path: root/library
diff options
authorPaolo Tacconi <p.tacconi@giunti.it>2014-09-25 08:44:07 +0200
committerPaolo Tacconi <p.tacconi@giunti.it>2014-09-25 08:44:07 +0200
commit6324a07dd8b17db5da0ce66c99fb69e2f3ec49e1 (patch)
tree89e81409add34df97f633515181790d6aed4c726 /library
parent7da97c198182f8f6f4286e16d80de205431d81bb (diff)
parent92c723d37cd8ded2183d3334eb51e740170e191b (diff)
Rebase from upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'library')
-rwxr-xr-xlibrary/stylish_select/select-bg.pngbin0 -> 2438 bytes
5 files changed, 1581 insertions, 580 deletions
diff --git a/library/justifiedGallery/dist/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.js b/library/justifiedGallery/dist/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
index 9b5c66081..7754ae437 100644
--- a/library/justifiedGallery/dist/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
+++ b/library/justifiedGallery/dist/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
@@ -1,587 +1,661 @@
- * Justified Gallery - v3.2.0
+ * Justified Gallery - v3.4.0
* http://miromannino.com/projects/justified-gallery/
* Copyright (c) 2014 Miro Mannino
* Licensed under the MIT license.
(function($) {
- /* Events
- jg.complete : called when all the gallery has been created
- jg.resize : called when the gallery has been resized
- */
- $.fn.justifiedGallery = function (arg) {
- // Default options
- var defaults = {
- sizeRangeSuffixes : {
- 'lt100': '_t',
- 'lt240': '_m',
- 'lt320': '_n',
- 'lt500': '',
- 'lt640': '_z',
- 'lt1024': '_b'
- },
- rowHeight : 120,
- maxRowHeight : 0, //negative value = no limits, 0 = 1.5 * rowHeight
- margins : 1,
- lastRow : 'nojustify', // or can be 'justify' or 'hide'
- justifyThreshold: 0.75, /* if row width / available space > 0.75 it will be always justified
- (i.e. lastRow setting is not considered) */
- fixedHeight : false,
- captions : true,
- cssAnimation: false,
- imagesAnimationDuration : 300, //ignored with css animations
- captionSettings : { //ignored with css animations
- animationDuration : 500,
- visibleOpacity : 0.7,
- nonVisibleOpacity : 0.0
- },
- rel : null, //rewrite the rel of each analyzed links
- target : null, //rewrite the target of all links
- extension : /\.[^.]+$/,
- refreshTime : 250,
- randomize : false
- };
- function getSuffix(width, height, context) {
- var longestSide;
- longestSide = (width > height) ? width : height;
- if (longestSide <= 100) {
- return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt100;
- } else if (longestSide <= 240) {
- return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt240;
- } else if (longestSide <= 320) {
- return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt320;
- } else if (longestSide <= 500) {
- return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt500;
- } else if (longestSide <= 640) {
- return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt640;
- } else {
- return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt1024;
- }
- }
- function onEntryMouseEnterForCaption (ev) {
- var $caption = $(ev.currentTarget).find('.caption');
- if (ev.data.settings.cssAnimation) {
- $caption.addClass('caption-visible').removeClass('caption-hidden');
- } else {
- $caption.stop().fadeTo(ev.data.settings.captionSettings.animationDuration, ev.data.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity);
- }
- }
- function onEntryMouseLeaveForCaption (ev) {
- var $caption = $(ev.currentTarget).find('.caption');
- if (ev.data.settings.cssAnimation) {
- $caption.removeClass('caption-visible').removeClass('caption-hidden');
- } else {
- $caption.stop().fadeTo(ev.data.settings.captionSettings.animationDuration, ev.data.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity);
- }
- }
- function displayEntry($entry, x, y, imgWidth, imgHeight, rowHeight, context) {
- var $image = $entry.find('img');
- $image.css('width', imgWidth);
- $image.css('height', imgHeight);
- $image.css('margin-left', - imgWidth / 2);
- $image.css('margin-top', - imgHeight / 2);
- $entry.width(imgWidth);
- $entry.height(rowHeight);
- $entry.css('top', y);
- $entry.css('left', x);
- //DEBUG// console.log('displayEntry: $image.width() = ' + $image.width() + ' $image.height() = ' + $image.height());
- // Image reloading for an high quality of thumbnails
- var imageSrc = $image.attr('src');
- var newImageSrc = imageSrc.replace(context.settings.extension, '').replace(context.usedSizeRangeRegExp, '') +
- getSuffix(imgWidth, imgHeight, context) +
- imageSrc.match(context.settings.extension)[0];
- $image.one('error', function () {
- //DEBUG// console.log('revert the original image');
- $image.attr('src', $image.data('jg.originalSrc')); //revert to the original thumbnail, we got it.
- });
- var loadNewImage = function () {
- if (imageSrc !== newImageSrc) { //load the new image after the fadeIn
- $image.attr('src', newImageSrc);
- }
- };
- if (context.settings.cssAnimation) {
- $entry.addClass('entry-visible');
- loadNewImage();
- } else {
- $entry.stop().fadeTo(context.settings.imagesAnimationDuration, 1.0, loadNewImage);
- }
- // Captions ------------------------------
- var captionMouseEvents = $entry.data('jg.captionMouseEvents');
- if (context.settings.captions === true) {
- var $imgCaption = $entry.find('.caption');
- if ($imgCaption.length === 0) { // Create it if it doesn't exists
- var caption = $image.attr('alt');
- if (typeof caption === 'undefined') caption = $entry.attr('title');
- if (typeof caption !== 'undefined') { // Create only we found something
- $imgCaption = $('<div class="caption">' + caption + '</div>');
- $entry.append($imgCaption);
- }
- }
- // Create events (we check again the $imgCaption because it can be still inexistent)
- if ($imgCaption.length !== 0) {
- if (!context.settings.cssAnimation) {
- $imgCaption.stop().fadeTo(context.settings.imagesAnimationDuration, context.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity);
- }
- if (typeof captionMouseEvents === 'undefined') {
- captionMouseEvents = {
- mouseenter: onEntryMouseEnterForCaption,
- mouseleave: onEntryMouseLeaveForCaption
- };
- $entry.on('mouseenter', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseenter);
- $entry.on('mouseleave', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseleave);
- $entry.data('jg.captionMouseEvents', captionMouseEvents);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (typeof captionMouseEvents !== 'undefined') {
- $entry.off('mouseenter', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseenter);
- $entry.off('mouseleave', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseleave);
- $entry.removeData('jg.captionMouseEvents');
- }
- }
- }
- function prepareBuildingRow(context, isLastRow) {
- var i, $entry, $image, imgAspectRatio, newImgW, newImgH, justify = true;
- var minHeight = 0;
- var availableWidth = context.galleryWidth - ((context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * context.settings.margins);
- var rowHeight = availableWidth / context.buildingRow.aspectRatio;
- var justificable = context.buildingRow.width / availableWidth > context.settings.justifyThreshold;
- //Skip the last row if we can't justify it and the lastRow == 'hide'
- if (isLastRow && context.settings.lastRow === 'hide' && !justificable) {
- for (i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
- $entry = context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i];
- if (context.settings.cssAnimation)
- $entry.removeClass('entry-visible');
- else
- $entry.stop().fadeTo(0, 0);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- // With lastRow = nojustify, justify if is justificable (the images will not become too big)
- if (isLastRow && context.settings.lastRow === 'nojustify' && !justificable) justify = false;
- for (i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
- $image = context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i].find('img');
- imgAspectRatio = $image.data('jg.imgw') / $image.data('jg.imgh');
- if (justify) {
- newImgW = rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
- newImgH = rowHeight;
- /* With fixedHeight the newImgH must be greater than rowHeight.
- In some cases here this is not satisfied (due to the justification).
