/** @file boot.php
* This file defines some global constants and includes the central App class.
* Hubzilla.
* Hubzilla is an open source decentralised communications
* platform combined with a decentralised identity/authentication framework
* wrapped in an extensible content management system, providing website designers
* the ability to embed fully decentralised communications and social tools
* into many traditional website designs (blogs, forums, small business
* websites, charitable organisations, etc.). Hubzilla also provides DNS mobility
* and internet scale privacy/access control.
* This allows any individual website to participate in a matrix of linked
* sites and people and media sharing which is far greater than the reach
* of an individual site.
* If you are reading the source code and come across a function
* or code block which is not documented, but you have a good idea what it
* does, please add some descriptive comments and push it to the main project.
* Even if your description isn't perfect, it gives us a base which we
* can build on and correct - so that eventually everything is fully
* documented.
// composer autoloader for all namespaced Classes
define ( 'PLATFORM_NAME', 'hubzilla' );
define ( 'STD_VERSION', '2.0.7' );
define ( 'ZOT_REVISION', '1.2' );
define ( 'DB_UPDATE_VERSION', 1185 );
* @brief Constant with a HTML line break.
* Contains a HTML line break (br) element and a real carriage return with line
* feed for the source.
* This can be used in HTML and JavaScript where needed a line break.
define ( 'EOL', '<br>' . "\r\n" );
define ( 'ATOM_TIME', 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z' );
define ( 'TEMPLATE_BUILD_PATH', 'store/[data]/smarty3' );
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_NORMAL', 0x0000); // A directory client
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY', 0x0001); // There can only be *one* primary directory server in a directory_realm.
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_SECONDARY', 0x0002); // All other mirror directory servers
define ( 'DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE', 0x0100); // A detached (off the grid) hub with itself as directory server.
// We will look for upstream directories whenever me make contact
// with other sites, but if this is a new installation and isn't
// a standalone hub, we need to seed the service with a starting
// point to go out and find the rest of the world.
define ( 'DIRECTORY_FALLBACK_MASTER', 'https://hub.pixelbits.de');
* Image storage quality. Lower numbers save space at cost of image detail.
* For ease of upgrade, please do not change here. Change jpeg quality with
* App::$config['system']['jpeg_quality'] = n;
* in .htconfig.php, where n is netween 1 and 100, and with very poor results
* below about 50
define ( 'JPEG_QUALITY', 100 );
* App::$config['system']['png_quality'] from 0 (uncompressed) to 9
define ( 'PNG_QUALITY', 8 );
* Language detection parameters
* Default permissions for file-based storage (webDAV, etc.)
* These files will be owned by the webserver who will need write
* access to the "storage" folder.
* Ideally you should make this 700, however some hosted platforms
* may not let you change ownership of this directory so we're
* defaulting to both owner-write and group-write privilege.
* This should work for most cases without modification.
* Over-ride this in your .htconfig.php if you need something
* either more or less restrictive.
* An alternate way of limiting picture upload sizes. Specify the maximum pixel
* length that pictures are allowed to be (for non-square pictures, it will apply
* to the longest side). Pictures longer than this length will be resized to be
* this length (on the longest side, the other side will be scaled appropriately).
* Modify this value using
* App::$config['system']['max_image_length'] = n;
* in .htconfig.php
* If you don't want to set a maximum length, set to -1. The default value is
* defined by 'MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH' below.
define ( 'MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH', -1 );
* Not yet used
define ( 'DEFAULT_DB_ENGINE', 'MyISAM' );
* log levels
define ( 'LOGGER_NORMAL', 0 );
define ( 'LOGGER_TRACE', 1 );
define ( 'LOGGER_DEBUG', 2 );
define ( 'LOGGER_DATA', 3 );
define ( 'LOGGER_ALL', 4 );
* Server roles
define ( 'SERVER_ROLE_BASIC', 0x0001 );
define ( 'SERVER_ROLE_STANDARD', 0x0002 );
define ( 'SERVER_ROLE_PRO', 0x0004 );
* registration policies
define ( 'REGISTER_CLOSED', 0 );
define ( 'REGISTER_APPROVE', 1 );
define ( 'REGISTER_OPEN', 2 );
* site access policy
define ( 'ACCESS_PRIVATE', 0 );
define ( 'ACCESS_PAID', 1 );
define ( 'ACCESS_FREE', 2 );
define ( 'ACCESS_TIERED', 3 );
* relationship types
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER', 1);
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_SHARING', 2);
define ( 'CONTACT_IS_FRIEND', 3);
* DB update return values
define ( 'UPDATE_SUCCESS', 0);
define ( 'UPDATE_FAILED', 1);
define ( 'CLIENT_MODE_NORMAL', 0x0000);
define ( 'CLIENT_MODE_LOAD', 0x0001);
define ( 'CLIENT_MODE_UPDATE', 0x0002);
* Channel pageflags
define ( 'PAGE_NORMAL', 0x0000 );
define ( 'PAGE_HIDDEN', 0x0001 );
define ( 'PAGE_AUTOCONNECT', 0x0002 );
define ( 'PAGE_APPLICATION', 0x0004 );
define ( 'PAGE_ALLOWCODE', 0x0008 );
define ( 'PAGE_PREMIUM', 0x0010 );
define ( 'PAGE_ADULT', 0x0020 );
define ( 'PAGE_CENSORED', 0x0040 ); // Site admin has blocked this channel from appearing in casual search results and site feeds
define ( 'PAGE_SYSTEM', 0x1000 );
define ( 'PAGE_HUBADMIN', 0x2000 ); // set this to indicate a preferred admin channel rather than the
// default channel of any accounts with the admin role.
define ( 'PAGE_REMOVED', 0x8000 );
* Photo usage types
define ( 'PHOTO_NORMAL', 0x0000 );
define ( 'PHOTO_PROFILE', 0x0001 );
define ( 'PHOTO_XCHAN', 0x0002 );
define ( 'PHOTO_THING', 0x0004 );
define ( 'PHOTO_COVER', 0x0010 );
define ( 'PHOTO_ADULT', 0x0008 );
define ( 'PHOTO_FLAG_OS', 0x4000 );
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_ORIG', 0 );
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_1024', 1 ); // rectangular 1024 max width or height, floating height if not (4:3)
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_640', 2 ); // to accomodate SMBC vertical comic strips without scrunching the width
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_320', 3 ); // accordingly
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_PROFILE_300', 4 ); // square 300 px
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_PROFILE_80', 5 ); // square 80 px
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_PROFILE_48', 6 ); // square 48 px
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_COVER_1200', 7 ); // 1200w x 435h (2.75:1)
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_COVER_850', 8 ); // 850w x 310h
define ( 'PHOTO_RES_COVER_425', 9 ); // 425w x 160h
* Menu types
define ( 'MENU_SYSTEM', 0x0001 );
define ( 'MENU_BOOKMARK', 0x0002 );
* Network and protocol family types
define ( 'NETWORK_FRND', 'friendica-over-diaspora'); // Friendica, Mistpark, other DFRN implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_DFRN', 'dfrn'); // Friendica, Mistpark, other DFRN implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_ZOT', 'zot'); // Zot!
