["Stream Filters"] = "Filtere for tidslinjen";
App::$strings["App Collections"] = "";
App::$strings["Installed apps"] = "";
App::$strings["Available Apps"] = "";
App::$strings["Add new group"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy groups"] = "";
+App::$strings["Privacy groups"] = "Personverngrupper";
App::$strings["Rating Tools"] = "Vurderingsverktøy";
App::$strings["Rate Me"] = "Vurder meg";
App::$strings["View Ratings"] = "Vis vurderinger";
@@ -1751,7 +1728,9 @@ App::$strings["Public and restricted messages"] = "";
App::$strings["Direct messages"] = "Direktemeldinger";
App::$strings["Starred messages"] = "";
App::$strings["Notices"] = "Varsel";
-App::$strings["No messages"] = "";
+App::$strings["No messages"] = "Ingen meldinger";
+App::$strings["Unseen"] = "";
+App::$strings["Filter by name or address"] = "Filtrer etter navn eller adresse";
App::$strings["Profile Creation"] = "Oppretting av profil";
App::$strings["Upload profile photo"] = "Last opp profilbilde";
App::$strings["Upload cover photo"] = "Last opp bannerbilde";
@@ -1782,7 +1761,6 @@ App::$strings["New network activity notifications"] = "";
App::$strings["Network stream"] = "";
App::$strings["Mark all notifications read"] = "";
App::$strings["Show new posts only"] = "";
-App::$strings["Filter by name or address"] = "";
App::$strings["New home activity notifications"] = "";
App::$strings["Home stream"] = "";
App::$strings["Mark all notifications seen"] = "";
@@ -1819,9 +1797,9 @@ App::$strings["Can not move folder \"%s\" into itself."] = "";
App::$strings["No such group"] = "Gruppen finnes ikke";
App::$strings["No such channel"] = "Ingen slik kanal";
App::$strings["Search Results For:"] = "Søkeresultat for:";
-App::$strings["Reset form"] = "";
+App::$strings["Reset form"] = "Nullstill skjema";
App::$strings["Privacy group is empty"] = "Personverngruppen er tom";
-App::$strings["Privacy group: "] = "Personverngruppe:";
+App::$strings["Privacy group: "] = "Personverngruppe: ";
App::$strings["Not a zip file or zip file corrupted."] = "";
App::$strings["Import Items"] = "Importer elementer";
App::$strings["Use this form to import existing posts and content from an export file."] = "Bruk dette skjemaet for å importere eksisterende innlegg og innhold fra en eksportfil.";
@@ -1945,7 +1923,7 @@ App::$strings["GD graphics PHP module"] = "GD graphics PHP-modul";
App::$strings["OpenSSL PHP module"] = "OpenSSL PHP-modul";
App::$strings["PDO database PHP module"] = "";
App::$strings["mb_string PHP module"] = "mb_string PHP-modul";
-App::$strings["xml PHP module"] = "XML PHP modul";
+App::$strings["xml PHP module"] = "xml PHP modul";
App::$strings["zip PHP module"] = "";
App::$strings["Apache mod_rewrite module"] = "Apache mod_rewrite-modul";
App::$strings["Error: Apache webserver mod-rewrite module is required but not installed."] = "Feil: Apache web-tjenerens mod-rewrite-modul er påkrevd, men ikke installert.";
@@ -1980,7 +1958,7 @@ App::$strings["This can cause usability issues elsewhere (not just on your own s
App::$strings["Providers are available that issue free certificates which are browser-valid."] = "Det finnes tilbydere som utsteder gratis sertifikater som er gyldige i nettlesere.";
App::$strings["If you are confident that the certificate is valid and signed by a trusted authority, check to see if you have failed to install an intermediate cert. These are not normally required by browsers, but are required for server-to-server communications."] = "";
App::$strings["SSL certificate validation"] = "SSL sertifikat-kontroll";
-App::$strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration.Test: "] = "URL omskriving (rewrite) i .htaccess virker ikke. Sjekk konfigurasjonen til tjeneren din. Test:";
+App::$strings["Url rewrite in .htaccess is not working. Check your server configuration.Test: "] = "URL omskriving (rewrite) i .htaccess virker ikke. Sjekk konfigurasjonen til tjeneren din. Test: ";
App::$strings["Url rewrite is working"] = "URL rewrite virker";
App::$strings["The database configuration file \".htconfig.php\" could not be written. Please use the enclosed text to create a configuration file in your web server root."] = "Databasekonfigurasjonsfilen \".htconfig.php\" kunne ikke skrives. Vennligst bruk den medfølgende teksten for å lage en konfigurasjonsfil i toppkatalogen av din web-tjener.";
App::$strings["<h1>What next?</h1>"] = "";
@@ -2012,17 +1990,16 @@ App::$strings["Could not create privacy group."] = "Kunne ikke opprette personve
App::$strings["Privacy group updated."] = "Personverngruppen er oppdatert.";
App::$strings["Post to this group by default"] = "";
App::$strings["Add new contacts to this group by default"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy group name"] = "";
+App::$strings["Privacy group name"] = "Personverngruppens navn:";
App::$strings["Members are visible to other channels"] = "Medlemmer er synlig for andre kanaler";
App::$strings["Privacy group removed."] = "Personverngruppen er fjernet.";
App::$strings["Unable to remove privacy group."] = "Ikke i stand til å fjerne personverngruppen.";
-App::$strings["Privacy Group: %s"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy group name: "] = "Personverngruppens navn:";
+App::$strings["Privacy Group: %s"] = "Personverngruppe: %s";
+App::$strings["Privacy group name: "] = "Personverngruppens navn: ";
App::$strings["Group members"] = "";
App::$strings["Not in this group"] = "";
App::$strings["Click a channel to toggle membership"] = "";
App::$strings["This page is available only to site members"] = "";
-App::$strings["Welcome"] = "Velkommen";
App::$strings["What would you like to do?"] = "";
App::$strings["Please bookmark this page if you would like to return to it in the future"] = "";
App::$strings["Upload a profile photo"] = "";
@@ -2074,12 +2051,15 @@ App::$strings["Event title and start time are required."] = "Hendelsestittel og
App::$strings["Event not found."] = "Hendelsen ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["Edit event"] = "Endre hendelse";
App::$strings["Delete event"] = "Slett hendelse";
