path: root/boot.php
blob: 541703b99367d976c82bfb1ef7804bd93da68fd9 (plain) (tree)










































































































































































































































































































































define ( 'FRIENDICA_PLATFORM',     'Friendica Red');
define ( 'FRIENDICA_VERSION',      trim(file_get_contents('version.inc')) . 'R');
define ( 'ZOT_REVISION',               1     ); 
define ( 'DB_UPDATE_VERSION',       1027     );

define ( 'EOL',                    '<br />' . "\r\n"     );
define ( 'ATOM_TIME',              'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z' );

define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL',      0x0000);  // This is technically DIRECTORY_MODE_TERTIARY, but it's the default, hence 0x0000
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY',     0x0001);
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY',   0x0002);
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE',  0x0100);      

// We will look for upstream directories whenever me make contact
// with other sites, but if this is a new installation and isn't
// a standalone hub, we need to seed the service with a starting
// point to go out and find the rest of the world.

define ( 'DIRECTORY_REALM',            'RED_GLOBAL');
define ( 'DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_MASTER',  'https://zothub.com');

 * Image storage quality. Lower numbers save space at cost of image detail.
 * For ease of upgrade, please do not change here. Change jpeg quality with
 * $a->config['system']['jpeg_quality'] = n;
 * in .htconfig.php, where n is netween 1 and 100, and with very poor results
 * below about 50

define ( 'JPEG_QUALITY',            100  );
 * $a->config['system']['png_quality'] from 0 (uncompressed) to 9
define ( 'PNG_QUALITY',             8  );

 * Language detection parameters

define ( 'LANGUAGE_DETECT_MIN_LENGTH',     128 );

 * An alternate way of limiting picture upload sizes. Specify the maximum pixel
 * length that pictures are allowed to be (for non-square pictures, it will apply
 * to the longest side). Pictures longer than this length will be resized to be
 * this length (on the longest side, the other side will be scaled appropriately).
 * Modify this value using
 *    $a->config['system']['max_image_length'] = n;
 * in .htconfig.php
 * If you don't want to set a maximum length, set to -1. The default value is
 * defined by 'MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH' below.
define ( 'MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH',        -1  );

 * Not yet used

define ( 'DEFAULT_DB_ENGINE',  'MyISAM'  );

 * SSL redirection policies

define ( 'SSL_POLICY_NONE',         0 );
define ( 'SSL_POLICY_FULL',         1 );
define ( 'SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN',     2 );

 * log levels

define ( 'LOGGER_NORMAL',          0 );
define ( 'LOGGER_TRACE',           1 );
define ( 'LOGGER_DEBUG',           2 );
define ( 'LOGGER_DATA',            3 );
define ( 'LOGGER_ALL',             4 );

 * registration policies

define ( 'REGISTER_CLOSED',        0 );
define ( 'REGISTER_APPROVE',       1 );
define ( 'REGISTER_OPEN',          2 );

 * relationship types

define ( 'CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER', 1);
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_SHARING',  2);
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_FRIEND',   3);

 * DB update return values

define ( 'UPDATE_SUCCESS', 0);
define ( 'UPDATE_FAILED',  1);

 * page/profile types
 * PAGE_NORMAL is a typical personal profile account
 * PAGE_SOAPBOX automatically approves all friend requests as CONTACT_IS_SHARING, (readonly)
 * PAGE_COMMUNITY automatically approves all friend requests as CONTACT_IS_SHARING, but with
 *      write access to wall and comments (no email and not included in page owner's ACL lists)
 * PAGE_FREELOVE automatically approves all friend requests as full friends (CONTACT_IS_FRIEND).

define ( 'PAGE_NORMAL',            0x0000 );
define ( 'PAGE_HIDDEN',            0x0001 );
define ( 'PAGE_AUTOCONNECT',       0x0002 );
define ( 'PAGE_APPLICATION',       0x0004 );

//define ( 'PAGE_FREELOVE',          3 );
//define ( 'PAGE_BLOG',              4 );
//define ( 'PAGE_PRVGROUP',          5 );

 * Network and protocol family types

define ( 'NETWORK_DFRN',             'dfrn');    // Friendica, Mistpark, other DFRN implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_ZOT',              'zot!');    // Zot!
define ( 'NETWORK_OSTATUS',          'stat');    // status.net, identi.ca, GNU-social, other OStatus implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_FEED',             'feed');    // RSS/Atom feeds with no known "post/notify" protocol
define ( 'NETWORK_DIASPORA',         'dspr');    // Diaspora
define ( 'NETWORK_MAIL',             'mail');    // IMAP/POP
define ( 'NETWORK_MAIL2',            'mai2');    // extended IMAP/POP
define ( 'NETWORK_FACEBOOK',         'face');    // Facebook API
define ( 'NETWORK_LINKEDIN',         'lnkd');    // LinkedIn
define ( 'NETWORK_XMPP',             'xmpp');    // XMPP
define ( 'NETWORK_MYSPACE',          'mysp');    // MySpace
define ( 'NETWORK_GPLUS',            'goog');    // Google+

define ( 'NETWORK_PHANTOM',          'unkn');    // Place holder

 * Permissions 

define ( 'PERMS_R_STREAM',         0x0001); 
define ( 'PERMS_R_PROFILE',        0x0002);
define ( 'PERMS_R_PHOTOS',         0x0004); 
define ( 'PERMS_R_ABOOK',          0x0008); 

define ( 'PERMS_W_STREAM',         0x0010); 
define ( 'PERMS_W_WALL',           0x0020);
define ( 'PERMS_W_TAGWALL',        0x0040); 
define ( 'PERMS_W_COMMENT',        0x0080); 
define ( 'PERMS_W_MAIL',           0x0100); 
define ( 'PERMS_W_PHOTOS',         0x0200);
define ( 'PERMS_W_CHAT',           0x0400); 
define ( 'PERMS_A_DELEGATE',       0x0800);

define ( 'PERMS_R_STORAGE',        0x1000);
define ( 'PERMS_W_STORAGE',        0x2000);
define ( 'PERMS_R_PAGES',          0x4000);
define ( 'PERMS_W_PAGES',          0x8000);

// General channel permissions

define ( 'PERMS_PUBLIC'     , 0x0001 );
define ( 'PERMS_NETWORK'    , 0x0002 );
define ( 'PERMS_SITE'       , 0x0004 );
define ( 'PERMS_CONTACTS'   , 0x0008 );
define ( 'PERMS_SPECIFIC'   , 0x0080 );

