diff options
authorStefan Parviainen <saparvia@caterva.eu>2015-01-07 22:07:11 +0100
committerStefan Parviainen <saparvia@caterva.eu>2015-01-07 22:07:11 +0100
commit7176eb88452b3c74652de09e44de41943051391c (patch)
parentf3cd29f829ab66fe1f9fac306dcc6fa20858ad52 (diff)
parenta373b9f1d4d0ee6781927c3fcf05e0e301a80b6e (diff)
Merge autocomplete caching, show more results in navbar search
12 files changed, 708 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/doc/dev_beginner.bb b/doc/dev_beginner.bb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c00cafb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/dev_beginner.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+[h2]You want to contribute to the Red Matrix?[/h2]
+[b]...and don't know really how to start?
+Then this is for you...[/b]
+You want to lean how to:
+[*] debug the Red Matrix,
+[*] contribute code to the project,
+[*] optionally - do it all from inside a virtual machine
+This manual was tested for
+[*] Lubuntu Linux as host OS
+[*] Debian as guest OS running in a VM
+In this manual you will
+[*] Install a Virtual Machine (KVM)
+[*] Install Apache Web Server
+[*] Install PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin
+[*] Fork the project on github to be able contribute
+[*] Install the RED Matrix
+[*] Debug the server via eclipse
+[*] Contribute your changes via github
+[h2]Install a Virtual Machine (KVM)[/h2]
+[url=https://wiki.debian.org/KVM]Here[/url] the installation guide for Linux Debian.
+The summary:
+[*] install KVM
+[code]# apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin[/code]
+[*] add yourself to the group libvirt [code]# adduser <youruser> libvirt[/code]
+[*] install gui to manage virtual machines [code]# apt-get install virt-manager[/code]
+[*] download an operating system to run inside the vm ([url=http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/dists/wheezy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso]mini.iso[/url])
+[*] start the virt manager
+- create new virtual machine (click on icon)
+- choose your iso image (just downloaded) as installation source
+- optional: configure the new vm: ram, cpu's,...
+- start virtual machine > result: linux debian starts in a new window.
+[*] (optional) avoid network errors after restart of host os
+[code]# virsh net-start default
+# virsh net-autostart default[/code]
+[h2]Install Apache Webserver[/h2]
+Open a terminal and make yourself root
+[code]su -l[/code]
+Create the standard group for the Apache webserver
+[code]groupadd www-data[/code]
+might exist already
+[code]usermod -a -G www-data www-data[/code]
+Check if the system is really up to date
+[code]apt-get update
+apt-get upgrade[/code]
+Optional restart services after installation
+If you restarted, make yourself root
+[code]su -l[/code]
+Install Apache: [code]
+apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils[/code]
+Open webbrowser on PC and check [url=localhost]localhost[/url]
+Should show you a page like "It works"
+(Source [url=http://www.manfred-steger.de/tuts/20-der-eigene-webserver-mit-dem-raspberry-pi#]http://www.manfred-steger.de/tuts/20-der-eigene-webserver-mit-dem-raspberry-pi#[/url])
+[h2]Install PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin[/h2]
+[code]su -l
+apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php-pear php5-xcache php5-curl php5-mcrypt php5-xdebug
+apt-get install php5-mysql
+apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client[/code]
+enter and note the mysql passwort
+Optional since its already enabled during phpmyadmin setup
+php5enmod mcrypt
+Install php myadmin
+[code]apt-get install phpmyadmin[/code]
+Configuring phpmyadmin
+- Select apache2 (hint: use the tab key to select)
+- Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common?: Choose Yes
+(Source #^[url=http://www.manfred-steger.de/tuts/20-der-eigene-webserver-mit-dem-raspberry-pi#]http://www.manfred-steger.de/tuts/20-der-eigene-webserver-mit-dem-raspberry-pi#[/url])
+[b]Enable rewrite[/b]
+The default installation of Apache2 comes with mod_rewrite installed. To check whether this is the case, verify the existence of /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load
+root@debian /var/www $ nano /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load
+ (You should find the content: LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rewrite.so)
+To enable and load mod_rewrite, do the rest of steps.
+Create a symbolic link in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
+cd /var/www
+root@debian /var/www $ a2enmod rewrite
+Then open up the following file, and replace every occurrence of "AllowOverride None" with "AllowOverride all".
+root@debian /var/www $nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
+root@debian:/var# gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
+Finally, restart Apache2.
