path: root/vendor/sabre/dav/docs/rfc5546.txt
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-Network Working Group C. Daboo, Ed.
-Request for Comments: 5546 Apple Inc.
-Obsoletes: 2446 December 2009
-Updates: 5545
-Category: Standards Track
- iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP)
- This document specifies a protocol that uses the iCalendar object
- specification to provide scheduling interoperability between
- different calendaring systems. This is done without reference to a
- specific transport protocol so as to allow multiple methods of
- communication between systems. Subsequent documents will define
- profiles of this protocol that use specific, interoperable methods of
- communication between systems.
- The iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP)
- complements the iCalendar object specification by adding semantics
- for group scheduling methods commonly available in current
- calendaring systems. These scheduling methods permit two or more
- calendaring systems to perform transactions such as publishing,
- scheduling, rescheduling, responding to scheduling requests,
- negotiating changes, or canceling.
-Status of This Memo
- This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
- Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
- improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
- Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
- and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
- document authors. All rights reserved.
- This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
- Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
- (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of
- publication of this document. Please review these documents
- carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
- to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 1]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
- the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
- described in the BSD License.
- This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
- Contributions published or made publicly available before November
- 10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
- material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
- modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
- Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
- the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified
- outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may
- not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
- it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
- than English.
-Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction and Overview .......................................5
- 1.1. Formatting Conventions .....................................5
- 1.2. Related Documents ..........................................6
- 1.3. Roles ......................................................6
- 1.4. Methods ....................................................7
- 2. Interoperability Models .........................................9
- 2.1. Application Protocol ......................................10
- 2.1.1. Scheduling State ...................................10
- 2.1.2. Delegation .........................................10
- 2.1.3. Acting on Behalf of Other Calendar Users ...........11
- 2.1.4. Component Revisions ................................11
- 2.1.5. Message Sequencing .................................12
- 3. Application Protocol Elements ..................................13
- 3.1. Common Component Restriction Tables .......................15
- 3.1.1. VCALENDAR ..........................................15
- 3.1.2. VTIMEZONE ..........................................15
- 3.1.3. VALARM .............................................17
- 3.2. Methods for VEVENT Calendar Components ....................17
- 3.2.1. PUBLISH ............................................18
- 3.2.2. REQUEST ............................................20
- 3.2.3. REPLY ..............................................25
- 3.2.4. ADD ................................................27
- 3.2.5. CANCEL .............................................29
- 3.2.6. REFRESH ............................................31
- 3.2.7. COUNTER ............................................33
- 3.2.8. DECLINECOUNTER .....................................35
- 3.3. Methods for VFREEBUSY Components ..........................37
- 3.3.1. PUBLISH ............................................37
- 3.3.2. REQUEST ............................................40
- 3.3.3. REPLY ..............................................42
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- 3.4. Methods for VTODO Components ..............................44
- 3.4.1. PUBLISH ............................................44
- 3.4.2. REQUEST ............................................46
- 3.4.3. REPLY ..............................................51
- 3.4.4. ADD ................................................53
- 3.4.5. CANCEL .............................................55
- 3.4.6. REFRESH ............................................57
- 3.4.7. COUNTER ............................................59
- 3.4.8. DECLINECOUNTER .....................................61
- 3.5. Methods for VJOURNAL Components ...........................62
- 3.5.1. PUBLISH ............................................63
- 3.5.2. ADD ................................................64
- 3.5.3. CANCEL .............................................66
- 3.6. Status Replies ............................................68
- 3.7. Implementation Considerations .............................77
- 3.7.1. Working With Recurrence Instances ..................77
- 3.7.2. Attendee Property Considerations ...................78
- 3.7.3. Extension Tokens ...................................79
- 4. Examples .......................................................79
- 4.1. Published Event Examples ..................................79
- 4.1.1. A Minimal Published Event ..........................80
- 4.1.2. Changing a Published Event .........................80
- 4.1.3. Canceling a Published Event ........................81
- 4.1.4. A Rich Published Event .............................81
- 4.1.5. Anniversaries or Events Attached to Entire Days ....83
- 4.2. Group Event Examples ......................................83
- 4.2.1. A Group Event Request ..............................84
- 4.2.2. Reply to a Group Event Request .....................85
- 4.2.3. Update an Event ....................................85
- 4.2.4. Countering an Event Proposal .......................86
- 4.2.5. Delegating an Event ................................88
- 4.2.6. Delegate Accepts the Meeting .......................90
- 4.2.7. Delegate Declines the Meeting ......................91
- 4.2.8. Forwarding an Event Request ........................92
- 4.2.9. Cancel a Group Event ...............................92
- 4.2.10. Removing Attendees ................................93
- 4.2.11. Replacing the Organizer ...........................95
- 4.3. Busy Time Examples ........................................96
- 4.3.1. Publish Busy Time ..................................96
- 4.3.2. Request Busy Time ..................................96
- 4.3.3. Reply to a Busy Time Request .......................97
- 4.4. Recurring Event and Time Zone Examples ....................98
- 4.4.1. A Recurring Event Spanning Time Zones ..............98
- 4.4.2. Modify a Recurring Instance ........................99
- 4.4.3. Cancel an Instance ................................101
- 4.4.4. Cancel a Recurring Event ..........................101
- 4.4.5. Change All Future Instances .......................102
- 4.4.6. Add a New Instance to a Recurring Event ...........102
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- 4.4.7. Add a New Series of Instances to a
- Recurring Event ...................................103
- 4.4.8. Refreshing a Recurring Event ......................104
- 4.4.9. Counter an Instance of a Recurring Event ..........106
- 4.4.10. Error Reply to a Request .........................107
- 4.5. Group To-Do Examples .....................................108
- 4.5.1. A VTODO Request ...................................109
- 4.5.2. A VTODO Reply .....................................110
- 4.5.3. A VTODO Request for Updated Status ................110
- 4.5.4. A Reply: Percent-Complete .........................111
- 4.5.5. A Reply: Completed ................................111
- 4.5.6. An Updated VTODO Request ..........................112
- 4.5.7. Recurring VTODOs ..................................112
- 4.6. Journal Examples .........................................113
- 4.7. Other Examples ...........................................114
- 4.7.1. Event Refresh .....................................114
- 4.7.2. Bad RECURRENCE-ID .................................114
- 5. Application Protocol Fallbacks ................................116
- 5.1. Partial Implementation ...................................116
- 5.1.1. Event-Related Fallbacks ...........................117
- 5.1.2. Free/Busy-Related Fallbacks .......................119
- 5.1.3. To-Do-Related Fallbacks ...........................120
- 5.1.4. Journal-Related Fallbacks .........................122
- 5.2. Latency Issues ...........................................123
- 5.2.1. Cancellation of an Unknown Calendar Component .....123
- 5.2.2. Unexpected Reply from an Unknown Delegate .........124
- 5.3. Sequence Number ..........................................124
- 6. Security Considerations .......................................124
- 6.1. Security Threats .........................................124
- 6.1.1. Spoofing the Organizer ............................124
- 6.1.2. Spoofing the Attendee .............................124
- 6.1.3. Unauthorized Replacement of the Organizer .........125
- 6.1.4. Eavesdropping and Data Integrity ..................125
- 6.1.5. Flooding a Calendar ...............................125
- 6.1.6. Unauthorized REFRESH Requests .....................125
- 6.2. Recommendations ..........................................125
- 6.2.1. Securing iTIP transactions ........................125
- 6.2.2. Implementation Controls ...........................126
- 6.2.3. Access Controls and Filtering .....................126
- 6.3. Privacy Issues ...........................................126
- 7. IANA Considerations ...........................................127
- 7.1. Registration Template for REQUEST-STATUS Values ..........127
- 7.2. Additions to iCalendar METHOD Registry ...................127
- 7.3. REQUEST-STATUS Value Registry ............................129
- 8. Acknowledgments ...............................................130
- 9. References ....................................................131
- 9.1. Normative References .....................................131
- 9.2. Informative References ...................................131
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Appendix A. Differences from RFC 2446 ...........................132
- A.1. Changed Restrictions .....................................132
- A.2. Deprecated Features ......................................133
-1. Introduction and Overview
- This document specifies how calendaring systems use iCalendar
- [RFC5545] objects to interoperate with other calendaring systems. In
- particular, it specifies how to schedule events, to-dos, or daily
- journal entries. It further specifies how to search for available
- busy time information. It does so in a general way, without
- specifying how communication between different systems actually takes
- place. Subsequent documents will specify transport bindings between
- systems that use this protocol.
- This protocol is based on messages sent from an originator to one or
- more recipients. For certain types of messages, a recipient may
- reply in order to update their status and may also return
- transaction/request status information. The protocol supports the
- ability for the message originator to modify or cancel the original
- message. The protocol also supports the ability for recipients to
- suggest changes to the originator of a message. The elements of the
- protocol also define the user roles for its transactions.
- This specification obsoletes RFC 2446 - a list of important changes
- is provided in Appendix A.
-1.1. Formatting Conventions
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].
- Calendaring and scheduling roles are referred to in quoted-strings of
- text with the first character of each word in upper case. For
- example, "Organizer" refers to a role of a "Calendar User" (CU)
- within the scheduling protocol.
- Calendar components defined by [RFC5545] are referred to with
- capitalized, quoted-strings of text. All calendar components start
- with the letter "V". For example, "VEVENT" refers to the event
- calendar component, "VTODO" refers to the to-do calendar component,
- and "VJOURNAL" refers to the daily journal calendar component.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Scheduling methods are referred to with capitalized, quoted-strings
- of text. For example, "REQUEST" refers to the method for requesting
- a scheduling calendar component be created or modified; "REPLY"
- refers to the method a recipient of a request uses to update their
- status with the "Organizer" of the calendar component.
- Properties defined by [RFC5545] are referred to with capitalized,
- quoted-strings of text, followed by the word "property". For
- example, "ATTENDEE" property refers to the iCalendar property used to
- convey the calendar address of a "Calendar User".
- Property parameters defined by this specification are referred to
- with capitalized, quoted-strings of text, followed by the word
- "parameter". For example, "VALUE" parameter refers to the iCalendar
- property parameter used to override the default data type for a
- property value.
- Enumerated values defined by this specification are referred to with
- capitalized text, either alone or followed by the word "value".
- In tables, the quoted-string text is specified without quotes in
- order to minimize the table length.
-1.2. Related Documents
- Implementers will need to be familiar with several other
- specifications that, along with this one, describe the Internet
- calendaring and scheduling standards. The related documents are:
- [RFC5545] - specifies the objects, data types, properties, and
- property parameters used in the protocols, along with the methods
- for representing and encoding them.
- [iMIP] - specifies an Internet email binding for iTIP.
- This specification does not attempt to repeat the concepts or
- definitions from these other specifications. Where possible,
- explicit references are made to the other specifications.
-1.3. Roles
- Exchanges of iCalendar objects for the purposes of group calendaring
- and scheduling occur between "Calendar Users" (CUs). CUs take on
- several roles in iTIP:
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+
- | Role | Description |
- +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+
- | Organizer | The CU who initiates an exchange takes on the role of |
- | | Organizer. For example, the CU who proposes a group |
- | | meeting is the Organizer. |
- | | |
- | Attendee | CUs who are included in the scheduling message as |
- | | possible recipients of that scheduling message. For |
- | | example, the CUs asked to participate in a group |
- | | meeting by the Organizer take on the role of |
- | | Attendee. |
- | | |
- | Other CU | A CU that is not explicitly included in a scheduling |
- | | message, i.e., not the Organizer or an Attendee. |
- +-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+
- Note that "ROLE" is also a descriptive parameter to the iCalendar
- "ATTENDEE" property. Its use is to convey descriptive context about
- an "Attendee" -- such as "chair", "required participant", or "non-
- required participant" -- and has nothing to do with the calendaring
- workflow.
-1.4. Methods
- The iTIP methods are listed below and their usage and semantics are
- defined in Section 3 of this document.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Description |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Used to publish an iCalendar object to one or |
- | | more "Calendar Users". There is no |
- | | interactivity between the publisher and any |
- | | other "Calendar User". An example might include |
- | | a baseball team publishing its schedule to the |
- | | public. |
- | | |
- | REQUEST | Used to schedule an iCalendar object with other |
- | | "Calendar Users". Requests are interactive in |
- | | that they require the receiver to respond using |
- | | the reply methods. Meeting requests, busy-time |
- | | requests, and the assignment of tasks to other |
- | | "Calendar Users" are all examples. Requests are |
- | | also used by the Organizer to update the status |
- | | of an iCalendar object. |
- | | |
- | REPLY | A reply is used in response to a request to |
- | | convey Attendee status to the Organizer. |
- | | Replies are commonly used to respond to meeting |
- | | and task requests. |
- | | |
- | ADD | Add one or more new instances to an existing |
- | | recurring iCalendar object. |
- | | |
- | CANCEL | Cancel one or more instances of an existing |
- | | iCalendar object. |
- | | |
- | REFRESH | Used by an Attendee to request the latest |
- | | version of an iCalendar object. |
- | | |
- | COUNTER | Used by an Attendee to negotiate a change in an |
- | | iCalendar object. Examples include the request |
- | | to change a proposed event time or change the |
- | | due date for a task. |
- | | |
- | DECLINECOUNTER | Used by the Organizer to decline the proposed |
- | | counter proposal. |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 8]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Group scheduling in iTIP is accomplished using the set of "request"
- and "response" methods described above. The following table shows
- the methods broken down by who can send them.
- +------------+------------------------------------------------------+
- | Originator | Methods |
- +------------+------------------------------------------------------+
- | | |
- | Attendee | REPLY, REFRESH, COUNTER, REQUEST (only when |
- | | delegating) |
- +------------+------------------------------------------------------+
- Note that for some calendar component types, the allowable methods
- are a subset of the above set. In addition, apart from "VTIMEZONE"
- iCalendar components, only one component type is allowed in a single
- iTIP message.
-2. Interoperability Models
- There are two distinct protocols relevant to interoperability: an
- "application protocol" and a "transport protocol". The application
- protocol defines the content of the iCalendar objects sent between
- sender and receiver to accomplish the scheduling transactions listed
- above. The transport protocol defines how the iCalendar objects are
- sent between the sender and receiver. This document focuses on the
- application protocol. Binding documents such as [iMIP] focus on the
- transport protocol.
- The connection between sender and receiver in the diagram below
- refers to the application protocol. The iCalendar objects passed
- from the sender to the receiver are presented in Section 3,
- "Application Protocol Elements".
- +----------+ +----------+
- | | iTIP | |
- | Sender |<-------------->| Receiver |
- | | | |
- +----------+ +----------+
- There are several variations of this diagram in which the sender and
- receiver take on various roles of a "Calendar User Agent" (CUA) or a
- "Calendar Service" (CS).
- The architecture of iTIP is depicted in the diagram below. An
- application written to this specification may work with bindings for
- the store-and-forward transport, the real-time transport, or both.
- Also note that iTIP could be bound to other transports.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 9]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- | iTIP Protocol |
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- | Transport |
- + - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - +
- | Real-Time | Store-and-Forward | Others |
- +-----------------+--------------------+-----------------+
-2.1. Application Protocol
- In the iTIP model, an iCalendar object is created and managed by an
- "Organizer". The "Organizer" interacts with other CUs by sending one
- or more of the iTIP messages listed above. "Attendees" use the
- "REPLY" method to communicate their status. "Attendees" do not make
- direct changes to the master iCalendar object. They can, however,
- use the "COUNTER" method to suggest changes to the "Organizer". In
- any case, the "Organizer" has complete control over the master
- iCalendar object.
-2.1.1. Scheduling State
- There are two distinct states relevant to iCalendar objects used in
- scheduling: the overall state of the iCalendar object and the state
- associated with an "Attendee" in that iCalendar object.
- The state of an iCalendar object is defined by the "STATUS" property
- and is controlled by the "Organizer." There is no default value for
- the "STATUS" property. The "Organizer" sets the "STATUS" property to
- the appropriate value for each iCalendar object.
- The state of a particular "Attendee" relative to an iCalendar object
- used for scheduling is defined by the "PARTSTAT" parameter in the
- "ATTENDEE" property for each "Attendee". When an "Organizer" issues
- the initial iCalendar object, "Attendee" status is typically unknown.
- The "Organizer" specifies this by setting the "PARTSTAT" parameter to
- "NEEDS-ACTION". Each "Attendee" modifies their "ATTENDEE" property
- "PARTSTAT" parameter to an appropriate value as part of a "REPLY"
- message sent back to the "Organizer".
-2.1.2. Delegation
- Delegation is defined as the process by which an "Attendee" grants
- another CU (or several CUs) the right to attend on their behalf. The
- "Organizer" is made aware of this change because the delegating
- "Attendee" informs the "Organizer". These steps are detailed in the
- "REQUEST" method sections for the appropriate components.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-2.1.3. Acting on Behalf of Other Calendar Users
- In many organizations, one user will act on behalf of another to
- organize and/or respond to meeting requests. iTIP provides two
- mechanisms that support these activities.