define ( 'NETWORK_OSTATUS', 'stat'); // status.net, identi.ca, GNU-social, other OStatus implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_GNUSOCIAL', 'gnusoc'); // status.net, identi.ca, GNU-social, other OStatus implementations
define ( 'NETWORK_FEED', 'rss'); // RSS/Atom feeds with no known "post/notify" protocol
define ( 'NETWORK_DIASPORA', 'diaspora'); // Diaspora
define ( 'NETWORK_MAIL', 'mail'); // IMAP/POP
define ( 'NETWORK_MAIL2', 'mai2'); // extended IMAP/POP
define ( 'NETWORK_FACEBOOK', 'face'); // Facebook API
define ( 'NETWORK_LINKEDIN', 'lnkd'); // LinkedIn
define ( 'NETWORK_XMPP', 'xmpp'); // XMPP
define ( 'NETWORK_MYSPACE', 'mysp'); // MySpace
define ( 'NETWORK_GPLUS', 'goog'); // Google+
define ( 'NETWORK_PHANTOM', 'unkn'); // Place holder
* Permissions
define ( 'PERMS_R_STREAM', 0x00001);
define ( 'PERMS_R_PROFILE', 0x00002);
define ( 'PERMS_R_PHOTOS', 0x00004);
define ( 'PERMS_R_ABOOK', 0x00008);
define ( 'PERMS_W_STREAM', 0x00010);
define ( 'PERMS_W_WALL', 0x00020);
define ( 'PERMS_W_TAGWALL', 0x00040);
define ( 'PERMS_W_COMMENT', 0x00080);
define ( 'PERMS_W_MAIL', 0x00100);
define ( 'PERMS_W_PHOTOS', 0x00200);
define ( 'PERMS_W_CHAT', 0x00400);
define ( 'PERMS_A_DELEGATE', 0x00800);
define ( 'PERMS_R_STORAGE', 0x01000);
define ( 'PERMS_W_STORAGE', 0x02000);
define ( 'PERMS_R_PAGES', 0x04000);
define ( 'PERMS_W_PAGES', 0x08000);
define ( 'PERMS_A_REPUBLISH', 0x10000);
define ( 'PERMS_W_LIKE', 0x20000);
// General channel permissions
// 0 = Only you
define ( 'PERMS_PUBLIC' , 0x0001 ); // anybody
define ( 'PERMS_NETWORK' , 0x0002 ); // anybody in this network
define ( 'PERMS_SITE' , 0x0004 ); // anybody on this site
define ( 'PERMS_CONTACTS' , 0x0008 ); // any of my connections
define ( 'PERMS_SPECIFIC' , 0x0080 ); // only specific connections
define ( 'PERMS_AUTHED' , 0x0100 ); // anybody authenticated (could include visitors from other networks)
define ( 'PERMS_PENDING' , 0x0200 ); // any connections including those who haven't yet been approved
// Address book flags
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_BLOCKED' , 0x0001);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_IGNORED' , 0x0002);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_HIDDEN' , 0x0004);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_ARCHIVED' , 0x0008);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_PENDING' , 0x0010);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_UNCONNECTED', 0x0020);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_SELF' , 0x0080);
define ( 'ABOOK_FLAG_FEED' , 0x0100);
define ( 'MAIL_DELETED', 0x0001);
define ( 'MAIL_REPLIED', 0x0002);
define ( 'MAIL_ISREPLY', 0x0004);
define ( 'MAIL_SEEN', 0x0008);
define ( 'MAIL_RECALLED', 0x0010);
define ( 'MAIL_OBSCURED', 0x0020);
define ( 'ATTACH_FLAG_DIR', 0x0001);
define ( 'ATTACH_FLAG_OS', 0x0002);
define ( 'MENU_ITEM_ZID', 0x0001);
define ( 'MENU_ITEM_NEWWIN', 0x0002);
define ( 'MENU_ITEM_CHATROOM', 0x0004);
define ( 'SITE_TYPE_ZOT', 0);
define ( 'SITE_TYPE_NOTZOT', 1);
define ( 'SITE_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 2);
* Poll/Survey types
define ( 'POLL_SIMPLE_RATING', 0x0001); // 1-5
define ( 'POLL_TENSCALE', 0x0002); // 1-10
define ( 'POLL_MULTIPLE_CHOICE', 0x0004);
define ( 'POLL_OVERWRITE', 0x8000); // If you vote twice remove the prior entry
define ( 'UPDATE_FLAGS_UPDATED', 0x0001);
define ( 'UPDATE_FLAGS_FORCED', 0x0002);
define ( 'UPDATE_FLAGS_DELETED', 0x1000);
define ( 'DROPITEM_NORMAL', 0);
define ( 'DROPITEM_PHASE1', 1);
define ( 'DROPITEM_PHASE2', 2);
* Maximum number of "people who like (or don't like) this" that we will list by name
define ( 'MAX_LIKERS', 10);
* Communication timeout
define ( 'ZCURL_TIMEOUT' , (-1));
* email notification options
define ( 'NOTIFY_INTRO', 0x0001 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_CONFIRM', 0x0002 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_WALL', 0x0004 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_COMMENT', 0x0008 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_MAIL', 0x0010 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_SUGGEST', 0x0020 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_PROFILE', 0x0040 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_TAGSELF', 0x0080 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_TAGSHARE', 0x0100 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_POKE', 0x0200 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_LIKE', 0x0400 );
define ( 'NOTIFY_SYSTEM', 0x8000 );
* visual notification options
define ( 'VNOTIFY_NETWORK', 0x0001 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_CHANNEL', 0x0002 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_MAIL', 0x0004 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_EVENT', 0x0008 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_EVENTTODAY', 0x0010 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_BIRTHDAY', 0x0020 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_SYSTEM', 0x0040 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_INFO', 0x0080 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_ALERT', 0x0100 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_INTRO', 0x0200 );
define ( 'VNOTIFY_REGISTER', 0x0400 );
* Tag/term types
define ( 'TERM_UNKNOWN', 0 );
define ( 'TERM_HASHTAG', 1 );
define ( 'TERM_MENTION', 2 );
define ( 'TERM_CATEGORY', 3 );
define ( 'TERM_PCATEGORY', 4 );
define ( 'TERM_FILE', 5 );
define ( 'TERM_SAVEDSEARCH', 6 );
define ( 'TERM_THING', 7 );
define ( 'TERM_BOOKMARK', 8 );
define ( 'TERM_HIERARCHY', 9 );
define ( 'TERM_COMMUNITYTAG', 10 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_POST', 1 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_PHOTO', 2 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_PROFILE', 3 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_CHANNEL', 4 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_OBJECT', 5 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_THING', 6 );
define ( 'TERM_OBJ_APP', 7 );
* various namespaces we may need to parse
define ( 'PROTOCOL_ZOT', 'http://purl.org/zot/protocol' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ZOT', 'http://purl.org/zot' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_DFRN' , 'http://purl.org/macgirvin/dfrn/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_THREAD' , 'http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_TOMB' , 'http://purl.org/atompub/tombstones/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY', 'http://activitystrea.ms/spec/1.0/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ACTIVITY_SCHEMA', 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_MEDIA', 'http://purl.org/syndication/atommedia' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME', 'http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_OSTATUSSUB', 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_GEORSS', 'http://www.georss.org/georss' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_POCO', 'http://portablecontacts.net/spec/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_FEED', 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2010#updates-from' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_OSTATUS', 'http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_STATUSNET', 'http://status.net/schema/api/1/' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_ATOM1', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' );
define ( 'NAMESPACE_YMEDIA', 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/' );
* activity stream defines
define ( 'ACTIVITY_REACT', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/react' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_DISLIKE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/dislike' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_AGREE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/agree' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_DISAGREE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/disagree' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_ABSTAIN', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/abstain' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_ATTEND', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/attendyes' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_ATTENDNO', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/attendno' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_ATTENDMAYBE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/attendmaybe' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_HEART', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/heart' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_POKE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/poke' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_MOOD', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/mood' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/tagterm' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_PROFILE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/profile' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_THING', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/thing' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_LOCATION',NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/location' );
