path: root/util/zotsh/zotsh.py
diff options
authorHabeas Codice <habeascodice@federated.social>2015-02-16 15:13:31 -0800
committerHabeas Codice <habeascodice@federated.social>2015-02-16 15:13:31 -0800
commitd9d029470f188796988e002eb90e9dbf96d3dd29 (patch)
treeef922432ae326f358374535bf68492729134e49e /util/zotsh/zotsh.py
parentca8e22101803454be60af35d2cf71ae80224805a (diff)
parent1d1676094dd82482f113d6de9c2a95407a1a692f (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/friendica/red
Diffstat (limited to 'util/zotsh/zotsh.py')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/zotsh/zotsh.py b/util/zotsh/zotsh.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..36506b39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/zotsh/zotsh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+import sys, os
+import ConfigParser
+import requests
+from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
+import easywebdav
+import easywebdav.__version__ as easywebdavversion
+__version__= "0.0.2"
+SERVER = None
+USER = None
+PASSWD = None
+class CommandNotFound(Exception):
+ pass
+class ZotSH(object):
+ commands = ['cd','ls','exists','mkdir','mkdirs','rmdir','delete','upload','download',
+ 'host', 'pwd','cat',
+ 'lcd','lpwd', 'lls',
+ 'quit', 'help']
+ def __init__(self, host, session=None, davclient=None):
+ self.sessions = {}
+ self.host = host
+ self.session = session
+ self.davclient = davclient
+ @property
+ def host(self):
+ return self._host
+ @host.setter
+ def host(self, host):
+ self._host = host
+ self._hostname = host.replace("https:","").replace("/","")
+ @property
+ def hostname(self):
+ return self._hostname
+ @hostname.setter
+ def hostname(self, hostname):
+ self._host = "https://%s/" % (hostname)
+ self._hostname = hostname
+ @property
+ def session(self):
+ return self._session
+ @session.setter
+ def session(self, session):
+ self._session = session
+ self.davclient = easywebdav.connect( self.hostname, protocol='https', session=session, path="cloud", verify_ssl=VERIFY_SSL)
+ @property
+ def PS1(self):
+ if self.davclient is None:
+ return "[!]> "
+ return "%s:%s> " % (self.hostname, self.davclient.cwd)
+ def get_host_session(self, host=None):
+ #~ if host is None:
+ #~ host = self.host
+ #~ if not host.startswith("https"):
+ #~ host = "https://%s/" % (host)
+ #~ if host in self.sessions:
+ #~ session = self.sessions[host]
+ #~ else:
+ #~ session = requests.Session()
+ #~ self.sessions[host] = session
+ #~ if not host == SERVER
+ #~ session.params.update({'davguest':1})
+ #~ return session
+ if self.session is None:
+ session = requests.Session()
+ #session.params.update({'davguest':1})
+ else:
+ session = self.session
+ session.params.update({'davguest': (not host == SERVER) })
+ return session
+ def do(self, command, *args):
+ if not command in self.commands:
+ raise CommandNotFound("Unknow command '%s'" % command)
+ cmd = getattr(self, "cmd_%s"%command, None)
+ if cmd is None:
+ cmd = getattr(self.davclient, command)
+ return cmd(*args)
+ def cmd_exists(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ return self.davclient.exists(args[0])
+ def cmd_mkdir(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ return self.davclient.mkdir(args[0])
+ def cmd_mkdirs(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ return self.davclient.mkdirs(args[0])
+ def cmd_rmdir(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ return self.davclient.rmdir(args[0])
+ def cmd_delete(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ return self.davclient.delete(args[0])
+ def cmd_upload(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ args = list(args)
+ if (len(args)==1):
+ args.append(args[0])
+ return self.davclient.upload(args[0], args[1])
+ def cmd_download(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ args = list(args)
+ if (len(args)==1):
+ args.append(args[0])
+ return self.davclient.download(args[0], args[1])
+ def cmd_host(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ newhostname = args[0]