- First, the "Organizer" is treated as a special entity, separate from
- "Attendees". All responses from "Attendees" flow to the "Organizer",
- making it easy to separate a "Calendar User" organizing a meeting
- from "Calendar Users" attending the meeting. Additionally, iCalendar
- provides descriptive roles for each "Attendee". For instance, a role
- of "chair" may be ascribed to one or more "Attendees". The "chair"
- and the "Organizer" may or may not be the same "Calendar User". This
- maps well to scenarios where an assistant may manage meeting
- logistics for another individual who chairs a meeting.
- Second, a "SENT-BY" parameter may be specified in either the
- "Organizer" or "Attendee" properties. When specified, the "SENT-BY"
- parameter indicates that the responding CU acted on behalf of the
- specified "Attendee" or "Organizer".
-2.1.4. Component Revisions
- The "SEQUENCE" property is used by the "Organizer" to indicate
- revisions to the calendar component. When the "Organizer" makes
- changes to one of the following properties, the sequence number MUST
- be incremented:
- o "DTEND"
- o "DUE"
- o "RRULE"
- o "RDATE"
- o "EXDATE"
- o "STATUS"
- In addition, changes made by the "Organizer" to other properties MAY
- also require the sequence number to be incremented. The "Organizer"
- CUA MUST increment the sequence number whenever it makes changes to
- properties in the calendar component that the "Organizer" deems will
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 11]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- jeopardize the validity of the participation status of the
- "Attendees". For example, changing the location of a meeting from
- one location to another distant location could effectively impact the
- participation status of the "Attendees".
- Depending on the "METHOD", the "SEQUENCE" property MUST follow these
- rules in the context of iTIP:
- o For the "PUBLISH" and "REQUEST" methods, the "SEQUENCE" property
- value is incremented according to the rules stated above.
- o The "SEQUENCE" property value MUST be incremented each time the
- "Organizer" uses the "ADD" or "CANCEL" methods.
- o The "SEQUENCE" property value MUST NOT be incremented when using
- "REPLY", "REFRESH", "COUNTER", "DECLINECOUNTER", or when sending a
- delegation "REQUEST".
- In some circumstances, the "Organizer" may not have received
- responses to the final revision sent out. In this situation, the
- "Organizer" may wish to send an update "REQUEST" and set "RSVP=TRUE"
- for all "Attendees" so that current responses can be collected.
- The value of the "SEQUENCE" property contained in a response from an
- "Attendee" may not always match the "Organizer's" revision.
- Implementations may choose to have the CUA indicate to the CU that
- the response is to an iCalendar object that has been revised, and
- allow the CU to decide whether or not to accept the response.
- Whilst a change in sequence number is indicative of a significant
- change to a previously scheduled item, "Attendee" CUAs SHOULD NOT
- rely solely on a change in sequence number as a means of detecting a
- significant change. Instead, CUAs SHOULD compare the old and new
- versions of the calendar components, determine the exact nature of
- the changes, and make decisions -- possibly based on "Calendar User"
- preferences -- as to whether the user needs to be explicitly informed
- of the change.
-2.1.5. Message Sequencing
- CUAs that handle the iTIP application protocol must often correlate a
- component in a calendar store with a component received in the iTIP
- message. For example, an event may be updated with a later revision
- of the same event. To accomplish this, a CUA must correlate the
- version of the event already in its calendar store with the version
- sent in the iTIP message. In addition to this correlation, there are
- several factors that can cause iTIP messages to arrive in an
- unexpected order. That is, an "Organizer" could receive a reply to
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- an earlier revision of a component after receiving a reply to a later
- revision.
- To maximize interoperability and to handle messages that arrive in an
- unexpected order, use the following rules:
- 1. The primary key for referencing a particular iCalendar component
- is the "UID" property value. To reference an instance of a
- recurring component, the primary key is composed of the "UID" and
- the "RECURRENCE-ID" properties.
- 2. The secondary key for referencing a component is the "SEQUENCE"
- property value. For components where the "UID" and
- "RECURRENCE-ID" property values are the same, the component with
- the highest numeric value for the "SEQUENCE" property obsoletes
- all other revisions of the component with lower values.
- 3. "Attendees" send "REPLY" messages to the "Organizer". For
- replies where the "UID" and "RECURRENCE-ID" property values are
- the same, the value of the "SEQUENCE" property indicates the
- revision of the component to which the "Attendee" is replying.
- The reply with the highest numeric value for the "SEQUENCE"
- property obsoletes all other replies with lower values.
- 4. In situations where the "UID", "RECURRENCE-ID", and "SEQUENCE"
- property values match, the "DTSTAMP" property is used as the tie-
- breaker. The component with the latest "DTSTAMP" overrides all
- others. Similarly, for "Attendee" responses where the "UID",
- "RECURRENCE-ID", and "SEQUENCE" property values match, the
- response with the latest "DTSTAMP" overrides all others.
- Hence, CUAs will need to persist the following component properties
- in order to correctly process iTIP messages: "UID", "RECURRENCE-ID",
- "SEQUENCE", and "DTSTAMP". Furthermore, for each "ATTENDEE" property
- of a component, "Organizer" CUAs will need to persist the "SEQUENCE"
- and "DTSTAMP" property values associated with the "Attendee's" last
- response, so that any earlier responses from an "Attendee" that are
- received out of order (e.g., due to a delay in the transport) can be
- correctly discarded.
-3. Application Protocol Elements
- iTIP messages are "text/calendar" MIME entities that contain
- calendaring and scheduling information. The particular type of
- iCalendar message is referred to as the "method type". Each method
- type is identified by a "METHOD" property specified as part of the
- "text/calendar" content type. The table below shows various
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- combinations of calendar components and the method types that this
- specification supports.
- +----------------+--------+-------+----------+-----------+
- +----------------+--------+-------+----------+-----------+
- | PUBLISH | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
- | REQUEST | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
- | REFRESH | Yes | Yes | No | No |
- | CANCEL | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
- | ADD | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
- | REPLY | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
- | COUNTER | Yes | Yes | No | No |
- | DECLINECOUNTER | Yes | Yes | No | No |
- +----------------+--------+-------+----------+-----------+
- Each method type is defined in terms of its associated components and
- properties. Some components and properties are required, some are
- optional, and others are excluded. The restrictions are expressed in
- this document using a simple "restriction table". The first column
- indicates the name of a component or property. Properties of the
- iCalendar object are not indented. Properties of a component are
- indented. The second column (the "Presence" column) indicates
- whether or not a component or property should be present and, if
- present, how many times it can occur. The third column contains
- comments for further clarification.
- The presence column uses the following values to assert whether a
- property is required or optional, and the number of times it may
- appear in the iCalendar object.
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | Presence Value | Description |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | 1 | One instance MUST be present. |
- | 1+ | At least one instance MUST be present. |
- | 0 | Instances of this property MUST NOT be present. |
- | 0+ | Multiple instances MAY be present. |
- | 0 or 1 | Up to 1 instance of this property MAY be |
- | | present. |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- The tables also call out "IANA-PROPERTY", "X-PROPERTY", "IANA-
- COMPONENT", and "X-COMPONENT" to show where registered and
- experimental property and component extensions can appear. The
- tables do not lay out the restrictions of property parameters. Those
- restrictions are defined in [RFC5545].
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.1. Common Component Restriction Tables
- The restriction table below applies to properties of the iCalendar
- object. That is, the properties at the outermost scope.
- +-----------------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for Properties in a VCALENDAR Component |
- +-----------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+--------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+--------------------+
- | CALSCALE | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRODID | 1 | |
- | VERSION | 1 | Value MUST be 2.0. |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- +--------------------+----------+--------------------+
- "VTIMEZONE" components may be referred to by other components via a
- "TZID" parameter on a "DATETIME" value type. The property
- restrictions in the table below apply to any "VTIMEZONE" component in
- an iTIP message.
- +--------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for VTIMEZONE Components |
- +--------------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to timezone. |
- | DAYLIGHT | 0+ | MUST be one or more of either |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | MUST be local time format. |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | TZNAME | 0+ | |
- | TZOFFSETFROM | 1 | |
- | TZOFFSETTO | 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | STANDARD | 0+ | MUST be one or more of either |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | MUST be local time format. |
- | RDATE | 0+ | If present, RRULE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | If present, RDATE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | TZNAME | 0+ | |
- | TZOFFSETFROM | 1 | |
- | TZOFFSETTO | 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | TZID | 1 | |
- | TZURL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.1.3. VALARM
- The property restrictions in the table below apply to any "VALARM"
- component in an iTIP message.
- +-----------------------------------+
- | Constraints for VALARM Components |
- +-----------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | ACTION | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0+ | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, REPEAT MUST be |
- | | | present. |
- | REPEAT | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST be |
- | | | present. |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | |
- | TRIGGER | 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.2. Methods for VEVENT Calendar Components
- This section defines the property set restrictions for the method
- types that are applicable to the "VEVENT" calendar component. Each
- method is defined using a table that clarifies the property
- constraints that define the particular method.
- The following summarizes the methods that are defined for the
- "VEVENT" calendar component.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Description |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Post notification of an event. Used primarily |
- | | as a method of advertising the existence of an |
- | | event. |
- | | |
- | REQUEST | Make a request for an event. This is an |
- | | explicit invitation to one or more Attendees. |
- | | Event requests are also used to update or change |
- | | an existing event. Clients that cannot handle |
- | | REQUEST MAY degrade the event to view it as a |
- | | PUBLISH. |
- | | |
- | REPLY | Reply to an event request. Clients may set |
- | | their status (PARTSTAT) to ACCEPTED, DECLINED, |
- | | |
- | ADD | Add one or more instances to an existing event. |
- | | |
- | CANCEL | Cancel one or more instances of an existing |
- | | event. |
- | | |
- | REFRESH | A request is sent to an Organizer by an Attendee |
- | | asking for the latest version of an event to be |
- | | resent to the requester. |
- | | |
- | COUNTER | Counter a REQUEST with an alternative proposal. |
- | | Sent by an Attendee to the Organizer. |
- | | |
- | DECLINECOUNTER | Decline a counter proposal. Sent to an Attendee |
- | | by the Organizer. |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
-3.2.1. PUBLISH
- The "PUBLISH" method in a "VEVENT" calendar component is an
- unsolicited posting of an iCalendar object. Any CU may add published
- components to their calendar. The "Organizer" MUST be present in a
- published iCalendar component. "Attendees" MUST NOT be present. Its
- expected usage is for encapsulating an arbitrary event as an
- iCalendar object. The "Organizer" may subsequently update (with
- another "PUBLISH" method), add instances to (with an "ADD" method),
- or cancel (with a "CANCEL" method) a previously published "VEVENT"
- calendar component.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +----------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VEVENT |
- +----------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST equal PUBLISH. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1+ | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
- | UID | 1 | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if value is |
- | | | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
- | | | 0. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0 or 1 | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | ATTENDEE | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.2.2. REQUEST
- The "REQUEST" method in a "VEVENT" component provides the following
- scheduling functions:
- o Invite "Attendees" to an event.
- o Reschedule an existing event.
- o Response to a "REFRESH" request.
- o Update the details of an existing event, without rescheduling it.
- o Update the status of "Attendees" of an existing event, without
- rescheduling it.
- o Reconfirm an existing event, without rescheduling it.
- o Forward a "VEVENT" to another uninvited CU.
- o For an existing "VEVENT" calendar component, delegate the role of
- "Attendee" to another CU.
- o For an existing "VEVENT" calendar component, change the role of
- "Organizer" to another CU.
- The "Organizer" originates the "REQUEST". The recipients of the
- "REQUEST" method are the CUs invited to the event, the "Attendees".
- "Attendees" use the "REPLY" method to convey attendance status to the
- "Organizer".
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The "UID" and "SEQUENCE" properties are used to distinguish the
- various uses of the "REQUEST" method. If the "UID" property value in
- the "REQUEST" is not found on the recipient's calendar, then the
- "REQUEST" is for a new "VEVENT" calendar component. If the "UID"
- property value is found on the recipient's calendar, then the
- "REQUEST" is for a rescheduling, an update, or a reconfirmation of
- the "VEVENT" calendar component.
- For the "REQUEST" method, multiple "VEVENT" components in a single
- iCalendar object are only permitted for components with the same
- "UID" property. That is, a series of recurring events may have
- instance-specific information. In this case, multiple "VEVENT"
- components are needed to express the entire series.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +----------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REQUEST of a VEVENT |
- +----------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REQUEST. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1+ | All components MUST have the same |
- | | | UID. |
- | ATTENDEE | 1+ | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if value is |
- | | | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
- | | | 0. |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
- | UID | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- Rescheduling an Event
- The "REQUEST" method may be used to reschedule an event. A
- rescheduled event involves a change to the existing event in terms of
- its time or recurrence intervals and possibly the location or
- description. If the recipient CUA of a "REQUEST" method finds that
- the "UID" property value already exists on the calendar but that the
- "SEQUENCE" (or "DTSTAMP") property value in the "REQUEST" method is
- greater than the value for the existing event, then the "REQUEST"
- method describes a rescheduling of the event.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Updating or Reconfirmation of an Event
- The "REQUEST" method may be used to update or reconfirm an event. An
- update to an existing event does not involve changes to the time or
- recurrence intervals, and might not involve a change to the location
- or description for the event. If the recipient CUA of a "REQUEST"
- method finds that the "UID" property value already exists on the
- calendar and that the "SEQUENCE" property value in the "REQUEST" is
- the same as the value for the existing event, then the "REQUEST"
- method describes an update of the event details, but not a
- rescheduling of the event.
- The update "REQUEST" method is the appropriate response to a
- "REFRESH" method sent from an "Attendee" to the "Organizer" of an
- event.
- The "Organizer" of an event may also send unsolicited "REQUEST"
- methods. The unsolicited "REQUEST" methods may be used to update the
- details of the event without rescheduling it, to update the
- "PARTSTAT" parameter of "Attendees", or to reconfirm the event.
- Delegating an Event to Another CU
- Some calendar and scheduling systems allow "Attendees" to delegate
- their presence at an event to another "Calendar User". iTIP supports
- this concept using the following workflow. Any "Attendee" may
- delegate their right to participate in a calendar "VEVENT" to another
- CU. The implication is that the delegate participates in lieu of the
- original "Attendee", NOT in addition to the "Attendee". The
- delegator MUST notify the "Organizer" of this action using the steps
- outlined below. Implementations may support or restrict delegation
- as they see fit. For instance, some implementations may restrict a
- delegate from delegating a "REQUEST" to another CU.
- The "Delegator" of an event forwards the existing "REQUEST" to the
- "Delegate". The "REQUEST" method MUST include an "ATTENDEE" property
- with the calendar address of the "Delegate". The "Delegator" MUST
- also send a "REPLY" method to the "Organizer" with the "Delegator's"
- "ATTENDEE" property "PARTSTAT" parameter value set to "DELEGATED".
- In addition, the "DELEGATED-TO" parameter MUST be included with the
- calendar address of the "Delegate". Also, a new "ATTENDEE" property
- for the "Delegate" MUST be included and must specify the calendar
- user address set in the "DELEGATED-TO" parameter, as above.
- In response to the request, the "Delegate" MUST send a "REPLY" method
- to the "Organizer", and optionally to the "Delegator". The "REPLY"
- method SHOULD include the "ATTENDEE" property with the "DELEGATED-
- FROM" parameter value of the "Delegator's" calendar address.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The "Delegator" may continue to receive updates to the event even
- though they will not be attending. This is accomplished by the
- "Delegator" setting their "role" attribute to "NON-PARTICIPANT" in
- the "REPLY" to the "Organizer".
- Changing the Organizer
- The situation may arise where the "Organizer" of a "VEVENT" is no
- longer able to perform the "Organizer" role and abdicates without
- passing on the "Organizer" role to someone else. When this occurs,
- the "Attendees" of the "VEVENT" may use out-of-band mechanisms to
- communicate the situation and agree upon a new "Organizer". The new
- "Organizer" should then send out a new "REQUEST" with a modified
- version of the "VEVENT" in which the "SEQUENCE" number has been
- incremented and the "ORGANIZER" property has been changed to the new
- "Organizer".
- Sending on Behalf of the Organizer
- There are a number of scenarios that support the need for a "Calendar
- User" to act on behalf of the "Organizer" without explicit role
- changing. This might be the case if the CU designated as "Organizer"
- is sick or unable to perform duties associated with that function.
- In these cases, iTIP supports the notion of one CU acting on behalf
- of another. Using the "SENT-BY" parameter, a "Calendar User" could
- send an updated "VEVENT" "REQUEST". In the case where one CU sends
- on behalf of another CU, the "Attendee" responses are still directed
- back towards the CU designated as "Organizer".
- Forwarding to an Uninvited CU
- An "Attendee" invited to a "VEVENT" calendar component may send the
- "VEVENT" calendar component to another new CU not previously
- associated with the "VEVENT" calendar component. The current
- "Attendee" invited to the "VEVENT" calendar component does this by
- forwarding the original "REQUEST" method to the new CU. The new CU
- can send a "REPLY" to the "Organizer" of the "VEVENT" calendar
- component. The reply contains an "ATTENDEE" property for the new CU.
- The "Organizer" ultimately decides whether or not the new CU becomes
- part of the event and is not obligated to do anything with a "REPLY"
- from a new (uninvited) CU. If the "Organizer" does not want the new
- CU to be part of the event, the new "ATTENDEE" property is not added
- to the "VEVENT" calendar component. The "Organizer" MAY send the CU
- a "CANCEL" message to indicate that they will not be added to the
- event. If the "Organizer" decides to add the new CU, the new
- "ATTENDEE" property is added to the "VEVENT" calendar component.