+root@debian /var/www $service apache2 restart
+[b]Test installation[/b]
+[code]cd /var/www[/code]
+create a php file to test the php installation[code]nano phpinfo.php[/code]
+Insert into the file:
+ phpinfo();
+(save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X)
+open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpinfo.php]http://localhost/phpinfo.php[/url] (page shows infos on php)
+connect phpMyAdmin with MySQL database [code]nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
+- CTRL+V... to the end of the file
+- Insert at the end of the file: (save CTRL+0, ENTER, CTRL+X)[code]Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf[/code]
+restart apache
+[code]/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
+apt-get update
+apt-get upgrade
+open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpmyadmin]http://localhost/phpmyadmin[/url]
+(Source #^[url=http://www.manfred-steger.de/tuts/20-der-eigene-webserver-mit-dem-raspberry-pi#]http://www.manfred-steger.de/tuts/20-der-eigene-webserver-mit-dem-raspberry-pi#[/url])
+[b]Create an empty database... that is later used by RED[/b]
+open webbrowser on PC and try #^[url=http://localhost/phpmyadmin]http://localhost/phpmyadmin[/url]
+Create an empty database, for example named "red".
+Create a database user, for example "red".
+Grant all rights for the user "red" to the database "red".
+Note the access details (hostname, username, password, database name).
+[h2]Fork the project on github to be able contribute[/h2]
+Please follow the instruction in offiical [url=http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/GitHub-Contributing-to-a-Project] documentation[/url] of git.
+It is a good idea to read the whole manual! Git is different to other version control systems in many ways.
+You should
+[*] create an account at github.com
+[*] fork https://github.com/friendica/red
+[*] fork https://github.com/friendica/red-addons
+[h2]Install RED and its Addons[/h2]
+You should have created an account on github and forked the projects befor you procced.
+Delete the directory www
+[code]root@debian /var/www/html $ cd ..
+rm -R www/
+Install git (and optionally git-gui a client gui)
+[code]apt-get install git git-gui[/code]
+Download the main project red and red-addons
+root@debian:/var# git clone https://github.com/einervonvielen/red www
+root@debian:/var# cd www/
+root@debian:/var/www# git clone https://github.com/einervonvielen/red-addons addon
+Make this extra folder
+root@debian:/var/www# mkdir -p "store/[data]/smarty3"
+Create .htconfig.php and make it writable by the webserver
+root@debian:/var# cd www/
+root@debian:/var/www# chmod ou+w .htconfig.php
+Make user www-data (webserver) is the owner all the project files
+root@debian:/var/www# cd ..
+root@debian:/var# chown -R www-data:www-data www/
+Add yourself ("surfer" in this example) to the group www-data. Why? Later you want to modify files in eclipse or in another editor.
+Then make all files writable by the group www-date you are now a member of.
+root@debian:/var/www# usermod -G www-data surfer
+root@debian:/var# chmod -R g+w www/
+Restart the computer (or vm)
+If you are still not able to modify the project files you can check the members of the group www-data with
+cat /etc/group
+Open http://localhost and init the matrix
+Befor you register a first user switch off the registration mails.
+Open /var/www/.htconfig.php
+and make sure "0" is set in this line
+$a->config['system']['verify_email'] = 0;
+You should be able to change the file as "yourself" (instead of using root or www-data).
+Run the poller to pick up the recent "public" postings of your friends
+Set up a cron job or scheduled task to run the poller once every 5-10
+minutes to pick up the recent "public" postings of your friends
+crontab -e
+*/10 * * * * cd /var/www/; /usr/bin/php include/poller.php
+If you don't know the path to PHP type
+whereis php
+[h2]Debug the server via eclipse[/h2]
+[h3]Check the configuration of xdebug[/h3]
+You shoud already have installed xdebug in the steps befor
+apt-get install php5-xdebug
+Configuring Xdebug
+Open your terminal and type as root (su -l)
+gedit /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini
+if the file is empty try this location
+gedit /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini
+That command should open the text editor gedit with the Xdebug configuration file
+At the end of the file content append the following text
+Save changes and close the editor.
+In you terminal type to restart the web server.
+service apache2 restart
+[h3]Install Eclipse and start debugging[/h3]
+Install eclipse.
+Start eclipse with default worspace (or as you like)
+Install the PHP plugin
+Menu > Help > Install new software...
+Install "PHP Developnent Tools ..."
+Configure the PHP plugin
+Menu > Window > Preferences...
+> General > Webbrowser > Change to "Use external web browser"
+> PHP > Debug > Debug Settings > PHP Debugger > Change to "XDebug"
+Create a new PHP project
+Menu > File > New Project > Choose PHP > "PHP Project"
+> Choose Create project at existing location and "/var/www"
+Start debugging
+Open index.php and "Debug as..."
