path: root/library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.d.ts
diff options
authorMario <mario@mariovavti.com>2020-06-15 08:19:13 +0000
committerMario <mario@mariovavti.com>2020-06-15 08:19:13 +0000
commit56ec55110a27a13cc2c7d1fb09f1650f8c4cd842 (patch)
tree1ed6199b0d09b232b3ba5dce28a0a0134242df55 /library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.d.ts
parent570497071d7dc231be6ab0eee951c22f1ad05df2 (diff)
update fullcalendar to version 4.4.2
Diffstat (limited to 'library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.d.ts')
1 files changed, 2736 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.d.ts b/library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6459021c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/fullcalendar/packages/core/main.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2736 @@
+// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3-fork.1
+// Dependencies for this module:
+// ../../../../../@fullcalendar/core
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core' {
+ export const version = "<%= version %>";
+ export { OptionsInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/types/input-types';
+ export { EventInput, EventDef, EventDefHash, EventInstance, EventInstanceHash, parseEventDef, createEventInstance, EventTuple } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ export { BusinessHoursInput, parseBusinessHours } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours';
+ export { applyAll, debounce, padStart, isInt, capitaliseFirstLetter, parseFieldSpecs, compareByFieldSpecs, compareByFieldSpec, flexibleCompare, computeVisibleDayRange, refineProps, matchCellWidths, uncompensateScroll, compensateScroll, subtractInnerElHeight, isMultiDayRange, distributeHeight, undistributeHeight, preventSelection, allowSelection, preventContextMenu, allowContextMenu, compareNumbers, enableCursor, disableCursor, diffDates } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/misc';
+ export { htmlEscape, cssToStr } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/html';
+ export { removeExact, isArraysEqual } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/array';
+ export { memoize, memoizeOutput } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/memoize';
+ export { memoizeRendering, MemoizedRendering } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/memoized-rendering';
+ export { intersectRects, Rect, pointInsideRect, constrainPoint, getRectCenter, diffPoints, Point, translateRect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom';
+ export { mapHash, filterHash, isPropsEqual } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/object';
+ export { findElements, findChildren, htmlToElement, createElement, insertAfterElement, prependToElement, removeElement, appendToElement, applyStyle, applyStyleProp, elementMatches, elementClosest, forceClassName } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-manip';
+ export { EventStore, filterEventStoreDefs, createEmptyEventStore, mergeEventStores, getRelevantEvents, eventTupleToStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ export { EventUiHash, EventUi, processScopedUiProps, combineEventUis } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ export { default as Splitter, SplittableProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-splitting';
+ export { buildGotoAnchorHtml, getAllDayHtml, getDayClasses } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/date-rendering';
+ export { preventDefault, listenBySelector, whenTransitionDone } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-event';
+ export { computeInnerRect, computeEdges, computeHeightAndMargins, getClippingParents, computeClippingRect, computeRect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-geom';
+ export { unpromisify } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/promise';
+ export { default as EmitterMixin, EmitterInterface } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
+ export { DateRange, rangeContainsMarker, intersectRanges, rangesEqual, rangesIntersect, rangeContainsRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ export { default as Mixin } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/Mixin';
+ export { default as PositionCache } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/PositionCache';
+ export { default as ScrollComponent, ScrollbarWidths } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/ScrollComponent';
+ export { ScrollController, ElementScrollController, WindowScrollController } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/scroll-controller';
+ export { default as Theme } from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
+ export { default as Component, ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export { default as DateComponent, Seg, EventSegUiInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ export { default as Calendar, DatePointTransform, DateSpanTransform, DateSelectionApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ export { default as View, ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ export { default as FgEventRenderer, buildSegCompareObj } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FgEventRenderer';
+ export { default as FillRenderer } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FillRenderer';
+ export { default as DateProfileGenerator, DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ export { ViewDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-def';
+ export { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ export { DateSpan, DateSpanApi, DatePointApi, isDateSpansEqual } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ export { DateMarker, addDays, startOfDay, addMs, addWeeks, diffWeeks, diffWholeWeeks, diffWholeDays, diffDayAndTime, diffDays, isValidDate } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ export { Duration, createDuration, isSingleDay, multiplyDuration, addDurations, asRoughMinutes, asRoughSeconds, asRoughMs, wholeDivideDurations, greatestDurationDenominator } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ export { DateEnv, DateMarkerMeta } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ export { DateFormatter, createFormatter, VerboseFormattingArg, formatIsoTimeString } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ export { NamedTimeZoneImpl } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone';
+ export { parse as parseMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/parsing';
+ export { EventSourceDef, EventSource, EventSourceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ export { Interaction, InteractionSettings, interactionSettingsToStore, interactionSettingsStore, InteractionSettingsStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction';
+ export { PointerDragEvent } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/pointer';
+ export { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
+ export { dateSelectionJoinTransformer } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/date-selecting';
+ export { eventDragMutationMassager, EventDropTransformers } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-dragging';
+ export { EventResizeJoinTransforms } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-resizing';
+ export { default as ElementDragging } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/ElementDragging';
+ export { formatDate, formatRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/formatting-api';
+ export { globalDefaults, config } from '@fullcalendar/core/options';
+ export { RecurringType, ParsedRecurring } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/recurring-event';
+ export { DragMetaInput, DragMeta, parseDragMeta } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/drag-meta';
+ export { createPlugin, PluginDef, PluginDefInput, ViewPropsTransformer, ViewContainerModifier } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
+ export { reducerFunc, Action, CalendarState } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
+ export { CalendarComponentProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent';
+ export { default as DayHeader } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayHeader';
+ export { computeFallbackHeaderFormat, renderDateCell } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/table-utils';
+ export { default as DaySeries } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DaySeries';
+ export { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ export { EventRenderRange, sliceEventStore, hasBgRendering, getElSeg, computeEventDraggable, computeEventStartResizable, computeEventEndResizable } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
+ export { default as DayTable, DayTableSeg, DayTableCell } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayTable';
+ export { default as Slicer, SlicedProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/slicing-utils';
+ export { EventMutation, applyMutationToEventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
+ export { Constraint, ConstraintInput, AllowFunc, isPropsValid, isInteractionValid } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
+ export { default as EventApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
+ export { default as requestJson } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/requestJson';
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/types/input-types' {
+ import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ import { EventSourceInput, EventInputTransformer } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ import { Duration, DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { FormatterInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ import { DateRangeInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { BusinessHoursInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours';
+ import EventApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
+ import { AllowFunc, ConstraintInput, OverlapFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
+ import { PluginDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
+ import { LocaleSingularArg, RawLocale } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
+ export interface ToolbarInput {
+ left?: string;
+ center?: string;
+ right?: string;
+ }
+ export interface CustomButtonInput {
+ text: string;
+ icon?: string;
+ themeIcon?: string;
+ bootstrapFontAwesome?: string;
+ click(element: HTMLElement): void;
+ }
+ export interface ButtonIconsInput {
+ prev?: string;
+ next?: string;
+ prevYear?: string;
+ nextYear?: string;
+ }
+ export interface ButtonTextCompoundInput {
+ prev?: string;
+ next?: string;
+ prevYear?: string;
+ nextYear?: string;
+ today?: string;
+ month?: string;
+ week?: string;
+ day?: string;
+ [viewId: string]: string | undefined;
+ }
+ export interface EventSegment {
+ event: EventApi;
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ isStart: boolean;
+ isEnd: boolean;
+ }
+ export interface CellInfo {
+ date: Date;
+ dayEl: HTMLElement;
+ moreEl: HTMLElement;
+ segs: EventSegment[];
+ hiddenSegs: EventSegment[];
+ }
+ export interface DropInfo {
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ }
+ export type EventHandlerName = '_init' | 'selectAllow' | 'eventAllow' | 'eventDataTransform' | 'datesRender' | 'datesDestroy' | 'dayRender' | 'windowResize' | 'dateClick' | 'eventClick' | 'eventMouseEnter' | 'eventMouseLeave' | 'select' | 'unselect' | 'loading' | 'eventRender' | 'eventPositioned' | '_eventsPositioned' | 'eventDestroy' | 'eventDragStart' | 'eventDragStop' | 'eventDrop' | '_destroyed' | 'drop' | 'eventResizeStart' | 'eventResizeStop' | 'eventResize' | 'eventReceive' | 'eventLeave' | 'viewSkeletonRender' | 'viewSkeletonDestroy' | '_noEventDrop' | '_noEventResize' | 'eventLimitClick' | 'resourceRender';
+ export type EventHandlerArgs<T extends EventHandlerName> = Parameters<Extract<OptionsInput[T], (...args: any[]) => any>>;
+ export type EventHandlerArg<T extends EventHandlerName> = EventHandlerArgs<T>[0];
+ export interface OptionsInputBase {
+ header?: boolean | ToolbarInput;
+ footer?: boolean | ToolbarInput;
+ customButtons?: {
+ [name: string]: CustomButtonInput;
+ };
+ buttonIcons?: boolean | ButtonIconsInput;
+ themeSystem?: 'standard' | string;
+ bootstrapFontAwesome?: boolean | ButtonIconsInput;
+ firstDay?: number;
+ dir?: 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'auto';
+ weekends?: boolean;
+ hiddenDays?: number[];
+ fixedWeekCount?: boolean;
+ weekNumbers?: boolean;
+ weekNumbersWithinDays?: boolean;
+ weekNumberCalculation?: 'local' | 'ISO' | ((m: Date) => number);
+ businessHours?: BusinessHoursInput;
+ showNonCurrentDates?: boolean;
+ height?: number | 'auto' | 'parent' | (() => number);
+ contentHeight?: number | 'auto' | (() => number);
+ aspectRatio?: number;
+ handleWindowResize?: boolean;
+ windowResizeDelay?: number;
+ eventLimit?: boolean | number;
+ eventLimitClick?: 'popover' | 'week' | 'day' | 'timeGridWeek' | 'timeGridDay' | string | ((arg: {
+ date: Date;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ dayEl: HTMLElement;
+ moreEl: HTMLElement;
+ segs: any[];