- But we comment it, because is better to have a shorter but justified row instead
- to have a cropped image at the end. */
- /*if (context.settings.fixedHeight && newImgH < context.settings.rowHeight) {
- newImgW = context.settings.rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
- newImgH = context.settings.rowHeight;
- }*/
- } else {
- newImgW = context.settings.rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
- newImgH = context.settings.rowHeight;
- }
- $image.data('jg.imgw', Math.ceil(newImgW));
- $image.data('jg.imgh', Math.ceil(newImgH));
- if (i === 0 || minHeight > newImgH) minHeight = newImgH;
- }
- if (context.settings.fixedHeight && minHeight > context.settings.rowHeight)
- minHeight = context.settings.rowHeight;
- return minHeight;
- }
- function rewind(context) {
- context.lastAnalyzedIndex = -1;
- context.buildingRow.entriesBuff = [];
- context.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
- context.buildingRow.width = 0;
- context.offY = 0;
- context.firstRowFlushed = false;
- }
- function flushRow(context, isLastRow) {
- var $entry, $image, minHeight, offX = 0;
- //DEBUG// console.log('flush (width: ' + context.buildingRow.width + ', galleryWidth: ' + context.galleryWidth + ', ' + 'isLastRow: ' + isLastRow + ')');
- minHeight = prepareBuildingRow(context, isLastRow);
- if (isLastRow && context.settings.lastRow === 'hide' && minHeight === -1) {
- context.buildingRow.entriesBuff = [];
- context.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
- context.buildingRow.width = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (context.settings.maxRowHeight > 0 && context.settings.maxRowHeight < minHeight)
- minHeight = context.settings.maxRowHeight;
- else if (context.settings.maxRowHeight === 0 && (1.5 * context.settings.rowHeight) < minHeight)
- minHeight = 1.5 * context.settings.rowHeight;
- for (var i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
- $entry = context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i];
- $image = $entry.find('img');
- displayEntry($entry, offX, context.offY, $image.data('jg.imgw'), $image.data('jg.imgh'), minHeight, context);
- offX += $image.data('jg.imgw') + context.settings.margins;
- }
- //Gallery Height
- context.$gallery.height(context.offY + minHeight +
- (context.spinner.active ? context.spinner.$el.innerHeight() : 0)
- );
- if(!isLastRow) {
- //Ready for a new row
- context.offY += minHeight + context.settings.margins;
- //DEBUG// console.log('minHeight: ' + minHeight + ' offY: ' + context.offY);
- context.buildingRow.entriesBuff = []; //clear the array creating a new one
- context.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
- context.buildingRow.width = 0;
- context.firstRowFlushed = true;
- context.$gallery.trigger('jg.rowflush');
- }
- }
- function checkWidth(context) {
- context.checkWidthIntervalId = setInterval(function () {
- var galleryWidth = parseInt(context.$gallery.width(), 10);
- if (context.galleryWidth !== galleryWidth) {
- //DEBUG// console.log("resize. old: " + context.galleryWidth + " new: " + galleryWidth);
- context.galleryWidth = galleryWidth;
- rewind(context);
- // Restart to analyze
- startImgAnalyzer(context, true);
- }
- }, context.settings.refreshTime);
- }
- function startLoadingSpinnerAnimation(spinnerContext) {
- clearInterval(spinnerContext.intervalId);
- spinnerContext.intervalId = setInterval(function () {
- if (spinnerContext.phase < spinnerContext.$points.length)
- spinnerContext.$points.eq(spinnerContext.phase).fadeTo(spinnerContext.timeslot, 1);
- else
- spinnerContext.$points.eq(spinnerContext.phase - spinnerContext.$points.length).fadeTo(spinnerContext.timeslot, 0);
- spinnerContext.phase = (spinnerContext.phase + 1) % (spinnerContext.$points.length * 2);
- }, spinnerContext.timeslot);
- }
- function stopLoadingSpinnerAnimation(spinnerContext) {
- clearInterval(spinnerContext.intervalId);
- spinnerContext.intervalId = null;
- }
- function stopImgAnalyzerStarter(context) {
- context.yield.flushed = 0;
- if (context.imgAnalyzerTimeout !== null) clearTimeout(context.imgAnalyzerTimeout);
- }
- function startImgAnalyzer(context, isForResize) {
- stopImgAnalyzerStarter(context);
- context.imgAnalyzerTimeout = setTimeout(function () { analyzeImages(context, isForResize); }, 0.001);
- analyzeImages(context, isForResize);
- }
- function analyzeImages(context, isForResize) {
- //DEBUG//
- /*var rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000, 10);
- //DEBUG// console.log('analyzeImages ' + rnd + ' start');
- //DEBUG// console.log('images status: ');
- for (var i = 0; i < context.entries.length; i++) {
- var $entry = $(context.entries[i]);
- var $image = $entry.find('img');
- //DEBUG// console.log(i + ' (alt: ' + $image.attr('alt') + 'loaded: ' + $image.data('jg.loaded') + ')');
- }*/
- /* The first row */
- var isLastRow;
- for (var i = context.lastAnalyzedIndex + 1; i < context.entries.length; i++) {
- var $entry = $(context.entries[i]);
- var $image = $entry.find('img');
- if ($image.data('jg.loaded') === true) {
- isLastRow = i >= context.entries.length - 1;
- var availableWidth = context.galleryWidth - ((context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * context.settings.margins);
- var imgAspectRatio = $image.data('jg.imgw') / $image.data('jg.imgh');
- if (availableWidth / (context.buildingRow.aspectRatio + imgAspectRatio) < context.settings.rowHeight) {
- flushRow(context, isLastRow);
- if(++context.yield.flushed >= context.yield.every) {
- //DEBUG// console.log("yield");
- startImgAnalyzer(context, isForResize);
- return;
- }
- }
- context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.push($entry);
- context.buildingRow.aspectRatio += imgAspectRatio;
- context.buildingRow.width += imgAspectRatio * context.settings.rowHeight;
- context.lastAnalyzedIndex = i;
- } else if ($image.data('jg.loaded') !== 'error') {
- return;
- }
- }
- // Last row flush (the row is not full)
- if (context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length > 0) flushRow(context, isLastRow);
- if (context.spinner.active) {
- context.spinner.active = false;
- context.$gallery.height(context.$gallery.height() - context.spinner.$el.innerHeight());
- context.spinner.$el.detach();
- stopLoadingSpinnerAnimation(context.spinner);
- }
- /* Stop, if there is, the timeout to start the analyzeImages.
- This is because an image can be set loaded, and the timeout can be set,
- but this image can be analyzed yet.
- */
- stopImgAnalyzerStarter(context);
- //On complete callback
- if (!isForResize) context.$gallery.trigger('jg.complete'); else context.$gallery.trigger('jg.resize');
- //DEBUG// console.log('analyzeImages ' + rnd + ' end');
- }
- function checkSettings (context) {
- function checkSuffixesRange(range) {
- if (typeof context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[range] !== 'string')
- throw 'sizeRangeSuffixes.' + range + ' must be a string';
- }
- function checkOrConvertNumber(parent, settingName) {
- if (typeof parent[settingName] === 'string') {
- parent[settingName] = parseFloat(parent[settingName], 10);
- if (isNaN(parent[settingName])) throw 'invalid number for ' + settingName;
- } else if (typeof parent[settingName] === 'number') {
- if (isNaN(parent[settingName])) throw 'invalid number for ' + settingName;
- } else {
- throw settingName + ' must be a number';
- }
- }
- if (typeof context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes !== 'object')
- throw 'sizeRangeSuffixes must be defined and must be an object';
- checkSuffixesRange('lt100');
- checkSuffixesRange('lt240');
- checkSuffixesRange('lt320');
- checkSuffixesRange('lt500');
- checkSuffixesRange('lt640');
- checkSuffixesRange('lt1024');
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings, 'rowHeight');
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings, 'maxRowHeight');
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings, 'margins');
- if (context.settings.lastRow !== 'nojustify' &&
- context.settings.lastRow !== 'justify' &&
- context.settings.lastRow !== 'hide') {
- throw 'lastRow must be "nojustify", "justify" or "hide"';
- }
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings, 'justifyThreshold');
- if (context.settings.justifyThreshold < 0 || context.settings.justifyThreshold > 1)
- throw 'justifyThreshold must be in the interval [0,1]';
- if (typeof context.settings.cssAnimation !== 'boolean') {
- throw 'cssAnimation must be a boolean';
- }
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings.captionSettings, 'animationDuration');
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings, 'imagesAnimationDuration');
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings.captionSettings, 'visibleOpacity');
- if (context.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity < 0 || context.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity > 1)
- throw 'captionSettings.visibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]';
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings.captionSettings, 'nonVisibleOpacity');
- if (context.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity < 0 || context.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity > 1)
- throw 'captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]';
- if (typeof context.settings.fixedHeight !== 'boolean') {
- throw 'fixedHeight must be a boolean';
- }
- if (typeof context.settings.captions !== 'boolean') {
- throw 'captions must be a boolean';
- }
- checkOrConvertNumber(context.settings, 'refreshTime');