-App::$strings["Link to source"] = "";
+App::$strings["Link to source"] = "Lenke til kilde";
App::$strings["calendar"] = "kalender";
App::$strings["Failed to remove event"] = "Mislyktes med å slette hendelse";
+App::$strings["Account not found."] = "Kontoen ble ikke funnet";
+App::$strings["Multifactor Verification"] = "";
+App::$strings["Please enter the verification key from your authenticator app"] = "";
App::$strings["Like/Dislike"] = "Liker/Liker ikke";
App::$strings["This action is restricted to members."] = "Denne handlingen er begrenset til medlemmer.";
-App::$strings["Please <a href=\"rmagic\">login with your \$Projectname ID</a> or <a href=\"register\">register as a new \$Projectname member</a> to continue."] = "Vennligst <a href=\"rmagic\">logg inn med din \$Projectname ID</a> eller <a href=\"register\">registrer deg som et nytt \$Projectname-medlem</a> for å fortsette";
+App::$strings["Please <a href=\"rmagic\">login with your \$Projectname ID</a> or <a href=\"register\">register as a new \$Projectname member</a> to continue."] = "Vennligst <a href=\"rmagic\">logg inn med din \$Projectname ID</a> eller <a href=\"register\">registrer deg som et nytt \$Projectname-medlem</a> for å fortsette.";
App::$strings["Invalid request."] = "Ugyldig forespørsel.";
App::$strings["thing"] = "ting";
App::$strings["Channel unavailable."] = "Kanalen er utilgjengelig.";
@@ -2090,22 +2070,21 @@ App::$strings["%1\$s abstains from a decision on %2\$s's %3\$s"] = "%1\$s avstå
App::$strings["Action completed."] = "Handling ferdig.";
App::$strings["Thank you."] = "Tusen takk.";
App::$strings["Poke somebody"] = "Dult noen";
-App::$strings["Poke/Prod"] = "Prikke/oppildne";
-App::$strings["Poke, prod or do other things to somebody"] = "Dult, prikk eller gjør andre ting med noen";
+App::$strings["Poke or ping somebody"] = "Dult noen";
App::$strings["Recipient"] = "Mottaker";
-App::$strings["Choose what you wish to do to recipient"] = "Velg hva du ønsker å gjøre med mottakeren";
+App::$strings["Choose action"] = "Forbindelser";
App::$strings["Make this post private"] = "Gjør dette innlegget privat";
App::$strings["Calendar entries imported."] = "Kalenderhendelsene er importert.";
App::$strings["No calendar entries found."] = "Ingen kalenderhendelser funnet.";
App::$strings["Event title"] = "Tittel på hendelse";
App::$strings["Start date and time"] = "Startdato og tidspunkt";
App::$strings["End date and time"] = "";
-App::$strings["Timezone:"] = "";
+App::$strings["Timezone:"] = "Tidssone";
App::$strings["Previous"] = "Forrige";
App::$strings["Today"] = "Idag";
-App::$strings["Month"] = "";
-App::$strings["Week"] = "";
-App::$strings["Day"] = "";
+App::$strings["Month"] = "måned";
+App::$strings["Week"] = "uke";
+App::$strings["Day"] = "dag";
App::$strings["List month"] = "";
App::$strings["List week"] = "";
App::$strings["List day"] = "";
@@ -2133,11 +2112,13 @@ App::$strings["Country"] = "Land";
App::$strings["Default Calendar"] = "";
App::$strings["Default Addressbook"] = "";
App::$strings["Remote privacy information not available"] = "";
-App::$strings["__ctx:acl__ Profile"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy group"] = "";
+App::$strings["__ctx:acl__ Profile"] = "Profil";
+App::$strings["Privacy group"] = "Personverngruppe:";
+App::$strings["Item"] = "";
App::$strings["Click to copy link to this ressource for guest %s to clipboard"] = "";
App::$strings["Link copied"] = "";
-App::$strings["Access"] = "";
+App::$strings["Access"] = "Tilgang";
+App::$strings["OCAP access"] = "";
App::$strings["Empty post discarded."] = "Tomt innlegg forkastet.";
App::$strings["Duplicate post suppressed."] = "Duplikat av innlegg forhindret.";
App::$strings["System error. Post not saved."] = "Systemfeil. Innlegg ble ikke lagret.";
@@ -2215,7 +2196,7 @@ App::$strings["Show URL to this file"] = "Vis URLen til denne filen";
App::$strings["Show in your contacts shared folder"] = "";
App::$strings["Tag removed"] = "Merkelapp fjernet";
App::$strings["Remove Item Tag"] = "Fjern merkelapp fra element";
-App::$strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Velg merkelapp å fjerne:";
+App::$strings["Select a tag to remove: "] = "Velg merkelapp å fjerne: ";
App::$strings["Continue"] = "Fortsett";
App::$strings["Premium Channel Setup"] = "Premiumkanal-oppsett";
App::$strings["Enable premium channel connection restrictions"] = "Slå på restriksjoner for forbindelse med premiumkanal";
@@ -2225,8 +2206,6 @@ App::$strings["Potential connections will then see the following text before pro
App::$strings["By continuing, I certify that I have complied with any instructions provided on this page."] = "Ved å fortsette bekrefter jeg at jeg har oppfylt alle instruksjoner gitt på denne siden.";
App::$strings["(No specific instructions have been provided by the channel owner.)"] = "(Ingen spesifikke instruksjoner er gitt av kanaleieren.)";
App::$strings["Restricted or Premium Channel"] = "Begrenset kanal eller premiumkanal";
-App::$strings["Not found"] = "";
-App::$strings["Unknown error"] = "";
App::$strings["Post repeated"] = "";
App::$strings["network"] = "nettverk";
App::$strings["Item is not editable"] = "Elementet kan ikke endres";
@@ -2237,6 +2216,14 @@ App::$strings["Unknown App"] = "";
App::$strings["Authorize"] = "";
App::$strings["Do you authorize the app %s to access your channel data?"] = "";
App::$strings["Deny"] = "Avslå";
+App::$strings["Max queueworker threads"] = "";
+App::$strings["Minimum 4, default 4"] = "";
+App::$strings["Assume workers dead after"] = "";
+App::$strings["Minimum 120, default 300 seconds"] = "";
+App::$strings["Pause before starting next task"] = "";
+App::$strings["Minimum 100, default 100 microseconds"] = "";
+App::$strings["Automatically adjust pause before starting next task"] = "";
+App::$strings["Queueworker Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Queue Statistics"] = "Køstatistikk";
App::$strings["Total Entries"] = "Totalt antall oppføringer";
App::$strings["Priority"] = "Prioritet";
@@ -2252,8 +2239,8 @@ App::$strings["Enable"] = "Skru på";