define ( 'ACTIVITY_OBJ_FILE', NAMESPACE_ZOT . '/activity/file' );
* item weight for query ordering
define ( 'GRAVITY_PARENT', 0);
define ( 'GRAVITY_LIKE', 3);
define ( 'GRAVITY_COMMENT', 6);
* Account Flags
define ( 'ACCOUNT_OK', 0x0000 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED', 0x0001 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_BLOCKED', 0x0002 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_EXPIRED', 0x0004 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_REMOVED', 0x0008 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_PENDING', 0x0010 );
* Account roles
define ( 'ACCOUNT_ROLE_ALLOWCODE', 0x0001 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_ROLE_SYSTEM', 0x0002 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_ROLE_DEVELOPER', 0x0004 );
define ( 'ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMIN', 0x1000 );
* Item visibility
define ( 'ITEM_VISIBLE', 0x0000);
//define ( 'ITEM_HIDDEN', 0x0001);
define ( 'ITEM_BLOCKED', 0x0002);
define ( 'ITEM_MODERATED', 0x0004);
define ( 'ITEM_SPAM', 0x0008);
//define ( 'ITEM_DELETED', 0x0010);
define ( 'ITEM_UNPUBLISHED', 0x0020);
//define ( 'ITEM_WEBPAGE', 0x0040); // is a static web page, not a conversational item
define ( 'ITEM_DELAYED_PUBLISH', 0x0080);
define ( 'ITEM_BUILDBLOCK', 0x0100); // Named thusly to make sure nobody confuses this with ITEM_BLOCKED
//define ( 'ITEM_PDL', 0x0200); // Page Description Language - e.g. Comanche
define ( 'ITEM_BUG', 0x0400); // Is a bug, can be used by the internal bug tracker
define ( 'ITEM_PENDING_REMOVE', 0x0800); // deleted, notification period has lapsed
define ( 'ITEM_DOC', 0x1000); // hubzilla only, define here so that item import does the right thing
define ( 'ITEM_TYPE_POST', 0 );
define ( 'ITEM_TYPE_BLOCK', 1 );
define ( 'ITEM_TYPE_PDL', 2 );
define ( 'ITEM_TYPE_WEBPAGE', 3 );
define ( 'ITEM_TYPE_BUG', 4 );
define ( 'ITEM_TYPE_DOC', 5 );
define ( 'ITEM_IS_STICKY', 1000 );
define ( 'DBTYPE_MYSQL', 0 );
define ( 'DBTYPE_POSTGRES', 1 );
function sys_boot() {
// our central App object
* Load the configuration file which contains our DB credentials.
* Ignore errors. If the file doesn't exist or is empty, we are running in
* installation mode.
// miniApp is a conversion object from old style .htconfig.php files
$a = new miniApp;
App::$install = ((file_exists('.htconfig.php') && filesize('.htconfig.php')) ? false : true);
// allow somebody to set some initial settings just in case they can't
// install without special fiddling
if(App::$install && file_exists('.htpreconfig.php'))
if(array_key_exists('default_timezone',get_defined_vars())) {
App::$config['system']['timezone'] = $default_timezone;
if(defined('UNO')) {
App::$config['system']['server_role'] = 'basic';
App::$config['system']['server_role'] = 'standard';
if(! (array_key_exists('server_role',App::$config['system']) && App::$config['system']['server_role']))
App::$config['system']['server_role'] = 'standard';
App::$timezone = ((App::$config['system']['timezone']) ? App::$config['system']['timezone'] : 'UTC');
if(! defined('DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ICON')) {
define( 'DEFAULT_PLATFORM_ICON', '/images/hz-32.png' );
if(! defined('DEFAULT_NOTIFY_ICON')) {
define( 'DEFAULT_NOTIFY_ICON', '/images/hz-white-32.png' );
if(! defined('CRYPTO_ALGORITHM')) {
define( 'CRYPTO_ALGORITHM', 'aes256cbc' );
* Try to open the database;
if(! App::$install) {
DBA::dba_factory($db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data, $db_type, App::$install);
if(! DBA::$dba->connected) {
unset($db_host, $db_port, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_data, $db_type);
* Load configs from db. Overwrite configs from .htconfig.php
App::$session = new Zotlabs\Web\Session();
* Reverse the effect of magic_quotes_gpc if it is enabled.
* Please disable magic_quotes_gpc so we don't have to do this.
* See http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php
function startup() {
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
// Some hosting providers block/disable this
if(function_exists ('ini_set')) {
// This has to be quite large to deal with embedded private photos
@ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', 500000);
// Use cookies to store the session ID on the client side
@ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
// Disable transparent Session ID support
@ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$process = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST);
while (list($key, $val) = each($process)) {
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = $v;
$process[] = &$process[$key][stripslashes($k)];
} else {
$process[$key][stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v);
* class miniApp
* this is a transient structure which is needed to convert the $a->config settings
* from older (existing) htconfig files which used a global App ($a) into the updated App structure
* which is now static (although currently constructed at startup). We are only converting
* 'system' config settings.
class miniApp {
public $config = array('system' => array());
public function convert() {
if($this->config['system']) {
foreach($this->config['system'] as $k => $v)
App::$config['system'][$k] = $v;
* class: App
* @brief Our main application structure for the life of this page.
* Primarily deals with the URL that got us here
* and tries to make some sense of it, and
* stores our page contents and config storage
* and anything else that might need to be passed around
* before we spit the page out.
class App {
public static $install = false; // true if we are installing the software
public static $role = 0; // server role (constant, not the string)
public static $account = null; // account record of the logged-in account
public static $channel = null; // channel record of the current channel of the logged-in account
public static $observer = null; // xchan record of the page observer
public static $profile_uid = 0; // If applicable, the channel_id of the "page owner"
public static $poi = null; // "person of interest", generally a referenced connection
private static $oauth_key = null; // consumer_id of oauth request, if used
public static $layout = array(); // Comanche parsed template
public static $pdl = null; // Comanche page description
private static $perms = null; // observer permissions
private static $widgets = array(); // widgets for this page
public static $config = array(); // config cache
public static $session = null;
public static $groups;
public static $language;
public static $langsave;
public static $rtl = false;
public static $plugins_admin;
public static $module_loaded = false;
public static $query_string;
public static $page;
public static $profile;
public static $user;
public static $cid;
public static $contact;
public static $contacts;
public static $content;
public static $data = array();
public static $error = false;
public static $emojitab = false;
public static $cmd;
public static $argv;
public static $argc;
public static $module;
public static $pager;
public static $strings;
public static $stringsave; // used in push_lang() and pop_lang()
public static $hooks;
public static $timezone;
public static $interactive = true;
public static $plugins;
private static $apps = array();
public static $identities;
public static $css_sources = array();
public static $js_sources = array();
public static $theme_info = array();
public static $is_sys = false;
public static $nav_sel;
public static $is_mobile = false;
public static $is_tablet = false;
public static $comanche;
public static $category;
// Allow themes to control internal parameters
// by changing App values in theme.php
public static $sourcename = '';
public static $videowidth = 425;
public static $videoheight = 350;
public static $force_max_items = 0;
public static $theme_thread_allow = true;
* @brief An array for all theme-controllable parameters
* Mostly unimplemented yet. Only options 'template_engine' and
* beyond are used.