- Furthermore, the "Organizer" is free to change any "ATTENDEE"
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 24]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- property parameter from the values supplied by the new CU to
- something the "Organizer" considers appropriate. The "Organizer"
- SHOULD send the new CU a "REQUEST" message to inform them that they
- have been added.
- When forwarding a "REQUEST" to another CU, the forwarding "Attendee"
- MUST NOT make changes to the original message.
- Updating Attendee Status
- The "Organizer" of an event may also request updated status from one
- or more "Attendees". The "Organizer" sends a "REQUEST" method to the
- "Attendee" and sets the "ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE" property parameter. The
- "SEQUENCE" property for the event is not changed from its previous
- value. A recipient will determine that the only change in the
- "REQUEST" is that their "RSVP" property parameter indicates a request
- for updated status. The recipient SHOULD respond with a "REPLY"
- method indicating their current status with respect to the "REQUEST".
-3.2.3. REPLY
- The "REPLY" method in a "VEVENT" calendar component is used to
- respond (e.g., accept or decline) to a "REQUEST" or to reply to a
- delegation "REQUEST". When used to provide a delegation response,
- the "Delegator" SHOULD include the calendar address of the "Delegate"
- on the "DELEGATED-TO" property parameter of the "Delegator's"
- "ATTENDEE" property. The "Delegate" SHOULD include the calendar
- address of the "Delegator" on the "DELEGATED-FROM" property parameter
- of the "Delegate's" "ATTENDEE" property.
- The "REPLY" method is also used when processing of a "REQUEST" fails.
- Depending on the value of the "REQUEST-STATUS" property, no
- scheduling action may have been performed.
- The "Organizer" of an event may receive the "REPLY" method from a CU
- not in the original "REQUEST". For example, a "REPLY" may be
- received from a "Delegate" to an event. In addition, the "REPLY"
- method may be received from an unknown CU (a "Party Crasher"). This
- uninvited "Attendee" may be accepted, or the "Organizer" may cancel
- the event for the uninvited "Attendee" by sending a "CANCEL" method
- to the uninvited "Attendee".
- An "Attendee" MAY include a message to the "Organizer" using the
- "COMMENT" property. For example, if the user indicates tentative
- acceptance and wants to let the "Organizer" know why, the reason can
- be expressed in the "COMMENT" property value.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The "Organizer" may also receive a "REPLY" from one CU on behalf of
- another. Like the scenario enumerated above for the "Organizer",
- "Attendees" may have another CU respond on their behalf. This is
- done using the "SENT-BY" parameter.
- The optional properties listed in the table below (those listed as
- "0+" or "0 or 1") MUST NOT be changed from those of the original
- request. If property changes are desired, the "COUNTER" message must
- be used.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +--------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REPLY of a VEVENT |
- +--------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REPLY. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1+ | All components MUST have the same |
- | | | UID. |
- | ATTENDEE | 1 | MUST be the address of the |
- | | | Attendee replying. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID of the original |
- | | | REQUEST. |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | If non-zero, MUST be the sequence |
- | | | number of the original REQUEST. |
- | | | MAY be present if 0. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.2.4. ADD
- The "ADD" method allows the "Organizer" to add one or more new
- instances to an existing "VEVENT" using a single iTIP message without
- having to send the entire "VEVENT" with all the existing instance
- data, as it would have to do if the "REQUEST" method were used.
- The "UID" must be that of the existing event. If the "UID" property
- value in the "ADD" is not found on the recipient's calendar, then the
- recipient SHOULD send a "REFRESH" to the "Organizer" in order to be
- updated with the latest version of the "VEVENT". If an "Attendee"
- implementation does not support the "ADD" method, it should respond
- with a "REQUEST-STATUS" value of 3.14 and ask for a "REFRESH".
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 27]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- When handling an "ADD" message, the "Attendee" treats each component
- in the "ADD" message as if it were referenced via an "RDATE" in the
- main component.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:ADD of a VEVENT |
- +------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be ADD. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1 | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | MUST be greater than 0. |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST match that of the original |
- | | | event. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 28]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | EXDATE | 0 | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | RDATE | 0 | |
- | RRULE | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.2.5. CANCEL
- The "CANCEL" method in a "VEVENT" calendar component is used to send
- a cancellation notice of an existing event request to the affected
- "Attendees". The message is sent by the "Organizer" of the event.
- For a recurring event, either the whole event or instances of an
- event may be cancelled. To cancel the complete range of a recurring
- event, the "UID" property value for the event MUST be specified and a
- "RECURRENCE-ID" MUST NOT be specified in the "CANCEL" method. In
- order to cancel an individual instance of the event, the
- "RECURRENCE-ID" property value for the event MUST be specified in the
- "CANCEL" method.
- There are two options for canceling a sequence of instances of a
- recurring "VEVENT" calendar component:
- a. The "RECURRENCE-ID" property for an instance in the sequence MUST
- be specified with the "RANGE" property parameter value of
- "THISANDFUTURE" to indicate cancellation of the specified
- "VEVENT" calendar component and all instances after.
- b. Individual recurrence instances may be cancelled by specifying
- multiple "VEVENT" components each with a "RECURRENCE-ID" property
- corresponding to one of the instances to be cancelled.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 29]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The "Organizer" MUST send a "CANCEL" message to each "Attendee"
- affected by the cancellation. This can be done using a single
- "CANCEL" message for all "Attendees" or by using multiple messages
- with different subsets of the affected "Attendees" in each.
- When a "VEVENT" is cancelled, the "SEQUENCE" property value MUST be
- incremented as described in Section 2.1.4.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +---------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:CANCEL of a VEVENT |
- +---------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be CANCEL. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1+ | All must have the same UID. |
- | ATTENDEE | 0+ | MUST include some or all |
- | | | Attendees being removed from the |
- | | | event. MUST include some or all |
- | | | Attendees if the entire event is |
- | | | cancelled. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID of the original |
- | | | REQUEST. |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 30]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MUST be set to CANCELLED to |
- | | | cancel the entire event. If |
- | | | uninviting specific Attendees, |
- | | | then MUST NOT be included. |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.2.6. REFRESH
- The "REFRESH" method in a "VEVENT" calendar component is used by
- "Attendees" of an existing event to request an updated description
- from the event "Organizer". The "REFRESH" method must specify the
- "UID" property of the event to update. A recurrence instance of an
- event may be requested by specifying the "RECURRENCE-ID" property
- corresponding to the associated event. The "Organizer" responds with
- the latest description and version of the event.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 31]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +----------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REFRESH of a VEVENT |
- +----------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REFRESH. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1 | |
- | ATTENDEE | 1 | MUST be the address of requester. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID associated with |
- | | | original REQUEST. |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | ATTACH | 0 | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0 | |
- | CLASS | 0 | |
- | CONTACT | 0 | |
- | CREATED | 0 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 | |
- | DTEND | 0 | |
- | DTSTART | 0 | |
- | DURATION | 0 | |
- | EXDATE | 0 | |
- | GEO | 0 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 | |
- | RDATE | 0 | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | RESOURCES | 0 | |
- | RRULE | 0 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 | |
- | STATUS | 0 | |
- | SUMMARY | 0 | |
- | TRANSP | 0 | |
- | URL | 0 | |
- | | | |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.2.7. COUNTER
- The "COUNTER" method for a "VEVENT" calendar component is used by an
- "Attendee" of an existing event to submit to the "Organizer" a
- counter proposal to the event. The "Attendee" sends this message to
- the "Organizer" of the event.
- The counter proposal is an iCalendar object consisting of a "VEVENT"
- calendar component that provides the complete description of the
- alternate event.
- The "Organizer" rejects the counter proposal by sending the
- "Attendee" a "DECLINECOUNTER" method. The "Organizer" accepts the
- counter proposal by rescheduling the event as described in
- Section, "Rescheduling an Event". The "Organizer's" CUA
- SHOULD send a "REQUEST" message to all "Attendees" affected by any
- change triggered by an accepted "COUNTER".
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +----------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:COUNTER of a VEVENT |
- +----------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be COUNTER. |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1 | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 33]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | MUST be the Organizer of the |
- | | | original event. |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | MUST echo the original SEQUENCE |
- | | | number. MUST be present if |
- | | | non-zero. MAY be present if |
- | | | zero. |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID associated with |
- | | | the REQUEST being countered. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0+ | Can also be used to propose other |
- | | | Attendees. |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | Value must be one of |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- The "DECLINECOUNTER" method in a "VEVENT" calendar component is used
- by the "Organizer" of an event to reject a counter proposal submitted
- by an "Attendee". The "Organizer" must send the "DECLINECOUNTER"
- message to the "Attendee" that sent the "COUNTER" method to the
- "Organizer".
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +-----------------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:DECLINECOUNTER of a VEVENT |
- +-----------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 1+ | All components MUST have the same |
- | | | UID. |
- | ATTENDEE | 1+ | MUST for all Attendees. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | MUST echo the original SEQUENCE |
- | | | number. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST echo original UID. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTEND | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 35]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | TRANSP | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.3. Methods for VFREEBUSY Components
- This section defines the property set for the methods that are
- applicable to the "VFREEBUSY" calendar component. Each of the
- methods is defined using a restriction table.
- This document only addresses the transfer of busy time information.
- Applications desiring free time information MUST infer this from
- available busy time information.
- The "FREEBUSY" property value MAY include a list of values, separated
- by the COMMA character (US-ASCII decimal 44). Alternately, multiple
- busy time periods MAY be specified with multiple instances of the
- "FREEBUSY" property. Both forms MUST be supported by implementations
- conforming to this document. Duplicate busy time periods SHOULD NOT
- be specified in an iCalendar object. However, two different busy
- time periods MAY overlap.
- "FREEBUSY" properties SHOULD be sorted such that their values are in
- ascending order, based on the start time and then the end time, with
- the earliest periods first. For example, today's busy time
- information should appear after yesterday's busy time information.
- And the busy time for this half-hour should appear after the busy
- time for earlier today. Busy time periods can also span a day
- boundary.
- The following summarizes the methods that are defined for the
- "VFREEBUSY" calendar component.
- +---------+-------------------------------------+
- | Method | Description |
- +---------+-------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Publish unsolicited busy time data. |
- | | |
- | REQUEST | Request busy time data. |
- | | |
- | REPLY | Reply to a busy time request. |
- +---------+-------------------------------------+
-3.3.1. PUBLISH
- The "PUBLISH" method in a "VFREEBUSY" calendar component is used to
- publish busy time data. The method may be sent from one CU to any
- other. The purpose of the method is to provide a way to send
- unsolicited busy time data. That is, the busy time data is not being
- sent as a "REPLY" to the receipt of a "REQUEST" method.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 37]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The "ORGANIZER" property MUST be specified in the busy time
- information. The value is the CU address of the originator of the
- busy time information.
- The busy time information within the iCalendar object MAY be grouped
- into more than one "VFREEBUSY" calendar component. This capability
- allows busy time periods to be grouped according to some common
- periodicity, such as a calendar week, month, or year. In this case,
- each "VFREEBUSY" calendar component MUST include the "ORGANIZER",
- "DTSTART", and "DTEND" properties in order to specify the source of
- the busy time information and the date and time interval over which
- the busy time information covers.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VFREEBUSY |
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be PUBLISH. |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 1+ | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | DateTime values must be in UTC. |
- | DTEND | 1 | DateTime values must be in UTC. |
- | FREEBUSY | 0+ | MUST be BUSYTIME. Multiple |
- | | | instances are allowed. Multiple |
- | | | instances SHOULD be sorted in |
- | | | ascending order. |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | MUST contain the address of |
- | | | originator of busy time data. |
- | UID | 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | Specifies busy time URL. |
- | ATTENDEE | 0 | |
- | DURATION | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 39]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.3.2. REQUEST
- The "REQUEST" method in a "VFREEBUSY" calendar component is used to
- ask a "Calendar User" for their busy time information. The request
- may be for a busy time information bounded by a specific date and
- time interval.
- This message only permits requests for busy time information. The
- message is sent from a "Calendar User" requesting the busy time
- information of one or more intended recipients.
- If the originator of the "REQUEST" method is not authorized to make a
- busy time request on the recipient's calendar system, then an
- exception message SHOULD be returned in a "REPLY" method, but no busy
- time data need be returned.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REQUEST of a VFREEBUSY |
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REQUEST. |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 1 | |
- | ATTENDEE | 1+ | Contains the calendar user |
- | | | addresses of the "Calendar Users" |
- | | | whose freebusy is being |
- | | | requested. |
- | DTEND | 1 | DateTime values must be in UTC. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | DateTime values must be in UTC. |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | MUST be the request originator's |
- | | | address. |
- | UID | 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | FREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | DURATION | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | URL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.3.3. REPLY
- The "REPLY" method in a "VFREEBUSY" calendar component is used to
- respond to a busy time request. The method is sent by the recipient
- of a busy time request to the originator of the request.
- The "REPLY" method may also be used to respond to an unsuccessful
- "REQUEST" method. Depending on the "REQUEST-STATUS" value, no busy
- time information may be returned.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 42]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REPLY of a VFREEBUSY |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REPLY. |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 1 | |
- | ATTENDEE | 1 | MUST be the address of the |
- | | | Attendee replying. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTEND | 1 | DateTime values must be in UTC. |
- | DTSTART | 1 | DateTime values must be in UTC. |
- | FREEBUSY | 0+ | MUST be BUSYTIME. Multiple |
- | | | instances are allowed. Multiple |
- | | | instances SHOULD be sorted in |
- | | | ascending order. |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | MUST be the request originator's |
- | | | address. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID of the original |
- | | | REQUEST. |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0 or 1 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | Specifies busy time URL. |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | DURATION | 0 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.4. Methods for VTODO Components
- This section defines the property set for the methods that are
- applicable to the "VTODO" calendar component. Each of the methods is
- defined using a restriction table that specifies the property
- constraints that define the particular method.
- The following summarizes the methods that are defined for the "VTODO"
- calendar component.
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Description |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Post notification of a VTODO. Used primarily as |
- | | a method of advertising the existence of a |
- | | VTODO. |
- | | |
- | REQUEST | Assign a VTODO. This is an explicit assignment |
- | | to one or more Calendar Users. The REQUEST |
- | | method is also used to update or change an |
- | | existing VTODO. Clients that cannot handle |
- | | REQUEST MAY degrade the method to treat it as a |
- | | PUBLISH. |
- | | |
- | REPLY | Reply to a VTODO request. Attendees MAY set |
- | | |
- | ADD | Add one or more instances to an existing to-do. |
- | | |
- | CANCEL | Cancel one or more instances of an existing |
- | | to-do. |
- | | |
- | REFRESH | A request sent to a VTODO Organizer asking for |
- | | the latest version of a VTODO. |
- | | |
- | COUNTER | Counter a REQUEST with an alternative proposal. |
- | | |
- | DECLINECOUNTER | Decline a counter proposal by an Attendee. |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
-3.4.1. PUBLISH
- The "PUBLISH" method in a "VTODO" calendar component has no
- associated response. It is simply a posting of an iCalendar object
- that may be added to a calendar. It MUST have an "Organizer". It
- MUST NOT have "Attendees". Its expected usage is for encapsulating
- an arbitrary "VTODO" calendar component as an iCalendar object. The
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- "Organizer" MAY subsequently update (with another "PUBLISH" method),
- add instances to (with an "ADD" method), or cancel (with a "CANCEL"
- method) a previously published "VTODO" calendar component.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +---------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VTODO |
- +---------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be PUBLISH. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1+ | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if value is |
- | | | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
- | | | 0. |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
- | UID | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
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- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.4.2. REQUEST
- The "REQUEST" method in a "VTODO" calendar component provides the
- following scheduling functions:
- o Assign a to-do to one or more "Calendar Users".
- o Reschedule an existing to-do.
- o Update the details of an existing to-do, without rescheduling it.
- o Update the completion status of "Attendees" of an existing to-do,
- without rescheduling it.
- o Reconfirm an existing to-do, without rescheduling it.
- o Delegate/reassign an existing to-do to another "Calendar User".
- The assigned "Calendar Users" are identified in the "VTODO" calendar
- component by individual "ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT" property
- value sequences.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Typically, the originator of a "REQUEST" is the "Organizer" of the
- to-do, and the recipient of a "REQUEST" is the "Calendar User"
- assigned the to-do. The "Attendee" uses the "REPLY" method to convey
- their acceptance and completion status to the "Organizer" of the
- The "UID", "SEQUENCE", and "DTSTAMP" properties are used to
- distinguish the various uses of the "REQUEST" method. If the "UID"
- property value in the "REQUEST" is not found on the recipient's
- calendar, then the "REQUEST" is for a new to-do. If the "UID"
- property value is found on the recipient's calendar, then the
- "REQUEST" is a rescheduling, an update, or a reconfirmation of the
- "VTODO" calendar object.
- If the "Organizer" of the "REQUEST" method is not authorized to make
- a to-do request on the "Attendee's" calendar system, then an
- exception is returned in the "REQUEST-STATUS" property of a
- subsequent "REPLY" method, but no scheduling action is performed.
