path: root/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy
diff options
authorChristian Vogeley <christian.vogeley@hotmail.de>2015-01-11 16:22:59 +0100
committerChristian Vogeley <christian.vogeley@hotmail.de>2015-01-11 16:22:59 +0100
commitf0c7612bcd49d32e408e67ac1829ee891c677f7e (patch)
treed4cff4aa2d728524b631776ffffee71f42056421 /library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy
parent43f143a211c75138d09ceb89acc48ea7d5c31ca9 (diff)
parent10102ac2ac4d5b02012a9794e23656717ab05556 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Conflicts: doc/html/classRedmatrix_1_1Import_1_1Import-members.html doc/html/classRedmatrix_1_1Import_1_1Import.js
Diffstat (limited to 'library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy')
6 files changed, 443 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Composite.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Composite.php
index 816490b79..d7d35ce7d 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Composite.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Composite.php
@@ -8,18 +8,23 @@ abstract class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Composite extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
* List of strategies to run tokens through.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Strategy[]
protected $strategies = array();
- abstract public function __construct();
- public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) {
+ /**
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token[] $tokens
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context
+ * @return HTMLPurifier_Token[]
+ */
+ public function execute($tokens, $config, $context)
+ {
foreach ($this->strategies as $strategy) {
$tokens = $strategy->execute($tokens, $config, $context);
return $tokens;
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Core.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Core.php
index d90e15860..4414c17d6 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Core.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/Core.php
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@
class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Core extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy_Composite
- public function __construct() {
+ public function __construct()
+ {
$this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements();
$this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed();
$this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting();
$this->strategies[] = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes();
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php
index f81802391..6fa673db9 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/FixNesting.php
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
* document type definitions, such as the chameleon nature of ins/del
* tags and global child exclusions.
- * The first major objective of this strategy is to iterate through all the
- * nodes (not tokens) of the list of tokens and determine whether or not
- * their children conform to the element's definition. If they do not, the
- * child definition may optionally supply an amended list of elements that
- * is valid or require that the entire node be deleted (and the previous
- * node rescanned).
+ * The first major objective of this strategy is to iterate through all
+ * the nodes and determine whether or not their children conform to the
+ * element's definition. If they do not, the child definition may
+ * optionally supply an amended list of elements that is valid or
+ * require that the entire node be deleted (and the previous node
+ * rescanned).
* The second objective is to ensure that explicitly excluded elements of
* an element do not appear in its children. Code that accomplishes this
@@ -25,24 +25,33 @@
* @note Whether or not unrecognized children are silently dropped or
* translated into text depends on the child definitions.
- * @todo Enable nodes to be bubbled out of the structure.
+ * @todo Enable nodes to be bubbled out of the structure. This is
+ * easier with our new algorithm.
class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
- public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) {
+ /**
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token[] $tokens
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context
+ * @return array|HTMLPurifier_Token[]
+ */
+ public function execute($tokens, $config, $context)
+ {
// Pre-processing
+ // O(n) pass to convert to a tree, so that we can efficiently
+ // refer to substrings
+ $top_node = HTMLPurifier_Arborize::arborize($tokens, $config, $context);
// get a copy of the HTML definition
$definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
- // insert implicit "parent" node, will be removed at end.
- $parent_name = $definition->info_parent;
- array_unshift($tokens, new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($parent_name));
- $tokens[] = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($parent_name);
+ $excludes_enabled = !$config->get('Core.DisableExcludes');
// setup the context variable 'IsInline', for chameleon processing
// is 'false' when we are not inline, 'true' when it must always
@@ -57,272 +66,116 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// Loop initialization
- // stack that contains the indexes of all parents,
- // $stack[count($stack)-1] being the current parent
- $stack = array();
// stack that contains all elements that are excluded
// it is organized by parent elements, similar to $stack,
// but it is only populated when an element with exclusions is
// processed, i.e. there won't be empty exclusions.
