blob: fb3136f32b695e818245a8382724912fe2b5de25 (
plain) (
# This deploy hook gets executed after dependencies are resolved and the
# build hook has been run but before the application has been started back
# up again. This script gets executed directly, so it could be python, php,
# ruby, etc.
# Bash help:
# For information about action hooks supported by OpenShift, consult the documentation:
# Hubzilla specific deploy script
# Place this file in /.openshift/action_hooks/ (The .openshift folder will be in the root of your repo)
# The file name should be "deploy" such that you have:
# .openshift/action_hooks/deploy
# Conventions: Vars in curley braces have the slash after implied so no need to add it.
# e.g. ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}php/foobar = /repo/php/foobar
# See all OpenShift vars here:
# HME - NOTE - leftover from original openshift-drupal-deploy
# In config.php you can leverage the enviroment variables like this:
# // Define env vars.
# if (array_key_exists('OPENSHIFT_APP_NAME', $_SERVER)) {
# $src = $_SERVER;
# } else {
# $src = $_ENV;
# }
# $conf["file_private_path"] = $src['OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR'] . "private";
# $conf["file_temporary_path"] = $src['OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR'] . "tmp";
# Start Deploy
echo "Starting Deploy..."
# Let's create the Hubzilla files directory in the Openshift data folder ($OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR).
echo "Check for the files directory called store, if not created - create it"
if [ ! -d ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}store ]; then
mkdir -p ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}"store/[data]/smarty3"
echo "Done creating files directory"
echo "The files directory called store already exists"
# Set permissions on the files directory.
echo "Now chmod 777 -R files"
chmod -R 777 ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}store
echo "chmod done, permissions set to 777"
# Symlink our files folder to the repo.
# Note the "php" directory below seems to be the best way to serve OpenShift files.
# This is good as that allows us for directories one level above such as tmp and private
echo "Create sym links for writeable directories"
echo "Files sym links created"
# Copy .htconfig.php from the repo, rename it and place it in the data directory.
# if it's there already, skip it.
if [ ! -f ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}config.php ];
cp ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}.htconfig.php ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.htconfig.php
echo ".htconfig.php copied."
echo "Looks like the .htconfig.php file is already there, we won't overwrite it."
# symlink the .htconfig.php file.
echo "Create sym link for .htconfig.php"
ln -sf ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.htconfig.php ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}.htconfig.php
echo ".htconfig.php symlink created"
# Copy .htaccess from the repo, rename it and place it in the data directory.
# if it's there already, skip it.
if [ ! -f ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.htaccess ];
cp ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}.htaccess ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.htaccess
echo ".htaccess copied."
echo "Looks like the .htaccess file is already there, we won't overwrite it."
# symlink the .htaccess file.
echo "Create sym link for .htaccess"
ln -sf ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.htaccess ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}.htaccess
echo ".htaccess symlink created"