path: root/spec/zot.txt
diff options
authorChristian Vogeley <christian.vogeley@hotmail.de>2013-12-22 14:31:27 +0100
committerChristian Vogeley <christian.vogeley@hotmail.de>2013-12-22 14:31:27 +0100
commit870df76463a1cc9823b364db0bfb387f3f46664f (patch)
treea8c7391bfe799703aa0a8f26b9ee788f1204e8be /spec/zot.txt
parent25a533bd72c34e9775af71c010a39db6caf7b633 (diff)
parent7e7b5bfa4930493a8feae10b0550e29797956c70 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into bootstrap
Conflicts: view/php/theme_init.php
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/zot.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/spec/zot.txt b/spec/zot.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c3bbb180..000000000
--- a/spec/zot.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-This is the Zot! social communications protocol.
-Specification revision: 1
-2 October 2011
-Mike Macgirvin
-This specification is public domain.
-Zot is a framework for secure delivery of messages on the web based on
-webfinger and encapsulating salmon.
-First read the salmon and salmon magic envelope specifications. Zot also
-makes use of webfinger and ActivityStreams and several concepts from RFC822
-(email). Zot encompasses the zot delivery framework and the zid remote
-access protocol.
-The current specification revision (1) is frozen until a reference
-implementation is available. After that, any protocol changes will require a
-change to the revision number.
-* Zot delivery *
-Format of a zot wrapper. This completely encapsulates a salmon magic envelope
-and provides privacy protection, while defining a delivery envelope - a
-concept familiar to email systems. All addresses in zot are webfinger
-resolvable addresses containing zot endpoints and salmon public keys (zot
-is a superset of salmon).
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<zot:msg xmlns:zot='http://purl.org/zot/1.0'>
- <zot:key>((key))</zot:key>
- <zot:iv>((iv))</zot:iv>
- <zot:env_key>((env_key))</zot:env_key>
- <zot:env_iv>((env_iv))</zot:env_iv>
- <zot:env>((envelope))</zot:env>
- <zot:sig key_id="xxx">((sender signature))</zot:sig>
- <zot:alg>AES-256-CBC</zot:alg>
- <zot:data type='application/magic-envelope+xml'>((salmon))</zot:data>
-A suitable randomly generated encyption key of length 32 octets for encrypting
-the salmon packet. This is then encrypted with the sender's private key and
-base64url encoded.
-A suitable randomly generated initialisation vector of length 16 octets for
-encrypting the salmon packet. This is then encrypted with the sender's private
-key and base64url encoded.
-A suitable randomly generated encyption key of length 32 octets for encrypting
-the envelope. This is then encrypted with the recipient's public key and
-base64url encoded. For bulk deliveries, it is encrypted with the site bulk
-delivery public key.
-A suitable randomly generated initialisation vector of length 16 octets for
-encrypting the envelope. This is then encrypted with the recipient's public
-key and base64url encoded. For bulk deliveries, it is encrypted with the site
-bulk delivery public key.
-This consists of RFC822-style header fields representing the sender and
-recipient(s). Line lengths have no defined limit and RFC822 continuation
-lines are not supported. If an inbound server is not able to process an
-envelope or post due to size constraints, it SHOULD return a
-"413 Entity too large" HTTP response.
-Z-From: zot:bob@example.com
-Z-Sender: zot:bob@example.com
-Z-To: zot:alice@example.com
-Both "Z-From:" and "Z-Sender:" MUST be provided, and represent a single
-webfinger address of the author and sender respectively. The webfinger
-address for the From address MUST contain a discoverable salmon public key
-which is needed to verify the enclosed salmon data. Sender is used to indicate
-the webfinger identity responsible for transmitting this message. From
-indicates the message author.
-In web-based social systems, a reply to a message SHOULD be conveyed to all of
-the original message participants. Only the author of the original message
-may know all the recipients (such as those contained in Bcc: elements). The
-author of a message always provides 'From'. They MUST duplicate this
-information as 'Sender' when posting a followup message.