- For the "REQUEST" method, multiple "VTODO" components in a single
- iCalendar object are only permitted for components with the same
- "UID" property. That is, a series of recurring events may have
- instance-specific information. In this case, multiple "VTODO"
- components are needed to express the entire series.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +---------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REQUEST of a VTODO |
- +---------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REQUEST. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1+ | All components must have the same |
- | | | UID. |
- | ATTENDEE | 1+ | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if value is |
- | | | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
- | | | 0. |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
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- | UID | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | | | IN-PROCESS. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- REQUEST for Rescheduling a VTODO
- The "REQUEST" method may be used to reschedule a "VTODO" calendar
- component.
- Rescheduling a "VTODO" calendar component involves a change to the
- existing "VTODO" calendar component in terms of its start or due
- time, recurrence intervals, and possibly the description. If the
- recipient CUA of a "REQUEST" method finds that the "UID" property
- value already exists on the calendar but that the "SEQUENCE" property
- value in the "REQUEST" is greater than the value for the existing
- "VTODO", then the "REQUEST" method describes a rescheduling of the
- "VTODO" calendar component.
- REQUEST for Update or Reconfirmation of a VTODO
- The "REQUEST" method may be used to update or reconfirm a "VTODO"
- calendar component. Reconfirmation is merely an update of "Attendee"
- completion status or overall "VTODO" calendar component status.
- An update to an existing "VTODO" calendar component does not involve
- changes to the start or due time, recurrence intervals, or
- (generally) the description for the "VTODO" calendar component. If
- the recipient CUA of a "REQUEST" method finds that the "UID" property
- value already exists on the calendar and that the "SEQUENCE" property
- value in the "REQUEST" is the same as the value for the existing
- event, then the "REQUEST" method describes an update of the "VTODO"
- calendar component details, but not a rescheduling of the "VTODO"
- calendar component.
- The update "REQUEST" is the appropriate response to a "REFRESH"
- method sent from an "Attendee" to the "Organizer" of a "VTODO"
- calendar component.
- Unsolicited "REQUEST" methods MAY be sent by the "Organizer" of a
- "VTODO" calendar component. The unsolicited "REQUEST" methods are
- used to update the details of the "VTODO" (without rescheduling it or
- updating the completion status of "Attendees") or the "VTODO"
- calendar component itself (i.e., reconfirm the "VTODO").
- REQUEST for Delegating a VTODO
- The "REQUEST" method is also used to delegate or reassign ownership
- of a "VTODO" calendar component to another "Calendar User". For
- example, it may be used to delegate an "Attendee's" role (i.e.,
- "chair" or "participant") for a "VTODO" calendar component. The
- "REQUEST" method is sent by one of the "Attendees" of an existing
- "VTODO" calendar component to some other individual.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- For the purposes of this description, the "Attendee" delegating the
- "VTODO" calendar component is referred to as the "Delegator". The
- "Attendee" receiving the delegation request is referred to as the
- "Delegate".
- The "Delegator" of a "VTODO" calendar component MUST forward the
- existing "REQUEST" method for a "VTODO" calendar component to the
- "Delegate". The "VTODO" calendar component description MUST include
- the "Delegator's" up-to-date "VTODO" calendar component definition.
- The "REQUEST" method MUST also include an "ATTENDEE" property with
- the calendar address of the "Delegate". The "Delegator" MUST also
- send a "REPLY" method back to the "Organizer" with the "Delegator's"
- "Attendee" property "PARTSTAT" parameter value set to "DELEGATED".
- In addition, the "DELEGATED-TO" parameter MUST be included with the
- calendar address of the "Delegate". A response to the delegation
- "REQUEST" is sent from the "Delegate" to the "Organizer", and
- optionally to the "Delegator". The "REPLY" method from the
- "Delegate" SHOULD include the "ATTENDEE" property with their calendar
- address and the "DELEGATED-FROM" parameter with the value of the
- "Delegator's" calendar address.
- The delegation "REQUEST" method MUST assign a value for the "RSVP"
- property parameter associated with the "Delegator's" "Attendee"
- property to that of the "Delegate's" "ATTENDEE" property. For
- example, if the "Delegator's" "ATTENDEE" property specifies
- "RSVP=TRUE", then the "Delegate's" "ATTENDEE" property MUST specify
- REQUEST Forwarded to an Uninvited Calendar User
- An "Attendee" assigned a "VTODO" calendar component may send the
- "VTODO" calendar component to another new CU not previously
- associated with the "VTODO" calendar component. The current
- "Attendee" assigned the "VTODO" calendar component does this by
- forwarding the original "REQUEST" method to the new CU. The new CU
- can send a "REPLY" to the "Organizer" of the "VTODO" calendar
- component. The reply contains an "ATTENDEE" property for the new CU.
- The "Organizer" ultimately decides whether or not the new CU becomes
- part of the to-do and is not obligated to do anything with a "REPLY"
- from a new (uninvited) CU. If the "Organizer" does not want the new
- CU to be part of the to-do, the new "ATTENDEE" property is not added
- to the "VTODO" calendar component. The "Organizer" MAY send the CU a
- "CANCEL" message to indicate that they will not be added to the to-
- do. If the "Organizer" decides to add the new CU, the new "ATTENDEE"
- property is added to the "VTODO" calendar component. Furthermore,
- the "Organizer" is free to change any "ATTENDEE" property parameter
- from the values supplied by the new CU to something the "Organizer"
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 50]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- considers appropriate. The "Organizer" SHOULD send the new
- "Attendee" a "REQUEST" message to inform them that they have been
- added.
- When forwarding a "REQUEST" to another CU, the forwarding "Attendee"
- MUST NOT make changes to the original message.
- REQUEST Updated Attendee Status
- An "Organizer" of a "VTODO" may request an updated status from one or
- more "Attendees". The "Organizer" sends a "REQUEST" method to the
- "Attendee" with the "ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE" property sequence. The
- "SEQUENCE" property for the "VTODO" is not changed from its previous
- value. A recipient determines that the only change in the "REQUEST"
- is that their "RSVP" property parameter indicates a request for an
- updated status. The recipient SHOULD respond with a "REPLY" method
- indicating their current status with respect to the "REQUEST".
-3.4.3. REPLY
- The "REPLY" method in a "VTODO" calendar component is used to respond
- (e.g., accept or decline) to a request or to reply to a delegation
- request. It is also used by an "Attendee" to update their completion
- status. When used to provide a delegation response, the "Delegator"
- MUST include the calendar address of the "Delegate" in the
- "DELEGATED-TO" parameter of the "Delegator's" "ATTENDEE" property.
- The "Delegate" MUST include the calendar address of the "Delegator"
- on the "DELEGATED-FROM" parameter of the "Delegate's" "ATTENDEE"
- property.
- The "REPLY" method MAY also be used to respond to an unsuccessful
- "VTODO" calendar component "REQUEST" method. Depending on the
- "REQUEST-STATUS" value, no scheduling action may have been performed.
- The "Organizer" of a "VTODO" calendar component MAY receive a "REPLY"
- method from a "Calendar User" not in the original "REQUEST". For
- example, a "REPLY" method MAY be received from a "Delegate" of a
- "VTODO" calendar component. In addition, the "REPLY" method MAY be
- received from an unknown "Calendar User" who has been forwarded the
- "REQUEST" by an original "Attendee" of the "VTODO" calendar
- component. This uninvited "Attendee" MAY be accepted or the
- "Organizer" MAY cancel the "VTODO" calendar component for the
- uninvited "Attendee" by sending them a "CANCEL" method.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REPLY of a VTODO |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REPLY. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1+ | All components MUST have the same |
- | | | UID. |
- | ATTENDEE | 1 | MUST be the address of the |
- | | | Attendee replying. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID of the original |
- | | | REQUEST. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST be the sequence number of |
- | | | the original REQUEST if greater |
- | | | than 0. MAY be present if 0. |
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- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.4.4. ADD
- The "ADD" method allows the "Organizer" to add one or more new
- instances to an existing "VTODO" using a single iTIP message without
- having to send the entire "VTODO" with all the existing instance
- data, as it would have to do if the "REQUEST" method were used.
- The "UID" must be that of the existing to-do. If the "UID" property
- value in the "ADD" is not found on the recipient's calendar, then the
- recipient SHOULD send a "REFRESH" to the "Organizer" in order to be
- updated with the latest version of the "VTODO". If an "Attendee"
- implementation does not support the "ADD" method, it should respond
- with a "REQUEST-STATUS" value of 3.14 and ask for a "REFRESH".
- When handling an "ADD" message, the "Attendee" treats each component
- in the "ADD" message as if it were referenced via an "RDATE" in the
- main component.
- The "SEQUENCE" property value is incremented since the sequence of
- to-dos has changed.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-----------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:ADD of a VTODO |
- +-----------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be ADD. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1 | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | MUST be greater than 0. |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST match that of the original |
- | | | to-do. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | | | IN-PROCESS. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | EXDATE | 0 | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | RDATE | 0 | |
- | RRULE | 0 | |
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- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.4.5. CANCEL
- The "CANCEL" method in a "VTODO" calendar component is used to send a
- cancellation notice of an existing "VTODO" calendar request to the
- affected "Attendees". The message is sent by the "Organizer" of a
- "VTODO" calendar component to the "Attendees" of the "VTODO" calendar
- component. For a recurring "VTODO" calendar component, either the
- whole "VTODO" calendar component or instances of a "VTODO" calendar
- component may be cancelled. To cancel the complete range of a
- recurring "VTODO" calendar component, the "UID" property value for
- the "VTODO" calendar component MUST be specified and a "RECURRENCE-
- ID" MUST NOT be specified in the "CANCEL" method. In order to cancel
- an individual instance of a recurring "VTODO" calendar component, the
- "RECURRENCE-ID" property value for the "VTODO" calendar component
- MUST be specified in the "CANCEL" method.
- There are two options for canceling a sequence of instances of a
- recurring "VTODO" calendar component:
- a. The "RECURRENCE-ID" property for an instance in the sequence MUST
- be specified with the "RANGE" property parameter value of
- "THISANDFUTURE" to indicate cancellation of the specified "VTODO"
- calendar component and all instances after.
- b. Individual recurrence instances may be cancelled by specifying
- multiple "VTODO" components each with a "RECURRENCE-ID" property
- corresponding to one of the instances to be cancelled.
- The "Organizer" MUST send a "CANCEL" message to each "Attendee"
- affected by the cancellation. This can be done by using either a
- single "CANCEL" message for all "Attendees" or multiple messages with
- different subsets of the affected "Attendees" in each.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- When a "VTODO" is cancelled, the "SEQUENCE" property value MUST be
- incremented as described in Section 2.1.4.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +--------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:CANCEL of a VTODO |
- +--------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be CANCEL. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0+ | MUST include some or all |
- | | | Attendees being removed from the |
- | | | to-do. MUST include some or all |
- | | | Attendees if the entire to-do is |
- | | | cancelled. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST echo original UID. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 56]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MUST be set to CANCELLED to |
- | | | cancel the entire VTODO. If |
- | | | removing specific Attendees, then |
- | | | MUST NOT be included. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.4.6. REFRESH
- The "REFRESH" method in a "VTODO" calendar component is used by
- "Attendees" of an existing "VTODO" calendar component to request an
- updated description from the "Organizer" of the "VTODO" calendar
- component. The "Organizer" of the "VTODO" calendar component MAY use
- this method to request an updated status from the "Attendees". The
- "REFRESH" method MUST specify the "UID" property corresponding to the
- "VTODO" calendar component needing update.
- A refresh of a recurrence instance of a "VTODO" calendar component
- may be requested by specifying the "RECURRENCE-ID" property
- corresponding to the associated "VTODO" calendar component. The
- "Organizer" responds with the latest description and rendition of the
- "VTODO" calendar component. In most cases, this will be a "REQUEST"
- unless the "VTODO" has been cancelled, in which case the "Organizer"
- MUST send a "CANCEL". This method is intended to facilitate machine
- processing of requests for updates to a "VTODO" calendar component.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 57]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +---------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:REFRESH of a VTODO |
- +---------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be REFRESH. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1 | |
- | ATTENDEE | 1 | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | UID | 1 | MUST echo original UID. |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | ATTACH | 0 | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0 | |
- | CLASS | 0 | |
- | COMMENT | 0 | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 | |
- | CONTACT | 0 | |
- | CREATED | 0 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 | |
- | DTSTART | 0 | |
- | DUE | 0 | |
- | DURATION | 0 | |
- | EXDATE | 0 | |
- | GEO | 0 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 0 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 | |
- | RDATE | 0 | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | RESOURCES | 0 | |
- | RRULE | 0 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 | |
- | STATUS | 0 | |
- | URL | 0 | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 58]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.4.7. COUNTER
- The "COUNTER" method in a "VTODO" calendar component is used by an
- "Attendee" of an existing "VTODO" calendar component to submit to the
- "Organizer" a counter proposal for the "VTODO" calendar component.
- The counter proposal is an iCalendar object consisting of a "VTODO"
- calendar component that provides the complete description of the
- alternate "VTODO" calendar component.
- The "Organizer" rejects the counter proposal by sending the
- "Attendee" a "DECLINECOUNTER" method. The "Organizer" accepts the
- counter proposal by rescheduling the to-do as described in
- Section, "REQUEST for Rescheduling a To-Do". The
- "Organizer's" CUA SHOULD send a "REQUEST" message to all "Attendees"
- affected by any change triggered by an accepted "COUNTER".
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +---------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:COUNTER of a VTODO |
- +---------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be COUNTER. |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1 | |
- | ATTENDEE | 1+ | |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 1 | |
- | SUMMARY | 1 | Can be null. |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 59]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | UID | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST echo the original SEQUENCE |
- | | | number. MUST be present if |
- | | | non-zero. MAY be present if |
- | | | zero. |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- The "DECLINECOUNTER" method in a "VTODO" calendar component is used
- by an "Organizer" of the "VTODO" calendar component to reject a
- counter proposal offered by one of the "Attendees". The "Organizer"
- sends the message to the "Attendee" that sent the "COUNTER" method to
- the "Organizer".
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +----------------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:DECLINECOUNTER of a VTODO |
- +----------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 1 | |
- | ATTENDEE | 1+ | MUST for all ATTENDEEs. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | MUST echo the original SEQUENCE |
- | | | number. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST echo original UID. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | COMPLETED | 0 or 1 | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | DUE | 0 or 1 | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | DURATION | 0 or 1 | If present, DUE MUST NOT be |
- | | | present. |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | GEO | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | LOCATION | 0 or 1 | |
- | PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1 | |
- | PRIORITY | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0+ | |
- | RESOURCES | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | | | IN-PROCESS. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.5. Methods for VJOURNAL Components
- This section defines the property set for the methods that are
- applicable to the "VJOURNAL" calendar component.
- The following summarizes the methods that are defined for the
- "VJOURNAL" calendar component.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 62]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Description |
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Post a journal entry. Used primarily as a method of |
- | | advertising the existence of a journal entry. |
- | | |
- | ADD | Add one or more instances to an existing journal entry. |
- | | |
- | CANCEL | Cancel one or more instances of an existing journal |
- | | entry. |
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
-3.5.1. PUBLISH
- The "PUBLISH" method in a "VJOURNAL" calendar component has no
- associated response. It is simply a posting of an iCalendar object
- that may be added to a calendar. It MUST have an "Organizer". It
- MUST NOT have "Attendees". The expected usage is for encapsulating
- an arbitrary journal entry as an iCalendar object. The "Organizer"
- MAY subsequently update (with another "PUBLISH" method) or cancel
- (with a "CANCEL" method) a previously published journal entry.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +------------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VJOURNAL |
- +------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be PUBLISH. |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 1+ | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | UID | 1 | |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 63]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if non-zero. MAY |
- | | | be present if zero. |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.5.2. ADD
- The "ADD" method allows the "Organizer" to add one or more new
- instances to an existing "VJOURNAL" using a single iTIP message
- without having to send the entire "VJOURNAL" with all the existing
- instance data, as it would have to do if the "REQUEST" method were
- used.
- The "UID" must be that of the existing journal entry. If the "UID"
- property value in the "ADD" is not found on the recipient's calendar,
- then the recipient MAY treat the "ADD" as a "PUBLISH".
- When handling an "ADD" message, the "Attendee" treats each component
- in the "ADD" message as if it were referenced via an "RDATE" in the
- main component. There is no response to the "Organizer".
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 64]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
- +--------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:ADD of a VJOURNAL |
- +--------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be ADD. |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 1 | Can be null. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | MUST be greater than 0. |
- | UID | 1 | MUST match that of the original |
- | | | journal. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be one of |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | Can be null. |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0 | |
- | EXDATE | 0 | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | RDATE | 0 | |
- | RRULE | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0+ | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0 or 1 | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 65]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.5.3. CANCEL
- The "CANCEL" method in a "VJOURNAL" calendar component is used to
- send a cancellation notice of an existing journal entry. The message
- is sent by the "Organizer" of a journal entry. For a recurring
- journal entry, either the whole journal entry or instances of a
- journal entry may be cancelled. To cancel the complete range of a
- recurring journal entry, the "UID" property value for the journal
- entry MUST be specified and a "RECURRENCE-ID" property MUST NOT be
- specified in the "CANCEL" method. In order to cancel an individual
- instance of the journal entry, the "RECURRENCE-ID" property value for
- the journal entry MUST be specified in the "CANCEL" method.
