path: root/library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
diff options
authorzotlabs <mike@macgirvin.com>2018-06-25 20:58:23 -0700
committerzotlabs <mike@macgirvin.com>2018-06-25 20:58:23 -0700
commitb89387d60840595ab13343a05cc4294c51a9152b (patch)
tree2f21d81fb035b18683701f74b0b129facd04daee /library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
parent712759ea4b587f9d5b9dfac7216b7f14f32e7792 (diff)
parentcef1c09db651819c8e457c66aaa37f6f7a05578f (diff)
Merge branch 'dev' of https://framagit.org/hubzilla/core into xdev_merge
Diffstat (limited to 'library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js b/library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
index 85a4168bd..e1495d870 100644
--- a/library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
+++ b/library/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.js
@@ -1,26 +1,49 @@
- * Justified Gallery - v3.6.5
+ * justifiedGallery - v3.7.0
* http://miromannino.github.io/Justified-Gallery/
* Copyright (c) 2018 Miro Mannino
* Licensed under the MIT license.
-(function($) {
- function hasScrollBar() {
- return $("body").height() > $(window).height();
+(function (factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['jquery'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // Node/CommonJS
+ module.exports = function( root, jQuery ) {
+ if ( jQuery === undefined ) {
+ // require('jQuery') returns a factory that requires window to
+ // build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules
+ // that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop
+ // if it's defined (how jquery works)
+ if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) {
+ jQuery = require('jquery');
+ }
+ else {
+ jQuery = require('jquery')(root);
+ }
+ }
+ factory(jQuery);
+ return jQuery;
+ };
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory(jQuery);
+}(function ($) {
* Justified Gallery controller constructor
* @param $gallery the gallery to build
- * @param settings the settings (the defaults are in $.fn.justifiedGallery.defaults)
+ * @param settings the settings (the defaults are in JustifiedGallery.defaults)
* @constructor
var JustifiedGallery = function ($gallery, settings) {
this.settings = settings;
this.imgAnalyzerTimeout = null;
this.entries = null;
this.buildingRow = {
@@ -46,12 +69,13 @@
$el : $('<div class="spinner"><span></span><span></span><span></span></div>'),
intervalId : null
+ this.scrollBarOn = false;
this.checkWidthIntervalId = null;
this.galleryWidth = $gallery.width();
this.$gallery = $gallery;
/** @returns {String} the best suffix given the width and the height */
JustifiedGallery.prototype.getSuffix = function (width, height) {
var longestSide, i;
@@ -63,7 +87,7 @@
return this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[this.suffixRanges[i - 1]];
* Remove the suffix from the string
@@ -72,14 +96,14 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.removeSuffix = function (str, suffix) {
return str.substring(0, str.length - suffix.length);
* @returns {boolean} a boolean to say if the suffix is contained in the str or not
JustifiedGallery.prototype.endsWith = function (str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
* Get the used suffix of a particular url
@@ -95,7 +119,7 @@
return '';
* Given an image src, with the width and the height, returns the new image src with the
* best suffix to show the best quality thumbnail.
@@ -104,7 +128,7 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.newSrc = function (imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, image) {
var newImageSrc;
if (this.settings.thumbnailPath) {
newImageSrc = this.settings.thumbnailPath(imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, image);
} else {
@@ -114,10 +138,10 @@
newImageSrc = this.removeSuffix(newImageSrc, this.getUsedSuffix(newImageSrc));
newImageSrc += this.getSuffix(imgWidth, imgHeight) + ext;
return newImageSrc;
* Shows the images that is in the given entry
@@ -133,7 +157,7 @@
$entry.find(this.settings.imgSelector).stop().fadeTo(this.settings.imagesAnimationDuration, 1.0, callback);
* Extract the image src form the image, looking from the 'safe-src', and if it can't be found, from the
* 'src' attribute. It saves in the image data the 'jg.originalSrc' field, with the extracted src.
