if defined?(Bundler) and !defined?(FiltersSpam) # this will tell the user what to do load(File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)) require 'filters_spam' end module Refinery module Blog class Engine < Rails::Engine initializer 'blog serves assets' do |app| app.middleware.insert_after ::ActionDispatch::Static, ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/public" end config.after_initialize do Refinery::Plugin.register do |plugin| plugin.name = "refinerycms_blog" plugin.url = {:controller => '/admin/blog/posts', :action => 'index'} plugin.menu_match = /^\/?(admin|refinery)\/blog\/?(posts|comments|categories)?/ plugin.activity = { :class => BlogPost } end # refinery 0.9.8 had a bug that we later found through using this engine. # the bug was that the plugin urls were not :controller => '/admin/whatever' if Refinery.version == '0.9.8' ::Refinery::Plugin.class_eval %{ alias_method :old_url, :url def url if (plugin_url = self.old_url).is_a?(Hash) and plugin_url[:controller] =~ %r{^admin} plugin_url[:controller] = "/\#{plugin_url[:controller]}" end plugin_url end } end end end if defined?(Rails::Engine) class << self def version %q{1.0.rc12} end end end end