+ hiddenSegs: any[];
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }) => void);
+ timeZone?: string | boolean;
+ now?: DateInput | (() => DateInput);
+ defaultView?: string;
+ allDaySlot?: boolean;
+ allDayText?: string;
+ slotDuration?: DurationInput;
+ slotLabelFormat?: FormatterInput;
+ slotLabelInterval?: DurationInput;
+ snapDuration?: DurationInput;
+ scrollTime?: DurationInput;
+ minTime?: DurationInput;
+ maxTime?: DurationInput;
+ slotEventOverlap?: boolean;
+ listDayFormat?: FormatterInput | boolean;
+ listDayAltFormat?: FormatterInput | boolean;
+ noEventsMessage?: string;
+ defaultDate?: DateInput;
+ nowIndicator?: boolean;
+ visibleRange?: ((currentDate: Date) => DateRangeInput) | DateRangeInput;
+ validRange?: DateRangeInput;
+ dateIncrement?: DurationInput;
+ dateAlignment?: string;
+ duration?: DurationInput;
+ dayCount?: number;
+ locales?: RawLocale[];
+ locale?: LocaleSingularArg;
+ eventTimeFormat?: FormatterInput;
+ columnHeader?: boolean;
+ columnHeaderFormat?: FormatterInput;
+ columnHeaderText?: string | ((date: DateInput) => string);
+ columnHeaderHtml?: string | ((date: DateInput) => string);
+ titleFormat?: FormatterInput;
+ weekLabel?: string;
+ displayEventTime?: boolean;
+ displayEventEnd?: boolean;
+ eventLimitText?: string | ((eventCnt: number) => string);
+ dayPopoverFormat?: FormatterInput;
+ navLinks?: boolean;
+ navLinkDayClick?: string | ((date: Date, jsEvent: Event) => void);
+ navLinkWeekClick?: string | ((weekStart: any, jsEvent: Event) => void);
+ selectable?: boolean;
+ selectMirror?: boolean;
+ unselectAuto?: boolean;
+ unselectCancel?: string;
+ defaultAllDayEventDuration?: DurationInput;
+ defaultTimedEventDuration?: DurationInput;
+ cmdFormatter?: string;
+ defaultRangeSeparator?: string;
+ selectConstraint?: ConstraintInput;
+ selectOverlap?: boolean | OverlapFunc;
+ selectAllow?: AllowFunc;
+ editable?: boolean;
+ eventStartEditable?: boolean;
+ eventDurationEditable?: boolean;
+ eventConstraint?: ConstraintInput;
+ eventOverlap?: boolean | OverlapFunc;
+ eventAllow?: AllowFunc;
+ eventClassName?: string[] | string;
+ eventClassNames?: string[] | string;
+ eventBackgroundColor?: string;
+ eventBorderColor?: string;
+ eventTextColor?: string;
+ eventColor?: string;
+ events?: EventSourceInput;
+ eventSources?: EventSourceInput[];
+ allDayDefault?: boolean;
+ startParam?: string;
+ endParam?: string;
+ lazyFetching?: boolean;
+ nextDayThreshold?: DurationInput;
+ eventOrder?: string | Array<((a: EventApi, b: EventApi) => number) | (string | ((a: EventApi, b: EventApi) => number))>;
+ rerenderDelay?: number | null;
+ dragRevertDuration?: number;
+ dragScroll?: boolean;
+ longPressDelay?: number;
+ eventLongPressDelay?: number;
+ droppable?: boolean;
+ dropAccept?: string | ((draggable: any) => boolean);
+ eventDataTransform?: EventInputTransformer;
+ allDayMaintainDuration?: boolean;
+ eventResizableFromStart?: boolean;
+ timeGridEventMinHeight?: number;
+ allDayHtml?: string;
+ eventDragMinDistance?: number;
+ eventSourceFailure?: any;
+ eventSourceSuccess?: any;
+ forceEventDuration?: boolean;
+ progressiveEventRendering?: boolean;
+ selectLongPressDelay?: number;
+ selectMinDistance?: number;
+ timeZoneParam?: string;
+ titleRangeSeparator?: string;
+ datesRender?(arg: {
+ view: View;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ }): void;
+ datesDestroy?(arg: {
+ view: View;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ }): void;
+ dayRender?(arg: {
+ view: View;
+ date: Date;
+ allDay?: boolean;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ }): void;
+ windowResize?(view: View): void;
+ dateClick?(arg: {
+ date: Date;
+ dateStr: string;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ resource?: any;
+ dayEl: HTMLElement;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventClick?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): boolean | void;
+ eventMouseEnter?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventMouseLeave?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ select?(arg: {
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ startStr: string;
+ endStr: string;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ resource?: any;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ unselect?(arg: {
+ view: View;
+ jsEvent: Event;
+ }): void;
+ loading?(isLoading: boolean): void;
+ eventRender?(arg: {
+ isMirror: boolean;
+ isStart: boolean;
+ isEnd: boolean;
+ event: EventApi;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventPositioned?(arg: {
+ isMirror: boolean;
+ isStart: boolean;
+ isEnd: boolean;
+ event: EventApi;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ _eventsPositioned?(arg: {
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventDestroy?(arg: {
+ isMirror: boolean;
+ event: EventApi;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventDragStart?(arg: {
+ event: EventApi;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventDragStop?(arg: {
+ event: EventApi;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventDrop?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ oldEvent: EventApi;
+ delta: Duration;
+ revert: () => void;
+ jsEvent: Event;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventResizeStart?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventResizeStop?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventResize?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ startDelta: Duration;
+ endDelta: Duration;
+ prevEvent: EventApi;
+ event: EventApi;
+ revert: () => void;
+ jsEvent: Event;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ drop?(arg: {
+ date: Date;
+ dateStr: string;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ draggedEl: HTMLElement;
+ jsEvent: MouseEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventReceive?(arg: {
+ event: EventApi;
+ draggedEl: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ eventLeave?(arg: {
+ draggedEl: HTMLElement;
+ event: EventApi;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ viewSkeletonRender?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ viewSkeletonDestroy?(arg: {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ _destroyed?(): void;
+ _init?(): void;
+ _noEventDrop?(): void;
+ _noEventResize?(): void;
+ resourceRender?(arg: {
+ resource: any;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ view: View;
+ }): void;
+ }
+ export interface ViewOptionsInput extends OptionsInputBase {
+ type?: string;
+ buttonText?: string;
+ }
+ export interface OptionsInput extends OptionsInputBase {
+ buttonText?: ButtonTextCompoundInput;
+ views?: {
+ [viewId: string]: ViewOptionsInput;
+ };
+ plugins?: (PluginDef | string)[];
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event' {
+ import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { UnscopedEventUiInput, EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ export type EventRenderingChoice = '' | 'background' | 'inverse-background' | 'none';
+ export interface EventNonDateInput extends UnscopedEventUiInput {
+ id?: string | number;
+ groupId?: string | number;
+ title?: string;
+ url?: string;
+ rendering?: EventRenderingChoice;
+ extendedProps?: object;
+ [extendedProp: string]: any;
+ }
+ export interface EventDateInput {
+ start?: DateInput;
+ end?: DateInput;
+ date?: DateInput;
+ allDay?: boolean;
+ }
+ export type EventInput = EventNonDateInput & EventDateInput;
+ export interface EventDef {
+ defId: string;
+ sourceId: string;
+ publicId: string;
+ groupId: string;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ hasEnd: boolean;
+ recurringDef: {
+ typeId: number;
+ typeData: any;
+ duration: Duration | null;
+ } | null;
+ title: string;
+ url: string;
+ rendering: EventRenderingChoice;
+ ui: EventUi;
+ extendedProps: any;
+ }
+ export interface EventInstance {
+ instanceId: string;
+ defId: string;
+ range: DateRange;
+ forcedStartTzo: number | null;
+ forcedEndTzo: number | null;
+ }
+ export interface EventTuple {
+ def: EventDef;
+ instance: EventInstance | null;
+ }
+ export type EventInstanceHash = {
+ [instanceId: string]: EventInstance;
+ };
+ export type EventDefHash = {
+ [defId: string]: EventDef;
+ };
+ export const NON_DATE_PROPS: {
+ id: StringConstructor;
+ groupId: StringConstructor;
+ title: StringConstructor;
+ url: StringConstructor;
+ rendering: StringConstructor;
+ extendedProps: any;
+ };
+ export const DATE_PROPS: {
+ start: any;
+ date: any;
+ end: any;
+ allDay: any;
+ };
+ export function parseEvent(raw: EventInput, sourceId: string, calendar: Calendar, allowOpenRange?: boolean): EventTuple | null;
+ export function parseEventDef(raw: EventNonDateInput, sourceId: string, allDay: boolean, hasEnd: boolean, calendar: Calendar): EventDef;
+ export type eventDefParserFunc = (def: EventDef, props: any, leftovers: any) => void;
+ export function createEventInstance(defId: string, range: DateRange, forcedStartTzo?: number, forcedEndTzo?: number): EventInstance;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours' {
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ export type BusinessHoursInput = boolean | EventInput | EventInput[];
+ export function parseBusinessHours(input: BusinessHoursInput, calendar: Calendar): EventStore;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/misc' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { DateRange, OpenDateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ export function compensateScroll(rowEl: HTMLElement, scrollbarWidths: any): void;
+ export function uncompensateScroll(rowEl: HTMLElement): void;
+ export function disableCursor(): void;
+ export function enableCursor(): void;
+ export function distributeHeight(els: HTMLElement[], availableHeight: any, shouldRedistribute: any): void;
+ export function undistributeHeight(els: HTMLElement[]): void;
+ export function matchCellWidths(els: HTMLElement[]): number;
+ export function subtractInnerElHeight(outerEl: HTMLElement, innerEl: HTMLElement): number;
+ export function preventSelection(el: HTMLElement): void;
+ export function allowSelection(el: HTMLElement): void;
+ export function preventContextMenu(el: HTMLElement): void;
+ export function allowContextMenu(el: HTMLElement): void;
+ export function parseFieldSpecs(input: any): any[];
+ export function compareByFieldSpecs(obj0: any, obj1: any, fieldSpecs: any): any;
+ export function compareByFieldSpec(obj0: any, obj1: any, fieldSpec: any): any;
+ export function flexibleCompare(a: any, b: any): number;
+ export function capitaliseFirstLetter(str: any): any;
+ export function padStart(val: any, len: any): string;
+ export function compareNumbers(a: any, b: any): number;
+ export function isInt(n: any): boolean;
+ export function applyAll(functions: any, thisObj: any, args: any): any;
+ export function firstDefined(...args: any[]): any;
+ export function debounce(func: any, wait: any): () => any;
+ export type GenericHash = {
+ [key: string]: any;
+ };
+ export function refineProps(rawProps: GenericHash, processors: GenericHash, defaults?: GenericHash, leftoverProps?: GenericHash): GenericHash;
+ export function computeAlignedDayRange(timedRange: DateRange): DateRange;
+ export function computeVisibleDayRange(timedRange: OpenDateRange, nextDayThreshold?: Duration): OpenDateRange;
+ export function isMultiDayRange(range: DateRange): boolean;
+ export function diffDates(date0: DateMarker, date1: DateMarker, dateEnv: DateEnv, largeUnit?: string): Duration;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/html' {
+ export function htmlEscape(s: any): string;
+ export function cssToStr(cssProps: any): string;
+ export function attrsToStr(attrs: any): string;
+ export type ClassNameInput = string | string[];
+ export function parseClassName(raw: ClassNameInput): string[];
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/array' {
+ export function removeMatching(array: any, testFunc: any): number;
+ export function removeExact(array: any, exactVal: any): number;
+ export function isArraysEqual(a0: any, a1: any): boolean;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/memoize' {
+ export function memoize<T>(workerFunc: T): T;
+ export function memoizeOutput<T>(workerFunc: T, equalityFunc: (output0: any, output1: any) => boolean): T;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/memoized-rendering' {
+ export interface MemoizedRendering<ArgsType extends any[]> {
+ (...args: ArgsType): void;
+ unrender: () => void;
+ dependents: MemoizedRendering<any>[];
+ }
+ export function memoizeRendering<ArgsType extends any[]>(renderFunc: (...args: ArgsType) => void, unrenderFunc?: (...args: ArgsType) => void, dependencies?: MemoizedRendering<any>[]): MemoizedRendering<ArgsType>;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom' {
+ export interface Point {
+ left: number;
+ top: number;
+ }
+ export interface Rect {
+ left: number;
+ right: number;
+ top: number;
+ bottom: number;
+ }
+ export function pointInsideRect(point: Point, rect: Rect): boolean;
+ export function intersectRects(rect1: Rect, rect2: Rect): Rect | false;
+ export function translateRect(rect: Rect, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): Rect;
+ export function constrainPoint(point: Point, rect: Rect): Point;
