path: root/vendor/sabre/dav/docs/rfc6351.txt
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authorRedMatrix <info@friendica.com>2014-06-29 10:16:51 +1000
committerRedMatrix <info@friendica.com>2014-06-29 10:16:51 +1000
commite228c2ed32593cdbf35992d60e7408dd2c0e33e0 (patch)
treeb6ff696d625712ad4ba8d71223505858bdbf1e0e /vendor/sabre/dav/docs/rfc6351.txt
parentf29f8a1b40ba68db66c22bbb824371296c86ac8c (diff)
parent03b31d113ea316c8384a4cbf3d27ca22bb528eac (diff)
Merge pull request #513 from dawnbreak/master
Some documentation for include/reddav.php and a new tpl-file.
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-Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) S. Perreault
-Request for Comments: 6351 Viagenie
-Category: Standards Track August 2011
-ISSN: 2070-1721
- xCard: vCard XML Representation
- This document defines the XML schema of the vCard data format.
-Status of This Memo
- This is an Internet Standards Track document.
- This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
- (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has
- received public review and has been approved for publication by the
- Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on
- Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.
- Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
- and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
- http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6351.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
- document authors. All rights reserved.
- This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
- Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
- (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
- publication of this document. Please review these documents
- carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
- to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
- include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
- the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
- described in the Simplified BSD License.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 1]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 2. Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 3. The Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 4. Example: Author's XML vCard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- 5. Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- 5.1. Extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- 5.2. Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- 6. Format Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- 7. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- 8. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- 8.1. Registration of the XML Namespace . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- 8.2. Media Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- 9. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- 10. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- 10.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- 10.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- Appendix A. Relax NG Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
-1. Introduction
- vCard [RFC6350] is a data format for representing and exchanging
- information about individuals and other entities. It is a text-based
- format (as opposed to a binary format). This document defines xCard,
- an XML [W3C.REC-xml-20081126] representation for vCard. The
- underlying data structure is exactly the same, enabling a 1-to-1
- mapping between the original vCard format and the XML representation.
- The XML formatting may be preferred in some contexts where an XML
- engine is readily available and may be reused instead of writing a
- standalone vCard parser.
- Earlier work on an XML format for vCard was started in 1998 by Frank
- Dawson [VCARD-DTD]. Sadly, it did not take over the world.
-2. Conventions
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
-3. The Schema
- The schema is expressed in the RELAX NG language [ISO.19757-2.2008]
- and is found in Appendix A.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 2]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-4. Example: Author's XML vCard
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <vcards xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0">
- <vcard>
- <fn><text>Simon Perreault</text></fn>
- <n>
- <surname>Perreault</surname>
- <given>Simon</given>
- <additional/>
- <prefix/>
- <suffix>ing. jr</suffix>
- <suffix>M.Sc.</suffix>
- </n>
- <bday><date>--0203</date></bday>
- <anniversary>
- <date-time>20090808T1430-0500</date-time>
- </anniversary>
- <gender><sex>M</sex></gender>
- <lang>
- <parameters><pref><integer>1</integer></pref></parameters>
- <language-tag>fr</language-tag>
- </lang>
- <lang>
- <parameters><pref><integer>2</integer></pref></parameters>
- <language-tag>en</language-tag>
- </lang>
- <org>
- <parameters><type><text>work</text></type></parameters>
- <text>Viagenie</text>
- </org>
- <adr>
- <parameters>
- <type><text>work</text></type>
- <label><text>Simon Perreault
- 2875 boul. Laurier, suite D2-630
- Quebec, QC, Canada
- G1V 2M2</text></label>
- </parameters>
- <pobox/>
- <ext/>
- <street>2875 boul. Laurier, suite D2-630</street>
- <locality>Quebec</locality>
- <region>QC</region>
- <code>G1V 2M2</code>
- <country>Canada</country>
- </adr>
- <tel>
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 3]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- <parameters>
- <type>
- <text>work</text>
- <text>voice</text>
- </type>
- </parameters>
- <uri>tel:+1-418-656-9254;ext=102</uri>
- </tel>
- <tel>
- <parameters>
- <type>
- <text>work</text>
- <text>text</text>
- <text>voice</text>
- <text>cell</text>
- <text>video</text>
- </type>
- </parameters>
- <uri>tel:+1-418-262-6501</uri>
- </tel>
- <email>
- <parameters><type><text>work</text></type></parameters>
- <text>simon.perreault@viagenie.ca</text>
- </email>
- <geo>
- <parameters><type><text>work</text></type></parameters>
- <uri>geo:46.766336,-71.28955</uri>
- </geo>
- <key>
- <parameters><type><text>work</text></type></parameters>
- <uri>http://www.viagenie.ca/simon.perreault/simon.asc</uri>
- </key>
- <tz><text>America/Montreal</text></tz>
- <url>
- <parameters><type><text>home</text></type></parameters>
- <uri>http://nomis80.org</uri>
- </url>
- </vcard>
- </vcards>
-5. Design Considerations
- The general idea is to map vCard parameters, properties, and value
- types to XML elements. For example, the "FN" property is mapped to
- the "fn" element. In turn, that element contains a text element
- whose content corresponds to the vCard property's value.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 4]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- vCard parameters are also mapped to XML elements. They are contained
- in the <parameters> element, which is contained in property elements.
