diff options
author | mrjive <mrjive@mrjive.it> | 2015-11-11 16:51:48 +0100 |
committer | mrjive <mrjive@mrjive.it> | 2015-11-11 16:51:48 +0100 |
commit | 53a796afcc0cff6f9e3f51457df4506a43db1945 (patch) | |
tree | a2366c48e0dae047b052283cc44284224369c8cd /util | |
parent | a4c3058f845a1c38d06b2201a10700c5f878366d (diff) | |
parent | bc7c0ed844711e81c4bc642e3024849195a48421 (diff) | |
download | volse-hubzilla-53a796afcc0cff6f9e3f51457df4506a43db1945.tar.gz volse-hubzilla-53a796afcc0cff6f9e3f51457df4506a43db1945.tar.bz2 volse-hubzilla-53a796afcc0cff6f9e3f51457df4506a43db1945.zip |
Merge pull request #8 from redmatrix/master
get fresh code from HZ base
Diffstat (limited to 'util')
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/.gitignore | 11 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/CHANGELOG.md | 24 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/LICENSE | 214 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/README.md | 30 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/doc/intro.md | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/project.clj | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/src/generate_hooks_index/core.clj | 82 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/generate-hooks-index/test/generate_hooks_index/core_test.clj | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/hmessages.po | 3478 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | util/messages.po | 787 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | util/schemaspy | 9 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | util/service_class | 14 |
12 files changed, 2570 insertions, 2099 deletions
diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/.gitignore b/util/generate-hooks-index/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c53038ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/target +/classes +/checkouts +pom.xml +pom.xml.asc +*.jar +*.class +/.lein-* +/.nrepl-port +.hgignore +.hg/ diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/CHANGELOG.md b/util/generate-hooks-index/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e3bde1c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# Change Log +All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of [keepachangelog.com](http://keepachangelog.com/). + +## [Unreleased][unreleased] +### Changed +- Add a new arity to `make-widget-async` to provide a different widget shape. + +## [0.1.1] - 2015-11-03 +### Changed +- Documentation on how to make the widgets. + +### Removed +- `make-widget-sync` - we're all async, all the time. + +### Fixed +- Fixed widget maker to keep working when daylight savings switches over. + +## 0.1.0 - 2015-11-03 +### Added +- Files from the new template. +- Widget maker public API - `make-widget-sync`. + +[unreleased]: https://github.com/your-name/generate-hooks-index/compare/0.1.1...HEAD +[0.1.1]: https://github.com/your-name/generate-hooks-index/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1 diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/LICENSE b/util/generate-hooks-index/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7689f30ef --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS ECLIPSE PUBLIC +LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM +CONSTITUTES RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. + +1. DEFINITIONS + +"Contribution" means: + +a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and +documentation distributed under this Agreement, and + +b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor: + +i) changes to the Program, and + +ii) additions to the Program; + +where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are +distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from +a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or +anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include +additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software +distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license +agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program. + +"Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program. + +"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are +necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when +combined with the Program. + +"Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with this +Agreement. + +"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement, +including all Contributors. + +2. GRANT OF RIGHTS + +a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants +Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to +reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, +distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and +such derivative works, in source code and object code form. + +b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants +Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under +Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise +transfer the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, in source code and +object code form. This patent license shall apply to the combination of the +Contribution and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the +Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be +covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any +other combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is +licensed hereunder. + +c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the licenses +to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are provided by any +Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other +intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims +any liability to Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on +infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a condition to +exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby +assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights +needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent license is required to +allow Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility +to acquire that license before distributing the Program. + +d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient +copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright license +set forth in this Agreement. + +3. REQUIREMENTS + +A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form under +its own license agreement, provided that: + +a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and + +b) its license agreement: + +i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties and +conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title +and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability +and fitness for a particular purpose; + +ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability for +damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential +damages, such as lost profits; + +iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered +by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and + +iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such +Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on +or through a medium customarily used for software exchange. + +When the Program is made available in source code form: + +a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and + +b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program. + +Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained within +the Program. + +Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its Contribution, +if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent Recipients to identify +the originator of the Contribution. + +4. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION + +Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities with +respect to end users, business partners and the like. While this license is +intended to facilitate the commercial use of the Program, the Contributor who +includes the Program in a commercial product offering should do so in a +manner which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. +Therefore, if a Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product +offering, such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend +and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any +losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, +lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party against the +Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such +Commercial Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program in +a commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not apply +to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual +property infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: +a) promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and +b) allow the Commercial Contributor tocontrol, and cooperate with the +Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement +negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim +at its own expense. + +For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial product +offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor. If +that Commercial Contributor then makes performance claims, or offers +warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and warranties are +such Commercial Contributor's responsibility alone. Under this section, the +Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other +Contributors related to those performance claims and warranties, and if a +court requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the +Commercial Contributor must pay those damages. + +5. NO WARRANTY + +EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON +AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR +CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A +PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the +appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all risks +associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but +not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with +applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and +unavailability or interruption of operations. + +6. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY + +EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT NOR ANY +CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION +LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE +EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY +OF SUCH DAMAGES. + +7. GENERAL + +If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under +applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the +remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the +parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent +necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable. + +If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a +cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program itself +(excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware) +infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's rights granted +under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. + +All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it fails to +comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement and +does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming +aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights under this Agreement +terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and distribution of the Program as +soon as reasonably practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this +Agreement and any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall +continue and survive. + +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement, but in +order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and may only be +modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward reserves the right to +publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to +time. No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this +Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward. The +Eclipse Foundation may assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement +Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will +be given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including +Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the +Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of +the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program +(including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly +stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or +licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this +Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All +rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement are +reserved. + +This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and the +intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party to this +Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more than one year +after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its rights to a jury trial +in any resulting litigation. diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/README.md b/util/generate-hooks-index/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3d4f7666 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# Generate hooks + +This program generates hooks.html documentation from the Hubzilla source. + +## Usage + +Download and install leiningen + +Change directory into hubzilla/util/generate-hooks-index + +At shell prompt, do: + +```sh +lein run +``` + +Hooks docs will get dumped into hubzilla/doc/hooks.html + +## Requirements + +* JVM like OpenJDK etc + +* [Leiningen](http://leiningen.org/) + +## License + +Copyright © 2015 ken restivo (ken@restivo.org) + +Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at +your option) any later version. diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/doc/intro.md b/util/generate-hooks-index/doc/intro.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..203ef8b8c --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/doc/intro.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Introduction to generate-hooks-index + +TODO: write [great documentation](http://jacobian.org/writing/what-to-write/) diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/project.clj b/util/generate-hooks-index/project.clj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..730fe76d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/project.clj @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +(defproject generate-hooks-index "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" + :description "Generates Hooks docs for Hubzilla" + :url "https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla" + :license {:name "Eclipse Public License" + :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"} + :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"] + [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.2"] + [hiccup "1.0.0"]] + :main generate-hooks-index.core) + diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/src/generate_hooks_index/core.clj b/util/generate-hooks-index/src/generate_hooks_index/core.clj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2112647b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/src/generate_hooks_index/core.clj @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +(ns generate-hooks-index.core + (:require [clojure.string :as str] + [hiccup.core :as h] + [taoensso.timbre :as log] + [clojure.java.shell :as sh]) + (:gen-class)) + +(log/set-level! :info) + +(defn clean-fn-arg + [s] + (-> s + (str/replace #"'" "") + (str/replace #"\"" "") + str/trim)) + +(defn check-fn-args + [xs] + (when (-> xs first empty?) + (throw (Exception. "empty function"))) + (map clean-fn-arg xs)) + + +(defn get-fn-arg + [s] + (->> s + (re-matches #".*call_hooks\((.+)\,(.*)\).*") + rest + check-fn-args)) + + + +(defn fix-path + [path file] + (str/replace file path "")) + + +(defn show-hooks + [path] + (for [s (-> (sh/sh "rgrep" "call_hooks" path) + :out + str/split-lines) + :let [[file hook] (str/split s #"\t*:")]] + (try + (-> (zipmap [:function :arg] (get-fn-arg hook)) + (assoc :file (fix-path path file))) + (catch Exception e + (log/debug e s file hook))))) + + + +(defn hiccupy + [path] + [:div + [:h3 "Hooks"] + [:table + [:tr (map #(vector :td %) ["Function" "Source File" "Arg"])] + (for [{:keys [function arg file]} + (->> path + show-hooks + (sort-by :function))] + [:tr (map #(vector :td (h/h %)) [function file arg])])] + [:p "Generated " (-> (java.util.Date.) str)]]) + + +(defn make-hook-docs + [path-to-hubzillla] + (->> path-to-hubzillla + hiccupy + h/html + (spit (str path-to-hubzillla "doc/hooks.html")))) + + +(defn -main + [& args] + (log/info "Starting..") + (make-hook-docs (str (System/getProperty "user.dir") "/../../")) + (log/info "Done!") + (System/exit 0)) + + + diff --git a/util/generate-hooks-index/test/generate_hooks_index/core_test.clj b/util/generate-hooks-index/test/generate_hooks_index/core_test.clj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..913864ce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/generate-hooks-index/test/generate_hooks_index/core_test.clj @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +(ns generate-hooks-index.core-test + (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] + [generate-hooks-index.core :refer :all])) + +(deftest a-test + (testing "FIXME, I fail." + (is (= 0 1)))) diff --git a/util/hmessages.po b/util/hmessages.po index 40152108c..fc2f8c014 100644 --- a/util/hmessages.po +++ b/util/hmessages.po @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 2015-10-23.1194\n" +"Project-Id-Version: 2015-11-05.1207\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 00:03-0700\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-06 00:02-0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" @@ -17,32 +17,672 @@ msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:388 -msgid "Attachments:" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:120 ../../include/text.php:1863 +#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/subthread.php:77 +msgid "photo" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:474 ../../include/event.php:22 -msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../include/event.php:896 +#: ../../include/text.php:1866 ../../mod/like.php:363 ../../mod/tagger.php:47 +#: ../../mod/events.php:245 +msgid "event" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:476 -msgid "$Projectname event notification:" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../mod/like.php:113 +msgid "channel" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:480 ../../include/event.php:30 -msgid "Starts:" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:148 ../../include/text.php:1869 +#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:77 +msgid "status" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:488 ../../include/event.php:40 -msgid "Finishes:" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:150 ../../include/text.php:1871 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53 +msgid "comment" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:496 ../../include/event.php:50 -#: ../../include/identity.php:1016 ../../mod/directory.php:302 -#: ../../mod/events.php:701 -msgid "Location:" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:164 ../../mod/like.php:410 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:167 ../../mod/like.php:412 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:204 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s is now connected with %2$s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:239 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s poked %2$s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:243 ../../include/text.php:942 +msgid "poked" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:260 ../../mod/mood.php:63 +#, php-format +msgctxt "mood" +msgid "%1$s is %2$s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1063 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Likes" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1063 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Dislikes" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1064 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Agree" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1064 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Disagree" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1064 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Abstain" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1065 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Attending" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1065 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Not attending" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1065 +msgctxt "title" +msgid "Might attend" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:656 ../../include/ItemObject.php:126 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:657 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:241 +#: ../../include/apps.php:260 ../../include/ItemObject.php:120 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:546 ../../mod/photos.php:1129 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:808 ../../mod/admin.php:967 +#: ../../mod/webpages.php:183 ../../mod/blocks.php:155 ../../mod/thing.php:258 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:647 ../../mod/editlayout.php:179 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:223 ../../mod/group.php:173 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:664 ../../include/ItemObject.php:89 +msgid "Private Message" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:671 ../../include/ItemObject.php:227 +msgid "Message signature validated" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:672 ../../include/ItemObject.php:228 +msgid "Message signature incorrect" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:691 +#, php-format +msgid "View %s's profile @ %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:709 +msgid "Categories:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:710 +msgid "Filed under:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:718 ../../include/ItemObject.php:321 +#, php-format +msgid "from %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:721 ../../include/ItemObject.php:324 +#, php-format +msgid "last edited: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:722 ../../include/ItemObject.php:325 +#, php-format +msgid "Expires: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:737 +msgid "View in context" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:739 ../../include/conversation.php:1221 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:375 ../../mod/photos.php:1029 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:150 ../../mod/editpost.php:129 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:148 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:190 +msgid "Please wait" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:849 +msgid "remove" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:853 ../../include/nav.php:241 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:854 +msgid "Delete Selected Items" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:945 +msgid "View Source" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:946 +msgid "Follow Thread" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:947 +msgid "Stop Following" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:948 +msgid "View Status" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:949 ../../include/nav.php:86 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:493 +msgid "View Profile" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:950 +msgid "View Photos" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:951 +msgid "Activity/Posts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:952 ../../include/Contact.php:101 +#: ../../include/identity.php:965 ../../include/widgets.php:136 +#: ../../include/widgets.php:174 ../../mod/directory.php:316 +#: ../../mod/match.php:64 ../../mod/suggest.php:52 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:953 +msgid "Edit Connection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:954 +msgid "Send PM" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:955 ../../include/apps.php:145 +msgid "Poke" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1026 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:164 +#: ../../include/apps.php:360 ../../include/apps.php:415 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:759 ../../mod/photos.php:1198 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1069 +#, php-format +msgid "%s likes this." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1069 +#, php-format +msgid "%s doesn't like this." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1073 +#, php-format +msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this." +msgid_plural "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1075 +#, php-format +msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this." +msgid_plural "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1081 +msgid "and" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1084 +#, php-format +msgid ", and %d other people" +msgid_plural ", and %d other people" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1085 +#, php-format +msgid "%s like this." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1085 +#, php-format +msgid "%s don't like this." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1148 +msgid "Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1149 ../../mod/mail.php:194 +#: ../../mod/mail.php:308 +msgid "Please enter a link URL:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1150 +msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1151 +msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1152 +msgid "Tag term:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1153 ../../mod/filer.php:48 +msgid "Save to Folder:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1154 +msgid "Where are you right now?