+ export function getRectCenter(rect: Rect): Point;
+ export function diffPoints(point1: Point, point2: Point): Point;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/object' {
+ export function mergeProps(propObjs: any, complexProps?: any): any;
+ export function filterHash(hash: any, func: any): {};
+ export function mapHash<InputItem, OutputItem>(hash: {
+ [key: string]: InputItem;
+ }, func: (input: InputItem, key: string) => OutputItem): {
+ [key: string]: OutputItem;
+ };
+ export function arrayToHash(a: any): {
+ [key: string]: true;
+ };
+ export function hashValuesToArray(obj: any): any[];
+ export function isPropsEqual(obj0: any, obj1: any): boolean;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-manip' {
+ export function createElement(tagName: string, attrs: object | null, content?: ElementContent): HTMLElement;
+ export function htmlToElement(html: string): HTMLElement;
+ export function htmlToElements(html: string): HTMLElement[];
+ export type ElementContent = string | Node | Node[] | NodeList;
+ export function appendToElement(el: HTMLElement, content: ElementContent): void;
+ export function prependToElement(parent: HTMLElement, content: ElementContent): void;
+ export function insertAfterElement(refEl: HTMLElement, content: ElementContent): void;
+ export function removeElement(el: HTMLElement): void;
+ export function elementClosest(el: HTMLElement, selector: string): HTMLElement;
+ export function elementMatches(el: HTMLElement, selector: string): HTMLElement;
+ export function findElements(container: HTMLElement[] | HTMLElement | NodeListOf<HTMLElement>, selector: string): HTMLElement[];
+ export function findChildren(parent: HTMLElement[] | HTMLElement, selector?: string): HTMLElement[];
+ export function forceClassName(el: HTMLElement, className: string, bool: any): void;
+ export function applyStyle(el: HTMLElement, props: object): void;
+ export function applyStyleProp(el: HTMLElement, name: string, val: any): void;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store' {
+ import { EventInput, EventDef, EventDefHash, EventInstanceHash, EventTuple } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventSource } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ export interface EventStore {
+ defs: EventDefHash;
+ instances: EventInstanceHash;
+ }
+ export function parseEvents(rawEvents: EventInput[], sourceId: string, calendar: Calendar, allowOpenRange?: boolean): EventStore;
+ export function eventTupleToStore(tuple: EventTuple, eventStore?: EventStore): EventStore;
+ export function expandRecurring(eventStore: EventStore, framingRange: DateRange, calendar: Calendar): EventStore;
+ export function getRelevantEvents(eventStore: EventStore, instanceId: string): EventStore;
+ export function transformRawEvents(rawEvents: any, eventSource: EventSource, calendar: Calendar): any;
+ export function createEmptyEventStore(): EventStore;
+ export function mergeEventStores(store0: EventStore, store1: EventStore): EventStore;
+ export function filterEventStoreDefs(eventStore: EventStore, filterFunc: (eventDef: EventDef) => boolean): EventStore;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui' {
+ import { Constraint, AllowFunc, ConstraintInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
+ import { parseClassName } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/html';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ export interface UnscopedEventUiInput {
+ editable?: boolean;
+ startEditable?: boolean;
+ durationEditable?: boolean;
+ constraint?: ConstraintInput;
+ overlap?: boolean;
+ allow?: AllowFunc;
+ className?: string[] | string;
+ classNames?: string[] | string;
+ backgroundColor?: string;
+ borderColor?: string;
+ textColor?: string;
+ color?: string;
+ }
+ export interface EventUi {
+ startEditable: boolean | null;
+ durationEditable: boolean | null;
+ constraints: Constraint[];
+ overlap: boolean | null;
+ allows: AllowFunc[];
+ backgroundColor: string;
+ borderColor: string;
+ textColor: string;
+ classNames: string[];
+ }
+ export type EventUiHash = {
+ [defId: string]: EventUi;
+ };
+ export const UNSCOPED_EVENT_UI_PROPS: {
+ editable: BooleanConstructor;
+ startEditable: BooleanConstructor;
+ durationEditable: BooleanConstructor;
+ constraint: any;
+ overlap: any;
+ allow: any;
+ className: typeof parseClassName;
+ classNames: typeof parseClassName;
+ color: StringConstructor;
+ backgroundColor: StringConstructor;
+ borderColor: StringConstructor;
+ textColor: StringConstructor;
+ };
+ export function processUnscopedUiProps(rawProps: UnscopedEventUiInput, calendar: Calendar, leftovers?: any): EventUi;
+ export function processScopedUiProps(prefix: string, rawScoped: any, calendar: Calendar, leftovers?: any): EventUi;
+ export function combineEventUis(uis: EventUi[]): EventUi;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-splitting' {
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ import { EventUiHash, EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ export interface SplittableProps {
+ businessHours: EventStore | null;
+ dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
+ eventStore: EventStore;
+ eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
+ eventSelection: string;
+ eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
+ eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
+ }
+ export { Splitter as default, Splitter };
+ abstract class Splitter<PropsType extends SplittableProps = SplittableProps> {
+ abstract getKeyInfo(props: PropsType): {
+ [key: string]: {
+ ui?: EventUi;
+ businessHours?: EventStore;
+ };
+ };
+ abstract getKeysForDateSpan(dateSpan: DateSpan): string[];
+ abstract getKeysForEventDef(eventDef: EventDef): string[];
+ splitProps(props: PropsType): {
+ [key: string]: SplittableProps;
+ };
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/date-rendering' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ export function buildGotoAnchorHtml(allOptions: any, dateEnv: DateEnv, gotoOptions: any, attrs: any, innerHtml?: any): string;
+ export function getAllDayHtml(allOptions: any): any;
+ export function getDayClasses(date: DateMarker, dateProfile: DateProfile, context: ComponentContext, noThemeHighlight?: any): any[];
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-event' {
+ export function preventDefault(ev: any): void;
+ export function listenBySelector(container: HTMLElement, eventType: string, selector: string, handler: (ev: Event, matchedTarget: HTMLElement) => void): () => void;
+ export function listenToHoverBySelector(container: HTMLElement, selector: string, onMouseEnter: (ev: Event, matchedTarget: HTMLElement) => void, onMouseLeave: (ev: Event, matchedTarget: HTMLElement) => void): () => void;
+ export function whenTransitionDone(el: HTMLElement, callback: (ev: Event) => void): void;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/dom-geom' {
+ import { Rect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom';
+ export interface EdgeInfo {
+ borderLeft: number;
+ borderRight: number;
+ borderTop: number;
+ borderBottom: number;
+ scrollbarLeft: number;
+ scrollbarRight: number;
+ scrollbarBottom: number;
+ paddingLeft?: number;
+ paddingRight?: number;
+ paddingTop?: number;
+ paddingBottom?: number;
+ }
+ export function computeEdges(el: any, getPadding?: boolean): EdgeInfo;
+ export function computeInnerRect(el: any, goWithinPadding?: boolean): {
+ left: number;
+ right: number;
+ top: number;
+ bottom: number;
+ };
+ export function computeRect(el: any): Rect;
+ export function computeHeightAndMargins(el: HTMLElement): number;
+ export function computeVMargins(el: HTMLElement): number;
+ export function getClippingParents(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement[];
+ export function computeClippingRect(el: HTMLElement): Rect;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/promise' {
+ export function unpromisify(func: any, success: any, failure?: any): void;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin' {
+ import Mixin from '@fullcalendar/core/common/Mixin';
+ export interface EmitterInterface {
+ on(types: any, handler: any): any;
+ one(types: any, handler: any): any;
+ off(types: any, handler: any): any;
+ trigger(type: any, ...args: any[]): any;
+ triggerWith(type: any, context: any, args: any): any;
+ hasHandlers(type: any): any;
+ }
+ export { EmitterMixin as default, EmitterMixin };
+ class EmitterMixin extends Mixin implements EmitterInterface {
+ _handlers: any;
+ _oneHandlers: any;
+ on(type: any, handler: any): this;
+ one(type: any, handler: any): this;
+ off(type: any, handler?: any): this;
+ trigger(type: any, ...args: any[]): this;
+ triggerWith(type: any, context: any, args: any): this;
+ hasHandlers(type: any): any;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { DateEnv, DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ export interface DateRangeInput {
+ start?: DateInput;
+ end?: DateInput;
+ }
+ export interface OpenDateRange {
+ start: DateMarker | null;
+ end: DateMarker | null;
+ }
+ export interface DateRange {
+ start: DateMarker;
+ end: DateMarker;
+ }
+ export function parseRange(input: DateRangeInput, dateEnv: DateEnv): OpenDateRange;
+ export function invertRanges(ranges: DateRange[], constraintRange: DateRange): DateRange[];
+ export function intersectRanges(range0: OpenDateRange, range1: OpenDateRange): OpenDateRange;
+ export function rangesEqual(range0: OpenDateRange, range1: OpenDateRange): boolean;
+ export function rangesIntersect(range0: OpenDateRange, range1: OpenDateRange): boolean;
+ export function rangeContainsRange(outerRange: OpenDateRange, innerRange: OpenDateRange): boolean;
+ export function rangeContainsMarker(range: OpenDateRange, date: DateMarker | number): boolean;
+ export function constrainMarkerToRange(date: DateMarker, range: DateRange): DateMarker;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/Mixin' {
+ export { Mixin as default, Mixin };
+ class Mixin {
+ static mixInto(destClass: any): void;
+ static mixIntoObj(destObj: any): void;
+ static mixOver(destClass: any): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/PositionCache' {
+ export { PositionCache as default, PositionCache };
+ class PositionCache {
+ originClientRect: ClientRect;
+ els: HTMLElement[];
+ originEl: HTMLElement;
+ isHorizontal: boolean;
+ isVertical: boolean;
+ lefts: any;
+ rights: any;
+ tops: any;
+ bottoms: any;
+ constructor(originEl: HTMLElement, els: HTMLElement[], isHorizontal: boolean, isVertical: boolean);
+ build(): void;
+ buildElHorizontals(originClientLeft: number): void;
+ buildElVerticals(originClientTop: number): void;
+ leftToIndex(leftPosition: number): any;
+ topToIndex(topPosition: number): any;
+ getWidth(leftIndex: number): number;
+ getHeight(topIndex: number): number;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/ScrollComponent' {
+ import { ElementScrollController } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/scroll-controller';
+ export interface ScrollbarWidths {
+ left: number;
+ right: number;
+ bottom: number;
+ }
+ export { ScrollComponent as default, ScrollComponent };
+ class ScrollComponent extends ElementScrollController {
+ overflowX: string;
+ overflowY: string;
+ constructor(overflowX: string, overflowY: string);
+ clear(): void;
+ destroy(): void;
+ applyOverflow(): void;
+ lockOverflow(scrollbarWidths: ScrollbarWidths): void;
+ setHeight(height: number | string): void;
+ getScrollbarWidths(): ScrollbarWidths;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/scroll-controller' {
+ export abstract class ScrollController {
+ abstract getScrollTop(): number;
+ abstract getScrollLeft(): number;
+ abstract setScrollTop(top: number): void;
+ abstract setScrollLeft(left: number): void;
+ abstract getClientWidth(): number;
+ abstract getClientHeight(): number;
+ abstract getScrollWidth(): number;
+ abstract getScrollHeight(): number;
+ getMaxScrollTop(): number;
+ getMaxScrollLeft(): number;
+ canScrollVertically(): boolean;
+ canScrollHorizontally(): boolean;
+ canScrollUp(): boolean;
+ canScrollDown(): boolean;
+ canScrollLeft(): boolean;
+ canScrollRight(): boolean;
+ }
+ export class ElementScrollController extends ScrollController {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ constructor(el: HTMLElement);
+ getScrollTop(): number;
+ getScrollLeft(): number;
+ setScrollTop(top: number): void;
+ setScrollLeft(left: number): void;
+ getScrollWidth(): number;
+ getScrollHeight(): number;
+ getClientHeight(): number;
+ getClientWidth(): number;
+ }
+ export class WindowScrollController extends ScrollController {
+ getScrollTop(): number;
+ getScrollLeft(): number;
+ setScrollTop(n: number): void;
+ setScrollLeft(n: number): void;
+ getScrollWidth(): number;
+ getScrollHeight(): number;
+ getClientHeight(): number;
+ getClientWidth(): number;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme' {
+ export { Theme as default, Theme };
+ class Theme {
+ calendarOptions: any;
+ classes: any;
+ iconClasses: any;
+ baseIconClass: string;
+ iconOverrideOption: any;
+ iconOverrideCustomButtonOption: any;
+ iconOverridePrefix: string;
+ constructor(calendarOptions: any);
