* @package AJAX_Chat
* @author Sebastian Tschan
* @copyright (c) Sebastian Tschan
* @license Modified MIT License
* @link https://blueimp.net/ajax/
// Ajax Chat config parameters:
var ajaxChatConfig = {
// The channelID of the channel to enter on login (the loginChannelName is used if set to null):
loginChannelID: null,
// The channelName of the channel to enter on login (the default channel is used if set to null):
loginChannelName: null,
// The time in ms between update calls to retrieve new chat messages:
timerRate: 2000,
// The URL to retrieve the XML chat messages (must at least contain one parameter):
ajaxURL: './?ajax=true',
// The base URL of the chat directory, used to retrieve media files (images, sound files, etc.):
baseURL: './',
// A regular expression for allowed source URL's for media content (e.g. images displayed inline);
regExpMediaUrl: '^((http)|(https)):\\/\\/',
// If set to false the chat update is delayed until the event defined in ajaxChat.setStartChatHandler():
startChatOnLoad: true,
// Defines the IDs of DOM nodes accessed by the chat:
domIDs: {
// The ID of the chat messages list:
chatList: 'chatList',
// The ID of the online users list:
onlineList: 'onlineList',
// The ID of the message text input field:
inputField: 'inputField',
// The ID of the message text length counter:
messageLengthCounter: 'messageLengthCounter',
// The ID of the channel selection:
channelSelection: 'channelSelection',
// The ID of the style selection:
styleSelection: 'styleSelection',
// The ID of the emoticons container:
emoticonsContainer: 'emoticonsContainer',
// The ID of the color codes container:
colorCodesContainer: 'colorCodesContainer',
// The ID of the flash interface container:
flashInterfaceContainer: 'flashInterfaceContainer'
// Defines the settings which can be modified by users:
settings: {
// Defines if BBCode tags are replaced with the associated HTML code tags:
bbCode: true,
// Defines if image BBCode is replaced with the associated image HTML code:
bbCodeImages: true,
// Defines if color BBCode is replaced with the associated color HTML code:
bbCodeColors: true,
// Defines if hyperlinks are made clickable:
hyperLinks: true,
// Defines if line breaks are enabled:
lineBreaks: true,
// Defines if emoticon codes are replaced with their associated images:
emoticons: true,
// Defines if the focus is automatically set to the input field on chat load or channel switch:
autoFocus: true,
// Defines if the chat list scrolls automatically to display the latest messages:
autoScroll: true,
// The maximum count of messages displayed in the chat list (will be ignored if set to 0):
maxMessages: 0,
// Defines if long words are wrapped to avoid vertical scrolling:
wordWrap: true,
// Defines the maximum length before a word gets wrapped:
maxWordLength: 32,
// Defines the format of the date and time displayed for each chat message:
dateFormat: '(%H:%i:%s)',
// Defines if font colors persist without the need to assign them to each message:
persistFontColor: false,
// The default font color, uses the page default font color if set to null:
fontColor: null,
// Defines if sounds are played:
audio: true,
// Defines the sound volume (0.0 = mute, 1.0 = max):
audioVolume: 1.0,
// Defines the sound that is played when normal messages are reveived:
soundReceive: 'sound_1',
// Defines the sound that is played on sending normal messages:
soundSend: 'sound_2',
// Defines the sound that is played on channel enter or login:
soundEnter: 'sound_3',
// Defines the sound that is played on channel leave or logout:
soundLeave: 'sound_4',
// Defines the sound that is played on chatBot messages:
soundChatBot: 'sound_5',
// Defines the sound that is played on error messages:
soundError: 'sound_6',
// Defines if the document title blinks on new messages:
blink: true,
// Defines the blink interval in ms:
blinkInterval: 500,
// Defines the number of blink intervals:
blinkIntervalNumber: 10
// Defines a list of settings which are not to be stored in a session cookie:
nonPersistentSettings: [],
// Defines the list of allowed BBCodes:
// Defines the list of allowed color codes:
colorCodes: [
// Defines the list of allowed emoticon codes:
emoticonCodes: [
// Defines the list of emoticon files associated with the emoticon codes:
emoticonFiles: [
// Defines the available sounds loaded on chat start:
soundFiles: {
sound_1: 'sound_1.mp3',
sound_2: 'sound_2.mp3',
sound_3: 'sound_3.mp3',
sound_4: 'sound_4.mp3',
sound_5: 'sound_5.mp3',
sound_6: 'sound_6.mp3'
// Once users have been logged in, the following values are overridden by those in config.php.
// You should set these to be the same as the ones in config.php to avoid confusion.
// Session identification, used for style and setting cookies:
sessionName: 'ajax_chat',
// The time in days until the style and setting cookies expire:
cookieExpiration: 365,
// The path of the cookies, '/' allows to read the cookies from all directories:
cookiePath: '/',
// The domain of the cookies, defaults to the hostname of the server if set to null:
cookieDomain: null,
// If enabled, cookies must be sent over secure (SSL/TLS encrypted) connections:
cookieSecure: null,
// The name of the chat bot:
chatBotName: 'ChatBot',
// The userID of the chat bot:
chatBotID: 2147483647,
// Allow/Disallow registered users to delete their own messages:
allowUserMessageDelete: true,
// Minutes until a user is declared inactive (last status update) - the minimum is 2 minutes:
inactiveTimeout: 2,
// UserID plus this value are private channels (this is also the max userID and max channelID):
privateChannelDiff: 500000000,
// UserID plus this value are used for private messages:
privateMessageDiff: 1000000000,
// Defines if login/logout and channel enter/leave are displayed:
showChannelMessages: true,
// Max messageText length:
messageTextMaxLength: 1040,
// Defines if the socket server is enabled:
socketServerEnabled: false,
// Defines the hostname of the socket server used to connect from client side:
socketServerHost: 'localhost',
// Defines the port of the socket server:
socketServerPort: 1935,
// This ID can be used to distinguish between different chat installations using the same socket server:
socketServerChatID: 0