@@ -146,19 +170,19 @@
$image.data('jg.originalSrc', imageSrc);
return imageSrc;
/** @returns {jQuery} the image in the given entry */
JustifiedGallery.prototype.imgFromEntry = function ($entry) {
var $img = $entry.find(this.settings.imgSelector);
return $img.length === 0 ? null : $img;
/** @returns {jQuery} the caption in the given entry */
JustifiedGallery.prototype.captionFromEntry = function ($entry) {
var $caption = $entry.find('> .caption');
return $caption.length === 0 ? null : $caption;
* Display the entry
@@ -174,28 +198,28 @@
$entry.css('top', y);
$entry.css('left', x);
var $image = this.imgFromEntry($entry);
if ($image !== null) {
$image.css('width', imgWidth);
$image.css('height', imgHeight);
$image.css('margin-left', - imgWidth / 2);
$image.css('margin-top', - imgHeight / 2);
// Image reloading for an high quality of thumbnails
var imageSrc = $image.attr('src');
var newImageSrc = this.newSrc(imageSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, $image[0]);
$image.one('error', function () {
$image.attr('src', $image.data('jg.originalSrc')); //revert to the original thumbnail, we got it.
var loadNewImage = function () {
if (imageSrc !== newImageSrc) { //load the new image after the fadeIn
$image.attr('src', newImageSrc);
if ($entry.data('jg.loaded') === 'skipped') {
this.onImageEvent(imageSrc, $.proxy(function() {
this.showImg($entry, loadNewImage);
@@ -204,14 +228,14 @@
} else {
this.showImg($entry, loadNewImage);
} else {
* Display the entry caption. If the caption element doesn't exists, it creates the caption using the 'alt'
* or the 'title' attributes.
@@ -222,7 +246,7 @@
var $image = this.imgFromEntry($entry);
if ($image !== null && this.settings.captions) {
var $imgCaption = this.captionFromEntry($entry);
// Create it if it doesn't exists
if ($imgCaption === null) {
var caption = $image.attr('alt');
@@ -233,7 +257,7 @@
$entry.data('jg.createdCaption', true);
// Create events (we check again the $imgCaption because it can be still inexistent)
if ($imgCaption !== null) {
if (!this.settings.cssAnimation) $imgCaption.stop().fadeTo(0, this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity);
@@ -243,7 +267,7 @@
* Validates the caption
@@ -253,7 +277,7 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.isValidCaption = function (caption) {
return (typeof caption !== 'undefined' && caption.length > 0);
* The callback for the event 'mouseenter'. It assumes that the event currentTarget is an entry.
* It shows the caption using jQuery (or using CSS if it is configured so)
@@ -269,7 +293,7 @@
* The callback for the event 'mouseleave'. It assumes that the event currentTarget is an entry.
* It hides the caption using jQuery (or using CSS if it is configured so)
@@ -285,7 +309,7 @@
* Add the handlers of the entry for the caption
@@ -303,7 +327,7 @@
$entry.data('jg.captionMouseEvents', captionMouseEvents);
* Remove the handlers of the entry for the caption
@@ -317,7 +341,7 @@
* Clear the building row data to be used for a new row
@@ -326,7 +350,7 @@
this.buildingRow.aspectRatio = 0;
this.buildingRow.width = 0;
* Justify the building row, preparing it to
@@ -341,7 +365,7 @@
var rowHeight = availableWidth / this.buildingRow.aspectRatio;
var defaultRowHeight = this.settings.rowHeight;
var justifiable = this.buildingRow.width / availableWidth > this.settings.justifyThreshold;
//Skip the last row if we can't justify it and the lastRow == 'hide'
if (isLastRow && this.settings.lastRow === 'hide' && !justifiable) {
for (i = 0; i < this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
@@ -355,21 +379,21 @@
return -1;
// With lastRow = nojustify, justify if is justificable (the images will not become too big)
if (isLastRow && !justifiable && this.settings.lastRow !== 'justify' && this.settings.lastRow !== 'hide') {
justify = false;
if (this.rows > 0) {