+ processIconOverride(): void;
+ setIconOverride(iconOverrideHash: any): void;
+ applyIconOverridePrefix(className: any): any;
+ getClass(key: any): any;
+ getIconClass(buttonName: any): string;
+ getCustomButtonIconClass(customButtonProps: any): string;
+ }
+ export type ThemeClass = {
+ new (calendarOptions: any): Theme;
+ };
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component' {
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ import Theme from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
+ import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ export class ComponentContext {
+ calendar: Calendar;
+ theme: Theme;
+ dateEnv: DateEnv;
+ options: any;
+ view?: View;
+ isRtl: boolean;
+ eventOrderSpecs: any;
+ nextDayThreshold: Duration;
+ constructor(calendar: Calendar, theme: Theme, dateEnv: DateEnv, options: any, view?: View);
+ extend(options?: any, view?: View): ComponentContext;
+ }
+ export type EqualityFuncHash = {
+ [propName: string]: (obj0: any, obj1: any) => boolean;
+ };
+ export { Component as default, Component };
+ class Component<PropsType> {
+ equalityFuncs: EqualityFuncHash;
+ uid: string;
+ props: PropsType | null;
+ everRendered: boolean;
+ context: ComponentContext;
+ constructor();
+ static addEqualityFuncs(newFuncs: EqualityFuncHash): void;
+ receiveProps(props: PropsType, context: ComponentContext): void;
+ receiveContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
+ protected render(props: PropsType, context: ComponentContext): void;
+ firstContext(context: ComponentContext): void;
+ beforeUpdate(): void;
+ afterUpdate(): void;
+ destroy(): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent' {
+ import Component from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { EventInstanceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
+ import FgEventRenderer from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FgEventRenderer';
+ import FillRenderer from '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FillRenderer';
+ import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ export type DateComponentHash = {
+ [uid: string]: DateComponent<any>;
+ };
+ export interface Seg {
+ component?: DateComponent<any>;
+ isStart: boolean;
+ isEnd: boolean;
+ eventRange?: EventRenderRange;
+ el?: HTMLElement;
+ [otherProp: string]: any;
+ }
+ export interface EventSegUiInteractionState {
+ affectedInstances: EventInstanceHash;
+ segs: Seg[];
+ isEvent: boolean;
+ sourceSeg: any;
+ }
+ export { DateComponent as default, DateComponent };
+ class DateComponent<PropsType> extends Component<PropsType> {
+ fgSegSelector: string;
+ bgSegSelector: string;
+ largeUnit: any;
+ eventRenderer: FgEventRenderer;
+ mirrorRenderer: FgEventRenderer;
+ fillRenderer: FillRenderer;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ constructor(el: HTMLElement);
+ destroy(): void;
+ buildPositionCaches(): void;
+ queryHit(positionLeft: number, positionTop: number, elWidth: number, elHeight: number): Hit | null;
+ isInteractionValid(interaction: EventInteractionState): boolean;
+ isDateSelectionValid(selection: DateSpan): boolean;
+ isValidSegDownEl(el: HTMLElement): boolean;
+ isValidDateDownEl(el: HTMLElement): boolean;
+ isPopover(): boolean;
+ isInPopover(el: HTMLElement): boolean;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar' {
+ import { EmitterInterface } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
+ import OptionsManager from '@fullcalendar/core/OptionsManager';
+ import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ import Theme from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
+ import { OptionsInput, EventHandlerName, EventHandlerArgs } from '@fullcalendar/core/types/input-types';
+ import { RawLocaleMap } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
+ import { DateEnv, DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { Duration, DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateSpan, DateSpanApi, DatePointApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { DateRangeInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import DateProfileGenerator from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { EventSourceInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { CalendarState, Action } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
+ import EventSourceApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventSourceApi';
+ import EventApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventUiHash, EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { ViewSpecHash, ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ import { PluginSystem } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
+ import CalendarComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent';
+ import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { PointerDragEvent } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/pointer';
+ import { InteractionSettingsInput, Interaction } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction';
+ export interface DateClickApi extends DatePointApi {
+ dayEl: HTMLElement;
+ jsEvent: UIEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }
+ export interface DateSelectionApi extends DateSpanApi {
+ jsEvent: UIEvent;
+ view: View;
+ }
+ export type DatePointTransform = (dateSpan: DateSpan, calendar: Calendar) => any;
+ export type DateSpanTransform = (dateSpan: DateSpan, calendar: Calendar) => any;
+ export type CalendarInteraction = {
+ destroy(): any;
+ };
+ export type CalendarInteractionClass = {
+ new (calendar: Calendar): CalendarInteraction;
+ };
+ export type OptionChangeHandler = (propValue: any, calendar: Calendar, deepEqual: any) => void;
+ export type OptionChangeHandlerMap = {
+ [propName: string]: OptionChangeHandler;
+ };
+ export { Calendar as default, Calendar };
+ class Calendar {
+ static on: EmitterInterface['on'];
+ static off: EmitterInterface['off'];
+ static trigger: EmitterInterface['trigger'];
+ on: EmitterInterface['on'];
+ one: EmitterInterface['one'];
+ off: EmitterInterface['off'];
+ trigger: EmitterInterface['trigger'];
+ triggerWith: EmitterInterface['triggerWith'];
+ hasHandlers: EmitterInterface['hasHandlers'];
+ eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
+ selectionConfig: EventUi;
+ optionsManager: OptionsManager;
+ viewSpecs: ViewSpecHash;
+ dateProfileGenerators: {
+ [viewName: string]: DateProfileGenerator;
+ };
+ theme: Theme;
+ dateEnv: DateEnv;
+ availableRawLocales: RawLocaleMap;
+ pluginSystem: PluginSystem;
+ defaultAllDayEventDuration: Duration;
+ defaultTimedEventDuration: Duration;
+ calendarInteractions: CalendarInteraction[];
+ interactionsStore: {
+ [componentUid: string]: Interaction[];
+ };
+ removeNavLinkListener: any;
+ windowResizeProxy: any;
+ isHandlingWindowResize: boolean;
+ state: CalendarState;
+ actionQueue: any[];
+ isReducing: boolean;
+ needsRerender: boolean;
+ isRendering: boolean;
+ renderingPauseDepth: number;
+ renderableEventStore: EventStore;
+ buildDelayedRerender: typeof buildDelayedRerender;
+ delayedRerender: any;
+ afterSizingTriggers: any;
+ isViewUpdated: boolean;
+ isDatesUpdated: boolean;
+ isEventsUpdated: boolean;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ component: CalendarComponent;
+ constructor(el: HTMLElement, overrides?: OptionsInput);
+ addPluginInputs(pluginInputs: any): void;
+ readonly view: View;
+ render(): void;
+ destroy(): void;
+ bindHandlers(): void;
+ unbindHandlers(): void;
+ hydrate(): void;
+ buildInitialState(): CalendarState;
+ reduce(state: CalendarState, action: Action, calendar: Calendar): CalendarState;
+ requestRerender(): void;
+ tryRerender(): void;
+ batchRendering(func: any): void;
+ executeRender(): void;
+ renderComponent(): void;
+ setOption(name: string, val: any): void;
+ getOption(name: string): any;
+ opt(name: string): any;
+ viewOpt(name: string): any;
+ viewOpts(): any;
+ mutateOptions(updates: any, removals: string[], isDynamic?: boolean, deepEqual?: any): void;
+ handleOptions(options: any): void;
+ getAvailableLocaleCodes(): string[];
+ _buildSelectionConfig(rawOpts: any): EventUi;
+ _buildEventUiSingleBase(rawOpts: any): EventUi;
+ hasPublicHandlers<T extends EventHandlerName>(name: T): boolean;
+ publiclyTrigger<T extends EventHandlerName>(name: T, args?: EventHandlerArgs<T>): any;
+ publiclyTriggerAfterSizing<T extends EventHandlerName>(name: T, args: EventHandlerArgs<T>): void;
+ releaseAfterSizingTriggers(): void;
+ isValidViewType(viewType: string): boolean;
+ changeView(viewType: string, dateOrRange?: DateRangeInput | DateInput): void;
+ zoomTo(dateMarker: DateMarker, viewType?: string): void;
+ getUnitViewSpec(unit: string): ViewSpec | null;
+ getInitialDate(): Date;
+ prev(): void;
+ next(): void;
+ prevYear(): void;
+ nextYear(): void;
+ today(): void;
+ gotoDate(zonedDateInput: any): void;
+ incrementDate(deltaInput: any): void;
+ getDate(): Date;
+ formatDate(d: DateInput, formatter: any): string;
+ formatRange(d0: DateInput, d1: DateInput, settings: any): any;
+ formatIso(d: DateInput, omitTime?: boolean): string;
+ windowResize(ev: Event): void;
+ updateSize(): void;
+ registerInteractiveComponent(component: DateComponent<any>, settingsInput: InteractionSettingsInput): void;
+ unregisterInteractiveComponent(component: DateComponent<any>): void;
+ select(dateOrObj: DateInput | any, endDate?: DateInput): void;
+ unselect(pev?: PointerDragEvent): void;
+ triggerDateSelect(selection: DateSpan, pev?: PointerDragEvent): void;
+ triggerDateUnselect(pev?: PointerDragEvent): void;
+ triggerDateClick(dateSpan: DateSpan, dayEl: HTMLElement, view: View, ev: UIEvent): void;
+ buildDatePointApi(dateSpan: DateSpan): import("@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span").DatePointApi;
+ buildDateSpanApi(dateSpan: DateSpan): import("@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span").DateSpanApi;
+ getNow(): DateMarker;
+ getDefaultEventEnd(allDay: boolean, marker: DateMarker): DateMarker;
+ addEvent(eventInput: EventInput, sourceInput?: EventSourceApi | string | number): EventApi | null;
+ getEventById(id: string): EventApi | null;
+ getEvents(): EventApi[];
+ removeAllEvents(): void;
+ rerenderEvents(): void;
+ getEventSources(): EventSourceApi[];
+ getEventSourceById(id: string | number): EventSourceApi | null;
+ addEventSource(sourceInput: EventSourceInput): EventSourceApi;
+ removeAllEventSources(): void;
+ refetchEvents(): void;
+ scrollToTime(timeInput: DurationInput): void;
+ }
+ function buildDelayedRerender(this: Calendar, wait: any): any;
+ export {};
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/View' {
+ import DateProfileGenerator, { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { EmitterInterface } from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
+ import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export interface ViewProps {
+ dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator;
+ dateProfile: DateProfile;
+ businessHours: EventStore;
+ eventStore: EventStore;
+ eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
+ dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
+ eventSelection: string;
+ eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
+ eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
+ }
+ export { View as default, View };
+ abstract class View extends DateComponent<ViewProps> {
+ usesMinMaxTime: boolean;
+ dateProfileGeneratorClass: any;
+ on: EmitterInterface['on'];
+ one: EmitterInterface['one'];
+ off: EmitterInterface['off'];
+ trigger: EmitterInterface['trigger'];
+ triggerWith: EmitterInterface['triggerWith'];
+ hasHandlers: EmitterInterface['hasHandlers'];
+ viewSpec: ViewSpec;
+ type: string;
+ title: string;
+ queuedScroll: any;
+ isNowIndicatorRendered: boolean;
+ initialNowDate: DateMarker;
+ initialNowQueriedMs: number;
+ nowIndicatorTimeoutID: any;
+ nowIndicatorIntervalID: any;
+ constructor(viewSpec: ViewSpec, parentEl: HTMLElement);
+ initialize(): void;
+ readonly activeStart: Date;
+ readonly activeEnd: Date;
+ readonly currentStart: Date;
+ readonly currentEnd: Date;
+ render(props: ViewProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
+ beforeUpdate(): void;
+ destroy(): void;
+ updateSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
+ updateBaseSize(isResize: boolean, viewHeight: number, isAuto: boolean): void;
+ renderDatesWrap(dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
+ unrenderDatesWrap(): void;
+ renderDates(dateProfile: DateProfile): void;
+ unrenderDates(): void;
+ renderBusinessHours(businessHours: EventStore): void;
+ unrenderBusinessHours(): void;
+ renderDateSelectionWrap(selection: DateSpan): void;
+ unrenderDateSelectionWrap(selection: DateSpan): void;
+ renderDateSelection(selection: DateSpan): void;
+ unrenderDateSelection(selection: DateSpan): void;
+ renderEvents(eventStore: EventStore): void;
+ unrenderEvents(): void;
+ sliceEvents(eventStore: EventStore, allDay: boolean): EventRenderRange[];
+ renderEventSelectionWrap(instanceId: string): void;
+ unrenderEventSelectionWrap(instanceId: string): void;
+ renderEventSelection(instanceId: string): void;
+ unrenderEventSelection(instanceId: string): void;
+ renderEventDragWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ unrenderEventDragWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ renderEventDrag(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ unrenderEventDrag(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ renderEventResizeWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ unrenderEventResizeWrap(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ renderEventResize(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ unrenderEventResize(state: EventInteractionState): void;
+ startNowIndicator(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): void;
+ updateNowIndicator(): void;
+ stopNowIndicator(): void;
+ getNowIndicatorUnit(dateProfile: DateProfile, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator): void;
+ renderNowIndicator(date: any): void;
+ unrenderNowIndicator(): void;
+ addScroll(scroll: any, isForced?: boolean): void;
+ popScroll(isResize: boolean): void;
+ applyQueuedScroll(isResize: boolean): void;
+ queryScroll(): any;
+ applyScroll(scroll: any, isResize: boolean): void;
+ computeDateScroll(duration: Duration): {};
+ queryDateScroll(): {};
+ applyDateScroll(scroll: any): void;
+ scrollToDuration(duration: Duration): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FgEventRenderer' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { DateFormatter } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ import { EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
+ import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export { FgEventRenderer as default, FgEventRenderer };
+ abstract class FgEventRenderer {
+ context: ComponentContext;
+ eventTimeFormat: DateFormatter;
+ displayEventTime: boolean;
+ displayEventEnd: boolean;
+ segs: Seg[];
+ isSizeDirty: boolean;
+ renderSegs(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo?: any): void;
+ unrender(context: ComponentContext, _segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo?: any): void;
+ abstract renderSegHtml(seg: Seg, mirrorInfo: any): string;
+ abstract attachSegs(segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo: any): any;
+ abstract detachSegs(segs: Seg[]): any;
+ rangeUpdated(): void;
+ renderSegEls(segs: Seg[], mirrorInfo: any): Seg[];
+ getSegClasses(seg: Seg, isDraggable: any, isResizable: any, mirrorInfo: any): string[];
+ getTimeText(eventRange: EventRenderRange, formatter?: any, displayEnd?: any): any;
+ _getTimeText(start: DateMarker, end: DateMarker, allDay: any, formatter?: any, displayEnd?: any, forcedStartTzo?: number, forcedEndTzo?: number): any;
+ computeEventTimeFormat(): any;
+ computeDisplayEventTime(): boolean;
+ computeDisplayEventEnd(): boolean;
+ getSkinCss(ui: EventUi): {
+ 'background-color': string;
+ 'border-color': string;
+ color: string;
+ };
+ sortEventSegs(segs: any): Seg[];
+ computeSizes(force: boolean): void;
+ assignSizes(force: boolean): void;
+ computeSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
+ assignSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
+ hideByHash(hash: any): void;
+ showByHash(hash: any): void;
+ selectByInstanceId(instanceId: string): void;
+ unselectByInstanceId(instanceId: string): void;
+ }
+ export function buildSegCompareObj(seg: Seg): any;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/renderers/FillRenderer' {
+ import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export { FillRenderer as default, FillRenderer };
+ abstract class FillRenderer {
+ context: ComponentContext;
+ fillSegTag: string;
+ containerElsByType: any;
+ segsByType: any;
+ dirtySizeFlags: any;
+ constructor();
+ getSegsByType(type: string): any;
+ renderSegs(type: string, context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[]): void;
+ unrender(type: string, context: ComponentContext): void;
+ renderSegEls(type: any, segs: Seg[]): Seg[];
+ renderSegHtml(type: any, seg: Seg): string;
+ abstract attachSegs(type: any, segs: Seg[]): HTMLElement[] | void;
+ detachSegs(type: any, segs: Seg[]): void;
+ computeSizes(force: boolean): void;
+ assignSizes(force: boolean): void;
+ computeSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
+ assignSegSizes(segs: Seg[]): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateRange, OpenDateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ export interface DateProfile {
+ currentRange: DateRange;
+ currentRangeUnit: string;
+ isRangeAllDay: boolean;
+ validRange: OpenDateRange;
+ activeRange: DateRange;
+ renderRange: DateRange;
+ minTime: Duration;
+ maxTime: Duration;
+ isValid: boolean;
+ dateIncrement: Duration;
+ }
+ export { DateProfileGenerator as default, DateProfileGenerator };
+ class DateProfileGenerator {
+ viewSpec: ViewSpec;
+ options: any;
+ dateEnv: DateEnv;
+ calendar: Calendar;
+ isHiddenDayHash: boolean[];
+ constructor(viewSpec: ViewSpec, calendar: Calendar);
+ buildPrev(currentDateProfile: DateProfile, currentDate: DateMarker): DateProfile;
+ buildNext(currentDateProfile: DateProfile, currentDate: DateMarker): DateProfile;
+ build(currentDate: DateMarker, direction?: any, forceToValid?: boolean): DateProfile;
+ buildValidRange(): OpenDateRange;
+ buildCurrentRangeInfo(date: DateMarker, direction: any): {
+ duration: any;
+ unit: any;
+ range: any;
+ };
+ getFallbackDuration(): Duration;
+ adjustActiveRange(range: DateRange, minTime: Duration, maxTime: Duration): {
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ };
+ buildRangeFromDuration(date: DateMarker, direction: any, duration: Duration, unit: any): any;
+ buildRangeFromDayCount(date: DateMarker, direction: any, dayCount: any): {
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ };
+ buildCustomVisibleRange(date: DateMarker): OpenDateRange;
+ buildRenderRange(currentRange: DateRange, currentRangeUnit: any, isRangeAllDay: any): DateRange;
+ buildDateIncrement(fallback: any): Duration;
+ getRangeOption(name: any, ...otherArgs: any[]): OpenDateRange;
+ initHiddenDays(): void;
+ trimHiddenDays(range: DateRange): DateRange | null;
+ isHiddenDay(day: any): boolean;
+ skipHiddenDays(date: DateMarker, inc?: number, isExclusive?: boolean): Date;
+ }
+ export function isDateProfilesEqual(p0: DateProfile, p1: DateProfile): boolean;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-def' {
+ import { ViewClass, ViewConfigHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config';
+ export interface ViewDef {
+ type: string;
+ class: ViewClass;
+ overrides: any;
+ defaults: any;
+ }
+ export type ViewDefHash = {
+ [viewType: string]: ViewDef;
+ };
+ export function compileViewDefs(defaultConfigs: ViewConfigHash, overrideConfigs: ViewConfigHash): ViewDefHash;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec' {
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import OptionsManager from '@fullcalendar/core/OptionsManager';
+ import { ViewConfigInputHash, ViewClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config';
+ export interface ViewSpec {
+ type: string;
+ class: ViewClass;
+ duration: Duration;
+ durationUnit: string;
+ singleUnit: string;
+ options: any;
+ buttonTextOverride: string;
+ buttonTextDefault: string;
+ }
+ export type ViewSpecHash = {
+ [viewType: string]: ViewSpec;
+ };
+ export function buildViewSpecs(defaultInputs: ViewConfigInputHash, optionsManager: OptionsManager): ViewSpecHash;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span' {
+ import { DateRange, OpenDateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { DateInput, DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { EventRenderRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering';
+ import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ export interface OpenDateSpanInput {
+ start?: DateInput;
+ end?: DateInput;
+ allDay?: boolean;
+ [otherProp: string]: any;
+ }
+ export interface DateSpanInput extends OpenDateSpanInput {
+ start: DateInput;
+ end: DateInput;
+ }
+ export interface OpenDateSpan {
+ range: OpenDateRange;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ [otherProp: string]: any;
+ }
+ export interface DateSpan extends OpenDateSpan {
+ range: DateRange;
+ }
+ export interface DateSpanApi {
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ startStr: string;
+ endStr: string;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ }
+ export interface DatePointApi {
+ date: Date;
+ dateStr: string;
+ allDay: boolean;
+ }
+ export function parseDateSpan(raw: DateSpanInput, dateEnv: DateEnv, defaultDuration?: Duration): DateSpan | null;
+ export function parseOpenDateSpan(raw: OpenDateSpanInput, dateEnv: DateEnv): OpenDateSpan | null;
+ export function isDateSpansEqual(span0: DateSpan, span1: DateSpan): boolean;
+ export function buildDateSpanApi(span: DateSpan, dateEnv: DateEnv): DateSpanApi;
+ export function buildDatePointApi(span: DateSpan, dateEnv: DateEnv): DatePointApi;
+ export function fabricateEventRange(dateSpan: DateSpan, eventUiBases: EventUiHash, calendar: Calendar): EventRenderRange;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker' {
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ export type DateMarker = Date;
+ export const DAY_IDS: string[];
+ export function addWeeks(m: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
+ export function addDays(m: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
+ export function addMs(m: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
+ export function diffWeeks(m0: any, m1: any): number;
+ export function diffDays(m0: any, m1: any): number;
+ export function diffHours(m0: any, m1: any): number;
+ export function diffMinutes(m0: any, m1: any): number;
+ export function diffSeconds(m0: any, m1: any): number;
+ export function diffDayAndTime(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): Duration;
+ export function diffWholeWeeks(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
+ export function diffWholeDays(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
+ export function startOfDay(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
+ export function startOfHour(m: DateMarker): Date;
+ export function startOfMinute(m: DateMarker): Date;
+ export function startOfSecond(m: DateMarker): Date;
+ export function weekOfYear(marker: any, dow: any, doy: any): number;
+ export function dateToLocalArray(date: any): any[];
+ export function arrayToLocalDate(a: any): Date;
+ export function dateToUtcArray(date: any): any[];
+ export function arrayToUtcDate(a: any): Date;
+ export function isValidDate(m: DateMarker): boolean;
+ export function timeAsMs(m: DateMarker): number;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration' {
+ export type DurationInput = DurationObjectInput | string | number;
+ export interface DurationObjectInput {
+ years?: number;
+ year?: number;
+ months?: number;
+ month?: number;
+ weeks?: number;
+ week?: number;
+ days?: number;
+ day?: number;
+ hours?: number;
+ hour?: number;
+ minutes?: number;
+ minute?: number;
+ seconds?: number;
+ second?: number;
+ milliseconds?: number;
+ millisecond?: number;
+ ms?: number;
+ }
+ export interface Duration {
+ years: number;
+ months: number;
+ days: number;
+ milliseconds: number;
+ }
+ export function createDuration(input: DurationInput, unit?: string): Duration | null;
+ export function getWeeksFromInput(obj: DurationObjectInput): number;
+ export function durationsEqual(d0: Duration, d1: Duration): boolean;
+ export function isSingleDay(dur: Duration): boolean;
+ export function addDurations(d0: Duration, d1: Duration): {
+ years: number;
+ months: number;
+ days: number;
+ milliseconds: number;
+ };
+ export function subtractDurations(d1: Duration, d0: Duration): Duration;
+ export function multiplyDuration(d: Duration, n: number): {
+ years: number;
+ months: number;
+ days: number;
+ milliseconds: number;
+ };
+ export function asRoughYears(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function asRoughMonths(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function asRoughDays(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function asRoughHours(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function asRoughMinutes(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function asRoughSeconds(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function asRoughMs(dur: Duration): number;
+ export function wholeDivideDurations(numerator: Duration, denominator: Duration): number;
+ export function greatestDurationDenominator(dur: Duration, dontReturnWeeks?: boolean): {
+ unit: string;
+ value: number;
+ };
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { CalendarSystem } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/calendar-system';
+ import { Locale } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
+ import { NamedTimeZoneImpl, NamedTimeZoneImplClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateFormatter } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ import { CmdFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd';
+ export interface DateEnvSettings {
+ timeZone: string;
+ namedTimeZoneImpl?: NamedTimeZoneImplClass;
+ calendarSystem: string;
+ locale: Locale;
+ weekNumberCalculation?: any;
+ firstDay?: any;
+ weekLabel?: string;
+ cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
+ }
+ export type DateInput = Date | string | number | number[];
+ export interface DateMarkerMeta {
+ marker: DateMarker;
+ isTimeUnspecified: boolean;
+ forcedTzo: number | null;
+ }
+ export class DateEnv {
+ timeZone: string;
+ namedTimeZoneImpl: NamedTimeZoneImpl;
+ canComputeOffset: boolean;
+ calendarSystem: CalendarSystem;
+ locale: Locale;
+ weekDow: number;
+ weekDoy: number;
+ weekNumberFunc: any;
+ weekLabel: string;
+ cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
+ constructor(settings: DateEnvSettings);
+ createMarker(input: DateInput): DateMarker;
+ createNowMarker(): DateMarker;
+ createMarkerMeta(input: DateInput): DateMarkerMeta;
+ parse(s: string): {
+ marker: Date;
+ isTimeUnspecified: boolean;
+ forcedTzo: any;
+ };
+ getYear(marker: DateMarker): number;
+ getMonth(marker: DateMarker): number;
+ add(marker: DateMarker, dur: Duration): DateMarker;
+ subtract(marker: DateMarker, dur: Duration): DateMarker;
+ addYears(marker: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
+ addMonths(marker: DateMarker, n: number): Date;
+ diffWholeYears(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
+ diffWholeMonths(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): number;
+ greatestWholeUnit(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker): {
+ unit: string;
+ value: number;
+ };
+ countDurationsBetween(m0: DateMarker, m1: DateMarker, d: Duration): number;
+ startOf(m: DateMarker, unit: string): Date;
+ startOfYear(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
+ startOfMonth(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
+ startOfWeek(m: DateMarker): DateMarker;
+ computeWeekNumber(marker: DateMarker): number;
+ format(marker: DateMarker, formatter: DateFormatter, dateOptions?: {
+ forcedTzo?: number;
+ }): any;
+ formatRange(start: DateMarker, end: DateMarker, formatter: DateFormatter, dateOptions?: {
+ forcedStartTzo?: number;
+ forcedEndTzo?: number;
+ isEndExclusive?: boolean;
+ }): any;
+ formatIso(marker: DateMarker, extraOptions?: any): string;
+ timestampToMarker(ms: number): Date;
+ offsetForMarker(m: DateMarker): number;
+ toDate(m: DateMarker, forcedTzo?: number): Date;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { CalendarSystem } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/calendar-system';
+ import { Locale } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale';
+ import { CmdFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd';
+ import { FuncFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-func';
+ export interface ZonedMarker {
+ marker: DateMarker;
+ timeZoneOffset: number;
+ }
+ export interface ExpandedZonedMarker extends ZonedMarker {
+ array: number[];
+ year: number;
+ month: number;
+ day: number;
+ hour: number;
+ minute: number;
+ second: number;
+ millisecond: number;
+ }
+ export interface VerboseFormattingArg {
+ date: ExpandedZonedMarker;
+ start: ExpandedZonedMarker;
+ end?: ExpandedZonedMarker;
+ timeZone: string;
+ localeCodes: string[];
+ separator: string;
+ }
+ export interface DateFormattingContext {
+ timeZone: string;
+ locale: Locale;
+ calendarSystem: CalendarSystem;
+ computeWeekNumber: (d: DateMarker) => number;
+ weekLabel: string;
+ cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
+ }
+ export interface DateFormatter {
+ format(date: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): any;
+ formatRange(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): any;
+ }
+ export type FormatterInput = object | string | FuncFormatterFunc;
+ export function createFormatter(input: FormatterInput, defaultSeparator?: string): DateFormatter;
+ export function buildIsoString(marker: DateMarker, timeZoneOffset?: number, stripZeroTime?: boolean): string;
+ export function formatIsoTimeString(marker: DateMarker): string;
+ export function formatTimeZoneOffset(minutes: number, doIso?: boolean): string;
+ export function createVerboseFormattingArg(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext, separator?: string): VerboseFormattingArg;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone' {
+ export abstract class NamedTimeZoneImpl {
+ timeZoneName: string;
+ constructor(timeZoneName: string);
+ abstract offsetForArray(a: number[]): number;
+ abstract timestampToArray(ms: number): number[];
+ }
+ export type NamedTimeZoneImplClass = {
+ new (timeZoneName: string): NamedTimeZoneImpl;
+ };
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/parsing' {
+ export function parse(str: any): {
+ marker: Date;
+ isTimeUnspecified: boolean;
+ timeZoneOffset: any;
+ };
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source' {
+ import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { EventSourceFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/event-sources/func-event-source';
+ import { EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { ConstraintInput, AllowFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
+ export type EventSourceError = {
+ message: string;
+ response?: any;
+ [otherProp: string]: any;
+ };
+ export type EventInputTransformer = (eventInput: EventInput) => EventInput | null;
+ export type EventSourceSuccessResponseHandler = (rawData: any, response: any) => EventInput[] | void;
+ export type EventSourceErrorResponseHandler = (error: EventSourceError) => void;
+ export interface ExtendedEventSourceInput {
+ id?: string | number;
+ allDayDefault?: boolean;
+ eventDataTransform?: EventInputTransformer;
+ events?: EventInput[] | EventSourceFunc;
+ url?: string;
+ method?: string;
+ extraParams?: object | (() => object);
+ startParam?: string;
+ endParam?: string;
+ timeZoneParam?: string;
+ success?: EventSourceSuccessResponseHandler;
+ failure?: EventSourceErrorResponseHandler;
+ editable?: boolean;
+ startEditable?: boolean;
+ durationEditable?: boolean;
+ constraint?: ConstraintInput;
+ overlap?: boolean;
+ allow?: AllowFunc;
+ className?: string[] | string;
+ classNames?: string[] | string;
+ backgroundColor?: string;
+ borderColor?: string;
+ textColor?: string;
+ color?: string;
+ [otherProp: string]: any;
+ }
+ export type EventSourceInput = ExtendedEventSourceInput | // object in extended form
+ EventSourceFunc | // just a function
+ string;
+ export interface EventSource {
+ _raw: any;
+ sourceId: string;
+ sourceDefId: number;
+ meta: any;
+ publicId: string;
+ isFetching: boolean;
+ latestFetchId: string;
+ fetchRange: DateRange | null;
+ allDayDefault: boolean | null;
+ eventDataTransform: EventInputTransformer;
+ ui: EventUi;
+ success: EventSourceSuccessResponseHandler | null;
+ failure: EventSourceErrorResponseHandler | null;
+ extendedProps: any;
+ }
+ export type EventSourceHash = {
+ [sourceId: string]: EventSource;
+ };
+ export type EventSourceFetcher = (arg: {
+ eventSource: EventSource;
+ calendar: Calendar;
+ range: DateRange;
+ }, success: (res: {
+ rawEvents: EventInput[];
+ xhr?: XMLHttpRequest;
+ }) => void, failure: (error: EventSourceError) => void) => (void | PromiseLike<EventInput[]>);
+ export interface EventSourceDef {
+ ignoreRange?: boolean;
+ parseMeta: (raw: EventSourceInput) => object | null;
+ fetch: EventSourceFetcher;
+ }
+ export function doesSourceNeedRange(eventSource: EventSource, calendar: Calendar): boolean;
+ export function parseEventSource(raw: EventSourceInput, calendar: Calendar): EventSource | null;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction' {
+ import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ export abstract class Interaction {
+ component: DateComponent<any>;
+ constructor(settings: InteractionSettings);
+ destroy(): void;
+ }
+ export type InteractionClass = {
+ new (settings: InteractionSettings): Interaction;
+ };
+ export interface InteractionSettingsInput {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ useEventCenter?: boolean;
+ }
+ export interface InteractionSettings {
+ component: DateComponent<any>;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ useEventCenter: boolean;
+ }
+ export type InteractionSettingsStore = {
+ [componenUid: string]: InteractionSettings;
+ };
+ export function parseInteractionSettings(component: DateComponent<any>, input: InteractionSettingsInput): InteractionSettings;
+ export function interactionSettingsToStore(settings: InteractionSettings): {
+ [x: string]: InteractionSettings;
+ };
+ export let interactionSettingsStore: InteractionSettingsStore;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/pointer' {
+ export interface PointerDragEvent {
+ origEvent: UIEvent;
+ isTouch: boolean;
+ subjectEl: EventTarget;
+ pageX: number;
+ pageY: number;
+ deltaX: number;
+ deltaY: number;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit' {
+ import DateComponent from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { Rect } from '@fullcalendar/core/util/geom';
+ export interface Hit {
+ component: DateComponent<any>;
+ dateSpan: DateSpan;
+ dayEl: HTMLElement;
+ rect: Rect;
+ layer: number;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/date-selecting' {
+ import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
+ export type dateSelectionJoinTransformer = (hit0: Hit, hit1: Hit) => any;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-dragging' {
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { EventMutation } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
+ import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
+ import { EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventUi } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { View } from '@fullcalendar/core';
+ export type eventDragMutationMassager = (mutation: EventMutation, hit0: Hit, hit1: Hit) => void;
+ export type EventDropTransformers = (mutation: EventMutation, calendar: Calendar) => any;
+ export type eventIsDraggableTransformer = (val: boolean, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi, view: View) => boolean;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-resizing' {
+ import { Hit } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/hit';
+ export type EventResizeJoinTransforms = (hit0: Hit, hit1: Hit) => false | object;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/ElementDragging' {
+ import EmitterMixin from '@fullcalendar/core/common/EmitterMixin';
+ export { ElementDragging as default, ElementDragging };
+ abstract class ElementDragging {
+ emitter: EmitterMixin;
+ constructor(el: HTMLElement);
+ destroy(): void;
+ abstract setIgnoreMove(bool: boolean): void;
+ setMirrorIsVisible(bool: boolean): void;
+ setMirrorNeedsRevert(bool: boolean): void;
+ setAutoScrollEnabled(bool: boolean): void;
+ }
+ export type ElementDraggingClass = {
+ new (el: HTMLElement): ElementDragging;
+ };
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/formatting-api' {
+ import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ export function formatDate(dateInput: DateInput, settings?: {}): any;
+ export function formatRange(startInput: DateInput, endInput: DateInput, settings: any): any;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/options' {
+ import { PluginDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system';
+ export const config: any;
+ export const globalDefaults: {
+ defaultRangeSeparator: string;
+ titleRangeSeparator: string;
+ defaultTimedEventDuration: string;
+ defaultAllDayEventDuration: {
+ day: number;
+ };
+ forceEventDuration: boolean;
+ nextDayThreshold: string;
+ columnHeader: boolean;
+ defaultView: string;
+ aspectRatio: number;
+ header: {
+ left: string;
+ center: string;
+ right: string;
+ };
+ weekends: boolean;
+ weekNumbers: boolean;
+ weekNumberCalculation: string;
+ editable: boolean;
+ scrollTime: string;
+ minTime: string;
+ maxTime: string;
+ showNonCurrentDates: boolean;
+ lazyFetching: boolean;
+ startParam: string;
+ endParam: string;
+ timeZoneParam: string;
+ timeZone: string;
+ locales: any[];
+ locale: string;
+ timeGridEventMinHeight: number;
+ themeSystem: string;
+ dragRevertDuration: number;
+ dragScroll: boolean;
+ allDayMaintainDuration: boolean;
+ unselectAuto: boolean;
+ dropAccept: string;
+ eventOrder: string;
+ eventLimit: boolean;
+ eventLimitClick: string;
+ dayPopoverFormat: {
+ month: string;
+ day: string;
+ year: string;
+ };
+ handleWindowResize: boolean;
+ windowResizeDelay: number;
+ longPressDelay: number;
+ eventDragMinDistance: number;
+ };
+ export const rtlDefaults: {
+ header: {
+ left: string;
+ center: string;
+ right: string;
+ };
+ buttonIcons: {
+ prev: string;
+ next: string;
+ prevYear: string;
+ nextYear: string;
+ };
+ };
+ export function mergeOptions(optionObjs: any): any;
+ export function refinePluginDefs(pluginInputs: any[]): PluginDef[];
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/recurring-event' {
+ import { EventInput, EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ export interface ParsedRecurring {
+ typeData: any;
+ allDayGuess: boolean | null;
+ duration: Duration | null;
+ }
+ export interface RecurringType {
+ parse: (rawEvent: EventInput, leftoverProps: any, dateEnv: DateEnv) => ParsedRecurring | null;
+ expand: (typeData: any, framingRange: DateRange, dateEnv: DateEnv) => DateMarker[];
+ }
