path: root/library/moment/src/test/locale/zh-tw.js
blob: 37e95bfa3ec9fc24134bd0f2fddc0161ede7fff3 (plain) (tree)

import {localeModule, test} from '../qunit';
import moment from '../../moment';

test('parse', function (assert) {
    var tests = '一月 1月_二月 2月_三月 3月_四月 4月_五月 5月_六月 6月_七月 7月_八月 8月_九月 9月_十月 10月_十一月 11月_十二月 12月'.split('_'), i;
    function equalTest(input, mmm, i) {
        assert.equal(moment(input, mmm).month(), i, input + ' should be month ' + (i + 1));
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        tests[i] = tests[i].split(' ');
        equalTest(tests[i][0], 'MMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][1], 'MMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][0], 'MMMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][1], 'MMMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleLowerCase(), 'MMMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][0].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);
        equalTest(tests[i][1].toLocaleUpperCase(), 'MMMM', i);

test('format', function (assert) {
    var a = [
            ['dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, a h:mm:ss',      '星期日, 二月 14日 2010, 下午 3:25:50'],
            ['ddd, Ah',                            '週日, 下午3'],
            ['M Mo MM MMMM MMM',                   '2 2月 02 二月 2月'],
            ['YYYY YY',                            '2010 10'],
            ['D Do DD',                            '14 14日 14'],
            ['d do dddd ddd dd',                   '0 0日 星期日 週日 日'],
            ['DDD DDDo DDDD',                      '45 45日 045'],
            ['w wo ww',                            '8 8週 08'],
            ['h hh',                               '3 03'],
            ['H HH',                               '15 15'],
            ['m mm',                               '25 25'],
            ['s ss',                               '50 50'],
            ['a A',                                '下午 下午'],
            ['[這年的第] DDDo',                    '這年的第 45日'],
            ['LTS',                                '下午3點25分50秒'],
            ['L',                                  '2010年2月14日'],
            ['LL',                                 '2010年2月14日'],
            ['LLL',                                '2010年2月14日下午3點25分'],
            ['LLLL',                               '2010年2月14日星期日下午3點25分'],
            ['l',                                  '2010年2月14日'],
            ['ll',                                 '2010年2月14日'],
            ['lll',                                '2010年2月14日下午3點25分'],
            ['llll',                               '2010年2月14日星期日下午3點25分']
        b = moment(new Date(2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125)),

    for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        assert.equal(b.format(a[i][0]), a[i][1], a[i][0] + ' ---> ' + a[i][1]);

test('format month', function (assert) {
    var expected = '一月 1月_二月 2月_三月 3月_四月 4月_五月 5月_六月 6月_七月 7月_八月 8月_九月 9月_十月 10月_十一月 11月_十二月 12月'.split('_'), i;

    for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
        assert.equal(moment([2011, i, 1]).format('MMMM MMM'), expected[i], expected[i]);

test('format week', function (assert) {
    var expected = '星期日 週日 日_星期一 週一 一_星期二 週二 二_星期三 週三 三_星期四 週四 四_星期五 週五 五_星期六 週六 六'.split('_'), i;

    for (i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
        assert.equal(moment([2011, 0, 2 + i]).format('dddd ddd dd'), expected[i], expected[i]);

test('from', function (assert) {
    var start = moment([2007, 1, 28]);
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 44}), true),  '幾秒',   '44 seconds = a few seconds');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 45}), true),  '一分鐘', '45 seconds = a minute');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 89}), true),  '一分鐘', '89 seconds = a minute');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({s: 90}), true),  '2分鐘',  '90 seconds = 2 minutes');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 44}), true),  '44分鐘', '44 minutes = 44 minutes');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 45}), true),  '一小時', '45 minutes = an hour');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 89}), true),  '一小時', '89 minutes = an hour');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({m: 90}), true),  '2小時',  '90 minutes = 2 hours');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 5}), true),   '5小時',  '5 hours = 5 hours');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 21}), true),  '21小時', '21 hours = 21 hours');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 22}), true),  '一天',   '22 hours = a day');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 35}), true),  '一天',   '35 hours = a day');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({h: 36}), true),  '2天',   '36 hours = 2 days');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 1}), true),   '一天',   '1 day = a day');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 5}), true),   '5天',   '5 days = 5 days');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 25}), true),  '25天',  '25 days = 25 days');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 26}), true),  '一個月', '26 days = a month');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 30}), true),  '一個月', '30 days = a month');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 43}), true),  '一個月', '43 days = a month');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 46}), true),  '2個月',  '46 days = 2 months');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 74}), true),  '2個月',  '75 days = 2 months');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 76}), true),  '3個月',  '76 days = 3 months');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 1}), true),   '一個月', '1 month = a month');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({M: 5}), true),   '5個月',  '5 months = 5 months');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 345}), true), '一年',   '345 days = a year');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({d: 548}), true), '2年',   '548 days = 2 years');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 1}), true),   '一年',   '1 year = a year');
    assert.equal(start.from(moment([2007, 1, 28]).add({y: 5}), true),   '5年',   '5 years = 5 years');