// Address book flags

define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_BLOCKED'    , 0x0001);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_IGNORED'    , 0x0002);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_HIDDEN'     , 0x0004);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_ARCHIVED'   , 0x0008);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_PENDING'    , 0x0010);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_SELF'       , 0x0080);

define ( 'MAIL_DELETED',       0x0001);
define ( 'MAIL_REPLIED',       0x0002);
define ( 'MAIL_ISREPLY',       0x0004);
define ( 'MAIL_SEEN',          0x0008);

define ( 'ATTACH_FLAG_DIR',    0x0001);
define ( 'ATTACH_FLAG_OS',     0x0002);

 * Maximum number of "people who like (or don't like) this"  that we will list by name

define ( 'MAX_LIKERS',    75);

 * Communication timeout

define ( 'ZCURL_TIMEOUT' , (-1));

 * email notification options

define ( 'NOTIFY_INTRO',    0x0001 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_CONFIRM',  0x0002 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_WALL',     0x0004 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_COMMENT',  0x0008 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_MAIL',     0x0010 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_SUGGEST',  0x0020 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_PROFILE',  0x0040 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_TAGSELF',  0x0080 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_TAGSHARE', 0x0100 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_POKE',     0x0200 );

define ( 'NOTIFY_SYSTEM',   0x8000 );

// We need a flag to designate that a site is a 
// global directory mirror, but probably doesn't
// belong in hubloc.
// This indicates a need for an 'xsite' table
// which contains only sites and not people.
// Then we might have to revisit hubloc as a
// linked structure between xchan and xsite

define ( 'HUBLOC_FLAGS_PRIMARY',      0x0001);
define ( 'HUBLOC_FLAGS_UNVERIFIED',   0x0002);

define ( 'XCHAN_FLAGS_HIDDEN',        0x0001);

 * Tag/term types

define ( 'TERM_UNKNOWN',     0 );
define ( 'TERM_HASHTAG',     1 );
define ( 'TERM_MENTION',     2 );   
define ( 'TERM_CATEGORY',    3 );
define ( 'TERM_PCATEGORY',   4 );
define ( 'TERM_FILE',        5 );
define ( 'TERM_SAVEDSEARCH', 6 );

define ( 'TERM_OBJ_POST',  1 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_PHOTO', 2 );

 * various namespaces we may need to parse

define ( 'NAMESPACE_ZOT',             'http://purl.org/zot' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_DFRN' ,           'http://purl.org/macgirvin/dfrn/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_THREAD' ,         'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_TOMB' ,           'http://purl.org/atompub/tombstones/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY',        'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_MEDIA',           'http://purl.org/syndication/atommedia' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME',       'http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_OSTATUSSUB',      'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_GEORSS',          'http://www.georss.org/georss' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_POCO',            'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_FEED',            'http://schemas.google.com/g/2010#updates-from' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_OSTATUS',         'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_STATUSNET',       'http://status.net/schema/api/1/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ATOM1',           'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' );
 * activity stream defines

define ( 'ACTIVITY_LIKE',        NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'like' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_DISLIKE',     NAMESPACE_ZOT   . '/activity/dislike' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_HEART',   NAMESPACE_ZOT   . '/activity/heart' );

define ( 'ACTIVITY_FRIEND',      NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'make-friend' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_REQ_FRIEND',  NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'request-friend' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_UNFRIEND',    NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'remove-friend' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_UNFOLLOW',    NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'stop-following' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_JOIN',        NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'join' );

define ( 'ACTIVITY_POST',        NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'post' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_TAG',         NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA . 'tag' );

define ( 'ACTIVITY_POKE',        NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/poke' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_MOOD',        NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/mood' );

define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM', NAMESPACE_ZOT  . '/activity/tagterm' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_PROFILE', NAMESPACE_ZOT  . '/activity/profile' );

 * item weight for query ordering

define ( 'GRAVITY_PARENT',       0);
define ( 'GRAVITY_LIKE',         3);
define ( 'GRAVITY_COMMENT',      6);

 * Account Flags

define ( 'ACCOUNT_OK',           0x0000 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED',   0x0001 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_BLOCKED',      0x0002 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_EXPIRED',      0x0004 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_REMOVED',      0x0008 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_PENDING',      0x0010 );

 * Account roles

define ( 'ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMIN',    0x1000 );

 * Item visibility

define ( 'ITEM_VISIBLE',         0x0000);
define ( 'ITEM_HIDDEN',          0x0001);
define ( 'ITEM_BLOCKED',         0x0002);
define ( 'ITEM_MODERATED',       0x0004);
define ( 'ITEM_SPAM',            0x0008);
define ( 'ITEM_DELETED',         0x0010);
define ( 'ITEM_UNPUBLISHED',     0x0020);
define ( 'ITEM_WEBPAGE',         0x0040);  // is a static web page, not a conversational item

 * Item Flags

define ( 'ITEM_ORIGIN',          0x0001);
define ( 'ITEM_UNSEEN',          0x0002);
define ( 'ITEM_STARRED',         0x0004);
define ( 'ITEM_UPLINK',          0x0008);
define ( 'ITEM_UPLINK_PRV',      0x0010);
define ( 'ITEM_WALL',            0x0020);
define ( 'ITEM_THREAD_TOP',      0x0040);
define ( 'ITEM_NOTSHOWN',        0x0080);  // technically visible but not normally shown (e.g. like/dislike)
define ( 'ITEM_NSFW',            0x0100);
define ( 'ITEM_RELAY',           0x0200);  // used only in the communication layers, not stored
define ( 'ITEM_MENTIONSME',      0x0400);

 * Reverse the effect of magic_quotes_gpc if it is enabled.
 * Please disable magic_quotes_gpc so we don't have to do this.
 * See http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php

function startup() {
	error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);


	// This has to be quite large to deal with embedded private photos
	ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000);

	if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
		$process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
		while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) {
			foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
				if (is_array($v)) {
					$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v;
					$process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)];
				} else {
					$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v);


 * class: App
 * Our main application structure for the life of this page
 * Primarily deals with the URL that got us here
 * and tries to make some sense of it, and
 * stores our page contents and config storage
 * and anything else that might need to be passed around
 * before we spit the page out.

if(! class_exists('App')) {
	class App {

		public  $account    = null;            // account record
		public  $channel    = null;            // channel record
		public  $observer   = null;            // xchan record

		private $perms      = null;            // observer permissions
		private $widgets    = array();         // widgets for this page
		private $widgetlist = null;            // widget ordering and inclusion directives

		public  $groups;
		public  $language;
		public  $module_loaded = false;
		public  $query_string;
		public  $config;                       // config cache
		public  $page;
		public  $profile;
		public  $user;
		public  $cid;
		public  $contact;
		public  $contacts;
		public  $content;
		public  $data = array();
		public  $error = false;
		public  $cmd;
		public  $argv;
		public  $argc;
		public  $module;
		public  $pager;
		public  $strings;
		public  $hooks;
		public  $timezone;
		public  $interactive = true;
		public  $plugins;
		private  $apps = array();
		public  $identities;
		public  $css_sources = array();
		public  $js_sources = array();
		public  $theme_info = array();
		public $nav_sel;

		public $category;

