path: root/Zotlabs/Module/Acl.php
blob: 76a001fddabdd886485c23087b527f65b1a71629 (plain) (tree)































namespace Zotlabs\Module;

 * ACL selector json backend 
 * This module provides JSON lists of connections and local/remote channels
 * (xchans) to populate various tools such as the ACL (AccessControlList) popup
 * and various auto-complete functions (such as email recipients, search, and 
 * mention targets.
 * There are two primary output structural formats. One for the ACL widget and
 * the other for auto-completion.
 * Many of the  behaviour variations are triggered on the use of single character keys
 * however this functionality has grown in an ad-hoc manner and has gotten quite messy over time.    


class Acl extends \Zotlabs\Web\Controller {

	function init(){
		//	logger('mod_acl: ' . print_r($_REQUEST,true));
		$start    = (x($_REQUEST,'start')  ? $_REQUEST['start']  : 0);
		$count    = (x($_REQUEST,'count')  ? $_REQUEST['count']  : 500);
		$search   = (x($_REQUEST,'search') ? $_REQUEST['search'] : '');
		$type     = (x($_REQUEST,'type')   ? $_REQUEST['type']   : '');
		$noforums = (x($_REQUEST,'n')      ? $_REQUEST['n']      : false);	

		// $type = 
		//  ''   =>  standard ACL request
		//  'g'  =>  Groups only ACL request
		//  'c'  =>  Connections only ACL request or editor (textarea) mention request
		// $_REQUEST['search'] contains ACL search text.

		// $type =
		//  'm'  =>  autocomplete private mail recipient (checks post_mail permission)
		//  'a'  =>  autocomplete connections (mod_connections, mod_poke, mod_sources, mod_photos)
		//  'x'  =>  nav search bar autocomplete (match any xchan)
		// $_REQUEST['query'] contains autocomplete search text.
		// List of channels whose connections to also suggest, 
		// e.g. currently viewed channel or channels mentioned in a post

		$extra_channels = (x($_REQUEST,'extra_channels') ? $_REQUEST['extra_channels'] : array());
		// The different autocomplete libraries use different names for the search text
		// parameter. Internaly we'll use $search to represent the search text no matter
		// what request variable it was attached to. 
		if(array_key_exists('query',$_REQUEST)) {
			$search = $_REQUEST['query'];
		if( (! local_channel()) && (! ($type == 'x' || $type == 'c')))
		if($search) {
			$sql_extra = " AND `name` LIKE " . protect_sprintf( "'%" . dbesc($search) . "%'" ) . " ";
			$sql_extra2 = "AND ( xchan_name LIKE " . protect_sprintf( "'%" . dbesc($search) . "%'" ) . " OR xchan_addr LIKE " . protect_sprintf( "'%" . dbesc($search) . ((strpos($search,'@') === false) ? "%@%'"  : "%'")) . ") ";
			// This horrible mess is needed because position also returns 0 if nothing is found. 
			// Would be MUCH easier if it instead returned a very large value
			// Otherwise we could just 
			// order by LEAST(POSITION($search IN xchan_name),POSITION($search IN xchan_addr)).

			$order_extra2 = "CASE WHEN xchan_name LIKE " 
					. protect_sprintf( "'%" . dbesc($search) . "%'" ) 
					. " then POSITION('" . dbesc($search) 
					. "' IN xchan_name) else position('" . dbesc($search) . "' IN xchan_addr) end, ";

			$col = ((strpos($search,'@') !== false) ? 'xchan_addr' : 'xchan_name' );
			$sql_extra3 = "AND $col like " . protect_sprintf( "'%" . dbesc($search) . "%'" ) . " ";
		else {
			$sql_extra = $sql_extra2 = $sql_extra3 = "";
		$groups = array();
		$contacts = array();
		if($type == '' || $type == 'g') {
			$r = q("SELECT `groups`.`id`, `groups`.`hash`, `groups`.`gname`
					FROM `groups`,`group_member` 
					WHERE `groups`.`deleted` = 0 AND `groups`.`uid` = %d 
					AND `group_member`.`gid`=`groups`.`id`
					GROUP BY `groups`.`id`
					ORDER BY `groups`.`gname` 
					LIMIT %d OFFSET %d",