private static $theme = array(
'sourcename' => '',
'videowidth' => 425,
'videoheight' => 350,
'force_max_items' => 0,
'thread_allow' => true,
'stylesheet' => '',
'template_engine' => 'smarty3',
* @brief An array of registered template engines ('name'=>'class name')
public static $template_engines = array();
* @brief An array of instanced template engines ('name'=>'instance')
public static $template_engine_instance = array();
private static $ldelim = array(
'internal' => '',
'smarty3' => '{{'
private static $rdelim = array(
'internal' => '',
'smarty3' => '}}'
// These represent the URL which was used to access the page
private static $scheme;
private static $hostname;
private static $path;
// This is our standardised URL - regardless of what was used
// to access the page
private static $baseurl;
private static $meta;
* App constructor.
public static function init() {
// we'll reset this after we read our config file
self::$config = array('system'=>array());
self::$page = array();
self::$pager= array();
self::$query_string = '';
'include' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. 'library' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. 'library/langdet' . PATH_SEPARATOR
. '.' );
self::$scheme = 'http';
if(x($_SERVER,'HTTPS') && $_SERVER['HTTPS'])
self::$scheme = 'https';
elseif(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_PORT') && (intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) == 443))
self::$scheme = 'https';
self::$hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if(x($_SERVER,'SERVER_PORT') && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443)
self::$hostname .= ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
* Figure out if we are running at the top of a domain
* or in a sub-directory and adjust accordingly
$path = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),'/\\');
if(isset($path) && strlen($path) && ($path != self::$path))
self::$path = $path;
set_include_path("include/self::$hostname" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
if((x($_SERVER,'QUERY_STRING')) && substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 0, 2) === "q=") {
self::$query_string = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 2);
// removing trailing / - maybe a nginx problem
if (substr(self::$query_string, 0, 1) == "/")
self::$query_string = substr(self::$query_string, 1);
self::$cmd = trim($_GET['q'],'/\\');
// unix style "homedir"
if(substr(self::$cmd, 0, 1) === '~')
self::$cmd = 'channel/' . substr(self::$cmd, 1);
* Break the URL path into C style argc/argv style arguments for our
* modules. Given "http://example.com/module/arg1/arg2", self::$argc
* will be 3 (integer) and self::$argv will contain:
* [0] => 'module'
* [1] => 'arg1'
* [2] => 'arg2'
* There will always be one argument. If provided a naked domain
* URL, self::$argv[0] is set to "home".
self::$argv = explode('/', self::$cmd);
self::$argc = count(self::$argv);
if ((array_key_exists('0', self::$argv)) && strlen(self::$argv[0])) {
self::$module = str_replace(".", "_", self::$argv[0]);
self::$module = str_replace("-", "_", self::$module);
if(strpos(self::$module,'_') === 0)
self::$module = substr(self::$module,1);
} else {
self::$argc = 1;
self::$argv = array('home');
self::$module = 'home';
* See if there is any page number information, and initialise
* pagination
self::$pager['page'] = ((x($_GET,'page') && intval($_GET['page']) > 0) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1);
self::$pager['itemspage'] = 60;
self::$pager['start'] = (self::$pager['page'] * self::$pager['itemspage']) - self::$pager['itemspage'];
if(self::$pager['start'] < 0)
self::$pager['start'] = 0;
self::$pager['total'] = 0;
* Detect mobile devices
$mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect();
self::$is_mobile = $mobile_detect->isMobile();
self::$is_tablet = $mobile_detect->isTablet();
* register template engines
self::$meta= new Zotlabs\Web\HttpMeta();
// create an instance of the smarty template engine so we can register it.
$smarty = new Zotlabs\Render\SmartyTemplate();
/// @todo validate if this is still the desired behavior
public static function get_baseurl($ssl = false) {
&& array_key_exists('system',self::$config)
&& is_array(self::$config['system'])
&& array_key_exists('baseurl',self::$config['system'])
&& strlen(self::$config['system']['baseurl'])) {
$url = self::$config['system']['baseurl'];
$url = trim($url,'\\/');
return $url;
$scheme = self::$scheme;
self::$baseurl = $scheme . "://" . self::$hostname . ((isset(self::$path) && strlen(self::$path)) ? '/' . self::$path : '' );
return self::$baseurl;
public static function set_baseurl($url) {
&& array_key_exists('system',self::$config)
&& is_array(self::$config['system'])
&& array_key_exists('baseurl',self::$config['system'])
&& strlen(self::$config['system']['baseurl'])) {
$url = self::$config['system']['baseurl'];
$url = trim($url,'\\/');
$parsed = @parse_url($url);
self::$baseurl = $url;
if($parsed) {
self::$scheme = $parsed['scheme'];
self::$hostname = $parsed['host'];
self::$hostname .= ':' . $parsed['port'];
self::$path = trim($parsed['path'],'\\/');
public static function get_role() {
if(! self::$role)
return self::set_role();
return self::$role;
public static function set_role() {
$role_str = \Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_server_role();
switch($role_str) {
case 'basic':
case 'pro':
case 'standard':
self::$role = $role;
return $role;
public static function get_scheme() {
return self::$scheme;
public static function get_hostname() {
return self::$hostname;
public static function set_hostname($h) {
self::$hostname = $h;
public static function set_path($p) {
self::$path = trim(trim($p), '/');
public static function get_path() {
return self::$path;
public static function set_account($acct) {
self::$account = $acct;
public static function get_account() {
return self::$account;
public static function set_channel($channel) {
self::$channel = $channel;
public static function get_channel() {
return self::$channel;
public static function set_observer($xchan) {
self::$observer = $xchan;
public static function get_observer() {
return self::$observer;
public static function set_perms($perms) {
self::$perms = $perms;
public static function get_perms() {
return self::$perms;
public static function set_oauth_key($consumer_id) {
self::$oauth_key = $consumer_id;
public static function get_oauth_key() {
return self::$oauth_key;
public static function get_apps() {
return self::$apps;
public static function set_apps($arr) {
self::$apps = $arr;
public static function set_groups($g) {
self::$groups = $g;
public static function get_groups() {
return self::$groups;
public static function set_pager_total($n) {
self::$pager['total'] = intval($n);
public static function set_pager_itemspage($n) {
self::$pager['itemspage'] = ((intval($n) > 0) ? intval($n) : 0);
self::$pager['start'] = (self::$pager['page'] * self::$pager['itemspage']) - self::$pager['itemspage'];
public static function build_pagehead() {
$user_scalable = ((local_channel()) ? get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','user_scalable') : 0);
if ($user_scalable === false)
$user_scalable = 0;
$preload_images = ((local_channel()) ? get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','preload_images') : 0);
if ($preload_images === false)
$preload_images = 0;
$interval = ((local_channel()) ? get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','update_interval') : 80000);
if($interval < 10000)
$interval = 80000;
if(! x(self::$page,'title'))
self::$page['title'] = self::$config['system']['sitename'];
if(! self::$meta->get_field('og:title'))
self::$meta->set('generator', Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_platform_name());
/* put the head template at the beginning of page['htmlhead']
* since the code added by the modules frequently depends on it
* being first
$tpl = get_markup_template('head.tpl');
self::$page['htmlhead'] = replace_macros($tpl, array(
'$preload_images' => $preload_images,
'$user_scalable' => $user_scalable,
'$query' => urlencode(self::$query_string),
'$baseurl' => self::get_baseurl(),
'$local_channel' => local_channel(),
'$metas' => self::$meta->get(),
'$update_interval' => $interval,
'osearch' => sprintf( t('Search %1$s (%2$s)','opensearch'), Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_site_name(), t('$Projectname','opensearch')),
'$icon' => head_get_icon(),
'$head_css' => head_get_css(),
'$head_js' => head_get_js(),
'$js_strings' => js_strings(),
'$zid' => get_my_address(),
'$channel_id' => self::$profile['uid'],
)) . self::$page['htmlhead'];
// always put main.js at the end
self::$page['htmlhead'] .= head_get_main_js();
* register template engine class
* if $name is "", is used class static property $class::$name
* @param string $class
* @param string $name
public static function register_template_engine($class, $name = '') {
if ($name === ""){
$v = get_class_vars( $class );
if(x($v, "name")) $name = $v['name'];
if ($name === ""){
echo "template engine <tt>$class</tt> cannot be registered without a name.\n";
self::$template_engines[$name] = $class;
* return template engine instance. If $name is not defined,
* return engine defined by theme, or default
* @param string $name Template engine name
* @return object Template Engine instance
public static function template_engine($name = ''){
if ($name !== "") {
$template_engine = $name;
} else {
$template_engine = 'smarty3';
if (x(self::$theme, 'template_engine')) {
$template_engine = self::$theme['template_engine'];
if (isset(self::$template_engines[$template_engine])){
return self::$template_engine_instance[$template_engine];
} else {
$class = self::$template_engines[$template_engine];
$obj = new $class;
self::$template_engine_instance[$template_engine] = $obj;
return $obj;
echo "template engine <tt>$template_engine</tt> is not registered!\n"; killme();
* @brief Returns the active template engine.