- There are two options for canceling a sequence of instances of a
- recurring "VJOURNAL" calendar component:
- a. The "RECURRENCE-ID" property for an instance in the sequence MUST
- be specified with the "RANGE" property parameter value of
- "THISANDFUTURE" to indicate cancellation of the specified
- "VJOURNAL" calendar component and all instances after.
- b. Individual recurrence instances may be cancelled by specifying
- multiple "VJOURNAL" components each with a "RECURRENCE-ID"
- property corresponding to one of the instances to be cancelled.
- When a "VJOURNAL" is cancelled, the "SEQUENCE" property value MUST be
- incremented as described in Section 2.1.4.
- This method type is an iCalendar object that conforms to the
- following property constraints:
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 66]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- | Constraints for a METHOD:CANCEL of a VJOURNAL |
- +-----------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | Component/Property | Presence | Comment |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
- | METHOD | 1 | MUST be CANCEL. |
- | | | |
- | VJOURNAL | 1+ | All MUST have the same UID. |
- | DTSTAMP | 1 | |
- | ORGANIZER | 1 | |
- | SEQUENCE | 1 | |
- | UID | 1 | MUST be the UID of the original |
- | | | REQUEST. |
- | ATTACH | 0+ | |
- | ATTENDEE | 0 | |
- | CATEGORIES | 0+ | |
- | CLASS | 0 or 1 | |
- | COMMENT | 0+ | |
- | CONTACT | 0+ | |
- | CREATED | 0 or 1 | |
- | DESCRIPTION | 0 or 1 | |
- | DTSTART | 0 or 1 | |
- | EXDATE | 0+ | |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | 0 or 1 | |
- | RDATE | 0+ | |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | 0 or 1 | Only if referring to an instance |
- | | | of a recurring calendar |
- | | | component. Otherwise, it MUST |
- | | | NOT be present. |
- | RELATED-TO | 0+ | |
- | RRULE | 0 or 1 | |
- | STATUS | 0 or 1 | MAY be present; MUST be CANCELLED |
- | | | if present. |
- | SUMMARY | 0 or 1 | |
- | URL | 0 or 1 | |
- | IANA-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | X-PROPERTY | 0+ | |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VALARM | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTIMEZONE | 0+ | MUST be present if any date/time |
- | | | refers to a timezone. |
- | | | |
- | IANA-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
- | X-COMPONENT | 0+ | |
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 67]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- | | | |
- | VEVENT | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VFREEBUSY | 0 | |
- | | | |
- | VTODO | 0 | |
- +--------------------+----------+-----------------------------------+
-3.6. Status Replies
- The "REQUEST-STATUS" property is used to convey status information
- about a "REPLY", "COUNTER", or "DECLINECOUNTER" iTIP message. The
- codes listed in the table below SHOULD be used. If the "REQUEST-
- STATUS" property is not present in one of these iTIP messages, then a
- status code of "2.0" (success) MUST be assumed.
- This specification adds a new IANA registry for "REQUEST-STATUS"
- property values, as defined in Section 7, which includes a new
- registration template for defining the specific components of the
- "REQUEST-STATUS" property value. Additional codes MAY be used,
- provided the process described in Section 8.2.1 of [RFC5545] is used
- to register them.
- This specification allows for multiple "REQUEST-STATUS" properties to
- be returned in iCalendar components in the appropriate iTIP messages.
- When multiple "REQUEST-STATUS" properties are present, the following
- restrictions apply:
- 1. Within any one component, the "top-level" numeric value of the
- "short return status code" MUST be the same for all "REQUEST-
- STATUS" properties, i.e., there cannot be a mixture of, e.g.,
- 2.xx and 5.xx codes within a single component.
- 2. Across all components in the iTIP message, the following applies:
- A. If any one component would have a 5.xx code, then either all
- components MUST have a code in that range or "REQUEST-STATUS"
- MUST NOT be present in the other components if a 5.xx code is
- not appropriate for those components.
- B. Otherwise, if any one component would have a 3.xx code, then
- either all components MUST have a code in that range or
- "REQUEST-STATUS" MUST NOT be present in the other components
- if a 3.xx code is not appropriate for those components.
- C. 2.xx and 4.xx codes can be used in different components,
- provided that each component follows the restriction in (1)
- above.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 68]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The following "REQUEST-STATUS" codes are defined (any "Offending
- Data" MAY be specified in the "REQUEST-STATUS" value as the extdata
- field):
-3.6.1. Status Code 2.0
- Status Code: 2.0
- Status Description: Success.
- Status Exception Data: None.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded.
-3.6.2. Status Code 2.1
- Status Code: 2.1
- Status Description: Success, but fallback taken on one or more
- property values.
- Status Exception Data: Property name and value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded with fallback on one or more
- property values.
-3.6.3. Status Code 2.2
- Status Code: 2.2
- Status Description: Success; invalid property ignored.
- Status Exception Data: Property name MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a property was ignored.
-3.6.4. Status Code 2.3
- Status Code: 2.3
- Status Description: Success; invalid property parameter ignored.
- Status Exception Data: Property parameter name and value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a property parameter was
- ignored because it was invalid.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 69]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.5. Status Code 2.4
- Status Code: 2.4
- Status Description: Success; unknown, non-standard property ignored.
- Status Exception Data: Non-standard property name MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a property parameter was
- ignored because it was unknown.
-3.6.6. Status Code 2.5
- Status Code: 2.5
- Status Description: Success; unknown, non-standard property value
- ignored.
- Status Exception Data: Property and non-standard value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a property was ignored
- because its value was unknown.
-3.6.7. Status Code 2.6
- Status Code: 2.6
- Status Description: Success; invalid calendar component ignored.
- Status Exception Data: Calendar component sentinel (e.g., BEGIN:
- ALARM) MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a component was ignored
- because it was invalid.
-3.6.8. Status Code 2.7
- Status Code: 2.7
- Status Description: Success; request forwarded to Calendar User.
- Status Exception Data: Original and forwarded calendar user
- addresses MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded, and the request was forwarded
- to another Calendar User.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 70]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.9. Status Code 2.8
- Status Code: 2.8
- Status Description: Success; repeating event ignored. Scheduled as
- a single component.
- Status Exception Data: RRULE or RDATE property name and value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a repeating event was
- truncated to a single instance.
-3.6.10. Status Code 2.9
- Status Code: 2.9
- Status Description: Success; truncated end date time to date
- boundary.
- Status Exception Data: DTEND property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but the end time was truncated
- to a date boundary.
-3.6.11. Status Code 2.10
- Status Code: 2.10
- Status Description: Success; repeating VTODO ignored. Scheduled as
- a single VTODO.
- Status Exception Data: RRULE or RDATE property name and value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but a repeating to-do was
- truncated to a single instance.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 71]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.12. Status Code 2.11
- Status Code: 2.11
- Status Description: Success; unbounded RRULE clipped at some finite
- number of instances.
- Status Exception Data: RRULE property name and value MAY be
- specified. Number of instances MAY also be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation succeeded but an unbounded repeating
- object was clipped to a finite number of instances.
-3.6.13. Status Code 3.0
- Status Code: 3.0
- Status Description: Invalid property name.
- Status Exception Data: Property name MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid property
- name.
-3.6.14. Status Code 3.1
- Status Code: 3.1
- Status Description: Invalid property value.
- Status Exception Data: Property name and value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid property
- value.
-3.6.15. Status Code 3.2
- Status Code: 3.2
- Status Description: Invalid property parameter.
- Status Exception Data: Property parameter name and value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid property
- parameter.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 72]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.16. Status Code 3.3
- Status Code: 3.3
- Status Description: Invalid property parameter value.
- Status Exception Data: Property parameter name and value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid property
- parameter value.
-3.6.17. Status Code 3.4
- Status Code: 3.4
- Status Description: Invalid calendar component sequence.
- Status Exception Data: Calendar component sentinel MAY be specified
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid component.
-3.6.18. Status Code 3.5
- Status Code: 3.5
- Status Description: Invalid date or time.
- Status Exception Data: Date/time value(s) MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid date or
- time property.
-3.6.19. Status Code 3.6
- Status Code: 3.6
- Status Description: Invalid rule.
- Status Exception Data: RRULE property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid rule
- property.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.20. Status Code 3.7
- Status Code: 3.7
- Status Description: Invalid Calendar User.
- Status Exception Data: ATTENDEE property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because of an invalid ATTENDEE
- property.
-3.6.21. Status Code 3.8
- Status Code: 3.8
- Status Description: No authority.
- Status Exception Data: METHOD and ATTENDEE property values MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because an Attendee does not have
- suitable privileges for the operation.
-3.6.22. Status Code 3.9
- Status Code: 3.9
- Status Description: Unsupported version.
- Status Exception Data: VERSION property name and value MAY be
- specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the calendar data version
- is not supported.
-3.6.23. Status Code 3.10
- Status Code: 3.10
- Status Description: Request entity too large.
- Status Exception Data: None.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the calendar data was too
- large.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.24. Status Code 3.11
- Status Code: 3.11
- Status Description: Required component or property missing.
- Status Exception Data: Component or property name MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the calendar data did not
- contain a required property or component.
-3.6.25. Status Code 3.12
- Status Code: 3.12
- Status Description: Unknown component or property found.
- Status Exception Data: Component or property name MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the calendar data
- contained an unknown property or component.
-3.6.26. Status Code 3.13
- Status Code: 3.13
- Status Description: Unsupported component or property found.
- Status Exception Data: Component or property name MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the calendar data
- contained an unsupported property or component.
-3.6.27. Status Code 3.14
- Status Code: 3.14
- Status Description: Unsupported capability.
- Status Exception Data: METHOD or action MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the operation is not
- supported.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.28. Status Code 4.0
- Status Code: 4.0
- Status Description: Event conflict. Date/time is busy.
- Status Exception Data: DTSTART and DTEND property names and values
- MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the event overlaps the
- date and time of another event.
-3.6.29. Status Code 5.0
- Status Code: 5.0
- Status Description: Request not supported.
- Status Exception Data: METHOD property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because the operation is not
- supported.
-3.6.30. Status Code 5.1
- Status Code: 5.1
- Status Description: Service unavailable.
- Status Exception Data: ATTENDEE property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because scheduling is not active.
-3.6.31. Status Code 5.2
- Status Code: 5.2
- Status Description: Invalid calendar service.
- Status Exception Data: ATTENDEE property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because there is no scheduling
- capability.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-3.6.32. Status Code 5.3
- Status Code: 5.3
- Status Description: No scheduling support for user.
- Status Exception Data: ATTENDEE property value MAY be specified.
- Description: iTIP operation failed because scheduling is not enabled
- for an Attendee.
-3.7. Implementation Considerations
-3.7.1. Working With Recurrence Instances
- iCalendar includes a recurrence grammar to represent recurring
- events. The benefit of such a grammar is the ability to represent a
- number of events in a single object. However, while this simplifies
- creation of a recurring event, meeting instances still need to be
- referenced. For instance, an "Attendee" may decline the third
- instance of a recurring Friday event. Similarly, the "Organizer" may
- change the time or location to a single instance of the recurring
- event.
- Since implementations may elect to store recurring events as either a
- single event object or a collection of discrete, related event
- objects, the protocol is designed so that each recurring instance may
- be both referenced and versioned. Hence, implementations that choose
- to maintain per-instance properties (such as "ATTENDEE" property
- "PARTSTAT" parameter) may do so. However, the protocol does not
- require per-instance recognition unless the instance itself must be
- renegotiated.
- The scenarios for recurrence instance referencing are listed below.
- For purposes of simplification, a change to an event refers to a
- "trigger property." That is, a property that has a substantive
- effect on the meeting itself, such as start time, location, due date
- (for "VTODO" calendar components), and possibly description.
- "Organizer"-initiated actions:
- o deletes or changes a single instance of a recurring event
- o makes changes that affect all future instances
- o makes changes that affect all previous instances
- o deletes or modifies a previously changed instance
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 77]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- "Attendee"-initiated actions:
- o changes status for a particular recurrence instance
- o sends a "COUNTER" for a particular recurrence instance
- An instance of a recurring event is assigned a unique identification,
- "RECURRENCE-ID" property, when that instance is renegotiated.
- Negotiation may be necessary when a substantive change to the event
- or to-do has been made (such as changing the start time, end time,
- due date, or location). The "Organizer" can identify a specific
- recurrence instance using the "RECURRENCE-ID" property. The property
- value is equal to the date/time of the instance. If the "Organizer"
- wishes to change the "DTSTART", the original, unmodified "DTSTART"
- value of the instance is used as the value "RECURRENCE-ID" property,
- and the new "DTSTART" and "DTEND" values reflect the change.
-3.7.2. Attendee Property Considerations
- The "ORGANIZER" property is required on published events, to-dos, and
- journal entries for two reasons. First, only the "Organizer" is
- allowed to update and redistribute an event or to-do component. It
- follows that the "ORGANIZER" property MUST be present in the event,
- to-do, or journal entry component so that the CUA has a basis for
- authorizing an update. Second, it is prudent to provide a point of
- contact for anyone who receives a published component, in case of
- problems.
- Email addresses that correspond to groups of "Calendar Users" could
- be specified as a mailto: URI [RFC2368] calendar user address.
- Sending email to such an address results in email being sent to
- multiple recipients. Such an address may be used as the value of an
- "ATTENDEE" property. Thus, it is possible that the recipient of a
- "REQUEST" does not appear explicitly in the list.
- It is recommended that the general approach to finding a "Calendar
- User" in an "Attendee" list be as follows:
- 1. Search for the "Calendar User" in the "Attendee" list where
- 2. Failing (1), look for "Attendees" where "CUTYPE=GROUP" or
- "CUTYPE=UNKNOWN". The CUA then determines if the "Calendar User"
- is a member of one of these groups. If so, the "REPLY" method
- sent to the "Organizer" MUST contain a new "ATTENDEE" property in
- which:
- * the "TYPE" property parameter is set to INDIVIDUAL
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 78]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- * the "MEMBER" property parameter is set to the name of the
- group
- 3. Failing (2), the CUA MAY ignore or accept the request as the
- "Calendar User" wishes.
-3.7.3. Extension Tokens
- To make iCalendar objects extensible, new component, property, or
- property parameters can be used. Two types of extensions are defined
- by [RFC5545]: IANA-registered tokens ("iana-token") and experimental
- use tokens ("x-name"). A client SHOULD save "iana-token's" and MAY
- use them in replies. A client MAY save "x-name's" and MAY use them
- in replies. When delegating or forwarding messages to other CUs, a
- client SHOULD include "iana-token's" and "x-names's".
-4. Examples
-4.1. Published Event Examples
- In the calendaring and scheduling context, publication refers to the
- one-way transfer of event information. Consumers of published events
- simply incorporate the event into a calendar. No reply is expected.
- Individual "A" publishes an event. Individual "B" reads the event
- and incorporates it into their calendar. Events are published in
- several ways, including embedding the event as an object in a web
- page, emailing the event to a distribution list, or posting the event
- to a newsgroup.
- The table below illustrates the sequence of events between the
- publisher and the consumers of a published event.
- +----------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+
- | Action | Organizer | Receiver |
- +----------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+
- | Publish an | "A" sends or posts a | "B" reads a published |
- | event | PUBLISH message. | event. |
- | | | |
- | Publish an | "A" sends or posts a | "B" reads the updated |
- | updated event | PUBLISH message. | event. |
- | | | |
- | Cancel a | "A" sends or posts a | "B" reads the canceled |
- | published | CANCEL message. | event publication. |
- | event | | |
- +----------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-4.1.1. A Minimal Published Event
- The iCalendar object below describes a single event that begins on
- July 1, 1997 at 20:00 UTC. This event contains the minimum set of
- properties for a "PUBLISH" for a "VEVENT" calendar component.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
- UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
-4.1.2. Changing a Published Event
- The iCalendar object below describes an update to the event described
- in Section 4.1.1; the time has been changed, an end time has been
- added, and the sequence number has been adjusted.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z
- DTSTART:19970701T210000Z
- DTEND:19970701T230000Z
- UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- The "UID" property is used by the client to identify the event. The
- "SEQUENCE" property indicates that this is a change to the event.
- The event with a matching "UID" and sequence number 0 is superseded
- by this event.
- The "SEQUENCE" property provides a reliable way to distinguish
- different versions of the same event. Each time an event is
- published, its sequence number is incremented. If a client receives
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 80]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- an event with a sequence number 5 and finds it has the same event
- with sequence number 2, the event SHOULD be updated. However, if the
- client received an event with sequence number 2 and finds it already
- has sequence number 5 of the same event, the event MUST NOT be
- updated.
-4.1.3. Canceling a Published Event
- The iCalendar object below cancels the event described in
- Section 4.1.1. This cancels the event with "SEQUENCE" property of 0,
- 1, and 2.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- COMMENT:DUKES forfeit the game
- UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
-4.1.4. A Rich Published Event
- This example describes the same event as in Section 4.1.1, but in
- much greater detail.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- TZID:America-Chicago
- TZURL:http://example.com/tz/America-Chicago
- DTSTART:19671029T020000
- DTSTART:19870405T020000
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 81]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTACH:http://www.example.com/
- Big time game. MUST see.\n
- Expected duration:2 hours\n
- DTEND;TZID=America-Chicago:19970701T180000
- DTSTART;TZID=America-Chicago:19970702T160000
- DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
- LOCATION;VALUE=URI:http://stadium.example.com/
- UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- RELATED-TO:0981234-1234234-14@example.com
- DESCRIPTION:You should be leaving for the game now.