defaultRowHeight = (this.offY - this.border - this.settings.margins * this.rows) / this.rows;
justify = defaultRowHeight * this.buildingRow.aspectRatio / availableWidth > this.settings.justifyThreshold;
for (i = 0; i < this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
$entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i];
imgAspectRatio = $entry.data('jg.width') / $entry.data('jg.height');
if (justify) {
newImgW = (i === this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) ? availableWidth : rowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
newImgH = rowHeight;
@@ -377,17 +401,17 @@
newImgW = defaultRowHeight * imgAspectRatio;
newImgH = defaultRowHeight;
availableWidth -= Math.round(newImgW);
$entry.data('jg.jwidth', Math.round(newImgW));
$entry.data('jg.jheight', Math.ceil(newImgH));
if (i === 0 || minHeight > newImgH) minHeight = newImgH;
this.buildingRow.height = minHeight;
return justify;
* Flush a row: justify it, modify the gallery height accordingly to the row height
@@ -396,115 +420,120 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.flushRow = function (isLastRow) {
var settings = this.settings;
var $entry, buildingRowRes, offX = this.border, i;
buildingRowRes = this.prepareBuildingRow(isLastRow);
if (isLastRow && settings.lastRow === 'hide' && buildingRowRes === -1) {
if(this.maxRowHeight) {
if(this.maxRowHeight < this.buildingRow.height) this.buildingRow.height = this.maxRowHeight;
//Align last (unjustified) row
if (isLastRow && (settings.lastRow === 'center' || settings.lastRow === 'right')) {
var availableWidth = this.galleryWidth - 2 * this.border - (this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1) * settings.margins;
for (i = 0; i < this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length; i++) {
$entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[i];
availableWidth -= $entry.data('jg.jwidth');
if (settings.lastRow === 'center')
offX += availableWidth / 2;
else if (settings.lastRow === 'right')
offX += availableWidth;
var lastEntryIdx = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length - 1;
for (i = 0; i <= lastEntryIdx; i++) {
$entry = this.buildingRow.entriesBuff[ this.settings.rtl ? lastEntryIdx - i : i ];
this.displayEntry($entry, offX, this.offY, $entry.data('jg.jwidth'), $entry.data('jg.jheight'), this.buildingRow.height);
offX += $entry.data('jg.jwidth') + settings.margins;
//Gallery Height
this.galleryHeightToSet = this.offY + this.buildingRow.height + this.border;
this.setGalleryTempHeight(this.galleryHeightToSet + this.getSpinnerHeight());
if (!isLastRow || (this.buildingRow.height <= settings.rowHeight && buildingRowRes)) {
//Ready for a new row
this.offY += this.buildingRow.height + settings.margins;
this.rows += 1;
- this.$gallery.trigger('jg.rowflush');
+ this.settings.triggerEvent.call(this, 'jg.rowflush');
- // Scroll position not restoring: https://github.com/miromannino/Justified-Gallery/issues/221
+ // Scroll position not restoring: https://github.com/miromannino/Justified-Gallery/issues/221
var galleryPrevStaticHeight = 0;
JustifiedGallery.prototype.rememberGalleryHeight = function () {
galleryPrevStaticHeight = this.$gallery.height();
// grow only
JustifiedGallery.prototype.setGalleryTempHeight = function (height) {
galleryPrevStaticHeight = Math.max(height, galleryPrevStaticHeight);
JustifiedGallery.prototype.setGalleryFinalHeight = function (height) {
galleryPrevStaticHeight = height;
+ /**
+ * @returns {boolean} a boolean saying if the scrollbar is active or not
+ */
+ function hasScrollBar() {
+ return $("body").height() > $(window).height();
+ }
* Checks the width of the gallery container, to know if a new justification is needed
- var scrollBarOn = false;
JustifiedGallery.prototype.checkWidth = function () {
this.checkWidthIntervalId = setInterval($.proxy(function () {
// if the gallery is not currently visible, abort.
