path: root/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule
diff options
authorKlaus Weidenbach <Klaus.Weidenbach@gmx.net>2017-03-18 17:50:05 +0100
committerKlaus Weidenbach <Klaus.Weidenbach@gmx.net>2017-03-26 00:41:27 +0100
commitf718e2b0db0fe3477212a8dd6c3ec067f4432862 (patch)
tree8dfbd3b3d4bdcd967b50f1ee4655440bcdef5bb8 /library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule
parent2115eb26a7fd2ca937286bd4e98ab74c7d6e9525 (diff)
:arrow_up: Update HTML Purifier library.
Updated HTML Purifier from 4.6.0 to 4.9.2 with better PHP7 compatibility. Used composer to manage this library.
Diffstat (limited to 'library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule')
33 files changed, 0 insertions, 1991 deletions
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Bdo.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Bdo.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e67c790d..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Bdo.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Bi-directional Text Module, defines elements that
- * declare directionality of content. Text Extension Module.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Bdo extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Bdo';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $attr_collections = array(
- 'I18N' => array('dir' => false)
- );
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $bdo = $this->addElement(
- 'bdo',
- 'Inline',
- 'Inline',
- array('Core', 'Lang'),
- array(
- 'dir' => 'Enum#ltr,rtl', // required
- // The Abstract Module specification has the attribute
- // inclusions wrong for bdo: bdo allows Lang
- )
- );
- $bdo->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BdoDir();
- $this->attr_collections['I18N']['dir'] = 'Enum#ltr,rtl';
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/CommonAttributes.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/CommonAttributes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a96ab1bef..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/CommonAttributes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_CommonAttributes extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'CommonAttributes';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $attr_collections = array(
- 'Core' => array(
- 0 => array('Style'),
- // 'xml:space' => false,
- 'class' => 'Class',
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'title' => 'CDATA',
- ),
- 'Lang' => array(),
- 'I18N' => array(
- 0 => array('Lang'), // proprietary, for xml:lang/lang
- ),
- 'Common' => array(
- 0 => array('Core', 'I18N')
- )
- );
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Edit.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Edit.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a9042a357..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Edit.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Edit Module, defines editing-related elements. Text Extension
- * Module.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Edit extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Edit';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $contents = 'Chameleon: #PCDATA | Inline ! #PCDATA | Flow';
- $attr = array(
- 'cite' => 'URI',
- // 'datetime' => 'Datetime', // not implemented
- );
- $this->addElement('del', 'Inline', $contents, 'Common', $attr);
- $this->addElement('ins', 'Inline', $contents, 'Common', $attr);
- }
- // HTML 4.01 specifies that ins/del must not contain block
- // elements when used in an inline context, chameleon is
- // a complicated workaround to acheive this effect
- // Inline context ! Block context (exclamation mark is
- // separator, see getChildDef for parsing)
- /**
- * @type bool
- */
- public $defines_child_def = true;
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_ElementDef $def
- * @return HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Chameleon
- */
- public function getChildDef($def)
- {
- if ($def->content_model_type != 'chameleon') {
- return false;
- }
- $value = explode('!', $def->content_model);
- return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Chameleon($value[0], $value[1]);
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Forms.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Forms.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7ddbc05..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Forms.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Forms module, defines all form-related elements found in HTML 4.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Forms extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Forms';
- /**
- * @type bool
- */
- public $safe = false;
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $content_sets = array(
- 'Block' => 'Form',
- 'Inline' => 'Formctrl',
- );
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $form = $this->addElement(
- 'form',
- 'Form',
- 'Required: Heading | List | Block | fieldset',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'accept' => 'ContentTypes',
- 'accept-charset' => 'Charsets',
- 'action*' => 'URI',
- 'method' => 'Enum#get,post',
- // really ContentType, but these two are the only ones used today
- 'enctype' => 'Enum#application/x-www-form-urlencoded,multipart/form-data',
- )
- );
- $form->excludes = array('form' => true);
- $input = $this->addElement(
- 'input',
- 'Formctrl',
- 'Empty',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'accept' => 'ContentTypes',
- 'accesskey' => 'Character',
- 'alt' => 'Text',
- 'checked' => 'Bool#checked',
- 'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
- 'maxlength' => 'Number',
- 'name' => 'CDATA',
- 'readonly' => 'Bool#readonly',
- 'size' => 'Number',
- 'src' => 'URI#embedded',
- 'tabindex' => 'Number',
- 'type' => 'Enum#text,password,checkbox,button,radio,submit,reset,file,hidden,image',
- 'value' => 'CDATA',
- )
- );
- $input->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Input();
- $this->addElement(
- 'select',
- 'Formctrl',
- 'Required: optgroup | option',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
- 'multiple' => 'Bool#multiple',
- 'name' => 'CDATA',
- 'size' => 'Number',
- 'tabindex' => 'Number',
- )
- );
- $this->addElement(
- 'option',
- false,
- 'Optional: #PCDATA',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
- 'label' => 'Text',
- 'selected' => 'Bool#selected',
- 'value' => 'CDATA',
- )
- );
- // It's illegal for there to be more than one selected, but not
- // be multiple. Also, no selected means undefined behavior. This might
- // be difficult to implement; perhaps an injector, or a context variable.