- if (typeof context.settings.randomize !== 'boolean') {
- throw 'randomize must be a boolean';
- }
- }
- return this.each(function (index, gallery) {
- var $gallery = $(gallery);
- $gallery.addClass('justified-gallery');
- var context = $gallery.data('jg.context');
- if (typeof context === 'undefined') {
- if (typeof arg !== 'undefined' && arg !== null && typeof arg !== 'object')
- throw 'The argument must be an object';
- // Spinner init
- var $spinner = $('<div class="spinner"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>');
- //Context init
- context = {
- settings : $.extend({}, defaults, arg),
- imgAnalyzerTimeout : null,
- entries : null,
- buildingRow : {
- entriesBuff : [],
- width : 0,
- aspectRatio : 0
- },
- lastAnalyzedIndex : -1,
- firstRowFlushed : false,
- yield : {
- every : 2, /* do a flush every context.yield.every flushes (
- * must be greater than 1, else the analyzeImages will loop */
- flushed : 0 //flushed rows without a yield
- },
- offY : 0,
- spinner : {
- active : false,
- phase : 0,
- timeslot : 150,
- $el : $spinner,
- $points : $spinner.find('span'),
- intervalId : null
- },
- checkWidthIntervalId : null,
- galleryWidth : $gallery.width(),
- $gallery : $gallery
- };
- $gallery.data('jg.context', context);
- } else if (arg === 'norewind') {
- // In this case we don't rewind, and analyze all the images
- } else {
- context.settings = $.extend({}, context.settings, arg);
- rewind(context);
- }
- checkSettings(context);
- context.entries = $gallery.find('> a, > div').toArray();
- if (context.entries.length === 0) return;
- // Randomize
- if (context.settings.randomize) {
- context.entries.sort(function () { return Math.random() * 2 - 1; });
- $.each(context.entries, function () {
- $(this).appendTo($gallery);
- });
- }
- context.usedSizeRangeRegExp = new RegExp("(" +
- context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt100 + "|" +
- context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt240 + "|" +
- context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt320 + "|" +
- context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt500 + "|" +
- context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt640 + "|" +
- context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt1024 + ")$"
- );
- if (context.settings.maxRowHeight > 0 && context.settings.maxRowHeight < context.settings.rowHeight)
- context.settings.maxRowHeight = context.settings.rowHeight;
- var imagesToLoad = false;
- $.each(context.entries, function (index, entry) {
- var $entry = $(entry);
- var $image = $entry.find('img');
- if ($image.data('jg.loaded') !== true) {
- $image.data('jg.loaded', false);
- //DEBUG// console.log('listed ' + $image.attr('alt'));
- imagesToLoad = true;
- // Spinner start
- if (context.spinner.active === false) {
- context.spinner.active = true;
- $gallery.append(context.spinner.$el);
- $gallery.height(context.offY + context.spinner.$el.innerHeight());
- startLoadingSpinnerAnimation(context.spinner);
- }
- // Link Rel global overwrite
- if (context.settings.rel !== null) $entry.attr('rel', context.settings.rel);
- // Link Target global overwrite
- if (context.settings.target !== null) $entry.attr('target', context.settings.target);
- // Image src
- var imageSrc = (typeof $image.data('safe-src') !== 'undefined') ? $image.data('safe-src') : $image.attr('src');
- $image.data('jg.originalSrc', imageSrc);
- $image.attr('src', imageSrc);
- /* Check if the image is loaded or not using another image object.
- We cannot use the 'complete' image property, because some browsers,
- with a 404 set complete = true */
- var loadImg = new Image();
- var $loadImg = $(loadImg);
- $loadImg.one('load', function imgLoaded () {
- //DEBUG// console.log('img load (alt: ' + $image.attr('alt') + ')');
- $image.off('load error');
- $image.data('jg.imgw', loadImg.width);
- $image.data('jg.imgh', loadImg.height);
- $image.data('jg.loaded', true);
- startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
- });
- $loadImg.one('error', function imgLoadError () {
- //DEBUG// console.log('img error (alt: ' + $image.attr('alt') + ')');
- $image.off('load error');
- $image.data('jg.loaded', 'error');
- startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
- });
- loadImg.src = imageSrc;
- }
- });
- if (!imagesToLoad) startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
- checkWidth(context);
- });
- };
+ /* Events
+ jg.complete : called when all the gallery has been created
+ jg.resize : called when the gallery has been resized
+ */
+ $.fn.justifiedGallery = function (arg) {
+ // Default options
+ var defaults = {
+ sizeRangeSuffixes : {
+ 'lt100': '_t',
+ 'lt240': '_m',
+ 'lt320': '_n',
+ 'lt500': '',
+ 'lt640': '_z',
+ 'lt1024': '_b'
+ },
+ rowHeight : 120,
+ maxRowHeight : 0, //negative value = no limits, 0 = 1.5 * rowHeight
+ margins : 1,
+ lastRow : 'nojustify', // or can be 'justify' or 'hide'
+ justifyThreshold: 0.75, /* if row width / available space > 0.75 it will be always justified
+ (i.e. lastRow setting is not considered) */
+ fixedHeight : false,
+ waitThumbnailsLoad : true,
+ captions : true,
+ cssAnimation: false,
+ imagesAnimationDuration : 500, //ignored with css animations
+ captionSettings : { //ignored with css animations
+ animationDuration : 500,
+ visibleOpacity : 0.7,
+ nonVisibleOpacity : 0.0
+ },
+ rel : null, //rewrite the rel of each analyzed links
+ target : null, //rewrite the target of all links
+ extension : /\.[^.\\/]+$/,
+ refreshTime : 100,
+ randomize : false
+ };
+ function getSuffix(width, height, context) {
+ var longestSide;
+ longestSide = (width > height) ? width : height;
+ if (longestSide <= 100) {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt100;
+ } else if (longestSide <= 240) {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt240;
+ } else if (longestSide <= 320) {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt320;
+ } else if (longestSide <= 500) {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt500;
+ } else if (longestSide <= 640) {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt640;
+ } else {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt1024;
+ }
+ }
+ function endsWith(str, suffix) {
+ return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
+ }
+ function removeSuffix(str, suffix) {
+ return str.substring(0, str.length - suffix.length);
+ }
+ function getUsedSuffix(str, context) {
+ var voidSuffix = false;
+ for (var si in context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) {
+ if (context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[si].length === 0) {
+ voidSuffix = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (endsWith(str, context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[si])) {
+ return context.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[si];
+ }
+ }
+ if (voidSuffix) return "";
+ else throw 'unknown suffix for ' + str;
+ }
+ /* Given an image src, with the width and the height, returns the new image src with the
+ best suffix to show the best quality thumbnail. */
+ function newSrc(imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, context) {
+ var matchRes = imageSrc.match(context.settings.extension);
+ var ext = (matchRes != null) ? matchRes[0] : '';
+ var newImageSrc = imageSrc.replace(context.settings.extension, '');
+ newImageSrc = removeSuffix(newImageSrc, getUsedSuffix(newImageSrc, context));
+ newImageSrc += getSuffix(imgWidth, imgHeight, context) + ext;
+ return newImageSrc;
+ }
+ function onEntryMouseEnterForCaption (ev) {
+ var $caption = $(ev.currentTarget).find('.caption');
+ if (ev.data.settings.cssAnimation) {
+ $caption.addClass('caption-visible').removeClass('caption-hidden');
+ } else {
+ $caption.stop().fadeTo(ev.data.settings.captionSettings.animationDuration,
+ ev.data.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity);
+ }
+ }
+ function onEntryMouseLeaveForCaption (ev) {
+ var $caption = $(ev.currentTarget).find('.caption');
+ if (ev.data.settings.cssAnimation) {
+ $caption.removeClass('caption-visible').removeClass('caption-hidden');
+ } else {
+ $caption.stop().fadeTo(ev.data.settings.captionSettings.animationDuration,
+ ev.data.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity);
+ }
+ }
+ function showImg($entry, callback, context) {
+ if (context.settings.cssAnimation) {
+ $entry.addClass('entry-visible');
+ callback();
+ } else {
+ $entry.stop().fadeTo(context.settings.imagesAnimationDuration, 1.0, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ function hideImgImmediately($entry, context) {
+ if (context.settings.cssAnimation) {
+ $entry.removeClass('entry-visible');
+ } else {
+ $entry.stop().fadeTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ function displayEntry($entry, x, y, imgWidth, imgHeight, rowHeight, context) {
+ var $image = $entry.find('img');
+ $image.css('width', imgWidth);
+ $image.css('height', imgHeight);
+ $image.css('margin-left', - imgWidth / 2);
+ $image.css('margin-top', - imgHeight / 2);
+ $entry.width(imgWidth);
+ $entry.height(rowHeight);
+ $entry.css('top', y);
+ $entry.css('left', x);
+ //DEBUG// console.log('displayEntry (w: ' + $image.width() + ' h: ' + $image.height());
+ // Image reloading for an high quality of thumbnails
+ var imageSrc = $image.attr('src');
+ var newImageSrc = newSrc(imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, context);
+ $image.one('error', function () {
+ //DEBUG// console.log('revert the original image');
+ $image.attr('src', $image.data('jg.originalSrc')); //revert to the original thumbnail, we got it.