		// Allow themes to control internal parameters
		// by changing App values in theme.php

		public	$sourcename = '';
		public	$videowidth = 425;
		public	$videoheight = 350;
		public	$force_max_items = 0;
		public	$theme_thread_allow = true;

		// An array for all theme-controllable parameters
		// Mostly unimplemented yet. Only options 'template_engine' and
		// beyond are used.

		private	$theme = array(
			'sourcename' => '',
			'videowidth' => 425,
			'videoheight' => 350,
			'force_max_items' => 0,
			'thread_allow' => true,
			'stylesheet' => '',
			'template_engine' => 'internal',

		private $ldelim = array(
			'internal' => '',
			'smarty3' => '{{'
		private $rdelim = array(
			'internal' => '',
			'smarty3' => '}}'

		private $scheme;
		private $hostname;
		private $baseurl;
		private $path;

		private $db;

		private $curl_code;
		private $curl_headers;

		private $cached_profile_image;
		private $cached_profile_picdate;
		function __construct() {

			global $default_timezone;

			$this->timezone = ((x($default_timezone)) ? $default_timezone : 'UTC');


			$this->config = array();
			$this->page = array();
			$this->pager= array();

			$this->query_string = '';


			$this->scheme = 'http';
            if(x($_SERVER,'HTTPS') && $_SERVER['HTTPS'])
                $this->scheme = 'https';
            elseif(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_PORT') && (intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) == 443))
            $this->scheme = 'https';

			if(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_NAME')) {
				$this->hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

				if(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_PORT') && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443)
					$this->hostname .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
				 * Figure out if we are running at the top of a domain
				 * or in a sub-directory and adjust accordingly

				$path = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),'/\\');
				if(isset($path) && strlen($path) && ($path != $this->path))
					$this->path = $path;

					"include/$this->hostname" . PATH_SEPARATOR
					. 'include' . PATH_SEPARATOR
					. 'library' . PATH_SEPARATOR
					. 'library/phpsec' . PATH_SEPARATOR
					. 'library/langdet' . PATH_SEPARATOR
					. '.' );

			if((x($_SERVER,'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],0,2) === "q=") {
				$this->query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],2);
				// removing trailing / - maybe a nginx problem
				if (substr($this->query_string, 0, 1) == "/")
					$this->query_string = substr($this->query_string, 1);
				$this->cmd = trim($_GET['q'],'/\\');

			// unix style "homedir"

			if(substr($this->cmd,0,1) === '~')
				$this->cmd = 'channel/' . substr($this->cmd,1);

			 * Break the URL path into C style argc/argv style arguments for our
			 * modules. Given "http://example.com/module/arg1/arg2", $this->argc
			 * will be 3 (integer) and $this->argv will contain:
			 *   [0] => 'module'
			 *   [1] => 'arg1'
			 *   [2] => 'arg2'
			 * There will always be one argument. If provided a naked domain
			 * URL, $this->argv[0] is set to "home".

			$this->argv = explode('/',$this->cmd);
			$this->argc = count($this->argv);
			if((array_key_exists('0',$this->argv)) && strlen($this->argv[0])) {
				$this->module = str_replace(".", "_", $this->argv[0]);
				$this->module = str_replace("-", "_", $this->module);
			else {
				$this->argc = 1;
				$this->argv = array('home');
				$this->module = 'home';

			 * See if there is any page number information, and initialise
			 * pagination

			$this->pager['page'] = ((x($_GET,'page') && intval($_GET['page']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1);
			$this->pager['itemspage'] = 50;
			$this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage'];
			if($this->pager['start'] < 0)
				$this->pager['start'] = 0;
			$this->pager['total'] = 0;

			 * Detect mobile devices

			$mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect();
			$this->is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile();
			$this->is_tablet = $mobile_detect->isTablet();


		function get_baseurl($ssl = false) {
           $scheme = $this->scheme;

            if((x($this->config,'system')) && (x($this->config['system'],'ssl_policy'))) {
                if(intval($this->config['system']['ssl_policy']) === intval(SSL_POLICY_FULL))
                    $scheme = 'https';

                //  Basically, we have $ssl = true on any links which can only be seen by a logged in user
                //  (and also the login link). Anything seen by an outsider will have it turned off.

                if($this->config['system']['ssl_policy'] == SSL_POLICY_SELFSIGN) {
                        $scheme = 'https';
                        $scheme = 'http';
            $this->baseurl = $scheme . "://" . $this->hostname . ((isset($this->path) && strlen($this->path)) ? '/' . $this->path : '' );
            return $this->baseurl;

		function set_baseurl($url) {

			if(is_array($this->config) && array_key_exists('system',$this->config) &&
				array_key_exists('baseurl',$this->config['system']) && strlen($this->config['system']['baseurl'])) {
				$url = $this->config['system']['baseurl'];

            $parsed = @parse_url($url);

            $this->baseurl = $url;

            if($parsed) {
                $this->scheme = $parsed['scheme'];

                $this->hostname = $parsed['host'];
                    $this->hostname .= ':' . $parsed['port'];
                    $this->path = trim($parsed['path'],'\\/');


		function get_hostname() {
			return $this->hostname;

		function set_hostname($h) {
			$this->hostname = $h;

		function set_path($p) {
			$this->path = trim(trim($p),'/');

		function get_path() {
			return $this->path;

		function set_account($aid) {
			$this->account = $aid;

		function get_account() {
			return $this->account;

		function set_channel($channel) {
			$this->channel = $channel;

		function get_channel() {
			return $this->channel;

		function set_observer($xchan) {
			$this->observer = $xchan;

		function get_observer() {
			return $this->observer;

		function set_perms($perms) {
			$this->perms = $perms;

		function get_perms() {
			return $this->perms;

		function get_apps() {
			return $this->apps;

		function set_apps($arr) {
			$this->apps = $arr;

		function set_groups($g) {
			$this->groups = $g;

		function get_groups() {
			return $this->groups;

		 * Use a theme or app specific widget ordering list to determine what widgets should be included
		 * for each module and in what order and optionally what region of the page to place them.
		 * For example:
		 * view/wgl/mod_connections.wgl:
		 * -----------------------------
		 * vcard aside
		 * follow aside
		 * findpeople rightside
		 * collections aside
		 * If your widgetlist does not include a widget that is destined for the page, it will not be rendered.
		 * You can also use this to change the order of presentation, as they will be presented in the order you specify.