if (!this.$gallery.is(":visible")) return;
var galleryWidth = parseFloat(this.$gallery.width());
- if (hasScrollBar() === scrollBarOn) {
+ if (hasScrollBar() === this.scrollBarOn) {
if (Math.abs(galleryWidth - this.galleryWidth) > this.settings.refreshSensitivity) {
this.galleryWidth = galleryWidth;
// Restart to analyze
} else {
- scrollBarOn = hasScrollBar();
+ this.scrollBarOn = hasScrollBar();
this.galleryWidth = galleryWidth;
}, this), this.settings.refreshTime);
* @returns {boolean} a boolean saying if the spinner is active or not
JustifiedGallery.prototype.isSpinnerActive = function () {
return this.spinner.intervalId !== null;
* @returns {int} the spinner height
JustifiedGallery.prototype.getSpinnerHeight = function () {
return this.spinner.$el.innerHeight();
* Stops the spinner animation and modify the gallery height to exclude the spinner
@@ -514,7 +543,7 @@
this.setGalleryTempHeight(this.$gallery.height() - this.getSpinnerHeight());
* Starts the spinner animation
@@ -533,7 +562,7 @@
spinnerContext.phase = (spinnerContext.phase + 1) % ($spinnerPoints.length * 2);
}, spinnerContext.timeSlot);
* Rewind the image analysis to start from the first entry.
@@ -544,7 +573,7 @@
this.rows = 0;
* Update the entries searching it from the justified gallery HTML element
@@ -553,16 +582,16 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.updateEntries = function (norewind) {
var newEntries;
if (norewind && this.lastFetchedEntry != null) {
newEntries = $(this.lastFetchedEntry).nextAll(this.settings.selector).toArray();
} else {
this.entries = [];
newEntries = this.$gallery.children(this.settings.selector).toArray();
if (newEntries.length > 0) {
// Sort or randomize
if ($.isFunction(this.settings.sort)) {
newEntries = this.sortArray(newEntries);
@@ -570,20 +599,20 @@
newEntries = this.shuffleArray(newEntries);
this.lastFetchedEntry = newEntries[newEntries.length - 1];
// Filter
if (this.settings.filter) {
newEntries = this.filterArray(newEntries);
} else {
this.entries = this.entries.concat(newEntries);
return true;
* Apply the entries order to the DOM, iterating the entries and appending the images
@@ -595,7 +624,7 @@
* Shuffle the array using the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm
@@ -613,7 +642,7 @@
return a;
* Sort the array using settings.comparator as comparator
@@ -625,7 +654,7 @@
return a;
* Reset the filters removing the 'jg-filtered' class from all the entries
@@ -634,7 +663,7 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.resetFilters = function (a) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) $(a[i]).removeClass('jg-filtered');
* Filter the entries considering theirs classes (if a string has been passed) or using a function for filtering.
@@ -668,7 +697,7 @@
return filteredArr;
* Destroy the Justified Gallery instance.
@@ -680,10 +709,10 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.destroy = function () {
$.each(this.entries, $.proxy(function(_, entry) {
var $entry = $(entry);
// Reset entry style
$entry.css('width', '');
$entry.css('height', '');
@@ -691,7 +720,7 @@
$entry.css('left', '');
$entry.data('jg.loaded', undefined);
// Reset image style
var $img = this.imgFromEntry($entry);
$img.css('width', '');
@@ -700,7 +729,7 @@
$img.css('margin-top', '');
$img.attr('src', $img.data('jg.originalSrc'));
$img.data('jg.originalSrc', undefined);
// Remove caption
var $caption = this.captionFromEntry($entry);
@@ -711,14 +740,14 @@
} else {
if ($caption !== null) $caption.fadeTo(0, 1);
}, this));
this.$gallery.css('height', '');
this.$gallery.data('jg.controller', undefined);
* Analyze the images and builds the rows. It returns if it found an image that is not loaded.
@@ -733,41 +762,41 @@
var imgAspectRatio = $entry.data('jg.width') / $entry.data('jg.height');
if (availableWidth / (this.buildingRow.aspectRatio + imgAspectRatio) < this.settings.rowHeight) {
if(++this.yield.flushed >= this.yield.every) {
this.buildingRow.aspectRatio += imgAspectRatio;
this.buildingRow.width += imgAspectRatio * this.settings.rowHeight;
this.lastAnalyzedIndex = i;
} else if ($entry.data('jg.loaded') !== 'error') {
// Last row flush (the row is not full)
if (this.buildingRow.entriesBuff.length > 0) this.flushRow(true);
if (this.isSpinnerActive()) {
/* Stop, if there is, the timeout to start the analyzeImages.