+ });
+ function loadNewImage() {
+ if (imageSrc !== newImageSrc) { //load the new image after the fadeIn
+ $image.attr('src', newImageSrc);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($image.data('jg.loaded') === 'skipped') {
+ $image.one('load', function() {
+ showImg($entry, loadNewImage, context);
+ $image.data('jg.loaded', 'loaded');
+ });
+ } else {
+ showImg($entry, loadNewImage, context);
+ }
+ // Captions ------------------------------
+ var captionMouseEvents = $entry.data('jg.captionMouseEvents');
+ if (context.settings.captions === true) {
+ var $imgCaption = $entry.find('.caption');
+ if ($imgCaption.length === 0) { // Create it if it doesn't exists
+ var caption = $image.attr('alt');
+ if (typeof caption === 'undefined') caption = $entry.attr('title');
+ if (typeof caption !== 'undefined') { // Create only we found something
+ $imgCaption = $('<div class="caption">' + caption + '</div>');
+ $entry.append($imgCaption);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create events (we check again the $imgCaption because it can be still inexistent)
+ if ($imgCaption.length !== 0) {
+ if (!context.settings.cssAnimation) {
+ $imgCaption.stop().fadeTo(context.settings.imagesAnimationDuration,
+ context.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity);
+ }
+ if (typeof captionMouseEvents === 'undefined') {
+ captionMouseEvents = {
+ mouseenter: onEntryMouseEnterForCaption,
+ mouseleave: onEntryMouseLeaveForCaption
+ };
+ $entry.on('mouseenter', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseenter);
+ $entry.on('mouseleave', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseleave);
+ $entry.data('jg.captionMouseEvents', captionMouseEvents);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (typeof captionMouseEvents !== 'undefined') {
+ $entry.off('mouseenter', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseenter);
+ $entry.off('mouseleave', undefined, context, captionMouseEvents.mouseleave);
+ $entry.removeData('jg.captionMouseEvents');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function prepareBuildingRow(context, isLastRow) {
+ var settings = context.settings;
+ var i, $entry, $image, imgAspectRatio, newImgW, newImgH, justify = true;
+ var minHeight = 0;
+ var availableWidth = context.galleryWidth - (
+ (context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * settings.margins);
+ var rowHeight = availableWidth / context.buildingRow.aspectRatio;
+ var justificable = context.buildingRow.width / availableWidth > settings.justifyThreshold;
+ //Skip the last row if we can't justify it and the lastRow == 'hide'
+ if (isLastRow && settings.lastRow === 'hide' && !justificable) {
+ for (i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
+ $entry = context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i];
+ if (settings.cssAnimation)
+ $entry.removeClass('entry-visible');
+ else
+ $entry.stop().fadeTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // With lastRow = nojustify, justify if is justificable (the images will not become too big)
+ if (isLastRow && !justificable && settings.lastRow === 'nojustify') justify = false;
+ for (i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
+ $image = context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i].find('img');
+ imgAspectRatio = $image.data('jg.imgw') / $image.data('jg.imgh');
+ if (justify) {
+ newImgW = rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
+ newImgH = rowHeight;
+ /* With fixedHeight the newImgH must be greater than rowHeight.
+ In some cases here this is not satisfied (due to the justification).
+ But we comment it, because is better to have a shorter but justified row instead
+ to have a cropped image at the end. */
+ /*if (settings.fixedHeight && newImgH < settings.rowHeight) {
+ newImgW = settings.rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
+ newImgH = settings.rowHeight;
+ }*/
+ } else {
+ newImgW = settings.rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
+ newImgH = settings.rowHeight;
+ }
+ $image.data('jg.imgw', Math.ceil(newImgW));
+ $image.data('jg.imgh', Math.ceil(newImgH));
+ if (i === 0 || minHeight > newImgH) minHeight = newImgH;
+ }
+ if (settings.fixedHeight && minHeight > settings.rowHeight)
+ minHeight = settings.rowHeight;
+ return {minHeight: minHeight, justify: justify};
+ }
+ function rewind(context) {
+ context.lastAnalyzedIndex = -1;
+ context.buildingRow.entriesBuff = [];
+ context.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
+ context.buildingRow.width = 0;
+ context.offY = 0;
+ }
+ function flushRow(context, isLastRow) {
+ var settings = context.settings;
+ var $entry, $image, minHeight, buildingRowRes, offX = 0;
+ //DEBUG// console.log('flush (isLastRow: ' + isLastRow + ')');
+ buildingRowRes = prepareBuildingRow(context, isLastRow);
+ minHeight = buildingRowRes.minHeight;
+ if (isLastRow && settings.lastRow === 'hide' && minHeight === -1) {
+ context.buildingRow.entriesBuff = [];
+ context.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
+ context.buildingRow.width = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (settings.maxRowHeight > 0 && settings.maxRowHeight < minHeight)
+ minHeight = settings.maxRowHeight;
+ else if (settings.maxRowHeight === 0 && (1.5 * settings.rowHeight) < minHeight)
+ minHeight = 1.5 * settings.rowHeight;
+ for (var i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
+ $entry = context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i];
+ $image = $entry.find('img');
+ displayEntry($entry, offX, context.offY, $image.data('jg.imgw'),
+ $image.data('jg.imgh'), minHeight, context);
+ offX += $image.data('jg.imgw') + settings.margins;
+ }
+ //Gallery Height
+ context.$gallery.height(context.offY + minHeight +
+ (context.spinner.active ? context.spinner.$el.innerHeight() : 0)
+ );
+ if (!isLastRow || (minHeight <= context.settings.rowHeight && buildingRowRes.justify)) {
+ //Ready for a new row
+ context.offY += minHeight + context.settings.margins;
+ //DEBUG// console.log('minHeight: ' + minHeight + ' offY: ' + context.offY);
+ context.buildingRow.entriesBuff = []; //clear the array creating a new one
+ context.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
+ context.buildingRow.width = 0;
+ context.$gallery.trigger('jg.rowflush');
+ }
+ }
+ function checkWidth(context) {
+ context.checkWidthIntervalId = setInterval(function () {
+ var galleryWidth = parseInt(context.$gallery.width(), 10);
+ if (context.galleryWidth !== galleryWidth) {
+ //DEBUG// console.log("resize. old: " + context.galleryWidth + " new: " + galleryWidth);
+ context.galleryWidth = galleryWidth;
+ rewind(context);
+ // Restart to analyze
+ startImgAnalyzer(context, true);
+ }
+ }, context.settings.refreshTime);
+ }
+ function startLoadingSpinnerAnimation(spinnerContext) {
+ clearInterval(spinnerContext.intervalId);
+ spinnerContext.intervalId = setInterval(function () {
+ if (spinnerContext.phase < spinnerContext.$points.length)
+ spinnerContext.$points.eq(spinnerContext.phase).fadeTo(spinnerContext.timeslot, 1);
+ else
+ spinnerContext.$points.eq(spinnerContext.phase - spinnerContext.$points.length)
+ .fadeTo(spinnerContext.timeslot, 0);
+ spinnerContext.phase = (spinnerContext.phase + 1) % (spinnerContext.$points.length * 2);
+ }, spinnerContext.timeslot);
+ }
+ function stopLoadingSpinnerAnimation(spinnerContext) {
+ clearInterval(spinnerContext.intervalId);
+ spinnerContext.intervalId = null;
+ }
+ function stopImgAnalyzerStarter(context) {
+ context.yield.flushed = 0;
+ if (context.imgAnalyzerTimeout !== null) clearTimeout(context.imgAnalyzerTimeout);
+ }
+ function startImgAnalyzer(context, isForResize) {
+ stopImgAnalyzerStarter(context);
+ context.imgAnalyzerTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ analyzeImages(context, isForResize);
+ }, 0.001);
+ analyzeImages(context, isForResize);
+ }
+ function analyzeImages(context, isForResize) {
+ /* //DEBUG//
+ var rnd = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000, 10);
+ console.log('analyzeImages ' + rnd + ' start');
+ console.log('images status: ');
+ for (var i = 0; i < context.entries.length; i++) {
+ var $entry = $(context.entries[i]);
+ var $image = $entry.find('img');
+ console.log(i + ' (alt: ' + $image.attr('alt') + 'loaded: ' + $image.data('jg.loaded') + ')');
+ }*/
+ /* The first row */
+ var settings = context.settings;
+ var isLastRow;
+ for (var i = context.lastAnalyzedIndex + 1; i < context.entries.length; i++) {
+ var $entry = $(context.entries[i]);
+ var $image = $entry.find('img');
+ if ($image.data('jg.loaded') === true || $image.data('jg.loaded') === 'skipped') {
+ isLastRow = i >= context.entries.length - 1;
+ var availableWidth = context.galleryWidth - (
+ (context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * settings.margins);
+ var imgAspectRatio = $image.data('jg.imgw') / $image.data('jg.imgh');
+ if (availableWidth / (context.buildingRow.aspectRatio + imgAspectRatio) < settings.rowHeight) {
+ flushRow(context, isLastRow);
+ if(++context.yield.flushed >= context.yield.every) {
+ //DEBUG// console.log("yield");
+ startImgAnalyzer(context, isForResize);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.push($entry);
+ context.buildingRow.aspectRatio += imgAspectRatio;
+ context.buildingRow.width += imgAspectRatio * settings.rowHeight;
+ context.lastAnalyzedIndex = i;
+ } else if ($image.data('jg.loaded') !== 'error') {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Last row flush (the row is not full)
+ if (context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length > 0) flushRow(context, true);
+ if (context.spinner.active) {
+ context.spinner.active = false;
+ context.$gallery.height(context.$gallery.height() - context.spinner.$el.innerHeight());
+ context.spinner.$el.detach();
+ stopLoadingSpinnerAnimation(context.spinner);
+ }
+ /* Stop, if there is, the timeout to start the analyzeImages.