+Choose as Launch URL: "http://localhost/"
+[*] The web browser starts
+[*] The debugger will stop at the first php line
+[h2]Contribute your changes via github[/h2]
+(There is a related page in this docs: [zrl=[baseurl]/help/git_for_non_developers]Git for Non-Developers[/zrl])
+As stated befor it is recommended to read the official documentation [url=http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/GitHub-Contributing-to-a-Project]GitHub-Contributing-to-a-Project[/url] of git.
+Make sure you have set your data
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git config --global user.email "your@mail.com"
+Create a descriptive topic branch
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git checkout -b dev_beginning
+Make sure your local repository is up-to-date with the main project.
+Add the original repository as a remote named “upstream” if not done yet
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/friendica/red
+Fetch the newest work from that remote
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git fetch upstream
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git merge upstream/master
+Hint: You can list the branches
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git branch -v
+Make your changes. In this example it is a new doc file.
+Check your modifications
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git status
+Add (stage) the new file
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git add doc/dev_beginner.bb
+Commit the changes to your local branch. This will open an editor to provide a message.
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git commit -a
+Push back up to the same topic branch online
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push
+Now you can go to your (online) account at github and create the pull request.
+In case the main devolpers want you to change something.
+Make the changes, check them, commit (to local repository), push (to online repository)
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git status
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git commit -a -m "added modification of branch"
+surfer@debian:/var/www$ git push origin dev_beginning
+#include doc/macros/main_footer.bb; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/history.md b/doc/history.md
index 12091d205..f567ff2f0 100644
--- a/doc/history.md
+++ b/doc/history.md
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@ The concept of identity-aware content was alien to anything that existed previou
Over time a few federation components re-emerged. The ability to view RSS feeds was important to many people. Diaspora never really managed to re-write their protocol, so that was re-implemented and allowed RedMatrix to connect with Diaspora and Friendica again (Friendica still had their Diaspora protocol intact, so this was the most common language now remaining on the free web - despite its faults). Diaspora communications aren't able to make use of the advanced identity features, but they work for basic communications.
-That brings us up to the present. Where will RedMatrix go from here? I don't know. That's up to you.
+Mike resigned from the project as an active coordinator in early 2015.
#include doc/macros/main_footer.bb;
diff --git a/doc/main.bb b/doc/main.bb
index 4f1852642..224e3f6b8 100644
--- a/doc/main.bb
+++ b/doc/main.bb
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ Zot is the great new communicaton protocol invented especially for the RedMatrix
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/to_do_code]To-Do list for Developers[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/roadmap]Version 3 roadmap[/zrl]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/git_for_non_developers]Git for Non-Developers[/zrl]
+[zrl=[baseurl]/help/dev_beginner]Sep-for-step manual for beginning developers[/zrl]
[size=large][b]Frequently Asked Questions For Developers[/b][/size]
[zrl=[baseurl]/help/faq_developers]FAQ For Developers[/zrl]
diff --git a/include/features.php b/include/features.php
index 7009b1d6b..1a4b2654f 100644
--- a/include/features.php
+++ b/include/features.php
@@ -7,13 +7,28 @@
function feature_enabled($uid,$feature) {
$x = get_pconfig($uid,'feature',$feature);
- if($x === false)
+ if($x === false) {
$x = get_config('feature',$feature);
+ if($x === false)
+ $x = get_feature_default($feature);
+ }
$arr = array('uid' => $uid, 'feature' => $feature, 'enabled' => $x);
+function get_feature_default($feature) {
+ $f = get_features();
+ foreach($f as $cat) {
+ foreach($cat as $feat) {
+ if(is_array($feat) && $feat[0] === $feature)
+ return $feat[3];
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
function get_features() {
$arr = array(
@@ -22,58 +37,52 @@ function get_features() {
'general' => array(
t('General Features'),
// This is per post, and different from fixed expiration 'expire' which isn't working yet
- array('content_expire', t('Content Expiration'), t('Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time')),
- array('multi_profiles', t('Multiple Profiles'), t('Ability to create multiple profiles')),
- array('advanced_profiles', t('Advanced Profiles'), t('Additional profile sections and selections')),
- array('profile_export', t('Profile Import/Export'), t('Save and load profile details across sites/channels')),
- array('webpages', t('Web Pages'), t('Provide managed web pages on your channel')),
- array('private_notes', t('Private Notes'), t('Enables a tool to store notes and reminders')),
-// prettyphoto has licensing issues and will no longer be provided in core -
-// in any event this setting should probably be a theme option or plugin
-// array('prettyphoto', t('Enhanced Photo Albums'), t('Enable photo album with enhanced features')),
- array('nav_channel_select', t('Navigation Channel Select'), t('Change channels directly from within the navigation dropdown menu')),
+ array('content_expire', t('Content Expiration'), t('Remove posts/comments and/or private messages at a future time'), false),
+ array('multi_profiles', t('Multiple Profiles'), t('Ability to create multiple profiles'), false),
+ array('advanced_profiles', t('Advanced Profiles'), t('Additional profile sections and selections'),false),
+ array('profile_export', t('Profile Import/Export'), t('Save and load profile details across sites/channels'),false),
+ array('webpages', t('Web Pages'), t('Provide managed web pages on your channel'),false),
+ array('private_notes', t('Private Notes'), t('Enables a tool to store notes and reminders'),false),
+ array('nav_channel_select', t('Navigation Channel Select'), t('Change channels directly from within the navigation dropdown menu'),false),
//FIXME - needs a description, but how the hell do we explain this to normals?