This is because an image can be set loaded, and the timeout can be set,
but this image can be analyzed yet.
//On complete callback
- this.$gallery.trigger(isForResize ? 'jg.resize' : 'jg.complete');
+ this.settings.triggerEvent.call(this, isForResize ? 'jg.resize' : 'jg.complete');
* Stops any ImgAnalyzer starter (that has an assigned timeout)
@@ -778,7 +807,7 @@
this.imgAnalyzerTimeout = null;
* Starts the image analyzer. It is not immediately called to let the browser to update the view
@@ -791,7 +820,7 @@
}, 0.001); // we can't start it immediately due to a IE different behaviour
* Checks if the image is loaded or not using another image object. We cannot use the 'complete' image property,
* because some browsers, with a 404 set complete = true.
@@ -802,7 +831,7 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.onImageEvent = function (imageSrc, onLoad, onError) {
if (!onLoad && !onError) return;
var memImage = new Image();
var $memImage = $(memImage);
if (onLoad) {
@@ -819,7 +848,7 @@
memImage.src = imageSrc;
* Init of Justified Gallery controlled
* It analyzes all the entries starting theirs loading and calling the image analyzer (that works with loaded images)
@@ -829,23 +858,23 @@
$.each(this.entries, function (index, entry) {
var $entry = $(entry);
var $image = that.imgFromEntry($entry);
if ($entry.data('jg.loaded') !== true && $entry.data('jg.loaded') !== 'skipped') {
// Link Rel global overwrite
if (that.settings.rel !== null) $entry.attr('rel', that.settings.rel);
// Link Target global overwrite
if (that.settings.target !== null) $entry.attr('target', that.settings.target);
if ($image !== null) {
// Image src
var imageSrc = that.extractImgSrcFromImage($image);
$image.attr('src', imageSrc);
/* If we have the height and the width, we don't wait that the image is loaded, but we start directly
* with the justification */
if (that.settings.waitThumbnailsLoad === false) {
@@ -860,13 +889,13 @@
return true; // continue
$entry.data('jg.loaded', false);
imagesToLoad = true;
// Spinner start
if (!that.isSpinnerActive()) that.startLoadingSpinnerAnimation();
that.onImageEvent(imageSrc, function (loadImg) { // image loaded
$entry.data('jg.width', loadImg.width);
$entry.data('jg.height', loadImg.height);
@@ -876,21 +905,21 @@
$entry.data('jg.loaded', 'error');
} else {
$entry.data('jg.loaded', true);
$entry.data('jg.width', $entry.width() | parseFloat($entry.css('width')) | 1);
$entry.data('jg.height', $entry.height() | parseFloat($entry.css('height')) | 1);
if (!imagesToLoad && !skippedImages) this.startImgAnalyzer(false);
* Checks that it is a valid number. If a string is passed it is converted to a number
@@ -901,14 +930,14 @@
if ($.type(settingContainer[settingName]) === 'string') {
settingContainer[settingName] = parseFloat(settingContainer[settingName]);
if ($.type(settingContainer[settingName]) === 'number') {
if (isNaN(settingContainer[settingName])) throw 'invalid number for ' + settingName;
} else {
throw settingName + ' must be a number';
* Checks the sizeRangeSuffixes and, if necessary, converts
* its keys from string (e.g. old settings with 'lt100') to int.
