path: root/library/tableofcontents/jquery.tableofcontents.js
blob: 93288bbc7341492592de569316312322a2b015d1 (plain) (tree)

	TableOfContents Plugin for jQuery (by Doug Neiner)
	Version: 0.8
	Based on code and concept by Janko Jovanovic 
	  in his article: http://www.jankoatwarpspeed.com/post/2009/08/20/Table-of-contents-using-jQuery.aspx
	This plugin is offered under the MIT license.
	(c) 2009 by Doug Neiner, http://dougneiner.com
	Iclude in html like this (just an example)
		<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script src="jquery.tableofcontents.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
				$(document).ready(function(){ $("#toc").tableOfContents(); });
		<ul id="toc"></ul>
(function($) {
	$.TableOfContents = function(el, scope, options) {
		var base = this;
		base.$el = $(el);
		base.el = el;
		base.toc = "";
		base.listStyle = null;
		base.tags = [ "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ];
		base.init = function() {
			base.options = $.extend({}, $.TableOfContents.defaultOptions,
			if (typeof (scope) == "undefined" || scope == null)
				scope = document.body;
			base.$scope = $(scope);
			var $first = base.$scope.find(base.tags.join(', '))
			if ($first.length != 1)
			base.starting_depth = base.options.startLevel;
			if (base.options.depth < 1)
				base.options.depth = 1;
			var filtered_tags = base.tags.splice(base.options.startLevel - 1,
			base.$headings = base.$scope.find(filtered_tags.join(', '));
			if (base.options.topLinks !== false) {
				var id = $(document.body).attr('id');
				if (id == "") {
					id = base.options.topBodyId;
					document.body.id = id
				base.topLinkId = id
			if (base.$el.is('ul')) {
				base.listStyle = 'ul'
			} else if (base.$el.is('ol')) {
				base.listStyle = 'ol'
			if (base.options.proportionateSpacing === true
					&& !base.tieredList()) {
			return base
		base.tieredList = function() {
			return (base.listStyle == 'ul' || base.listStyle == 'ol')
		base.buildTOC = function() {
			base.current_depth = base.starting_depth;
			base.$headings.each(function(i, element) {
				var depth = this.nodeName.toLowerCase().substr(1, 1);
				if (i > 0 || (i == 0 && depth != base.current_depth)) {
				base.toc += base.formatLink(this, depth, i) + "\n";
				if (base.options.topLinks !== false)
			base.changeDepth(base.starting_depth, true);
			if (base.tieredList())
				base.toc = "<li>\n" + base.toc + "</li>\n";
		base.addTopLink = function(element) {
			var text = (base.options.topLinks === true ? "Top"
					: base.options.topLinks);
			var $a = $(
					"<a href='#" + base.topLinkId + "' class='"
							+ base.options.topLinkClass + "'></a>").html(text);
		base.formatLink = function(element, depth, index) {
			var id = element.id;
			if (id == "") {
				id = base.buildSlug($(element).text());
				element.id = id
			var a = "<a href='#" + id + "'";
			if (!base.tieredList())
				a += " class='" + base.depthClass(depth) + "'";
			a += ">" + base.options.levelText.replace('%', $(element).text())
					+ '</a>';
			return a
		base.changeDepth = function(new_depth, last) {
			if (last !== true)
				last = false;
			if (!base.tieredList()) {
				base.current_depth = new_depth;
				return true
			if (new_depth > base.current_depth) {
				var opening_tags = [];
				for ( var i = base.current_depth; i < new_depth; i++) {
					opening_tags.push('<' + base.listStyle + '>' + "\n")
				var li = "<li>\n";
				base.toc += opening_tags.join(li) + li
			} else if (new_depth < base.current_depth) {
				var closing_tags = [];
				for ( var i = base.current_depth; i > new_depth; i--) {
					closing_tags.push('</' + base.listStyle + '>' + "\n")
				base.toc += "</li>\n" + closing_tags.join('</li>' + "\n");
				if (!last) {
					base.toc += "</li>\n<li>\n"
			} else {
				if (!last) {
					base.toc += "</li>\n<li>\n"
			base.current_depth = new_depth
		base.buildSlug = function(text) {
			text = text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9 -]/gi, '').replace(
					/ /gi, '-');
			text = text.substr(0, 50);
			return text
		base.depthClass = function(depth) {
			return base.options.levelClass.replace('%',
					(depth - (base.starting_depth - 1)))
		base.addSpacing = function() {
			var start = base.$headings.filter(':first').position().top;
			base.$headings.each(function(i, el) {
				var $a = base.$el.find('a:eq(' + i + ')');
				var pos = (($(this).position().top - start) / (base.$scope
						.height() - start))
						* base.$el.height();
					position : "absolute",
					top : pos
		return base.init()
	$.TableOfContents.defaultOptions = {
		startLevel : 1,
		depth : 3,
		levelClass : "toc-depth-%",
		levelText : "%",
		topLinks : false,
		topLinkClass : "toc-top-link",
		topBodyId : "toc-top",
		proportionateSpacing : false
	$.fn.tableOfContents = function(scope, options) {
		return this.each(function() {
			var toc = new $.TableOfContents(this, scope, options);
			delete toc