- array('sendzid', t('Extended Identity Sharing'), t('Share your identity with all websites on the internet. When disabled, identity is only shared with sites in the matrix.')),
- array('expert', t('Expert Mode'), t('Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options')),
- array('premium_channel', t('Premium Channel'), t('Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel')),
+ array('sendzid', t('Extended Identity Sharing'), t('Share your identity with all websites on the internet. When disabled, identity is only shared with sites in the matrix.'),false),
+ array('expert', t('Expert Mode'), t('Enable Expert Mode to provide advanced configuration options'),false),
+ array('premium_channel', t('Premium Channel'), t('Allows you to set restrictions and terms on those that connect with your channel'),false),
// Post composition
'composition' => array(
t('Post Composition Features'),
-// array('richtext', t('Richtext Editor'), t('Enable richtext editor')),
- array('markdown', t('Use Markdown'), t('Allow use of "Markdown" to format posts')),
-// array('preview', t('Post Preview'), t('Allow previewing posts and comments before publishing them')),
- array('channel_sources', t('Channel Sources'), t('Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds')),
- array('content_encrypt', t('Even More Encryption'), t('Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key')),
- array('adult_photo_flagging', t('Flag Adult Photos'), t('Provide photo edit option to hide adult photos from default album view')),
+// array('richtext', t('Richtext Editor'), t('Enable richtext editor'),false),
+ array('markdown', t('Use Markdown'), t('Allow use of "Markdown" to format posts'),false),
+ array('channel_sources', t('Channel Sources'), t('Automatically import channel content from other channels or feeds'),false),
+ array('content_encrypt', t('Even More Encryption'), t('Allow optional encryption of content end-to-end with a shared secret key'),false),
+ array('adult_photo_flagging', t('Flag Adult Photos'), t('Provide photo edit option to hide adult photos from default album view'),false),
// Network Tools
'net_module' => array(
t('Network and Stream Filtering'),
- array('archives', t('Search by Date'), t('Ability to select posts by date ranges')),
- array('groups', t('Collections Filter'), t('Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections')),
- array('savedsearch', t('Saved Searches'), t('Save search terms for re-use')),
- array('personal_tab', t('Network Personal Tab'), t('Enable tab to display only Network posts that you\'ve interacted on')),
- array('new_tab', t('Network New Tab'), t('Enable tab to display all new Network activity')),
- array('affinity', t('Affinity Tool'), t('Filter stream activity by depth of relationships')),
- array('suggest', t('Suggest Channels'), t('Show channel suggestions')),
+ array('archives', t('Search by Date'), t('Ability to select posts by date ranges'),false),
+ array('groups', t('Collections Filter'), t('Enable widget to display Network posts only from selected collections'),false),
+ array('savedsearch', t('Saved Searches'), t('Save search terms for re-use'),false),
+ array('personal_tab', t('Network Personal Tab'), t('Enable tab to display only Network posts that you\'ve interacted on'),false),
+ array('new_tab', t('Network New Tab'), t('Enable tab to display all new Network activity'),false),
+ array('affinity', t('Affinity Tool'), t('Filter stream activity by depth of relationships'),false),
+ array('suggest', t('Suggest Channels'), t('Show channel suggestions'),false),
// Item tools
'tools' => array(
t('Post/Comment Tools'),
-// array('multi_delete', t('Multiple Deletion'), t('Select and delete multiple posts/comments at once')),
-// array('edit_posts', t('Edit Sent Posts'), t('Edit and correct posts and comments after sending')),
- array('commtag', t('Tagging'), t('Ability to tag existing posts')),
- array('categories', t('Post Categories'), t('Add categories to your posts')),
- array('filing', t('Saved Folders'), t('Ability to file posts under folders')),
- array('dislike', t('Dislike Posts'), t('Ability to dislike posts/comments')),
- array('star_posts', t('Star Posts'), t('Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator')),
- array('tagadelic', t('Tag Cloud'), t('Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page')),
+ array('commtag', t('Tagging'), t('Ability to tag existing posts'),false),
+ array('categories', t('Post Categories'), t('Add categories to your posts'),false),
+ array('filing', t('Saved Folders'), t('Ability to file posts under folders'),false),
+ array('dislike', t('Dislike Posts'), t('Ability to dislike posts/comments'),false),
+ array('star_posts', t('Star Posts'), t('Ability to mark special posts with a star indicator'),false),
+ array('tagadelic', t('Tag Cloud'), t('Provide a personal tag cloud on your channel page'),false),
diff --git a/include/network.php b/include/network.php
index 98c411cd8..170b77d7d 100644
--- a/include/network.php
+++ b/include/network.php
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ function validate_url(&$url) {