+ This is because an image can be set loaded, and the timeout can be set,
+ but this image can be analyzed yet.
+ */
+ stopImgAnalyzerStarter(context);
+ //On complete callback
+ if (!isForResize)
+ context.$gallery.trigger('jg.complete');
+ else
+ context.$gallery.trigger('jg.resize');
+ //DEBUG// console.log('analyzeImages ' + rnd + ' end');
+ }
+ function checkSettings (context) {
+ var settings = context.settings;
+ function checkSuffixesRange(range) {
+ if (typeof settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[range] !== 'string')
+ throw 'sizeRangeSuffixes.' + range + ' must be a string';
+ }
+ function checkOrConvertNumber(parent, settingName) {
+ if (typeof parent[settingName] === 'string') {
+ parent[settingName] = parseFloat(parent[settingName], 10);
+ if (isNaN(parent[settingName])) throw 'invalid number for ' + settingName;
+ } else if (typeof parent[settingName] === 'number') {
+ if (isNaN(parent[settingName])) throw 'invalid number for ' + settingName;
+ } else {
+ throw settingName + ' must be a number';
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof settings.sizeRangeSuffixes !== 'object')
+ throw 'sizeRangeSuffixes must be defined and must be an object';
+ checkSuffixesRange('lt100');
+ checkSuffixesRange('lt240');
+ checkSuffixesRange('lt320');
+ checkSuffixesRange('lt500');
+ checkSuffixesRange('lt640');
+ checkSuffixesRange('lt1024');
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings, 'rowHeight');
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings, 'maxRowHeight');
+ if (settings.maxRowHeight > 0 &&
+ settings.maxRowHeight < settings.rowHeight) {
+ settings.maxRowHeight = settings.rowHeight;
+ }
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings, 'margins');
+ if (settings.lastRow !== 'nojustify' &&
+ settings.lastRow !== 'justify' &&
+ settings.lastRow !== 'hide') {
+ throw 'lastRow must be "nojustify", "justify" or "hide"';
+ }
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings, 'justifyThreshold');
+ if (settings.justifyThreshold < 0 || settings.justifyThreshold > 1)
+ throw 'justifyThreshold must be in the interval [0,1]';
+ if (typeof settings.cssAnimation !== 'boolean') {
+ throw 'cssAnimation must be a boolean';
+ }
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings.captionSettings, 'animationDuration');
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings, 'imagesAnimationDuration');
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings.captionSettings, 'visibleOpacity');
+ if (settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity < 0 || settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity > 1)
+ throw 'captionSettings.visibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]';
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings.captionSettings, 'nonVisibleOpacity');
+ if (settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity < 0 || settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity > 1)
+ throw 'captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]';
+ if (typeof settings.fixedHeight !== 'boolean') {
+ throw 'fixedHeight must be a boolean';
+ }
+ if (typeof settings.captions !== 'boolean') {
+ throw 'captions must be a boolean';
+ }
+ checkOrConvertNumber(settings, 'refreshTime');
+ if (typeof settings.randomize !== 'boolean') {
+ throw 'randomize must be a boolean';
+ }
+ }
+ return this.each(function (index, gallery) {
+ var $gallery = $(gallery);
+ $gallery.addClass('justified-gallery');
+ var context = $gallery.data('jg.context');
+ if (typeof context === 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof arg !== 'undefined' && arg !== null && typeof arg !== 'object')
+ throw 'The argument must be an object';
+ // Spinner init
+ var $spinner = $('<div class="spinner"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>');
+ //Context init
+ context = {
+ settings : $.extend({}, defaults, arg),
+ imgAnalyzerTimeout : null,
+ entries : null,
+ buildingRow : {
+ entriesBuff : [],
+ width : 0,
+ aspectRatio : 0
+ },
+ lastAnalyzedIndex : -1,
+ yield : {
+ every : 2, /* do a flush every context.yield.every flushes (
+ * must be greater than 1, else the analyzeImages will loop */
+ flushed : 0 //flushed rows without a yield
+ },
+ offY : 0,
+ spinner : {
+ active : false,
+ phase : 0,
+ timeslot : 150,
+ $el : $spinner,
+ $points : $spinner.find('span'),
+ intervalId : null
+ },
+ checkWidthIntervalId : null,
+ galleryWidth : $gallery.width(),
+ $gallery : $gallery
+ };
+ $gallery.data('jg.context', context);
+ } else if (arg === 'norewind') {
+ /* Hide the image of the buildingRow to prevent strange effects when the row will be
+ re-justified again */
+ for (var i = 0; i < context.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
+ hideImgImmediately(context.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i], context);
+ }
+ // In this case we don't rewind, and analyze all the images
+ } else {
+ context.settings = $.extend({}, context.settings, arg);
+ rewind(context);
+ }
+ checkSettings(context);
+ context.entries = $gallery.find('> a, > div:not(.spinner, #page-end)').toArray();
+ if (context.entries.length === 0) return;
+ // Randomize
+ if (context.settings.randomize) {
+ context.entries.sort(function () { return Math.random() * 2 - 1; });
+ $.each(context.entries, function () {
+ $(this).appendTo($gallery);
+ });
+ }
+ var imagesToLoad = false;
+ $.each(context.entries, function (index, entry) {
+ var $entry = $(entry);
+ var $image = $entry.find('img');
+ if ($image.data('jg.loaded') !== true && $image.data('jg.loaded') !== 'skipped') {
+ // Link Rel global overwrite
+ if (context.settings.rel !== null) $entry.attr('rel', context.settings.rel);
+ // Link Target global overwrite
+ if (context.settings.target !== null) $entry.attr('target', context.settings.target);
+ // Image src
+ var imageSrc = (typeof $image.data('safe-src') !== 'undefined') ?
+ $image.data('safe-src') : $image.attr('src');
+ $image.data('jg.originalSrc', imageSrc);
+ $image.attr('src', imageSrc);
+ var width = parseInt($image.attr('width'), 10);
+ var height = parseInt($image.attr('height'), 10);
+ if(context.settings.waitThumbnailsLoad !== true && !isNaN(width) && !isNaN(height)) {
+ $image.data('jg.imgw', width);
+ $image.data('jg.imgh', height);
+ $image.data('jg.loaded', 'skipped');
+ startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ $image.data('jg.loaded', false);
+ imagesToLoad = true;
+ // Spinner start
+ if (context.spinner.active === false) {
+ context.spinner.active = true;
+ $gallery.append(context.spinner.$el);
+ $gallery.height(context.offY + context.spinner.$el.innerHeight());
+ startLoadingSpinnerAnimation(context.spinner);
+ }
+ /* Check if the image is loaded or not using another image object.