test('suffix', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment(30000).from(0), '幾秒內',  'prefix');
    assert.equal(moment(0).from(30000), '幾秒前', 'suffix');

test('now from now', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment().fromNow(), '幾秒前',  'now from now should display as in the past');

test('fromNow', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment().add({s: 30}).fromNow(), '幾秒內', 'in a few seconds');
    assert.equal(moment().add({d: 5}).fromNow(), '5天內', 'in 5 days');

test('calendar day', function (assert) {
    var a = moment().hours(2).minutes(0).seconds(0);

    assert.equal(moment(a).calendar(),                   '今天早上2點00分',     'today at the same time');
    assert.equal(moment(a).add({m: 25}).calendar(),      '今天早上2點25分',     'Now plus 25 min');
    assert.equal(moment(a).add({h: 1}).calendar(),       '今天早上3點00分',     'Now plus 1 hour');
    assert.equal(moment(a).add({d: 1}).calendar(),       '明天早上2點00分',     'tomorrow at the same time');
    assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({h: 1}).calendar(),  '今天早上1點00分',     'Now minus 1 hour');
    assert.equal(moment(a).subtract({d: 1}).calendar(),  '昨天早上2點00分',     'yesterday at the same time');

test('calendar next week', function (assert) {
    var i, m;
    for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
        m = moment().add({d: i});
        assert.equal(m.calendar(),       m.format('[下]ddddLT'),  'Today + ' + i + ' days current time');
        assert.equal(m.calendar(),       m.format('[下]ddddLT'),  'Today + ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
        assert.equal(m.calendar(),       m.format('[下]ddddLT'),  'Today + ' + i + ' days end of day');

test('calendar last week', function (assert) {
    var i, m;
    for (i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
        m = moment().subtract({d: i});
        assert.equal(m.calendar(),       m.format('[上]ddddLT'),  'Today - ' + i + ' days current time');
        assert.equal(m.calendar(),       m.format('[上]ddddLT'),  'Today - ' + i + ' days beginning of day');
        assert.equal(m.calendar(),       m.format('[上]ddddLT'),  'Today - ' + i + ' days end of day');

test('calendar all else', function (assert) {
    var weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 1}),
        weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 1});

    assert.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(),       weeksAgo.format('L'),      '1 week ago');
    assert.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(),   weeksFromNow.format('L'),  'in 1 week');

    weeksAgo = moment().subtract({w: 2});
    weeksFromNow = moment().add({w: 2});

    assert.equal(weeksAgo.calendar(),       weeksAgo.format('L'),      '2 weeks ago');
    assert.equal(weeksFromNow.calendar(),   weeksFromNow.format('L'),  'in 2 weeks');

test('meridiem', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23,  0, 0]).format('a'), '早上', 'morning');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23,  9, 0]).format('a'), '上午', 'before noon');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23, 12, 0]).format('a'), '中午', 'noon');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23, 13, 0]).format('a'), '下午', 'after noon');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23, 18, 0]).format('a'), '晚上', 'night');

    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23,  0, 0]).format('A'), '早上', 'morning');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23,  9, 0]).format('A'), '上午', 'before noon');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23, 12, 0]).format('A'), '中午', 'noon');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23, 13, 0]).format('A'), '下午', 'afternoon');
    assert.equal(moment([2011, 2, 23, 18, 0]).format('A'), '晚上', 'night');