App::$strings["Screenshot"] = "Skjermbilde";
App::$strings["Administration"] = "Administrasjon";
App::$strings["Toggle"] = "Skru av og på";
-App::$strings["Author: "] = "Forfatter:";
-App::$strings["Maintainer: "] = "Vedlikeholder:";
+App::$strings["Author: "] = "Forfatter: ";
+App::$strings["Maintainer: "] = "Vedlikeholder: ";
App::$strings["[Experimental]"] = "[Eksperimentelt]";
App::$strings["[Unsupported]"] = "[Ingen støtte]";
App::$strings["Lock feature %s"] = "Lås funksjon %s";
@@ -2286,6 +2273,8 @@ App::$strings["Block embedded HTML from these domains"] = "Blokker innbygget HTM
App::$strings["Allow SVG thumbnails in file browser"] = "";
App::$strings["WARNING: SVG images may contain malicious code."] = "";
App::$strings["Allow embedded (inline) PDF files"] = "";
+App::$strings["Additional trusted directory server URLs"] = "Standard katalogtjener";
+App::$strings["Accept directory flags (spam, nsfw) from those servers. One per line like https://example.tld"] = "";
App::$strings["%s account blocked/unblocked"] = array(
0 => "%s konto blokkert/ikke blokkert lenger",
1 => "%s kontoer blokkert/ikke blokkert lenger",
@@ -2356,7 +2345,6 @@ App::$strings["Administrator Information"] = "Administratorinformasjon";
App::$strings["Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here"] = "Kontaktinformasjon til nettstedsadministratorer. Vises på siteinfo-siden. BBCode kan brukes her";
App::$strings["Site Information"] = "";
App::$strings["Publicly visible description of this site. Displayed on siteinfo page. BBCode can be used here"] = "";
-App::$strings["System language"] = "Systemspråk";
App::$strings["System theme"] = "Systemtema";
App::$strings["Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>"] = "Standard systemtema - kan overstyres av brukerprofiler - <a href='#' id='cnftheme'>endre temainnstillinger</a>";
App::$strings["Allow Feeds as Connections"] = "Tillat strømmer som forbindelser";
@@ -2395,15 +2383,15 @@ App::$strings["example: 'pubstream' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to sh
App::$strings["Preserve site homepage URL"] = "Bevar URL-en til nettstedets hjemmeside";
App::$strings["Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of redirecting"] = "Presenter hjemmesiden til nettstedet i en ramme fra den opprinnelige plasseringen i stedet for å omdirigere";
App::$strings["Allowed friend domains"] = "Tillatte vennedomener";
-App::$strings["Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"] = "Kommaseparert liste over domener som har lov til å etablere vennskap med dette nettstedet. Jokertegn er akseptert. Tøm for å tillate alle domener.";
+App::$strings["Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains"] = "Kommaseparert liste over domener som har lov til å etablere vennskap med dette nettstedet. Jokertegn er akseptert. Tøm for å tillate alle domener";
App::$strings["Force publish"] = "Tving publisering";
-App::$strings["Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory."] = "Kryss av for å tvinge alle profiler på dette nettstedet til å bli oppført i nettstedet sin katalog.";
-App::$strings["Import Public Streams"] = "Importer offentlige innholdsstrømmer";
-App::$strings["Import and allow access to public content pulled from other sites. Warning: this content is unmoderated."] = "Importer og gi tilgang til offentlig innhold trukket inn fra andre nettsteder. Advarsel: dette innholdet er ikke moderert.";
-App::$strings["Site only Public Streams"] = "";
-App::$strings["Allow access to public content originating only from this site if Imported Public Streams are disabled."] = "";
-App::$strings["Allow anybody on the internet to access the Public streams"] = "";
-App::$strings["Disable to require authentication before viewing. Warning: this content is unmoderated."] = "";
+App::$strings["Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory"] = "Kryss av for å tvinge alle profiler på dette nettstedet til å bli oppført i nettstedet sin katalog.";
+App::$strings["Enable public stream"] = "";
+App::$strings["Enable the public stream. Warning: this content is unmoderated"] = "Importer og gi tilgang til offentlig innhold trukket inn fra andre nettsteder. Advarsel: dette innholdet er ikke moderert.";
+App::$strings["Site only public stream"] = "Mitt nettsted er ikke en offentlig tjeneste";
+App::$strings["Restrict the public stream to content originating at this site"] = "";
+App::$strings["Allow anybody on the internet to access the public streams"] = "";
+App::$strings["Disable to require authentication before viewing"] = "";
App::$strings["Only import Public stream posts with this text"] = "";
App::$strings["words one per line or #tags or /patterns/ or lang=xx, leave blank to import all posts"] = "ord per linje eller #merkelapper eller /mønster/ eller språk lang=xx, la stå blankt for å importere alle innlegg";
App::$strings["Do not import Public stream posts with this text"] = "";
@@ -2426,8 +2414,6 @@ App::$strings["Delivery interval"] = "Leveringsinterval";
App::$strings["Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 for large dedicated servers."] = "Forsink leveringsprosessene i bakgrunnen med dette antall sekunder for å redusere systembelastningen. Anbefaling: 4-5 for delte tjenere, 2-3 for virtuelle tjenere, 0-1 for større dedikerte tjenere.";
App::$strings["Deliveries per process"] = "Leveranser per prosess";
App::$strings["Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5."] = "Antall leveranser som forsøkes i en enkelt operativsystemprosess. Juster om nødvendig for å fininnstille systemets yteevne. Anbefaling: 1-5.";
-App::$strings["Queue Threshold"] = "";
-App::$strings["Always defer immediate delivery if queue contains more than this number of entries."] = "";
App::$strings["Poll interval"] = "Spørreintervall";
App::$strings["Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system load. If 0, use delivery interval."] = "Forsink spørreprosessene i bakgrunnen med dette antall sekunder for å redusere systembelastningen. Hvis 0, bruk dette leveringsintervallet.";