- $textarea = $this->addElement(
- 'textarea',
- 'Formctrl',
- 'Optional: #PCDATA',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'accesskey' => 'Character',
- 'cols*' => 'Number',
- 'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
- 'name' => 'CDATA',
- 'readonly' => 'Bool#readonly',
- 'rows*' => 'Number',
- 'tabindex' => 'Number',
- )
- );
- $textarea->attr_transform_pre[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Textarea();
- $button = $this->addElement(
- 'button',
- 'Formctrl',
- 'Optional: #PCDATA | Heading | List | Block | Inline',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'accesskey' => 'Character',
- 'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
- 'name' => 'CDATA',
- 'tabindex' => 'Number',
- 'type' => 'Enum#button,submit,reset',
- 'value' => 'CDATA',
- )
- );
- // For exclusions, ideally we'd specify content sets, not literal elements
- $button->excludes = $this->makeLookup(
- 'form',
- 'fieldset', // Form
- 'input',
- 'select',
- 'textarea',
- 'label',
- 'button', // Formctrl
- 'a', // as per HTML 4.01 spec, this is omitted by modularization
- 'isindex',
- 'iframe' // legacy items
- );
- // Extra exclusion: img usemap="" is not permitted within this element.
- // We'll omit this for now, since we don't have any good way of
- // indicating it yet.
- // This is HIGHLY user-unfriendly; we need a custom child-def for this
- $this->addElement('fieldset', 'Form', 'Custom: (#WS?,legend,(Flow|#PCDATA)*)', 'Common');
- $label = $this->addElement(
- 'label',
- 'Formctrl',
- 'Optional: #PCDATA | Inline',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'accesskey' => 'Character',
- // 'for' => 'IDREF', // IDREF not implemented, cannot allow
- )
- );
- $label->excludes = array('label' => true);
- $this->addElement(
- 'legend',
- false,
- 'Optional: #PCDATA | Inline',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'accesskey' => 'Character',
- )
- );
- $this->addElement(
- 'optgroup',
- false,
- 'Required: option',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'disabled' => 'Bool#disabled',
- 'label*' => 'Text',
- )
- );
- // Don't forget an injector for <isindex>. This one's a little complex
- // because it maps to multiple elements.
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Hypertext.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Hypertext.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d7a31e6..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Hypertext.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Hypertext Module, defines hypertext links. Core Module.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Hypertext extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Hypertext';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $a = $this->addElement(
- 'a',
- 'Inline',
- 'Inline',
- 'Common',
- array(
- // 'accesskey' => 'Character',
- // 'charset' => 'Charset',
- 'href' => 'URI',
- // 'hreflang' => 'LanguageCode',
- 'rel' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_LinkTypes('rel'),
- 'rev' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_LinkTypes('rev'),
- // 'tabindex' => 'Number',
- // 'type' => 'ContentType',
- )
- );
- $a->formatting = true;
- $a->excludes = array('a' => true);
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Iframe.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Iframe.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e7c91c0..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Iframe.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Iframe Module provides inline frames.
- *
- * @note This module is not considered safe unless an Iframe
- * whitelisting mechanism is specified. Currently, the only
- * such mechanism is %URL.SafeIframeRegexp
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Iframe extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Iframe';
- /**
- * @type bool
- */
- public $safe = false;
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- if ($config->get('HTML.SafeIframe')) {
- $this->safe = true;
- }
- $this->addElement(
- 'iframe',
- 'Inline',
- 'Flow',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'src' => 'URI#embedded',
- 'width' => 'Length',
- 'height' => 'Length',
- 'name' => 'ID',
- 'scrolling' => 'Enum#yes,no,auto',
- 'frameborder' => 'Enum#0,1',
- 'longdesc' => 'URI',
- 'marginheight' => 'Pixels',
- 'marginwidth' => 'Pixels',
- )
- );
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Image.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Image.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5fdb3ba..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Image.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Image Module provides basic image embedding.
- * @note There is specialized code for removing empty images in
- * HTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Image extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Image';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $max = $config->get('HTML.MaxImgLength');
- $img = $this->addElement(
- 'img',
- 'Inline',
- 'Empty',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'alt*' => 'Text',
- // According to the spec, it's Length, but percents can
- // be abused, so we allow only Pixels.
- 'height' => 'Pixels#' . $max,
- 'width' => 'Pixels#' . $max,
- 'longdesc' => 'URI',
- 'src*' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI(true), // embedded
- )
- );
- if ($max === null || $config->get('HTML.Trusted')) {
- $img->attr['height'] =
- $img->attr['width'] = 'Length';
- }
- // kind of strange, but splitting things up would be inefficient
- $img->attr_transform_pre[] =
- $img->attr_transform_post[] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgRequired();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Legacy.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Legacy.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 86b529957..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Legacy.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Legacy module defines elements that were previously
- * deprecated.
- *
- * @note Not all legacy elements have been implemented yet, which
- * is a bit of a reverse problem as compared to browsers! In
- * addition, this legacy module may implement a bit more than
- * mandated by XHTML 1.1.
- *
- * This module can be used in combination with TransformToStrict in order
- * to transform as many deprecated elements as possible, but retain
- * questionably deprecated elements that do not have good alternatives
- * as well as transform elements that don't have an implementation.
