<?php /** @file */
use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;
use phpseclib\Math\BigInteger;
function rsa_sign($data,$key,$alg = 'sha256') {
if(! $key)
return 'no key';
$sig = '';
if(intval(OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256) && $alg === 'sha256')
return $sig;
function rsa_verify($data,$sig,$key,$alg = 'sha256') {
if(! $key)
return false;
if(intval(OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256) && $alg === 'sha256')
$verify = @openssl_verify($data,$sig,$key,$alg);
if($verify === (-1)) {
while($msg = openssl_error_string())
logger('openssl_verify: ' . $msg,LOGGER_NORMAL,LOG_ERR);
btlogger('openssl_verify: key: ' . $key, LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_ERR);
return (($verify > 0) ? true : false);
function AES256CBC_encrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
return openssl_encrypt($data,'aes-256-cbc',str_pad($key,32,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function AES256CBC_decrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
return openssl_decrypt($data,'aes-256-cbc',str_pad($key,32,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function AES128CBC_encrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,16);
$iv = substr($iv,0,16);
return openssl_encrypt($data,'aes-128-cbc',str_pad($key,16,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function AES128CBC_decrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,16);
$iv = substr($iv,0,16);
return openssl_decrypt($data,'aes-128-cbc',str_pad($key,16,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function AES256CTR_encrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,32);
$iv = substr($iv,0,16);
return openssl_encrypt($data,'aes-256-ctr',str_pad($key,32,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function AES256CTR_decrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,32);
$iv = substr($iv,0,16);
return openssl_decrypt($data,'aes-256-ctr',str_pad($key,32,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function CAMELLIA256CFB_encrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,32);
$iv = substr($iv,0,16);
return openssl_encrypt($data,'camellia-256-cfb',str_pad($key,32,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function CAMELLIA256CFB_decrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,32);
$iv = substr($iv,0,16);
return openssl_decrypt($data,'camellia-256-cfb',str_pad($key,32,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,16,"\0"));
function CAST5CBC_encrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,16);
$iv = substr($iv,0,8);
return openssl_encrypt($data,'cast5-cbc',str_pad($key,16,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,8,"\0"));
function CAST5CBC_decrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,16);
$iv = substr($iv,0,8);
return openssl_decrypt($data,'cast5-cbc',str_pad($key,16,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,8,"\0"));
function CAST5CFB_encrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,16);
$iv = substr($iv,0,8);
return openssl_encrypt($data,'cast5-cfb',str_pad($key,16,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,8,"\0"));
function CAST5CFB_decrypt($data,$key,$iv) {
$key = substr($key,0,16);
$iv = substr($iv,0,8);
return openssl_decrypt($data,'cast5-cfb',str_pad($key,16,"\0"),OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,str_pad($iv,8,"\0"));
function crypto_encapsulate($data,$pubkey,$alg='aes256cbc') {
$fn = strtoupper($alg) . '_encrypt';
if($alg === 'aes256cbc')
return aes_encapsulate($data,$pubkey);
return other_encapsulate($data,$pubkey,$alg);
function other_encapsulate($data,$pubkey,$alg) {
if(! $pubkey)
logger('no key. data: ' . $data);
// This default will change in the future. For now make it backward compatible.
$base = $alg;
$exts = explode('.',$alg);
if(count($exts) > 1) {
switch($exts[1]) {
case 'oaep':
$base = $exts[0];
$fn = strtoupper($base) . '_encrypt';
if(function_exists($fn)) {
// A bit hesitant to use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() as we know
// it has been historically targeted by US agencies for 'weakening'.
// It is still arguably better than trying to come up with an
// alternative cryptographically secure random generator.
// There is little point in using the optional second arg to flag the
// assurance of security since it is meaningless if the source algorithms
// have been compromised. Also none of this matters if RSA has been
// compromised by state actors and evidence is mounting that this has
// already happened.
$result = [ 'encrypted' => true ];
$key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(256);
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(256);
$result['data'] = base64url_encode($fn($data,$key,$iv),true);
// log the offending call so we can track it down
if(! openssl_public_encrypt($key,$k,$pubkey,$padding)) {
$x = debug_backtrace();
logger('RSA failed. ' . print_r($x[0],true));
$result['alg'] = $alg;
$result['key'] = base64url_encode($k,true);
$result['iv'] = base64url_encode($i,true);
return $result;
else {
$x = [ 'data' => $data, 'pubkey' => $pubkey, 'alg' => $alg, 'result' => $data ];
call_hooks('other_encapsulate', $x);
return $x['result'];
function crypto_methods() {
// aes256cbc is provided for compatibility with earlier zot implementations which assume 32-byte key and 16-byte iv.