* @return string
public static function get_template_engine() {
return self::$theme['template_engine'];
public static function set_template_engine($engine = 'smarty3') {
self::$theme['template_engine'] = $engine;
public static function get_template_ldelim($engine = 'smarty3') {
return self::$ldelim[$engine];
public static function get_template_rdelim($engine = 'smarty3') {
return self::$rdelim[$engine];
public static function head_set_icon($icon) {
self::$data['pageicon'] = $icon;
public static function head_get_icon() {
$icon = self::$data['pageicon'];
if(! strpos($icon,'://'))
$icon = z_root() . $icon;
return $icon;
} // End App class
* @brief Retrieve the App structure.
* Useful in functions which require it but don't get it passed to them
* @return App
function get_app() {
return $a;
* @brief Multi-purpose function to check variable state.
* Usage: x($var) or $x($array, 'key')
* returns false if variable/key is not set
* if variable is set, returns 1 if has 'non-zero' value, otherwise returns 0.
* e.g. x('') or x(0) returns 0;
* @param string|array $s variable to check
* @param string $k key inside the array to check
* @return bool|int
function x($s, $k = null) {
if($k != null) {
if((is_array($s)) && (array_key_exists($k, $s))) {
return (int) 1;
return (int) 0;
return false;
else {
if(isset($s)) {
if($s) {
return (int) 1;
return (int) 0;
return false;
// called from db initialisation if db is dead.
function system_unavailable() {
function clean_urls() {
// if(App::$config['system']['clean_urls'])
return true;
// return false;
function z_path() {
$base = z_root();
if(! clean_urls())
$base .= '/?q=';
return $base;
* @brief Returns the baseurl.
* @see App::get_baseurl()
* @return string
function z_root() {
return App::get_baseurl();
* @brief Return absolute URL for given $path.
* @param string $path
* @return string
function absurl($path) {
if(strpos($path, '/') === 0)
return z_path() . $path;
return $path;
function os_mkdir($path, $mode = 0777, $recursive = false) {
$oldumask = @umask(0);
$result = @mkdir($path, $mode, $recursive);
return $result;
* @brief Function to check if request was an AJAX (xmlhttprequest) request.
* @return boolean
function is_ajax() {
return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest');
// Primarily involved with database upgrade, but also sets the
// base url for use in cmdline programs which don't have
// $_SERVER variables, and synchronising the state of installed plugins.
function check_config(&$a) {
$build = get_config('system','db_version');
if(! intval($build))
$build = set_config('system','db_version',DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
$saved = get_config('system','urlverify');
if(! $saved)
if(($saved) && ($saved != bin2hex(z_root()))) {
// our URL changed. Do something.
$oldurl = hex2bin($saved);
logger('Baseurl changed!');
$oldhost = substr($oldurl, strpos($oldurl, '//') + 2);
$host = substr(z_root(), strpos(z_root(), '//') + 2);
$is_ip_addr = ((preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/",$host)) ? true : false);
$was_ip_addr = ((preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/",$oldhost)) ? true : false);
// only change the url to an ip address if it was already an ip and not a dns name
if((! $is_ip_addr) || ($is_ip_addr && $was_ip_addr)) {
set_config('system', 'urlverify', bin2hex(z_root()));
logger('Attempt to change baseurl from a DNS name to an IP address was refused.');
// This will actually set the url to the one stored in .htconfig, and ignore what
// we're passing - unless we are installing and it has never been set.
// Make sure each site has a system channel. This is now created on install
// so we just need to keep this around a couple of weeks until the hubs that
// already exist have one
$syschan_exists = get_sys_channel();
if (! $syschan_exists)
if($build != DB_UPDATE_VERSION) {
$stored = intval($build);
if(! $stored) {
logger('Critical: check_config unable to determine database schema version');
$current = intval(DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
if(($stored < $current) && file_exists('install/update.php')) {
// We're reporting a different version than what is currently installed.
// Run any existing update scripts to bring the database up to current.
// make sure that boot.php and update.php are the same release, we might be
// updating right this very second and the correct version of the update.php
// file may not be here yet. This can happen on a very busy site.
for($x = $stored; $x < $current; $x ++) {
if(function_exists('update_r' . $x)) {
// There could be a lot of processes running or about to run.
// We want exactly one process to run the update command.
// So store the fact that we're taking responsibility
// after first checking to see if somebody else already has.
// If the update fails or times-out completely you may need to
// delete the config entry to try again.
if(get_config('database','update_r' . $x))
set_config('database','update_r' . $x, '1');
// call the specific update
$func = 'update_r' . $x;
$retval = $func();
if($retval) {
// Prevent sending hundreds of thousands of emails by creating
// a lockfile.
$lockfile = 'store/[data]/mailsent';
if ((file_exists($lockfile)) && (filemtime($lockfile) > (time() - 86400)))
//send the administrator an e-mail
file_put_contents($lockfile, $x);
$r = q("select account_language from account where account_email = '%s' limit 1",
push_lang(($r) ? $r[0]['account_language'] : 'en');
$email_tpl = get_intltext_template("update_fail_eml.tpl");
$email_msg = replace_macros($email_tpl, array(
'$sitename' => App::$config['system']['sitename'],
'$siteurl' => z_root(),
'$update' => $x,
'$error' => sprintf( t('Update %s failed. See error logs.'), $x)
$subject = email_header_encode(sprintf(t('Update Error at %s'), z_root()));
mail(App::$config['system']['admin_email'], $subject, $email_msg,
'From: Administrator' . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\n"
. 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"
. 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit' );
//try the logger
logger('CRITICAL: Update Failed: ' . $x);
set_config('database','update_r' . $x, 'success');
set_config('system','db_version', DB_UPDATE_VERSION);
* Synchronise plugins:
* App::$config['system']['addon'] contains a comma-separated list of names
* of plugins/addons which are used on this system.
* Go through the database list of already installed addons, and if we have
* an entry, but it isn't in the config list, call the unload procedure
* and mark it uninstalled in the database (for now we'll remove it).
* Then go through the config list and if we have a plugin that isn't installed,
* call the install procedure and add it to the database.
