path: root/.homeinstall/README.md
diff options
authorHaakon Meland Eriksen <haakon.eriksen@far.no>2016-01-11 06:38:24 +0100
committerHaakon Meland Eriksen <haakon.eriksen@far.no>2016-01-11 06:38:24 +0100
commit42433c0b4442f1a6b451324fe7f765b1b4c354b8 (patch)
tree27d3c56df94363c5b9dad0f0ccddea9ddf7a06b2 /.homeinstall/README.md
parent41057ac3642ea8c7126cc980be5d896b8b6ff7c3 (diff)
parentf4d47f825df40095f5b66b039dc6ca2d689e6b16 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Diffstat (limited to '.homeinstall/README.md')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.homeinstall/README.md b/.homeinstall/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62c860cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.homeinstall/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# Hubzilla at Home next to your Router
+Run hubzilla-setup.sh for an unattended installation of hubzilla.
+The script is known to work with Debian stable (Jessie).
+# Step-by-Step Overwiew
+## Preconditions
++ Internet connection and router at home
++ Mini-pc connected to your router
++ USB drive for backups
++ Fresh installation of Debian on your mini-pc
++ Router with open ports 80 and 443 for your Debian
+## The basic steps
++ Register your own domain (for example at selfHOST) or a free subdomain (for example at freeDNS)
++ Clone hubzilla to /var/www/html
++ Copy hubzilla-config.txt and hubzilla-setup.sh to your Debian (future hub)
++ Edit hubzilla-config.txt. Enter your values there: db pass, domain, values for dyn DNS
++ Run hubzilla-setup.sh as root ... wait, wait, wait until the script is finised
++ Open your domain with a browser and step throught the initial configuration of hubzilla.
+# Step-by-Step in Detail
+## Preparations Hardware
+### Mini-PC
+### Recommended: USB Drive for Backups
+The installation will create a daily backup.
+If the backup process does not find an external device than the backup goes to
+the internal disk.
+The USB drive must be compatible with an encrpyted filesystem LUKS + ext4.
+## Preparations Software
+### Install Debian Linux on the Mini-PC
+Download the stable Debian at https://www.debian.org/
+Create bootable USB drive with Debian on it. You could use the programm
+unetbootin, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNetbootin
+Switch of your mini pc, plug in your USB drive and start the mini pc from the
+stick. Install Debian. Follow the instructions of the installation.
+### Configure your Router
+Open the ports 80 and 443 on your router for your Debian
+## Preparations Dynamic IP Address
+Your Hubzilla must be reachable by a domain that you can type in your browser
+ cooldomain.org
+You can use subdomains as well
+ my.cooldomain.org
+There are two way to get a domain
+- buy a domain (recommended) or
+- register a free subdomain
+### Method 1: Get yourself an own Domain (recommended)
+### Method 2 Register a (free) Subdomain
+Register a free subdomain for example at
+- freeDNS
+- selfHOST
+WATCH THIS: A free subdomain is not the prefered way to get a domain name. Why?
+Let's encrpyt issues a limited number of certificates each
+day. Possibly other users of this domain will try to issue a certificate
+at the same day as you do. So make sure you choose a domain with as less subdomains as
+## Install Hubzilla on your Debian
+Login to your debian
+(Provided your username is "you" and the name of the mini pc is "debian". You
+could take the IP address instead of "debian")
+ ssh -X you@debian
+Change to root user
+ su -l
+Install git
+ apt-get install git
+Make the directory for apache and change diretory to it
+ mkdir /var/www
+ cd /var/www/
+Clone hubzilla from git ("git pull" will update it later)
+ git clone https://github.com/redmatrix/hubzilla html
+Change to the install script
+ cd html/.homeinstall/
+Change the file "hubzilla-config.txt". Enter your values there.
+ nano hubzilla-config.txt
+Run the script
+ ./hubzilla-setup.sh
+Wait... The script should not finish with an error message.
+In a webbrowser open your domain.
+Expected: A test page of hubzilla is shown. All checks there shoulg be
+successfull. Go on...
+Expected: A page for the Hubzilla server configuration shows up.
+Leave db server name "" and port "0" untouched.
+- DB user name = hubzilla
+- DB pass word = This is the password you entered in "hubzilla-config.txt"
+- DB name = hubzilla
+Leave db type "MySQL" untouched.
+Follow the instructions in the next pages.
+# The Script explained
+This chapter shows you
+- What the script does exactly
+- Explanations on technical details. May be this will encourage you to play with bash scripts?