+ export function parseRecurring(eventInput: EventInput, allDayDefault: boolean | null, dateEnv: DateEnv, recurringTypes: RecurringType[], leftovers: any): {
+ allDay: any;
+ duration: Duration;
+ typeData: any;
+ typeId: number;
+ };
+ export function expandRecurringRanges(eventDef: EventDef, duration: Duration, framingRange: DateRange, dateEnv: DateEnv, recurringTypes: RecurringType[]): DateMarker[];
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/drag-meta' {
+ import { Duration, DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { EventNonDateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ export interface DragMetaInput extends EventNonDateInput {
+ startTime?: DurationInput;
+ duration?: DurationInput;
+ create?: boolean;
+ sourceId?: string;
+ }
+ export interface DragMeta {
+ startTime: Duration | null;
+ duration: Duration | null;
+ create: boolean;
+ sourceId: string;
+ leftoverProps: object;
+ }
+ export function parseDragMeta(raw: DragMetaInput): DragMeta;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system' {
+ import { reducerFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
+ import { eventDefParserFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { eventDefMutationApplier } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
+ import Calendar, { DatePointTransform, DateSpanTransform, CalendarInteractionClass, OptionChangeHandlerMap } from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { ViewConfigInputHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config';
+ import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ import { ViewProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ import { CalendarComponentProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent';
+ import { isPropsValidTester } from '@fullcalendar/core/validation';
+ import { eventDragMutationMassager, eventIsDraggableTransformer, EventDropTransformers } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-dragging';
+ import { dateSelectionJoinTransformer } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/date-selecting';
+ import { EventResizeJoinTransforms } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-resizing';
+ import { ExternalDefTransform } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/external-element-dragging';
+ import { InteractionClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/interaction';
+ import { ThemeClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/theme/Theme';
+ import { EventSourceDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ import { CmdFormatterFunc } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd';
+ import { RecurringType } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/recurring-event';
+ import { NamedTimeZoneImplClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/timezone';
+ import { ElementDraggingClass } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/ElementDragging';
+ export interface PluginDefInput {
+ deps?: PluginDef[];
+ reducers?: reducerFunc[];
+ eventDefParsers?: eventDefParserFunc[];
+ isDraggableTransformers?: eventIsDraggableTransformer[];
+ eventDragMutationMassagers?: eventDragMutationMassager[];
+ eventDefMutationAppliers?: eventDefMutationApplier[];
+ dateSelectionTransformers?: dateSelectionJoinTransformer[];
+ datePointTransforms?: DatePointTransform[];
+ dateSpanTransforms?: DateSpanTransform[];
+ views?: ViewConfigInputHash;
+ viewPropsTransformers?: ViewPropsTransformerClass[];
+ isPropsValid?: isPropsValidTester;
+ externalDefTransforms?: ExternalDefTransform[];
+ eventResizeJoinTransforms?: EventResizeJoinTransforms[];
+ viewContainerModifiers?: ViewContainerModifier[];
+ eventDropTransformers?: EventDropTransformers[];
+ componentInteractions?: InteractionClass[];
+ calendarInteractions?: CalendarInteractionClass[];
+ themeClasses?: {
+ [themeSystemName: string]: ThemeClass;
+ };
+ eventSourceDefs?: EventSourceDef[];
+ cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
+ recurringTypes?: RecurringType[];
+ namedTimeZonedImpl?: NamedTimeZoneImplClass;
+ defaultView?: string;
+ elementDraggingImpl?: ElementDraggingClass;
+ optionChangeHandlers?: OptionChangeHandlerMap;
+ }
+ export interface PluginHooks {
+ reducers: reducerFunc[];
+ eventDefParsers: eventDefParserFunc[];
+ isDraggableTransformers: eventIsDraggableTransformer[];
+ eventDragMutationMassagers: eventDragMutationMassager[];
+ eventDefMutationAppliers: eventDefMutationApplier[];
+ dateSelectionTransformers: dateSelectionJoinTransformer[];
+ datePointTransforms: DatePointTransform[];
+ dateSpanTransforms: DateSpanTransform[];
+ views: ViewConfigInputHash;
+ viewPropsTransformers: ViewPropsTransformerClass[];
+ isPropsValid: isPropsValidTester | null;
+ externalDefTransforms: ExternalDefTransform[];
+ eventResizeJoinTransforms: EventResizeJoinTransforms[];
+ viewContainerModifiers: ViewContainerModifier[];
+ eventDropTransformers: EventDropTransformers[];
+ componentInteractions: InteractionClass[];
+ calendarInteractions: CalendarInteractionClass[];
+ themeClasses: {
+ [themeSystemName: string]: ThemeClass;
+ };
+ eventSourceDefs: EventSourceDef[];
+ cmdFormatter?: CmdFormatterFunc;
+ recurringTypes: RecurringType[];
+ namedTimeZonedImpl?: NamedTimeZoneImplClass;
+ defaultView: string;
+ elementDraggingImpl?: ElementDraggingClass;
+ optionChangeHandlers: OptionChangeHandlerMap;
+ }
+ export interface PluginDef extends PluginHooks {
+ id: string;
+ deps: PluginDef[];
+ }
+ export type ViewPropsTransformerClass = new () => ViewPropsTransformer;
+ export interface ViewPropsTransformer {
+ transform(viewProps: ViewProps, viewSpec: ViewSpec, calendarProps: CalendarComponentProps, allOptions: any): any;
+ }
+ export type ViewContainerModifier = (contentEl: HTMLElement, calendar: Calendar) => void;
+ export function createPlugin(input: PluginDefInput): PluginDef;
+ export class PluginSystem {
+ hooks: PluginHooks;
+ addedHash: {
+ [pluginId: string]: true;
+ };
+ constructor();
+ add(plugin: PluginDef): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types' {
+ import { EventInput, EventInstanceHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventMutation } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
+ import { EventSource, EventSourceHash, EventSourceError } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { DateEnv } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ export interface CalendarState {
+ eventSources: EventSourceHash;
+ eventSourceLoadingLevel: number;
+ loadingLevel: number;
+ viewType: string;
+ currentDate: DateMarker;
+ dateProfile: DateProfile | null;
+ eventStore: EventStore;
+ dateSelection: DateSpan | null;
+ eventSelection: string;
+ eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
+ eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
+ }
+ export type reducerFunc = (state: CalendarState, action: Action, calendar: Calendar) => CalendarState;
+ export type Action = {
+ type: 'INIT';
+ } | // wont it create another rerender?
+ {
+ type: 'PREV';
+ } | {
+ type: 'NEXT';
+ } | {
+ type: 'SET_DATE';
+ dateMarker: DateMarker;
+ } | {
+ type: 'SET_VIEW_TYPE';
+ viewType: string;
+ dateMarker?: DateMarker;
+ } | {
+ type: 'SELECT_DATES';
+ selection: DateSpan;
+ } | {
+ } | {
+ type: 'SELECT_EVENT';
+ eventInstanceId: string;
+ } | {
+ } | {
+ type: 'SET_EVENT_DRAG';
+ state: EventInteractionState;
+ } | {
+ } | {
+ state: EventInteractionState;
+ } | {
+ } | {
+ sources: EventSource[];
+ } | {
+ sourceId: string;
+ } | {
+ } | {
+ sourceIds?: string[];
+ } | // if no sourceIds, fetch all
+ {
+ oldDateEnv: DateEnv;
+ } | {
+ sourceId: string;
+ fetchId: string;
+ fetchRange: DateRange | null;
+ rawEvents: EventInput[];
+ } | {
+ sourceId: string;
+ fetchId: string;
+ fetchRange: DateRange | null;
+ error: EventSourceError;
+ } | // need all these?
+ {
+ type: 'ADD_EVENTS';
+ eventStore: EventStore;
+ } | {
+ type: 'MERGE_EVENTS';
+ eventStore: EventStore;
+ } | {
+ type: 'MUTATE_EVENTS';
+ instanceId: string;
+ mutation: EventMutation;
+ fromApi?: boolean;
+ } | {
+ defId: string;
+ } | {
+ instances: EventInstanceHash;
+ } | {
+ } | {
+ type: 'RESET_EVENTS';
+ };
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/CalendarComponent' {
+ import Component, { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ import Toolbar from '@fullcalendar/core/Toolbar';
+ import DateProfileGenerator, { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { BusinessHoursInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/business-hours';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { CalendarState } from '@fullcalendar/core/reducers/types';
+ export interface CalendarComponentProps extends CalendarState {
+ viewSpec: ViewSpec;
+ dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator;
+ eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
+ }
+ export { CalendarComponent as default, CalendarComponent };
+ class CalendarComponent extends Component<CalendarComponentProps> {
+ view: View;
+ header: Toolbar;
+ footer: Toolbar;
+ computeTitle: (dateProfile: any, viewOptions: any) => string;
+ parseBusinessHours: (input: BusinessHoursInput) => EventStore;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ contentEl: HTMLElement;
+ elClassNames: string[];
+ savedScroll: any;
+ isHeightAuto: boolean;
+ viewHeight: number;
+ constructor(el: HTMLElement);
+ render(props: CalendarComponentProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
+ destroy(): void;
+ _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
+ _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
+ removeElClassNames(): void;
+ updateElClassNames(context: ComponentContext): void;
+ _renderToolbars(viewSpec: ViewSpec, dateProfile: DateProfile, currentDate: DateMarker, title: string): void;
+ _unrenderToolbars(): void;
+ renderView(props: CalendarComponentProps, title: string): void;
+ updateSize(isResize?: boolean): void;
+ computeHeightVars(): void;
+ queryToolbarsHeight(): number;
+ freezeHeight(): void;
+ thawHeight(): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayHeader' {
+ import Component, { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ export interface DayTableHeaderProps {
+ dates: DateMarker[];
+ dateProfile: DateProfile;
+ datesRepDistinctDays: boolean;
+ renderIntroHtml?: () => string;
+ }
+ export { DayHeader as default, DayHeader };
+ class DayHeader extends Component<DayTableHeaderProps> {
+ parentEl: HTMLElement;
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ thead: HTMLElement;
+ constructor(parentEl: HTMLElement);
+ render(props: DayTableHeaderProps, context: ComponentContext): void;
+ destroy(): void;
+ _renderSkeleton(context: ComponentContext): void;
+ _unrenderSkeleton(): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/table-utils' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export function computeFallbackHeaderFormat(datesRepDistinctDays: boolean, dayCnt: number): {
+ weekday: string;
+ month?: undefined;
+ day?: undefined;
+ omitCommas?: undefined;
+ } | {
+ weekday: string;
+ month: string;
+ day: string;
+ omitCommas: boolean;
+ };
+ export function renderDateCell(dateMarker: DateMarker, dateProfile: DateProfile, datesRepDistinctDays: any, colCnt: any, colHeadFormat: any, context: ComponentContext, colspan?: any, otherAttrs?: any): string;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/DaySeries' {
+ import DateProfileGenerator from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ export interface DaySeriesSeg {
+ firstIndex: number;
+ lastIndex: number;
+ isStart: boolean;
+ isEnd: boolean;
+ }
+ export { DaySeries as default, DaySeries };
+ class DaySeries {
+ cnt: number;
+ dates: DateMarker[];
+ indices: number[];
+ constructor(range: DateRange, dateProfileGenerator: DateProfileGenerator);
+ sliceRange(range: DateRange): DaySeriesSeg | null;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state' {
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ export interface EventInteractionState {
+ affectedEvents: EventStore;
+ mutatedEvents: EventStore;
+ isEvent: boolean;
+ origSeg: Seg | null;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-rendering' {
+ import { EventDef, EventTuple, EventDefHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { EventUi, EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { ComponentContext } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export interface EventRenderRange extends EventTuple {
+ ui: EventUi;
+ range: DateRange;
+ isStart: boolean;
+ isEnd: boolean;
+ }
+ export function sliceEventStore(eventStore: EventStore, eventUiBases: EventUiHash, framingRange: DateRange, nextDayThreshold?: Duration): {
+ bg: EventRenderRange[];
+ fg: EventRenderRange[];
+ };
+ export function hasBgRendering(def: EventDef): boolean;
+ export function filterSegsViaEls(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], isMirror: boolean): Seg[];
+ export function getElSeg(el: HTMLElement): Seg | null;
+ export function compileEventUis(eventDefs: EventDefHash, eventUiBases: EventUiHash): {
+ [key: string]: EventUi;
+ };
+ export function compileEventUi(eventDef: EventDef, eventUiBases: EventUiHash): EventUi;
+ export function triggerRenderedSegs(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], isMirrors: boolean): void;