-A reply to a given message MUST be sent to the From address of the original
-post, and MAY be sent to any additional addresses in the recipient list. The
-original post author MUST send the reply to all known recipients of the
-original message, with their webfinger identity as Sender, and the
-comment/reply author as From.
-Receiving agents SHOULD validate the From identity as the signer of the salmon
-magic envelope, and MAY reject it. They SHOULD also verify the Sender signature
-of the zot packet if it is different than the salmon signature. They MAY
-reject the message if the Sender is not allowed in their "friend list", or if
-they do not have a suitable relationship with the Sender, or if either
-signature fails to validate. Rejected messages for one of these reasons SHOULD
-be indicated with a "400 Bad Request" HTTP response.
-Z-To: *
-indicates a public message with no specifically enumerated recipients.
-The fields Z-To: and/or Z-Bcc: MAY be present. At least one recipient field
-MUST be present.
-Z-To: zot:bob@example.com, zot:alice@example.com, mailto:dave@example.com
-Z-Bcc: zot:https://example.com/profile/richard
-are valid entries. Adresses are comma separated and individual entries MUST NOT
-contain commas. There MAY be any number of ASCII space characters between
-entries for legibility. Header lines are terminated with a linefeed character
-(ASCII 0x0A).
-This specification provides the following protocol address prefixes
-for use in Z-To: or Z-Bcc: elements:
-zot: - normal zot delivery using webfinger or LRDD resolvable address
-dfrn: - legacy DFRN mode delivery using webfinger or LRDD resovable address
-ostatus: - normal OStatus delivery using webfinger or LRDD resovable address
-diaspora: - Diaspora network delivery using webfinger address
-facebook: - Facebook profile page URL
-twitter: - Twitter personal page URL without AJAX '#!' fragment
-mailto: - email RFC822/ESMTP address
-Foreign protocol addresses which have not been defined in this specification
-or future revisions of this specification and which are unknown to the
-recipient delivery process MAY be ignored.
-In cases where an address may contain either a webfinger or LRDD address, the
-webfinger address SHOULD be used preferentially.
-The Z-Bcc element may contain one or more addresses which are hidden from end
-user presentation. A zot receiving system MUST NOT store or allow for
-the display of the Bcc information. Implementations which require extreme
-privacy SHOULD send individual posts to each of the Bcc: recipients containing
-only a single address. They MAY send all Bcc: posts using bulk delivery,
-however this may have privacy implications as there is no guarantee a
-receiving system will not log, store, or otherwise reveal the contents of the
-Bcc recipient list.
-Z-To: addresses MAY be shown to an end user.
-Envelope encryption
-The entire envelope is encrypted using alg with env_key and env_iv and
-base64url encoded for transmission.
-The zot envelope MAY include remote addresses. A zot inbound delivery agent
-MUST parse the envelope and determine whether a delivery address to the
-current endpoint is valid. This may be the result of:
- 1. An address contains the public message wildcard '*'
- 2. The current endpoint is a personal endpoint and one of the recipients
-listed in the Z-To: or Z-Bcc: addresses matches the webfinger address of
-the "owner" of the endpoint.
- 3. The current endpoint is a bulk delivery endpoint. The bulk delivery
-endpoint is defined elsewhere in this document. The bulk delivery agent
-will deliver to all local addresses found in the address lists.
-The Sender of the message signs the underlying salmon data in the manner
-prescribed by salmon. If the Sender and From address are identical, the
-signature will be identical to the signature of the underlying salmon packet.
-If they are different, this signature is verified with the Sender's public
-key to verify the Sender.
-Currently the only valid choice for alg is "AES-256-CBC".
-The data field is a salmon magic envelope. This is encrypted with alg using
-key and iv. The result is then base64url encoded for transmission.
-For the first release of this specification, the data format of the enclosed
-salmon SHOULD be 'application/atom+xml' representing an Atom formatted
-ActivityStream. Future revisions MAY allow other alternate data formats.
-All acceptable formats MUST be listed in an XRD property (described elsewhere
-in this document).
-The zot message is then POSTed to the zot endpoint URL as
-application/text+xml and can be decoded/decrypted by the recipient using
-their private key.