- * See docs/ref-strictness.txt for more details.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Legacy extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Legacy';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->addElement(
- 'basefont',
- 'Inline',
- 'Empty',
- null,
- array(
- 'color' => 'Color',
- 'face' => 'Text', // extremely broad, we should
- 'size' => 'Text', // tighten it
- 'id' => 'ID'
- )
- );
- $this->addElement('center', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
- $this->addElement(
- 'dir',
- 'Block',
- 'Required: li',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'compact' => 'Bool#compact'
- )
- );
- $this->addElement(
- 'font',
- 'Inline',
- 'Inline',
- array('Core', 'I18N'),
- array(
- 'color' => 'Color',
- 'face' => 'Text', // extremely broad, we should
- 'size' => 'Text', // tighten it
- )
- );
- $this->addElement(
- 'menu',
- 'Block',
- 'Required: li',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'compact' => 'Bool#compact'
- )
- );
- $s = $this->addElement('s', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $s->formatting = true;
- $strike = $this->addElement('strike', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $strike->formatting = true;
- $u = $this->addElement('u', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $u->formatting = true;
- // setup modifications to old elements
- $align = 'Enum#left,right,center,justify';
- $address = $this->addBlankElement('address');
- $address->content_model = 'Inline | #PCDATA | p';
- $address->content_model_type = 'optional';
- $address->child = false;
- $blockquote = $this->addBlankElement('blockquote');
- $blockquote->content_model = 'Flow | #PCDATA';
- $blockquote->content_model_type = 'optional';
- $blockquote->child = false;
- $br = $this->addBlankElement('br');
- $br->attr['clear'] = 'Enum#left,all,right,none';
- $caption = $this->addBlankElement('caption');
- $caption->attr['align'] = 'Enum#top,bottom,left,right';
- $div = $this->addBlankElement('div');
- $div->attr['align'] = $align;
- $dl = $this->addBlankElement('dl');
- $dl->attr['compact'] = 'Bool#compact';
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
- $h = $this->addBlankElement("h$i");
- $h->attr['align'] = $align;
- }
- $hr = $this->addBlankElement('hr');
- $hr->attr['align'] = $align;
- $hr->attr['noshade'] = 'Bool#noshade';
- $hr->attr['size'] = 'Pixels';
- $hr->attr['width'] = 'Length';
- $img = $this->addBlankElement('img');
- $img->attr['align'] = 'IAlign';
- $img->attr['border'] = 'Pixels';
- $img->attr['hspace'] = 'Pixels';
- $img->attr['vspace'] = 'Pixels';
- // figure out this integer business
- $li = $this->addBlankElement('li');
- $li->attr['value'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer();
- $li->attr['type'] = 'Enum#s:1,i,I,a,A,disc,square,circle';
- $ol = $this->addBlankElement('ol');
- $ol->attr['compact'] = 'Bool#compact';
- $ol->attr['start'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer();
- $ol->attr['type'] = 'Enum#s:1,i,I,a,A';
- $p = $this->addBlankElement('p');
- $p->attr['align'] = $align;
- $pre = $this->addBlankElement('pre');
- $pre->attr['width'] = 'Number';
- // script omitted
- $table = $this->addBlankElement('table');
- $table->attr['align'] = 'Enum#left,center,right';
- $table->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color';
- $tr = $this->addBlankElement('tr');
- $tr->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color';
- $th = $this->addBlankElement('th');
- $th->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color';
- $th->attr['height'] = 'Length';
- $th->attr['nowrap'] = 'Bool#nowrap';
- $th->attr['width'] = 'Length';
- $td = $this->addBlankElement('td');
- $td->attr['bgcolor'] = 'Color';
- $td->attr['height'] = 'Length';
- $td->attr['nowrap'] = 'Bool#nowrap';
- $td->attr['width'] = 'Length';
- $ul = $this->addBlankElement('ul');
- $ul->attr['compact'] = 'Bool#compact';
- $ul->attr['type'] = 'Enum#square,disc,circle';
- // "safe" modifications to "unsafe" elements
- // WARNING: If you want to add support for an unsafe, legacy
- // attribute, make a new TrustedLegacy module with the trusted
- // bit set appropriately
- $form = $this->addBlankElement('form');
- $form->content_model = 'Flow | #PCDATA';
- $form->content_model_type = 'optional';
- $form->attr['target'] = 'FrameTarget';
- $input = $this->addBlankElement('input');
- $input->attr['align'] = 'IAlign';
- $legend = $this->addBlankElement('legend');
- $legend->attr['align'] = 'LAlign';
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/List.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/List.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a20ff701..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/List.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 List Module, defines list-oriented elements. Core Module.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_List extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'List';
- // According to the abstract schema, the List content set is a fully formed
- // one or more expr, but it invariably occurs in an optional declaration
- // so we're not going to do that subtlety. It might cause trouble
- // if a user defines "List" and expects that multiple lists are
- // allowed to be specified, but then again, that's not very intuitive.
- // Furthermore, the actual XML Schema may disagree. Regardless,
- // we don't have support for such nested expressions without using
- // the incredibly inefficient and draconic Custom ChildDef.
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $content_sets = array('Flow' => 'List');
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $ol = $this->addElement('ol', 'List', new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_List(), 'Common');
- $ul = $this->addElement('ul', 'List', new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_List(), 'Common');
- // XXX The wrap attribute is handled by MakeWellFormed. This is all
- // quite unsatisfactory, because we generated this
- // *specifically* for lists, and now a big chunk of the handling
- // is done properly by the List ChildDef. So actually, we just
- // want enough information to make autoclosing work properly,
- // and then hand off the tricky stuff to the ChildDef.