		function set_widget($title,$html, $location = 'aside') {
			$widgetlist_file = 'mod_' . $this->module . '.wgl';
			if(! $this->widgetlist) {
				if($this->module && (($f = theme_include($widgetlist_file)) !== '')) {
					if(is_array($s)) {
						foreach($s as $x) {
							$this->widgetlist[] = explode(' ', $x);
				else {
					$this->widgets[] = array('title' => $title, 'html' => $html, 'location' => $location);
			if($this->widgetlist) {
				foreach($this->widgetlist as $k => $v) {
					if($v[0] && $v[0] === $title) {
						$this->widgets[$k] = array('title' => $title, 'html' => $html, 'location' => (($v[1]) ? $v[1] : $location));

		function get_widgets($location = '') {
			if($location && count($this->widgets)) {
				$ret = array();
				foreach($widgets as $w)
					if($w['location'] == $location)
						$ret[] = $w;
				$arr = array('location' => $location, 'widgets' => $ret);
				call_hooks('get_widgets', $arr);
				return $arr['widgets'];

			$arr = array('location' => $location, 'widgets' => $this->widgets);
			call_hooks('get_widgets', $arr);
			return $arr['widgets'];

		function set_pager_total($n) {
			$this->pager['total'] = intval($n);

		function set_pager_itemspage($n) {
			$this->pager['itemspage'] = ((intval($n) > 0) ? intval($n) : 0);
			$this->pager['start'] = ($this->pager['page'] * $this->pager['itemspage']) - $this->pager['itemspage'];


		function build_pagehead() {

			$interval = ((local_user()) ? get_pconfig(local_user(),'system','update_interval') : 40000);
			if($interval < 10000)
				$interval = 40000;

			$this->page['title'] = $this->config['system']['sitename'];

			/* put the head template at the beginning of page['htmlhead']
			 * since the code added by the modules frequently depends on it
			 * being first
			$tpl = get_markup_template('head.tpl');
			$this->page['htmlhead'] = replace_macros($tpl, array(
				'$baseurl' => $this->get_baseurl(),
				'$local_user' => local_user(),
				'$update_interval' => $interval,
				'$head_css' => head_get_css(),
				'$head_js' => head_get_js(),
				'$js_strings' => js_strings()
			)) . $this->page['htmlhead'];

		function set_curl_code($code) {
			$this->curl_code = $code;

		function get_curl_code() {
			return $this->curl_code;

		function set_curl_headers($headers) {
			$this->curl_headers = $headers;

		function get_curl_headers() {
			return $this->curl_headers;

		function get_template_engine() {
			return $this->theme['template_engine'];

		function set_template_engine($engine = 'internal') {

			$this->theme['template_engine'] = 'internal';

			switch($engine) {
				case 'smarty3':
						$this->theme['template_engine'] = 'smarty3';

		function get_template_ldelim($engine = 'internal') {
			return $this->ldelim[$engine];

		function get_template_rdelim($engine = 'internal') {
			return $this->rdelim[$engine];


// retrieve the App structure
// useful in functions which require it but don't get it passed to them

if(! function_exists('get_app')) {
	function get_app() {
		global $a;
		return $a;

// Multi-purpose function to check variable state.
// Usage: x($var) or $x($array,'key')
// returns false if variable/key is not set
// if variable is set, returns 1 if has 'non-zero' value, otherwise returns 0.
// e.g. x('') or x(0) returns 0;

if(! function_exists('x')) {
	function x($s,$k = NULL) {
		if($k != NULL) {
			if((is_array($s)) && (array_key_exists($k,$s))) {
					return (int) 1;
				return (int) 0;
			return false;
		else {
			if(isset($s)) {
				if($s) {
					return (int) 1;
				return (int) 0;
			return false;

// called from db initialisation if db is dead.

if(! function_exists('system_unavailable')) {
	function system_unavailable() {

function clean_urls() {
	global $a;
	//	if($a->config['system']['clean_urls'])
	return true;
	//	return false;

function z_path() {
	global $a;
	$base = $a->get_baseurl();
	if(! clean_urls())
		$base .= '/?q=';
	return $base;

function z_root() {
	global $a;
	return $a->get_baseurl();

function absurl($path) {
	if(strpos($path,'/') === 0)
		return z_path() . $path;
	return $path;

function is_ajax() {
	return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');

// Primarily involved with database upgrade, but also sets the
// base url for use in cmdline programs which don't have
// $_SERVER variables, and synchronising the state of installed plugins.

if(! function_exists('check_config')) {
function check_config(&$a) {

		$build = get_config('system','db_version');
		if(! x($build))
			$build = set_config('system','db_version',DB_UPDATE_VERSION);

//		$url = get_config('system','baseurl');

		// if the url isn't set or the stored url is radically different
		// than the currently visited url, store the current value accordingly.
		// "Radically different" ignores common variations such as http vs https
		// and www.example.com vs example.com.
		// We will only change the url to an ip address if there is no existing setting

//		if(! x($url))
//			$url = set_config('system','baseurl',$a->get_baseurl());
//		if((! link_compare($url,$a->get_baseurl())) && (! preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/",$a->get_hostname)))
//			$url = set_config('system','baseurl',$a->get_baseurl());

		if($build != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
			$stored = intval($build);
			$current = intval(DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
			if(($stored < $current) && file_exists('install/update.php')) {


				// We're reporting a different version than what is currently installed.
				// Run any existing update scripts to bring the database up to current.


				// make sure that boot.php and update.php are the same release, we might be
				// updating right this very second and the correct version of the update.php
				// file may not be here yet. This can happen on a very busy site.


					for($x = $stored; $x < $current; $x ++) {
						if(function_exists('update_r' . $x)) {

							// There could be a lot of processes running or about to run.
							// We want exactly one process to run the update command.
							// So store the fact that we're taking responsibility
							// after first checking to see if somebody else already has.

							// If the update fails or times-out completely you may need to
							// delete the config entry to try again.

							if(get_config('database','update_r' . $x))
							set_config('database','update_r' . $x, '1');

							// call the specific update

							$func = 'update_r' . $x;
							$retval = $func();
							if($retval) {
								//send the administrator an e-mail

								$email_tpl = get_intltext_template("update_fail_eml.tpl");
								$email_msg = replace_macros($email_tpl, array(
									'$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'],
									'$siteurl' =>  $a->get_baseurl(),
									'$update' => $x,
									'$error' => sprintf( t('Update %s failed. See error logs.'), $x)

								$subject=sprintf(t('Update Error at %s'), $a->get_baseurl());
								mail($a->config['admin_email'], $subject, $email_msg,
									'From: ' . t('Administrator') . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\n"
									. 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"
									. 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit' );
								//try the logger
								logger('CRITICAL: Update Failed: '. $x);
								set_config('database','update_r' . $x, 'success');
					set_config('system','db_version', DB_UPDATE_VERSION);

		 * Synchronise plugins:
		 * $a->config['system']['addon'] contains a comma-separated list of names
		 * of plugins/addons which are used on this system.
		 * Go through the database list of already installed addons, and if we have
		 * an entry, but it isn't in the config list, call the uninstall procedure
		 * and mark it uninstalled in the database (for now we'll remove it).
		 * Then go through the config list and if we have a plugin that isn't installed,
		 * call the install procedure and add it to the database.

