namespace Zotlabs\Lib;
* @brief Class for handling channel specific configurations.
* <b>PConfig</b> is used for channel specific configurations and takes a
* <i>channel_id</i> as identifier. It stores for example which features are
* enabled per channel. The storage is of size MEDIUMTEXT.
* @code{.php}$var = Zotlabs\Lib\PConfig::Get('uid', 'category', 'key');
* // with default value for non existent key
* $var = Zotlabs\Lib\PConfig::Get('uid', 'category', 'unsetkey', 'defaultvalue');@endcode
* The old (deprecated?) way to access a PConfig value is:
* @code{.php}$var = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'category', 'key');@endcode
class PConfig {
* @brief Loads all configuration values of a channel into a cached storage.
* All configuration values of the given channel are stored in global cache
* which is available under the global variable App::$config[$uid].
* @param string $uid
* The channel_id
* @return void|false Nothing or false if $uid is null or false
static public function Load($uid) {
if(is_null($uid) || $uid === false)
return false;
if(! is_array(\App::$config)) {
btlogger('App::$config not an array');
if(! array_key_exists($uid, \App::$config)) {
\App::$config[$uid] = array();
if(! is_array(\App::$config[$uid])) {
btlogger('App::$config[$uid] not an array: ' . $uid);
$r = q("SELECT * FROM pconfig WHERE uid = %d",
if($r) {
foreach($r as $rr) {
$k = $rr['k'];
$c = $rr['cat'];
if(! array_key_exists($c, \App::$config[$uid])) {
\App::$config[$uid][$c] = array();
\App::$config[$uid][$c]['config_loaded'] = true;
\App::$config[$uid][$c][$k] = $rr['v'];
\App::$config[$uid][$c]['pcfgud:'.$k] = $rr['updated'];
* @brief Get a particular channel's config variable given the category name
* ($family) and a key.
* Get a particular channel's config value from the given category ($family)
* and the $key from a cached storage in App::$config[$uid].
* Returns false if not set.
* @param string $uid
* The channel_id
* @param string $family
* The category of the configuration value
* @param string $key
* The configuration key to query
* @param mixed $default (optional, default false)
* Default value to return if key does not exist
* @return mixed Stored value or false if it does not exist
static public function Get($uid, $family, $key, $default = false) {
if(is_null($uid) || $uid === false)
return $default;
if(! array_key_exists($uid, \App::$config))
if((! array_key_exists($family, \App::$config[$uid])) || (! array_key_exists($key, \App::$config[$uid][$family])))
return $default;
return ((! is_array(\App::$config[$uid][$family][$key])) && (preg_match('|^a:[0-9]+:{.*}$|s', \App::$config[$uid][$family][$key]))
? unserialize(\App::$config[$uid][$family][$key])
: \App::$config[$uid][$family][$key]
* @brief Sets a configuration value for a channel.
* Stores a config value ($value) in the category ($family) under the key ($key)
* for the channel_id $uid.
* @param string $uid
* The channel_id
* @param string $family
* The category of the configuration value
* @param string $key
* The configuration key to set
* @param string $value
* The value to store
* @param string $updated (optional)
* The datetime to store
* @return mixed Stored $value or false
static public function Set($uid, $family, $key, $value, $updated = NULL) {
// this catches subtle errors where this function has been called
// with local_channel() when not logged in (which returns false)
// and throws an error in array_key_exists below.
// we provide a function backtrace in the logs so that we can find
// and fix the calling function.
if(is_null($uid) || $uid === false) {
// manage array value
$dbvalue = ((is_array($value)) ? serialize($value) : $value);
$dbvalue = ((is_bool($dbvalue)) ? intval($dbvalue) : $dbvalue);
$now = datetime_convert();
if (! $updated) {
//Sometimes things happen fast... very fast.
//To make sure legitimate updates aren't rejected
//because not enough time has passed. We say our updates
//happened just a short time in the past rather than right now.
$updated = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','-2 seconds');
$hash = hash('sha256',$family.':'.$key);
if (self::Get($uid, 'hz_delpconfig', $hash) !== false) {
if (self::Get($uid, 'hz_delpconfig', $hash) > $now) {
logger('Refusing to update pconfig with outdated info (Item deleted more recently).', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
return self::Get($uid,$family,$key);
} else {
if(self::Get($uid, $family, $key) === false) {
if(! array_key_exists($uid, \App::$config))
\App::$config[$uid] = array();
if(! array_key_exists($family, \App::$config[$uid]))
\App::$config[$uid][$family] = array();
$ret = q("INSERT INTO pconfig ( uid, cat, k, v, updated ) VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ",
// There is a possible race condition if another process happens
// to insert something after this thread has Loaded and now. We should
// at least make a note of it if it happens.
if (!$ret) {
logger("Error: Insert to pconfig failed.",LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
\App::$config[$uid][$family]['pcfgud:'.$key] = $updated;
else {
$new = (\App::$config[$uid][$family]['pcfgud:'.$key] < $now);
if ($new) {
// @NOTE There is still a possible race condition under limited circumstances
// where a value will be updated by another thread with more current data than
// we have. At this point there is no easy way to test for it, so we update
// and hope for the best.
$ret = q("UPDATE pconfig SET v = '%s', updated = '%s' WHERE uid = %d and cat = '%s' AND k = '%s' ",
\App::$config[$uid][$family]['pcfgud:'.$key] = $updated;
} else {
logger('Refusing to update pconfig with outdated info.', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
return self::Get($uid, $family, $key);
// keep a separate copy for all variables which were
// set in the life of this page. We need this to
// synchronise channel clones.
if(! array_key_exists('transient', \App::$config[$uid]))
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'] = array();
if(! array_key_exists($family, \App::$config[$uid]['transient']))
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'][$family] = array();
\App::$config[$uid][$family][$key] = $value;
if ($new) {
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'][$family][$key] = $value;
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'][$family]['pcfgud:'.$key] = $updated;
return $value;
return $ret;
* @brief Deletes the given key from the channel's configuration.
* Removes the configured value from the stored cache in App::$config[$uid]
* and removes it from the database.
* @param string $uid
* The channel_id
* @param string $family
* The category of the configuration value
* @param string $key
* The configuration key to delete
* @param string $updated (optional)
* The datetime to store
* @return boolean
static public function Delete($uid, $family, $key, $updated = NULL) {
if(is_null($uid) || $uid === false)
return false;
$updated = ($updated) ? $updated : datetime_convert('UTC','UTC','-2 seconds');
$now = datetime_convert();
$newer = (\App::$config[$uid][$family]['pcfgud:'.$key] < $now);
if (! $newer) {
logger('Refusing to delete pconfig with outdated delete request.', LOGGER_NORMAL, LOG_ERR);
return false;
$ret = false;
if (isset(\App::$config[$uid][$family][$key])) {
if (isset(\App::$config[$uid][$family]['pcfgud:'.$key])) {
$ret = q("DELETE FROM pconfig WHERE uid = %d AND cat = '%s' AND k = '%s'",
if ($family != 'hz_delpconfig') {
$hash = hash('sha256',$family.':'.$key);
// Synchronize delete with clones.
if(! array_key_exists('transient', \App::$config[$uid]))
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'] = array();
if(! array_key_exists($family, \App::$config[$uid]['transient']))
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'][$family] = array();
/// @FIXME $new is undefined, so dead code
if ($new) {
\App::$config[$uid]['transient'][$family]['pcfgdel:'.$key] = $updated;
return $ret;