+ We cannot use the 'complete' image property, because some browsers,
+ with a 404 set complete = true */
+ var loadImg = new Image();
+ var $loadImg = $(loadImg);
+ $loadImg.one('load', function imgLoaded () {
+ //DEBUG// console.log('img load (alt: ' + $image.attr('alt') + ')');
+ $image.off('load error');
+ $image.data('jg.imgw', loadImg.width);
+ $image.data('jg.imgh', loadImg.height);
+ $image.data('jg.loaded', true);
+ startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
+ });
+ $loadImg.one('error', function imgLoadError () {
+ //DEBUG// console.log('img error (alt: ' + $image.attr('alt') + ')');
+ $image.off('load error');
+ $image.data('jg.loaded', 'error');
+ startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
+ });
+ loadImg.src = imageSrc;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!imagesToLoad) startImgAnalyzer(context, false);
+ checkWidth(context);
+ });
+ };
diff --git a/library/stylish_select/index.html b/library/stylish_select/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b711c09f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/stylish_select/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>jQuery Stylish Select 0.4.9 plugin examples</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylish-select.css" />
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="jquery.stylish-select.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ $(function(){
+ $('#my-dropdown, #my-dropdown2, #my-dropdown3, #my-dropdown4, #my-dropdown5, #my-dropdown6, #my-dropdown7, #my-dropdown8, #my-dropdown9').sSelect();
+ //set max height
+ $('#my-dropdownCountries').sSelect({ddMaxHeight: '300px'});
+ //set value on click
+ $('#setVal').click(function(){
+ $('#my-dropdown5').getSetSSValue('4');
+ });
+ //get value on click
+ $('#getVal').click(function(){
+ alert('The value is: '+$('#my-dropdown5').getSetSSValue());
+ });
+ //alert change event
+ $('#my-dropdownChange').sSelect().change(function(){alert('changed')});
+ //add options to select and update
+ $('#addOptions').click(function(){
+ $('#my-dropdown6').append('<option value="newOpt">New Option</option>').resetSS();
+ return false;
+ });
+ });
+ </script>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ body {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px;}
+ .selCont {clear:both; margin-bottom:20px; padding-bottom:40px; float:left; border-bottom:dotted 1px #000; width:600px;}
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <form action="" method="post">
+ <h1>Stylish Select 0.4.9</h1>
+ <h2>A cross-browser, accessible alternative to the standard form element which can be fully customised with CSS</h2>
+ <p>Stylish Select attempts to replicate the functionality of the browser default select box as closely as possible with support for keyboard navigation, and intelligent positioning.</p>
+ <p>Stylish Select aims to have a minimal code footprint and weighs in at just over 3KB when minified.</p>
+ <a href="http://github.com/scottdarby/Stylish-Select">Get latest source code from GitHub</a>
+ <h2>Usage</h2>
+ <p>First, include the stylesheet, jQuery and the stylish select .js file in your html head tag.</p>
+ <p>The plugin can be used to replace any select with the following:</p>
+ <pre class="brush: javascript">
+ </pre>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Simplest example, option selected by default</h2>
+ <p>You can use the alphabetical and arrow keys to navigate the list as you would a browser default select.</p>
+ <select id="my-dropdown" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">A cappella</option>
+ <option value="test">Acid Jazz</option>
+ <option value="3">Big Band</option>
+ <option value="4">Big Beat</option>
+ <option value="5">Cakewalk</option>
+ <option value="6">Calenda</option>
+ <option value="7">Dark ambient</option>
+ <option value="8">Dark cabaret</option>
+ <option value="9">Chalk &amp; Cheese</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Change event</h2>
+ <p>Stylish Select alters the original select on the page, so you can access it's change event:</p>
+ <pre class="brush: javascript">
+//change event
+ </pre>
+ <select id="my-dropdownChange" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">A cappella</option>
+ <option value="test">Acid Jazz</option>
+ <option value="3" selected="selected">Big Band</option>
+ <option value="4">Big Beat</option>
+ <option value="5">Cakewalk</option>
+ <option value="6">Calenda</option>
+ <option value="7">Dark ambient</option>
+ <option value="8">Dark cabaret</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Grouped options</h2>
+ <p>Stylish Select supports optgroups and also optgroups and options together.</p>
+ <select id="my-dropdown2" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option>Please select</option>
+ <optgroup label="Tool">
+ <option value="1">Opiate</option>
+ <option value="2">Undertow</option>
+ <option value="3">Aenima</option>
+ <option value="4">Lateralus</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ <optgroup label="A Tribe Called Quest">
+ <option value="5">People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm</option>
+ <option value="6">The Low End Theory</option>
+ <option selected="selected" value="7">Midnight Marauders</option>
+ <option value="8">Beats, Rhymes and Life</option>
+ <option value="9">The Love Movement</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div id="get-set" class="selCont">
+ <h2>Getting/setting the value</h2>
+ <pre class="brush: javascript">
+//set value
+//get value
+alert('The value is: '+$('#my-dropdown5').getSetSSValue());
+ </pre>
+ <p><a id="setVal" href="javascript:void(0)">Set value to 4</a></p>
+ <p><a id="getVal" href="javascript:void(0)">Get value</a></p>
+ <select id="my-dropdown5" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">Lorem</option>
+ <option value="2">Ipsum</option>
+ <option value="3">Dolor</option>
+ <option value="4">Sit</option>
+ <option value="5">Amet</option>
+ <option value="6">Consectetuer</option>
+ <option value="7">Adipiscing</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div id="update" class="selCont">
+ <h2>Add new options to Stylish Select</h2>
+ <pre class="brush: javascript">
+//add options to select and update
+$('#my-dropdown6').append('&lt;option value="newOpt">New Option&lt;/option&gt;').resetSS();
+ </pre>
+ <p>If you add or remove options from the initial select element on the page, be sure to call the .resetSS() method on the select to update the Stylish Select replacement.</p>
+ <p><a id="addOptions" href="javascript:void(0)">Add new options to select and update</a></p>
+ <select id="my-dropdown6" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">Lorem</option>
+ <option value="2">Ipsum</option>
+ <option value="3">Dolor</option>
+ <option value="4">Sit</option>
+ <option value="5">Amet</option>
+ <option value="6">Consectetuer</option>
+ <option value="7">Adipiscing</option>
+ <option value="7">Adipiscing</option>
+ <option value="7">Adipiscing</option>
+ <option value="7">Adipiscing</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Max-height for large lists</h2>
+ <pre class="brush: javascript">
+$('#my-dropdown').sSelect({ddMaxHeight: '300px'});
+ </pre>
+ <select id="my-dropdownCountries" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">Afghanistan</option>
+ <option value="1">Akrotiri</option>
+ <option value="1">Albania</option>
+ <option value="1">Algeria</option>
+ <option value="1">American Samoa</option>
+ <option value="1">Andorra</option>
+ <option value="1">Angola</option>
+ <option value="1">Anguilla</option>
+ <option value="1">Antarctica</option>
+ <option value="1">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
+ <option value="1">Argentina</option>
+ <option value="1">Armenia</option>
+ <option value="1">Aruba</option>
+ <option value="1">Ashmore and Cartier Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Australia</option>
+ <option value="1">Austria</option>
+ <option value="1">Azerbaijan</option>
+ <option value="1">Bahamas, The</option>
+ <option value="1">Bahrain</option>
+ <option value="1">Bangladesh</option>
+ <option value="1">Barbados</option>
+ <option value="1">Bassas da India</option>
+ <option value="1">Belarus</option>
+ <option value="1">Belgium</option>
+ <option value="1">Belize</option>
+ <option value="1">Benin</option>
+ <option value="1">Bermuda</option>
+ <option value="1">Bhutan</option>
+ <option value="1">Bolivia</option>
+ <option value="1">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
+ <option value="1">Botswana</option>
+ <option value="1">Bouvet Island</option>
+ <option value="1">Brazil</option>
+ <option value="1">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
+ <option value="1">British Virgin Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Brunei</option>
+ <option value="1">Bulgaria</option>
+ <option value="1">Burkina Faso</option>
+ <option value="1">Burma</option>
+ <option value="1">Burundi</option>
+ <option value="1">Cambodia</option>
+ <option value="1">Cameroon</option>
+ <option value="1">Canada</option>
+ <option value="1">Cape Verde</option>
+ <option value="1">Cayman Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Central African Republic</option>
+ <option value="1">Chad</option>
+ <option value="1">Chile</option>
+ <option value="1">China</option>
+ <option value="1">Christmas Island</option>
+ <option value="1">Clipperton Island</option>
+ <option value="1">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Colombia</option>