		$r = q("SELECT * FROM `addon` WHERE `installed` = 1");
			$installed = $r;
			$installed = array();

		$plugins = get_config('system','addon');
		$plugins_arr = array();

			$plugins_arr = explode(',',str_replace(' ', '',$plugins));

		$a->plugins = $plugins_arr;

		$installed_arr = array();

		if(count($installed)) {
			foreach($installed as $i) {
				if(! in_array($i['name'],$plugins_arr)) {
				else {
					$installed_arr[] = $i['name'];

		if(count($plugins_arr)) {
			foreach($plugins_arr as $p) {
				if(! in_array($p,$installed_arr)) {



// wrapper for adding a login box. If $register == true provide a registration
// link. This will most always depend on the value of $a->config['system']['register_policy'].
// returns the complete html for inserting into the page

if(! function_exists('login')) {
	function login($register = false, $form_id = 'main-login', $hiddens=false) {
		$a = get_app();
		$o = "";
		$reg = false;
		$reglink = get_config('system','register_link');
		if(! strlen($reglink))
			$reglink = 'register';

		if ($register) {
			$reg = array(
				'title' => t('Create a New Account'),
				'desc' => t('Register'),
				'link' => $reglink

		$dest_url = $a->get_baseurl(true) . '/' . $a->query_string;

		if(local_user()) {
			$tpl = get_markup_template("logout.tpl");
		else {
			$a->page['htmlhead'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("login_head.tpl"),array(
				'$baseurl'		=> $a->get_baseurl(true)

			$tpl = get_markup_template("login.tpl");
					$_SESSION['login_return_url'] = $a->query_string;

		$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(

			'$dest_url'     => $dest_url,
			'$logout'       => t('Logout'),
			'$login'        => t('Login'),
			'$form_id'      => $form_id,
			'$lname'	 	=> array('username', t('Email') , '', ''),
			'$lpassword' 	=> array('password', t('Password'), '', ''),
			'$remember'     => array('remember', t('Remember me'), '', ''),
			'$hiddens'      => $hiddens,
			'$register'     => $reg,
			'$lostpass'     => t('Forgot your password?'),
			'$lostlink'     => t('Password Reset'),


		return $o;

// Used to end the current process, after saving session state.

if(! function_exists('killme')) {
	function killme() {

// redirect to another URL and terminate this process.

if(! function_exists('goaway')) {
	function goaway($s) {
		header("Location: $s");

function get_account_id() {
		return intval(get_app()->account['account_id']);
	return false;

// Returns the entity id of locally logged in user or false.

if(! function_exists('local_user')) {
	function local_user() {
		if((x($_SESSION,'authenticated')) && (x($_SESSION,'uid')))
			return intval($_SESSION['uid']);
		return false;

// Returns contact id of authenticated site visitor or false

if(! function_exists('remote_user')) {
	function remote_user() {
		if((x($_SESSION,'authenticated')) && (x($_SESSION,'visitor_id')))
			return $_SESSION['visitor_id'];
		return false;

// contents of $s are displayed prominently on the page the next time
// a page is loaded. Usually used for errors or alerts.

if(! function_exists('notice')) {
	function notice($s) {
		$a = get_app();
		if(! x($_SESSION,'sysmsg'))	$_SESSION['sysmsg'] = array();
			$_SESSION['sysmsg'][] = $s;
if(! function_exists('info')) {
	function info($s) {
		$a = get_app();
		if(! x($_SESSION,'sysmsg_info')) $_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = array();
			$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'][] = $s;

// wrapper around config to limit the text length of an incoming message

if(! function_exists('get_max_import_size')) {
	function get_max_import_size() {
		global $a;
		return ((x($a->config,'max_import_size')) ? $a->config['max_import_size'] : 0 );

 * Function : profile_load
 * @parameter App    $a
 * @parameter string $nickname
 * @parameter int    $profile
 * Summary: Loads a profile into the page sidebar.
 * The function requires a writeable copy of the main App structure, and the nickname
 * of a registered local account.
 * If the viewer is an authenticated remote viewer, the profile displayed is the
 * one that has been configured for his/her viewing in the Contact manager.
 * Passing a non-zero profile ID can also allow a preview of a selected profile
 * by the owner.
 * Profile information is placed in the App structure for later retrieval.
 * Honours the owner's chosen theme for display.

if(! function_exists('profile_load')) {
function profile_load(&$a, $nickname, $profile = 0) {

	$user = q("select channel_id from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1",
	if(! $user) {
		logger('profile error: ' . $a->query_string, LOGGER_DEBUG);
		notice( t('Requested channel is not available.') . EOL );
		$a->error = 404;

	// get the current observer
	$observer = $a->get_observer();

	// Can the observer see our profile?
	if(! perm_is_allowed($user[0]['channel_id'],$observer['xchan_hash'],'view_profile')) {
		// permission denied
		notice( t(' Sorry, you don\'t have the permission to view this profile. ') . EOL);

	$r = q("SELECT abook_profile FROM abook WHERE abook_xchan = '%s' limit 1",
		$profile = $r[0]['abook_profile'];

	$r = null;

	if($profile) {
		$profile_int = intval($profile);
		$r = q("SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , channel.* FROM `profile`
				LEFT JOIN channel ON `profile`.`uid` = channel.channel_id
				WHERE channel.channel_address = '%s' AND `profile`.`id` = %d LIMIT 1",

	if(! ($r && count($r))) {
		$r = q("SELECT `profile`.`uid` AS `profile_uid`, `profile`.* , `channel`.* FROM `profile`
			LEFT JOIN `channel` ON `profile`.`uid` = channel.channel_id
			WHERE channel.channel_address = '%s' AND `profile`.`is_default` = 1 LIMIT 1",

	if(! $r) {
		logger('profile error: ' . $a->query_string, LOGGER_DEBUG);
		notice( t('Requested profile is not available.') . EOL );
		$a->error = 404;
	// fetch user tags if this isn't the default profile

	if(! $r[0]['is_default']) {
		$x = q("select `keywords` from `profile` where uid = %d and `is_default` = 1 limit 1",
			$r[0]['keywords'] = $x[0]['keywords'];

	$a->profile = $r[0];

	$a->page['title'] = $a->profile['channel_name'] . " @ " . $a->config['sitename'];