$r = q("SELECT * FROM addon WHERE installed = 1");
$installed = $r;
$installed = array();
$plugins = get_config('system', 'addon');
$plugins_arr = array();
$plugins_arr = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $plugins));
App::$plugins = $plugins_arr;
$installed_arr = array();
if(count($installed)) {
foreach($installed as $i) {
if(! in_array($i['aname'], $plugins_arr)) {
else {
$installed_arr[] = $i['aname'];
if(count($plugins_arr)) {
foreach($plugins_arr as $p) {
if(! in_array($p, $installed_arr)) {
function fix_system_urls($oldurl, $newurl) {
logger('fix_system_urls: renaming ' . $oldurl . ' to ' . $newurl);
// Basically a site rename, but this can happen if you change from http to https for instance - even if the site name didn't change
// This should fix URL changes on our site, but other sites will end up with orphan hublocs which they will try to contact and will
// cause wasted communications.
// What we need to do after fixing this up is to send a revocation of the old URL to every other site that we communicate with so
// that they can clean up their hubloc tables (this includes directories).
// It's a very expensive operation so you don't want to have to do it often or after your site gets to be large.
$r = q("select xchan.*, hubloc.* from xchan left join hubloc on xchan_hash = hubloc_hash where hubloc_url like '%s'",
dbesc($oldurl . '%')
if($r) {
foreach($r as $rv) {
$channel_address = substr($rv['hubloc_addr'],0,strpos($rv['hubloc_addr'],'@'));
// get the associated channel. If we don't have a local channel, do nothing for this entry.
$c = q("select * from channel where channel_hash = '%s' limit 1",
if(! $c)
$parsed = @parse_url($newurl);
if(! $parsed)
$newhost = $parsed['host'];
// sometimes parse_url returns unexpected results.
if(strpos($newhost,'/') !== false)
$newhost = substr($newhost,0,strpos($newhost,'/'));
$rhs = $newhost . (($parsed['port']) ? ':' . $parsed['port'] : '');
// paths aren't going to work. You have to be at the (sub)domain root
// . (($parsed['path']) ? $parsed['path'] : '');
// The xchan_url might point to another nomadic identity clone
$replace_xchan_url = ((strpos($rv['xchan_url'],$oldurl) !== false) ? true : false);
$x = q("update xchan set xchan_addr = '%s', xchan_url = '%s', xchan_connurl = '%s', xchan_follow = '%s', xchan_connpage = '%s', xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s', xchan_photo_date = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'",
dbesc($channel_address . '@' . $rhs),
dbesc(($replace_xchan_url) ? str_replace($oldurl,$newurl,$rv['xchan_url']) : $rv['xchan_url']),
$y = q("update hubloc set hubloc_addr = '%s', hubloc_url = '%s', hubloc_url_sig = '%s', hubloc_host = '%s', hubloc_callback = '%s' where hubloc_hash = '%s' and hubloc_url = '%s'",
dbesc($channel_address . '@' . $rhs),
dbesc($newurl . '/post'),
$z = q("update profile set photo = '%s', thumb = '%s' where uid = %d",
$m = q("select abook_id, abook_instance from abook where abook_instance like '%s' and abook_channel = %d",
dbesc('%' . $oldurl . '%'),
if($m) {
foreach($m as $mm) {
q("update abook set abook_instance = '%s' where abook_id = %d",
Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon(array('Notifier', 'refresh_all', $c[0]['channel_id']));
// now replace any remote xchans whose photos are stored locally (which will be most if not all remote xchans)
$r = q("select * from xchan where xchan_photo_l like '%s'",
dbesc($oldurl . '%')
if($r) {
foreach($r as $rv) {
$x = q("update xchan set xchan_photo_l = '%s', xchan_photo_m = '%s', xchan_photo_s = '%s' where xchan_hash = '%s'",
// wrapper for adding a login box. If $register == true provide a registration
// link. This will most always depend on the value of App::$config['system']['register_policy'].
// returns the complete html for inserting into the page
function login($register = false, $form_id = 'main-login', $hiddens=false) {
$o = '';
$reg = false;
$reglink = get_config('system', 'register_link');
if(! strlen($reglink))
$reglink = 'register';
$reg = array(
'title' => t('Create an account to access services and applications within the Hubzilla'),
'desc' => t('Register'),
'link' => (($register) ? $reglink : 'pubsites')
$dest_url = z_root() . '/' . App::$query_string;
if(local_channel()) {
$tpl = get_markup_template("logout.tpl");
else {
$tpl = get_markup_template("login.tpl");
$_SESSION['login_return_url'] = App::$query_string;
$o .= replace_macros($tpl,array(
'$dest_url' => $dest_url,
'$logout' => t('Logout'),
'$login' => t('Login'),
'$form_id' => $form_id,
'$lname' => array('username', t('Login/Email') , '', ''),
'$lpassword' => array('password', t('Password'), '', ''),
'$remember_me' => array('remember_me', t('Remember me'), '', '',array(t('No'),t('Yes'))),
'$hiddens' => $hiddens,
'$register' => $reg,
'$lostpass' => t('Forgot your password?'),
'$lostlink' => t('Password Reset'),
call_hooks('login_hook', $o);
return $o;
* @brief Used to end the current process, after saving session state.
function killme() {
* @brief Redirect to another URL and terminate this process.
function goaway($s) {
header("Location: $s");
function shutdown() {
* @brief Returns the entity id of locally logged in account or false.
* Returns numeric account_id if authenticated or 0. It is possible to be
* authenticated and not connected to a channel.
* @return int|bool account_id or false
function get_account_id() {
return intval($_SESSION['account_id']);
return intval(App::$account['account_id']);
return false;
* @brief Returns the entity id (channel_id) of locally logged in channel or false.
* Returns authenticated numeric channel_id if authenticated and connected to
* a channel or 0. Sometimes referred to as $uid in the code.
* Before 2.1 this function was called local_user().
* @since 2.1
* @return int|bool channel_id or false
function local_channel() {
&& array_key_exists('authenticated',$_SESSION) && $_SESSION['authenticated']
&& array_key_exists('uid',$_SESSION) && intval($_SESSION['uid']))
return intval($_SESSION['uid']);
return false;
* local_user() got deprecated and replaced by local_channel().
* @deprecated since v2.1, use local_channel()
* @see local_channel()
function local_user() {
logger('local_user() is DEPRECATED, use local_channel()');
return local_channel();
* @brief Returns a xchan_hash (visitor_id) of remote authenticated visitor
* or false.
* Returns authenticated string hash of Red global identifier (xchan_hash), if
* authenticated via remote auth, or an empty string.
* Before 2.1 this function was called remote_user().
* @since 2.1
* @return string|bool visitor_id or false
function remote_channel() {
&& array_key_exists('authenticated',$_SESSION) && $_SESSION['authenticated']
&& array_key_exists('visitor_id',$_SESSION) && $_SESSION['visitor_id'])
return $_SESSION['visitor_id'];
return false;
* remote_user() got deprecated and replaced by remote_channel().
* @deprecated since v2.1, use remote_channel()
* @see remote_channel()
function remote_user() {
logger('remote_user() is DEPRECATED, use remote_channel()');
return remote_channel();
* Contents of $s are displayed prominently on the page the next time
* a page is loaded. Usually used for errors or alerts.
* @param string $s Text to display
function notice($s) {
if(! session_id())
if(! x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg')) $_SESSION['sysmsg'] = array();
// ignore duplicated error messages which haven't yet been displayed
// - typically seen as multiple 'permission denied' messages
// as a result of auto-reloading a protected page with &JS=1
if(App::$interactive) {
$_SESSION['sysmsg'][] = $s;
* Contents of $s are displayed prominently on the page the next time a page is
* loaded. Usually used for information.