- $exclude_stack = array();
+ $exclude_stack = array($definition->info_parent_def->excludes);
// variable that contains the start token while we are processing
// nodes. This enables error reporting to do its job
- $start_token = false;
- $context->register('CurrentToken', $start_token);
+ $node = $top_node;
+ // dummy token
+ list($token, $d) = $node->toTokenPair();
+ $context->register('CurrentNode', $node);
+ $context->register('CurrentToken', $token);
// Loop
- // iterate through all start nodes. Determining the start node
- // is complicated so it has been omitted from the loop construct
- for ($i = 0, $size = count($tokens) ; $i < $size; ) {
- //################################################################//
- // Gather information on children
- // child token accumulator
- $child_tokens = array();
- // scroll to the end of this node, report number, and collect
- // all children
- for ($j = $i, $depth = 0; ; $j++) {
- if ($tokens[$j] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
- $depth++;
- // skip token assignment on first iteration, this is the
- // token we currently are on
- if ($depth == 1) continue;
- } elseif ($tokens[$j] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
- $depth--;
- // skip token assignment on last iteration, this is the
- // end token of the token we're currently on
- if ($depth == 0) break;
- }
- $child_tokens[] = $tokens[$j];
- }
- // $i is index of start token
- // $j is index of end token
- $start_token = $tokens[$i]; // to make token available via CurrentToken
- //################################################################//
- // Gather information on parent
- // calculate parent information
- if ($count = count($stack)) {
- $parent_index = $stack[$count-1];
- $parent_name = $tokens[$parent_index]->name;
- if ($parent_index == 0) {
- $parent_def = $definition->info_parent_def;
- } else {
- $parent_def = $definition->info[$parent_name];
- }
- } else {
- // processing as if the parent were the "root" node
- // unknown info, it won't be used anyway, in the future,
- // we may want to enforce one element only (this is
- // necessary for HTML Purifier to clean entire documents
- $parent_index = $parent_name = $parent_def = null;
- }
- // calculate context
- if ($is_inline === false) {
- // check if conditions make it inline
- if (!empty($parent_def) && $parent_def->descendants_are_inline) {
- $is_inline = $count - 1;
- }
- } else {
- // check if we're out of inline
- if ($count === $is_inline) {
- $is_inline = false;
- }
- }
- //################################################################//
- // Determine whether element is explicitly excluded SGML-style
- // determine whether or not element is excluded by checking all
- // parent exclusions. The array should not be very large, two
- // elements at most.
- $excluded = false;
- if (!empty($exclude_stack)) {
- foreach ($exclude_stack as $lookup) {
- if (isset($lookup[$tokens[$i]->name])) {
- $excluded = true;
- // no need to continue processing
- break;
- }
+ // We need to implement a post-order traversal iteratively, to
+ // avoid running into stack space limits. This is pretty tricky
+ // to reason about, so we just manually stack-ify the recursive
+ // variant:
+ //
+ // function f($node) {
+ // foreach ($node->children as $child) {
+ // f($child);
+ // }
+ // validate($node);
+ // }
+ //
+ // Thus, we will represent a stack frame as array($node,
+ // $is_inline, stack of children)
+ // e.g. array_reverse($node->children) - already processed
+ // children.
+ $parent_def = $definition->info_parent_def;
+ $stack = array(
+ array($top_node,
+ $parent_def->descendants_are_inline,
+ $parent_def->excludes, // exclusions
+ 0)
+ );
+ while (!empty($stack)) {
+ list($node, $is_inline, $excludes, $ix) = array_pop($stack);
+ // recursive call
+ $go = false;
+ $def = empty($stack) ? $definition->info_parent_def : $definition->info[$node->name];
+ while (isset($node->children[$ix])) {
+ $child = $node->children[$ix++];
+ if ($child instanceof HTMLPurifier_Node_Element) {
+ $go = true;
+ $stack[] = array($node, $is_inline, $excludes, $ix);
+ $stack[] = array($child,
+ // ToDo: I don't think it matters if it's def or
+ // child_def, but double check this...