- The "RELATED-TO" field contains the "UID" property of a related
- calendar event. The "SEQUENCE" property 3 indicates that this event
- supersedes versions 0, 1, and 2.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-4.1.5. Anniversaries or Events Attached to Entire Days
- This example demonstrates the use of the "VALUE" parameter to tie a
- "VEVENT" to a day rather than a specific time.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
- UID:0981234-1234234-23@example.com
- SUMMARY: Bastille Day
-4.2. Group Event Examples
- Group events are distinguished from published events in that they
- have "Attendees" and there is interaction between the "Attendees" and
- the "Organizer" with respect to the event. Individual "A" requests a
- meeting between individuals "A", "B", "C", and "D". Individual "B"
- confirms attendance to the meeting. Individual "C" declines
- attendance. Individual "D" tentatively confirms attendance. The
- following table illustrates the message flow between these
- individuals. "A", the CU scheduling the meeting, is referenced as
- the "Organizer".
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 83]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +--------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+
- | Action | "Organizer" | Attendee |
- +--------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+
- | Initiate a | "A" sends a REQUEST | |
- | meeting | message to "B", "C", | |
- | request | and "D". | |
- | | | |
- | Accept the | | "B" sends a REPLY message |
- | meeting | | to "A" with its ATTENDEE |
- | request | | PARTSTAT parameter set to |
- | | | ACCEPTED. |
- | | | |
- | Decline the | | "C" sends a REPLY message |
- | meeting | | to "A" with its ATTENDEE |
- | request | | PARTSTAT parameter set to |
- | | | DECLINED. |
- | | | |
- | Tentatively | | "D" sends a REPLY message |
- | accept the | | to "A" with its ATTENDEE |
- | meeting | | PARTSTAT parameter set to |
- | request | | TENTATIVE. |
- | | | |
- | Confirm | "A" sends a REQUEST | |
- | meeting | message to "B" and | |
- | status with | "D" with updated | |
- | Attendees | information. | |
- +--------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+
-4.2.1. A Group Event Request
- A sample meeting request is sent from "A" to "B", "C", and "D". "E"
- is also sent a copy of the request but is not expected to attend and
- need not reply. "E" illustrates how CUAs might implement an "FYI"-
- type feature. Note the use of the "ROLE" parameter. The default
- value for the "ROLE" parameter is "REQ-PARTICIPANT" and it need not
- be enumerated. In this case, we are using the value "NON-
- PARTICIPANT" to indicate "E" is a non-attending CU. The parameter is
- not needed on other "Attendees" since "PARTICIPANT" is the default
- value.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 84]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=FALSE;CUTYPE=ROOM:conf_big@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
- DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
- DTEND:19970701T2100000Z
- SUMMARY:Conference
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
-4.2.2. Reply to a Group Event Request
- "Attendee" "B" accepts the meeting.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:b@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
- DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z
- "B" could have declined the meeting or indicated tentative acceptance
- by setting the "ATTENDEE" "PARTSTAT" parameter to "DECLINED" or
- "TENTATIVE", respectively. Also, "REQUEST-STATUS" is not required in
- successful transactions.
-4.2.3. Update an Event
- The event is moved to a different time. The combination of the "UID"
- property (unchanged) and the "SEQUENCE" (bumped to 1) properties
- indicate the update.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 85]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- CUTYPE=ROOM:mailto:conf@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
- DTEND:19970701T190000Z
- SUMMARY:Phone Conference
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
-4.2.4. Countering an Event Proposal
- "A" sends a "REQUEST" to "B" and "C". "B" makes a counter proposal
- to "A" to change the time and location.
- "A" sends the following "REQUEST":
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T190000Z
- DTEND:19970701T200000Z
- SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results
- LOCATION:Green Conference Room
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- "B" sends "COUNTER" to "A", requesting changes to time and place.
- "B" uses the "COMMENT" property to communicate a rationale for the
- change. Note that the "SEQUENCE" property is not incremented on a
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T160000Z
- DTEND:19970701T170000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970612T190000Z
- SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results
- LOCATION:Blue Conference Room
- COMMENT:This time works much better and I think the big conference
- room is too big
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777a@example.com
- "A" accepts the changes from "B". To accept a counter proposal, the
- "Organizer" sends a new event "REQUEST" with an incremented sequence
- number.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
- DTSTART:19970701T160000Z
- DTEND:19970701T170000Z
- SUMMARY:Discuss the Merits of the election results - changed to
- meet B's schedule
- LOCATION:Blue Conference Room
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Instead, "A" rejects "B's" counter proposal.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- COMMENT:Sorry, I cannot change this meeting time
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
-4.2.5. Delegating an Event
- When delegating an event request to another "Calendar User", the
- "Delegator" must both update the "Organizer" with a "REPLY" and send
- a request to the "Delegate". There is currently no protocol
- limitation to delegation depth. It is possible for the original
- delegate to delegate the meeting to someone else, and so on. When a
- request is delegated from one CUA to another, there are a number of
- responsibilities required of the "Delegator". The "Delegator" MUST:
- o Send a "REPLY" to the "Organizer" with the following updates:
- A. The "Delegator's" "ATTENDEE" property "PARTSTAT" parameter is
- set to "DELEGATED" and the "DELEGATED-TO" parameter is set to
- the address of the "Delegate".
- B. Add an additional "ATTENDEE" property for the "Delegate" with
- the "DELEGATED-FROM" property parameter set to the
- "Delegator".
- C. Indicate whether they want to continue to receive updates when
- the "Organizer" sends out updated versions of the event.
- Setting the "RSVP" property parameter to "TRUE" will cause the
- updates to be sent; setting it to "FALSE" causes no further
- updates to be sent. Note that in either case, if the
- "Delegate" declines the invitation, the "Delegator" will be
- notified.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 88]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- o The "Delegator" MUST also send a copy of the original "REQUEST"
- method to the "Delegate", with changes (A) and (B), as detailed
- above applied.
- If the "Delegate" declines the meeting, the "Organizer" MUST send an
- update "REQUEST" to the "Delegator" so that the "Delegator" may elect
- to delegate the "REQUEST" to another CUA.
- +----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------+
- | Action | "Organizer" | Attendee |
- +----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------+
- | Initiate a | "A" sends a | |
- | meeting | REQUEST message | |
- | request | to "B" and "C". | |
- | | | |
- | Delegate: "C" | | "C" sends a REPLY to "A" with |
- | delegates to | | the ATTENDEE PARTSTAT |
- | "E" | | parameter set to DELEGATED and |
- | | | with a new ATTENDEE property |
- | | | for "E". "E's" ATTENDEE |
- | | | DELEGATED-FROM parameter is |
- | | | set to "C". "C's" ATTENDEE |
- | | | DELEGATED-TO parameter is set |
- | | | to "E". "C" sends REQUEST |
- | | | message to "E" with the |
- | | | original meeting request |
- | | | information. The PARTSTAT |
- | | | property parameter for "C" is |
- | | | set to DELEGATED and the |
- | | | DELEGATED-TO parameter is set |
- | | | to the address of "E". An |
- | | | ATTENDEE property is added for |
- | | | "E" and the DELEGATED-FROM |
- | | | parameter is set to the |
- | | | address of "C". |
- | | | |
- | Confirm | | "E" sends REPLY message to |
- | meeting | | "A", and optionally to "C", |
- | attendance | | with its PARTSTAT property |
- | | | parameter set to ACCEPTED. |
- | | | |
- | Optional: | "A" sends | |
- | Redistribute | REQUEST message | |
- | meeting to | to "B", "C", | |
- | Attendees | and "E". | |
- +----------------+-----------------+--------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- "C" responds to the "Organizer".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- TO="mailto:e@example.com":mailto:c@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
- "Attendee" "C" delegates presence at the meeting to "E".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- TO="mailto:e@example.com":mailto:c@example.com
- DELEGATED-FROM="mailto:c@example.com":mailto:e@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
- DTEND:19970701T200000Z
- SUMMARY:Phone Conference
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
-4.2.6. Delegate Accepts the Meeting
- To accept a delegated meeting, the delegate, "E", sends the following
- message to "A" and "C".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 90]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- FROM="mailto:c@example.com":mailto:e@example.com
- DELEGATED-TO="mailto:e@example.com":mailto:c@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
- DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
-4.2.7. Delegate Declines the Meeting
- In this example, the "Delegate" declines the meeting request and sets
- the "ATTENDEE" property "PARTSTAT" parameter to "DECLINED". The
- "Organizer" SHOULD resend the "REQUEST" to "C" with the "PARTSTAT"
- parameter of the "Delegate" set to "DECLINED". This lets the
- "Delegator" know that the "Delegate" has declined and provides an
- opportunity to the "Delegator" to either accept the request or
- delegate it to another CU.
- "E" responds to "A" and "C". Note the use of the "COMMENT" property
- "E" uses to indicate why the delegation was declined.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DELEGATED-TO="mailto:e@example.com":mailto:c@example.com
- DELEGATED-FROM="mailto:c@example.com":mailto:e@example.com
- COMMENT:Sorry, I will be out of town at that time.
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
- DTSTAMP:19970614T190000Z
- "A" resends the "REQUEST" method to "C". "A" may also wish to
- express the fact that the item was delegated in the "COMMENT"
- property.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 91]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DELEGATED-FROM="mailto:c@example.com":mailto:e@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:c@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- SUMMARY:Phone Conference
- DTSTART:19970701T180000Z
- DTEND:19970701T200000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970614T200000Z
-4.2.8. Forwarding an Event Request
- The protocol does not prevent an "Attendee" from "forwarding" a
- "VEVENT" calendar component to other "Calendar Users". Forwarding
- differs from delegation in that the forwarded "Calendar User" (often
- referred to as a "Party Crasher") does not replace the forwarding
- "Calendar User". Implementations are not required to add the "Party
- Crasher" to the "Attendee" list, and hence there is no guarantee that
- a "Party Crasher" will receive additional updates to the event. The
- forwarding "Calendar User" SHOULD NOT add the "Party Crasher" to the
- "Attendee" list. The "Organizer" MAY add the forwarded "Calendar
- User" to the "Attendee" list.
-4.2.9. Cancel a Group Event
- Individual "A" requests a meeting between individuals "A", "B", "C",
- and "D". Individual "B" declines attendance to the meeting.
- Individual "A" decides to cancel the meeting. The following table
- illustrates the sequence of messages that would be exchanged between
- these individuals.
- Messages related to a previously canceled event ("SEQUENCE" property
- value is less than the "SEQUENCE" property value of the "CANCEL"
- message) MUST be ignored.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 92]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+
- | Action | Organizer | Attendee |
- +-------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+
- | Initiate a | "A" sends a REQUEST | |
- | meeting | message to "B", | |
- | request | "C", and "D". | |
- | | | |
- | Decline the | | "B" sends a REPLY message to |
- | meeting | | "A" with its PARTSTAT |
- | request | | parameter set to DECLINED. |
- | | | |
- | Cancel the | "A" sends a CANCEL | |
- | meeting | message to "B", | |
- | | "C", and "D". | |
- +-------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+
- This example shows how "A" cancels the event.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:d@example.com
- COMMENT:Mr. B cannot attend. It's raining. Lets cancel.
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
-4.2.10. Removing Attendees
- "A" wants to remove "B" from a meeting. This is done by sending a
- "CANCEL" to "B" and removing "B" from the "Attendee" list in the
- master copy of the event.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 93]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +--------------------+-----------------------------------+----------+
- | Action | Organizer | Attendee |
- +--------------------+-----------------------------------+----------+
- | Remove "B" as an | "A" sends a CANCEL message to | |
- | Attendee | "B". | |
- | | | |
- | Update the master | "A" optionally sends the updated | |
- | copy of the event | event to the remaining Attendees. | |
- +--------------------+-----------------------------------+----------+
- The original meeting includes "A", "B", "C", and "D". The example
- below shows the "CANCEL" that "A" sends to "B". Note that in the
- example below, the "STATUS" property is omitted. This is used when
- the meeting itself is cancelled and not when the intent is to remove
- an "Attendee" from the event.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- COMMENT:You're off the hook for this meeting
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T193000Z
- The updated master copy of the event is shown below. The "Organizer"
- MAY resend the updated event to the remaining "Attendees". Note that
- "B" has been removed.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:d@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=ROOM:mailto:cr_big@example.com
- RSVP=FALSE:mailto:e@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
- DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- DTEND:19970701T203000Z
- SUMMARY:Phone Conference
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
-4.2.11. Replacing the Organizer
- The scenario for this example begins with "A" as the "Organizer" for
- a recurring meeting with "B", "C", and "D". "A" receives a new job
- offer in another country and drops out of touch. "A" left no
- forwarding address or way to be reached. Using out-of-band
- communication, the other "Attendees" eventually learn what has
- happened and reach an agreement that "B" should become the new
- "Organizer" for the meeting. To do this, "B" sends out a new version
- of the event and the other "Attendees" agree to accept "B" as the new
- "Organizer". "B" also removes "A" from the event.
- When the "Organizer" is replaced, the "SEQUENCE" property value MUST
- be incremented.
- This is the message "B" sends to "C" and "D".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:mailto:d@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970611T190000Z
- DTSTART:19970701T200000Z
- DTEND:19970701T203000Z
- SUMMARY:Phone Conference
- UID:123456@example.com
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 95]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-4.3. Busy Time Examples
- Busy time objects can be used in several ways. First, a CU may
- request busy time from another CU for a specific range of time. That
- request can be answered with a busy time "REPLY". Additionally, a CU
- may simply publish their busy time for a given interval and point
- other CUs to the published location. The following examples outline
- both scenarios.
-4.3.1. Publish Busy Time
- Individual "A" publishes busy time for one week.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- DTSTAMP:19980101T124100Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTART:19980101T124200Z
- DTEND:19980108T124200Z
- FREEBUSY:19980101T180000Z/19980101T190000Z
- FREEBUSY:19980103T020000Z/19980103T050000Z
- FREEBUSY:19980107T020000Z/19980107T050000Z
- FREEBUSY:19980113T000000Z/19980113T010000Z
- FREEBUSY:19980115T190000Z/19980115T200000Z
- FREEBUSY:19980115T220000Z/19980115T230000Z
- FREEBUSY:19980116T013000Z/19980116T043000Z
-4.3.2. Request Busy Time
- Individual "A" requests busy time from individuals "B" and "C".
- Individuals "B" and "C" reply with busy time data to individual "A".
- The following table illustrates the sequence of messages that would
- be exchanged between these individuals.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 96]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+
- | Action | Organizer | Attendee |
- +---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+
- | Initiate a busy | "A" sends REQUEST | |
- | time request | message to "B" and | |
- | | "C". | |
- | | | |
- | Reply to the BUSY | | "B" sends a REPLY |
- | request with BUSY | | message to "A" with |
- | time data | | busy time data. |
- +---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+
- "A" sends a "REQUEST" to "B" and "C" for busy time.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:c@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190000Z
- DTSTART:19970701T080000Z
- DTEND:19970701T200000
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
-4.3.3. Reply to a Busy Time Request
- "B" sends a "REPLY" method type of a "VFREEBUSY" calendar component
- to "A".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T080000Z
- DTEND:19970701T200000Z
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
- FREEBUSY:19970701T090000Z/PT1H,19970701T140000Z/PT30M
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190030Z
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 97]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- "B" is busy from 09:00 to 10:00 and from 14:00 to 14:30.
-4.4. Recurring Event and Time Zone Examples
-4.4.1. A Recurring Event Spanning Time Zones
- This event describes a weekly phone conference. The "Attendees" are
- each in a different time zone.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- TZID:America-SanJose
- TZURL:http://example.com/tz/America-SanJose
- DTSTART:19671029T020000
- DTSTART:19870405T020000
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL:a@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970613T190030Z
- DTSTART;TZID=America-SanJose:19970701T140000
- DTEND;TZID=America-SanJose:19970701T150000
- RDATE;TZID=America-SanJose:19970910T140000
- EXDATE;TZID=America-SanJose:19970909T140000
- EXDATE;TZID=America-SanJose:19971028T140000
- SUMMARY:Weekly Phone Conference
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777@example.com
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 98]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- The first component of this iCalendar object is the time zone
- component. The "DTSTART" date coincides with the first instance of
- the "RRULE" property.
- The recurring meeting is defined in a particular time zone,
- presumably that of the originator. The client for each "Attendee"
- has the responsibility of determining the recurrence time in the
- "Attendee's" time zone.
- The repeating event starts on Tuesday, July 1, 1997 at 2:00pm PDT
- (UTC-7). "Attendee" B@example.fr is in France, where the local time
- on this date is 9 hours ahead of PDT, or 23:00 CEST (UTC+2).
- "Attendee" C@example.jp is in Japan, where local time is 16 hours
- ahead of PDT, or Wednesday, July 2 at 06:00 JST (UTC+9). The event
- repeats weekly on Tuesdays (in PST/PDT). The "RRULE" property
- results in 20 instances. The last instance falls on Tuesday,
- November 11, 1997 2:00pm PST. The "RDATE" property adds another
- instance: WED, 10-SEP-1997 2:00 PM PDT.
