en: plugins: refinerycms_blog: title: Blog admin: blog: categories: category: edit: Edit this category delete: Delete this category forever index: no_items_yet: There are no categories yet. Click "{{create}}" to add your first category. comments: index: no_items_yet: There are no {{type}} comments yet. posts: form: advanced_options: Advanced Options toggle_advanced_options: Click to access meta tag settings and menu options save_as_draft: Save as Draft index: no_items_yet: There are no Blog Posts yet. Click "{{create}}" to add your first blog post. post: view_live: View this blog post live
(opens in a new window) edit: Edit this blog post delete: Remove this blog post forever settings: notification_recipients: value: Send notifications to explanation: Every time someone comments on a blog post, Refinery sends out an email to say there is a new comment. hint: When a new comment is added, Refinery will send an email notification to you. example: "Enter your email address(es) like: jack@work.com, jill@office.com" submenu: categories: title: Categories manage: Manage new: Create new category comments: title: Comments new: New unmoderated: New approved: Approved rejected: Rejected posts: title: Posts manage: Manage posts new: Create new post settings: title: Settings moderation: Moderation update_notified: Update who gets notified blog_posts: side_bar: categories: Categories index: read_more: Read more show: other: Other Blog Posts filed_in: Filed in created_at_title: Publishing Date created_at: Posted on {{when}}