	$_SESSION['theme'] = $a->profile['channel_theme'];

	 * load/reload current theme info

	$a->set_template_engine(); // reset the template engine to the default in case the user's theme doesn't specify one

	$theme_info_file = "view/theme/".current_theme()."/php/theme.php";
	if (file_exists($theme_info_file)){


function profile_create_sidebar(&$a) {

	$block = (((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) ? true : false);

	$a->set_widget('profile',profile_sidebar($a->profile, $block));

 * Function: profile_sidebar
 * Formats a profile for display in the sidebar.
 * It is very difficult to templatise the HTML completely
 * because of all the conditional logic.
 * @parameter: array $profile
 * Returns HTML string stuitable for sidebar inclusion
 * Exceptions: Returns empty string if passed $profile is wrong type or not populated

if(! function_exists('profile_sidebar')) {
	function profile_sidebar($profile, $block = 0) {

		$a = get_app();

		$observer = $a->get_observer();

		$o = '';
		$location = false;
		$address = false;
		$pdesc = true;

		if((! is_array($profile)) && (! count($profile)))
			return $o;

		$is_owner = (($profile['uid'] == local_user()) ? true : false);

		$profile['picdate'] = urlencode($profile['picdate']);

		call_hooks('profile_sidebar_enter', $profile);

		// don't show connect link to yourself
		$connect = (($profile['uid'] != local_user()) ? t('Connect')  : False);

		// don't show connect link to authenticated visitors either

		if(remote_user() && count($_SESSION['remote'])) {
			foreach($_SESSION['remote'] as $visitor) {
				if($visitor['uid'] == $profile['uid']) {
					$connect = false;

		// show edit profile to yourself
		if($is_owner) {

			$profile['menu'] = array(
				'chg_photo' => t('Change profile photo'),
				'entries' => array(),

			if(feature_enabled(local_user(),'multi_profiles')) {
				$profile['edit'] = array($a->get_baseurl(). '/profiles', t('Profiles'),"", t('Manage/edit profiles'));
				$profile['menu']['cr_new'] = t('Create New Profile');
				$profile['edit'] = array($a->get_baseurl() . '/profiles/' . $profile['id'], t('Edit Profile'),'',t('Edit Profile'));
			$r = q("SELECT * FROM `profile` WHERE `uid` = %d",

			if($r) {
				foreach($r as $rr) {
					$profile['menu']['entries'][] = array(
						'photo'                => $rr['thumb'],
						'id'                   => $rr['id'],
						'alt'                  => t('Profile Image'),
						'profile_name'         => $rr['profile_name'],
						'isdefault'            => $rr['is_default'],
						'visible_to_everybody' => t('visible to everybody'),
						'edit_visibility'      => t('Edit visibility'),

		if((x($profile,'address') == 1)
				|| (x($profile,'locality') == 1)
				|| (x($profile,'region') == 1)
				|| (x($profile,'postal_code') == 1)
				|| (x($profile,'country_name') == 1))
			$location = t('Location:');

		$gender   = ((x($profile,'gender')   == 1) ? t('Gender:')   : False);
		$marital  = ((x($profile,'marital')  == 1) ? t('Status:')   : False);
		$homepage = ((x($profile,'homepage') == 1) ? t('Homepage:') : False);

		if(($profile['hidewall'] || $block) && (! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
			$location = $pdesc = $gender = $marital = $homepage = False;

		$firstname = ((strpos($profile['name'],' '))
				? trim(substr($profile['name'],0,strpos($profile['name'],' '))) : $profile['name']);
		$lastname = (($firstname === $profile['name']) ? '' : trim(substr($profile['name'],strlen($firstname))));

			&& perm_is_allowed($profile['uid'],$observer['xchan_hash'],'view_contacts')) {
			$contact_block = contact_block();

		$tpl = get_markup_template('profile_vcard.tpl');

		$o .= replace_macros($tpl, array(
			'$profile'       => $profile,
			'$connect'       => $connect,
			'$location'      => $location,
			'$gender'        => $gender,
			'$pdesc'         => $pdesc,
			'$marital'       => $marital,
			'$homepage'      => $homepage,
			'$contact_block' => $contact_block,

		$arr = array('profile' => &$profile, 'entry' => &$o);

		call_hooks('profile_sidebar', $arr);

		return $o;


if(! function_exists('get_birthdays')) {
	function get_birthdays() {

		$a = get_app();
		$o = '';

		if(! local_user())
			return $o;

		$bd_format = t('g A l F d') ; // 8 AM Friday January 18
		$bd_short = t('F d');

		$r = q("SELECT `event`.*, `event`.`id` AS `eid`, `contact`.* FROM `event`
				LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `event`.`cid`
				WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND `type` = 'birthday' AND `start` < '%s' AND `finish` > '%s'
				ORDER BY `start` ASC ",
				dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 6 days')),

		if($r && count($r)) {
			$total = 0;
			$now = strtotime('now');
			$cids = array();

			$istoday = false;
			foreach($r as $rr) {
					$total ++;
				if((strtotime($rr['start'] . ' +00:00') < $now) && (strtotime($rr['finish'] . ' +00:00') > $now))
					$istoday = true;
			$classtoday = $istoday ? ' birthday-today ' : '';
			if($total) {
				foreach($r as &$rr) {
					if(! strlen($rr['name']))

					// avoid duplicates

					$cids[] = $rr['cid'];

					$today = (((strtotime($rr['start'] . ' +00:00') < $now) && (strtotime($rr['finish'] . ' +00:00') > $now)) ? true : false);
					$sparkle = '';
					$url = $rr['url'];
					if($rr['network'] === NETWORK_DFRN) {
						$sparkle = " sparkle";
						$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/redir/'  . $rr['cid'];
					$rr['link'] = $url;
					$rr['title'] = $rr['name'];
					$rr['date'] = day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', $a->timezone, $rr['start'], $rr['adjust'] ? $bd_format : $bd_short)) . (($today) ?  ' ' . t('[today]') : '');
					$rr['startime'] = Null;
					$rr['today'] = $today;
		$tpl = get_markup_template("birthdays_reminder.tpl");
		return replace_macros($tpl, array(
			'$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
			'$classtoday' => $classtoday,
			'$count' => $total,
			'$event_reminders' => t('Birthday Reminders'),
			'$event_title' => t('Birthdays this week:'),
			'$events' => $r,
			'$lbr' => '{',  // raw brackets mess up if/endif macro processing
			'$rbr' => '}'



if(! function_exists('get_events')) {
	function get_events() {


		$a = get_app();

		if(! local_user())
			return $o;

		$bd_format = t('g A l F d') ; // 8 AM Friday January 18
		$bd_short = t('F d');