App::$strings["Path to ImageMagick convert program"] = "";
@@ -2478,7 +2464,6 @@ App::$strings["Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was poste
App::$strings["The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?"] = "Kanalen {0} vil bli slettet!\\n\\nAlt innhold som er lagt inn i denne kanalen på dettet nettstedet vil bli slettet for alltid!\\n\\nEr du sikker på at du vil slette denne kanalen med alt innhold?";
App::$strings["Password changed for account %d."] = "";
App::$strings["Account settings updated."] = "";
-App::$strings["Account not found."] = "";
App::$strings["Account Edit"] = "";
App::$strings["New Password"] = "";
App::$strings["New Password again"] = "";
@@ -2514,16 +2499,16 @@ App::$strings["Attempt to execute this update step automatically"] = "Prøv å g
App::$strings["No failed updates."] = "Ingen mislykkede oppdateringer.";
App::$strings["Plugin %s disabled."] = "Tilleggsfunksjonen %s er avskrudd.";
App::$strings["Plugin %s enabled."] = "Tilleggsfunksjonen %s er påskrudd.";
-App::$strings["Minimum project version: "] = "Minimum prosjektversjon:";
-App::$strings["Maximum project version: "] = "Maksimum prosjektversjon:";
-App::$strings["Minimum PHP version: "] = "Minimum PHP-versjon:";
+App::$strings["Minimum project version: "] = "Minimum prosjektversjon: ";
+App::$strings["Maximum project version: "] = "Maksimum prosjektversjon: ";
+App::$strings["Minimum PHP version: "] = "Minimum PHP-versjon: ";
App::$strings["Compatible Server Roles: "] = "";
-App::$strings["Requires: "] = "Krever:";
+App::$strings["Requires: "] = "Krever: ";
App::$strings["Disabled - version incompatibility"] = "Skrudd av - versjonsinkompatibilitet";
App::$strings["Enter the public git repository URL of the addon repo."] = "";
App::$strings["Addon repo git URL"] = "";
App::$strings["Custom repo name"] = "";
-App::$strings["(optional)"] = "";
+App::$strings["(optional)"] = "Valgfritt";
App::$strings["Download Addon Repo"] = "";
App::$strings["Install new repo"] = "";
App::$strings["Install"] = "Installer";
@@ -2537,7 +2522,7 @@ App::$strings["Create Custom App"] = "";
App::$strings["Some blurb about what to do when you're new here"] = "En standardtekst om hva du bør gjøre som ny her";
App::$strings["Channel removals are not allowed within 48 hours of changing the account password."] = "Fjerning av kanaler er ikke tillatt innen 48 timer etter endring av kontopassordet.";
App::$strings["Remove Channel"] = "Fjern kanal";
-App::$strings["WARNING: "] = "ADVARSEL:";
+App::$strings["WARNING: "] = "ADVARSEL: ";
App::$strings["This channel will be permanently removed. "] = "";
App::$strings["This action can not be undone!"] = "";
App::$strings["Please enter your password for verification:"] = "Vennligst skriv ditt passord for å få bekreftelse:";
@@ -2580,7 +2565,7 @@ App::$strings["Default Channel"] = "Standardkanal";
App::$strings["Make Default"] = "Gjør til standard";
App::$strings["%d new introductions"] = "%d nye introduksjoner";
App::$strings["Delegated Channel"] = "Delegert kanal";
-App::$strings["Layout not found"] = "";
+App::$strings["Layout not found"] = "Layouten ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["This template does not support pdledi_gui (no content regions defined)"] = "";
App::$strings["Main page content"] = "";
App::$strings["The main page content can not be edited!"] = "";
@@ -2613,11 +2598,10 @@ App::$strings["Use arrows to move the corresponding app left (top) or right (bot
App::$strings["Use arrows to move the corresponding app up or down in the app tray"] = "";
App::$strings["Unable to find your hub."] = "Ikke i stand til å finne hubben din.";
App::$strings["Post successful."] = "Innlegg vellykket.";
-App::$strings["Comment approved"] = "";
-App::$strings["Comment deleted"] = "";
+App::$strings["Item approved"] = "Konto godkjent.";
App::$strings["Account removals are not allowed within 48 hours of changing the account password."] = "Sletting av kontoer er ikke tillatt innen 48 timer etter endring av kontopassordet.";
App::$strings["Remove This Account"] = "Slett denne kontoen";
-App::$strings["This account and all its channels will be completely removed from the network. "] = "Denne kontoen og alle dens kanaler vil bli fullstendig fjernet fra nettverket.";
+App::$strings["This account and all its channels will be completely removed from the network. "] = "Denne kontoen og alle dens kanaler vil bli fullstendig fjernet fra nettverket. ";
App::$strings["This action is permanent and can not be undone!"] = "Denne handlingen er permanent og kan ikke angres!";
App::$strings["Remove Account"] = "Slett konto";
App::$strings["Language App"] = "";
@@ -2647,19 +2631,19 @@ App::$strings["Your real name is recommended."] = "";
App::$strings["Examples: \"Bob Jameson\", \"Lisa and her Horses\", \"Soccer\", \"Aviation Group\""] = "Eksempel: \"Ola Nordmann\", \"Lisa og hestene hennes\", \"Fotball\", \"Sykkelgruppa\"";
App::$strings["This will be used to create a unique network address (like an email address)."] = "";
App::$strings["Allowed characters are a-z 0-9, - and _"] = "";
-App::$strings["Channel name"] = "";
+App::$strings["Channel name"] = "Kanalnavn";
App::$strings["Channel role"] = "";
App::$strings["Create a Channel"] = "";
App::$strings["A channel is a unique network identity. It can represent a person (social network profile), a forum (group), a business or celebrity page, a newsfeed, and many other things."] = "";
App::$strings["or <a href=\"import\">import an existing channel</a> from another location."] = "eller <a href=\"import\">importer en eksisterende kanal</a> fra et annet sted.";
App::$strings["Validate"] = "";
App::$strings["Entry censored"] = "";
-App::$strings["Entry uncensored"] = "";
+App::$strings["Entry OK"] = "";
App::$strings["No service class restrictions found."] = "Ingen restriksjoner er funnet i tjenesteklasse.";
App::$strings["Mood"] = "Stemning";
App::$strings["Set your current mood and tell your friends"] = "Angi ditt nåværende humør og fortell dine venner";
App::$strings["About this site"] = "";
-App::$strings["Site Name"] = "";
