blob: 4f4d978e151555e62dd8d04902d431e38f23dfc0 (
plain) (
* @file include/wiki.php
* @brief Wiki related functions.
define ( 'WIKI_ITEM_RESOURCE_TYPE', 'wiki' );
function wiki_create() {
function wiki_delete() {
function wiki_list($observer_hash) {
// TODO: query db for wikis the observer can access. Return with two lists, for read and write access
return array('write' => array('wiki1'), 'read' => array('wiki1', 'wiki2'));
function wiki_pages() {
// TODO: scan wiki folder for pages
return array('pages' => array('', ''));
function wiki_create_wiki($channel, $name, $acl) {
// Generate unique resource_id using the same method as item_message_id()
do {
$dups = false;
$resource_id = random_string();
$r = q("SELECT mid FROM item WHERE resource_id = '%s' AND resource_type = '%s' AND uid = %d LIMIT 1",
if (count($r))
$dups = true;
} while ($dups == true);
$ac = $acl->get();
$mid = item_message_id();
$arr = array(); // Initialize the array of parameters for the post
$perms = $acl->get();
$allow_cid = expand_acl($perms['allow_cid']);
$players = array($channel['channel_hash'], $allow_cid[0]);
$item_hidden = 0; // TODO: Allow form creator to send post to ACL about new game automatically
$game_url = z_root() . '/chess/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/' . $resource_id;
$arr['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id'];
$arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id'];
$arr['mid'] = $mid;
$arr['parent_mid'] = $mid;
$arr['item_hidden'] = $item_hidden;
$arr['resource_type'] = WIKI_ITEM_RESOURCE_TYPE;
$arr['resource_id'] = $resource_id;
$arr['owner_xchan'] = $channel['channel_hash'];
$arr['author_xchan'] = $channel['channel_hash'];
// Store info about the type of chess item using the "title" field
// Other types include 'move' for children items but may in the future include
// additional types that will determine how the "object" field is interpreted
$arr['title'] = $name;
$arr['allow_cid'] = $ac['allow_cid'];
$arr['item_wall'] = 1;
$arr['item_origin'] = 1;
$arr['item_thread_top'] = 1;
$arr['item_private'] = intval($acl->is_private());
$arr['verb'] = ACTIVITY_CREATE;
$arr['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_WIKI;
$arr['object'] = $object;
$arr['body'] = '[table][tr][td][h1]New Chess Game[/h1][/td][/tr][tr][td][zrl='.$game_url.']Click here to play[/zrl][/td][/tr][/table]';
$post = item_store($arr);
$item_id = $post['item_id'];
if ($item_id) {
proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", "activity", $item_id);
return array('item' => $arr, 'status' => true);
} else {
return array('item' => null, 'status' => false);