// other_encapsulate() now produces these longer keys/ivs by default so that it is difficult to guess a
// particular implementation or choice of underlying implementations based on the key/iv length.
// The actual methods are responsible for deriving the actual key/iv from the provided parameters;
// possibly by truncation or segmentation - though many other methods could be used.
$r = [ 'aes256ctr.oaep', 'camellia256cfb.oaep', 'cast5cfb.oaep', 'aes256ctr', 'camellia256cfb', 'cast5cfb', 'aes256cbc', 'aes128cbc', 'cast5cbc' ];
return $r;
function signing_methods() {
$r = [ 'sha256' ];
return $r;
function aes_encapsulate($data,$pubkey) {
if(! $pubkey)
logger('aes_encapsulate: no key. data: ' . $data);
$key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32);
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$result = [ 'encrypted' => true ];
$result['data'] = base64url_encode(AES256CBC_encrypt($data,$key,$iv),true);
// log the offending call so we can track it down
if(! openssl_public_encrypt($key,$k,$pubkey)) {
$x = debug_backtrace();
logger('aes_encapsulate: RSA failed. ' . print_r($x[0],true));
$result['alg'] = 'aes256cbc';
$result['key'] = base64url_encode($k,true);
$result['iv'] = base64url_encode($i,true);
return $result;
function crypto_unencapsulate($data,$prvkey) {
if(! $data)
$alg = ((is_array($data) && (array_key_exists('encrypted',$data) || array_key_exists('iv',$data))) ? $data['alg'] : '');
if(! $alg) {
return $data;
if($alg === 'aes256cbc') {
return aes_unencapsulate($data,$prvkey);
return other_unencapsulate($data,$prvkey,$alg);
function other_unencapsulate($data,$prvkey,$alg) {
// This default will change in the future. For now make it backward compatible.
$base = $alg;
$exts = explode('.',$alg);
if(count($exts) > 1) {
switch($exts[1]) {
case 'oaep':
$base = $exts[0];
$fn = strtoupper($base) . '_decrypt';
if(function_exists($fn)) {
return $fn(base64url_decode($data['data']),$k,$i);
else {
$x = [ 'data' => $data, 'prvkey' => $prvkey, 'alg' => $alg, 'result' => $data ];
return $x['result'];
function aes_unencapsulate($data,$prvkey) {
return AES256CBC_decrypt(base64url_decode($data['data']),$k,$i);
function new_keypair($bits) {
$openssl_options = array(
'digest_alg' => 'sha1',
'private_key_bits' => $bits,
'encrypt_key' => false
$conf = get_config('system','openssl_conf_file');
$openssl_options['config'] = $conf;
$result = openssl_pkey_new($openssl_options);
if(empty($result)) {
logger('new_keypair: failed');
return false;
// Get private key
$response = array('prvkey' => '', 'pubkey' => '');
openssl_pkey_export($result, $response['prvkey']);
// Get public key
$pkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($result);
$response['pubkey'] = $pkey["key"];
return $response;
* @param string $m modulo
* @param string $e exponent
* @return string
function metopem($m, $e) {
$rsa = new RSA();
'e' => new BigInteger($e, 256),
'n' => new BigInteger($m, 256)
return $rsa->getPublicKey();
* @param string key
* @return string
function rsatopem($key) {
$rsa = new RSA();
return $rsa->getPublicKey(RSA::PUBLIC_FORMAT_PKCS8);
* @param string key
* @return string
function pemtorsa($key) {
$rsa = new RSA();
return $rsa->getPublicKey(RSA::PUBLIC_FORMAT_PKCS1);
* @param string $key key
* @param string $m reference modulo
* @param string $e reference exponent
function pemtome($key,&$m,&$e) {
$rsa = new RSA();
$e = $rsa->modulus->toBytes();
$m = $rsa->exponent->toBytes();
function salmon_key($pubkey) {
return 'RSA' . '.' . base64url_encode($m,true) . '.' . base64url_encode($e,true) ;
function convert_salmon_key($key) {
$rawkey = substr($key,strpos($key,',')+1);
$rawkey = substr($key,5);
$key_info = explode('.',$rawkey);
$m = base64url_decode($key_info[1]);
$e = base64url_decode($key_info[2]);
logger('key details: ' . print_r($key_info,true), LOGGER_DATA);
$salmon_key = metopem($m,$e);
return $salmon_key;
function z_obscure($s) {
return json_encode(crypto_encapsulate($s,get_config('system','pubkey')));
function z_unobscure($s) {
if(strpos($s,"{\"") !== 0)
return $s;
return crypto_unencapsulate(json_decode($s,true),get_config('system','prvkey'));