+ export function triggerWillRemoveSegs(context: ComponentContext, segs: Seg[], isMirrors: boolean): void;
+ export function computeEventDraggable(context: ComponentContext, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi): boolean;
+ export function computeEventStartResizable(context: ComponentContext, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi): any;
+ export function computeEventEndResizable(context: ComponentContext, eventDef: EventDef, eventUi: EventUi): boolean;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/DayTable' {
+ import DaySeries from '@fullcalendar/core/common/DaySeries';
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import { Seg } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ export interface DayTableSeg extends Seg {
+ row: number;
+ firstCol: number;
+ lastCol: number;
+ }
+ export interface DayTableCell {
+ date: DateMarker;
+ htmlAttrs?: string;
+ }
+ export { DayTable as default, DayTable };
+ class DayTable {
+ rowCnt: number;
+ colCnt: number;
+ cells: DayTableCell[][];
+ headerDates: DateMarker[];
+ constructor(daySeries: DaySeries, breakOnWeeks: boolean);
+ sliceRange(range: DateRange): DayTableSeg[];
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/common/slicing-utils' {
+ import { DateRange } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/date-range';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ import { DateProfile } from '@fullcalendar/core/DateProfileGenerator';
+ import DateComponent, { Seg, EventSegUiInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/DateComponent';
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ export interface SliceableProps {
+ dateSelection: DateSpan;
+ businessHours: EventStore;
+ eventStore: EventStore;
+ eventDrag: EventInteractionState | null;
+ eventResize: EventInteractionState | null;
+ eventSelection: string;
+ eventUiBases: EventUiHash;
+ }
+ export interface SlicedProps<SegType extends Seg> {
+ dateSelectionSegs: SegType[];
+ businessHourSegs: SegType[];
+ fgEventSegs: SegType[];
+ bgEventSegs: SegType[];
+ eventDrag: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
+ eventResize: EventSegUiInteractionState | null;
+ eventSelection: string;
+ }
+ export { Slicer as default, Slicer };
+ abstract class Slicer<SegType extends Seg, ExtraArgs extends any[] = []> {
+ abstract sliceRange(dateRange: DateRange, ...extraArgs: ExtraArgs): SegType[];
+ sliceProps(props: SliceableProps, dateProfile: DateProfile, nextDayThreshold: Duration | null, calendar: Calendar, component: DateComponent<any>, // TODO: kill
+ ...extraArgs: ExtraArgs): SlicedProps<SegType>;
+ sliceNowDate(// does not memoize
+ date: DateMarker, component: DateComponent<any>, // TODO: kill
+ ...extraArgs: ExtraArgs): SegType[];
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation' {
+ import { Duration } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import { EventDef } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { EventUiHash } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-ui';
+ export interface EventMutation {
+ datesDelta?: Duration;
+ startDelta?: Duration;
+ endDelta?: Duration;
+ standardProps?: any;
+ extendedProps?: any;
+ }
+ export function applyMutationToEventStore(eventStore: EventStore, eventConfigBase: EventUiHash, mutation: EventMutation, calendar: Calendar): EventStore;
+ export type eventDefMutationApplier = (eventDef: EventDef, mutation: EventMutation, calendar: Calendar) => void;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/validation' {
+ import { EventStore } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-store';
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { DateSpan, DateSpanApi } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import EventApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi';
+ import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventInteractionState } from '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/event-interaction-state';
+ import { SplittableProps } from '@fullcalendar/core/component/event-splitting';
+ export type ConstraintInput = 'businessHours' | string | EventInput | EventInput[];
+ export type Constraint = 'businessHours' | string | EventStore | false;
+ export type OverlapFunc = ((stillEvent: EventApi, movingEvent: EventApi | null) => boolean);
+ export type AllowFunc = (span: DateSpanApi, movingEvent: EventApi | null) => boolean;
+ export type isPropsValidTester = (props: SplittableProps, calendar: Calendar) => boolean;
+ export function isInteractionValid(interaction: EventInteractionState, calendar: Calendar): boolean;
+ export function isDateSelectionValid(dateSelection: DateSpan, calendar: Calendar): boolean;
+ export function isPropsValid(state: SplittableProps, calendar: Calendar, dateSpanMeta?: {}, filterConfig?: any): boolean;
+ export function normalizeConstraint(input: ConstraintInput, calendar: Calendar): Constraint | null;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventApi' {
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { EventDef, EventInstance } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ import { EventMutation } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-mutation';
+ import { DateInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/env';
+ import { DurationInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/duration';
+ import { FormatterInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ import EventSourceApi from '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventSourceApi';
+ export { EventApi as default, EventApi };
+ class EventApi {
+ _calendar: Calendar;
+ _def: EventDef;
+ _instance: EventInstance | null;
+ constructor(calendar: Calendar, def: EventDef, instance?: EventInstance);
+ setProp(name: string, val: string): void;
+ setExtendedProp(name: string, val: any): void;
+ setStart(startInput: DateInput, options?: {
+ granularity?: string;
+ maintainDuration?: boolean;
+ }): void;
+ setEnd(endInput: DateInput | null, options?: {
+ granularity?: string;
+ }): void;
+ setDates(startInput: DateInput, endInput: DateInput | null, options?: {
+ allDay?: boolean;
+ granularity?: string;
+ }): void;
+ moveStart(deltaInput: DurationInput): void;
+ moveEnd(deltaInput: DurationInput): void;
+ moveDates(deltaInput: DurationInput): void;
+ setAllDay(allDay: boolean, options?: {
+ maintainDuration?: boolean;
+ }): void;
+ formatRange(formatInput: FormatterInput): any;
+ mutate(mutation: EventMutation): void;
+ remove(): void;
+ readonly source: EventSourceApi | null;
+ readonly start: Date | null;
+ readonly end: Date | null;
+ readonly id: string;
+ readonly groupId: string;
+ readonly allDay: boolean;
+ readonly title: string;
+ readonly url: string;
+ readonly rendering: string;
+ readonly startEditable: boolean;
+ readonly durationEditable: boolean;
+ readonly constraint: any;
+ readonly overlap: any;
+ readonly allow: any;
+ readonly backgroundColor: string;
+ readonly borderColor: string;
+ readonly textColor: string;
+ readonly classNames: string[];
+ readonly extendedProps: any;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/util/requestJson' {
+ export default function requestJson(method: string, url: string, params: object, successCallback: any, failureCallback: any): void;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/locale' {
+ export type LocaleCodeArg = string | string[];
+ export type LocaleSingularArg = LocaleCodeArg | RawLocale;
+ export interface Locale {
+ codeArg: LocaleCodeArg;
+ codes: string[];
+ week: {
+ dow: number;
+ doy: number;
+ };
+ simpleNumberFormat: Intl.NumberFormat;
+ options: any;
+ }
+ export interface RawLocale {
+ code: string;
+ [otherProp: string]: any;
+ }
+ export type RawLocaleMap = {
+ [code: string]: RawLocale;
+ };
+ export interface RawLocaleInfo {
+ map: RawLocaleMap;
+ defaultCode: string;
+ }
+ export function parseRawLocales(explicitRawLocales: RawLocale[]): RawLocaleInfo;
+ export function buildLocale(inputSingular: LocaleSingularArg, available: RawLocaleMap): Locale;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/OptionsManager' {
+ export { OptionsManager as default, OptionsManager };
+ class OptionsManager {
+ dirDefaults: any;
+ localeDefaults: any;
+ overrides: any;
+ dynamicOverrides: any;
+ computed: any;
+ constructor(overrides: any);
+ mutate(updates: any, removals: string[], isDynamic?: boolean): void;
+ compute(): void;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/api/EventSourceApi' {
+ import Calendar from '@fullcalendar/core/Calendar';
+ import { EventSource } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ export { EventSourceApi as default, EventSourceApi };
+ class EventSourceApi {
+ calendar: Calendar;
+ internalEventSource: EventSource;
+ constructor(calendar: Calendar, internalEventSource: EventSource);
+ remove(): void;
+ refetch(): void;
+ readonly id: string;
+ readonly url: string;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-config' {
+ import View from '@fullcalendar/core/View';
+ import { ViewSpec } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/view-spec';
+ export type ViewClass = new (viewSpec: ViewSpec, parentEl: HTMLElement) => View;
+ export interface ViewConfigObjectInput {
+ type?: string;
+ class?: ViewClass;
+ [optionName: string]: any;
+ }
+ export type ViewConfigInput = ViewClass | ViewConfigObjectInput;
+ export type ViewConfigInputHash = {
+ [viewType: string]: ViewConfigInput;
+ };
+ export interface ViewConfig {
+ superType: string;
+ class: ViewClass | null;
+ options: any;
+ }
+ export type ViewConfigHash = {
+ [viewType: string]: ViewConfig;
+ };
+ export function parseViewConfigs(inputs: ViewConfigInputHash): ViewConfigHash;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/calendar-system' {
+ import { DateMarker } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/marker';
+ export interface CalendarSystem {
+ getMarkerYear(d: DateMarker): number;
+ getMarkerMonth(d: DateMarker): number;
+ getMarkerDay(d: DateMarker): number;
+ arrayToMarker(arr: number[]): DateMarker;
+ markerToArray(d: DateMarker): number[];
+ }
+ export function registerCalendarSystem(name: any, theClass: any): void;
+ export function createCalendarSystem(name: any): any;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-cmd' {
+ import { DateFormatter, DateFormattingContext, ZonedMarker, VerboseFormattingArg } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ export type CmdFormatterFunc = (cmd: string, arg: VerboseFormattingArg) => string;
+ export class CmdFormatter implements DateFormatter {
+ cmdStr: string;
+ separator: string;
+ constructor(cmdStr: string, separator?: string);
+ format(date: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
+ formatRange(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting-func' {
+ import { DateFormatter, DateFormattingContext, ZonedMarker, VerboseFormattingArg } from '@fullcalendar/core/datelib/formatting';
+ export type FuncFormatterFunc = (arg: VerboseFormattingArg) => string;
+ export class FuncFormatter implements DateFormatter {
+ func: FuncFormatterFunc;
+ constructor(func: FuncFormatterFunc);
+ format(date: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
+ formatRange(start: ZonedMarker, end: ZonedMarker, context: DateFormattingContext): string;
+ }
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/event-sources/func-event-source' {
+ import { EventSourceError } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event-source';
+ import { EventInput } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/event';
+ export type EventSourceFunc = (arg: {
+ start: Date;
+ end: Date;
+ timeZone: string;
+ }, successCallback: (events: EventInput[]) => void, failureCallback: (error: EventSourceError) => void) => (void | PromiseLike<EventInput[]>);
+ const _default: import("@fullcalendar/core/plugin-system").PluginDef;
+ export default _default;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/interactions/external-element-dragging' {
+ import { DateSpan } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/date-span';
+ import { DragMeta } from '@fullcalendar/core/structs/drag-meta';
+ export type ExternalDefTransform = (dateSpan: DateSpan, dragMeta: DragMeta) => any;
+declare module '@fullcalendar/core/Toolbar' {
+ import Component from '@fullcalendar/core/component/Component';
+ export interface ToolbarRenderProps {
+ layout: any;
+ title: string;
+ activeButton: string;
+ isTodayEnabled: boolean;
+ isPrevEnabled: boolean;
+ isNextEnabled: boolean;
+ }
+ export { Toolbar as default, Toolbar };
+ class Toolbar extends Component<ToolbarRenderProps> {
+ el: HTMLElement;
+ viewsWithButtons: any;
+ constructor(extraClassName: any);
+ destroy(): void;
+ render(props: ToolbarRenderProps): void;
+ renderLayout(layout: any): void;
+ unrenderLayout(): void;
+ renderSection(position: any, buttonStr: any): HTMLElement;
+ updateToday(isTodayEnabled: any): void;
+ updatePrev(isPrevEnabled: any): void;
+ updateNext(isNextEnabled: any): void;
+ updateTitle(text: any): void;
+ updateActiveButton(buttonName?: any): void;
+ toggleButtonEnabled(buttonName: any, bool: any): void;
+ }