+App::$strings["Site Name"] = "Nettstedets navn";
App::$strings["Administrator"] = "Administrator";
App::$strings["Software and Project information"] = "";
App::$strings["This site is powered by \$Projectname"] = "";
@@ -2677,7 +2661,7 @@ App::$strings["Name of app"] = "Navn på app";
App::$strings["Location (URL) of app"] = "Plassering (URL) til app";
App::$strings["Photo icon URL"] = "Bildeikon URL";
App::$strings["80 x 80 pixels - optional"] = "80 x80 pixler - valgfritt";
-App::$strings["Categories (optional, comma separated list)"] = "";
+App::$strings["Categories (optional, comma separated list)"] = "Kategorier (valgfri, kommaseparert liste)";
App::$strings["Version ID"] = "Versjons-ID";
App::$strings["Price of app"] = "Pris på app";
App::$strings["Location (URL) to purchase app"] = "Plassering (URL) for å kjøpe app";
@@ -2705,7 +2689,7 @@ App::$strings["Please select a role for this contact!"] = "";
App::$strings["This contact is unreachable from this location."] = "";
App::$strings["This contact may be unreachable from other channel locations."] = "";
App::$strings["Location independence is not supported by their network."] = "";
-App::$strings["View profile"] = "";
+App::$strings["View profile"] = "Vis profil";
App::$strings["This is a group/forum channel"] = "";
App::$strings["Select a role for this contact"] = "";
App::$strings["Slide to adjust your degree of friendship"] = "Flytt for å justere din grad av vennskap";
@@ -2724,7 +2708,7 @@ App::$strings["Contact updated"] = "";
App::$strings["Contact update failed"] = "";
App::$strings["Approve connection"] = "Godkjenn forbindelse";
App::$strings["Refresh succeeded"] = "";
-App::$strings["Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable"] = "";
+App::$strings["Refresh failed - channel is currently unavailable"] = "Oppfrisking mislyktes - kanalen er for øyeblikket utilgjengelig.";
App::$strings["Block status updated"] = "";
App::$strings["Block failed"] = "";
App::$strings["Ignore status updated"] = "";
@@ -2755,23 +2739,21 @@ App::$strings["Hide or Unhide this connection from your other connections"] = "S
App::$strings["This connection is hidden!"] = "Denne forbindelsen er skjult!";
App::$strings["Delete this connection"] = "Slett denne forbindelsen";
App::$strings["No default suggestions were found."] = "";
-App::$strings["%d rating"] = array(
- 0 => "%d vurdering",
- 1 => "%d vurderinger",
-App::$strings["Gender: "] = "Kjønn:";
-App::$strings["Status: "] = "Status:";
-App::$strings["Homepage: "] = "Hjemmeside:";
+App::$strings["Gender: "] = "Kjønn: ";
+App::$strings["Status: "] = "Status: ";
+App::$strings["Homepage: "] = "Hjemmeside: ";
App::$strings["Description:"] = "Beskrivelse:";
+App::$strings["Unsafe"] = "";
+App::$strings["Spam"] = "";
App::$strings["Public Forum:"] = "Offentlig forum:";
-App::$strings["Keywords: "] = "Nøkkelord:";
+App::$strings["Keywords: "] = "Nøkkelord: ";
App::$strings["Don't suggest"] = "Ikke foreslå";
App::$strings["Common connections (estimated):"] = "";
App::$strings["Global Directory"] = "Global katalog";
App::$strings["Local Directory"] = "Lokal katalog";
App::$strings["Finding:"] = "Finner:";
-App::$strings["next page"] = "Neste side";
-App::$strings["previous page"] = "Forrige side";
+App::$strings["next page"] = "neste side";
+App::$strings["previous page"] = "forrige side";
App::$strings["Sort options"] = "Sorteringsvalg";
App::$strings["Alphabetic"] = "Alfabetisk";
App::$strings["Reverse Alphabetic"] = "Omvendt alfabetisk";
@@ -2790,7 +2772,7 @@ App::$strings["A verification token was sent to your email address [%s]. Enter t
App::$strings["Resend Email"] = "";
App::$strings["Validation token"] = "";
App::$strings["Item not available."] = "Elementet er ikke tilgjengelig.";
-App::$strings["Poll not found."] = "";
+App::$strings["Poll not found."] = "Fant ikke spørreskjema.";
App::$strings["Invalid response."] = "";
App::$strings["Response submitted. Updates may not appear instantly."] = "";
App::$strings["Image uploaded but image cropping failed."] = "Bildet ble lastet opp, men beskjæring av bildet mislyktes.";
@@ -2801,13 +2783,13 @@ App::$strings["Photo not available."] = "Bildet er ikke tilgjengelig.";
App::$strings["This profile photo will be visible to anybody on the internet and may be distributed to other websites."] = "";
App::$strings["This profile photo will be visible only to channels with permission to view this profile."] = "";
App::$strings["Use Photo for Profile"] = "";
-App::$strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "";
+App::$strings["Change Profile Photo"] = "Endre profilbilde";
App::$strings["Reset to default"] = "";
App::$strings["Use a photo from your albums"] = "";
App::$strings["Select existing"] = "";
App::$strings["Crop Image"] = "Beskjær bildet";
App::$strings["Please adjust the image cropping for optimum viewing."] = "Vennligst juster bildebeskjæringen for optimal visning.";
-App::$strings["Done editing"] = "";
+App::$strings["Done editing"] = "Avslutt redigering";
App::$strings["Edit Block"] = "Endre byggekloss";
App::$strings["Enter a folder name"] = "";
App::$strings["or select an existing folder (doubleclick)"] = "";
@@ -2849,17 +2831,16 @@ App::$strings["Cover Photos"] = "Forsidebilder";
App::$strings["Your cover photo may be visible to anybody on the internet"] = "";
App::$strings["Upload File:"] = "Last opp fil:";
App::$strings["Select a profile:"] = "Velg en profil:";
-App::$strings["Change Cover Photo"] = "";
+App::$strings["Change Cover Photo"] = "Endre omslagsbilde";
App::$strings["Select existing photo"] = "";
App::$strings["Done Editing"] = "Avslutt redigering";
-App::$strings["Page owner information could not be retrieved."] = "Informasjon om sideeier kunne ikke hentes.";
App::$strings["Album not found."] = "Albumet ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["Delete Album"] = "Slett album";
App::$strings["Delete Photo"] = "Slett bilde";
App::$strings["No photos selected"] = "Ingen bilder valgt";
App::$strings["Access to this item is restricted."] = "Tilgang til dette elementet er begrenset.";