- For example, the "TYPE" parameter applied to the "TEL" property would
- look like the following in XML:
- <tel>
- <parameters>
- <type>
- <text>voice</text>
- <text>video</text>
- </type>
- </parameters>
- <uri>tel:+1-555-555-555</uri>
- </tel>
- Parameters taking a list of values are simply repeated multiple
- times, once for each value in the list.
- Properties having structured values (e.g., the "N" property) are
- expressed by XML element trees. Element names in that tree (e.g.,
- "surname", "given", etc.) do not have a vCard equivalent since they
- are identified by position in plain vCard.
- Line folding is a non-issue in XML. Therefore, the mapping from
- vCard to XML is done after the unfolding procedure is carried out.
- Conversely, the mapping from XML to vCard is done before the folding
- procedure is carried out.
- A top-level <vcards> element is used as root. It contains one or
- more <vcard> elements, each representing a complete vCard. The
- <vcards> element MUST be present even when only a single vCard is
- present in an XML document.
- The group construct (Section 3.2 in [RFC6350]) is represented with
- the <group> element. The "name" attribute contains the group's name.
- For example:
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 5]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- <vcards>
- <vcard>
- <group name="contact">
- <fn>...</fn>
- <email>...</email>
- </group>
- <group name="media">
- <photo>...</photo>
- </group>
- <categories>...</categories>
- </vcard>
- </vcards>
- is equivalent to:
- contact.FN=...
- contact.EMAIL=...
- media.PHOTO=...
-5.1. Extensibility
- The original vCard format is extensible. New properties, parameters,
- data types and values (collectively known as vCard elements, not to
- be confused with XML elements) can be registered with IANA (see
- [RFC6350], Section 10.2). It is expected that these vCard extensions
- will also specify extensions to the XML format described in this
- document.
- New XML vCard property and parameter element names MUST be lower-
- case. This is necessary to ensure that round-tripping between XML
- and plain-text vCard works correctly.
- Unregistered extensions (i.e., those starting with "X-" and
- "VND-...-") are expressed in XML by using elements starting with "x-"
- and "vnd-...-". Usage of XML namespaces [W3C.REC-xml-names-20091208]
- for extensibility is RECOMMENDED for extensions that have no
- equivalent in plain-text vCard. Refer to Section 6 for the
- implications when converting between plain-text vCard and XML.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 6]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- Examples:
- <x-my-prop>
- <parameters>
- <pref><integer>1</integer></pref>
- </parameters>
- <text>value goes here</text>
- </x-my-prop>
- <ext:my-prop
- ext:xmlns="http://example.com/extensions/my-vcard">
- <parameters>
- <pref><integer>1</integer></pref>
- </parameters> <!-- Core vCard elements -->
- <text>value goes here</text> <!-- are still accessible -->
- </ext:my-prop>
- Note that extension elements do not need the "X-" or "VND-" prefix in
- XML. The XML namespace mechanism is sufficient.
- A vCard XML parser MUST ignore XML elements and attributes for which
- it doesn't recognize the expanded name. The normal behavior of
- ignoring XML processing instructions whose target is not recognized
- MUST also be followed.
