path: root/include/remoteupdate.php
diff options
authorFriendika <info@friendika.com>2011-07-15 03:09:07 -0700
committerFriendika <info@friendika.com>2011-07-15 03:09:07 -0700
commit09f9e658e9d9b55db3d648e88f4cd72e15f79ff7 (patch)
tree49d3d5f2ba1e7f35bef0fd6db317d69af66407ae /include/remoteupdate.php
parent69f4db9e1229e9dacd0d71ecd3ac13c1647bc36d (diff)
parentf35a61761a9868c09f2b7f26102c176dd9b8de34 (diff)
Merge branch 'pull'
Diffstat (limited to 'include/remoteupdate.php')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/remoteupdate.php b/include/remoteupdate.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa30da06f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/remoteupdate.php
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* update friendika */
+define('APIBASE', 'http://github.com/api/v2/');
+define('F9KREPO', 'friendika/friendika');
+$up_totalfiles = 0;
+$up_countfiles = 0;
+$up_lastp = -1;
+function checkUpdate(){
+ $r = fetch_url( APIBASE."json/repos/show/".F9KREPO."/tags" );
+ $tags = json_decode($r);
+ $tag = 0.0;
+ foreach ($tags->tags as $i=>$v){
+ $i = (float)$i;
+ if ($i>$tag) $tag=$i;
+ }
+ if ($tag==0.0) return false;
+ $f = fetch_url("https://raw.github.com/".F9KREPO."/".$tag."/boot.php","r");
+ preg_match("|'FRIENDIKA_VERSION', *'([^']*)'|", $f, $m);
+ $version = $m[1];
+ $lv = explode(".", FRIENDIKA_VERSION);
+ $rv = explode(".",$version);
+ foreach($lv as $i=>$v){
+ if ((int)$lv[$i] < (int)$rv[$i]) {
+ return array($tag, $version, "https://github.com/friendika/friendika/zipball/".$tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function canWeWrite(){
+ $bd = dirname(dirname(__file__));
+ return is_writable( $bd."/boot.php" );
+function out($txt){ echo "§".$txt."§"; ob_end_flush(); flush();}
+function up_count($path){
+ $file_count = 0;
+ $dir_handle = opendir($path);
+ if (!$dir_handle) return -1;
+ while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
+ if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue;
+ $file_count++;
+ if (is_dir($path . $file)){
+ $file_count += up_count($path . $file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dir_handle);
+ return $file_count;
+function up_unzip($file, $folder="/tmp"){
+ $folder.="/";
+ $zip = zip_open($file);
+ if ($zip) {
+ while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
+ $zip_entry_name = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
+ if (substr($zip_entry_name,strlen($zip_entry_name)-1,1)=="/"){
+ mkdir($folder.$zip_entry_name,0777, true);
+ } else {
+ $fp = fopen($folder.$zip_entry_name, "w");
+ if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
+ $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
+ fwrite($fp,"$buf");
+ zip_entry_close($zip_entry);
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zip_close($zip);
+ }
+ * Walk recoursively in a folder and call a callback function on every
+ * dir entry.