+ newhost = "https://%s/" % newhostname
+ if newhostname == "~" or newhost == SERVER:
+ # bach to home server
+ self.host = SERVER
+ self.session = self.get_host_session(SERVER)
+ return
+ session_remote = self.get_host_session(newhost)
+ session_home = self.get_host_session(SERVER)
+ # call /magic on SERVER
+ r = session_home.get(
+ SERVER + "magic",
+ params={'dest': newhost},
+ allow_redirects=False,
+ verify=VERIFY_SSL )
+ if not 'location' in r.headers:
+ raise Exception("Cannot start magic auth to '%s'" % newhostname)
+ auth_url = r.headers['location']
+ # call auth_url with "test" param
+ r = session_remote.get(
+ auth_url,
+ params={'test': 1 },
+ verify=VERIFY_SSL )
+ if r.json()['success']:
+ self.hostname = newhostname
+ self.session = session_remote
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Cannot magic auth to '%s'" % newhostname)
+ def cmd_pwd(self, *args):
+ return "%s%s" % ( self.davclient.baseurl, self.davclient.cwd )
+ def cmd_ls(self, *args):
+ extra_args = ["-a", "-l", "-d"]
+ show_hidden = "-a" in args
+ show_list = "-l" in args
+ show_only_dir = "-d" in args
+ args = [ a for a in args if not a in extra_args ]
+ r = self.davclient.ls(*args)
+ l = max([ len(str(f.size)) for f in r ] + [7,])
+ def _fmt(type, size, name):
+ if show_list:
+ return "%s %*d %s" % (type, l, f.size , name)
+ else:
+ return name
+ if show_hidden :
+ print _fmt('d', 0, "./")
+ if self.davclient.cwd!="/":
+ print _fmt('d', 0, "../")
+ for f in r:
+ name = f.name.replace("/cloud"+self.davclient.cwd,"")
+ type = "-"
+ if name.endswith("/"):
+ type = "d"
+ if name!="":
+ if show_hidden or not name.startswith("."):
+ if not show_only_dir or type=="d":
+ print _fmt(type, f.size , name)
+ def cmd_lpwd(self, *args):
+ return os.getcwd()
+ def cmd_lcd(self, *args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ os.chdir(args[0])
+ def cmd_lls(self, *args):
+ for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
+ if os.path.isdir(f):
+ f=f+"/"
+ print f
+ def cmd_help(self, *args):
+ print "ZotSH",__version__
+ print
+ print "Commands:"
+ for c in self.commands:
+ print "\t",c
+ print
+ print "easywebdav", easywebdavversion.__version__, "(mod)"
+ print "requests", requests.__version__
+ def cmd_cat(self,*args):
+ if (len(args)==0):
+ return
+ rfile = args[0]
+ resp = self.davclient._send('GET', rfile, (200,))
+ print resp.text
+def load_conf():
+ homedir = os.getenv("HOME")
+ if homedir is None:
+ homedir = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOMEDRIVE"), os.getenv("HOMEPATH"))
+ optsfile = ".zotshrc"
+ if not os.path.isfile(optsfile):
+ optsfile = os.path.join(homedir, ".zotshrc")
+ if not os.path.isfile(optsfile):
+ print "Please create a configuration file called '.zotshrc':"
+ print "[zotsh]"
+ print "host = https://yourhost.com/"
+ print "username = your_username"
+ print "password = your_password"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read(optsfile)
+ SERVER = config.get('zotsh', 'host')
+ USER = config.get('zotsh', 'username')
+ PASSWD = config.get('zotsh', 'password')
+ if config.has_option('zotsh', 'verify_ssl'):
+ VERIFY_SSL = config.getboolean('zotsh', 'verify_ssl')
+def zotsh():
+ zotsh = ZotSH( SERVER)
+ session_home = zotsh.get_host_session()
+ #~ #login on home server
+ print "loggin in..."
+ r = session_home.get(
+ SERVER + "api/account/verify_credentials",
+ auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USER, PASSWD),
+ verify=VERIFY_SSL )
+ print "Hi", r.json()['name']
+ zotsh.session = session_home
+ # command loop
+ input = raw_input(zotsh.PS1)
+ while (input != "quit"):
+ input = input.strip()
+ if len(input)>0:
+ toks = [ x.strip() for x in input.split(" ") ]
+ command = toks[0]
+ args = toks[1:]
+ try:
+ ret = zotsh.do(command, *args)
+ except easywebdav.client.OperationFailed, e:
+ print e
+ except CommandNotFound, e:
+ print e
+ else:
+ if ret is not None:
+ print ret
+ input = raw_input(zotsh.PS1)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ load_conf()
+ zotsh()
+ sys.exit()