- $ol->wrap = 'li';
- $ul->wrap = 'li';
- $this->addElement('dl', 'List', 'Required: dt | dd', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('li', false, 'Flow', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('dd', false, 'Flow', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('dt', false, 'Inline', 'Common');
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Name.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Name.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 60c054515..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Name.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Name extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Name';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $elements = array('a', 'applet', 'form', 'frame', 'iframe', 'img', 'map');
- foreach ($elements as $name) {
- $element = $this->addBlankElement($name);
- $element->attr['name'] = 'CDATA';
- if (!$config->get('HTML.Attr.Name.UseCDATA')) {
- $element->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_NameSync();
- }
- }
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Nofollow.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Nofollow.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dc9410a89..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Nofollow.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Module adds the nofollow attribute transformation to a tags. It
- * is enabled by HTML.Nofollow
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Nofollow extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Nofollow';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $a = $this->addBlankElement('a');
- $a->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Nofollow();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/NonXMLCommonAttributes.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/NonXMLCommonAttributes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index da722253a..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/NonXMLCommonAttributes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_NonXMLCommonAttributes extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'NonXMLCommonAttributes';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $attr_collections = array(
- 'Lang' => array(
- 'lang' => 'LanguageCode',
- )
- );
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Object.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Object.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9efc5c8..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Object.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Object Module, defines elements for generic object inclusion
- * @warning Users will commonly use <embed> to cater to legacy browsers: this
- * module does not allow this sort of behavior
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Object extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Object';
- /**
- * @type bool
- */
- public $safe = false;
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->addElement(
- 'object',
- 'Inline',
- 'Optional: #PCDATA | Flow | param',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'archive' => 'URI',
- 'classid' => 'URI',
- 'codebase' => 'URI',
- 'codetype' => 'Text',
- 'data' => 'URI',
- 'declare' => 'Bool#declare',
- 'height' => 'Length',
- 'name' => 'CDATA',
- 'standby' => 'Text',
- 'tabindex' => 'Number',
- 'type' => 'ContentType',
- 'width' => 'Length'
- )
- );
- $this->addElement(
- 'param',
- false,
- 'Empty',
- null,
- array(
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'name*' => 'Text',
- 'type' => 'Text',
- 'value' => 'Text',
- 'valuetype' => 'Enum#data,ref,object'
- )
- );
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Presentation.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Presentation.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6458ce9d8..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Presentation.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Presentation Module, defines simple presentation-related
- * markup. Text Extension Module.
- * @note The official XML Schema and DTD specs further divide this into
- * two modules:
- * - Block Presentation (hr)
- * - Inline Presentation (b, big, i, small, sub, sup, tt)
- * We have chosen not to heed this distinction, as content_sets
- * provides satisfactory disambiguation.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Presentation extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Presentation';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->addElement('hr', 'Block', 'Empty', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('sub', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('sup', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $b = $this->addElement('b', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $b->formatting = true;
- $big = $this->addElement('big', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $big->formatting = true;
- $i = $this->addElement('i', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $i->formatting = true;
- $small = $this->addElement('small', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $small->formatting = true;
- $tt = $this->addElement('tt', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $tt->formatting = true;
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Proprietary.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Proprietary.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ee3c8e67..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Proprietary.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Module defines proprietary tags and attributes in HTML.
- * @warning If this module is enabled, standards-compliance is off!
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Proprietary extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Proprietary';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->addElement(
- 'marquee',
- 'Inline',
- 'Flow',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'direction' => 'Enum#left,right,up,down',
- 'behavior' => 'Enum#alternate',
- 'width' => 'Length',
- 'height' => 'Length',
- 'scrolldelay' => 'Number',
- 'scrollamount' => 'Number',
- 'loop' => 'Number',
- 'bgcolor' => 'Color',
- 'hspace' => 'Pixels',
- 'vspace' => 'Pixels',
- )
- );
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Ruby.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Ruby.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d48924d..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Ruby.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Ruby Annotation Module, defines elements that indicate
- * short runs of text alongside base text for annotation or pronounciation.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Ruby extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Ruby';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->addElement(
- 'ruby',
- 'Inline',
- 'Custom: ((rb, (rt | (rp, rt, rp))) | (rbc, rtc, rtc?))',
- 'Common'
- );
- $this->addElement('rbc', false, 'Required: rb', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('rtc', false, 'Required: rt', 'Common');
- $rb = $this->addElement('rb', false, 'Inline', 'Common');
- $rb->excludes = array('ruby' => true);
- $rt = $this->addElement('rt', false, 'Inline', 'Common', array('rbspan' => 'Number'));
- $rt->excludes = array('ruby' => true);
- $this->addElement('rp', false, 'Optional: #PCDATA', 'Common');
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeEmbed.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeEmbed.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e6689ea..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeEmbed.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * A "safe" embed module. See SafeObject. This is a proprietary element.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeEmbed extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'SafeEmbed';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $max = $config->get('HTML.MaxImgLength');
- $embed = $this->addElement(
- 'embed',
- 'Inline',
- 'Empty',
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'src*' => 'URI#embedded',
- 'type' => 'Enum#application/x-shockwave-flash',
- 'width' => 'Pixels#' . $max,
- 'height' => 'Pixels#' . $max,
- 'allowscriptaccess' => 'Enum#never',
- 'allownetworking' => 'Enum#internal',
- 'flashvars' => 'Text',
- 'wmode' => 'Enum#window,transparent,opaque',
- 'name' => 'ID',
- )
- );
- $embed->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeEmbed();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeObject.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeObject.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1297f80a3..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeObject.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * A "safe" object module. In theory, objects permitted by this module will
- * be safe, and untrusted users can be allowed to embed arbitrary flash objects
- * (maybe other types too, but only Flash is supported as of right now).