-App::$strings["%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
App::$strings["%1$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
+App::$strings["%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used."] = "%1$.2f MB av %2$.2f MB lagringsplass til bilder er brukt.";
App::$strings["Upload Photos"] = "Last opp bilder";
App::$strings["Enter an album name"] = "Skriv et albumnavn";
App::$strings["or select an existing album (doubleclick)"] = "eller velg et eksisterende album (dobbeltklikk)";
@@ -2989,10 +2970,10 @@ App::$strings["Register is closed"] = "";
App::$strings["Note, the invitation code is valid up to"] = "";
App::$strings["Too many recipients for one invitation (max %d)"] = "";
App::$strings["No recipients for this invitation"] = "";
-App::$strings["(%s) : Not a real email address"] = "";
-App::$strings["(%s) : Not allowed email address"] = "";
-App::$strings["(%s) : email address already in use"] = "";
-App::$strings["(%s) : Accepted email address"] = "";
+App::$strings["(%s) : Not a real email address"] = "(%s): Ikke en virkelig epostadresse";
+App::$strings["(%s) : Not allowed email address"] = "(%s): Ikke en tillatt epostadresse";
+App::$strings["(%s) : email address already in use"] = "(%s): epostadressen er allerede i bruk";
+App::$strings["(%s) : Accepted email address"] = "(%s): Godkjent epostadresse";
App::$strings["To %s : Message delivery success."] = "";
App::$strings["%1\$d mail(s) sent, %2\$d mail error(s)"] = "";
App::$strings["Invites not proposed by configuration"] = "";
@@ -3013,21 +2994,21 @@ App::$strings["Invite template"] = "";
App::$strings["Subject:"] = "Emne:";
App::$strings["Here you may enter personal notes to the recipient(s)"] = "";
App::$strings["Private forum"] = "";
-App::$strings["Public forum"] = "";
+App::$strings["Public forum"] = "Offentlig forum:";
App::$strings["Xchan Lookup"] = "Xchan oppslag";
-App::$strings["Lookup xchan beginning with (or webbie): "] = "Slå opp xchan som begynner med (eller webbie):";
+App::$strings["Lookup xchan beginning with (or webbie): "] = "Slå opp xchan som begynner med (eller webbie): ";
App::$strings["Affinity Tool settings updated."] = "";
App::$strings["The numbers below represent the minimum and maximum slider default positions for your network/stream page as a percentage."] = "";
App::$strings["Default maximum affinity level"] = "";
-App::$strings["0-99 default 99"] = "";
+App::$strings["0-99 default 99"] = "Standard";
App::$strings["Default minimum affinity level"] = "";
-App::$strings["0-99 - default 0"] = "";
+App::$strings["0-99 - default 0"] = "Standard";
App::$strings["Persistent affinity levels"] = "";
App::$strings["If disabled the max and min levels will be reset to default after page reload"] = "";
App::$strings["Affinity Tool Settings"] = "";
-App::$strings["Max height of content (in pixels)"] = "";
-App::$strings["Click to expand content exceeding this height"] = "";
-App::$strings["Stream Settings"] = "";
+App::$strings["Max height of content (in pixels)"] = "Maks høyde for innhold (i piksler)";
+App::$strings["Click to expand content exceeding this height"] = "Klikk for å vise hele innlegg som overskrider denne grensen";
+App::$strings["Stream Settings"] = "Instillinger for tidslinjen";
App::$strings["Additional Features"] = "Ekstra funksjoner";
App::$strings["Please select a channel role"] = "";
App::$strings["Your channel address is"] = "Din kanaladresse er";
@@ -3107,16 +3088,28 @@ App::$strings["Current Password"] = "Nåværende passord";
App::$strings["Enter New Password"] = "Skriv nytt passord";
App::$strings["Confirm New Password"] = "Bekreft nytt passord";
App::$strings["Leave password fields blank unless changing"] = "La passordfeltene stå blanke om det ikke skal endres";
-App::$strings["DId2 or Email Address:"] = "";
+App::$strings["Multi-Factor Authentication"] = "Flerfaktorautentisering";
+App::$strings["DId2 or Email Address:"] = "DId2 eller epostadresse:";
App::$strings["Remove this account including all its channels"] = "Slett denne kontoen inkludert alle dens kanaler";
App::$strings["No feature settings configured"] = "Ingen funksjonsinnstillinger er konfigurert";
-App::$strings["Addon Settings"] = "";
-App::$strings["Please save/submit changes to any panel before opening another."] = "";
+App::$strings["Addon Settings"] = "Instillinger for tillegg";
+App::$strings["Please save/submit changes to any panel before opening another."] = "Husk å lagre endringene i ett panel før du åpner andre.";
App::$strings["Events Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Channel Manager Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Personal menu to display in your channel pages"] = "Personlig meny som kan vises på dine kanalsider";
App::$strings["Channel Home Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Calendar Settings"] = "";
+App::$strings["Password is required"] = "Navn er påkrevd";
+App::$strings["The provided password is not correct"] = "";
+App::$strings["Account Multi-Factor Authentication"] = "Tofaktorautentisering";
+App::$strings["This is your generated secret. It may be used in some cases if the QR image cannot be read. Please store it in a safe place."] = "Dette er en generert sikkerhetskode. Den kan være nyttig i enkelte tilfeller hvor QR koden ikke kan leses. Lagre den et sikkert sted.";
+App::$strings["Please enter the code from your authenticator app"] = "Skriv inn koden fra din autentiseringsapp";
+App::$strings["You will only be able to enable MFA if the test passes"] = "Flerfaktorautentisering vil kun bli slått på dersom denne testen lykkes";
+App::$strings["Congratulations, the provided code was correct"] = "";
+App::$strings["Incorrect code"] = "";
+App::$strings["Enable Multi-Factor Authentication"] = "Mislykket autentisering";
+App::$strings["Logging in will require you to be in possession of your smartphone"] = "";
+App::$strings["Your account password"] = "Ditt nye passord er";
App::$strings["%s - (Experimental)"] = "%s - (Eksperimentelt)";
App::$strings["Display Settings"] = "Visningsinnstillinger";