- In the original vCard format, the "VERSION" property was mandatory
- and played a role in extensibility. In XML, this property is absent.
- Its role is played by the vCard core namespace identifier, which
- includes the version number. vCard revisions will use a different
- namespace.
- Parameters containing a list of values are expressed using a list of
- elements in XML (e.g., the <type> element).
-5.2. Limitations
- The schema does not validate the cardinality of properties. This is
- a limitation of the schema definition language. Cardinalities of the
- original vCard format [RFC6350] MUST still be respected.
- Some constructs (e.g., value enumerations in type parameters) have
- additional ordering constraints in XML. This is a result of
- limitations of the schema definition language, and the order is
- arbitrary. The order MUST be respected in XML for the vCard to be
- valid. However, reordering as part of conversion to or from plain
- vCard MAY happen.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 7]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-6. Format Conversions
- When new properties or "X-" properties are used, a vCard<->xCard
- converter might not recognize them or know what the appropriate
- default value types are, yet they need to be able to preserve the
- values. A similar issue arises for unrecognized property parameters.
- As a result, the following rules are applied when dealing with
- unrecognized properties and property parameters:
- o When converting from vCard to xCard:
- * Any property that does not include a "VALUE" parameter and
- whose default value type is not known MUST be converted using
- the value type XML element <unknown>. The content of that
- element is the unprocessed value text.
- * Any unrecognized property parameter MUST be converted using the
- value type XML element <unknown>, with its content set to the
- parameter value text, treated as if it were a text value, or
- list of text values.
- * The content of "XML" properties is copied as is to XML.
- * Property and parameter XML element names are converted to
- lower-case.
- * Property value escaping is undone. For example, "\n" becomes a
- NEWLINE character (ASCII decimal 10).
- * Double-quoting of parameter values, as well as backslash
- escaping in parameter values, is undone. For example,
- PARAM="\"foo\",\"bar\"" becomes <param>"foo","bar"</param>.
- o When converting xCard to vCard:
- * Properties in the vCard 4 namespace:
- + If the converter knows of a specific plain-text
- representation for this property, it uses it. For example,
- the <adr> element corresponds to the "ADR" property, which
- is encoded using comma-separated lists separated by
- semicolons.
- + Otherwise, the property name is taken from the element name,
- property parameters are taken from the <parameters> element,
- and the content of the property is taken from the content of
- the value element. If the property element has attributes
- or contains other XML elements, they are dropped.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 8]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- + If a standard property's XML element contains XML elements
- and attributes for which the converter doesn't recognize the
- expanded name, they are dropped. Therefore, it is
- RECOMMENDED to limit extensions to the property level to
- ensure that all data is preserved intact in round-trip
- conversions.
- * Properties in other namespaces are wrapped as is inside an
- "XML" property.
- * Any <unknown> property value XML elements are converted
- directly into vCard values. The containing property MUST NOT
- have a "VALUE" parameter.
- * Any <unknown> parameter value XML elements are converted as if
- they were <text> value type XML elements.
- * Property and parameter names are converted to upper-case.
- * Property value escaping (Section 3.3 of [RFC6350]) is carried
- out. For example, a NEWLINE character (ASCII decimal 10)
- becomes "\n".
- * Double-quoting of parameter values, as well as backslash
- escaping in parameter values, is carried out. For example,
- <param>"foo","bar"</param> becomes PARAM="\"foo\",\"bar\"".
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 9]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- For example, these two vCards are equivalent:
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <vcards xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0">
- <vcard>
- <fn><text>J. Doe</text></fn>
- <n>
- <surname>Doe</surname>
- <given>J.</given>
- <additional/>
- <prefix/>
- <suffix/>
- </n>
- <x-file>
- <parameters>
- <mediatype><text>image/jpeg</text></mediatype>
- </parameters>
- <unknown>alien.jpg</unknown>
- </x-file>
- <a xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- href="http://www.example.com">My web page!</a>
- </vcard>
- </vcards>
- FN:J. Doe
- N:Doe;J.;;
- X-FILE;MEDIATYPE=image/jpeg:alien.jpg
- XML:<a xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"\n
- href="http://www.example.com">My web page!</a>
-7. Security Considerations
- All the security considerations applicable to plain vCard [RFC6350]
- are applicable to this document as well.