- * Highly experimental.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeObject extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'SafeObject';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- // These definitions are not intrinsically safe: the attribute transforms
- // are a vital part of ensuring safety.
- $max = $config->get('HTML.MaxImgLength');
- $object = $this->addElement(
- 'object',
- 'Inline',
- 'Optional: param | Flow | #PCDATA',
- 'Common',
- array(
- // While technically not required by the spec, we're forcing
- // it to this value.
- 'type' => 'Enum#application/x-shockwave-flash',
- 'width' => 'Pixels#' . $max,
- 'height' => 'Pixels#' . $max,
- 'data' => 'URI#embedded',
- 'codebase' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(
- array(
- 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0'
- )
- ),
- )
- );
- $object->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeObject();
- $param = $this->addElement(
- 'param',
- false,
- 'Empty',
- false,
- array(
- 'id' => 'ID',
- 'name*' => 'Text',
- 'value' => 'Text'
- )
- );
- $param->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeParam();
- $this->info_injector[] = 'SafeObject';
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeScripting.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeScripting.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0330cd97f..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/SafeScripting.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * A "safe" script module. No inline JS is allowed, and pointed to JS
- * files must match whitelist.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeScripting extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'SafeScripting';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- // These definitions are not intrinsically safe: the attribute transforms
- // are a vital part of ensuring safety.
- $allowed = $config->get('HTML.SafeScripting');
- $script = $this->addElement(
- 'script',
- 'Inline',
- 'Empty',
- null,
- array(
- // While technically not required by the spec, we're forcing
- // it to this value.
- 'type' => 'Enum#text/javascript',
- 'src*' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array_keys($allowed))
- )
- );
- $script->attr_transform_pre[] =
- $script->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ScriptRequired();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Scripting.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Scripting.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b28a7b7e..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Scripting.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Scripting module, defines elements that are used to contain
- * information pertaining to executable scripts or the lack of support
- * for executable scripts.
- * @note This module does not contain inline scripting elements
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Scripting extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Scripting';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $elements = array('script', 'noscript');
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $content_sets = array('Block' => 'script | noscript', 'Inline' => 'script | noscript');
- /**
- * @type bool
- */
- public $safe = false;
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- // TODO: create custom child-definition for noscript that
- // auto-wraps stray #PCDATA in a similar manner to
- // blockquote's custom definition (we would use it but
- // blockquote's contents are optional while noscript's contents
- // are required)
- // TODO: convert this to new syntax, main problem is getting
- // both content sets working
- // In theory, this could be safe, but I don't see any reason to
- // allow it.
- $this->info['noscript'] = new HTMLPurifier_ElementDef();
- $this->info['noscript']->attr = array(0 => array('Common'));
- $this->info['noscript']->content_model = 'Heading | List | Block';
- $this->info['noscript']->content_model_type = 'required';
- $this->info['script'] = new HTMLPurifier_ElementDef();
- $this->info['script']->attr = array(
- 'defer' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('defer')),
- 'src' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI(true),
- 'type' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('text/javascript'))
- );
- $this->info['script']->content_model = '#PCDATA';
- $this->info['script']->content_model_type = 'optional';
- $this->info['script']->attr_transform_pre[] =
- $this->info['script']->attr_transform_post[] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ScriptRequired();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/StyleAttribute.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/StyleAttribute.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 497b832ae..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/StyleAttribute.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Edit Module, defines editing-related elements. Text Extension
- * Module.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_StyleAttribute extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'StyleAttribute';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $attr_collections = array(
- // The inclusion routine differs from the Abstract Modules but
- // is in line with the DTD and XML Schemas.
- 'Style' => array('style' => false), // see constructor
- 'Core' => array(0 => array('Style'))
- );
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->attr_collections['Style']['style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tables.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tables.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a0b3b461..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tables.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Tables Module, fully defines accessible table elements.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tables extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Tables';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $this->addElement('caption', false, 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement(
- 'table',
- 'Block',
- new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Table(),
- 'Common',
- array(
- 'border' => 'Pixels',
- 'cellpadding' => 'Length',
- 'cellspacing' => 'Length',
- 'frame' => 'Enum#void,above,below,hsides,lhs,rhs,vsides,box,border',
- 'rules' => 'Enum#none,groups,rows,cols,all',
- 'summary' => 'Text',
- 'width' => 'Length'
- )
- );
- // common attributes
- $cell_align = array(
- 'align' => 'Enum#left,center,right,justify,char',
- 'charoff' => 'Length',
- 'valign' => 'Enum#top,middle,bottom,baseline',
- );
- $cell_t = array_merge(
- array(
- 'abbr' => 'Text',
- 'colspan' => 'Number',
- 'rowspan' => 'Number',
- // Apparently, as of HTML5 this attribute only applies
- // to 'th' elements.
