// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Harald Eilertsen // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later if ( !class_exists('GiglogAdmin_Venue') ) { class GiglogAdmin_Venue { private $id; private $name; private $city; private $address; private $webpage; /* * Constructs a new venue object from an array of attributes. * The attributes are expected to be named as in the database, * so this constructor can be used to construct the object * directly from the database row. */ private function __construct($attrs) { $this->id = isset($attrs->id) ? $attrs->id : NULL; $this->name = isset($attrs->wpgvenue_name) ? $attrs->wpgvenue_name : NULL; $this->city = isset($attrs->wpgvenue_city) ? $attrs->wpgvenue_city : NULL; $this->address = isset($attrs->wpgvenue_address) ? $attrs->wpgvenue_address : NULL; $this->webpage = isset($attrs->wpgvenue_webpage) ? $attrs->wpgvenue_webpage : NULL; } static function create($name, $city = 'Oslo'): self { $venue = new GiglogAdmin_Venue((object) [ 'wpgvenue_name' => $name, 'wpgvenue_city' => $city, ]); $venue->save(); error_log( 'NEW VENUE ADDED: ' . ' ID: ' . $venue -> id() . ' VENUE NAME ' . $name . ', VENUE CITY ' . $city); return $venue; } static function find_or_create($name, $city = 'Oslo') { global $wpdb; $venuesql = 'SELECT * FROM wpg_venues WHERE upper(wpgvenue_name)=upper("' . $name . '")'.' and wpgvenue_city="'.$city.'"'; $results = $wpdb->get_results($venuesql); if ($results) { error_log( 'DUPLICATE VENUE: ' . ' ID: ' . $results[0]->id . ' VENUE NAME ' . $name . ', VENUE CITY ' . $city); return new GiglogAdmin_Venue($results[0]); } else { return GiglogAdmin_Venue::create($name, $city); } } static function all_cities(): array { global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_results('select distinct wpgvenue_city from wpg_venues'); return array_map(function ($r) { return $r->wpgvenue_city; }, $results); } /** * @return self[] * * @psalm-return array */ static function all_venues(): array { global $wpdb; $results = $wpdb->get_results("select * from wpg_venues"); return array_map(function ($r) { return new GiglogAdmin_Venue($r); }, $results); } /** * @return self[] * * @psalm-return array */ static function venues_in_city($city): array { global $wpdb; $q = $wpdb->prepare( "select id, wpgvenue_name from wpg_venues where wpgvenue_city=%s", $city); $results = $wpdb->get_results($q); return array_map(function ($r) { return new GiglogAdmin_Venue($r); }, $results); } public function save(): void { global $wpdb; $wpdb->insert('wpg_venues', array( 'id' => '', 'wpgvenue_name' => $this->name, 'wpgvenue_city' => $this->city, )); $this->id = $wpdb->insert_id; } public function id() { return $this->id; } public function name() { return $this->name; } public function city() { return $this->city; } } }