$url = 'http://' . $url;
$h = @parse_url($url);
- if(($h) && (dns_get_record($h['host'], DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR) || filter_var($h['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
+ if(($h) && (@dns_get_record($h['host'], DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR) || filter_var($h['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
return true;
return false;
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ function validate_email($addr) {
return false;
$h = substr($addr,strpos($addr,'@') + 1);
- if(($h) && (dns_get_record($h, DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR + DNS_MX) || filter_var($h, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
+ if(($h) && (@dns_get_record($h, DNS_A + DNS_CNAME + DNS_PTR + DNS_MX) || filter_var($h, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) )) {
return true;
return false;
diff --git a/include/text.php b/include/text.php
index ca9c51bc3..edcd087a6 100644
--- a/include/text.php
+++ b/include/text.php
@@ -2207,10 +2207,10 @@ function handle_tag($a, &$body, &$access_tag, &$str_tags, $profile_uid, $tag) {
if(strrpos($newname,'+')) {
//get the id
+ $tagcid = substr($newname,strrpos($newname,'+') + 1);
if(strrpos($tagcid,' '))
$tagcid = substr($tagcid,0,strrpos($tagcid,' '));
- $tagcid = substr($newname,strrpos($newname,'+') + 1);
if(strlen($tagcid) < 16)
$abook_id = intval($tagcid);
diff --git a/include/zot.php b/include/zot.php
index c88b2a369..c21ad8a3f 100644
--- a/include/zot.php
+++ b/include/zot.php
@@ -1542,15 +1542,20 @@ function process_delivery($sender,$arr,$deliveries,$relay,$public = false,$reque
- $r = q("select id, edited, item_flags, mid, parent_mid from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1",
+ $r = q("select id, edited, item_restrict, item_flags, mid, parent_mid from item where mid = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1",
if($r) {
// We already have this post.
- // Maybe it has been edited?
$item_id = $r[0]['id'];
- if($arr['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) {
+ if($r[0]['item_restrict'] & ITEM_DELETED) {
+ // It was deleted locally.
+ $result[] = array($d['hash'],'update ignored',$channel['channel_name'] . ' <' . $channel['channel_address'] . '@' . get_app()->get_hostname() . '>',$arr['mid']);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Maybe it has been edited?
+ elseif($arr['edited'] > $r[0]['edited']) {
$arr['id'] = $r[0]['id'];
$arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id'];
diff --git a/library/jquery.timeago.js b/library/jquery.timeago.js
index f7a657e93..ef9327aac 100644
--- a/library/jquery.timeago.js
+++ b/library/jquery.timeago.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago").
* @name timeago
- * @version 0.11.4
+ * @version 1.4.1
* @requires jQuery v1.2.3+
* @author Ryan McGeary
* @license MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
@@ -11,142 +11,211 @@
* For usage and examples, visit:
* http://timeago.yarp.com/
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Ryan McGeary (ryan -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org)
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Ryan McGeary (ryan -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org)
-(function($) {
- $.timeago = function(timestamp) {
- if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
- return inWords(timestamp);
- } else if (typeof timestamp === "string") {
- return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp));
- } else if (typeof timestamp === "number") {
- return inWords(new Date(timestamp));
- } else {
- return inWords($.timeago.datetime(timestamp));
- }
- };
- var $t = $.timeago;
- $.extend($.timeago, {
- settings: {
- refreshMillis: 60000,
- allowFuture: false,
- strings: {
- prefixAgo: null,
- prefixFromNow: null,
- suffixAgo: "ago",
- suffixFromNow: "from now",
- seconds: "less than a minute",
- minute: "about a minute",
- minutes: "%d minutes",
- hour: "about an hour",
- hours: "about %d hours",
- day: "a day",
- days: "%d days",
- month: "about a month",
- months: "%d months",
- year: "about a year",
- years: "%d years",
- wordSeparator: " ",
- numbers: []
- }
- },
- inWords: function(distanceMillis) {
- var $l = this.settings.strings;
- var prefix = $l.prefixAgo;
- var suffix = $l.suffixAgo;
- if (this.settings.allowFuture) {
- if (distanceMillis < 0) {
- prefix = $l.prefixFromNow;
- suffix = $l.suffixFromNow;
- }
- }
- var seconds = Math.abs(distanceMillis) / 1000;
- var minutes = seconds / 60;
- var hours = minutes / 60;
- var days = hours / 24;
- var years = days / 365;
- function substitute(stringOrFunction, number) {
- var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(number, distanceMillis) : stringOrFunction;
- var value = ($l.numbers && $l.numbers[number]) || number;
- return string.replace(/%d/i, value);
- }
- var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) ||
- seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) ||
- minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) ||
- minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) ||
- hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) ||
- hours < 42 && substitute($l.day, 1) ||
- days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.round(days)) ||
- days < 45 && substitute($l.month, 1) ||
- days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.round(days / 30)) ||
- years < 1.5 && substitute($l.year, 1) ||
- substitute($l.years, Math.round(years));
- var separator = $l.wordSeparator === undefined ? " " : $l.wordSeparator;
- return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(separator));
- },
- parse: function(iso8601) {
- var s = $.trim(iso8601);
- s = s.replace(/\.\d+/,""); // remove milliseconds
- s = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/");
- s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC");
- s = s.replace(/([\+\-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400
- return new Date(s);
- },
- datetime: function(elem) {
- var iso8601 = $t.isTime(elem) ? $(elem).attr("datetime") : $(elem).attr("title");
- return $t.parse(iso8601);
- },
- isTime: function(elem) {
- // jQuery's `is()` doesn't play well with HTML5 in IE
- return $(elem).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "time"; // $(elem).is("time");
- }
- });
- $.fn.timeago = function() {
- var self = this;
- self.each(refresh);
- var $s = $t.settings;
- if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) {
- setInterval(function() { self.each(refresh); }, $s.refreshMillis);
- }
- return self;
- };
- function refresh() {
- var data = prepareData(this);
- if (!isNaN(data.datetime)) {
- $(this).text(inWords(data.datetime));
- }
- return this;
- }
- function prepareData(element) {
- element = $(element);
- if (!element.data("timeago")) {
- element.data("timeago", { datetime: $t.datetime(element) });
- var text = $.trim(element.text());
- if (text.length > 0 && !($t.isTime(element) && element.attr("title"))) {
- element.attr("title", text);
- }
- }
- return element.data("timeago");
- }
- function inWords(date) {
- return $t.inWords(distance(date));
- }
- function distance(date) {
- return (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime());
- }
- // fix for IE6 suckage
- document.createElement("abbr");
- document.createElement("time");
+(function (factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['jquery'], factory);
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory(jQuery);
+ }
+}(function ($) {
+ $.timeago = function(timestamp) {
+ if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
+ return inWords(timestamp);
+ } else if (typeof timestamp === "string") {
+ return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp));
+ } else if (typeof timestamp === "number") {
+ return inWords(new Date(timestamp));
+ } else {
+ return inWords($.timeago.datetime(timestamp));
+ }
+ };
+ var $t = $.timeago;
+ $.extend($.timeago, {
+ settings: {
+ refreshMillis: 60000,
+ allowPast: true,
+ allowFuture: false,
+ localeTitle: false,
+ cutoff: 0,
+ strings: {
+ prefixAgo: null,
+ prefixFromNow: null,
+ suffixAgo: "ago",
+ suffixFromNow: "from now",
+ inPast: 'any moment now',
+ seconds: "less than a minute",
+ minute: "about a minute",
+ minutes: "%d minutes",
+ hour: "about an hour",
+ hours: "about %d hours",
+ day: "a day",
+ days: "%d days",
+ month: "about a month",
+ months: "%d months",
+ year: "about a year",
+ years: "%d years",
+ wordSeparator: " ",
+ numbers: []
+ }
+ },
+ inWords: function(distanceMillis) {
+ if(!this.settings.allowPast && ! this.settings.allowFuture) {
+ throw 'timeago allowPast and allowFuture settings can not both be set to false.';
+ }
+ var $l = this.settings.strings;
+ var prefix = $l.prefixAgo;
+ var suffix = $l.suffixAgo;
+ if (this.settings.allowFuture) {
+ if (distanceMillis < 0) {
+ prefix = $l.prefixFromNow;
+ suffix = $l.suffixFromNow;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!this.settings.allowPast && distanceMillis >= 0) {
+ return this.settings.strings.inPast;
+ }
+ var seconds = Math.abs(distanceMillis) / 1000;
+ var minutes = seconds / 60;
+ var hours = minutes / 60;
+ var days = hours / 24;
+ var years = days / 365;
+ function substitute(stringOrFunction, number) {
+ var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(number, distanceMillis) : stringOrFunction;
+ var value = ($l.numbers && $l.numbers[number]) || number;
+ return string.replace(/%d/i, value);
+ }
+ var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) ||
+ seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) ||
+ minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) ||
+ minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) ||
+ hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) ||
+ hours < 42 && substitute($l.day, 1) ||
+ days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.round(days)) ||
+ days < 45 && substitute($l.month, 1) ||
+ days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.round(days / 30)) ||
+ years < 1.5 && substitute($l.year, 1) ||
+ substitute($l.years, Math.round(years));
+ var separator = $l.wordSeparator || "";
+ if ($l.wordSeparator === undefined) { separator = " "; }
