// This needs changing now, if we're going for global settings. Admin settings have been removed in preparation, You *should* just be able to remove all
// the get_config bits, though this is untested.
// We also need to eventually. Use the page owners settings for everybody - get_pconfig(page_owner()) or whatever that would look like.
$line_height = false;
$redbasic_font_size = false;
$resolution = false;
$colour = false;
$shadows = false;
$navcolour = false;
$nav_bg_1 = "f88";
$nav_bg_2 = "b00";
$nav_bg_3 = "f00";
$nav_bg_4 = "b00";
$displaystyle = false;
$linkcolour = false;
$shiny = false;
$site_line_height = get_config("redbasic","line_height");
$site_redbasic_font_size = get_config("redbasic", "font_size" );
$site_colour = get_config("redbasic", "colour" );
$shadows = get_config("redbasic", "shadow" );
$navcolour = get_config("redbasic", "navcolour" );
$displaystyle = get_config("redbasic", "displaystyle" );
$linkcolour = get_config("redbasic", "linkcolour" );
$shiny = get_config("redbasic", "shiny" );
if (local_user()) {
$line_height = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic","line_height");
$redbasic_font_size = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "font_size");
$colour = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "colour");
$shadows = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "shadow");
$navcolour = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "navcolour");
$displaystyle = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "displaystyle");
$linkcolour = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "linkcolour");
$shiny = get_pconfig(local_user(), "redbasic", "shiny");
// This is probably the easiest place to apply global settings. Don't bother with site line height and such. Instead, check pconfig for global user settings.
// eg, if ($redbasic_font_size === false) {$redbasic_font_size = get_pconfig(local_user(), "global", "font_size"); If it's not set, we'll just use the CSS with no changes.
// Then all you need to do is add a "Global Settings" tab to settings/display, and make an equivalent of theme_settings.tpl and config.php to be loaded there. Easy.
if ($line_height === false) {$line_height = $site_line_height;}
if ($line_height === false) {$line_height = "1.2";}
if ($redbasic_font_size === false) {$redbasic_font_size = $site_redbasic_font_size;}
if ($redbasic_font_size === false) {$redbasic_font_size = "12";}
if ($colour === false) {$colour = $site_colour;}
if ($colour === false) {$colour = "light";}
if ($navcolour === "black") {$nav_bg_1 = "000";
$nav_bg_2 = "2e2f2e";}
if(file_exists('view/theme/' . current_theme() . '/css/style.css')) {
echo file_get_contents('view/theme/' . current_theme() . '/css/style.css');
echo "\r\n";
// use $colour_scheme (not yet implemented) for idiot mode.
if($colour === "dark") {if (file_exists('view/theme/' . current_theme() . '/css/dark.css')) {
$dark = (file_get_contents('view/theme/' . current_theme() . '/css/dark.css'));
echo "$dark";}
// Enforce sane limits for expert mode - otherwise we'll end up with "experts" who think font size is a percentage.
if(($redbasic_font_size >= 8.0) && ($redbasic_font_size <= 20.0)) {
echo ".wall-item-content { font-size: $redbasic_font_size\px;}\r\n";
if(($line_height >= 1.0) && ($line_height <= 2.0)) {
echo ".wall-item-content { line-height: $line_height; }\r\n";
// Minimum value shadows - they shouldn't all be the same size; just get it working, clean up later.
if($shadows === "true") {
echo "code, blockquote, .wall-item-content-wrapper, .wall-item-content-wrapper.comment, .wall-item-content img, #profile-jot-perms, #profile-jot-submit, .tab, .tab.active, .settings-widget li, .wall-item-photo, .photo, .contact-block-img, .my-comment-photo, #posted-date-selector:hover, .contact-entry-photo img, .profile-match-photo img, #photo-photo img, .directory-photo-img, .contact-photo, .photo-album-photo, .photo-top-photo, .group-selected, .nets-selected, .fileas-selected, .categories-selected {
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #111;}\r\n
.tab.active, #jot-title, #jot-category, .comment-edit-text-empty, .comment-edit-text-full, iframe#profile-jot-text_ifr, #profile-jot-text {
box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #666 inset;}\r\n";
// Since every change would otherwise require five lines, it's simpler to just set a default and echo this without first checking if we've set it.
echo "nav {background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_1 26%, #$nav_bg_2 82%);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_1 26%, #$nav_bg_2 82%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_1 26%, #$nav_bg_2 82%) !important;
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_1 26%, #$nav_bg_2 82%);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_1 26%, #$nav_bg_2 82%);}";
if($navcolour === false || $navcolour === 'red') {
echo "nav:hover {background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_3 26%, #$nav_bg_4 82%);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_3 26%, #$nav_bg_4 82%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_3 26%, #$nav_bg_4 82%) !important;
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_3 26%, #$nav_bg_4 82%);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #$nav_bg_3 26%, #$nav_bg_4 82%);}";
// This takes quite a lot of code, so we'll keep it in a separate file, and echo the lot. Devs still don't have to worry about - it's just overrides.
// Theme devs can play with it without facing scary PHP.
if ($displaystyle === "fancy")
{if (file_exists('view/theme/' . current_theme() . '/css/fancy.css')) {
$fancy = (file_get_contents('view/theme/' . current_theme() . '/css/fancy.css'));
echo "$fancy";}
// Put the # here to force hex colours - if we don't, somebody is going to do something odd, using RGB and we're all going to be confused on the support forums
// until one of us works out what they've done.
if ($linkcolour != false) {
echo "a, a:visited, a:link, .fakelink, .fakelink:visited, .fakelink:link {color: #$linkcolour;}\r\n";
// If you want a shiny that just sets a different colour, add an if $shiny != false and handle it as the linkcolour above.
if ($shiny === 'opaque') {
echo "div.wall-item-content-wrapper.shiny {opacity: 1;}\r\n
.wall-item-content-wrapper {opacity: 0.8;}";