path: root/vendor/sabre/dav/tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php
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authorHilmar R <u02@u29lx193>2021-02-28 21:06:16 +0100
committerHilmar R <u02@u29lx193>2021-03-01 18:48:11 +0100
commitc26dede97f626b52b7bf8962ed55d1dbda86abe8 (patch)
tree3c8c9bc97aa09f7ce9afe9bf467cf87bbf2c7d0b /vendor/sabre/dav/tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php
parentea3390d626f85b7293a750958bfd1b5460958365 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/sabre/dav/tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/sabre/dav/tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php b/vendor/sabre/dav/tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php
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index 8afe6d30f..000000000
--- a/vendor/sabre/dav/tests/Sabre/DAVACL/ExpandPropertiesTest.php
+++ /dev/null
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-namespace Sabre\DAVACL;
-use Sabre\DAV;
-use Sabre\HTTP;
-class ExpandPropertiesTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- public function getServer()
- {
- $tree = [
- new DAV\Mock\PropertiesCollection('node1', [], [
- '{http://sabredav.org/ns}simple' => 'foo',
- '{http://sabredav.org/ns}href' => new DAV\Xml\Property\Href('node2'),
- '{DAV:}displayname' => 'Node 1',
- ]),
- new DAV\Mock\PropertiesCollection('node2', [], [
- '{http://sabredav.org/ns}simple' => 'simple',
- '{http://sabredav.org/ns}hreflist' => new DAV\Xml\Property\Href(['node1', 'node3']),
- '{DAV:}displayname' => 'Node 2',
- ]),
- new DAV\Mock\PropertiesCollection('node3', [], [
- '{http://sabredav.org/ns}simple' => 'simple',
- '{DAV:}displayname' => 'Node 3',
- ]),
- ];
- $fakeServer = new DAV\Server($tree);
- $fakeServer->sapi = new HTTP\SapiMock();
- $fakeServer->debugExceptions = true;
- $fakeServer->httpResponse = new HTTP\ResponseMock();
- $plugin = new Plugin();
- $plugin->allowUnauthenticatedAccess = false;
- // Anyone can do anything
- $plugin->setDefaultACL([
- [
- 'principal' => '{DAV:}all',
- 'privilege' => '{DAV:}all',
- ],
- ]);
- $this->assertTrue($plugin instanceof Plugin);
- $fakeServer->addPlugin($plugin);
- $this->assertEquals($plugin, $fakeServer->getPlugin('acl'));
- return $fakeServer;
- }
- public function testSimple()
- {
- $xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<d:expand-property xmlns:d="DAV:">
- <d:property name="displayname" />
- <d:property name="foo" namespace="http://www.sabredav.org/NS/2010/nonexistant" />
- <d:property name="simple" namespace="http://sabredav.org/ns" />
- <d:property name="href" namespace="http://sabredav.org/ns" />
- $serverVars = [
- 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/node1',
- ];
- $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
- $request->setBody($xml);
- $server = $this->getServer();
- $server->httpRequest = $request;
- $server->exec();
- $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status, 'Incorrect status code received. Full body: '.$server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- $this->assertEquals([
- 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION],
- 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'],
- ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders());
- $check = [
- '/d:multistatus',
- '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:simple' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:href' => 1,
- ];
- $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:');
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('s', 'http://sabredav.org/ns');
- foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) {
- $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1;
- $result = $xml->xpath($xpath);
- $count = 1;
- if (!is_int($v1)) {
- $count = $v2;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected '.$count.' appearances of '.$xpath.' . We found '.count($result).'. Full response: '.$server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @depends testSimple
- */
- public function testExpand()
- {
- $xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<d:expand-property xmlns:d="DAV:">
- <d:property name="href" namespace="http://sabredav.org/ns">
- <d:property name="displayname" />
- </d:property>
- $serverVars = [
- 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/node1',
- ];
- $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
- $request->setBody($xml);
- $server = $this->getServer();
- $server->httpRequest = $request;
- $server->exec();
- $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status, 'Incorrect response status received. Full response body: '.$server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- $this->assertEquals([
- 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION],
- 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'],
- ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders());
- $check = [
- '/d:multistatus',
- '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:propstat' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 1,
- ];
- $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:');
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('s', 'http://sabredav.org/ns');
- foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) {
- $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1;
- $result = $xml->xpath($xpath);
- $count = 1;
- if (!is_int($v1)) {
- $count = $v2;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected '.$count.' appearances of '.$xpath.' . We found '.count($result).' Full response body: '.$server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- }
- }
- /**
- * @depends testSimple
- */
- public function testExpandHrefList()
- {
- $xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<d:expand-property xmlns:d="DAV:">
- <d:property name="hreflist" namespace="http://sabredav.org/ns">
- <d:property name="displayname" />
- </d:property>
- $serverVars = [
- 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/node2',
- ];
- $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
- $request->setBody($xml);
- $server = $this->getServer();
- $server->httpRequest = $request;
- $server->exec();
- $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status);
- $this->assertEquals([
- 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION],
- 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'],
- ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders());
- $check = [
- '/d:multistatus',
- '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:href' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 2,
- ];
- $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:');
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('s', 'http://sabredav.org/ns');
- foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) {
- $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1;
- $result = $xml->xpath($xpath);
- $count = 1;
- if (!is_int($v1)) {
- $count = $v2;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected '.$count.' appearances of '.$xpath.' . We found '.count($result));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @depends testExpand
- */
- public function testExpandDeep()
- {
- $xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<d:expand-property xmlns:d="DAV:">
- <d:property name="hreflist" namespace="http://sabredav.org/ns">
- <d:property name="href" namespace="http://sabredav.org/ns">
- <d:property name="displayname" />
- </d:property>
- <d:property name="displayname" />
- </d:property>
- $serverVars = [
- 'HTTP_DEPTH' => '0',
- 'REQUEST_URI' => '/node2',
- ];
- $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
- $request->setBody($xml);
- $server = $this->getServer();
- $server->httpRequest = $request;
- $server->exec();
- $this->assertEquals(207, $server->httpResponse->status);
- $this->assertEquals([
- 'X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION],
- 'Content-Type' => ['application/xml; charset=utf-8'],
- ], $server->httpResponse->getHeaders());
- $check = [
- '/d:multistatus',
- '/d:multistatus/d:response' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:href' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat' => 3,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 3,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href' => 2,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:href' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:propstat' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop' => 1,
- '/d:multistatus/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:hreflist/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/s:href/d:response/d:propstat/d:prop/d:displayname' => 1,
- ];
- $xml = simplexml_load_string($server->httpResponse->getBodyAsString());
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('d', 'DAV:');
- $xml->registerXPathNamespace('s', 'http://sabredav.org/ns');
- foreach ($check as $v1 => $v2) {
- $xpath = is_int($v1) ? $v2 : $v1;
- $result = $xml->xpath($xpath);
- $count = 1;
- if (!is_int($v1)) {
- $count = $v2;
- }
- $this->assertEquals($count, count($result), 'we expected '.$count.' appearances of '.$xpath.' . We found '.count($result));
- }
- }