+ <option value="1">Comoros</option>
+ <option value="1">Congo, Democratic Republic of the</option>
+ <option value="1">Congo, Republic of the</option>
+ <option value="1">Cook Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Coral Sea Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Costa Rica</option>
+ <option value="1">Cote d'Ivoire</option>
+ <option value="1">Croatia</option>
+ <option value="1">Cuba</option>
+ <option value="1">Cyprus</option>
+ <option value="1">Czech Republic</option>
+ <option value="1">Denmark</option>
+ <option value="1">Dhekelia</option>
+ <option value="1">Djibouti</option>
+ <option value="1">Dominica</option>
+ <option value="1">Dominican Republic</option>
+ <option value="1">Ecuador</option>
+ <option value="1">Egypt</option>
+ <option value="1">El Salvador</option>
+ <option value="1">Equatorial Guinea</option>
+ <option value="1">Eritrea</option>
+ <option value="1">Estonia</option>
+ <option value="1">Ethiopia</option>
+ <option value="1">Europa Island</option>
+ <option value="1">Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)</option>
+ <option value="1">Faroe Islands</option>
+ <option value="1">Fiji</option>
+ <option value="1">Finland</option>
+ <option value="1">France</option>
+ <option value="1">French Guiana</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Intelligent positioning</h2>
+ <p>Stylish Select will always remain visible on the page.</p>
+ <select id="my-dropdown4" name="my-dropdown">
+ <optgroup label="Tool">
+ <option value="1">Opiate</option>
+ <option value="2">Undertow</option>
+ <option value="3">Aenima</option>
+ <option value="4">Lateralus</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ <optgroup label="A Tribe Called Quest">
+ <option value="5">People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm</option>
+ <option value="6">The Low End Theory</option>
+ <option value="7" selected="selected">Midnight Marauders</option>
+ <option value="8">Beats, Rhymes and Life</option>
+ <option value="9">The Love Movement</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Disabled Select</h2>
+ <select disabled="disabled" id="my-dropdown7" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">Opiate</option>
+ <option value="2">Undertow</option>
+ <option value="3">Aenima</option>
+ <option value="4">Lateralus</option>
+ <option value="9">The Love Movement</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Disabled Options</h2>
+ <select id="my-dropdown8" name="my-dropdown">
+ <option value="1">Opiate</option>
+ <option disabled="disabled" value="2">Undertow</option>
+ <option value="3">Aenima</option>
+ <option selected="selected" value="4">Lateralus</option>
+ <option value="9">The Love Movement</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="selCont">
+ <h2>Disabled Grouped options</h2>
+ <select id="my-dropdown9" name="my-dropdown">
+ <optgroup label="Tool" disabled="disabled">
+ <option value="1">Opiate</option>
+ <option value="2">Undertow</option>
+ <option value="3">Aenima</option>
+ <option value="4">Lateralus</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ <optgroup label="A Tribe Called Quest">
+ <option value="5">People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm</option>
+ <option value="6">The Low End Theory</option>
+ <option value="7" selected="selected">Midnight Marauders</option>
+ <option value="8">Beats, Rhymes and Life</option>
+ <option value="9">The Love Movement</option>
+ </optgroup>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </body>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/stylish_select/jquery.stylish-select.js b/library/stylish_select/jquery.stylish-select.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61a38ca8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/stylish_select/jquery.stylish-select.js
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+* Stylish Select 0.4.9 - jQuery plugin to replace a select drop down box with a stylable unordered list
+* http://github.com/scottdarby/Stylish-Select
+* Requires: jQuery 1.3 or newer
+* Contributions from Justin Beasley: http://www.harvest.org/
+* Anatoly Ressin: http://www.artazor.lv/ Wilfred Hughes: https://github.com/Wilfred
+* Grigory Zarubin: https://github.com/Craigy-
+* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+ //add class to html tag
+ $('html').addClass('stylish-select');
+ //Cross-browser implementation of indexOf from MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/indexOf
+ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf){
+ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(searchElement /*, fromIndex */){
+ if (this === void 0 || this === null)
+ throw new TypeError();
+ var t = Object(this);
+ var len = t.length >>> 0;
+ if (len === 0)
+ return -1;
+ var n = 0;
+ if (arguments.length > 0){
+ n = Number(arguments[1]);
+ if (n !== n) // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN
+ n = 0;
+ else if (n !== 0 && n !== (1 / 0) && n !== -(1 / 0))
+ n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
+ }
+ if (n >= len)
+ return -1;
+ var k = n >= 0
+ ? n
+ : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
+ for (; k < len; k++){
+ if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement)
+ return k;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ }
+ //utility methods
+ $.fn.extend({
+ getSetSSValue: function(value){
+ if (value){
+ //set value and trigger change event
+ $(this).val(value).change();
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return $(this).find(':selected').val();
+ }
+ },
+ //added by Justin Beasley
+ resetSS: function(){
+ var oldOpts = $(this).data('ssOpts');
+ $this = $(this);
+ $this.next().remove();
+ //unbind all events and redraw
+ $this.unbind('.sSelect').sSelect(oldOpts);
+ }
+ });
+ $.fn.sSelect = function(options){
+ return this.each(function(){
+ var defaults = {
+ defaultText: 'Please select',
+ animationSpeed: 0, //set speed of dropdown
+ ddMaxHeight: '', //set css max-height value of dropdown
+ containerClass: '' //additional classes for container div
+ };
+ //initial variables
+ var opts = $.extend(defaults, options),
+ $input = $(this),
+ $containerDivText = $('<div class="selectedTxt"></div>'),
+ $containerDiv = $('<div class="newListSelected ' + opts.containerClass + ($input.is(':disabled') ? ' newListDisabled' : '') + '"></div>'),
+ $containerDivWrapper = $('<div class="SSContainerDivWrapper" style="visibility:hidden;"></div>'),
+ $newUl = $('<ul class="newList"></ul>'),
+ currentIndex = -1,
+ prevIndex = -1,
+ keys = [],
+ prevKey = false,
+ prevented = false,
+ $newLi;
+ //added by Justin Beasley
+ $(this).data('ssOpts',options);
+ if( $(this).next('.newListSelected').length ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //build new list
+ $containerDiv.insertAfter($input);
+ $containerDiv.attr("tabindex", $input.attr("tabindex") || "0");
+ $containerDivText.prependTo($containerDiv);
+ $newUl.appendTo($containerDiv);
+ $newUl.wrap($containerDivWrapper);
+ $containerDivWrapper = $newUl.parent();
+ $input.hide();
+ if($input.is(':disabled')){
+ return;
+ }
+ //added by Justin Beasley (used for lists initialized while hidden)
+ $containerDivText.data('ssReRender',!$containerDivText.is(':visible'));
+ //add one item to list
+ function addItem(item, container) {
+ var option = $(item).text(),
+ key = $(item).val(),
+ isDisabled = $(item).is(':disabled');
+ if (!isDisabled && !$(item).parents().is(':disabled')) {
+ //add first letter of each word to array
+ keys.push(option.charAt(0).toLowerCase());
+ }
+ container.append($('<li><a'+(isDisabled ? ' class="newListItemDisabled"' : '')+' href="JavaScript:void(0);">'+option+'</a></li>').data({
+ 'key' : key,
+ 'selected' : $(item).is(':selected')
+ }));
+ }
+ $input.children().each(function(){
+ if ($(this).is('option')){
+ addItem(this, $newUl);
+ } else {
+ var optionTitle = $(this).attr('label'),
+ $optGroup = $('<li class="newListOptionTitle ' + ($(this).is(':disabled') ? 'newListOptionDisabled' : '') + '">'+optionTitle+'</li>'),
+ $optGroupList = $('<ul></ul>');
+ $optGroup.appendTo($newUl);
+ $optGroupList.appendTo($optGroup);
+ $(this).children().each(function(){
+ addItem(this, $optGroupList);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ //cache list items object
+ $newLi = $newUl.find('li a:not(.newListItemDisabled)').not(function(){
+ return $(this).parents().hasClass('newListOptionDisabled');
+ });
+ //get selected item from new list (because it doesn't contain disabled options)
+ $newLi.each(function(i){
+ if ($(this).parent().data('selected')){
+ opts.defaultText = $(this).html();
+ currentIndex = prevIndex = i;
+ }
+ });
+ //get heights of new elements for use later
+ var newUlHeight = $newUl.height(),
+ containerHeight = $containerDiv.height(),
+ newLiLength = $newLi.length;
+ //check if a value is selected
+ if (currentIndex != -1){
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ } else {
+ //set placeholder text
+ $containerDivText.text(opts.defaultText);
+ }
+ //decide if to place the new list above or below the drop-down
+ function newUlPos(){
+ var containerPosY = $containerDiv.offset().top,
+ docHeight = $(window).height(),
+ scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
+ //if height of list is greater then max height, set list height to max height value
+ if (newUlHeight > parseInt(opts.ddMaxHeight)){
+ newUlHeight = parseInt(opts.ddMaxHeight);
+ }
+ containerPosY = containerPosY-scrollTop;
+ if (containerPosY+newUlHeight >= docHeight){