- There are also two exception dates to the recurrence rule. The first
- one is:
- o TUE, 09-SEP-1997 14:00 PDT (UTC-7)
- o TUE, 09-SEP-1997 23:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- o WED, 10-SEP-1997 06:00 JST (UTC+9)
- and the second is:
- o TUE, 28-OCT-1997 14:00 PST (UTC-8)
- o TUE, 28-OCT-1997 23:00 CET (UTC+1)
- o WED, 29-OCT-1997 07:00 JST (UTC+9)
-4.4.2. Modify a Recurring Instance
- In this example, the "Organizer" issues a recurring meeting. Later,
- the "Organizer" changes an instance of the event by changing the
- "DTSTART" property. Note the use of "RECURRENCE-ID" property and
- "SEQUENCE" property in the second request.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 99]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Original Request:
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:d@example.com
- DESCRIPTION:IETF-C&S Conference Call
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970601T210000Z
- DTEND:19970601T220000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Call
- DTSTAMP:19970526T083000Z
- The event request below is to change the time of a specific instance.
- This changes the July 1st instance to July 3rd.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- RECURRENCE-ID:19970701T210000Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:d@example.com
- DESCRIPTION:IETF-C&S Conference Call
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970703T210000Z
- DTEND:19970703T220000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Call
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 100]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- DTSTAMP:19970626T093000Z
-4.4.3. Cancel an Instance
- In this example, the "Organizer" of a recurring event deletes the
- August 1st instance.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:d@example.com
- RECURRENCE-ID:19970801T210000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970721T093000Z
-4.4.4. Cancel a Recurring Event
- In this example, the "Organizer" wishes to cancel the entire
- recurring event and any exceptions.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:d@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970721T103000Z
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 101]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-4.4.5. Change All Future Instances
- This example changes the meeting location from a conference call to
- Seattle, starting September 1 and extending to all future instances.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:d@example.com
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970901T210000Z
- DTEND:19970901T220000Z
- LOCATION:Building 32, Microsoft, Seattle, WA
- DTSTAMP:19970526T083000Z
-4.4.6. Add a New Instance to a Recurring Event
- This example adds a one-time additional instance to the recurring
- event. "Organizer" adds a second July meeting on the 15th.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:123456789@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:d@example.com
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 102]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- DESCRIPTION:IETF-C&S Conference Call
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970715T210000Z
- DTEND:19970715T220000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Call
- DTSTAMP:19970629T093000Z
-4.4.7. Add a New Series of Instances to a Recurring Event
- The scenario for this example involves an ongoing meeting, originally
- set up to occur every Tuesday. The "Organizer" later decides that
- the meetings need to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- The original event:
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:123456789@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980303T210000Z
- DTEND:19980303T220000Z
- LOCATION:The White Room
- DTSTAMP:19980301T093000Z
- The entire event can be rescheduled using a "REQUEST". This is done
- by using the "UID" of the event to reschedule and including the
- modified "RRULE". Note that since this is an entire rescheduling of
- the event, any instance-specific information will be lost, unless
- explicitly included with the update "REQUEST".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 103]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- UID:123456789@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980303T210000Z
- DTEND:19980303T220000Z
- DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
- LOCATION:The White Room
-4.4.8. Refreshing a Recurring Event
- The next series of examples illustrate how an "Organizer" would
- respond to a "REFRESH" submitted by an "Attendee" after a series of
- instance-specific modifications. To convey all instance-specific
- changes, the "Organizer" must provide the latest event description
- and the relevant instances. The first three examples show the
- history, including the initial "VEVENT" request and subsequent
- instance changes, and finally the "REFRESH".
- Original Request:
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:123456789@example.com
- RDATE:19980304T180000Z
- RDATE:19980311T180000Z
- RDATE:19980318T180000Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980304T180000Z
- DTEND:19980304T200000Z
- DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Room A
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 104]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Organizer changes 2nd instance location and time:
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:123456789@example.com
- RECURRENCE-ID:19980311T180000Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980311T160000Z
- DTEND:19980311T180000Z
- DTSTAMP:19980306T193000Z
- LOCATION:The Small conference room
- Organizer adds a 4th instance of the meeting using the "ADD" method.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:123456789@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980315T180000Z
- DTEND:19980315T200000Z
- DTSTAMP:19980307T193000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Room A
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 105]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- If "B" requests a "REFRESH", "A" responds with the following to
- capture all instance-specific data. In this case, both the initial
- request and an additional "VEVENT" that specifies the instance-
- specific data are included. Because these are both of the same type
- (they are both "VEVENTS"), they can be conveyed in the same iCalendar
- object.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:123456789@example.com
- RDATE:19980304T180000Z
- RDATE:19980311T160000Z
- RDATE:19980315T180000Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980304T180000Z
- DTEND:19980304T200000Z
- DTSTAMP:19980303T193000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Room A
- UID:123456789@example.com
- RECURRENCE-ID:19980311T160000Z
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- SUMMARY:Review Accounts
- DTSTART:19980311T160000Z
- DTEND:19980304T180000Z
- DTSTAMP:19980306T193000Z
- LOCATION:The Small conference room
-4.4.9. Counter an Instance of a Recurring Event
- In this example, one of the "Attendees" counters the "DTSTART"
- property of the proposed second July meeting.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 106]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- RECURRENCE-ID:19970715T210000Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:d@example.com
- DESCRIPTION:IETF-C&S Conference Call
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970715T220000Z
- DTEND:19970715T230000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Call
- COMMENT:May we bump this by an hour? I have a conflict
- DTSTAMP:19970629T094000Z
-4.4.10. Error Reply to a Request
- The following example illustrates a scenario where a meeting is
- proposed containing an unsupported property and a bad property.
- Original Request:
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:d@example.com
- DESCRIPTION:IETF-C&S Conference Call
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970601T210000Z
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 107]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- DTEND:19970601T220000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970602T094000Z
- LOCATION:Conference Call
- "B" responds to indicate that "RRULE" is not supported and that an
- unrecognized property was encountered.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- REQUEST-STATUS:3.0;Invalid Property Name;FOO
- UID:guid-1@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970603T094000Z
-4.5. Group To-Do Examples
- Individual "A" creates a group task in which individuals "A", "B",
- "C", and "D" will participate. Individual "B" confirms acceptance of
- the task. Individual "C" declines the task. Individual "D"
- tentatively accepts the task. The following table illustrates the
- sequence of messages that would be exchanged between these
- individuals. Individual "A" then issues a "REQUEST" method to obtain
- the status of the to-do from each participant. The response
- indicates the individual "Attendee's" completion status. The table
- below illustrates the message flow.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 108]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +--------------+------------------------+---------------------------+
- | Action | Organizer | Attendee |
- +--------------+------------------------+---------------------------+
- | Initiate a | "A" sends a REQUEST | |
- | to-do | message to "B", "C", | |
- | request | and "D". | |
- | | | |
- | Accept the | | "B" sends a REPLY message |
- | to-do | | to "A" with its PARTSTAT |
- | request | | parameter set to |
- | | | ACCEPTED. |
- | | | |
- | Decline the | | "C" sends a REPLY message |
- | to-do | | to "A" with its PARTSTAT |
- | request | | parameter set to |
- | | | DECLINED. |
- | | | |
- | Tentatively | | "D" sends a REPLY message |
- | accept the | | to "A" with its PARTSTAT |
- | to-do | | parameter set to |
- | request | | TENTATIVE. |
- | | | |
- | Check | "A" sends a REQUEST | |
- | Attendee | message to "B" and "D" | |
- | completion | with current | |
- | status | information. | |
- | | | |
- | Attendee | | "B" sends a REPLY message |
- | indicates | | indicating percent |
- | percent | | complete. |
- | complete | | |
- | | | |
- | Attendee | | "D" sends a REPLY message |
- | indicates | | indicating completion. |
- | completion | | |
- +--------------+------------------------+---------------------------+
-4.5.1. A VTODO Request
- A sample "REQUEST" for a "VTODO" calendar component that "A" sends to
- "B", "C", and "D".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 109]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:d@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T170000Z
- DUE:19970722T170000Z
- SUMMARY:Create the requirements document
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970717T200000Z
-4.5.2. A VTODO Reply
- "B" accepts the to-do.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED:mailto:b@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- COMMENT:I'll send you my input by email
- DTSTAMP:19970717T203000Z
- REQUEST-STATUS:2.0;Success
- "B" could have declined the "VTODO" or indicated tentative acceptance
- by setting the "PARTSTAT" property parameter sequence to "DECLINED"
- or "TENTATIVE", respectively.
-4.5.3. A VTODO Request for Updated Status
- "A" requests status from all "Attendees".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 110]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR:mailto:a@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- SUMMARY:Create the requirements document
- DTSTART:19970701T170000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970717T230000Z
-4.5.4. A Reply: Percent-Complete
- A reply indicating the task being worked on and that "B" is 75%
- complete with "B's" part of the assignment.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=IN-PROCESS:mailto:b@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970717T233000Z
-4.5.5. A Reply: Completed
- A reply indicating that "D" completed "D's" part of the assignment.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=COMPLETED:mailto:d@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970717T233000Z
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-4.5.6. An Updated VTODO Request
- "Organizer" "A" resends the "VTODO" calendar component. "A" sets the
- overall completion for the to-do at 40%.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTART:19970701T170000Z
- DUE:19970722T170000Z
- SUMMARY:Create the requirements document
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970718T100000Z
-4.5.7. Recurring VTODOs
- The following examples relate to recurring "VTODO" calendar
- components.
- Request for a Recurring VTODO
- In this example, "A" sends a recurring "VTODO" calendar component to
- "B" and "D".
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR:mailto:a@example.com
- DTSTART:19980101T100000Z
- DUE:19980103T100000Z
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- SUMMARY:Send Status Reports to Area Managers
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970717T200000Z
- Replying to an Instance of a Recurring VTODO
- In this example, "B" updates "A" on a single instance of the "VTODO"
- calendar component.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=IN-PROCESS:mailto:b@example.com
- UID:calsrv.example.com-873970198738777-00@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970717T233000Z
- RECURRENCE-ID:19980101T170000Z
-4.6. Journal Examples
- The iCalendar object below describes a single journal entry for
- October 2, 1997. The "RELATED-TO" property references the phone
- conference event for which minutes were taken.
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- DTSTART:19971002T200000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970717T233100Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- SUMMARY:Phone conference minutes
- DESCRIPTION:The editors meeting was held on October 1, 1997.
- Details are in the attached document.
- UID:0981234-1234234-2410@example.com
- RELATED-TO:0981234-1234234-2402-35@example.com
- ATTACH:ftp://ftp.example.com/pub/ed/minutes100197.txt
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-4.7. Other Examples
-4.7.1. Event Refresh
- Refresh the event with a "UID" property value of
- "guid-1-12345@example.com":
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:c@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:d@example.com
- UID:guid-1-12345@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970603T094000
- Component instances are identified by the combination of "UID",
- "RECURRENCE-ID", and "SEQUENCE". When an "Organizer" sends an iTIP
- message to an "Attendee", there are three cases in which an instance
- cannot be found. They are:
- 1. The component with the referenced "UID" and "RECURRENCE-ID" has
- been found but the "SEQUENCE" number in the calendar store does
- not match that of the iTIP message.
- 2. The component with the referenced "UID" has been found, the
- "SEQUENCE" numbers match, but the "RECURRENCE-ID" cannot be
- found.
- 3. The "UID" and "SEQUENCE" numbers are found but the CUA does not
- support recurrences.
- In case (1), two things can happen. If the "SEQUENCE" number of the
- "Attendee's" instance is larger than that in the "Organizer's"
- message, then the "Attendee" is receiving an out-of-sequence message
- and MUST ignore it. If the "SEQUENCE" number of the "Attendee's"
- instance is smaller, then the "Organizer" is sending out a newer
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- version of the component and the "Attendee's" version needs to be
- updated. Since one or more updates have been missed, the "Attendee"
- SHOULD send a "REFRESH" message to the "Organizer" to get an updated
- version of the event.
- In case (2), something has gone wrong. Both the "Organizer" and the
- "Attendee" should have the same instances, but the "Attendee" does
- not have the referenced instance. In this case, the "Attendee"
- SHOULD send a "REFRESH" to the "Organizer" to get an updated version
- of the event.
- In case (3), the limitations of the "Attendee's" CUA makes it
- impossible to match an instance other than the single instance
- scheduled. In this case, the "Attendee" need not send a "REFRESH" to
- the "Organizer".
- The example below shows a sequence in which an "Attendee" sends a
- "REFRESH" to the "Organizer".
- +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
- | Action | Organizer | Attendee |
- +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
- | Update an instance | "A" sends REQUEST | |
- | request | message to "B". | |
- | | | |
- | Attendee requests | | "B" sends a |
- | refresh because | | REFRESH message to |
- | RECURRENCE-ID was not | | "A". |
- | found | | |
- | | | |
- | Refresh the entire | "A" sends the | |
- | event | latest copy of the | |
- | | event to "B" | |
- | | | |
- | Attendee handles the | | "B" updates to the |
- | request and updates the | | latest copy of the |
- | instance | | meeting. |
- +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
- Request from "A":
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- UID:example-12345@example.com
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- RDATE;VALUE=PERIOD:19970819T210000Z/199700819T220000Z
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- DESCRIPTION:IETF-C&S Conference Call
- SUMMARY:IETF Calendaring Working Group Meeting
- DTSTART:19970801T210000Z
- DTEND:19970801T220000Z
- RECURRENCE-ID:19970809T210000Z
- DTSTAMP:19970726T083000
- "B" has the event with "UID" property "example-12345@example.com",
- but "B's" "SEQUENCE" property value is "1" and the event does not
- have an instance at the specified recurrence time. This means that
- "B" has missed at least one update and needs a new copy of the event.