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1155 ../../mod/editpost.php:54 +#: ../../mod/mail.php:195 ../../mod/mail.php:309 +msgid "Expires YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1163 ../../include/page_widgets.php:40 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:692 ../../mod/photos.php:1049 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:171 ../../mod/editpost.php:149 +#: ../../mod/events.php:707 ../../mod/webpages.php:188 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:212 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1186 ../../mod/layouts.php:184 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1028 ../../mod/webpages.php:182 +#: ../../mod/blocks.php:154 +msgid "Share" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1188 +msgid "Page link name" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1191 +msgid "Post as" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1193 ../../include/ItemObject.php:684 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:136 ../../mod/editpost.php:113 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:135 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:177 +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1194 ../../include/ItemObject.php:685 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:137 ../../mod/editpost.php:114 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:136 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:178 +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1195 ../../include/ItemObject.php:686 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:138 ../../mod/editpost.php:115 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:137 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:179 +msgid "Underline" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1196 ../../include/ItemObject.php:687 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:139 ../../mod/editpost.php:116 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:138 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:180 +msgid "Quote" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1197 ../../include/ItemObject.php:688 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:140 ../../mod/editpost.php:117 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:139 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:181 +msgid "Code" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1198 ../../mod/editblock.php:142 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:118 ../../mod/editlayout.php:140 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:182 +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1199 +msgid "upload photo" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1200 ../../mod/editblock.php:143 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:119 ../../mod/mail.php:240 ../../mod/mail.php:369 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:141 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:183 +msgid "Attach file" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1201 +msgid "attach file" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1202 ../../mod/editblock.php:144 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:120 ../../mod/mail.php:241 ../../mod/mail.php:370 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:142 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:184 +msgid "Insert web link" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1203 +msgid "web link" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1204 +msgid "Insert video link" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1205 +msgid "video link" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1206 +msgid "Insert audio link" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1207 +msgid "audio link" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1208 ../../mod/editblock.php:148 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:124 ../../mod/editlayout.php:146 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:188 +msgid "Set your location" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1209 +msgid "set location" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1210 ../../mod/editpost.php:126 +msgid "Toggle voting" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1213 ../../mod/editblock.php:149 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../mod/editlayout.php:147 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:189 +msgid "Clear browser location" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1214 +msgid "clear location" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1216 ../../mod/editblock.php:162 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:141 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:205 +msgid "Title (optional)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1220 ../../mod/editblock.php:165 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:143 ../../mod/editlayout.php:163 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:207 +msgid "Categories (optional, comma-separated list)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1222 ../../mod/editblock.php:151 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:130 ../../mod/editlayout.php:149 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:191 +msgid "Permission settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1223 +msgid "permissions" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1231 ../../mod/editblock.php:159 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:138 ../../mod/editlayout.php:156 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:200 +msgid "Public post" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1233 ../../mod/editblock.php:166 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:144 ../../mod/editlayout.php:164 +#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:208 +msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1246 ../../mod/editblock.php:176 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:155 ../../mod/mail.php:245 ../../mod/mail.php:374 +#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:173 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:217 +msgid "Set expiration date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1249 +msgid "Set publish date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1251 ../../include/ItemObject.php:695 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:157 ../../mod/mail.php:247 ../../mod/mail.php:376 +msgid "Encrypt text" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1253 ../../mod/editpost.php:159 +#: ../../mod/events.php:691 +msgid "OK" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1254 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:82 +#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:117 ../../mod/editpost.php:160 +#: ../../mod/events.php:690 ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:134 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:585 ../../mod/settings.php:611 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1497 +msgid "Discover" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1500 +msgid "Imported public streams" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1505 +msgid "Commented Order" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1508 +msgid "Sort by Comment Date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1512 +msgid "Posted Order" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1515 +msgid "Sort by Post Date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1520 ../../include/widgets.php:94 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1523 +msgid "Posts that mention or involve you" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1529 ../../mod/menu.php:112 +#: ../../mod/connections.php:72 ../../mod/connections.php:82 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1532 +msgid "Activity Stream - by date" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1538 +msgid "Starred" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1541 +msgid "Favourite Posts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1548 +msgid "Spam" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1551 +msgid "Posts flagged as SPAM" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1595 ../../mod/admin.php:972 +msgid "Channel" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1598 +msgid "Status Messages and Posts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1607 +msgid "About" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1610 +msgid "Profile Details" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1616 ../../include/apps.php:139 +#: ../../include/nav.php:92 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:25 +msgid "Photos" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1619 ../../include/photos.php:483 +msgid "Photo Albums" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1623 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:226 +#: ../../include/apps.php:135 ../../include/nav.php:93 +#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:114 +msgid "Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1626 +msgid "Files and Storage" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1636 ../../include/conversation.php:1639 +msgid "Chatrooms" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1649 ../../include/apps.php:129 +#: ../../include/nav.php:103 +msgid "Bookmarks" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1652 +msgid "Saved Bookmarks" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1659 ../../include/apps.php:136 +#: ../../include/nav.php:107 ../../mod/webpages.php:178 +msgid "Webpages" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1662 +msgid "Manage Webpages" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1691 ../../include/ItemObject.php:175 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:187 ../../mod/photos.php:1082 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1094 +msgid "View all" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1715 ../../include/ItemObject.php:179 +#: ../../include/identity.php:1276 ../../include/taxonomy.php:403 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1086 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Like" +msgid_plural "Likes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1718 ../../include/ItemObject.php:184 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1091 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Dislike" +msgid_plural "Dislikes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1721 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Attending" +msgid_plural "Attending" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1724 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Not Attending" +msgid_plural "Not Attending" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1727 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Undecided" +msgid_plural "Undecided" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1730 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Agree" +msgid_plural "Agrees" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1733 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Disagree" +msgid_plural "Disagrees" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/conversation.php:1736 +msgctxt "noun" +msgid "Abstain" +msgid_plural "Abstains" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + #: ../../include/Import/import_diaspora.php:17 msgid "No username found in import file." msgstr "" @@ -60,7 +700,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "parent" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 ../../include/text.php:2509 +#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 ../../include/text.php:2529 msgid "Collection" msgstr "" @@ -84,18 +724,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Schedule Outbox" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:164 ../../include/apps.php:360 -#: ../../include/apps.php:415 ../../include/conversation.php:1023 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:756 ../../mod/photos.php:1195 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:226 ../../include/apps.php:135 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1613 ../../include/nav.php:93 -#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:114 -msgid "Files" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:227 msgid "Total" msgstr "" @@ -112,13 +740,13 @@ msgid "Create" msgstr "" #: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:231 -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:305 ../../mod/photos.php:781 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1314 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:450 +#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:305 ../../mod/photos.php:784 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1317 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:450 msgid "Upload" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:948 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:585 ../../mod/settings.php:611 +#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:235 ../../mod/admin.php:973 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:586 ../../mod/settings.php:612 #: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:95 msgid "Name" msgstr "" @@ -127,7 +755,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Type" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237 ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97 +#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:237 ../../include/text.php:1236 +#: ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:97 msgid "Size" msgstr "" @@ -139,24 +768,14 @@ msgstr "" #: ../../include/page_widgets.php:8 ../../include/page_widgets.php:36 #: ../../include/apps.php:259 ../../include/ItemObject.php:100 #: ../../mod/layouts.php:183 ../../mod/editblock.php:135 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:113 ../../mod/menu.php:108 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:112 ../../mod/menu.php:108 #: ../../mod/webpages.php:181 ../../mod/blocks.php:153 ../../mod/thing.php:257 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:645 ../../mod/connections.php:235 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:646 ../../mod/connections.php:235 #: ../../mod/connections.php:248 ../../mod/connections.php:267 #: ../../mod/editlayout.php:134 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:176 msgid "Edit" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:241 ../../include/apps.php:260 -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:120 ../../include/conversation.php:657 -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:546 ../../mod/photos.php:1126 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:181 ../../mod/admin.php:783 ../../mod/admin.php:942 -#: ../../mod/webpages.php:183 ../../mod/blocks.php:155 ../../mod/thing.php:258 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:646 ../../mod/editlayout.php:179 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:223 ../../mod/group.php:173 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:282 #, php-format msgid "You are using %1$s of your available file storage." @@ -324,44 +943,44 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Room not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4376 -#: ../../include/photos.php:26 ../../include/attach.php:137 -#: ../../include/attach.php:185 ../../include/attach.php:248 -#: ../../include/attach.php:262 ../../include/attach.php:269 -#: ../../include/attach.php:334 ../../include/attach.php:348 -#: ../../include/attach.php:355 ../../include/attach.php:433 -#: ../../include/attach.php:875 ../../include/attach.php:946 -#: ../../include/attach.php:1098 ../../mod/achievements.php:30 +#: ../../include/chat.php:133 ../../include/items.php:4390 +#: ../../include/photos.php:29 ../../include/attach.php:140 +#: ../../include/attach.php:188 ../../include/attach.php:251 +#: ../../include/attach.php:265 ../../include/attach.php:272 +#: ../../include/attach.php:337 ../../include/attach.php:351 +#: ../../include/attach.php:358 ../../include/attach.php:436 +#: ../../include/attach.php:884 ../../include/attach.php:955 +#: ../../include/attach.php:1107 ../../mod/achievements.php:30 #: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:78 ../../mod/authtest.php:13 #: ../../mod/bookmarks.php:48 ../../mod/block.php:22 ../../mod/block.php:72 #: ../../mod/id.php:71 ../../mod/like.php:177 ../../mod/common.php:35 #: ../../mod/mitem.php:111 ../../mod/connedit.php:347 ../../mod/mood.php:112 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:70 ../../mod/filestorage.php:18 -#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:73 ../../mod/filestorage.php:88 -#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 ../../mod/layouts.php:69 -#: ../../mod/layouts.php:76 ../../mod/layouts.php:87 ../../mod/poke.php:133 -#: ../../mod/network.php:12 ../../mod/chat.php:94 ../../mod/chat.php:99 -#: ../../mod/rate.php:111 ../../mod/mail.php:118 ../../mod/editblock.php:65 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:13 ../../mod/appman.php:66 ../../mod/profile.php:64 -#: ../../mod/profile.php:72 ../../mod/menu.php:74 ../../mod/page.php:31 -#: ../../mod/page.php:86 ../../mod/new_channel.php:68 -#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:99 ../../mod/notifications.php:66 -#: ../../mod/pdledit.php:21 ../../mod/events.php:256 -#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:338 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:351 -#: ../../mod/item.php:205 ../../mod/item.php:213 ../../mod/item.php:1002 -#: ../../mod/message.php:16 ../../mod/webpages.php:69 -#: ../../mod/register.php:72 ../../mod/blocks.php:69 ../../mod/blocks.php:76 -#: ../../mod/service_limits.php:7 ../../mod/sources.php:66 -#: ../../mod/regmod.php:17 ../../mod/channel.php:100 ../../mod/channel.php:214 -#: ../../mod/channel.php:254 ../../mod/thing.php:271 ../../mod/thing.php:291 -#: ../../mod/thing.php:328 ../../mod/invite.php:13 ../../mod/invite.php:104 -#: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:14 ../../mod/settings.php:565 ../../mod/manage.php:6 -#: ../../mod/api.php:26 ../../mod/api.php:31 ../../mod/connections.php:29 +#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:18 ../../mod/filestorage.php:73 +#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:88 ../../mod/filestorage.php:115 +#: ../../mod/layouts.php:69 ../../mod/layouts.php:76 ../../mod/layouts.php:87 +#: ../../mod/poke.php:133 ../../mod/network.php:12 ../../mod/chat.php:94 +#: ../../mod/chat.php:99 ../../mod/rate.php:111 ../../mod/photos.php:70 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:65 ../../mod/editpost.php:13 +#: ../../mod/appman.php:66 ../../mod/profile.php:64 ../../mod/profile.php:72 +#: ../../mod/menu.php:74 ../../mod/page.php:31 ../../mod/page.php:86 +#: ../../mod/new_channel.php:68 ../../mod/new_channel.php:99 +#: ../../mod/notifications.php:66 ../../mod/pdledit.php:21 +#: ../../mod/events.php:256 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:338 +#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:351 ../../mod/item.php:205 +#: ../../mod/item.php:213 ../../mod/item.php:1004 ../../mod/message.php:16 +#: ../../mod/webpages.php:69 ../../mod/register.php:72 ../../mod/blocks.php:69 +#: ../../mod/blocks.php:76 ../../mod/service_limits.php:7 +#: ../../mod/sources.php:66 ../../mod/regmod.php:17 ../../mod/channel.php:100 +#: ../../mod/channel.php:214 ../../mod/channel.php:254 ../../mod/thing.php:271 +#: ../../mod/thing.php:291 ../../mod/thing.php:328 ../../mod/invite.php:13 +#: ../../mod/invite.php:104 ../../mod/mail.php:118 ../../mod/viewsrc.php:14 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:566 ../../mod/manage.php:6 ../../mod/api.php:26 +#: ../../mod/api.php:31 ../../mod/connections.php:29 #: ../../mod/editlayout.php:63 ../../mod/editlayout.php:87 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:64 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:86 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:101 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:125 #: ../../mod/group.php:9 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:22 -#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:27 ../../mod/locs.php:82 +#: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:27 ../../mod/locs.php:83 #: ../../mod/setup.php:227 ../../mod/sharedwithme.php:7 #: ../../mod/suggest.php:26 ../../mod/profiles.php:188 #: ../../mod/profiles.php:576 ../../index.php:178 ../../index.php:361 @@ -592,135 +1211,143 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../../include/features.php:61 -msgid "Enable voting tools" +msgid "Enable Voting Tools" msgstr "" #: ../../include/features.php:61 msgid "Provide a class of post which others can vote on" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:67 -msgid "Network and Stream Filtering" +#: ../../include/features.php:62 +msgid "Delayed Posting" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/features.php:62 +msgid "Allow posts to be published at a later date" msgstr "" #: ../../include/features.php:68 +msgid "Network and Stream Filtering" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/features.php:69 msgid "Search by Date" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:68 +#: ../../include/features.php:69 msgid "Ability to select posts by date ranges" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:69 +#: ../../include/features.php:70 msgid "Collections Filter" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:69 +#: ../../include/features.php:70 msgid "Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:70 ../../include/widgets.php:273 +#: ../../include/features.php:71 ../../include/widgets.php:273 msgid "Saved Searches" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:70 +#: ../../include/features.php:71 msgid "Save search terms for re-use" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:71 +#: ../../include/features.php:72 msgid "Network Personal Tab" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:71 +#: ../../include/features.php:72 msgid "Enable tab to display only Network posts that you've interacted on" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:72 +#: ../../include/features.php:73 msgid "Network New Tab" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:72 +#: ../../include/features.php:73 msgid "Enable tab to display all new Network activity" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:73 +#: ../../include/features.php:74 msgid "Affinity Tool" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:73 +#: ../../include/features.php:74 msgid "Filter stream activity by depth of relationships" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:74 +#: ../../include/features.php:75 msgid "Connection Filtering" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:74 +#: ../../include/features.php:75 msgid "Filter incoming posts from connections based on keywords/content" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:75 +#: ../../include/features.php:76 msgid "Suggest Channels" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:75 +#: ../../include/features.php:76 msgid "Show channel suggestions" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:80 +#: ../../include/features.php:81 msgid "Post/Comment Tools" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:81 +#: ../../include/features.php:82 msgid "Tagging" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:81 +#: ../../include/features.php:82 msgid "Ability to tag existing posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:82 +#: ../../include/features.php:83 msgid "Post Categories" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:82 +#: ../../include/features.php:83 msgid "Add categories to your posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:83 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:57 +#: ../../include/features.php:84 ../../include/contact_widgets.php:57 #: ../../include/widgets.php:303 msgid "Saved Folders" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:83 +#: ../../include/features.php:84 msgid "Ability to file posts under folders" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:84 +#: ../../include/features.php:85 msgid "Dislike Posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:84 +#: ../../include/features.php:85 msgid "Ability to dislike posts/comments" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:85 +#: ../../include/features.php:86 msgid "Star Posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:85 +#: ../../include/features.php:86 msgid "Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:86 +#: ../../include/features.php:87 msgid "Tag Cloud" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/features.php:86 +#: ../../include/features.php:87 msgid "Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:348 +#: ../../include/comanche.php:34 ../../mod/admin.php:351 msgid "Default" msgstr "" @@ -728,12 +1355,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete this item?" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:6 ../../include/ItemObject.php:681 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1044 ../../mod/photos.php:1162 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:6 ../../include/ItemObject.php:682 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1047 ../../mod/photos.php:1165 msgid "Comment" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:7 ../../include/ItemObject.php:398 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:7 ../../include/ItemObject.php:399 msgid "[+] show all" msgstr "" @@ -785,7 +1412,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Rate This Channel (this is public)" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:20 ../../mod/connedit.php:666 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:20 ../../mod/connedit.php:685 #: ../../mod/rate.php:157 msgid "Rating" msgstr "" @@ -794,25 +1421,25 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Describe (optional)" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:22 ../../include/ItemObject.php:682 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:22 ../../include/ItemObject.php:683 #: ../../mod/fsuggest.php:108 ../../mod/mitem.php:231 -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:687 ../../mod/mood.php:135 ../../mod/pconfig.php:108 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:634 ../../mod/photos.php:1005 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1045 ../../mod/photos.php:1163 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:706 ../../mod/mood.php:135 ../../mod/pconfig.php:108 #: ../../mod/filestorage.php:156 ../../mod/poke.php:171 ../../mod/chat.php:184 -#: ../../mod/chat.php:213 ../../mod/rate.php:168 ../../mod/mail.php:371 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:411 ../../mod/admin.php:776 ../../mod/admin.php:940 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1072 ../../mod/admin.php:1266 ../../mod/admin.php:1351 -#: ../../mod/appman.php:99 ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 ../../mod/events.php:534 -#: ../../mod/events.php:710 ../../mod/sources.php:104 +#: ../../mod/chat.php:213 ../../mod/rate.php:168 ../../mod/photos.php:637 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1008 ../../mod/photos.php:1048 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1166 ../../mod/admin.php:434 ../../mod/admin.php:801 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:965 ../../mod/admin.php:1097 ../../mod/admin.php:1291 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1376 ../../mod/appman.php:99 ../../mod/pdledit.php:58 +#: ../../mod/events.php:534 ../../mod/events.php:710 ../../mod/sources.php:104 #: ../../mod/sources.php:138 ../../mod/import.php:517 ../../mod/thing.php:313 -#: ../../mod/thing.php:359 ../../mod/invite.php:142 ../../mod/settings.php:583 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:695 ../../mod/settings.php:723 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:746 ../../mod/settings.php:831 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1020 ../../mod/xchan.php:11 ../../mod/group.php:81 -#: ../../mod/connect.php:93 ../../mod/locs.php:108 ../../mod/setup.php:331 -#: ../../mod/setup.php:371 ../../mod/profiles.php:667 -#: ../../mod/import_items.php:122 ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:99 +#: ../../mod/thing.php:359 ../../mod/invite.php:142 ../../mod/mail.php:371 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:584 ../../mod/settings.php:696 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:724 ../../mod/settings.php:747 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:832 ../../mod/settings.php:1021 +#: ../../mod/xchan.php:11 ../../mod/group.php:81 ../../mod/connect.php:93 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:116 ../../mod/setup.php:331 ../../mod/setup.php:371 +#: ../../mod/profiles.php:667 ../../mod/import_items.php:122 +#: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:99 msgid "Submit" msgstr "" @@ -897,19 +1524,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "timeago.numbers" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:44 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:44 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "January" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:45 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:45 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "February" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:46 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:46 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "March" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:47 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:47 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "April" msgstr "" @@ -918,31 +1545,31 @@ msgctxt "long" msgid "May" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:49 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:49 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "June" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:50 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:50 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "July" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:51 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:51 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "August" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:52 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:52 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "September" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:53 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:53 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "October" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:54 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:54 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "November" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:55 ../../include/text.php:1144 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:55 ../../include/text.php:1153 msgid "December" msgstr "" @@ -995,31 +1622,31 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dec" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:68 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:68 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:69 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:69 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Monday" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:70 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:70 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:71 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:71 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:72 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:72 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:73 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:73 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Friday" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:74 ../../include/text.php:1140 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:74 ../../include/text.php:1149 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" @@ -1113,7 +1740,7 @@ msgid "RSS/Atom" msgstr "" #: ../../include/contact_selectors.php:79 ../../mod/id.php:15 -#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:779 ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../mod/id.php:16 ../../mod/admin.php:804 ../../mod/admin.php:813 #: ../../boot.php:1505 msgid "Email" msgstr "" @@ -1165,13 +1792,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%1$s has an updated %2$s, changing %3$s." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/Contact.php:101 ../../include/identity.php:965 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:949 ../../include/widgets.php:136 -#: ../../include/widgets.php:174 ../../mod/directory.php:316 -#: ../../mod/match.php:64 ../../mod/suggest.php:52 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/Contact.php:118 msgid "New window" msgstr "" @@ -1191,7 +1811,7 @@ msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../../include/items.php:423 ../../mod/like.php:280 ../../mod/dreport.php:6 -#: ../../mod/dreport.php:45 ../../mod/subthread.php:49 ../../mod/group.php:68 +#: ../../mod/dreport.php:45 ../../mod/subthread.php:52 ../../mod/group.php:68 #: ../../mod/profperm.php:23 ../../mod/import_items.php:114 #: ../../index.php:360 msgid "Permission denied" @@ -1234,39 +1854,35 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Visible to specific connections." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/items.php:4297 ../../mod/display.php:36 +#: ../../include/items.php:4311 ../../mod/display.php:36 #: ../../mod/filestorage.php:27 ../../mod/admin.php:127 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:979 ../../mod/admin.php:1179 ../../mod/thing.php:86 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1004 ../../mod/admin.php:1204 ../../mod/thing.php:86 #: ../../mod/viewsrc.php:20 msgid "Item not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/items.php:4806 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137 +#: ../../include/items.php:4820 ../../mod/group.php:38 ../../mod/group.php:137 msgid "Collection not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/items.php:4822 +#: ../../include/items.php:4836 msgid "Collection is empty." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/items.php:4829 +#: ../../include/items.php:4843 #, php-format msgid "Collection: %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/items.php:4839 ../../mod/connedit.php:657 +#: ../../include/items.php:4853 ../../mod/connedit.php:674 #, php-format msgid "Connection: %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/items.php:4841 +#: ../../include/items.php:4855 msgid "Connection not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/api.php:1321 -msgid "Public Timeline" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/network.php:635 msgid "view full size" msgstr "" @@ -1314,15 +1930,14 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Don't show" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:247 ../../mod/photos.php:628 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:998 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147 -#: ../../mod/chat.php:211 ../../mod/events.php:708 ../../mod/thing.php:310 -#: ../../mod/thing.php:356 +#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:247 ../../mod/filestorage.php:147 +#: ../../mod/chat.php:211 ../../mod/photos.php:631 ../../mod/photos.php:1001 +#: ../../mod/events.php:708 ../../mod/thing.php:310 ../../mod/thing.php:356 msgid "Permissions" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:248 ../../include/ItemObject.php:369 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1215 +#: ../../include/acl_selectors.php:248 ../../include/ItemObject.php:370 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1218 msgid "Close" msgstr "" @@ -1339,28 +1954,24 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Cloned channel not found. Import failed." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photos.php:109 +#: ../../include/photos.php:112 #, php-format msgid "Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photos.php:116 +#: ../../include/photos.php:119 msgid "Image file is empty." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photos.php:143 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:222 +#: ../../include/photos.php:146 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:222 msgid "Unable to process image" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photos.php:232 +#: ../../include/photos.php:257 msgid "Photo storage failed." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photos.php:452 ../../include/conversation.php:1609 -msgid "Photo Albums" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/photos.php:456 +#: ../../include/photos.php:487 msgid "Upload New Photos" msgstr "" @@ -1382,14 +1993,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "View" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/page_widgets.php:40 ../../include/ItemObject.php:691 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1160 ../../mod/photos.php:1046 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:171 ../../mod/editpost.php:150 -#: ../../mod/events.php:707 ../../mod/webpages.php:188 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:212 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/page_widgets.php:41 ../../mod/webpages.php:189 msgid "Actions" msgstr "" @@ -1412,8 +2015,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Edited" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:705 ../../mod/photos.php:94 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:696 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:146 +#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:708 ../../mod/photos.php:94 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:699 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:146 #: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:236 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:376 msgid "Profile Photos" msgstr "" @@ -1567,9 +2170,9 @@ msgstr "" #: ../../include/profile_selectors.php:80 ../../include/identity.php:390 #: ../../include/identity.php:391 ../../include/identity.php:398 #: ../../include/widgets.php:429 ../../mod/connedit.php:568 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:337 ../../mod/settings.php:341 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:342 ../../mod/settings.php:345 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:356 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:338 ../../mod/settings.php:342 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:343 ../../mod/settings.php:346 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:357 msgid "Friends" msgstr "" @@ -1671,14 +2274,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Embedding disabled" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/event.php:766 -msgid "This event has been added to your calendar." +#: ../../include/event.php:22 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:471 +msgid "l F d, Y \\@ g:i A" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/event.php:896 ../../include/text.php:1846 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../mod/like.php:363 -#: ../../mod/tagger.php:47 ../../mod/events.php:245 -msgid "event" +#: ../../include/event.php:30 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:477 +msgid "Starts:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/event.php:40 ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:485 +msgid "Finishes:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/event.php:50 ../../include/identity.php:1016 +#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:493 ../../mod/directory.php:302 +#: ../../mod/events.php:701 +msgid "Location:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/event.php:766 +msgid "This event has been added to your calendar." msgstr "" #: ../../include/event.php:953 @@ -1705,11 +2320,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Site Admin" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/apps.php:129 ../../include/conversation.php:1639 -#: ../../include/nav.php:103 -msgid "Bookmarks" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/apps.php:130 msgid "Address Book" msgstr "" @@ -1728,15 +2338,10 @@ msgid "Grid" msgstr "" #: ../../include/apps.php:134 ../../include/widgets.php:553 -#: ../../include/nav.php:202 ../../mod/admin.php:1033 ../../mod/admin.php:1233 +#: ../../include/nav.php:202 ../../mod/admin.php:1058 ../../mod/admin.php:1258 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/apps.php:136 ../../include/conversation.php:1649 -#: ../../include/nav.php:107 ../../mod/webpages.php:178 -msgid "Webpages" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/apps.php:137 ../../include/nav.php:177 msgid "Channel Home" msgstr "" @@ -1746,11 +2351,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/apps.php:139 ../../include/conversation.php:1606 -#: ../../include/nav.php:92 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:25 -msgid "Photos" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/apps.php:140 ../../include/nav.php:196 #: ../../mod/events.php:526 msgid "Events" @@ -1773,17 +2373,13 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Mood" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/apps.php:145 ../../include/conversation.php:952 -msgid "Poke" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/apps.php:146 ../../include/nav.php:97 msgid "Chat" msgstr "" #: ../../include/apps.php:147 ../../include/text.php:857 #: ../../include/text.php:869 ../../include/nav.php:159 -#: ../../mod/search.php:38 +#: ../../mod/search.php:40 msgid "Search" msgstr "" @@ -1821,7 +2417,7 @@ msgid "Profile Photo" msgstr "" #: ../../include/apps.php:252 ../../mod/settings.php:84 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:609 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:610 msgid "Update" msgstr "" @@ -2023,14 +2619,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "[Hubzilla:Notify]" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:89 ../../include/conversation.php:664 -msgid "Private Message" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:126 ../../include/conversation.php:656 -msgid "Select" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/ItemObject.php:130 msgid "Save to Folder" msgstr "" @@ -2059,29 +2647,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "I abstain" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:175 ../../include/ItemObject.php:187 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1681 ../../mod/photos.php:1079 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1091 -msgid "View all" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:179 ../../include/identity.php:1276 -#: ../../include/taxonomy.php:403 ../../include/conversation.php:1705 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1083 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Like" -msgid_plural "Likes" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:184 ../../include/conversation.php:1708 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1088 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Dislike" -msgid_plural "Dislikes" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - #: ../../include/ItemObject.php:212 msgid "Add Star" msgstr "" @@ -2098,19 +2663,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "starred" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:227 ../../include/conversation.php:671 -msgid "Message signature validated" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:228 ../../include/conversation.php:672 -msgid "Message signature incorrect" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/ItemObject.php:236 msgid "Add Tag" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:254 ../../mod/photos.php:1023 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:254 ../../mod/photos.php:1026 msgid "I like this (toggle)" msgstr "" @@ -2118,7 +2675,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "like" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:255 ../../mod/photos.php:1024 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:255 ../../mod/photos.php:1027 msgid "I don't like this (toggle)" msgstr "" @@ -2134,416 +2691,109 @@ msgstr "" msgid "share" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:276 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:277 #, php-format msgid "%d comment" msgid_plural "%d comments" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:301 ../../include/ItemObject.php:302 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:302 ../../include/ItemObject.php:303 #, php-format msgid "View %s's profile - %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:305 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:306 msgid "to" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:306 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:307 msgid "via" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:307 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:308 msgid "Wall-to-Wall" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:308 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:309 msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:311 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:312 msgid "Delivery Report" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:320 ../../include/conversation.php:718 -#, php-format -msgid "from %s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:323 ../../include/conversation.php:721 -#, php-format -msgid "last edited: %s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:324 ../../include/conversation.php:722 -#, php-format -msgid "Expires: %s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:347 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:348 msgid "Save Bookmarks" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:348 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:349 msgid "Add to Calendar" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:357 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:358 msgid "Mark all seen" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:363 ../../mod/photos.php:1209 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:364 ../../mod/photos.php:1212 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Likes" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:364 ../../mod/photos.php:1210 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:365 ../../mod/photos.php:1213 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Dislikes" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:374 ../../include/conversation.php:739 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1214 ../../mod/photos.php:1026 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:150 ../../mod/editpost.php:130 -#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:148 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:190 -msgid "Please wait" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:679 ../../mod/photos.php:1042 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1160 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:680 ../../mod/photos.php:1045 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1163 msgid "This is you" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:683 ../../include/conversation.php:1186 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:136 ../../mod/editpost.php:114 -#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:135 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:177 -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:684 ../../include/conversation.php:1187 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:137 ../../mod/editpost.php:115 -#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:136 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:178 -msgid "Italic" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:685 ../../include/conversation.php:1188 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:138 ../../mod/editpost.php:116 -#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:137 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:179 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:686 ../../include/conversation.php:1189 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:139 ../../mod/editpost.php:117 -#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:138 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:180 -msgid "Quote" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:687 ../../include/conversation.php:1190 -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:140 ../../mod/editpost.php:118 -#: ../../mod/editlayout.php:139 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:181 -msgid "Code" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:688 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:689 msgid "Image" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:689 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:690 msgid "Insert Link" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:690 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:691 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:694 ../../include/conversation.php:1241 -#: ../../mod/mail.php:247 ../../mod/mail.php:376 ../../mod/editpost.php:158 -msgid "Encrypt text" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:391 -msgid "prev" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:393 -msgid "first" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:422 -msgid "last" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:425 -msgid "next" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:435 -msgid "older" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:437 -msgid "newer" +#: ../../include/zot.php:685 +msgid "Invalid data packet" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/text.php:775 -msgid "No connections" +#: ../../include/zot.php:701 +msgid "Unable to verify channel signature" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/text.php:787 +#: ../../include/zot.php:2264 #, php-format -msgid "%d Connection" -msgid_plural "%d Connections" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:800 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101 -msgid "View Connections" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:858 ../../include/text.php:870 -#: ../../include/widgets.php:191 ../../mod/filer.php:49 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1411 ../../mod/admin.php:1431 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 -#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:98 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:933 -msgid "poke" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:933 ../../include/conversation.php:243 -msgid "poked" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:934 -msgid "ping" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:934 -msgid "pinged" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:935 -msgid "prod" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:935 -msgid "prodded" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:936 -msgid "slap" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:936 -msgid "slapped" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:937 -msgid "finger" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:937 -msgid "fingered" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:938 -msgid "rebuff" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:938 -msgid "rebuffed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:948 -msgid "happy" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:949 -msgid "sad" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:950 -msgid "mellow" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:951 -msgid "tired" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:952 -msgid "perky" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:953 -msgid "angry" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:954 -msgid "stupified" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:955 -msgid "puzzled" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:956 -msgid "interested" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:957 -msgid "bitter" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:958 -msgid "cheerful" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:959 -msgid "alive" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:960 -msgid "annoyed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:961 -msgid "anxious" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:962 -msgid "cranky" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:963 -msgid "disturbed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:964 -msgid "frustrated" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:965 -msgid "depressed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:966 -msgid "motivated" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:967 -msgid "relaxed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:968 -msgid "surprised" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1144 -msgid "May" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1221 ../../include/text.php:1225 -msgid "Unknown Attachment" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1227 -msgid "Attachment" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1227 -msgid "Size Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1263 -msgid "remove category" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1340 -msgid "remove from file" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1441 ../../include/text.php:1452 -msgid "Click to open/close" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1620 ../../mod/events.php:497 -msgid "Link to Source" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1641 ../../include/text.php:1712 -msgid "default" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1649 -msgid "Page layout" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1649 -msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1690 -msgid "Page content type" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1724 -msgid "Select an alternate language" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1843 ../../include/conversation.php:120 -#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/tagger.php:43 ../../mod/subthread.php:72 -#: ../../mod/subthread.php:172 -msgid "photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1849 ../../include/conversation.php:148 -#: ../../mod/like.php:361 ../../mod/subthread.php:72 -#: ../../mod/subthread.php:172 -msgid "status" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1851 ../../include/conversation.php:150 -#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53 -msgid "comment" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1856 -msgid "activity" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2151 -msgid "Design Tools" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2154 ../../mod/blocks.php:147 -msgid "Blocks" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2155 ../../mod/menu.php:103 -msgid "Menus" +msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/text.php:2156 ../../mod/layouts.php:174 -msgid "Layouts" +#: ../../include/zot.php:3591 +msgid "invalid target signature" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/text.php:2157 -msgid "Pages" +#: ../../include/api.php:1389 +msgid "Public Timeline" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:123 ../../include/bbcode.php:793 -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:796 ../../include/bbcode.php:801 -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:804 ../../include/bbcode.php:807 -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:810 ../../include/bbcode.php:815 -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:818 ../../include/bbcode.php:823 -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:826 ../../include/bbcode.php:829 -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:832 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:123 ../../include/bbcode.php:794 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:797 ../../include/bbcode.php:802 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:805 ../../include/bbcode.php:808 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:811 ../../include/bbcode.php:816 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:819 ../../include/bbcode.php:824 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:827 ../../include/bbcode.php:830 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:833 msgid "Image/photo" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:162 ../../include/bbcode.php:843 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:162 ../../include/bbcode.php:844 msgid "Encrypted content" msgstr "" @@ -2588,11 +2838,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Different viewers will see this text differently" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:754 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:755 msgid "$1 spoiler" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/bbcode.php:781 +#: ../../include/bbcode.php:782 msgid "$1 wrote:" msgstr "" @@ -2713,7 +2963,7 @@ msgid_plural "%d invitations available" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:415 +#: ../../include/contact_widgets.php:19 ../../mod/admin.php:438 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" @@ -2787,7 +3037,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Add new connections to this collection (privacy group)" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../include/group.php:251 ../../mod/admin.php:813 msgid "All Channels" msgstr "" @@ -2815,23 +3065,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "add" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/zot.php:683 -msgid "Invalid data packet" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/zot.php:699 -msgid "Unable to verify channel signature" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/zot.php:2235 -#, php-format -msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/zot.php:3555 -msgid "invalid target signature" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/message.php:18 msgid "No recipient provided." msgstr "" @@ -2981,7 +3214,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Events this week:" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/identity.php:1258 ../../mod/settings.php:1026 +#: ../../include/identity.php:1258 ../../mod/settings.php:1027 msgid "Full Name:" msgstr "" @@ -3119,548 +3352,76 @@ msgstr "" msgid "dislikes" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:243 ../../include/attach.php:329 +#: ../../include/attach.php:246 ../../include/attach.php:332 msgid "Item was not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:493 +#: ../../include/attach.php:496 msgid "No source file." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:511 +#: ../../include/attach.php:514 msgid "Cannot locate file to replace" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:529 +#: ../../include/attach.php:532 msgid "Cannot locate file to revise/update" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:664 +#: ../../include/attach.php:667 #, php-format msgid "File exceeds size limit of %d" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:678 +#: ../../include/attach.php:681 #, php-format msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f Mbytes attachment storage." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:828 +#: ../../include/attach.php:837 msgid "File upload failed. Possible system limit or action terminated." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:841 +#: ../../include/attach.php:850 msgid "Stored file could not be verified. Upload failed." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:889 ../../include/attach.php:905 +#: ../../include/attach.php:898 ../../include/attach.php:914 msgid "Path not available." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:951 ../../include/attach.php:1103 +#: ../../include/attach.php:960 ../../include/attach.php:1112 msgid "Empty pathname" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:977 +#: ../../include/attach.php:986 msgid "duplicate filename or path" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:999 +#: ../../include/attach.php:1008 msgid "Path not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:1057 +#: ../../include/attach.php:1066 msgid "mkdir failed." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:1061 +#: ../../include/attach.php:1070 msgid "database storage failed." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/attach.php:1109 +#: ../../include/attach.php:1118 msgid "Empty path" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../mod/like.php:113 -msgid "channel" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:164 ../../mod/like.php:410 -#, php-format -msgid "%1$s likes %2$s's %3$s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:167 ../../mod/like.php:412 -#, php-format -msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:204 -#, php-format -msgid "%1$s is now connected with %2$s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:239 -#, php-format -msgid "%1$s poked %2$s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:260 ../../mod/mood.php:63 -#, php-format -msgctxt "mood" -msgid "%1$s is %2$s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1060 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Likes" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:574 ../../mod/photos.php:1060 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Dislikes" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1061 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1061 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:575 ../../mod/photos.php:1061 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Abstain" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1062 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Attending" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1062 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Not attending" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:576 ../../mod/photos.php:1062 -msgctxt "title" -msgid "Might attend" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:692 -#, php-format -msgid "View %s's profile @ %s" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:709 -msgid "Categories:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:710 -msgid "Filed under:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:737 -msgid "View in context" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:850 -msgid "remove" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:854 ../../include/nav.php:241 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:855 -msgid "Delete Selected Items" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:943 -msgid "View Source" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:944 -msgid "Follow Thread" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:945 -msgid "View Status" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:946 ../../include/nav.php:86 -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:493 -msgid "View Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:947 -msgid "View Photos" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:948 -msgid "Activity/Posts" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:950 -msgid "Edit Connection" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:951 -msgid "Send PM" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1066 -#, php-format -msgid "%s likes this." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1066 -#, php-format -msgid "%s doesn't like this." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1070 -#, php-format -msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this." -msgid_plural "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> like this." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1072 -#, php-format -msgid "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this." -msgid_plural "<span %1$s>%2$d people</span> don't like this." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1078 -msgid "and" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1081 -#, php-format -msgid ", and %d other people" -msgid_plural ", and %d other people" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1082 -#, php-format -msgid "%s like this." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1082 -#, php-format -msgid "%s don't like this." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1145 -msgid "Visible to <strong>everybody</strong>" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1146 ../../mod/mail.php:194 -#: ../../mod/mail.php:308 -msgid "Please enter a link URL:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1147 -msgid "Please enter a video link/URL:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1148 -msgid "Please enter an audio link/URL:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1149 -msgid "Tag term:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1150 ../../mod/filer.php:48 -msgid "Save to Folder:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1151 -msgid "Where are you right now?" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1152 ../../mod/mail.php:195 -#: ../../mod/mail.php:309 ../../mod/editpost.php:54 -msgid "Expires YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1179 ../../mod/photos.php:1025 -#: ../../mod/layouts.php:184 ../../mod/webpages.php:182 -#: ../../mod/blocks.php:154 -msgid "Share" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1181 -msgid "Page link name" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1184 -msgid "Post as" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1191 ../../mod/editblock.php:142 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:119 ../../mod/editlayout.php:140 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:182 -msgid "Upload photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1192 -msgid "upload photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1193 ../../mod/mail.php:240 -#: ../../mod/mail.php:369 ../../mod/editblock.php:143 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:120 ../../mod/editlayout.php:141 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:183 -msgid "Attach file" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1194 -msgid "attach file" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1195 ../../mod/mail.php:241 -#: ../../mod/mail.php:370 ../../mod/editblock.php:144 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:121 ../../mod/editlayout.php:142 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:184 -msgid "Insert web link" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1196 -msgid "web link" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1197 -msgid "Insert video link" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1198 -msgid "video link" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1199 -msgid "Insert audio link" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1200 -msgid "audio link" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1201 ../../mod/editblock.php:148 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:125 ../../mod/editlayout.php:146 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:188 -msgid "Set your location" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1202 -msgid "set location" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1203 ../../mod/editpost.php:127 -msgid "Toggle voting" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1206 ../../mod/editblock.php:149 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:126 ../../mod/editlayout.php:147 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:189 -msgid "Clear browser location" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1207 -msgid "clear location" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1209 ../../mod/editblock.php:162 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:142 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:205 -msgid "Title (optional)" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1213 ../../mod/editblock.php:165 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:144 ../../mod/editlayout.php:163 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:207 -msgid "Categories (optional, comma-separated list)" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1215 ../../mod/editblock.php:151 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:131 ../../mod/editlayout.php:149 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:191 -msgid "Permission settings" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1216 -msgid "permissions" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1224 ../../mod/editblock.php:159 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:139 ../../mod/editlayout.php:156 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:200 -msgid "Public post" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1226 ../../mod/editblock.php:166 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:145 ../../mod/editlayout.php:164 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:208 -msgid "Example: bob@example.com, mary@example.com" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1239 ../../mod/mail.php:245 -#: ../../mod/mail.php:374 ../../mod/editblock.php:176 -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:156 ../../mod/editlayout.php:173 -#: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:217 -msgid "Set expiration date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1243 ../../mod/editpost.php:160 -#: ../../mod/events.php:691 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1244 ../../mod/fbrowser.php:82 -#: ../../mod/fbrowser.php:117 ../../mod/editpost.php:161 -#: ../../mod/events.php:690 ../../mod/tagrm.php:11 ../../mod/tagrm.php:134 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:584 ../../mod/settings.php:610 -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1487 -msgid "Discover" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1490 -msgid "Imported public streams" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1495 -msgid "Commented Order" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1498 -msgid "Sort by Comment Date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1502 -msgid "Posted Order" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1505 -msgid "Sort by Post Date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1510 ../../include/widgets.php:94 -msgid "Personal" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1513 -msgid "Posts that mention or involve you" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1519 ../../mod/menu.php:112 -#: ../../mod/connections.php:72 ../../mod/connections.php:82 -msgid "New" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1522 -msgid "Activity Stream - by date" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1528 -msgid "Starred" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1531 -msgid "Favourite Posts" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1538 -msgid "Spam" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1541 -msgid "Posts flagged as SPAM" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1585 ../../mod/admin.php:947 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1588 -msgid "Status Messages and Posts" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1597 -msgid "About" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1600 -msgid "Profile Details" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1616 -msgid "Files and Storage" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1626 ../../include/conversation.php:1629 -msgid "Chatrooms" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1642 -msgid "Saved Bookmarks" +#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:382 +msgid "Attachments:" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1652 -msgid "Manage Webpages" +#: ../../include/bb2diaspora.php:473 +msgid "$Projectname event notification:" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1711 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Attending" -msgid_plural "Attending" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1714 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Not Attending" -msgid_plural "Not Attending" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1717 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Undecided" -msgid_plural "Undecided" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1720 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Agree" -msgid_plural "Agrees" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1723 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Disagree" -msgid_plural "Disagrees" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/conversation.php:1726 -msgctxt "noun" -msgid "Abstain" -msgid_plural "Abstains" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - #: ../../include/widgets.php:91 ../../include/nav.php:157 #: ../../mod/apps.php:36 msgid "Apps" @@ -3711,6 +3472,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Notes" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/widgets.php:191 ../../include/text.php:858 +#: ../../include/text.php:870 ../../mod/filer.php:49 ../../mod/admin.php:1436 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1456 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 ../../mod/rbmark.php:100 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/widgets.php:265 msgid "Remove term" msgstr "" @@ -3768,7 +3535,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Export channel" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/widgets.php:529 ../../mod/connedit.php:657 +#: ../../include/widgets.php:529 ../../mod/connedit.php:674 msgid "Connection Default Permissions" msgstr "" @@ -3816,10 +3583,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete conversation" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/widgets.php:645 -msgid "D, d M Y - g:i A" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/widgets.php:734 msgid "Chat Rooms" msgstr "" @@ -3876,7 +3639,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "For Developers" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/widgets.php:1185 ../../mod/admin.php:410 +#: ../../include/widgets.php:1185 ../../mod/admin.php:433 msgid "Site" msgstr "" @@ -3884,17 +3647,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Accounts" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/widgets.php:1187 ../../mod/admin.php:939 +#: ../../include/widgets.php:1187 ../../mod/admin.php:964 msgid "Channels" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/widgets.php:1188 ../../mod/admin.php:1031 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1071 +#: ../../include/widgets.php:1188 ../../mod/admin.php:1056 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1096 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/widgets.php:1189 ../../mod/admin.php:1231 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1265 +#: ../../include/widgets.php:1189 ../../mod/admin.php:1256 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1290 msgid "Themes" msgstr "" @@ -3911,7 +3674,7 @@ msgid "DB updates" msgstr "" #: ../../include/widgets.php:1210 ../../include/widgets.php:1216 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1350 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1375 msgid "Logs" msgstr "" @@ -3927,6 +3690,245 @@ msgstr "" msgid "User registrations waiting for confirmation" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/text.php:391 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:393 +msgid "first" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:422 +msgid "last" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:425 +msgid "next" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:435 +msgid "older" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:437 +msgid "newer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:775 +msgid "No connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:787 +#, php-format +msgid "%d Connection" +msgid_plural "%d Connections" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:800 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:101 +msgid "View Connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:942 +msgid "poke" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:943 +msgid "ping" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:943 +msgid "pinged" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:944 +msgid "prod" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:944 +msgid "prodded" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:945 +msgid "slap" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:945 +msgid "slapped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:946 +msgid "finger" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:946 +msgid "fingered" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:947 +msgid "rebuff" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:947 +msgid "rebuffed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:957 +msgid "happy" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:958 +msgid "sad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:959 +msgid "mellow" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:960 +msgid "tired" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:961 +msgid "perky" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:962 +msgid "angry" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:963 +msgid "stupified" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:964 +msgid "puzzled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:965 +msgid "interested" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:966 +msgid "bitter" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:967 +msgid "cheerful" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:968 +msgid "alive" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:969 +msgid "annoyed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:970 +msgid "anxious" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:971 +msgid "cranky" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:972 +msgid "disturbed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:973 +msgid "frustrated" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:974 +msgid "depressed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:975 +msgid "motivated" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:976 +msgid "relaxed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:977 +msgid "surprised" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1153 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1230 ../../include/text.php:1234 +msgid "Unknown Attachment" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1236 +msgid "unknown" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1272 +msgid "remove category" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1349 +msgid "remove from file" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1461 ../../include/text.php:1472 +msgid "Click to open/close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1640 ../../mod/events.php:497 +msgid "Link to Source" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1661 ../../include/text.php:1732 +msgid "default" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1669 +msgid "Page layout" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1669 +msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1710 +msgid "Page content type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1744 +msgid "Select an alternate language" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1876 +msgid "activity" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2171 +msgid "Design Tools" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2174 ../../mod/blocks.php:147 +msgid "Blocks" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2175 ../../mod/menu.php:103 +msgid "Menus" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2176 ../../mod/layouts.php:174 +msgid "Layouts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2177 +msgid "Pages" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/nav.php:82 ../../include/nav.php:114 ../../boot.php:1502 msgid "Logout" msgstr "" @@ -4116,10 +4118,10 @@ msgstr "" #: ../../include/dir_fns.php:130 ../../mod/removeme.php:60 #: ../../mod/mitem.php:154 ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228 #: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../mod/connedit.php:630 -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:658 ../../mod/photos.php:625 -#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:151 ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:386 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:574 ../../mod/api.php:106 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:675 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151 +#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/photos.php:626 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:409 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:575 ../../mod/api.php:106 #: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104 #: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1507 msgid "No" @@ -4128,10 +4130,10 @@ msgstr "" #: ../../include/dir_fns.php:128 ../../include/dir_fns.php:129 #: ../../include/dir_fns.php:130 ../../mod/removeme.php:60 #: ../../mod/mitem.php:154 ../../mod/mitem.php:155 ../../mod/mitem.php:228 -#: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../mod/photos.php:625 -#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:151 ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:388 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:574 ../../mod/api.php:105 +#: ../../mod/mitem.php:229 ../../mod/filestorage.php:151 +#: ../../mod/filestorage.php:159 ../../mod/photos.php:626 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:411 ../../mod/menu.php:96 ../../mod/menu.php:153 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:575 ../../mod/api.php:105 #: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:104 #: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:129 ../../boot.php:1507 msgid "Yes" @@ -4166,8 +4168,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Suggest a friend for %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/directory.php:59 ../../mod/display.php:13 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:489 ../../mod/search.php:13 ../../mod/ratings.php:82 +#: ../../mod/directory.php:59 ../../mod/display.php:13 ../../mod/search.php:13 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:490 ../../mod/ratings.php:82 #: ../../mod/viewconnections.php:17 msgid "Public access denied." msgstr "" @@ -4572,7 +4574,7 @@ msgid "" "removed from the network" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/removeme.php:61 ../../mod/settings.php:1109 +#: ../../mod/removeme.php:61 ../../mod/settings.php:1110 msgid "Remove Channel" msgstr "" @@ -4604,7 +4606,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Menu Item Permissions" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mitem.php:150 ../../mod/mitem.php:223 ../../mod/settings.php:1053 +#: ../../mod/mitem.php:150 ../../mod/mitem.php:223 ../../mod/settings.php:1054 msgid "(click to open/close)" msgstr "" @@ -4763,11 +4765,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "View recent posts and comments" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:514 ../../mod/admin.php:785 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:514 ../../mod/admin.php:810 msgid "Unblock" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:514 ../../mod/admin.php:784 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:514 ../../mod/admin.php:809 msgid "Block" msgstr "" @@ -4852,107 +4854,116 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Set Affinity & Profile" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:658 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:670 +msgid "none" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:675 msgid "Apply these permissions automatically" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:660 -msgid "This connection's address is" +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:677 +msgid "This connection's primary address is" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:663 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:678 +msgid "Available locations:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:682 msgid "" "The permissions indicated on this page will be applied to all new " "connections." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:665 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:684 msgid "Slide to adjust your degree of friendship" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:667 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:686 msgid "Slide to adjust your rating" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:668 ../../mod/connedit.php:673 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:687 ../../mod/connedit.php:692 msgid "Optionally explain your rating" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:670 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:689 msgid "Custom Filter" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:671 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:690 msgid "Only import posts with this text" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:671 ../../mod/connedit.php:672 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:690 ../../mod/connedit.php:691 msgid "" -"words one per line or #tags or /patterns/, leave blank to import all posts" +"words one per line or #tags or /patterns/ or lang=xx, leave blank to import " +"all posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:672 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:691 msgid "Do not import posts with this text" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:674 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:693 msgid "This information is public!" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:679 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:698 msgid "Connection Pending Approval" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:680 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:699 msgid "Connection Request" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:681 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:700 #, php-format msgid "" "(%s) would like to connect with you. Please approve this connection to allow " "communication." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:682 ../../mod/admin.php:781 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:701 ../../mod/admin.php:806 msgid "Approve" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:683 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:702 msgid "Approve Later" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:686 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:705 msgid "inherited" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:688 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:707 #, php-format msgid "" "Please choose the profile you would like to display to %s when viewing your " "profile securely." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:690 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:709 msgid "Their Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:691 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:710 msgid "My Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:693 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:712 msgid "Individual Permissions" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:694 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:713 msgid "" "Some permissions may be inherited from your channel's <a href=\"settings" "\"><strong>privacy settings</strong></a>, which have higher priority than " "individual settings. You can <strong>not</strong> change those settings here." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:695 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:714 msgid "" "Some permissions may be inherited from your channel's <a href=\"settings" "\"><strong>privacy settings</strong></a>, which have higher priority than " @@ -4960,7 +4971,7 @@ msgid "" "any impact unless the inherited setting changes." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/connedit.php:696 +#: ../../mod/connedit.php:715 msgid "Last update:" msgstr "" @@ -4987,165 +4998,6 @@ msgid "" "to correctly use this feature." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/photos.php:79 -msgid "Page owner information could not be retrieved." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:100 -msgid "Album not found." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:127 -msgid "Delete Album" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:171 ../../mod/photos.php:1006 -msgid "Delete Photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:500 -msgid "No photos selected" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:549 -msgid "Access to this item is restricted." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:588 -#, php-format -msgid "%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:591 -#, php-format -msgid "%1$.2f MB photo storage used." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:619 -msgid "Upload Photos" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:623 -msgid "Enter an album name" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:624 -msgid "or select an existing album (doubleclick)" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:625 -msgid "Create a status post for this upload" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:652 -msgid "Album name could not be decoded" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:696 ../../mod/photos.php:1233 -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1250 -msgid "Contact Photos" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:724 -msgid "Show Newest First" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:726 -msgid "Show Oldest First" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:750 ../../mod/photos.php:1283 -msgid "View Photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:779 -msgid "Edit Album" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:824 -msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted." -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:826 -msgid "Photo not available" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:884 -msgid "Use as profile photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:891 -msgid "Private Photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:902 ../../mod/events.php:528 -msgid "Previous" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:906 -msgid "View Full Size" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:911 ../../mod/events.php:529 ../../mod/setup.php:285 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:951 ../../mod/tagrm.php:133 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:985 -msgid "Edit photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:987 -msgid "Rotate CW (right)" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:988 -msgid "Rotate CCW (left)" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:991 -msgid "Enter a new album name" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:992 -msgid "or select an existing one (doubleclick)" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:995 -msgid "Caption" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:997 -msgid "Add a Tag" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1001 -msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1004 -msgid "Flag as adult in album view" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1196 -msgid "In This Photo:" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1201 -msgid "Map" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1289 -msgid "View Album" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../mod/photos.php:1312 -msgid "Recent Photos" -msgstr "" - #: ../../mod/filestorage.php:82 msgid "Permission Denied." msgstr "" @@ -5308,12 +5160,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%1$s's Chatrooms" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/search.php:209 +#: ../../mod/search.php:211 #, php-format msgid "Items tagged with: %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/search.php:211 +#: ../../mod/search.php:213 #, php-format msgid "Search results for: %s" msgstr "" @@ -5335,91 +5187,171 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Optionally explain your rating (this information is public)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:33 -msgid "Unable to lookup recipient." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:79 +msgid "Page owner information could not be retrieved." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:41 -msgid "Unable to communicate with requested channel." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:100 +msgid "Album not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:48 -msgid "Cannot verify requested channel." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:127 +msgid "Delete Album" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:74 -msgid "Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:171 ../../mod/photos.php:1009 +msgid "Delete Photo" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:132 -msgid "Messages" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:501 +msgid "No photos selected" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:167 -msgid "Message recalled." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:550 +msgid "Access to this item is restricted." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:180 -msgid "Conversation removed." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:589 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$.2f MB of %2$.2f MB photo storage used." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:223 -msgid "Requested channel is not in this network" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:592 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$.2f MB photo storage used." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:231 -msgid "Send Private Message" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:620 +msgid "Upload Photos" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:232 ../../mod/mail.php:361 -msgid "To:" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:624 +msgid "Enter an album name" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:235 ../../mod/mail.php:363 -msgid "Subject:" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:625 +msgid "or select an existing album (doubleclick)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:238 ../../mod/invite.php:131 -msgid "Your message:" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:626 +msgid "Create a status post for this upload" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:242 -msgid "Send" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:627 +msgid "Caption (optional):" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:333 -msgid "Delete message" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:628 +msgid "Description (optional):" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:334 -msgid "Delivery report" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:655 +msgid "Album name could not be decoded" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:335 -msgid "Recall message" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:699 ../../mod/photos.php:1236 +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1253 +msgid "Contact Photos" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:337 -msgid "Message has been recalled." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:727 +msgid "Show Newest First" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:354 -msgid "Delete Conversation" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:729 +msgid "Show Oldest First" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:356 -msgid "" -"No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to " -"respond from the sender's profile page." +#: ../../mod/photos.php:753 ../../mod/photos.php:1286 +msgid "View Photo" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:360 -msgid "Send Reply" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:782 +msgid "Edit Album" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/mail.php:365 -#, php-format -msgid "Your message for %s (%s):" +#: ../../mod/photos.php:827 +msgid "Permission denied. Access to this item may be restricted." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:829 +msgid "Photo not available" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:887 +msgid "Use as profile photo" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:894 +msgid "Private Photo" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:905 ../../mod/events.php:528 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:909 +msgid "View Full Size" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:914 ../../mod/events.php:529 ../../mod/setup.php:285 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:954 ../../mod/tagrm.php:133 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:988 +msgid "Edit photo" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:990 +msgid "Rotate CW (right)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:991 +msgid "Rotate CCW (left)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:994 +msgid "Enter a new album name" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:995 +msgid "or select an existing one (doubleclick)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:998 +msgid "Caption" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1000 +msgid "Add a Tag" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1004 +msgid "Example: @bob, @Barbara_Jensen, @jim@example.com" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1007 +msgid "Flag as adult in album view" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1199 +msgid "In This Photo:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1204 +msgid "Map" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1292 +msgid "View Album" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/photos.php:1315 +msgid "Recent Photos" msgstr "" #: ../../mod/dreport.php:23 @@ -5489,17 +5421,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete block?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:145 ../../mod/editpost.php:122 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:145 ../../mod/editpost.php:121 #: ../../mod/editlayout.php:143 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:185 msgid "Insert YouTube video" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:146 ../../mod/editpost.php:123 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:146 ../../mod/editpost.php:122 #: ../../mod/editlayout.php:144 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:186 msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] video" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/editblock.php:147 ../../mod/editpost.php:124 +#: ../../mod/editblock.php:147 ../../mod/editpost.php:123 #: ../../mod/editlayout.php:145 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:187 msgid "Insert Vorbis [.ogg] audio" msgstr "" @@ -5520,7 +5452,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete item?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/editpost.php:165 ../../mod/rpost.php:128 +#: ../../mod/editpost.php:164 ../../mod/rpost.php:128 msgid "Edit post" msgstr "" @@ -5568,10 +5500,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Message queues" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:198 ../../mod/admin.php:409 ../../mod/admin.php:506 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:774 ../../mod/admin.php:938 ../../mod/admin.php:1030 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1070 ../../mod/admin.php:1230 ../../mod/admin.php:1264 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1349 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:198 ../../mod/admin.php:432 ../../mod/admin.php:531 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:799 ../../mod/admin.php:963 ../../mod/admin.php:1055 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1095 ../../mod/admin.php:1255 ../../mod/admin.php:1289 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1374 msgid "Administration" msgstr "" @@ -5583,7 +5515,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Registered accounts" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:203 ../../mod/admin.php:510 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:203 ../../mod/admin.php:535 msgid "Pending registrations" msgstr "" @@ -5591,7 +5523,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Registered channels" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:511 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:205 ../../mod/admin.php:536 msgid "Active plugins" msgstr "" @@ -5599,674 +5531,682 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Version" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:321 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:324 msgid "Site settings updated." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:358 ../../mod/settings.php:790 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:361 ../../mod/settings.php:791 msgid "mobile" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:360 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:363 msgid "experimental" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:362 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:365 msgid "unsupported" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:387 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:410 msgid "Yes - with approval" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:393 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:416 msgid "My site is not a public server" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:394 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:417 msgid "My site has paid access only" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:395 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:418 msgid "My site has free access only" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:396 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:419 msgid "My site offers free accounts with optional paid upgrades" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:412 ../../mod/register.php:207 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:435 ../../mod/register.php:207 msgid "Registration" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:413 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:436 msgid "File upload" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:414 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:437 msgid "Policies" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:419 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:442 msgid "Site name" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:420 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:443 msgid "Banner/Logo" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:421 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:444 msgid "Administrator Information" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:421 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:444 msgid "" "Contact information for site administrators. Displayed on siteinfo page. " "BBCode can be used here" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:422 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:445 msgid "System language" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:423 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:446 msgid "System theme" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:423 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:446 msgid "" "Default system theme - may be over-ridden by user profiles - <a href='#' " "id='cnftheme'>change theme settings</a>" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:424 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:447 msgid "Mobile system theme" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:424 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:447 msgid "Theme for mobile devices" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:426 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:449 msgid "Allow Feeds as Connections" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:426 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:449 msgid "(Heavy system resource usage)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:427 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:450 msgid "Maximum image size" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:427 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:450 msgid "" "Maximum size in bytes of uploaded images. Default is 0, which means no " "limits." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:428 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:451 msgid "Does this site allow new member registration?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:429 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:452 msgid "Which best describes the types of account offered by this hub?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:430 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:453 msgid "Register text" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:430 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:453 msgid "Will be displayed prominently on the registration page." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:431 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:454 msgid "Site homepage to show visitors (default: login box)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:431 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:454 msgid "" "example: 'public' to show public stream, 'page/sys/home' to show a system " "webpage called 'home' or 'include:home.html' to include a file." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:432 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:455 msgid "Preserve site homepage URL" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:432 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:455 msgid "" "Present the site homepage in a frame at the original location instead of " "redirecting" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:433 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:456 msgid "Accounts abandoned after x days" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:433 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:456 msgid "" "Will not waste system resources polling external sites for abandonded " "accounts. Enter 0 for no time limit." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:434 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:457 msgid "Allowed friend domains" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:434 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:457 msgid "" "Comma separated list of domains which are allowed to establish friendships " "with this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any domains" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:435 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:458 msgid "Allowed email domains" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:435 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:458 msgid "" "Comma separated list of domains which are allowed in email addresses for " "registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any " "domains" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:436 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:459 msgid "Not allowed email domains" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:436 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:459 msgid "" "Comma separated list of domains which are not allowed in email addresses for " "registrations to this site. Wildcards are accepted. Empty to allow any " "domains, unless allowed domains have been defined." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:437 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:460 msgid "Block public" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:437 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:460 msgid "" "Check to block public access to all otherwise public personal pages on this " "site unless you are currently logged in." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:438 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:461 msgid "Verify Email Addresses" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:438 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:461 msgid "" "Check to verify email addresses used in account registration (recommended)." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:439 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:462 msgid "Force publish" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:439 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:462 msgid "" "Check to force all profiles on this site to be listed in the site directory." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:440 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:463 msgid "Disable discovery tab" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:440 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:463 msgid "" "Remove the tab in the network view with public content pulled from sources " "chosen for this site." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:441 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:464 msgid "login on Homepage" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:441 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:464 msgid "" "Present a login box to visitors on the home page if no other content has " "been configured." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:443 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:466 +msgid "Directory Server URL" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/admin.php:466 +msgid "Default directory server" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/admin.php:468 msgid "Proxy user" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:444 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:469 msgid "Proxy URL" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:445 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:470 msgid "Network timeout" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:445 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:470 msgid "Value is in seconds. Set to 0 for unlimited (not recommended)." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:446 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:471 msgid "Delivery interval" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:446 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:471 msgid "" "Delay background delivery processes by this many seconds to reduce system " "load. Recommend: 4-5 for shared hosts, 2-3 for virtual private servers. 0-1 " "for large dedicated servers." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:447 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:472 msgid "Deliveries per process" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:447 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:472 msgid "" "Number of deliveries to attempt in a single operating system process. Adjust " "if necessary to tune system performance. Recommend: 1-5." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:448 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:473 msgid "Poll interval" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:448 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:473 msgid "" "Delay background polling processes by this many seconds to reduce system " "load. If 0, use delivery interval." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:449 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:474 msgid "Maximum Load Average" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:449 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:474 msgid "" "Maximum system load before delivery and poll processes are deferred - " "default 50." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:450 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:475 msgid "Expiration period in days for imported (matrix/network) content" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:450 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:475 msgid "0 for no expiration of imported content" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:498 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:523 msgid "No server found" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:505 ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:530 ../../mod/admin.php:813 msgid "ID" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:505 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:530 msgid "for channel" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:505 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:530 msgid "on server" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:505 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:530 msgid "Status" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:507 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:532 msgid "Server" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:524 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:549 msgid "Update has been marked successful" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:534 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:559 #, php-format msgid "Executing %s failed. Check system logs." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:537 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:562 #, php-format msgid "Update %s was successfully applied." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:541 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:566 #, php-format msgid "Update %s did not return a status. Unknown if it succeeded." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:544 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:569 #, php-format msgid "Update function %s could not be found." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:560 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:585 msgid "No failed updates." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:564 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:589 msgid "Failed Updates" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:566 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:591 msgid "Mark success (if update was manually applied)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:567 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:592 msgid "Attempt to execute this update step automatically" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:599 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:624 msgid "Queue Statistics" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:600 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:625 msgid "Total Entries" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:601 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:626 msgid "Priority" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:602 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:627 msgid "Destination URL" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:603 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:628 msgid "Mark hub permanently offline" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:604 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:629 msgid "Empty queue for this hub" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:605 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:630 msgid "Last known contact" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:641 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:666 #, php-format msgid "%s account blocked/unblocked" msgid_plural "%s account blocked/unblocked" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:649 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:674 #, php-format msgid "%s account deleted" msgid_plural "%s accounts deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:685 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:710 msgid "Account not found" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:697 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:722 #, php-format msgid "Account '%s' deleted" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:705 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:730 #, php-format msgid "Account '%s' blocked" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:713 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:738 #, php-format msgid "Account '%s' unblocked" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:775 ../../mod/admin.php:787 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:800 ../../mod/admin.php:812 msgid "Users" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:777 ../../mod/admin.php:941 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:802 ../../mod/admin.php:966 msgid "select all" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:778 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:803 msgid "User registrations waiting for confirm" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:779 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:804 msgid "Request date" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:780 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:805 msgid "No registrations." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:782 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:807 msgid "Deny" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 msgid "Register date" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 msgid "Last login" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 msgid "Expires" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:788 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:813 msgid "Service Class" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:790 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:815 msgid "" "Selected accounts will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything these accounts had posted " "on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:791 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:816 msgid "" "The account {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything this account has posted on " "this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:827 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:852 #, php-format msgid "%s channel censored/uncensored" msgid_plural "%s channels censored/uncensored" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:836 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:861 #, php-format msgid "%s channel code allowed/disallowed" msgid_plural "%s channels code allowed/disallowed" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:843 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:868 #, php-format msgid "%s channel deleted" msgid_plural "%s channels deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:863 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:888 msgid "Channel not found" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:874 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:899 #, php-format msgid "Channel '%s' deleted" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:886 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:911 #, php-format msgid "Channel '%s' censored" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:886 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:911 #, php-format msgid "Channel '%s' uncensored" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:897 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:922 #, php-format msgid "Channel '%s' code allowed" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:897 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:922 #, php-format msgid "Channel '%s' code disallowed" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:943 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:968 msgid "Censor" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:944 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:969 msgid "Uncensor" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:945 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:970 msgid "Allow Code" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:946 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:971 msgid "Disallow Code" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:948 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:973 msgid "UID" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:948 ../../mod/profiles.php:447 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:973 ../../mod/profiles.php:447 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:950 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:975 msgid "" "Selected channels will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in these " "channels on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:951 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:976 msgid "" "The channel {0} will be deleted!\\n\\nEverything that was posted in this " "channel on this site will be permanently deleted!\\n\\nAre you sure?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:991 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1016 #, php-format msgid "Plugin %s disabled." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:995 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1020 #, php-format msgid "Plugin %s enabled." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1005 ../../mod/admin.php:1203 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1030 ../../mod/admin.php:1228 msgid "Disable" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1008 ../../mod/admin.php:1205 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1033 ../../mod/admin.php:1230 msgid "Enable" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1032 ../../mod/admin.php:1232 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1057 ../../mod/admin.php:1257 msgid "Toggle" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1040 ../../mod/admin.php:1242 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1065 ../../mod/admin.php:1267 msgid "Author: " msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1041 ../../mod/admin.php:1243 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1066 ../../mod/admin.php:1268 msgid "Maintainer: " msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1168 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1193 msgid "No themes found." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1224 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1249 msgid "Screenshot" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1270 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1295 msgid "[Experimental]" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1271 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1296 msgid "[Unsupported]" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1295 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1320 msgid "Log settings updated." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1352 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1377 msgid "Clear" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1358 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1383 msgid "Debugging" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1359 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1384 msgid "Log file" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1359 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1384 msgid "" "Must be writable by web server. Relative to your Red top-level directory." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1360 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1385 msgid "Log level" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1406 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1431 msgid "New Profile Field" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1407 ../../mod/admin.php:1427 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1432 ../../mod/admin.php:1452 msgid "Field nickname" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1407 ../../mod/admin.php:1427 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1432 ../../mod/admin.php:1452 msgid "System name of field" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1408 ../../mod/admin.php:1428 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1433 ../../mod/admin.php:1453 msgid "Input type" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1409 ../../mod/admin.php:1429 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1434 ../../mod/admin.php:1454 msgid "Field Name" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1409 ../../mod/admin.php:1429 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1434 ../../mod/admin.php:1454 msgid "Label on profile pages" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1410 ../../mod/admin.php:1430 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1435 ../../mod/admin.php:1455 msgid "Help text" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1410 ../../mod/admin.php:1430 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1435 ../../mod/admin.php:1455 msgid "Additional info (optional)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1420 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1445 msgid "Field definition not found" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1426 +#: ../../mod/admin.php:1451 msgid "Edit Profile Field" msgstr "" @@ -6298,7 +6238,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Location (URL) of app" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/appman.php:93 ../../mod/rbmark.php:95 +#: ../../mod/appman.php:93 ../../mod/rbmark.php:97 msgid "Description" msgstr "" @@ -6508,11 +6448,16 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Layout Help" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/subthread.php:102 +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:108 #, php-format msgid "%1$s is following %2$s's %3$s" msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:110 +#, php-format +msgid "%1$s stopped following %2$s's %3$s" +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/lostpass.php:15 msgid "No valid account found." msgstr "" @@ -6797,7 +6742,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Upload Profile Photo" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:454 ../../mod/settings.php:972 +#: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:454 ../../mod/settings.php:973 msgid "or" msgstr "" @@ -6869,20 +6814,20 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Executable content type not permitted to this channel." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/item.php:906 +#: ../../mod/item.php:908 msgid "System error. Post not saved." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/item.php:1173 +#: ../../mod/item.php:1175 msgid "Unable to obtain post information from database." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/item.php:1180 +#: ../../mod/item.php:1182 #, php-format msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f top level posts." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/item.php:1187 +#: ../../mod/item.php:1189 #, php-format msgid "You have reached your limit of %1$.0f webpages." msgstr "" @@ -7001,7 +6946,7 @@ msgid "" "removed from the network" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/removeaccount.php:61 ../../mod/settings.php:697 +#: ../../mod/removeaccount.php:61 ../../mod/settings.php:698 msgid "Remove Account" msgstr "" @@ -7013,11 +6958,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Item not available." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:16 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:18 msgid "Public Sites" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:19 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:21 msgid "" "The listed sites allow public registration for the $Projectname network. All " "sites in the network are interlinked so membership on any of them conveys " @@ -7026,39 +6971,39 @@ msgid "" "provide additional details." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:25 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:27 msgid "Rate this hub" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:28 msgid "Site URL" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:28 msgid "Access Type" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:28 msgid "Registration Policy" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 ../../mod/profiles.php:454 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:28 ../../mod/profiles.php:454 msgid "Location" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:28 msgid "Project" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:28 msgid "View hub ratings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:30 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:32 msgid "Rate" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:31 +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:33 msgid "View ratings" msgstr "" @@ -7410,6 +7355,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Enter email addresses, one per line:" msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/invite.php:131 ../../mod/mail.php:238 +msgid "Your message:" +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/invite.php:132 msgid "Please join my community on $Projectname." msgstr "" @@ -7434,6 +7383,89 @@ msgstr "" msgid "3. Click [Connect]" msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/mail.php:33 +msgid "Unable to lookup recipient." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:41 +msgid "Unable to communicate with requested channel." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:48 +msgid "Cannot verify requested channel." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:74 +msgid "Selected channel has private message restrictions. Send failed." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:132 +msgid "Messages" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:167 +msgid "Message recalled." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:180 +msgid "Conversation removed." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:223 +msgid "Requested channel is not in this network" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:231 +msgid "Send Private Message" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:232 ../../mod/mail.php:361 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:235 ../../mod/mail.php:363 +msgid "Subject:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:242 +msgid "Send" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:333 +msgid "Delete message" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:334 +msgid "Delivery report" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:335 +msgid "Recall message" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:337 +msgid "Message has been recalled." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:354 +msgid "Delete Conversation" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:356 +msgid "" +"No secure communications available. You <strong>may</strong> be able to " +"respond from the sender's profile page." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:360 +msgid "Send Reply" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/mail.php:365 +#, php-format +msgid "Your message for %s (%s):" +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/update_channel.php:43 ../../mod/update_display.php:25 #: ../../mod/update_home.php:21 ../../mod/update_network.php:23 #: ../../mod/update_search.php:46 ../../mod/update_public.php:21 @@ -7452,555 +7484,563 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Key and Secret are required" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:231 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:232 msgid "Passwords do not match. Password unchanged." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:235 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:236 msgid "Empty passwords are not allowed. Password unchanged." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:249 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:250 msgid "Password changed." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:251 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:252 msgid "Password update failed. Please try again." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:265 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:266 msgid "Not valid email." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:268 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:269 msgid "Protected email address. Cannot change to that email." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:277 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:278 msgid "System failure storing new email. Please try again." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:518 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:519 msgid "Settings updated." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:582 ../../mod/settings.php:608 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:644 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:583 ../../mod/settings.php:609 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:645 msgid "Add application" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:585 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:586 msgid "Name of application" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:586 ../../mod/settings.php:612 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:587 ../../mod/settings.php:613 msgid "Consumer Key" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:586 ../../mod/settings.php:587 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:587 ../../mod/settings.php:588 msgid "Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:587 ../../mod/settings.php:613 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:588 ../../mod/settings.php:614 msgid "Consumer Secret" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:588 ../../mod/settings.php:614 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:589 ../../mod/settings.php:615 msgid "Redirect" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:588 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:589 msgid "" "Redirect URI - leave blank unless your application specifically requires this" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:589 ../../mod/settings.php:615 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:590 ../../mod/settings.php:616 msgid "Icon url" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:589 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:590 msgid "Optional" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:600 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:601 msgid "You can't edit this application." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:643 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:644 msgid "Connected Apps" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:647 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:648 msgid "Client key starts with" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:648 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:649 msgid "No name" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:649 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:650 msgid "Remove authorization" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:662 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:663 msgid "No feature settings configured" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:669 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:670 msgid "Feature/Addon Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:692 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:693 msgid "Account Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:693 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:694 msgid "Enter New Password:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:694 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:695 msgid "Confirm New Password:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:694 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:695 msgid "Leave password fields blank unless changing" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:696 ../../mod/settings.php:1027 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:697 ../../mod/settings.php:1028 msgid "Email Address:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:698 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:699 msgid "Remove this account including all its channels" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:714 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:715 msgid "Off" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:714 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:715 msgid "On" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:721 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:722 msgid "Additional Features" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:745 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:746 msgid "Connector Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:784 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:785 msgid "No special theme for mobile devices" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:787 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:788 #, php-format msgid "%s - (Experimental)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:826 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:827 msgid "Display Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:827 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:828 msgid "Theme Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:828 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:829 msgid "Custom Theme Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:829 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:830 msgid "Content Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:835 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:836 msgid "Display Theme:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:836 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:837 msgid "Mobile Theme:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:837 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:838 msgid "Enable user zoom on mobile devices" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:838 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:839 msgid "Update browser every xx seconds" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:838 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:839 msgid "Minimum of 10 seconds, no maximum" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:839 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:840 msgid "Maximum number of conversations to load at any time:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:839 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:840 msgid "Maximum of 100 items" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:840 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:841 msgid "Show emoticons (smilies) as images" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:841 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:842 msgid "Link post titles to source" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:842 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:843 msgid "System Page Layout Editor - (advanced)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:845 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:846 msgid "Use blog/list mode on channel page" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:845 ../../mod/settings.php:846 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:846 ../../mod/settings.php:847 msgid "(comments displayed separately)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:846 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:847 msgid "Use blog/list mode on matrix page" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:847 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:848 msgid "Channel page max height of content (in pixels)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:847 ../../mod/settings.php:848 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:848 ../../mod/settings.php:849 msgid "click to expand content exceeding this height" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:848 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:849 msgid "Matrix page max height of content (in pixels)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:882 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:883 msgid "Nobody except yourself" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:883 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:884 msgid "Only those you specifically allow" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:884 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:885 msgid "Approved connections" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:885 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:886 msgid "Any connections" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:886 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:887 msgid "Anybody on this website" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:887 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:888 msgid "Anybody in this network" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:888 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:889 msgid "Anybody authenticated" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:889 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:890 msgid "Anybody on the internet" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:963 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:964 msgid "Publish your default profile in the network directory" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:968 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:969 msgid "Allow us to suggest you as a potential friend to new members?" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:977 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:978 msgid "Your channel address is" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1018 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1019 msgid "Channel Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1025 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1026 msgid "Basic Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1028 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1029 msgid "Your Timezone:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1029 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1030 msgid "Default Post Location:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1029 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1030 msgid "Geographical location to display on your posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1030 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1031 msgid "Use Browser Location:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1032 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1033 msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1032 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1033 msgid "" "This channel frequently or regularly publishes adult content. (Please tag " "any adult material and/or nudity with #NSFW)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1034 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1035 msgid "Security and Privacy Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1036 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1037 msgid "Your permissions are already configured. Click to view/adjust" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1038 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1039 msgid "Hide my online presence" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1038 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1039 msgid "Prevents displaying in your profile that you are online" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1040 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1041 msgid "Simple Privacy Settings:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1041 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1042 msgid "" "Very Public - <em>extremely permissive (should be used with caution)</em>" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1042 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1043 msgid "" "Typical - <em>default public, privacy when desired (similar to social " "network permissions but with improved privacy)</em>" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1043 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1044 msgid "Private - <em>default private, never open or public</em>" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1044 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1045 msgid "Blocked - <em>default blocked to/from everybody</em>" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1046 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1047 msgid "Allow others to tag your posts" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1046 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1047 msgid "" "Often used by the community to retro-actively flag inappropriate content" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1048 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1049 msgid "Advanced Privacy Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1050 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1051 msgid "Expire other channel content after this many days" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1050 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1051 msgid "0 or blank prevents expiration" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1051 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1052 msgid "Maximum Friend Requests/Day:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1051 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1052 msgid "May reduce spam activity" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1052 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1053 msgid "Default Post Permissions" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1057 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1058 msgid "Channel permissions category:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1063 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1064 msgid "Maximum private messages per day from unknown people:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1063 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1064 msgid "Useful to reduce spamming" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1066 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1067 msgid "Notification Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1067 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1068 msgid "By default post a status message when:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1068 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1069 msgid "accepting a friend request" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1069 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1070 msgid "joining a forum/community" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1070 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1071 msgid "making an <em>interesting</em> profile change" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1071 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1072 msgid "Send a notification email when:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1072 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1073 msgid "You receive a connection request" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1073 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1074 msgid "Your connections are confirmed" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1074 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1075 msgid "Someone writes on your profile wall" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1075 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1076 msgid "Someone writes a followup comment" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1076 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1077 msgid "You receive a private message" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1077 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1078 msgid "You receive a friend suggestion" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1078 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1079 msgid "You are tagged in a post" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1079 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1080 msgid "You are poked/prodded/etc. in a post" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1082 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1083 msgid "Show visual notifications including:" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1084 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1085 msgid "Unseen matrix activity" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1085 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1086 msgid "Unseen channel activity" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1086 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1087 msgid "Unseen private messages" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1086 ../../mod/settings.php:1091 -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1092 ../../mod/settings.php:1093 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1087 ../../mod/settings.php:1092 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1093 ../../mod/settings.php:1094 msgid "Recommended" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1087 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1088 msgid "Upcoming events" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1088 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1089 msgid "Events today" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1089 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1090 msgid "Upcoming birthdays" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1089 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1090 msgid "Not available in all themes" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1090 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1091 msgid "System (personal) notifications" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1091 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1092 msgid "System info messages" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1092 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1093 msgid "System critical alerts" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1093 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1094 msgid "New connections" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1094 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1095 msgid "System Registrations" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1095 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1096 msgid "" "Also show new wall posts, private messages and connections under Notices" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1097 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1098 msgid "Notify me of events this many days in advance" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1097 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1098 msgid "Must be greater than 0" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1099 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1100 msgid "Advanced Account/Page Type Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1100 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1101 msgid "Change the behaviour of this account for special situations" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1103 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1104 msgid "" "Please enable expert mode (in <a href=\"settings/features\">Settings > " "Additional features</a>) to adjust!" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1104 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1105 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1105 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1106 msgid "Default photo upload folder" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1106 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1106 ../../mod/settings.php:1107 +msgid "%Y - current year, %m - current month" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1107 msgid "Default file upload folder" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1108 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1109 msgid "Personal menu to display in your channel pages" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/settings.php:1110 +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1111 msgid "Remove this channel." msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/settings.php:1112 +msgid "Firefox Share $Projectname provider" +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/xchan.php:6 msgid "Xchan Lookup" msgstr "" @@ -8263,46 +8303,76 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Visit %s's profile [%s]" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:21 ../../mod/locs.php:49 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:21 ../../mod/locs.php:50 msgid "Location not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:57 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:58 msgid "Location lookup failed." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:61 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:62 msgid "" "Please select another location to become primary before removing the primary " "location." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:93 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:91 +msgid "Syncing locations" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/locs.php:101 msgid "No locations found." msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:104 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:112 msgid "Manage Channel Locations" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:105 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:113 msgid "Location (address)" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:106 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:114 msgid "Primary Location" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/locs.php:107 +#: ../../mod/locs.php:115 msgid "Drop location" msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/locs.php:117 +msgid "Sync now" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/locs.php:118 +msgid "Please wait several minutes between consecutive operations." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/locs.php:119 +msgid "" +"When possible, drop a location by logging into that website/hub and removing " +"your channel." +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/locs.php:120 +msgid "Use this form to drop the location if the hub is no longer operating." +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/post.php:234 msgid "" "Remote authentication blocked. You are logged into this site locally. Please " "logout and retry." msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/ffsapi.php:8 +msgid "Share content from Firefox to $Projectname" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/ffsapi.php:11 +msgid "Activate the Firefox $Projectname provider" +msgstr "" + #: ../../mod/setup.php:191 msgid "$Projectname Server - Setup" msgstr "" @@ -8996,19 +9066,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Visible To" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:88 +#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:90 msgid "Select a bookmark folder" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:93 +#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:95 msgid "Save Bookmark" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:94 +#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:96 msgid "URL of bookmark" msgstr "" -#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:99 +#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:101 msgid "Or enter new bookmark folder name" msgstr "" @@ -9024,6 +9094,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Use this form to import existing posts and content from an export file." msgstr "" +#: ../../mod/wholikesme.php:13 +msgid "Who likes me?" +msgstr "" + #: ../../view/theme/redbasic/php/config.php:82 msgid "Focus (Hubzilla default)" msgstr "" diff --git a/util/messages.po b/util/messages.po index 6380cdfac..f3c9782f3 100644 --- a/util/messages.po +++ b/util/messages.po @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: 2015-10-17.1188\n" +"Project-Id-Version: 2015-11-06.1208\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-17 16:47-0700\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-06 00:04-0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Cannot locate DNS info for database server '%s'" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:687 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:143 +#: ../../include/photo/photo_driver.php:703 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:143 #: ../../mod/profile_photo.php:302 ../../mod/profile_photo.php:424 #: ../../mod/photos.php:92 ../../mod/photos.php:637 msgid "Profile Photos" @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "View" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/page_widgets.php:40 ../../include/ItemObject.php:677 +#: ../../include/page_widgets.php:40 ../../include/ItemObject.php:678 #: ../../include/conversation.php:1166 ../../mod/webpages.php:188 #: ../../mod/events.php:690 ../../mod/editpost.php:143 #: ../../mod/photos.php:982 ../../mod/editwebpage.php:214 @@ -429,12 +429,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete this item?" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:6 ../../include/ItemObject.php:667 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:6 ../../include/ItemObject.php:668 #: ../../mod/photos.php:980 ../../mod/photos.php:1098 msgid "Comment" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:7 ../../include/ItemObject.php:384 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:7 ../../include/ItemObject.php:385 msgid "[+] show all" msgstr "" @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Describe (optional)" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/js_strings.php:22 ../../include/ItemObject.php:668 +#: ../../include/js_strings.php:22 ../../include/ItemObject.php:669 #: ../../mod/xchan.php:11 ../../mod/connect.php:93 ../../mod/thing.php:303 #: ../../mod/thing.php:346 ../../mod/events.php:511 ../../mod/events.php:693 #: ../../mod/group.php:81 ../../mod/photos.php:577 ../../mod/photos.php:654 @@ -600,367 +600,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "timeago.numbers" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/text.php:391 -msgid "prev" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:393 -msgid "first" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:422 -msgid "last" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:425 -msgid "next" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:435 -msgid "older" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:437 -msgid "newer" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:830 -msgid "No connections" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:844 -#, php-format -msgid "%d Connection" -msgid_plural "%d Connections" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:857 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:104 -msgid "View Connections" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:914 ../../include/text.php:926 -#: ../../include/nav.php:165 ../../include/apps.php:147 -#: ../../mod/search.php:38 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:915 ../../include/text.php:927 -#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 -#: ../../mod/rbmark.php:98 ../../mod/filer.php:50 ../../mod/admin.php:1457 -#: ../../mod/admin.php:1477 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:990 -msgid "poke" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:990 ../../include/conversation.php:243 -msgid "poked" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:991 -msgid "ping" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:991 -msgid "pinged" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:992 -msgid "prod" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:992 -msgid "prodded" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:993 -msgid "slap" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:993 -msgid "slapped" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:994 -msgid "finger" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:994 -msgid "fingered" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:995 -msgid "rebuff" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:995 -msgid "rebuffed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1005 -msgid "happy" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1006 -msgid "sad" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1007 -msgid "mellow" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1008 -msgid "tired" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1009 -msgid "perky" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1010 -msgid "angry" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1011 -msgid "stupified" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1012 -msgid "puzzled" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1013 -msgid "interested" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1014 -msgid "bitter" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1015 -msgid "cheerful" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1016 -msgid "alive" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1017 -msgid "annoyed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1018 -msgid "anxious" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1019 -msgid "cranky" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1020 -msgid "disturbed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1021 -msgid "frustrated" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1022 -msgid "depressed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1023 -msgid "motivated" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1024 -msgid "relaxed" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1025 -msgid "surprised" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1197 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "January" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "February" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "March" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "April" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 ../../mod/uexport.php:58 -#: ../../mod/uexport.php:59 -msgid "May" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "June" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "July" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "August" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "September" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "October" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "November" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1201 -msgid "December" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1306 -msgid "unknown.???" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1307 -msgid "bytes" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1343 -msgid "remove category" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1418 -msgid "remove from file" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1494 ../../include/text.php:1505 -msgid "Click to open/close" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1661 ../../mod/events.php:474 -msgid "Link to Source" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1682 ../../include/text.php:1753 -msgid "default" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1690 -msgid "Page layout" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1690 -msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1731 -msgid "Page content type" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1765 -msgid "Select an alternate language" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1884 ../../include/diaspora.php:2119 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:120 ../../mod/like.php:349 -#: ../../mod/subthread.php:72 ../../mod/subthread.php:174 -#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 -msgid "photo" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1887 ../../include/conversation.php:123 -#: ../../mod/like.php:351 ../../mod/tagger.php:47 -msgid "event" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1890 ../../include/diaspora.php:2119 -#: ../../include/conversation.php:148 ../../mod/like.php:349 -#: ../../mod/subthread.php:72 ../../mod/subthread.php:174 -msgid "status" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1892 ../../include/conversation.php:150 -#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53 -msgid "comment" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:1897 -msgid "activity" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2192 -msgid "Design Tools" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2195 ../../mod/blocks.php:147 -msgid "Blocks" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2196 ../../mod/menu.php:101 -msgid "Menus" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2197 ../../mod/layouts.php:174 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2198 -msgid "Pages" -msgstr "" - -#: ../../include/text.php:2549 ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 -msgid "Collection" -msgstr "" - #: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:107 #: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:265 msgid "parent" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:131 ../../include/text.php:2561 +msgid "Collection" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/RedDAV/RedBrowser.php:134 msgid "Principal" msgstr "" @@ -1413,6 +1061,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Notes" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/widgets.php:192 ../../include/text.php:915 +#: ../../include/text.php:927 ../../mod/rbmark.php:28 ../../mod/rbmark.php:98 +#: ../../mod/filer.php:50 ../../mod/admin.php:1457 ../../mod/admin.php:1477 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/widgets.php:266 msgid "Remove term" msgstr "" @@ -1755,6 +1409,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Stored post could not be verified." msgstr "" +#: ../../include/diaspora.php:2119 ../../include/conversation.php:120 +#: ../../include/text.php:1896 ../../mod/like.php:349 +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:72 ../../mod/subthread.php:174 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:43 +msgid "photo" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/diaspora.php:2119 ../../include/conversation.php:148 +#: ../../include/text.php:1902 ../../mod/like.php:349 +#: ../../mod/subthread.php:72 ../../mod/subthread.php:174 +msgid "status" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/diaspora.php:2148 ../../include/conversation.php:164 #: ../../mod/like.php:397 #, php-format @@ -1924,77 +1591,77 @@ msgstr "" msgid "share" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:276 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:277 #, php-format msgid "%d comment" msgid_plural "%d comments" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:294 ../../include/ItemObject.php:295 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:295 ../../include/ItemObject.php:296 #, php-format msgid "View %s's profile - %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:298 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:299 msgid "to" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:299 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:300 msgid "via" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:300 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:301 msgid "Wall-to-Wall" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:301 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:302 msgid "via Wall-To-Wall:" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:312 ../../include/conversation.php:727 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:313 ../../include/conversation.php:727 #, php-format msgid "from %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:315 ../../include/conversation.php:730 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:316 ../../include/conversation.php:730 #, php-format msgid "last edited: %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:316 ../../include/conversation.php:731 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:317 ../../include/conversation.php:731 #, php-format msgid "Expires: %s" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:337 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:338 msgid "Save Bookmarks" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:338 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:339 msgid "Add to Calendar" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:347 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:348 msgid "Mark all seen" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:353 ../../mod/photos.php:1145 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:354 ../../mod/photos.php:1145 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Likes" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:354 ../../mod/photos.php:1146 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:355 ../../mod/photos.php:1146 msgctxt "noun" msgid "Dislikes" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:359 ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:360 ../../include/acl_selectors.php:249 #: ../../mod/photos.php:1151 msgid "Close" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:364 ../../include/conversation.php:748 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:365 ../../include/conversation.php:748 #: ../../include/conversation.php:1220 ../../mod/editpost.php:123 #: ../../mod/photos.php:962 ../../mod/editlayout.php:147 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:192 ../../mod/editblock.php:149 @@ -2002,54 +1669,54 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Please wait" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:665 ../../mod/photos.php:978 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:666 ../../mod/photos.php:978 #: ../../mod/photos.php:1096 msgid "This is you" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:669 ../../include/conversation.php:1192 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:670 ../../include/conversation.php:1192 #: ../../mod/editpost.php:107 ../../mod/editlayout.php:134 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:179 ../../mod/editblock.php:135 msgid "Bold" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:670 ../../include/conversation.php:1193 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:671 ../../include/conversation.php:1193 #: ../../mod/editpost.php:108 ../../mod/editlayout.php:135 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:180 ../../mod/editblock.php:136 msgid "Italic" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:671 ../../include/conversation.php:1194 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:672 ../../include/conversation.php:1194 #: ../../mod/editpost.php:109 ../../mod/editlayout.php:136 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:181 ../../mod/editblock.php:137 msgid "Underline" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:672 ../../include/conversation.php:1195 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:673 ../../include/conversation.php:1195 #: ../../mod/editpost.php:110 ../../mod/editlayout.php:137 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:182 ../../mod/editblock.php:138 msgid "Quote" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:673 ../../include/conversation.php:1196 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:674 ../../include/conversation.php:1196 #: ../../mod/editpost.php:111 ../../mod/editlayout.php:138 #: ../../mod/editwebpage.php:183 ../../mod/editblock.php:139 msgid "Code" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:674 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:675 msgid "Image" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:675 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:676 msgid "Insert Link" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:676 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:677 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:680 ../../include/conversation.php:1247 +#: ../../include/ItemObject.php:681 ../../include/conversation.php:1247 #: ../../mod/editpost.php:151 ../../mod/mail.php:247 ../../mod/mail.php:361 msgid "Encrypt text" msgstr "" @@ -2201,6 +1868,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Applications, utilities, links, games" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/nav.php:165 ../../include/text.php:914 +#: ../../include/text.php:926 ../../include/apps.php:147 +#: ../../mod/search.php:38 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/nav.php:165 msgid "Search site content" msgstr "" @@ -2529,10 +2202,20 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Custom/Expert Mode" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:123 ../../include/text.php:1899 +#: ../../mod/like.php:351 ../../mod/tagger.php:47 +msgid "event" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/conversation.php:126 ../../mod/like.php:113 msgid "channel" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:150 ../../include/text.php:1904 +#: ../../mod/tagger.php:53 +msgid "comment" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/conversation.php:167 ../../mod/like.php:399 #, php-format msgid "%1$s doesn't like %2$s's %3$s" @@ -2548,6 +2231,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%1$s poked %2$s" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/conversation.php:243 ../../include/text.php:990 +msgid "poked" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/conversation.php:260 ../../mod/mood.php:63 #, php-format msgctxt "mood" @@ -3111,15 +2798,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Connection not found." msgstr "" -#: ../../include/zot.php:684 +#: ../../include/zot.php:685 msgid "Invalid data packet" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/zot.php:700 +#: ../../include/zot.php:701 msgid "Unable to verify channel signature" msgstr "" -#: ../../include/zot.php:2208 +#: ../../include/zot.php:2209 #, php-format msgid "Unable to verify site signature for %s" msgstr "" @@ -3222,6 +2909,318 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "" +#: ../../include/text.php:391 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:393 +msgid "first" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:422 +msgid "last" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:425 +msgid "next" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:435 +msgid "older" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:437 +msgid "newer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:830 +msgid "No connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:844 +#, php-format +msgid "%d Connection" +msgid_plural "%d Connections" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:857 ../../mod/viewconnections.php:104 +msgid "View Connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:990 +msgid "poke" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:991 +msgid "ping" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:991 +msgid "pinged" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:992 +msgid "prod" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:992 +msgid "prodded" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:993 +msgid "slap" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:993 +msgid "slapped" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:994 +msgid "finger" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:994 +msgid "fingered" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:995 +msgid "rebuff" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:995 +msgid "rebuffed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1005 +msgid "happy" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1006 +msgid "sad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1007 +msgid "mellow" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1008 +msgid "tired" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1009 +msgid "perky" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1010 +msgid "angry" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1011 +msgid "stupified" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1012 +msgid "puzzled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1013 +msgid "interested" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1014 +msgid "bitter" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1015 +msgid "cheerful" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1016 +msgid "alive" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1017 +msgid "annoyed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1018 +msgid "anxious" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1019 +msgid "cranky" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1020 +msgid "disturbed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1021 +msgid "frustrated" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1022 +msgid "depressed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1023 +msgid "motivated" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1024 +msgid "relaxed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1025 +msgid "surprised" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1197 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 ../../mod/uexport.php:58 +#: ../../mod/uexport.php:59 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1201 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1306 +msgid "unknown.???" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1307 +msgid "bytes" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1343 +msgid "remove category" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1418 +msgid "remove from file" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1506 ../../include/text.php:1517 +msgid "Click to open/close" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1673 ../../mod/events.php:474 +msgid "Link to Source" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1694 ../../include/text.php:1765 +msgid "default" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1702 +msgid "Page layout" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1702 +msgid "You can create your own with the layouts tool" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1743 +msgid "Page content type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1777 +msgid "Select an alternate language" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:1909 +msgid "activity" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2204 +msgid "Design Tools" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2207 ../../mod/blocks.php:147 +msgid "Blocks" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2208 ../../mod/menu.php:101 +msgid "Menus" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2209 ../../mod/layouts.php:174 +msgid "Layouts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../include/text.php:2210 +msgid "Pages" +msgstr "" + #: ../../include/attach.php:242 ../../include/attach.php:300 msgid "Item was not found." msgstr "" @@ -4523,6 +4522,10 @@ msgid "Location" msgstr "" #: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 +msgid "Project" +msgstr "" + +#: ../../mod/pubsites.php:26 msgid "View hub ratings" msgstr "" diff --git a/util/schemaspy b/util/schemaspy new file mode 100755 index 000000000..fdae74965 --- /dev/null +++ b/util/schemaspy @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env php +<?php + + +@include("../.htconfig.php"); + +# -port is useless, ignored +exec("java -jar schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t mysql -host $db_host -port $db_port -db $db_data -u $db_user -p $db_pass -dp mysql-connector-java-5.1.17.jar -meta zot.xml -o ."); + diff --git a/util/service_class b/util/service_class index a1a172518..d3b60a2df 100755 --- a/util/service_class +++ b/util/service_class @@ -90,11 +90,15 @@ if($argc == 2) { if($argc == 1) { load_config('service_class'); - foreach($a->config['service_class'] as $class=>$props) { - echo "$class:\n"; - $d = unserialize($props); - foreach($d as $k => $v) { - echo "\t$k = $v\n"; + if(is_array($a->config['service_class']) && $a->config['service_class']) { + foreach($a->config['service_class'] as $class=>$props) { + echo "$class:\n"; + $d = unserialize($props); + if(is_array($d) && $d) { + foreach($d as $k => $v) { + echo "\t$k = $v\n"; + } + } } } }
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