+ * args:
+ * $dir string base dir to walk
+ * $callback function callback function
+ * $sort int 0: ascending, 1: descending
+ * $cb_argv any extra value passed to callback
+ *
+ * callback signature:
+ * function name($fn, $dir [, $argv])
+ * $fn string full dir entry name
+ * $dir string start dir path
+ * $argv any user value to callback
+ *
+ */
+function up_walktree($dir, $callback=Null, $sort=0, $cb_argv=Null , $startdir=Null){
+ if (is_null($callback)) return;
+ if (is_null($startdir)) $startdir = $dir;
+ $res = scandir($dir, $sort);
+ foreach($res as $i=>$v){
+ if ($v!="." && $v!=".."){
+ $fn = $dir."/".$v;
+ if ($sort==0) $callback($fn, $startdir, $cb_argv);
+ if (is_dir($fn)) up_walktree($fn, $callback, $sort, $cb_argv, $startdir);
+ if ($sort==1) $callback($fn, $startdir, $cb_argv);
+ }
+ }
+function up_copy($fn, $dir){
+ global $up_countfiles, $up_totalfiles, $up_lastp;
+ $up_countfiles++; $prc=(int)(((float)$up_countfiles/(float)$up_totalfiles)*100);
+ if (strpos($fn, ".gitignore")>-1 || strpos($fn, ".htaccess")>-1) return;
+ $ddest = dirname(dirname(__file__));
+ $fd = str_replace($dir, $ddest, $fn);
+ if (is_dir($fn) && !is_dir($fd)) {
+ $re=mkdir($fd,0777,true);
+ }
+ if (!is_dir($fn)){
+ $re=copy($fn, $fd);
+ }
+ if ($re===false) {
+ out("ERROR. Abort.");
+ killme();
+ }
+ out("copy@Copy@$prc%");
+function up_ftp($fn, $dir, $argv){
+ global $up_countfiles, $up_totalfiles, $up_lastp;
+ $up_countfiles++; $prc=(int)(((float)$up_countfiles/(float)$up_totalfiles)*100);
+ if (strpos($fn, ".gitignore")>-1 || strpos($fn, ".htaccess")>-1) return;
+ list($ddest, $conn_id) = $argv;
+ $l = strlen($ddest)-1;
+ if (substr($ddest,$l,1)=="/") $ddest = substr($ddest,0,$l);
+ $fd = str_replace($dir, $ddest, $fn);
+ if (is_dir($fn)){
+ if (ftp_nlist($conn_id, $fd)===false) {
+ $ret = ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $fd);
+ } else {
+ $ret=true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ret = ftp_put($conn_id, $fd, $fn, FTP_BINARY);
+ }
+ if (!$ret) {
+ out("ERROR. Abort.");
+ killme();
+ }
+ out("copy@Copy@$prc%");
+function up_rm($fn, $dir){
+ if (is_dir($fn)){
+ rmdir($fn);
+ } else {
+ unlink($fn);
+ }
+function up_dlfile($url, $file) {
+ $in = fopen ($url, "r");
+ $out = fopen ($file, "w");
+ $fs = filesize($url);
+ if (!$in || !$out) return false;
+ $s=0; $count=0;
+ while (!feof ($in)) {
+ $line = fgets ($in, 1024);
+ fwrite( $out, $line);
+ $count++; $s += strlen($line);
+ if ($count==50){
+ $count=0;
+ $sp=$s/1024.0; $ex="Kb";
+ if ($sp>1024) { $sp=$sp/1024; $ex="Mb"; }
+ if ($sp>1024) { $sp=$sp/1024; $ex="Gb"; }
+ $sp = ((int)($sp*100))/100;
+ out("dwl@Download@".$sp.$ex);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($in);
+ return true;
+function doUpdate($remotefile, $ftpdata=false){
+ global $up_totalfiles;
+ $localtmpfile = tempnam("/tmp", "fk");
+ out("dwl@Download@starting...");
+ $rt= up_dlfile($remotefile, $localtmpfile);
+ if ($rt==false || filesize($localtmpfile)==0){
+ out("dwl@Download@ERROR.");
+ unlink($localtmpfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ out("dwl@Download@Ok.");
+ out("unzip@Unzip@");
+ $tmpdirname = $localfile."ex";
+ mkdir($tmpdirname);
+ up_unzip($localtmpfile, $tmpdirname);
+ $basedir = glob($tmpdirname."/*"); $basedir=$basedir[0];
+ out ("unzip@Unzip@Ok.");
+ $up_totalfiles = up_count($basedir."/");
+ if (canWeWrite()){
+ out("copy@Copy@");
+ up_walktree($basedir, 'up_copy');
+ }
+ if ($ftpdata!==false && is_array($ftpdata) && $ftpdata['ftphost']!="" ){
+ out("ftpcon@Connect to FTP@");
+ $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftpdata['ftphost']);
+ $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftpdata['ftpuser'], $ftpdata['ftppwd']);
+ if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
+ out("ftpcon@Connect to FTP@FAILED");
+ up_clean($tmpdirname, $localtmpfile);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ out("ftpcon@Connect to FTP@Ok.");
+ }
+ out("copy@Copy@");
+ up_walktree($basedir, 'up_ftp', 0, array( $ftpdata['ftppath'], $conn_id));
+ ftp_close($conn_id);
+ }
+ up_clean($tmpdirname, $localtmpfile);
+function up_clean($tmpdirname, $localtmpfile){
+ out("clean@Clean up@");
+ unlink($localtmpfile);
+ up_walktree($tmpdirname, 'up_rm', 1);
+ rmdir($tmpdirname);
+ out("clean@Clean up@Ok.");