		$r = q("SELECT `event`.* FROM `event`
				WHERE `event`.`uid` = %d AND `type` != 'birthday' AND `start` < '%s' AND `start` > '%s'
				ORDER BY `start` ASC ",
				dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now + 6 days')),
				dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 1 days'))

		if($r && count($r)) {
			$now = strtotime('now');
			$istoday = false;
			foreach($r as $rr) {
					$total ++;

				$strt = datetime_convert('UTC',$rr['convert'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC',$rr['start'],'Y-m-d');
				if($strt === datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d'))
					$istoday = true;
			$classtoday = (($istoday) ? 'event-today' : '');

			foreach($r as &$rr) {
					$md = datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,$rr['start'],'Y/m');
					$md = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$rr['start'],'Y/m');
				$md .= "/#link-".$rr['id'];

				$title = substr(strip_tags(bbcode($rr['desc'])),0,32) . '... ';
				if(! $title)
					$title = t('[No description]');

				$strt = datetime_convert('UTC',$rr['convert'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC',$rr['start']);
				$today = ((substr($strt,0,10) === datetime_convert('UTC',$a->timezone,'now','Y-m-d')) ? true : false);
				$rr['link'] = $md;
				$rr['title'] = $title;
				$rr['date'] = day_translate(datetime_convert('UTC', $rr['adjust'] ? $a->timezone : 'UTC', $rr['start'], $bd_format)) . (($today) ?  ' ' . t('[today]') : '');
				$rr['startime'] = $strt;
				$rr['today'] = $today;

		$tpl = get_markup_template("events_reminder.tpl");
		return replace_macros($tpl, array(
			'$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl(),
			'$classtoday' => $classtoday,
			'$count' => count($r),
			'$event_reminders' => t('Event Reminders'),
			'$event_title' => t('Events this week:'),
			'$events' => $r,

 * Wrap calls to proc_close(proc_open()) and call hook
 * so plugins can take part in process :)
 * args:
 * $cmd program to run
 *  next args are passed as $cmd command line
 * e.g.: proc_run("ls","-la","/tmp");
 * $cmd and string args are surrounded with ""

if(! function_exists('proc_run')) {
	function proc_run($cmd){

		$a = get_app();

		$args = func_get_args();

		$newargs = array();
		if(! count($args))

		// expand any arrays

		foreach($args as $arg) {
			if(is_array($arg)) {
				foreach($arg as $n) {
					$newargs[] = $n;
				$newargs[] = $arg;

		$args = $newargs;
		$arr = array('args' => $args, 'run_cmd' => true);

		call_hooks("proc_run", $arr);
		if(! $arr['run_cmd'])

		if(count($args) && $args[0] === 'php')
			$args[0] = ((x($a->config,'system')) && (x($a->config['system'],'php_path')) && (strlen($a->config['system']['php_path'])) ? $a->config['system']['php_path'] : 'php');
		for($x = 0; $x < count($args); $x ++)
			$args[$x] = escapeshellarg($args[$x]);

		$cmdline = implode($args," ");
			proc_close(proc_open('cmd /c start /b ' . $cmdline,array(),$foo));
			proc_close(proc_open($cmdline." &",array(),$foo));

if(! function_exists('current_theme')) {
	function current_theme(){
		$app_base_themes = array('redbasic');
		$a = get_app();
//		$mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect();
//		$is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile() || $mobile_detect->isTablet();
		$is_mobile = $a->is_mobile || $a->is_tablet;
		if($is_mobile) {
			$system_theme = ((isset($a->config['system']['mobile-theme'])) ? $a->config['system']['mobile-theme'] : '');
			$theme_name = ((isset($_SESSION) && x($_SESSION,'mobile-theme')) ? $_SESSION['mobile-theme'] : $system_theme);

			if($theme_name === '---') {
				// user has selected to have the mobile theme be the same as the normal one
				$system_theme = '';
				$theme_name = '';
		else {
			$system_theme = ((isset($a->config['system']['theme'])) ? $a->config['system']['theme'] : '');
			$theme_name = ((isset($_SESSION) && x($_SESSION,'theme')) ? $_SESSION['theme'] : $system_theme);
		if($theme_name &&
				(file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/css/style.css') ||
						file_exists('view/theme/' . $theme_name . '/php/style.php')))
		foreach($app_base_themes as $t) {
			if(file_exists('view/theme/' . $t . '/css/style.css')||
					file_exists('view/theme/' . $t . '/php/style.php'))
		$fallback = array_merge(glob('view/theme/*/css/style.css'),glob('view/theme/*/php/style.php'));
			return (str_replace('view/theme/','', substr($fallback[0],0,-10)));

 * Return full URL to theme which is currently in effect.
* Provide a sane default if nothing is chosen or the specified theme does not exist.
if(! function_exists('current_theme_url')) {
	function current_theme_url() {
		global $a;
		$t = current_theme();
		if (file_exists('view/theme/' . $t . '/php/style.php'))
			return('view/theme/' . $t . '/php/style.pcss');
		return('view/theme/' . $t . '/css/style.css');

function z_birthday($dob,$tz,$format="Y-m-d H:i:s") {

	if(! strlen($tz))
		$tz = 'UTC';

	$tmp_dob = substr($dob,5);
	if(intval($tmp_dob)) {
		$y = datetime_convert($tz,$tz,'now','Y');
		$bd = $y . '-' . $tmp_dob . ' 00:00';
		$t_dob = strtotime($bd);
		$now = strtotime(datetime_convert($tz,$tz,'now'));
		if($t_dob < $now)
			$bd = $y + 1 . '-' . $tmp_dob . ' 00:00';
		$birthday = datetime_convert($tz,'UTC',$bd,$format);

	return $birthday;


if(! function_exists('feed_birthday')) {
	function feed_birthday($uid,$tz) {

		 * Determine the next birthday, but only if the birthday is published
		 * in the default profile. We _could_ also look for a private profile that the
		 * recipient can see, but somebody could get mad at us if they start getting
		 * public birthday greetings when they haven't made this info public.
		 * Assuming we are able to publish this info, we are then going to convert
		 * the start time from the owner's timezone to UTC.
		 * This will potentially solve the problem found with some social networks
		 * where birthdays are converted to the viewer's timezone and salutations from
		 * elsewhere in the world show up on the wrong day. We will convert it to the
		 * viewer's timezone also, but first we are going to convert it from the birthday
		 * person's timezone to GMT - so the viewer may find the birthday starting at
		 * 6:00PM the day before, but that will correspond to midnight to the birthday person.