- "B" requests the latest copy of the event with the following refresh
- message:
- PRODID:-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN
- ORGANIZER:mailto:a@example.com
- ATTENDEE:mailto:b@example.com
- UID:example-12345@example.com
- DTSTAMP:19970603T094000
-5. Application Protocol Fallbacks
-5.1. Partial Implementation
- Applications that support this specification are not required to
- support the entire protocol. The following describes how methods and
- properties SHOULD "fallback" in applications that do not support the
- complete protocol. If a method or property is not addressed in this
- section, it may be ignored.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-5.1.1. Event-Related Fallbacks
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Fallback |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Required |
- | REPLY | Required |
- | ADD | Required if recurrences supported; otherwise, |
- | | reply with a REQUEST-STATUS "2.8; Success, |
- | | repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single |
- | | component", and schedule as a single component. |
- | CANCEL | Required |
- | REFRESH | Required |
- | COUNTER | Reply with "Not Supported". |
- | DECLINECOUNTER | Required if COUNTER is implemented for VEVENTs; |
- | | otherwise, reply with "Not Supported". |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | iCalendar | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | CALSCALE | Ignore - assume GREGORIAN. |
- | PRODID | Ignore |
- | METHOD | Required as described in the Method list above. |
- | VERSION | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | Event-Related | Fallback |
- | Components | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | VALARM | Reply with "Not Supported". |
- | VTIMEZONE | Required if any DateTime value refers to a time |
- | | zone. |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
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- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | Component | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | ATTACH | Ignore |
- | ATTENDEE | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | CATEGORIES | Ignore |
- | CLASS | Ignore |
- | COMMENT | Ignore |
- | COMPLETED | Ignore |
- | CONTACT | Ignore |
- | CREATED | Ignore |
- | DESCRIPTION | Ignore |
- | DURATION | Required |
- | DTSTAMP | Required |
- | DTSTART | Required |
- | DTEND | Required |
- | EXDATE | Ignore |
- | GEO | Ignore |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | Ignore |
- | LOCATION | Required |
- | ORGANIZER | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | PRIORITY | Ignore |
- | RELATED-TO | Ignore |
- | RDATE | Ignore |
- | RRULE | Ignore - assume the first instance occurs on |
- | | the DTSTART property. If implemented, |
- | | VTIMEZONE MUST also be implemented. |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | Required if RRULE is implemented; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | Required |
- | RESOURCES | Ignore |
- | SEQUENCE | Required |
- | STATUS | Ignore |
- | SUMMARY | Ignore |
- | TRANSP | Required if FREEBUSY is implemented; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | URL | Ignore |
- | UID | Required |
- | X- | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
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-5.1.2. Free/Busy-Related Fallbacks
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Fallback |
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Required if freebusy lookups are supported; otherwise, |
- | | reply with a REQUEST-STATUS "3.14; Unsupported |
- | | capability". |
- | REQUEST | Required if freebusy lookups are supported; otherwise, |
- | | reply with a REQUEST-STATUS "3.14; Unsupported |
- | | capability". |
- | REPLY | Required if freebusy lookups are supported; otherwise, |
- | | reply with a REQUEST-STATUS "3.14; Unsupported |
- | | capability". |
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | iCalendar | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | CALSCALE | Ignore - assume GREGORIAN. |
- | PRODID | Ignore |
- | METHOD | Required as described in the Method list above. |
- | VERSION | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | Component | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | ATTENDEE | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | COMMENT | Ignore |
- | CONTACT | Ignore |
- | DTEND | Required |
- | DTSTAMP | Required |
- | DTSTART | Required |
- | DURATION | Ignore |
- | FREEBUSY | Required |
- | ORGANIZER | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | Ignore |
- | UID | Required |
- | URL | Ignore |
- | X- | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-5.1.3. To-Do-Related Fallbacks
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Fallback |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Required |
- | REPLY | Required |
- | ADD | Required if recurrences supported; otherwise, |
- | | reply with a REQUEST-STATUS "2.8; Success, |
- | | repeating event ignored. Scheduled as a single |
- | | component", and schedule as a single component. |
- | CANCEL | Required |
- | REFRESH | Required |
- | COUNTER | Reply with "Not Supported". |
- | DECLINECOUNTER | Required if COUNTER for VTODOs is implemented; |
- | | otherwise, reply with "Not Supported". |
- +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | iCalendar | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | CALSCALE | Ignore - assume GREGORIAN. |
- | PRODID | Ignore |
- | METHOD | Required as described in the Method list above. |
- | VERSION | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | To-Do-Related | Fallback |
- | Components | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | VALARM | Reply with "Not Supported". |
- | VTIMEZONE | Required if any DateTime value refers to a time |
- | | zone. |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +------------------+------------------------------------------------+
- | Component | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +------------------+------------------------------------------------+
- | ATTACH | Ignore |
- | ATTENDEE | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | CATEGORIES | Ignore |
- | CLASS | Ignore |
- | COMMENT | Ignore |
- | COMPLETED | Required |
- | CONTACT | Ignore |
- | CREATED | Ignore |
- | DESCRIPTION | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | DUE | Required |
- | DURATION | Required |
- | DTSTAMP | Required |
- | DTSTART | Required |
- | EXDATE | Ignore - reply with "Not Supported". |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | Ignore |
- | LOCATION | Ignore |
- | ORGANIZER | Required if METHOD is REQUEST; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | PRIORITY | Required |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | Required if RRULE is implemented; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | RELATED-TO | Ignore |
- | REQUEST-STATUS | Ignore |
- | RDATE | Ignore |
- | RRULE | Ignore - assume the first instance occurs on |
- | | the DTSTART property. If implemented, |
- | | VTIMEZONE MUST also be implemented. |
- | RESOURCES | Ignore |
- | SEQUENCE | Required |
- | STATUS | Required |
- | SUMMARY | Ignore |
- | URL | Ignore |
- | UID | Required |
- | X- | Ignore |
- +------------------+------------------------------------------------+
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-5.1.4. Journal-Related Fallbacks
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- | Method | Fallback |
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- | PUBLISH | Implementations MAY ignore the METHOD type. The |
- | | REQUEST-STATUS "3.14; Unsupported capability" MUST be |
- | | returned. |
- | ADD | Implementations MAY ignore the METHOD type. The |
- | | REQUEST-STATUS "3.14; Unsupported capability" MUST be |
- | | returned. |
- | CANCEL | Implementations MAY ignore the METHOD type. The |
- | | REQUEST-STATUS "3.14; Unsupported capability" MUST be |
- | | returned. |
- +---------+---------------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | iCalendar | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | CALSCALE | Ignore - assume GREGORIAN. |
- | PRODID | Ignore |
- | METHOD | Required as described in the Method list above. |
- | VERSION | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | Journal-Related | Fallback |
- | Components | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | VTIMEZONE | Required if any DateTime value refers to a time |
- | | zone. |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | Component | Fallback |
- | Property | |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
- | ATTACH | Ignore |
- | ATTENDEE | Ignore |
- | CATEGORIES | Ignore |
- | CLASS | Ignore |
- | COMMENT | Ignore |
- | CONTACT | Ignore |
- | CREATED | Ignore |
- | DESCRIPTION | Ignore |
- | DTSTAMP | Required |
- | DTSTART | Required |
- | EXDATE | Ignore |
- | LAST-MODIFIED | Ignore |
- | ORGANIZER | Ignore |
- | RECURRENCE-ID | Required if RRULE is implemented; otherwise, |
- | | ignore. |
- | RELATED-TO | Ignore |
- | RDATE | Ignore |
- | RRULE | Ignore - assume the first instance occurs on |
- | | the DTSTART property. If implemented, |
- | | VTIMEZONE MUST also be implemented. |
- | SEQUENCE | Required |
- | STATUS | Ignore |
- | SUMMARY | Required |
- | URL | Ignore |
- | UID | Required |
- | X- | Ignore |
- +-----------------+-------------------------------------------------+
-5.2. Latency Issues
- With a store-and-forward transport, it is possible for events to
- arrive out of sequence. That is, a "CANCEL" method may be received
- prior to receiving the associated "REQUEST" for the calendar
- component. This section discusses a few of these scenarios.
-5.2.1. Cancellation of an Unknown Calendar Component
- When a "CANCEL" method is received before the original "REQUEST"
- method, the calendar will be unable to correlate the "UID" property
- of the cancellation with an existing calendar component. It is
- suggested that messages that cannot be correlated and that also
- contain non-zero sequence numbers be held and not discarded.
- Implementations MAY age them out if no other messages arrive with the
- same "UID" property value and a lower sequence number.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-5.2.2. Unexpected Reply from an Unknown Delegate
- When an "Attendee" delegates an item to another CU, they MUST send a
- "REPLY" method to the "Organizer" using the "ATTENDEE" properties to
- indicate that the request was delegated and to whom. Hence, it is
- possible for an "Organizer" to receive a "REPLY" from a CU not listed
- as one of the original "Attendees". The resolution is left to the
- implementation, but it is expected that the calendaring software will
- either accept the reply or hold it until the related "REPLY" method
- is received from the "Delegator". If the version of the "REPLY"
- method is out of date, the "Organizer" SHOULD treat the message as a
- "REFRESH" message and update the "Delegate" with the correct version,
- provided that delegation to that delegate is acceptable.
-5.3. Sequence Number
- Under some conditions, a CUA may receive requests and replies with
- the same "SEQUENCE" property value. The "DTSTAMP" property is
- utilized as a tie-breaker when two items with the same "SEQUENCE"
- property value are evaluated.
-6. Security Considerations
- iTIP is an abstract transport protocol that will be bound to a real-
- time transport, a store-and-forward transport, and perhaps other
- transports. The transport protocol will be responsible for providing
- facilities for authentication and encryption using standard Internet
- mechanisms that are mutually understood between the sender and
- receiver.
-6.1. Security Threats
-6.1.1. Spoofing the Organizer
- In iTIP, the "Organizer" (or someone working on the "Organizer's"
- behalf) is the only person authorized to make changes to an existing
- "VEVENT", "VTODO", or "VJOURNAL" calendar component and republish it
- or redistribute updates to the "Attendees". An iCalendar object that
- maliciously changes or cancels an existing "VEVENT", "VTODO", or
- "VJOURNAL" calendar component may be constructed by someone other
- than the "Organizer" and republished or sent to the "Attendees".
-6.1.2. Spoofing the Attendee
- In iTIP, an "Attendee" of a "VEVENT" or "VTODO" calendar component
- (or someone working on the "Attendee's" behalf) is the only person
- authorized to update any parameter associated with their "ATTENDEE"
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- property and send it to the "Organizer". An iCalendar object that
- maliciously changes the "ATTENDEE" parameters may be constructed by
- someone other than the real "Attendee" and sent to the "Organizer".
-6.1.3. Unauthorized Replacement of the Organizer
- There will be circumstances when "Attendees" of an event or to-do
- decide, using out-of-band mechanisms, that the "Organizer" must be
- replaced. When the new "Organizer" sends out the updated "VEVENT" or
- "VTODO", the "Attendee's" CUA will detect that the "Organizer" has
- been changed, but it has no way of knowing whether or not the change
- was mutually agreed upon.
-6.1.4. Eavesdropping and Data Integrity
- The iCalendar object is constructed with human-readable clear text.
- Any information contained in an iCalendar object may be read and/or
- changed by unauthorized persons while the object is in transit.
-6.1.5. Flooding a Calendar
- Implementations could provide a means to automatically incorporate
- "REQUEST" methods into a calendar. This presents the opportunity for
- a calendar to be flooded with requests, which effectively blocks all
- the calendar's free time.
-6.1.6. Unauthorized REFRESH Requests
- It is possible for an "Organizer" to receive a "REFRESH" request from
- someone who is not an "Attendee" of an event or to-do. Only
- "Attendees" of an event or to-do are authorized to receive replies to
- "REFRESH" requests. Replying to such requests to anyone who is not
- an "Attendee" may be a security problem.
-6.2. Recommendations
- For an application where the information is sensitive or critical and
- the network is subject to a high probability of attack, iTIP
- transactions SHOULD be encrypted and authenticated. This helps
- mitigate the threats of spoofing, eavesdropping, and malicious
- changes in transit.
-6.2.1. Securing iTIP transactions
- iTIP transport bindings MUST provide a mechanism to enable
- authentication of the sender's identity as well as privacy and
- integrity of the data being transmitted. This allows the receiver of
- a signed iCalendar object to verify the identity of the sender. This
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- sender may then be correlated to an "ATTENDEE" property in the
- iCalendar object. If the correlation is made and the sender is
- authorized to make the requested change or update, then the operation
- may proceed. It also allows the message to be encrypted to prevent
- unauthorized reading of the message contents in transit. iTIP
- transport binding documents describe this process in detail.
-6.2.2. Implementation Controls
- The threat of unauthorized replacement of the "Organizer" SHOULD be
- mitigated by a calendar system that uses this protocol by providing
- controls or alerts that make "Calendar Users" aware of such
- "Organizer" changes and allowing them to decide whether or not the
- request should be honored.
- The threat of flooding a calendar SHOULD be mitigated by a calendar
- system that uses this protocol by providing controls that may be used
- to limit the acceptable sources for iTIP transactions, and perhaps
- the size of messages and volume of traffic, by source.
- The threat of unauthorized "REFRESH" requests SHOULD be mitigated by
- a calendar system that uses this protocol by providing controls or
- alerts that allow "Calendar Users" to decide whether or not the
- request should be honored. An implementation MAY decide to maintain,
- for audit or historical purposes, "Calendar Users" who were part of
- an "Attendee" list and who were subsequently uninvited. Similar
- controls or alerts should be provided when a "REFRESH" request is
- received from these "Calendar Users" as well.
-6.2.3. Access Controls and Filtering
- In many environments, there could be restrictions on who is allowed
- to schedule with whom and who the allowed delegates are for
- particular "Calendar Users".
- iTIP transport bindings SHOULD provide mechanisms for implementing
- access controls or filtering to ensure iTIP transactions only take
- place between authorized "Calendar Users". That would include
- preventing one "Calendar User" from scheduling with another or one
- "Calendar User" delegating to another.
-6.3. Privacy Issues
- The "Organizer" might want to keep "Attendees" from knowing which
- other "Attendees" are participating in an event or to-do. The
- "Organizer" has the choice of sending single iTIP messages with a
- full list of "Attendees" or sending iTIP messages to each "Attendee"
- with only that "Attendee" listed.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-7. IANA Considerations
-7.1. Registration Template for REQUEST-STATUS Values
- This specification updates [RFC5545] by adding a "REQUEST-STATUS"
- value registry to the iCalendar Elements registry.
- A "REQUEST-STATUS" value is defined by completing the following
- template.
- Status Code: Hierarchical, numeric return status code, following
- the rules defined in Section of [RFC5545].
- Status Description: Textual status description. A short but
- clear description of the error.
- Status Exception Data: Textual exception data. A short but clear
- description of what might appear in this field.
- Description: Describe the underlying cause for this status code
- value.
-7.2. Additions to iCalendar METHOD Registry
- This document defines the following values for the iCalendar "METHOD"
- property, using the values template from Section 8.2.6 of [RFC5545].
- These should be added to the Methods Registry defined in Section
- 8.3.12 of [RFC5545]:
- Value: PUBLISH
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
- Value: REQUEST
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Value: REPLY
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
-7.2.4. METHOD:ADD
- Value: ADD
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
- Value: CANCEL
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
- Value: REFRESH
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
- Value: COUNTER
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 128]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Examples: See this RFC.
- Purpose: Standard iTIP "METHOD" value.
- Conformance: Only used with the "METHOD" property.
- Examples: See this RFC.
-7.3. REQUEST-STATUS Value Registry
- New "REQUEST-STATUS" values can be registered using the process
- described in Section 8.2.1 of [RFC5545].
- The following table is to be used to initialize the "REQUEST-STATUS"
- value registry.
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- +-------------+---------+--------------------------+
- | Status Code | Status | Reference |
- +-------------+---------+--------------------------+
- | 2.0 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.1 |
- | 2.1 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.2 |
- | 2.2 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.3 |
- | 2.3 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.4 |
- | 2.4 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.5 |
- | 2.5 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.6 |
- | 2.6 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.7 |
- | 2.7 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.8 |
- | 2.8 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.9 |
- | 2.9 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.10 |
- | 2.10 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.11 |
- | 2.11 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.12 |
- | 3.0 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.13 |
- | 3.1 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.14 |
- | 3.2 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.15 |
- | 3.3 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.16 |
- | 3.4 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.17 |
- | 3.5 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.18 |
- | 3.6 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.19 |
- | 3.7 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.20 |
- | 3.8 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.21 |
- | 3.9 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.22 |
- | 3.10 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.23 |
- | 3.11 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.24 |
- | 3.12 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.25 |
- | 3.13 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.26 |
- | 3.14 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.27 |
- | 4.0 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.28 |
- | 5.0 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.29 |
- | 5.1 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.30 |
- | 5.2 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.31 |
- | 5.3 | Current | RFC 5546, Section 3.6.32 |
- +-------------+---------+--------------------------+
-8. Acknowledgments
- This is an update to the original iTIP document authored by S.
- Silverberg, S. Mansour, F. Dawson, and R. Hopson.
- This revision is the product of the Calsify IETF Working Group, and
- several participants have made important contributions to this
- specification, including Oliver Block, Bernard Desruisseaux, Mike
- Douglass, Tim Hare, Ciny Joy, Bruce Kahn, Reinhold Kainhofer, Eliot
- Lear, Jonathan Lennox, Andy Mabbett, Aki Niemi, John W. Noerenberg
- II, Robert Ransdell, and Caleb Richardson.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 130]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-9. References
-9.1. Normative References
- [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [RFC2368] Hoffman, P., Masinter, L., and J. Zawinski, "The mailto
- URL scheme", RFC 2368, July 1998.
- [RFC5545] Desruisseaux, B., "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling
- Core Object Specification (iCalendar)", RFC 5545,
- September 2009.
-9.2. Informative References
- [iMIP] Melnikov, A., Ed., "iCalendar Message-Based
- Interoperability Protocol (iMIP)", Work in Progress,
- October 2009.
-Daboo Standards Track [Page 131]
-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
-Appendix A. Differences from RFC 2446
-A.1. Changed Restrictions
- This specification now defines an allowed combination of "REQUEST-
- STATUS" codes when multiple iCalendar components are included in an
- iTIP message.
- This specification now restricts "RECURRENCE-ID" to only a single
- occurrence in any one iCalendar component in an iTIP message, as
- required by [RFC5545].
- Changed the "RECURRENCE-ID" entry in the component restriction table
- to "0 or 1" from "0+", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Changed the "FREEBUSY" entry in the "VFREEBUSY", "PUBLISH", and
- "REPLY" restriction tables to "0+" from "1+", to fall in line with
- [RFC5545].
- Changed the "FREEBUSY" description in the "VFREEBUSY" and "REPLY"
- restriction tables to indicate that different "FBTYPE" ranges MUST
- NOT overlap.
- Changed the "TZNAME" entry in the "VTIMEZONE" restriction table to
- "0+" from "0 or 1", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Changed the "COMMENT" entry in the component restriction tables to
- "0+" from "0 or 1", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Added the "ATTENDEE" entry in the "VALARM" restriction table to match
- the email alarm type in [RFC5545].
- Changed the "CATEGORIES" entry in the component restriction tables to
- "0+" from "0 or 1", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Changed the "RESOURCES" entry in the component restriction tables to
- "0+" from "0 or 1", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Changed the "CONTACT" entry in the "VFREEBUSY" restriction table to
- "0 or 1" from "0+", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Changed the "UID" entry in the "VFREEBUSY" and "PUBLISH" restriction
- tables to "1" from "0", to fall in line with [RFC5545].
- Added the "COMPLETED" entry in the "VTODO" restriction tables to fall
- in line with [RFC5545].
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-RFC 5546 iTIP December 2009
- Added the "REQUEST-STATUS" entry in the "VJOURNAL" restriction tables
- to fall in line with [RFC5545].
-A.2. Deprecated Features
- The "EXRULE" property was removed in [RFC5545] and references to that
- have been removed in this document too.
- The "PROCEDURE" value for the "ACTION" property was removed in
- [RFC5545] and references to that have been removed in this document
- too.
- The "THISANDPRIOR" option for the "RANGE" parameter was removed in
- [RFC5545] and references to that have been removed in this document
- too.
-Author's Address
- Cyrus Daboo (editor)
- Apple Inc.
- 1 Infinite Loop
- Cupertino, CA 95014
- EMail: cyrus@daboo.name
- URI: http://www.apple.com/
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