@@ -917,12 +946,12 @@
if ($.type(this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) !== 'object') {
throw 'sizeRangeSuffixes must be defined and must be an object';
var suffixRanges = [];
for (var rangeIdx in this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes) {
if (this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.hasOwnProperty(rangeIdx)) suffixRanges.push(rangeIdx);
var newSizeRngSuffixes = {0: ''};
for (var i = 0; i < suffixRanges.length; i++) {
if ($.type(suffixRanges[i]) === 'string') {
@@ -936,10 +965,10 @@
newSizeRngSuffixes[suffixRanges[i]] = this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes[suffixRanges[i]];
this.settings.sizeRangeSuffixes = newSizeRngSuffixes;
* check and convert the maxRowHeight setting
* requires rowHeight to be already set
@@ -949,7 +978,7 @@
JustifiedGallery.prototype.retrieveMaxRowHeight = function () {
var newMaxRowHeight = null;
var rowHeight = this.settings.rowHeight;
if ($.type(this.settings.maxRowHeight) === 'string') {
if (this.settings.maxRowHeight.match(/^[0-9]+%$/)) {
newMaxRowHeight = rowHeight * parseFloat(this.settings.maxRowHeight.match(/^([0-9]+)%$/)[1]) / 100;
@@ -963,26 +992,26 @@
} else {
throw 'maxRowHeight must be a number or a percentage';
// check if the converted value is not a number
if (isNaN(newMaxRowHeight)) throw 'invalid number for maxRowHeight';
// check values, maxRowHeight must be >= rowHeight
if (newMaxRowHeight < rowHeight) newMaxRowHeight = rowHeight;
return newMaxRowHeight;
* Checks the settings
JustifiedGallery.prototype.checkSettings = function () {
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'rowHeight');
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'margins');
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'border');
var lastRowModes = [
@@ -994,7 +1023,7 @@
if (lastRowModes.indexOf(this.settings.lastRow) === -1) {
throw 'lastRow must be one of: ' + lastRowModes.join(', ');
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'justifyThreshold');
if (this.settings.justifyThreshold < 0 || this.settings.justifyThreshold > 1) {
throw 'justifyThreshold must be in the interval [0,1]';
@@ -1002,38 +1031,38 @@
if ($.type(this.settings.cssAnimation) !== 'boolean') {
throw 'cssAnimation must be a boolean';
if ($.type(this.settings.captions) !== 'boolean') throw 'captions must be a boolean';
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings.captionSettings, 'animationDuration');
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings.captionSettings, 'visibleOpacity');
if (this.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity < 0 ||
this.settings.captionSettings.visibleOpacity > 1) {
throw 'captionSettings.visibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]';
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings.captionSettings, 'nonVisibleOpacity');
if (this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity < 0 ||
this.settings.captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity > 1) {
throw 'captionSettings.nonVisibleOpacity must be in the interval [0, 1]';
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'imagesAnimationDuration');
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'refreshTime');
this.checkOrConvertNumber(this.settings, 'refreshSensitivity');
if ($.type(this.settings.randomize) !== 'boolean') throw 'randomize must be a boolean';
if ($.type(this.settings.selector) !== 'string') throw 'selector must be a string';
if (this.settings.sort !== false && !$.isFunction(this.settings.sort)) {
throw 'sort must be false or a comparison function';
if (this.settings.filter !== false && !$.isFunction(this.settings.filter) &&
$.type(this.settings.filter) !== 'string') {
throw 'filter must be false, a string or a filter function';
* It brings all the indexes from the sizeRangeSuffixes and it orders them. They are then sorted and returned.