+ return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(separator));
+ },
+ parse: function(iso8601) {
+ var s = $.trim(iso8601);
+ s = s.replace(/\.\d+/,""); // remove milliseconds
+ s = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/");
+ s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC");
+ s = s.replace(/([\+\-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400
+ s = s.replace(/([\+\-]\d\d)$/," $100"); // +09 -> +0900
+ return new Date(s);
+ },
+ datetime: function(elem) {
+ var iso8601 = $t.isTime(elem) ? $(elem).attr("datetime") : $(elem).attr("title");
+ return $t.parse(iso8601);
+ },
+ isTime: function(elem) {
+ // jQuery's `is()` doesn't play well with HTML5 in IE
+ return $(elem).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "time"; // $(elem).is("time");
+ }
+ });
+ // functions that can be called via $(el).timeago('action')
+ // init is default when no action is given
+ // functions are called with context of a single element
+ var functions = {
+ init: function(){
+ var refresh_el = $.proxy(refresh, this);
+ refresh_el();
+ var $s = $t.settings;
+ if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) {
+ this._timeagoInterval = setInterval(refresh_el, $s.refreshMillis);
+ }
+ },
+ update: function(time){
+ var parsedTime = $t.parse(time);
+ $(this).data('timeago', { datetime: parsedTime });
+ if($t.settings.localeTitle) $(this).attr("title", parsedTime.toLocaleString());
+ refresh.apply(this);
+ },
+ updateFromDOM: function(){
+ $(this).data('timeago', { datetime: $t.parse( $t.isTime(this) ? $(this).attr("datetime") : $(this).attr("title") ) });
+ refresh.apply(this);
+ },
+ dispose: function () {
+ if (this._timeagoInterval) {
+ window.clearInterval(this._timeagoInterval);
+ this._timeagoInterval = null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.timeago = function(action, options) {
+ var fn = action ? functions[action] : functions.init;
+ if(!fn){
+ throw new Error("Unknown function name '"+ action +"' for timeago");
+ }
+ // each over objects here and call the requested function
+ this.each(function(){
+ fn.call(this, options);
+ });
+ return this;
+ };
+ function refresh() {
+ //check if it's still visible
+ if(!$.contains(document.documentElement,this)){
+ //stop if it has been removed
+ $(this).timeago("dispose");
+ return this;
+ }
+ var data = prepareData(this);
+ var $s = $t.settings;
+ if (!isNaN(data.datetime)) {
+ if ( $s.cutoff == 0 || Math.abs(distance(data.datetime)) < $s.cutoff) {
+ $(this).text(inWords(data.datetime));
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function prepareData(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (!element.data("timeago")) {
+ element.data("timeago", { datetime: $t.datetime(element) });
+ var text = $.trim(element.text());
+ if ($t.settings.localeTitle) {
+ element.attr("title", element.data('timeago').datetime.toLocaleString());
+ } else if (text.length > 0 && !($t.isTime(element) && element.attr("title"))) {
+ element.attr("title", text);
+ }
+ }
+ return element.data("timeago");
+ }
+ function inWords(date) {
+ return $t.inWords(distance(date));
+ }
+ function distance(date) {
+ return (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime());
+ }
+ // fix for IE6 suckage
+ document.createElement("abbr");
+ document.createElement("time");
diff --git a/version.inc b/version.inc
index 95fdfb820..9c65a441a 100644
--- a/version.inc
+++ b/version.inc
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/view/css/mod_manage.css b/view/css/mod_manage.css
index bb7ef566d..fbe4a672a 100644
--- a/view/css/mod_manage.css
+++ b/view/css/mod_manage.css
@@ -51,3 +51,7 @@
.selected-channel img {
border: 2px solid #ff0000;
+.channels-end {
+ clear: both;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/view/js/autocomplete.js b/view/js/autocomplete.js
index afdf9c230..8572cf708 100644
--- a/view/js/autocomplete.js
+++ b/view/js/autocomplete.js
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@
* require jQuery, jquery.textcomplete
function contact_search(term, callback, backend_url, type, extra_channels) {
+ // Check if there is a cached result that contains the same information we would get with a full server-side search
+ // Assume type hasn't changed
+ for(t in contact_search.cache) {
+ if(term.indexOf(t) >= 0) { // A more broad search has been performed already, so use those results
+ // Filter old results locally
+ var matching = contact_search.cache[t].filter(function (x) { return (x.name.indexOf(term) >= 0 || x.nick.indexOf(term) >= 0); });
+ callback(matching);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
var postdata = {
@@ -20,10 +31,16 @@ function contact_search(term, callback, backend_url, type, extra_channels) {
data: postdata,
dataType: 'json',
+ // Cache results if we got them all (more information would not improve results)
+ // data.count represents the maximum number of items
+ if(data.items.length < data.count) {
+ contact_search.cache[term] = data.items;
+ }
}).fail(function () {callback([]); }); // Callback must be invoked even if something went wrong.