- XML Signature [W3C.CR-xmldsig-core1-20110303] and XML Encryption
- [W3C.CR-xmlenc-core1-20110303] can be used with xCard to provide
- authentication and confidentiality.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 10]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-8. IANA Considerations
-8.1. Registration of the XML Namespace
- URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0
- Registrant Contact: The IESG <iesg@ietf.org>
- XML: None. Namespace URIs do not represent an XML specification.
-8.2. Media Type
- This section defines the MIME media type [RFC4288] for use with
- vCard-in-XML data.
- To: ietf-types@iana.org
- Subject: Registration of media type application/vcard+xml
- Type name: application
- Subtype name: vcard+xml
- Required parameters: none
- Optional parameters: charset as defined for application/xml in
- [RFC3023]; per [RFC3023], use of the charset parameter with the
- value "utf-8" is "STRONGLY RECOMMENDED".
- Encoding considerations: Same as encoding considerations of
- application/xml as specified in [RFC3023].
- Security considerations: This media type has all of the security
- considerations described in [RFC3023], plus those listed in
- Section 7.
- Interoperability considerations: This media type provides an
- alternative syntax to vCard data [RFC6350] based on XML.
- Published specification: This specification.
- Applications that use this media type: Applications that currently
- make use of the text/vcard media type can use this as an
- alternative. In general, applications that maintain or process
- contact information can use this media type.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 11]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- Additional information:
- Magic number(s): none
- File extension(s): XML data should use ".xml" as the file
- extension.
- Macintosh file type code(s): none
- Person & email address to contact for further information: Simon
- Perreault <simon.perreault@viagenie.ca>
- Intended usage: COMMON
- Restrictions on usage: none
- Author: Simon Perreault
- Change controller: IETF
-9. Acknowledgments
- Thanks to the following people for their input:
- Alexey Melnikov, Barry Leiba, Bjorn Hoehrmann, Cyrus Daboo, Joe
- Hildebrand, Joseph Smarr, Marc Blanchet, Mike Douglass, Peter Saint-
- Andre, Robins George, Zahhar Kirillov, Zoltan Ordogh.
-10. References
-10.1. Normative References
- [ISO.19757-2.2008]
- International Organization for Standardization,
- "Information technology -- Document Schema Definition
- Language (DSDL) -- Part 2: Regular-grammar-based
- validation -- RELAX NG", ISO International
- Standard 19757-2, October 2008.
- [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [RFC3023] Murata, M., St. Laurent, S., and D. Kohn, "XML Media
- Types", RFC 3023, January 2001.
- [RFC6350] Perreault, S., "vCard Format Specification", RFC 6350,
- August 2011.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 12]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
- [W3C.REC-xml-20081126]
- Paoli, J., Yergeau, F., Maler, E., Bray, T., and C.
- Sperberg-McQueen, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
- (Fifth Edition)", World Wide Web Consortium
- Recommendation REC-xml-20081126, November 2008,
- <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126>.
- [W3C.REC-xml-names-20091208]
- Bray, T., Hollander, D., Layman, A., Tobin, R., and H.
- Thompson, "Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Third Edition)", World
- Wide Web Consortium Recommendation REC-xml-names-20091208,
- December 2009,
- <http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xml-names-20091208>.
-10.2. Informative References
- [RFC4288] Freed, N. and J. Klensin, "Media Type Specifications and
- Registration Procedures", BCP 13, RFC 4288, December 2005.
- Dawson, F., "The vCard v3.0 XML DTD", Work in Progress,
- June 1998.
- [W3C.CR-xmldsig-core1-20110303]
- Roessler, T., Solo, D., Yiu, K., Reagle, J., Hirsch, F.,
- Eastlake, D., and M. Nystroem, "XML Signature Syntax and
- Processing Version 1.1", World Wide Web Consortium CR CR-
- xmldsig-core1-20110303, March 2011,
- <http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-xmldsig-core1-20110303>.