- 'scope' => 'Enum#row,col,rowgroup,colgroup',
- ),
- $cell_align
- );
- $this->addElement('td', false, 'Flow', 'Common', $cell_t);
- $this->addElement('th', false, 'Flow', 'Common', $cell_t);
- $this->addElement('tr', false, 'Required: td | th', 'Common', $cell_align);
- $cell_col = array_merge(
- array(
- 'span' => 'Number',
- 'width' => 'MultiLength',
- ),
- $cell_align
- );
- $this->addElement('col', false, 'Empty', 'Common', $cell_col);
- $this->addElement('colgroup', false, 'Optional: col', 'Common', $cell_col);
- $this->addElement('tbody', false, 'Required: tr', 'Common', $cell_align);
- $this->addElement('thead', false, 'Required: tr', 'Common', $cell_align);
- $this->addElement('tfoot', false, 'Required: tr', 'Common', $cell_align);
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Target.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Target.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b188ac936..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Target.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Target Module, defines target attribute in link elements.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Target extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Target';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $elements = array('a');
- foreach ($elements as $name) {
- $e = $this->addBlankElement($name);
- $e->attr = array(
- 'target' => new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_FrameTarget()
- );
- }
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/TargetBlank.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/TargetBlank.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 58ccc6894..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/TargetBlank.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * Module adds the target=blank attribute transformation to a tags. It
- * is enabled by HTML.TargetBlank
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetBlank extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'TargetBlank';
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- $a = $this->addBlankElement('a');
- $a->attr_transform_post[] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetBlank();
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Text.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Text.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a65e0048..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Text.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * XHTML 1.1 Text Module, defines basic text containers. Core Module.
- * @note In the normative XML Schema specification, this module
- * is further abstracted into the following modules:
- * - Block Phrasal (address, blockquote, pre, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)
- * - Block Structural (div, p)
- * - Inline Phrasal (abbr, acronym, cite, code, dfn, em, kbd, q, samp, strong, var)
- * - Inline Structural (br, span)
- * This module, functionally, does not distinguish between these
- * sub-modules, but the code is internally structured to reflect
- * these distinctions.
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Text extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Text';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $content_sets = array(
- 'Flow' => 'Heading | Block | Inline'
- );
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- // Inline Phrasal -------------------------------------------------
- $this->addElement('abbr', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('acronym', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('cite', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('dfn', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('kbd', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('q', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common', array('cite' => 'URI'));
- $this->addElement('samp', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('var', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $em = $this->addElement('em', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $em->formatting = true;
- $strong = $this->addElement('strong', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $strong->formatting = true;
- $code = $this->addElement('code', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $code->formatting = true;
- // Inline Structural ----------------------------------------------
- $this->addElement('span', 'Inline', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('br', 'Inline', 'Empty', 'Core');
- // Block Phrasal --------------------------------------------------
- $this->addElement('address', 'Block', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('blockquote', 'Block', 'Optional: Heading | Block | List', 'Common', array('cite' => 'URI'));
- $pre = $this->addElement('pre', 'Block', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $pre->excludes = $this->makeLookup(
- 'img',
- 'big',
- 'small',
- 'object',
- 'applet',
- 'font',
- 'basefont'
- );
- $this->addElement('h1', 'Heading', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('h2', 'Heading', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('h3', 'Heading', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('h4', 'Heading', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('h5', 'Heading', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $this->addElement('h6', 'Heading', 'Inline', 'Common');
- // Block Structural -----------------------------------------------
- $p = $this->addElement('p', 'Block', 'Inline', 'Common');
- $p->autoclose = array_flip(
- array("address", "blockquote", "center", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "ol", "p", "ul")
- );
- $this->addElement('div', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 08aa23247..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
- * Abstract class for a set of proprietary modules that clean up (tidy)
- * poorly written HTML.
- * @todo Figure out how to protect some of these methods/properties
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * List of supported levels.
- * Index zero is a special case "no fixes" level.
- * @type array
- */
- public $levels = array(0 => 'none', 'light', 'medium', 'heavy');
- /**
- * Default level to place all fixes in.
- * Disabled by default.
- * @type string
- */
- public $defaultLevel = null;
- /**
- * Lists of fixes used by getFixesForLevel().
- * Format is:
- * HTMLModule_Tidy->fixesForLevel[$level] = array('fix-1', 'fix-2');
- * @type array
- */
- public $fixesForLevel = array(
- 'light' => array(),
- 'medium' => array(),
- 'heavy' => array()
- );
- /**
- * Lazy load constructs the module by determining the necessary
- * fixes to create and then delegating to the populate() function.
- * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config
- * @todo Wildcard matching and error reporting when an added or
- * subtracted fix has no effect.
- */
- public function setup($config)
- {
- // create fixes, initialize fixesForLevel
- $fixes = $this->makeFixes();
- $this->makeFixesForLevel($fixes);
- // figure out which fixes to use
- $level = $config->get('HTML.TidyLevel');
- $fixes_lookup = $this->getFixesForLevel($level);
- // get custom fix declarations: these need namespace processing
- $add_fixes = $config->get('HTML.TidyAdd');
- $remove_fixes = $config->get('HTML.TidyRemove');
- foreach ($fixes as $name => $fix) {
- // needs to be refactored a little to implement globbing
- if (isset($remove_fixes[$name]) ||
- (!isset($add_fixes[$name]) && !isset($fixes_lookup[$name]))) {
- unset($fixes[$name]);
- }
- }
- // populate this module with necessary fixes
- $this->populate($fixes);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves all fixes per a level, returning fixes for that specific
- * level as well as all levels below it.
