blob: 4199fa535e0a5ecf1e86b22da68d9c8082701349 (
plain) (
# This file holds all sidebar menu's entries.
# The logic for the sidebar generation is in "site/layouts/partials/docs-sidebar.html".
- title: Getting started
icon: book-half
icon_color: indigo
- title: Introduction
- title: Download
- title: Contents
- title: Browsers & devices
- title: JavaScript
- title: Webpack
- title: Parcel
- title: Vite
- title: Accessibility
- title: RFS
- title: RTL
- title: Contribute
- title: Customize
icon: palette2
icon_color: pink
- title: Overview
- title: Sass
- title: Options
- title: Color
- title: Color modes
- title: Components
- title: CSS variables
- title: Optimize
- title: Layout
icon: grid-fill
icon_color: teal
- title: Breakpoints
- title: Containers
- title: Grid
- title: Columns
- title: Gutters
- title: Utilities
- title: Z-index
- title: CSS Grid
- title: Content
icon: file-earmark-richtext
icon_color: gray
- title: Reboot
- title: Typography
- title: Images
- title: Tables
- title: Figures
- title: Forms
icon: ui-radios
icon_color: blue
- title: Overview
- title: Form control
- title: Select
- title: Checks & radios
- title: Range
- title: Input group
- title: Floating labels
- title: Layout
- title: Validation
- title: Components
icon: menu-button-wide-fill
icon_color: cyan
- title: Accordion
- title: Alerts
- title: Badge
- title: Breadcrumb
- title: Buttons
- title: Button group
- title: Card
- title: Carousel
- title: Close button
- title: Collapse
- title: Dropdowns
- title: List group
- title: Modal
- title: Navbar
- title: Navs & tabs
- title: Offcanvas
- title: Pagination
- title: Placeholders
- title: Popovers
- title: Progress
- title: Scrollspy
- title: Spinners
- title: Toasts
- title: Tooltips
- title: Helpers
icon: magic
icon_color: orange
- title: Clearfix
- title: Color & background
- title: Colored links
- title: Position
- title: Ratio
- title: Stacks
- title: Stretched link
- title: Text truncation
- title: Vertical rule
- title: Visually hidden
- title: Utilities
icon: braces-asterisk
icon_color: red
- title: API
- title: Background
- title: Borders
- title: Colors
- title: Display
- title: Flex
- title: Float
- title: Interactions
- title: Object fit
- title: Opacity
- title: Overflow
- title: Position
- title: Shadows
- title: Sizing
- title: Spacing
- title: Text
- title: Vertical align
- title: Visibility
- title: Z-index
- title: Extend
icon: tools
icon_color: blue
- title: Approach
- title: Icons
- title: About
icon: globe2
icon_color: indigo
- title: Overview
- title: Team
- title: Brand
- title: License
- title: Translations
- title: Migration