- [W3C.CR-xmlenc-core1-20110303]
- Eastlake, D., Reagle, J., Roessler, T., and F. Hirsch,
- "XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1", World
- Wide Web Consortium CR CR-xmlenc-core1-20110303,
- March 2011,
- <http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-xmlenc-core1-20110303>.
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 13]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-Appendix A. Relax NG Schema
-default namespace = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0"
-### Section 3.3: vCard Format Specification
-# 3.3
-iana-token = xsd:string { pattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9-]+" }
-x-name = xsd:string { pattern = "x-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+" }
-### Section 4: Value types
-# 4.1
-value-text = element text { text }
-value-text-list = value-text+
-# 4.2
-value-uri = element uri { xsd:anyURI }
-# 4.3.1
-value-date = element date {
- xsd:string { pattern = "\d{8}|\d{4}-\d\d|--\d\d(\d\d)?|---\d\d" }
- }
-# 4.3.2
-value-time = element time {
- xsd:string { pattern = "(\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?|-\d\d(\d\d?)|--\d\d)"
- ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }
- }
-# 4.3.3
-value-date-time = element date-time {
- xsd:string { pattern = "(\d{8}|--\d{4}|---\d\d)T\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?"
- ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }
- }
-# 4.3.4
-value-date-and-or-time = value-date | value-date-time | value-time
-# 4.3.5
-value-timestamp = element timestamp {
- xsd:string { pattern = "\d{8}T\d{6}(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }
- }
-# 4.4
-value-boolean = element boolean { xsd:boolean }
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 14]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 4.5
-value-integer = element integer { xsd:integer }
-# 4.6
-value-float = element float { xsd:float }
-# 4.7
-value-utc-offset = element utc-offset {
- xsd:string { pattern = "[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?" }
- }
-# 4.8
-value-language-tag = element language-tag {
- xsd:string { pattern = "([a-z]{2,3}((-[a-z]{3}){0,3})?|[a-z]{4,8})"
- ~ "(-[a-z]{4})?(-([a-z]{2}|\d{3}))?"
- ~ "(-([0-9a-z]{5,8}|\d[0-9a-z]{3}))*"
- ~ "(-[0-9a-wyz](-[0-9a-z]{2,8})+)*"
- ~ "(-x(-[0-9a-z]{1,8})+)?|x(-[0-9a-z]{1,8})+|"
- ~ "[a-z]{1,3}(-[0-9a-z]{2,8}){1,2}" }
- }
-### Section 5: Parameters
-# 5.1
-param-language = element language { value-language-tag }?
-# 5.2
-param-pref = element pref {
- element integer {
- xsd:integer { minInclusive = "1" maxInclusive = "100" }
- }
- }?
-# 5.4
-param-altid = element altid { value-text }?
-# 5.5
-param-pid = element pid {
- element text { xsd:string { pattern = "\d+(\.\d+)?" } }+
- }?
-# 5.6
-param-type = element type { element text { "work" | "home" }+ }?
-# 5.7
-param-mediatype = element mediatype { value-text }?
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 15]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 5.8
-param-calscale = element calscale { element text { "gregorian" } }?
-# 5.9
-param-sort-as = element sort-as { value-text+ }?
-# 5.10
-param-geo = element geo { value-uri }?
-# 5.11
-param-tz = element tz { value-text | value-uri }?
-### Section 6: Properties
-# 6.1.3
-property-source = element source {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-mediatype },
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.1.4
-property-kind = element kind {
- element text { "individual" | "group" | "org" | "location" |
- x-name | iana-token }*
- }
-# 6.2.1
-property-fn = element fn {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type }?,
- value-text
- }
-# 6.2.2
-property-n = element n {
- element parameters { param-language, param-sort-as, param-altid }?,
- element surname { text }+,
- element given { text }+,
- element additional { text }+,
- element prefix { text }+,
- element suffix { text }+
- }
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-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 6.2.3
-property-nickname = element nickname {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type }?,
- value-text-list
- }
-# 6.2.4
-property-photo = element photo {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref, param-type,
- param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.2.5
-property-bday = element bday {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-calscale }?,
- (value-date-and-or-time | value-text)
- }
-# 6.2.6
-property-anniversary = element anniversary {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-calscale }?,
- (value-date-and-or-time | value-text)
- }
-# 6.2.7
-property-gender = element gender {
- element sex { "" | "M" | "F" | "O" | "N" | "U" },
- element identity { text }?
