// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Harald Eilertsen // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later if ( !class_exists( 'GiglogAdmin_ImportGigsPage' ) ) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../../concert.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../venue.php'; class GiglogAdmin_ImportGigsPage { static function render_html(): void { ?>

Import gigs

Import gig data from a tab separated data file.

$file */ static function process_upload(array $file): void { global $wpdb; $newconcert= []; $fo = new SplFileObject($file['tmp_name']); $importerrors = ''; $rid=0; foreach ($fo as $line) { $rid++; $line = trim( $line ); if ( empty($line) ) { // Skip empty lines continue; } $resultArray = explode("\t", $line); //unsure if this is needed, considering we are also checking if each individual important field is missing. But if they are not replaced by tabs, then everything gets shifted so probably best to check if a //value is empty and NOT replaced by tab if (count($resultArray)<6) { $importerrors.= 'Row '.$rid.' is missing a field!'."
"; continue; } else{ //Below only checks if the date field is made of 4-2-2 digits, irregardless of their values. Actual date check is lower if( ! preg_match("/\d{4}\-\d{2}-\d{2}/",$resultArray[3])) { $importerrors.= 'Row '.$rid.' has invalid date!'.esc_html($resultArray[3])."
"; continue; } else { if (empty(trim($resultArray[0]))) { $importerrors.= 'Row '.$rid.' is missing concert name!'."
"; continue; } elseif (empty(trim($resultArray[1]))) { $importerrors.= 'Row '.$rid.' is missing venue name!'."
"; continue; } elseif (empty(trim($resultArray[2]))) { $importerrors.= 'Row '.$rid.' is missing city name!' ."
"; continue; } else { $condate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($resultArray[3])); if ($condate"; continue; } else { $cname = trim($resultArray[0]); $venue = trim($resultArray[1]); if (is_numeric($venue)) { $venue = GiglogAdmin_Venue::get($venue); } else { $venue = GiglogAdmin_Venue::find_or_create($venue,trim($resultArray[2])); } $ticketlink = trim($resultArray[4]); $eventlink = trim($resultArray[5]); try { GiglogAdmin_Concert::create($cname, $venue->id(), $condate, $ticketlink, $eventlink); } catch(Exception $e) { $importerrors.= 'Row '.$rid.' is duplicate (or failed due unknown error)!'."
"; } } } } } } if (!empty($importerrors)) { echo ($importerrors); } else { echo ('All rows imported ok'); } } } }