-The normal salmon endpoint for a service MAY be used as an alternate
-delivery method for non-encrypted (e.g. public) messages.
-Discover of the zot endpoint is based on webfinger XRD:
-<Link rel="http://purl.org/zot/1.0/post"
- href="http://example/org/zot-endpoint" />
-Bulk Delivery
-A site MAY provide a bulk delivery endpoint, which MAY be used to avoid
-multiple encryptions of the same data for a single destination.
-This is discoverable by providing a zot endpoint with a corresponding
-salmon public key in the site's .well-known/host-meta file.
-A delivery to this endpoint will deliver to all local recipients provided
-within the zot envelope.
-This specification is subject to change. The current version which is in
-effect at a given site may be noted by XRD properties. The following
-properties MUST be present in the XRD providing the relevant endpoint:
-<Property type="http://purl.org/zot/1.0/version">1</Property>
-<Property type="http://purl.org/zot/1.0/accept">application/atom+xml</Property>
-Version is specified in this document and indicates the current revision.
-Version is an increasing non-zero integer value. There are no minor versions.
-Implementations MAY provide compatibility to multiple incompatible versions
-by using this version indication. The "accept" indicates a range of document
-content types which may be enclosed in the underlying salmon magic envelope.
-We anticipate this specification will in the future allow for a close variant
-of "message/rfc822" and which may include MIME. This may also be used to
-embed alternate message formats and protocols such as
-"application/x-diaspora+xml". If a delivery agent is unable to provide any
-acceptable data format to the remote system, the delivery to that system MUST
-be terminated/cancelled.
-Foreign Messages
-Messages MAY be imported from other networks and systems which have no
-knowledge of salmon signatures. The salmon signature in this case MUST be the
-exact string 'NOTSIGNED' to indicate that the author (From address) cannot be
-validated using salmon verification. This message MUST be relayed by a Sender
-who can provide a valid salmon signature of the message via zot:sig. Delivery
-systems MAY reject foreign messages.
-* Zid (Zot-ID) authentication *
-This section of the document is considered separate from the delivery
-specification precding it and represents a different protocol, which is
-currently incomplete. This will be split off into another document in the
-future, but is presented here as a synergistic component of the Zot network
-URLs may be present within a zot message which refer to private and/or
-protected resources. Zid uses OpenID to gain access to these protected
-resources. These could be private photos or profile information - or *any*
-web accessible resource. Using zid, these can have access controls which
-extends to any resolvable webfinger address.
-Zid authentication relies on the presence of an OpenID provider element in
-webfinger, and a URL template which is applied to protected resources within
-a zot message.
-The template is designated with the characters "{zid=}" within a URL of a zot
-message. When the page is rendered for viewing to an observer, this template
-is replaced with the webfinger address of the viewer (if known), or an empty
-string if the webfinger address of the viewer cannot be determined.
-For example in a message body:
-refers to a private photo which is only visible to alice@example.com.
-If Alice is viewing the page, the link is rendered with
-If the page viewer is unknown, it is rendered as
-When the link is visited, the web server at example.com notes the presence of
-the zid parameter and uses information from webfinger to locate the OpenID
-provider for the zid webfinger address. It then redirects to the OpenID
-server and requests authentication of the given person. If this is successful,
-access to the protected resource is granted.
-A browser cookie may be provided to avoid future authentication redirects
-and allow authenticated browsing to other resources on the website.
-Only authentication via OpenID is defined in this version of the specification.
-This can be used to provide access control of any web resource to any
-webfinger identity on the internet.
-* Links *
-Salmon Protocol
- http://www.salmon-protocol.org/salmon-protocol-summary
-Salmon Magic Envelope
- http://salmon-protocol.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/draft-panzer-magicsig-01.html
-Atom Activity Stream Draft
- http://activitystrea.ms/specs/atom/1.0/
-Activty Stream Base Schema
- http://activitystrea.ms/head/activity-schema.html
-WebFinger Protocol
- http://code.google.com/p/webfinger/wiki/WebFingerProtocol