+ $is_inline || $def->descendants_are_inline,
+ empty($def->excludes) ? $excludes
+ : array_merge($excludes, $def->excludes),
+ 0);
+ break;
- }
- //################################################################//
- // Perform child validation
- if ($excluded) {
- // there is an exclusion, remove the entire node
- $result = false;
- $excludes = array(); // not used, but good to initialize anyway
+ };
+ if ($go) continue;
+ list($token, $d) = $node->toTokenPair();
+ // base case
+ if ($excludes_enabled && isset($excludes[$node->name])) {
+ $node->dead = true;
+ if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node excluded');
} else {
- if ($i === 0) {
- // special processing for the first node
- $def = $definition->info_parent_def;
- } else {
- $def = $definition->info[$tokens[$i]->name];
+ // XXX I suppose it would be slightly more efficient to
+ // avoid the allocation here and have children
+ // strategies handle it
+ $children = array();
+ foreach ($node->children as $child) {
+ if (!$child->dead) $children[] = $child;
- if (!empty($def->child)) {
- // have DTD child def validate children
- $result = $def->child->validateChildren(
- $child_tokens, $config, $context);
+ $result = $def->child->validateChildren($children, $config, $context);
+ if ($result === true) {
+ // nop
+ $node->children = $children;
+ } elseif ($result === false) {
+ $node->dead = true;
+ if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node removed');
} else {
- // weird, no child definition, get rid of everything
- $result = false;
- }
- // determine whether or not this element has any exclusions
- $excludes = $def->excludes;
- }
- // $result is now a bool or array
- //################################################################//
- // Process result by interpreting $result
- if ($result === true || $child_tokens === $result) {
- // leave the node as is
- // register start token as a parental node start
- $stack[] = $i;
- // register exclusions if there are any
- if (!empty($excludes)) $exclude_stack[] = $excludes;
- // move cursor to next possible start node
- $i++;
- } elseif($result === false) {
- // remove entire node
- if ($e) {
- if ($excluded) {
- $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node excluded');
- } else {
- $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node removed');
- }
- }
- // calculate length of inner tokens and current tokens
- $length = $j - $i + 1;
- // perform removal
- array_splice($tokens, $i, $length);
- // update size
- $size -= $length;
- // there is no start token to register,
- // current node is now the next possible start node
- // unless it turns out that we need to do a double-check
- // this is a rought heuristic that covers 100% of HTML's
- // cases and 99% of all other cases. A child definition
- // that would be tricked by this would be something like:
- // ( | a b c) where it's all or nothing. Fortunately,
- // our current implementation claims that that case would
- // not allow empty, even if it did
- if (!$parent_def->child->allow_empty) {
- // we need to do a double-check
- $i = $parent_index;
- array_pop($stack);
- }
- // PROJECTED OPTIMIZATION: Process all children elements before
- // reprocessing parent node.
- } else {
- // replace node with $result
- // calculate length of inner tokens
- $length = $j - $i - 1;
- if ($e) {
- if (empty($result) && $length) {
- $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node contents removed');
- } else {
- $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node reorganized');
+ $node->children = $result;
+ if ($e) {
+ // XXX This will miss mutations of internal nodes. Perhaps defer to the child validators
+ if (empty($result) && !empty($children)) {
+ $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node contents removed');
+ } else if ($result != $children) {
+ $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_FixNesting: Node reorganized');
+ }
- // perform replacement
- array_splice($tokens, $i + 1, $length, $result);
- // update size
- $size -= $length;
- $size += count($result);
- // register start token as a parental node start
- $stack[] = $i;
- // register exclusions if there are any
- if (!empty($excludes)) $exclude_stack[] = $excludes;
- // move cursor to next possible start node
- $i++;
- //################################################################//
- // Scroll to next start node
- // We assume, at this point, that $i is the index of the token
- // that is the first possible new start point for a node.
- // Test if the token indeed is a start tag, if not, move forward
- // and test again.
- $size = count($tokens);
- while ($i < $size and !$tokens[$i] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
- if ($tokens[$i] instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
- // pop a token index off the stack if we ended a node
- array_pop($stack);
- // pop an exclusion lookup off exclusion stack if
- // we ended node and that node had exclusions
- if ($i == 0 || $i == $size - 1) {
- // use specialized var if it's the super-parent
- $s_excludes = $definition->info_parent_def->excludes;
- } else {
- $s_excludes = $definition->info[$tokens[$i]->name]->excludes;
- }
- if ($s_excludes) {
- array_pop($exclude_stack);
- }
- }
- $i++;
- }
// Post-processing
- // remove implicit parent tokens at the beginning and end
- array_shift($tokens);
- array_pop($tokens);
// remove context variables
+ $context->destroy('CurrentNode');
// Return
- return $tokens;
+ return HTMLPurifier_Arborize::flatten($node, $config, $context);
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/MakeWellFormed.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/MakeWellFormed.php
index c73658400..e389e0011 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/MakeWellFormed.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/MakeWellFormed.php
@@ -2,66 +2,97 @@
* Takes tokens makes them well-formed (balance end tags, etc.)
+ *
+ * Specification of the armor attributes this strategy uses:
+ *
+ * - MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError: This armor field is used to
+ * suppress tag closed errors for certain tokens [TagClosedSuppress],
+ * in particular, if a tag was generated automatically by HTML
+ * Purifier, we may rely on our infrastructure to close it for us
+ * and shouldn't report an error to the user [TagClosedAuto].
class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
* Array stream of tokens being processed.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Token[]
protected $tokens;
- * Current index in $tokens.
+ * Current token.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Token
- protected $t;
+ protected $token;
+ /**
+ * Zipper managing the true state.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Zipper
+ */
+ protected $zipper;
* Current nesting of elements.
+ * @type array
protected $stack;
* Injectors active in this stream processing.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Injector[]
protected $injectors;
* Current instance of HTMLPurifier_Config.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Config
protected $config;
* Current instance of HTMLPurifier_Context.
