path: root/vendor/jbroadway/urlify/README.md
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authormjfriaza <mjfriaza@disroot.org>2022-05-17 13:44:06 +0200
committermjfriaza <mjfriaza@disroot.org>2022-05-17 13:44:06 +0200
commita75c61d71efebf43713026200aa0f513bd7eef09 (patch)
tree909048adeaa329813e2530d43626ed3bd711bc25 /vendor/jbroadway/urlify/README.md
parent481ecee9e87342ca7a1217395085e95d1a3b61ea (diff)
parent0d0f73fb67bbfcc53058cefded85ac36f951c7a7 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev' into dev
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/jbroadway/urlify/README.md')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/jbroadway/urlify/README.md b/vendor/jbroadway/urlify/README.md
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+++ b/vendor/jbroadway/urlify/README.md
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+# URLify for PHP
+![GitHub Workflow Status (branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/jbroadway/urlify/Continuous%20Integration/master)
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+![Packagist Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/jbroadway/urlify)
+A fast PHP slug generator and transliteration library, started as a PHP port of
+from the Django project.
+Handles symbols from latin languages, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Esperanto,
+Estonian, Finnish, French, Switzerland (French), Austrian (French), Georgian, German, Switzerland (German),
+Austrian (German), Greek, Hindi, Kazakh, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish,
+Serbian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese, and many other via `ASCII::to_transliterate()`.
+Symbols it cannot transliterate it can omit or replace with a specified character.
+## Installation
+Install the latest version with:
+$ composer require jbroadway/urlify
+## Usage
+First, include Composer's autoloader:
+require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
+To generate slugs for URLs:
+echo URLify::slug (' J\'étudie le français ');
+// "jetudie-le-francais"
+echo URLify::slug ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
+// "lo-siento-no-hablo-espanol"
+To generate slugs for file names:
+echo URLify::filter ('фото.jpg', 60, "", true);
+// "foto.jpg"
+To simply transliterate characters:
+echo URLify::downcode ('J\'étudie le français');
+// "J'etudie le francais"
+echo URLify::downcode ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
+// "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."
+/* Or use transliterate() alias: */
+echo URLify::transliterate ('Lo siento, no hablo español.');
+// "Lo siento, no hablo espanol."
+To extend the character list:
+URLify::add_chars ([
+ '¿' => '?', '®' => '(r)', '¼' => '1/4',
+ '½' => '1/2', '¾' => '3/4', '¶' => 'P'
+echo URLify::downcode ('¿ ® ¼ ¼ ¾ ¶');
+// "? (r) 1/2 1/2 3/4 P"
+To extend the list of words to remove:
+URLify::remove_words (['remove', 'these', 'too']);
+To prioritize a certain language map:
+echo URLify::filter ('Ägypten und Österreich besitzen wie üblich ein Übermaß an ähnlich öligen Attachés', 60, 'de');
+// "aegypten-und-oesterreich-besitzen-wie-ueblich-ein-uebermass-aehnlich-oeligen-attaches"
+echo URLify::filter ('Cağaloğlu, çalıştığı, müjde, lazım, mahkûm', 60, 'tr');
+// "cagaloglu-calistigi-mujde-lazim-mahkum"
+Please note that the "ü" is transliterated to "ue" in the first case, whereas it results in a simple "u" in the latter.