import { module, test } from '../qunit';
import moment from '../../moment';
module('relative time');
test('default thresholds fromNow', function (assert) {
var a = moment();
// Seconds to minutes threshold
a.subtract(44, 'seconds');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a few seconds ago', 'Below default seconds to minutes threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'seconds');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a minute ago', 'Above default seconds to minutes threshold');
// Minutes to hours threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(44, 'minutes');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '44 minutes ago', 'Below default minute to hour threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'minutes');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'an hour ago', 'Above default minute to hour threshold');
// Hours to days threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(21, 'hours');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '21 hours ago', 'Below default hours to day threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'hours');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a day ago', 'Above default hours to day threshold');
// Days to month threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(25, 'days');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '25 days ago', 'Below default days to month (singular) threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'days');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a month ago', 'Above default days to month (singular) threshold');
// months to year threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(10, 'months');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '10 months ago', 'Below default days to years threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'month');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a year ago', 'Above default days to years threshold');
test('default thresholds toNow', function (assert) {
var a = moment();
// Seconds to minutes threshold
a.subtract(44, 'seconds');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in a few seconds', 'Below default seconds to minutes threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'seconds');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in a minute', 'Above default seconds to minutes threshold');
// Minutes to hours threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(44, 'minutes');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in 44 minutes', 'Below default minute to hour threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'minutes');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in an hour', 'Above default minute to hour threshold');
// Hours to days threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(21, 'hours');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in 21 hours', 'Below default hours to day threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'hours');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in a day', 'Above default hours to day threshold');
// Days to month threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(25, 'days');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in 25 days', 'Below default days to month (singular) threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'days');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in a month', 'Above default days to month (singular) threshold');
// months to year threshold
a = moment();
a.subtract(10, 'months');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in 10 months', 'Below default days to years threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'month');
assert.equal(a.toNow(), 'in a year', 'Above default days to years threshold');
test('custom thresholds', function (assert) {
// Seconds to minutes threshold
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('s', 55);
var a = moment();
a.subtract(54, 'seconds');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a few seconds ago', 'Below custom seconds to minutes threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'seconds');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a minute ago', 'Above custom seconds to minutes threshold');
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('s', 45);
// Minutes to hours threshold
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('m', 55);
a = moment();
a.subtract(54, 'minutes');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '54 minutes ago', 'Below custom minutes to hours threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'minutes');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'an hour ago', 'Above custom minutes to hours threshold');
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('m', 45);
// Hours to days threshold
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('h', 24);
a = moment();
a.subtract(23, 'hours');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '23 hours ago', 'Below custom hours to days threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'hours');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a day ago', 'Above custom hours to days threshold');
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('h', 22);
// Days to month threshold
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('d', 28);
a = moment();
a.subtract(27, 'days');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '27 days ago', 'Below custom days to month (singular) threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'days');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a month ago', 'Above custom days to month (singular) threshold');
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('d', 26);
// months to years threshold
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('M', 9);
a = moment();
a.subtract(8, 'months');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), '8 months ago', 'Below custom days to years threshold');
a.subtract(1, 'months');
assert.equal(a.fromNow(), 'a year ago', 'Above custom days to years threshold');
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('M', 11);
test('retrive threshold settings', function (assert) {
moment.relativeTimeThreshold('m', 45);
var minuteThreshold = moment.relativeTimeThreshold('m');
assert.equal(minuteThreshold, 45, 'Can retrieve minute setting');