+ * @type HTMLPurifier_Context
protected $context;
- public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) {
+ /**
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token[] $tokens
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context
+ * @return HTMLPurifier_Token[]
+ * @throws HTMLPurifier_Exception
+ */
+ public function execute($tokens, $config, $context)
+ {
$definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
// local variables
$generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context);
$escape_invalid_tags = $config->get('Core.EscapeInvalidTags');
+ // used for autoclose early abortion
+ $global_parent_allowed_elements = $definition->info_parent_def->child->getAllowedElements($config);
$e = $context->get('ErrorCollector', true);
- $t = false; // token index
$i = false; // injector index
- $token = false; // the current token
- $reprocess = false; // whether or not to reprocess the same token
+ list($zipper, $token) = HTMLPurifier_Zipper::fromArray($tokens);
+ if ($token === NULL) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $reprocess = false; // whether or not to reprocess the same token
$stack = array();
// member variables
- $this->stack =& $stack;
- $this->t =& $t;
- $this->tokens =& $tokens;
- $this->config = $config;
+ $this->stack =& $stack;
+ $this->tokens =& $tokens;
+ $this->token =& $token;
+ $this->zipper =& $zipper;
+ $this->config = $config;
$this->context = $context;
// context variables
$context->register('CurrentNesting', $stack);
- $context->register('InputIndex', $t);
- $context->register('InputTokens', $tokens);
- $context->register('CurrentToken', $token);
+ $context->register('InputZipper', $zipper);
+ $context->register('CurrentToken', $token);
// -- begin INJECTOR --
@@ -73,9 +104,13 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
unset($injectors['Custom']); // special case
foreach ($injectors as $injector => $b) {
// XXX: Fix with a legitimate lookup table of enabled filters
- if (strpos($injector, '.') !== false) continue;
+ if (strpos($injector, '.') !== false) {
+ continue;
+ }
$injector = "HTMLPurifier_Injector_$injector";
- if (!$b) continue;
+ if (!$b) {
+ continue;
+ }
$this->injectors[] = new $injector;
foreach ($def_injectors as $injector) {
@@ -83,7 +118,9 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
$this->injectors[] = $injector;
foreach ($custom_injectors as $injector) {
- if (!$injector) continue;
+ if (!$injector) {
+ continue;
+ }
if (is_string($injector)) {
$injector = "HTMLPurifier_Injector_$injector";
$injector = new $injector;
@@ -95,14 +132,16 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// variables for performance reasons
foreach ($this->injectors as $ix => $injector) {
$error = $injector->prepare($config, $context);
- if (!$error) continue;
+ if (!$error) {
+ continue;
+ }
array_splice($this->injectors, $ix, 1); // rm the injector
trigger_error("Cannot enable {$injector->name} injector because $error is not allowed", E_USER_WARNING);
// -- end INJECTOR --
- // a note on punting:
+ // a note on reprocessing:
// In order to reduce code duplication, whenever some code needs
// to make HTML changes in order to make things "correct", the
// new HTML gets sent through the purifier, regardless of its
@@ -111,70 +150,75 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// punt ($reprocess = true; continue;) and it does that for us.
// isset is in loop because $tokens size changes during loop exec
- for (
- $t = 0;
- $t == 0 || isset($tokens[$t - 1]);
- // only increment if we don't need to reprocess
- $reprocess ? $reprocess = false : $t++
- ) {
+ for (;;
+ // only increment if we don't need to reprocess
+ $reprocess ? $reprocess = false : $token = $zipper->next($token)) {
// check for a rewind
- if (is_int($i) && $i >= 0) {
+ if (is_int($i)) {
// possibility: disable rewinding if the current token has a
// rewind set on it already. This would offer protection from
// infinite loop, but might hinder some advanced rewinding.
- $rewind_to = $this->injectors[$i]->getRewind();
- if (is_int($rewind_to) && $rewind_to < $t) {
- if ($rewind_to < 0) $rewind_to = 0;
- while ($t > $rewind_to) {
- $t--;
- $prev = $tokens[$t];
+ $rewind_offset = $this->injectors[$i]->getRewindOffset();
+ if (is_int($rewind_offset)) {
+ for ($j = 0; $j < $rewind_offset; $j++) {
+ if (empty($zipper->front)) break;
+ $token = $zipper->prev($token);
// indicate that other injectors should not process this token,
// but we need to reprocess it
- unset($prev->skip[$i]);
- $prev->rewind = $i;
- if ($prev instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) array_pop($this->stack);
- elseif ($prev instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) $this->stack[] = $prev->start;
+ unset($token->skip[$i]);
+ $token->rewind = $i;
+ if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
+ array_pop($this->stack);
+ } elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
+ $this->stack[] = $token->start;
+ }
$i = false;
// handle case of document end
- if (!isset($tokens[$t])) {
+ if ($token === NULL) {
// kill processing if stack is empty
- if (empty($this->stack)) break;
+ if (empty($this->stack)) {
+ break;
+ }
// peek
$top_nesting = array_pop($this->stack);
$this->stack[] = $top_nesting;
- // send error
+ // send error [TagClosedSuppress]
if ($e && !isset($top_nesting->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'])) {
$e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag closed by document end', $top_nesting);
// append, don't splice, since this is the end
- $tokens[] = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($top_nesting->name);
+ $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($top_nesting->name);
// punt!