* For error and alerts use notice().
* @param string $s Text to display
function info($s) {
if(! session_id())
if(! x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info'))
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = array();
$_SESSION['sysmsg_info'][] = $s;
* @brief Wrapper around config to limit the text length of an incoming message
* @return int
function get_max_import_size() {
return(intval(get_config('system', 'max_import_size')));
* Wrap calls to proc_close(proc_open()) and call hook
* so plugins can take part in process :)
* args:
* $cmd program to run
* next args are passed as $cmd command line
* e.g.: proc_run("ls","-la","/tmp");
* $cmd and string args are surrounded with ""
function proc_run(){
$args = func_get_args();
$newargs = array();
if(! count($args))
$args = flatten_array_recursive($args);
$arr = array('args' => $args, 'run_cmd' => true);
call_hooks('proc_run', $arr);
if(! $arr['run_cmd'])
if(count($args) && $args[0] === 'php')
$args[0] = ((x(App::$config,'system')) && (x(App::$config['system'],'php_path')) && (strlen(App::$config['system']['php_path'])) ? App::$config['system']['php_path'] : 'php');
// redirect proc_run statements of legacy daemon processes to the newer Daemon Master object class
// We will keep this interface until everybody has transitioned. (2016-05-20)
if(strstr($args[1],'include/')) {
// convert 'include/foo.php' to 'Foo'
$orig = substr(ucfirst(substr($args[1],8)),0,-4);
logger('proc_run_redirect: ' . $orig);
if(file_exists('Zotlabs/Daemon/' . $orig . '.php')) {
array_shift($args); // daemons are all run by php, pop it off the top of the array
$args[0] = $orig; // replace with the new daemon name
logger('Redirecting old proc_run interface: ' . print_r($args,true), LOGGER_DEBUG, LOG_DEBUG);
\Zotlabs\Daemon\Master::Summon($args); // summon the daemon
$args = array_map('escapeshellarg',$args);
$cmdline = implode($args," ");
if(is_windows()) {
$cwd = getcwd();
$cmd = "cmd /c start \"title\" /D \"$cwd\" /b $cmdline";
proc_close(proc_open($cmd, array(), $foo));
else {
proc_close(proc_open($cmdline ." &", array(), $foo));
exec($cmdline . ' > /dev/null &');
* @brief Checks if we are running on M$ Windows.
* @return bool true if we run on M$ Windows
* It's possible you might be able to run on WAMP or XAMPP, and this
* has been accomplished, but is not officially supported. Good luck.
function is_windows() {
return ((strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? true : false);
* @brief Check if current user has admin role.
* Check if the current user has ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMIN.
* @return bool true if user is an admin
function is_site_admin() {
if(! session_id())
return false;
return false;
&& (is_array(App::$account))
&& (App::$account['account_roles'] & ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMIN))
return true;
return false;
* @brief Check if current user has developer role.
* Check if the current user has ACCOUNT_ROLE_DEVELOPER.
* @return bool true if user is a developer
function is_developer() {
if(! session_id())
return false;
&& (is_array(App::$account))
&& (App::$account['account_roles'] & ACCOUNT_ROLE_DEVELOPER))
return true;
return false;
function load_contact_links($uid) {
$ret = array();
if(! $uid || x(App::$contacts,'empty'))
// logger('load_contact_links');
$r = q("SELECT abook_id, abook_flags, abook_my_perms, abook_their_perms, xchan_hash, xchan_photo_m, xchan_name, xchan_url, xchan_network from abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash where abook_channel = %d ",
if($r) {
foreach($r as $rv){
$ret[$rv['xchan_hash']] = $rv;
$ret['empty'] = true;
App::$contacts = $ret;
* @brief Returns querystring as string from a mapped array.
* @param array $params mapped array with query parameters
* @param string $name of parameter, default null
* @return string
function build_querystring($params, $name = null) {
$ret = '';
foreach($params as $key => $val) {
if(is_array($val)) {
if($name === null) {
$ret .= build_querystring($val, $key);
} else {
$ret .= build_querystring($val, $name . "[$key]");
} else {
$val = urlencode($val);
if($name != null) {
$ret .= $name . "[$key]" . "=$val&";
} else {
$ret .= "$key=$val&";
return $ret;
// much better way of dealing with c-style args
function argc() {
return App::$argc;
function argv($x) {
return App::$argv[$x];
return '';
function dba_timer() {
return microtime(true);
* @brief Returns xchan_hash from the observer.
* @return empty string if no observer, otherwise xchan_hash from observer
function get_observer_hash() {
$observer = App::get_observer();
return $observer['xchan_hash'];
return '';
* Returns the complete URL of the current page, e.g.: http(s)://something.com/network
* Taken from http://webcheatsheet.com/php/get_current_page_url.php
function curPageURL() {
$pageURL = 'http';
if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
$pageURL .= "://";
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80" && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "443") {
} else {
return $pageURL;
* @brief Returns a custom navigation by name???
* If no $navname provided load default page['nav']
* @todo not fully implemented yet
* @param App $a global application object
* @param string $navname
* @return mixed
function get_custom_nav(&$a, $navname) {
if (! $navname)
return App::$page['nav'];
// load custom nav menu by name here
* @brief Loads a page definition file for a module.
* If there is no parsed Comanche template already load a module's pdl file
* and parse it with Comanche.
* @param App &$a global application object
function load_pdl(&$a) {
App::$comanche = new Zotlabs\Render\Comanche();
if (! count(App::$layout)) {
$arr = array('module' => App::$module, 'layout' => '');
$layout = $arr['layout'];
$n = 'mod_' . App::$module . '.pdl' ;
$u = App::$comanche->get_channel_id();
$s = get_pconfig($u, 'system', $n);
if(! $s)
$s = $layout;
if((! $s) && (($p = theme_include($n)) != ''))
$s = @file_get_contents($p);
if($s) {
App::$pdl = $s;
function exec_pdl(&$a) {
if(App::$pdl) {
* @brief build the page.
* Build the page - now that we have all the components
* @param App &$a global application object
function construct_page(&$a) {
$comanche = ((count(App::$layout)) ? true : false);
$installing = false;
if (App::$module == 'setup') {
$installing = true;
} else {
if ($comanche) {
if (App::$layout['nav']) {
App::$page['nav'] = get_custom_nav($a, App::$layout['nav']);
$current_theme = Zotlabs\Render\Theme::current();
// logger('current_theme: ' . print_r($current_theme,true));
// Zotlabs\Render\Theme::debug();
if (($p = theme_include($current_theme[0] . '.js')) != '')
if (($p = theme_include('mod_' . App::$module . '.php')) != '')
if (x(App::$page, 'template_style'))
head_add_css(App::$page['template_style'] . '.css');
head_add_css(((x(App::$page, 'template')) ? App::$page['template'] : 'default' ) . '.css');
head_add_css('mod_' . App::$module . '.css');
head_add_js('mod_' . App::$module . '.js');
if(App::$page['pdl_content']) {
App::$page['content'] = App::$comanche->region(App::$page['content']);
// Let's say we have a comanche declaration '[region=nav][/region][region=content]$nav $content[/region]'.
// The text 'region=' identifies a section of the layout by that name. So what we want to do here is leave
// App::$page['nav'] empty and put the default content from App::$page['nav'] and App::$page['section']
// into a new region called App::$data['content']. It is presumed that the chosen layout file for this comanche page
// has a '<content>' element instead of a '<section>'.