			if($r) {	
				foreach($r as $g){
		//		logger('acl: group: ' . $g['gname'] . ' members: ' . group_get_members_xchan($g['id']));
					$groups[] = array(
						"type"  => "g",
						"photo" => "images/twopeople.png",
						"name"  => $g['gname'],
						"id"	=> $g['id'],
						"xid"   => $g['hash'],
						"uids"  => group_get_members_xchan($g['id']),
						"link"  => ''
		if($type == '' || $type == 'c') {
			$extra_channels_sql  = ''; 
			// Only include channels who allow the observer to view their permissions
			foreach($extra_channels as $channel) {
				if(perm_is_allowed(intval($channel), get_observer_hash(),'view_contacts'))
					$extra_channels_sql .= "," . intval($channel);
			$extra_channels_sql = substr($extra_channels_sql,1); // Remove initial comma
			// Getting info from the abook is better for local users because it contains info about permissions
			if(local_channel()) {
				if($extra_channels_sql != '')
					$extra_channels_sql = " OR (abook_channel IN ($extra_channels_sql)) and abook_hidden = 0 ";

				$r2 = null;

				$r1 = q("select * from atoken where atoken_uid = %d",
				if($r1) {
					$r2 = array();
					foreach($r1 as $rr) {
						$x = atoken_xchan($rr);
						$r2[] = [ 
							'id' => 'a' . $rr['atoken_id'] ,
							'hash' => $x['xchan_hash'],
							'name' => $x['xchan_name'],
							'micro' => $x['xchan_photo_m'],
							'url' => z_root(),
							'nick' => $x['xchan_addr'],
							'abook_their_perms' => 0,
							'abook_flags' => 0,
							'abook_self' => 0

				$r = q("SELECT abook_id as id, xchan_hash as hash, xchan_name as name, xchan_photo_s as micro, xchan_url as url, xchan_addr as nick, abook_their_perms, abook_flags, abook_self 
					FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash 
					WHERE (abook_channel = %d $extra_channels_sql) AND abook_blocked = 0 and abook_pending = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 $sql_extra2 order by $order_extra2 xchan_name asc" ,
					$r = array_merge($r2,$r);