$reprocess = true;
- $token = $tokens[$t];
- //echo '<br>'; printTokens($tokens, $t); printTokens($this->stack);
+ //echo '<br>'; printZipper($zipper, $token);//printTokens($this->stack);
// quick-check: if it's not a tag, no need to process
if (empty($token->is_tag)) {
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) {
foreach ($this->injectors as $i => $injector) {
- if (isset($token->skip[$i])) continue;
- if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) continue;
- $injector->handleText($token);
- $this->processToken($token, $i);
+ if (isset($token->skip[$i])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // XXX fuckup
+ $r = $token;
+ $injector->handleText($r);
+ $token = $this->processToken($r, $i);
$reprocess = true;
@@ -193,12 +237,22 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
$ok = false;
if ($type === 'empty' && $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
// claims to be a start tag but is empty
- $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty($token->name, $token->attr);
+ $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty(
+ $token->name,
+ $token->attr,
+ $token->line,
+ $token->col,
+ $token->armor
+ );
$ok = true;
} elseif ($type && $type !== 'empty' && $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) {
// claims to be empty but really is a start tag
- $this->swap(new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($token->name));
- $this->insertBefore(new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($token->name, $token->attr));
+ // NB: this assignment is required
+ $old_token = $token;
+ $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($token->name);
+ $token = $this->insertBefore(
+ new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($old_token->name, $old_token->attr, $old_token->line, $old_token->col, $old_token->armor)
+ );
// punt (since we had to modify the input stream in a non-trivial way)
$reprocess = true;
@@ -211,55 +265,96 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// ...unless they also have to close their parent
if (!empty($this->stack)) {
+ // Performance note: you might think that it's rather
+ // inefficient, recalculating the autoclose information
+ // for every tag that a token closes (since when we
+ // do an autoclose, we push a new token into the
+ // stream and then /process/ that, before
+ // re-processing this token.) But this is
+ // necessary, because an injector can make an
+ // arbitrary transformations to the autoclosing
+ // tokens we introduce, so things may have changed
+ // in the meantime. Also, doing the inefficient thing is
+ // "easy" to reason about (for certain perverse definitions
+ // of "easy")
$parent = array_pop($this->stack);
$this->stack[] = $parent;
+ $parent_def = null;
+ $parent_elements = null;
+ $autoclose = false;
if (isset($definition->info[$parent->name])) {
- $elements = $definition->info[$parent->name]->child->getAllowedElements($config);
- $autoclose = !isset($elements[$token->name]);
- } else {
- $autoclose = false;
+ $parent_def = $definition->info[$parent->name];
+ $parent_elements = $parent_def->child->getAllowedElements($config);
+ $autoclose = !isset($parent_elements[$token->name]);
if ($autoclose && $definition->info[$token->name]->wrap) {
- // Check if an element can be wrapped by another
- // element to make it valid in a context (for
+ // Check if an element can be wrapped by another
+ // element to make it valid in a context (for
// example, <ul><ul> needs a <li> in between)
$wrapname = $definition->info[$token->name]->wrap;
$wrapdef = $definition->info[$wrapname];
$elements = $wrapdef->child->getAllowedElements($config);
- $parent_elements = $definition->info[$parent->name]->child->getAllowedElements($config);
if (isset($elements[$token->name]) && isset($parent_elements[$wrapname])) {
$newtoken = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Start($wrapname);
- $this->insertBefore($newtoken);
+ $token = $this->insertBefore($newtoken);
$reprocess = true;
$carryover = false;
- if ($autoclose && $definition->info[$parent->name]->formatting) {
+ if ($autoclose && $parent_def->formatting) {
$carryover = true;
if ($autoclose) {
- // errors need to be updated
- $new_token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($parent->name);
- $new_token->start = $parent;
- if ($carryover) {
- $element = clone $parent;
- $element->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'] = true;
- $element->carryover = true;
- $this->processToken(array($new_token, $token, $element));
- } else {
- $this->insertBefore($new_token);
+ // check if this autoclose is doomed to fail
+ // (this rechecks $parent, which his harmless)
+ $autoclose_ok = isset($global_parent_allowed_elements[$token->name]);
+ if (!$autoclose_ok) {
+ foreach ($this->stack as $ancestor) {
+ $elements = $definition->info[$ancestor->name]->child->getAllowedElements($config);
+ if (isset($elements[$token->name])) {
+ $autoclose_ok = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($definition->info[$token->name]->wrap) {