- }
-# 6.3.1
-param-label = element label { value-text }?
-property-adr = element adr {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type, param-geo, param-tz,
- param-label }?,
- element pobox { text }+,
- element ext { text }+,
- element street { text }+,
- element locality { text }+,
- element region { text }+,
- element code { text }+,
- element country { text }+
- }
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 17]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 6.4.1
-property-tel = element tel {
- element parameters {
- param-altid,
- param-pid,
- param-pref,
- element type {
- element text { "work" | "home" | "text" | "voice"
- | "fax" | "cell" | "video" | "pager"
- | "textphone" }+
- }?,
- param-mediatype
- }?,
- (value-text | value-uri)
- }
-# 6.4.2
-property-email = element email {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type }?,
- value-text
- }
-# 6.4.3
-property-impp = element impp {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.4.4
-property-lang = element lang {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type }?,
- value-language-tag
- }
-# 6.5.1
-property-tz = element tz {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- (value-text | value-uri | value-utc-offset)
- }
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 18]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 6.5.2
-property-geo = element geo {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.6.1
-property-title = element title {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type }?,
- value-text
- }
-# 6.6.2
-property-role = element role {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type }?,
- value-text
- }
-# 6.6.3
-property-logo = element logo {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.6.4
-property-org = element org {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type, param-sort-as }?,
- value-text-list
- }
-# 6.6.5
-property-member = element member {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 19]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 6.6.6
-property-related = element related {
- element parameters {
- param-altid,
- param-pid,
- param-pref,
- element type {
- element text {
- "work" | "home" | "contact" | "acquaintance" |
- "friend" | "met" | "co-worker" | "colleague" | "co-resident" |
- "neighbor" | "child" | "parent" | "sibling" | "spouse" |
- "kin" | "muse" | "crush" | "date" | "sweetheart" | "me" |
- "agent" | "emergency"
- }+
- }?,
- param-mediatype
- }?,
- (value-uri | value-text)
- }
-# 6.7.1
-property-categories = element categories {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type }?,
- value-text-list
- }
-# 6.7.2
-property-note = element note {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type }?,
- value-text
- }
-# 6.7.3
-property-prodid = element prodid { value-text }
-# 6.7.4
-property-rev = element rev { value-timestamp }
-# 6.7.5
-property-sound = element sound {
- element parameters { param-language, param-altid, param-pid,
- param-pref, param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
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-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# 6.7.6
-property-uid = element uid { value-uri }
-# 6.7.7
-property-clientpidmap = element clientpidmap {
- element sourceid { xsd:positiveInteger },
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.7.8
-property-url = element url {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.8.1
-property-key = element key {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- (value-uri | value-text)
- }
-# 6.9.1
-property-fburl = element fburl {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.9.2
-property-caladruri = element caladruri {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-# 6.9.3
-property-caluri = element caluri {
- element parameters { param-altid, param-pid, param-pref,
- param-type, param-mediatype }?,
- value-uri
- }
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 21]
-RFC 6351 xCard August 2011
-# Top-level grammar
-property = property-adr | property-anniversary | property-bday
- | property-caladruri | property-caluri | property-categories
- | property-clientpidmap | property-email | property-fburl
- | property-fn | property-geo | property-impp | property-key
- | property-kind | property-lang | property-logo
- | property-member | property-n | property-nickname
- | property-note | property-org | property-photo
- | property-prodid | property-related | property-rev
- | property-role | property-gender | property-sound
- | property-source | property-tel | property-title
- | property-tz | property-uid | property-url
-start = element vcards {
- element vcard {
- (property
- | element group {
- attribute name { text },
- property*
- })+
- }+
- }
-Author's Address
- Simon Perreault
- Viagenie
- 2600 boul. Laurier, Suite 625
- Quebec, QC G1V 4W1
- Canada
- Phone: +1 418 656 9254
- EMail: simon.perreault@viagenie.ca
- URI: http://www.viagenie.ca
-Perreault Standards Track [Page 22]