* @returns {Array} sorted suffix ranges
@@ -1046,7 +1075,7 @@
suffixRanges.sort(function (a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; });
return suffixRanges;
* Update the existing settings only changing some of them
@@ -1056,63 +1085,15 @@
// In this case Justified Gallery has been called again changing only some options
this.settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, newSettings);
// As reported in the settings: negative value = same as margins, 0 = disabled
this.border = this.settings.border >= 0 ? this.settings.border : this.settings.margins;
this.maxRowHeight = this.retrieveMaxRowHeight();
this.suffixRanges = this.retrieveSuffixRanges();
- /**
- * Justified Gallery plugin for jQuery
- *
- * Events
- * - jg.complete : called when all the gallery has been created
- * - jg.resize : called when the gallery has been resized
- * - jg.rowflush : when a new row appears
- *
- * @param arg the action (or the settings) passed when the plugin is called
- * @returns {*} the object itself
- */
- $.fn.justifiedGallery = function (arg) {
- return this.each(function (index, gallery) {
- var $gallery = $(gallery);
- $gallery.addClass('justified-gallery');
- var controller = $gallery.data('jg.controller');
- if (typeof controller === 'undefined') {
- // Create controller and assign it to the object data
- if (typeof arg !== 'undefined' && arg !== null && $.type(arg) !== 'object') {
- if (arg === 'destroy') return; // Just a call to an unexisting object
- throw 'The argument must be an object';
- }
- controller = new JustifiedGallery($gallery, $.extend({}, $.fn.justifiedGallery.defaults, arg));
- $gallery.data('jg.controller', controller);
- } else if (arg === 'norewind') {
- // In this case we don't rewind: we analyze only the latest images (e.g. to complete the last unfinished row
- // ... left to be more readable
- } else if (arg === 'destroy') {
- controller.destroy();
- return;
- } else {
- // In this case Justified Gallery has been called again changing only some options
- controller.updateSettings(arg);
- controller.rewind();
- }
- // Update the entries list
- if (!controller.updateEntries(arg === 'norewind')) return;
- // Init justified gallery
- controller.init();
- });
- };
- // Default options
- $.fn.justifiedGallery.defaults = {
+ JustifiedGallery.prototype.defaults = {
sizeRangeSuffixes: { }, /* e.g. Flickr configuration
100: '_t', // used when longest is less than 100px
@@ -1132,9 +1113,9 @@
// can't exceed 3 * rowHeight)
margins: 1,
border: -1, // negative value = same as margins, 0 = disabled, any other value to set the border
lastRow: 'nojustify', // … which is the same as 'left', or can be 'justify', 'center', 'right' or 'hide'
justifyThreshold: 0.90, /* if row width / available space > 0.90 it will be always justified
* (i.e. lastRow setting is not considered) */
waitThumbnailsLoad: true,
@@ -1165,7 +1146,57 @@
It follows the specifications of the Array.prototype.filter() function of JavaScript.
selector: 'a, div:not(.spinner)', // The selector that is used to know what are the entries of the gallery
- imgSelector: '> img, > a > img' // The selector that is used to know what are the images of each entry
+ imgSelector: '> img, > a > img', // The selector that is used to know what are the images of each entry
+ triggerEvent: function (event) { // This is called to trigger events, the default behavior is to call $.trigger
+ this.$gallery.trigger(event); // Consider that 'this' is this set to the JustifiedGallery object, so it can
+ } // access to fields such as $gallery, useful to trigger events with jQuery.
+ };
+ /**
+ * Justified Gallery plugin for jQuery
+ *
+ * Events
+ * - jg.complete : called when all the gallery has been created
+ * - jg.resize : called when the gallery has been resized
+ * - jg.rowflush : when a new row appears
+ *
+ * @param arg the action (or the settings) passed when the plugin is called
+ * @returns {*} the object itself
+ */
+ $.fn.justifiedGallery = function (arg) {
+ return this.each(function (index, gallery) {
+ var $gallery = $(gallery);
+ $gallery.addClass('justified-gallery');
+ var controller = $gallery.data('jg.controller');
+ if (typeof controller === 'undefined') {
+ // Create controller and assign it to the object data
+ if (typeof arg !== 'undefined' && arg !== null && $.type(arg) !== 'object') {
+ if (arg === 'destroy') return; // Just a call to an unexisting object
+ throw 'The argument must be an object';
+ }
+ controller = new JustifiedGallery($gallery, $.extend({}, JustifiedGallery.prototype.defaults, arg));
+ $gallery.data('jg.controller', controller);
+ } else if (arg === 'norewind') {
+ // In this case we don't rewind: we analyze only the latest images (e.g. to complete the last unfinished row
+ // ... left to be more readable
+ } else if (arg === 'destroy') {
+ controller.destroy();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // In this case Justified Gallery has been called again changing only some options
+ controller.updateSettings(arg);
+ controller.rewind();
+ }
+ // Update the entries list
+ if (!controller.updateEntries(arg === 'norewind')) return;
+ // Init justified gallery
+ controller.init();
+ });
+})); \ No newline at end of file