+ $newUl.css({
+ height: newUlHeight
+ });
+ $containerDivWrapper.css({
+ top: '-'+newUlHeight+'px',
+ height: newUlHeight
+ });
+ $input.onTop = true;
+ } else {
+ $newUl.css({
+ height: newUlHeight
+ });
+ $containerDivWrapper.css({
+ top: containerHeight+'px',
+ height: newUlHeight
+ });
+ $input.onTop = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //run function on page load
+ newUlPos();
+ //run function on browser window resize
+ $(window).bind('resize.sSelect scroll.sSelect', newUlPos);
+ //positioning
+ function positionFix(){
+ $containerDiv.css('position','relative');
+ }
+ function positionHideFix(){
+ $containerDiv.css(
+ {
+ position: 'static'
+ });
+ }
+ $containerDivText.bind('click.sSelect',function(event){
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ //added by Justin Beasley
+ if($(this).data('ssReRender')){
+ newUlHeight = $newUl.height('').height();
+ $containerDivWrapper.height('');
+ containerHeight = $containerDiv.height();
+ $(this).data('ssReRender',false);
+ newUlPos();
+ }
+ //hide all menus apart from this one
+ $('.SSContainerDivWrapper')
+ .not($(this).next())
+ .hide()
+ .parent()
+ .css('position', 'static')
+ .removeClass('newListSelFocus');
+ //show/hide this menu
+ $containerDivWrapper.toggle();
+ positionFix();
+ //scroll list to selected item
+ if(currentIndex == -1) currentIndex = 0;
+ try {
+ $newLi.eq(currentIndex).focus();
+ } catch(ex) {}
+ });
+ function closeDropDown(fireChange, resetText){
+ if(fireChange == true){
+ prevIndex = currentIndex;
+ $input.change();
+ }
+ if(resetText == true){
+ currentIndex = prevIndex;
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ }
+ $containerDivWrapper.hide();
+ positionHideFix();
+ }
+ $newLi.bind('click.sSelect',function(e){
+ var $clickedLi = $(e.target);
+ //update counter
+ currentIndex = $newLi.index($clickedLi);
+ //remove all hilites, then add hilite to selected item
+ prevented = true;
+ navigateList(currentIndex, true);
+ closeDropDown();
+ });
+ $newLi.bind('mouseenter.sSelect',
+ function(e){
+ var $hoveredLi = $(e.target);
+ $hoveredLi.addClass('newListHover');
+ }).bind('mouseleave.sSelect',
+ function(e){
+ var $hoveredLi = $(e.target);
+ $hoveredLi.removeClass('newListHover');
+ });
+ function navigateList(currentIndex, fireChange){
+ if(currentIndex == -1){
+ $containerDivText.text(opts.defaultText);
+ $newLi.removeClass('hiLite');
+ } else {
+ $newLi.removeClass('hiLite')
+ .eq(currentIndex)
+ .addClass('hiLite');
+ var text = $newLi.eq(currentIndex).text(),
+ val = $newLi.eq(currentIndex).parent().data('key');
+ try {
+ $input.val(val);
+ } catch(ex) {
+ // handle ie6 exception
+ $input[0].selectedIndex = currentIndex;
+ }
+ $containerDivText.text(text);
+ //only fire change event if specified
+ if(fireChange == true){
+ prevIndex = currentIndex;
+ $input.change();
+ }
+ if ($containerDivWrapper.is(':visible')){
+ try {
+ $newLi.eq(currentIndex).focus();
+ } catch(ex) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $input.bind('change.sSelect',function(event){
+ var $targetInput = $(event.target);
+ //stop change function from firing
+ if (prevented == true){
+ prevented = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ var $currentOpt = $targetInput.find(':selected');
+ currentIndex = $targetInput.find('option').index($currentOpt);
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ });
+ //handle up and down keys
+ function keyPress(element){
+ //when keys are pressed
+ $(element).unbind('keydown.sSelect').bind('keydown.sSelect',function(e){
+ var keycode = e.which;
+ //prevent change function from firing
+ prevented = true;
+ switch(keycode){
+ case 40: //down
+ case 39: //right
+ incrementList();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 38: //up
+ case 37: //left
+ decrementList();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 33: //page up
+ case 36: //home
+ gotoFirst();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 34: //page down
+ case 35: //end
+ gotoLast();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 13: //enter
+ case 27: //esc
+ closeDropDown(true);
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case 9: //tab
+ closeDropDown(true);
+ nextFormElement();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ //check for keyboard shortcuts
+ keyPressed = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
+ var currentKeyIndex = keys.indexOf(keyPressed);
+ if (typeof currentKeyIndex != 'undefined'){ //if key code found in array
+ ++currentIndex;
+ currentIndex = keys.indexOf(keyPressed, currentIndex); //search array from current index
+ if (currentIndex == -1 || currentIndex == null || prevKey != keyPressed){
+ // if no entry was found or new key pressed search from start of array
+ currentIndex = keys.indexOf(keyPressed);
+ }
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ //store last key pressed
+ prevKey = keyPressed;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function incrementList(){
+ if (currentIndex < (newLiLength-1)){
+ ++currentIndex;
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ function decrementList(){
+ if (currentIndex > 0){
+ --currentIndex;
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ function gotoFirst(){
+ currentIndex = 0;
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ }
+ function gotoLast(){
+ currentIndex = newLiLength-1;
+ navigateList(currentIndex);
+ }
+ $containerDiv.bind('click.sSelect',function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ keyPress(this);
+ });
+ $containerDiv.bind('focus.sSelect',function(){
+ $(this).addClass('newListSelFocus');
+ keyPress(this);
+ });
+ $containerDiv.bind('blur.sSelect',function(){
+ $(this).removeClass('newListSelFocus');
+ });
+ //hide list on blur
+ $(document).bind('click.sSelect',function(){
+ $containerDiv.removeClass('newListSelFocus');
+ if ($containerDivWrapper.is(':visible')){
+ closeDropDown(false, true);
+ } else {
+ closeDropDown(false);
+ }
+ });
+ //select next form element in document
+ function nextFormElement() {
+ var fields = $('body').find('button,input,textarea,select'),
+ index = fields.index($input);
+ if (index > -1 && (index + 1) < fields.length) {
+ fields.eq(index + 1).focus();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // handle focus on original select element
+ $input.focus(function(){
+ $input.next().focus();
+ });
+ //add classes on hover
+ $containerDivText.bind('mouseenter.sSelect',
+ function(e){
+ var $hoveredTxt = $(e.target);
+ $hoveredTxt.parent().addClass('newListSelHover');
+ }).bind('mouseleave.sSelect',
+ function(e){
+ var $hoveredTxt = $(e.target);
+ $hoveredTxt.parent().removeClass('newListSelHover');
+ });
+ //reset left property and hide
+ $containerDivWrapper.css({
+ left: '0',
+ display: 'none',
+ visibility: 'visible'
+ });
+ });
+ };
+})(jQuery); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/library/stylish_select/select-bg.png b/library/stylish_select/select-bg.png
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..151eda726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/stylish_select/select-bg.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/library/stylish_select/stylish-select.css b/library/stylish_select/stylish-select.css
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1f3dcd28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/stylish_select/stylish-select.css
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+* Stylish Select 0.4.9 - $ plugin to replace a select drop down box with a stylable unordered list
+* http://github.com/scottdarby/Stylish-Select/
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Scott Darby
+* Requires: jQuery 1.3 or newer
+* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+* Hide lists on page load
+.stylish-select .SSContainerDivWrapper {
+ left:-9999px;
+* Red example
+.stylish-select .SSContainerDivWrapper {
+ margin:0;
+ padding:0;
+ width:290px;
+ position:absolute;
+ top:22px;
+ left:0;
+ z-index:2;
+.stylish-select ul.newList {
+ margin:0;
+ padding:0;
+ list-style:none;
+ color:#000;
+ background:#fff;
+ border:1px solid #ccc;
+ overflow:auto;
+.stylish-select ul.newList * {
+ margin:0;
+ padding:0;
+.stylish-select ul.newList a {
+ color: #000;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ display:block;
+ padding:3px 8px;
+.stylish-select .newListSelected {
+ width:285px;
+ color:#000;
+ height:19px;
+ padding:3px 0 0 6px;
+ float:left;
+ background:url(select-bg.png) no-repeat;
+.stylish-select ul.newList li a:focus {
+ -moz-outline-style: none;
+.stylish-select .selectedTxt {
+ width:258px;
+ overflow:hidden;
+ height:16px;
+ padding:0 23px 0 0;
+.stylish-select .hiLite {
+ background:#650101!important;
+ color:#fff!important;
+.stylish-select .newListHover {
+ background:#ccc!important;
+ color:#000!important;
+ cursor:default;
+.stylish-select .newListDisabled {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=60)";
+ filter: alpha(opacity=60);
+.stylish-select .newListItemDisabled {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=60)";
+ filter: alpha(opacity=60);
+.stylish-select .newListOptionDisabled {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=60)";
+ filter: alpha(opacity=60);
+.stylish-select .newListSelHover,
+.stylish-select .newListSelFocus {
+ background-position:0 -22px;
+ cursor:default;
+.stylish-select .newListOptionTitle {
+ font-weight:bold;
+.stylish-select .newListOptionTitle ul {
+ margin:3px 0 0;
+.stylish-select .newListOptionTitle li {
+ font-weight:normal;
+} \ No newline at end of file