+ $wrapname = $definition->info[$token->name]->wrap;
+ $wrapdef = $definition->info[$wrapname];
+ $wrap_elements = $wrapdef->child->getAllowedElements($config);
+ if (isset($wrap_elements[$token->name]) && isset($elements[$wrapname])) {
+ $autoclose_ok = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if ($e && !isset($parent->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'])) {
- if (!$carryover) {
- $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag auto closed', $parent);
+ if ($autoclose_ok) {
+ // errors need to be updated
+ $new_token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_End($parent->name);
+ $new_token->start = $parent;
+ // [TagClosedSuppress]
+ if ($e && !isset($parent->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'])) {
+ if (!$carryover) {
+ $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag auto closed', $parent);
+ } else {
+ $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag carryover', $parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($carryover) {
+ $element = clone $parent;
+ // [TagClosedAuto]
+ $element->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'] = true;
+ $element->carryover = true;
+ $token = $this->processToken(array($new_token, $token, $element));
} else {
- $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag carryover', $parent);
+ $token = $this->insertBefore($new_token);
+ } else {
+ $token = $this->remove();
$reprocess = true;
@@ -271,20 +366,26 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
if ($ok) {
foreach ($this->injectors as $i => $injector) {
- if (isset($token->skip[$i])) continue;
- if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) continue;
- $injector->handleElement($token);
- $this->processToken($token, $i);
+ if (isset($token->skip[$i])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $r = $token;
+ $injector->handleElement($r);
+ $token = $this->processToken($r, $i);
$reprocess = true;
if (!$reprocess) {
// ah, nothing interesting happened; do normal processing
- $this->swap($token);
if ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start) {
$this->stack[] = $token;
} elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_End) {
- throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception('Improper handling of end tag in start code; possible error in MakeWellFormed');
+ throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception(
+ 'Improper handling of end tag in start code; possible error in MakeWellFormed'
+ );
@@ -298,13 +399,15 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// make sure that we have something open
if (empty($this->stack)) {
if ($escape_invalid_tags) {
- if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Unnecessary end tag to text');
- $this->swap(new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text(
- $generator->generateFromToken($token)
- ));
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Unnecessary end tag to text');
+ }
+ $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text($generator->generateFromToken($token));
} else {
- $this->remove();
- if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Unnecessary end tag removed');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Unnecessary end tag removed');
+ }
+ $token = $this->remove();
$reprocess = true;
@@ -318,10 +421,15 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
if ($current_parent->name == $token->name) {
$token->start = $current_parent;
foreach ($this->injectors as $i => $injector) {
- if (isset($token->skip[$i])) continue;
- if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) continue;
- $injector->handleEnd($token);
- $this->processToken($token, $i);
+ if (isset($token->skip[$i])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($token->rewind !== null && $token->rewind !== $i) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $r = $token;
+ $injector->handleEnd($r);
+ $token = $this->processToken($r, $i);
$this->stack[] = $current_parent;
$reprocess = true;
@@ -349,13 +457,15 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// we didn't find the tag, so remove
if ($skipped_tags === false) {
if ($escape_invalid_tags) {
- $this->swap(new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text(
- $generator->generateFromToken($token)
- ));
- if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Stray end tag to text');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Stray end tag to text');
+ }
+ $token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text($generator->generateFromToken($token));
} else {
- $this->remove();
- if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Stray end tag removed');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Stray end tag removed');
+ }
+ $token = $this->remove();
$reprocess = true;
@@ -366,7 +476,7 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
if ($e) {
for ($j = $c - 1; $j > 0; $j--) {
// notice we exclude $j == 0, i.e. the current ending tag, from
- // the errors...