- * @param string $level level identifier, see $levels for valid values
- * @return array Lookup up table of fixes
- */
- public function getFixesForLevel($level)
- {
- if ($level == $this->levels[0]) {
- return array();
- }
- $activated_levels = array();
- for ($i = 1, $c = count($this->levels); $i < $c; $i++) {
- $activated_levels[] = $this->levels[$i];
- if ($this->levels[$i] == $level) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($i == $c) {
- trigger_error(
- 'Tidy level ' . htmlspecialchars($level) . ' not recognized',
- );
- return array();
- }
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($activated_levels as $level) {
- foreach ($this->fixesForLevel[$level] as $fix) {
- $ret[$fix] = true;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Dynamically populates the $fixesForLevel member variable using
- * the fixes array. It may be custom overloaded, used in conjunction
- * with $defaultLevel, or not used at all.
- * @param array $fixes
- */
- public function makeFixesForLevel($fixes)
- {
- if (!isset($this->defaultLevel)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!isset($this->fixesForLevel[$this->defaultLevel])) {
- trigger_error(
- 'Default level ' . $this->defaultLevel . ' does not exist',
- );
- return;
- }
- $this->fixesForLevel[$this->defaultLevel] = array_keys($fixes);
- }
- /**
- * Populates the module with transforms and other special-case code
- * based on a list of fixes passed to it
- * @param array $fixes Lookup table of fixes to activate
- */
- public function populate($fixes)
- {
- foreach ($fixes as $name => $fix) {
- // determine what the fix is for
- list($type, $params) = $this->getFixType($name);
- switch ($type) {
- case 'attr_transform_pre':
- case 'attr_transform_post':
- $attr = $params['attr'];
- if (isset($params['element'])) {
- $element = $params['element'];
- if (empty($this->info[$element])) {
- $e = $this->addBlankElement($element);
- } else {
- $e = $this->info[$element];
- }
- } else {
- $type = "info_$type";
- $e = $this;
- }
- // PHP does some weird parsing when I do
- // $e->$type[$attr], so I have to assign a ref.
- $f =& $e->$type;
- $f[$attr] = $fix;
- break;
- case 'tag_transform':
- $this->info_tag_transform[$params['element']] = $fix;
- break;
- case 'child':
- case 'content_model_type':
- $element = $params['element'];
- if (empty($this->info[$element])) {
- $e = $this->addBlankElement($element);
- } else {
- $e = $this->info[$element];
- }
- $e->$type = $fix;
- break;
- default:
- trigger_error("Fix type $type not supported", E_USER_ERROR);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses a fix name and determines what kind of fix it is, as well
- * as other information defined by the fix
- * @param $name String name of fix
- * @return array(string $fix_type, array $fix_parameters)
- * @note $fix_parameters is type dependant, see populate() for usage
- * of these parameters
- */
- public function getFixType($name)
- {
- // parse it
- $property = $attr = null;
- if (strpos($name, '#') !== false) {
- list($name, $property) = explode('#', $name);
- }
- if (strpos($name, '@') !== false) {
- list($name, $attr) = explode('@', $name);
- }
- // figure out the parameters
- $params = array();
- if ($name !== '') {
- $params['element'] = $name;
- }
- if (!is_null($attr)) {
- $params['attr'] = $attr;
- }
- // special case: attribute transform
- if (!is_null($attr)) {
- if (is_null($property)) {
- $property = 'pre';
- }
- $type = 'attr_transform_' . $property;
- return array($type, $params);
- }
- // special case: tag transform
- if (is_null($property)) {
- return array('tag_transform', $params);
- }
- return array($property, $params);
- }
- /**
- * Defines all fixes the module will perform in a compact
- * associative array of fix name to fix implementation.
- * @return array
- */
- public function makeFixes()
- {
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Name.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Name.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a995161b2..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Name.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * Name is deprecated, but allowed in strict doctypes, so onl
- */
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Name extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Tidy_Name';
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $defaultLevel = 'heavy';
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function makeFixes()
- {
- $r = array();
- // @name for img, a -----------------------------------------------
- // Technically, it's allowed even on strict, so we allow authors to use
- // it. However, it's deprecated in future versions of XHTML.
- $r['img@name'] =
- $r['a@name'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Name();
- return $r;
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Proprietary.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Proprietary.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 332643821..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Proprietary.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Proprietary extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Tidy_Proprietary';
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $defaultLevel = 'light';
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function makeFixes()
- {
- $r = array();
- $r['table@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['td@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['th@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['tr@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['thead@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['tfoot@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['tbody@background'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background();
- $r['table@height'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length('height');
- return $r;
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Strict.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Strict.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 803c44fab..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Strict.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Strict extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTMLAndHTML4
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Tidy_Strict';
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $defaultLevel = 'light';
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function makeFixes()
- {
- $r = parent::makeFixes();
- $r['blockquote#content_model_type'] = 'strictblockquote';
- return $r;
- }
- /**
- * @type bool
- */
- public $defines_child_def = true;
- /**
- * @param HTMLPurifier_ElementDef $def
- * @return HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_StrictBlockquote
- */
- public function getChildDef($def)
- {
- if ($def->content_model_type != 'strictblockquote') {
- return parent::getChildDef($def);
- }
- return new HTMLPurifier_ChildDef_StrictBlockquote($def->content_model);
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Transitional.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Transitional.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c095ad974..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/Transitional.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Transitional extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTMLAndHTML4
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Tidy_Transitional';
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $defaultLevel = 'heavy';
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTML.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTML.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ecddc434..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTML.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTML extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'Tidy_XHTML';
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $defaultLevel = 'medium';
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function makeFixes()
- {
- $r = array();
- $r['@lang'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Lang();
- return $r;
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTMLAndHTML4.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTMLAndHTML4.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f16a4dc..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/Tidy/XHTMLAndHTML4.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTMLAndHTML4 extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function makeFixes()
- {
- $r = array();
- // == deprecated tag transforms ===================================
- $r['font'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Font();
- $r['menu'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('ul');
- $r['dir'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('ul');
- $r['center'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('div', 'text-align:center;');
- $r['u'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('span', 'text-decoration:underline;');
- $r['s'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('span', 'text-decoration:line-through;');
- $r['strike'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('span', 'text-decoration:line-through;');
- // == deprecated attribute transforms =============================
- $r['caption@align'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS(
- 'align',
- array(
- // we're following IE's behavior, not Firefox's, due
- // to the fact that no one supports caption-side:right,
- // W3C included (with CSS 2.1). This is a slightly
- // unreasonable attribute!