App::$strings["Theme Settings"] = "Temainnstillinger";
@@ -3133,14 +3126,14 @@ App::$strings["Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:"] = "Maksima
App::$strings["Maximum of 30 items"] = "";
App::$strings["Show emoticons (smilies) as images"] = "Vis emoticons (smilefjes) som bilder";
App::$strings["Link post titles to source"] = "Lenk innleggets tittel til kilden";
-App::$strings["Display new member quick links menu"] = "";
+App::$strings["Display new member quick links menu"] = "Vis hurtiglenker for nye medlemmer";
App::$strings["Directory Settings"] = "";
-App::$strings["Editor Settings"] = "";
+App::$strings["Editor Settings"] = "Instillinger for redigering";
App::$strings["Connections Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Photos Settings"] = "";
App::$strings["Default profile for new contacts"] = "";
App::$strings["Profiles Settings"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy settings updated."] = "";
+App::$strings["Privacy settings updated."] = "Personverninnstillingene ble oppdatert.";
App::$strings["Only those you specifically allow"] = "Bare de du spesifikt tillater";
App::$strings["Approved connections"] = "Godkjente forbindelser";
App::$strings["Any connections"] = "Enhver forbindelse";
@@ -3149,15 +3142,21 @@ App::$strings["Anybody in this network"] = "Enhver i dette nettverket";
App::$strings["Anybody authenticated"] = "Enhver som er autentisert";
App::$strings["Anybody on the internet"] = "Enhver på Internett";
App::$strings["Advise: set to \"Anybody on the internet\" and use privacy groups to restrict access"] = "";
-App::$strings["Privacy Settings"] = "";
+App::$strings["Privacy Settings"] = "Personverninnstillinger";
App::$strings["Advanced configuration"] = "";
App::$strings["Proceed with caution"] = "";
App::$strings["Changing advanced configuration settings can impact your, and your contacts channels functionality and security."] = "";
App::$strings["Accept the risk and continue"] = "";
-App::$strings["Automatically approve new contacts"] = "";
-App::$strings["Opt-out of search engine indexing"] = "";
+App::$strings["Automatically approve new contacts"] = "Automatisk godkjenn nye kontakter";
+App::$strings["Opt-out of search engine indexing"] = "Ikke la søkemotorer indeksere denne kanalen";
App::$strings["Group actor"] = "";
App::$strings["Allow this channel to act as a forum"] = "";
+App::$strings["Accept all messages which mention you"] = "Godta alle meldinger som nevner deg";
+App::$strings["This setting bypasses normal permissions"] = "Denne instillingen overstyrer vanlig tilgangskontroll";
+App::$strings["Accept unsolicited comments for moderation"] = "Godta kommentarer fra fremmede for moderering";
+App::$strings["Otherwise they will be silently dropped"] = "Ellers vil de avvises uten varsel";
+App::$strings["Enable OCAP access"] = "Slå på OCAP tilgangskontroll";
+App::$strings["Grant limited posts the right to access linked private media"] = "Gi begrensede innlegg tilgang til private media som er lenket fra dem";
App::$strings["Settings saved."] = "";
App::$strings["Settings saved. Reload page please."] = "";
App::$strings["Conversation Settings"] = "";
@@ -3206,7 +3205,7 @@ App::$strings["leave blank unless your application specifically requires this"]
App::$strings["Connected OAuth2 Apps"] = "";
App::$strings["Invalid message"] = "Ugyldig melding";
App::$strings["no results"] = "ingen resultater";
-App::$strings["channel sync processed"] = "Kanalsynkronisering er behandlet";
+App::$strings["channel sync processed"] = "kanalsynkronisering er behandlet";
App::$strings["queued"] = "lagt i kø";
App::$strings["posted"] = "lagt inn";
App::$strings["accepted for delivery"] = "akseptert for levering";
@@ -3243,7 +3242,7 @@ App::$strings["Resume"] = "";
App::$strings["Only resume if sync stalled!"] = "";
App::$strings["Layout updated."] = "Layout er oppdatert.";
App::$strings["Edit System Page Description"] = "Endre beskrivelsen av systemsiden";
-App::$strings["(modified)"] = "";
+App::$strings["(modified)"] = "(endret)";
App::$strings["Layout not found."] = "Layouten ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["Module Name:"] = "Modulnavn:";
App::$strings["Layout Help"] = "Layout-hjelp";
@@ -3272,7 +3271,7 @@ App::$strings["Manage contact roles"] = "";
App::$strings["This contacts's primary address is"] = "";
App::$strings["Available locations:"] = "Tilgjengelige plasseringer:";
App::$strings["Contact Pending Approval"] = "";
-App::$strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Vennligst velg profilen du ønsker å vise %s når profilen din ses på en sikret måte. ";
+App::$strings["Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your profile securely."] = "Vennligst velg profilen du ønsker å vise %s når profilen din ses på en sikret måte.";
App::$strings["Some permissions may be inherited from your channel's <a href=\"settings\"><strong>privacy settings</strong></a>, which have higher priority than individual settings. You can <strong>not</strong> change those settings here."] = "Noen tillatelser kan være arvet fra din kanals <a ref=\"settings\"><strong>personverninnstillinger</strong></a>, som har høyere prioritet enn individuelle innstillinger. Du kan <strong>ikke</strong> endre arvede innstillingene her.";
App::$strings["Some permissions may be inherited from your channel's <a href=\"settings\"><strong>privacy settings</strong></a>, which have higher priority than individual settings. You can change those settings here but they wont have any impact unless the inherited setting changes."] = "Noen tillatelser kan være arvet fra din kanals <a ref=\"settings\"><strong>personverninnstillinger</strong></a>, som har høyere prioritet enn individuelle innstillinger. Du kan endre disse innstillingene her, men de vil ikke få noen effekt før de arvede innstillingene endres.";
App::$strings["Last update:"] = "Siste oppdatering:";
@@ -3318,7 +3317,7 @@ App::$strings["URL of bookmark"] = "URL-en til bokmerket";
App::$strings["Or enter new bookmark folder name"] = "Eller skriv nytt navn på bokmerkemappe";