+contact_search.cache = {};
function contact_format(item) {
return "<div class='{0}' title='{4}'><img src='{1}'>{2} ({3})</div>".format(item.taggable, item.photo, item.name, ((item.label) ? item.nick + ' ' + item.label : item.nick), item.link )
@@ -83,14 +100,14 @@ function submit_form(e) {
// Autocomplete contacts
contacts = {
- match: /(^@)([^\n]+)$/,
+ match: /(^@)([^\n]{2,})$/,
index: 2,
search: function(term, callback) { contact_search(term, callback, backend_url, 'x',[]); },
replace: basic_replace,
template: contact_format,
- var a = this.textcomplete([contacts],{className:'acpopup'});
+ var a = this.textcomplete([contacts],{className:'acpopup',maxCount:100});
a.on('textComplete:select', function(e,value,strategy) { submit_form(this); });
diff --git a/view/js/main.js b/view/js/main.js
index 5e3fb2bff..9d5136c34 100644
--- a/view/js/main.js
+++ b/view/js/main.js
@@ -135,11 +135,13 @@
function showHideComments(id) {
if( $('#collapsed-comments-' + id).is(':visible')) {
+ $('#collapsed-comments-' + id + ' .autotime').timeago('dispose');
$('#collapsed-comments-' + id).slideUp();
$('#hide-comments-' + id).html(aStr['showmore']);
$('#hide-comments-total-' + id).show();
else {
+ $('#collapsed-comments-' + id + ' .autotime').timeago();
$('#collapsed-comments-' + id).slideDown();
$('#hide-comments-' + id).html(aStr['showfewer']);
$('#hide-comments-total-' + id).hide();
@@ -452,6 +454,7 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$('.thread-wrapper.toplevel_item',data).each(function() {
var ident = $(this).attr('id');
+ // This should probably use the context argument instead
var commentWrap = $('#'+ident+' .collapsed-comments').attr('id');
var itmId = 0;
var isVisible = false;
@@ -468,7 +471,7 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$('#' + prev).after($(this));
- $(".autotime",this).timeago();
+ $("> .wall-item-outside-wrapper .autotime, > .thread-wrapper .autotime",this).timeago();
else {
$('img',this).each(function() {
@@ -479,7 +482,7 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$('#' + ident).replaceWith($(this));
- $(".autotime",this).timeago();
+ $("> .wall-item-outside-wrapper .autotime, > .thread-wrapper .autotime",this).timeago();
prev = ident;
@@ -510,7 +513,7 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
- $(".autotime",this).timeago();
+ $("> .wall-item-outside-wrapper .autotime, > .thread-wrapper .autotime",this).timeago();
else {
$('img',this).each(function() {
@@ -521,7 +524,7 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$('#' + ident).replaceWith($(this));
- $(".autotime",this).timeago();
+ $("> .wall-item-outside-wrapper .autotime, > .thread-wrapper .autotime",this).timeago();
@@ -555,7 +558,7 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$('#' + prev).after($(this));
- $(".autotime",this).timeago();
+ $("> .wall-item-outside-wrapper .autotime, > .thread-wrapper .autotime",this).timeago();
prev = ident;
@@ -598,7 +601,11 @@ function updateConvItems(mode,data) {
$(".wall-item-body, .contact-info").each(function() {
if($(this).height() > divmore_height + 10) {
if(! $(this).hasClass('divmore')) {
- $(this).readmore({collapsedHeight: divmore_height, moreLink: '<a href="#">'+aStr['divgrowmore']+'</a>', lessLink: '<a href="#">'+aStr['divgrowless']+'</a>'});
+ $(this).readmore({
+ collapsedHeight: divmore_height,
+ moreLink: '<a href="#" class="divgrow-showmore">'+aStr['divgrowmore']+'</a>',
+ lessLink: '<a href="#" class="divgrow-showmore">'+aStr['divgrowless']+'</a>'
+ });