test('weeks year starting sunday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2012 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0,  7]).week(), 1, 'Jan  7 2012 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0,  8]).week(), 2, 'Jan  8 2012 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 14]).week(), 2, 'Jan 14 2012 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 15]).week(), 3, 'Jan 15 2012 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting monday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2006, 11, 31]).week(), 1, 'Dec 31 2006 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2007,  0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2007 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2007,  0,  6]).week(), 1, 'Jan  6 2007 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2007,  0,  7]).week(), 2, 'Jan  7 2007 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2007,  0, 13]).week(), 2, 'Jan 13 2007 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2007,  0, 14]).week(), 3, 'Jan 14 2007 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting tuesday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2007, 11, 29]).week(), 52, 'Dec 29 2007 should be week 52');
    assert.equal(moment([2008,  0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2008 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2008,  0,  5]).week(), 1, 'Jan  5 2008 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2008,  0,  6]).week(), 2, 'Jan  6 2008 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2008,  0, 12]).week(), 2, 'Jan 12 2008 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2008,  0, 13]).week(), 3, 'Jan 13 2008 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting wednesday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2002, 11, 29]).week(), 1, 'Dec 29 2002 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2003,  0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2003 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2003,  0,  4]).week(), 1, 'Jan  4 2003 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2003,  0,  5]).week(), 2, 'Jan  5 2003 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2003,  0, 11]).week(), 2, 'Jan 11 2003 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2003,  0, 12]).week(), 3, 'Jan 12 2003 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting thursday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2008, 11, 28]).week(), 1, 'Dec 28 2008 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2009,  0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2009 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2009,  0,  3]).week(), 1, 'Jan  3 2009 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2009,  0,  4]).week(), 2, 'Jan  4 2009 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2009,  0, 10]).week(), 2, 'Jan 10 2009 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2009,  0, 11]).week(), 3, 'Jan 11 2009 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting friday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2009, 11, 27]).week(), 1, 'Dec 27 2009 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2010,  0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2010 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2010,  0,  2]).week(), 1, 'Jan  2 2010 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2010,  0,  3]).week(), 2, 'Jan  3 2010 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2010,  0,  9]).week(), 2, 'Jan  9 2010 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2010,  0, 10]).week(), 3, 'Jan 10 2010 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting saturday', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2010, 11, 26]).week(), 1, 'Dec 26 2010 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2011,  0,  1]).week(), 1, 'Jan  1 2011 should be week 1');
    assert.equal(moment([2011,  0,  2]).week(), 2, 'Jan  2 2011 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2011,  0,  8]).week(), 2, 'Jan  8 2011 should be week 2');
    assert.equal(moment([2011,  0,  9]).week(), 3, 'Jan  9 2011 should be week 3');

test('weeks year starting sunday format', function (assert) {
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0,  1]).format('w ww wo'), '1 01 1週', 'Jan  1 2012 應該是第 1週');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0,  7]).format('w ww wo'), '1 01 1週', 'Jan  7 2012 應該是第 1週');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0,  8]).format('w ww wo'), '2 02 2週', 'Jan  8 2012 應該是第 2週');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 14]).format('w ww wo'), '2 02 2週', 'Jan 14 2012 應該是第 2週');
    assert.equal(moment([2012, 0, 15]).format('w ww wo'), '3 03 3週', 'Jan 15 2012 應該是第 3週');

test('lenient ordinal parsing', function (assert) {
    var i, ordinalStr, testMoment;
    for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
        ordinalStr = moment([2014, 0, i]).format('YYYY MM Do');
        testMoment = moment(ordinalStr, 'YYYY MM Do');
        assert.equal(testMoment.year(), 2014,
                'lenient ordinal parsing ' + i + ' year check');
        assert.equal(testMoment.month(), 0,
                'lenient ordinal parsing ' + i + ' month check');
        assert.equal(testMoment.date(), i,
                'lenient ordinal parsing ' + i + ' date check');

test('lenient ordinal parsing of number', function (assert) {
    var i, testMoment;
    for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
        testMoment = moment('2014 01 ' + i, 'YYYY MM Do');
        assert.equal(testMoment.year(), 2014,
                'lenient ordinal parsing of number ' + i + ' year check');
        assert.equal(testMoment.month(), 0,
                'lenient ordinal parsing of number ' + i + ' month check');
        assert.equal(testMoment.date(), i,
                'lenient ordinal parsing of number ' + i + ' date check');

test('meridiem invariant', function (assert) {
    var h, m, t1, t2;
    for (h = 0; h < 24; ++h) {
        for (m = 0; m < 60; m += 15) {
            t1 = moment.utc([2000, 0, 1, h, m]);
            t2 = moment(t1.format('A h:mm'), 'A h:mm');
            assert.equal(t2.format('HH:mm'), t1.format('HH:mm'),
                    'meridiem at ' + t1.format('HH:mm'));

test('strict ordinal parsing', function (assert) {
    var i, ordinalStr, testMoment;
    for (i = 1; i <= 31; ++i) {
        ordinalStr = moment([2014, 0, i]).format('YYYY MM Do');
        testMoment = moment(ordinalStr, 'YYYY MM Do', true);
        assert.ok(testMoment.isValid(), 'strict ordinal parsing ' + i);