. */ if ( !class_exists( 'GiglogAdmin_ImportGigsPage' ) ) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../../band.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../concert.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../concertlogs.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../venue.php'; class GiglogAdmin_ImportGigsPage { static function render_html() { ?>

Import gigs

Import gig data from a tab separated data file.

id(); } //not sure how to check dates, hopefully manual verification of files will take care of it $cresults = GiglogAdmin_Concert::get($newconcert[0], $newconcert[1], $condate); if ($cresults) { error_log( 'DUPLICATE ROW detected: ' . ' BAND ' . $band . ' with band ID ' . $newconcert[0] . ', VENUE ' . $venue . ' with venue ID ' . $newconcert[1] . ', CONCERTDATE ' . $condate); } else { $id = GiglogAdmin_Concert::find_or_create( '', $newconcert[0], $newconcert[1], $condate, $ticketlink, $eventlink); error_log( 'NEW CONCERT ADDED: ' . ' ID: ' . $id->id() . ' BAND ' . $band . ' with band ID ' . $newconcert[0] . ', VENUE ' . $venue . ' with venue ID ' . $newconcert[1] . ', CONCERTDATE ' . $condate . ', Ticket LINK ' . $ticketlink . ', Event LINK ' . $eventlink); GiglogAdmin_Concertlogs::add($id->id()); /*the last line can be replaced by a trigger CREATE TRIGGER `insertIntoPhotoLogs` AFTER INSERT ON `wpg_concerts` FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO wpg_concertlogs ( wpg_concertlogs.id, wpg_concertlogs.wpgcl_concertid, wpg_concertlogs.wpgcl_status) VALUES (null, new.id, 1) */ } } } } }