		$birthday = '';

		if(! strlen($tz))
			$tz = 'UTC';

		$p = q("SELECT `dob` FROM `profile` WHERE `is_default` = 1 AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",

		if($p && count($p)) {
			$tmp_dob = substr($p[0]['dob'],5);
			if(intval($tmp_dob)) {
				$y = datetime_convert($tz,$tz,'now','Y');
				$bd = $y . '-' . $tmp_dob . ' 00:00';
				$t_dob = strtotime($bd);
				$now = strtotime(datetime_convert($tz,$tz,'now'));
				if($t_dob < $now)
					$bd = $y + 1 . '-' . $tmp_dob . ' 00:00';
				$birthday = datetime_convert($tz,'UTC',$bd,$format);

		return $birthday;

if(! function_exists('is_site_admin')) {
function is_site_admin() {
	$a = get_app();
		&& (is_array($a->account)) 
		&& ($a->account['account_roles'] & ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMIN))
		return true;
	return false;

if(! function_exists('load_contact_links')) {
	function load_contact_links($uid) {

		$a = get_app();

		$ret = array();

		if(! $uid || x($a->contacts,'empty'))


		$r = q("SELECT abook_id, abook_flags, abook_my_perms, abook_their_perms, xchan_hash, xchan_photo_m, xchan_name, xchan_url from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d and not (abook_flags & %d) ",
		if($r) {
			foreach($r as $rr){
				$ret[$rr['xchan_hash']] = $rr;
			$ret['empty'] = true;
		$a->contacts = $ret;

if(! function_exists('profile_tabs')){
	function profile_tabs($a, $is_owner=False, $nickname=Null){
		//echo "<pre>"; var_dump($a->user); killme();
		$channel = $a->get_channel();

		if (is_null($nickname))
			$nickname  = $channel['channel_address'];
			$tab = notags(trim($_GET['tab']));
		$url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/channel/' . $nickname;
		$pr  = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $nickname;

		$tabs = array(
				'url' => $url,
				'sel' => ((argv(0)=='channel')?'active':''),
				'title' => t('Status Messages and Posts'),
				'id' => 'status-tab',
				'label' => t('Profile'),
				'url' 	=> $pr,
				'sel'	=> ((argv(0)=='profile')?'active':''),
				'title' => t('Profile Details'),
				'id' => 'profile-tab',
				'label' => t('Photos'),
				'url'	=> $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $nickname,
				'sel'	=> ((argv(0)=='photos')?'active':''),
				'title' => t('Photo Albums'),
				'id' => 'photo-tab',
		if ($is_owner){
			$tabs[] = array(
				'label' => t('Events'),
				'url'	=> $a->get_baseurl() . '/events',
				'sel' 	=>((argv(0)=='events')?'active':''),
				'title' => t('Events and Calendar'),
				'id' => 'events-tab',

		$arr = array('is_owner' => $is_owner, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'tab' => (($tab) ? $tab : false), 'tabs' => $tabs);
		call_hooks('profile_tabs', $arr);
		$tpl = get_markup_template('common_tabs.tpl');

		return replace_macros($tpl,array('$tabs' => $arr['tabs']));

function get_my_url() {
		return $_SESSION['my_url'];
	return false;

function get_my_address() {
		return $_SESSION['my_address'];
	return false;

function zid_init(&$a) {
	$tmp_str = get_my_address();
	if(validate_email($tmp_str)) {
		$arr = array('zid' => $tmp_str, 'url' => $a->cmd);
		if((! local_user()) && (! remote_user())) {
			$r = q("select * from hubloc where hubloc_addr = '%s' limit 1",
			// try to avoid recursion - but send them home to do a proper magic auth
			$dest = '/' . $a->query_string;
			$dest = str_replace(array('?zid=','&zid='),array('?rzid=','&rzid='),$dest);
			if($r && ($r[0]['hubloc_url'] != z_root()) && (! strstr($dest,'/magic')) && (! strstr($dest,'/rmagic'))) {
				goaway($r[0]['hubloc_url'] . '/magic' . '?f=&dest=' . z_root() . $dest);

function zid($s,$force = false) {
	if(! strlen($s))
		return $s;
	$has_params = ((strpos($s,'?')) ? true : false);
	if(! $has_params)
		$has_params = ((strpos($s,'&')) ? true : false);
	$achar = strpos($s,'?') ? '&' : '?';

	$mine = get_my_url();
	$myaddr = get_my_address();
	if($mine and ! link_compare($mine,$s))
		return $s . (($has_params) ? '' : '/') . $achar . 'zid=' . urlencode($myaddr);
	return $s;

* returns querystring as string from a mapped array
* @param params Array 
* @return string
function build_querystring($params, $name=null) { 
    $ret = ""; 
    foreach($params as $key=>$val) {
        if(is_array($val)) { 
            if($name==null) {
                $ret .= build_querystring($val, $key); 
            } else {
                $ret .= build_querystring($val, $name."[$key]");    
        } else {
            $val = urlencode($val);
            if($name!=null) {
            } else {
                $ret.= "$key=$val&"; 
    return $ret;    

// much better way of dealing with c-style args

function argc() {
	return get_app()->argc;

function argv($x) {
	return get_app()->argv[$x];

function dba_timer() {
	return microtime(true);

function get_observer_hash() {
	$observer = get_app()->get_observer();
		return $observer['xchan_hash'];
	return '';

* Returns the complete URL of the current page, e.g.: http(s)://something.com/network
* Taken from http://webcheatsheet.com/php/get_current_page_url.php
function curPageURL() {
	$pageURL = 'http';
	if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
	$pageURL .= "://";
	if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80" && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "443") {
	} else {
	return $pageURL;

function construct_page(&$a) {

 	 * Build the page - now that we have all the components

	if($a->module != 'install') {


	if(($p = theme_include(current_theme() . '.js')) != '')

	if(($p = theme_include('mod_' . $a->module . '.php')) != '')


	head_add_css(((x($a->page,'template')) ? $a->page['template'] : 'default' ) . '.css');
	head_add_css('mod_' . $a->module . '.css');

	head_add_js('mod_' . $a->module . '.js');


	$arr = $a->get_widgets();
	if(count($arr)) {
		foreach($arr as $x) {
			if(! array_key_exists($x['location'],$a->page))
				$a->page[$x['location']] = '';
			$a->page[$x['location']] .= $x['html']; 

	if($a->is_mobile || $a->is_tablet) {
		if(isset($_SESSION['show-mobile']) && !$_SESSION['show-mobile']) {
			$link = $a->get_baseurl() . '/toggle_mobile?f=&address=' . curPageURL();
		else {
			$link = $a->get_baseurl() . '/toggle_mobile?f=&off=1&address=' . curPageURL();
		$a->page['footer'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("toggle_mobile_footer.tpl"), array(
			'$toggle_link' => $link,
			'$toggle_text' => t('toggle mobile')

	$page    = $a->page;
	$profile = $a->profile;

	header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

			? $a->page['template'] 
			: 'default' ) 
			. '.php' )