App::$strings["A deleted privacy group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions <strong>may</strong> apply to this privacy group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another privacy group with a different name."] = "";
App::$strings["Select a privacy group"] = "";
-App::$strings["__ctx:permcat__ Default"] = "";
+App::$strings["__ctx:permcat__ Default"] = "Standard";
App::$strings["Likes %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "";
App::$strings["Doesn't like %1\$s's %2\$s"] = "";
App::$strings["Will attend %s's event"] = "";
@@ -3336,8 +3335,11 @@ App::$strings["%1\$s sent you a new direct message at %2\$s"] = "%1\$s sendte de
App::$strings["%1\$s sent you %2\$s."] = "%1\$s sendte deg %2\$s.";
App::$strings["a direct message"] = "en direktemelding";
App::$strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to your direct messages."] = "Gå til %s for å vise og/eller svare på dine direktemeldinger.";
+App::$strings["requested to comment on"] = "";
App::$strings["commented on"] = "";
+App::$strings["requested to like"] = "Dato for forespørsel";
App::$strings["liked"] = "";
+App::$strings["requested to dislike"] = "";
App::$strings["disliked"] = "";
App::$strings["voted on"] = "";
App::$strings["%1\$s %2\$s [zrl=%3\$s]a %4\$s[/zrl]"] = "";
@@ -3346,7 +3348,7 @@ App::$strings["%1\$s %2\$s [zrl=%3\$s]your %4\$s[/zrl]"] = "";
App::$strings["[\$Projectname:Notify] Moderated Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "";
App::$strings["[\$Projectname:Notify] Comment to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "";
App::$strings["%1\$s commented on an item/conversation you have been following"] = "";
-App::$strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Vennligst besøk %s for å se og/eller svare i samtalen";
+App::$strings["Please visit %s to view and/or reply to the conversation."] = "Vennligst besøk %s for å se og/eller svare i samtalen.";
App::$strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject this comment."] = "";
App::$strings["[\$Projectname:Notify] Like received to conversation #%1\$d by %2\$s"] = "";
App::$strings["%1\$s liked an item/conversation you created"] = "";
@@ -3374,9 +3376,9 @@ App::$strings["Name:"] = "Navn:";
App::$strings["Photo:"] = "Bilde:";
App::$strings["Please visit %s to approve or reject the suggestion."] = "Vennligst besøk %s for å godkjenne eller avslå dette forslaget.";
App::$strings["[\$Projectname:Notify]"] = "";
-App::$strings["created a new poll"] = "";
+App::$strings["created a new poll"] = "opprettet spørreskjema";
App::$strings["created a new post"] = "laget et nytt innlegg";
-App::$strings["voted on %s's poll"] = "";
+App::$strings["voted on %s's poll"] = "stemte på %s sitt spørreskjema";
App::$strings["commented on %s's post"] = "kommenterte på %s sitt innlegg";
App::$strings["repeated %s's post"] = "";
App::$strings["liked %s's post"] = "";
@@ -3399,7 +3401,7 @@ App::$strings["Cannot connect to yourself."] = "Kan ikke lage forbindelse med de
App::$strings["error saving data"] = "";
App::$strings["Missing room name"] = "Mangler romnavn";
App::$strings["Duplicate room name"] = "Duplikat romnavn";
-App::$strings["Invalid room specifier."] = "Ugyldig rom-spesifisering";
+App::$strings["Invalid room specifier."] = "Ugyldig rom-spesifisering.";
App::$strings["Room not found."] = "Rommet ble ikke funnet.";
App::$strings["Room is full"] = "Rommet er fullt";
App::$strings["Affinity Tool"] = "Nærhetsverktøy";
@@ -3408,7 +3410,7 @@ App::$strings["Content Filter"] = "";
App::$strings["Remote Diagnostics"] = "";
App::$strings["Suggest Channels"] = "Foreslå kanaler";
App::$strings["Channel Manager"] = "Kanalstyring";
-App::$strings["Stream"] = "";
+App::$strings["Stream"] = "Tidslinje";
App::$strings["Mail"] = "Melding";
App::$strings["Chat"] = "Chat";
App::$strings["Probe"] = "Undersøk";
@@ -3441,8 +3443,8 @@ App::$strings["Safe Mode"] = "Trygt modus";
App::$strings["Public Forums Only"] = "Bare offentlige forum";
App::$strings["This Website Only"] = "Kun dette nettstedet";
App::$strings["Unable to verify channel signature"] = "Ikke i stand til å sjekke kanalsignaturen";
-App::$strings["Restricted message"] = "";
-App::$strings["Direct message"] = "direktemelding";
+App::$strings["Restricted message"] = "Begrenset melding";
+App::$strings["Direct message"] = "Direktemelding";
App::$strings["Public Policy"] = "";
App::$strings["Privacy conflict. Discretion advised."] = "";
App::$strings["Admin Delete"] = "";
@@ -3450,14 +3452,14 @@ App::$strings["Reply on this comment"] = "";
App::$strings["reply"] = "";
App::$strings["Reply to"] = "";
App::$strings["Delivery Report"] = "Leveringsrapport";
-App::$strings["%d comment"] = array(
+App::$strings["%d Comment"] = array(
0 => "%d kommentar",
1 => "%d kommentarer",
App::$strings["%d unseen"] = "";
App::$strings["Forum"] = "";
App::$strings["to"] = "til";
-App::$strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "vegg-til-vegg";
+App::$strings["Wall-to-Wall"] = "Vegg-til-vegg";
App::$strings["via Wall-To-Wall:"] = "via vegg-til-vegg:";
App::$strings["Attend"] = "";
App::$strings["Go to previous comment"] = "";
@@ -3501,7 +3503,7 @@ App::$strings["Special - Celebrity/Soapbox"] = "Spesiell - kjendis/talerstol";
App::$strings["Special - Group Repository"] = "Spesiell - gruppelager";
App::$strings["Custom/Expert Mode"] = "Tilpasset/Ekspertmodus";
App::$strings["Personal"] = "Personlig";
-App::$strings["Community forum"] = "";
+App::$strings["Community forum"] = "Forum for fellesskap";
App::$strings["Custom"] = "";
App::$strings["Can view my channel stream and posts"] = "";
App::$strings["Can send me their channel stream and posts"] = "Kan sende meg deres kanalstrøm og innlegg";
@@ -3530,7 +3532,7 @@ App::$strings["Total"] = "Totalt";
App::$strings["Shared"] = "Delt";
App::$strings["Add Files"] = "";
App::$strings["parent"] = "opp et nivå";
-App::$strings["Select All"] = "";
+App::$strings["Select All"] = "velg alle";
App::$strings["Bulk Actions"] = "";
App::$strings["Adjust Permissions"] = "";
App::$strings["Move or Copy"] = "";