// This way the Comanche layout can include any existing content, alter the layout by adding stuff around it or changing the
// layout completely with a new layout definition, or replace/remove existing content.
if($comanche) {
$arr = array('module' => App::$module, 'layout' => App::$layout);
call_hooks('construct_page', $arr);
App::$layout = $arr['layout'];
foreach(App::$layout as $k => $v) {
if((strpos($k, 'region_') === 0) && strlen($v)) {
if(strpos($v, '$region_') !== false) {
$v = preg_replace_callback('/\$region_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/ism', array(App::$comanche,'replace_region'), $v);
// And a couple of convenience macros
if(strpos($v, '$htmlhead') !== false) {
$v = str_replace('$htmlhead', App::$page['htmlhead'], $v);
if(strpos($v, '$nav') !== false) {
$v = str_replace('$nav', App::$page['nav'], $v);
if(strpos($v, '$content') !== false) {
$v = str_replace('$content', App::$page['content'], $v);
App::$page[substr($k, 7)] = $v;
if(App::$is_mobile || App::$is_tablet) {
if(isset($_SESSION['show_mobile']) && !$_SESSION['show_mobile']) {
$link = z_root() . '/toggle_mobile?f=&address=' . curPageURL();
else {
$link = z_root() . '/toggle_mobile?f=&off=1&address=' . curPageURL();
if ((isset($_SESSION) && $_SESSION['mobile_theme'] !='' && $_SESSION['mobile_theme'] !='---' ) ||
(isset(App::$config['system']['mobile_theme']) && !isset($_SESSION['mobile_theme']))) {
App::$page['footer'] .= replace_macros(get_markup_template("toggle_mobile_footer.tpl"), array(
'$toggle_link' => $link,
'$toggle_text' => t('toggle mobile')
$page = App::$page;
$profile = App::$profile;
// There's some experimental support for right-to-left text in the view/php/default.php page template.
// In v1.9 we started providing direction preference in the per language hstrings.php file
// This requires somebody with fluency in a RTL language to make happen
$page['direction'] = 0; // ((App::$rtl) ? 1 : 0);
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
// security headers - see https://securityheaders.io
if(App::get_scheme() === 'https' && App::$config['system']['transport_security_header'])
header("Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000");
header("Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'");
if(App::$config['system']['x_security_headers']) {
header("X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN");
header("X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block;");
header("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff");
if(App::$config['system']['public_key_pins']) {
header("Public-Key-Pins: " . App::$config['system']['public_key_pins']);
((x(App::$page, 'template')) ? App::$page['template'] : 'default' ) . '.php' )
* @brief Returns Hubzilla's root directory.
* @return string
function appdirpath() {
return dirname(__FILE__);
* @brief Set a pageicon.
* @param string $icon
function head_set_icon($icon) {
App::$data['pageicon'] = $icon;
// logger('head_set_icon: ' . $icon);
* @brief Get the pageicon.
* @return string absolut path to pageicon
function head_get_icon() {
$icon = App::$data['pageicon'];
if(! strpos($icon, '://'))
$icon = z_root() . $icon;
return $icon;
* @brief Return the Realm of the directory.
* @return string
function get_directory_realm() {
if($x = get_config('system', 'directory_realm'))
return $x;
* @brief Return the primary directory server.
* @return string
function get_directory_primary() {
$dirmode = intval(get_config('system','directory_mode'));
return z_root();
if($x = get_config('system', 'directory_primary'))
return $x;
* @brief return relative date of last completed poller execution.
function get_poller_runtime() {
$t = get_config('system', 'lastpoll');
return relative_date($t);
function z_get_upload_dir() {
$upload_dir = get_config('system','uploaddir');
if(! $upload_dir)
$upload_dir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
if(! $upload_dir)
$upload_dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
return $upload_dir;
function z_get_temp_dir() {
$temp_dir = get_config('system','tempdir');
if(! $temp_dir)
$temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
return $upload_dir;
function z_check_cert() {
if(strpos(z_root(),'https://') !== false) {
$x = z_fetch_url(z_root() . '/siteinfo/json');
if(! $x['success']) {
$recurse = 0;
$y = z_fetch_url(z_root() . '/siteinfo/json',false,$recurse,array('novalidate' => true));
* @brief Send email to admin if server has an invalid certificate.
* If a Hubzilla hub is available over https it must have a publicly valid
* certificate.
function cert_bad_email() {
$email_tpl = get_intltext_template("cert_bad_eml.tpl");
$email_msg = replace_macros($email_tpl, array(
'$sitename' => App::$config['system']['sitename'],
'$siteurl' => z_root(),
'$error' => t('Website SSL certificate is not valid. Please correct.')
$subject = email_header_encode(sprintf(t('[hubzilla] Website SSL error for %s'), App::get_hostname()));
mail(App::$config['system']['admin_email'], $subject, $email_msg,
'From: Administrator' . '@' . App::get_hostname() . "\n"
. 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"
. 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit' );
function check_for_new_perms() {
// Do not execute if we are in the middle of a git update and the relevant versions don't match
if( \Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::version() != \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::version())
$pregistered = get_config('system','perms');
$pcurrent = array_keys(\Zotlabs\Access\Permissions::Perms());
if(! $pregistered) {
$found_new_perm = false;
foreach($pcurrent as $p) {
if(! in_array($p,$pregistered)) {
$found_new_perm = true;
// for all channels
$c = q("select channel_id from channel where true");
if($c) {
foreach($c as $cc) {
// get the permission role
$r = q("select v from pconfig where uid = %d and cat = 'system' and k = 'permissions_role'",
if($r) {
// get a list of connections
$x = q("select abook_xchan from abook where abook_channel = %d and abook_self = 0",
// get the permissions role details
$rp = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::role_perms($r[0]['v']);
if($rp) {
// for custom permission roles we need to customise how we initiate this new permission
if(array_key_exists('role',$rp) && ($rp['role'] === 'custom' || $rp['role'] === '')) {
else {
// set the channel limits if appropriate or 0
if(array_key_exists('limits',$rp) && array_key_exists($p,$rp['limits'])) {
else {
$set = ((array_key_exists('perms_connect',$rp) && array_key_exists($p,$rp['perms_connect'])) ? true : false);
// foreach connection set to the perms_connect value
if($x) {
foreach($x as $xx) {
// We should probably call perms_refresh here, but this should get pushed in 24 hours and there is no urgency
* @brief Send warnings every 3-5 days if cron is not running.
function check_cron_broken() {
$d = get_config('system','lastcron');
if((! $d) || ($d < datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 4 hours'))) {
$t = get_config('system','lastcroncheck');
if(! $t) {
// never checked before. Start the timer.
if($t > datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 3 days')) {
// Wait for 3 days before we do anything so as not to swamp the admin with messages
if(($d) && ($d > datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','now - 3 days'))) {
// Scheduled tasks have run successfully in the last 3 days.
$email_tpl = get_intltext_template("cron_bad_eml.tpl");
$email_msg = replace_macros($email_tpl, array(
'$sitename' => App::$config['system']['sitename'],
'$siteurl' => z_root(),
'$error' => t('Cron/Scheduled tasks not running.'),
'$lastdate' => (($d)? $d : t('never'))
$subject = email_header_encode(sprintf(t('[hubzilla] Cron tasks not running on %s'), App::get_hostname()));
mail(App::$config['system']['admin_email'], $subject, $email_msg,
'From: Administrator' . '@' . App::get_hostname() . "\n"
. 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"
. 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit' );
function observer_prohibited($allow_account = false) {
return (((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! get_account_id()) && (! remote_channel())) ? true : false );
return (((get_config('system','block_public')) && (! local_channel()) && (! remote_channel())) ? true : false );