			else { // Visitors
				$r = q("SELECT xchan_hash as id, xchan_hash as hash, xchan_name as name, xchan_photo_s as micro, xchan_url as url, xchan_addr as nick, 0 as abook_their_perms, 0 as abook_flags, 0 as abook_self
					FROM xchan left join xlink on xlink_link = xchan_hash
					WHERE xlink_xchan  = '%s' AND xchan_deleted = 0 $sql_extra2 order by $order_extra2 xchan_name asc" ,
				// Find contacts of extra channels
				// This is probably more complicated than it needs to be
				if($extra_channels_sql) {
					// Build a list of hashes that we got previously so we don't get them again
					$known_hashes = array("'".get_observer_hash()."'");
						foreach($r as $rr) 
							$known_hashes[] = "'".$rr['hash']."'";
					$known_hashes_sql = 'AND xchan_hash not in ('.join(',',$known_hashes).')';
					$r2 = q("SELECT abook_id as id, xchan_hash as hash, xchan_name as name, xchan_photo_s as micro, xchan_url as url, xchan_addr as nick, abook_their_perms, abook_flags, abook_self 
						FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash 
						WHERE abook_channel IN ($extra_channels_sql) $known_hashes_sql AND abook_blocked = 0 and abook_pending = 0 and abook_hidden = 0 and xchan_deleted = 0 $sql_extra2 order by $order_extra2 xchan_name asc");
						$r = array_merge($r,$r2);
					// Sort accoring to match position, then alphabetically. This could be avoided if the above two SQL queries could be combined into one, and the sorting could be done on the SQl server (like in the case of a local user)
					$matchpos = function($x) use($search) {
						$namepos = strpos($x['name'],$search);
						$nickpos = strpos($x['nick'],$search);
						// Use a large position if not found
						return min($namepos === false ? 9999 : $namepos, $nickpos === false ? 9999 : $nickpos);
					// This could be made simpler if PHP supported stable sorting
					usort($r,function($a,$b) use($matchpos) {
						$pos1 = $matchpos($a);
						$pos2 = $matchpos($b);
						if($pos1 == $pos2) { // Order alphabetically if match position is the same
							if($a['name'] == $b['name'])
								return 0;
								return ($a['name'] < $b['name']) ? -1 : 1;
						return ($pos1 < $pos2) ? -1 : 1;
			if(intval(get_config('system','taganyone')) || intval(get_pconfig(local_channel(),'system','taganyone'))) {
				if((count($r) < 100) && $type == 'c') {
					$r2 = q("SELECT substr(xchan_hash,1,18) as id, xchan_hash as hash, xchan_name as name, xchan_photo_s as micro, xchan_url as url, xchan_addr as nick, 0 as abook_their_perms, 0 as abook_flags, 0 as abook_self 
						FROM xchan 
						WHERE xchan_deleted = 0 $sql_extra2 order by $order_extra2 xchan_name asc" 
						$r = array_merge($r,$r2);
		elseif($type == 'm') {
			$r = q("SELECT xchan_hash as hash, xchan_name as name, xchan_addr as nick, xchan_photo_s as micro, xchan_url as url 
				FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash
				WHERE abook_channel = %d and ( (abook_their_perms = null) or (abook_their_perms & %d )>0)
				and xchan_deleted = 0
				ORDER BY `xchan_name` ASC ",
		elseif($type == 'a') {
			$r = q("SELECT abook_id as id, xchan_name as name, xchan_hash as hash, xchan_addr as nick, xchan_photo_s as micro, xchan_network as network, xchan_url as url, xchan_addr as attag , abook_their_perms FROM abook left join xchan on abook_xchan = xchan_hash
				WHERE abook_channel = %d
				and xchan_deleted = 0
				ORDER BY xchan_name ASC ",
		elseif($type == 'x') {
			$r = $this->navbar_complete($a);
			$contacts = array();
			if($r) {
				foreach($r as $g) {
					$contacts[] = array(
						"photo"    => $g['photo'],
						"name"     => $g['name'],
						"nick"     => $g['address'],
			$o = array(
				'start' => $start,
				'count'	=> $count,
				'items'	=> $contacts,
			echo json_encode($o);
			$r = array();
		if($r) {
			foreach($r as $g){
				// remove RSS feeds from ACLs - they are inaccessible
				if(strpos($g['hash'],'/') && $type != 'a')
				if(($g['abook_their_perms'] & PERMS_W_TAGWALL) && $type == 'c' && (! $noforums)) {
					$contacts[] = array(
						"type"     => "c",
						"photo"    => "images/twopeople.png",
						"name"     => $g['name'] . '+',
						"id"	   => $g['id'] . '+',
						"xid"      => $g['hash'],
						"link"     => $g['nick'],
						"nick"     => substr($g['nick'],0,strpos($g['nick'],'@')),
						"self"     => (intval($g['abook_self']) ? 'abook-self' : ''),
						"taggable" => 'taggable',
						"label"    => t('network')
				$contacts[] = array(
					"type"     => "c",
					"photo"    => $g['micro'],
					"name"     => $g['name'],
					"id"	   => $g['id'],
					"xid"      => $g['hash'],
					"link"     => $g['nick'],
					"nick"     => (($g['nick']) ? substr($g['nick'],0,strpos($g['nick'],'@')) : t('RSS')),
					"self"     => (intval($g['abook_self']) ? 'abook-self' : ''),
					"taggable" => '',
					"label"    => '',
		$items = array_merge($groups, $contacts);
		$o = array(
			'start' => $start,
			'count'	=> $count,
			'items'	=> $items,
		echo json_encode($o);
	function navbar_complete(&$a) {
	//	logger('navbar_complete');
		if(observer_prohibited()) {
		$dirmode = intval(get_config('system','directory_mode'));
		$search = ((x($_REQUEST,'search')) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST['search'],ENT_COMPAT,'UTF-8',false) : '');
		if(! $search || mb_strlen($search) < 2)
			return array();
		$star = false;
		$address = false;
		if(substr($search,0,1) === '@')
			$search = substr($search,1);
		if(substr($search,0,1) === '*') {
			$star = true;
			$search = substr($search,1);
		if(strpos($search,'@') !== false) {
			$address = true;
		if(($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_PRIMARY) || ($dirmode == DIRECTORY_MODE_STANDALONE)) {
			$url = z_root() . '/dirsearch';
		if(! $url) {
			$directory = find_upstream_directory($dirmode);
			$url = $directory['url'] . '/dirsearch';
		$count = (x($_REQUEST,'count') ?  $_REQUEST['count'] : 100);
		if($url) {
			$query = $url . '?f=' ;
			$query .= '&name=' . urlencode($search) . "&limit=$count" . (($address) ? '&address=' . urlencode($search) : '');
			$x = z_fetch_url($query);
			if($x['success']) {
				$t = 0;
				$j = json_decode($x['body'],true);
				if($j && $j['results']) {
					return $j['results'];
		return array();