+ // the errors... [TagClosedSuppress]
if (!isset($skipped_tags[$j]->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'])) {
$e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_MakeWellFormed: Tag closed by element end', $skipped_tags[$j]);
@@ -381,24 +491,24 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
$new_token->start = $skipped_tags[$j];
array_unshift($replace, $new_token);
if (isset($definition->info[$new_token->name]) && $definition->info[$new_token->name]->formatting) {
+ // [TagClosedAuto]
$element = clone $skipped_tags[$j];
$element->carryover = true;
$element->armor['MakeWellFormed_TagClosedError'] = true;
$replace[] = $element;
- $this->processToken($replace);
+ $token = $this->processToken($replace);
$reprocess = true;
- $context->destroy('CurrentNesting');
- $context->destroy('InputTokens');
- $context->destroy('InputIndex');
+ $context->destroy('CurrentNesting');
+ $context->destroy('InputZipper');
- unset($this->injectors, $this->stack, $this->tokens, $this->t);
- return $tokens;
+ unset($this->injectors, $this->stack, $this->tokens);
+ return $zipper->toArray($token);
@@ -417,25 +527,38 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
* If $token is an integer, that number of tokens (with the first token
* being the current one) will be deleted.
- * @param $token Token substitution value
- * @param $injector Injector that performed the substitution; default is if
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token|array|int|bool $token Token substitution value
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Injector|int $injector Injector that performed the substitution; default is if
* this is not an injector related operation.
+ * @throws HTMLPurifier_Exception
- protected function processToken($token, $injector = -1) {
+ protected function processToken($token, $injector = -1)
+ {
// normalize forms of token
- if (is_object($token)) $token = array(1, $token);
- if (is_int($token)) $token = array($token);
- if ($token === false) $token = array(1);
- if (!is_array($token)) throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception('Invalid token type from injector');
- if (!is_int($token[0])) array_unshift($token, 1);
- if ($token[0] === 0) throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception('Deleting zero tokens is not valid');
+ if (is_object($token)) {
+ $token = array(1, $token);
+ }
+ if (is_int($token)) {
+ $token = array($token);
+ }
+ if ($token === false) {
+ $token = array(1);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($token)) {
+ throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception('Invalid token type from injector');
+ }
+ if (!is_int($token[0])) {
+ array_unshift($token, 1);
+ }
+ if ($token[0] === 0) {
+ throw new HTMLPurifier_Exception('Deleting zero tokens is not valid');
+ }
// $token is now an array with the following form:
// array(number nodes to delete, new node 1, new node 2, ...)
$delete = array_shift($token);
- $old = array_splice($this->tokens, $this->t, $delete, $token);
+ list($old, $r) = $this->zipper->splice($this->token, $delete, $token);
if ($injector > -1) {
// determine appropriate skips
@@ -446,30 +569,32 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
- }
+ return $r;
- /**
- * Inserts a token before the current token. Cursor now points to this token
- */
- private function insertBefore($token) {
- array_splice($this->tokens, $this->t, 0, array($token));
- * Removes current token. Cursor now points to new token occupying previously
- * occupied space.
+ * Inserts a token before the current token. Cursor now points to
+ * this token. You must reprocess after this.
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token $token
- private function remove() {
- array_splice($this->tokens, $this->t, 1);
+ private function insertBefore($token)
+ {
+ // NB not $this->zipper->insertBefore(), due to positioning
+ // differences
+ $splice = $this->zipper->splice($this->token, 0, array($token));
+ return $splice[1];
- * Swap current token with new token. Cursor points to new token (no change).
+ * Removes current token. Cursor now points to new token occupying previously
+ * occupied space. You must reprocess after this.
- private function swap($token) {
- $this->tokens[$this->t] = $token;
+ private function remove()
+ {
+ return $this->zipper->delete();
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/RemoveForeignElements.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/RemoveForeignElements.php
index cf3a33e40..1a8149ecc 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/RemoveForeignElements.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/RemoveForeignElements.php
@@ -11,19 +11,29 @@
class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
- public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) {
+ /**
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token[] $tokens
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context
+ * @return array|HTMLPurifier_Token[]
+ */
+ public function execute($tokens, $config, $context)
+ {
$definition = $config->getHTMLDefinition();
$generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator($config, $context);
$result = array();
$escape_invalid_tags = $config->get('Core.EscapeInvalidTags');
- $remove_invalid_img = $config->get('Core.RemoveInvalidImg');
+ $remove_invalid_img = $config->get('Core.RemoveInvalidImg');
// currently only used to determine if comments should be kept
$trusted = $config->get('HTML.Trusted');
+ $comment_lookup = $config->get('HTML.AllowedComments');
+ $comment_regexp = $config->get('HTML.AllowedCommentsRegexp');
+ $check_comments = $comment_lookup !== array() || $comment_regexp !== null;
$remove_script_contents = $config->get('Core.RemoveScriptContents');
- $hidden_elements = $config->get('Core.HiddenElements');
+ $hidden_elements = $config->get('Core.HiddenElements');
// remove script contents compatibility
if ($remove_script_contents === true) {
@@ -48,34 +58,31 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
$e =& $context->get('ErrorCollector');
- foreach($tokens as $token) {
+ foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if ($remove_until) {
