// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Harald Eilertsen '
. '
$content .= $this->render_pagination();
//from main form that includes filters
$content .= ''
. ' ';
return $content;
private function get_args() : void
$this->filter = [];
// Use the submitted "city" if any. Otherwise, use the default/static value.
$cty = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'city', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
if ($cty) {
$this->filter['city'] = $cty;
$venue = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'venue', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
if ($venue) {
$this->filter['venue_id'] = $venue;
$smonth = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'month', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS );
if ($smonth) {
$this->filter['month'] = $smonth;
if(isset($_GET['only_mine']) && $_GET['only_mone'] == '1') {
$this->filter['currentuser'] = $this->username;
if (isset($_GET['page_no']) && $_GET['page_no'] != "" && is_numeric($_GET['page_no'])) {
$this->page_no = intval($_GET['page_no']);
} else {
$this->page_no = 1;
private function get_concerts() : ?array
$total_records_per_page = 15;
$total_concerts = GiglogAdmin_Concert::count( $this->filter );
$this->total_no_of_pages = ceil( $total_concerts / $total_records_per_page );
//calculate OFFSET Value and SET other Variables
$offset = ($this->page_no - 1) * $total_records_per_page;
$this->previous_page = $this->page_no - 1;
$this->next_page = $this->page_no + 1;
$this->filter['offset'] = $offset;
$this->filter['recperpage'] = $total_records_per_page;
return GiglogAdmin_Concert::find_concerts($this->filter);
private function get_filter(string $f) : ?string
return isset( $this->filter[$f] ) ? $this->filter[$f] : null;
private function render_pagination() : string
$content =
if (!is_admin()) {
$content .= 'EVENT TICKETS ';
else {
$content .= 'PHOTO1 PHOTO2 TEXT1 TEXT2 STATUS ';
if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
$content .= 'AdminOptions ';
$content .= '';
if ($lastType != '' && $lastType != $concert->venue()->city()) {
$content .= ' ';
$lastType = $concert->venue()->city();
$content .= '' . $concert->venue()->city() . ' ';
if ($lastType == '' ) {
$content .= '' . $concert->venue()->city() . ' ';
if ($lastType != '' && $lastType == $concert->venue()->city()) {
$content .= '';
$fdate = strtotime($concert->cdate());
$newformat = date('d.M.Y',$fdate);
//$content .= DATE_FORMAT($fdate,'%d.%b.%Y');
$content .= ' ' . $newformat . ' ';
$content .= ''. $concert->cname() . ' ';
$content .= '' . $concert->venue()->name() . ' ';
$content .= 'Link ';
$content .= 'Tickets ';
else {
$content .= '' . $this->mark_new_concert($concert) . ' ';
$content .= '' . $this->assign_role_for_user_form('photo1', $concert) . ' ';
$content .= '' . $this->assign_role_for_user_form('photo2', $concert) . ' ';
$content .= '' . $this->assign_role_for_user_form('rev1', $concert) . ' ';
$content .= '' . $this->assign_role_for_user_form('rev2', $concert) . ' ';
$content .= '' . self::STATUS_LABELS[$concert->status()] . ' ';
if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
$content .= ''
. $this->adminactions($concert)
. ' ';
$content .= '