- 'left' => 'text-align:left;',
- 'right' => 'text-align:right;',
- 'top' => 'caption-side:top;',
- 'bottom' => 'caption-side:bottom;' // not supported by IE
- )
- );
- // @align for img -------------------------------------------------
- $r['img@align'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS(
- 'align',
- array(
- 'left' => 'float:left;',
- 'right' => 'float:right;',
- 'top' => 'vertical-align:top;',
- 'middle' => 'vertical-align:middle;',
- 'bottom' => 'vertical-align:baseline;',
- )
- );
- // @align for table -----------------------------------------------
- $r['table@align'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS(
- 'align',
- array(
- 'left' => 'float:left;',
- 'center' => 'margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;',
- 'right' => 'float:right;'
- )
- );
- // @align for hr -----------------------------------------------
- $r['hr@align'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS(
- 'align',
- array(
- // we use both text-align and margin because these work
- // for different browsers (IE and Firefox, respectively)
- // and the melange makes for a pretty cross-compatible
- // solution
- 'left' => 'margin-left:0;margin-right:auto;text-align:left;',
- 'center' => 'margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:center;',
- 'right' => 'margin-left:auto;margin-right:0;text-align:right;'
- )
- );
- // @align for h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, div ----------------------
- // {{{
- $align_lookup = array();
- $align_values = array('left', 'right', 'center', 'justify');
- foreach ($align_values as $v) {
- $align_lookup[$v] = "text-align:$v;";
- }
- // }}}
- $r['h1@align'] =
- $r['h2@align'] =
- $r['h3@align'] =
- $r['h4@align'] =
- $r['h5@align'] =
- $r['h6@align'] =
- $r['p@align'] =
- $r['div@align'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS('align', $align_lookup);
- // @bgcolor for table, tr, td, th ---------------------------------
- $r['table@bgcolor'] =
- $r['td@bgcolor'] =
- $r['th@bgcolor'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BgColor();
- // @border for img ------------------------------------------------
- $r['img@border'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Border();
- // @clear for br --------------------------------------------------
- $r['br@clear'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS(
- 'clear',
- array(
- 'left' => 'clear:left;',
- 'right' => 'clear:right;',
- 'all' => 'clear:both;',
- 'none' => 'clear:none;',
- )
- );
- // @height for td, th ---------------------------------------------
- $r['td@height'] =
- $r['th@height'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length('height');
- // @hspace for img ------------------------------------------------
- $r['img@hspace'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgSpace('hspace');
- // @noshade for hr ------------------------------------------------
- // this transformation is not precise but often good enough.
- // different browsers use different styles to designate noshade
- $r['hr@noshade'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BoolToCSS(
- 'noshade',
- 'color:#808080;background-color:#808080;border:0;'
- );
- // @nowrap for td, th ---------------------------------------------
- $r['td@nowrap'] =
- $r['th@nowrap'] =
- new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BoolToCSS(
- 'nowrap',
- 'white-space:nowrap;'
- );
- // @size for hr --------------------------------------------------
- $r['hr@size'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length('size', 'height');
- // @type for li, ol, ul -------------------------------------------
- // {{{
- $ul_types = array(
- 'disc' => 'list-style-type:disc;',
- 'square' => 'list-style-type:square;',
- 'circle' => 'list-style-type:circle;'
- );
- $ol_types = array(
- '1' => 'list-style-type:decimal;',
- 'i' => 'list-style-type:lower-roman;',
- 'I' => 'list-style-type:upper-roman;',
- 'a' => 'list-style-type:lower-alpha;',
- 'A' => 'list-style-type:upper-alpha;'
- );
- $li_types = $ul_types + $ol_types;
- // }}}
- $r['ul@type'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS('type', $ul_types);
- $r['ol@type'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS('type', $ol_types, true);
- $r['li@type'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS('type', $li_types, true);
- // @vspace for img ------------------------------------------------
- $r['img@vspace'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgSpace('vspace');
- // @width for hr, td, th ------------------------------------------
- $r['td@width'] =
- $r['th@width'] =
- $r['hr@width'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length('width');
- return $r;
- }
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4
diff --git a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/XMLCommonAttributes.php b/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/XMLCommonAttributes.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 01dbe9deb..000000000
--- a/library/HTMLPurifier/HTMLModule/XMLCommonAttributes.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_XMLCommonAttributes extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule
- /**
- * @type string
- */
- public $name = 'XMLCommonAttributes';
- /**
- * @type array
- */
- public $attr_collections = array(
- 'Lang' => array(
- 'xml:lang' => 'LanguageCode',
- )
- );
-// vim: et sw=4 sts=4