if (empty($token->is_tag) || $token->name !== $remove_until) {
- if (!empty( $token->is_tag )) {
+ if (!empty($token->is_tag)) {
// before any processing, try to transform the element
- if (
- isset($definition->info_tag_transform[$token->name])
- ) {
+ if (isset($definition->info_tag_transform[$token->name])) {
$original_name = $token->name;
// there is a transformation for this tag
$token = $definition->
- info_tag_transform[$token->name]->
- transform($token, $config, $context);
- if ($e) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Tag transform', $original_name);
+ info_tag_transform[$token->name]->transform($token, $config, $context);
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Tag transform', $original_name);
+ }
if (isset($definition->info[$token->name])) {
// mostly everything's good, but
// we need to make sure required attributes are in order
- if (
- ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start || $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) &&
+ if (($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start || $token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) &&
$definition->info[$token->name]->required_attr &&
($token->name != 'img' || $remove_invalid_img) // ensure config option still works
) {
@@ -88,7 +95,13 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
if (!$ok) {
- if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Missing required attribute', $name);
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(
+ 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Missing required attribute',
+ $name
+ );
+ }
$token->armor['ValidateAttributes'] = true;
@@ -102,7 +115,9 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
} elseif ($escape_invalid_tags) {
// invalid tag, generate HTML representation and insert in
- if ($e) $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Foreign element to text');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_WARNING, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Foreign element to text');
+ }
$token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text(
@@ -117,9 +132,13 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
} else {
$remove_until = false;
- if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Foreign meta element removed');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Foreign meta element removed');
+ }
} else {
- if ($e) $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Foreign element removed');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Foreign element removed');
+ }
@@ -128,26 +147,46 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
if ($textify_comments !== false) {
$data = $token->data;
$token = new HTMLPurifier_Token_Text($data);
- } elseif ($trusted) {
- // keep, but perform comment cleaning
+ } elseif ($trusted || $check_comments) {
+ // always cleanup comments
+ $trailing_hyphen = false;
if ($e) {
// perform check whether or not there's a trailing hyphen
if (substr($token->data, -1) == '-') {
- $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Trailing hyphen in comment removed');
+ $trailing_hyphen = true;
$token->data = rtrim($token->data, '-');
$found_double_hyphen = false;
while (strpos($token->data, '--') !== false) {
- if ($e && !$found_double_hyphen) {
- $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Hyphens in comment collapsed');
- }
- $found_double_hyphen = true; // prevent double-erroring
+ $found_double_hyphen = true;
$token->data = str_replace('--', '-', $token->data);
+ if ($trusted || !empty($comment_lookup[trim($token->data)]) ||
+ ($comment_regexp !== null && preg_match($comment_regexp, trim($token->data)))) {
+ // OK good
+ if ($e) {
+ if ($trailing_hyphen) {
+ $e->send(
+ 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Trailing hyphen in comment removed'
+ );
+ }
+ if ($found_double_hyphen) {
+ $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Hyphens in comment collapsed');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Comment removed');
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
} else {
// strip comments
- if ($e) $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Comment removed');
+ if ($e) {
+ $e->send(E_NOTICE, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Comment removed');
+ }
} elseif ($token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Text) {
@@ -160,12 +199,9 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// we removed tokens until the end, throw error
$e->send(E_ERROR, 'Strategy_RemoveForeignElements: Token removed to end', $remove_until);
return $result;
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php
index c3328a9d4..fbb3d27c8 100644
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php
+++ b/library/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributes.php
@@ -7,8 +7,14 @@
class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
- public function execute($tokens, $config, $context) {
+ /**
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Token[] $tokens
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
+ * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context
+ * @return HTMLPurifier_Token[]
+ */
+ public function execute($tokens, $config, $context)
+ {
// setup validator
$validator = new HTMLPurifier_AttrValidator();
@@ -19,21 +25,21 @@ class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes extends HTMLPurifier_Strategy
// only process tokens that have attributes,
// namely start and empty tags
- if (!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start && !$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) continue;
+ if (!$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Start && !$token instanceof HTMLPurifier_Token_Empty) {
+ continue;
+ }
// skip tokens that are armored
- if (!empty($token->armor['ValidateAttributes'])) continue;
+ if (!empty($token->armor['ValidateAttributes'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
// note that we have no facilities here for removing tokens
$validator->validateToken($token, $config, $context);
- $tokens[$key] = $token; // for PHP 4
return $tokens;
// vim: et sw=4 sts=4