require 'acts-as-taggable-on' require 'seo_meta' module Refinery module Blog class Post < ActiveRecord::Base translates :title, :body, :custom_url, :custom_teaser, :slug, :include => :seo_meta extend FriendlyId friendly_id :friendly_id_source, :use => [:slugged, :globalize] is_seo_meta if self.table_exists? default_scope :order => 'published_at DESC' belongs_to :author, :class_name => 'Refinery::User', :foreign_key => :user_id, :readonly => true has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :blog_post_id acts_as_taggable has_many :categorizations, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => :blog_post_id has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations, :source => :blog_category acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body] validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true validates :body, :presence => true validates :published_at, :author, :presence => true validates :source_url, :url => { :if => 'Refinery::Blog.validate_source_url', :update => true, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true, :verify => [:resolve_redirects]} attr_accessible :title, :body, :custom_teaser, :tag_list, :draft, :published_at, :custom_url, :author attr_accessible :browser_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, :user_id, :category_ids attr_accessible :source_url, :source_url_title attr_accessor :locale class Translation is_seo_meta attr_accessible :browser_title, :meta_description, :meta_keywords, :locale end # Delegate SEO Attributes to globalize3 translation seo_fields ={|a| [a, :"#{a}="]}.flatten delegate(*(seo_fields << {:to => :translation})) before_save { |m| } self.per_page = Refinery::Blog.posts_per_page def next end def prev self.class.previous(self) end def live? !draft and published_at <= end def friendly_id_source custom_url.presence || title end class << self # Wrap up the logic of finding the pages based on the translations table. def with_globalize(conditions = {}) conditions = {:locale => ::Globalize.locale}.merge(conditions) globalized_conditions = {} conditions.keys.each do |key| if ( | %w(locale)).include?(key.to_s) globalized_conditions["#{self.translation_class.table_name}.#{key}"] = conditions.delete(key) end end # A join implies readonly which we don't really want. joins(:translations).where(globalized_conditions).where(conditions).readonly(false) end def find_by_slug_or_id(slug_or_id) if slug_or_id.friendly_id? find_by_slug(slug_or_id) else find(slug_or_id) end end def by_month(date) where(:published_at => end def by_archive(date) Refinery.deprecate("Refinery::Blog::Post.by_archive(date)", {:replacement => "Refinery::Blog::Post.by_month(date)", :when => 2.2 }) by_month(date) end def by_year(date) where(:published_at => end def published_dates_older_than(date) published_before(date).pluck(:published_at) end def recent(count) live.limit(count) end def popular(count) unscoped.order("access_count DESC").limit(count).with_globalize end def previous(item) published_before(item.published_at).first end def uncategorized live.includes(:categories).where(Refinery::Categorization.table_name => { :blog_category_id => nil }) end def next(current_record) where(["published_at > ? and draft = ?", current_record.published_at, false]).with_globalize.first end def published_before( where("published_at < ? and draft = ?", date, false).with_globalize end alias_method :live, :published_before def comments_allowed? Refinery::Setting.find_or_set(:comments_allowed, true, :scoping => 'blog') end def teasers_enabled? Refinery::Setting.find_or_set(:teasers_enabled, true, :scoping => 'blog') end def teaser_enabled_toggle! currently = Refinery::Setting.find_or_set(:teasers_enabled, true, :scoping => 'blog') Refinery::Setting.set(:teasers_enabled, :value => !currently, :scoping => 'blog') end end module ShareThis def self.enabled? Refinery::Blog.share_this_key != "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" end end end end end